Los Tuxtlas En

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Los Tuxtlas En Mexico Los Tuxtlas Ecological characteristics: This Biosphere Reserve hosts significant ecosystem diver- sity and nine types of primary vegetation. It is the northern limit of the moist forest in the American continent and is a unique case for Mexico and North America due to the con- nection of different types of forests and woodland from the coast to the volcano tops. It is a catchment area as it is one of the rainiest parts of the country. Within the Reserve, 2,698 species of vascular plants, 877 species of vertebrates (46 amphibians, 122 reptiles, 140 mammals and 569 birds), 133species of odonata and 860 species of butterflies have been identified. Among the fauna, 21 species are endemic. It is a key area for birds migrating from North America, Declaration date: 2006 223 of the 569 species of birds registered in the area are Surface area: 155,122 ha Nearctic and Neotropical migrants. The Biosphere Re- Administrative division: Municipalities of Catemaco, serve contains endemic species and endangered species of Hueyapan de Ocampo, Mecayapan, Pajapan, San Andrés flora and fauna. An example of the endangered species of Tuxtla, Santiago Tuxtla, Soteapan, Tatahuicapan, Acayu- flora are: Chironectes minimus, Vampyrum spectrum, can, Soconusco, Chinameca and Ángel R. Cabada, State of Alouatta palliata, Ateles geoffroyii, Cyclopes didactylus . Veracruz Among the birds: Jabiru mycteria, Cairina moschata, Sar- coramphus papa, Harpyhaliaetus solitarius, Harpya har- pyja, Spizastur melanoleucus . The Reserve also contains Human activities: abundant ichthyofauna with endemic taxa such as Bramo- charax caballeroi, Poecilia catemaconis, Poeciliopsis Agriculture (chillies, maize, beans, citrus, tobacco for ex- catemaco and Priapella olmecae . port, sugar cane, carpet grass, meat and dairy cattle, silvi- culture. Other important activities are fishing and tourism. Contact information: Jose Faustino Escobar Chontal Director RB Los Tuxtlas Playa No. 32, esquina con Abasolo, Col. Centro, Catemaco, C.P. 95870, Veracruz Mexico Tel: 294 94 31101, 01 (294) 943 11 50 Email: [email protected] .
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