
ELSEVIER Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 www.elsevier.com/locate/tecto

Basement geology and tectonic development of the greater region: an interpretation from regional magnetic data

Rupert Sutherland * Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, P.O. Box 30-368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand Received 5 May 1998; accepted 15 March 1999


The basement is composed of early Palaeozoic terranes of the Western Province, that are separated from late Palaeozoic±Mesozoic Eastern Province terranes by a suite of Carboniferous±Cretaceous arc-related igneous rocks (Median Tectonic Zone, MTZ). The Stokes Magnetic Anomaly System (SMAS) is associated with MTZ rocks and volcanogenic basement terranes of the Eastern Province. Offshore, it can be traced north along the northern margin of the New Caledonia Basin, and correlative Eastern Province rocks are found in New Caledonia. It can also be traced south across the , until a signi®cant ENE-trending tectonic boundary is encountered on the central . This boundary is de®ned by linear gravity and magnetic anomalies (Campbell Magnetic Anomaly System, CMAS), and narrow fault-bounded sedimentary basins. If the sources of CMAS anomalies are correlative with those of the SMAS, then magnetic data require a ¾400 km dextral offset of basement rocks by faults along the northern margin of the CMAS prior to 80 Ma. The geometry of correlative Western Province and MTZ rocks in Marie Byrd Land supports the hypothesis that CMAS anomalies are sourced by MTZ-correlative rocks. A NNE-trending boundary on the central marks a change from high amplitude magnetic anomalies to weakly magnetic basement, and appears to represent a fundamental change in crustal character. The western Challenger Plateau and (south of 30ëS) are characterised by high amplitude magnetic and gravity anomalies with a NW-trending fabric, but the source of magnetic anomalies is unresolved. The magnetic character, combined with Cretaceous reconstruction, supports basement rock correlations with the east Lachlan Fold Belt or New England Fold Belt in Australia, rather than Western Province rocks in New Zealand. The magnetic signature of marginal ocean crust around New Zealand also offers clues into the region's tectonic history. Negative magnetic anomalies adjacent to the Campbell Plateau and Lord Howe Rise, and in the New Caledonia Basin, suggest that sea¯oor formation started during chron 33r (79±83 Ma). A linear positive magnetic anomaly in the outer may be anomaly 33, which was isolated by a ridge-jump, and is consistent with separation of the Bollons continental fragment by ocean crust. Alternatively, it may be anomaly 34 and represent the earliest ocean crust formed between New Zealand and Marie Byrd Land. Magnetic lineations in the southern South Fiji Basin suggest that at least one ridge±ridge±ridge triple junction was active during its opening, and imply that Cenozoic ocean crust is younger in the east. At the southern edge of the South Fiji Basin, there is a signi®cant tectonic boundary, named here the van der Linden Fault. It can be traced for ¾500 km and may have been a leaky transform during basin formation.  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: magnetic; basement; terranes; Australia; New Zealand; Antarctica; Gondwanaland; continental crust; ocean crust; Palaeozoic; Mesozoic; Cenozoic; backarc; subduction

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0040-1951/99/$ ± see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0040-1951(99)00108-0 342 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362

1. Introduction ment rocks from the submerged continental region is restricted to a few islands, boreholes, and dredge The New Zealand extends over a large sites (Fig. 2) (e.g. Beggs et al., 1990; Tulloch et al., area in the South Paci®c (¾2,000,000 km2)andis 1991; Mortimer et al., 1997, 1998), but magnetic mainly submerged (Fig. 1). Direct sampling of base- data are widely distributed and can place strong

Fig. 1. Tectonic setting of the New Zealand region. Main tectonic features (e.g. fracture zones and spreading ridges) are shown as bold black lines and were traced from satellite-derived gravity anomaly maps (Sandwell and Smith, 1997). Water deeper than 2000 m is shown with a light shade. Azimuthal equidistant projection with centre at 60ëS, 180ëE. R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 343 constraints on the regional character and geometry assessed using a cross-over analysis, and data were of basement rocks (e.g. Wellman, 1959; Hatherton, rejected where cross-over values were consistently 1967; Davey and Christoffel, 1978; Davy, 1991). >100 nT (see Sutherland, 1996, for a full analysis). Recently compiled magnetic data (Sutherland, An interpretation of the magnetic data is shown in 1996) present the best opportunity for tracing off- Fig. 4. shore the extensions of basement terranes recognised onshore in New Zealand. When combined with plate reconstructions, the data help to provide constraints 3. New Zealand geology on the relationships of New Zealand rocks to correl- atives found in Antarctica and Australia, and provide The basement geology of New Zealand has been insight into the tectonic development of the region described in terms of a number of tectonostrati- since the Palaeozoic. graphic terranes and igneous suites (Coombs et al., 1976; Bishop et al., 1985; Bradshaw, 1989; Mor- timer and Tulloch, 1996), which were accreted to the 2. Magnetic data margin of the supercontinent Gondwanaland during late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic time. The ®rst regional magnetic measurements in New The Western Province is dominated volumetri- Zealand were aeromagnetic surveys between 1949 cally by Late Cambrian±Late Ordovician quartzose and 1952 to assist geothermal power development greywacke sediments of the Buller Terrane, that are and to provide information about regional geology regionally metamorphosed and locally intruded by (Gerard and Lawrie, 1995). These measurements, Palaeozoic granitoids (Nathan, 1976; Tulloch, 1983, combined with aeromagnetic data collected later, 1988; Cooper and Tulloch, 1992). The Takaka Ter- formed the basis for the Magnetic map of New rane is subordinate volumetrically, but composed of a Zealand 150,000 series, which covered onshore New diverse assemblage of deformed and metamorphosed Zealand. Palaeozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks (Bishop Since 1960, there have been more than 170 geo- et al., 1985; Cooper and Tulloch, 1992). physical cruises in the New Zealand region that have Terranes of the Eastern Province are dominated made magnetic measurements. Marine magnetic data by lithic and feldspathic metagreywackes, but in- were combined with onshore data by Davey and clude volcanic, intrusive, and ophiolitic assemblages Robinson (1978) and Robinson and Davey (1981) (Coombs et al., 1976; MacKinnon, 1983; Bishop at a scale of 1 : 1,000,000, and the data were also et al., 1985; Kimbrough et al., 1992; Ballance and combined for the Magnetic total force anomaly map: Campbell, 1993; Roser et al., 1993; Mortimer, 1995). coastal series 150,000. Marine magnetic data were The Haast Schist separates weakly metamorphosed used to compile the Magnetic total force anomaly Caples and Torlesse terrane sediments, and repre- map: island series 100,000. Magnetic data from the sents a metamorphic overprint on at least these two Challenger Plateau were compiled by Wood (1994). terranes (Adams and Gabites, 1985; Graham and The regional compilation of Sutherland (1996) Mortimer, 1992). (Fig. 3) integrates marine magnetic data with on- The Median Tectonic Zone (Landis and Coombs, shore aeromagnetic data and a detailed aeromagnetic 1967) separates Western Province from Eastern survey from north of the North Island (Malahoff et Province rocks, and consists of a suite of subduc- al., 1982). It is the ®rst published compilation of tion-related calc-alkaline plutons with subordinate magnetic data for the entire New Zealand continen- volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Bradshaw, 1993; tal region. The data grid computed by Sutherland Kimbrough et al., 1994). Magmatic ages range from (1996), which was used to produce the maps in this Carboniferous to Early Cretaceous, with apparent paper, was generated by ®tting a minimum curva- gaps in the Permian and Middle Jurassic (Kimbrough ture surface through all the reliable data. It is thus et al., 1994; Bradshaw et al., 1997). Carboniferous totally objective, but may be geologically unrealistic rocks are rare in the Median Tectonic Zone and their in areas of sparse data coverage. Data reliability was signi®cance is still unclear (Kimbrough et al., 1994). 344 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362

Norfolk Three WNorfolk& Reinga Ridge Basin Kings Wanganella Ridge Ridges

Lord Howe Rise New Caledonia Basin Reinga Ridge

Colville Ridge Kermadec Ridge


DSDP207 Taranaki elnTrough BellonaT Basin NorthIs. Hikurangi Challenger Plateau 40˚ S Plateau

2000m South Is. ChathamIs ChathamRise Canterbury Basin Inner Bounty Central Trough Bounty Outer Trough Bounty Trough Great South Basin BountyIs Pukaki Bounty Plateau Pukaki Saddle Basin Bollons 50˚ S AntipodesIs Seamount

Macquarie Ridge AucklandIs Campbell Plateau



170˚ E 180˚ R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 345

The present shape of the New Zealand conti- rane (Fig. 5). This zone is called the Stokes Mag- nent is mainly the result of Cretaceous±Cenozoic netic Anomaly System (SMAS) and its character- tectonics. During the period 130±80 Ma, there was istics were reviewed by Hunt (1978). The northern a change from subduction-related processes to ex- anomaly within this system is called the Junction tension and widespread basin formation (Bradshaw, Magnetic Anomaly, and has a shallow source corre- 1989), eventually culminating in sea¯oor spreading sponding to ma®c and ultrama®c rocks of the Maitai and formation of the Tasman Sea and South Paci®c. Terrane (Davy, 1991). It is generally only about 20 During Late Cretaceous±Late Eocene time, the New km wide, but is well de®ned and extremely linear Zealand continent had a passive margin setting and in the North and South Islands. The only signi®cant was relatively quiescent tectonically. (>20 km) offset of this anomaly is where it is cut by A new plate boundary propagated through New the . Zealand at ¾45 Ma along the line of the Emerald In contrast to the high amplitude anomalies of fracture zones. Between 45 and 30 Ma, the instan- the SMAS, the Buller and Torlesse terranes have a taneous pole of Australia±Paci®c rotation was close subdued magnetic character, and local anomalies are to New Zealand (Sutherland, 1995). The Resolution typically associated with Cretaceous±Cenozoic vol- Rift Margin formed as a conjugate feature to the SW canic and intrusive rocks. In the central North Island, Campbell Rift Margin at this time (Fig. 4; Suther- late Cenozoic calc-alkaline volcanism is extensive land, 1995), and magnetic anomalies 18 to 11 have and volcanic centres are conspicuous on magnetic been identi®ed south of New Zealand (Weissel et al., maps of the region. 1977; Wood et al., 1996; Fig. 4). In the vicinity of , Cenozoic strike-slip faulting overprints 4.2. Offshore western New Zealand earlier deformation, and is most clearly manifested by a 460 km apparent offset of the Maitai Terrane by The region west of the Alpine Fault, south of the Alpine Fault (Fig. 5; Clark and Wellman, 1959). the Junction Magnetic Anomaly, and northwest onto The total Eocene±Recent plate motion through South the Lord Howe Rise is considered here (Fig. 4). Island is well constrained as ¾850 km (Sutherland, The Lord Howe Rise is the continental extension 1995). There is a record of calc-alkaline volcanism of the Challenger Plateau (Fig. 4) and western New in North Island since earliest Miocene time (e.g. Zealand. The West Norfolk, Wanganella, and Reinga Herzer, 1995). ridges are the continental extensions of northern North Island, and merge farther north with the Nor- folk Ridge (Eade, 1988). 4. Magnetic character and extrapolation of The Junction Magnetic Anomaly, which is associ- basement geology ated with the Maitai Terrane, can be reliably traced as a continuous short wavelength feature through 4.1. Onshore New Zealand western North Island to just offshore from the north- ern tip of North Island. Eade (1988) proposed that The most prominent feature of magnetic data the Junction Magnetic Anomaly can be followed from onshore is a zone of high amplitude positive along the Reinga Ridge, but it is offset in several anomalies associated with basement rocks located places and the data distribution is too coarse for between the Median Tectonic Zone and Maitai Ter- reliable correlation (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2. Location of basement sample sites (crosses), islands, and bathymetric features (2000 m isobath shown as solid line) referred to in the text. Outlines of the Taranaki, Canterbury, Great South, and Pukaki basins are shown dashed. Basement samples have been collected from: the (Cullen, 1965; Herzer and Wood, 1988); southern Campbell Plateau (Challis et al., 1982); Great South Basin and (Beggs et al., 1990); western Challenger Plateau (Tulloch et al., 1991); the region between North Island and the Kermadec Ridge (Gamble et al., 1993); northern Macquarie Ridge (Mortimer, 1994); northern margin of the (Mortimer and Parkinson, 1996); (Mortimer et al., 1997); the region between the West Norfolk and Three Kings Ridges (Mortimer et al., 1998). 346 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362

Fig. 3. Magnetic anomaly map of the New Zealand region after Sutherland (1996). 2000 m and 4000 m isobaths shown as solid black lines. Areas more than 50 km from magnetic data points are shown hatched (vertical lines). Inset shows distribution of aeromagnetic (shaded) and ship data used. R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 347

170˚ E 180 Three Colville Ridge Kings SFB Ridge Kermadec Ridge Lord Howe Rise VMFZ WL JMA VLF

NCB ?Mesozoic ocean crust



eln Trough Bellona

A32 40˚ S Challenger Plateau Hikurangi A33o Plateau anomalies


?A33o Veryan Bank Resolution Inner Bounty A31 Rift Margin Anomaly System A29 + JMA - + + + - Stokes - A34? Anomaly + A13 System A33o A18



50˚ S A32 A33o MacquarieRidge

Endeavour Fz Campbell Anomaly System

A33y SW Campbell Pahemo Fz A32 A31 Rift Margin A32a A29 A28 A27 Emerald Fzs A33o

A33o A33y A26 A32 170˚ E 180

Fig. 4. Sketch map of the New Zealand region showing major magnetic features (shaded), sea¯oor spreading magnetic anomalies (modi®ed after Cande et al., 1989), and the active plate boundary through New Zealand. NCB D New Caledonia Basin; SFB D South Fiji Basin; VLF D van der Linden Fault; VMFZ D Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone; JMA D Junction Magnetic Anomaly; WL D approximate western limit of Cenozoic arc magmatism. Features shown as black lines on the Campbell Plateau and Chatham Rise are gravity lineaments that are likely to be related to faults cutting basement.

The Reinga Ridge and North Island have been on Fig. 4. Cenozoic arc and back-arc basin devel- subjected to signi®cant alkaline and calc-alkaline opment is discussed later (below) in relation to the volcanism during the Cenozoic, and volcanic cen- magnetic character of northern New Zealand. tres identi®ed on seismic pro®les have associated The most prominent magnetic feature offshore magnetic anomalies (e.g. Herzer, 1995). The western western New Zealand is the linear negative anomaly limit of Cenozoic arc-related volcanism is indicated associated with the New Caledonia Basin, and the 348 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362

Basement Terranes Eastern Province Western 1. Buller Province 2. Takaka 3. Brook Street 4. Murihiku 5. Maitai 6. Caples Haast Schist Tectonic


6* Caples-derived Zone 7* Torlesse-derived 8

Eastern Province 7 Torlesse 7 8 Waipapa


2 Western Province 5



Alpine Fault 7

38 mm/yr

Fiordland 7* North 6 6* 1 2 3 4 5

Eastern Province Median Tectonic Zone 100km Western Province

Fig. 5. Basement terranes of onshore New Zealand after Bishop et al. (1985), Kimbrough et al. (1994), Mortimer (1995), and Mortimer et al. (1997). R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 349 zone of strong positive anomalies along both its mar- South of the New Caledonia Basin, the Lord gins (Fig. 3; Davy, 1991). Samples collected from Howe Rise and northwestern half of the Challenger the northern zone of positive anomalies, which co- Plateau are characterised by large amplitude, mod- incides geographically with the West Norfolk and erate wavelength (typically 30±80 km) magnetic Wanganella ridges, demonstrate that basement rocks anomalies. Individual anomalies are often elongate are correlative with the Brook Street Terrane or Me- parallel to the axis of the Lord Howe Rise and de®ne dian Tectonic Zone found onshore in New Zealand a NW±SE fabric. The only samples of basement rock (Mortimer et al., 1998). Thus, by correlation with from this region are Carboniferous `S'-type granite onshore, it may be valid to include the zone of pos- dredged from the southwestern margin of the Chal- itive anomalies along the northern edge of the New lenger Plateau (Tulloch et al., 1991), and Cretaceous Caledonia Basin as part of the SMAS. rhyolite drilled at the northern end of the Bellona An alternative hypothesis proposed by Davy Trough at DSDP site 207 (McDougall and van der (1991) is that the high amplitude magnetic anoma- Lingen, 1974). The Bellona Trough is characterised lies associated with the New Caledonia Basin are by moderate negative anomalies that cut across the related to igneous rocks formed during extension dominant NW±SE magnetic fabric. These may be re- and basin formation. It may be that Late Creta- lated to either Cretaceous or Eocene volcanic centres ceous igneous rocks, and older rocks correlative to (Wood, 1991). the Median Tectonic Zone, both contribute to the The eastern part of the Challenger Plateau, and strong positive magnetic anomalies along the basin western South Island, have a more subdued magnetic margins. The modelling of Davy (1991) suggests character than the western Challenger Plateau and that the paired anomalies are not simply edge ef- Lord Howe Rise (Wood, 1994). The difference in fects. If the New Caledonia Basin opened during the magnetic character suggests that the two regions may Cretaceous (Eade, 1988; Uruski and Wood, 1991), have had signi®cantly different geological histories, and the strong negative anomaly associated with and that the geology found onshore in western New the basin axis is caused by reversed polarity rema- Zealand may be a poor analogue for the western nent magnetisation of Cretaceous igneous basement Challenger Plateau and Lord Howe Rise. formed during extension, then the main phase of basin formation cannot have been entirely during 4.3. Offshore northern New Zealand the Cretaceous magnetic quiet period (¾83±118 Ma; Cande and Kent, 1995). A hypothesis consistent with The region between the and Ker- magnetic modelling (Davy, 1991) and known stratig- madec Trench, and north of the Junction Magnetic raphy (Eade, 1988; Uruski and Wood, 1991) is that Anomaly, is considered here (Fig. 4). Development initial basin formation was during chron 34, and that of this region has been dominated by Cenozoic tec- extension and associated igneous activity continued tonics associated with subduction and back-arc basin during chron 33r. development (Malahoff et al., 1982; Davey, 1982; Anomalies associated with the southern margin of Herzer, 1995; Herzer and Mascle, 1996; Mortimer the New Caledonia Basin and the basin axis can be et al., 1998). The magnetic character of the region followed to within about 100 km of the west coast is relatively well known from aeromagnetic surveys of the North Island (Davy, 1991), where they be- conducted between 1977 and 1979 (Malahoff et al., come much weaker. No basement samples have been 1982). collected from this region of strong positive anoma- The Norfolk Ridge is the continental link be- lies, so the source of the anomalies is unknown. tween northern New Zealand and New Caledonia Following the interpretation of Davy (1991), these (Eade, 1988), where correlatives of the Murihiku anomalies could be related to Cretaceous igneous Terrane and possibly the Brook Street Terrane are rocks. Alternatively, they could be associated with found (e.g. Black, 1997). The high amplitude posi- remnants of late Palaeozoic or Mesozoic volcanic tive magnetic anomalies associated with the southern arcs, possibly correlative with rocks found in the end of the Norfolk Ridge are consistent with Brook Median Tectonic Zone. Street or Murihiku Terrane basement, but would also 350 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 be consistent with Cretaceous±Cenozoic intrusive or moderate negative anomalies farther south. This lin- volcanic rocks. Late Oligocene volcanic rocks have ear boundary is well de®ned by magnetic data be- been dredged from the southern Norfolk Ridge, and tween the southern end of the Three Kings Ridge imply that subduction-related volcanism was occur- and the Colville Ridge, a distance of ¾500 km. The ring there at 26 Ma (Mortimer et al., 1998). Pliocene boundary is located in 2000±2500 m water depth and volcanic activity is also recorded on Norfolk and is north of the Northland Plateau. It is distinct from Philip Islands (Eade, 1988). the Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone, which meets the The South Norfolk Basin has typical water depths Northland continental shelf ¾100 km farther south in the range 2500±4300 m. It was interpreted by (Herzer and Mascle, 1996). The prominent magnetic Herzer and Mascle (1996) and Mortimer et al. (1998) boundary is coincident with a lineament observed as an Early Miocene back-arc basin on the basis on gravity maps (Sandwell and Smith, 1997), a sud- of seismic data, dredge samples, and the regional den change in water depth, possibly associated with deformation history. However, it has a relatively major faults (Davey, 1977; R.H. Herzer, pers. com- subdued magnetic character, and linear magnetic mun., 1998), and a linear chain of . The anomalies are not recognised. If the South Norfolk boundary is referred to here as the van der Linden Basin is of Cenozoic age, its magnetic character Fault. suggests that normal sea¯oor spreading processes Previous interpretations of South Fiji Basin for- were not well developed during its formation. mation rely on the Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone The South Fiji Basin lies between the Three Kings as the major tectonic boundary at the south end of Ridge, an extinct east-facing Early Miocene volcanic the basin (e.g. Davey, 1982; Malahoff et al., 1982; arc (Mortimer et al., 1998), and the Colville Ridge, Herzer, 1995). However, the term Vening Meinesz which is probably an extinct Late Miocene volcanic Fracture Zone was loosely de®ned before the de- arc (Herzer, 1995; Wright et al., 1996). The southern tailed mapping of Herzer and Mascle (1996), and its part of the South Fiji Basin contains well de®ned location south of the South Fiji Basin was poorly linear magnetic anomalies, which have been corre- understood. Continuity of the Vening Meinesz Frac- lated with a sequence from anomaly 7 in the west to ture Zone across the Northland continental shelf is anomaly 12 in the east (Malahoff et al., 1982; Davey, undemonstrated, but it is now clear that the van der 1982). However, alternative correlations are possible Linden Fault is a distinct feature and separated by (e.g. Davey, 1982), and Herzer (1997) has recently ¾100 km from the Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone. reinterpreted the anomalies as an eastward-younging The magnetic data (Fig. 3) suggest that South Miocene sequence. Fiji Basin sea¯oor terminates at the van der Linden However, the geometry of magnetic lineations in Fault. A preliminary tectonic interpretation of the the southern part of the South Fiji Basin is complex van der Linden Fault is that it was a leaky trans- (Figs. 3 and 6) and appears to require at least one form during formation of the South Fiji Basin (cf. ridge±ridge±ridge triple junction to have been active Brothers and Delaloye, 1982). This is based on its during formation of the basin. The chevron pattern geometry perpendicular to magnetic lineations in the of anomalies in the southwestern part of the basin is southern South Fiji Basin (Fig. 6), and the associated suggestive of a triple junction migrating east-north- seamounts along its length. An alternative hypothe- east, and the radial lineations around 177.5ëE, 31.5ëS sis is that it represents a fossil subduction margin, may be the fossil triple junction. If this interpretation where South Fiji Basin crust was subducted beneath (Fig. 6) is correct, it would require that lineations in Northland (cf. Herzer, 1995). the southwestern part of the basin young towards the The zone of high amplitude magnetic anomalies east, which is not consistent with initial correlations associated with the Colville Ridge and Kermadec (Malahoff et al., 1982; Davey, 1982). Ridge extends south into central North Island, where A major NW-trending tectonic boundary along there is active calc-alkaline volcanism (Fig. 6). The the southern margin of the South Fiji Basin is clearly Kermadec Ridge is the active volcanic arc associated de®ned by a change from moderate positive mag- with subduction at the , and is netic anomalies in the north (¾200±300 nT), to thought to have migrated from the Colville Ridge by R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 351

Three SouthFijiBasin 30˚ Magnetic Fossil Kings lineations Ridge triple junction? South Norfolk Colville Ridge Basin migration path

van der Linden Fault

Vening Kermadec Ridge 35˚ S Meinesz Fracture Zone

Kermadec Trench Northland North Island 175˚ E 180˚

Fig. 6. Sketch interpretation of magnetic data from the South Fiji Basin region. Patterned areas are characterised by high amplitude (200±500 nT), moderate wavelength (5±50 km) magnetic anomalies. Kinks in South Fiji Basin magnetic lineations suggest that ocean crust youngs east, and they de®ne the migration path of a possible triple junction. A pattern of radial lineations farther east may be the fossil triple junction. The southern edge of the South Fiji Basin is prominent on gravity and magnetic maps, and is interpreted as a fault. It is named here the van der Linden Fault, and may have been a leaky transform during formation of the South Fiji Basin. a process of back-arc rifting since 5 Ma (Wright et hiki Plateau (Wood and Davy, 1994; Mortimer and al., 1996). Parkinson, 1996). It is characterised by discontinu- ous high amplitude magnetic anomalies, which are 4.4. Offshore eastern New Zealand related to the many volcanic centres observed on seismic re¯ection data (Davy and Wood, 1994; Wood The major structural features of eastern New Zea- and Davy, 1994). Because surrounding crust has a land are the Hikurangi Plateau, the Chatham Rise, more subdued magnetic character, the extent of the the Bounty Trough, and the Campbell Plateau. The Hikurangi Plateau is evident from the distribution Chatham Rise and Campbell Plateau are continental of high amplitude magnetic anomalies (Figs. 3 and extensions of eastern South Island (Fig. 2) that were 4). Magnetic anomalies associated with Hikurangi modi®ed by signi®cant Cretaceous extension and Plateau crust that has been subducted at the Hiku- crustal thinning in the Great South Basin and Bounty rangi Trough are evident as far west as the east coast Trough (e.g. Davey, 1977; Beggs, 1993; Davy, 1993). of North Island. The Hikurangi Plateau lies mostly at depths The Chatham Rise has a structural fabric de- of 2500±3500 m, and is thought to be a Meso- ®ned by east±west trending fault-bounded basins zoic igneous province comprising thickened oceanic ®lled with Cretaceous±Cenozoic sediment (Wood crust, similar to the Ontong Java Plateau and Mani- and Herzer, 1993). It has a subdued magnetic char- 352 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 acter consistent with deformed and metamorphosed an origin. The highly deformed nature Torlesse Terrane basement, which has been dredged of Permian rocks found onshore in South Island also from the crest of the Chatham Rise and is found suggests that it is unlikely a symmetric anomaly on the (Wood and Herzer, 1993). pattern could be preserved. Short wavelength magnetic anomalies in the Veryan One of the most prominent features on the mag- Bank region (Fig. 4) are associated with Cenozoic netic map (Figs. 3 and 4) is the zone of high ampli- volcanic centres, and are also found intermittently tude positive anomalies trending northeast across the farther west to the South Island coast (Herzer et central part of the Campbell Plateau. These anoma- al., 1989). Prominent magnetic anomalies imme- lies were named the Campbell Magnetic Anomaly diately south of the Chatham Islands are related System (CMAS) by Davey and Christoffel (1978). to Cretaceous±Cenozoic volcanic centres associated The CMAS coincides geographically with a linear with fault-bounded basins (Wood and Herzer, 1993). series of gravity anomalies (Sandwell and Smith, The southern portion of the SMAS can be traced 1997), which reconnaissance seismic measurements from southeastern South Island offshore to the Great (Davey, 1977) indicate, in some cases, may be re- South Basin (Davey and Christoffel, 1978; Cook et lated to narrow fault-bounded basins and basement al., 1999). The SMAS is continuous through the highs. The system of well-de®ned gravity lineaments Great South Basin, but anomalies decrease in am- following the CMAS suggests that more detailed plitude to the southeast and become indistinct near magnetic surveying may reveal the CMAS to be sig- 48.3ëS, 173.0ëE. ni®cantly more linear and have more internal fabric The region northeast of the SMAS is charac- than the sparse available data show. terised by relatively few magnetic anomalies, consis- Davey and Christoffel (1978) postulated that the tent with greywacke and schist basement rocks found SMAS was the offset equivalent of the CMAS, but onshore. Davy (1993) collectively referred to mag- few basement rock samples have been collected from netic anomalies between the South Island coast and the region (see Beggs et al., 1990) and the cause of the outer Bounty Trough as the Bounty Magnetic magnetic anomalies on the Campbell Plateau re- Anomaly System, and interpreted a linear pattern mains unknown. It is clear, however, that there prob- of symmetric anomalies centred along the axis of ably exists a major structural discontinuity along the the Bounty Trough. The linear nature of individ- northwestern edge of the CMAS. Basement rocks ual anomalies within the Bounty Magnetic Anomaly north of this discontinuity have a northwest trending System is not apparent on the new magnetic map magnetic fabric, and to the south there is a northeast (Fig. 3), but the weakly de®ned magnetic fabric is trending gravity and magnetic fabric. similar to that described by Davy (1993). The area around 46ëS, 174.5ëE (Fig. 4) of high amplitude magnetic anomalies with moderately well-de®ned 5. The continent±ocean boundary and marginal northwest trend is referred to here as the Inner ocean crust Bounty Magnetic Anomaly System. The parallel trend and similar amplitude of the Cretaceous±Cenozoic sea¯oor spreading in the SMAS suggests that the Inner Bounty Magnetic Tasman and Paci®c oceans has been discussed pre- Anomaly System is also related to structurally con- viously by many authors (e.g. Molnar et al., 1975; trolled igneous basement. The origin of magnetic Weissel et al., 1977; Stock and Molnar, 1982), but anomalies in the central Bounty Trough is unknown details of the earliest stage of spreading (chrons 33± and data coverage is barely adequate to de®ne their 34) in the Tasman and South Paci®c remain poorly geometry. Davy (1993) suggests that they are related known. to underlying Permian ocean crust, but an alternative Plate motions during the transition from conti- explanation is that they are related to Cretaceous nental extension to sea¯oor spreading are dif®cult igneous activity. The magnetic anomaly symmetry is to quantify because there were many regions of neither perfect nor obvious on most pro®les (Davy, distributed deformation before and during the early 1993), and does not provide conclusive evidence for stages of sea¯oor spreading. Added to this are com- R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 353 plications such as the possibility that initial sea¯oor jump to the south during chron 33. A ridge jump in spreading may have been oblique or asymmetric, the region at about chron 33 is required to produce fractures zones were not yet well developed, and the observed separation of Bollons Seamount from the magnetic signature associated with initial ocean the Chatham Rise. crust is partly obscured by factors such as extrusive and intrusive activity at the continental margin, and edge effects related to magnetic sources at the nearby 6. Cretaceous reconstruction continental margin. Ocean crust along the southwestern margin of Sea¯oor spreading histories of the southeast In- the Lord Howe Rise and Challenger Plateau, and dian Ocean, Tasman Sea, and South Paci®c are mod- adjacent to the Campbell Plateau, typically has an erately well constrained back to chron 33 (74±79 associated negative magnetic anomaly. I suggest that Ma). In particular, anomaly 32r is distinctive and the most likely reason for this is that initial sea¯oor means that the locations of anomaly 33y can be well spreading was during chron 33r (79±83 Ma) and the determined. A reconstruction for this time is shown anomalies are associated with remanent magnetisa- in Fig. 7. Closure of the Australia±New Zealand± tion of ocean crust. Modelling is required to rule Antarctica plate circuit for this time implies oblique out the possibility that negative anomalies are an rifting in the Ross Embayment since chron 33y, with edge effect associated with strong positive magnetic lesser degrees of rifting farther south. This is in anomalies at the continental margin. If volcanism good agreement with the known geology and crustal was extensive just prior to the onset of sea¯oor structure of the region, and indicates that ®rst order spreading during chron 33r (i.e. during chron 34), geological constraints are satis®ed at all boundaries then strong positive anomalies would be expected in the plate circuit. to be associated with the continental margin, and The 90 Ma reconstruction (Fig. 8) is less well negative anomalies with the oldest ocean crust. If the constrained because it is based on ®tting continental New Caledonia Basin formed at this time, then the margins, which are sometimes poorly de®ned, and strong central negative anomaly and marginal posi- requires that continental deformation be accounted tive anomalies may have a similar explanation. Davy for. Fitting the Campbell Plateau to Marie Byrd Land (1991) has shown by magnetic modelling that the is one exception, because the Pahemo and Endeav- central negative anomaly in the southeastern New our fracture zones can be recognised adjacent to both Caledonia Basin cannot simply be explained by edge continental margins, and both margins are de®ned effects. well by gravity data (McAdoo and Laxon, 1997). Immediately south of the Chatham Islands (at ap- Allowance was made for stretching in the New Cale- proximately 46ëS), there exists a linear positive mag- donia Basin, Bellona Trough, Bounty Trough, and netic anomaly trending ¾050ë (Fig. 4), with negative along the western edge of Lord Howe Rise. It was anomalies on either side. The linear anomaly occurs assumed that extension was approximately perpen- in water depths of ¾4500 m, with a typical sediment dicular to the axes of basins, and bathymetry was thickness of 500±1000 m (Davy, 1993). The water used as a proxy for crustal thickness. depth and seismic re¯ection character of basement To ®t the Tasman Sea conjugate boundaries, and (Davy, 1993) suggest that the linear anomaly is asso- the Campbell Plateau with Marie Byrd Land, re- ciated with ocean crust, but it is not clear at what age quires some deformation through New Zealand if the crust formed. the above procedure is used. This can be de®ned One possibility is that the linear positive anomaly by a Lord Howe Rise±Campbell Plateau ®nite ro- is part of anomaly 34 (118±83 Ma), and that it repre- tation with a pole close to where the MTZ±Eastern sents the earliest sea¯oor spreading on the South Pa- Province boundary crosses the Marie Byrd Land ci®c Ridge, contemporaneous with mid-Cretaceous continental margin, and a clockwise rotation of ¾8ë. extension in the Bounty Trough and Great South The precise ®nite rotation is sensitive to geological Basin. An alternative explanation is that the positive estimates of stretching along the various margins. anomaly is anomaly 33, and that there was a ridge More rigorous estimates of continental extension 354 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 may place quite strong constraints on Late Creta- is broadly similar to earlier reconstructions (e.g. ceous motion through New Zealand and Antarctica. Molnar et al., 1975; Crook and Belbin, 1978; Cooper The 90 Ma reconstruction presented here (Fig. 8) et al., 1982; Grindley and Davey, 1982; Kamp, 1986;

Carboniferous Cretaceous reconstruction volcanic arc Chron 33(74Ma) Precambrian craton Permianarc volcanics NEFB ? Sydney-Bowen 60˚ S Basin Dampier Ridge ?

Tasman line East Lachlan ? Negative magnetic anomaly Precambrian Fold Belt associated with New Caledonia craton West Lachlan Basinshown asdark shade

Fold Belt Kanmantoo Positive magnetic anomalies Fold Belt shown with medium shade

Areaof poor reconstruction due to distributed Cenozoic deformation between the finedashed lines M VD Approx. northernlimit of Lachlan-like rocks in NZ Carboniferous-Cretaceous ? arc-related volcanic rocks Carboniferous-Cretaceous Spreading direction Wilson Terrane poorly constrained ? trench/slope sediments ? Precambrian ? RB craton ? ? Lineaments from satellite-derived gravity maps

South Cretaceous - Pole (similar to East Lachlan Fold Belt) Cenozoic oblique and FordSwanson Granodiorite Formation rifting CretCretaceousCarboniferousCa volcanic arc to mid rboniferous a ceous

v olca to

nic mid

a rc

NEFB= New England Fold Belt VD= Van Diemens Terrane(similar to Kanmantoo) M = Mathinna Terrane(similar to Lachlan) RB= RobertsonBay Terrane(similar to Lachlan) Inferred limits of Carboniferous- Cretaceous arc volcanic rocks Predicted magnitude and direction of Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic motion in Antarctica ˚ 60 S R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 355

Gray and Norton, 1988; Lawver and Gahagan, 1994) this reconstruction is only one possible solution and because the sea¯oor spreading history of the Tas- that deformation elsewhere in the plate circuit (e.g. man, Indian, and Paci®c oceans has been moderately within Antarctica) would alter the estimated Creta- well known for several decades. Differences with ceous plate motion through New Zealand. previous reconstructions are mostly due to how con- tinental deformation has been accounted for, and this deformation can be subdivided into three main cat- 7. Structural discontinuity on the Campbell egories: Eocene±Recent deformation through New Plateau Zealand and Antarctica; the location and magnitude of Cretaceous extension; any additional deformation. One of the most striking features on Fig. 8 is the Eocene±Recent plate motion through New Zea- apparent 400 km dextral offset of MTZ correlative land has previously been estimated using geological rocks on the Campbell Plateau. There are several arguments (e.g. Kamp, 1986; Bradshaw, 1989), or possible interpretations for this feature. from closure of plate circuits (e.g. Molnar et al., (1) 400 km of dextral offset occurred along the 1975; Stock and Molnar, 1982). However, it is now northern margin of the CMAS between 130 and 80 well constrained by sea¯oor formed at the Australia± Ma. MTZ volcanism ended at ca. 130 Ma in New Paci®c boundary (Sutherland, 1995). Although de- Zealand (Kimbrough et al., 1994). This is a sim- tails of Eocene±Recent deformation in New Zealand ilar interpretation to that of Davey and Christoffel remain uncertain, the known plate motion provides a (1978), but with the structures following the north- signi®cant improvement over earlier reconstructions ern margin of the CMAS as equivalent to their and means that the Eocene position of the Challenger `Campbell Fault', which has been shown not to exist Plateau with respect to the Campbell Plateau is well in the location they suggested (Beggs, 1993). How- constrained. ever, the interpretation requires that arc-related rocks It is signi®cant that the 90 Ma reconstruction aged 130 Ma are partly responsible for the CMAS cannot be constructed by simply taking the chron on the western Campbell Plateau, and that the vol- 33 reconstruction and closing the remaining Tas- canic arc at 130 Ma was continuous. This has not man, Indian, and Paci®c oceans. This implies that been demonstrated and basement rock samples are there has been some Cretaceous±Eocene deforma- required to test the hypothesis. tion other than simple extension at the continental (2) 400 km of dextral offset occurred along the margins. The reconstruction presented here shows northern margin of the CMAS at some time between about 200 km of Cretaceous dextral strike-slip along Late Carboniferous time and 90 Ma. It is possible the eastern margin of the Campbell Plateau, but that the CMAS is related to late Palaeozoic or early this may in fact have been accommodated by more Mesozoic arc-related rocks. If this is true then the complex kinematics such as contemporaneous ex- offset may be much older than Early Cretaceous. An tension and block rotation over a wide region (see analogous feature in the New England Fold Belt of e.g. Gray and Norton, 1988). It is emphasised that northeast Australia, with a similar dextral offset of

Fig. 7. Late Cretaceous reconstruction (chron 33; 74 Ma). Areas deeper than 2000 m water depth (present day) are shown as light shade. Magnetic features (after Sutherland, 1996) are shown as medium and dark shade. Basement geology of eastern Australia shown after Veevers et al. (1994), eastern Antarctica after Collinson et al. (1994), Marie Byrd Land after Bradshaw et al. (1997). New Zealand basement terrane boundaries (see text) have been reconstructed to take account of distributed Cenozoic deformation, but the coastline and magnetic features have simply been cut along the line of the Alpine Fault and are hence not properly reconstructed. The plate circuit and ®nite rotations used: eastern Antarctica±Australia (Royer and Sandwell, 1989); Australia±Lord Howe Rise (Stock and Molnar, 1982); Lord Howe Rise±Campbell Plateau (Sutherland, 1995); Campbell Plateau±Marie Byrd Land (J. Stock, pers. commun., 1996). A free boundary was allowed in Antarctica, and the resulting plate closure (shown by open arrows) implies oblique rifting in the Ross Embayment, which is in good agreement with the known geology and crustal structure of the region (see text). The ridge positions are shown after Cande et al. (1989). Fracture zones and gravity lineaments were traced from satellite-derived gravity data (Sandwell and Smith, 1997). The map is in the Australian palaeomagnetic reference frame of Veevers and Li (1991), and drawn using a south polar azimuthal equidistant projection. 356 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362

Fig. 8. Mid-Cretaceous (90 Ma) reconstruction showing major basement provinces prior to the onset of sea¯oor spreading in the Tasman and Paci®c oceans. Present-day coastline is included for reference, and 2000 m bathymetry as a proxy for the continental margin. The continental margins for the Lord Howe Rise, Norfolk Ridge and Chatham Rise were estimated after allowance was made for distributed extensional deformation in the Bounty Trough, New Caledonia Basin and Bellona Trough. The Australia±Antarctica ®nite rotation was interpolated from Royer and Sandwell (1989). Faults interpreted from gravity anomaly maps and major geological boundaries are shown as black lines. R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 357 about 400 km, is thought to have been active during donia Basin (Mortimer et al., 1998). Correlatives of the late Palaeozoic (e.g. Korsch et al., 1990; Veevers the Murihiku Terrane and Brook Street Terrane of et al., 1994). The New England Orocline, which is the Eastern Province are found in New Caledonia one manifestation of this displacement, is the feature and it is reasonable to assume that these terranes are outlined in Fig. 8 (after Veevers et al., 1994). continuous along the Norfolk Ridge (Fig. 7). (3) The generalisation and geometry of basement The closest correlatives of MTZ rocks found in rock provinces shown in Fig. 8. is misleading or in- Australia are in the New England Fold Belt, which correct. Because there are so few rock samples from experienced a pulse of Late Carboniferous±Permian offshore, we must treat the proposed geometry of calc-alkaline volcanism and deformation, including basement provinces as highly speculative. The grav- dextral strike-slip faulting (Coney et al., 1990; Veev- ity and magnetic anomalies clearly suggest a major ers et al., 1994). Calc-alkaline volcanism migrated geological feature in the region of the CMAS, but east during Triassic time, and by Jurassic time the it has not yet been demonstrated that the associ- volcanic arc was located northeast of the present ated rocks are correlative with the MTZ. It is quite Australian coast (Williams and Korsch, 1991). The possible that they may be associated with igneous Sydney±Bowen Basin overlies the boundary be- activity unrelated to arc-volcanism along the Gond- tween the New England Fold Belt and Lachlan Fold wanaland margin. The rapid narrowing of the SMAS Belt and shows that they were amalgamated by Per- and CMAS on the Campbell Plateau, and the anoma- mian time (Veevers et al., 1994). Dredge samples lous nature of the Torlesse Terrane in relation to from the Dampier Ridge (Fig. 7) are composed of the narrowness of the Eastern Province farther along sandstone and Permian volcanic arc-related intrusive strike, may also be related to an anomalous Mesozoic rocks (McDougall et al., 1994), supporting the hy- tectonic setting that we do not yet understand. pothesis that some magnetic anomalies on the Lord Howe Rise may be related to sources correlative with the New England Fold Belt, or an older part of the 8. Geological relationships between New Zealand, MTZ. Antarctica, and Australia Close correlatives of Western Province rocks are widely distributed and are described from the Lach- There are close similarities in geological history lan Fold Belt of Australia, the Mathinna Terrane between the Western Province and Median Tectonic in Tasmania, the Robertson Bay Terrane in East Zone found in New Zealand, and rocks found in Antarctica, and the Swanson Formation in Marie western Marie Byrd Land (Bradshaw et al., 1997). Byrd Land (Coney et al., 1990; Cooper and Tulloch, Distinct pulses of late Palaeozoic±Early Cretaceous 1992; Bradshaw et al., 1997) (Fig. 7). However, the intrusive activity are recognised in both regions and Western Province of New Zealand is characterised there is a close correlation between the timing of by mainly S-type granites, in contrast to the common magmatic pulses in the two areas (Kimbrough et occurrence of I-type granites in the east Lachlan Fold al., 1994; Bradshaw et al., 1997). Combined with Belt (Chappell et al., 1988; Tulloch, 1989; Cooper Cretaceous reconstruction (Fig. 8), the similarities and Tulloch, 1992). If the chemistry of granites in add strength to the hypothesis that MTZ-correlative the Lachlan Fold Belt is related to the type of lower rocks are the source of the CMAS. crust present (Chappell et al., 1988), then this sug- The boundaries of the MTZ can be delineated gests a major difference between Western Province northwestward from New Zealand using borehole crust and that found in the east Lachlan Fold Belt. data from the Taranaki Basin and magnetic anoma- The Lord Howe Rise and western Challenger lies (Mortimer et al., 1997). Permian±Early Creta- Plateau are characterised by large amplitude mag- ceous intrusive rocks dredged from the West Norfolk netic anomalies, similar to the east Lachlan Fold and Wanganella ridges also have chemistry and ages Belt, but the eastern Challenger Plateau and west- consistent with being part the Median Tectonic Zone ern New Zealand are magnetically relatively quiet and allow the known distribution of MTZ rocks to be (Fig. 3). The sudden change in magnetic character extended along the northern margin of the New Cale- on the central Challenger Plateau suggests that a 358 R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 signi®cant crustal boundary trending north-northeast Terrane sediments (Fig. 5) on the basis of isotopic exists in the region. Undeformed Late Cretaceous evidence and detrital mineral ages. He proposes 2000 sediments overlie the feature (Wood, 1991), thus km of Jurassic±Cretaceous dextral strike-slip motion constraining the minimum age of activity on the along the margin to produce the observed provenance boundary. and palaeontological characteristics. This requires an The lack of samples from the region west of this average Jurassic±Cretaceous strike-slip rate of about boundary leaves a number of possible sources for the 2cm=yr, or a slip rate of 4 cm=yr if all the strike-slip high amplitude magnetic anomalies observed. motion occurred during the period 130±80 Ma. (1) I-type granitoid plutons of a similar age to There is evidence in the New England Fold Belt those found in the east Lachlan Fold Belt. Following of northeast Australia for at least 400 km of dex- the suggestion of Chappell et al. (1988), this may tral offset in Late Carboniferous±Permian time (e.g. imply that the Challenger Plateau discontinuity pre- Williams and Korsch, 1991; Veevers et al., 1994), dates granite emplacement (370±310 Ma; Cooper and evidence for about 400 km of dextral off- and Tulloch, 1992), and could be related to a differ- set across the Campbell Plateau (above). There is ence in lower crustal characteristics. also evidence for an early Mesozoic dextral shear- (2) Palaeozoic metamorphic complexes, which ing event in West Antarctica that has extensively are known to exist and are highly magnetic in parts deformed rocks found in the Ellsworth Mountains of the Lachlan Fold Belt (e.g. Scheibner and Basden, (Curtis, 1997). If strike-slip motion was parallel to 1996). If this is the case, then the boundary must the major basement terranes then much more could post-date formation of (early Palaeozoic?) metamor- be hidden because of a lack of obvious piercing phic complexes. points. (3) Correlative rocks to the New England Fold We have a very incomplete knowledge of offshore Belt or MTZ. basement rock, and the region was an active plate (4) Cretaceous igneous rocks associated with the marginformostofthe>200 Ma between Late early opening history of the Tasman Sea. Carboniferous and Early Cretaceous time. There is (5) There are no correlative rocks in either Aus- evidence for both convergent margin volcanism and tralia or New Zealand. strike-slip motion during this time, and there are The geology of the western Challenger Plateau signi®cant differences in the width and histories and Lord Howe Rise remains unknown, but magnetic of geological provinces along the margin. These data indicate that correlations with eastern Australia must be explained by the accretion and deformation maybemorelikelythanwithwesternNewZealand. history, but at present there are insuf®cient samples from the region to constrain it adequately.

9. Permian±Cretaceous accretion and strike-slip along the Gondwanaland margin 10. Summary

A striking observation that can be made from the (1) The Stokes Magnetic Anomaly System can be 90 Ma reconstruction (Fig. 8) is the relative width traced south across the Great South Basin and north of the New England Fold Belt and its continuation along the northern margin of the New Caledonia offshore, compared to the narrowness of the MTZ Basin (Davey and Christoffel, 1978; Mortimer et al., in New Zealand. The equivalent of the MTZ in 1998; Cook et al., 1999). Antarctica is also much wider (e.g. Bradshaw et (2) There is a major tectonic boundary on the al., 1997). This is probably related to different rates central Campbell Plateau. Gravity and magnetic of accretion along the Gondwanaland convergent anomalies suggest a NNE-trending fault zone bound- margin, and varying amounts of removal or addition ing the northern edge of the Campbell Magnetic of material by lateral movement along the margin. Anomaly System. The ®rst order geometry of mag- Adams and Kelley (1998) suggest a New England netic anomalies suggests a dextral offset of basement Fold Belt source in northeast Australia for Torlesse rocks by ¾400 km. R. Sutherland / Tectonophysics 308 (1999) 341±362 359

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