Aspects of New Zealand Sedimenta4on and Tectonics Kathleen M. Marsaglia! California State University Northridge!
[email protected]! and! Carrie Bender, Julie G. Parra, Kevin Rivera, Adewale Adedeji, " Dawn E. James, Shawn Shapiro, and Alissa M. DeVaughn" (California State University Northridge)! Mike Marden (Landcare), Nick Mortimer (GNS). ! J.P. Walsh (East Carolina University), Candace Martin (Otago U.),! Lionel Carter (NIWA, Victoria U.)! ! Acknowledgments • C. Alexander, B. Gomez, S. Kuehl, A. Orpin, and A. Palmer • Funded by NSF GEO-0119936 & GEO-0503609 h#p:// Image from CANZ (1996) New Zealand vs. “Zealandia” (see Mor-mer, 2004; Gondwana Research) OVERVIEW of TALK •! General overview of NZ Paleozoic to Cenozoic(meta)sedime ntary units emphasizing conVergent margin history •! North Island Cenozoic – sedimentary record of Oligo-Miocene subducon incep4on and Hikurangi margin deVelopment Youngest sediments and oldest sedimentary rocks related to subducon New Zealand Basement Rocks (Mor-mer, 2008) Image from NIWA" Modern Continental Margin Example of # Subduction Inception# South Island, NZ # North" (Sutherland et al., 2006) Island" Solander Island ”Arc”? South" Island" Puysegur Trench Solander Small-scale Islands Version of Upli/erosion what Puysegur then Quaternary Ridge may have subsidence looked like Beehive Island New Zealand Basement Rocks (Mor-mer, 2008) Nelson Q-map by See GeoPRISMS White Paper by Pound et al. on Takaka Terrane Raenbury et al. (1998) 200 Ma Triassic/Jurassic Gondwana (Antar-ca/Australia) 250 Ma Permian 100-55 Ma to schist Late Cretaceous/ Early Ter-ary Zealandia Tectonic History • Ac2ve-margin ! subduc2on in Permian (older?) • Followed by ri?ing and ! passive-margin formaon in Cretaceous • Ac2ve (! subduc2on and transform) margin in Illustraons by G.