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Polyommatus Thersites) NA SAVSKIH PRODIH PRI LJUBLJANI UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI PEDAGOŠKA FAKULTETA Študijski program: Biologija in kemija TATJANA KERŽAN UGOTAVLJANJE VELIKOSTI POPULACIJE IN OGROŽENOSTI DETELJINEGA MODRINA (Polyommatus thersites) NA SAVSKIH PRODIH PRI LJUBLJANI MAGISTRSKO DELO Ljubljana, 2018 UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI PEDAGOŠKA FAKULTETA Študijski program: Biologija in kemija TATJANA KERŽAN Mentor: izr. prof. dr. Rudi Verovnik UGOTAVLJANJE VELIKOSTI POPULACIJE IN OGROŽENOSTI DETELJINEGA MODRINA (Polyommatus thersites) NA SAVSKIH PRODIH PRI LJUBLJANI MAGISTRSKO DELO Ljubljana, 2018 POVZETEK Raziskava razširjenosti deteljinega modrina ( Polyommatus thersites ) v osrednji Sloveniji in dolo čitev stanja njegovega habitata je bila opravljena zaradi dolo čitve naravovarstvenih smernic, ki bodo omogočale ohranitev vrste v osrednji Sloveniji in na vseh podobnih obmo čjih v Evropi. Podrobneje smo preiskovali obmo čje na savskih prodih pri Ljubljani. Ugotovili smo, da je na obmo čju savskih prodov prisotna stabilna populacija deteljinega modrina. Na raziskovanem obmo čju smo opravili 17 terenskih dni v obdobju od 17. 5. do 8. 6. 2017. V tem času smo z MRR metodo markirali 152 osebkov, od tega 75 samcev in 77 samic. Dnevne velikosti populacije, ocenjene po metodi Jolly Seber, so se gibale nekje med 80 in 190 osebki, kar je izjemno za to vrsto, ki se sicer obi čajno pojavlja v nizkih gostotah. Na preiskovani lokaciji je ve č lo čenih rastiš č hranilne rastline turške detelje ( Onobrychis sp.), tako znotraj rastiš č kot tudi med lo čenimi rastiš či pa so se pojavljale migracije. Med migracijami so osebki preleteli tako travniške površine kot tudi makadamske poti. Deteljinega modrina smo najve čkrat ujeli na ploskvah s hranilnimi rastlinami (77 %), nekajkrat pa tudi izven rastiš č hranilne rastline. Doma či okoliš ve čine ponovno ulovljenih osebkov je obsegal velik del obmo čja, vklju čenega v raziskavo. Habitat vrste je na preiskovanem obmo čju na savskih prodih po naši oceni v razmeroma dobrem stanju, še vedno pa je opaziti divja odlagališ ča odpadkov ter zaraš čanje s tujerodno suholetnico. Pomembno je, da se na obmo čju še naprej izvajajo ukrepi za izboljšanje stanja, kot je odstranjevanje invazivnih vrst. Še naprej je potrebno izvajati redne transektne monitoringe, da tako spremljamo pojav in števil čnost te ogrožene vrste. Pomembno je ozaveš čanje ljudi o pomembni vlogi metuljev v okolju. K ozaveš čanju bi lahko pripomogli z uvedbo naravoslovnega turizma na savskih prodih. Skrbno na črtovane aktivnosti, povezane z metulji, bi lahko predstavljale prednost tako za ohranjanje ogroženih vrst kot tudi za lokalno skupnost in obogatitev turisti čne ponudbe v Ljubljani. Klju čne besede: Polyommatus thersites , populacija, habitat, rastiš če, ogroženost, ohranjanje ABSTRACT TITLE: Establishing population size and endangerment of the Chapman's blue ( Polyommatus thersites ) at Sava river gravel near Ljubljana We studied the distributio of the Chapman's blue ( Polyommatus thersites ) in central Slovenia and its habitat choice was carried out in order to define conservation measures that will enable the long term survivour of this species in central Slovenia, but also wider in similar areas in Europe. We found that the population of the Chapman's blue is stable in the surveyed area at gravels of the Sava River. From 17. 5. to 8. 6.2017, we conducted 17 fieldwork days in the survey area. During this time, we marked 152 specimens, of which 75 were males and 77 were females, with MRR method. The daily sizes of the population, estimated with the Jolly Seber method, ranged between 80 to 190 specimens. The numbers are unusual for this species as they normally occur in low densities in central Slovenia. At the survey area were several separate habitats of The larval host plant sainfoin ( Onobrychis spp.) was present in separate patches in the surveyed area and migrations among them was common. During the migrations, the specimens flew over the meadow areas and the dirt tracks. Chapman's blue was most often caught within host plant patches (77%), but several specimens were caught also outside them. The homerange of specimens caught more than once included larger part of the area included in the study. According to our estimation, the habitat of the Chapman's Blue at the survey area is in relatively good condition, although illegal waste dumps and overgrowing with invasive plant species are present. It is important that the measures for improving the larval habitat are continued, as for example, with removal of invasive plant species. Also monitoring of the abundance of this endangered species with transect counts is still required. It is important to raise public awareness regarding the significant role of butterflies in the environment. Contribution to this could be done with the introduction of the nature tourism in the area of Sava gravels . Carefully planned activities related to butterflies could be an advantage both for the conservation of the endangered species and for the local community and its touristic offer. Key words: Polyommatus thersites , population, habitat, endangement, conservation KAZALO 1 UVOD ..................................................................................................................................... 1 2 PREGLED LITERATURE ..................................................................................................... 2 2.1 ZNA ČILNOSTI DETELJINEGA MODRINA ................................................................ 2 2.1.1 RAZLIKE MED DETELJINIM IN NAVADNIM MODRINOM ................................ 3 2.2 UVRSTITEV DETELJINEGA MODRINA .................................................................... 4 2.3 RAZŠIRJENOST DETELJINEGA MODRINA .............................................................. 6 2.3.1 PO SVETU .................................................................................................................... 6 2.3.2 RAZŠIRJENOST V SLOVENIJI .................................................................................. 7 2.4 EKOLOŠKE ZNA ČILNOSTI DETELJINEGA MODRINA .......................................... 8 2.4.1 RAZVOJNI KROG DETELJINEGA MODRINA ........................................................ 8 2.4.2 VRSTA HRANILNIH RASTLIN ................................................................................. 9 2.4.3 VZORCI ODLAGANJA JAJ ČEC DETELJINEGA MODRINA NA HRANILNO RASTLINO .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.4.4 PREŽIVETJE GOSENIC S POMO ČJO GOSTITELJSKE VRSTE MRAVLJE ....... 10 2.5 POPULACIJA DETELJINEGA MODRINA NA SAVSKIH PRODIH ....................... 12 2.6 OGROŽENOST DETELJINEGA MODRINA .............................................................. 13 2.7 VARSTVO DETELJINEGA MODRINA ...................................................................... 15 2.7.1 VARSTVO DETELJINEGA MODRINA NA SAVSKIH PRODIH PRI LJUBLJANI .............................................................................................................................................. 15 3 PRAKTI ČNI DEL ................................................................................................................. 19 3.1 OPREDELITEV RAZISKOVALNEGA PROBLEMA ................................................. 19 3.2 CILJI ............................................................................................................................... 20 3.3 RAZISKOVALNA VPRAŠANJA ................................................................................. 20 3.4 HIPOTEZE ..................................................................................................................... 21 3.5 OPIS OBRAVNAVANEGA OBMO ČJA ...................................................................... 21 3.6 METODE DELA ............................................................................................................ 22 3.6.1 LOCIRANJE HABITATNIH KRP DETELJINEGA MODRINA NA IZBRANEM OBMO ČJU ........................................................................................................................... 22 3.6.2 METODA PREGLEDA OBRAVNAVANEGA OBMO ČJA .................................... 22 3.6.3 METODE, UPORABLJENE ZA UGOTAVLJANJE VELIKOSTI POPULACIJE DETELJINEGA MODRINA ............................................................................................... 26 3.6.4 KARTIRANJE LARVALNEGA HABITATA ........................................................... 28 3.7 REZULTATI .................................................................................................................. 29 3.7.1 RAZŠIRJENOST DETELJINEGA MODRINA NA SAVSKIH PRODIH PRI LJUBLJANI .......................................................................................................................... 29 3.7.2 VELIKOST POPULACIJE DETELJINEGA MODRINA NA SAVSKIH PRODIH 31 3.7.3 GOSTOTA POJAVLJANJA ODRASLIH OSEBKOV METULJEV V POVEZAVI S PRISOTNOSTJO IN VELIKOSTJO RASTIŠ Č HRANILNE RASTLINE ........................ 33 3.7.4 MOBILNOST ODRASLIH OSEBKOV IN VELIKOST DOMA ČEGA OKOLIŠA 35 4 POTRDITEV ALI OVRŽBA HIPOTEZ .............................................................................. 40 4.1 HIPOTEZA 1 .................................................................................................................. 40 4.2 HIPOTEZA 2 .................................................................................................................. 41 4.3 HIPOTEZA 3 .................................................................................................................
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