Thoracic Injury





PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND SPECIFIC INJURIES Intrathoracic Airway Injuries Cardiac Injury Aortic Injuries Lung Injury







*Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Army Medical Corps; Consultant Anaesthetist, Ministry of Defence Hospital Unit (Northallerton), Friarage Hospital, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 1JG, United Kingdom †Surgeon Commander, Royal Navy; Consultant Anaesthetist, Ministry of Defence Hospital Unit (Northallerton), Friarage Hospital, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 1JG, United Kingdom ‡Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough TS4 3BW, United Kingdom

133 Combat Anesthesia: The First 24 Hours


Thoracic injuries remain a common presentation to hind-armor (BABT). medical facilities during current military operations. This chapter discusses the incidence and pathophysiol- These cases are predominantly ballistic penetrating ogy of with particular emphasis on the anes- trauma, but also include blunt trauma from tertiary thetic and surgical considerations from point of wounding blast injury and road traffic collisions, as well as be- through the emergency room to the operating room.


Penetrating wounds to the thorax frequently occur assault rifle gunshot wound to the chest resulted in an during military conflict. These injuries are often fatal 80% mortality rate.1 Thoracic wounds remain common before the casualty reaches medical care. This high during the conflict in Afghanistan, where approximately probability of death has changed little from World 13% of ballistic injuries require a thoracic intervention War I, when the mortality from all penetrating thoracic (chest drain, tissue debridement, or ),2 and injuries was 74%, through to Vietnam, when a single thoracic injuries contribute to 30% of combat deaths.3


The thorax is a semirigid structure that affords combination of hypoxia and reduced cardiac output protection to the lungs, , and great vessels. In- can occur as a result of or tension jury to these structures therefore typically requires (see Figures 12-1 and 12-2). a significant magnitude of force delivered by either penetrating or blunt injury. Penetrating injuries (Fig- Intrathoracic Airway Injuries ure 11-1) frequently necessitate thoracotomy during initial resuscitation and will often require a surgical Tracheobronchial injuries are found in 0.8% of blunt intervention, whereas blunt injuries (Figure 11-2) tend thoracic trauma victims presenting for emergency to be managed conservatively or with the placement surgery.4 The vast majority of these injuries are found of an intercostal drain. within 2.5 cm of the carina5 and are associated with a Chest injury leads to hypovolemia secondary to high mortality because of the difficulties in maintain- major organ or vessel injury, or to hypoxia as a re- ing adequate ventilation and oxygenation, as well as sult of disruption to the mechanics of ventilation. A delayed diagnosis.5,6


Pneumothorax Tension pneumothorax Pulmonary hilar laceration

Chest wall disruption Cardiac tamponade Cardiac laceration

Subsequent inadequate Changes in intrathoracic Profound hypovolemia gas transfer from loss of pressure and reduced secondary to great vessel mechanical function venous return or cardiac damage


Figure 11-1. Effects of penetrating thoracic injury. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier from: Hunt PA, Greaves I, Owens WA. Emergency thoracotomy in thoracic trauma—a review. Injury. 2006;37(1):4.

134 Thoracic Injury


Pneumothorax Cardiac disruption Chest wall disruption Myocardial contusion

Subsequent inadequate Alveolar hemorrhage and Profound hemorrhage and gas transfer from loss of oedema with ventilation- a direct decrease in mechanical function perfusion mismatch myocardial contractility


Figure 11-2. Effects of blunt thoracic injury. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier from: Hunt PA, Greaves I, Owens WA. Emergency thoracotomy in thoracic trauma—a review. Injury. 2006;37(1):5.

The management of intrathoracic airway inju- frequently involved.8 Cardiogenic shock may ensue as ries should ideally involve a thoracic surgeon at an a result of arrhythmias, structural damage, or impaired early stage because operative repair will usually be ventricular contractility. required.6 However, most trauma surgeons are not ECG abnormalities that may indicate cardiac injury cardiothoracic specialists; therefore, adequate risk include ST segment changes and arrhythmias. These assessment must be done before embarking any patients should have continuous ECG monitoring. If operative procedure. In the deployed environment, hemodynamic instability is manifest, a transthoracic conservative management frequently becomes the best or transesophageal echocardiogram should be per- course of action in carefully selected stable patients. formed. Measuring troponin levels is probably of little There is evidence to support this view: in a study of 20 benefit in management of .9 In the patients with tracheobronchial injuries who were man- advent of cardiogenic shock, consideration should aged conservatively, four died. The authors concluded be given to placing an intraaortic balloon pump to that surgery should be performed in cases of associ- off-load the left ventricle (although this procedure is ated esophageal injuries, progressive subcutaneous unlikely to be possible in the deployed field hospital).10 or mediastinal emphysema, severe dyspnea requiring BABT is a nonpenetrating injury resulting from the intubation, difficulty with mechanical ventilation, deformation of body armor after ballistic impact. It has pneumothorax with air leak through chest drains, or been shown in animal models that apnea occurring mediastinitis. The remaining cases are likely to do well after BABT is a vagally mediated reflex that results in with conservative medical management.7 severe hypoxia. Supportive ventilation should begin The aim of initial management should be to improve immediately in BABT casualties who are unconscious ventilation and reduce air leak. This can be achieved and apneic.11 by placing a cuffed airway device distal to the site of Penetrating cardiac injuries are typically fatal. Only injury typically with the use of a fiberoptic broncho- 6% of patients with penetrating anterior chest wounds scope, although this instrument may not be available causing cardiac injury survive to reach hospital care.12 in the field setting. Presentation frequently includes the signs of cardiac tamponade, which are classically the Beck triad of Cardiac Injury hypotension, muffled heart sounds, and distended neck veins. Typically a globular heart is seen on chest Cardiac injury can occur secondary to blunt or pen- radiograph, although in practice this is a subtle sign etrating trauma. Blunt cardiac injuries can present as (Figure 11-3). Cardiac tamponade has also been re- a spectrum ranging from isolated electrocardiogram ported with low-energy ballistic wounds.13 The current (ECG) abnormalities to myocardial rupture, with the practice of performing a rapid focused abdominal scan right ventricle and interventricular septum the most for trauma should include examination of the pericar-

135 Combat Anesthesia: The First 24 Hours

correction of coagulopathy, acidosis, and hypothermia. It is essential to maintain good blood pressure control perioperatively. Glyceryl trinitrate and beta blockers should be used to keep the systolic pressure less than 140 mm Hg to minimize further aortic dissection. Increasingly, endovascular stent grafting is being used rather than the conventional open aortic repair.15 Neither of these options are likely to be available in forward surgical locations, however.

Lung Injury

The pathophysiology of lung injury, whether blunt or penetrating, can be seen as a 2-fold process with direct injury to the lung parenchyma followed by a systemic inflammatory response causing alveolar- capillary changes. This leads to acute lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ALI is defined by the following features: acute onset, bilateral infiltrates on chest radiograph, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure less than 18 mm Hg, Pao Figure 11-3. Chest x-ray showing cardiac tamponade. 2 to Fio2 ratio less than 40 kPa. ARDS is defined by the same criteria except the Pao2 to Fio2 ratio is less than 27 kPa. These conditions represent a spectrum of increas- dium via the substernal window. Management is by ing severity of lung dysfunction. Excessive bronchial needle pericardiocentesis or thoracotomy; the latter secretions predispose the patient to lobar collapse and is preferable and necessary for definitive treatment. a further decrease in lung compliance, with pneumonia Patients in extremis are candidates for emergency ensuing in approximately 50% of cases. The end result resuscitative thoracotomy (defined as thoracotomy in is a significant ventilation/perfusion mismatch with casualties with vital signs absent for less than 10 to 15 the additional effect of decreased oxygen delivery to minutes).14,15 In the civilian setting most chest wounds vital organs.18 are caused by low-energy mechanisms (stab wounds Blast lung results in an extreme form of pulmonary or low-energy ballistics). In these circumstances, contusion. Shock waves from the blast cause both thoracotomy performed at the roadside on patients intraalveolar and intrabronchial hemorrhages with a with a penetrating chest injury observed to lose their sudden increase in lung weight.19,20 The hemorrhage cardiac output has a survival rate of about 7%.16 Mili- decreases lung compliance and leads to severe impair- tary trauma is different and tends to produce complex ment of alveolar gas exchange and a rapidly worsen- injuries that require complex surgery; for this reason, ing ventilation/perfusion mismatch. Typically these thoracotomy should not be undertaken forward of a casualties present with dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, hospital with a surgical facility and blood products and chest pain following blast exposure. The onset of available to handle such cases.2 hypoxia can occur as quickly as 1 to 2 hours after the blast exposure, in contrast to the 24 to 48 hours that Aortic Injuries has traditionally been described in this type of injury.21 Theoretically, the administration of recombinant fac- Blunt aortic dissection is the second most common tor VIIa (rFVIIa) may rapidly control the pulmonary cause of death (after head injury) in blunt trauma.17 hemorrhage associated with blast lung. Prompt control However, diagnosis can be difficult and a high index of lung hemorrhage may improve the ALI/ARDS pic- of suspicion should be maintained. Computerized ture and prevent the need for mechanical ventilation. tomography and transesophageal echocardiogram In an Israeli case series, full recovery in soldiers with are invaluable in establishing the diagnosis. Early life-threatening blast lung treated with rFVIIa was decision-making and prompt thoracotomy with proxi- reported.22 This indication for rFVIIa remains contro- mal control of the aorta is essential. Resuscitation with versial and off-license. More studies are required to permissive hypotension (approximately 90 mm Hg) prove its efficacy in this situation. should be instituted until control is established, with Management of traumatic lung injury is supportive.

136 Thoracic Injury

It should aim to minimize the systemic inflammatory lemia. The treatments indicated may include the use response syndrome and its progression to ALI/ARDS. mechanical ventilation with lung-protective strategies This is achieved by using hemodynamic monitoring to (as discussed later in this chapter), crystalloids (in avoid excessive fluid overload or profound hypovo- restricted volumes), colloids, diuretics, and inotropes.


Although the majority of trauma cases with thoracic vision, and internal cardiac massage started. Deciding involvement can be managed without thoracotomy, whether or not to perform an early thoracotomy in a a significant proportion do require thoracotomy, patient in extremis is challenging and will, to a large particularly with . Following the extent, depend on the personalities involved. In the principles of damage control resuscitation may fur- military setting, prehospital thoracotomy is unlike- ther lower the threshold for operative intervention to ly to be a life-saving procedure due to the complex control hemorrhage. injury pattern associated with high-energy ballistic For those unfamiliar with thoracic surgery, the pros- trauma and should arguably be avoided.2 That said, pect of performing a thoracotomy may be daunting. prehospital thoracotomy has been found not to be The most common concerns are about the indications an independent predictor of mortality (albeit in the and timing of such intervention. Resuscitative thora- civilian setting), leading to the conclusion that this cotomies—those performed for a patient in cardiac intervention applied early, to a well-selected group of arrest—have been the subject of much debate and patients, may be of benefit.24 study (albeit retrospectively). It is generally accepted The more common scenario, and arguably more that resuscitative thoracotomies are most likely to be challenging in terms of decision-making, is the pa- successful in the context of cardiac tamponade, when tient who does not require an immediate resuscitative the patient has lost vital signs during the resuscitative thoracotomy, but has thoracic trauma that is not being process, and the period of cardiopulmonary resuscita- adequately managed with simple maneuvers such as tion was limited. Those who sustained blunt trauma chest drain placement and volume resuscitation. The or had no vital signs for some time are less likely to danger for patients such as this is to delay thoracotomy survive. In certain polytrauma victims with a blunt and persist with fluid resuscitation without controlling thoracic injury in cardiac arrest, it is much more likely hemorrhage (and often air leak), which may allow the that cardiac arrest is secondary to hypovolemia from acidotic, hypothermic, and coagulopathic triad that the nonthoracic injury, for example, a traumatic limb damage control resuscitation seeks to prevent. The amputation. In these cases a thoracotomy would in all challenge is in identifying which patients are likely likelihood delay fluid resuscitation and hence worsen to need a thoracotomy and making the decision to outcome. proceed. Using absolute volumes of chest drainage It must be borne in mind that there is a limit to what as a trigger point for thoracotomy may be tempting, can be achieved rapidly through a left anterior thora- but this approach ignores the effects of air leaks and cotomy during resuscitation. Relief of tamponade or trauma elsewhere in the body. Instead, the logical undiagnosed tension pneumothorax may lead to the and well-defined Advanced Trauma Life Support restoration of a cardiac output; however, identifying physiological principles should be used to guide the and controlling a source of hemorrhage can be chal- decision-making process, by identifying “transient” lenging, and cross-clamping the aorta may not be as or “non-responders”’ to fluid resuscitation: patients straightforward as expected. Better exposure is almost who have either partial or no improvement in circula- always required, typically through conversion to a tory status in response to fluid resuscitation.25 Current bilateral anterior thoracotomy (clamshell) incision, resuscitative strategies have moved away from initial enabling a better assessment of the injuries and actions resuscitation with crystalloids in favor of early use of required to address them. In a series of traumatic car- blood products, but distinguishing those responding to diac arrest cases from the conflict in Afghanistan, all volume replacement from those with ongoing massive of the survivors (4 survivors out of 52 cardiac arrest hemorrhage is pivotal in the decision-making process. patients) had a thoracotomy, although only one had an Other indications for early thoracotomy include mas- intrathoracic injury.23 Whether or not thoracotomy, in sive air leaks affecting the ability to ventilate or oxy- itself, is beneficial in these cases is unknown. genate, and more obvious conditions such as foreign Once the chest is opened, rapid assessment of body transfixion. cardiac filling and function can be made, the aorta Once the decision to perform a thoracotomy has cross-clamped, transfusion lines inserted under direct been made, the next dilemma is the surgical approach

137 Combat Anesthesia: The First 24 Hours to be taken. The classical posterolateral thoracotomy cause making the incision too low can restrict access, used for elective pulmonary surgery is arguably the particularly to the great vessels. The advantages of least useful incision in the trauma setting. This tech- the incision are immediately apparent on retracting nique relies on effective one-lung ventilation, and the thoracotomies: excellent exposure of both pleural access to other parts of the chest cavity is limited. Es- cavities and the pericardial cavity. It is also the logical tablishing one-lung ventilation represents a challenge method of opening the chest following a resuscitative in a field hospital environment for a variety of reasons left anterior thoracotomy by simply extending the inci- including lack of equipment or expertise, the need to sion across the midline. It is important that bleeding rapidly establish a secure airway, and the lack of bron- from the transected internal thoracic arteries should choscopes to optimally position a double-lumen tube. be addressed early in the procedure, preferably when The two incisions most frequently employed for identified. A transected vessel overlooked at this stage access to the thoracic cavity in trauma are therefore may not be apparent until the casualty is resuscitated the bilateral anterolateral thoracotomy (the clamshell to more normal physiological values, leading to sig- incision) and the median sternotomy, as shown in nificant delayed hemorrhage. Figure 11-4. Both provide good access to the peri- Once the thorax is opened, the typical next step is cardial cavity without creating any of the additional to open the pericardial cavity. This should initially be anesthetic or physiological stresses associated with done longitudinally, then making an inverted-T inci- one-lung ventilation. The median sternotomy provides sion, avoiding the phrenic nerves, particularly on the excellent access to the great vessels and, in the case of left where is it most vulnerable to iatrogenic damage. junctional trauma, is easily extended superiorly into Subsequent surgical maneuvers depend on the pa- the root of the neck or inferiorly into a laparotomy thology found, but the main principles of any trauma incision. Disadvantages include the need for a sternal surgery apply: first control hemorrhage. Bleeding from saw or a Gigli saw to perform the incision; the former the heart or great vessels is initially controlled with is not always readily available and the latter is slower digital pressure, possibly with the subsequent ap- and can be harder to keep in the midline. The other plication of side-biting clamps to enable direct suture disadvantage of this approach is the relatively limited repair. Massive pulmonary hemorrhage or air leak access to the lungs and pleural cavities, which may be can be controlled by temporarily clamping the lung particularly important in penetrating trauma associ- at the hilum. A pneumonectomy is occasionally neces- ated with projectile injuries. sary but is associated with a high mortality of around The clamshell incision is easily performed with scal- 75%.26,27 The high incidence of mortality is related to pel and scissors. The sternum can usually be divided exsanguination, right heart failure, and pulmonary across the midline to join the anterior thoracotomies edema in the remaining lung. Oversewing pulmonary with bone shears or a Gigli saw. These thoracotomies lesions, or performing a tractotomy with standard sta- should be performed in the fifth intercostal space, be- pling devices for deeper lacerations, is often adequate to achieve permanent control; wedge resections may also be required. Inevitably thoracotomies performed for blunt or blast trauma will be more challenging, typi- cally due to the magnitude of soft tissue and chest wall injury, and there are no easy ways to deal with these. Junctional trauma is a well-recognized issue; trau- matic injuries do not respect anatomical boundaries and chest injuries are not infrequently associated with abdominal, neck, and spine injuries. As discussed, a median sternotomy is easily extended into a lapa- rotomy, or vice versa, and the clamshell incision can also be combined with a midline extension. Extending the operative field from the chest into the abdomen is something that most trauma surgeons should be comfortable with, but the root of the neck can prove more challenging. Access to the subclavian vessels, particularly on the left, can be difficult, and often ne- cessitates a trap-door incision with division or removal of part of the clavicle. Definitively dealing with great Figure 11-4. Median sternotomy. vessel trauma in this challenging region requires good

138 Thoracic Injury

exposure, which initially can seem daunting. ries for example. The need to understand the anatomy A range of other related injuries and structures are of the thoracic cavity and neighboring areas cannot be not addressed here, thoracic duct and esophageal inju- over emphasized.


The patient should be initially assessed and man- of the cases. The researchers concluded that tension aged in accordance with Battlefield Advanced Trauma pneumothorax was the cause of death in 3% to 4% of Life Support guidelines in the deployed military fatally wounded combat casualties.28 setting. Broadly speaking, the principles of thoracic Anesthesia for an emergency thoracotomy may trauma anesthesia involve the restoration of circulating include one-lung ventilation. In the shocked patient, volume, maintenance of adequate oxygenation, and ketamine is considered by some to be the induction correction of hypothermia and coagulopathy (ie, the agent of choice because it preserves blood pressure goals of damage control resuscitation). and cardiac output.29 Alternative strategies involve a It is highly likely that a definitive airway will need significantly reduced dose of other induction agents to be secured at an early stage. The usual practice to or opioid-based anesthesia. Hypotension immediately achieve a definitive airway is a rapid sequence intu- postinduction should be anticipated and treated with bation of the trachea, with cricoid pressure applied further intravenous fluid resuscitation (usually blood and the cervical spine controlled with manual in-line products) or sympathomimetic drugs in a euvolemic stabilization. However, this practice can increase the patient. Anesthesia is usually maintained with a likelihood of difficult intubations. Difficult intubation low-dose volatile agent and nondepolarizing muscle should be dealt with in accordance with local guide- relaxation. Using nitrous oxide should generally be lines. Any unexplained hypotension and difficulty in avoided because it has a propensity to increase the size ventilation should arouse suspicion of a tension pneu- of gas-filled cavities including air emboli and pneumo- mothorax. A retrospective analysis of 978 penetrating thoraces. Monitoring should include invasive arterial chest trauma casualties during the Vietnam War found blood pressure measurement as well as placement of radiographic evidence of tension pneumothorax in 198 a central venous catheter.


The common theme in all cardiothoracic procedures complication rate, which can be compounded in the is the close communication required between surgeon rapid sequence intubation situation.31 and anesthetist. This is true through the decision Several simple strategies are available to a nontho- to operate, surgical approach, lung isolation, and racic anesthetist providing anesthetic for emergency problem solving. Only by paying close attention to intrathoracic surgery to facilitate surgery on the lung the progress of the surgery and understanding the or chest cavity. Most emergency thoracotomies carried implication of surgical maneuvers can the anesthetist out as part of damage control resuscitation can be man- interpret changes in airway pressure, blood pressure, aged with a single-lumen tube and two-lung ventila- or heart rhythm correctly. tion. Typically a single-lumen tube passed beyond the The choice of surgical approach can obliviate the carina will rest in the right main bronchus (which is need for lung isolation, and a clamshell or median in a straighter line from the larynx than the left main sternotomy are optimal approaches for intrathoracic bronchus). A single-lumen tube can readily be used procedures for this reason. Lung isolation with a dou- to isolate the left lung and preferentially ventilate the ble-lumen endobronchial tube (DLEBT), standard for right. Simply advancing (an uncut) tube should pro- elective thoracic work, allows the surgeon to operate vide lung isolation with this technique. Single-lumen on a nonventilating lung. Alternatives to the DLEBT tube design will then almost inevitably occlude the in providing one-lung ventilation include bronchial take-off of the right upper-lobe bronchus, which may blockers and the Univent (Fuji Systems Corp, Tokyo, worsen hypoxemia. Rotation of the patient’s head to Japan) tube.30 Fiberoptic scopes are used to facilitate the right on insertion can sometimes allow the tube to and confirm placement. Some or all of this equipment pass into the left main bronchus and allow ventilation may not be available in a deployed field hospital. The of the left lung. DLEBT can be difficult to place by those not regularly Lung movement can be minimized by periods of undertaking routine thoracic anesthesia, and the tubes relative hypoventilation or even disconnection from are commonly associated with malposition and a high ventilation for brief periods to allow a specific surgi-

139 Combat Anesthesia: The First 24 Hours cal maneuver to be performed. Combined with gentle of arrhythmias, which are usually self-limiting once surgical retraction of the lungs, this technique will the surgical stimulus is withdrawn. Turning a patient allow most emergency procedures to be undertaken. with a massive to the lateral position can Hypoxemia is common during single-lung ventila- provoke profound hypotension both through redistri- tion and may also be “permissive” due to hypoven- bution of blood volume and also from the contained tilation during particular surgical maneuvers such blood’s pressure on the mediastinum. For this reason as lung retraction. Inspired oxygen percentage can it is recommended that the supine position be used be increased and acceptable arterial oxygenation wherever possible (with incision via clamshell or me- monitored with arterial blood gases. Lung injury from dian sternotomy). contusion or blast lung is common in military trauma, Fluid management for major lung resections is chal- and every effort should be made to keep tidal volumes lenging, as reflected in the high mortality associated and ventilator pressures low intraoperatively. Airway with traumatic pneumonectomy.26,27 It seems reason- pressures can be affected by mechanical retraction of able to adopt a more cautious approach to transfu- the airway, as can hypotension. sion than in non-chest-related trauma. Resuscitation Hypotension is frequently caused by surgical should aim to correct initial acidosis and hypotension retraction around the mediastinum or great vessels. with blood and blood products, which will maintain a Periods of hypotension should first be addressed normal plasma oncotic pressure. Over-transfusion and by ensuring there is no mechanical cause. Surgical increasing right ventricular load should be avoided at stimulation around the mediastinum is a potent cause all costs with major lung resection.


The incidence of ventilator–associated lung injury fluid (ie, blood) or secretions, avoiding contamination has changed the way that mechanical ventilation is of normal lung alveoli and improving gas exchange. delivered. The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome OL-ILV can be facilitated by deliberate left or right Network study32 used tidal volumes of 6 and 12 mL/kg main bronchus intubation with a normal endotracheal to ventilate patients with ARDS. A significant absolute tube, the use of a DLEBT, or placement of a bronchial reduction in mortality was achieved using the lower blocker. tidal volumes and maintaining inspiratory plateau Two-lung independent lung ventilation (TL-ILV) pressures less than 30 cm H2O. However, these protec- allows different ventilatory parameters or ventila- tive ventilation strategies frequently result in hyper- tory modes to be applied to each lung. Separate capnia and respiratory acidosis.32 When conventional ventilator circuits are used for each lung. TL-ILV can methods of mechanical ventilation fail in patients with be applied synchronously or asynchronously. Syn- an asymmetric lung injury, intensivists may resort chronous TL-ILV maintains the same respiratory rate to methods such as independent lung ventilation to for both lungs but the flow rates, tidal volumes, and maintain oxygenation. positive end-expiratory pressure are set separately. One-lung independent ventilation (OL-ILV) is a Asynchronous TL-ILV must use two separate venti- technique that allows ventilation of one lung while the lators to deliver different modes as well as different other main bronchus is artificially blocked to isolate ventilator settings.


The ongoing management of thoracic casualties to perform and relatively easy to learn, and provide hinges on providing excellent analgesia, which al- analgesia comparable to that of epidural analgesia.33 lows weaning from mechanical ventilation and hence Paravertebral blocks can also be placed under direct restoration of normal respiratory mechanics. Using vision by the surgeon during thoracotomy.34 Thoracic local anesthetic techniques avoids the respiratory epidurals, however, are likely to be the technique of depressant side effects of opiates. However, regional choice for most anesthetists. These blocks provide techniques to provide adequate analgesia for signifi- bilateral analgesia but also cause muscle weakness; cant thoracic injuries are relatively complex. Thoracic however, improvements in respiratory mechanics paravertebral blocks are attractive because they have resulting from excellent analgesia more than offset no unwanted effects on the uninjured side, are safe this side effect.35

140 Thoracic Injury


The majority of combat thoracic injuries can be man- injuries are: aged with simple interventions, such as placement of 1. Recognize life-threatening problems and an intercostal drain or soft tissue debridement. It is the intervene accordingly. minority of cases, when thoracotomy is indicated, that 2. Understand the prevailing pathophysiology. pose the greatest challenge for the military anesthetist 3. Adopt a multidisciplinary approach to pro- and surgeon. vide care from point of wounding though The essential principles for dealing with these resuscitation and surgery to intensive care.


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