The CCI-U A News Chess Collectors International Winter 2005 CCI EVENTS & CHESS NEWS CHESS LINKS: For an ongoing Internet chess set auction, members CCI EVENTS: may visit the auction site maintained by CCI member Chess Collectors International had a banner year in Garrick Coleman at 2005. We had regional meetings in Moscow, Hamburg, Rome and Long Island New York. All Another interesting website that members may wish were deemed a huge success by those who to look at is , maintained by CCI attended. Several USA members were at the member Gene Zelazny. Hamburg and Rome meetings. Several European members attended our Western Hemisphere In future issues of CCI USA, we would like to publish meeting in New York. There were also two chess other web sites and chess set sales sites maintained set and book auctions in London and a great by CCI members. If you have a chess set website exhibition at the Noguchi Museum in New York. For that you would like to have members aware of, 2006, our Biennial International meeting scheduled please email the information to Floyd Sarisohn at for Berlin in May (see details inside) and at least one
[email protected] . London chess auction is also scheduled for May. *** To make sure that you do not miss out on notice of all these important chess collecting activities and to continue your membership in CCI, promptly send Happy your 2006 dues to your local Treasurer. *** Holidays !!! Solution to CCI Math Challenge! Given the following series: 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211 What is the next line? Answer: 31131211131221 (Read it: three “one”s, one “three”s, one “two”s, one “one”s etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chess Collectors International, USA Page 1 ITALIAN CCI CONGRESS 2005 by Kathy Vaglio Once again the Italian contingent of Chess party.