Decoding Göbekli Tepe with Archaeoastronomy: What Does the Fox Say?
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Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 17, No 1, (2017), pp. 233-250 Copyright © 2017 MAA Open Access. Printed in Greece. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.400780 DECODING GÖBEKLI TEPE WITH ARCHAEOASTRONOMY: WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY? Martin B. Sweatman* and Dimitrios Tsikritsis School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, King’s Buildings, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. EH9 3JL Received: 07/11/2016 Accepted: 16/03/2017 *Corresponding author: Martin B. Sweatman ([email protected]) ABSTRACT We have interpreted much of the symbolism of Göbekli Tepe in terms of astronomical events. By matching low-relief carvings on some of the pillars at Göbekli Tepe to star asterisms we find compelling evidence that the famous ‘Vulture Stone’ is a date stamp for 10950 BC ± 250 yrs, which corresponds closely to the proposed Younger Dryas event, estimated at 10890 BC. We also find evidence that a key function of Göbekli Tepe was to observe meteor showers and record cometary encounters. Indeed, the people of Göbekli Tepe appear to have had a special interest in the Taurid meteor stream, the same meteor stream that is proposed as responsible for the Younger-Dryas event. Is Göbekli Tepe the ‘smoking gun’ for the Younger-Dryas cometary encounter, and hence for coherent catastrophism? KEYWORDS: symbolism, Younger Dryas, comet, Taurid meteor, asterism, coherent catastrophism. 234 M.B. SWEATMAN & D. TSIKRITSIS 1. INTRODUCTION cometary fragments than is expected relative to the very long time average for all types of encounter of We provide an interpretation of much of the sym- that particular magnitude. This is the principle of bolism of Göbekli Tepe (GT). Our arguments are coherent catastrophism. based entirely on the correlation between symbols Along with this basic principle, observations (Na- found at GT and corresponding astronomical facts, pier & Clube, 1997) indicate that we are, in fact, in a as well as the scientific literature. We find the sym- period of coherent catastrophism right now. The bolism at GT provides strong support for the culprit is likely to be the progenitor of comet Encke, Younger-Dryas (YD) event as a cometary encounter, which is estimated to have originally been around and hence for coherent catastrophism. 100 km in diameter and to have entered the inner We begin with a brief review of the astronomical, solar system some 20-30 thousand years ago. Comet geological and archaeological back-story to the YD Encke, along with the other debris, now resides in a event, and coherent catastrophism, as these essential short period eccentric orbit of the sun of a little over concepts might be unfamiliar to the reader. This is three years. Over this time, an orbital ring of debris essentially a summary of the catastrophist view- has formed that the Earth intersects, resulting in, point, which is not generally accepted. We then pro- among other meteor showers, the Southern and vide our analysis of much of the symbolism at GT in Northern Taurids in October to November, and their terms of astronomical observations. We follow that daylight counterparts, the beta-Taurids and zeta- with a discussion of the connections between this Perseids, in June and July. Due to precession of the interpretation, the Younger-Dryas impact hypothe- perihelion of these orbits, high density regions of sis, and coherent catastrophism. Throughout we at- this debris ring intersect Earth’s orbital path four tempt to frame the discussion in probabilistic terms, times every complete cycle of the perihelion, i.e. so that the conclusions are presented appropriately. roughly every 6000 years. This origin for the Taurid 2. ASTRONOMY, GEOLOGY AND meteor stream is accepted in mainstream astronomy, ARCHAEOLOGY but its consequences in terms of coherent catastro- phism are frequently disputed, often on the basis 2.1. Astronomy that the geological and archaeological evidence is Clube and Napier championed coherent catastro- lacking (Chapman & Morrison, 1994). That was until phism from the early 1980s (Clube & Napier, 1982; evidence for the YD impact hypothesis began to ac- Clube & Napier, 1990). The essential core of this the- cumulate. ory is as follows. Large comets can occasionally be 2.2. Geology de-stabilised and enter the inner solar system, where they fragment due to outgassing and tidal forces Although this section is under the title ‘Geology’, it generated by the Sun about which they can orbit in is really a composite of several branches of natural relatively short periods. The distribution of fragment science from geology and anthropology through to sizes is extremely wide, from micrometre to kilome- climatology. It concerns evidence for an abrupt and tre-sized objects, and always evolving. These frag- cataclysmic event at the boundary of the YD period ments, over many thousands of years, will gradually (circa 10,900 – 9,600 BC). We will only describe the disperse to generate a very wide orbital ‘ring’ evidence briefly here, which is apparently coeval around the sun that is highly non-uniform. If we are and reported to include; particularly unlucky, the Earth’s orbit will intersect a Analysis of the geology of the Scablands and new ring, resulting in new meteor showers as ob- similar features across North America indicat- served from Earth. Most fragments are so small that ing sudden melting of the Laurentide ice sheet they can usually be ignored. Larger fragments can and immense flooding across large areas of result in visible bolides. Very occasionally, a large North America. mass of fragments can collide with Earth resulting in An abrupt change in climate to much colder catastrophic consequences. A key aspect of this theo- and drier conditions for over 1000 years. ry is that this process of fragmentation and dispersal Analysis of Greenland ice-cores and archaeo- can take many tens of thousands of years before the logical sites across North America, which re- rate of collision of the Earth with devastating frag- veal unusual ‘spikes’ in the concentration of ments subsides back to background levels, i.e. before particular substances, especially platinum, the devastating fragments are used up or significant- signalling a major event potentially of cosmic ly dispersed. In other words, for short periods on origin. cosmic timescales, we can expect the Earth to experi- ence much higher collision rates with devastating Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 17, No 1, (2017), pp. 233-250 DECODING GÖBEKLI TEPE WITH ARCHAEOASTRONOMY: WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY? 235 The apparent, near simultaneous extinction of cies, mainly mammals but also a few birds and the many megafauna across the North American occasional fish. Importantly, several radiocarbon continent. dating analyses have been carried out. The earliest An apparent sudden change in human culture calibrated date of the organic content of some wall in North America, i.e. the end of Clovis cul- plaster from one of the enclosures (Enclosure D) cor- ture. responds to an incredible 11,530 BP ± 220 years (Die- A distinct layer of black or grey deposits trich & Schmidt, 2010). This is just at the end of, or across large areas of the North American con- shortly after, the YD period. This begs the question, tinent and Northern Europe called the ‘black is there any archaeological evidence here of the pro- mats’. posed event that initiated the YD period over 1000 Widely dispersed indicators of an immense years earlier? event, e.g. nanodiamonds, magnetic spherules As they are central to this work we will describe and high-temperature melt glass. in detail a few of the key pillars of interest and their The evidence and proposed mechanisms for this corresponding carvings. The key to unlocking our event are keenly debated right now. Recent publica- interpretation of GT is pillar 43, Enclosure D, also tions (Firestone, 2007; Kennet, 2009; Peta- known as the ‘Vulture Stone’ (see Figure 1). Enclo- ev, 2013; Wittke, 2013; Holliday, sure D is formed of a rough circular wall with eleven 2014; van Hoesal, 2014; Kennet, 2015; large upright megaliths embedded into its inner sur- Moore, 2017) in highly regarded academic face (once there were perhaps twelve), protruding journals can be found arguing in favour or against upwards and inwards. Near the centre of the enclo- the published evidence and a leading candidate sure stand a pair of massive hammer-shaped mega- mechanism; a major cometary encounter around liths, each weighing around 15 tonnes with some 10,890 BC that primarily affected northern latitudes, anthropomorphic features. We will come back to especially the Laurentide glacial ice sheet that cov- them. Pillar 43 is embedded into the north-west of ered Canada at the time, and Northern Europe. the enclosure. Striking images of this pillar can be The proposed theory of a sufficiently large-scale found in the academic literature and across the in- cometary encounter does appear to be able to ex- ternet. Indeed, pillar 43 is one of the defining images plain much of this evidence. However, a major prob- of Göbekli Tepe, and has been called ‘the world’s lem with this theory is a lack of understanding of the first pictogram’. details of such an encounter, especially the various In Figure 1, starting at the bottom, we can see a physical signals it would create. Of course, if there large figure of what appears to be the head and neck was an archaeological record of this event, especially of a bird – perhaps a duck, goose or swan. Above a written record, then it might be able to confirm the this, is the clear depiction of a scorpion. Above the hypothesis. But archaeological evidence from that scorpion appears to be the figure of another bird, period or before is very rare, and it is also generally this time having out-stretched wings.