Troskie et al. Genome Biology (2021) 22:146 SHORT REPORT Open Access Long-read cDNA sequencing identifies functional pseudogenes in the human transcriptome Robin-Lee Troskie1, Yohaann Jafrani1, Tim R. Mercer2, Adam D. Ewing1*, Geoffrey J. Faulkner1,3* and Seth W. Cheetham1* * Correspondence: adam.ewing@; faulknergj@gmail. Abstract com;
[email protected]. au Pseudogenes are gene copies presumed to mainly be functionless relics of evolution 1Mater Research Institute-University due to acquired deleterious mutations or transcriptional silencing. Using deep full- of Queensland, TRI Building, QLD length PacBio cDNA sequencing of normal human tissues and cancer cell lines, we 4102 Woolloongabba, Australia Full list of author information is identify here hundreds of novel transcribed pseudogenes expressed in tissue-specific available at the end of the article patterns. Some pseudogene transcripts have intact open reading frames and are translated in cultured cells, representing unannotated protein-coding genes. To assess the biological impact of noncoding pseudogenes, we CRISPR-Cas9 delete the nucleus-enriched pseudogene PDCL3P4 and observe hundreds of perturbed genes. This study highlights pseudogenes as a complex and dynamic component of the human transcriptional landscape. Keywords: Pseudogene, PacBio, Long-read, lncRNA, CRISPR Background Pseudogenes are gene copies which are thought to be defective due to frame- disrupting mutations or transcriptional silencing [1, 2]. Most human pseudogenes (72%) are derived from retrotransposition of processed mRNAs, mediated by proteins encoded by the LINE-1 retrotransposon [3, 4]. Due to the loss of parental cis-regula- tory elements, processed pseudogenes were initially presumed to be transcriptionally silent [1] and were excluded from genome-wide functional screens and most transcrip- tome analyses [2].