John McKenna Keenan marks on the Sacrament Christian unity of the Sick, World at Greenock Day of the Sick. event. Page 2 SUPPORTING 50 YEARS OF SCIAF, 1965-2015 Pages 12-13


Commandments for proclaiming the online

By Daniel Harkins

THE Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) has launched a new ‘internet commandments’ resource for schools that it hopes will help young people to take their Faith online. To encourage responsible and respectful use of the internet for Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel— the theme for this year’s Catholic Education Week next month—SCES has produced an illustrated new set of ‘10 commandments’ to be followed in cyberspace and which aims to spread the Gospel in the online world, encourage Christian practice and help educate young people about digital media. “It is hoped that these words will encourage both young people and adults to use the opportunity provided by social media to tell the Good News of Christ,” Michael McGrath, director of the SCES (below), said. The commandments have been adapted with permission from the THE MASSIVE work of Eamon Martin of Armagh, who posted a list of advice for Catholics online on the Irish Catholic ’ Conference website. Last year, Francis PAPAL spoke about the internet as ‘the streets where people live’ and said the Church had to go out into them. The Holy Father warned though By Ian Dunn about the problems of people left behind by not having access to social told the largest Papal Mass media, and said that ‘the speed with congregation ever gathered that all Catholics which information is communicated protect the family ‘against insidious attacks and exceeds our capacity for reflection programmes contrary to all that we hold true and and judgement, and this does not sacred, all that is most beautiful and noble in our make for more balanced and culture.’ forms of self-expression.’ At least 6 million gathered in Rizal Park, Manila, last Sunday to attend the final event of the Holy Father’s I Continued on page 5 trip to the Philippines at which his reprised several other themes he had explored during the four- day visit, including environmental problems, poverty and corruption. Despite continuous rain, the congregation began to assemble the night before the afternoon Mass. The crowd was so dense in spots that people passed hosts to fellow worshippers unable to reach distributing . The government estimated total crowd size at 6 million-7 million people. According to Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi that would be the largest number of people ever to gather to see a Pope. A Mass with St John Paul II in the same place 20 years earlier is believed to have drawn 4 million-5 million people, often described as the largest live crowd in history. I Continued on page 7

SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 WHAT’S ON SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015

Bishop Keenan marks Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

By Daniel Harkins how terrorised peoples have become throughout the earth, no SPOTLIGHT ON ‘NO MATTER how ter- matter how oppressed our faith rorised peoples have become may seem to be even in our own throughout the earth… the country, no matter how distant well of God’s unifying grace some religions, even Christian, is always deeper,” Bishop seem to be moving from each of Paisley other, the well of God’s unifying preached in his homily at a grace is always deeper.” solemn evening of prayer to The Christian unity week mark the Week of Prayer for theme this year was chosen by Christian Unity. churches in Brazil, a country People of different denomina- that suffers from high rates of tions gathered in St Mary’s violence and some intolerance Church, Greenock, last Sunday between religions. in celebration of the annual Bishop Keenan said we prayer week that has been held should thank God that competi- for more than 100 years—both tion between churches is not in the UK and internationally— such a big issue in . and that runs this year from Jan- “But the challenge still goes uary 18-25. The theme for this on for us to be ever more visibly year’s events comes from the one,” he added. “Let us do as An ecumenical group that fights homelessness celebrated its 20th Gospel of John and concerns the Jesus shows us today, taking anniversary with a service in St Andrews Cathedral, Glasgow, last encounter between Jesus and the steps towards each other on the Saturday. Samaritan Woman at the Well. basis of our need of The was represented at the service—which “The woman reminded Jesus each other in Christ. was lead by Rt Rev Bruce Cameron, associate convener of Scottish that the Well was deep, just as “He calls us to approach one Churches Housing Action—by Miriam McHardy, the Justice and our desire for visible Christian another in need and trust and, Peace co-ordinator for St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese, unity must be very deep and when we do, we see the face of and a board member of the homelessness charity. heartfelt in our lives and work,” God in the face of each other and As part of the service, a drama on the homeless was performed Bishop Keenan said during his draw, from the deep Well of His in the cathedral by Aria Theatre Group, titled Friends and homily. “As Christians our faith grace, the life that first refreshes Neighbours and featuring Colin Wallace and Niall Simpson. in the Lord Jesus lets us see that us and then, together with us, Over two decades Scottish Churches Housing Action have run a His grace… runs much deeper renews the face of the earth.” number of schemes in Scotland including education campaigns to that the disturbed surface of increase the understanding of homelessness and a befriending misunderstanding, division and I [email protected] programme to reduce social isolation and loneliness violence that, in these days, so PICS: PAUL McSHERRY troubles our world. No matter PICS: PAUL McSHERRY

INSIDE YOUR SCO INDEX TO NEWS, OPINION AND FEATURES THIS WEEK EWTN - THE CATHOLIC SATELLITE CHANNEL The perfect Christian present NEWS pages 1-7 COMMENT pages 10-11 CHILDREN’S PAGE page 21 Tel: SAS 0141 774 5000 or 07971 514 703 LOCAL NEWS pages 2,3,4 and 5 CENTRE SPREAD pages 12-13 INTIMATIONS pages 17-20 WORLD NEWS pages 6-7 REVIEWS page 14 BISHOPS’ ENGAGEMENTS page 20 for our special offer VATICAN NEWS pages 6-7 SPIRITUAL REFLECTION page 15 SPECIAL OCCASIONS page 22 LETTERS page 9 PUZZLES pages 16 and 21 CHURCH COUNCILS page 24 SAS - SCOTLAND’S CATHOLIC SATELLITE COMPANY

WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER NEWS 3 Assisted suicide plans ‘not fit for purpose’ By Ian Dunn

THE latest plans to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland are ‘not fit for purpose,’medical professionals told the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday at the latest hearing on a controversial bill. MSPs on Holyrood’s health committee were told ‘there is a lack of safeguards against vulnerable patients being pressurised by friends and family into ending their lives if they become a burden.’ John Deighan, parliamentary officer to Scotland’s bishops (right), said the mounting The archdiocese is healing, criticism of doctors and lawyers about the suggested change in the law being open to abuse meant MSPs would find it hard to Archbishop Cushley says accept the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill put forward by Green MSP Patrick Harvie. ARCHBISHOP great gentleness,” Archbishop “Predominately the medical and legal of St Andrews and Edinburgh Cushley said. “Because there are profession are against it, because the more says that the archdiocese is still people on both sides of this you look into it, the more problems you healing after the resignation argument who are hurting. And find,” Mr Deighan said. “I think even of his predecessor—Cardinal who are looking for answers.” MSPs who may support the principle will Keith O’Brien, the archbishop The archbishop (above) also see there are too many problems.” emeritus—just before the said during the interview on the Mr Deighan added that while everyone election of Pope Francis. US Catholic television network was ‘for compassion’ MSPs need to think “It’s a very wide spectrum—how do that is already happening in the Netherlands “Time is a great healer, and that he was very impressed carefully about ‘this dangerous proposal you guard against it? A doctor may be able —people who are tired of life, on the basis that is certainly helping us,” with the way last year’s that risks undermining the common good.’ to assess it if they knew the family—do we of autonomy, are also accessing euthanasia. Archbishop Leo Cushley of St referendum on Scottish That analysis was echoed by Robert live in that kind of society? My doctor has There are not many, but there are a few. Andrews and Edinburgh said in independence was conducted. Preston, a director of the Living and Dying never been to my house in 12 years.” “On the basis of quality of life... a lot of an interview with EWTN last “There was a huge turnout, it Well think tank, who told the health Dr Calum MacKellar, of the Scottish people who are unconscious have a poor week. “But there is also the was a robust but a friendly and committee there is an increasing number of Council on Human Bioethics, also warned quality of life. In the future, from a rationale grace of God assisting us in a democratic debate. It went very people who are ‘incapacitated’ and have to against the bill saying there were broader perspective, the bill should also be moving on from any difficulties well indeed. Many, many people be looked after by their families. issues for society. extended to them. If we legalise this, what we might have had in the past. participated,” he said. “Many “You can see a situation where someone “This bill is based on three things— are the consequences, from a rational “It’s something that I’ve spent countries tear themselves to thinks ‘I’m going to die in two or three autonomy, quality of life and dignity,” he perspective, to extending the scope of a lot of time on, and a lot of shreds on this very subject. But years time, why don’t I get it over with now, said. “On the basis of autonomy, a person applications to other situations?” effort on, but it’s also been done we managed to do this without leave my inheritance, they’re struggling who is tired of life should rationally also I think discreetly; it’s got to be a civil war. In fact, even better financially,’” Mr Preston said. be able to end their life. That is something I [email protected] done quietly, it’s got to be done than that, we managed to do it with great patience, and with without anything close to that.” MP’s shock over the Minister’s refusal to answer freedom of conscience enquiry

LABOUR MP Tom Clarke The MP for Coatbridge and and their decisions to have no asks Mr Cameron to ‘personally has said he was ‘shocked’ by Chryston then wrote to parliament involvement with abortions being to explain whether it is the David Cameron’s refusal to asking the Prime Minister to carried out. intention of your government answer his enquiry on clarify how that decision would “Many people will be unhappy to clarify an anomaly, which freedom of conscience in the impact freedom of conscience —as I am—that you chose to encroaches on individual human wake of the Supreme Court’s among other NHS staff. refer my question to the rights.’ ruling against two Catholic In a new letter to the Prime Department of Health, leading to The MP (right) has previously midwives from Glasgow. Minister, Mr Clarke writes: “I a junior minister dismissively told the SCO that he has given The UK’s highest appeals court fully expected a reply from you and curtly repeating the court personal guarantees to the ruled on December 17 last year confirming that your government findings with no further statement. midwives that he would pursue that Mary Doogan and Connie would offer protection to those “I am shocked that such a protections for freedom of Wood cannot conscientiously who regard the court’s findings serious issue has been dealt with conscience through parliament, object to supervising abortions as being inconsistent with their in this way.” even if it takes a private member’s performed on labour wards. conscience, their human rights Mr Clarke’s latest letter bill to do so. Mancunia Tangney Tours JOEJOE WALSHWWAALSH TTOURSOURS Archdiocese of St. Andrews & Edinburgh PILGRIMAGEPILGRIMAGE SSPECIALISTSPECIALISTS Lourdes Flights 2015 Lourdes Pilgrimage 10th - 17th July We are pleased to operate direct fl ights to Lourdes on GROUPGROUP&P & PAPARISHARISH PILGRIMAGESPILGRIMAGES the following dates from Edinburgh Led by Archbishop Leo Cushley 3rd - 10th of July & 17th - 24th July, FlightsFlights fromfrom vvariousarious aairportsirports iinn thethe UK UK NEWS from Manchester FullFull ReligiousReligious ProgrammeProgramme ledled byby SpiritualSpiritual DirectorDi t DailyDaily Breakfast,Breakffaast,L Lunchunch & DDinnerinner includedincluded PILGRI 31st of July, 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th August, AAssistancessistance of of JoeJoe Walsh Walsh Tours TToours guidesguides MAGES TO PL ACES OF 5th September & rerepresentativespresentatives throughoutthroughout RELI GIOU from Liverpool 24th July for 7 nights DEVOTI S IN EU ON BOOK YOUR PLACES NOW ROPE & WORLDW Flights from Edinburgh direct to Lourdes Shrines of Europe Pilgrimage IDE with B&B from £632 full board from £706 pp. Fatima, Santiago & Lourdes 10th - 18th September - £819pp 2015 theme - the Joy of Mission Shroud of Turin, 2nd - 5th June We are pleased to operate direct fl ights to Lourdes on the £529 per person from London - connections possible following dates from Edinburgh 3rd - 10th of July & 17th - 24th July. in Lourdes UK DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGES TRAVELLING WITH JOE WALSH TOURS: Easter in Lourdes By Air from Stansted: 3rd - 10th April, from £640 per person Liverpool | Leeds | Salford | Wrexham | Welsh National By Air from Stansted: 3rd - 10th April, from £640 per person Glasgow | Dunkeld | Galloway By Coach from London: 3rd - 6th April, from £199 per person By Coach from London: 3rd - 6th April, from £199 per person Joeoe Walsh Walsh TToursours | ABTA No.Y5280 [email protected] | 01410141 553030 55060060 | [email protected] 143143 LowerLower Baggot Baggot Street,Street,D Dublinublin 2, 2,I Irelandreland | e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 0141 155 1344 BondedBonded and and LicensedLicensed by by the the Civil Civil AviationAviation AAuthorityuthority in in the the UKUK | ATOLATOL 51635163 FREE BROCHURE LINE: 0131 564 0644 5126 5126 WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 4 SCHOOLS/LOCAL NEWS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015

By Daniel Harkins

A UNIVERSITY student who is to climb Kilimanjaro to raise funds for an interna- tional children’s charity has thanked Monifieth parish- ioners for their help. Sam Wain recently sold Medjugorje souvenirs at the back of St Bride’s Church as part of his efforts to raise money for the charity Chil- dreach. In August, the 20-year- old will travel to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. Childreach International works in partnership with local communities in the developing world to secure children basic rights. They help children learn in a good school, stay healthy St Andrew’s High students put and keep safe and have worked against child trafficking. Mr Wain said he got their best foot forward for hospice involved in the fundraising efforts after being asked by his By Daniel Harkins part. Each year around 2500 the hospice, including first year friend to take part. young people and teachers turn pupils climbing Tinto Hill in “My friend came up with the AN AIRDRIE hospice has out to support the hospice and South Lanarkshire and an expe- idea and she asked me to do it picked up a cheque for thou- show what young people can dition to Ben Nevis for senior and I was like, ‘Right, okay, I’ll sands of pounds from gener- do for their communities. pupils—both events which the just climb Kilimanjaro’—she ous Coatbridge pupils who Activities on the day involve a school have been organising kind of guilt tripped me! I went took part in a 6K run that 6k race, fun run and fancy dress since it opened in 2006 follow- to the meeting and I just signed was the culmination of a party, with participants being ing the merger of St Patrick’s up for it.” year of fundraising efforts. able to choose to run, jog or High and Columba High. A mountaineering novice, St Andrew’s High pupils walk the 6k route, and to wear The history of St Andrew’s Mr Wain’s experience thus far took part in a number of their running kit or fancy Hospice goes back to 1957 has been mainly walking up charitable events over the dress outfits. when the Religious Sisters of hills with his dad—‘literally course of last year to raise Trophies and prizes are Charity where invited by once a year.’ funds for St Andrew’s awarded to the first three fin- Bishop James Scanlan of Moth- “My mum had a go at me,” Hospice. ishers in all running categories erwell to found a nursing home he said. “She said what do you As part of their charity work, and each participant receives a in Lanarkshire. By 1986, the think you are doing! She started towards the end of 2014 the 6k schools race congratulations home had a new building in going on about Ebola—but school’s youngsters were medal. Airdrie and the new name of St obviously Ebola is on the other encouraged by principal teacher More than 60 pupils from Andrew’s Hospice, and offi- side of Africa! My dad because ‘apparently its pretty charity work and want to do for pupil support Brian S3-S6 at St Andrew’s joined cially opened in 1988. Over the was okay with it—he just horrendous when you get to the things for others, the former Gilmour to participate in a 6K ten members of staff to raise last two decades it has provided accepted it. t o p — y o u I want to experience Medjugorje Schools’ Run held at Strath- funds of £1700, with pupil specialist palliative care to peo- “I’m only a bit worried about walk 100 pilgrim said clyde Park and organised by the Roisin Smith finishing third ple of all backgrounds. the mental side. When I’m metres in an more culture and faiths that he is health promoting schools’ com- amongst girls in the pupils’ Pictured above, left to right, climbing up I think the last few hour, think- so I can think about mine struggling mittee. Combined with other race. are school captain Krzysztof days will be horrendous—I’ll ing you are in context,” he said. “I with his funds gathered throughout Other schools taking part in Norko, headteacher Michael be thinking I really don’t want going really have been to Medjugorje faith a little. 2014, the school has now raised the event included Taylor High McKenna, St Andrew’s Hos- to do this anymore. It’s just one fast but you “I want a total of £3500 for the charity in New Stevenston, Holy Cross pice Representative Lynn of those things were you just are actually and experienced some to experi- and a cheque for the money High in Hamilton and John Mitchell, Principal Teacher of have to say to yourself its just going really fantastic things ence more was presented to St Andrew’s Ogilvie High in Burnbank, who Pupil Support Brian Gilmour, two more days and it will be a slow.’ Sam Wain culture and Hospice by Mr Gilmore, pupils managed to raise £3900. school captain Cariss Arbuckle great experience.” While Mr “ faiths so I and the school’s headteacher. The St Andrew’s run came and Fr Michael Kane, school Mr Wain said he has been Wain said can think The annual athletic event is on the back of a number of chaplain. doing some altitude training his Faith has pushed him to do about mine in context,” he said. run by the hospice and schools other events which contributed from across Lanarkshire take to the school’s total funds for I [email protected]

SPOTLIGHT ON First Minister Nicola Sturgeon met with the first Catholic headteacher” of Visit our the SCO website: Craigholme School last week as she visited the all-girls school in her Glasgow constituency. Scotland’s first WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK female First Minister took questions from pupils at Craigholme School, Pollokshields, and met with Brendan Farrelly, who became the school’s first Catholic headteacher when he took up the role in the summer. The SNP leader was grilled on a num- Medjugorje 2015 ber of subjects by her young interlocu- 21 - 28 June 2015 tors with pupil Alisa Henderson asking how long it would be before gender 13 - 20 September equality was achieved in Scotland. Departing from Edinburgh Mrs Sturgeon said she wanted to £544 ‘lead by example to help women every- where to understand that nothing is off Book before Feb 15th for a £30 discount limits if you work hard enough.’ contact Roger Foster 01475 793 987 Mr Farrelly praised the first minister for being ‘very down to earth’ and said she ‘gave a really good message that fitted in with the school ethos and with EWTN CATHOLIC TV IS ON SKY EPG 589 Christian values.’ Sky Freesat £175 total cost , no monthly charges. “She came across as very genuine 200 Free channels including EWTN TV & Radio. and the big thrust of what she was talk- Call Sky on 08442411602 for installation. ing about was equality; it doesn’t matter Call EWTN on 020 83502542 or e-mail [email protected] who you are, if you work hard you can for free monthly posted programme guide and do well,” he said PIC: PAUL McSHERRY visit for more info. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SCHOOLS/LOCAL NEWS 5 Dunkeld parish helps with high hopes

PIC: PAUL McSHERRY Knights mark prayer campaign’s January focus

COUNCIL FOUR of the wider Glasgow area were period will be recorded in an Knights of St Columba dedi- also present. electronic format in the order’s cated their monthly Mass in Charlie McCluskey, the website, to be collated in a January to the order’s spiri- supreme knight of the order, bound book, which will then be tual bouquet prayer cam- spoke from the on the presented to the hierarchy. paign. spiritual bouquet and explained The supreme knight invited Fr Ian Bathgate and Fr Euge- that this action campaign would the parishioners present at the nio Montesi of the Xaverian run throughout the entire coun- Mass to join with the knights in Fathers were the celebrants of try for 10 months, from the Feast the campaign. Its theme for Jan- the Mass, in St Alphonsus, Cal- of the Holy Family last Decem- uary is slavery in all its forms. ton, Glasgow. The lay Catholic ber until the Feast of St John men’s order were joined by local Paul II this October. A record of I The SCO is the media partner parishioners at the Mass. Many prayers, devotional acts or good for the KnightS of St Columba members of the order from the deeds completed over this prayer campaign. February Ignatian Spirituality Centre retreat “I have been to Medjugorje and Clockwise from top left: Student Sam it—you are just sitting at a table experienced some fantastic Wain; Kilimanjaro; and St Bride’s scheming and taking money off session will explore the practi- Throughout the retreat, the Church, Monifieth THE Ignatian Spirituality things. It’s still important to me people,” he joked, adding that Centre in Glasgow is offer- calities of the retreat including ISC Chapel will be available but I’m only 20 years old—I he plans to walk on hot coals at ing a Faith-filled escape a commitment to short periods for prayer, and on two dates don’t have a clue what I’m hav- His fundraising efforts so far a later date as part of his from the wintry weather this of personal prayer each day. there will be an option of join- ing for breakfast!” have included collections in fundraising. “I should say thank February with a retreat that Each person will have a ing evening Taize prayers, the Mr Wain said he doesn’t pubs and receiving generous you to St Bride’s. And a lot of is hoped will offer partici- prayer companion, available in unique type of worship that want to have any preconcep- donations from parishioners my friends have been really pants a deeper relationship the Ignatian Spirituality Centre brings thousands of pilgrims to tions about his mountain climb, and friends. A keen poker generous.” with God and knowledge of on the following five Mondays France each year.The retreat and will simply take it as it player, Mr Wain has raised hun- different ways to pray. during the retreat at times will finish on March 23 with a comes. He is hoping to raise dreds of pounds for charity I [email protected] The organisation is based in agreed. closing session. £1,500 for the charity in the from the card game though he I To help Sam Wain and Chil- the centre of Glasgow and The role of the prayer com- lead up to his trip, and is plan- has some ethical qualms about dreach with their much-needed offers retreats and spiritual panion will be to listen to and I To book a place on the ning to pay for the cost of his his talents. “It’s such a horrible work, visit direction based on the experi- reflect with the person making retreat or for more information climb out of his own pocket. game when you think about /fundraisers/samwain1 ences of St Ignatius of Loyola. the retreat. Help will be given visit, Tel The retreat will begin on on the focus and prayer mate- 0141 354 0077, or email February 9, when the opening rial for the following week. [email protected]

New ‘commandments’ of Work starts on new LEISURE TIME TRAVEL good evangelising online Catholic Pilgrimages organ at St Aloysius’ LOURDES BY AIR I Continued from page 1 sacred spaces, opportunities Glasgow - Carcassonne for stillness, reflection and ST ALOYSIUS parishioners 19 - 26 August. Hotel Helgon 4 Star The SCES command- meditation online; 7) are celebrating as work to Full Board in Lourdes. Guide in Lourdes ments are: 1) Be positive Church has always been install a new parish organ Only £729 and joyful. Offer ‘digital about gathering. Create begins following a yearlong smiles’ and have a sense of connections and build com- fundraising effort. Visit our fantastic NEW website humour. As Pope Francis munity. Share posts that Organ music has been a big says, no funeral faces or have a powerful Gospel part of the history of the 106- sourpusses; 2) Never bear witness; 8) Promote online year-old Glasgow church, and false witness on the inter- behaviours that keep every- fundraising efforts over the last GROUPS 2015 net. Never ‘like’ a lie; 3) one safe. Use the internet year have resulted in £72,000 Special Offers for LOURDES Fill the internet with love. responsibly; 9) Respect being raised towards a £100,000 Seek to include a sense of your dignity and the dignity total. FATIMA HOLYLAND solidarity with the in the of others in all that you do Money from donations and Fr Tim Curtis, parish at KRAKOW PRAGUE MALTA world; 4) Avoid aggression online; 10) The internet has fundraising efforts—including the church (above), praised his and preachiness online. Try the power and potential to karaoke, bible quizzes and a parishioners for their ‘very MEDJUGORJE TURIN KNOCK not to be judgemental. bear witness—share the grand draw—will be combined inventive’ fundraising. “We are Visit us on facebook at Instead, try Pope Francis’s Good News online. with funds raised by the nearby up to almost £80,000 now so we approach of tenderness; 5) St Aloysius College to reach a are doing very well,” he said. “Leisure Time Travel Pilgrimages” Have a broad back when I [email protected] total of £200,000. “Hopefully it won’t just be used criticisms and insults are The hand-built pipe organ for our parish services—we are For our 2015 brochure email made. When possible, gen- I The SCO Catholic Educa- being installed was originally at the centre of Glasgow… so we [email protected] tion Week special section tly correct; 6) Pray in the built for the Royal Conservatoire hold national celebrations and LEISURE TIME TRAVEL digital world! Establish will run on February 6. in London, and has been recondi- Glasgow wide celebrations as 0151 287 8000 tioned by the manufacturer. well as just parish ones.” WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 6 WORLD/VATICAN NEWS SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015

AFTER the success of Pope Francis’s visit to Sri Lanka and the Philippines, similar excitement is expected dur- Pope comforts ing his trip to the US later this year. Archbishop Bernardito Auza (right), a member of the organ- ising committee for Pope father of killed Francis’ September trip has revealed details of the proposed schedule, which includes visits to three cities. “He would arrive on the 22 charity worker and he would leave the evening of the 27,” Archbishop Auza said during the Pope’s trip to Manilla. “It’s really a full six By Stephen Reilly the father was shocked by his days, plus the travel, so it’s daughter’s death, but consoled really one week.” BEFORE leaving the by the fact that she had been able A Philippines native, Arch- Philippines Pope Francis to help prepare for the arrival of bishop Auza is the ’s met with the father of Kris- the Pope. permanent observer to the UN tel Padasas, the 27-year old Ms Padasas’ mother was in in New York and to the Organi- volunteer who died at Satur- Hong Kong at the time of the zation of American States in day’s Mass in Tacloban. accident. During his meeting Washington. Three-city itinerary Ms Padasas (below) was mor- with young people on Sunday After a projected arrival to tally injured when scaffolding by morning, Pope Francis led a Washington, DC on the evening the stage where the Mass took prayer for Kristel and her par- of September 22, they’re pro- planned for US trip place collapsed during the wind ents. Ms Padasas’worked for the posing that Pope Francis visit caused by Tropical StormAnang, US bishops’ international relief the White House the following bishop Auza said. He added of February there will be the which was approaching the area. and development agency, morning, where the official that proposals for what the pon- first organisational visit (from a The meeting took place the Catholic Relief Services, on a welcoming ceremony would tiff may do afterward include Vatican delegation), and then next day in the Apostolic Nun- recovery project for Typhoon take place. Following his stop an interreligious meeting, and we will see what we could ciature in Manila, and lasted over Yolanda [Haiyan]. at the White House, the pontiff ‘of course the Pope will visit St really fill in.” 20 minutes, with Cardinal Luis “Her dedication to the people would go on to celebrate Mass Patrick’s (Cathedral). That’s for From New York the Roman Antonio Tagle acting as an inter- affected by the typhoon extended at Washington’s Basilica of the sure.’ Pontiff would head to Philadel- preter. Fr Federico Lombardi, beyond her official work with National Shrine of the Immacu- The visit to the historic phia in the early morning of the the director of the Holy See Press CRS,” the organisation said in a victims of Typhoon Haiyan.” late Conception. church wouldn’t likely mean 26th as his last stop, where he Office, said during the meeting, statement. “ She traveled a great The statement also said CRS “And we might say really the the celebration of Mass there, is set to participate in the World two childhood photos of Kristen distance to volunteer at today’s Philippines mourns her loss highlight of the Washington the archbishop said. Mass has Meeting of Families from Sep- were on the table. He also said Papal Mass and to remember the along with her family, friends visit might be his speech to the been proposed instead for tember 26-27. joint-meeting of Congress, so another area of New York. He “Philadelphia is confirmed. the Senate and the House of named the Madison Square That’s for sure,” the archbishop Papal Mass Representatives,” Archbishop Garden as a possibility. observed, explaining that the Auza said. Pope Francis would “Our plan is not to have a two big events set to take place leave for New York City on the huge Mass outside of Philadel- with the Pope are a prayer vigil I Continued from page 1 afternoon of the 24. phia, because the focus will on the 26 and Mass Sunday, The UN general-assembly really be Philadelphia, because the 27. For his final scheduled public would be his destination on the the Pope is going to the United There is also an encounter talk in the Asian country, Pope morning of the 25, which is States for the World Meeting of planned with grandparents and Francis stuck to his prepared also the opening of the 3-day Families,” he explained. children, however the arch- English text and did not impro- Post-2015 Sustainable Devel- Perhaps the most ‘unique bishop said he does not know vise in Spanish, as he had done at opment Summit. ingredient’ of Pope Francis’ whether or not the Pope will several emotional points during “Practically all of the heads proposed schedule for New participate. Besides the the visit. Yet his voice rose with of states and governments will York would be an interethnic encounter with families, Arch- emphasis during the passage be around and they will all be meeting with the pontiff, which bishop Auza said that the about protecting the family. there on that day, so if the Pope is significant given the diverse Philadelphia visit will likely Those words echoed his warning, were to finalise this visit to the ethnic background of the city. include ‘a visit either to a chil- during a January 16 meeting with US that means that he would Ground Zero, the site of the dren’s hospital or a juvenile Filipino families, against ‘ideo- address all the heads of states terrorist attack on September prison.’ logical colonisation that tries to and of governments, who will 11, 2001, which brought down On his January 15 flight destroy the family’ through such be sitting with their official del- New York City’s twin World from Sri Lanka to the Philip- practices as same-sex marriage egations,” the archbishop Trade Center towers, is another pines, Pope Francis also made and contraception. explained. foreseeable stop on the Pope’s the surprise announcement that In his homily, Pope Francis The Papal address at the UN itinerary,Archbishop Auza noted. he would Canonise the founder said Christians ‘need to see each would take up the entire morn- “But these are just proposals,” of California’s first missions, child as a gift to be welcomed, ing of September 25, Arch- the archbishop said. “At the end Blessed Junipero Serra.

the case of a woman who evangelisation, the Sacrament of Ethiopian Catholic Church and that only new schools could NEWS ROUNDUP became pregnant an eighth time Reconciliation and the workings created a new metropolitan sui meet growing demand, despite after giving birth to seven of a doctrinal commission.’ iuris church for Eritrea. The the Government continuing to Pope asks for children via cesarean section. Pontiff has named Bishop place a 50 per cent cap on ‘responsible “Does she want to leave New Eastern Catholic Menghesteab Tesfamariam of places reserved for Catholics at parenthood’ seven orphans?” he said. “This church for Eritrea Asmara, Eritrea’s capital, as the over-subscribed schools. As CATHOLICS are not practicing is tempting God. Some people POPE Francis has established a church’s first metropolitan applications closed for primary ‘responsible parenthood’ when think—excuse me for saying new Eastern Catholic church archbishop. Eritrea suffers from school places for next they have too many children, this— that to be good Catholics for Eritrea—the first Eastern one of the world’s most September, and as the Local Pope Francis said yesterday we have to be like rabbits,” Catholic church formally repressive regimes, including Government Association during an in-flight press Pope Francis said, yet Church erected since the early 20th systemic violations of religious warned that an extra £12 billion conference on the way home teaching provides for ‘many Pope Francis, he and the century. According to the Code freedom. The nation of 6.5 will need to be found to create from Manila. licit ways’ to control episcopal conference officials of Canons of the Eastern million has 155,000 Catholics, places for around 900,000 more The Pope made his remarks reproduction. discussed ‘a number of issues Churches, there are four kinds all of them in Eastern-rite pupils in English schools over in an hour-long meeting with connected with the of Eastern Catholic churches: jurisdictions. the next decade. “We don’t reporters accompanying him Cardinal Müller and distinctiveness and salvific patriarchal (led by a ), proceed because of the cap, but back to Rome from a European bishops universality of Jesus Christ as major archepiscopal (led by a Church asked to look the time has come when I think week-long trip to Asia. He CARDINAL Gerhard Müller well as the proclamation of the major archbishop), at schools again we need to think about whether condemned population control (right), the prefect of the Gospel as the primary task of the metropolitan sui iuris (led by a A LEADING Catholic to reconsider it,” Dr Bamford programmes as ‘ideological Congregation for the Doctrine of Church in Europe,’according to a metropolitan archbishop), and educationalist is urging the said. “At present our hands are colonisation’ and praised the Faith, has concluded a press release. The final days of other sui iuris churches. (The Church in England and Wales being tied, but there’s clearly a Blessed Paul VI for defending three-day meeting in Hungary the meeting were devoted to ‘the term sui iuris means ‘of its own to consider reversing its great deal of demand for Catholic teaching against with the presidents of the questions posed by gender theory, right or law.’) According to a decision not to open any new Catholic school places and we contraception. But ‘this does doctrinal commissions of Christian anthropology and January 19 announcement from Catholic academies. Dr Anne want to see a situation where not mean a Christian must Europe’s bishops’conferences. religious freedom,’as well as the Holy See, Pope Francis has Bamford, director of the we are able to give a school make children one after On January 13, after Cardinal ‘various practical issues separated the four Eritrean Southwark Archdiocese’s place to every Catholic family another,’ the Pope said, citing Müller read out a letter from connected with the new eparchies (dioceses) from the education commission, said who want one.” WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER WORLD/VATICAN NEWS 7 Holy Father’s punch remarks seen as free speech in action

‘FREEDOM must be accom- accompanying remarks while fly- Vatican spokesman said that panied by prudence,’ Pope ing from Sri Lanka to the Philip- ‘the Pope’s expressionwas in no Francis said on Monday dur- pines. Everyone has not only the way intended to be interpreted’ as ing an in-flight press confer- liberty, but also the obligation, ‘to somehow justifying last week’s ence on the way home from say what he thinks to help the violence, and he pointed out that Manila. common good,’ Pope Francis ‘the Pope has spoken out clearly The Holy Father further said. “However, they should not against the terror and violence that explained to the journalists trav- do so if it offends people.” And if occurred in Paris and in other parts eling with him his January 15 someone does get offended? The of the world.’ comments in response to the ter- Pope made reference to Alberto British Prime Minister David ror attacks in Paris, when he Gasbarri, a man who organises Cameroon is among those who stated that that freedom of expres- Papal trips and was then standing criticised the Pope for the remark. sion should be limited by respect next to him on the plane. “I think in a free society, there is a for religion and that mockery of “If Dr Gasbarri, a great friend, right to cause offense about some- faith can be expected to provoke says a swear word against my one’s religion,” Mr Cameron said. violence. mother, then a punch awaits him,” “I’m a Christian. If someone says “In theory, we can say what the Pope Francis said. something offensive about Jesus, I Gospel says, that we should turn “It’s normal, it’s normal. One might find that offensive but in a (Left) One of the most moving encounters of the Apostolic trip of Pope the other cheek,” he said on the cannot provoke, one cannot insult free society I don't have a right to Francis to the Philippines was during the Meeting with Youth at the flight back to Rome. “In theory,we other people’s faith, one cannot wreak my vengeance upon them. University of Santo Tomas on Sunday. He listened to the testimony of can say that we have freedom of make fun of faith.” We have to accept that newspa- two street children being sheltered by the Tulay ng Kabataan founda- expression. But in practice, let’s While making this comment, it pers, magazines can publish things tion. Jun Chura, 14, and Glyzelle Palomar, 12, had experienced the stop a bit, because we are human iso reported that the Pontiff ‘ges- that are offensive to some as long worst in the street of Manila. “Why is God allowing such things to hap- and we risk provoking others. For tured with a pretend punch’ as it’s within the law.” pen, even if it’s not the fault of the children?” asked Glyzelle in tears. this reason, freedom must be directed at Gasbarri—an action Fr Rosica said: “The Pope’s Pope Francis hugged both children. Earlier in the Papal visit, Pope accompanied by prudence. That’s many journalists interpreted as a words about Dr Gasbarri were Francis made an impromptu visit to a home by former street children what I wanted to say.” joke. Notably, in the same conver- spoken colloquially and in (a) in Manila. He is seen (above) embracing a child at the home The Vatican has also defended sation, Pope Francis steadfastly friendly, intimate manner among the Holy Father after some took denounced the terrorists’ killings colleagues and friends. His offence at his use of a punch to and the idea that anyone—as the response might be similar to some- and loved ones. always ready to assist outside her effort by working directly with make his point to a French jour- France attackers apparently did— thing each of us has felt when “[Kristel’s] colleagues rem- normal duties,” it continues. communities and families. Our nalist earlier this month.AVatican could pretend to justify such vio- those dearest to us are insulted or ember her as someone who “She found great joy in being deepest prayers are with Kris- spokesman said it was ‘in no way lence in the name of God. harmed.” loved to laugh and who was able to contribute to the recovery tel’s family and loved ones.” intended to be interpreted as justi- “One cannot make war (or) kill Such remarks ‘must be taken at fication for the violence and terror in the name of one’s own religion,” face value and not distorted or that took place in Paris last week.’ the Pope said. “...To kill in the manipulated,’ the Vatican rounds off Pontiff’s visit and themes The Pope made the gesture and name of God is an aberration.” spokesman added. cherished and protected. “And “He distracts us with the flying him to Tacloban, the area we need to care for our young promise of ephemeral pleasures, devastated by Typhoon Haiyan in people, not allowing them to be superficial pastimes,” he added. 2013, insisted he leave the area robbed of hope and condemned “And so we squander our God- before four hours ahead of sched- to life on the streets,” he added. given gifts by tinkering with ule. An estimated 30,000 youths The Pope praised the Philip- gadgets; we squander our money congregated at Santo Tomas Uni- pines, whose population is more on gambling and drink. versity in the rain the day after his than 80 percent Catholic, as the Pope Francis, who had urged trip to Tacloban. The Pope drew ‘foremost Catholic country in a group of young people earlier them into prayers for Kristel Asia,’ and said its people, mil- in the day to address the chal- Padasas, the 27-year-old Catholic lions of whom work abroad, are lenge of climate change through Relief Services worker who died ‘called to be outstanding mis- dedication to the environment, the day before in an accident at sionaries of the faith inAsia.’Yet told Mass-goers human sinful- the Tacloban Mass site. he warned the nation, one of ness had ‘disfigured (the) natural Other elements at the youth Asia’s fastest-growing econ- beauty’ of creation. Man’s sins gathering did not escape the omies, against temptations of against nature was a recurring Pope’s eye for detail: First, the materialism, saying the devil theme of the trip, which was tor- fact that of the four youths cho- ‘hides his snares behind the rential rain affect it on several sen to address him, only one was appearance of sophistication, the occasions. Earlier in the Papal female—a situation he said allure of being modern, like visit he was forced to abbreviate should be rectified the next time everyone else.’ his meetings because the pilots a Pope visits. Pope Francis talks to AP reporter Nicole Winfield in flight to Rome

Diocese of Motherwell

Churches burned, looted in Niger, three killed Religious EducationAdviser (Primary) AT LEAST three people have Bars, hotels and businesses been killed and six churches under non-Muslim ownership The Diocese of Motherwell seeks to employ a person of experience attacked in Niger amid fresh were also targeted. and good character for the post of Religious Education Adviser for protests against French mag- Two charred bodies were the primary schools within the Diocese. (Part time average of 14 azine Charlie Hebdo’s car- recovered from a church on the hours per week. Salary will be dependent on experience.) toon depicting the Prophet outskirts of Niamey, and the Muhammad last weekend. body of a woman was found in a In addition to an appropriate teaching qualification and relevant and Protests began outside bar, Reuters reported. Pastor sufficient teaching experience, the post-holder will demonstrate Niamey’s grand mosque and Zakaria Jadi, whose church was commitment to Catholic education and to the vision outlined in the reportedly spread to other parts of burnt down in the capital Charter for Catholic Schools. Working from the Diocesan Office, the the country, a day after five were Niamey, said he was in a meet- post-holder will be part of a team which has responsibility for killed in Niger’s second city. ing with church elders when he promoting Religious Education in the Catholic primary schools of the Niger’s president condemned the heard of the attacks. Diocese, and developing the faith formation violence and appealed for calm. “I just rushed and told my col- opportunities of all in the Diocese. Last week, Islamist gunmen killed leagues in the church to take 12 people at Charlie Hebdo’s away their families from the To apply please send your CV and covering letter to: offices, sparking protest (right). place,” he told the BBC World Barbara Coupar The cover of the magazine’s latest R.E. Co-ordinator Service. “I took my family to Diocese of Motherwell edition, published after the attack, take them out from the place. Coursington Road featured a cartoon of the Prophet When I came back I just discov- Motherwell Muhammad weeping while hold- colony, hundreds of demonstra- in Arabic. At least six churches ered that everything has gone. ML1 1PP ing a sign saying “I am Charlie.” tors gathered at Niamey’s grand were set on fire or looted in There’s nothing in my house and In Niger, a former French mosque, shouting ‘God is Great’ Niamey and regional towns. also in the church.” Closing Date: Friday 30th January 2015 WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 8 GÀIDHLIG SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015

Cogadh Creidimh ann am Brazil In his Gaelic column this month, ANDREAS WOLFF looks at the GÀIDHLIG future of Catholicism in Brazil as the dominant faith, by shining a light on the growing popularity of Evangelical Churches there

S E Brazil an dùthaich leis an àireamh as bidh rud math a’ tighinn bho olc a chaoidh. Tha chiad dhiubh a’ dol dhan Aifhreann. Le 20 sa chiad b’ àbhaist. Sin e bhuamsa. Gus an ath-mhìos: motha de Chaitligich air an t-saoghail. Tha iadsan ag iarraidh an Tiomnadh Nuadh a dhen t-sluagh nam buill de dh’eaglaisean Pròstanach Beannachd leibh. 130 millean ag ràdhn gur e Caitligich a th’ leantainn cho dlùth ‘s as urrainn dhaibh. Anns na is coltach nach eil Eaglais na Ròimhe a-nis a’ annta—65 sa chiad dhen t-sluagh. Ach chan h-eaglaisean acasan thathar cuideachd a’ feuchainn seasamh air bun-stèidh cho làidir san dùthaich ‘s a I [email protected] eil a h-uile càil rèidh. Is coltach gu bheil ri cur às do thinneasan. Nam beachdsan is iad na cogadh creidimh a’ dol san dùthaich bho chionn droch spioradan dham bi na creideamhan bhliadhnaichean. Tha eaglaisean Pròstanach agus Afrobrasilianach a’ guidhe a tha a’ dèanamh cron buidhneanI creidimh Afrobrasilianach a’ strì an orra. Aig na seirbheisean aca bidh iad ag aghaidh a’ chèile. iarraidh air an Diabhal falbh ann an ainm Ìosa Ann am Beurla (In English) Bidh luchd-leantainn a’ chreidimh Umbanda ag Chrìosd. A-rèir choltais tha iad soirbheachail ùrnaigh a’ Bheannachadh Moire agus a’ lasadh cuideachd. WITH 130 million Catholics, Brazil Trying to live as closely to the New Testament coinnealan air beulaibh naoimh Caitligich. Ach tha (above) is the country with the largest as possible they also say they heal illnesses. iad cuideachd a’ cur suim ann an diadhan ch dh’fhàs an strì eadar an dà thaobh na bu Catholic population in the world. They feel the Afrobrasilian spirits affect Afraganach, leithid dia na mara, dia a’ choille agus chruaithe. Tha cuid a’ cumail a-mach gur e Around 65 per cent of the population them and try to cast them out. dia a’ bhogha -froise. Tha iad a’ creidsinn ann an atharrachadh sòisealta os coireach. Thog an say that they belong to the Church, but The struggle between the two has apparently ath-bhreith agus iad ag iarraidh cuideachadh bho riaghaltas sòisealach a th’ air a bhith a’ riaghaladh not all is well. Some say there is a intensified. Some say this is due to social A change. 40 million mainly non-whites have spioradan nan Innseanach. Aig na coinneamhan bho chionn 15 bliadhna timcheall air 40 millean religious war going on between aca bidh iad a’ glanadh dhaoine bho dhroch neach a-mach à bochdainn gu bhith meadhanach Evangelicals and Afrobrasilian cults. escaped poverty in the last 15 years. This has spioradan a tha—nam beachdsan—a’ cumail beartach. Chan e daoine geala a tha sa chuid as Although followers of the Umbanda caused envy amongst some of the existing greim orra agus a’ dèanamh cron orra. Is coltach motha dhiubh. Is coltach gu bheil seo ag religion pray the Hail Mary they also pray middle classes. They don’t want to dine in gu bheil daoine nach b’ urrainn coiseachd air an adhbharrachadh farmad a-measg cuid a to African gods and Indian spirits. At their the same restaurants as their domestic comas sin fhaotainn air ais tro na seirbheisean sin. theaghlaichean a th’ air a bhith meadhanach services they apparently cast out evil spirits servants. Some followers of cults now say Ach tha iad ag aideachadh nach e a-mhàin deagh beartach ro na sin. Chan eil e a’ còrdadh riutha gu and heal illnesses. Lame are said to have they have been attacked by Evangelicals— spioradan a tha a’ tadhail orra. Bidh Exus a’ bheil na searbhantan aca a’ frithealadh na h-aon been walking again. But they admit they throwing stones at their temples at night. tighinn cuideachd—tosgaire na feòlmhorachd, na taighean-bidh is msaa. is a tha iad fhèin. Tha also attract evil spirits such as Exus—the The Catholic Church has apparently also tlachd agus a’ chluiche a bhios a’ smocadh gun cuid a luchd-leantainn nan creideamhan Afro- chain smoking ambassador of gambling, suffered attacks by Evangelicals, but to a sgurr agus a’ dannsa ann an dòigh mì-iomchaidh. brasilianach a’ coireachadh na Soisgeulaich sin enjoyment and lust. They say there is good lesser extent. Many Brazilians are born and Tha iad ag ràdhn gu bheil maith agus olc anns gach airson ionnsaighean—le clachan air na teampaill and evil in every one of us and that there is Baptised Catholics, but only 20 per cent of duine agus nach bu chòir do dh’olc a bhith am aca tron oidhche. no point in trying to hide the evil. They them attend Mass. With 20 per cent of the falach, ach gu bheil iad a’ strì gus cùisean a Is coltach gu bheil an Eaglais Chaitligeach claim to try and balance the two. population being Protestant, the influence chothromachadh. cuideachd air ionnsaighean bho na Soisgeulaich The Evangelicals say Exus is the Devil. of the Catholic Church seems to be less Ann am beachd nan eaglaisean Pròstanach ‘s e seo fhulang. Ged is àbhaist do dhaoine a bhith air They say no good will ever come from evil. strong in Brazil than it used to. Diabhal a th’ ann an Exus. Tha iad ag ràdhn nach am baisteadh san Eaglais cha bhi ach mu 20 sa WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER LETTERS 9

Jim Murphy: Weak abortion. But what is also true is LETTER OF THE WEEK Catholicism that it doesn’t make it objectively true. Those people are wrong too Why would Jim Murphy have I was disappointed but not and are acting contrary to the faced prejudice? surprised to read the contents of Commandments of God to not your interview with Scottish kill and to love thy neighbour. IT HAS been many decades now since I Labour leader Jim Murphy Mr Murphy continues by have been able to vote for any politician (Labour Leader defends stance saying that “The law must reflect having struggled in vain to find any on abortion—SCO January 9). that a woman’s painful decision political party truly concerned about social Jim Murphy’s position on to have an abortion has to be a justice and therefore worthy of my vote. abortion is contrary to Church matter for her conscience, not a For me the litmus test of true social justice teaching and takes him into the matter for the Church.” While is the defence of the most vulnerable territory of grave offence against there is absolutely no doubt person in our society, the child in the God, a reality he doesn’t seem to about the enormity of a decision womb. I can hear the political rhetoric as I think important enough to on abortion (for the baby, the write, ‘you cannot vote on a single issue’ change his view. In the interview, mother, the father and all but the right to life is not just any issue. It Mr Murphy states: “While I concerned) Mr Murphy, as a is, as we know, the fundamental right from respect the Catholic Church’s Catholic, cannot simply opt out which all other rights stem. If you have not right and need to take an of such fundamental matters of defended my right to life and I am killed in absolute view on abortion, on faith. Such picking and choosing the womb then I am never going to need this issue I take a different point of faith is what is commonly the health, education or welfare system. of view than that of my Church.” referred to as Protestantism. Therefore, in this pre general election This is relativism at its very It would be wise for Mr season as a Catholic laywoman I would best; the same relativism which Murphy to consider the very like to send a memo to all politicians from is the biggest threat to powerful words of Cardinal across the political spectrum. If you want Catholicism in today’s world as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now my vote don’t talk to me about social it seeks to set aside the objective Pope Francis, when he said: justice and then tell me you are Truth of God to allow the “Defend the unborn against pro-abortion. If you want my vote don’t individual to effectively become abortion, even if they persecute talk to me about social justice and the his own god and master. you, calumniate you, set traps for importance of being allowed to follow your I also thought Mr Murphy’s you, take you to court, or kill conscience then sit on the side-lines when defence of his position to be you.” Catholic midwives are denied that right quite astonishing. He claims That is the kind of which had been enshrined in law. If you that, “On this matter of faith I responsibility and witness want my vote then do not insult my Society. He has appointed the former Tony believe my view is similar to that expected of every Catholic, no intelligence by saying that in your opinion Will Labour leader speak up Blair associate John McTernan as his special of many Catholics. Nowadays, exceptions. I have already neither Labour, nor any political party, on assisted suicide adviser. In January 2008, when Murphy was Catholics take a different view written to Mr Murphy inviting should force one point of view or another Secretary of State for Scotland, he appointed on matters of conscience.” him to buck the trend of weak on its members or the electorate. For LIZ Leydon has crafted an excellent Mr McTernan then also as a special adviser. The sad reality is that Mr Catholic politicians and to put clearly that is exactly what is happening in interview with Jim Murphy (SCO January Mr McTernan used his position to brand Murphy’s observation is spot on. God first ahead of political gain. our morally corrupt political selection 9.) She has neither attempted to cover up Scotland internationally as ‘narrow and Too many Catholic people do Over to you Jim… system as is evidenced by the almost total nor to exaggerate what I personally regard racist.’In April of last year Mr McTernan take a different view from the Anthony Horan dearth of any prolife politicians. as the serious inconsistencies and indeed made a speech in London advocating another Church on matters such as CUMBERNAULD Mr Murphy claims to be his own man, a hypocrisies that are part of the character of British military assault on Iraq. Murphy new leader and says that this is a new start this man. There is nonetheless something himself is an enthusiastic supporter of Trident for Labour in Scotland. In feeling highly distasteful about Murphy’s claim weapons of mass destruction on the Clyde. compelled to publicly pin his pro-abortion that abortion is for Catholics a matter of It was nonetheless comforting to read credentials to the mast so early in his individual conscience, particularly at this that Mr Murphy is opposed to assisted leadership term it is clear that Mr Murphy time when two highly experienced Scottish suicide. The Scottish parliament Justice is very far from being his own man. nurses are putting their careers and Committee is currently debating this ESTABLISHED IN 1885 And when he says that ‘I have personally personal futures on the line in defence of matter. Presumably Jim Murphy will experienced no discrimination at all in the unborn children. contribute to this debate, although it is not Labour Party,’I say as a Catholic lay woman, There are other aspects of Jim Murphy my intention to hang around too long no surprise there Jim! Why would you? which I find deeply troubling. He is for awaiting his contribution. Rose P Docherty example an advisor to the right wing and Alan Clayton GLASGOW ARGYLL London based think tank, the Henry Jackson Many things we are free How can a Catholic support ing obsolete weapons with newer, more Murphy’s stance on abortion Jim Murphy, Labour? effective ones. Thus, Trident was described is foolish, arrogant to do are not always right by the Defence Committee as ‘a significant JIM Murphy should address facts, not com- enhancement of the UK’s nuclear capabil- I AM dismayed to read on the front page of pose fiction. In his unctuous interview ity.’ But the UK has already agreed ‘to Jim Murphy's stance on abortion (SCO F YOU read the secular press last week you might have been (SCO Jan 5th) he claims that the UK has work in good faith for the elimination of January 9.). How can he profess to be a surprised to learn that Pope Francis advocates punching people ‘the minimum credible deterrent’ as if our nuclear weapons’ in Article 6 of the NPT practicing Catholic and hold these views? who insult religion. The solemn condemnations of the Holy arsenal of 200 H Bombs, each eight times (Non-Proliferation Treaty) which we He is prepared to defend the rights of the Father’s remarks on the plane from Sri Lanka to Philippines more powerful than the bomb that signed, way back in 1968! elderly in opposing any legalisation of were many when he apparently suggested that if ‘a great destroyed Hiroshima, were a mere trifle. An International Conference on the assisted suicide but cannot extend that friend, says a bad word against my mother, then a punch awaits him’ But the WHO (World Health Organisation) Humanitarian impact of Nuclear Weapons same right to the child in the womb. Surely and a similar fate could await those who belittle religion. has calculated it would take the detonation took place recently in Vienna. [At it] Pope the right to life is the most basic of all IAt worst the Holy Father’s remarks were condemned as being of 200 atom bombs to create a nuclear win- Francis said: “Nuclear deterrence and the rights and everything else hinges on it? motivated by the same spirit that lead Islamic terrorists to attack the ter and in effect, sterilise the planet. That’s threat of mutually assured destruction How arrogant and foolish of him to say offices of the Charlie Hebdo in Paris. This analysis reveals the lack the number we have at Coulport/Faslane. cannot be the basis for an ethics of that it is a matter for individual conscience of understanding many mainstream journalists have of the Pope and Some ‘minimum!’ fraternity and peaceful coexistence among and not for the Church. Each day in the the principles of Catholic Church, but worse, it shows just how quick His says he supports multilateral nuclear peoples and states... Peace must be built on media we are reminded of how wayward our society is to rush to judgement. Because what the Pope actually disarmament, not unilateral. This bogus justice, socio-economic development, and lax are the consciences of individuals. said is entirely different. Reading through the actual transcript of the distinction has been the official UK line for freedom, respect for fundamental human I am sorry that Mr Murphy has chosen to Pope’s comments he clearly says ‘to kill in the name of God is an more than half a century now. Yet no rights.” The Pope added: “I am convinced put aside his Christian principles. He in no aberration’ and freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, British nuclear weapon has ever been that the desire for peace and fraternity way reflects my views or those of my family. but the point of the punch was to illustrate that though there are placed on the table at any disarmament planted deep in the human heart will bear Sarah Johnstone things we can do, it doesn’t mean we should. conference—ever. We have never ‘sat fruit in concrete ways to ensure that GLASGOW The Pope himself made this clear, on his later flight back to Rome around the international table and taken nuclear weapons are banned once and for from the Philippines this week. “In theory we can say that we have part in global disarmament talks’ —ever. all, to the benefit of our common home.” Protection of life is freedom of expression, and that’s important,” he said on Monday. The only thing wrong with multilateralism But Jim Murphy and Labour want to cornerstone of our Faith “But we are human and there’s prudence which is a virtue of human is that it does not exist. As Bruce Kent maintain [not ban the bomb,] and replace it JIM Murphy’s statement about his stance coexistence. I cannot constantly insult, provoke a person continuously once famously said: “A unilateralist is a in 2025. He places loyalty to the Labour on abortion is typical of those self serving because I risk making him/her angry, and I risk receiving an unjust multilateralist who means what he says” Party above fidelity to the Gospel and the so called ‘Catholic’ politicians who want to reaction, one that is not just.” The US and Russia have cut their arse- Pope. How can any Catholic support him? cherry pick their Catholic beliefs so as not In essence freedom must be accompanied by prudence. That is not nals substantially. British policy has always Brian Quail to upset too many potential voters. He has as snappy a headline as ‘Pope punches back.’ been a ‘new lamps for old’ scheme replac- GLASGOW chosen to disregard the fact that protection Many things we are free to do under the law, but they are not right; of human life is a cornerstone of our lie, commit adultery, belittle our friends. It is easy to assume that G SCO reserves the right to edit letters to conform with space or requirements Catholic Faith and is an obligation for those who believe differently from us are evil people. The desire to G This page is used solely for opinion and therefore views expressed are not necessarily those in public life at the voting booth as fight hate with hate is a strong one, but it is wrong. We are better shared by SCO well as in daily life. His self-justification of when we try and understand people’s viewpoints and motives than G If you would like to share your opinion, send your correspondence to the above address not foisting his beliefs on others is so when we lash out in reactionary ways. Whether it is someone’s G Whether you use e-mail or post, you must provide your full name, address, and phone number or cowardly. Shame on you Jim Murphy. religion or their mother, we all benefit if we take the time to understand your letter will not be used DV Hughes what is important to others and to respect it. That is a message for the STIRLING world equally as important as respecting freedom of speech. WRITE TO LETTERS, SCO, 19 WATERLOO STREET, GLASGOW G2 6BT [email protected] 10 COMMENT SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 Beware secularists promoting Islam Catholics involved in inter-faith dialogue must question Islam and its promotion in once Christian Europe

edition to carry the following message on its front page: “Happy ! **** on the nativity scenes; terminate the handicapped; shoot the military; strangle the priests…” It perpetrated this and many other outrages to minimal objections from modern cafeteria Catholics. Then it turned its satire on Islam and encountered a more robust response. Nothing excuses the murders committed by jihadists in Paris; but any attempt to turn the Charlie Hebdo journalists into martyrs—especially for BY GERALD WARNER freedom of expression—is an affront to reality.

HE Charlie Hebdo atrocity o far from championing liberty in Paris was a grim example of expression, Charlie Hebdo is of the two forces that a far-left publication promoting currently beleaguer the Srepression of any opinion with which Catholic Church coming it disagrees. It has twice launched into collision—secularism and Islam. petitions to the French government to Subsequent events demonstrated the dissolve forcibly the Front National, by security guards, where they walked not sanction violence needs to be during friendly exchanges. Tshamelessness and cunning with which now a respectable political party with a few paces, arm-in-arm, to provide a examined. All Islamic doctrine is Secular apologists have suggested the secular establishment throughout 24 MEPs and more than 2000 local photo opportunity, then departed in contained within the Qur’an—the these precepts are obsolete, like the the European Union and beyond councillors, whose leader received 6.4 their limousines (above). This march ‘Holy Qur’an’ as it is now routinely Old Testament prohibition in Leviticus contrived to control the public reaction million votes at the last presidential was designed to reaffirm secularism. referred to by atheist commentators 19:19 against mixing fabrics in clothing. by hijacking the incipient protests in election and is leading the polls for the It epitomised the old canard: “Religion who would never dream of talking But that was a purely ceremonial the interests of perpetuating its own next contest. has been responsible for most of the about the ‘Holy Bible.’ The Catholic Jewish precept, made obsolete by the power and self-interest. What kind of champions of freedom bloodshed in world history.” Oh, really? Church is engaged in ‘inter-faith New Covenant, unlike the moral ‘Je suis Charlie’—certainly not, if of expression want to disfranchise 6.4 Communism slaughtered more than dialogue’ with Muslim clerics. Surely prohibition in the adjacent text against one is any kind of Catholic. Charlie million voters and suppress the leading 100 million people, Nazism more than an essential part of that dialogue child sacrifice. Catholic scripture is Hebdo is a scurrilous, extreme political party in France? 20 million, in the 20th century alone. should be to interrogate the Muslim subject to exegesis by , Doctors publication with a visceral hatred of The hypocrisy of Charlie Hebdo That is worth bearing in mind. representatives on certain crucial points. of the Church, ecumenical councils Catholicism. While it may have extends throughout the entire Is it not the case that the Qur’an and all elements of the Magisterium. achieved global notoriety recently European establishment. The British espite two massacres in Paris contains many verses that command the Islam has no comparable authorities, through its satirising of Islam, its main media carried pictures of 40 world within 24 hours, the secularist believer to wage war on the infidel? so that the Qur’an remains unchanged preoccupation has always been to leaders apparently marching at the head political establishment continues Does surah 2:216 not say: “Warfare is and unchallengeable. It is time the attack the Catholic Church and to of a ‘freedom of speech’demonstration toD cultivate Muslims and to promote ordained for you, though it is hateful Catholic parties to interfaith dialogue defame it in the most obscene terms. in Paris. their large-scale immigration into unto you…?”And there are many similar started asking some fundamental It has published blasphemous In reality, these members of the Europe. It is a twist on Stockholm exhortations. Are we misinterpreting questions. cartoons of Our Lady and relentlessly political elite were never on the Syndrome—the phenomenon whereby these apparently unambiguous texts? We have a right to know what are mocked all that is most sacred to march. They were corralled for a brief victims become infatuated with their If so, what do they actually mean? the core beliefs of a community that is Catholics. This is a magazine that period, away from the demonstration, tormenters. That is a reasonable question for rapidly growing more populous across thought it appropriate in a Christmas in the Place Léon Blum, surrounded The claim that Islamic doctrine does intelligent people to ask one another formerly Catholic Europe.

The views expressed in the opinion What do you think of GERALD WARNER comments on FREE SPEECH and ISLAM? Send your points pages of the SCO are those of of view to the SCO. Write to Letters, SCO, 19 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6BT or e-mail [email protected] informed individuals and groups and not necessarily those of the newspaper or the Church Respect traditions, but embrace change for the Kingdom’s sake

THERE were blue police sunny Johannesburg, transported and the river running at six feet called would have learned their We can get carried away with lights flashing on both sides of by the power of TV and transfixed above summer level it was a bit of skill from their fathers and were the idea that the fishermen whom the road as I drove to Mass this by the awesome performance of a test of endurance. We endured certain to hand on these same Jesus called abandoned everything, morning. The icy conditions Fr Eddie AB de Villers. In solidarity with and the season got under way. skills to their sons in turn. Boat including families. This would were taking their toll on the crowd I stood up as AB de A new boat the ‘Lady Violet’ building and net making and have been highly irresponsible. unwary drivers. I got there and McGhee Villers headed back to the pavilion. was ‘christened’ in the presence repairing were traditional skills that I’m sure they went home at night back safely and as my garage Outside it was still bitterly cold. It of John Ferguson who builds Tay would be needed, as well as an and did their work and then found door closed behind me I felt of breast cancer and to gather was still winter but there was boats in the traditional fashion. ability read the weather and to time to go with Jesus. glad to be back in the warmth funding to help fight this disease. warmth in my heart for what I John has built every Tay boat recognise the signs of change. The The ministry of Jesus in Galilee and safety of my house. There was already a substantial had just witnessed. since 1979. He was proud to see fisherman that Jesus invites to was a very localised ministry. It The main roads seemed fine, score by the time the first South January 15 is the traditional his latest addition to the river pull follow Him were a highly skilled took place in and around territory but the roads in the housing African batsman was out and AB opening day for salmon fishing on away from the shore to begin the group of individuals. Jesus invited that would have been very familiar scheme where I live are in de Villers strode to the crease. the Tay. Up and down the river new season. I was in that boat them to be skilled in other ways. to Jesus and His friends. What Jesus appalling condition. It makes me What happened in the next hour this moment is celebrated on most and it felt special to be the first of It is at this time of the year that was challenging them to do was wonder why we grind to a halt will become the stuff of cricketing beats with an opening ceremony the many anglers who will fish winter tends to bite us and remind to see their situation an a with the first meaningful snow of legend. ‘The Wanderers’ cricket and a toast to the season ahead. I from this newest but most us that life is full of challenges. It new and radically different way. winter. As I looked over the ground in Johannesburg was the was fortunate enough to be invited traditional of boats to assist is still dark in the mornings. It is The same is true for us today. rooftops still white from the scene of the most devastating to the opening ceremony on anglers on the River Tay. bitterly cold. We have to endure We can’t abandon families, jobs, snow and frosting the night display of power batting that I, or Meikleour and Upper Islamouth, Unless they were far travelled, frost and snow and ice and all of responsibilities. We are called to before I decided that the best anyone else, has every witnessed. not because I am an exceptional it is unlikely that the fishermen the inconvenience that these minister where we are, to be option was to settle and watch De Villiers scored a century off fisherman, but because I had the that Jesus meets in the Gospel bring. This is the real world. The witnesses to the Gospel in the most the cricket from South Africa. just 31 deliveries and when he good fortune to land the biggest fish today could have identified with real world is full of challenges. familiar of situations. Traditionally, The ‘Proteas,’ South Africa’s was caught on 149 after just 42 on that particular beat last season. fishing on the Tay. They could The gospel reminds us—if we we try and avoid this particular national cricket team were deliveries the whole stadium rose Tradition dictates that the piper almost certainly not have coped needed reminding—that ‘the baby responsibility. The challenge of dressed in unfamiliar pink for to greet the achievement. Chris pipes the fishing party to the river, with the cold, sleet and rain of a Jesus’ grew up. Traditionally, we the Gospel is that we respect their international fixture against Gayle of the West Indies, himself then the boats are ‘blessed’ with a January day in Perthshire. take a kind of refuge in ‘the baby traditions but embrace change for the West Indies. This was a no mean batsman when it comes dram before a ceremonial first Fishing for them was not a Jesus.’ While Jesus is still a baby the sake of the Kingdom. significant break with tradition. to power hitting, shook his hand cast of the season is made. With hobby, it was a necessity. Fishing, we can feel safe and sound. It is The change of uniform was part of in recognition of this amazing the wind howling at gale force even commercially, has its own when He call us as adults that we I Fr McGhee’s column will be on a campaign to raise the awareness feat. For an hour I had been in and driving sleet into our faces traditions. The men that Jesus feel uncomfortable. hiatus from next week WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER COMMENT 11 One change can make all the difference in life, so make sure it is not a response to provocation

duce a magazine cover with a pic- controversial issues of the day Pope Francis speaks with Caroline Pigozzi of Paris Match magazine during his flight to ture of the Prophet Mohammed have been labelled as offensive Manila in the Philippines during which he holding a placard with the mes- add therefore labelled as forms spoke of provocation in light of the Paris sage Je suis Charlie (I am of hate speech. Police are now attacks by Muslim extremists Charlie). also arresting people who hap- It is the caption most com- pen to say stupid things at foot- monly seen in street protests ball matches or on their across France and is ubiquitous Facebook pages. on social network sites and the The Charlie Hebdo case thus mass media. It is a sign of soli- reveals a potential double-stan- darity borrowing from John F dard in Western liberalism. On Kennedy’s famous quote Ich bin the one hand silencing those it ein Berliner which he made to disagrees with because they are show his solidarity for victims of deemed offensive but on the BY JOHN DEIGHAN communism following the build- other seeing offending people of ing of the Berlin Wall. faith as a virtue in democratic societies. ILM buffs might be he Charlie Hebdo deci- interested to note that sion has created fierce ope Francis in his matter- 2015 just happens to debates across France and of-fact common sense way be the year in the wayT beyond. The portrayal of the commented on the debate future that the hero of Prophet Mohammed is taken as byP effectively saying that ‘if the Back to the Future trilogy offensive by Muslim believers; someone insults my mother he travels to from his own time in and the debate around whether can expect a punch on the nose.’ 1985.F The films are a firm free speech permits us to offend The Holy Father is a master in favourite in my house. The intri- others is therefore raised. human nature. He recognises that cate plot and the hilarious train of O f people will events that Marty McFly sets in course, the The insult given in the react when motion by making use of a time high emo- something machine, have created a cult fol- t i o n s West just for the fun of they love is lowing for the films starring around the it by a satirical cartoon- insulted. Michael J Fox. Paris inci- ist may seem like a That does Changing just one thing in dent and laugh to some but in not mean time, Marty discovers, ripples the politi- that society right through his past, present cal back- other parts of the world has to and future, with potentially dev- drop of a it can lead to the loss ensure that astating consequences that he has rise in ter- “ of life for many. people are to try and put right. A consistent r o r i s m n o t thread of the story is that Marty from vio- insulted. It gets in to desperate trouble Islamism around the world, does mean that we should use because of a failing in his char- lead to knee jerk reactions in our right to freedom of expres- acter. He cannot control himself many instances. Eager to defend sion with some responsibility. it does Islam in fact sows hatred where every word we say is societies. Hopefully we can dis- when someone calls him a cow- western liberalism the media has The insult given in the West just between the two religions. liable to be weighed by those in cern the difference between ard. It is this personal failing in been eager to back the further for the fun of it by a satirical car- Pope Benedict XVI consis- power? The breadth of freedom standing up for the values neces- the face of provocation which the antagonism of Islamists as a toonist may seem like a laugh to tently taught on the need for reli- of expression must be broad sary for a free society and the films subtly hints at in all three rightful assertion of Western val- some but in other” parts of the gion and reason to purify each even if it means that we hear misuse of that freedom. episodes as being the key to how ues. A radio phone in recently world it can lead to the loss of other. It is not right for religions things we would rather not, or For the record, it took Marty his whole future will turn out. seemed to be eager to underline life for many. to unreasonably demand particu- even at times people stupidly McFly a set of twisting adven- Provocation has been at the that not only was freedom of Take Niger just now where lar prohibitions on society. Simi- misuse the freedom. But a soci- tures from his present of 1985 to heart of the story of the wicked expression to include mockery of Islamists are murdering Chris- larly reason which loses sight of ety with people aiming to be the youth of his parents in 1955 atrocity carried out in Paris where religious values but that people tians in retaliation for the latest the importance of the human decent should provide the con- and his future of 2015 with a the staff of the satirical magazine really shouldn’t feel offended at Charlie Hebdo cartoon whilst spirit can become hostile to text where people can explore side-track to his ancestors in Charlie Hebdo were gunned all, whatever others might say. violence is also breaking out in humanity. To wilfully wish to differences of opinion and find 1885 to learn that sometimes in down by two Muslim fundamen- Ironically our society has been Pakistan, Somalia and else- inflict offence on another person their way through the differences the face of provocation it is sim- talists. The magazine has a long increasingly sensitive about where. Ironically the secularists by insulting their beliefs in sim- for the sake of the common ply better to turn the other cheek. history of insulting religions and opinions that are not politically of the West are conflated with ply wrong. That however does good. The demands just now to regularly insults Christianity and correct. A look at debates over Christians by the fundamentalists not mean that it should give rise be able to wilfully offend just I John Deighan is the Islam. In response to the massacre recent years has consistently and thus the secularism which to prosecution. How difficult a because we want to, is hopefully Parliamentary officer for the surviving staff decided to pro- revealed that Catholic views on disdains Christianity as much as tyranny would it be to live in not the settled view of Western Scotland’s bishops Green theology revisited at the centenary of the birth of Thomas Merton

RETREATS and seminars There was already a lot of and as Pope himself, he had lit- about to tackle in his next world, not just humankind, has are being held throughout the opposition from the authorities tle choice but to attend a re-run —green theology. been redeemed. world to mark the centenary Mgr Basil in Rome to his proposed thesis. of the earlier assembly, but Thomas Merton discovered that At the time of his death the of Thomas Merton’s birth, Effectively there was fear of pointendly refused to pray. this is a main element of com- principal proponent of greater on January 31. Loftus what is termed ‘syncretism,’ or Then, latterly we have seen monality in the mysticism of respect for the earth was This has an especial signifi- the mixing of elements from Pope Francis, observing prayer different religions. Theilard de Chardin, and cance for me because in 1968 I different religions. This was to next to those of any religion This is not only a matter of Thomas Merton feared that,like spent some hours in his com- night as ‘Fr Louis’—his become evident much later and none. Theologians have a our respect for the climate, and Fr Chardin, he too would incur pany in Bangkok. It was an monastic name —and asked me when successive Popes took phrase—scinduntur periti— the world in general, but of the displeasure of the authori- experience I shall never forget, where in Bangkok he could very different attitudes to this meaning the experts are moving away from man as the ties in Rome. But since then, not least because he left me to concelebrate Mass in English. problem. John Paul ll happily divided. It is surely as true of centre of the world. In a way it unlike the problem of syn- go to a retreat-house in the I invited him to my home, prayed at Assisi with represen- this problem as it is of any is a bit like the much earlier cretism, green theology has South of Thailand, for a confer- where there was a private tatives from every religion on other. Gallileo argument, when there been re-appraised, and Fr ence with Buddhist monks, and chapel, and he stayed for lunch. earth—Buddhists, Sikhs, Hin- Thomas Merton’s book was was so much argument about Chardin himself praised to the the following day was acciden- We discussed the book he dus and Muslims amongst never written, but from what he whether everything revolved skies by St John Paul ll, and tally electrocuted there as he intended to write at the end of them, but his doctrinal ‘watch- told me of his intentions it around the earth or around Popes Benedict XVl and came out of a shower and tried an extensive tour of Asia to dog,’ the then Cardinal would have been relevant today the sun. Francis. to turn off a faultily-wired elec- explore the common points of Ratzinger, refused even to not only for its contribution to ‘Anthropocentric’ means I am quite sure that a size- tric fan. contemplative spirituality in attend the event as a matter of the debate on ‘syncretism,’ but ‘centred on man’—and it can able chunk of the book Thomas At first I did not know who diferent religions—particularly principle. Twenty-five years also for the way it brought to devalue respect for the earth. It Merton never wrote will shortly my guest was. He had intro- the similarities between Chris- later, to mark the silver jubilee life a very different problem, also impinges on our theology appear as Pope Francis’ duced himself the previous tian and Buddhist Mysticism. of that epoch-making event, and one which Pope Francis is of Redemption—the whole Encyclical. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 12 WORLD DAY OF THE SICK SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER WORLD DAY OF THE SICK 13 SACRAMENT gives strength and comfort to all In light of his research, DEACON HENRY McKENNA provides a detailed insight into the importance of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick ahead of the World Day of the Sick on February 11

RDAINED to the permanent diaconate Christians is that the Sacrament is only intended for from the Lord by the power of His Spirit is meant to imperative that the Faithful come to understand its in September 2012 and with the those who are at the point of death, which, in spite of lead the sick person to healing of the soul, but also importance and indeed the proper time to have the approval of my bishop I was fortunate not being reserved for those near death, is sometimes of the body if such is God’s will. Furthermore, if he Sacrament administered. in being allowed to further develop my mistakenly supposed to be what is meant by ‘the has committed sins, he will be forgiven. studies. However, having completed last rites.’ Whilst the staff employed in hospitals are caring n addition to the Anointing of the Sick, the my studies is not as important as the knowledge I professional people and have the information at Church offers those who are about to leave this have gained from my studies. My thesis consisted ospital ministry is both fulfilling and rewarding hand to contact a priest for the sick that are close to life the as , translated in Latin Oof researching deeper into hospital ministry and the as it allows me the opportunity and privilege death, families have the responsibility to ensure that asI ‘provision for the journey.’ Communion in the importance of the Sacrament of ‘Anointing the Sick.’ to journey with the sick person and their the time to administer the Sacrament is not lost. The body and , received at this moment of The research gave me an insight into hospital familiesH throughout their illness. It is a very humbling time to administer the Sacrament has arrived each ‘passing over’ to the Father, has a particular ministry and in dealing with families who were experience to be a part of someone’s life especially time the Christian falls seriously ill or when ever significance and importance. It is the seed of Eternal experiencing the difficulties of having their loved as they experience the emotions of fear, anxiety, and someone is to go into hospital, this can be simply life and the power of the Resurrection, according to ones hospitalised. For families the news of a loved vulnerability and in some cases death. To pray with for a routine operation or a means whereby the the words of the Lord: “He who eats my flesh and one having to be taken into hospital or being a family at the bedside of someone who is in danger person has the added grace of the Sacrament (right) drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him diagnosed with an illness serious or not can come as of death is indeed a very humbling experience. to strengthen them to recover. This Sacrament is not up on the last day.” The Sacrament of Christ once a huge shock. Whilst the hospital staff and the doctors My research topic consisted of exploring how solely for those who are in imminent danger of death, dead and now risen, the Eucharist is here the are marvellous in the care they provide, where does Catholic hospital chaplains maintain committed but indeed for people who are suffering from sickness Sacrament of passing over from death to life, from the responsibility of the family come in? spiritual lives in the light of the pressures and and old age. The Sacrament can be given to the sick, this world to the Father. The Catholic Church has in place an important emotional demands made on them. These emotions before an operation, a life threatening illness or Pope Paul VI summarises the graces conferred by Sacrament to help the sick and the family during are highlighted when dealing with illness, tragedy, before it became necessary. this Sacrament, which are described in the introduction these difficult times. Among the Church’s seven suffering, death, especially children and the demands All hospitals reserve the right of confidentiality to the Rite of Anointing. The Prayer of absolution Sacraments, the ‘Anointing of the Sick’ is especially they may find themselves facing. ‘Anointing of the towards their patients and this can be an obstacle for contains a Trinitarian and Ecclesiology dimension meant to strengthen those who are being tried by Sick’ can only be administered by a bishop or priest the priest or deacon when visiting the sick. The nature whereby the Paschal Mystery and the dignity of the illness both physically and spiritually. This Sacrament when the sick are in danger of death, however the of confidentiality whilst is an important aspect of human person are identified: “I absolve you from is often the last Sacrament received by a Christian Sacrament has a deeper meaning and can and should protecting those who are hospitalised, can also your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, during their lifetime. The summary and conclusion be administered as a means of strength and recovery lessen the opportunity for the sick to receive Holy and of the Holy Spirit (Trinitarian). Then the priest of my studies pointed to the need to educate families for the sick person. Communion when the priest or deacon are visiting. extends his hands over the penitents head and says: of the importance and the proper time to have their This research topic interested me because of the Families should at the earliest opportunity make the ‘God, the Father of mercies, (Trinitarian) through loved one receive the Sacrament of ‘Anointing.’ experience my family faced. My dad unexpectedly priest or deacon aware of their loved ones being the death and Resurrection of His Son (Paschal The Church has always shown great concern for became ill and was admitted into hospital a few hospitalised in order that the sick receive a visit and Mystery) has reconciled the world to himself (The this Sacrament and has never ceased to celebrate the years ago and my parish priest came along to the more importantly they have the opportunity to Dignity of the Human Person) and sent the Holy importance and existence of the Sacrament towards hospital and administered the Sacrament of ‘Anointing receive the ‘Anointing of the Sick.’ Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through its members. Pope Francis’message of the 23rd World the Sick.’Sadly that same day my father passed away, The Catechism also affirms the power and effects the ministry of the Church (Ecclesiology) may God Day of the Sick reinforces our Christian vocation to however the comfort my family received from of the Sacrament in the form of a special grace. The give you and peace, and I absolve you from care for the sick when he reminds us of our Christian knowing that my father had been fortified by the special grace of the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son vocation. He calls this sapientia cordis meaning the Rites of the Catholic Church gave us the comfort of has as its effects; uniting the sick person to the pas- and of the Holy Spirit.” ‘wisdom of the heart.’ knowing that he would share in the Eternal banquet sion of Christ, for his own good and that of the “Occasionally our world forgets the special value of the Lord and that he will rise on the last day. We whole Church, to give courage and strengthen the enan B Osborne identifies the role the of time spent at the bedside of the sick, since we are believe as Christians that those who receive this sick person during their sufferings, to forgive their Church has to take seriously in regard to the in such a rush; caught up as we are in a frenzy of Sacrament have their sins forgiven and are prepared sins, the restoration of health, if it is conducive to future of the shortage of priests. The Church’s doing, of producing, we forget about giving ourselves to face death knowing that they have the food for the salvation of their soul and in preparation for careK for the sick today remains a pastoral problem of freely, taking care of others, being responsible for their journey. passing over to eternal life. no small dimension. If one views the Sacrament of others,” the Holy Father said. “Behind this attitude This is especially important if the sick person is Anointing from a wider perspective, then the extreme there is often a lukewarm faith which has forgotten near death because the sacrament of the sick is he Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1527 shortage of priests in many countries automatically the Lord’s words: “You did it unto me’ “(Matthew preparation for the final journey and ‘completes our emphasises the power of this grace, the precludes the anointing of the Sick for a vast majority 25:40). This ‘sapientia cordis,’ which is a gift of conformity to the death and Resurrection of Christ, Sacrament of anointing the sick has as its of Catholic Christian communities throughout the God, is a compendium of the fruits of the World Day just as our began it.” (CCC1523) This Tpurpose the conferral of a special grace on the world that do not have a resident priest. If the lack of of the Sick.” Sacrament is also called Sacramentum Exeuntium Christian experiencing the difficulties inherent in the Sunday Eucharist becomes a major pastoral problem, The under the authority translated as ‘The Sacrament of those departing.’ condition of grave illness or old age. then the lack of a priest for the ‘Anointing of the of Pope Paul VI declared that: “In public and private Pope Paul VI in his Constitution on the Sacred After the Council of Florence had described the Sick’ is of at least equal proportion. Catechesis, the Faithful should be educated to ask Liturgy, 73 clarifies that essential elements of the sacrament of the Anointing To be present when the priest is administering this for the Sacrament of anointing and as soon as the the proper time for receiving this holy anointing has of the Sick, the in 1551 declared important Sacrament is of a comforting and humbling right time comes, to receive it with full faith and certainly arrived when the believer begins to be in that it was of divine institution and made true the experience. As Christians we must ensure that the devotion. They should not follow the wrongful practice danger of death because of illness or old age. It also Doctrine of ‘Anointing the Sick’that Christ instituted opportunity for to receive this Sacrament is not lost of delaying the reception of the Sacrament. Indeed, clarifies in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a Sacrament based on Sacred Scripture as intimated and therefore we should be vigilant and be responsible all who care for the sick should be taught the meaning 1529 that each time a Christian falls seriously ill, in Mark’s Gospel (6:13) and made visible in James. to contact the priest at the first instance of an illness and purpose of the Sacrament. However, it may not they may receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the The Second Vatican Council added ‘Extreme Unction’ or a family member being hospitalised. This ensures be given indiscriminately or to any person, whose Sick, and in fact the Sacrament can be administered or properly called ‘anointing of the sick’is not solely that the sick person has received the relevant health is not seriously impaired, therefore without again and again. The Sacrament has as its purpose a Sacrament for those at the point of death. dispositions that the Sacrament brings to help them scruple, a prudent and reasonable sure judgement is the conferral of a grace which may indeed have the We read in Sacred Scripture from James 5:14-15 recover or to have a glimpse of the ‘Beatific vision’ sufficient for deciding on the seriousness of an illness result that the sick person fully recovers. of the importance that Jesus Himself lays on the of seeing God face to face. It is a responsibility that and if necessary a doctor may be consulted.” Sacrament of Anointing the Sick and to those who all Christians should be aware off and take seriously. It is never easy for a person to experience the reality his Sacrament is a particular gift of the Holy can validly administer the Sacrament. This Sacrament Finally, when the Church cares for the sick, it of an illness or to be hospitalised, however having Spirit. The first grace of this Sacrament is one was instituted by Christ and is attested by St James: serves Christ himself in the suffering members of now been a hospital chaplain for the past six months, of strengthening, peace and courage to “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the his Mystical Body. When it follows the example of my experience to date is one of concern as there is Tovercome the difficulties that go with the condition presbyters of the Church, and let them pray over the Lord Jesus, who ‘went about doing good and a clear need to educate families of the meaning and of serious illness or the frailty of old age. This grace him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; healing all,’ (Acts 10:38) the Church obeys His the proper time to receive the Sacrament of ‘Anointing is a gift of the Holy Spirit, who renews in us, trust and and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and command to care for the sick (Mark 16:18). the Sick.’ This has become apparent because of the faith in God and strengthens against the temptations the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sick who are—on occasions—not receiving this of the evil one, the temptation to discouragement sins, he will be forgiven.” As the Sacrament is I Deacon Henry McKenna is currently a serving Sacrament. Perhaps this is because belief among and anguish in the face of death. This assistance intended for the well being of the Christian it is hospital chaplain in Motherwell Diocese WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 12 WORLD DAY OF THE SICK SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER WORLD DAY OF THE SICK 13 SACRAMENT gives strength and comfort to all In light of his research, DEACON HENRY McKENNA provides a detailed insight into the importance of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick ahead of the World Day of the Sick on February 11

RDAINED to the permanent diaconate Christians is that the Sacrament is only intended for from the Lord by the power of His Spirit is meant to imperative that the Faithful come to understand its in September 2012 and with the those who are at the point of death, which, in spite of lead the sick person to healing of the soul, but also importance and indeed the proper time to have the approval of my bishop I was fortunate not being reserved for those near death, is sometimes of the body if such is God’s will. Furthermore, if he Sacrament administered. in being allowed to further develop my mistakenly supposed to be what is meant by ‘the has committed sins, he will be forgiven. studies. However, having completed last rites.’ Whilst the staff employed in hospitals are caring n addition to the Anointing of the Sick, the my studies is not as important as the knowledge I professional people and have the information at Church offers those who are about to leave this have gained from my studies. My thesis consisted ospital ministry is both fulfilling and rewarding hand to contact a priest for the sick that are close to life the Eucharist as Viaticum, translated in Latin Oof researching deeper into hospital ministry and the as it allows me the opportunity and privilege death, families have the responsibility to ensure that asI ‘provision for the journey.’ Communion in the importance of the Sacrament of ‘Anointing the Sick.’ to journey with the sick person and their the time to administer the Sacrament is not lost. The body and blood of Christ, received at this moment of The research gave me an insight into hospital familiesH throughout their illness. It is a very humbling time to administer the Sacrament has arrived each ‘passing over’ to the Father, has a particular ministry and in dealing with families who were experience to be a part of someone’s life especially time the Christian falls seriously ill or when ever significance and importance. It is the seed of Eternal experiencing the difficulties of having their loved as they experience the emotions of fear, anxiety, and someone is to go into hospital, this can be simply life and the power of the Resurrection, according to ones hospitalised. For families the news of a loved vulnerability and in some cases death. To pray with for a routine operation or a means whereby the the words of the Lord: “He who eats my flesh and one having to be taken into hospital or being a family at the bedside of someone who is in danger person has the added grace of the Sacrament (right) drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him diagnosed with an illness serious or not can come as of death is indeed a very humbling experience. to strengthen them to recover. This Sacrament is not up on the last day.” The Sacrament of Christ once a huge shock. Whilst the hospital staff and the doctors My research topic consisted of exploring how solely for those who are in imminent danger of death, dead and now risen, the Eucharist is here the are marvellous in the care they provide, where does Catholic hospital chaplains maintain committed but indeed for people who are suffering from sickness Sacrament of passing over from death to life, from the responsibility of the family come in? spiritual lives in the light of the pressures and and old age. The Sacrament can be given to the sick, this world to the Father. The Catholic Church has in place an important emotional demands made on them. These emotions before an operation, a life threatening illness or Pope Paul VI summarises the graces conferred by Sacrament to help the sick and the family during are highlighted when dealing with illness, tragedy, before it became necessary. this Sacrament, which are described in the introduction these difficult times. Among the Church’s seven suffering, death, especially children and the demands All hospitals reserve the right of confidentiality to the Rite of Anointing. The Prayer of absolution Sacraments, the ‘Anointing of the Sick’ is especially they may find themselves facing. ‘Anointing of the towards their patients and this can be an obstacle for contains a Trinitarian and Ecclesiology dimension meant to strengthen those who are being tried by Sick’ can only be administered by a bishop or priest the priest or deacon when visiting the sick. The nature whereby the Paschal Mystery and the dignity of the illness both physically and spiritually. This Sacrament when the sick are in danger of death, however the of confidentiality whilst is an important aspect of human person are identified: “I absolve you from is often the last Sacrament received by a Christian Sacrament has a deeper meaning and can and should protecting those who are hospitalised, can also your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, during their lifetime. The summary and conclusion be administered as a means of strength and recovery lessen the opportunity for the sick to receive Holy and of the Holy Spirit (Trinitarian). Then the priest of my studies pointed to the need to educate families for the sick person. Communion when the priest or deacon are visiting. extends his hands over the penitents head and says: of the importance and the proper time to have their This research topic interested me because of the Families should at the earliest opportunity make the ‘God, the Father of mercies, (Trinitarian) through loved one receive the Sacrament of ‘Anointing.’ experience my family faced. My dad unexpectedly priest or deacon aware of their loved ones being the death and Resurrection of His Son (Paschal The Church has always shown great concern for became ill and was admitted into hospital a few hospitalised in order that the sick receive a visit and Mystery) has reconciled the world to himself (The this Sacrament and has never ceased to celebrate the years ago and my parish priest came along to the more importantly they have the opportunity to Dignity of the Human Person) and sent the Holy importance and existence of the Sacrament towards hospital and administered the Sacrament of ‘Anointing receive the ‘Anointing of the Sick.’ Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through its members. Pope Francis’message of the 23rd World the Sick.’Sadly that same day my father passed away, The Catechism also affirms the power and effects the ministry of the Church (Ecclesiology) may God Day of the Sick reinforces our Christian vocation to however the comfort my family received from of the Sacrament in the form of a special grace. The give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from care for the sick when he reminds us of our Christian knowing that my father had been fortified by the special grace of the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son vocation. He calls this sapientia cordis meaning the Rites of the Catholic Church gave us the comfort of has as its effects; uniting the sick person to the pas- and of the Holy Spirit.” ‘wisdom of the heart.’ knowing that he would share in the Eternal banquet sion of Christ, for his own good and that of the “Occasionally our world forgets the special value of the Lord and that he will rise on the last day. We whole Church, to give courage and strengthen the enan B Osborne identifies the role the of time spent at the bedside of the sick, since we are believe as Christians that those who receive this sick person during their sufferings, to forgive their Church has to take seriously in regard to the in such a rush; caught up as we are in a frenzy of Sacrament have their sins forgiven and are prepared sins, the restoration of health, if it is conducive to future of the shortage of priests. The Church’s doing, of producing, we forget about giving ourselves to face death knowing that they have the food for the salvation of their soul and in preparation for careK for the sick today remains a pastoral problem of freely, taking care of others, being responsible for their journey. passing over to eternal life. no small dimension. If one views the Sacrament of others,” the Holy Father said. “Behind this attitude This is especially important if the sick person is Anointing from a wider perspective, then the extreme there is often a lukewarm faith which has forgotten near death because the sacrament of the sick is he Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1527 shortage of priests in many countries automatically the Lord’s words: “You did it unto me’ “(Matthew preparation for the final journey and ‘completes our emphasises the power of this grace, the precludes the anointing of the Sick for a vast majority 25:40). This ‘sapientia cordis,’ which is a gift of conformity to the death and Resurrection of Christ, Sacrament of anointing the sick has as its of Catholic Christian communities throughout the God, is a compendium of the fruits of the World Day just as our Baptism began it.” (CCC1523) This Tpurpose the conferral of a special grace on the world that do not have a resident priest. If the lack of of the Sick.” Sacrament is also called Sacramentum Exeuntium Christian experiencing the difficulties inherent in the Sunday Eucharist becomes a major pastoral problem, The Second Vatican Council under the authority translated as ‘The Sacrament of those departing.’ condition of grave illness or old age. then the lack of a priest for the ‘Anointing of the of Pope Paul VI declared that: “In public and private Pope Paul VI in his Constitution on the Sacred After the Council of Florence had described the Sick’ is of at least equal proportion. Catechesis, the Faithful should be educated to ask Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium 73 clarifies that essential elements of the sacrament of the Anointing To be present when the priest is administering this for the Sacrament of anointing and as soon as the the proper time for receiving this holy anointing has of the Sick, the Council of Trent in 1551 declared important Sacrament is of a comforting and humbling right time comes, to receive it with full faith and certainly arrived when the believer begins to be in that it was of divine institution and made true the experience. As Christians we must ensure that the devotion. They should not follow the wrongful practice danger of death because of illness or old age. It also Doctrine of ‘Anointing the Sick’that Christ instituted opportunity for to receive this Sacrament is not lost of delaying the reception of the Sacrament. Indeed, clarifies in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a Sacrament based on Sacred Scripture as intimated and therefore we should be vigilant and be responsible all who care for the sick should be taught the meaning 1529 that each time a Christian falls seriously ill, in Mark’s Gospel (6:13) and made visible in James. to contact the priest at the first instance of an illness and purpose of the Sacrament. However, it may not they may receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the The Second Vatican Council added ‘Extreme Unction’ or a family member being hospitalised. This ensures be given indiscriminately or to any person, whose Sick, and in fact the Sacrament can be administered or properly called ‘anointing of the sick’is not solely that the sick person has received the relevant health is not seriously impaired, therefore without again and again. The Sacrament has as its purpose a Sacrament for those at the point of death. dispositions that the Sacrament brings to help them scruple, a prudent and reasonable sure judgement is the conferral of a grace which may indeed have the We read in Sacred Scripture from James 5:14-15 recover or to have a glimpse of the ‘Beatific vision’ sufficient for deciding on the seriousness of an illness result that the sick person fully recovers. of the importance that Jesus Himself lays on the of seeing God face to face. It is a responsibility that and if necessary a doctor may be consulted.” Sacrament of Anointing the Sick and to those who all Christians should be aware off and take seriously. It is never easy for a person to experience the reality his Sacrament is a particular gift of the Holy can validly administer the Sacrament. This Sacrament Finally, when the Church cares for the sick, it of an illness or to be hospitalised, however having Spirit. The first grace of this Sacrament is one was instituted by Christ and is attested by St James: serves Christ himself in the suffering members of now been a hospital chaplain for the past six months, of strengthening, peace and courage to “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the his Mystical Body. When it follows the example of my experience to date is one of concern as there is Tovercome the difficulties that go with the condition presbyters of the Church, and let them pray over the Lord Jesus, who ‘went about doing good and a clear need to educate families of the meaning and of serious illness or the frailty of old age. This grace him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; healing all,’ (Acts 10:38) the Church obeys His the proper time to receive the Sacrament of ‘Anointing is a gift of the Holy Spirit, who renews in us, trust and and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and command to care for the sick (Mark 16:18). the Sick.’ This has become apparent because of the faith in God and strengthens against the temptations the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sick who are—on occasions—not receiving this of the evil one, the temptation to discouragement sins, he will be forgiven.” As the Sacrament is I Deacon Henry McKenna is currently a serving Sacrament. Perhaps this is because belief among and anguish in the face of death. This assistance intended for the well being of the Christian it is hospital chaplain in Motherwell Diocese WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 14 FR ROLHEISER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 Becoming brothers and sisters in faith

that the first thing we need to affirm about God is that God is ineffable, that is, God is beyond all human imagination, conceptualisation, and language. Everything we think and say about God, even within scripture and our defined dogmas, is more inadequate than adequate. It reveals some truth, but, this side of eternity, never the complete truth. No dogma and no religion ever provide an adequate expression of God. If this is true, and it is, then all religious truth is always partial and limited in its historical expression and BY FR RONALD cannot claim adequacy. All religions, all dogmas, and all expressions of ROLHEISER theology, irrespective of denomination or religion, must humbly acknowledge HRISTIAN de Cherge, their incompleteness. Only God is the Trappist Abbott who absolute, and an absolute knowledge was martyred in Algeria of God lies at the bottom of the well, at in 1996, was fond of the end of our religious journey. Pope Francis greets a Muslim sharing this story: He had representative during a meeting a very close Muslim friend— hat fact radically changes the with leaders of other religions Mohammed—and the two of them way we need to conceive of at the Catholic University of Our used to pray together, even as they ecumenism and interfaith dia- Lady of Good Counsel in Tirana, C Albania, last September remained aware of their differences, as Tlogue. Since no one, us included, has Muslim and Christian. the full truth, the way of ecumenism Aware too that certain schools of and interfaith dialogue should not be convergence.’ Eventual unity among mean that we must humbly accept everyone converting to its side. Rather thought, both Muslim and Christian, conceived—as has been so much the the various churches and various faiths that, while we have the truth, the truth it lies in ‘digging a well together,’ that warn against this type of prayer, fearing case up to the present—of one side will not come about by everyone in the is not ours alone. God is not a tribal is, in each of us, within our own tradition, that the various faiths are not praying winning the other side over: We, world converting to one denomination deity and God’s salvific intent is converting more deeply into the mystery to the same God, the two of them didn’t alone, have the truth and you must join or one religion. Rather it will come universal. God desires the salvation of of God and into all that asks of us. As call their sessions together prayer. us. Rather the way has to be conceived about—and can only come about—by those in other denominations and in we move deeper into the mystery of God Rather they imagined themselves as of precisely ‘digging a well together,’ each of us converting more deeply other religious traditions just surely as we will find ourselves more and more ‘digging a well together.’ namely, as each of us, with an open inside our own tradition. As each of us he desires our own. Hence, as Jesus one, as brothers and sisters in faith. One day Christian asked Mohammed: heart, longing for those others who are and each faith move more deeply into teaches us, God has ‘other sheep,’loved No religion is absolute, only God is “When we get to the bottom of our not at our table, refusing all proselyting, the mystery of God we will progressively individuals and loved communities absolute. Knowing that, should make well, what will we find? Muslim water becoming engaged through our own draw closer and closer to each other. who are not of our fold. God’s love us less smug in the practice of our own or Christian water?” Mohammed, half religious tradition in the search for Christian de Cherge’s story illustrates and revelation embrace everyone. religion, more respectful of other -amused, but still deadly serious, deeper conversion. this wonderfully. denominations and religions, and more replied: “Come on now, we’ve spent That search is precisely the search And this path, when correctly taken, he path to unity among Christians willing to let God’svision trump our own. all this time walking together, and you’re to get to the bottom of the well, knowing does not lead us into relativism and the of different denominations and still asking me this question. You that, once there, we, as all other sincere, naïve belief that all religions are equal. the path to unity among world I Fr Ronald Rolheiser is a Catholic know well that at the bottom of that authentic religious searchers, will find Nor does it mean that we do not religions is not then the path of priest and member of the Missionary T Oblates of Mary Immaculate. He is well, what we’ll find is God’s water.” both God’s water and unity with enthusiastically and openly celebrate proselytism within which any one There are important religious truths everyone else who is there. our own religious faith tradition, stand tradition, Christianity included, claims president of the Oblate School of couched inside that story. First off, all Renowned ecumenist, Avery Dulles, ready to defend it, and stand ready to absolute truth for itself and demands Theology in San Antonio, Texas. Visit religions worthy of the name believe called this the path of ‘progressive welcome anyone into it. But it does that union can be achieved only by his website at

The views expressed in the opinion What do you think of FR ROLHEISER’S comments on ECUMENISM? Send your points of view pages of the SCO are those of to the SCO. Write to Letters, SCO, 19 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6BT or e-mail [email protected] informed individuals and groups and not necessarily those of the newspaper or the Church Celtic Connections Reviews

LA VENT DU NORD if no one understands what they ence of the same titled album of the Highlands being for sale. MISSES ET MESSIEURS are singing along to, in Glasgow of A Highland Voyage. There The narrative of spoken word Old Fruitmarket a good tune is recognised was a lot of heritage that was intersected with solos and January 17, 2015 whatever language it is in! came with this performance sessions of music on mandolin, As the evening drew on, some before it was performed in St keyboard and the majestic THERE was collective sigh of the audience left at the interval Andrews in the Square, albeit uilleann pipes giving a musical of relief and applause when due to the late running of the it on a stage rather than the interlude and a welcome vocal La Vent du Nord and their event. Or it could have been that deck of the Vital Spark. break for one of the performers special guests, Emily Smith, downstairs was standing only The history of the puffer in who carried on despite being a Julie Fowlis, Sharon Shan- compared with past events Scottish history and culture was little under the weather. non, Patsy Reid, Megan Hen- where limited seating had been introduced via a short friendly Above all, the three musicians, derson and Christine Hanson; arranged. But the late running audio introduction of the role actors on the stage carried well for the evening arrived on didn’t stop the crowd for asking these boats played throughout this material from a bygone stage, as a late start meant the for ‘one more tune!,’ La Vent their glory days in the war and era, with good satirical pun excitement had been bub- du Nord and their guests obliged being the carriers of supplies. based humour and a warmth of bling over. Especially with by providing not just one but This show relived a music hall comradeship. A mix of songs, the presence of BBCALBA’s two more tunes. tradition of ad hoc conversations; a few reels and polkas it cameras. A very powerful duet of The which draws the audience in and showcased the talent Scotland With their own brand of parting glass by two of the event, although they are not PARA HANDY A makes them part of the narrative still has; and I am sure that French Canadian humour, female vocalists then followed afraid to put new compositions HIGHLAND VOYAGE of the drama. Including the Neil Munro would be pleased mixed in with some of the by La Vent du Nord doing a on traditional French songs. St Andrews in the Square old favourite of a sing along. to know that the Vital Spark is band’s (right) new material, it send-off tune. La Vent du Nord’s January 16, 2015 Including the parody of These still puffing along and plying was clear to see how they can passion for their culture and THE CREW OF THE are my mountains to portray the its trade of humour on and cross the language barrier. Even heritage shone through at this PUFFER PRESENT TAKING its cue and influ- English and International view beyond the Clyde. CHRISTINE GLENN WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER REFLECTION 15 EWTN PROGRAMMES

SUNDAY JANUARY 25 5.30PM 11AM EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY WITH THE ANGELUS WITH POPE COLLEEN CARROLL CAMPBELL FRANCIS 9PM 1PM HEARING GOD LIVE MASS FROM EWTN THURSDAY JANUARY 29 4PM 1PM CATHOLICISM LIVE DAILY MASS 8PM 8PM THE CHURCH UNIVERSAL EWTN LIVE 9PM 9PM SUNDAY NIGHT PRIME ST GIANNA BERETTA MOLLA: A 10PM MODERN DAY HERO OF DIVINE VATICANO LOVE MONDAY JANUARY 26 FRIDAY JANUARY 30 1PM 1PM LIVE DAILY MASS LIVE DAILY MASS 9PM 8PM DEATH AS A SALESMAN: THE WORLD OVER LIVE WHAT'S WRONG WITH 9PM ASSISTED SUICIDE LOVE'S BRAVEST CHOICE 10PM 9.30PM VOCATION BOOM TUESDAY JANUARY 27 LIFE ON THE ROCK 1PM SATURDAY JANUARY 31 LIVE DAILY MASS 1PM 5.30PM LIVE DAILY MASS EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY WITH 5.30PM COLLEEN CARROLL CAMPBELL EWTN NEWS NIGHTLY WITH 9PM COLLEEN CARROLL CAMPBELL CROSSROADS: TAKING STEPS 7PM TO SAVE LIVES VITO BONAFACCI Prayer connects us more WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 9PM 1PM A MAN FOR OTHERS: THE LIFE deeply to the entire Church LIVE DAILY MASS OF FR ROBERTO BALDUCELLI LAY READERS’ GUIDE In our series on spirituality, SR IMELDA ANN from the DOMINICAN SISTERS OF ST CECILIA gives an insight into the SUNDAY JANUARY 25 NE of the highlights of my days recently came to mind as I climbed a beautiful Jonah 3:1-5, 10. Response: Lord, make me as a religious are the three A SPIRITUAL Scottish hill. On making a treacherous know your ways. 1 Corinthians 7:29-31. separate quarter hours when for descent down that same hill, Psalm 23 arose a time I can push back the press REFLECTION in my heart: “Even though I walk through Mark 1:14-20. of the day’s labours and concerns the valley of the shadow of death, you are and stand before the of God, singing there with your rod and your staff to give me MONDAY His praise. These are the times of my comfort.” Lines from the run through Feast of Ss Timothy & Titus. Timothy 1:1-8, od Ocommunity’s recitation of the Liturgy of my mind several times a day, allowing me to Hours, when we take up our Office books, pray with the Word of God in the different Titus 1:1-5. Response: Proclaim the wonders Liturgical volumes which contain carefully- situations that occur. of the Lord among all the peoples. Luke 10:1-9 selected psalms, scripture readings, and or Mark 3:22-30. intercessions, and join the Church in hough it is the duty of bishops, priests, publicly and vocally praying to God. and religious to pray the Liturgy of We know we are joining Christ, our Head, Hours on behalf of the entire Church, TUESDAY as His Body the Church, praying to His Apostles and the laity together who prayed Tthe laity are encouraged and invited to join in Hebrews 10:1-10. Response: Here I am Lord! Father with words from the Scriptures. We in this way in the beginning. The Liturgy of the the prayer at any time of the day that suits I come to do your will. Mark 3:31-35 are the ‘voice of the bride addressing her Hours is a prayer typically associated with their schedules. On a recent visit home, I bridegroom’ as the Second Vatican Council priests and religious communities and yet, down found my mother at the computer one morning: reminds us. We know that it is a great honour through history the laity have also participated “I’ll be with you in a moment, I’m just WEDNESDAY and privilege to carry on this sacrifice of in this important prayer of the Church. finishing up Morning Prayer,” she explained Feast of St Thomas Aquinas. Hebrews 10:11-18. praise. A chronicler of St Gertrude the Great The Liturgy of the Hours draws us out of as I looked over her shoulder at the website Response: You are a priest forever, a priest remarked that: “Every word that she sang our own private worlds and opens us to the which had the morning’s Liturgy of Hours appeared as the sharpest spear thrown from needs of the entire Church. Regardless of my fully prepared and easy to follow. Another like Melchizedeck of old. Mark 4:1-20 her heart to pierce the heart of Jesus Christ, own state of mind at any given hour, the Church two women I know call each other on the filling it with ineffably sweet delight.” puts on my lips songs of joyful praise, or serious phone each day and pray the Liturgy of THURSDAY Who would not like to give Christ and His sorrow, or longing petition. This is a reminder Hours together. A teenager in our area has Hebrews 10:19-25. Response: Such are the Father this kind of delight in the vocal praise that other members of the Church are her own office book and prays the Hours which belongs to the Church? experiencing joy or sorrow at that time and the regularly. Others have downloaded the app men who seek your face, O Lord. Mark 4:21-25. psalms which we all pray together, throughout which delivers the Liturgy of Hours to their his communal Liturgy of Hours has the world, encompass every human condition. mobile devices and allows them to say the FRIDAY been carried out in the Church since We are truly praying with and for each other. Office in places as diverse as homes, trains, its inception. The Acts of the Apostles As a member of the Church praying the workplaces, parks and churches. Hebrews 10:32-39. Response: The salvation Tdescribes the first Christian community: Liturgy of Hours, I am drawn up into that Saying the Liturgy of Hours easily of the just comes from the Lord. Mark 4:26-34. “They devoted themselves to the Apostles’ universal dimension of being Catholic. becomes a beloved part of a day’s routine, teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking And yet, a great advantage to regularly giving structure, purpose and beauty to of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:24). Jewish praying the Liturgy of Hours is that the personal prayer times. It connects us on a SATURDAY worship included regularly scheduled times of psalms impress themselves on the mind, giving deep level to the entire Church, praying, Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19. Response: Blessed be praying sections of the psalms together and one a language of prayer for every personal praising and petitioning God. And the graces the Lord, the God of Israel! He has visited His the early Church continued and developed situation. “Mountains and hills, bless the which come from the Word of God sanctify people and redeemed them. Mark 4:35-41. this practice. It is notable that it was the Lord, praise and exalt Him above all forever,” every moment of our lives. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK 16 FAITH IN CULTURE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 Even at our worst, we can still be heroes FAITH IN CULTURE column looks at how films represent good and evil and explains how even villains can be heroes

nephew Owen is a keen film student but refused a powerful visual representation of date rape as the members of my family. The original Maleficent point blank to go and see the recent remake of reason for Maleficent’s evil. had a certain gothic grandeur with her castle, long Maleficent, growing up he had a certain criteria black and purple cloak and a vampire-like glamour. before watching a movie that had to be adhered to: ince having a baby daughter my viewing The royalty and three good fairies are somewhat By Richard “Is there a bad guy, and does he die?” habits have changed. It was easy to sit doddery and dull in comparison. Animator Floyd The Mistress of All Evil otherwise known as through Star Wars and Spiderman with Ryan Norman who worked on the original Disney Purden Maleficent has enjoyed the distinction of being one butS I’m glad Christina’s female role models are as masterpiece recently admitted: “It was Maleficent of Disney’s most frightening villains. The horned empowering as Luke Skywalker and Peter Parker. who was really the core of this film. And in a way creature has appeared in various guises over the The likes of Merida from Brave, the tough little it was a shame that we didn’t do more with her. HAVE to admit the first time I attended Wicked years since her debut in Sleeping Beauty—based Scottish princess who is not prepared to follow She was a very compelling character.” I slept through most of the performance. It on folk tales by the Brothers Grimm and Charles expectations, seems like a more suitable heroine My son Ryan, aged 4, sat on the edge of his seat was six years ago on honeymoon in San Perrault. Angelina Jolie is magnificent as the fairy, than the usual Disney fare. Likewise Elsa and every time the horned creature cast her wicked Francisco, the recent winter run in Edinburgh giving her a new moral nuance and attractiveness. Anna from Frozen have helped shake off the bland spells and cursed everything that was good. As a was an opportunity to go in with eyes wide This re-imagining sets out to offer an explanation princess tag, the assumption of being rescued by boy I’ll never forget the sense of relief after seeing open. Perhaps it has taken me a while to get used for the character’s wicked behaviour, we see King the prince is no longer relevant, sometimes the the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of Oz to witches and villains not being so bad after all. Stephan brutalise Maleficent, drugging her and handsome prince is a snake. dissolve after Dorothy drenched her in water. IMany commentators have suggested that cutting off her wings. It’s a powerful scene in which In Frozen it’s not romance, but the familial love When Maleficent summons ‘all the powers of hell’ polarised representations in cinema of good we see the king for what he really is, an imperialist between siblings that save the day, in this case the while transforming herself into a dark dragon she triumphing over evil are unhelpful to children who deceives and violates in order to achieve power sisters’ devotion and sacrifice in a retelling of Hans is shortly slain by Prince Phillip with some help because in real life the bad guy often wins. Our and wealth for himself. The codes clearly suggest Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen. Elsa’s from the good fairies.Another moment I won’t forget magical power could be read as a kind of disability, is Ryan raising both fists in the air and yelling: “Yes!” when she almost kills her sister the character then Classics such as The Wizard of Oz, Sleeping shuts herself away from the world and becomes a Beauty and Star Wars reveal that evil is real. As Gordius No 178 recluse. It’s not easy being a Snow Queen. people of faith we have all seen acts of terrible cruelty CROSSWORD “It’s not easy being green” either, that lyric has and experienced a sense of injustice.We all have appeared in many contexts since it became heroes and villains in life whether it be in the popularised by Kermit the Frog, the famous line media, the work place or the family. These stories 1 2345 678 has popped up irreverently on T-shirts at Celtic are a kind of introduction to the idea that life isn’t games over the years. This could also be the prem- always sunshine and rainbows. 9 ise for Wicked, which offers another perspective Another revelatory experience for me was an 10 11 on the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of early trip to the cinema to see Return of the Jedi Oz. In Wicked, Elphaba is transformed from villain and discovering the film’s hero Luke Skywalker to hero where her green skin represents difference was the son of Darth Vader, that journey from good in all its forms. It’s not Elphaba that is wicked, but to evil is what has driven the Star Wars franchise 12 131415 First entry out the hat on FRI the world who has a problem with her diversity. and it continues to captivate all ages. The narrative 16 17 JAN 30 will be the winner While reboots offer a fresh perspective, it’s not of redemption offers hope in the darkest and dankest time to rid ourselves of the classics just yet. of places. As Christians we have the audacity to 18 19 20 Released exactly 56 years ago on January 29, 1959 believe that even the worst villains have the chance Send your completed Sleeping Beauty continues to captivate the young of becoming heroes. 21 22 crossword entries—along with 2324your full name address and daytime phone number—to 25 CROSSWORD CONTEST SCO 19 SUDOKU 26 27 2829 30 WATERLOO ST GLASGOW G2 6BT 3132 6 54 2 SIMPLE 33 34 The winner’s name will be printed below. 4 8 5 6 5 1 3 2 4 8 9 7 7 8 9 1 6 5 4 3 2 35 36 The editor’s decision is final 8 6 3 9 3 4 2 8 9 7 5 1 6 1 6 3 2 897 5 4

ACROSS 8 7 5 164 3 2 9 1 Made laws regarding distribution of gel details (10) JANUARY 16 4 5 6 12 8 6 The group has been prohibited, by the sound of it (4) SOLUTION 9 42 537 6 8 1 10 Encourage noisily (5) 5 237 4 1 8 9 6 11 One may need a new lariat to be poured into the ACROSS 1 2 4 1 8 9 3 6 7 52 (5,4) 1 Fog 3 Long-lasting 12 Some ass provided Samson with this weapon! (7) 9 63 75 2 1 4 8 15 Excavated (5) 8 Entice 9 Multiply 9 371 4 6 17 Girl who might sail around (4) 10 Chest 11 Norma FILL IN THE GRID IN SUCH A WAY 18 Leave undone (4) 13 Fleet 15 Orderly 19 Knickknack (5) 16 Stirrup 20 Delves 4 6 3 5 AS EVERY ROW AND COLUMN 21 The remainder of the rock contains metal - so AND EVERY 3 BY 3 BOX CONTAINS renovate it (7) 21 Thugs 23 Sable 23 It communicates pain etc to the brain (5) 24 Mantilla 25 Belief 2 7 6 THE NUMBERS 1 TO 9. NO GUESS 24 Select an implement (4) 26 27 Gel WORK IS REQUIRED AND THERE 25 Five answer, in short, to commercial vehicles (4) 26 Make fun of (5) 3 85 9 IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. ABOVE 28 Does it have holes for handle and spout, like a strange DOWN IS THE JAN 16 SIMPLE SOLUTION coat? Yes (3,4) 1 French toast 33 Stringed instrument associated with Russia (9) 2 Gathered 3 Licit 34 Ease off on what the sailor consumed (5) MODERATE 35 Whirlpool (4) 4 Gambles 5 Satin 36 Gymnastic movements you might find on wagons? (10) 6 Impart 7 Guy 7 12 All-powerful 13 Filed 2 6 1 735 4 8 9 DOWN 14 Tithe 17 Rambling 3 8 7 54 6 9 8 1 3 2 1 Needlework found on a shoe (4) 18 Alabama 19 Turnip 2 Earringed soldier? (9) 3 89241 5 67 3 Ornamental bush (5) 22 Spill 23 Seems 4 A profit once more (5) 24 Mop 163 8 7 5 723 164 89 5 Dines (4) 6 2 4895 3 7 1 7 Birdlike (5) 8 Fear some canal features in this characteristic JANUARY 9’s crossword 3 1 1 9 8 473 6 2 5 coiffure! (10) 8 5 7 316 2 9 4 9 With such expression, I'm Immersed in mealtime competition winner was: prayer (7) J MacInnes, Oban 2 9 1 4 5 1 64 9 7 82 5 3 13 Flow sluggishly (4) 92348571 6 14 I dismiss as discriminatory (7) 16 Arthurian furniture with charitable disposition (5,5) 4 8 9 3 20 Restore harness country (9) Scottish Catholic Observer: FILL IN THE GRID IN SUCH A WAY 21 Discloses (7) Scotland’s only national AS EVERY ROW AND COLUMN 22 Roster (4) 4 6 1 AND EVERY 3 BY 3 BOX CONTAINS 27 Felt poorly (5) Catholic weekly newspaper 29 The precise centre of reflex actions (5) printed by Trinity Mirror, Oldham. THE NUMBERS 1 TO 9. NO GUESS 30 Touring bus (5) Registered at the Post Office 961 2 WORK IS REQUIRED AND THERE 31 Girl seen at Cana? (4) 32 Fewer (4) as a newspaper. IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION. ABOVE IS 8 5 7 6 2 THE JAN 16 MODERATE SOLUTION WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER CHURCH NOTICES 17 CHURCH&PUBLICNOTICES EXPERTSERVICES

Union Corps St. Lazarus Great Britain and Ireland JSi ELECTRICAL SERVICES CSLI is a voluntary service organisation. It provides itʼs members All electrical workundertaken,large or small with a structure and a vehicle to undertake humanitarian and Domestic and Commercial charitable work. it delivers an independent and sister organisation to the Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus. It might loosely be described as From new sockets, switches, lights, outside part of the wider Lazarus movement. lighting and fuseboards to full rewires The headquarters of the CSLI are in Vienna, Austria. The principles of the CSLI are four-fold: Tolerance, Humility, Mercy Also CCTV and Intruder Alarm Systems and Charity. Installation of LCD Screens Service Activities in CSLI, GB and I: We are keen to promote the In Glasgow City Chambers service aspects of the CSLI focusing on activities where, although we For a free no obligations quote contact:

Featuring are small in number, we feel we can make a difference. Our 07783 065095 members are encouraged to undertake training in the use of The Caledonian Fiddle Orchestra defibrillator equipment and mental health first aid (MHFA), both [email protected] with training activites linked to our support of search and rescue. JSi Electrical Services, 16 MacMillan Gardens, The Deighan Sisters Ceilidh Band Uddingston, Glasgow, G71 5SD on Ambulance Project Appeal Friday 20th February 2015 plus Defibrillator Appeal TERRY SPECIALIST The St. Lazarus Ambulance Corps are in urgent need of LUNDIE IN at 7:30pm good quality Bric a Brac, Clothing, Toys, Tools. TOOTH Tickets £10 Light Refreshments on sale WHITENING The object is to raise funds with the view to purchasing the The AND In aid of Pro-Life charities above mentioned equipment. There for you. Sponsored by Pro-Life prayer campaign Denture COSMETIC Tickets from If you can help please contact Chris B. McAllister (Lieutenant): DENTURES Robert Graham 01505 335571 Michael Coane 01505 842157 Technician (or at door on the night) 01698 340 329 Have your own natural teeth High quality Dentures made with whitened. Monitor your own shade good quality private teeth and 07873 890974 change by this new safe method. quality denture base material. Home visits can be arranged. A beautiful natural appearance SHAWN CUDDY SAVE YOURSELF £££’s made for the individual. TELEPHONE FOR A FREE CONSULTATION AND BAND 18 ASHBURTON ROAD, KELVINDALE, GLASGOW G12 Telephone 0141-334 1883 Appearing at 02559 Christ theKing Hall Carmunnock Road, Glasgow VOCATIONS on Sunday Divine Mercy Monthly Mass 8th February Thinking about Life Choices? St Margaretʼs Church, 49 Graham Street, Johnstone, PA5 8RA Doors Open 8p.m. Sr Frances Celebrated by Fr JosephBurke Admission: £12 at door will help you choose Friday 30thJanuary 2015, 7.00 p.m. Contact: 01236 725 665 what’s right for you!

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DEATH RELIGIOUS MEMORIAM MULHALL BURNS DUFFY 21st Anniversary of Rev- 6th Anniversary 14th Anniversary erend Father Joseph In loving memory of Sadie, Cherished memories of MacLEAN Mulhall, established Our much loved mum, gran and Charlie, a loving husband Peacefully at Sacred Heart Lady’s and St Helen’s, great-gran, who died and adored dad, who died House, Daliburgh, on Condorrat, 1974, returned to January 28, 2009; and her January 27, 2001. May your January 10, 2015, Rodina the Lord, January 9, 1994. beloved husband Eddie who gentle soul . MacLean (née Morrison) died August 9, 1998. Remembered with love, aged 83. Much loved Eternal rest grant unto them, today and forever. mother, grandmother and MEMORIAM O Lord and let perpetual Breda, Karina, Scott and great-grandmother. light shine upon them. May Millie, Glasgow, Chas, Hail Holy Queen, Mother of they rest in peace. Jaymee, Charlee Ann and Mercy, pray for her. LEES, Margaret Weatherall Remembering my dear wife, Aideen, New York, and all Margaret, whose birthday COWIE the family. BARRY PEARL ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE occurs on January 28. Third Anniversary Pray for the repose of the I keep you close within my In loving memory of Anne, JOHNSTONE soul of Very Rev. SHALLOO heart, who died on January 21, In loving memory of my dear Thomas Barry, retired Parish Pearl Anniversary, January And there you will remain, 2012, much loved wife of the daughter and sister, Anne Priest of the Diocese of 26, 2015, of Eileen and John To walk with me throughout late Bill, and loving mum, Motherwell 1945-2006, died Marie, died January 24, Shalloo. Sadly John, the my life, gran and great-gran of the January 26, 2006. 1999. love of my life, died on Octo- Until we meet again. family. May he rest in peace. A day that’s filled with ber 24, 2014, after a long You were my best friend for Always in our thoughts and Our Lady of Lourdes, pray sadness returns to us today, illness bravely borne. 48 years, prayers. for him. To mark the day you left us Your love will always be with We shared many good times BIRRELL Inserted by all the family. St Joseph, pray for him. In such a sudden way, me forever. and also our tears. Treasured memories of our From all his friends. dear Mammy and Granny, There’s always a face before Our Lady of Lourdes, pray So rest in peace dear CRILLEY Nellie, who died on January us, for us. Margaret, In loving memory of Mary, 28, 2002. A voice we long to hear, Your loving wife Eileen. And thanks for all you’ve who died January 23, 2007, We lost a mother with a A smile we will always done, beloved wife of the late heart of gold, remember, I pray that God has given Jimmy, and dear mother and 70TH BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE How much we miss her can Of a daughter and sister we you, grandmother of the family. The crown you’ve truly won. never be told, loved so dear. Rest in Peace. Little Flower, at this hour, She shared in our troubles St Theresa, pray for her. and helped us along, Will those of you who think pray for her. Mum, John and Gerry. St Pio, pray for her. If we follow in her footsteps, of her today, We’ll never go wrong. A little prayer to Jesus say. From husband Bobby and KIRK Our Lady of Lourdes, pray Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray family. In loving memory of our dear for her. for her. parents, Mary, died January Inserted by Anne, Catherine, Inserted by the family. MacINNES VERY REV. CANON 22, 2006, Charles, died Loving memories of our dear Mary and Ellen. GEORGE BOYD January 28, 1993. aunt, Rosina whoe birthday 2nd Anniversary DALY BOYLE, Jane We keep you close within occurs on January 26. In loving memory of Canon 25th Anniversary Loved and missed always. 3rd Anniversary our hearts, George Boyd, who died on Treasured memories of our In loving memory of our dear Your loving family at home And there you will remain, January 22, 2013. loving mother, gran, great- father, Di, and brother, Dan, QUINN, Geraldine and away. To walk with us throughout (Retired Parish Priest of St who died on January 27, Remembering Geraldine, a gran and sister, who died on our lives, Brendan’s, Motherwell). Also January 19, 2012. 1990. much loved wife, mum, MacISAAC Until we meet again. We love and miss you every Gone from our home but granny and mother-in-law, Please remember in your his brother, Fr Patrick Boyd, day and hold you close In the shelter of Thy Sacred who died June 10, 2006, and prayers, Donald Archie, a White Fathers, died forever in our hearts. within our hearts. Heart, may they find eternal whose 70th birthday occurs dear husband, father and September 27, 2005. Inserted by his loving family. grandad, who died August Rest in peace. rest. May they rest in peace. on January 26. 24, 2009, and whose With love from all her family. Inserted by their loving fam- Always in our thoughts and birthday occurs on January Our Lady of Knock and St DALY ily. prayers. 26. Also granny, who died on Pio, pray for them. 33rd Anniversary From your loving husband January 26, 2009. In loving memory of our dear McENERNY Peter, sons, Peter Joseph, Mary Immaculate Queen of mother, Susan, who died the Universe, pray for them. In loving memory of our dear James and Gerard, January 26, 1982. Ma and family, Eriskay. mother, Mary Josephine daughters, Anne and May her soul and the souls (née Bradley), who died Geraldine, daughters-in-law of the faithful departed, rest January 24, 1996. Angie and Charon, the late in peace. May she rest in peace. Jonathan and grandchildren, St Martin, pray for her. Lauren and Jack. Inserted by her loving chil- Inserted by her loving family. dren.

BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE MacINNES BRADLEY 34th Anniversary Please remember in your In loving memory of my dear McCOLGAN DALY prayers, Charles Bradley, wife, Mary, who died 28th Anniversary Loving memories of Joseph, who died January 24, 1981. January 24, 1981. R.I.P. Please remember in your loving husband of the late Rest in peace. In the shelter of Thy Sacred Mary and loving father and MORROW prayers, Father Gerald B. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Heart, grandfather. Died March 21, Precious memories of Anne McColgan, who died Janu- have mercy on him. Dear Jesus, may she rest, 1997 and whose birthday Morrow (née Forrest), a ary 25, 1987. I miss her much, but still I occurs on January 25. beloved wife and much Loved and remembered BURKE know, Just a token of affection loved mum, who died on always. In loving memory of my dear Thy Holy will is best. And a heartache still for you, July 13, 2002, and whose Inserted by his family. mother and grandmother, DOWNEY Inserted by her loving hus- Whatever else we fail to do birthday occurs on January Margaret Burke, who passed 32nd Anniversary band Donald, 221 Finnart St. We never fail to think of you. 22. away on January 29, 1985, Of your charity, please pray Greenock. Eternal rest grant unto him, MULDOON We lost a mum with a heart also loved ones gone before. for the repose of the soul of O Lord, of gold, Remembering with affection It does not take a special my dear husband and our And let perpetual light shine How much we miss her can Fr Leo Muldoon, whose first day, MacINTYRE dear father, John, who died In loving memory of my dear upon him, never be told, anniversary is January 27. For us to think of you, January 21, 1983. R.I.P. brother, Peter, brother-in-law May he rest in peace. She shared in our troubles His kindness, humour and Each Mass we hear, each Our Lady of Lourdes, pray and helped us along, prayer we say, Inserted by his wife Mona, and uncle, died January 28, deep spiritual life influenced for him. If we follow in her footsteps Is offered up for you. sons Michael and Martin, 2007. Your loving sons John and we’ll never go wrong. all who knew him. St Martin, pray for her. daughter Mary and So sadly missed. Matthew, daughters-in-law Inserted by Tracey-Anne, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Inserted by George, Susan, families, Edinburgh, Anne, Robin, relatives and and grandchildren. xx Garry, Kevin and family. pray for him. John and Paul. Glasgow and Lennoxtown. friends. FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS 19 FAMILYANNOUNCEMENTS

MacINTYRE SINCLAIR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IN THANKSGIVING In loving memory of Angus 8th Anniversary Lord, this proud nation once John, died January 24, In loving memory of our dear sent forth missionaries 2009, beloved husband, father, father-in-law and gen, RONAN throughout the world to pro- dad, grandad, brother, Donald Patrick, who died on The family of the late Angus, claim the Good News. brother-in-law, uncle and January 26, 2007. R.I.P. who passed away on Rekindle this zeal to spread friend. Fois shiorruidh thoir dha a December 26, 2014, wish to your Word. Renew our Sorely missed by all. thighearna express their sincere thanks hearts with Holy Fire, refresh Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Agus solus nach dibir to Fr Donald MacLeod, our land with wellsprings of pray for him. dearsadh air, relatives, friends and neigh- living water and grant us we Gun robh fhois ann a sith. bours, for their kindness and pray a fresh outpouring of MacLELLAN O’DONNELL Inserted by his loving family, WILSON support received during this the Holy Spirit. Visit your 18th Anniversary 3rd Anniversary home and away. 13th Anniversary very sad time. A special people again Lord and give In loving memory of our dear In loving memory of Patrick Of your charity, please pray thanks to his nieces, Mairi us a new anointing for such brother, uncle and brother- (Packie), who died January SMILLIE for the repose of the soul of and Isobel, for their help with a time as this. Defend us in-law, Donald Archie, who 25, 2012. R.I.P. 18th Anniversary my dear mother, Jean funeral arrangements etc with your heavenly armies and protect us from all evil. died January 25, 1997. R.I.P. Dearly loved husband of In loving memory of our dear Fowler, died January 29, which were expertly carried Drive from us the darkness Sadly missed. Kathleen, much loved dad, mother and grandmother, 2002; also remembering at out by Hamish Hoey’s family Our Lady of Lourdes, pray which envelopes this land papa and brother. Mary, who died January 25, this time Aunt Teenie firm in Oban. Thank you for him. 1997. R.I.P. and build a people who may Softly in the morning, you (Christina Fowler Potter), Hamish! Eriskay and away. Those who die in grace go shine proudly forth once heard a gentle call, died February 5, 2002. Final thanks goes to Morag You took the hand God no further from us than God, ‘And in God’s house for more to the nations. MacNeil’s beautiful singing offered you, and God is very near. evermore, Our Lady of Aberdeen , pray of a Gaelic hymn during the And quietly left us all. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray My dwelling place shall be.’ for us.- M.K. Mass for Angus. So rest in peace dear loved for her. Psalm 23, Verse 6. one, Inserted by her loving family. Our Lady of Medjugorje, Our Holy Mass will be offered for GRATEFUL thanks to St And thanks for all you’ve Lady of Lourdes, St the intentions of all. Martha, the Holy Spirit, St done, THOMPSON Bernadette and St Martin de Joseph, St Jude, St Teresa We pray that God has given 44th Anniversary Porres, pray for them. STEELE and St Philomena. Publica- you, Of your charity, please pray Henry. Mary Kate and the family of tion promised. Still praying. The crown you’ve truly won. for the repose of the soul of the late Ruaraidh, Seaview, – M.B. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray our dear mother, Elizabeth Lochboisdale, would like to for him. MacMillan, who died on thank Fr John Allen, THANKS to St Martha, St Clare, St Joseph and Our Inserted by Kathleen and January 26, 1971, also our Inverness, Fr Donald and Fr McLERNON Blessed Lady. – M.F. 1st Anniversary family, Kirkintilloch, Dunbar dear father, Thomas, who John Paul for spiritual com- In loving memory of our and Dungloe, Donegal. died September 30, 1976, fort and Requiem Mass. Also GRATEFUL thanks to St mother, Julia, who died our beloved sister, Julia, thanks to relatives, friends Clare for prayer answered. – January 25, 2014. O’SHEA who died January 1, 2004, and neighbours for cards, In loving memory of Annie, A.F. Always in our hearts and our dear brother, Tommy, floral tributes, support and loving mother of David and who died November 16, prayers. kindness shown at this sad Martin, died January 28, 2013 and their dear NOVENA TO ST CLARE Inserted by her loving family. time. Thanks to St Peter’s Say nine Hail Mary’s for nine 2010. granddaughter, Elizabeth, , Sandy Stephens, days with a lighted candle; Gone but not forgotten. who died April 3, 2014. , Betty MacMILLAN WILSON gravediggers, Neil MacIntyre publication promised. – P & 4th Anniversary Inserted by your loving On whose souls, sweet Died January 25, 2011. family at home and away. and Michael McFall for T. In loving memories of Effie, Jesus, have mercy. They say it’s a beautiful funeral arrangements. who died on January 19, Inserted by their loving journey GRATEFUL thanks to Our 2011. REID family, Castlemilk. From the old world to the Thanks to CalMac staff and Loving memories of our Blessed Lady, St Martha, St Loving wife of the late new, crew and Lochboisdale brother, Kevin James Reid, Hotel for catering. Joseph of Cupertino and St Alasdair, loving mother, fatally injured January 23, WALKER Someday I’ll take that Francis for all prayers Treasured memories of my grandmother and sister. 1970. Joined by our Dad, journey answered. Still Praying. - dear husband and much Which will lead us straight to Our Lady of Lourdes, pray Ronald, August 22, 1996, THANKSGIVING P.L. for her. and our Mum, Pat, June 8, loved dad and grandad, you, Donald, died January 21, And when we reach that From all the family. 2013. THANKS to St Joseph of 2014. garden Together again with the GRATEFUL thanks to Our Cupertino and St Jude for O’BRIEN Rest in peace. In which there is no pain, Lord. Lady and St Anthony for favours receibed. - J. 10th Anniversary Susan and family, Your memory is so precious We will put our arms around In loving memory of Anne Your presence missed so you both favours received. Publication Caithness. BLESSED VIRGIN MARY much, And never part again. promised. – N.M.N. Marie, loving mum and gran, Stewart, Australia. you who can find a way who sadly died on You will always be remem- Love and miss you. when there is no way, please January 26, 2005. REID bered Robert, Frances, BLESSED VIRGIN MARY help me. Repeat six times. A smile for all, a heart of In loving memory of my And loved by all of us. grandchildren and great- you who can find a way Publication promised. Also gold, darling nephew, Kevin. Your loving wife Rhoda and grandchildren and family. when there is no way, please One of the best this world Forty five years today we family. help me. Repeat six times. gareful thanks to St Anthony could hold, had to part, WRIGHT, Helen Publication promised. – and St Rita for prayers Silent thoughts of times You left behind a broken WARD In loving memory of Helen, N.M.N. answered. Still praying. - together, heart, 2nd Anniversary of Sheila, who died on January 23, B.S. It was God’s will you had to Hold memories that will last loving mum and granny, who 2012. Loving wife, mother GRATEFUL thanks to Our go, forever. died January 24, 2013. and grandmother. Blessed Lady, St Clare, St GRATEFUL thanks to St the How much I miss you, no St Pio, pray for her. They say there is a reason, Always in our thoughts and Anthony and the Sacred Blessed Virgin Mary, Dear one will ever know. prayers. Your loving family. They say that time will heal, Heart for all prayers Hart of Jesus, St Pio and St Auntie Kate. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray But neither time nor reason, answered. – A.O. Martin de Porres for all With his father in Heaven. Can change the way we for her. O’CONNOR Godmother Beth. favours received. - A.T. 50th Anniversary feel, Inserted by Donald John, THANK YOU to Our Lady. – In loving memory of Michael, No one knows the Christopher, Roddy, Donald E.M. BLESSED VIRGIN MARY REYNOLDS heartache, and Andrew. a dear dad, grandad and 3rd Anniversary you who can find a way great-grandad, who died In loving memory of That lies behind our smiles, when there is no way, please January 24, 1965 and is No one knows how many BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Rosemary, who died on To Place an you who can find a way help me. Repeat six times. sadly missed. Also our dear times January 20, 2012. A much when there is no way, please Publication promised. - P. mother, Mary, who sadly We’ve broken down and Intimation contact loved daughter of the late help me. Repeat six times. McN. passed March 26, 1984 and cried. Con and Ellen, a dearly Patricia Publication promised. our dear brothers, John and loved sister and aunt of the If our love could have saved GRATEFUL thanks to St Roddie, and sister Mary. family. you mum, Anthony, St Martha, St Pio to May God keep them safe. St Teresa, pray for her. You never would have died. 0141 241 6106 MANY MANY THANKS and St Jude for all prayers Inserted by Frank, Maureen Rest in peace Rosemary, Forever in our thoughts. St Joseph of Cupertino for answered. Publication prom- and family. Mum and Dad. Inserted by your loving chil- prayers answered in recent ised. Still praying. - J. McN & St Pio, pray for them. Inserted by all the family. dren and grandchildren. [email protected] exams. – M.K. R. McN. 20 FUNERAL DIRECTORY SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 FUNERAL DIRECTORY BISHOPS ENGAGEMENTS ARCHBISHOP TARTAGLIA Archbishop of Glasgow,

SAT JAN 24 - 26 Bishops’ Conference In-Service, Salamanca. TUE – WED Bishops’ Joint Liaison Committee, Ireland. Our caring staff are here to listen and advise you, EST 1912 ARCHBISHOP CUSHLEY Fourth Generation Family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh Funeral Directors & Monumental Sculptors Exquisite private facilities & unparallelled quality of 53 Morrison Street Glasgow service from an established family funeral directors SAT JAN 24 - 26 Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, in service week, Salamanca WED 12.30PM St Thomas’s High School Feast Day 0141 429 4433 with over 100 years local experience Mass, Sacred Heart, Lauriston, Edinburgh 4PM Visit to St Anne’s Unrivalled cost for comparable funeral service Care Home, Musselburgh. FRI 1.30PM St Modan’s High School Feast Day Mass, Stirling. Perfect Choice Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Indoor showrooms & bespoke designs MEMORIAM CARDS BISHOP TOAL airdrie coatbridge Motherwell, 12-18 Hallcraig Street 45 Sunnyside Road ML6 6AH ML5 3DG SAT JAN 24 - 26 Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, in service week, 01236 762000 01236 424132 Salamanca TUE - THU Bishops’ of Scotland, Ireland, England and Memorare Memoriam Cards Ltd Wales Liaison Committee, Dublin. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for over 100 years BISHOP ROBSON For every pre-paid MEMORIAM CARDS Dunkeld, funeral purchased Double folder, Bookmarker, Single and Wallet size Cards SAT JAN 24 - MON Bishops In-Service Meeting, Royal Scots we donate to College, Salamanca. TUE 12PM Funeral SS Leonard and Fergus, Affiliate St.Andrew’s Hospice Free Sample Pack posted 1st Class, Just call Margaret on Dundee 4:30PM Diocesan Strategy Group 7:30PM Diocesan Finance Meeting, Pastoral Centre, Lawside. WED Meetings, Pastoral Centre. THU 1PM Meeting of Diocesan Vocations Directors, St Joseph's, Telephone 0141 812 4491 Glasgow 7PM Consultation, new schools proposals, SS Luke and Thomas Marin Mathew's Primary School, Dundee. FRI 11AM Opening Mass for the (Founded 1926) 9.00 - 9.00 P.M Every day including weekends Year of Consecrated Life, St Joseph's Convent, Lawside. 1:30PM Organist Feast Day Mass for St Modan's School, Stirling. FRI - SUN Funeral Directors Catenians Family Weekend, Crieff Hydro, Crieff. Memorial Consultants Please visit our web site. & Traditional service and values BISHOP KEENAN 24 hours a day, 365 days a year Paisley, Funerals carried out the way YOU want them SAT JAN 24 - MON Meeting of the Bishops Conference, Salamanca. — We sell Dignity Pre-Paid Funeral Plans — FRI 9.30AM Meeting with the School Deputy Heads at Stirling Court a straightforward way to gain peace of Hotel mind for you and your family. Available for weddings We guarantee that the money you pay for your Plan is held in a secure and Order easily online at BISHOP GILBERT independent trust fund . For a brochure and free samples phone and funeral services No one else has access to this money Aberdeen, until it is needed. Listen online at: 01610161 873 7457 SAT JAN 24 - MON Bishops’ conference, Salamanca. THU 2.30PM homas Charles Gordon Trust meeting, Burnett & Reid. 7.30PM St Mary’s T Clergy Deanery Supper, Bishop’s House. SAT 12PM Baptism. arin FUNERAL DIRECTORSM & MEMORIAL CONSULTANTS 62-64 St Mary’s Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SX T. 01698 325 493 Tel: 0131 556 7192 Part of Dignity Funerals Ltd


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Our weekly series on Children’s Liturgy has lesson plans and activity suggestions for use with young people who are on the path to Christ Each week, Catechists will find readings and Psalm responses, complemented by prayer, reflection, FAITH discussion questions, and activities. Please feel free to use them as you wish The lessons are created by Adorer-theologians using the lens of the spirituality of St Maria de Mattias, which also embraces precious blood spirituality FIRST While this is the starting point for the lessons, readers are invited to approach them however the spirit moves you The Church is concerned with the availability and understanding of scripture for children who have their rightful place in the Church. In light of this SCO aims to provide a useful tool in drawing children closer to KIDS the Catholic Faith

to set good examples and to help others. Just Sing joyful songs to the Lord! like Jesus, they need to make sure that Praise the mighty rock where we are safe. CHILDREN’S everyone is treated fairly, respectfully and Come to worship Him with thankful hearts with love. Also like Jesus, they need to use and songs of praise. CROSSWORD 65 their power without hurting others either (R) If today you hear God’s voice, harden not physically or emotionally. your hearts. Bow down and worship the Lord our Creator! 1 2 3 4 5 Activities The Lord is our God and we are His people, the G Rock, paper, scissors. Separate the class into sheep He takes care of in his own pasture. 6 several groups of two or three children. Let them (R) If today you hear God’s voice, harden not play several rounds of rock, paper, scissors. your hearts. 7 8 G The game is played by having two or three children simultaneously hits their fists into their 9 other hand three times then make the hand symbol Matthew 4:16. for rock (fist), paper (holding hand flat) or scissors (R) Alleluia, alleluia. 10 (hold up 2 fingers). Rock can break scissors, A people in darkness have seen a great light; a scissors can cut paper, paper can cover rock. radiant dawn shines on those lost in death. G Talk about how rock seems to be strongest and (R) Alleluia, alleluia. 11 12 13 14 have the most power but it can be defeated by the ‘weaker’ paper. Gospel Fourth Sunday in 15 16 17 Prayer Here was a teaching with authority behind it. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark 1:21-28. 18 Reflection and Discussion Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to show Jesus and His disciples went to the town of WHAT does it mean to have power? Usually us how to live. Help us to use our power to help Capernaum. Then on the next Sabbath he went 19 it means to have the ability to influence how others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. into the Jewish meeting place and started teaching. other people behave. For example, parents Everyone was amazed at his teaching. He taught 20 and teachers create rules that children must First Reading with authority and not like the teachers of the follow. Government makes laws that citizens I will put my words into the prophet’s mouth and he Law of Moses. must obey. will tell them all I command. A reading from the book Suddenly a man with an evil spirit in him ACROSS Is power good or bad? It depends on how of Deuteronomy 18:18-19. entered the meeting place and yelled: “Jesus 1 You may sprinkle it on your food (4) 4 Not many (3) it is used. Sometimes people with power hurt The Lord said to Moses: I will choose one of from Nazareth, what do you want with us? Have 6 Above (4) other people or make their lives miserable. their own people to be a prophet like you. I will you come to destroy us? I know who you are! 7 A thought (4) But there are also people who use their power give my message to that prophet, who will tell You are God’s Holy One.” 9 You stick them on the envelopes when posting letters (5) to help others. the people exactly what I have said. Jesus told the evil spirit: “Be quiet and come 10 You may lean on this when walking if Jesus had tremendous power. He could That prophet will speak in my name and out of the man!” The spirit shook him. Then it your leg is injured (6) change water into wine, He could multiply anyone who doesn’t obey the message will have gave a loud shout and left. 11 Rubbing harshly against (8) 16 Ancient (3) bread and fish, He could bring people back to answer to me. Everyone was completely surprised and kept 18 The first letters of your first name and to life, He could heal people, and as we see The Word of the Lord saying to each other: “What is this? It must be your surname (8) today, He could order demons to leave. He some new kind of powerful teaching! Even the 19 Use it when frying (3) Responsorial Psalm 20 You may leave milk out for this spiky could also make people leave their lives to evil spirits obey Him.” creature (8) follow Him and help Him. 95:1-2, 6-7 abcd. News about Jesus quickly spread all over that Think of what he could have done if he had (R) If today you hear God’s voice, harden not part of Galilee. DOWN 1 One way to travel over snow (3) wanted to take over the world! He could have your hearts. The Gospel of the Lord 2 We hope this ‘pops’ before the bread in had armies of people fight for Him. He could it is burnt! (7) have defeated all the rules. Many people 3 Here, you may buy a creature to mind at home (3,4) were very disappointed that He didn’t. Many 4 Tall, pink bird which often stands on just people, in fact, were afraid that was what He one foot (8) was going to do which is why they killed Him. 5 Played a tune just by blowing through Jesus, however, did not want to take over the lips (8) 8 Throw them to try to score a bullseye (5) the government. He wanted to take over 12 Son or daughter (5) hearts. He didn’t want people hurt or to 13 Living (5) fight. He wanted people to love and help each 14 House made of snow and ice (5) 15 Make one, and it might come true (4) other. He used his power for good. 17 Jump (4) Can you think of other examples of this in film for example? In Star Wars, Luke uses the LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION Force to help the rebel alliance but Darth ACROSS Vader uses it to hurt and control others. 3 Empire 6 Kitten 8 Royalty 9 Knit 10 Seconds Can children be powerful? They don’t 13 Amazed 15 Batteries 16 Mickey Mouse usually get to make the rules and they have DOWN to do what adults tell them to do. They can, 1 Skunk 2 Sty 3 Enjoyed 4 Potato 5 Rested however, lead other children or manipulate 7 Gigantic 10 Severe 11 Nets 12 Stripe 13 Album them into doing things. Children who are 14 Film bullies think they are powerful because other children do what they want because they are afraid of them. Sometimes they use physical The Children’s Liturgy page is violence to scare the other children and published one week in advance to sometimes they use emotional tactics. They tell other children such things as they will not allow RE teachers and those taking have any friends unless they do what they the Children’s Liturgy at weekly want them to do. The popular children also have a lot of power because other children Masses to use, if they wish, this want to be like them and be their friend. page as an accompaniment to their It is important for children to know that they have power and that they need to use it teaching materials


Celebrating the great gift of the Eucharist In a special feature on First Holy Communions, DAN McGINTY stresses the need for spiritual substance over style

LTHOUGH the schools looking on proudly as dressed in the now traditional talk about personal things, but I and Confirmation.” and more local retailers have running joke in young children take another step garb—white satin dresses for the can’t resist the temptation,” the found that their fortunes have 2015 is that First in the Faith. girls, school uniforms and coloured Pope said. “Today I am so thankful o it is natural then, that changed, as parents begin to Holy Communions First Holy Communion day sashes or kilts for the boys. It to the Lord because 70 years ago parents seek to make the place more value on choosing a are more like mini- remains the defining Sacrament remains not just a Sacrament of I made my . day not just special in a dress from a supplier who has a weddings than like children of every young Catholic’s life, the Catholic Faith, but also a rite Let us all thank the Lord for our Sspiritual sense, but also in other greater understanding of the receiving a Sacrament, the reality and everyone has the cherished of passage for our young people. Baptism, all of us thank Him for ways too—by celebrating with Catholic Faith and the ability to Ais most Catholic families and photo of their youthful self Even Pope Francis underlined our first Communion. family, by presenting the children spend the time advising and the important memory of their “It’s important for children to with gifts and ensuring that the assisting families as they try to First Communion Day for all properly prepare for their First first Communicant is dressed in ensure the eventful day is Catholics when he spoke on the Communion, so that there’s no the traditional regalia. marked in the proper fashion. 70th anniversary of the day he child without this Sacrament. The For this reason, then, parents It means that now many first received the Sacrament. Eucharist is a firm step towards find themselves faced with Catholic families are able to “They say that you shouldn’t Jesus, along with Baptism many issues when it comes to avoid the hysteria that can often preparing for a First Holy surround these celebrations, and Communion (above), firstly in stand up against the perception ensuring that their child is made of First Communions today as ready spiritually by those in the having lost their meaning, and schools and parishes charged spirit of respect and reverence. with such a task, and secondly The change in attitude—or if by arranging the associated not a change, at least the greater elements of the day. awareness of the need to be active Among these are the barrage in ensuring a respectful day— of options faced when selecting reflects the words of Pope Francis, We have the finest collection outfits—particularly dresses. With who also said upon reflecting on of First Holy Communion so many choices and styles his own First Communion: available from a fashion industry “The Eucharist is such a great dresses, Communion , that now sees First Communions gift. That is why going to Mass shoes, commemorative as a lucrative area for their is so important. Going to Mass goods, more and more families not just to pray, but to receive Communion ties and sashes are turning to smaller outlets and Communion, the Bread and Body local stores where they can find of Christ. It saves us, forgives us for boys and other something more tailored to their and it makes us one with the First Holy Communion needs and more appropriate for Father. How beautiful! a Catholic celebration. “The Eucharist is more than accessories, all guaranteed Though Scotland still has just a mere feast. It is a way to for their first class quality some way to go to match Ireland remember Jesus’ Passover, a —where First Communion fashion mystery that is central to our and excellent value. shows no longer raise any salvation. But when we talk about eyebrows—it nevertheless sees ‘remembering’that does not mean parents confronted with a that it is just a memory. It means confusing range of dress styles that every time we celebrate this Tel: 01932 702909 and accoutrements, and the Sacrament we become part of simple dresses of the past are no the Mystery of His Passion, Death Mob: 07766 201409 longer as prominent. and Resurrection. The Eucharist In response to this, smaller is the peak of God’s Salvation.” WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER CELEBRATING LIFE 23

Pedro Arrupe inspires St Aloysius students SPOTLIGHT ON By Dan McGinty They have used their initiative in supporting learning for our UPON the conclusion of young people and have taken their first term of activities, part in a wide range of activities members of the St Aloysius that have taken them out of their College Arrupe Programme comfort zone.’ were thanked for their efforts Mrs Heneaghan, the Depute by a number of organisation Head of St Oswald’s Secondary benefiting from their charity School also offered some kind and volunteer work. words about the volunteer work Named for Pedro Arrupe, the young people signed in and carried out by the pupils. 28th Jesuit Superior General, the immediately went to the ‘The confidence of the girls programme sees senior pupils at playground to support our pupils grew each week and our young the school volunteer weekly on during lunch. The individual people loved the experience,” a variety of projects, bringing pupils they were supporting have she said. energy and enthusiasm to their really benefitted from their “There are a few sad pupils chosen organisations. Among support and staff and pupils alike now that the girls are finished them were Abercorn School and have been singing their praises. with us. Each of the girls showed St Oswald’s School, which cater “All the staff commented on an eagerness to support the for children with additional how fantastic they found these young people’s lack of English support needs, and Garnetbank young people whilst our pupils and quickly used the young Primary School, as well as look on them fondly and are people’s interests to encourage hospices and nursing homes. going to miss them. Many of the language. They showed an The pupils taking part tasks and day to day working of understanding of the pupils’ included Laura Docherty, Sam the school can be a bit chaotic— needs beyond their years.” Docherty and Felicity Pitt of S6 and but all of the young people took The two pupils, Sam Pupils from St Aidan’s High School in Wishaw were celebrating as they were presented with awards as dance Colum Donovan-Patterson, it in their stride. Docherty and TJ Matheson who instructors.The pupils. Emily Turriff and Shannen Watson, Stephanie Connelly, Georgia Taylor, Ellie McLean and Flora McNulty, Megan Miller “Colum, in particular, was spent time at Garthbank Primary Olivia Rae, were presented with Dance Leader Award Level 1 certificates by Tracy Jackson, the dance co-ordinator and TJ Matheson of S5, who asked to support the class as they were also singled out for praise for North Lanarkshire. The girls had attended a five day dance course run by Ydance and were delighted when they posed happily as a group to mark had the Diwali party with a by the headteacher there, Aileen were told they had passed.The award now enables them to run dance clubs—as long as an adult is in attendance. the end of their first term in the teacher he hadn’t met before— Morrison. Nicola Joergensen, the active schools co-ordinator for St Aidan’s, is hoping to visit the local primary schools to project this year. but he got stuck in, helping ‘TJ and Sam were of great establish a club run by the girls. The qualification is also the first step towards attaining their dance teacher’s The organisations benefiting without being asked. I cannot help specifically to one member qualification, which the girls will continue to work towards,A new dance club organised by Mrs Joergensen has from their volunteering spoke commend them enough. of staff who was teaching PE also been launched in the school for all year groups, with the help of Tracy Jackson from North Lanarkshire out to thank them for their “They have had empathy and and ICT to large classes with Leisure.The first class focused on hip hop, although all types of dance will be featured.Above: Dance leaders Stephanie Connelly, Olivia Rae, Ellie McLean and Georgia Taylor efforts, including Aberdorn’s respect for the kids they are children who required additional Pauline Egan, who said: “The supporting and interacting with. support,” she said.

Bishop of Aberdeen welcomed in the New Year as he was surrounded by clergy, dignitaries and parishioners from across the diocese. His New Year Reception saw guests join the bishop in ringing in the New Year, with parishioners from the St Mary’s and St Columba’s deaneries particularly notable among the number. As the evening concluded Dr Roger Williams played the piano while the assembled guests sang We Three Kings

GOLDEN JUBILEE ARCHIVE REPORT: NOVEMBER 20 1970 SCIAF aids East Pakistan after the Bhola cyclone

During 2015, the golden jubilee year of the In response to the crisis, SCIAF sent £1000 as November 12 1970. Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund an initial relief grant to help those impacted by This cyclone was the sixth cyclonic storm of (SCIAF), the SCO will bring you highlights of the disaster. the 1970 North Indian Ocean cyclone season, the last five decades of the campaigns and In the next edition of the SCO (November 27 and also the season’s strongest, reaching a work of the Catholic aid agency, an agency of 1970), it was revealed that the money was used strength equivalent to a strong Category 3 to buy vaccines for 5000 survivors from the hurricane. the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, as its cyclone. It remains the deadliest tropical cyclone ever reach developed and it became a member of This storm as well as the war in the country recorded, and one of the deadliest natural disasters Cartias Internationalis would also inspire ex-Beatle George Harrison in modern times. and Bengali musician Ravi Shankar to organise The Pakistani government, led by junta leader SCIAF was on hand to help the people of East The Concert for Bangladesh, the prototype General Yahya Khan, was severely criticised at Pakistan (now Bangladesh) following the Bhola benefit concert, to raise money for aid, in 1971 the time for its delayed handling of the relief cyclone in November 1970 that killed close to (right). operations following the storm. The criticisim half a million people and directly affected 3.5 The devastating tropical Bhola cyclone struck came from both local political leaders in East million more. East Pakistan and India’s West Bengal on Pakistan and in the international media. E-MAIL CELEBRATING LIFE EVENTS TO DAN MCGINTY AT [email protected] 24 COUNCILS OF THE CHURCH SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 23 2015 Council fathers go all out to protect Church DR HARRY SCHNITKER says although the Council of Trent could not undo the damage done to the Church, it managed to protect what remained COUNCILS OF THE CHURCH

N THE final two instalments on the Council “The sacred and holy Synod of Trent... knowing And forasmuch as it behoveth bishops to be of Trent, we will focus our attention upon withal that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of blameless, sober, chaste, [the council] exhorts also the two major fields of debate at the council wisdom, hath ordained and decreed, that all and that, above all, each observe sobriety at table, and —reform and re-stating Catholic teaching. each of the Faithful of Christ, assembled in the city moderation in diet... and let each teach and charge From the outset, the council fathers felt both of Trent, be exhorted, as they are hereby exhorted, his servants not to be quarrelsome, given to wine, to be of equal importance. Indeed, it may be argued to amend themselves of their evils and sins heretofore immodest, covetous, proud, blasphemous, and that the reforms of the Church were deemed more committed, and to walk henceforth in the fear of lovers of pleasures.” important.I There was a realisation by the time that the Lord; not to fulfil the lusts of the flesh; to be I have deliberately included this list, as it shows the council began that there was a great need for a instant in prayer; to confess more frequently; to just how far the standards had slipped. After all, new momentum of reform, and not just a statement receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist; to visit one does not expect a bishop to need a reminder of the Catholic position. churches; to fulfil, in fine, as far as each one shall to say Mass on Sunday. Let us recall once again This is reflected in the first decree from the be able, the commandments of the Lord.” just how long the decline had been: from the days second session—in fact the first decree to deal Then, turning specifically to the bishops and of Pope Boniface VIII’s death in 1303—and with anything other than simply procedure at the priests, many of whom had totally lost sight of the increased by the Black Death which killed so council. Although it states that ‘it is the chief care, propriety that accompanied their status as ordained many of the best priests and religious, through the solicitude, and intention of this sacred and holy men, the decree states: “As regards the bishops, collapse of the Renaissance Church—the advances council, that, the darkness of heresies, which during and all others whosoever constituted in the priestly of the medieval Reform Movement had been so many years has covered the earth, being dispelled, order... that they give heed to apply themselves completely lost. The Council of Trent set out to the light, brightness, and purity of Catholic truth assiduously to the praises of God... to celebrate the recover them, and began with the council fathers. may, by the assistance of Jesus Christ, who is the true sacrifice of the Mass on each Sunday at least. light, shine forth,’it then goes on to state that ‘those Furthermore, it exhorts that they fast at least on o what were those areas of reform? Well, the things which need reformation may be reformed.’ every Friday, in memory of the Passion of the first major injunction was on Catechesis. Both statements follow a long preamble, which Lord, and give alms to the poor… and during the This is rather unsurprising, of course. It was has as its focus the character and behaviour of the time that the sacred services are being performed, Sfelt, and rightly so, that many had joined Protestant council fathers themselves, aware, no doubt, that let there be no talking or conversing together, but churches and movements because they were At the council’s sixth session, immediately after many had led anything but exemplary lives. with mouth and mind association with the celebrant. ignorant of the teachings of the Church. This is issuing 33 canons on Justification, a theological amply borne out by the evidence. Ignorance and ‘hot topic,’it addressed five chapters on this problem confusion ran at all levels. The English Protestant of absentee priests. To begin with, it ordered that martyr, Robert Barnes, wrote on : only men of great and proven character were to be St Thomas More believed his theology was Protestant, appointed to lead bishoprics. This had been one of but the Protestant author, John Foxe, believed him the great themes of the medieval Reform Movement, Catholic. In the city of Antwerp, the intellectual and it reappeared in the 16th century. Unlike in the elite gathered in the house of King Philip II of earlier debates on bishops, however, the Council Spain’s official Catholic publisher, Christopher of Trent felt compelled to order bishops to remain Plantin. Between them, they represented every in their see. It was not just parishes that suffered shade of Protestant, atheists, believers in black from absent clergy. magic as well as conventional Catholics. If The council realised—and had painfully discovered learned men were confused, what chance the —that without a good bishop, the local Catholic ordinary Christian? Church would die. He, in turn, was to ensure that To remedy this, the Council of Trent ordered all all the parishes of his diocese—as well as all the bishops to impose a strict regime of Catechesis or religious houses therein—were to be staffed, and what it called a ‘Lectureship of Sacred Scripture.’ staffed by men and women of quality. Again, they Income from prebends was to be set aside in large were to be compelled to remain in their parishes. churches to allow a priest to study, so that he could Where there was no option but to put a vicar in the give Catechetical sermons. In smaller churches, place the bishop was made to stand guarantee for where income was insufficient, the cathedral the quality of their education and character. Finally, should provide teaching to the incumbents. Bishops regular clergy were to be forced to live with their were ordered to compel the heads of religious community, unless committed to the missions. houses to adopt the practice, too. This session of the council had one final reform Bishops were told that if priests thus educated to make: “It shall not be lawful for any bishop, “I put refused to preach, they are to be punished by under the plea of any privilege whatsoever, to incrementally more severe disciplines, even, in exercise Pontifical functions in the diocese of extremis, with laicisation. Preaching is to be regular: another, save by the express permission of the my hope every Sunday, and on all feast days the laity should Ordinary of the place.” Gone were the days that benefit from instruction. To prevent priests in fought amongst each other to enforce their in you.” religious orders from either absconding from this will in another’s diocese. The Church required clear duty or from teaching heresy, their superiors leadership, and clear geographical boundaries, Psalms 39.7 are instructed to present their credentials to the exercised by men of quality. local bishop. The council was to return time-and-again to the Beginning at the top, the council fathers were issues of competent clergy, and of having clergy determined to ensure that the laity were to be in every parish. It was also deeply concerned with Catechised, determined to prevent any falling away their morality. Priests with concubines, carrying because of ignorance. This had some paradoxical out a trade, spending their time at court or in any results. In the Low Countries, for example, where activity that was of the world rather than the spirit the Reformation did not succeed until after the were to be banned. It was summed up as follows: Council of Trent, the well-Catechised Catholics of “No one shall be assumed unto the government of Holland and Zeeland remained true to the Church, (Cathedral) churches, but one that is born of lawful although they were swamped by Protestant refugees wedlock, is of mature age, and endowed with gravity Bring hope. Change lives. from the south fleeing the Spanish armies. of manners, and skill in letters.” We have but skimmed over the enormous ll over Europe, one of the core reasons for programme of reform introduced by the Council Leave a gift in your will. the success of Protestantism lay in the of Trent here. However, the above is representative. absence of priests. Vast numbers of churches There was a deep awareness that greed, lust, laziness Call us on or see wereA held by appointees of little or no education, and ignorance within the Church had greatly 0141 354 5555 whilst the living was held by monasteries or contributed to the rise of Protestantism. Simply cathedrals. Often, the parish income had been put, without these there may have been Protestantism, appropriated to say non-stop Masses for the dead. but it would have been unable to feed on discontent, In Scotland, for example, this had led to clergy and would have remained far less prominent. The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund being located in small areas, whilst stretches of council (above) was too late to undo the damage, SCIAF, 19 Park Circus, Glasgow G3 6BE. Charity No: SC012302. Company No: SC197327. Photo: Sean Sprague. countryside never saw a priest at all. but it did manage to protect what remained. SCIAF is the official overseas aid and development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland. WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK