MRS. Eddipillfiled
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1?. »10 HSDAY. —— ' —— — DECEMBER \u25a0\u25a0 : - DAILY TBIBUNi:. THI : . ; r^ ~\ -z 2 NEW-YOBK for the purpose of a. pins? out action on Jaw, J in the hills south of Moose Sft.«k.. CUT : rules and other", pro&lema that willcon-% ; suffering from a fever h<? •front not to \u25a0 '"« til**: and declared that this country It with- so-fiay. AVhile SPEAKER^POWERS the. next •Hoti«e. foas DRANK INK FOR WINE MTindered away about six weeks a*o. Mr. for work of that body when .• resume* fj out adequate defence on either coast. of Democratic Leaders Decide ! belns:?es«lor..J :; TO TRY TO BREAK IBU Keith had built railroad lines for many next December. Signatures arc wU the FILED Then Speaker-. reminded EDDipiLL :.:jn<-'l m Cannon MRS. during Committees. caueu* Kentucky principal companies in the West Committee on ! for a of the Democrats of its Church Communicants the enriferre"* that the House, under thirty years. *****;the House which willb* held early nex the last Washington. 14.-Tha ' ; Victims of Practical Joke. page. Dec. according present rules, cannot receive a. confidential re- - page. Continued from nrrt Representative week, to indications, ; [Hy T*l?icraph to The Trtbune.l .Continued r«m first COMMITTEE the next House of bod>. port, and it was accordingly returned to ELECT SHORT BALLOT name the committees, of that «£« • Lexington, Ky.. Several mem- it; besides, not Kepr*sen- the Secretary for emasculation, Dec. 14.— the details of the suit to discuss The New Short Ballot Orffanl*ation Champ Clark. of "War Valley necessary be for purpose York Speaker-expectant pro»p*ttlv*IWILL LEAD RAIDS IN PERSON bers of the Pleasant Christian shall used the there is nothing: new in It. All these " facts night for its first annual gathering Underwood, of Alabama. complete suppression or fullpublicity. recuper- building met last tatlva Church. Nicholas County, are of keeping in repa.r the church about the. contemplated suit .have been al City Club, and elected an executive Way. and Means Com It develops that Representative Hob- .°,Sr> the chairman of the ating from Illness caused by drinking and my•farmer house at No. Com- already published in the papers. My com- consisting- of George H. Put- when the Democrat* assume control Mayor Says Liquor Msn ere; Alabama, was the innocent cause Boston, committee mlttee conserva- jTnlsa Off *oivof water at com- avenue. in said pany is not in any combination with o>Jier nam, Everett V. AtaJ»ot. Richard S. Child s. of the House, and others of the of of Secretary Dickinson's indelible ink diluted with monwealth were; perhaps it l»erningr, Arthur C. Ludinston. Democracy have 700 a Month for Protection. the recall last Sunday. persons been transferred to said corporations. Iwish it' Horace E. tive win* of the House ! to the munion Unknown which has company," and Elinu Root. jr.. George W. Alger Charles comrn.ttees — original report, -which was better the that the riven place of Church, and any building or would be for Howland, Henry I*Stimson and IMwhi reached the conclusion by Tui.cfl, '\u25a0•\u25a0' r»ec. I*. Mayor rr. J. -Mar. days ago. Mr. had substituted the ink in the Mother Wiggin,' laughing, closed the conver- P. some oth«-w than press in confidence ten may be, by necessity Mr. A be .elected In ft published *tat;ment to-<!ay. 9ai\\ communion wine during the week. buildings, which appoint subcommit- ZVll system appointment by the |tin. in Hobson, who wants four battleships a sation by hanging up the receiver. This committee will the present of Itliat the of !h»^ Vfi-.iorand i?api.Mir.i ' as convenience, therefor. study of the application .leader* The color of the Ink was the same or substituted tees for a detailed Sneaker. " him a year, went to Mr. Tawriey^and asked ballot -principle to state fee\u25a0 !element had offered S.I.TW month tot the unfermented-winrs, and many of the and that the balance of said of the short amendment much developed "to-day.t.--fl«- It« trill'•'\u25a0' him a providing for the Idesire AMERICAN FROZEN TO DEATH. tickets It. is possible that an This iai«f»afl caucus !protection. The- Mayor- la reply said >*» to introduce bill liquid the portion of the prin- •will be proposed all probability at \u25a0 of Defence, members drank the before income and such Man., Keith, a to the state constitution ratified in jwould lead future raids against resorts 1$ ] Council of National which the be Winnipeg, Dec. 14.—Neil at the next setsisn of the Legislature, pro- members of tho BOOM who ma> mistake wast discovered. Several were cipal as may be deemed wise shall the appointment minor state the new February person. closing portion report well known railroad contractor in viding for the' of together January or h of Mr. Dickinson's \u25a0 M called In \ taken violently ill before the services and used by said residuar- States, to death officials by the. Governor. recommended. It was the first intima- devoted United was found frozen were over. A thorough search has been of effect- Mr. Tawney had -of the char- legatee for tbe purpose more tion had by th* at extending the re- disconcerting instituted authorities Carlisle. ually promoting ai\d acter of the Secretary's as taught communication. ligion of Christian Science by me." Council of National Defence. KILLS HIMSELF IN HOTEL Details of Codicils. Mr. Tawney, with an eye to economy Travelling Salesman Strangles first codicil, the sum of |5»000 in appropriations, was greatly worked In the was Himself with a Bath Towel. given to Laura E. Sasgent. who tip. and started in haste for the White is A man who registered as Samuel at her home. The House, where he induced the President Mrs. Eddy's attendant Friedman, New York, committed suicide to have th«» Secretary's report withheld codicil ther continues: his at the Prince George Hotel, bequeath to the from"publication. It understood, how- in room "I give, devise and is. No. 14 East 28th street, last night by Christ, Scientist, New ever, that at a recent r meeting, Second Church of Cabinet making a noose in a bath towel 'and exceeding $175,000, the, national council was approved by York City, a sum not '* strangling: himself. Jacob Friedman, of pay indebtedness which th' President and his advisers. sufficient" to street, who said he my decease Noting the turn of affairs. Mr. Hobson, No. 603 West 138th may exist at the time of was a brother of th- suicide, made ar- edifice of said Second who came Into possession of an early upon the church rangement* for the removal of the body Christ. Scientist, and direct copy Of the report, took the initiative Church of to an undertaker's. iium of $175,000. or such part to-day and introduced the bill he had that said According to the hotel authorities the as may be necessary for the casually mentioned to Mr. Tawney. It thereof dead man was a travelling salesman and applied ai> soon as may provides for the establishment of a purpose, shall be stopped at the Prince George whenever my decease to or toward the council of national defence, consisting be after in town. He registered on Tuesday and extinguishment of said indebtedness. If War, be of the Secretary of who shall it was said he seemed to have plenty of required for this purpose president; the Secretary of the Navy. the amount money and was generally In a gay mood. be as much as $175,000. then the- chairmen of the Finance, Military shall not When a maid went to his mom about this legacy shall be limited to the Affairs and Naval committees of Affairs four o'clock yesterday she heard what amount actually required. Senate, of the.Appro- the the chairmen. she thought was' coughing, but what "IRive and bequeath to Mrs. Pamelia priations. Military and Naval commit- York, Coroner Winterbottom thinks was the J Leonard, of Brooklyn. New "the tees of the House, the chief of staff of his death. gasping of the man just before sum of J3.000; to Mrs. Augusta E. Stet- the army, the aid for operations of the right The maid thought everything all son, of New York City, my 'crown of navy, fleet of the the president of the and went on to other rooms, but when diamonds' breast pin; to Mrs. Laura Army War College and president bolted she the of she returned and found itstill I^athrop. of New York City, my diamond the Navy War College. gave an alarm, which led to the discov- cross; fcO Mrs. Rose Kent, of Jamestown. de- It provides that this council shall ery of the suicide. N. V., my gold watch and chain, and policy my termine a general of national de- to Henry M. Baker, of Bow, K. H., fence and shall recommend to the Presi- TWELVE KILLED portrait set in diamonds. to Congress such dent for transmission JVMNERS Increased. measures relating to the national defence Rescue Party of Three Also Frye Bequest as itshall deem necessary and expedient,' Perished in Colliery. "The bequest in my will to Calvin A. and that the council shall meet at least — Frye is hereby increased to $20,000." Norton. Va.. Dec. 14. Twelve miners once a year and may call before it any In the second codicil, the testator di- were killed to-day in an explosion of gas member of the Cabinet, Senator, Repre- rects her executor to sell, within three in the Greeno coal mine, two miles from sentative or officer of the army, navy, months after his appointment, at public Italian Renaissance Room in Aeolian Hall Tacoma.