

Popular Science : Popular Science in Technology

O'Sullivan, John European Missions to the International Space Station 2013 to 2019

Describes in painstaking detail the life and contributions of visitors to the International Space Station Balances the US-Russian dominance of literature concerning human spaceflight Highlights the diversity and collaborative of the European space goals, represented by the who have flown to the ISS The European Space Agency has a long history of humanspaceflight, working with both NASA Springer and the Soviet/Russianspace agencies over the years. This book tells the story of the ESAastronauts who have visited the International Space Station andtheir contributions to its 1st ed. 2020, XXII, 334 p. 1st 102 illus., 101 illus. in color. development and success. For example, ESA built the Columbus science laboratory, as wellas edition the Cupola, the Leonardo PMM and the ATV supply ship. But itis the human endeavor that captures the imagination. From briefvisits to six-month expeditions and spacewalking to commandingEarth’s only outpost in space and doing experiments, ESA astronauts– whose Printed book personal stories are also told – have played a vital role inthe international project. Many of Softcover their efforts are documented inphotographs in the book. In following up on the missions covered in this author’s earlier title,In the Footsteps of Columbus (2016), this book highlights Printed book Europeanmissions from the 2013 Volare mission of to his2019 Beyond Softcover mission and includes first flights for ,, , ISBN 978-3-030-30325-9 , and ThomasPesquet. £ 27,99 | CHF 39,00 | 32,99 € | 36,29 € (A) | 35,30 € (D) Order online at springer.com/booksellers Available Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH Discount group Customer Service Springer Trade (T) Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 69121 Heidelberg Product category Germany Popular science T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Series [email protected] Space Exploration Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-30327-3

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