St Nicholas Parish Bulletin – April 2018 Fr George Lardas, Rector – Telephone: 203 209-9374 Web Site: Email: [email protected] Announcements

Verse: Then the same day at evening, being the first day of  Rector (ex officio) – V Rev George Lardas the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were  Starosta/President – Leopold (Dexter) Peavy III assembled for fear of the Jews, came and stood in the  Vice President – Katherine Kendall-Callaghan midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had  Recording Secretary – Victoria Licamele so said, he showed unto them his hands and his side. Then were  Corresponding Secretary – Antonina Korepina the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. – John 20:19-20.  Treasurer – Anastasia Milligan Стjхъ: Сyщу же п0здэ въ дeнь т0й во є3ди1ну њтъ  Assistant Treasurer – Pavel Shurba суббHтъ, и3 двeремъ затворє1ннымъ, и3дёже бsху ўченицы2  Trustees – Dr Evan Tilley and Joan Hudobenko (commenc- є3гw2 с0брани стрaха рaди їудeйска, пріи1де Їисyсъ, и3 стA посре- ing their 2-year term), Sonya DeBiase and Walter Wolog дЁ, и3 глаг0ла и5мъ: ми1ръ вaмъ. И# сіE рeкъ, показA и5мъ рyцэ (continuing their 2-year term) и3 н0зэ и3 рє1бра своS. возрaдовашасz же ўченицы2 ви1дэвше  Auditors – Galina Rakov, Elena Curran and Elena Reilly Г0спода. – Њтъ Їwaнна, гl к7, ст< f7i-к7.  Brotherhood President (elected by the Brotherhood) – Стихъ: Въ тотъ же первый день недели вечеромъ, когда Dmitry Shurba двери [дома], гдѣ собирались ученики Его, были заперты изъ  Sisterhood President (elected by the Sisterhood) – Maria опасенія отъ Іудеевъ, пришелъ Іисусъ, и сталъ посреди, и го- Peavy воритъ имъ: миръ вамъ! Сказавъ это, Онъ показал имъ руки и ноги и ребра Свои. Ученики обрадовались, увидевъ Services Господа. – Отъ Іоанна 20:19-20. Presanctified Liturgy: The final Liturgy of the Presanctified This Bulletin Gifts this year will be on at 9:30 am. Those wish- ing to receive Holy Communion should prepare by prayer, fast- This April Bulletin is dedicated to the loving memory of our ing and confession. Confessions will begin half an hour before beloved Mother and Grandmother, Nina B. Kendall; and our the start of the Presanctified Liturgy. Grandfather and Great Grandfather, Protodeacon Sergei Belaieff; and our Grandmother and Great Grandmother, : Matins for Lazarus Saturday will begin Matushka Zinaida Belaieff. May their memory be eternal! at 6:30 pm Friday 30 March. Divine Liturgy for Saint Lazarus is

at 9:30 am Saturday 31 March. The Kendall & Callaghan Families : One of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Church Year, this celebrates the triumphant entry of our Lord into Jeru- Paschal Donation Envelopes: This Bulletin includes a spe- salem six days before His Passion. Vigil with Litya and the cial donation envelope for Pascha. Please send your contribution blessing of palms (and pussy willows) will begin at 5 pm Satur- in. We depend on your donations! Your donations can be either day 31 March, and Divine Liturgy for the Feast, at the usual mailed in or dropped into the collection basket when you come time, 10 am Sunday 1 April. Fish, wine and oil are permitted on to church. this day for the sake of the Feast. There will be a collection for the Holy Land at the end of the Liturgy. Sponsor the Bulletin: If you wish to sponsor any future is- sues in whole or in part, please contact our treasurer, Anastasia No Holy Unction at St Nicholas Church: We remind every- Milligan or ask at the Candle Desk. You may donate in memory one that we will not serve the Sacrament of Holy Unction at St of a departed relative, or for some milestone, a birthday, anniver- Nicholas Church on . We will instead serve the sary or other celebration. Matins service appointed for that time, the Matins for Holy Thursday, commonly called the Bridegroom Matins, served by Donate On Line: St Nicholas Church appreciates the anticipation on Holy Wednesday evening. ongoing financial assistance of parishioners, visitors, and other Those who wish to receive Holy Unction may do so either at friends. For convenience, gifts can now be sent online via credit Three Saints Church, 26 Howard St, Ansonia CT, at Sunday 25 card---just look for the orange Donate button at the upper right March (the 5th Sunday of ), served by the Greater Bridgeport on our homepage. As always: thanks for your support. Orthodox Clergy Association in conjunction with the OCA Con- necticut Deanery; or at Holy Virgin Protection Church, 51 Pro- Inauguration of the Parish Council spect St, Nyack NY, on Sunday 1 April (Palm Sunday), served The new Parish Council elected at the Annual General Parish by Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan. Both services begin at 4 pm. Meeting on Sunday 11 March will be inaugurated on Sunday 25 Please to remember to prepare appropriately and to go to Confes- March at the end of the Divine Liturgy. The Parish Council now sion beforehand. Please remember that we should not receive consists of the following: Holy Unction more than once in any season, so choose which

Announcements – February & March 2018 one you wish to attend. tion from sadness to joy. The readings are taken in turn by our children and other volunteers. Services: As there are many special services for Holy Week and Pascha, please consult the special schedule of Paschal Vigil: This includes the Paschal Nocturnes, Paschal services included in this Bulletin. Matins, Paschal Hours and Paschal Divine Liturgy. The Vigil begins at 11:30 pm Saturday 7 April with Nocturnes (Midnight Confession During Holy Week: Those who wish to receive Office) that echoes the Canon of , In the waves of Communion during Holy Week and Pascha and Bright Monday the sea (Volnoju morskoju), during which we gradually dim the should go to confession before, during or after the appointed ser- lights, and bring the Plaschanitsa into the Altar. At midnight we vices, and not wait till the last minute before the beginning of the begin Matins with a celebrating the Resurrection of Divine Liturgy. There will be no confessions after the beginning our Saviour. Immediately following the Matins, we have the Pas- of the Paschal Vigil on Holy Saturday night. If you miss the chal Hours (very short) and the Paschal Divine Liturgy. The Lit- opportunity, you may receive Communion at the Liturgy on Holy urgy begins around 1:30 am, and we finish about 3 am. This is Monday, 9 April, or on the following Sunday of St Thomas, 15 the most festive Divine Liturgy in the whole year, and all Ortho- April. dox Christians should strive to be present at it and share the joy Bridegroom Matins: Behold, the Bridegroom cometh in the of the Resurrection. A Paschal breakfast follows at which we eat middle of the night. This is the beginning of the Troparion for the the blessed Paschal foods. Matins of the first three days of Holy Week. We will serve the No Blessing of Paschal Foods: Please note – there will be no Bridegroom Matins, Parts II, and IV beginning at 6:30 pm on blessing of Paschal foods at the end of the Divine Liturgy on , 2 April, and Holy Wednesday, 4 April. Holy Saturday, 7 April, because the service is longer this year Holy Thursday: The Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil on because we combine the services of Holy Saturday with the ser- Holy Thursday begins at 9:30 am 5 April. This celebrates the vice of the Annunciation. We cannot predict when the service Institution (foundation) of the Sacrament (Holy Communion) at will end. the Mystical Supper in that Upper Room in Jerusalem on the eve Blessing of Paschal Foods: The Paschal foods (kulichi, meat, of our Lord’s Passion. eggs, cheese) are supposed to be blessed at the end of the Paschal 12 Passion Gospels: Matins for with the 12 Liturgy (around 3 am on Pascha night), and with the singing of Gospel readings of the Passion of our Lord will begin at 6:30 pm Christ is risen (Khristos voskrese). However, since not everyone Holy Thursday 5 April. This is one of the most profound and can be present at that time, we have appointed the following meaningful services of the Church year, and it is a pity that many times for blessing the Paschal foods on Holy Saturday, 7 April: of our parishioners have missed it in the past. Although it is a  At 5 pm long service, we should unfailingly attend out of gratitude to our Lord for saving us, and to learn about the events that took place  Before the Paschal Vigil, at 11 pm in that fateful night and day that changed the world forever. We All blessings will be downstairs in the Church Hall, and without should also remain in the church until the end of the service. singing of Christ is risen, since this is before midnight. Please do Vespers of the Plaschanitsa: Vespers of Great and Holy Fri- not bring foods (especially flesh-meats) into the church itself. day marks the end of our Lord’s Passion, and His Burial. This is This is not permitted. a very beautiful service, during which we bring out the Paschal Vespers: There will be no Divine Liturgy on Plaschanitsa (Winding Sheet) of our Lord. The service begins at Pascha Day itself, Sunday 8 April, since it will have already 2 pm Friday 6 April. been served earlier, in the middle of the night. Instead, Paschal Burial of our Lord: Matins for Holy Saturday with the Vespers will be served at the usual time of the Sunday service, Lamentations of the Burial of our Lord, and for the Annunciation 10 am. of the Mother of God this year, will begin at 6:30 pm Friday 6 Bright Monday: Divine Liturgy for the second day of Pascha April. This service includes a funeral procession for our Lord, will begin at 10 am Monday 9 April. This service is for those and concludes with the Prophecy of Ezekiel of the Resurrection children (and others) who cannot come to the Midnight Service over the dry bones. This service is not as long as the 12 Passion on Pascha, and will include a procession by the children with Gospels, and is now sparsely attended. We need people for ban- , a festive Trapeza, and an . ners, icons, candles and bearers to carry the Plaschanitsa as we go around the church in the procession. Life-Giving Fount: We will serve Vespers for the Life- Giving Fount of the Mother of God on Thursday of , Holy Saturday: This year Holy Saturday coincides with the 12 April, beginning at 6:30 pm. Annunciation of the Mother of God. The Vesperal Divine Lit- urgy of St Basil the Great for Holy Saturday with the 15 Old Blessing of Graves: Because there is a wedding that after- Testament readings begins at 9 am on Saturday 7 April. In the noon, there will be no blessing of graves on St Thomas Sunday, ancient times this was the Paschal Liturgy. The Old Testament 15 April. The blessing of graves will be according to the follow- readings are the foretelling of the salvation of the world, and ing schedule: foretypes of the Resurrection. The service is marked by a transi-  Monday 9 April – 11:30 am, St Joseph’s Cemetery in

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Lordship; 3:30 pm, Union Cemetery in Stratford; and 5:00 Our Children pm, St John’s Cemetery in Stratford. Help your children “get into the right spirit” for Pascha...  Tuesday 10 April – 12:00 pm, Old Milford Cemetery; Mark your calendar: 1:00 pm, King’s Highway Cemetery in Milford. ST. NICHOLAS PASCHAL EVENTS FOR CHILDREN:  Thursday 26 April – 1:00 pm, St John’s Cemetery in Monroe; 3:00 pm, Lakeview Cemetery in Bridgeport. Divine Liturgy – Holy Saturday (also Annunciation Day), 7 April – Older children are invited to do readings. Please see At the appointed time we will serve a general Pannychida at Matushka Ann for a reading assignment. the Chapel (St John’s), at the flagpole in the middle of the cem- etery (King’s Highway), at the main entrance (Lakeview), or at Children’s Paschal Liturgy – Bright Monday, 9 April – the main Cross (St John’s Monroe), and then we will bless the Children carry icons during the procession (krestnyj khod) individual graves. If you cannot be present for the blessing of a around the church, followed by an hunt and lamb grave at the stated time, or if you have a loved one buried else- dinner for all parishioners. where, you can arrange to have Fr George bless a grave at another time. Choir Blessing of Homes: If Fr. George was unable to bless your Come, Join the Choir: We always appreciate having new home before Lent and you still wish to have your house blessed, choir members. The more singers we have, the stronger Lenten please contact Fr George and set up an appointment. and Paschal services will be. Please come sing if you can. Our Parish Our Diocese Flowers for the Plaschanitsa: During Lent the Holy Unction in Nyack: Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan will collection box next to the stand in the middle of serve Holy Unction at the Holy Virgin Protection Church, 51 the church is for flowers for the Plaschanitsa and for Prospect St, Nyack NY at 4 pm on Palm Sunday, 1 April. Those Pascha. who attend should prepare by Confession, prayer and fasting. Call for Pussy Willows: Palm Sunday is 1 April this year. 2018 Diaconate Boot Camp: With the blessing of Metropol- We ask all our parishioners to cut pussy willows when they come itan HilarionSt Nicholas Orthodox Church in Ashville-Fletcher into bloom (which may be early this year since we are already NC, Archpriest Andre Papkov and Protodeacon Vadim Gan will experiencing spring weather as of this writing), and bring them to be teaching a course on the Diaconate from Wednesday 2 May church to put with others that we are keeping for Palm Sunday. through Sunday 6 May, and Bishop Nicholas will be serving the Until you bring them to church, please keep them in a cool, dark hierarchical All Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy Saturday night place so that they stay fresh. We will need the pussy willows by and Sunday morning. This course, it is hoped the first of many, Saturday afternoon (3 pm) 31 March. will focus on the art of the Diaconate, including vocals, rubrics and more. Those in minor orders (Subdeacons, Readers and Anna Trahan: We We ask prayers for our one-time Cantors) and lay persons are also encouraged to attend if they are parishioner Anna Trahan, 22 years old, daughter of the late interested in the Diaconate. Fr Andre has said the Diaconate is a Nicholas Trahan, now residing in Atlanta GA, who has dying art and wishes to change that with this series of courses. cancer and is very ill and will require serious surgery to save her We believe the richness of this tradition lies within the Russian life. Some may remember that she survived cancer as a small Orthodox Church above all others. For more information please child. She has a Go Fund-Me page: visit – Fr. Steven Webb, Liturgical Arts School, Rector, St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, Asheville-Fletcher NC. Is Anyone Graduating? June is the end of the academic year and the month when most students graduate. We wish to remem- Thank You ber the graduates of our parish at the Moleben for the End of the Shared Acathist: We thank the ladies of our Sisterhood for Studies which will be on the Sunday after (All Saints’ preparing the Lenten Coffee Hour for our guests from St Sunday). We will also announce our congratulation in the June Nicholas Antiochian Church on Friday 9 March after the Service Bulletin. Please let us know if you or anyone in your family is of the Acathist Hymn. graduating or finishing any school, college, high school, acad- emy, or any study program. Contact Fr George at Chronicle [email protected] Purple Kamilavka: At the Eastern American Diocesan Len- or call 203 209-9374, or text message him at that number. ten Clergy Retreat at the Diocesan Center, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell NJ which was held Monday 12 through Wednesday 14 March, Protodeacon Paul Giatas was awarded the right to wear the purple kamilavka in view of his many years of

- 3 - Announcements – February & March 2018 faithful service in the Holy Diaconate. Congratulations! Many Plaschanitsa: This is placed on the Holy Table before the years! Vespers of Good Friday, 6 April, which begins at 2 pm. Administrative Sign: The Christ is Risen sign is placed over the Royal Doors on the afternoon of Holy Saturday, 7 April, in preparation for the Lampada Sponsorship: Offerings may be made to sponsor Paschal Vigil. the lighting of the lampadas at the Divine Liturgy, either in memory of loved ones, or in gratitude for blessings received, or White: Before the Divine Liturgy on Holy Saturday morning, for any other good intention. The sponsorship of the lampadas is 7 April, the red cloths are taken away, and white cloths are laid $25 for all the lampadas in the church. Register at the Candle down. On top of these are the black cloths which will be re- Desk if you wish to sponsor the lampadas, in whole or in part, on moved before the Gospel reading at the Liturgy that morning. a Sunday of your choice. The white remains until the end of Pentecost week, Saturday 2 June. Utilities: Please remember that on the first Sunday of each month there is a special collection for utilities. Carnations: Before the Liturgy on Mother’s day, Sunday 13 May, a bunch of carnations are placed in the church for the chil- Consider the Church in Your Will: Please consider inclu- dren of the Church School to hand to the mothers in the parish as ding St Nicholas Church in your will. There are many advantages they come to kiss the Cross. in making the Church one of your beneficiaries. It is possible to structure the bequest so that there is little loss to the estate. Prayer Requests Please contact our Starosta, Dexter Peavy, for more information. Reminder: If you need a hospital visit or wish Fr George to Become a Member: If you attend services but are not a visit a sick relative, please call and let us know. Hospitals no member, would you please consider joining? The cost is not longer give out information to non-relatives without express per- great – $150 per adult, or $300 for families with two adults and mission, so if you want the priest to know yours or your loved any number of children. This amounts to about $12.50 a month one’s condition you must inform the hospital or nursing home in per person. We also have an introductory rate for students. writing. Liturgical Notes Pray for our Soldiers: There are many Orthodox Christians in the Armed Forces and serving in the War. Please keep them We include this section so that Fr George may have help and all our soldiers in your prayers. changing the altar cloths and vestments at the appropriate times. This is a lot of work, but goes much more easily with a few help- Asking Prayers: Please remember the following names in ing hands. your prayers: Gold and Green: Before Matins of Lazarus Saturday on Fri- Ailing Clergy: Archbishop Paul (Pavlos) of Astoria (Greek day evening (6:30 pm) 30 March, we put gold altar cloths on top Old-Calendar), Archbishop Nikon (OCA), Mitered Archpriest of the black (which will be used during Holy Week). We use Stavros Rousos, Protopriest Joel McEachen, Priest Michael gold and green vestments that weekend. Carney, and Hieromonk Timothy Tadros. Ailing Parishioners: Militsa (Melitta) Brockert, Katherine Palms and Pussy Willows: We need these before Vigil (by 4 Pcolka, Denis Zimbalkin. pm) Saturday 31 March for Palm Sunday. We ask our parishion- Ailing Orthodox: Reader John, Uliana Drobot, Nadezhda Ja- ers to bring these in ahead of time, and the palms need to be or- kovenko, Nicholas and Betty (Vasiliki) Lardas, Yvette (Eve) dered from the florist’s well in advance. Girard, Andrea Picard, Sophia, Rusudan Mikabiridze, Peter Nel- Purple: Red and purple are used for the Divine Liturgy on son, Kiril (Charles) Nettle, Desislava Dimitrova, Margaret, Holy Thursday. Before Matins at 7 pm Wednesday 4 April, the Theophan, and also the servants of God Velitchka, and Michaels. altar cloths are turned to red, with the black hidden underneath. Prayers are also asked for child Taras. We will use purple vestments for the Matins and Divine Liturgy Ailing Non-Orthodox: Veronica Wlodarski, the daughter of on Thursday morning 5 April. After the Liturgy, everything is Elizabeth Wlodarski, and Sophia Salinger, the daughter of changed back to black. Tatiana Sergievsky. Other Requests, Orthodox: Reader Paul, Reader Vladimir, Plaschanitsa Flowers: On Good Friday morning, 6 April, the Anatole, Matthew, Nicholas, Benjamin, Geoffrey, and Daniel. Tomb of our Saviour is placed in the middle of the church and Other Requests, Non-Orthodox: Ken, Jane, and Daniel. decorated with flowers. A white cloth is placed over the Tomb. Soldiers, Orthodox: John, Andrei, Christopher, James, Jesse, Blue: Because Annunciation, April 7, falls on Holy Saturday, Loren, Michael, Nicolas, Sarah, Daria, and Vladislav. we will only use blue for the Icon of the Mother of God, placed Soldiers, Non-Orthodox: John and Geoffrey. before the Vespers of Good Friday, which begins at 2 pm, and Eternal Memory: Anastasia Chapman (Orthodox) of Goshen remaining until the Paschal Vigil Saturday night, whereon it will IN, age 24, died in automobile accident Monday 19 March, 40th be replaced by white. Day is Friday 27 April.

- 4 - Announcements – February & March 2018

Is Anyone Sick? “Let him call the presbyters,” as it says in Sunday 13 May – Mother’s Day the Epistle of St James. If you know anyone who needs attention Thursday 17 May – Ascension please let Fr George know. Call 203 209-9374 and leave a mes- Sunday 27 May – Pentecost sage. Monday 4 June – Apostles’ Fast begins Sunday 17 June – Father’s Day Is Anyone Better? If you have submitted any names for the Thursday 12 July – Ss Peter & Paul, Apostles’ Fast ends list of prayers for the sick and that person has recovered, please Tuesday 14 August – Dormition Fast begins let us know so we can keep the list a manageable length. Sunday 19 August – Transfiguration Mark Your Calendar Tuesday 28 August – Dormition, the Fast ends Please mark these events of the coming months in your calendar:

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St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church Calendar – April 2018 Fr George Lardas, Rector – Telephone 203 / 209-9374 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Apr (19 Mar) 2 (20) 3 (21) 4 (22) 5 (23) 6 (24) 7 (25) Holy PALM Good Friday Saturday amd SUNDAY Holy Monday Holy Tuesday Holy Wednesday Holy Thursday Plaschanitsa Annunciation Liturgy of St 2 pm Liturgy of St Liturgy 10 am Basil 9:30 am Lamentations and Basil 9 am Collection for Vigil for the Holy Land Bridegroom II Presanctified Bridegroom IV 12 Passion Annunciation Paschal Vigil Fish permitted Matins 6:30 pm Liturgy 9:30 am Matins 6:30 pm Gospels 6:30 p 6:30 pm 11:30 pm Secular Easter Fast day Fast day Fast day Fast day Fast day Fast day 8 (26) 9 (27) 10 (28) 11 (29) 12 (30) 13 (31) 14 (1 Apr)

PASCHA Bright Monday Bright Tuesday Bright Bright Thursday Bright Friday, Bright Saturday the Resurrection 2nd Day of Pascha 3rd Day of Pascha Wednesday Life-Giving of our Lord Fount Liturgy 1:30 am Children’s Liturgy 10 am Paschal Vespers Procession with 10 am Icons No fast No fast Vigil 5 pm 15 (2) 16 (3) 17 (4) 18 (5) 19 (6) 20 (7) 21 (8)

Radonitsa 2nd S of Pascha St Thomas Blessing of Blessing of Blessing of Graves: Graves: Graves: 11:30 St Joseph’s 12:00 Old 1:00 St John’s 4:00 Union Milford Monroe Liturgy 10 am 5:00 St John’s 1:00 King’s Hwy Fast day 3:00 Lakeview Fast day Vigil 5 pm 22 (9) 23 (10) 24 (11) 25 (12) 26 (13) 27 (14) 28 (15)

3rd Sunday of Pascha Myrrh Bearers Tone 2

Liturgy10 am Fast day Fast day Vigil 5 pm 29 (16) 30 (17) 1 May 2 (19) 3 (20) 4 (21) 5 (22) (18 April) 4th Sunday of Pascha The Paralytic Mid Pentecost St Nicholas Tone 3 Small Blessing of Waters 6:30 pm Liturgy 10 am Fast day Fast day Vigil 5 pm Note: Dates in parentheses are Old Style (Julian Calendar). The times of some of the services subject to change. Please mark these events of the coming months in your calendar: Sunday 13 May – Mother’s Day Thursday 12 July – Ss Peter & Paul, Apostles’ Fast ends Thursday 17 May – Ascension Day Tuesday 14 August – Dormition Fast begins Sunday 27 May – Pentecost Sunday 19 August – Transfiguration Monday 4 June – Apostles’ Fast begins Tuesday 28 August – Dormition, the Fast ends Sunday 17 June – Father’s Day – From Monday 19 (Old Style 6) February until Pascha, Sunday 8 April (Old Style 26 March), we abstain from meat, eggs, dairy products and fish; on weekdays we also abstain from wine and oil.

Свято-Николаевская Русская Православная Церковь Календарь – Апрель 2018 г. О. Георгий Лардас, Настоятель – Телефон 203 / 209-9374 Воскресенье Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота

1 Апр (19 Мар) 2 (20) 3 (21) 4 (22) 5 (23) 6 (24) 7 (25) Вел Суб и НЕДЕЛЯ ВАИЙ Великий Вел Четверток Великий Пяток Благовещение Лнтургия 10 утр Великий Вторник Великая Литургия Вынос Нач Литургии Сбор для Понедельник Среда Васнлия Вел Плащаницы Васнлия Вел Святой Земли Литургия 10 ч утра 2 ч дня Утреня 9 ч утра Разрешается Утреня Вел Преждеосвя- Утреня Вел 12 Страстных Гроба Господня Нач Пасхальн рыба Вторника щенных Даров Четвертка Евангелий и Благовешениф Заутрения Гражданская 6:30 ч веч 9:30 ч ут 6:30 ч веч 6:30 ч веч 6:30 ч веч 11:30 ч веч Пасха Деиь постный Деиь постный Деиь постный Деиь постный Деиь постный Деиь постный 8 (26) 9 (27) 10 (28) 11 (29) 12 (30) 13 (31) 14 (1 Апр)

ПАСХА Светлый Светлый Светлая Светлый Светлый Светлая Светлое Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверток Пяток Суббота Воскресение 2ый День Пасхи 3ьй День Пасхи Живоносного Христово Детская Источника Литургия Литургия 1:30 ч утра! 10 ч утра Богослужений Всенощная Вечерня 10 ч ут Ход с иконами нет Поста нет Поста нет 5 ч веч 15 (2) 16 (3) 17 (4) 18 (5) 19 (6) 20 (7) 21 (8)

Радоница 2ая Нед Пасхи Фомина Неделя Освящ могил: Освящ могил: Освящ могил: 11:30 St Joseph’s 12:00 Old 1:00 St John’s Литургия 4:00 Union Milford Monroe Всенощная 10 ч утра 5:00 St John’s 1:00 King’s Hwy День постный 3:00 Lakeview День постный 5 ч веч 22 (9) 23 (10) 24 (11) 25 (12) 26 (13) 27 (14) 28 (15)

3ья Неделя Пасхи Жен Мироносиц Глас 2

Литургия Всенощная 10 ч утра День постный День постный 5 ч веч 29 (16) 30 (17) 1 Мая (18 Апр) 2 (19) 3 (20) 4 (21) 5(22)

4ая Неделя по Преполовение Пасхе, о Пятидесятницы Расслабленном Глас 3 Малое Водоосвящение Литургия 6:30 ч веч Всенощная 10 ч утра День постный День постный 5 ч веч Замечание: Все даты в скобках по старому стилю (по июлианскому календарю). Отметьте эти наступающие события в вашем календаре: Воскресенье 13 Мая – День Матерей Четверг 12 Июля – Свв Петра и Павла, конец Поста Четверг 17 Мая – Вознесение Вторник 14 Августа – Начало Успенского Поста Воскресенье 27 Мая – Пятидесятница (Троица) Воскресенье 19 Августа – Преображение Понедельние 4 Июня – Начало Петрова Поста Вторник 28 Августа – Успение, конец Поста Воскресенье 17 Июня – День Отцов Великий Пост – С Понедельника 19 (Ст Ст 6) Февраля до Пасхи, Воскресенье 8 Апреля (Ст Ст 26 Марта), постимся от маса, яйц, молочных продуктов и рыбы; по будным дням постимся и от вина и елея (масла). Рыба разрешается в Вербное Восресенье 1 Апреля (Ст Ст 19 Марта). Поста нет на Пасхальную Неделю (Светлую Седмицу), 8-14 Апреля (26 Марта-1 Апреля).

St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church Services for Holy Week and Pascha 2018 Fr George Lardas, Rector – Telephone 203 / 386-9516 Rectory; Emergency: 203 / 209-9374 Day New Old Time Service Style Style Lazarus Saturday Fri 30 Mar 17 Mar 6:30 pm Matins Sat 31 Mar 18 Mar 9:00 am Hours 9:30 am Divine Liturgy PALM SUNDAY, fish permitted, collection for the Holy Land Sat 31 Mar 18 Mar 5:00 pm Vigil, Blessing of Palms Sun 1 Apr 19 Mar 9:30 am Hours 10:00 am Divine Liturgy; Collection for the Holy Land Holy Week Sun 1 Apr 19 Mar 4:00 pm Holy Unction, Holy Protection in Nyack NY Mon 2 Apr 20 Mar 6:30 pm Bridegroom Matins II Tue 3 Apr 21 Mar 9:30 am Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts Wed 4 Apr 22 Mar 6:30 pm Bridegroom Matins IV Holy Thursday Thu 5 Apr 23 Mar 9:00 am Hours 9:30 am Vesperal Liturgy of St Basil, Institution of the Eucharist Good Friday Thu 5 Apr 23 Mar 6:30 pm Matins, 12 Passion Gospels Fri 6 Apr 24 Mar 2:00 pm Vespers, Winding Sheet of our Lord (Plaschanitsa) Holy Saturday, ANNUNCIATION Fri 6 Apr 24 Mar 6:30 pm Matins with Procession Sat 7 Apr 25 Mar 8:30 am Hours 9:00 am Vespers with Liturgy of St Basil, 15 Old Testament Readings 5:00 pm Blessing of Paschal foods (without singing of Christ is Risen) PASCHA, the Resurrection of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ Sat 7 Apr 25 Mar 10:30 pm Confession 11:00 pm Blessing of Paschal foods (without singing of Christ is Risen) 11:30 pm Paschal Nocturnes 12:00 mid Paschal Matins Sun 8 Apr 26 Mar 1:30 am Paschal Divine Liturgy (midnight service!) 3:00 am Blessing of Paschal foods with Christ is Risen! followed by Paschal Breakfast in the Church Hall 10:00 am Paschal 9th Hour 10:30 am Paschal Vespers Bright Monday, Tone 2 Mon 9 Apr 27 Mar 9:30 am Paschal Hours 10:00 am Children’s Liturgy 11:30 am Procession with icons 12:00 noon Children’s Paschal Breakfast Bright Week – 8-14 April (26 March-1 April), no fasting on Wednesday and Friday Life-Giving Fount, Tone 6 Thu 12 Apr 30 Mar 6:30 pm Vespers 2nd Sunday of Pascha, St Thomas Sat 14 Apr 1 Apr 5:00 pm Vigil Sun 15 Apr 2 Apr 9:30 am Hours 10:00 am Divine Liturgy

Свято-Николаевская Русская Православная Церковь Богослужения Страстной Недели и Пасхи 2017 г. О. Георгий Лардас, Настоятель – Телефон 203 / 386-9516 Церковный Дом; Сетовой: 203 / 209-9374 День Новый Старый Время Служба Стиль Стиль Лазарева Суббота Пят 30 Мар 17 Мар 6:30 ч веч Утреня Суб 31 Мар 18 Мар 9:00 ч утра Часы 9:30 ч утра Божественная Литургия Неделя Ваий (Вербное Воскресенье), разрешается вино и елей, сбор для Святой Земли Суб 31 Мар 18 Мар 5:00 ч веч Всенощная и освящение ваий Вос 1 Апр 19 Мар 9:30 ч утр Часы 10:00 ч утр Божественная Литургия; сбор для Святой Земли Страстная Седмица Вос 1 Апр 19 Мар 4:00 ч веч Соборование в Покровской Церкви в Наяке, NY Пон 2 Апр 20 Мар 6:30 ч веч Утреня Жениха II Вто 3 Апр 21 Мар 9:30 ч утр Литургия Преждеосвященных Даров Сре 4 Апр 22 Мар 9:30 ч утр Утреня Жениха IV Великий Четверток Чет 5 Апр 23 Мар 9:00 ч утр Часы 9:30 ч утр Литургия Василия Великого (Тайный Вечер, установление Евхаристии) Великий Пяток Чет 5 Апр 23 Мар 6:30 ч веч Утреня, Последование Святых Страстей, 12 Евангелий Пят 6 Апр 24 Мар 2:00 ч дня Вечерня, Вынос Плащаницы Великая Суббота, БЛАГОВЕЩЕНИЕ Пят 6 Апр 24 Мар 6:30 ч веч Утреня с крестным ходом Суб 7 Апр 25 Мар 8:30 ч утр Часы 9:00 ч утр Литургия Василия Великого, 15 паремий 5:00 ч дня Освящение куличей (без пения Христос Воскресе) ПАСХА, Светлое Воскресение Господа Бога и Спаса нашего Иисуса Христа Суб 7 Апр 25 Мар 10:30 ч веч Исповедь 11:00 ч веч Освящение куличей (без пения Христос Воскресе) 11:30 ч веч Пасхальное Заутренье 12:00 ч ноч Воскресение Христово, крестный ход, и Пасхальная Утреня Вос 8 Апр 26 Мар 1:30 ч ноч Пасхальная Божественная Литургия 3:00 ч ноч Освящение куличей с пением Христос Воскресе, Пасхальное заговение в церковном зале 10:00 ч утр Пасхальный 9ый Час 10:30 ч утр Пасхальная Вечерня Светлый Понедельник, Глас 2 Пон 9 Апр 27 Мар 9:30 ч утра Пасхальные Часы 10:00 ч утра Пасхальная Литургия для детей 11:30 ч утра Ход с иконами 12:00 ч дня Детское пасхальное заговение Светлая Седмица – 8-14 Апреля (26 Мар-1 Апр), поста нет в Среду и Пятницу ради Пасхи Живоноснаго Источника, Глас 6 Чет 12 Апр 30 Мар 6:30 ч веч Вечерня 2ая Неделя Пасхи, Фомина Суб 14 Апр 1 Апр 5:00 ч веч Всенощная Вос 15 Апр 2 Апр 9:30 ч утра Часы 10:00 ч утра Божественная Литургия

St Nicholas Свято-Николаевская Русская Russian Orthodox Church Православная Церковь Schedule of Services Расписание Богослужений April 2018 Апрель 2018 г. Fr George Lardas, Rector, Telephone: 203 / 209-9374 О. Георгий Лардас, Настоятель – Телефон 203 / 209-9374 Day New Old Time Service День Новый Старый Время Служба Style Style Стиль Стиль Holy Week and Bright Week Страстная и Светлая Седмицы Sat 31 (18) Mar – Mon 9 (2) Apr Суб 23 (10) Апр – Пон 2 Мая (19 Апр) See special schedule См. особое расписание 2nd Sunday of Pascha, St Thomas 2ая Недели Пасхи, Фомина Sat 14 Apr 1 Apr 5:00 pm Vigil Суб 14 Апр 1 Апр 5:00 ч веч Всенощная Sun 15 Apr 2 Apr 9:30 am Hours Вос 15 Апр 2 Апр 9:30 ч утр Часы 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утр Бож Литургия , Blessing of Graves Cemetery Радоница, освящение могил Кладбище Mon 16 Apr 3 Apr 11:30 am St Joseph’s, Stratford Пон 16 Апр 3 Апр 11:30 ч утра St Joseph’s, Stratford 4:00 pm Union, Stratford 4:00 ч дня Union, Stratford 5:00 pm St John’s, Stratford 5:00 ч дня St John’s, Stratford Tue 17 Apr 4 Apr 12:00 pm Old Milford Вто 17 Апр 4 Апр 12:00 ч дня Old Milford 1:00 pm King’s Hwy, Milford 1:00 ч дня King’s Hwy, Milford Thu 19 Apr 6 Apr 1:00 pm St John’s, Monroe Чет 19 Апр 6 Апр 1:00 ч дня St John’s, Monroe 3:00 pm Lakeview, Bridgeport 3:00 ч дня Lakeview, Bridgeport 3rd Sunday of Pascha, Myrrh-Bearers, Tone 2 3ья Недели Пасхи, Жен Мироносиц, Глас 2 Sat 21 Apr 8 Apr 5:00 pm Vigil Суб 21 Апр 8 Апр 5:00 ч веч Всенощная Sun 22 Apr 9 Apr 9:30 am Hours Вос 22 Апр 9 Апр 9:30 ч утр Часы 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утр Бож Литургия 4th Sunday of Pascha, The Paralytic, Tone 3 4ая Неделя Пасхи, о Расслабленном, Глас 3 Sat 28 Apr 15 Apr 5:00 pm Vigil Суб 28 Апр 15 Апр 5:00 ч веч Всенощная Sun 29 Apr 16 Apr 9:30 am Hours Вос 29 Апр 16 Апр 9:30 ч утр Часы 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утр Бож Литургия Mid-Pentecost Преполовение Пятидесятницы Wed 2 May 19 Apr 6:30 pm Small Blessing of Сре 2 Мая 19 Апр 6:30 ч веч Вечерня и Малое Waters Водоосвящение 5th Sun of Pascha, The Samaritan Woman, St George the 5ая Неделя Пасхи, о Самаряныне, Св Георгия Trophy-Bearer, Tone 4 Победоносца, Глас 4 Sat 5 May 22 Apr 5:00 pm Vigil Суб 5 Мая 22 Апр 5:00 ч веч Всенощная Sun 6 May 23 Apr 9:30 am Hours Вос 6 Мая 23 Апр 9:30 ч утр Часы 10:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 ч утр Бож Литургия

St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church Bulletin Special Edition Holy Week and Pascha 2018 Сердечно приветствуем всех наших прихожан и друзьей с радостью Воскресения Христова Христос Воскресе! – Воистину Воскресе! We greet all our parishioners and friends with the joy of the Resurrection of Christ Christ is Risen! – Indeed He is Risen!

When they that were with Mary came anticipating the dawn, and found the stone rolled away from the Sepulchre, they heard from the Angel, Why seek ye among the dead as though He were mortal Him Who abideth in everlasting light; behold the grave-clothes, go quickly and proclaim to the world that the Lord is risen and hath put death to death, for He is the Son of God, Who redeemeth mankind. – Hypakoe of the Pascha, Tone 4 Palm Sunday, Troparion, Tone 1: In confirming the general Вербное Воскресенье, Тропарь, Гласъ 1: Общее вос- resurrection, Thou didst raise Lazarus from the dead before Thy кресеніе, прежде Твоея страсти увѣряя, изъ мерт- passion, O Christ God. Wherefore we also, as the children выхъ воздвиглъ еси Лазаря Хрісте Боже. Тѣмже и мы bearing the symbols of victory, cry unto Thee the Vanquisher of яко отроцы побѣды знаменія носяще, Тебѣ побѣди- death: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He that cometh in the телю смерти вопіемъ: Осанна въ вышнихъ, благосло- name of the Lord. венъ грядый во имя Господне. Holy Week, Troparion, Tone 8: Behold, the Bridegroom cometh Страстная Седмица, Тропарь, Гласъ 8: Се женихъ гря- in the middle of the night. And blessed is that servant whom He детъ въ полунощи, и блаженъ рабъ, егоже обрящетъ shall find watch. Again unworthy is he, whom He shall find бдяща: недостоинъ же паки, егоже обрящетъ унывающа. heedless. Beware therefore, O my soul, lest thou be borne down Блюди убо душе моя, не сномъ отяготися, да не смерти with sleep, lest thou be given over to death and be shut out of the предана будеши, и царствія внѣ затворишися, но воспряни Kingdom. But rather rouse thyself and cry: Holy, holy, holy, art зовущи: Святъ, святъ, святъ еси Боже, Богородицею поми- Thou O our God, through the have mercy on us. луй насъ. Good Friday, Troparion, Tone 8: When the glorious disciples Великая Пятница, Тропарь, Гласъ 8: Егда славніи ученицы were enlightened at the washing of the feet, then Judas the un- на умовеніи вечери просвѣщахуся, тогда Іуда злочестивый godly was stricken and darkened by the love of silver; and unto сребролюбіемъ недуговавъ омрачашеся, и беззаконнымъ the lawless judges did he deliver Thee, the Righteous Judge. Be- судіям Тебе праведнаго судію предаетъ. Виждь имѣній ра- hold, O lover of money, him that for the sake thereof did hang чителю, сихъ ради удавленіе употребивша! Бѣжи несытыя himself; flee from that insatiable soul that dared such things души, учителю таковая дерзнувшія: Иже о всѣхъ благій, against the Master. O Thou Who art good unto all, O Lord, glory Господи, слава Тебѣ. to Thee. Holy Saturday, Troparion, Tone 2: The noble Joseph having Великая Суббота, Тропарь, Глас 2: Благообразный Іосиф, taken Thy most pure Body down from the Tree, and wrapped It съ древа снемъ пречистое тѣло Твое, плащаницею чистою in pure linen, covered it with spices and laid It in a new Tomb. обвивъ, и вонями во гробѣ новѣ покрывъ положи. Pascha, Troparion, Tone 5: Christ is risen from the dead, tram- Пасха, Тропарь, Гласъ 5: Хрістосъ воскресе изъ мертвыхъ, pling down death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing смертію смерть поправъ, и сущымъ во гробѣхъ животъ life. даровавъ.

St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church Church Orthodox Russian St Nicholas


Fr George Lardas, Rector Rector Lardas, George Fr

Holy Week and Pascha 201 and Pascha Week Holy


с радостью Воскресения Христова Воскресения радостью с


Воистину Воскресе!

Христос Воскресе!

Special Edition Special








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Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church 1 Honeyspot Road --- Stratford, CT 06615 Telephone 203 209-9374 Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia V. Rev. George Lardas, Rector