53Rd, Annual Report and Balance Sheet
ADELAIDE TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED 53rd, Annual Report and Balance Sheet To be presented at the Annual General Meeting held on 25th August, 1986 OFFICIALS 1985 -86 Patron The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Adelaide J.B. JARVIS ESQ. Vice -Patron The Chairman S.A.C.A. Cricket Committee J. CRICHTON ESQ. President J.A. RAWES ESQ. Vice -President J.T.GUN ESQ. Chairman G. KOLENBERG ESQ. Honorary Treasurer M. SYNER -LYONS ESO. Executive Committee G. KOLENBERG (Chairman), B. CHAPMAN (Vice-Chairman). M. SYNER -LYONS (Treasurer) K.J. DUKE, GJ. GOULTER, W. GRIMSEY, N.W. KEEN, S.W. SHEPHERDSON, T. SMITH. L.B. TAYLOR Honorary Auditors Edwards, Marshall & Co. Life Members H.V. MILLARD, A.T. MARLOW, J.F. CARNE, W,J.M. EWING, J.W. HULL. D.T. BARTLETT, K.J. DUKE, M.J. DOLEY, C.W. BRITTON, G.T, GOULTER, L,B, TAYLOR Honorary Life Members MRS. V. HAYMAN, J,M, PAECH, G. RUXTON, D,J. SHAKES, W. GRIMSEY Executive Officer R.C. DUFFY ESQ. ADELAIDE TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION INC. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Season 1985 - 1986 We live in a time when change, imposed upon us at a bewildering rate, has become the order of the day. I n seeking to derive the maximum enjoyment from our leisure hours, we look for an escape route free from the turbulence which features this day and age. Yet is it realistic to believe that we can put aside the attitudes nurtured and developed during the other 6V2 days in the week in order that Saturday afternoons may be spent free from the tensions built up in everyday life? There is plenty of evidence to suggest that many people find it difficult to adjust from one environment to the other.
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