HERALD PAGES 8 & 9 the Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

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HERALD PAGES 8 & 9 the Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts *~***************~*5-DIGIT 02906 2239 11/30/96 ** 24 R.l. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC!A 130 SESSlGNS ST. ?ROV!OENCE RI 02"106 Rhode Island --~uu.---.-11 I - Special Occasions HERALD PAGES 8 & 9 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXVI, NUMBER 16 ADAR 16, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1996 35¢PERCOPY Cabinet_Plans Separation i~ Wake of Bombi_ng Wave by Naomi Segal Six of the dead were Roma­ constructing a perimeter fence JERUSALEM (JT A)- Within nian workers who had come to along the line between Israel and hours after a suicide bomber blew Israel to re'pJace Palestinian the West Bank and Gaza and up a Jerusalem bus, the Israeli workers banned from entering creating 18 crossing points to Cabinef voted to implement a Israel. monitor travel between the two plan to separate the Israeli and The attack occurred as t!le bus areas. Palestinian popuJations. drove along the same route, No. Peres said $100 million had The decision to invest in sepa­ 18, as in the earlier bombing, been allocated for the separa­ rating Israel and the West Bank which occurred one week ago to tion plan. and the Gaza Strip comes as the the day at about the same time. In addition, the Cabinet ap­ Peres government, reeling 'The bomb used was very proved the crea tion of a special from a series of attacks by the similar to the one last week," force of 800 security guards to fundamentalist Ha mas group in Police Commissioner Assaf protect public buses. the past week, vowed to root Hefetz told reporters. The bomb The guards will be drawn out the terrorist cells and de­ used contained more than 30 from former members of Israel . stroy them. pounds of explosives and was Defense Force combat units. "Thisisan all-outwar, which filled with nails. A plan to deploy additional Lady Liberty requires unilateral measures~ Hefetz stressed that an over­ police and security reinforce­ Vivian Weisman, executive director of the Jewish Commu­ that must be·"implemented im­ all soh,1tion for the security situ­ ments in Jerusalem, also ap­ nity Center of Rhode Island, was in the Purim spirit recently at mediately," Prime Minister ation must be found. proved by. the Cabinet, "has al­ a celebration at theJCCRI. Jeffrey Brier, president of theJCCRI, Shimon Peres said after the " Attacks happen ·every­ ready begun," Peres told report­ stands to her left. Herald phqto by A lison Smit/1, March 3 blast, the third bomb­ where, in Jerusalem and other ers. "We will fill this city with ing in eight days. places and not just on buses," he the security forces needed to "We have decided to give the said . ensure its.security." waron terror top priority," Peres The separation plan adopted Police and soldiers also will Stunned by· Wave said. "We will use every means by the Cabinet at its weekly be stationed at bus stops and and will not be deterred." meeting on M<1rch 7 includes Continued on Page 15) -The blast in Jerusalem was of Terror, Israelis an eery repetition of the Feb. 25 suicide bus bombing near the city's central bus station, in Question Peace which 26 people, including the A Show of Solidarity by Michele Chabin "This isn ' t peace," saig bomber, were killed. Two young On March 10, the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island and JERUSALEM (JT A) - Emo­ Shlomo Dalbari, a 55-year­ Americans were among the the Rhode Island Board of Rabbis will host a community· tions of fear, anger, shock and old cafe owner whose small dead. meeting to demonstrate solidarity with the people of Israel. helplessness surged through­ restaurant was destroyed in the Also Feb. 25, a suicide bomber The meeting will convene at 2 p.m. at Temple Beth-El, 70 out Israel as the victims of .two explosion. blew up a soldier's hitchhiking Orchard St. Israel's Consul.General for New England, the other Palestinian terrorist at­ But Dalbari did not express post in Ashkelon, killing one Hon. Dan Kyram, will speak on the current state of affairs in tacks-thirdand fourth in nine anger, just shock and bewilder­ other person. Israel. · . , · days - were buried. ment. Dalbari, a passenger on The March 3 bombing left at The Community Relations Council will explain the kinds Exactly one week after a sui­ the ill-fa ted No.18bus,escaped least 19 dead, including the of actions people can take to show support for Israel, and cide bomber blew up a No. 18 injury. bomber, and at least 10 wounded. there will be a service to commemorate the lives of those.Jost ,l bus, killing 26 and wounding "I was on the bus that blew All the victims were believed to in the terrorists bombings. scores more, Israelis awoke up, but I got off just in the nick be passengers on the bus: March 3 to learn that a nearly of time," said Dalbari, standing identical attack had taken place outside the remains of his cafe. in the heart of the ca pital city. "Usually, the bus driver, who I The next day, a suicide know very well, lets me off right bomber ki ll ed 14 people and at my cafe, but for some reason wounded more than 100 at a I decided to get off ea rlier." shopping center in Tel Aviv. "I heard a huge blast and As if caught in a recurring saw the bodies," he added. "I · nightmare, Israelis again franti­ can't say any more." ca ll y phoned fri end s and family For Dalbari's son, Shai, the after the most recent bombings day's e·vents were too much to to see :,vhether they were ali ve absorb at once. or dead. "I was on the bus behind the On television news, Israelis 18 and suddenly it exploded," againsawtheskeleton ofaNo. 18 he said in a shaky voice. bus standing crippled as bl ack­ "I knew [my fa ther] was on coated men from the burial soci­ the bus and I jumped off to try etyChevra Kadishascraped body to find him," Shai Dalbari said. parts off the sidewalk. " I couldn' t find him anywhere Afterthevictimswere rushed and I was frantic. I've never away and the twisted metal re­ known such fear. mains of the bus were rell}oved, "Then, 15 minutes later, I loca l shopkeepers were allowed found him, ali ve and well. ft is to size up the damage. impossible to describe my feel­ Closed at 6:25 a.m. - th e in gs at that moment." time of th e blast - many of th e While ma ny agreed tha t Mensch of the Month stores, cafes and kiosks were things could ha ve been worse, Providence Hebrew Da y School recentl y presented ce rtifi ca tes to its "Mensches of th e Month" nonetheless damaged beyond most Jeru sa lemites lining the at the Jewish Community Center of Rhode Island. Hem/,/ ,,1,.,1" l>v "'"'" Sm,//, recognition. (Continued on Page I';) L 2 :-TtIJ'l JU:!ODE ISLAN.DJJ;WIS .I:I I:I.ERALO, .U:I.U~SDA Y, l\1A~<;:H 7, 1~96 . INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE / Tapes of Seafood Export Forum Available Taped.proceedings oft.he re­ ropean Union, the former·east­ gional Seafood Export Forum ern block countries, and the Pa­ on Feb. 15 in Providence are cific Rim; regulations and in­ available from Rhode Island Sea spection; financial services and Grant. international banking; and the The tapes should be he.lpful use of Free Trade Zones. to both experienced and new Cost of the taped proceed­ export companies, those con­ ings, a set of three tapes, is $20. templating the export market, To order, mail your request and and those who service or regu­ a check to: Rhode Island Sea late those companies. Grant Communications, Uni­ The forum covered all aspects versity of Rhode Island Bay of seafood export, including: Campus, Narragansett, R.I. current U.S. policies and oppor­ 02882. For more information, tunities as they relate to the Eu- ca II 874-6842 , Free Tax Preparation Many Internal Revenue Ser-. including Forms 1040, 1040A, vice programs offer free assis­ 1040EZ and some basic sched­ tance with tax preparation or ules. tax counseling using volunteers Tax Counseling for the Eld­ trained by the IRS. erly (TCE) provides free tax help Volunteer Income Tax Assis­ to people age 60 or older. tance provides free tax help to The volunteers who provide people with low .and fixed in­ tax counseling are often retired ·Presenting Marvelous Marvin come who cannot afford paid individuals associated with non­ Books on the Square, 471 Angell St. in Wayland Square, Providence, will present science whiz professional tax assistance; to profit organizations. · Marvelous Marvin Novogrodski on March 10 from 2 to 3 p.m. The event 1s geared to children people with disabilities; to the Taxpayers are asked to ca ll 5 a.nd up and is free and open to th~ public. elderly; and; to others with·spe­ the IRS, toll-free, at (800) 829- cial needs. 1040 for the locations of the near­ The IRS trains the volunteers est VITA and TCE sites. to help prepare basic tax returns Compassionate Free Listing of Vegetarian Friends Meet . Vacation.s and Camps Available Win a Trip to the Olympics in Two Areas The Vegetarian Resource . The Vegetarian Resource Group is giving away a listing . Group is a non-profit organiza­ The Cranston Sir Speedy cen­ tions and Olympic event tickets The next meetingofTheCom­ ter .has announced the Sir including the always-popular of vacation spots and camps of- tion which educates the public passionate Friends (a self-help fering vegetarian/ vegan meals · about vegetarianism.
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