the one ring erebor pdf download The One Ring. has been defeated, the Battle of Five Armies has been won, and Bilbo has returned to . But much danger still remains, and from the -holds of the mountains to the dark and corrupt depths of a darkness waits, recovering its strength, laying its plans, and slowly extending its shadow . . . The One Ring Roleplaying Game is based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The and . Chock full of incredible artwork by leading artists, including John Howe and Jon Hodgson, and with evocative rules designed by award-winning games designer Francesco Nepitello, there has never been a Lord of the Rings game that’s more evocative of Tolkien’s unique vision. Along with rich and detailed background information, rules that focus on Tolkien’s themes, character types unique to the world and a setting that changes as the Tale of Years progresses, when you play The One Ring Roleplaying Game you really feel like you are playing in Middle-earth. 2012 Lucca Games Best of Show (Italy), Best RPG. Microbadges: The One Ring RPG fan The One Ring RPG Second Edition fan. Erebor. Erebor, also known as the , was a great mountain to the east of Mirkwood that became a dwarven kingdom after the Fall of Moria. The dwarves there were close friends with the Northmen that founded the towns of Dale and on the Long Lake, and were allies to the Elves of the Woodland Realm. However, tragedy took place when the great dragon Smaug plundered the Kingdom, leaving the dwarves a wandering folk. This would soon change when decided to retake the Mountain from with the assistance of his own company of trusted dwarves, the Grey and a Hobbit named . Thorin's company succeeded (although he himself died in the following Battle of Five Armies), and the Kingdom of Erebor endured under the leadership of King Dain until the War of the Ring where both Erebor and Dale were under attack from the Easterlings. In the Age of the Ring mod, Erebor is similar in theme to the vanilla faction but expanded outwards. At the start of the match, the player has the option of choosing between the Reign of Oakenshield and the Reign of Ironfoot which alters their unit and hero roster. Reign of Oakenshield consists of Thorin's Company and has cheap Mannish allies from Lake-town, whilst Reign of Ironfoot is led by King Dain and is supported by elite Mannish soldiers from Dale. Contents. Buildings [ edit | edit source ] Name Cost Health Description Price Reductor Fortress 5000 7500 Recruits heroes and builders. Can be upgraded with improvements and expansions n/a Dwarven Mine 300 2000 Generates resources based on available terrain. Provides access to the tunnel network. Provides leadership to Vault Warden. Increases command point limit by 50 n/a Grand Forge 400 1500 Provides worked metals as a resource based on available terrain. Increases command point limit by 50. Upgrades weapons and armour. Steel Bonus - Reduced cost of upgrades Hall of Warriors 300 4000 Trains the infantry of the Dwarves. Increases command point limit by 25. n/a Erebor Assembly 350 3500 Recruits allies from the world of Men, Blue Mountains, and the Iron Hills. Increases command point limit by 25. n/a Erebor Redoubt 550 4000 Recruits the specialist units of Erebor. Increases command point limit by 25. n/a Erebor Workshop 600 3000 Constructs dwarven siege weapons. Repairs nearby siege engines and battlewagons at level 2. Increases command point limit by 25 n/a Battle Tower 400 2500 Defensive tower that fires arrows at nearby enemies n/a Dwarven Well 300 1250 Heals nearby allies. Detects stealth. Increases command point limit by 10. Clean Water Bonus - reduced cost of infantry Heroic Statue 300 150 Allies near the statue gain +30% damage, +30% armour and earn experience twice as fast Culture Bonus - reduced cost of heroes Wall Hub 120 3000 Can be used to build walls n/a. Units [ edit | edit source ] Reign of Oakenshield [ edit | edit source ] Name Type Recruitment Location/Requirements Cost CP Builder Special Fortress 500 0 Erebor Warriors Swordsmen Hall of Warrior Lvl 1 300 60 Erebor Pikemen Pikemen Hall of Warrior Lvl 1 300 60 Erebor Archers Archers Hall of Warrior Lvl 1 350 60 Erebor Grim Hammers Swordsmen Hall of Warrior Lvl 2 450 60 Ered Luin Traders Special Erebor Assembly Lvl 1 450 40 Lake Town Watchmen Pikemen Erebor Assembly Lvl 1 250 60 Lake Town Bowmen Archers Erebor Assembly Lvl 1 350 60 Guards of the Master Swordsmen Erebor Assembly Lvl 2 500 70 Ered Luin Rangers Swordsmen Erebor Assembly Lvl 2 400 60 Iron Hills Warriors Special Erebor Assembly Lvl 3 600 80 Iron Hills Crossbowmen Archers Erebor Assembly Lvl 3 750 60 Erebor Vault Wardens Special Erebor Redoubt Lvl 1 450 60 Wyrm-slayers Swordsmen Erebor Redoubt Lvl 2 700 88 Khazâd-uzbadul Heroic Erebor Redoubt Lvl 3 1500 120 Battering Ram Siege Erebor Workshop Lvl 1 400 40 Battlewagon Cavalry Erebor Workshop Lvl 1 600 60 Dwarven Mangonel Siege Erebor Workshop Lvl 2 600 30 Iron Hills Demolisher Siege Erebor Workshop Lvl 3 600 40 Dorwinion Legionnaires Pikemen Inn 500 60. Reign of Ironfoot [ edit | edit source ] Name Type Recruitment Location/Requirements Cost CP Builder Special Fortress 500 0 Erebor Warriors Swordsmen Hall of Warrior Lvl 1 300 60 Erebor Pikemen Pikemen Hall of Warrior Lvl 1 300 60 Erebor Archers Archers Hall of Warrior Lvl 1 350 60 Erebor Grim Hammers Swordsmen Hall of Warrior Lvl 2 450 60 Ered Luin Traders Special Erebor Assembly Lvl 1 450 40 Barding Phalanx Pikemen Erebor Assembly Lvl 1 300 60 Barding Swordsmen Swordsmen Erebor Assembly Lvl 1 400 70 Barding Longbowmen Archers Erebor Assembly Lvl 2 600 72 Ered Luin Rangers Swordsmen Erebor Assembly Lvl 2 400 60 Iron Hills Warriors Special Erebor Assembly Lvl 3 600 80 Iron Hills Crossbowmen Archers Erebor Assembly Lvl 3 750 60 Erebor Vault Wardens Special Erebor Redoubt Lvl 1 450 60 Wyrm-slayers Swordsmen Erebor Redoubt Lvl 2 700 88 Khazâd-uzbadul Heroic Erebor Redoubt Lvl 3 1500 120 Battering Ram Siege Erebor Workshop Lvl 1 400 40 Battlewagon Cavalry Erebor Workshop Lvl 1 600 60 Dwarven Mangonel Siege Erebor Workshop Lvl 2 600 30 Iron Hills Demolisher Siege Erebor Workshop Lvl 3 600 40 Dorwinion Legionnaires Pikemen Inn 500 60. Reign of Oakenshield Heroes [ edit | edit source ] Roäc [ edit | edit source ] Roäc was the chief of the ravens of Ravenhill. These birds were much smarter than others, were able to reach a great age and could even speak Westron. Roäc acted as a messenger for Thorin who wished for Dain Ironfoot to bring reinforcements. The Raven also gave Thorin a warning that the treasure would be his death. Master of Lake-town [ edit | edit source ] The Master of Lake-town was a corrupt, gluttonous and greedy who ruled Lake-town tyrannically - squashing any signs of rebellion from those he saw as rabble-rousers. During the Quest for Erebor, Thorin's Company persuaded him to help them by promising him a share of the gold within the Lonely Mountain. When Smaug attacked Esgaroth, the Master fled with his gold into the Desolation of Smaug where he is said to have gone mad with dragon sickness and died of starvation alone. Kíli [ edit | edit source ] Kíli was Fíli's brother and another of Thorin's nephews. He was inseparable from his brother and fell alongside him when defending Thorin in the Battle of Five Armies. Fíli [ edit | edit source ] One of Thorin's nephews, Fíli was the heir to the Kingdom of Erebor if something bad had happened to his uncle. He was one of the youngest of Thorin's Company, and gave up his life to protect his uncle during the Battle of Five Armies. [ edit | edit source ] Balin was one of the oldest of the dwarves of Thorin's Company. His age has brought wisdom and he is one of Thorin's most trusted advisers. After the Quest, Balin set out to reclaim the ancient Kingdom of Moria, a task which he eventually failed at as the entire expedition was slain by the goblins. Bard the Bowman [ edit | edit source ] Bard the Bowman was a man of Laketown who was descended from the old King Gerion who fell in Smaug's assault on the city. A skilled fisher, smuggler and archer, he managed to slay the dragon during the attack on Laketown and led the forces of the town in the Battle of Five Armies. After the battle, he rebuilt the city of Dale and ruled as its king. Dwalin [ edit | edit source ] A member of the House of Durin, Dwalin was the younger brother of Balin. He was the first of Thorin's Company to arrive at Bag End. Dwalin will bow to no one except those who have earned his respect and is fiercely loyal to Thorin Oakenshield who has fought alongside him in many battles. Dáin Ironfoot [ edit | edit source ] Before the Quest for the Mountain, Dáin was Lord of the Iron Hills. He had a reputation for his skill as a warrior, for his red axe, and for his great deed of slaying Azog the Defiler at the Battle of Azanulbizar. He led his own army to assist his cousin, Thorin, at Erebor and became King Under the Mountain after Thorin's death in the battle. Thorin Oakenshield [ edit | edit source ] Thorin, Son of Thrain, was King of Durin's Folk after his father vanished on a journey close to Mirkwood. He ruled his people from the Ered Luin in their exile. In T.A. 2941, he led the Quest for Erebor and briefly became King Under the Mountain. When king, his obsession with the treasure of Erebor almost led to war between dwarves, elves and men, but he made a final sacrifice to defeat Bolg of the North in the Battle of Five Armies. Reign of Ironfoot Heroes [ edit | edit source ] Arcah [ edit | edit source ] Arcah was the Lady of Ravens and King Dáin's trusted advisor throughout his reign. As the threat of the Black Land grew, the King Under the Mountain sent Arcah to deliver and receive messages from the Dwarves' allies throughout Middle-earth. During the War of the Ring, Arcah brought tidings of a council summoned by , lord of , that would shape the fate of all of Middle-earth. Glóin [ edit | edit source ] After Thorin's Company successfully retook the Lonely Mountain, Glóin remained in Erebor with his son, Gimli. Erebor and the reforged kingdom of Dale flourished for many years as so too did Glóin who became wealthy. This peace was not long lived however, as King Dáin and the Dwarves of Erebor were threatened by an emissary of ; Dáin dispatched Glóin and Gimli to Rivendell, where Lord Elrond had summoned a great council, to explain the Dwarves' plight. Hadhod [ edit | edit source ] Hadhod was a of the Lonely Mountain and highly skilled in the ways of demolition: he had a keen eye for structural integrity and could pinpoint vulnerabilities in enemy defences. During his travels, Hadhod met Elegost, a Dúnadan of the North, with whom he formed a close friendship - these two proved to be the bane of any orc lurking in the North. King Brand [ edit | edit source ] The death of Smaug and the defence of Erebor against the of the Misty Mountains allowed Bard and the men of Lake-town to restore the ruined city of Dale, which prospered for many years. During the War of the Ring, the Bardings were ruled by Bard's grandson, King Brand, who maintained a close friendship with King Dáin and the Dwarves of Erebor. A great host of Easterlings attacked the city of Dale and the Lonely Mountain in the final days of the war, Brand and Dáin fought side by side valiantly until both fell to the enemy's unrelenting hordes. Gimli [ edit | edit source ] Gimli, son of Glóin, played a pivotal role throughout the War of the Ring. He accompanied his father to the Council of Elrond, where they learned of the One Ring's discovery and agreed upon the Ring's destruction - Gimli pledged to protect the Ring-bearer Frodo Baggins as a member of the Fellowship of the Ring. The quest led Gimli across Middle-earth, where he defended the lands of Rohan and Gondor alongside his companions and Legolas, whom he formed a close bond with as the journey progressed. Thorin III Stonehelm [ edit | edit source ] Prince Thorin, son of Dáin, was a fearsome and well-respected warrior like his namesake Thorin Oakenshield. He proved his worth in combat at the end of the War of the Ring, in which he secured victory against the Easterling host that had slain King Dáin and driven the Dwarves into the Lonely Mountain. He ruled as King Under the Mountain at the start of the Fourth Age and established a close friendship with the Realm of Gondor and its king, Elessar. King Dáin [ edit | edit source ] In the aftermath of the Battle of the Five Armies, Dáin Ironfoot was crowned King Under the Mountain; Erebor prospered under his rule and the Dwarves became close allies with the Bardings of Dale, led by King Brand. During the War of the Ring, Dáin was visited by an emissary of the Black Lands, who demanded knowledge of a hobbit by the name of Baggins and threatened the Dwarves when Dáin refused to give information to Sauron. The defiance of Dáin ultimately led to his death as Sauron sent a host of Easterlings to lay waste to the kingdom of Erebor; Dáin was killed before the gates of the Mountain before his son, Thorin III Stonehelm, drove off the attackers. Spellbook [ edit | edit source ] Cost :5PP Description : Repairs a structure. Left click icon then left click on target structure. Cost :5PP Description : Summons an unkindness of Ravens Reveals the shroud and detects stealthed units. Modifier Type: Leadership. Nearby units gain +25% damage and +5% speed. Stacks with buffs and spells. Left click then left click on target area. Cost :5PP Description : Modifier Type: Buff Target units gain +50% damage and +50% armour. Stacks with leaderships Left click then left click on target units. Cost :10PP Description : +15% resources from all Dwarven Mines Benefits all dwarven allies Passive power. Cost :10PP Description : Temporarily increases dwarven production speed. Left click to activate. Cost :10PP Description : Grants heavy armour to units in radius. Can only affect units that can receive Dwarven Plates Left click icon then left click on target own units. Cost :10PP Description : Summons a powerful stampede of goats to crush enemy units. Left click icon then left click on target area. Cost :15PP Description : Summons a Dwarrowdelf Pillar that is surrounded by 3 battalions of Khazad-dûm Veterans Units in the vicinity of the pillar become immune to fear and terror. Left click then left click on pathable location. Cost :15PP Description : Cancels Freezing Rain, White Winter, Blessing of Ulmo, Darkness or Lights Go Out. Stuns enemy units Slowly heals allied units across the map Left click to activate. Cost :15PP Description : Places a mineshaft anywhere on the map that damages units and stuns them for a short time when it appears. Nearby enemy structures lose -25% armour for 30 seconds. Mineshaft becomes immediately connected to the tunnel network Left click then left click on visible location. Cost :25PP Description : Summons a Dwarven horde. Watch out for what your greed could summon. Cost :25PP Description : Creates an earthquake on an area of terrain, causing heavy damage to structures and moderate damage to units. Left click icon then left click on target area. Strategy [ edit | edit source ] Despite the differences in unit and hero rosters between Reign of Oakenshield and Ironfoot, the general strategy for Erebor does not change significantly due to the significant versatility of the faction's shared units. The Dwarven units from the Hall of Warriors are slow-moving but considerably tankier than other basic infantry and are typically only outmatched by superior numbers or hit and run tactics; Grim Hammers can be used to counter factions that rely on spam such as Misty Mountains due to their greater horde size and splash damage per hit. Units shared by both Reigns in the Erebor Assembly are more elite than those recruited from the Hall of Warriors. Ered Luin Rangers are fast moving infantry that are highly resistant to archers, allowing Erebor to compensate for its lack of permanent cavalry before it has recruited Battlewagons from the Erebor Workshop. Iron Hills Warriors are incredibly tanky and hard hitting, with abilities that focus on reducing or ignoring enemy armour - making them excellent choices in the late game vs an upgraded enemy army. The Erebor Redoubt provides access to highly specialist units that thrive in different situations: Vault Wardens are immensely durable, yet very slow moving pikemen that can provide additional armour to Erebor's already tanky forces, Wyrm-slayers act as hero and monster hunters that can chase down and deal heavy damage against single target enemies and the Khazâd- uzbadul are Erebor's heroic unit, which acts as a rock in a stream - there are very few units that can dispatch these incredibly tanky Dwarves. Reign of Oakenshield is defined by its cheap Lake-town units: Lake-town Watchmen and Lake-town Bowmen are considerably less durable than the basic Erebor Dwarves but have the benefit of larger hordes and a horde bonus which activates when these units are gathered in numbers of 80 or more. These can be supported by the elite Guards of the Master, which can disrupt the enemy's army and structures with their various abilities. Lake-town units benefit from the Master of Lake-town and Bard the Bowman, both of whom have ways of buffing these units or granting them experience. In general, Reign of Oakenshield's heroes are more numerous but are less tanky than those in Reign of Ironfoot, the player can research the Arkenstone at the fortress to increase Reign of Oakenshield hero armour as well as increasing Dwarf unit movement and recruitment speed and decreasing unit upgrade costs. Reign of Ironfoot's Mannish allies come from Dale and so are more elite albeit more expensive than their Lake-town counterparts: they can serve as a strong transition unit between basic Dwarven units and the more elite Iron Hills and Redoubt units. They have superior archer units with Barding Longbowmen, which can be well-protected thanks to the durability of Erebor's other infantry units. Reign of Ironfoot's heroes are less numerous but are comparatively more durable than those in Reign of Oakenshield; they can also bolster their numbers via Gimli and Hadhod's summoned Legolas and Elegost respectively. The One Ring (role-playing game) The One Ring is a role-playing game published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment (under license from Sophisticated Games), released in August 2011. The game is written by Francesco Nepitello, and features artwork by John Howe and other artists. [1] [2] Contents. [edit] Setting. The initial release (originally planned to be first of a trilogy), The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild , is based in the area of northern Mirkwood, after the events of and before the War of the Ring. [2] [3] [edit] Game system. The One Ring uses custom dice, specifically a twelve sided die numbered 1-10, the "Eye of Sauron", and the "Gandalf" Rune (a G rune, r ), and 6 sided dice numbered normally, but with the 1-3 being in outline, 4-5 solid, and 6 solid having also the Tengwar Lambe rune, j . Standard 12-sided dice can be used, counting 11 as Sauron, and 12 as Gandalf, and standard 6 sided dice as well. [4] Erebor (The One Ring role-playing game) Packed with new information on some of the best-known locales and characters described in The Hobbit, this invaluable guide, aimed to players and Loremasters alike, describes the Dwarf-hold of Erebor, the city of Dale, the surrounding regions, and the many different activities to undertake there. Also included are new rules for , Dwarven artefacts and the art of their making, as well as two brand-new playable cultures – The mail- clad Dwarves of the Iron Hills and the wandering Dwarves of the Grey Mountains. Behold the majesty of The Great Chamber of Thrór, marvel at ancient tales of the War of Orcs and Dwarves, experience the hustle and bustle of the River Road in Dale, commission a smith of Anvil Way, visit the ravens and venture into The Waste. Erebor and Dale await! The One Ring™ & Adventures in Middle-earth™ Sale! Fancy something to get stuck into over the weekend? As Cubicle 7 will cease to publish and sell The One Ring ™ and Adventures in Middle-earth ™ in the coming months we want to offer our loyal customers a chance to finish out their collections at a significantly reduced price. We had planned to launch these offers later in quarter two – but, due to the current situation globally, we have brought that date forward in the hopes of offering some distraction and entertainment! What better place to imagine yourself during all this chaos than Middle-earth™, the greatest fantasy setting of all time? And, there is no reason you can’t continue to enjoy these award winning RPGs for years to come, as we certainly plan too! Up to 50% off ! Click here to browse 50% off all remaining The One Ring ™ titles or click here to browse 30% off all Adventures in Middle-earth™ titles. While some titles for The One Ring ™ sold out months ago, we have numerous options left and we have stock of all AiME titles currently. However, if you have your eye on something, we would suggest you act quickly to avoid disappointment! All physical orders include a PDF so you can start prepping your adventure straight away! Order Fulfilment. Our order fulfilment continues as normal, we have limited staff working different shifts in isolation to fill orders and we are taking precautionary measures when handling goods, wearing disposable gloves, wiping surfaces and washing hands regularly. Our delivery partners also have strong COVID-19 measures in place, for example DPD have changed to contactless deliveries. Read our full update on COVID -19 here. Can’t decide what to buy? Here’s some highlights! Adventures in Middle-earth™ Player’s Guide. Find out more or Buy here for just $27.99. If you’re new to this RPG, we suggest you begin with the Player’s Guide and the 5th Edition basic rules, which gives you the Middle-earth™ setting-specific rules and guidance to create your characters and adventure in the world of The Hobbit™ and The Lord of the Rings™ using the OGL 5e ruleset. Adventurers come from all the Free Peoples of Wilderland and beyond, all heeding the call to adventure. Spurred on by diverse callings – whether it be the lure of the road, the hunger for ancient lore, or the simple urge to defend hearth and kin, adventurers from across Wilderland are preparing to explore Middle-earth and to battle the rising threat of The Shadow wherever it may be found. ‘This mighty tome is beautifully presented and provides just about all you need to start adventuring in Tolkien’s Middle Earth’ – Megan, DrivethruRPG reviewer. Adventures in Middle-earth™ Loremaster’s Guide. Find out more or buy here for just $27.99. This Loremaster’s Guide presents inspiration, guidance and additional new rules to help you create and run encounters, adventures and campaigns in the world of The Hobbit ™ and The Lord of the Rings ™, using the OGL ruleset. The quest that began in the Player’s Guide continues in this lavishly illustrated, hardcover Adventures in Middle-earth™ Loremaster’s Guide. Packed with setting information, Loremaster guidance and expanded rules, this volume is an invaluable resource for your games. ‘ Excellent product. Brings the world to life. Especially when dealing with minor and major NPCs ‘ – Herb, DrivethruRPG reviewer. Erebor Adventures. Find out more or buy here for just $27.99. The last title to be printed for Adventures in Middle-earth™ by C7, Erebor contains six ready-to-play adventures you can play separately or as connected parts of a conspiracy that will unfold over the course of several years. The adventures take place in the areas described in the Lonely Mountain Region Guide supplement – a useful companion to this volume. Visit the Kingdom of Bard the Dragonslayer, see the wondrous toy-market of Dale and the reconstructed Lake-town. Gain access to the halls of the King under the Mountain, as you side with Balin son of Fundin in his search to foil a conspiracy threatening to bring war to the North . Erebor contains the information and adventures previously released as The Laughter of Dragons for The One Ring Roleplaying Game, fully converted to be compatible with Adventures in Middle-earth ™ and the OGL rules. ‘The book overall looks absolutely beautiful. It matches the style of The One Ring, which I absolutely love ’ Marcus, DrivethruRPG reviewer. So, why not take your gaming group to Middle-earth™ with these thematic and atmospheric, OGL-compatible setting guides now? The One Ring™ The Laughter of Dragons. Find out more or buy now here for $19.99. The laughter of a Dragon is a devastating sound, able to shake the spirit of the toughest warrior or the hardiest of adventurers. With the death of Smaug, Wilderland has been spared this terror, and the plans of the Dark Lord to bring Dragon-fire and savage swords upon the Free Folks of the North have been foiled. The Laughter of Dragons contains six ready-to-play adventures you can play separately or as connected parts of a conspiracy that will unfold over the course of several years. The Laughter of Dragons is complemented by the background and rules material contained in Erebor The Lonely Mountain supplement for The One Ring™ Roleplaying Game. Rivendell. Find out more or buy here for just $19.99. Rivendell takes The One Ring™ Roleplaying Game west over the Misty Mountains. There lies the Last Homely House of Master Elrond, and, beyond it, the ruins of the ancient kingdoms of Arnor, Angmar and Eregion. The whole of Eastern Eriador is presented in detail, including new sanctuaries, locations for the heroes to explore and terrible perils to brave. Each area lists potential friends and foes, sites of interest and provides a wealth of adventure material. The supplement also introduces the Rangers of the North and the High Elves of Rivendell as playable characters, as well as a chapter on Magical Treasure and a new bestiary containing rules for powerful adversaries, undead horrors and monsters such as the Ettin and the fearsome Witch-king of Angmar. Loremaster’s Screen and Lake-town Guide. Find out more or buy here for just $12.49. Lake-town was refounded and was more prosperous than ever, and much wealth went up and down the Running River; and there was friendship in those parts between elves and dwarves and men . The 32 page Lake-town Guide presents this fascinating setting in detail, including: A guide to Lake-town, its inhabitants and culture More information on the Long Marshes and the creatures dwelling within New Fellowship Phase activities A new playable culture: Men of the Lake. *Offers available while stocks last . The One Ring, Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises and are used under license by Sophisticated Games Ltd and their respective licensees. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.