Nahlikend En Leng
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~ INIV ERSITY OF HAWAII NAHLIKEND EN LENG From the Division of Historic Preservation and Cultural Affairs, Pohnpei State Department of Land Volume l, Number 2, January l 7, l 994 Guam Corporations Support Endowment members are the official Historic Preser MEHP vation Officers of their respective areas, who in their -Rufino Mauricio private capacity serve on the Board of the non-profit, private, independent, and international Endowment At a reception hosted on October I 4, 1993 by Mobil Oi I Micronesia and Mobil Oil Guam to honor the members The US. affiliate of the MEHP is the non-profit of the Micronesian Endowment for Historic Preserva Micronesia Institute, a 501-c-3 educational charitable tion (MEHP) at its 14th Annual Meeting, donations of organization incorporated ten years ago in Washington, $5,000each werereceived from Mobil Oil Micronesia's DC. US tax-deductible donations help to preserve the Erhart Aten and from Daniel A. Roland of Shearson Micronesian heritage may be sent to Micronesia Insti Lehman Brothers. Another $1,500 was anonymously tute/MEHP, 1275 K St. NW #360, Washington, DC, donated. 20005-4006. Non-tax-deductible donations may be sent to: MEHP, c/oCannen Bigler, Treasurer, P.O. Box Continental Micronesia and the Bank of Hawaii were 1454, Majuro, MH 96960, Republic of the Marshall instrumental in enabling Patricia Luce Chapman, Chair Islands. of the Micronesia Institute, Washington, DC to repre Who was Lidorkint? sent the American National Committee for the MEHP Long ago there was a man named Sapwkini who at its Annual Meeting. organized the first group ofpeople to ever come to "The funds," said newly elected Endowment President Pohnpei. Each ofthe nine women and seven men who and Pohnpei State, FSM, Historic Preservation Officer, assisted in building the canoe and making the great Yasuo I. Yamada, "will be deposited by Endowment journey was endowed with magical powers and special Treasurer, Carmen M. Bigler, of the Marshall Islands to skills. Lidorkini was responsible for gathering many of open the first Endowment account (the MEHP the materials used to build the canoe and was also given Micronesian Funds) in the Micronesia area." the task of weaving the magical sail which earned the canoe to Pohnpei. "Lidorkini'' means "woman who Guam Senator Elizabeth Arriola, known for her interest collects things." When the canoe finally in the arts, was among the guests at the Mobil reception. reached its destination, they found only reef Using their magic, the group The MEHP was incorporated in 1986 in Majuro, Marshall Islands. Its first president was Moses Sam of called on stones from far away lands. Palau; its second, the late Teddy John of Kosrea, FSM. 111e foundation they built later became The Vice President is Michael Fleming, CNMI and the Pohnpei, which means "upon a Secretary is Victoria Kanai of Palau. Rufino Mauricio, stone alter." of Pohnpei State, FSM, is the Executive Director. The Pohnpei State Department of Other members include Guam Deputy Historic Preser Land's Pohnpei Lidorkini Museum is vation Officer Richard Davis; SeNellie Singeo, Na dedicated to providing the public with tional FSM Historic Preservation Officer; Andrew an historical link between Pobnpei's Kugfas of Yap State; Elvis Killion O'Sonis of Chuuk cultural past and present through State; and Berlin Sigrah of Kosrea State. All serve as the preservation and exhibition ofits volunteers on the MEHP Board. It is hoped that the MEHP will later include fellow Micronesian Historic artifacts, ethnographic objects, rituals Preservation Offices from Kiribati and Nauru. and customs. Nahlikend En Leng p.2 The Department of Land kan nan weipokon enPohnpei. Mr. Fernando Scaliem -Director Yasuo I. Yamada me wia chairman en board wet. 2. Board en Land Surveyors Examiners iei ehu board Pakair wet wiawidahr pwehn sewese tohn weipokon en me kin karnana irail kan me pahn ka.k en wia soun sohng Pghnpei ong iren kawehwe kan me pid sapwelimatail sahpw nan Pohnpei. Aramas de pwihn ieu me sohte Ohpis en Sahpw oh pwukoah kan. alehcli kamanaman en borucd wet sohte mweimwei en wia pwukoah doadoahk en sohng sahpw nan Pohnpei. Department en Land de Kempa en Sahpw iei \\lahn ilek Mr. Kddios Gornelios me wiachairman en board wet. en Pohnpei State Constitution ire laud 12 ire tikitik 6 oh kosonneden weipokoo Sl. No. lL-62-86. Director me 3. Pil ehu pwihn iei me adanki Historic Preservation monge Department wet ni ah kin idihdda sang Kepina Advisory Couneil. Pwihn wet me kin dawihada oh oh karnanaman sang Legislature. Rahn wet Yasuo I. panawihki Japalap akan mweimwei de soh mweimwei Yamada me wia Director en Department en Land de en doahk lap akan me kin wekidala mwohmwen sahpw Kempa en Sahpw. Department wet pato pahn epwel oh audepe kan. kaweid en Kepina nan Executive Branch. Iren pah kan iei Division de pa.lien doadoahk kan oh pwukaoh kan: Department en Sahpw koasondi oh kamaoamanda sang poahson en kosonned de Constitution en Pohnpei. I. Division en Survey oh Mappin~ - PaJi wet me Karehda aramas koaros udahn pahn wauneki oh pwukoahki soh11g sahpw oh wiawidahn map akan oh iei rniniminiog ah koasondih kan. Chief Anastacio Dosalua me pwukoabki. Pobnpei Land C0mmision sohte wia kisehn Depart~ 2. Division en Management oh Administration en Pub ment en Sabpw, ahpw e wia ehu ohpis tohrohr me mih lic Land - Pali wet me kin apwahpwalih oh pahn epwel kaweid en Cheif Justice, the HonorabJe katakatanga wiepen Public Land de nin limen weipokon Edewl H. Santos, Judiciary Branch. en Pohnpei. Chief Masao Robert oh John Weilbacher ni sawas kapatapat me apwahpwalih pali wet. Registration Team, iei pwihn ehu me kokouda pahn kosonned, mih nan oh pis en Pohnpei Land Commision. 3. Division en Historic Preservation oh Cultural Affairs Registration Team iei pwihn ehu me kin koaronge oh - Pali wet me kin apwahpwal ih oh pwukipwukoahki oh kosonehdi ihs me ahniki pwungin kasapwasapw en kolokol dorepen wasa poad oh kesempwal kan, tiahk ob sapwen sehmen, de ihs me pahn sohndi irfill me meJahr koasoiepe kan. Pali wet pil kin apwahpwalih imwen oh de rapahkihda irail me.kolokol pwungin kohwabki nahk en dipwisouhn kawah oh dipwisou kesempwal oh kak en sapwenkihla kohwa kan nan ehu sapwen akan me adaniki Pohnpei Lidorkini Museum oh Chief kohwa nan wein Pohnpei. Emensio Eperiam me kin apwabpwalih pali wet. Me wia Senior Land Commissioner iei Mr. Tadasy K. 4.Divfaion en Park and Recreation Facilities-Pali wet .Yamaguchi oh Bernard Joakim, Dauk Kitti, me wia me kin pwukoahk.i apwahpwalih oh katakatanga'parks Chairmen en Registration Team Member. Registration de wasahkan me koasondiong wasahn mwoamwoait, T~am members kan iangahki Commissioner kan me kin de wasa me katohrohrasang nan peLien sahpw ak:an idihd da sang Kepjnaen weinPohnpei oh kin kamanaman pwehn kolokol lingan oh kesempwal en sahpw oh sang Pohnpei State Legislature. audepeh kan me wehwehki pwehl, takai, tuhkeoh mahn akan. Pali wet pil pwukoahki apwalih oh katakatanga Ohpis en Pohnpei Land Commission mi nan Kolonia wasahn kamwadong en weipokon oh ChiefEdgarSantos salahng PTA ohpis~ oh ohpis wet ihmw posoke, Pohn me pwukoahki apwalih paJi wet. PweJenge litopw weitahta oh "Land Commision" in ting mwohn ihmwet. Department of Land, me ekei ahnsou Pil nan Department en mie board riau oh council kitail kin kose "Ohpis en Sapw" pil mi nan Kolonia oh ehu. ohpis wet pit posoke oh salahnga imwen Isamo Welles. 1. Board of Trustees iei board wet me wia weliepen Ire pwukat pakairdahr ni 26 en August 1993 sang pwilidak en Pohnpei kao apwahpwalih oh kin kihda Director en Sahpw, Yasuo I. Yamada oh Senior Land pwuhng oh manaman en ka~apwasapw nan Publie Land Commissioner, Mr. Tadasy Yamaguchi. Nahlikend En Leng p.J ~'<"~'<?"~«;;>~~'<;?'~~~'<?'~ Comments From the Chief ~<2>~~~~~.G>...~<"2'5: <->-...~ -Emensio l!.1Jeriam News Shorts M r. Akitoshi Shimizu, of Japan, will return to Project Review Pohnpei Feburary 2 through March L 1994, to In its December 13, 1993, meeting, the Pohnpei continue his three-year research project on State Historic Preservation Review Board approved Pohnpeian and Kosraean out-migration. the granting of an Historic Preservation Permit to the Australian Embassy in Pohnpei to build a Mr. Yasuo I. Yamada, Director of the Depart million dollar residential complex in Dolinier, ment of Land and Pohnpei's Historic Preservation Kolonia. The Australian Embassy residential Officer, was elected President of the Micronesian complex was authorized to disturb an archaeologi Endowment for Historic Preservation (MEHP). cal site situated within the proposed complex com Sec "Guam Corperations Support MEHP." pound. Results of the reconnaissance s"Urvey con ducted on the site under the direction of Dr. Rufino Rufin o Mauricio PhD, of Pohnpei and the FSM Mauricio, Staff Archaeologist for the Federated HPO's Staff Archeologist, was elected the Execu States of Micronesia HPO Office, documented tive Director of the MEHP. disturbed archeological structures at the site and recommended that one of them be preserved with HP&CA applied for the Conservation Assess a detailed map, photos, and descriptions of the ment Program Grant from the Jnstitiute of Mu entire site to be imprinted on a sign and permenantly seum Services to help assess structure and collec preserved and displayed on the residence complex tions at the Pohnpei Lidorkini Museum. compound. Julia Steele, writer for Pacifica Magazine was on TelePhonepei Service Pohnpei from October 19 to October 20 writing an For the first time in the history of Pohnpei a article about Nan Madol for the March 1994 issue. daughter in the only town on Pohnpei Island, She interviewed Dr. Rufino Mauricio, the FSM Kolonia Town, can talk to her mother in a remote staff archeologist and Emensio Eperiam, the Chief village in the southern Municipality of Kitti, 25 of the HP&CA.