St Nicholas Parish Bulletin – April 2018 Fr George Lardas, Rector – Telephone: 203 209-9374 Web Site: StNicholasStratford.org Email: [email protected] Announcements Verse: Then the same day at evening, being the first day of Rector (ex officio) – V Rev George Lardas the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were Starosta/President – Leopold (Dexter) Peavy III assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the Vice President – Katherine Kendall-Callaghan midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had Recording Secretary – Victoria Licamele so said, he showed unto them his hands and his side. Then were Corresponding Secretary – Antonina Korepina the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. – John 20:19-20. Treasurer – Anastasia Milligan Стjхъ: Сyщу же п0здэ въ дeнь т0й во є3ди1ну њтъ Assistant Treasurer – Pavel Shurba суббHтъ, и3 двeремъ затворє1ннымъ, и3дёже бsху ўченицы2 Trustees – Dr Evan Tilley and Joan Hudobenko (commenc- є3гw2 с0брани стрaха рaди їудeйска, пріи1де Їисyсъ, и3 стA посре- ing their 2-year term), Sonya DeBiase and Walter Wolog дЁ, и3 глаг0ла и5мъ: ми1ръ вaмъ. И# сіE рeкъ, показA и5мъ рyцэ (continuing their 2-year term) и3 н0зэ и3 рє1бра своS. возрaдовашасz же ўченицы2 ви1дэвше Auditors – Galina Rakov, Elena Curran and Elena Reilly Г0спода. – Њтъ Їwaнна, гl к7, ст< f7i-к7. Brotherhood President (elected by the Brotherhood) – Стихъ: Въ тотъ же первый день недели вечеромъ, когда Dmitry Shurba двери [дома], гдѣ собирались ученики Его, были заперты изъ Sisterhood President (elected by the Sisterhood) – Maria опасенія отъ Іудеевъ, пришелъ Іисусъ, и сталъ посреди, и го- Peavy воритъ имъ: миръ вамъ! Сказавъ это, Онъ показал имъ руки и ноги и ребра Свои. Ученики обрадовались, увидевъ Services Господа. – Отъ Іоанна 20:19-20. Presanctified Liturgy: The final Liturgy of the Presanctified This Bulletin Gifts this year will be on Holy Tuesday at 9:30 am. Those wish- ing to receive Holy Communion should prepare by prayer, fast- This April Bulletin is dedicated to the loving memory of our ing and confession. Confessions will begin half an hour before beloved Mother and Grandmother, Nina B. Kendall; and our the start of the Presanctified Liturgy. Grandfather and Great Grandfather, Protodeacon Sergei Belaieff; and our Grandmother and Great Grandmother, Lazarus Saturday: Matins for Lazarus Saturday will begin Matushka Zinaida Belaieff. May their memory be eternal! at 6:30 pm Friday 30 March. Divine Liturgy for Saint Lazarus is at 9:30 am Saturday 31 March. The Kendall & Callaghan Families Palm Sunday: One of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Church Year, this celebrates the triumphant entry of our Lord into Jeru- Paschal Donation Envelopes: This Bulletin includes a spe- salem six days before His Passion. Vigil with Litya and the cial donation envelope for Pascha. Please send your contribution blessing of palms (and pussy willows) will begin at 5 pm Satur- in. We depend on your donations! Your donations can be either day 31 March, and Divine Liturgy for the Feast, at the usual mailed in or dropped into the collection basket when you come time, 10 am Sunday 1 April. Fish, wine and oil are permitted on to church. this day for the sake of the Feast. There will be a collection for the Holy Land at the end of the Liturgy. Sponsor the Bulletin: If you wish to sponsor any future is- sues in whole or in part, please contact our treasurer, Anastasia No Holy Unction at St Nicholas Church: We remind every- Milligan or ask at the Candle Desk. You may donate in memory one that we will not serve the Sacrament of Holy Unction at St of a departed relative, or for some milestone, a birthday, anniver- Nicholas Church on Holy Wednesday. We will instead serve the sary or other celebration. Matins service appointed for that time, the Matins for Holy Thursday, commonly called the Bridegroom Matins, served by Donate On Line: St Nicholas Church appreciates the anticipation on Holy Wednesday evening. ongoing financial assistance of parishioners, visitors, and other Those who wish to receive Holy Unction may do so either at friends. For convenience, gifts can now be sent online via credit Three Saints Church, 26 Howard St, Ansonia CT, at Sunday 25 card---just look for the orange Donate button at the upper right March (the 5th Sunday of Lent), served by the Greater Bridgeport on our homepage. As always: thanks for your support. Orthodox Clergy Association in conjunction with the OCA Con- necticut Deanery; or at Holy Virgin Protection Church, 51 Pro- Inauguration of the Parish Council spect St, Nyack NY, on Sunday 1 April (Palm Sunday), served The new Parish Council elected at the Annual General Parish by Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan. Both services begin at 4 pm. Meeting on Sunday 11 March will be inaugurated on Sunday 25 Please to remember to prepare appropriately and to go to Confes- March at the end of the Divine Liturgy. The Parish Council now sion beforehand. Please remember that we should not receive consists of the following: Holy Unction more than once in any season, so choose which Announcements – February & March 2018 one you wish to attend. tion from sadness to joy. The readings are taken in turn by our children and other volunteers. Holy Week Services: As there are many special services for Holy Week and Pascha, please consult the special schedule of Paschal Vigil: This includes the Paschal Nocturnes, Paschal services included in this Bulletin. Matins, Paschal Hours and Paschal Divine Liturgy. The Vigil begins at 11:30 pm Saturday 7 April with Nocturnes (Midnight Confession During Holy Week: Those who wish to receive Office) that echoes the Canon of Holy Saturday, In the waves of Communion during Holy Week and Pascha and Bright Monday the sea (Volnoju morskoju), during which we gradually dim the should go to confession before, during or after the appointed ser- lights, and bring the Plaschanitsa into the Altar. At midnight we vices, and not wait till the last minute before the beginning of the begin Matins with a procession celebrating the Resurrection of Divine Liturgy. There will be no confessions after the beginning our Saviour. Immediately following the Matins, we have the Pas- of the Paschal Vigil on Holy Saturday night. If you miss the chal Hours (very short) and the Paschal Divine Liturgy. The Lit- opportunity, you may receive Communion at the Liturgy on Holy urgy begins around 1:30 am, and we finish about 3 am. This is Monday, 9 April, or on the following Sunday of St Thomas, 15 the most festive Divine Liturgy in the whole year, and all Ortho- April. dox Christians should strive to be present at it and share the joy Bridegroom Matins: Behold, the Bridegroom cometh in the of the Resurrection. A Paschal breakfast follows at which we eat middle of the night. This is the beginning of the Troparion for the the blessed Paschal foods. Matins of the first three days of Holy Week. We will serve the No Blessing of Paschal Foods: Please note – there will be no Bridegroom Matins, Parts II, and IV beginning at 6:30 pm on blessing of Paschal foods at the end of the Divine Liturgy on Holy Monday, 2 April, and Holy Wednesday, 4 April. Holy Saturday, 7 April, because the service is longer this year Holy Thursday: The Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil on because we combine the services of Holy Saturday with the ser- Holy Thursday begins at 9:30 am 5 April. This celebrates the vice of the Annunciation. We cannot predict when the service Institution (foundation) of the Sacrament (Holy Communion) at will end. the Mystical Supper in that Upper Room in Jerusalem on the eve Blessing of Paschal Foods: The Paschal foods (kulichi, meat, of our Lord’s Passion. eggs, cheese) are supposed to be blessed at the end of the Paschal 12 Passion Gospels: Matins for Good Friday with the 12 Liturgy (around 3 am on Pascha night), and with the singing of Gospel readings of the Passion of our Lord will begin at 6:30 pm Christ is risen (Khristos voskrese). However, since not everyone Holy Thursday 5 April. This is one of the most profound and can be present at that time, we have appointed the following meaningful services of the Church year, and it is a pity that many times for blessing the Paschal foods on Holy Saturday, 7 April: of our parishioners have missed it in the past. Although it is a At 5 pm long service, we should unfailingly attend out of gratitude to our Lord for saving us, and to learn about the events that took place Before the Paschal Vigil, at 11 pm in that fateful night and day that changed the world forever. We All blessings will be downstairs in the Church Hall, and without should also remain in the church until the end of the service. singing of Christ is risen, since this is before midnight. Please do Vespers of the Plaschanitsa: Vespers of Great and Holy Fri- not bring foods (especially flesh-meats) into the church itself. day marks the end of our Lord’s Passion, and His Burial. This is This is not permitted. a very beautiful service, during which we bring out the Paschal Vespers: There will be no Divine Liturgy on Plaschanitsa (Winding Sheet) of our Lord. The service begins at Pascha Day itself, Sunday 8 April, since it will have already 2 pm Friday 6 April. been served earlier, in the middle of the night. Instead, Paschal Burial of our Lord: Matins for Holy Saturday with the Vespers will be served at the usual time of the Sunday service, Lamentations of the Burial of our Lord, and for the Annunciation 10 am.
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