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4479 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 2015-16-17 FIRST SESSION OF THE FIFTY-SIXTH PARLIAMENT BUSINESS PAPER No. 115 WEDNESDAY 3 MAY 2017 GOVERNMENT BUSINESS NOTICES OF MOTIONS— 1 MR MARK SPEAKMAN to move— That a bill be introduced for an Act to repeal certain Acts and to amend certain other Acts and instruments in various respects and for the purpose of effecting statute law revision; and to make certain savings. (Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill). (Notice given 2 May 2017) ORDERS OF THE DAY— 1 Gas and Electricity (Consumer Safety) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Matt Kean, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 6 April 2017—Mr David Harris). 2 Transport Administration Amendment (Closure of Railway Line Between Rosewood and Tumbarumba) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Andrew Constance, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 2 May 2017—Mr Clayton Barr). 3 Crown Land Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Paul Toole, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 2 May 2017—Mr Clayton Barr). 4 Budget Estimates and related papers 2016-2017; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Ms Gladys Berejiklian, "That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers 2016-17". (Moved 23 June 2016—Ms Melanie Gibbons speaking, 17 minutes remaining). 4480 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 3 May 2017 BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE—PETITIONS ORDERS OF THE DAY— 1 Petition—from certain citizens requesting that the implementation of the Safe Schools Coalition Program in New South Wales schools be stopped and that any future anti-bullying programs be run by the Department of Education, be inclusive of all forms of bullying, and respectful of cultural and religious diversity. (Mr Damien Tudehope). (Discussion date 4 May 2017). GENERAL BUSINESS ORDERS OF THE DAY (for Bills)— 1 Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Luke Foley, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 9 March 2017—Dr Geoff Lee; lapses 23 August 2017). 2 Land and Property Information NSW (Authorised Transaction) Repeal Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Clayton Barr, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 30 March 2017—Mr Christopher Gulaptis; lapses 29 September 2017). 3 Discount Rate Reduction (Miscellaneous Acts Amendment) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Clayton Barr, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 23 February 2017—Ms Pru Goward; lapses 17 August 2017). 4 Securing NSW Steel Industry Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Ryan Park, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 6 April 2017—Mr Chris Patterson; lapses 5 October 2017). 4481 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 3 May 2017 NOTICES OF MOTIONS (General Notices) 1539 BUS DRIVER SAFETY MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the great work of bus drivers in providing public transport to the community of Wallsend. (2) Notes that the level of assaults on drivers have increased dramatically with drivers being verbally abused, spat on and physically attacked. (3) Notes the pending privatisation of Hunter public transport and private bus fleets have been shown to have even less safety measures in place in their vehicles. (4) Calls on the Minister for Transport to ensure bus drivers have the safest possible work environment. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1540 JOSHUA GILBERT – YOUNG SUSTAINABILITY CHAMPION MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Nabiac farmer Joshua Gilbert on wining the Young Sustainability Champion award at the Government's Green Globe Awards on 26 October 2016. (2) Commends the organisers, attendees and award winners at the 17th annual award ceremony. (3) Notes that Mr Gilbert is a previous Chair of the NSW Young Farmers, a passionate advocate for environmental issues and a proud Worimi man. (4) Notes, the comments of the seven person judging panel, that Joshua demonstrated a wide range of interests, activities, advocacy issues, outcomes and solutions in his nominations and were delighted to see such vision and values achieving sustainability impacts. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1541 NOWRA BRIDGE MS ANNA WATSON to move— That this House: (1) Notes that the Federal Member for Gilmore has attacked the Government for not doing the background work necessary to make federal funding possible for the Nowra Bridge. (2) Notes the disagreements between the Member for Kiama and the Federal Member for Gilmore. (3) Endorses the editorial published in the Illawarra Mercury on 26 October 2016 that highway funding ping-pong helps no one. (4) Calls on the Federal and State governments to co-ordinate to fund and build the Nowra Bridge. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1542 APPIN ROAD UPGRADE MR JAI ROWELL to move— 4482 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 3 May 2017 That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on investing more than $20 million to upgrade the Appin Road. (2) Thanks the Minister for Roads for joining with the member for Wollondilly to hold a summit with the Mayor of Wollondilly, Campbelltown and Wollongong in 2012 that resulted in an assessment conducted by the Centre for Road Safety. (3) Congratulates the Government on implementing the recommendations of the review. (4) Notes, with population growth within Wollondilly, the congestion of Appin Road. (5) Requests the Government look at the duplication of Appin Road and or build a new road from Appin to Menangle Road. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1543 INCLUSIONARY ZONING MS JENNY LEONG to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the housing affordability crisis in New South Wales, with a large number of low and middle income households now in housing stress. (2) Notes the long overdue recognition that inclusionary zoning has a role to play in the provision of affordable housing in New South Wales, particularly in Greater Sydney. (3) Calls on the Government to set ambitious affordable housing targets of thirty per cent for all significant new developments, including the Central to Eveleigh precinct, the Parramatta Road Renewal and the Sydney Olympic Park redevelopment. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1544 MYALL LAKES COMMUNITY AWARDS MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD to move— That this House: (1) Commends the Myall Lakes community for participating in the 2016 Myall Lakes Community Awards held on Saturday 5 November 2016. (2) Notes that emeritus mayor Jan McWilliams and 2016 Rio Paralympic gold medallist James Turner were the special guests at the ceremony. (3) Congratulates the award winners: Local Grandparents of the Year Frances Kiem and Carol Corry; Junior Sports Person of the Year Kristian Fiebig; Sports Person of the Year Keith Pearce; Young Person of the Year Thomas Dormer; Senior Person of the Year Laurence Sumner; Community Group of the Year the Nabiac Memorial Neighbourhood Centre; and, Citizen of the Year Julie Daskal. (4) Commends all the nominees and finalists who just missed out on awards on the day. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1545 NEW INTERCITY TRAIN FLEET MS TRISH DOYLE to move— That this House: 4483 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 3 May 2017 (1) Notes that Government Tender Documents for the New Intercity Fleet, the V-Set Replacement, specify a new train built to the medium electric loading gauge specifications. (2) Notes that track, tunnels and stations between Springwood and Lithgow are only rated for narrow loading gauge specifications, which are 20 centimetres narrower than the medium width trains being bought from South Korea. (3) Condemns the Minister for Transport for buying $2.3 billion worth of trains that are wider than the tracks. (4) Notes that huge re-engineering works and upgrades will be required to make these new, wider trains fit the tracks all the way to Lithgow, especially through the very narrow, turn-of-the-century tunnels between Bell and Zig Zag stations. (5) Condemns the Minister for Transport for failing to outline exactly how much these rectification works will cost and whether it would have been cheaper to build these trains in New South Wales with local design expertise. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1546 WOLLONDILLY ELECTORATE – ELECTION OF LOCAL MAYORS MR JAI ROWELL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Mayor of Wollondilly Judy Hannan, Mayor of Wingecarribee Ken Halstead, Mayor of Camden Lara Symkowiak and Mayor of Campbelltown George Brticevic on their respective elections. (2) Notes the member for Wollondilly has been working with the councils in particular Wollondilly and Wingecarribee delivering for the community. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1547 LAKE ROAD AT GLENDALE – WIDENING MR GREG PIPER to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the excellent work by Roads and Maritime Services in completing the widening and improvement works on Cary Street at Toronto, and the commitment shown by the Government in funding the $8.8 million project. (2) Notes the growing congestion on other sections of this main arterial route (B53) between the M1 at Morisset and the retail and employment zones at Glendale. (3) Notes that the recently released Hunter Regional Plan identifies Glendale as an emerging strategic centre. (4) Calls on the Government to prioritise an upgrade and widening of the two kilometre section of Main Road B53 between Glendale, Argenton and the roundabout at Speers Point which would provide dual lanes in each direction from Wallsend to Booragul. (Notice given 8 November 2016—lapses 9 May 2017) 1548 NARWEE RAILWAY STATION UPGRADE MR MARK COURE to move— That this House: 4484 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 3 May 2017 (1) Congratulates the Government for the upgrade of Narwee railway station which will begin later in 2016.