1AB2 soc POST OFFICE LONDON so a SOOIETIES-GENERAL-continUI'd. Women's Industrial Council (Incorp.) (Miss Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Man National Union of Ga.sworker& & C«memJ Society for Promoting Female Welfare Wyatt Papworth,sec.),7.John st. .A.delphiWC chester Unity), North London district Labourers (National Health Insurance (Lady .Edith Outes, vice-president ; Miss Women's Institute (Miss McCroben, secretary), (GeorgeL. Lingstrom, secretary), 309 Upper department) (George .Angle, , 18()1 Bowman, res. sec.), 2 Manchester street W 92 Victoria street SW street N ; South London district (Sydney Pentonville road N Society for the Protection of Life from Fire Women's International League (Mrs. Mary Rowland,sec.), 86 Walworth roadS E; Loya.l National Union for Insurance- (Frank G. (Major H.M.Healy,sec.),26NewBridge stE C How ell, 8eC.), 199 Victoria street SW J ewist. Lodge (H. L. N a than, hon. sec.), Harris, general secretary), 1 & 8Colebrooke Society of Somerset Men in London (Maurice Women's League of Service (Miss Fletcher, Oamperdown house, Halfmoon passage, Aid row, Islington N Goorge Chant, hon. sec.), 5 Guildhall cham sec.), 36 Lisson street NW gate E New Century Workmen's Protection Society bers, Basinghall street E C Women's Sick & Wounded Convoy Corps Independent Order of Rechabites (S.U.) ( W. G. Plant, sec.), 400 New Cross rd SE Society for the Suppression of Gambling (E. (Miss R. M. Davls, sec.), 74 Vincent sq SW (London District office) (George Marshall, New Tabernacle (Old street CtJngregational} Ellmore, sec.), 66 Imperial buildings, New sec.), 6! Devonshire road, Hackney NE Approved Society (P.
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