Ozark to Introduce
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Ozark to introduce new non-sto- p flights By Diana Dawson port Advisory Board, saia me new Missourian staff writer flight plan would provide great flexibil- ity at the Columbia airport. Ozark Air Lines will begin non-sto- p Ozark planned the Chicago flight service from Columbia Regional Air- about a vear ago, Morrison said. Flight port to Chicago's O'Hare International 974 will go to Chicago daily except Sun-d- a Airport on Nov. 15, Donald Morrison vs, leaving Columbia at 9:19 a.m. the carrier's public relations director, and arriving at ChicagoO'Hare at said Tuesday. 10:19 a.m. Return service is via Flight Columbians also will be able to fly to 509. leaving O'Hare at 6:55 p.m. and ar- Washington, D.C., Morrison said. A riving in Columbia at 7:50 p.m. 950 new Columbia-S- t. Louis flight arrives For those heading east. Flight in St. Louis early enough to connect will leave for St. Louis at 6:53 a.m., with eastbound flights of Ozark, which connecting with Flight 906 for a 10:42 resumed service Monday after a'two-mont-h a.m. arrival at the BaltimoreWa- flight attendants strike. shington International Airport. This "This comes at a time that Ozark is flight continues to New York's La-Guar- dia a little bullish in the airline business," Field for an 11 :59 p.m. arrival. Morrison said. Although United Air- The St. Louis-base- d Ozark also is of- lines announced a flight cutback Mon- fering substantial discounts on certain day, Ozark is adding flights, he said. flights until Dec. 9. As pre-wint- er chills Morrison said Columbia's response set in, Columbia residents will receive to past flight additions has been excel- a 50 percent discount, with no ticketing lent. "As long as traffic pattern contin- or reservation restrictions, on all ues as it has been, we'll continue to add flights to the sun cities Orlando, seats and service." New Orleans, Houston. Dallas and However, Morrison said, Ozark is Tampa. The reduced rates are avail--- considering discontinuing one of two able through Dec. 9. except during the flights to Kansas City. peak holiday travel times of Nov. 20. John Riddick. chairman of the Air-- 21. 25 and 26..