Why Suspend Judging?∗ Jane Friedman
[email protected] j 06/2017 1 Introduction Even though philosophers have been thinking about suspension of judgment for nearly as long as they’ve been thinking about anything, and contemporary discussions have it placed as traditional epistemology’s other doxastic attitude, there is only limited consensus about the nature of the state and generally very little said about its point or purpose or role in our doxastic lives (at least in com- parison to its obviously far more charming doxastic bedfellow, belief). In this paper I want to try to say a little bit on these matters by providing a framework within which we can begin to answer the titular question here. The framework will tell us more both about the nature and function of suspension of judgment as well as give us some guidance as to its “normative profile” (when we should suspend, have reason to suspend, are justified in suspending and so on). The general thought is that suspension of judgment is closely tied to inquiry. In fact I want to argue that one is inquiring into some matter if and only if one is suspended on the matter.1 Tying suspension of judgment to inquiry in this way brings us back to some of the earliest views of the state. One of the thoughts that emerges in the work of both Sextus Empiricus and Descartes is that suspension of judgment is closely connected to inquiry and perhaps even that suspending is itself a way of being in an inquiring mode or frame of mind.2 The thought that suspending might ∗Please cite final version: Friedman, J.