September 05,1879
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. — TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. ozm-TT A-ym FRIDAYwrttvav MORNUNCr,tuapNINCt biASFPTFMRER o,5 1879 ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1SG2.-V0L. 17. PORTLAND, The California Victory. BLAINE ON STATE ISSUES. Democrats and Greenbackers. The City Ticket. The Shylock Candidate. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, The Republican victory in California is THE PRESS. The importance of electing our Represen- The Bangor Commercial finds its voice at Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the sweeping. The Republicans carry the State, What He Says About the Railroads of the Whero Are the Greenbackers Going? tative ticket in this city must not be under- last and says the charges brought against PUBLISHING CO. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5. electing their candidate for Governor and PORTLAND MORNING, estimated. This certainly, when Joseph L. Smith deserve but little notice, State. Winter, the Exchange Portland. three Congressmen certainly, and pro- Y. At 109 St., the subject of State valuation comes up, we are malicious, and are “a boomerang.’’ The [X. Times.; subserib Every regular attach^ of tlie Press is furnished is that have elected the Tlie Cincinnati remarks with Tehms : Eight Hollars a Year. To mail to the inter- corroborative evidence of the truth bability strong they the of Enquirer want ex-Mayor Butler represent strong In the hurry of condensing report that ers Seven Dollars a Year, if paid in advance. with a Card certificate signed by Stanley T. Pullen, fourth. This not means that the ^ Teat frankness there is very little to ili- He is of on our only All steamboat and hotel ests of Portland in the Legislature. Mr. Jordan’s letter, published Senator Blaine’s Gorliam speech some omis- ide the and sincere Greenbacker Editor. railway, managers control the State but means genuine THE MAINE_STATE PRESS in the has local furnished a in Republicans were made. Our re- rom the Democratic fold. of the w ill confer a favor upon us by demanding credentials thoroughly Informed matter, page, and by gentleman sions and inaccuracies Speaking also that if chance the Presidential of a of last year’s Grcen- Thursday Morning at $2.50 to our and interest in con- by any what Mr. Blaine lossibility portion 8 published every of every person claiming represent journal. made a careful of the subject, this city, will be read with porter’s full notes show that to the it in advance at a study vote j laek vote being diverted Republicans, year, if paid $2.00 year. election is thrown into the House the the State was as ATLANTIC will present it in the most clear and con- nection with the Commercial's language. did say about the railroads of ays: Hates of Advertising: One inch of space, th We do not read letters and communi- his of California will be given to the Republican follows: “If tho Greenbackers want to abandon their own anonymous manner to the consideration of That evidence certainly is not due to malice, length of column, constitutes a “square.” vincing is a they w ill not be found the mourners' 75 ccnt3 IVInimeS Insurance Co. cations. T ho name and address of the tvritcr are in the candidate. A victory of this nature years ago when tlie “Republi- arty crowding $1.50 per square, daily first week; pe fellow members. There is not a man in and deserves the r.otice of every laboring Twenty-two | 'entires of tlie Republican organization. or all cases not for can misrule” in this State there was a week after; three insertions less, $1.00; continu indispensable, necessarily publica- good omen for the Republicans of Maine. began f f they go elsewhere than where they now 50 cents. Portland so well for the man. other day after lirst week, tion hut as a of faith. city of equipped single line of railroad from our principal city , rill be to the Democratic where their views ing every guaranty good Let us to California with Party, Ilalf three insertions or less, 75 cents OF NEW it to better ad- offers in respond a'trinmpli west. What is now the Maine (Jen- ^ re held so its to leave no of square, YORK, We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- work or one who can handle The only proof the Commercial running nearly practical point one $1.00: 50 cents per week after. Trunk lfference." week, inter- as decided as her own. tral ran toward the east, and the Grand Special Notices, one-third additional. munications that are not used. If the consults its true defense of Major Smith is a letter vantage. city to the north with western connections. To- This he as as far as con- Undesihoad id “Amusements” and “Al'Ctioi INSURE AGAINST MARINE may accepted true, ests it will elect Mr. Butler. This is a mat- signed seven men who are in hie wc see four lines of rail running of the Dcm- $2.00 per square per week; three inser by employ, Buckle To It. day great ( erus the identity Greenback and Sales,” to the West and South, tions or $1.50. business man and that Smith never swindled them. from Portland f cratic ideas, because for the last four or fivo less, 8. ter that concerns every saying of State calls Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Stati Election September Republicans Maine, your up- and to-day, counting the Maine Cen- ears the Democrats have doc- RlSKS_ONLY. Monday, Our some adopted every has a circulation in all the interests of Portland. correspondent throws light, too, as it well ho as Press” (which large every par This Company will take risks at their office, New property on you to come forth in your strength and tral, may counted, t rine seriously laid down by tho Greenbackers, of the for $1.00 for first insertion Re- one to State), per square on and and issue And with Mr. Butler we want a solid on the circumstances under which that let- three lines, one to the up]>cr Kennebec, a ud as a sustained York, Vessels, Cargoes Freights, town or have, party, nearly every and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser a FOR GOVERNOR, do your duty. In country, village, one with its connections on open policies to making risks binding the Penobscot, and J. teasure which the latter have When tion. merchants, a delegation that will ter was written. As a of Smith’s inno- proposed. soon as water-borne. publican delegation, proof bear in mind that there is an be- the coast Portland is to-day the entreport an to Address all communications to imperative line, t lie Greenback element required attempt be that will be in with cence of the him the of seven and lines of DANIEL F. DAVIS. united, sympathy charge brought, against to bend utmost to great important railway. cfeat the act, the Democrats CO. hest for you your energies of Democratic Resumption PORTLAND PUBLISHING ASSETS, him, that will, acting as a unit upon ques- letter is worthless. The only value it has is In 1856 in those ancient days j lined them, although at that time there was the work of the route of the we invited to return, making coming prosperity to which are c a feeble beginning of the separate organi- FOR REPRESENTATIVES: tions affecting the city’s welfare, make its the illustration it affords of the power he in Maine. nly Democratic-Greenback coalition as complete you could not visit half the counties 7 ation which lias since become so formidable influence most felt. Of course holds over his men, power means You could not then enter Franklin County by a nd so When the Greenbackers, MOSES M. BUTLER, powerfully gained by as That now exacting. possible. obligation beyins nor nor Knox, nor Waldo, nor ^ of had $13,320,463.16. the also wants the Repre- which the Greeubackers so con- rail, Lincoln, ,’ith whom increase appetite grown Republican party unsparingly nor Aroostook nor ALMON A. STROUT, and ends only upon the closing of the polls Hancock, nor Washington, ^ ritli what it fed upon, demanded the repeal of (o Holders on sentatives there because are Republi- and exercised. The name Piscataouis. You had just grazed tho edge of ♦ Dividends Policy REFEE S. MAXCY, they demn, ruthlessly next vote will tell in lie Resumption act, the Democrats attempted Monday. Every raising entered i enoo- causr That too is a reason it is desira- of our Mr. is familiar Somerset, and you had barely t secure it. On tho eve of resumption the Premiums Terminating in 1878, S. A. TREE, why correspondent, Davis, the of the Do in the State is The figure Republican majority. scot. To-day every county [ temocrats, supported we regret to say,by some ble for the city to send them there. to many in this city, and they know his and all of these lines been built NATHAN E. REOLON. not fail to make every effort to secure it. reached by rail j increased tlio difficulties in tbe if the Republicans, 30 PER CENT. next House will be Republican, and statements can be relied on. Those state- during the twenty-two years of “Republican ^ of for that event directing Be sure to bear in mind that the verdict of ray preparation by as it Is termed Mr. Eben F. Pills- is in ments the candidate for misrule” by t nit the tenders should not bo actually Portland delegation political sympathy arraign Greenback for legal Senators. Maine on September 8tli will be watched bury! r .•deemed, but should bo reissued, and the Paid in the it can exercise a wider as a a bull-dozer of Losses Thirty Days with majority Governor Shylock and a be maintained undimin- Androscoggin.