Copyright 2014, Fine Focus all rights reserved 08 • FINE FOCUS, VOL. 1

CORRESPONDING AUTHORS ABSTRACT Higher foral and faunal biodiversity is expected *Nikki Heherson A. Dagamac in multi-species-covered mountainous forests than [email protected] in mono-typic agricultural plantations. To verify Institut für Botanik und this supposition for cryptogamic species like the Landschaftökologie plasmodial slime molds, a rapid feld survey was Ernst – Moritz – Arndt conducted for myxomycetes and substrates in forest Universität Greifswald, foor litter and agricultural plantation were collected Soldmannstrasse 15 D-17487 in Negros Occidental, Philippines. Morphological Greifswald, Germany characterization identifed a total of 28 species *Thomas Edison E. dela Cruz belonging to the genera Arcyria, Ceratiomyxa, [email protected] Collaria, Comatricha, Craterium, Cribraria, Department of Biological Diderma, Didymium, Hemitrichia, Lamproderma, Sciences, College of Science, Physarum, , Trichia and . The and Fungal Biodiversity and myxomycete species Arcyria cinerea was the only Systematics Group, Research abundant species found both in the agricultural Center for the Natural and and forested areas. The majority of collected Applied Sciences species were rarely occurring. In terms of species University of Santo Tomas, composition, more myxomycetes were recorded in España 1015 Manila, the mountainous forest (27) compared to agricultural Philippines sites. Furthermore, aerial leaf litter collected in the forests had the highest number of records for fruiting bodies but in terms of species diversity, KEYWORDS twigs yielded higher value based on Shannon index. Findings in this study verify that a habitat with • abundance • fruiting more heterogenous plant communities yields higher • amoeboid body species of myxomycete assemblages. This research • sclerotia is the frst study to report myxomycetes from • diversity Negros Occidental.

INTRODUCTION Myxomycetes, commonly known as true leaves of plants (29). Several studies regarding slime molds, are acellular, phagotrophic, the and ecology of myxomycetes eukaryotic organisms under the Kingdom have been conducted but most of this research Protista (9). These organisms have been known was carried out in temperate regions, such as to exhibit both fungal and protozoan char- North America (35, 36), South America (16), acteristics but through an amoeboid phase, and Europe (8,10). Numerous studies have also they feed on other microorganisms, including been completed in the tropics, such as Costa bacteria and yeast (9). These microorganisms Rica (30), Puerto Rico (23) and Mexico (17). are distributed worldwide and usually occur Despite the number of the studies that were on dead substrata such as bark, twigs, and dried executed and the high potential of biodiversity APPLIED/ENVIRONMENTAL • 09 in tropical systems, little is known about them Philippines. No previous reports had ever doc- particularly in the tropical Southeast Asia such umented myxomycetes on the scatter islands as the Philippines. of the Visayas region, or reported myxomycete occurrence in large agricultural plantations in Thus, myxomycete profling in the Philippines the country. As such, the fndings from this is still considered incomplete. As a result, there research paper on myxomycete composition is limited knowledge on the ecology and tax- in lowland forests will serve as a baseline onomy of myxomycetes found in such tropical reference for the profles of myxomycetes in a areas where there are abundant forested areas local scale of Negros Occidental, but will also serving as excellent habitats for myxomycetes contribute to understanding their distribution (25). Previous studies on Philippines myxomy- in the whole of the Philippines. cetes in the late 1970s and early 1980s encom- passed the most comprehensive listing for the Thus, the objectives of this paper are to (1) country (24). However, most of these publica- collect myxomycetes using opportunistic tions during that time were merely extensive sampling methods in the feld, and moist annotated lists. But in recent years, myxo- chamber cultures; (2) determine the col- mycete diversity and ecology studies in the lected species of myxomycetes; (3) measure Philippines has progressed, as several reports the sampling strategy used in the survey; have accounted on myxomycete distribution (4) assess the occurrence of each myxo- and occurrences in several habitat types, e.g. in mycete species; (5) calculate the species selected forest parks (7, 19), in coastal forests (12, diversity of the myxomycetes from the 18), and lowland mountain forests (3,4). These different substrates; and (6) compare the papers surveyed different forest habitats in the similarities of myxomycete assemblages Luzon main island, which is just a small por- between mountainous forests and agricul- tion of the large archipelagic geography of the tural plantations.

MATERIALS AND METHODS STUDY SITES AND ITS Technology (PAG-ASA DOST) climatological COLLECTING LOCALITIES data, the whole area is characterized as having Field survey and substrate collection were two distinct seasons: dry from December to carried out during May 2013 in Negros Occi- May and wet from June to November. Along dental, Western Visayas. The province is part the study area, two different habitat types, of the whole Negros Island, the third largest namely, a lowland forested area and an agricul- island in the Philippines. It is estimated that the tural plantation were chosen. The descriptions province is approximately 375 kilometers long of each habitat types and its collecting localities from north to south with basically volcanic (Fig. 1) are further described below. vegetation, making its arable land ideal for A. Forested Areas (Mt. Kanlaon National cultivation of economically important crops, Park, 10° 24.787N, 123° 07.982E). This area especially sugarcanes (http://www.negros-occ. rises to a height of 2,465 m (7987 ft.) and is Based on the Philippine Atmospher- located in the province of Negros Occidental, ic, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Western Visayas. It is characterized by low Administration – Department of Science and serrated mountain ranges. The forest can be 10 • FINE FOCUS, VOL. 1 described as a moist tropical disturbed rain- for a total of 450 substrates used for this forest dominated with large dipterocarp trees study. The collected substrates were placed and non-vascular plants. Within this forest inside dry paper bags, labeled, and trans- area, six sites were randomly selected along ported back to the laboratory. Collection of an established 1000 m accessible forest trail samples was done following the methods that serves as a transect. described by Stephenson (36). Samples of ground foor litter were gathered at 3-5 B. Agricultural Area (Sugarcane Plantations, m regular intervals. These samples con- Saccharum offcinarum). Only sugarcane sisted of mixtures of leaves. Twigs < 1.0 plantations along the road in the northwest cm in diameter in size were also collect- part of the province were selected for this ed. Samples of aerial litter were collected study. Three collecting localities character- from dead twigs or leaves still attached ized as dry and with extensive light expo- to branches of plants and trees. The spec- sure were selected to collect substrates that imens were wrapped gently in paper were subjected for moist chamber cultures. before being transported to the laboratory, Dried substrata are ideal for the prepara- where they were placed in small boxes for tion of moist chambers, as these substrates storage to prevent insects from getting into retain spores better. The collecting local- the samples. The samples were air dried for ities are: Silay City (SC1, 10°46’46.18”N one week to prevent the growth of molds. 123°0’24.80”E), Bacolod City (SC2, To avoid pseudoreplication, a single moist 10°42’29.30”N 122°58’56.72”E), and Bago chamber (MC) was prepared for each sub- City (SC3, 10°32’37.29”N 122°51’47.51”E). strate collected. The moist chambers used FIELD COLLECTION OF consisted of disposable plastic Petri dishes, 10 cm in diameter and 4 cm deep, lined MYXOMYCETE SPECIMENS with flter paper. Samples were moistened Fruiting bodies of myxomycetes directly with sterile distilled water. After 24 h, observed in the feld were immediately excess water was removed up to the point placed in clean compartmentalized plastic adequate enough for the chamber to be collecting boxes. These specimens were moist, and the pH of each of the substrate brought back to the laboratory and after was checked using a pH meter (Sartorius several days of air drying, the specimens PB-11). Following the incubation conditions was glued in herbarium trays and placed of Dagamac et al. (3), moist chambers were inside matchbox-sized herbarium boxes kept at room temperature (22-25°C) in for permanent storage. diffuse daylight. When necessary, a small amount of water was added to each culture MOIST CHAMBER PREPA- to maintain moist conditions. RATION FROM SUBSTRATE DETERMINATION OF COLLECTED IN THE TWO MYXOMYCETE SPECIES HABITAT TYPES The specimens obtained from the moist Ninety samples each of ground leaf litter chamber cultures were identifed using a (GL), aerial leaf litter (AL), twigs (TW), 60 dissecting microscope three times per week samples each of ferns (F), and 30 samples (two day intervals) for a period of up to of vines (V) from mountain forests, and 90 three months, by comparing the color, size, sugarcane leaf litter (SC) from agricultur- and structure of the myxomycete plasmodia, al plantations were collected, accounting APPLIED/ENVIRONMENTAL • 11 types of fruiting bodies (e.g. sporangium, the number of samples, y is the number of aethalium, pseudoaethalium, and plasmodi- species recorded and the parameter a giving ocarp), and spores of myxomycetes in the an estimate for the maximum number of descriptions stated in the standard mono- species to be expected at this kind of sub- graphs of myxomycetes (21, 32). Web-based strate resulting in a very close curve shape electronic databases, e.g. Eumycetozoan Proj- (Magurran 20) was applied to the dataset. ect (, were also For the assessment of species occurrence utilized for verifcation of some morpholog- of myxomycetes, species composition was ical features. Nomenclature used for the iden- initially determined for the collection site. tifed myxomycetes follows the names used Occurrence refers to the frequency of the in Nomenyx (http://nomen.eumycetozoa. presence of a particular species of myxo- com). For specimens that could not be fully mycetes in a positive MC. A moist chamber identifed with strong certainty due to some positive for having a fruiting body of a malformed specimens but with distinguish- particular species was considered as one ing character enough to separate as a species, positive collection. A collection was then the abbreviation “cf” was used in the taxon considered as a single unit. The number of name. All specimens listed herein are depos- collections refects the abundance of myxo- ited in the myxomycete herbarium of the mycetes in Negros Occidental and was ex- Fungal Biodiversity and Systematics Group pressed as relative abundance. The relative of the Research Center for the Natural and abundance for every species of myxomy- Applied Sciences at the University of Santo cetes were then calculated and reported as Tomas in Manila, Philippines. Abundance Index (AI) by Stephenson et al. EVALUATION OF DATA (1993). Each species were then categorized as: (1) abundant if their relative abundance To evaluate the sample effort of the myxo- (RA) is>3% of the total collections, (2) mycete survey in this study, an individu- common if RA is >1.5% but <3% of the total al-based rarefaction curve was established. collections, (3) occasionally occurring if RA Using the rarefaction formula that computes is >0.5% but <1.5% of the total collections, for a number of estimators for species and (4) rare if the myxomycetes had an RA richness of the free downloadable program of < 0.5% of the total collections. EstimateS (Version 9, Colwell 2013, 100 ran- domizations), species accumulation curves To further determine the myxomycetes were initially constructed. In accordance diversity for the different substrates, with Unterseher et al. (39), the Chao2 esti- species diversity was also calculated using mator was then chosen as the best estimator three different diversity indices provid- to use and was calculated using the classical ed in Magurran (20). Shannon diversity settings of EstimateS. The estimated value index (HS) measures species diversity with for the sampling effort in the study area was respect to both species evenness and rich- then determined using the formula of Ndir- ness. This index assumes that individuals itu et al. (22) by dividing the actual number are randomly sampled from an infnitely of species recorded by the mean number of large community and that all species are species expected as estimated by the Chao 2 represented in the sample (14). The Gleason estimator. Additionally, a hyperbolic re- Index (HG) measures the species diversity gression in the form of Coleman rarefaction in relation to species richness. Richness is curve according to the Michaelis-Menten defned as the number of different species formula y = ax/(b+x), where x represents 12 • FINE FOCUS, VOL. 1 found in a biota. Pielou’s species evenness index (E), on the other hand, quantifes RESULTS how equal communities are in a given Using the combined opportunistic sampling area. These indices are computed sampling in the feld and moist chamber as follows: culture preparation, a total of 193 records Equation 1: Shannon Index of Diversity of myxomycetes were noted for this (HS) = −_i(pi ln pi), where pi = the total survey. From these 193 records, 42 were number of individuals in the ith species. fruiting body records in the feld and 151 were recovered either as plasmodia Equation 2: Gleason Index (HG) = Np − 1/ln or fruiting body records in the moist Ni, where Np = the total number of species chamber cultures. In terms of the feld and Ni = the total number of individuals in survey, there were no feld specimens the ith species. that were observed in the agricultural Equation 3: Pielou’s index of species even- plantations. Moreover, a higher yield of ness (E) E = HS/Hmax where HS = Shan- myxomycetes was noted among moist non Index of Diversity and Hmax= the chambers in forest litter than agricultural maximum value of HS. litter. Only two bright-spored myxo- mycetes species (Arcyria cinerea and The similarities of myxomycete assemblag- Tubifera ferruginosa) were recorded in es between the mountainous forest and ag- the sugarcane litter. ricultural plantation were also compared by Sorensen’s coeffcient of community index A total of 32 morphospecies were and the Percentage Similarity index. The identifed from the 193 myxomycete equation for Sorensen’s coeffcient is based records. However, four of these species on the presence or absences of species. were only determined to the genus level (Arcyria, Comatricha, Didymium, and Equation 4: Coeffcient of Community (CC = Stemonitis) because they were recovered 2c/(a+b)), where a = total number of species from moist chambers wherein most of in the frst habitat, b = total number of species the fruiting bodies were already with- in the second habitat, and c = no. of species ered. The list of species presented here- common to both habitat. after has a total of 28 species belonging to 14 genera. To evaluate the sampling The value of CC ranges from 0 – 1 where effort used in this study, an individual 0 is if there are no species present in both based species accumulation curve was habitat and 1 when all species are present in constructed using the software esti- both habitat. On the other hand, the Per- mates and showed that the mean Chao 2 centage Similarity (PS) index considers not estimator reached a constant value of 59 only the presence or absence of species but (Fig. 2). Using the formula of Ndiritu et their relative abundance. The PS value was al. (22) to calculate the exhaustiveness of computed as follows: the sampling effort for the whole study, Equation 5: PS = Σ min (A, B, … X) our results gave us a computed sampling where min = the lesser of the two percentage effort of 54.2% for the present study. compositions of species A, B, C, … X in the Assessing the occurrence of the 28 two communities. determinable myxomycete species, two species were reported to be abundant, APPLIED/ENVIRONMENTAL • 13

Fig. 1. Study sites: Mt. Kanlaon National Park (forested areas) and the agricultural plantation (SC) in Negros Occidental, Western Visayas, Philippines, May 2013.

namely Arcyria cinerea and Didymium ni- sugarcane plantations. gripes. Nine species were common, four were In terms of productivity of the microhabitats occasional and 13 were reported to be occur- tested in this study by using the moist cham- ring as rare (Table 1). Comparing the com- bers, 121 of the 450 MCs (27%) were positive position of myxomycetes from the different for growth of myxomycetes either as plas- substrates collected from two habitat types, 27 modia or as fruiting body. All of the moist species were found in forested areas that were chambers prepared had a relatively acidic characterized to have heterogenous plant litter mean pH condition. Highest percent yield and only two species were accounted in the 14 • FINE FOCUS, VOL. 1

Fig. 2. Individual based species accumulation curve smoothed by Cole rarefaction for the myxomycetes collection in Negros Occidental.

a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

Fig. 3. Some representative myxomycetes collected in Negros Occidental: (a) Arcyria cinerea, (b) Arcyria denudata, (c) Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa, (d) Collaria arcyrionema, (e) Craterium leucocephalum var. cylindricum, (f) Didymium squmolosum, (g) Diderma effusum, (h) Hemitricha calyculata, (i) Physarum bogoriense, (k) , and (l) Trichia decepiens. APPLIED/ENVIRONMENTAL • 15

Table 1. Occurrence of myxomycetes in Negros Occidental showing the number of records accounted from the rapid feld survey and the use of moist chamber cultures

was observed from the aerial litter (72%), and dium during the incubation period. These MCs consequently had the most number of records were unsuccessful in developing into fruiting of myxomycetes (Table 2). The other substrates, bodies (Table 2). Lowest percentage yield (18%) such as the twigs and vines had the next was observed in sugarcane litter randomly highest number of percent yield. However, collected in the agricultural plantations of the these substrates had a relatively low number of study area. Moreover, among the six substrates determinable records due to the fact that most collected in the two types of habitats (forest of the substrates were recorded as positive and agricultural), twigs had the highest species culture because of the appearance of plasmo- diversity as calculated using Gleason index (Hg 16 • FINE FOCUS, VOL. 1

=2.12) and ferns had the highest species even- of 0.08 and PS value of 0.48 were computed ness based from Pielou’s Evenness index (E in the study (Table 3). These results show that =1.00). However, using the Shannon index that species similarities between the two sites were considers species diversity and species even- only 8.3%, which is relatively low since the ness, twigs gave the highest value (Hs = 0.75). only species of myxomycetes that was present Comparing the assemblages of myxomycetes in both sites was Arcyria cinerea. between the two habitat types, a CC value

Table 2. Statistics of the different substrate types used in the moist chamber

DISCUSSION In terms of biodiversity, the Philippines is PRODUCTIVITY OF considered to be one of the most diverse MYXOMYCETES IN MOIST countries in the Asia Pacifc basin. Howev- er, microbial diversity assessments in the CHAMBER CULTURES country are under-investigated. This par- The use of a moist chamber culture in assess- ticularly holds true among the less explored ing the occurrences of myxomycetes was a fungus-like protists like the myxomycetes vital component for this study. Current studies where a generally tropical condition would from arid environments in China (28) and seem to be favorable for their growth and submerged plant materials in the Big Thicket development (15). In fact, in recent years, National Preserve (40) employed the usage of most investigations on myxomycetes in the this technique to recover species of myxomy- Philippines were concentrated only among cetes not easily seen on the feld. In our study, the forest vegetation and coastal habitats of a total of 450 moist chambers were prepared the Luzon main island (3,18). Thus, fndings wherein only 27% were positive for myxomy- in this research paper are the frst intensive cete growth. After almost 15 weeks of incu- diversity report for the Visayas group of bation, 11% showed positive results for fruiting islands of the Philippine archipelago. bodies, while 16% were positive for plasmodial growth. This now shows that the majority of APPLIED/ENVIRONMENTAL • 17 the plasmodium specimens were not able to more than one kilometer from the starting develop to fruiting bodies. In comparison to point. Perhaps aerial litter from our study has related local studies, a similarly low yield was a higher probability to trap spores dispersed by observed by Dagamac et al. (5), wherein 17.5% wind. yielded plasmodia and only 5.1% yielded fruit- ing bodies from different bark samples collect- SPECIES COMPOSITION OF ed from the Luzon Islands. However, Kuhn et MYXOMYCETES IN NEGROS al. (13) had a percentage yield of 51%, or 214 out of 420 moist chamber cultures containing 40% OCCIDENTAL positive for plasmodia and 23% positive for In this study, 28 morphospecies of myxomy- fruiting bodies in six highland areas in Luzon. cetes were collected from lowland montane Substrates collected in a protected ecopark by forests and sugarcane plantations in the north- Macabago et al. (19) had a percentage yield of ern part of Negros Occidental. This number 51%, or 121 out of 240 moist chambers. It seems is similar in comparison to other lowland now that most studies of myxomycetes in the montane vegetation area studies conducted in Philippines that used moist chambers always the Luzon main islands, including Mt. Arayat supported a higher level of plasmodium yield National Park (3) and in Mt. Makulot (1), which than recovering fruiting body phenologies. reported 30 and 28 morphospecies of myx- Perhaps the fast dessication of most of the omycetes, respectively. Albeit this number moist chambers during the incubation time can of morphospecies is not yet refective of the be a factor here, since a suitable moist environ- overall number of myxomycetes that can be ment is needed to allow for the plasmodium to accounted in Negros Occidental as was sug- successfully develop into fruiting bodies. It is gested by the 54.2% sampling effort for this important to note that in doing myxomycetes study, fndings from this research paper serve biodiversity and distribution studies by means as a good starting basis for future directives of the moist chamber technique, fruiting bod- in understanding the distribution of myx- ies are more important as compared to plasmo- omycetes in a local setting. To expand the dium or sclerotia, since most species identifca- sampling effort, it is recommended to increase tion is based on the determinable morphologies the distance covered during intensive surveys of the fruiting body (11, 31). Moreover, among and to add other substrates, i.e. barks of living the six substrates collected in our study, aerial deciduous trees, dung of herviborous animals, leaf litter yielded the highest level of success. and inforescences where myxomycetes can The highest productivity yield from aerial also thrive. leaf litter was also recorded from other studies In terms of species composition in the in the tropics, including Rojas & Stephenson whole study area, Arcyria cinerea was (27) who reported 93% in the Coco’s Island, noted to be the only abundant species found Costa Rica, and in a more recent comparative in both the agricultural and forest habitats, species listing of dela Cruz et al. (6) between with the other species occurring relatively substrates collected in the tropics and the rarely. Stephenson (35) had the highest per- temperate ecoregions. This may be attributed centage yield of A. cinerea in moist cham- to specimen exposure to open air where aerial bers (85% in the upland temperate forest litter has a higher potential in catching spores. of Southwestern Virginia, USA). Similar This supposition was already demonstrated by results in terms of occurrence were also the studies from Schnittler & Stephenson (30) obtained from the studies conducted by Ro- where the authors noted that slight breeze can jas et al. (26) in the northern Neotropics and cause the myxomycetes spores to be dispersed 18 • FINE FOCUS, VOL. 1

Kuhn et al. (12) in Anda island in Pangasin- a favorable spore trap for other myxomy- an, Philippines. Our fndings now support cetes species in contrast to the pubescent other previous results that also showed Ar- surfaces of the three agricultural litters cyria cinerea to be of cosmopolitan distri- used in Thailand (banana, mango and corn bution worldwide, since it is widely known plantations). Nonetheless, fndings from our to be tolerant to many environments. study supports the theory that diversities of plant communities and litter hetero- MYXOMYCETE DISTRIBU- geneity (37) in a study area infuence the TION IN AGRICULTURAL LIT- composition of myxomycete assemblages, as evident from a higher number of myx- TER IS MORE LIMITED THAN omycete occurrences in the forest foor IN FOREST LITTER litters in Negros Occidental. Most of the related studies on myxomy- cetes in the Philippines always used litter from the forest foor. To the best of our MYXOMYCETES FROM knowledge, the fndings in this paper are NEGROS OCCIDENTAL AS the frst report for the Philippines attempt- BASELINE INFORMATION ing to evaluate myxomycetes in a sugar- An understanding of the distribution for cane plantation where the decaying litter myxomycetes in the Philippines is still far and vegetation is generally specifc and to from complete. Many ecological factors and/ compare it to the myxomycete communi- or unexplored landscapes in the coun- ties in forest litter where decaying litter is try still need to be investigated. Despite more heterogenous. In contrast to related the fndings presented in this study, it is studies in the Paleotropics, our fndings still signifcant to note the limitations of seems to contradict the observations of a descriptive study like this are associated Tran et al. (38), which intensively evaluated with the sampling efforts in collecting the distribution of myxomycete assemblages substrata used in the study. The most note- in agricultural ground litter and the forest worthy contribution of this paper relates foor. Their results showed a relatively to the fact that it increases the knowledge higher productivity among agricultural about the local ecology of myxomycetes in litter than the forest foor litter during an ecoregion of the world where investi- both the rainy and dry seasons. Perhaps the gations about myxomycete diversity is still smooth surface of the sugarcane leaf is not considered to be in its infancy.


The authors are grateful to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR, PAMB), Negros Occidental, Region VI for the gratuitous permit granted for the collection and feld survey in Mt. Kanlaon Nation Park. Moreover, JRA, DLA, JBA and TEDC are indebted to the Philippine Society of Microbiology (PSM) for the undergraduate thesis subsidy grant used for this research study. NHAD would also like to thank the Deutscher Akademischer Ausland- tausch Dienst (DAAD) for the scholarship grant. Furthermore, the authors would like to thank Angelica Rea – Maminta and Sittie Aisha Macabago for all the technical assistance and to the anonymous reviewers that helped in improving this manuscript. APPLIED/ENVIRONMENTAL • 19 REFERENCES

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