“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose history is ended, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, whose literature is unread, whose music is unheard, whose prayers are no longer uttered. Go ahead, destroy this race. Let us say that it is again 1915. There is war in the world. Destroy . See if you can do it. Send them from their homes into the desert. Let them have neither bread nor water. Burn their houses and their churches. See if they will not live again. See if they will not laugh again.” –William Saroyan


1. Birth of the Holy Savior Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Years later, an Armenian prince, Abqar of Edessa (Urfa), invites Jesus to his court to cure him of an illness. Abgar’s messengers encounter Jesus on the road to Calvary and receive a piece of cloth impressed with the image of the Lord. When the cloth is brought back to Edessa, Abgar is healed.

33. Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ On the 50th day after the Resurrection (Pentecost)the Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles gathered in .

43. The Apostle Thaddeus comes to Armenia to preach . He is martyred in Artaz in southeastern Armenia.

66-68. The Apostle Bartholomew preaches in Armenia. He is martyred in Albac, also in southeastern Armenia. The Armenian Church is apostolic because of the preaching of the Apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew in Armenia.

75. King and his daughter, Sandoukht convert to Christianity. Under pressure from his lords and pagan clergy, Sanatruk renounces Christianity and puts his daughter to death. She is the first saint of the Armenian Church.

286. King III imprisons the Christian Gregory, whose father had taken part in the assassination of Trdat III’s father, King Khosrov I. Gregory is thrown into a pit in the royal castle of Artashat, where he remains for fifteen years.

301. Trdat III prersecutes Christians in Armenia. He kills a group of thirty seven Christian virgins who have fled to Armenia to escape Roman persecution, after one of the virgins, , refuses to marry him. The leader of this group is Gaya ne who, along with Hripsimé is revered as one

1 of the founding saints of the Armenian Church. After committing this crime, King Trdat goes insane. Trdat’s sister, Khosrovidoukht has a dream in which a man tells her that the persecution of Christians must stop. She tells her brother that he will be cured if Gregory is released from the pit. The King agrees to release Gregory. Gregory restores Trdat’s health and baptizes the King and the royal family. King Trdat declares Christianity the national religion and Armenia, thereby, becomes the first Christian state.

Later, Gregory has a vision in which Christ descends from heaven and strikes the earth at the town of with a golden hammer. After this, Gregory has a vision of a great Christian temple rising. Gregory builds a reproduction of the church that he saw in his vision. He renames Vagharshapat "Etchmiadzin" (which means "the Descent of the Only- Begotten"). Because of his role in bringing the light of Christ to the Armenian people, St. Gregory is called "the Illuminator" and is venerated as the patron saint of the Armenian Church.

354. St. Augustine of Hippo is born and is one of the main figures in forming the western philosophical tradition’s merger of the Greek philosophical tradition and Judeo-Christian religious tradition and belief.

365. St. nerses the Great ( Nerses I, 353-73) calls the first Armenian Church Council at Ashtishat. This Council makes provisions to establish order and uniformity in the churches. It also decides to found schools, hospitals and other charitable institutions.

387. Sahak Bartev, the son of St. Nerses the Great, becomes Catholicos Sahak I. With the financial support of King , he actively encourages St. in his creation of the and the patronage of the first translators who translate important Christian texts into Armenian. The translation activity together with the composition of original Armenian works result in the Golden Age of in the 5th Century.

406. St. Mesrop Mashtots completes the Armenian alphabet.

433. TheTranslation of the Bible into Armenian is completed.

444. The Council of Shahabivan is held. The earliest Armenian canons (Church laws) are produced at this Council.

449. The Armenian Church holds a Council at Ashtishat in response to the edict of Yazdegird II, Emperor of Sassanid Persia, ordering the to convert to .

2 451. The Armenians, led by Vardan and the priest Ghevond Erets, battle the Persians at Avarair, in what became known as the first battle that the Armenian people fought for the freedom of their conscience. The Armenians cannot attend the ecumenical because of the war. The Council declares that Jesus Christ has two distinct natures, divine and human, that exist inseparably in one person; whereas the Armenian Church, together with Syrian Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, Coptic, Indian (Malabar) chruches, continue to adhere to the formulation of St. Cyril of Alexandria: "One is the nature of the Incarnate Word."

484. After fighting a successful guerilla war under Vardan Mamikonian’s nephew, Vahan, the Armenians sign the Treaty of Nvarsak with the Persians. The treaty recognizes the right of the Armenians to practice Christianity freely

607/08. The Armenian Church formally objects to the of the Council of Chalcedon

614. The Persians destroy many of the over 70 Armenian churches and monasteries in Jerusalem. Many of these are never rebuilt.

661. The church and palace at Zvartnotz are completed.

685. The Byzantine Emperor Justinian II attempts to force the Armenian Apostolic Church to join the Byzantine Church. He devastates Armenia when the Armenians refuse.

737. Prince Vahan Goghtnatsi, who was raised as a Muslim in the Caliph’s court, is executed by the Arabs for renouncing Islam in favor of Christianity.

862. The khatchkar (cross stone) reaches its artistic pinnacle at this time.

893. An earthquake ruins the Catholicosate in .

931. Catholicos Stepanos II Rshtouni transfers the Catholicosate to the island of Aghtamar, the royal seat of the Artsruni Kingdom of .

947. The Catholicos Anania moves the See from Aghtamar to Argina (near ). During Anania’s pontificate, monasteries such as Sanahin, Haghpat, and Narek are built.

951. Grigor narekatsi is born, who is thought by many to be the greatest mystical poet of the Armenian Church. He is best known for his "Book of Lamentations." a collection of 95 meditations.

3 988. King Smbat II Bagratuni, "the Master of the Universe," lays the cornerstone for the .

989/90. Gagik I becomes King. Under Gagik I, the Bagratuni capital of Ani reaches its zenith and is renowed as "the city of 1,001 churches." enters its golden age and its influences are felt as far as western Europe.

992. Catholicos Sargis I Sevantsi moves the Catholicosate from Arkina to Ani

1000. The Cathedral of Ani is completed.

1065. Grigor II Vkayaser (the Martyrophile) is consecrated Catholicos. He transfers the Catholicosate to Zamintia.

1097. The Crusaders of the First Crusade are assisted by the Armenians of Caesarea, , and , in their efforts to capture the Holy Land from Islam. For nearly the next three centuries, the Armenians are active at all levels of the Crusade

1113. A Church council in Cilicia condemns the of Aghtamar who has declared himself Catholicos.

1147. Catholicos Grigor III moves the See of the Catholicosate to Hromkla in southeastern Cilicia.

1166. Nerses Shnorhali (the Gracious), the brother of Catholicos Grigor III, becomes Catholicos Nerses IV. Nerses Shnorhali is remembered as a Catholicos and poet. He is one of the major poets of Armenian medireview literature (the Silver Age of Armenian literature). His works are among the foremost in the Church’s "Book of Hours" and "Hymnal."

1168/69. Nerses Lambronatsi is ordained of Tarsus. He is remembered for his leadership in the ecumenical movement to unify the various Christian churches.

1262. Toros Roslin, the greatest Armenian miniature painter, completes a gospel for prince and Lady Keran. Toros is recognized as a precursor of the Italian Renaissance.

1292. The Mamelukes of Egypt capture the Catholicosate at Hromkla. Catholicos Stepanos IV and holy relics, including the right hand of St. , are taken to Cairo.

1293. The Catholicosate is moved to the Cilician capital of .

4 1306. Dante Alighieri begins writing the Divine Comedy

1311. Creation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

1333. The artist Momik dies. Momik starts as a miniature painter in Cilicia. He is brought by Bishop Stepan Orbelian to monastery, the spiritual center of Siunik in eastern Greater Armenia. Momik is the best representative of the Gladzor school of miniature painting. In the early thirteenth century he makes khatchkars. He turns from miniature painting to architecture and builds a two story -church in .

1346. The vartabed, philosopher, educator and theologian Grigor Tatevatsi is born in Vayots Dzor. Along with Grigor Tatevatsi, the vartabed Hovanness Vorotnetsi, a teacher, theologian, philosopher and founder of the university at Tatev, argues against union with Rome.

1441. A council is held at Vagharshapat. The seat of the Catholicos is moved from Sis back to its original seat at Etchmiadzin after a 957 year absence. The Catholicos at Sis, Grigor Mousapekyants, does not oppose the election of a new Catholicos at Etchmiadzin, but he does not move to Etchmiadzin himself. The jurisdiction of his successors is limited to Cilicia and the surrounding areas. The Council of Vagharshapat elects the monk Kirakos Khor Virapetsi as Catholicos of All Armenians. Catholicos Kirakos I revitalizes and reorganizes Holy Etchmiadzin.

1517. On October 31 Martin Luther posts the 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church, in order to open up debate and spur reform in the Catholic Church. Soon after he became the leader of the Protestant Reformation.

1651. At the Council of Jerusalem, Philipos I Aghbaketsi Catholicos of All Armenians, and Nerses Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, meet and set canons defining the limits of the jurisdiction of the two Sees.

1666. The first printed Armenian Bible is produced in Amsterdam.

1701. A Benedictine order is founded in Armenia by Mkhitar of Sebastia in .

1715. Hovhannes Kolot Baghishetsi becomes Patriarch of Constantinople. He founds a school in Iskudar and a library in Kum Kapu. His efforts result in the publication of the works of Agathangelos, Hovhan Mamikonian, Paustos Buzand, Mesrop Vayotstzoretsi, Grigor Tatevatsi and others. The Armenian Catholic Mkhitarist order is invited to settle on the island of San Lazzaro by the Serene Republic of Venice, where it remains to this day.

5 The Mkhitarists are devoted to education and scholarship and have a large impact on Armenia and the Armenians.

1717. Grigor Shirvantsi accepts the position of Patriarch of Jerusalem. He is called "sheghtayagir" ("chain bearer") because he will wear a chain around his neck until the debts of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem are fully paid. With the support of Patriarch Hovhanes Kolot, he raises a vast amount of money to meet Jerusalem’s needs.

1771. Under Catholicos Simeon I Yerevantsi (1763-80), the first printing press is set up in Etchmiadzin.

1773. The Mkhitarists set up a branch in Trieste and in 1811 they move to Vienna.

1828. Starting in the 1820’s American Protestant missionaries, having failed in their attempt to convert the Turks, seek to convert the Armenians to Protestantism. By the end of the 19th century there is an extensive network of Protestant Armenians.

1836. The Russian authorities regulate the Armenian Church through polozhenye (statutes). The statutes allow a great deal of internal autonomy for the Church. However, the statutes give power to a synod of 8 clergymen which is controlled by the Russian authorities.

1869. Bishop becomes Patriarch of Constantinople. He was a Armenian patriot, who captured the imagination of the nation.

1873. Patriarch Mkrtich is forced to resign by Ottoman authorities. He is replaced with another patriot, Patriarch Nerses Varzhapetian.

1874. The Gevorgian seminary is founded at Etchmiadzin.

1879. Patriarch Nerses receives 75 Armenians who convert from Catholicism to the Armenian Church. Among these, is Maghakia Ormanian, future Patriarch of Constantinople.

1884. The Russians order the Russification of Armenian Church schools. The Church rejects the order. The Russians close Armenian schools.

1886. The Armenian clergy acquiesces to the Russian demands regarding a Russian curriculum in Armenian schools. However, over the next ten years the Armenian clergy resist Russian demands for greater Russification and manage to keep the schools open.

6 1889. The Partrairch of Constantinople, Khoren Ashekian, founds the Patriarchate’s seminary at Armash. Archbishop Maghakia Ormanian is the first Dean of the seminary of Armash. He transforms it into a serious academic institution. The Armash seminary is destroyed in 1915.

1892. Mkrtich Khrimian (affectionately called Khrimian "Hairig") is elected Catholicos Mkrtich I at Etchmiadzin.

1902. Sahak II (born Gabriel Khapayan) is elected Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia.

1903. Catholicos Mgrditch I Khrimian reacts skillfully and patiently to Russian attempts to confiscate property of the Armenian Church. Khrimian refuses to hand over the keys to Etchmiadzin to Russian authorities.

1911. Catholicos Gevorg V is elected.


1916. Jemal Pasha orders Sahak II to assume the new post of Catholicos- Patriarch of all Armenians in the , based at Jerusalem after the abolition of the Sees of Sis, Aghtamar, Constantinople and Jerusalem. Sahak II reluctantly accepts, hoping that this will end the massacres of the Armenians. It does not. Gomidas Vardaped is put in an asylum in Constantinople. The Zaven Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople is exiled to Baghdad.

1917. Sahak II is exiled by the Ottomans to Damascus.

1918. Faced with the Turkish invasion of what is left of the Armenian homeland, Catholicos Gevorg V remains in Etchmiadzin against the advice of military authorities. Catholicos Sahak II returns to Cilicia.

1920. The Gregorian calendar is adopted.

1921. Sahak II is forced to flee Cilicia.

1929. The Catholicosate of Cilicia takes over the Dioceses of , Damascus and Latakia, formerly under control of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

1929. Catholicos Sahag II of Catholicate of Cilicia establishes the Armenian Church Sunday Schools in .

1930. Gevorg V dies at Etchmiadzin. In 1932 he is succeeded by Khoren Muratbekyan.

7 1930 June 28th Catholicos Sahag II of Catholicate of Cilicia issues the Gontag with respect to the Armenian Church Sunday Schools.

1931. After residing in Aleppo, Catholicos Sahak II settles in Antelias, north of Beirut, making it the new seat of the Catholicosate of Cilicia.

1938. Catholicos Khoren I is found murdered under mysterious circumstances.

1939. Catholicos Sahak II Vshtali (the Sorrowful) dies in Antelias.

1943. Archbishop Karekin Hovsepiants is elected Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. Due to the war, he has to wait two years to take up the post. As Catholicos he initiates co-operation between Etchmiadzin and Antelias and stimulates intellectual activities at Antelias.

1945. Catholicos Gevorg VI receives his office after negotiations with the Kremlin allowing for the election. Present at the election and consecration is of the Great House of Cilicia. Gevorg VI re-establishes the seminary at Etchmiadzin.

1952. Catholicos Karekin I dies.

1955. Catholicos Vazken I is elected. As Catholicos, Vazken I travels extensively to create closer ties between Armenia and the Diaspora. He greatly strengthens Etchmiadzin in all respects under the very difficult conditions of Soviet rule. Under Vazken I, the Armenian Church joins the World Council of Churches.

1956. Zareh Payaslian is elected as the Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. Catholicos Zareh I becomes the symbol of the Armenian nation’s cause in exile.

1963. Catholicos Zareh Payaslian dies. Khoren Paroyan becomes Catholicos Khoren I of the Great House of Cilicia. That same year he meets with Catholicos Vazken I to discuss the rift between the two Sees.

1963. Father Karekin Sarkissian (later Karekin II Catholicos of Cilicia and Karekin I Catholicos of All Armenians in Etchniadzin establishes the ACUSA (Armenian Church University Students Association) or HEHOM.

1983. Khoren I dies at Antelias. Karekin II becomes Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia.

1988. The struggle for the liberation of Nagorno-Karabagh commences. On December 7, 1988, an earthquake kills tens of thousands in

8 northwestern Armenia. Catholicos of All Armenians Vazken I and Catholicos Karekin II of the Great House of Cilicia work together to rally Armenia and the Diaspora to assist.

1994. Vazken I dies.

1995. Karekin II of the Great House of Cilicia is elected Karekin I Catholicos of All Armenians at Etchmiadzin.

1995. is elected Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia.

1999. Karekin I dies. Karekin Abp. Nersessian, of the Araratian Diocese, is elected Karekin II Catholicos of All Armenians.

2001. The 1700th anniversary of the Proclamation of Christianity as Armenia’s State Religion.

2015. The Armenian Church Sanctifies The Victimes of The Armenian Genocide.


1 Sovrp “rgi[` #isovs Krisdosi /novntu Py;lyhemi me]1 Darinyr ydk Y;ysio3 Ovrfa Apcar ;acavoru #isovs gu hravire ir baladu or zink pov=e1 Apcari sovrhantagnyru gu hantibin #isovsi1 #isovs anonx hacovsdi gdor mu gov da3 orovn wra3 dbova/ er Asdov/o3 Badgyru1 Yrp hacovsdu gu pyrovi Y;ysia 5 Apcar arten p=,gova/ Er1 33 #isovsi qa[ylov;ivnu5 #arov;ivnu yv Hampar2ovmu1 #arov;ivnen %) 0r ydk Sovrp Hocin g4i]ne Yrovsa.emi me] havakova/ A-akyalnyrovn wra31 43 :ateos A-akyal Ha3asdan gov ca3 krisdoneov;ivnu karozylov hamar1 Gu nahadagovi Ha3asdani haravu` Ardazi me]1 ^^6^*76Parto.imeos A-akyal gu karoze Ha3asdani me]1 An yvs gu nahadagovi Ha3asdani haravu` Albaki me]1 Ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxin :ateos yv Parto.imeos a-akyalnyrov anovnow gu go[ovi A-akylagan ygy.yxi1 75 Sanadrovg yv ir a.]igu` Santovqd5 gu ta-nan krisdonya31 Sanadrovg ;acavor ir lordyrovn yv hy;anosnyrovn jn,ovmnyrovn dag g4ovrana3 krisdoneov;ivnu yv gu sbanne ir a.]igu1 Santovqdu Ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxvo3 a-a]in Sovrpn e1 286 Drtad ;acavor gu pandarge krisdonya3 tar2a/ Cricoru5 orovn ha3ru masnagxa/ er ir h0r` Qosrow A7i sbannov;yan1 Cricor gu nydovi Arda,adi baladin qor wirabu5 ovr gu mna3 !% dari1 301 Drtad C7 gu hala/e krisdonyanyru Ha3asdani me]1 An gu sbanne #& krisdonya3 go3syr5 oronk ‘aqa/ ein h-omeagan hala/anken yv hasdadova/ Ha3asdan5 orowhydyv anonxme min` H-i’sime go3su myr=a/ er ir hyd amovsnanal1 A3s qovmpin clqavoru Ca3yanen er5 or H-

9 I’simei hyd gu ngadovi Ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxvo3 himnatir sovrpyren megu1 A3s oji-en ydk5 Drtad C7 gu hivantana31 Ir ko3ru` Qosrowitovqd yraz mu gu dysne5 ovr mart mu g4use ;e bedk e wyr] cdne krisdonyanyrov hala/anku1 Qosrowi;uvqd gu badme ir yrazu yv g4use ;e bedk e Cricoru tovrs pyre Qor Wiraben 5 orbeszi a-o.]ana31 :acavoru g4untovni azadyl Cricoru1 Cricor gu p=,ge Drtadu yv zink ov polor baladagannyru Krisdonya3 gu mgrde1 Drtad krisdoneov;ivnu gu 3a3darare Ha3asdani bydagan gr0nk1 A3sbisow Ha3asdanu gu ta-na3 Krisdonya3 a-a]in bydov;ivnu1Avyli ov, Cricor dysilk mu gu dysne ovr #isovs yrginken g4i]ne5 osgie movrjow mu Wa.ar,abadi me] ho.u gu ‘ore yv wran gu par2rana3 hsga35 krisdonya3 ygy.yxi mu1 Cricor g4ar;nna31 An gu ga-ovxe ir dysilkin me] dysa/ ygy.yxin ji,t hon ovr #isovs i]a/ ov ‘ora/ er yv Wa.ar,abadu gu wyranovane E]mia/in5 or gu n,anage Miag ?nyalin I]a/ Wa3ru1 Ha3 =o.owovrtu Krisdosi lo3sin pyra/ ullalovn hamar Sovrp Cricor gu go[ovi Lovsavori[5 yv untovnova/ e orbes Ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxvo3 clqavor sovrpu1

354 gu /ni sovrp )cosdinos5 or gu ngadovi #ovnagan ‘iliso’a3agan avantov;yan yv Hrea6Krisdoneagan gr0nagan avantov;yan yv havadki mia2ovlman clqavor temku1 365 Sovrp My/n Nyrses A7 ga;o.igos5 #%#6# A,da,adi me] gu gazmagyrbe Ha3asdanya3x Ygy.yxvo3 a-a]in Qorhrta=o.owu1 A3s =o.owin g4oro,ovi ygy.yxinyrov me] garc5 ganon yv mi0rinagov;ivn sdy./yl1 G4oro,ovi nayv himnyl tbroxnyr5 hivantanoxnyr yv a3l parysiragan hasdadov;ivnnyr1 387 My/n Nyrsesi ortin Sahag Bar;yv gu ta-na3 Sahag A7 ga;o.igos1 Wram,abovh ;acavori 0=antagov;yamp an gu ka]alyre S7 Mysrob Ma,doxu or sdy./e ha3gagan A3povpenu yv clqavorylow a- a]in ;arcmani[nyru5 ha3yreni ;arcmanyn krisdoneagan garyvor hadova/nyr1 :arcmanagan a,qadanku yv zovd ha3gagan cor/yrov sdy./ovmu gu gazmyn ha3gagan craganov;yan osgytaru5 %rt7tarovn 406 S7 Mysrob g4ampo.]axne ha3gagan A3povpenu1 433 g4ampo.]ana3 Avydarani ha3yreni ;arcmanov;ivnu1 444 gu covmarovi

451 Avara3ri ta,din wra35 Wartan Mamigonyani yv >yvont Yryxi clqavorov;yamp5 ha3yru gu m.yn irynx gr0nku yv q.ji azadov;ivnu ba,dbanylov a-a]in badyrazmu1 A3s badyrazmi badja-av ha3yru [yn grnar masnagxil Ka.gytoni Qorhrta=o.owin5 ovr g4oro,ovi or #isovs Krisdos ovni yrgov darpyr Pnov;ivnnyr` asdova/a3in yv martga3in5 oronk anpa=an0ren gu Cdnovin meg an2i me]5 min[ Ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxin Sovriani yv Y;owbiagan Ov..a’a-5 K0’; yv hntgagan Malabar Ygy.yxinyrovn hyd gu tavani Sovrp Sirili pana2yvin, or g4use ;e Meg e Marmnaxyal Q0skin Pno3;u1

10 484 Wartan Mamigonyani zarmig` Wahan Mamigonyani clqavorov;yamp 3a.;agan badyrazme mu ydk4 Barsignyrovn hyd gu gnkovi Nwarsagi ta,inku5 yv barsignyru g4untovnin or ha3yru g4irargyn Irynx krisdonya3 gr0nku azad0ren1 Ha3asdanya3x Ygy.yxin gu myr=e Ka.gytoni +o.owin krisdoneagan pno3;u1 614 Barsignyru Yrovsa.emi me] gu kantyn avyli kan &) ha3gagan ygy.yxinyr yv wankyr5 oronxme ,adyru yrpek [I wyraga-ovxovyxan1 661 Zovar;nox ygy.yxiin ga-ovxovmu ampo.]axa/ e1 685 Pivzantagan #uvstinyan ga3sru gu ‘or2e bardatryl or Ha3asdanya3x A-akylagan ygy.yxin miana3 Pivzantagan ygy.yxvo3 Ha3yru gu myr=yn mianal yv ink g4avyre Ha3asdanu1 737 Wahan Co.;naxi I,qanu or islamaxa/ er yv tar2a/ qalifa3in baladaganu5 gu tr=e islamov;ivnu yv gu ta-na3 krisdonya31 An gu sbannovi a3t badja-ow1 862 Qa[kari arovysdu ir caca;nagedin gu hasni1 893 Yrgra,ar= mu avyrag gu tar2ne Tvini ga;o.igosov;ivnu1 931 Sdy’annos P7 _,dovni ga;o.igosu gu ‘oqatre ga;o.igosaranu A.;amar g.zin5 or Wasbovragani Ar/rovnyax ;acavorov;yan nsdady.in er1 941 Anania ga;o.igosu ga;o.igosov;ivnu A.;amaren gu ‘oqatre Ar=ina5 Anii mod1 Ir ga;o.igosov;yan 0row gu ga-ovxovin Ha.padi5 Sanahini5 Horomosi5 Narygi yv a3l wankyr1 951 gu /ni Cricor Narygaxin1 An y.a/ e Ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxvo3 qorhrtaba,d my/aco3n panasdy./u5 or n,anavor e ir 8Madyan O.pyrcov;yan 9 skan[yli cor/ow orovn hamar ink g4use 8 srdi Qorken q0sk Asdov/o3 hyd 91 An gu pa.gana3 #^^ hadova/nyre5 Am’o’ova/ (% clovqnyrov dag1 988 Smpad P7 Pacradovni diyziragal ;acavoru gu tne Anii Ma3r Daja-in himnakaru1 989-990 Cacig A7 gu ta-na3 ;acavor1 Ir 0row Pacradovnyax Harsdov;yan Ma3raka.ak Anin gu hasni ir zarcaxman caca;nagedin yv gu wyranovanovi 8!))! Ygy.yxinyrov ka.ak91 Ha3gagan jardararovysdu g4abri ir Osgytaru yv ir aztyxov;ivnu Gu dara/ovi min[yv Aryvmdyan Yvroba1 992 Sarcis A7 Syvanxi ga;o.igosu5 ga;o.igosaranu Arkina3en gu ‘oqatre Ani1

1000 G4ampo.]ana3 Anii Ma3r Daja-in ga-ovxovmu1 1065 Cricor Wga3aser g4undrovi ga;o.igos yv ga;o.igosaranu gu ‘oqatre Sama;ia1

1080 _ovpen A7 i,qan gu ta-na3 Giligio3 ;acavor1 1084 #owhannes Sargavac wartabyd gu wyranoroce ha3gagan domaru1 1097 Gysario35 Sovrio3 yv Giligio3 ha3yru g40cnyn a-a]in Qa[agirnyrovn or azadacryn Sovrp Ho.u islamnyrovn 2y-ken1 #a]orto. Yryk harivramyagnyrovn ha3yru gu cor/agxin Qa[agirnyrovn1 1168-69 Nyrses Lampronaxin :arsovsi A-a]nort gu 2y-natrovi1 An ygy.yxinyrov ekivmenik ,ar=ovmin a-a]nortu gu ngadovi5 krisdonya3 ygy.yxinyrov me] miov;ivn mu sdy./ylov ir ]ankyrovn badja-ow1

11 1105 Cricor P7 ga;o.igosu gu waqjani1 An undrova/ er !)^%in wyr] dalow a;o-in hncamya3 ;a’ovr ,r]anin` sgsa/ Qa[ig Ga;o.igosi mahen1 Cricor P7 wyranorocyx d0naxo3xu yv ;arcmanyl dovav wga3ov;ivnnyr5 go[ovylow Wga3aser1 1113 Giligio3 Qorhrta=o.owu gu tadabarde A.;amari ybisgobosu or inkzink ybisgobos h-[aga/ er1 1147 Cricor C7 Bahlawovni ga;o.igosu ga;o.igosagan a;o-u gu ‘oqatre H-omgla5 Giligio3 harav aryvylku1 1166 Nyrses

12 1375 Lyvon Y7 cyri g4i3na3 Ycibdosi mamlovknyrovn 2y-ku5 oronk wyr] gov dan Giligio3 ha3 ;acavorov;yan1 1441 Wa.ar,abadi me] gu covmarovi qorhrta=o.ow mu1 957 darinyrov paxaga3ov;yne ydk5 ga-a]argyn Cricor Movsapygyanx Ga;o.igosin or ga;o.igosagan a;o-u Sisen ‘oqatre E]mia/in5 ngadylow or 66 darinyre I wyr Ha3gagan :acavorov;ivn co3ov;ivn [\ovner1 Ga;o.igosu gu myr=e yr;al E]mia/in5 pa3x [untimanar or hon nor ga;o.igos mu undrovi1

Ir 3a,ortnyrov 0rinagan I,qanov;ivnu gu dara/ovi Sisi yv ,r]aga3ki wra31

Wa.ar,abadi qorhrta=o.owu5 Giragos Qor Wirabyxin g\undre Amyna3n Ha3ox ga;o.igos1 Giragos A7 ga;o.igosu gu wyragyntanaxne yv gu wyragazmagyrbe Sp7 E]mia/na3 a;o-u1 1512 #agop My.abard gu dbe a-a]in ha3yren cirku Wynydigi me]1 1517 Hogdympyr 31 in Wittenberg Castle Church I tran wra3 gu gaqe 95 wijyli niv;yrov xang mu yv gu sgsi Po.okagan

1655 #agop T7 }ov.a3yxi ga;o.igos E]mia/ni1 1666 Ams;yrdam i me[ gu dbovi a-a]in ha3yren Avydaranu1 1677 #agop T7 }ov.a3yxi ga;o.igosu Ha3asdani azadacrman azca3in =o.owu gu pana3 E]mia/ni me]1 1694 Y’rym >a’anxi Bolso3 badriark g4undrovi yv gu hala/e Ka.gytoni wartabydov;ivnu yv H-omi ybisgobosin clqavorov;ivnu untovno. Ha3yrovn tem1 1700 Himnatrov;ivn Mqi;aryan Miapanov;yan5 Mqi;ar Sy’asdaxii go.me 1705 #owhannes Golod Ba.,yxin gu ta-na3 Gosdantnovbolso3 badriark1 An Sgivdari me] gu himne tbrox mu5 isg Covm Ca’ovi me] crataran mu1 Ir ]ankyrow gu dbovin Aga;anky.osi5 #ownan Mamigonyani5 Pavsdos Pivzanti5 Mysrob Wa3ox @oryxii5 Cricor Da;yvaxii cor/yren1

Ha3 Ga;olig Mqi;aryan miapanov;ivnu gu hasdaovi Wynydigi Sovrp >azar g.ziin wra35 ovr gu mna3 min[yv 0rs1 Mqi;aryannyru n,anavor yn irynx gr;ov;yamp yv ovsano.ov;yamp yv my/ aztyxov;ivn ovnyxa/ yn ha3ox yv Ha3asdani wra31 1717 Cricor

13 1773 Mqi;aryannyru masnajiv. Mu gu panan :ries;I me] yv gu ‘oqatrovin Wiynna1 1828- Po.okagan misionarnyru ;ovrkyru Po.okagan tar2nylov irynx jicin me] 1820 2aqo.yle ydk5 gu 2y-nargyn ha3yru Po.okagan tar2nylov a,qadankin1 !(rt7 tarov wyr]avorov;yan gu dysnovi Po.okagan ,ad dara/ovn cor/ovneov;ivn1 1836 _ovsagan I,qanov;ivnnyru Sahmanatrov;ivn mu gu badrasdyn Ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxvo3 hamar1 Ganonacrov;ivnu g4ard0ne nyrkin azadov;ivn mu saga3n gu j,te * g.yragannyre pa.gaxa/ Qorhovrt mu5 or g4i3na3 _ovsagan hsgo.ov;yan dag1 1869 Mgrdi[ Qrimyan Ybisgobosu gu ta-na3 Gosdantnovbolso3 badriark1 An azca3naser ha3 mun er1 1873 Mgrdi[ Ybisgobos gu hra=ari ;rkagan jn,ovmnyrov dag1 Zink gu ‘oqarine a3l azca3naser ` Nyrses War2bydyan ybisgobosu1 1874 E]mia/ni me] gu himnovi Cyvorkyan Jymaranu1 1879 Nyrses badriark g4untovni Ga;oligov;yne Ha3asdanya3x Ygy.yxvo3 tar2a/ &% ha3yr5 oronxme er Ma.akia )rmanyanu5 or 3ydaca3in gu ta-na3 Gosdantnovbolso3 badriark1 1884 _ovsyru gu hrama3yn ha3gagan yggy.yxinyrov war=arannyru _ovsaganaxnyl1Ygy.yxin gu myr=e7 _ovsyru gu ‘agyn Ha3gagan War=arannyru1 1886 Ha3 g.yraganov;ivnu gu hama2a3ni nyrmov/yl _ovsyreni Ovsovxman ?racir mu Ha3gagan Tbroxnyre nyrs1 #a]orto. 10 darinyrovn Ygy.yxin mi,d tem tnylow hantyr2 –ovsaganaxman 3avylyal /racirnyrovn5 2yvow mu gu 3a[o.i pax bahyl war=arannyru1 1889 Gosdantnovbolso3 badriark Qoren A,ucyan gu himne badriarkov;yan jymaranu Arma,I me[1 Ma.akia )rmanyan Arkybisgobosu gu ta-na3 Arma,I Jymaranin a-a]in Dn0renu1 Arma,I jymaranu gu ta-na3 ,ad garyvor Ovsovmnagan gytron mu or saga3n gu kantovi 1915 in 1890 Himnargov;ivn sovrp Crki Tbroxin5 Yrovsa.em1 1892 Mgrdi[ Qrimyan Ybisgobos 8Qrimyan Ha3rig9 g\undrovi E[mia/na3 ga;o.igos 1902 Sahag P7 Qaba3yan g\undrovi Ga;o.igos Me/I Dann Giligio31 1903 Mgrdi[ A7 Qrimyan Amyna3n Ha3oc Ga;o.igos tivanacidov;yamp yv hampyrankow gu timatre Ygy.yxvo3 galova/nyru cravylov _ovsagan ‘or2yrovn yv gu 3a]o.i1

An [I 3an2nyr Y[mia/na3 panalinyru –ovsagan I,qanov;ivnnyrovn1 1911 Cevork T7 Amyna3n Ha3ox Ga;o.igos g\undrovi 1914 Hama,qarha3in A-a]in Badyrazmu gu p-ngi1 1915- Ha3gagan Xy.asbanov;ivn 1923 1916  Jymal “a,an gu hrama3e Sahag P7 Ga;o.igosin or sdanxne )smanyan ga3srov;yan Amyna3n Ha3ox Ga;o.igos6Badriarki ba,d0nu or Giligio3 dan kantovmen ydk hasdadova/ er Yrovsa.em1 Sahag P7 Ga;o.igos g\untovni 3ovsalow wyr] tnyl Ha3ox ]artyrovn1 I Zovr1

 Gomidas wartabyd Gosdantnovbolso3 me] gu nydovi angylanox mu1

14  Zaven Armenyan` Gosdantnovbolso3 badriarku g\aksorovi Ba.dad

1917 Sahag P7 Ga;o.igos g\aksorovi Tamasgos 1918  :rkagan panagu gu ,arovnage cravyl ha3gagan ho.yru Cevork Y7 gu mna3 E]mia/in haga-ag ha3 zinovoragan .ygawarov;yan ;ylatrankin1

 Sahag P7 Ga;o.igos gu wyrata-na3 Giligya3

1920 g4untovnovi Cricoryan Domaragalov;ivnu1 1921 Sahag P7i gu sdibyn barbyl Giligian1 1922 Zaven Y.yayan 5 Bolso3 badriarku gu ‘aq[I ;a’ovr 2cylow a;o-u1 1929  A,nan Halebi azca3in a-a]nortaranin mangabardezi srahin me] ba,d0nabes gu paxovi Giligio3 Ga;o.igosov;yan Giragn0rya3 Tbroxnyr

 Giligio3 ga;o.igosov;ivnu gu sdan2ne Be3rov;i5 Tamasgosi yv Gibrosi :ymyru5 oronk gu badganein Yrovsa.emi badriarkov;yan1 1930 Cyvork Y7 gu waqjani S7 E]mia/na3 me]1 1932 in zink gu ‘oqarine Qoren Movradbegyan1 1931 Halebi me] garj =amanag mu mnale ydk5 Sahag P7 ga;o.igos gu hasdadovi An;ilias5 Be3rov;I hivsisu1 An;iliasu gu ta-na3 Giligio3 ga;o.igosov;yan nor nsdawa3ru1 1938 Qoren A7 Amyna3n Ha3ox ga;o.igosu sbannova/ gu cdnovi ir synyagin me]5 qorhrtavor ba3mannyrov dag1 1939 Sahag P7 W,dali ga;o.igos gu waqjani An;iliasi me]1 1943 Carycin #owse’yan Arkybisgobos g4undrovi My/I Dann Giligio3 ga;o.igos1 Badyrazmin badja-av yrgov dari gu sbase ir a;o-in wra3 nsdylov hamar1 An gu 2y-narge S7 E]mia/na3 yv An;iliasi mi]yv cor/agxov;ivn sdy./ylov a,qadankin1 An gu m,age m,agov;a3in cor/ovneov;ivn5 An;iliasi me]1 1945 Cyvork Z7 ga;o.igos gu 2y-natrovi Crymlin1n undrov;yan iravovnk sdanale ydk1Ir undrov;yan yv o/man nyrga3 g4ulla3 My/I Dann Giligio3 ga;o.igos Carycin A7u1 Cyvork Z7 ga;o.igos gu wyrapana3 E]mia/na3 Jymaranu1 1952 Carycin A7 gu waqjani1 1955 Wazcen A7 ga;o.igos g4undrovi1 An 3ajaq gu jamporte Ha3asdani yv S’iv-ki mi]yv gabyru z0raxnylov hamar1 Ampo.] sowydagan i,qanov;yan t=ovarin 0ryrovn an gu bahe S7E]mia/inu1 Ir 0row Ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxin gu miana3 Ygy.yxinyrov Hama,qarha3in Qorhovrtin1 1956 Zaryh “a3aslyan g4undrovi ga;o.igos My/I Dann Giligio31 An gu ta- na3 a,qarha2riv ha3ov;yan artar tadin qorhrtani,u1 1956 Wazcen A7 E]mia/na3 norundir ga;o.igosu g\a3xyle Sisi a;o-in ga;o.igosagan undrov;ynen a-a]1 1962 E]mia/ni yv Sisi Ygy.yxinyru g4antamagxin Ygy.yxinyrov Hama,qarha3in

15 Qorhovrtin1 1963  Zaryh A7 ga;o.igos gu waqjani1 Qoren A7 g4undrovi ga;o.igos1 No3n darin hantibovm mu g4ovnyna3 Wazcen A7 ga;o.igosin hyd q0sylov hamar yrgov ga;o.igosov;ivnnyrov daragar/ov;ivnnyrovn masin1  Carycin wrt7 Sarcisyan 8hydaca3in Carycin P7 Giligio3 yv Carycin A7 Anyna3n ha3ox9 gu himne HYHOM u 8Ha3x7 Ygy.yxvo3 Hamalsaranagan Ovsano.nyrov Miov;ivn

1977 Carycin P7 Sarcisyan5 a;o-agix Qoren A7 i 1983 Qoren A7 ga;o.igos gu waqjani An;iliasi me]1 Iryn gu 3a]orte Carycin P7 Sarcisyan5 or gu ta-na3 lovsavor temk mu ha3asdanya3x ygy.yxvo3 noraco3n badmov;yan me]1 1988 Gu sgsi Nagorni >arapa.i azadacrman ba3karu 1 1988 Tygdympyr &in5 Ha3asdani Hivsis Aryvmdyan ,r]anin me]5 z0ravor yrgra,ar=i mu zoh g4yr;an dasnyag hazaravor ha3yr1 Amyna3n Ha3ox Ga;o.igos Wazcen A7 yv My/i Dann Giligio3 ga;o.igos Carycin P7 z0rago[I g4yn;argyn s’iv-ku5 or 0=antage Ha3asdanin1 1994 Wazcen A7 ga;o.igos gu waqjani1 1995 Carycin P7 g4undrovi Amyna3n Ha3ox Ga;o.igos5 S7 E]mia/na3 me] yv gu ta-na3 Carycin A71 1995 Aram A7 g4undrovi My/i Dann Giligio3 ga;o.igos1 1999 Carycin A7 gu waqjani1 Carycin Arkybisgobos Nyrsesyan` Araradyan ,r]ani A-a]nort5 g4undrovi Amyna3n Ha3ox Ga;o.igos5 orbes Carycin P71 2001 Krisdoneov;ivnu Ha3asdani Bydagan Gr0nk h-[agman !&)) amyag1 2015 Ha3 Ygy.yxin gu Srpatase Abrilyan Nahadagnyru1