Sindhuli - Operational Presence Map (Completed and Ongoing) [As of 30 Sep 2015]

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Sindhuli - Operational Presence Map (Completed and Ongoing) [As of 30 Sep 2015] NEPAL: Sindhuli - Operational Presence Map (completed and ongoing) [as of 30 Sep 2015] 35 Partners in Sindhuli Kusheshwar Dumja Jhangajholi Ratmata Puranojhangajholi Shanteshwari RampurNetrakali Sitalpati 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 Bastipur Hariharpurgadhi Tamajor Majhuwa Amale Bhimeshwar Kapilakot Jalkanyachapauli Mahendrajhyadi Bhadrakali Baseshwar RatanchurBhuvaneshwari Gwaltar Pipalmadi Shelter and NFI MahadevsthanDandiguranse Bitijor Bagaincha 11 Kalpabrikshya Kamalami Municipality Tinkanya Dudhbhanjyang Khangsang SumnampokhariSwalpathana Kyaneshwar Tosarangkhola Protection 10 Ranichuri Balajor Kholagaun Ratnawati Bhimsthan Bahuntilpung Mahadevdanda WASH 9 Beldhari JarayotarLampantar Jinakhu Tribhuvan Ambote Food Security 7 Hatpate Ranibas Arunthakur Kakur Thakur Sirthauli Nipane Health 7 Harsahi DudhauliMahendra Ladabhir Tandi Education 2 Early Recovery 1 IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS BY CLUSTER Early Recovery Education Food Security 1 partners 2 partners 7 partners Nb of Nb of Nb of organisations organisations organisations 1 >=5 1 >=5 1 >=5 Health Protection Shelter and NFI 7 partners 10 partners 11 partners Nb of Nb of Nb of organisations organisations organisations 1 >=5 1 >=5 1 >=5 WASH 9 partners Want to find out the latest 3W products and other info on Nepal Earthquake response? visit the Humanitarian Response website at erations/nepal Nb of send feedback to organisations Note: Implementing partner represent the organization on the [email protected] ground, in the affected district doing operational work, such as 1 >=5 distributing food, tents, water purification kits, etc. Creation date: 13 Oct 2015 Glide number: EQ-2015-000048-NPL Sources: Cluster reporting The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Sindhuli District Include all activity types in this report?TRUE Showing organizations for all activity types Showing organizations for all activity types Early Recovery Education Food Security Health Protection Shelter and NFI WASH PCODE VDC name CWW HKI,Caritas,WFP UNICEF,WHO CVICT,CDP-N Caritas,CW,UNHCR CW,NEWAH 524 2 04 20 5 045Amale 524 2 04 20 5 007Arunthakur CWW UNICEF,WHO CW CW,NEWAH 524 2 04 20 5 012Bahuntilpung CWW WVIN LIBRD UNICEF,WHO CW CW,NEWAH 524 2 04 20 5 028Balajor CWW WVIN UNICEF,WHO CW,WVIN CW,NEWAH HA,HKI,Caritas,WVIN,WFP UNICEF,WHO,WVIN CVICT,WVIN Caritas,HAI,UNHCR, WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 023Baseshwar WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 046Bastipur HKI,Caritas,WFP UNICEF,WHO CDP-N,CVICT Caritas,UNHCR CW 524 2 04 20 5 029Beldhari UNICEF,WHO ENPHO,PI 524 2 04 20 5 034Bhadrakali PI HKI,WFP UNICEF,WHO CVICT,JSBK UNHCR 524 2 04 20 5 036Bhimeshwar WHO CVICT,RN,JSBK NRCS,UNHCR ENPHO,PI 524 2 04 20 5 030Bhimsthan LIBRD UNICEF,WHO Bhuvaneshwari WVIN,WFP UNICEF,WHO CVICT,WVIN WVIN WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 024 Gwaltar 524 2 04 20 5 022Bitijor Bagaincha CWW WVIN UNICEF,WHO CW,WVIN CW,NEWAH,WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 037Dandiguranse UNICEF,WHO CVICT 524 2 04 20 5 025Dudhbhanjyang HKI,WVIN,WFP UNICEF,WHO,WVIN WVIN WVIN WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 008Dudhauli CWW UNICEF,WHO CVICT ENPHO CWW HKI,Caritas,WFP UNICEF,WHO CDP-N,CVICT,UNICEF Caritas,CW,UNHCR CW,NEWAH 524 2 04 20 5 039Hariharpurgadhi 524 2 04 20 5 013Harsahi UNICEF,WHO 524 2 04 20 5 031Hatpate Caritas UNICEF,WHO Caritas Caritas 524 2 04 20 5 035Jalkanyachapauli UNICEF,WHO CVICT,JSBK WHH,WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 032Jarayotar CWW WVIN LIBRD UNICEF,WHO CW,WVIN CW,NEWAH Jhangajholi PI HKI,SAMARTH/NMDP UNICEF,WHO JSDP/RELIEF- UNHCR PI 524 2 04 20 5 044 Ratmata N/CPADP,RN,JSBK 524 2 04 20 5 014Jinakhu UNICEF,WHO 524 2 04 20 5 009Kakur Thakur CWW UNICEF,WHO CW CW,NEWAH 524 2 04 20 5 041Kalpabrikshya WFP UNICEF,WHO SC ENPHO,SC PI WFP GIZ,UNICEF,WHO,MID FWLD,NHRC,CVICT,RN, CPCS,UNHCR,WHH CIUD,ENPHO,WA,W Kamalami SON,JHPIEGO JSDP/RELIEF- ,WVIN VIN 524 2 04 20 3 001 Municipality N/CPADP,PI,CDP- N,UNICEF PI HKI,WFP UNICEF,WHO JSDP/RELIEF- SC,UNHCR ENPHO,PI,SC 524 2 04 20 5 040Kapilakot N/CPADP,CVICT,JSBK 524 2 04 20 5 001Khangsang HKI,WVIN UNICEF,WHO CVICT,WVIN ENPHO,WVIN Page 2 of 4 Sindhuli District Include all activity types in this report?TRUE Showing organizations for all activity types Showing organizations for all activity types Early Recovery Education Food Security Health Protection Shelter and NFI WASH PCODE VDC name 524 2 04 20 5 002Kholagaun WVIN UNICEF,WHO WVIN WVIN PI HKI,WFP UNICEF,WHO JSDP/RELIEF- NRCS,UNHCR PI 524 2 04 20 5 050Kusheshwar Dumja N/CPADP,JSBK 524 2 04 20 5 021Kyaneshwar UNICEF,WHO RN WHO 524 2 04 20 5 010Mahendra Ladabhir 524 2 04 20 5 015Lampantar WVIN UNICEF,WHO WVIN WVIN WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 003Mahadevdanda CWW UNICEF,WHO CW CW,NEWAH HKI UNICEF,WHO JSDP/RELIEF- SC PI,SC 524 2 04 20 5 038Mahadevsthan N/CPADP,PI,JSBK 524 2 04 20 5 042Mahendrajhyadi HKI,Caritas,WFP UNICEF,WHO CDP-N Caritas,SC,UNHCR Caritas,SC 524 2 04 20 5 051Majhuwa PI WFP UNICEF,WHO CVICT,JSBK UNHCR PI 524 2 04 20 5 047Netrakali HKI,Caritas,WFP UNICEF,WHO CDP-N Caritas,UNHCR CW,NEWAH 524 2 04 20 5 033Nipane UNICEF,WHO 524 2 04 20 5 043Pipalmadi Caritas,WFP UNICEF,WHO Caritas,UNHCR Caritas PI HKI,WFP UNICEF,WHO HDRVG,SP,UNHCR ENPHO 524 2 04 20 5 052Puranojhangajholi 524 2 04 20 5 019Ranibas CIVCT,UNICEF,WHO CVICT ENPHO LIBRD UNICEF,WHO JSDP/RELIEF- 524 2 04 20 5 020Ranichuri N/CPADP,CVICT,CDP-N 524 2 04 20 5 026Ratanchur HKI UNICEF,WHO CVICT,RN,JSBK WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 004Ratnawati CWW UNICEF,WHO CW CW,NEWAH Shanteshwari HKI,Caritas,WFP UNICEF,WHO CDP-N Caritas,UNHCR CW,NEWAH 524 2 04 20 5 048 Rampur 524 2 04 20 5 016Sirthauli UNICEF,WHO 524 2 04 20 5 053Sitalpati PI HKI,WFP UNICEF,WHO CVICT,JSBK NRCS,UNHCR 524 2 04 20 5 005Swalpathana HKI UNICEF,WHO CVICT,WVIN WVIN WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 006Sumnampokhari WVIN HKI,LIBRD UNICEF,WHO CVICT,WVIN WVIN WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 049Tamajor CWW HKI,Caritas,WFP UNICEF,WHO CDP-N Caritas,CW 524 2 04 20 5 011Tandi UNICEF,WHO 524 2 04 20 5 027Tinkanya WVIN UNICEF,WHO WVIN WVIN 524 2 04 20 5 018Tosarangkhola CWW WVIN UNICEF,WHO WVIN CW CW,NEWAH UNICEF,WHO 524 2 04 20 5 017Tribhuvan Ambote Page 3 of 4 Sindhuli District Number of organizations by VDC by Cluster VDC Early Recovery Education Food Security Health Protection Shelter and NFI WASH Amale 1 3 2 2 3 2 Arunthakur 1 2 1 2 Bahuntilpung 1 1 1 2 1 2 Balajor 1 1 2 2 2 Baseshwar 5 3 2 4 1 Bastipur 3 2 2 2 1 Beldhari 2 2 Bhadrakali 1 2 2 2 1 Bhimeshwar 1 3 2 2 Bhimsthan 1 2 Bhuvaneshwari Gwaltar 2 2 2 1 1 Bitijor Bagaincha 1 1 2 2 3 Dandiguranse 2 1 Dudhauli 1 2 1 1 Dudhbhanjyang 3 3 1 1 1 Hariharpurgadhi 1 3 2 3 3 2 Harsahi 2 Hatpate 1 2 1 1 Jalkanyachapauli 2 2 2 Jarayotar 1 1 1 2 2 2 Jhangajholi Ratmata 1 2 2 3 1 1 Jinakhu 2 Kakur Thakur 1 2 1 2 Kalpabrikshya 1 2 1 2 Kamalami Municipality 1 1 5 8 4 4 Kapilakot 1 2 2 3 2 3 Khangsang 2 2 2 2 Kholagaun 1 2 1 1 Kusheshwar Dumja 1 2 2 2 2 1 Kyaneshwar 2 1 Lampantar 1 2 1 1 1 Mahadevdanda 1 2 1 2 Mahadevsthan 1 2 3 1 2 Mahendra Ladabhir 1 Mahendrajhyadi 3 2 1 3 2 Majhuwa 1 1 2 2 1 1 Netrakali 3 2 1 2 3 Nipane 2 Pipalmadi 2 2 2 1 Puranojhangajholi 1 2 2 3 1 Ranibas 3 1 1 Ranichuri 1 2 3 Ratanchur 1 2 3 1 Ratnawati 1 2 1 2 Shanteshwari Rampur 3 2 1 2 3 Sirthauli 2 Sitalpati 1 2 2 2 2 Sumnampokhari 1 2 2 2 1 1 Swalpathana 1 2 2 1 1 Tamajor 1 3 2 1 2 Tandi 2 Tinkanya 1 2 1 1 Tosarangkhola 1 1 2 1 1 2 Tribhuvan Ambote 2 Page 4 of 4.
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