Recent Pacific Islands Publications: Selected Acquisitions, January-March 1991
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BOOKS NOTED RECENT PACIFIC ISLANDS PUBLICATIONS: SELECTED ACQUISITIONS, JANUARY-MARCH 1991 This list of significant new publications relating to the Pacific Islands was selected from new acquisition lists received from the libraries of Brigham Young University-Hawaii, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, University of Auckland, and University of the South Pacific. Other libraries are invited to send contributions to the Books Noted Editor for future issues. Listings reflect the extent of information provided by each institution; some entries may be arranged by title in cases of an edited or compiled work and may include only pri mary author in cases of multiple authorship. Ahlburg, Dennis A. The North East Passage: A Study oj Pacific Islander Migration to American Samoa and the United States. Canberra: National Centre for Develop ment Studies, Australian National U., 1990. Allen, Jane. Five Upland 'Ili: Archaeological and Historical Investigations in the Kane'ohe Interchange, Interstate Highway H-3, Island of Oahu. Honolulu: Dept. of Anthro pology, Bishop Museum, 1987. Alonz, Laetitia, ed. A Collection of Palauan Legends. Koror: Palau Press Agency, 1990. Amesbury, Judith R. Native Fishing Rights and Limited Entry in Guam. Guam: Microne sian Archaeolo!,'Y Research Services, 1989. Anderson, David, ed. The PNG-Australia Relationship: Problems and Prospects. Sydney: Inst. of Public Affairs, 1990. Angleviel, Frederic. Wallis et Futuna (1801-1888): Contacts, evangelisations; incultura tions. Ph.D. thesis, U. Paul Valery, 1989. Austin, Roberts. Handcrafts of Niue. Alofi: Niue Ministry of Trade, 1988. Bank of Hawaii. An Economic Assessment of French Polynesia. Honolulu: The Bank, 1990. Barker, John, ed. Christianity in Oceania: Ethnographic Perspectives. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1990. Barratt, Glynn, ed. Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand: The Traditional and Euro pean Records, 1820. Ottawa: Carleton U. Press, 1987. Pacific Studies. Vol. 14, No.4-December 1991 193 194 Pacific Studies, Vol. 14, No.4-December 1991 Bauer, Aaron M. A Checklist and Key to the Herpetofauna of New Caledonia, with Remarks on Biogeography. San Francisco: Calif. Academy of Sciences, 1990. Bedford, Richard, ed. Population of Vanuatu: Analysis of the 1979 Census. Noumea: South Pacific Commission, 1989. Bird, Richard Miller. Taxation in Papua New Guinea: Backward~ to the Future? Can- berra: National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National U., 1987. Bisignani, J. D. Big Island of Hawaii Handbook. Chico, Calif.: Moon Publications, 1990. ---. Oahu Handbook. Chico, Calif.: Moon Publications, 1990. Booz, Elisabeth Benson. Collins Illustrated Guide to New Zealand. London: Collins, 1989. Bray, Harrison. Tomasi: For Island~ Far Away. Palmerston North, N .Z.: Nagare Press, 1990. Burt, Eugene C., ed. Oceanic Art Five-Year Cumulative Bibliography: Mid 1983 through 1988. Seattle: Data Arts, 1990. Christian, Erwin. Tahiti vu du ciel. Singapore: Editions du Pacifique, 1989. Controvich, James T. The Central Pacific Campaign, 1943~1944: A Bibliography. West port, Conn.: Meckler, 1990. Coral Reefs of the World. Gland, Switz.: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1988. Corne, Chris, and Andrew Pawley, eds. Le Coq et Ie Cagou: Essays on French and Pacific Languages in Honour of Jim Hollyman. Auckland: Linguistic Society of N .Z., 1986. Crowley, Terry. Beach-la-Mar to Bislama: The Emergence of a National Language in Vanuatu. New York: Oxford U. Press, 1990. ---. An Illustrated Bislama-English and EnglL~h-Bislama Dictionary. Vila: Pacific Languages Unit, U. South Pacific, 1990. The Cyclopedia of New Zealand: Industrial, Descriptive, Historical, Biographical, Facts, Figures, Illustrations. Auckland: BAB Microfilming, 1987. (Microfiche reproduction of 1897~1906 ed.) Danielsson, Bengt. Tahiti: Circle Island Tour Guide. Papeete: Editions du Pacifique, 1987. Dauphine, Joel. Les spoliations foncieres en Nouvelle-Caledonie (1895~1913). Paris: I'Harmattan, 1989. Davis, Susan, and Russell Haley, eds. The Penguin Book of Contemporary New Zealand Short Stories. Auckland: Penguin Books, 1989. Dean, Love. The Lighthouses of Hawaii. Honolulu: U. Hawaii Press, 1991. Dening, Greg. Islands and Beaches: Discourse on a Silent Land: Marquesas, 1774~1880. Chicago: Dorsey Press, 1988. (Reprint of 1980 ed.) Descantes, Christophe. Symbolic Stone Structures: Protohistoric and Early HL~toric Spa tial Patterns of the 'Opunohu Valley, Mo'orea, French Polynesia. M.A. thesis, U. Auckland, 1990. Des Rochers, Kim. Women's Fishing on Kosrae Island, Federated States of Micronesia: The Effects of Cultural, Social, and Technological Change on Women's Use of the Nearshore Zone. M.A. thesis, U. Hawaii, 1990. Douglas, Norman. Fiii Handbook: Business and Travel Guide. Sydney: Pacific Publica tions, 1987. During, Kurt. Pathways to the Tongan Present = 'Uuni Hala ki Tonga he Kuonga Ni. Nuku'alofa: Government Printing Dept., 1990. Dwyer, Peter D. The Pigs That Ate the Garden: A Human Ecology from Papua New Guinea. Ann Arbor: U. Michigan Press, 1990. Books Noted 195 Dye, Thomas. Marshall Island~ Archaeology. Honolulu: Bishop Museum, 1987. Encyclopedia de la Polynesie. Papeete: C. Gleizal, 1986-1988. Everingham, I. B. Tsunamis in Fiji. Suva: Fiji Ministry of Lands, Energy, and Mineral Resources, 1987. Eyles, G. O. Soil Erosion in the South Pacific. Suva: Inst. of Natural Resources, U. South Pacific, 1987. Farrell, Don A. Saipan. Saipan: Micronesian Productions, 1990. Fineanganofo, Sulunga Lavaka. Problems of Development of the Small Island Groups in the South Pacific with Special Reference to Tonga. M.S. thesis, U. Reading, 1982. Fisher, Frank, ed. Renewable Energy Sources and Appropriate Technologies: A Case Study of a Small Island Nation. Clayton, Vic.: Graduate School of Environmental Science, Monash U., 1989. Fisher, Hans. Sound-Producing Instruments in Oceania: Construction and Playing Tech nique. Distribution and Function. Boroko: Inst. of Papua New Guinea Studies, 1986. Foscarini, Roberto, and Jayant Prakash. Handbook on Eucheuma Seaweed Cultivation in Fiji. Suva: Fiji Ministry of Primary Industries, Fisheries Div., 1990. Gannicott, K. G., cd. Education for Economic Development in the South Pacific. Can berra: National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National U., 1990. Gardner, Paul F. New Enterprises in the South Pacific: The Indonesian and Melanesian Experiences. Washington, D.C.: National Defense U. Press, 1989. Good, Elaine M. Papers in Kosraean and Ponapeic. Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Aus tralian National U., 1989. Goulden, Rick Jan. The Melanesian Content in Tok Pisin. Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Australian National U., 1990. Haberkorn, Gerald. Port Vila: Transit Station or Final Stop? Recent Developments in Ni Vanuatu Population Mobility. Canberra: National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National U., 1989. Halliday, Merv. Kamahi: A District History. Kamahi, N.Z.: M. Halliday, 1990. !larrison, Craig S. Seabird~ of Hawaii: Natural History and Conservation. Ithaca, N.Y.: Comstock,1990. Harrison, Simon. Stealing People:~ Names: History and Politics in a Sepik River Cosmol ogy. New York: Cambridge U. Press, 1990. Herdt, Gilbcrt H., and Robert J. Stoller. Intimate Communications: Erotics and the Study of Culture. New York: Columbia U. Press, 1990. Holliday, Les. Coral Reej~: A Global View. London: Salamander Book, 1989. Hollyman, K. J. Demuna Fagauvea I: Dictionnaire Fagauvea-Francais. Auckland: Lin guistic Society of N .Z., 1987. Holzknecht, Susanne Carol. The Markham Languages of Papua New Guinea. Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, Australian National U., 1989. Hopkins, Jcrry. How to Make Your Own Hawaiian Musical Instruments. Honolulu: Bess Press, 1988. lIuie, Shirley Fenton. Tiger Lilies; Women Adventurers in the South Pacific. North Ryde, N.S.W.: Angus & Robertson, 1990. Investor's Guide to the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Washington, D.C.: Micronesia Inst., 1989. James, Kerry, and Akuila Yabaki, eds. Religious Cooperation in the Pacific Island~. Suva: Inst. for Pacific Studies, U. South Pacific, 1989. Janes, Craig Robert. Migration, Social Change, and Health: A Samoan Community in Urban California. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford U. Press, 1990. 196 Pacific Studies, Vol. 14, No.4-December 1991 Jordan, E. T. Katikati in Legend and History. Katikati, N .Z.: E. T. Jordan, 1989. Kaho, Tu'imala. Songs of Love. Nuku'alofa: Vava'u Press, 1988. Kay, Robert F. Fiii: A Travel Survival Kit. 2d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Lonely Planet, 1990. Keene, Florence Myrtle Matthews. Tai Tokerau. Whangarei, N.Z.: F. M. M. Keene, 1988. Kolia, Fepa'i F. S. Lost Reality. Suva: Mana Publications of the South Pacific Creative Arts Soci ety, 1988. Lamb, D. Exploiting the Tropical Rain Forest: An Account of Pulpwood Logging in Papua New Guinea. Paris: UNESCO, 1990. Langlas, Charles. The People of Kalapana, 1823-1950. Honolulu: C. Langlas, 1990. The Law of the Sea: Archipelagic States. New York: United Nations, 1990. Layton, Suzanna. The Contemporary Pacific Island Press. M.A. thesis, U. Hawaii, 1990. Legends from the Atolls. Suva: Inst. of Pacific Studies, U. South Pacific, 1984. Lie, Rico. Television in the Pacific Islandl: An Annotated Bibliography, 1990. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1990. Lindstrom, Lamont. Island Encounters: Black and White Memories of the Pacific War. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990. Locke, Elsie, et al. Mrs. Hobson:1 Album; Given to Eliza Hobson by Her Friendl When She Returned