Physicochemical, Hygienic and Organoleptic Characterization Of
Physicochemical, hygienic and organoleptic characterization of Slavonian kulen Physicochemical, hygienic and organoleptic characterization of Slavonian kulen ;/"/457&/04536ė/*%*0 ance, surface smell, consistency, in- Physicochemical, hygienic ner smell, cross section quality, tex- ture, taste and aroma and aftertaste. and organoleptic characterization Based on mean score of the particu- lar organoleptic characteristic and of Slavonian kulen the coefficient of importance for that particular attribute, the overall qual- ity was calculated by the following Karolyi, D. 1 formula: scientific paper 0WFSBMMRVBMJUZY B C D E F G H I Summary where a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h are the Slavonian kulen (SK) is traditional dry sausage produced in the region of Slavonia in eastern Croatia. It is made from mince of pork, back fat, spices and salt filled into pork cecum. After stuffing, the sausages are cold-smoked and ripened-dried afterward for several mean scores of evaluator’s assess- months. Present work aimed to analyse some physicochemical and organoleptic traits of ripe SK as well as the safety of final product. ments for: surface appearance, sur- The SK samples (n=12) from different small-scale manufactures were analysed. The following physicochemical attributes (mean ± face smell, consistency, inner smell, s.d.) were recorded: moisture 38.2%±3.6, protein 35.0%±3.1, fat 23.7%±4.6, moisture/protein ratio 1.1±0.1, pH value 5.37±0.23 and cross section quality, texture, taste water activity (aw) 0.82±0.02. Mean organoleptic scores, on five-point scale, were 3.7±0.6 for surface appearance, 3.4±0.6 for surface and aroma, and after-taste, respec- smell, 3.8±0.5 for consistency, 3.2±0.4 for inner smell, 3.0±0.7 for cross section quality, 3.3±0.5 for texture, 3.1±0.4 for taste and aroma, 3.0±0.5 for after taste and 3.2±0.4 for overall quality.
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