Page Four THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursday, September 2, 1954 education !or Canadian Jewish Con- Thursday, September 2, 1954 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS leaving examinations. Attending the Harry Batshnw o! the Supreme Court Harold Buchwald, chairman of the HEADS DIVISION Page Flvtl. gress. · High School ol , he obtnin· Kessler Leads In addition, through the coopern Labor Zionists ol lhe Province of Quebec, Montreal mid-west region Z,0.C. P.R. commit• , (Special)-Johnny cd 041 out of a possible 1,000 marks, district, former chairman of the nn- tee. The event, sponsored by mid- Karmel is chalrmnn of the JcwJsh tivc arrangement with the Congress, Dnvld Js grandson of Charles PorU­ Program Meet the Y Centre has nrrnngcd for Mr. tlonal P.R. committee, spoke to Z.O.C. west Z.O.C., was chaired by Philip Community Council division of the Clubdom Saskatoon Hadassah Meet Slate Address gal and grand nephew ol Itah mid-west region nntional council Vancouver Community Chest's cam- A-workshop on 11Jewlsh content in Kessler to meet also with Y stnfi Portlgal. His lather left Winnipeg in b d th 1 represent. Shep,, regional president. Omnn chapter, Pioneer Women, ODEON mem ers an er cey • palgn, He ls well known locally for programming" will be conducted and program committee members. .';.~J 1931 for Montreal. He practised law ° d will hold the opening meeting of the Invitation to the workshop is nlso . --,·;;fi,.; tivcs of Zionist groups.and Ci:ma lnn lr------il community activities, A few years THEATRE here 1.30 p.m. Sundny, Sept, 121 for here. SOCIAIJ and PERSONAL new season 8.30 p.m, Tuesdny, Sept. Attracts trong Delegation <',,~ '.:;'," /I . . _ HELD OVER being extended to other young people_ _ ~... Jewish Congress interested in public ago he won the award for being top some l00 Y.M.H.A. Community th Pa·· 'mtm'o Dec·oratm'n 7, at the home or Mrs. Freda Raber, ' of the community who serve ala . relations, at a dinner meeting in e b • b U.J.A. canvasser. He is chairman of centre club and progrnm activity nd 518 Jnkstcr boulevard. GREGORY PECK leaders, ns the advance part o.f the lenders. ., ... Glendale country club Mo ny eve- · Winnipeg'• Oldest Docoratlno the local J.N.F. committee. '. ning. Contractor - Eltabllshod 190-4 TORONTQ,-Mr. and. Mrs. Boris hospital, Chicago, after spending her • • • - ~ ;T STARRING IN 11 Those wishing to participate or to Y" centre's rcguJar fall leadership I -Leaders Hear Prof. Cohen spoke on the problems NOW CARRYING A FULL LINE OF Adelberg (nee Shayna Granovsky) holidays with· her parents, Mr. and Drama group of Jewish Women's ..... training course. obtain further informatio1; .,-t nre happy to announce the birth of Musical club wiH hold its first meet­ the workshop or becoming a Y. . ,; of the Public Relations Committee in PAINTS AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES Mrs. M. Lobel, 128 Lipton street, Wins Medial AERO•O•PAK their daughter,· Ellen Basya, August • ing of the season 8.45 p.m. Thu'rsday, Conducting the workshop at the centre leader, are asked to contact I relation to the Israel situation wh\le LET US ASSIST YOU • • 'Man With a PR. Discussion Mr. Justice Batshaw gave a brief his- FIBR~ BASE INSULATION 24, the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seigel and children, Sept. 9, at the home of Mrs. J. K. 11Y" will be Mordecai Kessler, na­ Henry Rosenthal, co:program direc~ Goldstein, 309 Scotia-street, National chairman of the Zionist tory of the formation of the com- With Your Poi:~i!m~nd Decorating BLOWER INSTALLED Mrs. H. J. Granovsky, Winnipeg. Sharon Estelle and Irving Dale, of tionnl director of youth nnd adult tor, at 93,6551. Organization of Canada Public Re­ mittee and the reasons for its forma~ FREE ESTIMATES Long Beach, Calif.,• arc visiting with • • • Million' • • • Miriam chapter, Hadassah, will · IN TECHNICOLOR lations Committee, Prof. Maxwell E. tlon. PH, SQ .. 1224, 776 Henderson Hwy. VANCOUVER, - Mr. and Mrs. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Boxer, (Gcn.l Speakers w c re introduced by T. BONE & CO. William Rosenswcig, of Winnipeg, 430 Harbison avenue. meet 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 6, at the Cohen of McGill University Law home of Mrs. M, Kasedy, 3B Red­ School, Montreal, and Mr. Justice 211 Osborne St. Phone 4-6109 arrived here recently by plane to spend a month with their son-in-law wood apartments. H. V,AUCLAIR MACDONALD and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irving CONTRACTING & ROOFING CO. CONTRACTOR Guaranteed Plumbing • INSULATION • ROOFING Levenson and family. Brl,k Laying Specloll1t1 e SIDING • EAVESTROUGHIHG Mr. and Mrs. David 8, Margo. Council Women CENTRAL and Heating Supplies Free Estimates - Terms • • • Ropolr1 - Altorotlon• - Ch1mnoya Iese cordially invite their relatives GARRICK • Kitchen Slnb • Pipe ond FIi- PHONE 74.7759 VANCOUVER,-Mrs. J •. Ash, of ond friends to attend lhc Bar To Open Season PHONE 92,6654 51 CURTIS ST. • Wash Be11l111 tings 570 YOUNG STREET WINNIPEG Winnipeg, is visiting here with hfr Mitzvoh of their son, Martin, STARTING FRIDAY ZVI ENGLANDER • Clo11t Comblno- I Hoavy Hot Soturdoy, Scptenibcr 11 at 9.30 ELECTRIC tlc11t1 Water Tonk, son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and A New York specialist in corpora­ Drive In YO~r Car t• • Laundry Tub, • Prossur• Sy,- Mrs. H. M. Kaufman. a.m. in the Rosh Pina &ynogogue. • H1atlng furnac:H tenu No cards. BURT LANCASTER tion law, and former bank m~nager ELECTRICAL • Radloton e Ralnforclng ,,_, , .., MANITOBA AUTO • Cool Chufet Iron FOR ALL ELECTRICAL • • • ______MRS. P. SIIEPS in Israel, Zvl Englander will speak MRS. B. EL!It JEAN PETERS CONTRACTORS SPRING WORKS Agents for Furno1man Stoker CONTRACTING AND REPAIRS Miss Miriam Lobel will commence Tim Boxer, a student at the Heb• at the Labor Zionist Organi~on work shortly at the Michael Reese Strong Winnipeg delegation of 17 led by Hadassah's national president, ''We Appreciate Your Patronge" rcw Theological College, Chicago, convention dinner 6.30 p.m. Sunday, Mrs.·,i). P. Got1ieb, and including eight national board members, will PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE.· SCHWARTZ Phone 3•0364 sJ)ent his vacation jn Winnipeg with DREWRYS Sept. 5, in Royal Alexandra hotel. SILEX AND PRESTO WARRANTY DEPOT ------======:--1 102 RIVERTON AVE. 175 Fart St. Phono 92-3741 IRON & METAL CO. LTD. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel partidpate in sessions of the two-day Manitoba-Saskatchewan Hadas:sah Recently returned from- a three. * LUSH BUltKE ELECTRIC LTD. ,;. · MATERNITY TJ~f8r); regional meeting Sept. 8 and 9 in Saskatoon. 'APACHE' year stay in Israel, Mr. Englander RESIDENCE PH. 50-2415 299 Jarvis Avo. · Phone 59-7309 ·, .. ,,;,~,?::. Boxer, 430 Harbison avenue. IN TECHNICOLOR MANITOBA DIVISION 611 Ellice Ave. Winnipeg • • • REVA JANET ROSS National board members include will report on the tremendous eco- '------­ A & A LANDSCAPING ·l Mesdames Pearl Silver, who is con­ address at Wednesday evening's ban­ EXPECTING ABABY? Mrs. D. Pinchuk and sons, Harvey Twelve-year-old pianist, R c v a (Gen,) nomic progress that Israel has made CONTRACTOR Dnn'I bn1 • thins untll J"OG'Yf ference co-chairman along with Mrs. quet by Federal Agriculture Minister WESTERN CANADA lffl1 Carot'1 l"s.d111\ve matem- and Eugene, of Los Angeles and for­ and on Israel's plans to complete its 111 fMhlan• for JOUDI( mothen­ Janet Ross, of 520 Ash street, has J. G. Gardiner; a "bus trip to Cana- • NEW LAWNS CONSTRUCTED • S. Shragge of Regina, F. Buchwald1 economic development. Fonseca Roofing • LAWN DRESSING • BLACt.. EARTH TINDALL WEATHERSTRIP ...... 1N1ett n.rlet, la &awa • ITler1y of Winnipeg, have been guests been awarded the Silver medal for • SOD PICKED FROM YARD in the city for the past few weeks, P. Sheps, J. J. Lander, J. M. Bern­ dian Hadassah institutions in Israel"•~------, Active in American Zionist affairs, • FREE ESTIMATES BRONSTON E'S COMPANY CAROL'S Grade 6 piano examinations of the by Mrs. H. Sokolov, who recently re­ BREWERIES LIMITED Nl Fortap A,.._ visiting friends and rela.tives. stein, H. Schulman, H. Sokolov, and he has expert knowledge of·Israel's & Sheet Metal Co. PHONE 74-7660 BUILDING SUPPLIES • WEATHERSTRIPPING OF ALL TYPES TO Phoa• 11-1711 Royal Conservatory of Music. Reva turned from Israel, and Hadassah KEEP YOUR HOME WARM AND COM­ .... M. H. Halparin. Mrs. D. Brownstone, N.ow S~owing financial development. He was em­ E.tobllshod 1860 fORTABLI also won a Frederick Harris scholar­ L.· N. Hyman arld M. Herson, of president of Winnipeg Hadassah leadership workshops, to be conduct­ ployed by one of the leading Israeli • PLASTIC WALL TILE A SPECIAlTY ship. She is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ed by Mrs. Leo Benton, of New York, Specializing in LOOK LIKE A QUEEN. IN If. Regina, were business visitors in the Council, leads the delegation of Win­ CHARLES LAUGHTON banks in a managerial capacity in ROOF REPAIRS JERRY PHONE 59-4901 HAIRDO STYLED BY D. S. G. Ross. nipeg members, including Mesdames national chairman of leadership • charge of its American department. Garden, Rototiller Work, landscaping, • Lumber city. STARRING IN Bonded Roofs, Asphalt Shingle Roob, Coment Work, Sldewalkl and 781 BANNERMAN AVE. J. Manishcn, S. Silvcrt, C. Fireman, training. Mrs. P. Sheps will introduce Driveway, Bullt. • • • Mrs, Benton. Asphalt, Pitch and Gravel Roofs, etc. • Plywoods REGINA _ Mr, and Saul REGINA, -Mrs. Zipora Nedbach, M. Levi, H. Wiener, H. Meltzer, arid Waterproofing - Air Conditioning Black Earth end Lown Dre11lng, fHarleys Mrs. •ROBSON'S Phone 92-3757 • Sash ond Doors Krivel an'd daughters and Mr. of Israel,. is visiting here th~ guest N. Kligman, An Israeli fashion show and a skit Furnace Repairs - Eovestroughlng ARISTOCRAT BEAUTE SALON MRS. S. E. KRINDLE on .' 1The Ideal Hadassah Canvasser" Pupils Pass Insulation - TIie or Mastic 45· Notre Dame E, · Krivel's mother, Mrs, Flora Krivel. of her sisters and brot_hers-m•law, Urging widespread attendance • Complete Builders' J.&H. 348 SOMERSET . BLDG. National Council of Jewish Women, by members in the region, Mrs. D. will be presen tcd. CHOICE' Floorlng Phone 92-4839 · have returned from a vacation at Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shapiro and Mr. Music Exams Supplies Winnipeg section, will open its new P. Gotueb this week called on Active in conference planning are ·- WORK GUARANTEED Chimney Sweep B h C l.f · d L Vegas and Mrs. M. Tessler. J 11 Mesdames B. Elik conference plan­ Pupils of Jascha · Resnitsky who J.THOMPSON Include tho Chimney and Furnace '-======, Long eac , a 1 ., an as • _ • • • .. season 2 p.m. ·Monda}, Sept. 13, in Badassah workers to express your 1 were successful candidates ln music Phone 50-2936 CARTAGE PH. 23-1437 in Your Spring Cleonlng r YEAP.5 OF They visited Mrs. Snul Krivel's I REGINA,-Mrs. P. Markowitz and the· Royal Alexandra hotel, partnership with the people of ning chairman, and Sol Silver and S, examinations conducted in Winnipeg Ucensed In Wlnnlpag, EHt oncl Dr. Reva Gerstein, national vice­ Shragge, conference co-chairmen. · GARDEN SUPPLIES - CIHDIRS West Klldanan EXPERIENCE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rod- daughter, Mrs. Sam Wiener, , Israel." recently by, the Royal Conservatory 257 RIVERTON AVE. GENERAl CARTA.GI! president, N.C.J.W. of Canadn, will LANDSCAPING AND DRIVEWAY 263 St. Anne's Rood H. THOMPSON nunsky (rormcrly of ) at recently visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Conference highlights include an S. F. Drummond, Mgr. Ra. 40-5626 report on highlights of the 5th Inter­ Dvorah Drachler chapter, Pioneer 1 of Music, Toronto, were as follows: CONSTRUCTION St. Vital PHONE 93-5654 QUALIFIED Long Beach Bronstein, 7 Elgin apartments. ------~l Grade 4 violin, Per Waksuik (first C. F. McLellan, Supt. Res. 44-4091 PHONE 93-8159 For Vacuum Service national Congress on Mental Health SURGICAL • • • • Women, will hold a membership class honors) and Rachelle Karp REGINA, - Joseph Bronstein has which she attended in Toronto. Mrs, meeting 8,30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 7, (honors); Grade 4 piano, Evelyn S. E. Krindl~'t president of the Win­ Minister Asks . ___ .,,.· MOHEL ORDER YOUR JEWISH 1 returned from Vancouver accom­ at the home of Mrs. Freda Driben, Labovitch; Grade 3 violin, Lawrence Kildonan Realty nipeg section, will preside, Tea will MAKE YOUR HOME MORE Recommended panied by his niece, Esther Seclclus YES! OUR SNACK SHOP IS MorosniCk (first class honors) and To buy or sell a home or business be served. 564 Inkster boulevard. Myer Sharzer property, It will pay you to see us. COMFORTABLE AND BEAUTIFU~ by Leodlng who will be the guest of her grand­ For More Nazis OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY Edith Silverman (honors); Grade 8 NEW YEAR CARDS . will be guest speaker. "A largo •taff to aerYO y•u BY MODERNIZING Physlctana parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Bronstein . BERLIN, (JTA)-Insinualion trial AT LARGE violin, Stan James Eby (honors). 1 FROM YOUR OWN No. 120 {Mombors and Non-Momben) Better"' In Winnlpeg, • • • Nazis are needed in political key Mr. Resnitsky has reopei:i,ed his SIZE NEGATIVE FILMS · .. DROP IN. Serving Peter Green, of Winnipeg,· was .a positions in Germany, so as to ex­ studio at i7o Glenwood crescent. 982 MAIN ST. If you ore plannlng to hove a new $2.00 A DOZEN FOR A home by modernizing It, consult us Winnipeg recent business visitor in Regina. ·· clude Jewish influence from the TASTY Phone 59-7396 - 7 before doing so. We hove satisfied and • • • country's political life, was voiced our customers for over 27 years. Di•trlct. REV. M. CHARLOFF ,,,,~~ Mji~ i1ltt1,, at a public meeting here by Her­ 5NAC'< MOOSE JAW,-Mrs. Harry Geidi­ Served the way - I Manitoba BB Women mann Ahrens, member of the Cabinet Recognized dependablllty. Highest ger has left on a vacation to Ed- , you liko It. quality materials and craftsmen• Ph~ne 56-2641 - 52-5941 TAKEN IN STUDIO monton. in the state of Lower Saxony. Plan Sept. 9 Tea •Wolfe's Iron Works ship. $3.00 A DOZEN " "try 0Ur dchclou, 339 PRITCHARD AVE. • • • Addressing a rally convened by Corned BNf Manitoba chapter, B'nai B'rith ·WALTER, WRAY· .. . the BHE Refugee Party, of which Ornamental Wa &JiCU bo glad i·o discuss your H. Clasky, of Estevan, ·was in Win­ Sandwiches, etc. Women, will open their season with :onstructlan without any· obligation. WINNIPEG nipeg on business. he was formerly floor leadei' in the ·cALL ·-- Sen1ed In . MELCHIN TRANSPORT a philanthropic tea 2 to 5 p.m. Iron • • • state legislature nt Hanover, the pleosonf, frlendty LIMITED Lower Saxony Minister of Eco­ surroundings Thursday, Sept. 91 in the Georgian At s1-!if !1f-s ·REGINA, - Mr. and Mrs. Barnet DAILY, FAST FREIGHT TO ALBERTA, B.C. MANUFACTURERS • IMPORTERS SANITEX €LEANING Phones Evening room, Hudson's Bay company store. Reasonable ' NORTHERN BUILDERS i28 Selkirk Ave. Winnipeg King~ of Oakland, Calif., and Jack nomics avoided mention of the word Proceeds will be used to assist in Quick and Slick Service NORTHERN TAXI 59-1154 59-1790 AND EASTERN CANADA DISTRIBUTORS SANITEX Restare1 Natural OIi to Berenbaum, of New York, are "Jew." However, he referred to ORDERS PUT UP TO TAKE OUT furnishing the B'nai B'rith Children's Rote• • Weother Strip • lnsu1 Pono AND CONTRACTORS Your Fabrics, visitors in the city, guests of their "raciall; alien elements.'' a deroga­ Home in Israel, supported solely by • ln1ul Plote Double Glazing MAKE THEM LAST parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Berenbaum, 59•4333 PHONE 56-3605 PHONE 52-6703 Choicest Food$ tory phrase commonly employed in The only Direct Manitoba to Alberto B.B. women. • OverhCOd Garage "Doon LONGER AND LOOK 3111 Athol street. ALSO RENT A RICE'S U,DRIVE Hebrew Fraternal . ' Mrs. I. Rodin, president and Mrs. • BLUE RIBBON STEAKS Nazi parlance to designate Jews and BY DAY CR WEEK . 1 SUPPLIED ANO INSTALLED 508 SELKIRK AVENUE S. SILVERMAN, Mgr. 388 ST. JOHNS AVE. BETTER and B.C. Motor Freight M. Dudeck, fund-raising chairman, • It co1ta no moro to get tha best • ITALIAN SPECIALTIES • • •• Get your GOI 0t Rico DtoL Gorooe S~ack Shop FORT FRANCES,-Mr. and Mrs. "non-Aryans." urge all women in the community to Sc OFF PER GALLON FREE ESTIM/'>TES ON REQUEST VISIT Ed Niznick are happy to announce AND DELlCATESSEK attend. GREATER VALUES the birth of twins, Judith Marilyn WASHJNGTON, (JTA) - The 1335 MAIN STREET WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVICE 1111 CHEVRIER BLVD. 33 7 /10c PER GAL. (Down1tolrs, Hebrew Fratnrnol J. H. FROM ZORATTl'S and Arnold Marvin, August 24, at Lodge, Bldg,, Main & Mac:hroy) FORT GARRY United States has refused to under­ 46 Harrlol St. {lust aff Crosstown Highway) LANDSCAPE RESTAURANT the Laveryndrye hospital, a sister write a $100,000,000 · river develop­ David Portigal PHONES: ~ Bumpor to B1.1n1iper Servin PHONES 72-2000, 20-1153 and brother to Sharon and Gerald. WINNIPEG PHONE GARDENER 395 PORTAGE AVE. ment project for Lebanon, although 93-2541 42-8007 - 42-8057 • • • ·+. BUY YOUR TV Leads Province 42-8067 SODDING - SEEDING America's Point Faur program tech­ Teletype Service to 59-6373-4 :=:======:111:---_-_ -_ -_ -...., -_- _-_-_-...,-----.- ,-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Western Canada MONTREAL, (Special) - David BLACK EARTH LAWN DRESSING BETTeR HOUSEWIVES Kaplan (nee Doris Finkle) are happy MRS. M. BEYER nicians blueprinted the project for I,------­ points L. PortigaJ, son of S. L. Portigal, SERVE DELICIOUS AND CRUSTY MANURE to announce the birth of a daughter, the Lebanese. LETHBRIDGE 71228 formerly of Winnipeg, led the prov­ Hove a Tailored BEFORE YOU BUY POTTING. SOIL GOLF Roberta Shelley, Aug. 26, the first ince in 1954 Quebec high school TREES REMOVED Alexandra Rolls Look That Lasts! INVE~TIGATEI· SMALL BULLDOZING AT grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Sam CAUTION! - Your hat is mode of Got Dollar For Dollar VCllue. JUST AS THEY ARE SERVED IN WITH ' For Building ALL THE BEST DINING SPOTS Finkle, of Winnipeg. Fino Fur Felt and should give satis­ PROMPT - COURTEous· AND Export Workman1hlp, and WINDSOR or factory service for b long period of EFFICIENT SERVICE And Repairing High Quality Construction. OBTAINABLE FRESH DAILY • • • time. If, in time•. it be-comes soiled \ WESTON BAKERIES LIMITED ANNOUNCE APPOI KILDONAN PARKS • Mrs. M. Stapansky and children Norris SEE FROM" DO NOT TRUST 1T TO UNSKILLED PHONE 74-7903 Telophane for Rnervotlon1 have returned to Fort William, Ont., CUSTOM TAILORED SEMMl,ER after visiting here with her parents, HANDS for a so-called "cleaning." 902 LOGAN AVE. KILDONAN • 52-.4065 • 56-3843 Just bring It bock to us and. w_c wll! CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WINDSOR PARK • 20-1174-5 North Star Bakery Mr. and Mrs. B. Chosl0vsk_y, and her PHONE 52-7792 sisters and brothers-in-law, Mr. and hove !t factory-renovated cind return SUITS and WIHHIPEQ ·&oA.RD a, PARKS AND it to you as good as new ••. ond 1ho COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL Mrs. M. Rykiss and Mr. and Mrs. G. RECREATION 75S SELKIRK AVE. cost will bCi surprisingly moderate. 1140 WINNIPEG AVE. PHONE 74-6744 Hornstein. TOPCOATS R.D.KENDEL Tailored by ~xpert Craftsmen on . FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCHES, SUPPERS, SNACKS 1hc Premises from the Finest British DELICATESSEN -'- DELICIOUS KOSHER MEALS - DAIRY AND "WINNIPEG. Woollens. General Contractor MEAT DISHES - OLD FASHIONED "MACHOLIM" I.ZEILIG e DUPLEXES l'.~.U.A.. RUT.4.Utii-.lT HAT WORKS ]. Norris&Son e TRIPLEXES & SON !!-Cctm1da'• Finest Hot Clcone-n" ....,_ ,..:.,_.-, M. SNAPER, Prop. __ NORTH END MARKET .. ~AM ABOUD, P,op, CUSTOM TAILORS e FOURPLEXES ARRANGE YOUR PRIVATE PARTIES, TEAS, LUNCHES, IN 276 GARRY ST. - WINNIPEG A DELIGHTFUL ATMOSPHERE FOR COUNTRY FRESH ~:;a:'9~4.0GAN AVE. ht Block South of Portage e SMALL BLOCKS VEGETABLES , Phone 93-7624 for Reservation,. MRS. REVA WALD~IAN 370 HARGRAVE ST, IY.M.H.A. BLDG.) Pilling Cukc1 Our Specialty PHONE PHONE 59-8504 FOR DELIVERY UPTOWN THEATRE BUDGET TERMS • A.T YOUR GROCIR.S • , , 3 STORES TO SERVE YOU 50-5063 Modo From Equipped with Cincmoscopo and true Stereophonic Sound , . , Every N,E. PORTAGE & KENNEDY I RUSCO Thursday lhe latost Hollywood hits, many in the Cincmascopc medium, Whole Wheat, A Roady Mix KOSTER FILM LIBRARY Opening at 7.30 p.m. Curtain time 8,30 p.m: 1364 MAIN STREET l A. I, LONCSTAFFli H. S. 0. JOHNSON E. HODCE Rye ond Flax 16mm. Movlo Film and Prajcctarl COMBINATION CAULKING & GLAZING Poncoko Our policy Is a new program every Monday ond Friday. Opening ot F' :A. Rlddcll President Weston Bakeries Limited, announces that H. S. 0. Johnson, !onnerly Sales M.,,. far Rent, 6.30 p,m. -A children's show will be presented car:h Saturday at 1 o'clor:k 501 ST. MARY'S ROAD 1 Flour .o8cr of the \Vimilpeg PIant will succeed A. E, Longstnfle ns Gcnernl Mnnnger. Mr. Longstn[fo ls retiring COMPLETE HOME SERVICE Dellciou1 Also 8mm, Short SubJect• consisting of a ROY ROGERS feature and cortoons, Each program wll/ Include WINDO-DOOR Nauri•hlng Mode from Popular Cameras Rented jfrom the Company after 44 years service, Mr. E. Hodge, formerly Assistnnt Sales Mnnnger of Ule Win• Wo carry a complete Uno of specially selected contests, pril:cs ond birthday honors. • VISIT nlpeg Plant, ho.a been appointed General Sales Mnnngcr for Manitoba. ••• Loxatln Phono 59-1330 Coming ore: "Three Coins in a Fountain," "Bcnca1h the 12 Mile Reef," • Operotc1 Juat lilce a window! G!oss PAINT & PAINTERS parts of 149 McKENZIE STREET 11lde1 up and down for vontllotlon. S.rr• It with cr•H• Western "River of No Return," "Royal Journey,'' and many olhcr outstanding TBEWHITE SUPPLIES end brow• na• Grains WINNIPEG, MANITOBA productions. • Nothing to change ••• nothing to E1timotc1 Without Obllgotlon .. ROUSE store. Screen dooi ond storm door CAMROSE BYERS FLOUR MILLS• ALBERTA all In one. ·For Commereial and Domesti ~ Relriaeration • Hot-dippc~ galvanized steel with & Rupertsland Drug Co. RIBS, STEAKS & CHOPS H. H. DECORATORS 11 baked.on ·•atJn 1llvertan1 onamoll MURRAY .. ,.--,----•----~==~~----·--· s. A, ANDERroN, Chomlst and 0ur Specialty'' -- •-mr:.: .. PHONE 75-1631 Druggist 443 SELKIRK AVENUE ' . . ·'u·~\&J: ~r~riri?N ~ PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY Phono 52-1333 See it now! Coll 524 Sargent Ave. Wlnnlpog UPIIOLS'flm.Jm . FUltNITUltE • Greetlna Cord, - Chlnawor• j • Glfh For All Oc:collan1 ·w1nnlppg CUSTOM-TAILORED • Porty Qood1 • Toy, 72-0451 Quality-built ol thick, aophalt• DRAPBRIES • Modern CoffH Bar -JN~.(,_. WE DELIVER REFRIGE lmpl'11QDGtod Mt, oovorod with howtlflll . A. S. PIPER & SONS J cmn•LF,TE SEl,ECTION PHONE S9-D723 MRS. S. SOUIOIIER rnlnoral granul•-lo• utra w.athu O!'' FABRICS McGREGOR AT McADAM AVE. Mrs, M. Beyer Js local conference , WINDOW CLEANERS i,rotootlon and lln realetance. Can he RUSCO )::::======~[ chairman In charge of orrnngcmenls W\ • 145. 3rd oppllod right ovor your old roofing. lllcla FR EE. ESTIMATES 20 yoart with Winnipeg Window SPECIALIZING IN for the Pioneer Women conference to Ave. N. Cleaning Co. eolld colon and •tyl.. perfoot bl,nda. .i be held Monday, Sept. 0, ln. Royal W& SPECIALIZE IN Call or drop In lor lull-oolor bookW I STEAKS ~ CHOPS Alexandro hotel. · : WINDOWS and lnl,,nw,Uon. FRIED CHICKEN DISTRIBUTORS FOR UNIVERSAL COOLER • Offlco Bulldlngs • Storea Jlt, · J?.!J,iJt~~rt Mrs. Reva Wnldmnn, Engllsh­ MANITOBA • Homo, • Apartmor1t1 I ff Ordar, put up to toke Out spC'aklng cultural chnlrmnn of the We Carry Full lnauranre Pioneer Women council, will present "Everything In Refrigeration ond Air Conditioning" ·Baird Roofing and Supply Co. 11A Good Place to ·Eat'' PHONE 3-7101 SASKATOON PHONE 20-1940 a pnper on cducnllon, and Mrs. S. SASKATCHEWAN 1530 ERIN STREET . PHONE 52-7157 and .1Jiape,1iy Sei.vice Schieber, Jmmedlntc past chD.irmon of Sherbrook Grill PRICH: FIRST DALCONV, $31.50, $3.95, $4.!10J GALLERY, ${95, $2.25, $2.75; MAIH CRESCENT CREAMERY WINNIPEG, MAN., 180 Sadler Avo. 925 MAIN STREET WINNIPEG n2r, SATTGEN'i' AVJoi the P.W. councll, wlll report on FLOOR {CEHTRIJ, $2.75, $3,50, $3,95. $4.!IO; SIDES AND REAR SECTIONS, $1.95, 83 Shorbrook St, Phona r4-143l councll activities. $2,2!1, $2.71, $3,IO AT CIUDRITY BOX OFFICE, 270 EDMONTON ST, CO., LTD.