H tm b o Uember 80O> YEAR - 8th W EEK Nation il Editorial AnocUttas M ATAW AN, N. J., TH URSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963 N#w J« ri« y Pres* Am />c1«Uoo Single Copy Ten Cenla

Get Ready! Set! Go! Kindergarten Age Progress Shown On American Can Co. Plan! On Entrance Kept No Exception For Privately Schooled

Mutawan Rcgionul Board of hd« ucation Monday reaffirmed its pol­ icy on admission of children lo kin. dergarten on a fifth ‘birthday • h y« Sept. 31) basis. A letter asked ex­ ception for a child who would be­ come five much later in the year, in which the mother insisted the voungster had attended a pnvntc institute hy which she had attained a study and educational maturity way above the average. I.uiher A. Foster, superintendent, reported he had made a survey of the situation und had found lhat 5H7 school districts adhere to an O il. 1 deadline and that IGG nio*e fix their deadlines between Oct, 1 and Nov. 1 Mr. Foster found this a suffi­ cient preponderance of school o|>* inion on the subject to satisfy him the Matawun dale ot Sept. 30 was a wise one. The superintendent also declared that four grammar school princi­ pals had been sounded out on thc subject. Ihree favored retaining the Sept. 30 deadline and even mov­ ing it up to the opening of school. One believed the deadline could be relaxed to Christm as. Of 30 pri­ mary department teachers polled, there are !M) per cent in favor of Ihe Sept. 30 deadline. Mr. Foster found lliis was a report on educa­ tional opinion within the district co­ inciding with educational opinion F a m lL a a d a ta a t 41 re c to r »t Dm M ilw u I conletl. A«ittln| Ihe ilgiul to iUr(. left to right, outside the district on the subject. Mijjummlh Is one nf seven New Jersey cnuntle* In which American 1 Division s new facility in Cllffwoml- scheduled for completion In Iat4 RecreatlM Program, I* ready Saturday!* are Susan Jensen, Jimmy Gade, Peter Fierro and On that basis he recommended re­ tan Company is spending more than $8,000,00® bi 1M3 for cupital ei- I uutumn. It also will provide office facilities for (ilass Division head* ' •Mule l« start the waltrmeian-eatiag | Jonalhaa lledglln. ' • jection of the pica for extension of pansion and improvements. This is n recent photo of (he Olass | quarters. the deadline and the board voted it. Will Discover Maturity It was noted that If a child does Sf. Anthony's Hall It Sizzled! Apartm ent O rdinance Loses, have characteristics of study and Keyport Zoners Bar St. Anthony'* Society, under mental maturity allowing for ad­ Ma\he all the records haven't .(lie direction of Frank Ricci, vancement, thia will be discerned heen broken hy ihe recent tut chairman of the building com­ by test* and teacher observation speli. but (he thermometer out­ after the youngster enters school mittee, Is clrctilari*in|| all Cliff­ side William F. Woolley's kilchca 2-2, In M atawan Township wood Ml ihi* lime in search of Asphalt Plant 4-1 at the proper age and promotion M'Jndott1 at 92 West F ront St., men and money to help complete Keypori, recorded a sibling lli Matawan Township Committee Route JJ, Cliffwood, which would eas from being used for parking w ill be granted to put him o r her Keypori Zoning Board of Adjust* j Township 300 feet south of the SC Anthony's Hall on the Krumer o v er Ihe weekend when (he sum stalemated on p u s Ing the garden be used for the Cronheim garden ureas and require the parking ir- In a grad* with their mental equals. 1 ment Tuesday voted 4-1 against a l­ plant area. Mr. Dube again was un­ tract In Cliffwood Park. shone on it. On Sunday morning, apartments ordinance Monday apartments. There are 13 acres in­ eas be screened with shrubs. A request to have a child placed lowing Lyncar, Inc., Middletown, certain. but again Mr. LaMura Thu men are needed to volun­ when Ii was cloudy the lher« volved, but Mr. Cronheim stated to locate an usphalt plant on the got it into the record the limit w js without it being revised lo Include 3. Require stone or brick exter­ In a psychiatric educational center teer work on completing tlie roof only eight acres would he used. ior wall be at least four Inches ] 10 acre tract off Clark St. ad­ 15 tons. mometer stopped af a cool 195, a list ol modifications suggested ai Eatontown wus rejected because and interior of thi) hall, to serve He displayed an artist's concep­ j journing the lUura, Inc., land. which still Is plenty hot enough by the Strathmore Civic Associa­ thick arid require an eight - inch the center I.s privulely run. Mr. us a community center and relig­ This closed e contacted hy {from Mr. LaMura that this anil Madison Township lines. On without setback or breaks in de­ Vacation Choice W-dtgree mark. •uggestTons should ba incorporated those wishing to join In the com­ | Mr. LaMura cross - examined ,vtn.*fch K U hard - surfaced county) this tract Mr, Grundinettl would sign. •t tne start, together with any ad­ For Lucky Winners i Arthur J. Dubt\ Neptune City, a load without bridges and. being a ’ erect 160 units. In urging an early 7. R equire tliuL no buildings have pleting of the hall. dition of other areas for garden realty appraiser qualified hy Fred county road, was not subject to passage of th e ordinance, Mr. (lat roofs. apartments wanted, lest the ordi­ Members of the Keyport Chamber Barr, Red Bank, attorney, for Lyn­ “ light traffic" or other hinderings Grandlnetti observed that a start Detector Test In nance be construed ss Illegal be­ 1 Require garbage areas be en­ of Commerce may be planning a i car, on the road accessibility to or disbarments to commercial use by September would allow the Cause of "spot toning.” closed and icrecned. three-day old fashioned sales event, the plant by which heavily laden that tlie Borough of Keyport might builders to get their structures en­ Water For Lake Mayor John M an fr. could not t. Require all areas be land­ but jwme lucky pair w ill win an I asphalt trucks would huvc access seek to impose. closed before cold weather so Arson-IVIurder vote on the matter aa he has an scaped and maintained. ultra-modern up-to-date vacation in [ lo the site for from 20 to tjO trips Puts Schultz. On Stand ’ Interest In the Gus Mari lands on work could continue Into the winter. Florida, Nassau in the Baham as,\ per day depending on tiie si/e of 10. Require Planning Board ap­ Lefferts Estates Mr LaM ura then went back to Boy Died In July 25 But It the ordinance ls delayed (or San Juan In Puerto Rico or Ber- j the trucks nsed. M r. I.aMuru drew proval In addition to that of the , ... , iMr Dube's answers, a.s a real es- amending end adding, he feared muda, worth $500. The winm.es fiom M r. Dubo an admission there ^ title appraiser, on the layout north Board of Adjustment and Town­ Main* System Laid Cheesequake Blaze Wonfs Sfrtaim Fluihed there would be no use In starting must use the trip by Oct. 31. or; ship Committee. 'V/m 8 I)r ‘(^ e 011 extension j ()f [hy j,|ant site in the area through before the spring of WM. pay an additional price. | j of Clark St. over the headwaters of | which Broadway. Keyport, runs to Chief Charles Bnice, Mudisofl (continued un page four) Out By Layne, NY Due to complaints received of The move for adding and amend­ Those wishing to win the loundj j Luppalatong (.reek. He could not I ())tJ six Corners. Mr. Dubeacknow-, lownship Police. said yesterday • - odors from streams and drains, ing came with the opening of the trip Jet flight for two must fill j Lake Lefferts KstaKM. a 315- | affirm there was u truck weight | that St. Joseph’s Church and that J,ohn McnrV Hauser, the due to th* lack of rain, Freeholder public hearing on the ordinance. Sept It Tank Trouble out a coupon In the advertising! house subdivision which has been 1 lim n nn the use of the bridge, but - School und playground were on the * >’*-'ar-old ex volunteer fireman held Marcus Daly has sent telegrams The Strathmore Civic Association, section to be published In the Aug j in a more or less dormant state of ! M r. LaM ura got ll into the record j WPSt Sjdt. (,f Broadway and the ! l,lulcr a ,lrst (J(-«ree murder charge to the Mayors of Keansburg. Key­ through Robert Chesterman, pre­ Fred Muuer, president of the 8 edition of The Keyport W eekly; development since preliminary ap­ jit was 10 ton s. prohibitive of pas- J cemetery im m ediately'to the nonh fnr *‘eUinK firt‘ t0 ,,u * -UAm C ro si port, Matawan, Matawan Town­ sented the following modifications Matawan Borough Board of Heal­ and The Matawan Journal, or in proval was granted for it bv the 'sage hv heavily laden asphalt [0f the CRRNJ tracks Mr. i)ub<. i fiome on Route .9 .Inly 25, cau.* ship, Raritan Township and Union to be Included: th, announced lust night that with tha circu lar to be mailed next j Madison Township Planning floard trucks could not unswer the number ol ' ihe death of four-year-old John Beach taking them to have their 1.'Require the developers to sewer tie-ins proceeding on .sche­ week, and deposit it in tlu- .store i in November, moved back on the Bridge* Lim it 13 Tonv children attending Si. Joseph’s , (‘r')ss ir • ,,:,s In1™ moved front health officers ta k e charge of prove that the adjacent property dule now, the board would like to That's all there is to il! j active list last night w ilh the ap­ The attorney for St Joseph's also School, but Mr. LaM ura gained the ! M'ddlesev County jail to Trenton flushing out stream# In the area to owners would not be effected by t si;ue prison. Ihe chief, however, know of any cases of householders The trip to M iami includes eighi pearance of Robert Sharkey. Clif­ plied M r. Dube with query about ! fiKlir‘‘ " f 1WW to HM by putting freshen things up and remove a the required sewage disposal plant. ; said that investigation so tar hadl having i septic tank overflow or nights and nine days nt the new ton. the developer before the town­ ! the weight ... load . restrictions . - on a 'Stanley SchulU, a mcir.lwr of the health menace. I. Prohibit thc road setback ar- ship utilities authority. It is locat­ tied Hauser to no other aison ac- effluent. Word of this can be left Dora! Beach Club with the use o( bridge on Lloyd Rd. in Mntav,an Keypori Board of KJucation, on the ed on the 110-acre Spinner tract jli.it ie s than the setting of fires in at the borough hall for report to a 1963 Ram bler, which w ill be al stand as un objector. ! If*.»7 for which he wus fined and ex- the proper health board official.*;. the airport upon ar riv a l. A Rreateri on Route 5Ifi on Un* west side of Willi tins figure, Mr. LaMuiu ask­ from Cheesequake Foe Co. Strathmore-A t-Fianklin Miami City tour will be featured , the fake, facing Matawan Bor- Rebuilding Athletic ed lhe board to consider, in hi> Notice along with a seaquarium tour, an j i wgh summation, the effect of 20 to IHJ Police tirsl became suspicious of Residents of The County Road Area all-day cruise through the K v«t ! In the interim. Mr. Sharkey has Field At Madison H.S. asphult trucks per day passing ihe ILneei when his account ol tins 16 Miles From Matawan The Planning Hoard for the Town­ glades with lunch at Fort Lauder-, Ijoen pressing the development of St Joseph's School area, with chil­ r\ents of thi* time of the (lie dul Madison Township Board of L-Iti ship of Malawan gives notice of a dale, and a visit to two night Hock Mill Fstates. a l7H-house dren walking lo school, scliool bus not cipim ide with those of two clul* : cation'I hursday authorized William Levitt and Sons. Inc., have a new ed preliminary approval by the hearing at the Cliffwood Firehouse clubs. Two meals a day v.:11 b< project off Cottrells Kd. near ei going In und out of the St. Jo divn oj ihe ('m ss Lin iily . Gail Ann, Sirathmore ln this general area. Franklin Township Planning ttoard. on Angel Street. August 7, IIHtt nt pari of the package plan. j Routt* 3-1. Lust nigiu he consum- iCoIlinson, board secretaiy, to seek j S(.ph'* parking iot, paren's’ cats 10, nm* Diana Lee. six. At the tirmi These ure Hamilton Lake Estates, This was revealed last week after 8:00 P.M . concerning rezoning the Elbow Beach in Bermuda ! rnatrd an agreement with the U tili­ •tenders for the retopping ot the) jamming into the area at times of ; Continued on p four) . which was given preliminary ap­ ties Authority on a water mains athletic, field a^cd for pracf/ce .pur- I letting • „ out of - children . . . fo pick . npi representatives iff the realty firm County Koad area for Industry. If you chose Berm uda, you v\ill proval by the board In January, Dorothy 7. .Smith spend nine days and eight night* for fltaf development, then poses just south of the high .school. { ,ynmgsU*rs, and funeral pro- 1 Aenlinlf Plnnf Fm inhf building the 1900-house Strathmore and Metropolitan Park, Section 3, Secretary at the beautiful F.ll>ov. Beach Surf' gavi* the Authority word he Is no;v * m* sandy loan; ts to b« renew ed ' rCv;ion,v to St. J.wph's Cemetery ! M5Pncm r,at»r r o u g v u development In Malawan Township which was approved in September jfp—aov I (continued on page (mu / (continued nn pat»»* four) : to get it down to solid base, then I upset m iheir peace and dignity |n S o u th RjvGT TOO conferred with members of the 1962. i top.soil will ho hi ought iu and thei),y usph.il: trink.s tumbling bv lownship council and planning Other subdivisions in which the I area u ill be reseeded over .12.0fl0;,h,.ln ' ( Ami,|,er heated ronlrover* board of Franklin Township, ad­ Levitt organisation is reportedly In­ Tape Bicycle As Precaution In Lite-A-llike Program h .,liV rr . f T ! |,HS ,dfl. a;' Y ,7 y f,HK ! Ill his summation. Mr Barr did ’ w the locating ol an a-phalt plant joining the city of New Bruns­ terested in acquiring aro Amwcll j ball, baseball, p laj.n j, Heid j M{)| ((URj1 uj><)11 (hjs jierniuigly be-' has broken out in this general nr* wick on the southwest. The new Estates and Foxwood, Section & i Ihe board also seeks bids on the i jn^ content to stress the unabridged ; *-*a, a lourlh to the bitter contcn* •tratlunore • at - Franklin Is Ifi and 10. Ainwcll hns 2M building ' coristiuctioo (jf an HD hnn well at . n^ht to use Broadvsav, as a county tions and lawsuits that have occur- Idlles Irom Strathmore • at • Mal­ lots and the two Foxwood sections the high school. I he water fiom : road, for com m ercialred inpurposes. Matawan Mr, Township. Keyport aw an. have 228 building lots. , i Ijih well w ill be used to keep the I Harr asked the boardund to Union disregard Beach M. J . Slavola, So far It does not appear thnt Ns Interest In Huge Scale i playiiu: fields green and suitably as information on this particular Inc.. Red Bank, nas issued a per­ there will be anything of the plan­ Prior to (he meeting, Mr. Polled | moistened for grass gnmth. I asphalt operation testimony hy jn mit for a plant b;, South River ted community ordinance type of said that the Levitt organization ls ' Anne i objector, (jus Bottiglicri, 106 I’errv Building Inspector Iron l.one/ak on development In Franklin Township no longer Interested In the huge | JVolfe. Old Brulge, f<>r $UHI, (uro ljst., Keyport, who stated he had V'hitchcad Ave. in that borough on that came to he In Matawan Town­ scale developments that made Lev­ \Silhunn. Williamsport, Mmihj. nnd . worked in an asphalt plant 14 vears land owned by l.dward J. Bonus, ship. The Franklin Township offi­ itt synonymous with giant - sized M a m a toeber, Old Bridge, $r>ioo, (;l/, j km.;v that asphalt plant trucks]l ast Brunswick, Iwo weeks ago. cials were presented last week with housing projects. He said the com­ teacheis, M rs. Ann /even. $«a per j nm to 15 tons nnd carried n load) Subsequently there has been Lied ftinps lor n 313 "prestige" housing pany has nn such plans for Frank­ week, cafeteria manager, Mn< to make the gross weight 2H tons. petition of proles! of filMI signa- development to be known as Strath­ lin Township. M ary S Sish--•y, JUS./), (oun-eloi.- ...... «••• . ....\jr jj,ur ijomtedH - to testimonyh ■ .hv i lures wllh the Soulh River Borough more - nl . Franklin. The release Issued by Mr. Polled •l'i ( 1 i ff...... I It.. .1 . . . • • ! >. i • . n t, Valter Syperski. Cliffwood Beach, Robert K. Barrow, a consulting en ( uuncil, Horn I’lumbinfi A llfalln^ Prior to thu meeting, Alexander quoted William J. Levitt, president nnd Philip l.ui/.. Lauienre ILub o r, gineer for Lynear. June t» that Co., iis owners nf Ihe adjoining Pollen, vice president of the com­ of the company, as saying that l.'tsrjfl each custodians there would be four-ton trucks used propiTly. have demanded u helii-- pany, was asked whether Levitt and Strathmore will Im patterned after Frank Armando Construction if it were planned to make M) trips liiK heforn tlm /.onin^ board; and eons Intended to go ahead with communities btilll on the North Co. was awarded the job of site to the plant a dav or 20-ton trucks fhe South River Recreation Com- fumored plans lo acquire more Shore of hclorc World improvement work nf School No. if onlv one-third (hn number of m lislon hin tfn l a letter ol pi(»- Ilian 800 building lots. W ar II. IS, subject lo the approval of ihe tri|>s \seie contemplated. tesi to thu council. Despite u wurn- Can Only Dlscuse Strathmore Mr. Levitt said the Long Island State Department nf Fduc.itmn His in>! ol suit with the permit ulicm ly Mr. Polled replied that he could Strathmore* were small, park-liko Sueur* From Dust F.inlsslon low bid was Issued, lh« variance hearing hn* nly talk about the Strathmore pro- Mr. LuMuia assailed assertions coinmimill'S of semi-custom hom­ Jake and Nick Hus»o, Long been granted, On Saturday th# ict, a development where prices of es on large, richly landscaped lots. Branch, received a contract for do- ^ ^:,rr was se- Ixiard of adJuKtment notified M r, Inines will ran g e betw een 118,000 The company's schedule calls fnr (continued on page fl;ra. and flilm* r\ib- |k»ardof fulucutlon had droppt'ddropped Its llieetliiK of lh)rT ___ v' of .H . . u . ll)’ <*t . rolled replied: "Who can iiy what Mr. Lovltt has an application i flvard i Inefs for a to' .il of $ .i.n.i diinmnds lliat I.evilt nnd Sons, Inc., the Township. ofot MatawanM ala will tHI ’ will happen tomorrow?" pending before the Franklin Town­ wiq will im const riKt a Innco nrounil the* ‘held on Monday,iy , gcptomb ' lb«f ‘ On tn* itrengtli of thle planned ship Planning Bonrd now for final wptomwr tj Old W'agoa I an il Stirittiiiiori- SchiKil, Insltill t «tP((i) lM.'i,11X13, ntIII 8 oo •' p tn., «t ths ‘ Munlclp4" . tion th* Lovltt organltntlon pre- approval of 23.1 building lots. Tlie Now picking limited supply of In lhc nil jnirjxiyn rnnm nml land- IJ uildlni{. artd l newi release, The release, company will usk the Ixmrd for peaches, also green apples for pie 'icnpn llu’ i;n n n i(li. Tlinsu three Hose K . U>’cntal, flouncing plans for Strathmorc- approvals on an additional til) lots and Hnuco Route !tr', north ol M id­ iIi'mih nre Ih.‘UI Ii, uhfv;iiu:(j pontllni; Secieuuy this month, rranklln, Included Information dletown, turtlu'r ni’ijiitiutiiiiis wilh tiii? I.cvltl Jfp—adv 1 ut the lilitory of the tried ln- Tho Franklin Strathmore devel­ wjfp—udv 1 firm , l-'dward .1. Scullion, Ixmrd otved In the now development. opment Is thu third new project s e n rfa ry , ro[x)iti'

Family, Children's Scrvice Plun Luncheon, Fashions Dimior Party For Girl Scout Car Wash Joins D istrict Officcr Clears Named Chairmen Past Nob1'- brands Senior Girl Scout Troop 17 q! Madison Township will hold a car Democrat Club Wrongly Accused 'fhe Past Grand Cluh of At County Fair wash at Jonason . Koni» Sunoco ih t Lady Colfax Helxkah Lodge, . ; Barbara Saltiman, Democratic An officer's identification of the cktscd cut its season’* activities} ^e Middlesex County Fair will Station, located at the corner of Bordentown and Ernston R d,, Say- County Committcewoniifcr) of Dis­ defendant showing up in court lo v.iih a dinner party hi Id at ihe i be held Aug. 6-10 at Dunham's Cor- reville, Saturday. trict J, Matawan Township, has he not Ihe expected offender spared j Magnolia Inn, Freneau. I lie group ! wp, Has! Brunswick Township. resixncd her affiliation with the Strathmore Democratic Cluh and K.mald W !^s, From ils in s«1>-! near Milltown. W.lliam Pitnfy. has joined the District 5 and 6 luyporl, cunviclinn on a drivini: on j „ , M ,. ! Brownknv.i. is one of llie rhairmen Honor Cold Regular Democratic Club. tiie revoked lisl charpo l.etoie * Bennett. Miss Aim-lit.-' Baum*.. I- for tlie vegetable e*hihit and Miss Mrs. Salfzman, who was elected Marie (jnub. also of Browntown, is Magistrate Harold Shennan. Mata- j ner and Mrs. Alvin ’--itzgerald. one of tlie chairmen of baked goods to her post in the April primaries wan lownship, Tuesday. Such eon- : Keypurf; Mrs Thomas Bueftunn , , Star Molliers released th e following statement: ‘ ‘ ' ‘ nnd Mi>. Arthur Ott. Cliffwood: i ^ the home economics department viction would have involved $ I (Jll of the lair, All entries for the fair At a meeting held recently at **The 5 and 6 Club can do more line minimum penalty. Patrolman Mr';. Dona id Burges^. Union Beach i must Iv at the grounds by IU a.in. ihe Manasquan Veterans of Foreign |b r thc residents of Strathmore 1-rank Sigismonrli. township pniie**. Mrs. Russell Wvckoff. Keansburg; j Tuesday morning. Wars Home j ’osl 1S38, plans were than tiie Strathmore Club. It is supported Mr. Fleming’s no! guilty .Mrs. Kenneth Smith. Atlantic Hign- a politically sophisticated, highly plea by affirm ing the defendant lands: Mrs. William Fdmunds, Kus- made for tlu* Gold Star Mother's organized group with tho know how was not the man to whom a ticket kin. I ;la. Pfc. .lames Araee, stationed at Luncheon. The affair, which is e k id lhc desire to achieve construct­ was issued Ju ly !l. Furt Bragg, N.C., spent four day-.'* ive accomplishments, not onfy for I eld annually, is sjKiusored bv tha I Tlu* court cleared M r. Flem ing leave with his parents. Mr. and S tralh m o re, but for th e e n tire town* Mon/noiJlh County Council In Vet­ and relum ed the matter to |>olice Mr.s. Nicholas Arace, Route 5ftf. ahlp. District 5-6 for further investigation. A suspect Mr. and Mrs Harry Patterson. erans of Foreign W ars and the \ ; 'The Strathmore Club, on thc in the duplication is known. Mr. Margaret St., entertained for Mrs. Sixth District Ladies Auxiliary to Other hand, appears mor£ concern- Hrming’s name was given by the Club Welcomed Joy Frances House, Kverlv St.. at the V. F . \V. and honors all Gold a ) with petty interests and personal driver picked up without a license. a "welcom e to A m erica” dinner Star Mothers in Monmouth County. bickering amonj* its members than , Counlv cmulkhilrs were present | party. Mrs. House, a native ol Aus­ It w ill be held at the Keansburg Ihree doj: matter* were h- .or,. lh(. )a4, metiin;; uMhe Rejailar I i,-,!!’, with making a serious effort to ’ ‘ an American citizen V, F . W. Home Post 1953 located frl things done for its community. e court. Herbert Sehenn, Lake ; Democratic Club of Matawan Town- ! _ at ceremonies -.i iwsTlTi' held a on Ram sey Ave. at St. Fran cis Meigei To Support Ticket vd.. was given a $10 suspended | ship at VFW Hall, Cliffwood. before j iu Nev/ Brunswick. i She I/kvv* was one of PL. on Sunday, Sept. 13, at 1 p.m. ie on complaint of ( brence Frl- * summer recess. It was also »i was also j jig wj|0 became citizens ut lhat Charles Norman sr.. Vice Com­ “As a Democrat, I am pledged •vs. a neigldxir, that the two , occasion for welcoming the n ew :*.: me. mander of Monmacth County Coun­ lo support the party’s ticket in heon dogs were let U*>se at ] D istrict F iv e and Six Club of Strath- ‘ this *uun(y during the November Miss Rose Wenzel. Route 51C, is a cil. will oe chairman and Mrs. Kdith Kern, Sixth District Senior elections. The Strathmore Cluh, al* not ordinarily be around and lore meet Ihe countv orjtaniiatkm can- sl.'.r^ ra l ,w " " m « Monmo“ *h Mw) though claiming to be an arm of up and committed a nuisance on icai Center. Vice President, will be co-chair­ nidates as well . and fashion show; a new collection James llmliiv, municipal chair- ______The deadline for ads is Sept. foster home care, marriage counsel­ lo S75. Kach gueM also w ill receive gave Mr. Shave five days to re­ “ I believe the S and C C lub will of fall fashions lo be shown by man, in the w elew .ir lo the new ! n . ■ . I 1 and ticket deadline is Sept. ll. have the support of Matawan Town- ing, parent-child counseling, home­ a table favor. Music w ill be pro- move the manure. Doops of East Orange and Spring maker's service, traveler's aid, and { cluh. ’iliey invited Sirathmoie lesi. j K | * | | | 2| I \ h l t U f l > r Further plans will be discussed rtilp and Monmouth County'* Dem­ ided by Dave K rlrn er «nd his Patrolm an Joseph 7. a in b o r, ilr/11* IO brinu Male-level problems 1 ****** u lH IH ll Lake. The dale is Auk. a t 12; 3 i at the next meeting. ocratic organization. tl* leaders lbe all important servicc of assis* orchestra. lownship police, arraigned L. lo their attention. hkve already begun working with Slult/, 215 Broad St.. Keyport. Tor County candidates wh.» greeted Kven the crack of dawn i* ofim townihip and county authorities, tations of a single community. We allowing an unlicensed driver to lhe new club were liar I Moody, For Miss Davino working for the interests of not March Of Dime* Funds operate a motor vehicle. ’The fine the sound of tw< automobiles com* must realize that we live in a m ayor of Middletown Township, m iiy (Re citiient of Sirathmore, Laurence Harbor was S‘25 and Jf> costs and the de­ A surpri.*< ______bridal_ shower was civ-inK together. Wheiher traffic is shrinking world, a world which has To Modical College running for state senator; L eg en in honor of Miss Jo Ann* Da vino, j heavy or |jKht, accidents continue but tar Ihe county at large. fendant had to pay an added S3 Weinstein. Matawan, tunning with “We must rect|tniie that Strath- no plact for an isolationist xtealofcy. 74® Poole Ave., Hazlet. at ih* home « around the clock. Last year, more Ten New Jersey Chapters of The and $5 costs lor delinquent inspec­ Ihmald Cunningham and Paul Kier­ mare is only one part of the town- Fire Co. Reports of Mrs. Vivian Hoyle, 742 Poole j lierson* were killed in There is no wall around our com­ tion. nan jr. for stnte assembly iwsts; * * ...... auto between the hours irtiip and our horizons must be National Foundation have given a Ave., Ha/lct. on July 73. Miss Da munity. Let ua have none around John Perhacs, Chief of the La u r­ George l£. Lawson. Hurley St.. Hugh B. Meehan, Spring Lake vino will become the bride of Max of I a.m. and < a.m. broader than the confining liini- ence Harbor Fire Co. I, has re­ $48,037 grant, from March of Dimes Keyport, Imd to pay $10 and our minds.” Heights, 4uid Cornelius Gmnev, Matern. Cliffwood. on Saturday. contributions, to Seton Hull Med­ ported on the month’s activities of costs for causing an accident bv HighlandA, nominees for fretlN>UI- Aug. ID, «t ihe Holy Fam ily If you need printing ©f any the drpartment. ical College for the continuation of inattentive driving and J5 and Ifi er. Mr. MfKidy noied he was run­ Cliurch, Union Beach. kind, we an* here lo serve you. Turf Thtotr* Catting There were 19 calls with four the Arthritis Special Treatment Cen­ costs for an expired registration ning against Richard R. Stout, who Our quick service and reasonable on Keypori Slate Police tickets. was township alio,nev. when ihe j I)rcor!1'io'1!' ,or tt,'ic car lircs. Damage to h car by fire ter conducted by the college ut in while and gifis were arranged prices w ill please vou. planned community ordinance, now ! Play For Octobor in Cliffwood Beach was confined John Vail. South Amboy attorney, | beneath a while umbrella. Buffet- the Jersey City Medical Center. much protested by Strathmore tes- lo the top of the motor and the secured the dropping of complaint* style refreshments were served and This week, why don’t you A casting call was announced by Willimn D. Hand, treasurer of idents. wa*, drawn in consultation hood of the c a r;, another car fire against two clients from Soulh Am- a large dei'oraled cake was the ta­ look through the windows of with the Levitt organization. your chuich . ..from the inside. Turf Theatre producers. Reading on the Parkw ay was discovered (he Middlesex County Chapter, stat­ hoy, Lftjn S*bo/.ak and John C? ble centcipiece. ■ sare. charged by Leon Giacomi/zi. for roles in Ihe successful Broad­ to be an over-tieated car; another ed thal the local chapter has Attending were Mrs. Josephine bartender at ihe Club .15. with way comedy - mystery "The Ni^ht ga* fire was caused hy a man contributed t22W) from fhe county's breaking a window at the cafe Sheehan, Westfield; Mrs. Ward of January 16lh” by Ayn Rand, au­ starting a car, und one cor fire March of Dimes funds toward this Moreys I lonored with Iheir fists. Horner, New F.gypt; Mrs. Beverley SUMMER thor of "The Fountain Heati," will was out when the firemen arrived. grant. This is lhe second yei



C O M I N G N E X T W E E K • • • iH M ir


m m

S t lS 1 KEYPORT ' v - ' v */

DAYS m This Old-Fashioned Keyport Day Sale Made Possible By The Par­ Thursday - Friday - Saturday ticipation of Tlie Following Pro* gressive Retail Members of The Keyport Chainl)er of Commerce. AUG 9 & 1 0 J. J. Newberry Co. , Monmouth Count/ Here's A ll You Do, To Win A $500 Tropical Air-Jet Trip-HURRY! National Bank Gale's Keyport, Hardware No Purchases Necessary — Just Fill Out Every Coupon In Next Week's Keyport ' Bayshore Stationery ’ Weekly or Matawan Journal Issue and Drop In Box Provided For Same In Store Suisman's Stationery Feigenson's Shoes . Indicated In Coupon. Petes, Inc...... Keyport Army ft Navy Store WINNER WILL HAVE CHOICE OF ONE OF Field Furniture Bay Drug Store THESE FOUR ROUND TRIPS! W. S. Wallace lili-Ann Shop Miami: $499 - For Two Persons • Bermuda: $504 - For 2 Persons San Juan, Puerto Rico: $504.10 Nassau In Bahama: $503 Bayshore Hardware This Includes: This Includes: For 2 Persons - This Includes! For 2 Persons - This Includes: Westreich's • Round Trip Jet Flight. • Round Trip Jet Flight, • Round Trip Jet Flight. • 7 Days 6 Nights At Fabulouj Nassau Beach Club. • 8 Days • 7 Niuhts At 'Ihe Dorado Dcach Hotel . . . Alpines • 8 Nights . . . 9 Day* At Doral Beach Club . . , i 9 Days. . I Nifihts At The Beautiful lilbovv Beich Truly An Isl.iwl Paradise Nestled Amidst I'he Palma • Round Trip Jet Flight. Auto Boys Newest Mast Luxurious Hotel in Miami Beach. . , Surf Club , . Again Tho Mo3t Luxurious In Tito A rea. Rif*ht On A Secluded Beach . . . A ll Sports . . . • 2 Gourmet M oals A Day, e Use of A 1963 Automatic Rambler For The Week To Championship Golf Course. The Keyport Weekly Ba At The Alr|>ort Upon Arrival, I Transfer* From Airport To Koto! And Dack, • 2 Gourmet Meals A Djy Including Delectabla • Transfer* From Airport To Hotel And Back, 2 Night Clubs With Dinner Tips and Drink. Spanish Dkhea , , . Served in True Continental Peoples National Bank e i 2 Gourmet MeaU A Djy. • Greater Miami City Tour, Style • Estensiva City Tour. i All Day Launch Cruise On 110 Foot Yacht Through • Use Of A Volksivafjftn Sun Roof For lhe Entire Stay Keyport Jewelers • Seaquarlum Tour. The Islands , . . iZnjoy A Uarheque Lunch And IM Free Mile* and Insured. T h is l.i The Host Way • Tour Of Sea Gardens In Glass Bottom Boat. LaConte Shoes e All Day Cruise Through The Everglad#» . . Jungle# Swimming On A Coral Island , . . On The Way Homu To Sec This Delightful Island. . . A List Of Places • DiflightM Cruise On Catamaran, Muriel's and Lunch At Fort Lauderdale, Join A Rum Swij/.le Party , , . Calypsan Enter* To Go To Will Ue Supplied. e 2 Gourmet Meals A Da/. tainment On Board, • Transfers To And From Airport. • Night Club Tour. Conklins Men's Wear West Furniture FLASH! BONUSi If you are present at drawing 3 P.M. Saturday, Aug. 17 - Across from Newberry's Store, you will Bedle's Paint Star* ALSO receive $100 worth of gift certificates redeemable in Keyport Stores. M .A S. Meats Theje value* made possible by arrangement between committee and J. t J. Travel Bureau, Inc. Winning ticket* good It used betor* Oct. tl, 1963; Thereafter, aubieot to slight additional charB».

Kcyporl’s “Main Stem” - Front Be Sore To Visit The AN TIQ U E SHO W Street - will be all dressed up for

this gala event. Sidewalk sales - A t St. Mary's Annex, 8 E. Front St.

antique autos parked at Ihe curb. Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Aug. 8,9 & 10 And remember yon may be the

Among the many interesting relics of by-gone days you M'ill sect A “moonshine” Ml ill (of w in n e r of the 9500 tropical trip for tho Volstead era) 1830 baby carriage • 1850 litil-nuk • 1850 combination high chair and slroller. two - J u s t fill out the coupons and A lso a hobby horse, 1890 • aud a wedding dross used in 1870. A revolutionary war beaded bag • parasol and shoes. A skating lamp • pair of bras* kerosene lamps 100 years old - wooden coffe* drop In a t o r • • - No p u rc h a se * grinder • coffee pot made In 1851 • 1890 World’s Fair Pastel Prinls and a host of olhcr interest* ing item s. n e ce ssa ry. flog* Four Thursday, August I, 1963

Matawan Twp. Police hoy’s charred body was found when was delay for a period of months, Easement Arrangements the fire was out. say to the first of ihe year, in There w ill be fire hydrants run Otp Jfcttaftmtt journal Probe Four Smashups Knew Of Fire Before Alarm which time a Master Planner could along Route fl. Fred K u rt/, the he hiied, could acquaint himself The two Cross girls and their township engineer, dut not care with thc township’s situation, then UTAH.I1HBD I Mi Matawan Township Police In­ parents supplied police the informa­ fnr the arrangem ents on easements ItlfflM C N4-N1I — J. MABI!L BROWN, PUBLISHER vestigated four accidents in the tion they had been staying at the could arrive at a professional opm- j (t, bring tu fhe w afer. He pointed ton of what sites would be suitable 1 oul ,j,at Sommers Bros., the* bu.!d- Ufthitf m w y Thurodaf tt fttyporl. MonmouUi County. M. • J . home ol friends, Mr. and Mrs. Per­ p a st week. Three persons were for garden apartments in the town- | ers 4)f m.v Sayre Woods The., BV MOWM rUBLISMINO AND M IN T IN G COMPANY cy Hartford, that night to make injured in one, a three-car crash ship. It was ventured he might not j ter. had granted an easement of J. Mato) Browa, Editor — Garaldlea V, Brows, ftMoclat* Mitor r'xim for M r. Hauser to be nn over­ Monday on Route M. Sgf. Jam es night guest with their parents. With favor the sites Mr. Cronheim and ! ne;}r)v 1000 feet for the token pav- Mr. Gramiinetti wauled to me, er 1 menl „f $], \Uulc the Authority T H I S 'N T I i .A T . . , A do” which dines off silver, lives in ffca Matawan Journal U a M w ip ip ir " d tb* pecpla, b? the people. Hoyt Issued summons to Aug King the man rousing them with know­ •B i for lto« people." IM «}m ta ta Mnr* Uit bnl Interest* ol Matawan and garden apartments at all. j was entering mto an agreement a liughiuiM*. anti recently traveled tu the Grand Can­ nlty: lo priMnt all of tha nawa el Iho w«ak without t>Jaa or prejudice Horn. Karle, driver of a northbound ledge of the fire so quickly, IM . • elaaa, tana, eaaaarvativ* nannar, racpactlna tha inalianabia rl«hta Mr. Grandinetli warned the ! with the Boys Club of Centra) Park yon in her m ra iiKVJ air conditioned station wagon was the car lhat skidded oul of its lane Neilson and Chief Boice pieced to­ S m i cIUmm, an4 tHaratjr m ib tiif itaatf woriMf a f ( M r c o n flia a f. gether a tuning that placed Haus­ Strathmore critics tlmt ovtrdepcn-110 pay tluu' orcannation S1.5II per j 'rt,Mtt.r ,,f dispute in Superior (Court. A plush life of the into the southbound roadway, dence would not be put on running for over 530 feet for ihe U,, • ...... i e , .. • i **8acond>cIasi Pottaca Paid al Matawan, Naw Jeraey.*' e r’s knowledge of tin* fire at a per­ planning consultants. He observed i sanu. M>rj of eu^em ent a.s Sommer*; I m*U aner IM in ed S U u IS bljeing u ll paid for from the $62,- striking the vehicles of Ira M. iod in advance of the alarm being RaaaonalMUtf lor typographical arrora ta limited ta tha coat af tha apaea that the man to decide where gar-i foul grantedurunteti inrlor $1.ji. ,onj,8 8 5 e.sUivi.ue tle of M.m.-,. r s . Ov/m liv ia1.1 iM l l . Kuhlmann, K who died Feb. Ilenshnw, Long Branch, and Robert given •ttupiad by auca error. _____ den apartments should go and if The Authority received word the • 2 . . . A ttorney M artin S. Rogers said M rs. Kuhlm ann spoci- Osborne, Farrningdale. .Mafawan Hauser was asked lo submit to a I j( WCIL, f<,a,iMe\shoiil. W illiam Wai.sh of University City, Mo., have filed suit * I Montha ...... ~...... 12. SO Osborne ca r, M r. Hcnshaw and m illed to setting 20 brush and shed tee. lo intervene against the pur i Yaar (cuttfd* atata) f?.0» ‘■ultant should decide they should Chase of tlie waler companies. ; to have Mr. Rogers removed as executor. They are to re­ » Yaar UuUida U • >____17 M Mr. Horn away for treatment. fires in 1957 before he was appre­ be put in nne place, then the hended. The test I hen shifted to in connection wilh his w ater j reive what is left of the estate after Star's death. They THURSDAY. AUGUST I, IS6J Robert J. Skislak, L'tfi Washing mortgage company lo underwrite ton St., Keyport, ran off Amboy events of the Cross (ire and Hauser them should come to a differing plans for Lake l.clferts Kstaus, h t ! claim Mr. Rogers lias abused lhe discretion granted him R d ., hit a sign and wound up in hroke down. view from tho planner and refuse j;ave I he Utilities Authority iissur-1 _ _ _ Asked lu>w they knew Star wanted to go to the Grand Set Fire To Car the meadows Tuesday. He did not to make the needed funds avail­ ilTViunil tow !ll.M n«™ l 'nams!Cimy(,n. Mrs. lingers said it is a hunting dog and needs io Better Not Delay Too Long! D el. Jasm ine said Hauser told report injury to Patrolman Frank able. Both Mr. Cronheim and Mr. fiom iheir present temnnus iwo, get out in tho open. Noting a dog is still a dog, the court W hen responsible builders nre interested -in bringing Sigismondi, investigating. him he had been staying at iir (jrnmhnetli indicated they had Cross home, ‘lhe officer said Haus­ miles away tn the t.aot, rhe I'nh- , ruled for the* plaintiffs, added l'iitnbles into a m unicipality, it is unfortunate tliat Ruth A. Matthews, Freehold, re­ hanking acceptance of their Mtes er related he went outside about ties Anthontv vs ill find a .•■ysteni j ported she had struck Curtis Ed* for finann/tg. •m all technicalities are allowed to block their way. Thc 2 a.nv. and set fire to an abandoned of Mniablt- piping ((intent available. ; KIDS. SKND IN7 TODAY . . . Want to make some money? wards, ‘ Hast Orange, age 11, at School Query voting on the apartment ordinance by the M atawan Town- car hy using toilet ti^suo paper tak­ M r. Sharkey also found ::ie layout j Send $-.10 to the U.S. M int, get i)l cents in return, and own Atlantic St. and Second St. Thurs­ en from the Cross bathroom. • h ip Committee Monday night makes us wonder if each day. 'lhe boy was taken to River­ Then, according to Det. Jasmine, more gtoup «as about tax- revenues i '{ p r o o f s e ts bought from the mint for $2.10 already arc ordinance could have been passed without further delay heat became too m 'etr e, and lie than it costs to ediuate Ihe C*.ti S ^ IP : b r in g i n g $2.7 5 to when sold to dealers. Dealers are in the Pplice Chief* Avoid child per apartment to »•** e\pect- (continued fiom paj-e one) •nd work could have started on projects, destined lo in­ then fled from the bouse. ! m arket for tlie .sets beeau.se flic jnint limit i.s 100 sets ior Reconstructed Crime ul fiom them fur edma’itsg. But , clal Iran*!*)! taum tuns to private, crease the tax ratables in the township. Delay often means High Speed Chases Chief Boice said at«er Hauser the committeemen were v . rned hy schools, whatever their nature or i ordi*r. that interested parties look elsewhere to invest their monies, The Monrnouih County Police finished wilh the he detector test, a Strathmore speaker against use: special Sem«v. n n n c *v i.'v n c at • ■ i , of Monmouth County figun s as in- ] But a n-queM to M-nd a child to j U IJD .S *\ K M ) S . . . M en s minds may .soar with tlie as- and we certainly hope that does not happen in Matawan Chief’s Association, ai a special l.e w as taken to the burned-out volving apartments used for sum In sperwal el.is-, lor d'-af children at tronaul.v, but there’s ako plenty of interest in .some “ henv- T o w n s h i p . meeting held on Monday at Manas- home where he reconstructed the quan, by unanimous vote, adopted crim e - m*‘r rentals n t the shore nnd then! West Long Hiamh v. as appioved t*u I v iiunis ' for man's best friend . . For example the We urge the planning board and township committoe a resolution to the effect that each The Madison chief «.aid it's not allowed to either remain empty or ; on a slate-anl ha,,s w.lli parents < Al,;t,.u.i,|1 Jv , p „ M,ucls M am ifacluril^ Associalion's three- to act with all speed to revise the apartment ordinance to chief return to his Department to 1 known whether Hauser tried lo ! he or, ...... bv sclionl teachers whr, t„ provide t.aaspo italio n. It V / " ‘ ‘ K ‘ ,T ' , Satisfy the Strathm ore group, and the builders, and to pass inform the members of his Police ; awaken the Cross farnilv. j are non-residents for Ihe other mm* pointed out hy Daniel lleuwy. a • ^‘0 ,r'‘de sho’A, which was held iccently leaUired s u c h ! ' In addition to Chief lioice, and j months. II was declared Ins (-ave boaid inciulier, that there ;s no co- : items as cosmetics and [ur jackets for (logs. For other ani- it without further jeopardizing their position, and possibly Department to exert every dis­ 1 cretion to avoid high speed chases, the two delcuives. other officers : n distoiiedlv pood picture in ihis ordination of education for the f nr;tls. lliere are ilenis such iis spht-lovel bird houses ham- turning away potential investors. ir. order to protect the w elfare of working on the case were Sgt. Wil- | counly of the few number ot child- . hamlii app-d child 1.1 this area Mich : s t l . r w i„, nmMm(, v,-!ieek plastic dancing jellyfish the genera) public, as well bs the >iam Vnlkert and Del KobriI Colton ; ren in smli housing; lhat to pet as ilien- is :n lieigen County where , . I t; i t t , i , ■ ' a verse of the Star Spangled Ban­ safety of police officers. Ilf township police, and Detectives | a irulv cnin|)arable one a iioitheina central center is established (or, 11,( 11*'*” tiopic.il llsh, nml glass - paneled U -vra riu m s Communications ner would be contrary to law. The Association adopted this pol­ Joseph Denise and Silvio Donatelli New Jersey county sliould In: laken . hildreii with all kinds ol special' for chameleons and snakes . . . A money Hole: Pennies can To the Editor, (Signed) icy but stated that proper law en­ trom the Middlesex County Prose a.s a model. ds. tile counly school sysiem ; U(|(l 11S i,]m.»st any o w n e r of a pij;;:ybank knows. But In last w ttk'i issue o l your paper Janies C, Auchincloss, MC. forcement does not permit the lim i­ tutor's office. Ihe Strati Cm ild'liave'rrainiible Class ■ ” n i*..^, .’,'.l, ‘ ,r i' u ‘ k“.vcl' K ivi* thc> a p p e a i a n c o i z o o m - there wai a statement to the effect tation of the speed of police cars, Chief Bor*'Bor:e «nid«;ml police modid not mi*ihi* allan thc*tne moremoie reasonrrasim fnrmm .havtnj.i.im h }., * wmi im r ■ j . ,r ■ • . « . . •*. . that • decision had been made in Injury To Thre* but that officers will be advised to nlan to charge H auler with arson n M aster Plan consultant diet k - M r. l o iter found that the sittia- . a 1(,nk *‘t the lecent nne-cent increase in postal ttir last Matawan Township Meef- use only such speed as may he at this•• time. • ••Howes ■— er. •*the...... chiefover the worihwIdleness of garden j tiun on trainable dnldrrn was rates, American Oil Company ftmls that the increase will iaj; concerning the 1.3 - acre tract At Morristown Rd. necessary under the then existing said, the investigation wiii continue. apartments. | such that the district could now : rost it at least S3IKI.0O0 a vear added to the 2r)0 OOU nost- « th e c o rn er Af C hurch St. and circum stances, bearing in mind the Township Magistrate Samuel Mr. Wood riuestionrd if the cum- : economic.,Ily piovule a class ul its . ,t. j( , j , , ' j 'f ' _ Sladkus placed iht* first degree illative efl’t ct of so m udi .garden : own if a teacher eou’d he ound. , * / !'"•«. w c nan Lloyd Rd. It wai stated that the Three car» collided on Route 34 safety factors involved and the r . . _ ...... I'lll'llM.O.received a prnny more for . every gallon M ___ ot » Easoline _ I • we soldt t LtviU Corporation would be direct­ policy now established. murder charge against Hauser. ap.n tii.ont building iu Keyport and ■ Such Matawaa childien have been at Morristown Rd., Madison Town­ Matawan and then Matawan Town ; taken to c lasses in Keyport and last year, our grosb income would have been S55,000,000 ed to deed this land to the Fire Thc Association wishes the pub­ ship Saturday at 10:40 p.m., result, .ship was going to make for a "g lu C . Keansbujg, the superintendent not- g re a t e r.” Commissioner!. lic to realize thal its police officers ing in injury to three persons. of such nffeiings in ihe m arket. ' ed. but now Keanshurjj has nu . ------will continue to pursue law viola­ I would like to take this oppor­ Apartment The builders were asked what they ! more room. He pointed out the dis- ; tunity to clarify this point. The Lev­ Chief Charles Boice, Madison tors, in order to uphold our princi­ (continued from page one) would do if unable to rent. Iliey met has five cluidien and an ad-; (>* Kutzlown, Ja. State were ruled out .is covered in th/ itt Corporation has not been direct­ Township Police, said a car driven pals of law enforcement, and will Favorable To Suggestions acknowledged they would cut rents . joining disttut would send tinee 1 ollegt- who has a M aster's l)i-- recoidcd testimony in the case, bu: ed to deed thii land to the F ire exercise the limitation of high speed by Joseph J. Soltia, 42, of R.D. I, and ask for a lower assessment. ; more that the clas.s of 10 stipu- *,u,n N'ewaik State leachers Mr. Nelson struck home with j Commissioners. Rather it Is my chases, but wishes to dispel any Mr. Cronheim and Mr. Grandi* Matawan, was atopped to turn on Mr. Cronheim estimated the tax : latetl by the State Department ol ' i,( a ^kiry «>f Jr»W0. third. He demantled to know :! iatentlon to recommend to the rumored thoughts that law violators netti were generally favorable to the points made. M r. Grandinetli return was roughly 15 per cent on Kducalion would be nearly attain- ,H,a,d aeceptetl lhe re>jgna- the zoning Imatd of adjustmen. township committee that the Levitt to Morristown Rd., when it was will have freedom from police chas- Ihe gross revenue and when the . ed. lions of five teachers: Nellie Nod could decide the issue of its nvi; Corporation be directed lo deed the struck from behind by one driven believed the parking requim neni gross revenue went down fiom ) Vincent C. DeMaio, M.itawan. th«‘ 'dings. John H. Kenney, Maria C. powers, or if it could only forward Iind to the township. The township, on the im practical side and it was by William S. Nixon, 34, of Mata­ reduced rentals, the worth ol tin* | Ixiard's attorney, rcporti-d that Mil Sriopav, liei nadctie Morano, and a recommendation for acceptance la turn, will make a study to see uncertain if there would be side­ wan. walks. Mr. Cronheim agreed to put properties decreased arid il had to ton I. Abram off, Ri-d Hank, as at Mary C. Smiih. or (ejection hy the borough coun how the property can be best used Approve Funds For 1m» reflected in lesser assessnients. ■ tornev lor I'red Wehrle. Cliffwood, eil. Mr. Hartman stated the word to include all of, or part of, the Impact of the crash sent Mr. in sidewalks along Route 35 and Maple PI. Overpass Would Cut Rent ll Necessary ! had filed for the right to ,nter\ene ing of the ordinance made it ch a r following facilities; Fire House, Solti*' cor across the road, where as much of the interior as his ar­ chitect would recommend. Mr. M r. Grandinetli expressed the [ in the action before the State Com- fhis type case was solely for de­ First Aid Squad Station, Library, Approved as part of a $205,000,­ i Kevj)oil Zoners it atruck a car operated by Ed­ Cronheim questioned bow exten­ intent to rent for $125 per month ■ missioner of Education instituted termination |>v the board uf Ad­ ■nd Civic Assembly Facilities. 000 construction program of the ward F, Collins, Roseland. sive the recreation requirements tor one-bndrwiin and $150 per j by Cohen & Kanov. I.incroft, as at- | (continued from page - one) justment. < . Thank you for giving me the op­ New Jersey State Highway Depart­ Mr. Nixon, who was ticketed for should be. month for two-bedroom apartment'', torneys for l.uey and Mrchaet | l'UM' 'Tonl. dangerou.s dust emis- A fourth objector was .fames Bir­ portunity to explain my position. ment during ]S63-64 was StfO.flOO But he siiid lie would cut ients to George, Mafawan. for rewew of s:on-. ,l>t -l(»^eph s attorney de­ failing to keep his car under con­ The Strathmore representatives mingham. Jackson St., Keyport. (Signed) to supplement funds provided in keep .some kind of revenue coming ! the legal status of the issuance of t a suggestion that the dissem i trol, was admitted to Perth Am­ believed they should be at least He said he had a petition of JfM> John Marz, Mayor I previous program for construc­ . It was questioned if the cutting ■ school bus contracts for the 1%:)- : nationi of dust would go no more \ n-sidenu signed against the aspfiuli boy Hospital with lacerations of the 13 per cent a>cribed in the Matawan Township tion of an overpass at Maple PI. of rents would not bring in person** IM school year lo M r. Wehrle. M r. ! than «!X) feet from the p.ant. not j plant. M r. Brown told him ihe pe- nose and ear, head injuries and planned community ordinance “ bul and Broadway, Keyport. It was re­ never provided by Levitt," as they more hkely to become a .public • DeMaio siressed it was urgent , tlie j o^ym'd the hounds of L> m ar land, tition would be received hv (ht To lhe Editor, abrasions of the forehead. His ported that more than 33.000 ve­ it a heavy wind blew M r. LaM ura i |)0an| j,ui was of doubtful vain# wife was discharged after treat­ saw it. M r. Cronheim found this 1 charge or lawbreakers. He did not j board, as defendant, get an early Like every member of Congress, hicles a day use thc existing inter­ quite a high requirement in that j think so. believing il would invite ; hearing date, with the opening of saw a shower of dust dropping, a:j the Ma|l|lt, rt.quirt.d a„ objM . I have received numerous letters ment for bruises on the head and section. on ihe tombstones Hod^ sacred j jors personally to appear and testi* elbow. the Federal Housing Administration more rentals by the elderly. But | schools only a month off, hut relat- from my constituents protesting The new program , largest in the only asks seven per cent of total he observed ' - -further that • if...... there j ed that...... the best allowed had been shtines of St. Josephs Cemetery ! jy ,n zoning cases and without ilirtr Ihe ruling of the Supreme Court Also released from the hospital state’s history, takes advantage area. The planned community ordi­ is a “glut" in gaiden apartments, ! a pre-trial conference Aug. 13. and befouhag the «tr over ihe .wat-, .SUp,,oniMg appearance a petition •gainst requiring religious exer- waa Mr. Soltis' wife, Angeline, 43. of the decision by Federal High­ nance applicable lo Strathmore the hankers financing his project ! The board received a directive awan Iownship and St. Joseph », Nvas no nUjle tl)an - hcarsay •• ClMi In the public schools ind who was bruised on tha knee and way Administrator Rex M. Whitton could not be legally_ applied it in the would only loan for fcO units in- j from the Slate Commissioner of basebiill recreation grounds on1 „ . , . , , . which children would he pl.ivinit- , '.'^nunKhain look llu- .l.ni' together with my colleague*, 1 forehead. Laurence Harbor and ea rly in Ju ly to m ake the garden apartmenls ordinance, as j stead of 1W), so the situation would j Education that ail srhtxil district He insisted ,1 -.v.is .sheer nonsense! atlem pls by Mr ware Ihesi feelings of concern. Mafawan First Aid Squads aided federal aid apportionment avail­ Leonard‘ ‘Lerner, planning.... board at­ Almost self-e<»rrective. ! personnel should be informed ol the injured. to say that « ind \docilv would | ,arr ^ m finhers of the boirc I am co-operiting with others in able to the stales during the current torney, saw il in thal the tracts set But both M r. Cronheim and M r. ■ the need to obey the tuling of the ' ' to gel yes ’ or “ no answtr.* considering whit could be done to fiscal year. Administrator Whit* aside for garden apartments are Gram iinetti agreed that the longer ( U.S. Supreme Court barring the u**e I n0 difference in this, from him to their questions, he ws> relieve the lituition and the thought Union Boach Man Got* ton’* action made an additional not Strathmore. Committeeman tlie adoption of th* ordinance was j of prayers or Bible readings in \ But Harvey G. Hartnifin. Key- told that his d iastically stal*<’ came to me (hat pupils in the public $86,400,000 available io New Jersey, Traphagen commented that in fhe put off, the poorer their compcti- ! .schools. T h e boa id members i port, the hoard's attorney, brought views of npfxisition were not in •choolf might be required to re­ Cliffwood Varianco on fop of the W.1,700,000 in I96M 4 township subdivision ordinance live [wsition w ilh respect to out- agreed to accept the directive, all i Mr. LaM ura lo a hall in these d e -(ftirmative...... And when,?1(V1I he declarcc cite each day the fourth stanza of federal funds released late ]aM there is only seven . per cent of of-town rival apartment renters ’ voting “ with regret” to do so hut j risions. Mr. Hartman read a le tte r! ju. had seen an asjiha'lt planViTrin] the Star Spangled Banner in a rev­ Matawan Township Zoning Board year. land for recreation required. would become. But Prank Devino, , Harold J. Dolan, who voted "no." j from the Air Pollution Contiol De;jjj effects upon all n surroundinf erent and respectful manner. of Adjustment granted a Union Joseph Rettagliata, former chair­ a former building inspector, warned ; Kecmmnendii Bid Acceptances I vision of the State Department of j countrvside and then failed to iden- “0 thus be it ever when free vjeaeh resident, Robert T. Robin­ Port In Big Land Buy man of the zoning board of adjust­ thnt if the ordinance were ndoptetl 'lh e recommendations t)f Pthsard' Health itffirm ing that it w as the j (,fv jjlt. location of the plant or itJ ■en shall itand son, a variance Thursday to com­ ment, commented that if areas for that night. Mr. Cronheim and Mr. ' .1. Scullion, board secretarv. on the ; department's knowledge fiom its; (ype. under demanding question Between their loved home and plete the erection of a one-family By Western Electric garden apartments were not inckit! Giandinellt could seek building - -per ,j acceptance of bids ran mto n snag • engineering checks that dost did - ,J, —„ji - ()V . m...... ,- Harr> he was dismiss*'' the war's desolation; house on North Concourse at Way­ rd from Strathmnre, he suggested I min the next morning without anv i Mr. Scullion stated he had gone 1 not disseminate moie than IMS feet; hy’ Chairman brow n from ‘ th< Blest with victory and pcace, side Dr., Cliffwood Beach. Mr. Western. E le c tric Co. moved into they be put in if the residents fav-Jof fhe recommendations of (he over the tenders received July 22 trom a stack 25 feel high over a , S(anj as a recalcitrant witness, Bay the heaven-rescued land Robinson was issued a building the Central Je rse y area this past ored it. He plied the cornmitteernen Strathmore Ct\ic Association being j and offered his recommendations. Baldwin - Lima plant of lhe lypef i)n.,r,i ri».irf,4| u(lnr imnr r, f permit Apr. 1 and had it 90 per week in buying the 90-ucre Kistler with queries on the legal effects • included in the specifications for ; John .1. Bradley mteiposed objec-, projected. Mr, Hmtinan cautioned j .. ,r nn u i.nr < f *-«r Praise the Power that hath made cent completed when construction tract in Piscataway Township, 25 of the ordinance in lim iting garden j their projects. He found itnv would tion. noting that Mime ol the type- ' M r. LaM ura and others that the - tjV(, Vf. j 0l, ' o,pn Canie (n!t ^ 01,^ •nd preserved us i nalionl was Mopped July 7 when if was miles removed from the a/filiafe apartments to only 1*8 acres in the 1 jesult >n two standards of garden 1 writers and business machine board would ha\e to ha\e it** hntcal ’ Then conquer we must when our belatedly discovered the lot was Bell Labs crnter in Holmdel. The whole township. He wanted to ! apartment construction when the s equipment offered were not of the ‘ and engineering authority of t-qu.il' ' ' , «« u»j it is just, 10 feet short of thc zone require­ electronics equipment manufactur­ j know if suit wen? brought by an . i.rdimince was finally ameiuied to | low bid, background anti prestige l<> dt-pre-‘ * ',l' * as,‘ <-'a r r ied D. And this be our motto: 'In God ments. Mr. Robinson was lold to ing firm plans a center to employ { owner <*lsewhere to fon t* the 7on 1 include t he St 1 athmore 1 ecnmrnend- ' Mr. Scullion explained that the , cate l!ie information suppl ed :t , ^ ^ Pri]- * be Ke\ poi t Conn b our trustl' get a variance. He persuaded lhe 4000 persons in a 300,000-cquari*. ! ing board and the township com ! ation. He asked the ordinance go ! higher bids had been placed be- ■ fiom the State Department o f ! ( ‘ entered anobjection to lht And Ihe star-spnnpled banner in board to allow him to resume foot building. ■ nnttee to grant an exception for an- ; back to the planning boa id hu an .cause it was tiicM* paitunlar type- Health j pJ•* dueed next Mf.ndav ntj’ht Mr. I.er- come aecustcunetl to. : t ion and that when the foinier a*.-: no* iti Kevport. trust in Almighty God and that B each, to construct a one-family gers University engineering cen­ assumed there was nn element of ner warned it w as all not so simp!*1, ! Mr. Foster explained tht- matter■ 1 phult plant worker dfclared ihnt : we ahould he grateful for the home on nn undersized lot cn River- ter which, Mr. Smith explains, was “ spot 7oning” in the delineation of that there was rendvertiving and ftnther. He pointed t>ut that in tvp-! atmospheric nnd other factors in j Lentv Hrown, Kevport, who hat’ D lvi ne guidance granted us dale Dr., River Gardens. She wns a consideration towards easing .lie the two areas alone for garden a sei.ond public heating 10 he a! mg Warning (lasses one tvpe and froduced varianlc into the opeta- acted for Lyncar. had let it h( IhrwEhout the years of our growth. represented by Sidney Sawyer, Key­ pctumncl problems of Western ’ apartments. Mr. I.erner challeng­ lowed for, taking up n num'h at make of t\pew nter could he em -|tion of an asphalt plant, it made known at the outset that if t)u ■ li unthinkable that repealing port. K lectrlc. . ed this view. He noted that the the minimum. . pinyed, but wnen pupds advaiueii Signify !,kc :!n ;::c sidimitted by d **• asnhalt plant were approved. 1 sites were chosen because they^ had ( Mr. Downey wanted the utdmunc* 1 to secrr-tai ia! and Imsiness office State D( par’ment nf Health not a Phil Nru spojtswear maniifacturin^ characteristics especially suited fnr j adopted that night and queried d piactice study, it was neces'-nrv ! ptedn table constant The vo w s nf plant also would be located on lh» Youth Fights At Fair locating garden apartments, not be- [ the Strathmore list could be added . b»r them to hase a di\ersttv o f' such a praificaf man s'lotild he ' s;f<‘ til the west end <•( the tra<" cause Mayor Mar/ or Mr. Grandi- ’ under a separate le'-nluhon. Hei- , t\pewriter makes and bir-me.s gi\en weight, ;he 1 h tiich ’s la'A\er as au (M ia latahle to be obtainer Keyport State Police report figh s ' netii had an ownership interest. j bert C‘. Smilh, the township at­ mak'-.s put hefoir them. . tr.iiint.enrd. by tin* boiough. WS’V I G O T among juveniles forced the dos­ ! M r. Cronheim .seconded his re- \ tornev, ruled onlv the mdmancr so thev would have 10 be itstdy to | "Safe*' Limit S«*t ing of the Morganville Firemen's t m arks, j'Kiinting the site nn whn ij | .o ht'l’tiseii coulrl he Irgalh ;wte<| handle joiv make when thev w ent1 Huf Mr Har:m noled ihat the F a ir Saturday nw -hnif hour be­ he wished to build npartments hI I )j\ : nn Kevporl (!liaml)cr was such trouble Fiiday. Five a state highway that made fort wording to rush thc Strathmore chine could nnt be bought e\d u at 11 j<>utnls p* 1 houi and thii! the troopers in four patrol cars were ready ingress and egress to fhe ! proposals into it sively. r at itl eon sum fiom the Baldwin I fcontinued ftom page one) called Saturday and four troopers apartments. And Mr. Graiulineiti's i Mr. Downey said hr would then M r. Scullion also noied that the Lim a plant w.is only eight p^fuiuls Chih, wrfh fuo meals « day in SiCR ETI Friday. But no complaints were site was consideretl also to be fa- \ move it and Mr Hickman would ; business etlucalion facultv has a P' r hom, allnwm^ ihn-e p<-.mils eluded. Transfets from the air entered by police because of the i voretl in this respect in being along \ second it. They \oted for it. Mavor . recoid tif "better use'’ fn>m t>ue per ii" ir n.alf unet um .'iul Ii !p o ;l to the liolel and return wil ; be taken care of nnd n feoturi ages of those involved. The fair the Garden Slate Parkw ay. M Marz pass'd his vote on roll t all i make of ih .m hinc n.t i another l>< aid was held nl the Route 711 and Ten­ Grandinetti commented thnt the because of n conflict of interest if ; fore them, tfui: thev mu id devme Mr Hair followed thn up by ' will be an all day cruise on a 11® foot vat ht through the islands nent Rd. lot. . building of Aberdeen Fast and nth be voted. Mr. I rnphagen and Mr. i tha! longer um* with k u repair ! di aw mg fiom Mr. Hemgljeri mi with a barbecue lunch, swimming Bunka »ml liowsji.-tjior.s have one thing er garden apartment projects in Wootl then voted " ihi" and the could make a highei pined ma admiv.;on mat he had n'^ir wmk Ibe nearby set.tumof Matnwan Bor­ ordinance dwd for lark of major- chine lhe d\e..jn-r one mt- inng ed m a Baldw.n l.mui l>pe )>lam on a mra! Hand, n rum swi/rh . , , they nre both ncwu- Speedfim er Busy ,11 In common ough made his site a location where ify. run. .and (hat his insnn*ine "ihev are ■patty and Cahpsm entertainment, fnthering ccntm . But while a news­ Chief Jnlin M elna, borough the characteristic use was for gar­ Mrm Jitamls Hehind Machine * all tlie Si.me' w as onlv an op;nori, i The Dorado Hi ndi Hotel in San poller, gave a caution this morn- den apartments, Mul Mr Bmdley gain'll ‘upptirt not n;nfnned ,Mth ailnii! let Inn 'Ju a n will be vour home for eiglv paper's job is lo print t)it news It is our ir.R that use of the speedtimer Boi Mr. Traphagen questioned Water For Lake from 1 ( pi esental i*. es of a firm cai know ledge >‘n expeucnce I da vs and ceven nights if you seleii goes on In I he l>onntgh, He said if the two sites provided could be offering tvpe\Miters at a school dis ! Mr. B.ur emphasized in l.i< «mo ! Pueito Rico. In addition to two Job lo keep It quiet, .Ifl ticket« were issued this week. called the only spots, in Malaw (tontinued fiom .page . one) . count at $11*1 against typewriters of mation that Ihe zoning oidin.m< e meal* a day. served in Due ton- ’Ihe chief also noted he was* seek­ Township where such favorable set- | readv to (list lose to them Ins plans 1 a make specified ?d JINO by the of the llorough of Kev|»u I spe. ifo tmental style, a championship will ^ Your Oust In our bnnk is well placet), ing persons tn net as school cross- ups fnr garden nparlir.rnts existed j a water “distribution" system ! business school faculty, Alfted R. j ally n;uiied the m.'imifat tme of on the premises.. The inji guards nn a part-time basis i Mr. I.erner teplied that anyone j in Lnke 1.efforts Lstates and also j Mtmv'ille found that lhe spectfica- | “ctnicretr prodm t.s" as a permuted V;k' l[of>' d I have use of a \ ol*t a- your confidence Is never violated. Our in thc l>orough. coufd apply to the nlaniiing board * to account fnr his “sourer of sup ' fions [mf rmt crmld cull fnr (he ! use in the mdiisfi ial /one t,1 n* appia*.*! ifi'-iiiant e int huh d. Ti ansfrr* to another nrea. The planning board put in the Lake Lefferts wider sys- 1 “ or etjuivalem " had to he added who bad woikod foi hi’ m D | a/ ' ,iml f" " n [),f‘ “ "I"''! v.ill be suppl Dclcctor Test In attorney at larked fhe ronchr.ion tem. J Ihis allowed for the submission nf urns, t’ie l*rdeuil Housing Ad/n.n I "r“ l n **uggested list of plnre* (continued from page nne) seemingly being reached that the The Aulhoriiy revealed that the pioof bv a low bidder lhat his run- islratlon, Ihe Jrtsev Mougage to visit w 1 iI be given (lie lucky nlnrin of fire nt the Cross home nrens specified were some soi t large main along Route 9 to reach chine was iust as good, nnd had n t n, and the lln w aid Sa^'ings H iiuk. V:1 tni s. came In lo headquarters* nf 320 of a monopolistic right of use. fhe subdivision hnd been increased record of standing up just ns well over a Ll vear sp.m. tl.at an in- 'I he N'a-.sall travellers w ill Stay H U MATAWAN BANK n.m Ju ly 25, Hauser drove up to Advance Master Plan in ai/e from the III inch pipe M r. as the mnchine specified. d usliinl use was the onlv our suit ' fur seven d aw and six night* at imatavjui, m r the scene with the two girls in the The Strathmore group oufrird Shin key specified as needed for his The com. plexity „ nf tlie ...... • ilutilion able for the life and Uu* only one j the N Vsau Beach Club, w h eif they rnr. Surprised nt his quick pres why the nidinnnce hnd fo ne put subdivision to a IZ inch pipe h y led...... the board lo table the rci'oin-1 for which n mrMtgaj’e firm would I w ill ha-.e iwo intnl* a day. Trans rnce nt the scene, and knowing hK through in advance of the adoption which water supply can be provid­ mendation of M r. Scullion for the ! bp hkelv to loan mtmey tn jmt rh*-M'-i.s w ill be ptovuled from thr offense in IM7, Del, Fin ur Neil- of a Master Plan and Ihe hiring of ed foi home.s and businesses ui the acceptance of bids until Ihe beard; bind to use ,Mr p a ir 1» minded i alt |*n t 10 the hotel nml tours of son and Patrolm an W illiam Hat­ •1 Master Plan consullaof for the area not in tho Rock Hill develop-| couhl meet with him and sc/imd the board memb* di;*...... Hi/- D iy. ihe sr a gaiden* in it glass field immediately had Iheir suspi­ tmvi.ship. This was counleied by a ment. To elfet I this, ihe Aulhoriiy | faculty members cnncei in d (,n Ihe : even an app'n otirm loi ;■ Viii ,am «•,botlnm bout, a noise on Ibe Caia- cions. slalcmenl. that in this (he builders is agreeing to pay SI 1) 1 ents per 1 reasons back of de( inions laken only 10 o nnbm h special m » (.pt t 1m.ium and a look nt night cluh M r, nnd M rs Cross ainl Iwo ef t ou Id ne asked to wail n pniiutl ol rumtmg font o \cr whal Mr. Sbaik- about equipment of 11 ceitain make I lied in the woithng of lhe o u li life w ill be included. their son.v, W illiam , fight, nm) y e a rs fo ■••hirl IheJr p ro jeih;, until ey will jiiiy iti biing the water in anil price. j nance, If \nn ate piesent at the drnwlnp Jhomns, three, had esenped from the time a Master Plan i.s iom- frnn* lhe tiarden Slate Water Co. ' Two new elementary school | Nelson Olijeeh v.hi'h v ill be lit Id al p m . or Ihe Names but John jr. remtiinrd pletrd. main* Ihis move was hailed by leachers were hiied for the tchiMd The fippellanis only pul nn Mr. Natmdfiv. Alt)',. 17. Ill toss from the inside. The flumes were loo fierce M r, Chestermnn denietl the Sfinlh- the Aulhoriiy as bringing closer In veur 100*1-04. ‘I hey were Hyman D. 1 Dube. A third eih/en nbieuni whv ,1 .1 Nrwberiy (o store on Wfst uhen Del. Neilson, Patrolman Hut- more as'.ociation wns out to lorce an overall tie-in the fom water Saperfaein, who has a degree- ftom 1 Albert NeKon, (item, (jiiut A , -Float - St . you will reccivi? IJWl Held nml Cheesequake firemen the builders into years of waiting, companies under the aunciflance BiooMyn Cnllege, nl fl aidary of | Keypi»r(, who sii;:d” he wantr d fri I worth of girt cetlifirnfea rtdt vnb sought to i;c l ioto h-s room. The that all (hat was beinp Luugnt of lhe Authority. • * t*lf00, and L eonard Sworinko, a I u ik tpuM lons. \,i his quest ions | abl« ta Ktyport fttuii'fe Thursday, August 1, 1963 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pag* F!v«

10-Year Reunion For Matawa 11 High School Class Of 1953 Find Romantic Orient Temple Shalom 1 St. Peter's Graduate | h fast Fading Away Meeting Tuesday A membership meeting of Tern* Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Philo, having dinner at the Sky Room of pie Shalom. the Reform Congrega­ 11$ M aple PI., K eyport, w ho re­ the Jai Alai Fronton Club where she tion serving the Matawan area, cently returned home Irom a five­ was presented with an orchid cor­ was held Tuesday night at ilie , week tour of the Orient, which took sage and a birthday cake. Veterans of Foreign Wars Hill,| jftbein to many countries of soutli- Continuing their trip to Cambod­ Cliflwikhl. j iast Asia, believe that the romantic ia, Mr. and Mrs. Phiio said they As a result of lhe many new! Orient of the past is fast fading fell that they were again back in members present who had not h a d :| a w a y . They found that the thatched the Orient, and a visit In the an­ sufficient time to study the pro-} roof has given way to the tin roof cient ruins of Ankor Wat and An- posed constitution, a motion was | which, In (urn, is being replaced h y kor Thom was reminiscent of the passed tabtin** ratification of the! modern housing, They predict in splendors of Luxor in Egypt, constitution until the next meeting. I .another 10 years the Influence of which they had visited on a prev­ Copies of tin* constitution may b e ll v/estern civilization will be so ious trip. .obtained from Robert 1.. Robinson, complete lhal all of the large cities Bangkok Is Picturesque ! M.j Ullewdd Lane. Strathmor;*. of the Far. East will look exactly They found thal Bangkok, the ! The tentative budget was discussed like the large cities in the United capital of Thailand, the city that ‘ and agreed u;>on. S tales. has been called the "Venice of the The congregation authorized Ihe Mr. Philo, a Keyport attorney, Orient" because of its many canals temporary officers to contact the and Mrs. Phiio. president of tlie is being forced to give w ay to prog­ Union of American Hebrew Congre­ Keyport Literary Club and Fifth ress and many of the canals arc gations for tiu* purpose of engag­ District International Relations being filled in to widen the streets ing a part time student rabbi for chairman of the N.J. State Federa­ m order to cope with the ever in­ tlie coming se ai. Iti addition to j t i o n at Women's Clubs, reported creasing traffic problems. "Bang­ conducting regular Sabbath and i MISS CAROLE A. BFCKFR ■' that they were impressed with the kok remains, huvever, one of the High llolv Day services, the rabbi j rapid recovery made by Japan most picturesque cities with its | Will work out a schedule for the re-; M iss Carole Ann Decker, ^ daugh- which now is a highly industrializ­ magnificent temples which defy ligious instruction of children of: *<,f °f Mri. I; d w a r d ed country.and by the amount of description and the famous Thai members of the congregation A ll I Becker. M organville, w a s grad* new construction under way in Tok­ Classical Dancers who perform area residents who /nay be interest- ualed from St. Peter's General yo, much of it in the preparation their beautiful and unusual danc- for the 1964 Olympic Games, and c s ," they noted. Sunday. vet Japan still retains a pleasant Mr. Philo commented that they j temporary president, Norton H. A graduate of Preehokl Regional blending of (he old and new cul­ found ill Kuala Lumpur, the capital ; Berlin, *13 Idlewild Lane. j 11ii School, Miss Meeker was on city oi Malaya, that furelgn capi­ tures. Theodore K. Broirfo, Director of; the school yearbook staff and ac- In Taiwan, formerly Form osa, tal has invested heavily in the ex­ they found that the Chinese have tensive tin mines and rubber plan­ T he C lass of 1933, M ataw an High School, hold a 10-year reunion Second row, Mrs. Anne (Anderson) I.avernle, Carl t.uurson,Liiurson, Gene i> jl’f' ,, *■ . ■I*-*1***'.... j ouncil, . of the; !ine tn.e ,fl jn ijlt.ltlc .sodality.so Future plans very little Industry to help Iheir tations and as a result many new dinner-dancc Saturday at Buttonwood Manor, Maluwan. Pictured above, DiSanto,JlSanto, Mrs. r«l*'lnr.latwlna (Itosenliaiim) ('oiiiliri'ik.vCouihrene, Mrs.Mr*i Cinmh.Connie ^(Vena) :; »huon„ V1 ol ’ waV?VheAnuM iLan featured Hebrew C snAYer ongre-' ^,or Oie ynuii{> nursp include being economy, but Iheir capital, Taipei, and modern buildings have been left lo right, are: First row, Mr.s. Marie (Letter) Holmes, Mrs. Carolyn Redmond,ledmond, Mrs. Itnse Marie (Aiirlenuna) Lncasiewicr, Mrs. Joyce };11 "7 ,; " Js , Jl1, ■'a general dutv mii'.se at New Yo rk erected. “ The people here arc (C reevy) can boast of "the most fantastical­ (Rushing) Champion, Mrs. Fdna (Puwelson) Ragsdale, Mrs. l ay answi*ted arietv "of 'questions . S uUniversity l e r s i . y MedMedical Center and part­ ly beautiful hotel" in the Far East, hopeful that the new Federation of (Fedele) Straniero, Mrs. Agnes (Tomasello) Tighe, Mrs. Arlene (Gold) Laudano, Mrs. Joan (Hughes) Scalio, John Shafto. concerning tlie philosophy of Re­ time study at New York Univer­ ln talking with a Major in the Chi­ Malaysia will come Into being 011 Garito, Mrs. Rosemarie (Abbazia) Clifton, Mrs. Joan (MacDonald) Third row, Danny Whitehurst, Frank l-arlelio, the Rev. Wiley Ilill, form Judaism. nese Army, who had been trained Aug. 31," Mr. Philo said, “They Coleman, Mrs. Susie (Trout) Whitehurst, Mrs. Jane (I’ongei) Miller, James Redmond, Tom Furry, Robert (/ray, ‘J'Jiomas Cook, Christ! Mason, sity. Refreshments provided by the at Fort Monmouth, they were in­ believe it to be of the upmost im ­ Mrs. Linda (Lybeck) Ilill, Mis. Vera (McKinney) Bowers. Donald McQuarrie, Charles Pirn/.zl. formed that the Nationalist Chi­ portance to the economy and fu­ hospitality committee were served nese Army is being built up with ture prosperity of the area that the at the close of (iie meeting. Polish-American the ultimate goal of carrying out federation be formed." Night Sept. 28 General Chalng’s promise "to re­ In Indonesia where President Su­ Personal Item s About M atawan Residents Committee Plans For turn to the mainland." lhe Philos karno recently stated that his coun- Final plans have been made for Trinity Church Fair the Polish - Am erican Night to ba held at the Veterans of Foreign A* a meeting held hv the bazaar M r, and M rs. Jack »alcr. Th e] M r. and M is Wifharn Matthaey Wars Post Home, Cliffwood Ave., Airman First Class Vernon Alla­ Mrs. John Kowiecz and children. chairm an, plans were made for the Bronx, were the week-long guests \ and children .sp-*nt .several days in Cliffwood, on Sept. 23 by Guadal­ way, Dover, Del, is spending College Point, N .Y .. spent last week annual country fair of Tunny l-.p;.-- a week at the home of his parents, as the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. of Dr! and Mrs. Warren Thaler, ! Long Island last week, and her canal post *I7-Ia, Veterans of For­ Strathmore. j mother, Mrs Cieoige Huettner, copal (’hutch. Matawan. The them4 eign W ars. Proceeds w ill benefit Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Allaway, Frank Renner, Marc Woods. will he “ Hi N eiglilxjr" and it is lie* Strathmore. Susan Smith, daughter of Mr. and Maria David, Susan Gomlick. I J11'11'!111!! ’. L.i.. le'umrd to her lhe annual chifdren’s Christmas hope of th** committee that the party. F rid a y and Saturday guesLs of M rs. Maynard Smith, left Monday Leigh and Douglas Rhieii. Maria lalter spending t.vo a! tail wil! :,erve to welcome th * Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seaman, on a Fuiope.tn tour of Italy, Swit­ Yvonne Rangos. Melissa F ry , and " M alfh.ir;. home. itumv new fam ilies moving into the Ted Soltys, chairm an, and Mr.?. Strathm ore, were M r. and M rs. zerland, Germany, Holland, and Nicky and Dm<> Triantafyllos wen* Week>'i)'-t goes'.-*. <>• Mt. aud Mrs. at e j. Geoige Brenon, ro-chairman, an­ Sam Rittenband and children, F'ngland. guests nt tii" fourth birthday party St:inh*y Gafdm'/. SfMihmoii*. W'*;^ . , r , ... : nounce that table reservations may Mr. and Mr>. John J . Gorm an of John Triantafyllos, son ot Mr. Mrs, I'os, BnM k;yn. and M r. Ihis V'*ar tie* fair w ill open on t |)Lv for eight - to - It people Lori and Terry, Staten Island, fu­ l-nday. Sept. <». and w ill be held i bv C;,||jni, M rj> Raymond Hitde- ture residents of the area. jr., 7 Jackson St., were guests Ja.st and Mr.s. G-'org^ T ru iit alvJIos, and Mrs. Mare Kiufi, Ocean^d’*, week of Mr. and M rs. J . \V. Vroe- Slrathmore. on Saturday. Mrs. Sam L.L from ti to M p m. aud on Saturday, | |>ratull rm go:o Jack Berman. New York, was lh(» Sept. 7 w ill be lu'UI from H o'clock | laud, UtMrojt, Mich. Mangos, the child's godmovher, a l­ Sunday guest of M r. and M rs. Jack M r. and M ri. C. J . Gallagher, noon until 10 p tn. Charles Hai mo, Anthony Malov- Saturday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. so was pr esen!, cik and Mr.s. John W illiam s are in Iiisenberg, Strathmore. Strathmore,.... emejtamed , . at , a -jx>o| i Special events for the children Sam Rangos, Slrathmore, were Mr. Mr, and Mr.s. Nat Rippel. Snath- paity oil 1 htii.sday for their son. | ;lml ricl('s charge of entertainment. Prl7.es Bonnie Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. Steve Pologinnis, Him* mure, dined at Buttonwood Manor in isiupliiT, win, was celebrating : Th(ln. alw w;„ bl. 1>iyuli, f..nturi„- will he awarded for the best Polish and Mrs. Stanley Gardner, Strath­ hurst, N.Y.; Steve Strati, New Ins second birthday. Guests were costume and the best Am erican more, entertained a group of recently to celebrate the birthday fanev work, attic treasures, Ixnks, Y uik and Miss Kay Rangos, of Mrs. Rippel. Hdly Carey. Betsy Carey, Kenny outfit. friends at a barbecue on Monday plants, baked goods and refresh­ Brooklyn. and Jeanne Sorensen. In the even­ Mrs Hildebrandt, Mrs. Brenon evening. M r. and M rs. Donald W. Robin­ John Kowiecf, College Point, ments. A cafeteria supper will be N .Y ., is .spending this week at the ing a birthday dinner was held and served on Saturday night, Sept. 7, and Mrs. William Davis will be In Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Morri- son and M rs. Richard Robinson home of his uncle and umt, Mr. the guests w et* Capt. and M rs. charge of refreshments. The menu .son and M rs. Frank Kerncy spent and children, Gary and Cynthia, from Ti to 7 p.m. and Mrs. Frank Renner, Marc C. Gallagher. Miss Catherine Gal­ will Include Polish Kielbasy anj a long weekend as the guests of sptmt several days last week as Woods. lagher, and M rs. Catherine Wdloe, .sauerkraut, Kiska, Polish Bow Tie* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fullard, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Rom- Staten Island, and Mrs. F. Mulli­ Executive Committee Mrs. Calvin D. Pearce has re­ and cof/ee. Pompton Plains. my Martin. St. Albans, West Va. gan, Wayhmd, Mass. turned home from r visit ut the Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rosenblatt Mr, and Mrs. Donald Parker, Of Demo Club Meets home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ow­ Guests this week of .Mr. and M rs. and children, Freddl-ann and Kar­ Strathmore, entertained at a fam i­ Executive Board en, Chicago, III Bennett Dworkis, Strathmore, are The executive committee of the en, Wantagh, L T ., ond Mr.s. Jack ly dinner on Sunday to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. George McGraw, Mrs. Leah Silverman, Brooklyn, Regular Democratic Clubs of M at-; Previews Year Jlarst, Strathm ore, were the Mon­ the second birthday of their son, Slrathmore, were the Sunday and Mrs. luuher Doberman, the awan Township, held a meeting' day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Steven, and also Mrs. Parker’s. guests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Zaehry, Bronx, Thursday at tlie headquarters. 1 The newly • organised Parent* Seaman, Slrathmore. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young, maternal grand pa rents, Belleville. M r. and M rs. Jordan Cohn and Clinton St. John G. Kelly, chair­ Association of the Slrathm ore E le ­ Mr. and Mrs. Trygve Pettersen, Queens. N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cap!, and Mrs. Jlarry Decker and son. L!van, New Horhelle. N Y ., are man, presided and reports of all mentary School, Mutawan, held art Melvla A. Phils, Keypart attorney, aelecla lobtleri for their dinner, Hollis, N .Y., are spending several Peferberg, paternal grandparents, the Misses M ary and Margaret Ma­ spending several days at the home committees were given. executive hoard meeting on July days at the home of their son-in-law 18. New committee chairmen pre- a* M n. Phil*, preiidcnt af lhe Keyport Literary Club, walchen. They Queens, and (heir daughter, Nancy her, Weehawken, were the 'J'hurs of M r. aed M rs. Morton Fuchs, It wa> announced that the muni- and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ It mnounuu the meeting, refreshments ! la;, P™!!1 1 lni!c ’ ,c‘ ed that very little is being done for the house guest this week of M r. Jame.s Ferrano, Cliffwood, re- Del , former Matawan resident. Craw; library, Mrs. Bobby Wieser; fering from a severe water short­ . . „ K., : ' n-,,.k a.s the fcwst, of Mr. and Mrs! •’ served by the hostess, Mrs. "hr!irv Mr,i the general health, education or turned home on Monday after being . . .. budget and finance, M rs, Lillian age. " It was a common sight tn and Mrs. Stanley Seaman, Strath­ JH.. i1,. w ^ R,lR,S! , ' : 1^‘tiiuMh (iie iv , Sti athiim ie. ! Hormhy M. Sinnett. more. a medical patient at Monmouth, Charles Mandeville. j Schwaru; legislative. Mrs. Mika tee the people lined up with welfare of tho people, but a great M rs Gis»j,;;e Deit/ and Mr.s. • Mr. and Mrs. William Stratton Medical Center. Mrs. Angus I*. Davis and chil- Rezak. buckets at each end of a bamboo deal of money is being spent on Prank Gray jr. attended a U>n vuy : K ld lU S Fomilv and children. Randolph and Mar- On Thursday, Mrs. .Joseph B.iier J dren, Pittsford. N.Y., ar rived Mon.: Tho new officers are Mrs. Gloria pole, waiting In line during the age partv aUrard the liner. Nieuw ^ , the military. “ Djakarta, the capi­ cia, Albion, Mich., are visiting ! entertained at dessert - bridge a n ility to spend this week as the. periods that the public taps were Amsterdam, on Friday. The party i R etu rn * FrO ltl Trip Lewis, president; James Snyder, tal is undergoing modernization, Mr.s. Stratton'.s parents, M r, and j lhe prize winners wore M rs. Le- i ;’.u(‘S!.s of M r. and Mrs. Calvin D. , turned on.’’ M r. Philo said that the was in honor oi Mr. and M ts. J . , vice president; Mrs. Dorothy Ol­ but the rest of the country Ls very : Mrs. C. Randolph Heuser. j roy Sickles, Mrs. Howard Frd- | Pe.irre. j P’rank Toole, Brant Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kidrus son, recording secretary; Mrs. refugee problem still has not been Mr. nnd M rs. Fred Jewel. Hli/.a- 1 m.mn, and M rs. Gerard Devlin ! Patricia Maher, daughter of M r.' tolved, although many new blocks prim itive,” he said. | Plorida. who left on an extended :,nd children. Murk, Maureen and Schwartz, treasurer; Mrs. Miliia beth, nnd M r. und M rs. Rudolph ; Other guests were M rs. W. R . j M rs. Jam es Maher. Sfrath-. P ry , c(»rn*sj)iimbng .secretary; H y - of apartments are being built to The Philos found B ali to be (our of Furope. . Man ia, Ravine Dr., Matawan, , .. . . Fraehel spent ’I'hursduv iu P o in t't raig, Mrs. Paul P.gan, M rs. I*red-j tooit*. was the weekend guest of Mu liaei and Cn*orge Deitz. sons ' have return-d to their home after j erett Wolf.son, parliam entarian. try to provide some relief. lovely and beautiful island still j’ -•i^icasant. " | 1 errck * Dederitk, ...... Mrs. Flmore K.i•' Mis< Peggy Tiimko. Greenwood 0f ‘ \ j f In Soulh Viet-Nain, the guerilla George Dietz, ' a two-weeks' cumpidg trrp. ds natural state, hut they discover-j (\i r an(j - H „w aril Hi-nder- j ner. and M rs. Clark Moore. jl.u k were honored at joint party on I During the 200(1 mile trip lo the warfare continues, outside the cap­ eo that the Indonesian government , Mj(1 .(n<| cflll(}rt,fl have returned at-} Mrs I-dw.,nl W. Cnrrie ami .sons, j M r. and M rs. Frederick ID s Take Refresher Course ital Saigon, between the commun­ Wednesday lo cvjebrafe Michael’s northern tip oJ Maine. Mr. Kid/ns had withheld wheat flour for the ; t,,r vacationing at Chatham, Cape David and Billy, and toeir gw<*st,; sey .spent several days a: the hoim ninth and George's eighth birth- searched for specimens for his ist forces of the north and the Free past four months nnd as a result i Alan Richards, spent last we**k at j °f •heir son and daughier-in-law Robert J. Tanis, fiS Wyckoff St., Republic of South Viet-Nam aud davs Guest.s were Tom and Rob- .M ine; alugicjj Museum, located m and Dieter J. Wolf, l(j Lakesida lhe island has been without bread. | anj ^rSi diaries Pike have Manasquan. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John t'. llessey, B-'ik bio Geran, Michael and Bruce M ac-' lhe basement of his home Philos were confined to the ley Heights. D r.. both of Matawan, and Robert Ih ey found the people of Bali to^be • returned home from a vacation at P-dward W. Currie participated Cufclu.'on, Jam es N elL Richard I'hcv also \ {sited T e K ta r a* An- * city, where public assembly and Mi and Mrs. Anthony Castiglia, Skubik, -UT Laurence Pkwv.. I.aur- kind and friendly, but suffering • [.ong Reach Island. j h' the golf tournament at the Spurn1 (!arlson, Dick Ohnsinan. \’mcent *ph Cap* ••nc-* Harbor, are netting an early “ One felt that a landing was be­ Pierro, Steve Svialko. John Dolan, ; (ireen\'ille during Hi ‘ start on their col'ege U*vel studie* recent volcanic eruptions which had ■ wus weekend guest of Mr. and : JiUeM of Hurry Burton. Soulh Riv- |K/Ia, lh e Bronx, were (he Friday Mark Wojrik, Bo LaMura, Mark Charfering a plane, the faniir. ing made at a U.S. M ilitary A ir i.uests ot M r. and Mr.s. George Me- through an iiV'-:isi\e rnalhematic* destio\ed a large part of tncir i \|rs Rudolph Fraehel. j er. On Saturday evening thev were Cermak, Pat Bradv, and Billv flew over MtK>se Head Lake anu:,-,.f, Force base, due to the large num­ (/raw, Stralhmore. er course offered bv Newark L ™ P ‘ . I Mr. and Mrs Robert Weiser. joined hy Mrs Currie and Mrs. Smith. ' ' . .some mountain areas. College nf Pngineering this Slimmer ber of U.S. military planes of all Iheir final slop was Singapore, j Strathmore entertained al a com-' Burton for the dtnner-dauce at the Mi'". Jean Spalding. Bnelle. type.? based here,” Mr. Philo said, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bornstein, i The public is invited to lhe mu foi fieihm an who will be entering a city where they found Hast and ; rnunity dam hake recently ami club scum to see the new colorful ro rl lit* added that the U.S. forces are ! .Uniort- sov(,ri" •>»&. " I thi-' the ro lb ’ge iu September. Tht» West meet and mingle, unking it their guests w»»re M r. and Mrs. M rs. FJIen Ahell has returned, M r. and M rs. Camillo I). Gentile , j1onu, tf their son-in-law and dauuh-i und insp»ict the other spet :mei rour.-,e i* a four-week home study rot only assisting, but in many in­ colorful and cosmopobfan. I he Phi* i Michael Le-a is, M r. and M r, M/c- home after spending two week^ at j at Iheir summer home in M anas-, tor j\jr an(t M rs H arrv Chernei ! which come from " dances are actively engaged in the tne r/tnnrlut I h-if f Iw. rtK- ' 1 \r ...... i ...... , . t ..1...... 1 \ t . i ...... ,, . .. uni; unm u,, ...... ali over tlv program, comprehensively cover­ los reported lhal the city was j kev Karmel, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Lakewood, Me. ‘quaii. j Strathmore. j United Slat actual fighting. Mr. Philo w a s flourishing because of its busy port; Sector. Mr. and Mrs. Benu.d Jet. ing all the algehra the students had Mi.ss Marilyn Steltner, Ruther-j in high school. told that the people are looking for­ facilities and said that a number of | ter. Mr and Mr.s. Buddy Green ward to the new U.S. Ambassador, new housing developments are be­ berg, and Mr. and M rs. Morton Re Laytonian Club Cindy Ahlers Celebrates: two^'.±1'. weeks as the guest of M r. anil i Guest Ministers Henry Cabot Lodge, as a sign of ft ing built to provide needed housing zak. more vigorous U.S. policy. facilities for the people. Enjoys Picnic Third Birthday At Party I ,vl"- lIto™»>'as Cart?r, Strathmore.! whiiH die Rev .lame, Hi,well Saturday evening dinner guests 1 M weekend guests of M r. and M rs : p,l v ,,r s „, . Lost Feel Of Orient of M i. and M rs. H arry Wells were Twcntv-fnur members and guests C in.lv Ahlers. daughter ol Mr. j I-a»re»cc Carrtis. Slrathmore. (;i!i.,rh. Mat.,«.in. is on v„!a,,„n “ We lost for a while the feel of m . _ _ i_ Mrs. Alice Taylor, Jersey City; Mr, PRESTIGE of 'lhe Lay toman Cluh of the First and M rs. D. L . Aiders, M atawan i ! ,u , *' C"-Wge Weis- ||l n „ ,Vill lie gue.i i,.,„ ls it.,> 1 Ihe Orient in Manila and felt th jt D9&T 11 and M rs. Rudolph Fraehef, nnd Methodist Church. Matawan, at­ . . . . , , . , ceu» on Sundav. on Ihursday evening when Mrs visit to Tagatay Ridge where a Aberdeen Chapter of the DeMolny Mrs t . Randolph Heuser has re Mrs j.,,,,. ;,nd ttaunlil.-r, I tlirl.,(lav ,,h. ,vls llu. William Ohnsman enterfnined at monument hifjh In ihe mounlains at the regular summer meeting ■lined home a Ier being a p atient: Slls„ i; M f. Mr<. s]ul A bl' l,lll‘'-v A' s 11,1 bridge. Other guests were Mrs. outside Manila marks the site held in lhe Masonic Tem ple, Key­ Ml Riverview Hospital. ■ ,,r ail,| s,,„., R„t,,,, s, Imei-: <-enl..rpi-cc and den,rations mclud- Thomas B. Frank. Mrs. Jean Mav. where the U.S. airborne troops port. Mis. Marty Mahonev and her \j,. ,in(| l,,M^sireet ed hailoons and Japanese lanterns. Mrs. Russell Weber. Mrs. John were parachuted to begin their imither Mrs-Kdith i.ukens. Xenia; , ^ AKln; Carney, and Mrs. George Den/ Douglas Rinear, retiring Master Guests were Patty, Colleen and m arch to free Manila from the Dliio, attended a meeting at he Ml On Friday evening Walter M - Counselor, conducted the meeting. l.eonanl Sinki-s and U l ,,. j , IVce and Mr. and Mrs. Japanese. “We visited the final Ilillon Hotel. Washing!,,!!. n.C M ' ‘"ul Ml m ...... i \t... ' Bride jr., George Deit/, Ldu.ird Serving with Mr. Bier will be and Mrs. reitinx place of more than 50.000 Prank P.nglisb, Matawan; Denise. H arris and son, Ktldie, attended Arihur McPhee, Cliffwood, senior „. . * I , , , • . '.imim l , i.iii'iiii “ '1 i . dim sons, i«iiRichard n.iui ...... Am ericans and Philippines at the flld Lukerts,*" who wasJ - elected chair- ,,(U| p (,|r ,ll; \ j , s n.muUon M icliej* and f.ynn Cogliano, Mr. Mhe baseball game at Yankee Sud counselor, and Robert Stewart, Manila • American Cemetery where n.an of the Vou„« Republican N a-, ^ < and Mrs. Jack Truex. Joseph Tm- , ium. New Yo rk. , a moit impressive memorial is lo- Mnrlhoro, Junior counselor. 'Seated In a beautiful and extrem ely These elected officer** and their Neal Callanan'; Clev.land. Ohio. ; "'1’ ( and\of ri'er^a^Slor^^s In identifies your '*-r We)l-car«d for woodland setting.” appointed officer* will be formally Is spending three weeks a!al tb«>.ei- ; ' '’V -Vt.h /''V. .... iV 'xiin...... ' of... llie y son.s«n. Butch,IJuieh. keype-’Keyport; Mr. and Mrs. j «•„« Mrs.'...... I nnik irk...... i.s v M,sk While in M anila June 22, M rs. installed at a public in.slaifntiori in home of Mr. and Mrs. Ldvvard t](, , M. siMilember ih., * Philip Nu Gary nnd children. Don-; W. .1. Kahel, Mrs. Kredern-h De- WELCOME WAGON Philo celebrated her birthday by September. Welch, Slialhm o re. I (|m r lo lie announced. j »•> Mare' and Philip, l.inden; M r. j derick, M rs. Clark Moor.-, M is. Jo- A llxnmler Woil.snn, sue of M r.; SVw m,.miwr, lin, lnvit«*U lo join.! ,lll(| .N1r,. ridwanl Cr.ik. Carteret; 1 ?cPh O.-rnti.-r^.-r. Mrs. Geraru Dev- SPONSORS . .. and Mrs Kverelt Wolfsm, Stralli- In[(irnlaiition may be obtained from ' «... ,. ..i \ i rs; ios/,Dv Ahj«.r - a„,j 1 ,U1 P-bnore Kattner. Pn/e more, celebrated his sixth birthday "Snuffy" Smifh'a Ihe pic•sident Mrs Semoneit 2 ' ‘ P an« ; VMUners were Mrs. Bliss, Mrs. Rn- At A parly on Saturday, The guests Piti|e St.. Maiawan.' i lrS - S*',nnneU’ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahlers, Haz- bcl and Mrs. Dederick firms ol prestiga In Ihe builnci! attending were Debbie, Ann, and let; Bob, f.inda and Doris Aiders. Mr. and Mrs. John Sbra are Kilccn dayman, Robert Spector, spending this week in Worcester, 1 and civ ic life ut your c o m m u n ity . CONSOLIOATCD HOMI Atlantic City Trip Union Beach: P'leanor Grodeska. Fllen We/sjiborg, Danny and Ke/my Leonardo and Cindy’s sister, Don­ Mass. \ Shapiro, Jonathan Lesser, Robert na Marie Aiders, Nancy Butkeley has leiurned to. and Karen Oesireich, Bennett and To Holp Library her home m Rancor as afler visit-] IMPROVIMINT CO. Barbara P ari* mui Billy Wolfson, Gifu were sent by Mr, and Mrs. f lKM S INTERESTEO IN Reservations for the bus trip to inn her grandparents. Mr and Mrs. Pepper Davis and Tony Reese, Joseph Falco and daughter*, and George M, lla n is , the Steel P ie r In Atlantic City on l’ARTICIPA'riNQ . f ir Th« PinMt In who were appearing nt tlm Royal Mr*, Ifa/el.Roih. M ts. Minnie Singer, Brooklyn, Monday, Aug. 19, will clo.m Wed­ MISS 1G-ANNK CANNIN Manor, Spring Luke t»nd Mrs. Dav. spent several d a n Bt thf homo of nesday, Mr.s. David Watson, chair* Plsai# Cullt in, wera the Sunday gut'sls of Mr, M r. and M rs. ii. Lm I.anger, Mis« 7o-Ann« Cannin. daughi •/ ninn. announce* a few more re»* Bruco Bugbco MR*. M. r. WEIL Strathmore. nl Mr. uml M ri. Al Ciiiiinii, Mma- and Mrs. Robert Weiser, Strath­ ervntions are available. ALUMINUM PR0DIKTS more. Marks Birthday M r. und M rs George Hubnny’ ^an, grarJualed fiom the Miindl LIBERTY H IM M rs. F ve relt Wolfson, Strafh- The Irip, sponsored by the Board ,end chihlren. Catherine and Toni, ■ School for Medical A ssistan t, New 1 more, attended (he J«/z rlrotee clnsv uf Trustees of the f-ree Public Bruce liugbee, Brew sler, ^N.t , jjojnidel, anil Miss ( ami Maude- York, on July II) at exeicises held Windows • Doors • Jalouslas - Siding umler...... the. .... direction...... of Frank.. Wag- ,,, Library , uf Madison. Township. for .nephew "I Mr. and Mrs. Hy run ...... weie,,,, lnIthe Wednesday...... guests. ,,at lhe New Yo rk Academy of M •(!- Awnings • You Namo It - Wo Havo Ml ner al the lnlerniilionul Srhnnl of f^'0 hen rf i t nf Ihe lilirni V located |ln;',!iee, j i Avondale I .n lie, SI in I li- ^|,- ]ln(| ,M, ^ I •; < Us ard W, t.'n i rif 1 I r i ne. 'lht' dat'* al>n 111:11 ki’d lli^1 Dance. Cuniegle Mali. New York. I a*. •>’** ‘ ‘trclo. Is <>|nmi In lli» piibl.lc. i nmrr t-el-braled liis I Ith birthday ; ilt Manaiquan. 1 3'Mli annivoi sn rv ol th>( sehool. - W ILCOM f WAOON recently. J • lu' lihrary is sponsored b v 'I he on Wednesday and was the guest ; g „,.S| S 0f Mr. and M rs, I Th- of medical assM :iui WE INSTALL SAME OR YOU DO IT YOUMKI.F M r, and Mr.s. Je rry Raff and chil* ■ ^ (|man's (.ltd) of l.auieni’e flni'bor. j ol honor at fl parly. | j ( | (,;mi'ter, Slrathm oie, were '

Mrs. Martin Lnuierwald, Ravine Ifeloa Beach Church Of God Confeukma nr* heard to Ihe morning worship, 11 o'clock; cv». D r., Matawan at 7:30 p.m. CM lril and Union Ave#. perish home Saturdays betueeo 7 angelistic service, 7 p.m, T he first On Sunday church school w ill be Union Beach and I p.m . Sunday ot each month there is • C hurch Services Announced For Bayshore Area held at 9 a.m . and at the worship (former Congregational Church) Communion service at 11 t.m . service at 10 a.m. the Rev. Edward Rev. Horace E. Roundtree, Pastor Emmanuel Assembly Of God Wednesday evening will b« Bibli Harrison, former paslor of Osborn- Worship services are held Sun­ 122 Palm er Ave., Keansburg Study and prayer at 7:45 p.m. M. Mary’i f(l«n»«l Cfeatck le h e v a h ’o Wil Palmer, North Centerville; Wil­ Cottage P ra ye r Meeting w ill be ville Baptist Cliurch, will deliver day at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sun­ liam Waite, Port Monmouth, And on Wednesday at ft p.m . fit the Rev. Timothy M. Adams, Pastor Young people's service is Friday E « t F r t t t 8 1., K eypert Keypert Ceagreialtaa t h e Communion message, "God day School is at 9:30 e.m. with Sunday School is a : 9:45 a m ; at Kingdom Hal), Keyport. home of the pastor and Mrs. Brit­ evening at 7:30 o’clock. Rev. Henry A. Mai*. Rrctor Klagden llall, SI D lvbto* St. Satisfies With Bread From classes for al! ages. tain, Crusius IM., Colts Neck. The Mid-week service I* held Wed­ The Holmdel Church H eaven." Boy Scoute, Troop <4, will meet T h e M inistry School w ill open pastor will be in charge. nesday fit 7:30 p.m. R ev. Andrew A. Burkhardt, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. (t 7:25 p.m. Thursday. William Daily Vacation Bible School will Sayre Wooda Baptist Church M inister PACEK and 1II-LO begin on Monday and continue Routo t, tirowntowa St. John's Methodist Church O n Sunday there will be morning Bridal will Instruct the class ln ef­ At the 10 i.m 1. worship on Sun­ through Friday, Aug. 16. with class­ Rev. Richard Jones, Pnstor C entral School, Keypori p ra y e r at 7:41 a.ni.; Holy Com­ fective speech training on the read­ day the Rev. J. >1. Goeway, retired es for all ages from prc-school Sunday School meet* at 9:45 with Rev. Norman P. Riley, Pastor Army chaplain of lladdonfield, wiil TRAVEL TRAILERS munion, I and 9 a.m. and morning ing of scriptures with proper etn- through young people. Classes will a ciass for each membei of the Identical services are held Sun­ be the guest m inister. prayer. It a.m. husis. The service meeting will start each day at 9 a.m . and elose family; morning worship. 11 a.m.; day at #:3U and 11 j.in ,; church ettin at 8:30 p.m. school sessions, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Th* A.A.'i will meet Wednesday E C ilv u i Methodist Church a t 11:30 a.m . ivening gospel service, 6:45 p.m. • t 1 p.m . Guest speaker, L. Johnson, will Mid-week prayer and Bible Study Third SI., Kcypul •L Benedicts Church There will be no weekday ler- First Methodist Chwreh la held every Wednesday a t 8:0V Dietrich Trailer Sales discourse at 3 p.rn. Sunday on the Kev* H a rry R , p ine. vice* during the month «( August. subject “Arc tne Nations Headed 147 M a li SI.. M ataw aa p.m . Itelmdel School Pastor 1 Milo South of Strathmoro Exhibit. for Armageddon?" Following the Frank F . Sweeten. Minister Bethany Rd., Holmdel United Communion services wilh lecture at <:15 p.m., Ibe Watchtoiv- Divine worship services Sunday Davld'e Tabernacle Rev. Edward P. Blaska, Pastor MaNjrChartk (■0 i m h O the Reformed Church wili be held Rt. 34 — Matawan M ala t t ,, M a la w i* er Bible lesson, based on Eph. 4: t i ­ at 8:45 and 11 a.m . w ill be in Cliffwood Masses arc held Sunday at 7, I, at 8:30 and 10:45 H.m . “ In Re­ • Rev. Carroll B. Hall. charge of the Rev. Charles S. Gray E ld er Jam es Moss, Pastor 9, 10 and 11 a.m. and at 12 o'clock l l , will consider "Maturity, A m em brance" w ill be the topic at Call 566-2192 or 3993 , R ec to r Christian Requirement." in celebration of the 74th anniver­ Sunday School is at 1C a.m.; the early service and "The Lord’s noon. Matin* wiil be held Sunday at sary of his conversion. The crusad­ A continuing study of the fulfill­ T ab le” a l JO:45 a.m . morning worship, 11 a.m . I: IS a.m. with Jam ea Mershon, ment in modern timi's of thc proph­ er choir will sing “For Ail the On Wednesday evenings the ta rry lay reader, in charge. The Rev. etic pictures enacted by Elijah and Gethstmaoe Lutheran Church Sainls." A supervised nursery is service Is at 8 p.m. MAJtRNITYCARMINTS C harlea W alling, vicar of the E lish a in the books of Kin^s is be­ Miiple P!., Keypori available and junior church is con­ •O Church of Our Saviour, Chcese- ing pursued at the seven D ibit stu­ R ev. Frederick Boos, pastor ducted at 11 a.m . Church school Sur|iul quake, w ill be (he celebrant at thc dy centers loeated throughout the Sunday services are held at 8:30, begins ut N:45 a.m. S t t i s u j J r M O T O R S H oly Communion service at 8:30 area. Studies are conducted a l the 9:43 and 11 a.m. Church school Senior M YF meets Wednesday at Nursinf Bra* a .m . Morning prayer at 10 a.m. will LOOKING mcon-oajUEp homes of Franklin Anderson and starts at 9:45 a.in. 7:30 p.m. for a bo under the direction of Roberl Vernon Haylis, Matawan; Nils Nel­ Daily Vacation Church School Prayer hour will start with a con­ Taylor, Jay reader. son, Hazlet; Leroy Polk, Cliffwood; wiil meet Monday through Friday, cert of hymns on fhe organ with BIBLE TEACHING '■i . YOUR AUTHORIZED A .A .'i meet Tuesday at I p.m. Anne Graves, Keansburg; Arthur Aug. 16 for nursery through ninth chimes hy Mrs. Emerson Lisk on grade from 9 until 11:30 a.m. Thursday at 7 p.m. CHURCH? Worship at BUICK amtOPEL First Presbyteriao Church St. Joseph's Church Maple Pt., Keypori WALLACE’S Route 34 and Frankllo St., Obtilly lirlta A r Uf Ir I At ■ PEALER ; ; M ataw aa Rev. Ccrnclius J . Kane, Pastor Bible Baptist Church Hlb SilpJHiMk Hrrait* R ev. Chester A. G alloway, Masses will be held Sunday “The Friendly Church*1 TlUMtt KUitlc Hot* > , "Bettet'Buy" USED CARS v. Semi-Annual Middle Rd., Ha/let Ankl'U u i Stcre-IMae bolls Pastor morning tl 7, I, ®, II, 1) tad V Into Hi«rti bet. Union A Laurel Aves. trrvickl CnlUrg SALES and SERVICE Morning worship service Sunday o’clock. eurtlnl ond ia at 10 a.m . The Sacrament of the SERVICES: TrarUun Klta Morganville Methodist Chvrcft COifax 4-4000 Lo rd ’s Supper w ill be administered Sunday — ISURCICAL SALE during the service. Sunday School Morganville 9:45 a m —Bible School WI FttfOtM (YtPr SBViCf OPERATION meets at 10 a.m. Nursery care is Rev. Fred It. Bowen. P aato r n.m.-Morn/ng APPLIANCE rree earfta*] SO Mala St., Matawaa HOpkins 2-0891 AMltOBre* i l l O a ia tili Vacation Bible School will begin Rev. Robert W. Addiss, Pastor its second week on Monday morn­ Mid-week service will be held Paslor — D, Ross Brillnln ing at 9 a.m . and continue until Thursday at the home of M r. and J..: . : : j i z z Friday, Aug. 9. .1 Bayview Presbytcriaa C tard Cliffwood Batch R ev. David L. Bucci, Pastor horo's wiih ing you a Bon Voyago "Seek Ye First" will be the n aint ol Elder Joseph Sinclair1* sermon topic at this Sunday's 10 a.m. wor­ u t f mu p J a u la fl FOLKS BLfr'OUR OIL OUR VACATION IS OVER ship service. Tha elders of the make* ll rlfhtl ■AND HW DIT600D ' church wil] take charge of the You’re aura of fun oa worship service while the pastor Is THEK/ 61ADLV TELL < KATHY and MAE aro back that cruise or oceaa on vacation. r TWE NEI6H&OCWOOD ond "rarin to go." The Friendship Circle will meet * ® y • I • *tiea you Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the home count oo ua to make •AND HOW 1 of Mrs. Joan Riker. Mrs. Carol all the arranKementa. IT HEAT* J Como in and mnt SUSAN Pavik wjJJ be co-hostess. DEAC.'I Mmi's ft Boys' Clothing, Furnlthingi (F r a n ' • replacement) a n d Reformed Church af Keyport Brown Travel Bureau NANCY. Both eager to create Sport Shirts; Swimwear Warreo St., Keyport Csili: %'illty S-4I4I — t i l arallk St., PtrlO A ate v Rev. John H. Sharpe, P asto r 1 BroHft*r, fttyport — Ntfbt Catli: CO 4-MSI the neweit hair ityles for yow. Union services will be heid in 20% OFF th e C alvary Methodist Church at Open every day and Thura. 8:30 an d 10:45 a.m . At both OPEN FRIDAY TIL t services there will be Communion Sure enough, m r fine, rlran- Eve. Vm your convenient "Easy Charge" w ith the Rev. Harry R . Pine Jn burnlni Purl Oil U the talk No Charge (or Normal Alteration* charge. t i Ihe lown! IdU r »rd«r Ross W . Maghan Agency YOURS lMla>. Flrat Church Of Christ, Sclesllil DIAL 264-1464, Larry Eite- M Bread St., Keypori "Savo With So ft o man available Mon. 9*5, Thurs. W. S. WALLACE Sunday service and Sunday School, 11 a.m. Wednesday, testi­ 6-9. KEYPORT mony meeting 8 p.m. Reading room Auto end Homeowner Policiet" L j - J open Wednesday and Saturday from Appointment N o t Alwaya featuring 3 to 4 p.m. Mart, Schtffner & Marx “ Love” w ill be the subject of the Real Estate ^ Insurance Necessary. T im ely k Botany SM Clothe* Bible Lesson read In all Christian Manhattan Shirt* and Janlien Sportswear Science churches Sunday. Respon­ MATAWAN 138 M * St LOwtN 6-0003 24 Main St. Keyport OUR tftfc YEAR sive Reading includes this verse from I John (4 :8 ): “ He that loveth iot knoweth not God; for God is love.” Also to be read is this passage from the denominational textbook, A “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Ed­ Know Tho Joy Of DON ENGLISH dy: “The precise form of God must be of small importance in compari­ son with the sublime question, Worshipping Together! What is infinite Mind or devine Love?” (p. 2M). IS BLOWING Monmouth Reform Tempto Next Siuuhiy why not nt- MS Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury Rabbi Richard F. Steinbrink Sabbath E ve Services w ill be tend the Clmi cii of your held Friday evening at 8;.10 p.m. H IS ST O C K ! Part IV of • six-part sermon by Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut will be clio ie e *? rend entitled “ Germany Today, a : Offkial 1963 Cftaronn Rnbbi Revisits the Land of His Absence may make Ihe heart grew fonder — but nothing beats Hlrth." During the service the new • phono call for keeping her mind on you. n iw j ir s i y sil l born daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel 112 Now Cars fn Stock Kampf will be named. The Temple office is open daily from fl a.m. until 1 p.m. for infor­ mation regarding membership or FORD sksT Thunderbird religious school. Maraoalha Baptist Church COMET Holmdel - Keyport Rd. tod M ETEOR B rallley M m , MERCURY MONTE*EY H aslet Rev. Bruce Hariisoii, Pastor Sunday School w ill be held al 9:45 a.m . and morning service ct 11 o'clock. The Rev. Robert Boice Lincoln Continental of Belm ar w ill bring the message at Ihe morning service and the ev­ NEW YORK ening service at 7 o'clock. Youth A-l SAFE BUYS fellowship meels at 6 p.m. The Rev. M r. Boice will be in ’M FORD Country Squire SW, FOM ...... I K . charge of the services during the month of August while the pastor ’H F O R D Panel D elivery ...... «M. COMMUTERS Is on vacation. ’M MERCURY 9 Pass. Sta. Wngen, MOM, P. St...... MS. ’M FORD Custom "300" . St...... IIM . (A Regular Baptist Church) H FORD 4D Hd. Tp., FOM, P.St ...... IIM . Middle Kd., Itazlei Port Authority Terminal ’••FO RD 2D. Hd. Tp. Star liner, FOM ...... IIM . Rev. D. Ross Brittain, Pistor The pastor will bring thc mes­ ’00 FORD SP Counlry Squire S.W., FOM., P. St...... IIM . sage "One Man's Act” nt the C’nm- V ia N. J. Turnpike ’M MERCURY Monterey 4D, MOM, P. St...... IIM . munlon service at 11 a.m, Sunday, ’•1 FALCON 41) Sedan. R&ll ...... IMS. JJjble School meets each week at *•• CHEVROLET Klngwod 9P Sta. Wgn, P-GI, P. SI 11*5. 9:45 a.m . with classes far all age.1! I I C O M ET S-22 Sport 2D, MOM ...... IIM . ONLY 50 MINUTES! Irom beginners through adults, liv­ *•* C O M ET 2-D Sedan ...... ISM. ening worship service will be at 7 ’•I MERCURY Convertible, MOM, P, St...... IJ«8. p.m. with the pnslor bringing thc H THUNDF.RHIRD, Full Power ...... IIM . message, “ Wolves in Sheep's Cloth­ « FALCON 4D Sedan, F'Onmtlc ...... IIM . ing.” V COMET 4D,, M’Oinatlc. Low Mileage ...... IMS. Book of 10 Rides *37S * If you havo no current church affiliation a warm welcome : H FALCON Futura 2D. lid. Tp., FOM, P. SI...... MM. FOR INFORMATION: H FALCON ECONOI.INE Club Wagon ...... IIM . await* you here at . VI mUNDERRIRD, Full Power ...... » K . WK WILL BUY H LINCOLN-Contlnenlal 41), A ir Cond...... 41*5. • • • 4-2222 MONMOUTII ft OCEAN CO COUNTY BANK STOCKS m u HM-KW TOM IMftlt tt. St. John's Methodist Church We Specialise in bank, utility and industrial slocks and mutual Nell* Rim Terminal, Hwy. IS and I Cera. Service* now being held at tho Central School funds, Broad St., Keyport ENGLISH INQUIRIES INVITFD NO OBLIGATION m (f.S. DON'T MISS THE FIFTH SERMON OF THE SUMMER SEASON, mi4 AGENCIES I. CEO. WESTON A M)NS :i n > R D i i n C b uth Medical Center afier a short ; pa t high School and is employed i % L „ lar the past +5 years, lie was j illness. The Kev. Norman R. Rdev. i hy J M. Fields, Hamlet. Her fiance real estate and Insurance broker pastor of Si. John's Methodist ; attendee Manasquan Schools arid and owned and operated Ihe Shore- ! Cnurrh, kiazlei. officiated. Burial served foui years in the U.S. A ir Collection Service of Union Beach. ( was in Shoreland Memorial Car­ Births I Force. He is m the entertainment Mr, Henntiisy was a communicant dens, Hazlet. ; business. K ay of Holy Family Church, Union Mr. Hol/.nagle was born in Mala­ M r. and M r i. Alexander Kay, Beach, lie was a Monmouth County wan. He wa.s the son of the late; 'fhe wedding ii planned for Sept. •L’a Clurk Ave., Union Reach. ara 1 constable and was a member of Ifcnrv and Kl’en (Doran) Hol/na-i H. ♦ he parents of a son, horn Friday, tlie Koyal Arcanum Lodge, Key­ gle. lie w a i a retired painter and j Bernhardt-Young Ju lv 26. I!)G3, in R iverview Hospi- • port. lived in Keypori most of his life. | Surviving are his wife, Mrs. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young, for­ tal. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Fran­ M yrtle ( Km mons) Hol/.nagle; five mer residents of Union Beach, now ces (Lane) Hennessy; two sons, daughters, Mrs. John Kenner and or New Smyrna Reach, Fla., an­ Grateshl Alfred t, llennessy jr., Borough Mrs. James Wilkinson, Cliffwood nounce the forthcoming m arriage A daughter wa* born Monday, Clerk of Union Beach, and Law­ iieaeb; Mrs. John 'i'ruhim. M ala- of their daughter, Joyce, to Fred July 2!), I% J, in Riverview Ho.*- rence K. Hennessy, at home; si* wan; Mrs. Ronald Smith. Port R. Bernhardt, son of Mr. and Mrs. > p«a| to M r. and Mr.s. Henry G rJ- daughters, Mrs. Janet Roder, Monmouth, and Mr.s, Donald Nuss, Fred L. Bernhardt. 15 Lakewood [ h-shi Nolan Rd.. Morganville. 1.... I , Union Beach; Mrs. Sophie Birdie, ! Keyport; 18 grandchildren and nix Ave,. Keansburg, Bloomfield; M iss M argaret Hennes- ! great-grandchildren. M iss Young is a graduate of K ey­ Crespa *y, Chicago; Mrs. Alines Patterson, port High School, Class of IW»2. She Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crespa, 5*f New York; Mrs. Amelia Saville, i l.ouii J, Sackina South Laurel Ave., Hazlet, are ths - North Carolina and Miss Kathleen i Funeral services were held Sat- ’ p.*rents of a daughter, burn Fri* Farley, at home; 12 jjrandchildri-n urday at a.m. in the Joseph- day. Ju ly 26, 1%.!, in Riverview and four great-grandchildren. V.. Preston Funeral Home, .Soilin' Hospital.’ Funeral services wcre held Mon­ •Orange, for I.ouis J. Saekina, 42, j day at H a.m. at the Day Funeral { ol -I5H Soulh Laurel Ave., West! Kirchner Home, Keyport, and at # a.m. a ! Keansbui who died Tuesday, July ! A daughter was born Saturday, liiuli requiem mass was offered in : 2,i, 1%!), in R ivc rvie w Hospital, 1 ' Julv 27, 1963, in Riverview Hos­ Holy Family Church. Burial was ; alter a short illness, Inlerment! pital to Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. in St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Key­ ; was in F a ir View Cemetery, Mid- i j Kirchner, 6 Clover Dr., Hazlet. port. : dletown. . ’ Mr. Saekina moved to W e s I j ifj Schwelkert M n. George Gardner i Keansburg from South Orange in ' Mr. «nd Mrs. Ravmond Schwel- M rs. Susan G ardner, 62, of Mor- il!>5 l. He was a m illwright at Puro-i kert. U Lake Ave., Matawan, a n • ganviile, died Saturday, July 27, MR., MRS. RAYMOND KUNNFTII RIKFK | lator Products, Inc., Rahway, for: MR., MRS. JOHN HUNT Macl.KAN the parents nf a son. born Satur- 1!M>3, at her home. Mrs. Gardner •‘.’.'I years and was a niember of the! ; day. lulv 27. 1963, in Riverview was a member of Wicker Me­ Miss Enid RumbeJow. daughter Honor_ Attendant ' Purolalor Fishing Club. He also be-J Miss M aria Mae Pipitoiif, . . daugh- ., ing.... deep pink toses. babies’-breath ; Hospital. , mnria! Baptist Church, Moritan- of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rumbclow', M rs. R ichard R iker, Railw ay, longed lo the Union Countv Arch- ter of M r. and Mrs. Gaetano Pipi- aM(f v ville. She also was a member of Valley View' Prospect, Bermuda, .sister-in-law of the bridegroom, was : ery Club. ,mu. (u iM lc e is S t i \ u \v[ |>(-,-i.nei •ItK,i,h Ki/zo* the junior ; the Home Missionary Cluh of the became the bride of Raymond Ken­ the matron of honor. She wore a li- j Surviving are his wife, Mr;;, I , i •, , . ! " ' bridesmaid, aKo wore a pjlc pink Wills Filed church. Mrs. Gardner had lived neth Riker, son of Mr, and Mrs. lac organ/.a gown with matching ' Charlotte M . (Schm idt) Sa ek in a;. )rlt,e ot * '""n ' ' unl ‘•Liel.ean, .silk nrgan/a dif>-.. Her gown was ! in Mornanville 18 years. John Riker, 103 Campbell St., Un­ headpiece and carried a spray of iwo sons, Brian and I.ouis J. Sac-■ wm f-sabelh* Ihfjina'., t»L»7 stvled tvith puff sleeves and a; Surviving a re her husband, ion Beach, Sunday, Ju ly 28, lJNil. vhite roses. • I.i na jr. and a daughter, Miss 'Bayview Ave, Union Hraeh, and round neckline and she wore a tiara ‘ # M. fi. Geraft George Gardner; five sons, -John The Rev. Norman R. Riley, pas­ Ronald Riker, Union Beach, was ; joAnn Saekina, at honie; his moth- »ate Jam es Hunt Mael.ean. Sal- of ilei*p pink swi*«‘iheart roses, ba- ; * • • m . M. I*.. Geran, Keyport, who dieort, and al ' matching lace motifs and tciminat- ; couple left fnr Nevada, where they ' Technician with General Fleetric Mary I’oduska Memorial Baptist Church. The Rev. rose applique. Bouffant tiers of A graduate of Keyport High )<) a.m. ii high mass of lecjuiein iti in a chnpet-lenglh train ller-havi* a four months’ engagement ; Company iu D jyio na Beach. M arv Poduska, Uni«m Beach, w Ik i C. S. Wood, pastor, officiated. In­ French illusion fell from her small School, the bridegroom is’ serving was offered in St. Joseph's Church, ; fingertip-lengih veil of illusion fell ! m The I reinoni. Las Veg Ait Oct. 1H date has been set for term ent, under thc direction of the crown of crystals and she carried i four-year enlistment in the U.S...... ^ 'yf*’’^', for Joseph Leo Neff jr., ‘ from a lace headpiece wiih a pearl : bridegroom’a brother’s hand "Jer- ; i!»e evening uedding at Gethsemane died .lune 15. Ielt her estate to her Anderson Funeral Service. New a white prayer book adorned with Navv. H«* is stationed in Bermuda. 1 °f Broadway, Keyport. whoi (|f op hi t Jn* (<-nfi*rof the forehead, rv and Tlie Jade*." provided the J.ufJu'MM t'hm'ch in Kev/wr/. j daughter, Jane (. Poduska, and al- : Brunswick, was in Bnoker T hey wiil reside in Bermuda. 'died Wednesday, Ju ly 21, I‘Mi, in : She carried an Italian basket ol dance music for the ISO guests. I ' so named her executrix. red roses and babies’-breath. Monroe-Septen I ------‘j Cemetery, Matawan Township. Riverview Hospital after a shod • white ro,<^ and babies'-breath. ; Both aie graduates of Keyjxtrl Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Septen, j if vou need printing of any illness. i W ears Pink Organ/a High School, lh e bride is a record- «-, ».i , ... i- ' i ' , . ' > -• ---* Mr, Williams was a veteran of Mrs. Alfred Allison M r. Neff was ta rn in Port Mon- J M, s. Anthony Cipiton.-, lla/k-(. my a n i,l, hav.n« cut srveral j , .A'.lj " K , S l / "'ii'l’"'' ' «'« “ re to serve you... World War I and was a member of Births Mrs. Ida M. Allison, 8(1. of 132 mouth and he had lived in this ar- ! sister-in-law oi the bride, served records for Savoy Records. The ' 11 engagement of their daughter. Our quick service and reasonable Raritan Post, American Legion. He Schultz Freneau Ave., Matawan, died Sun­ ea all his life. He was employed ; aS the m atron of honor. She wore bridegroom is a musician. He not i; Caro! M iiv. to Pic. F’.dward Jarne.s ! prices will please you, also was a member ot Variek ' Monroe, son of Sgt. James F'. ' ------day, July 28, 196,1, in Scabrnok Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz, 34 as a cashier for the Hanson-Van-i a strapless pale pink organ/a street only plavs lhe drums, but is a Hill Nursing Home, Keyport. Mrs. Lodge, F&AM, Jersey City. Appleton Dr., Hazlet, are the par­ Winkle-Manning Co., Maiauun, and J length goun with a detachable tiiJ!>* \«>cal soloist and arranges lhe inu- Monroe, (I S. Arm y. w!h> is .station- ( Allison was born in New York and Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Kl* ents ot a daughter, born Friday, vas a communicant of St. Joseph s j stole. She carried an Italian has- ^ sir for the Hobby Vail Revue, with ed af Verdun, France, and Mr.s. < had lived iu Matawan 70 years. eanor Williums, aud a sister, Mrs. Ju ly 26, IDfiJ, in R iverview Hospital. Cliurch. He was a member ot the ; k<*t of deep pink ruses and babies'- whom thev are l¥>th associated. Momoe, at a party held al th e jl hom<* ol Miss Septen's uncle aiul I She was the widow of Alfred Al­ Alferetta Gilbert, Keyport. church’s Holy Name Society. breath and wore a tiara of match- ; They wit! reside in Ha/let lison. The Woolley Funeral Home, Long Mehn Surviving are his wife, Mrs. iaunt. Mr, and Mr>. Chester Kow- Mrs. Allison was a member of Branch, was in charge of arrange* A son was born in Soulh Amboy Maude Flizabelh (Camph‘'H) Neff; I aleski, 1 O Fincoiji St., Morgan. J Hannon. VS, of First Ave. Mata-] J»ten Ihe First Methodist Church. Mata- ments. . Hospital to M r. and Mr.s. Robert two sous, T homas J. Neff, Key- ; 6 | Mis.s Septen was graduated Iron; ; / wan, and Its Women’s Society of Mehn. Nolan Corner Rd., Mailboro. port, aud Leo M. Neff, at home; j ^ ^ ’ Ju ,-V 1 ^ was born in South Amboy ! Kevport High ScJiool, Class of I Ml, ; Christian Service. She alsu was a Gustave C. Meyer his mother, Mr.s. M ary Neff, Bel- ; I.>■>.{, at his hone*, ih e R e v Jaine.s \ Hospital to Mr. and .Mis. John Sten, and Berkelev S c1uk)I, F’asl Orange ' member of the Sons and Daughters Gustave C. M eyer, OS. of 29 M an­ Roberts ford; a brother, William J. Neff, ! H. Howell, pastor, olfinaied and • Abrrdren Rd.. Matawan burial was in .Midway Grceii Ceme­ of Liberty, Keyport., dalay Rd., Brick Township, died Mr. and Mrs. Cole Roberts, 71) Belford. and five grandchildren. ; Surviving are several nieces and Saturday, July 27, m Point Broad St., Keyport, are the parents tery uiuler the direction of the Be- Fisher nephews. ■ Pleasant Hospital. of a daughter, barn in South Amboy Archibald J. McNeill Idle Ftinetu! Home. Malawan. Mr. ;,IU| \]|s. Joseph Fisher, .It) Funeral- services were hold Wed­ Mr. Meyer had resided in Brick Hospital, Funeral services were held F ri- ; Mr. Haimnn ivas born in Scotland Stoneybrook Dr.. Old Bridge, are U I H l »S I s | h i « nesday afternoon at I p.m. in the Township two years and was a for­ day at II a.m. in tht; Bedle Fu- Neck, N C He was the son of tht.* the parents of a daughter, born m Redle Fu jw ^ h jijtyn e, Keyp|>rt,.with mer resident of.Cheesequake, Mad­ Guarino neral Home. Keyport, for Archibald : j^i ,. ,\)on/n and M argaret Han- St Pete i's Hospital. llie rtey; Frank F-. Sweeten, pas­ ison Township, where he had been Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Guarino, J. McNeill, /IU Poole Ave., Hazlet, j \jr Hanunn had lived iu Mat- \ .. . • tor of the First Methodist Church, a police dispatcher. He was retired !7 Morsel! PI., Old Bridge, are who died Iuesdav, Julv 2.1, I-W-J. nt [awan !!o vears and was a meinher 1 Morgentlueu Matawan, officiating. Burial was in 1957 from the Elizabeth Consoli­ the parents of a .son, born in St. his horni1. Private cremation fnl-I of t|„. Si-cnnd HanliM I'lu u rl! A son, John, was born in the in Holmdel. Cemetery.. , . . dated Gas Co. where he had been P e te r’s Hospital. lowed at the Rosehill Crem atory, j Su rv iv ,n,; a [l. h]S vvtf(, MfS Hospital Center, Orange, to Mr. and Mrs, .lohn Morgemhien, 31 DR. LOUIS I. PR ACER employed for 31 years. J,u Naih.m Manuel ■ r(> hftMood Hcach OPTOMETRIST Mrs. Florence K. Crocs, #4, for­ A daughter was born in St. thc late William and Klizaheth cuse. N .Y ., son of the lale .fm.-p(tand^Mr.s. Joseph llii-.kin». i>mh „f m erly of Keypori, died at the home Peier’s Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey (Kocrkle) Meyer. Mr. Meyer was aiul M argaret Mc’Nelll. He had liv- ; ,Maiawan. anil M rs. Ol.md.T Dark; I I v p j ! >°" ’- I1"' P-'r^'l-^ *>f •> Daily 9 A.M. lo I P.M. J on Sunday, July 28, 19KI. Mrs. Su rviving are his wife, Mr.s. Al l :orKin« ftorks. Nt-wark . ;l,ri»lhcr.<. I-Vanlt. Thoma* ami M an J ,I’.',,ltn ,V' S y , % J ' I ridavs 9 A.M. to 9 P M Crocs had made her home for the ma (Dixon) Meyer; a brother, Ad­ Slover ,<• Im.* ti>if.i Vlt-w I rt. << • . t, ...... 'IFitkin Itk ill Hospital.Md^tiit.il Surviving is his wife, Mrs, Clari- Hannon. Scotland N e ck ; Philip j Closed All Day W>dnr*d«ys past 10 years with another daugh­ olph W. Meyer, and a sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David Slover, Box be I (M ille r) M cN eill. | Hannon. Matawan. and Alex Han-j ■Saturday 9 AM . to 2 P.M. ter, Mrs. William E. Boerner in W ilbur Lutes, both of Linden, and 262, Pine St.. Old Bridge, are the Murqui* non, Irenton; four grandchildren. , North Plainfield. tw’o grandchildren. Ihe parents of a daughter, born in Mrs. Hubert Scank \ son was born Tuesday. Ju ly 30 W . Front St., and one gieat-grandchiid Mrs. Croes was born In llolmken, Funeral services were held Tues­ St, Peter's Hospital. F'uneral services were field F r i­ ! 2.1, in Riverview Hospital to daughter of the late Alfred B. and day morning in the Uelin Assem ­ 'Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Marquis, COifax 4-2020 day at I p.m. iu the Bedle Funer­ Uster Kdward IL Guntner Sr. Jane (Yale) Kelsey. She was lhe al Horne, Matawan, with the Rev. bly of God Church for Mr.s. Gladys i Seventh St., West Keansburg. A son was born in St. Peter’s Funeral services were held F'ri K e y p o rt widow of Frederick V, Croes. Chester W. Galloway, pastor of the (Marlin) Scank. -I!I7 l.incotu High­ day at a.m. from the Joan W Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. William 8 I Sue is emphiyed by Bell telephone Also surviving are two other First Presbyterian Church. Mala­ way, Iselin, who died 'iuesda.v, Mehlenherk Funeral Home, )!a/ief. Ihislnec Uster, 5 Robin Lane, Old Bridge. | Laboratories. Holmdel. Her fiance daughters, Mrs. J. Allen Matthews, wan, officiating. Interment was in July 21. BMW, at Rahwav Memorial to St. Benedicts Church. Hazlet.! N!r- aiul N1rs- M'ehael Hasinec. , . . • . / Huntington, L.I., and Mrs. Joseph Cloverleaf Park Cemetery, Wood­ Brown Hospital.■ Burial was in ... «!•.<• „Clovcr- . , whi-ri- a rtf|iii.-m hiKh mass was of-1 521 f’rosp.-ci Ave.. l.aurenee liar- j j 'V 1. ^'‘ri leaf Memorial Park. Woodbndge, Jn (or ]-iiward H are Ihe parents of a son, bom : ^ ' 1 rdun, I rantc, (. lass E . Wenzel, Freehold; a son, John bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Brown. FORMAL R. Croes, Keyport; I.'l grandchild­ 110 ilemley Ave., Old Bridge, are under the direction of the I homas t ;(liun-‘r sr., I’d, of TUJ BnKjksitle i ' n ^ot|th Amtxiv Hospital. i an(* ls serving m the U.S Abilin Martin* \rtm\ stationed at ( amp David, ; ren and five grcat-graiulchildren. the parents of a son, Iwrn in St. Joseph Costello I-im eral H o i i k -. Ise- ■ |-u jll.r Cllllr, |'(,u |,.|. „|„, d.ed I Md. ; Funeral services were held Wed­ Abilio Marlins. 64, of 47a Hall Peter's Hospital. lin WEAR •lni-,,t:,y. Ju lv l l , l'Mi.1. ui Mon-I . , , . . _ ,, N«) dale has been set for the i nesday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Ave., Perth Amboy, treasurer of Mrs. Scank had served as a sub­ tmuith M edical Cenier. after a lour I A (lau^hier was horn in Soulh lledle Funeral Home, Keypori. The the Portuguese Sporting Club, Jones stitute teacher for the Woodbridge ’ j Ambov Hospital to Mr. and Mrs \sedding. | TO HIRE i. f Rev. llenry A. Male, rector of St. Perth Amboy, died Sundav. Julv A son was born Friday, July 26, Township school system. She e/as Mr-, i . I ('os/ri o Vito, 777 Woodshore We^t, Atteiuling the engagement )>arly ; Mr (iimtner was born in Jer- , n , were: Mr. and Mrs Matthew Ham : Mary's Episcopal Church, Keyport, 28, 196.1. * 1961. in Monmouth Medical Center educated in Buffalo. N .Y schools i i i i i i ■> CuUwooil Beach. ( i k . He had lived in Bayonne W . S. W ALLACE officiated and inlerment was in to Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Jones, and in the normal school ther-. i 1 Kin. the Misses Barbara. Kath- | Mr. Martins was born in Por­ Ml vears and moved io lla/let a| Pulaski 12 Walnut St.. Keyport. She was a member of the Assem­ leen. aud Mary Septen, Miss Ven- i CLOTHING the family plot in Ccdarwood Ceme­ tugal and had resided in Perth year ago. He was a retired engin ' tery, Raritan Township. Amboy .'15 years, lie was employed blies of God Church at Iselin. a M r and Mrs Theodore Pul.i.ski. j Si'pten. Mi- and M rs lulivard | Hemenway i for the Sitcll Oil Co., Havonne Me* lad Boyi' FuraUUaai st the Philip Carey Manufacturing member of the Lady Foiesters of , B„ x ;!()-,(■ o ld Hr,dm. are thc I l.f-viai-. l-.d«ard l.evinc, Miss .Nan- j M r Cuntner « « ,i cuinnuou. anl patents of a son. hom in South A m - : ' V l.evinc. Mr ami Mrs. Kowal- j Mit* Alvlrah Pearce Co,, Perth Amboy. M r. and M rs. Robert Hemen- Am erica. Iselm. and the Colonia S h M t Miss Alvirah Pearce. 82. of Soulh way, 21.1 Nolan Rd., Morganville, chapel The wile of Robert Scank. ot St. Hrnedut s ( liur, h. i’,„y ||„s,„,;d. j r,ki. Mr. anil Mrs. John Septen,' Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Paul­ W. F rtat Si. >trp*rl Bound Brook, died Sunday, July are the parents of a daughter, born s|u. j native of Siantord. l)n* Surviving are his wife, Mrs An-' j Miss Flnuna Levine, Andrew Failla, > 28, 196.1, at the Foothill Acres Nurs­ ine (Rudash) Martins; three daugh­ m Perth Amboy Hospital. a former resident of Buffalo. ’N.Y. ’ i hd ni«lierty, Menlo Park; j iirandi-liildrpn. A son was born in Monmouth | z*nd William Flynn. nesday morning at the Muska Fu­ >- • nephew, Meade II. Pearce, Bay­ nlal Dr., M atawan. are the parents I l " o sons. Kobert S. Scank. I'ninn Medical ( enter on Tluisday. July j t'oable to alteml were Guy Lyon neral Home. Perth Amboy. onne and several cousins. of‘ 4 iton, born in Perth Ambov Mnlxiv Hos-Hos Hi-ai'li, and W illiam C. Scank, Kah- 2H. I!X»n, to Mr. and Mis. Ronald' and Miss Judith Raslani. Funeral services were held Wed­ way; a sisler, Mr.s. Carl Pauly, Births Wright. S Oakwood Di , Ha/let. Albert O. Welsman Jr, pilal. ' Reeves-.McCti# nesday morning al II a.m. at Ihr Johnsbur^;. N.Y.. and a brother, Albert O. Weismatt jr., 4fia Wood­ Mr. and Mis. F'arl W. McCue. Bedle Funeral II o m e, Keyport. Kotlak Km rrson Jansen bridge Ave., Port Reading, died M aori cr M arlin, Sir.il'' r i ile, Tlie Rev. Harry R. Pine, pastor of M r. and M r., Frederick Faner- 212 Ravine Dr, Matawan, nti- Saturday, July 27. IfMtt, at Perth A son wan born in Perth Amlxiv N.Y.; 25 grandchildren and three Mr. and Mri. Udo Jansen, 40aA I Calvary Methodist Church, official, so.i. a Liberty St.. M atawan, are nounre the engagement of their Am boy General Hospital. He had Hospital lo M r. and M n . Her nm l great-xrandrluld! co. Harbor Rd., Morganville. are the; ed, and Interment was in Green tin* parents of a daughter, horn rxr-rV been a resident of Port Reading Kojlak. I7i Shoreland Circle, I.aur- parents of a son. l*>rn Thursday, ; Grove Cemetery, Keyport. ence Harbor. John I. Nelson Thursday, Ju ly 2.1, I9lj;i, in Mon­ for the past 20 years and was em­ Ju ly 25, 1!>k1, m Riverview Hos­ 1 1- inic- r.ll services lor John T, mouth Medical Center, pital. ! Mrs. Stewart A ll ken ployed in Ihe engineering depart­ Zickler j Nelson, III. of ,'ISS Navesink Kiver Brockm an Mrs. Helen C. Aitken, 67, of 211 ment of Woodhridge Township. Mr, and Mrs. Lunrence Zickler, j Kd., Middletown, who died Wed- Kekenroda 1 Kenneth Terr. East, Middletown, Surviving are hw wife. Mrs. .VM Poole Ave., Union Headi, are , nesita\'. Jo lv -'I. IfMi.'l, in Peninsula A son ivas born in Pa tterso n1 A son was bum ill firs erview . M i la d y ’a died Friday, July 26, 1963, at her Elizabeth Weisinan; two daughters. Ihe parents of a dauRhlur, bum in j Hospital. Salisliuiy. Md . were held Artny Hospital, Fort Monmouth, on j Hospital on Thursday, Julv 2a, IfHi.'L home after a long Illness. M rs. Ail- Mrs. Phyllis Berney, Keyport, and Soulh Amboy llospilal. j Saturday al 2 p.m. in llie Worden itie.sdav, July 2J, BMW, to Maj. j io Mr. and Mrs. Je.sse Kckenrode, ' DO-IT-YOURSELF ken was born in Glasgow. Scot­ Miss Hazel Weismaii, Pori Reading; Funeral Home. Ited Mank. ‘lhe (R e t.) Robert Brockm an and Mrs. | Hi Lynn Blvd., Ha/.let. i HEADQUARTERS land. She wus thc daughger ol Ihe two sons, Albert and John Weis- Underwood Rev. William J, Mills, pastor of B um kinan, Ryan Rd.. Marlboro, i ' ! •*t lale James and Jessie (Dunbar) rnan, both of Port Reading; four A son was born Sunday, Julv 2.1, Lincroft Presbyterian Church, of­ ' ! 1-Tintek ; Let u i help you with tha W right. grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. I9f>3, In Monmouth Medical Cenler ficiated and burial was m Fair DIScluIIo j ,\[r and M ri. Stevi.*n { untek. sim ple bu ilding projftCtft, Mrs. Aitken came to this coun­ Klsie Miller, Stroudsburg, pa. to Mr. and Mrs. McArthur Under­ V|ev\ Cemeterv, Middle!own. j Mr. md Mrs. Anthony DiSciullo, ! Bayv-ew Dr.. I.aurent.f Haibor. I Build shelves, benclie* or try till years ago and moved to Funeral services were held Mon­ wood, 2M Marjorie St., Cliffwood. M r. Nehon died of injuries suf­ , BH Therese Ave.. Keyport, are the j are the parents of ii son, Ixxn! tables with workable West Middlclown from Kearny seven day n! 1:.10 p.m. at the Greiner fered in a head on collision on I parents ol a son. born Wednes- j Snnda\', July 21 l%.l, in South Am j Coast Lum ber. , , wo'll help Lane you. years ago. She W a s the widow of I Funeral Home. Woodhridge. Cre­ Route 1 Ft ui Maryland July 111. lie day, July 2-1, I'Xi.'i, in Riverview boy lloxpind A daughter was born Sunday. Slewurl Aitken. mation was at the Rosehill Cre­ was born in Newark, son of Mr.s. Hospital. Ju ly 2N, I WKI, in Monmouth Med Baslan Surviving lire a daughter. Mrs. ! m atory. Linden, Otilla ( I * e 1 e rson) Nelson, Congers, ical Center lo Mr. and Mr,. Carl Chrislopher A diughler was bore Sunday. Elizabeth Young, with whom she' N.Y., and the late John P. Nel- Alfred Ktillmcr ton Lam*, 72!) Clark St., Union \ son was bom Wednesday. July j July 2S, B^FI, in Riverview lias M A T A W A N lived; a brother, William 11.! •;iin, Mr. Nelson had lived in Mid Alfred KnJlmer, 7<>, of Crinr Rd , Beach :M, 3!H>J in Riverview Hospital to 1 piL-if lo Mr. «nd Mrs. Robert Has Wriglil, Union lleach, and four I dlelown II years and formerly re­ Morganville, died Sunday, July 2H, Mr. and Mrs. George Christopher, tan. M Amuiptdis Dr,, Ha/let. finiinlchiliiren. I sided m Union. lie wus a tech­ l!K»J. M r. Kullm er was born in'Ger- Torras If) ParU\ lew Dr., Ha/let. L U M B E R co Funeral servic es were held Mon-; ...... _ uii ian with Bendix Corp . F.aton C»erher many and had lived jn Morganville Mr. and Mrs. Victor Torras, Fhe l iiendly l umber Ytird dav al 11:31) n.m. al llie John F. 70JFlorence Ave., Umon Bench.’ ( vv ,'! Jl of the Lana M r. and M rs. Richard Gerber, f'lleger Funeral Home, Middle­ for 12 yenrs. He was n reiiied ma­ M IS S Ji;A ,\ H. M c C U L chinist. are the parents of a daughter, born ! >l»»ndix Square Club and Jenisalem Mr. .Hid Mrs. Patrick Lane, (j(iO IFI Bei'ra St., Keypori, are the Sufphin Ave. town. The Kev. Ilurland Durfpe, Saturday. Julv 27, \W:\, in Mon 1 I mlge of Masons, T roy, N. Y. Beers St., Har.let, are the parents Surviving are his wife. Mrs, parents oj a son horn Sunday. I daughter, Jean H.uriet, to Clifford 1 paslor o f Ihe Westm inster I’re.iby- mouth Medical Center. ; Surviving, in addition lo his mo­ of a son, horn Thursday, Ju ly 2fi, M ataw an Theresa (Schindler) Kullmer; two Ju lv JS, IJfiJ, in Riverview Hus j p w,n of Mr. and M ri. Cllf- i U-rlnn Church, MliMlclnwn. ollicliit ■ ; tlier, are his wife, Mrs FJvari IfW.'l, tn Riverview Hospital, daughters, Mrs. Lena McCarthy, 1 ford }•' P.eeves, im Atlantic Ave , f 5 6 6 -4 5 0 0 ed, Inlerm ent was In Arlington .Sullivan i (Kislow) Nelson; a daughter, Mr*. Mataw an ..^O inclcry, Arlinglon. Hoboken, and Mrs, Kdith Osier, A daughter was born Friday. Jn j John Kriska, Matawan. a son, Weldner . llenriksen Flemington: a son, John Kullm er, ly 2ti, BUI,I, in Rlv«*rview Hie.pilal ! I'heoihn e L. Nelson, who had jusl A daughter ’aas born in South A son was born Monday. Ju ly 'Ml. Franklin Williams Long Island, N .Y ,; one brother nml *o Mr. and Mrs. Fdw m d Sullivan. ; been discha ri'.ed from the U. S Amboy llospiiat to Mr. and Mrs. BHf.’l, in R iverview Hospital to Mt Franklin Williams, 71, of 33(! three sisters in Germany Plneknot Ave., Ha/!et. j Na<, v and teas with Jils f.ither nl Jnhii Wetdiwr, BI Wemly Dr., Old mid M rs. Ole llenriksen, SO A Third Ave., Long Branch, tiled Funeral services were held W i‘d ! the Iittie uf the accident, and n Bridge Lloyd Hd., Murganvllfe I.angenbach S t u d i o s Sunday, Ju ly 28, 11X13, In Moimiouili ne.sday at 7:.’It) p in . at the Lav ■ 1'iMtidson. Medical Ccnlor. Mr. Williams was Funeral Home, Kevport, with the Mr. . and Mrs. Cotiielius famgert . Redd Della Zarina nr (i*nvht I RetUl, itorn In Je rs e y City where In; for­ Rev. Henry A, Male, rector of St. ihach, V!) Wood St., Keunsbuij*, an John It, Hannon Mr. imd Mrs. John A ;ton was born Friday, Ju ly CANDID WEDDINCS A SPECIALTY merly resided. M ary'H Kpisuopal Chuich, K e y - 'th e pinciit* ol a sun,. burn . Fri. r f'uneral serviccH were held Moo Creigh/on (.'irrle, Old Bridge, arc' BJII.'C in KlverWew Hospital to Mr I'liD. in V-lvervlew dav afternoon in the SeconfF Baptist I the parents of. a daughter, born In aid Mn. John Della /anna, Slime! Ilo was a postal Inspector anil port, officiating, Cremation was at jday, July 2H, i i*.main si. rni. co k i :y i h »k i hid lived In I ong Brunch a year. the ttnsehlll Crematory. Linden. S Hospital. Church, M atawan, fur John K ,| South Ainl>oy llospilal, Rd., Union Beach, i fcof* light THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. j. Thursday, August T, 1963

Kcyporlcrs Act As Crew To Bring Yawl, “Seacombcr,” From Florida Mary's collapse completely, Coacli Holy Family Tops i George Marsh's St. Joseph's nine Last C hance For A . C. still would have an outside chance. Ue)j (7) r I St. joscph’s 7-0 | 2b 1 1 Holy Fam ily, Unif-n Beach, and j X. Low rt 3 1 Vs. Tirem en Sunday UeA’ita. rf 0 0 St. Joseph's. Keyj>ort, nines met i w. l^i»Khn. lb 1 9 Mal«w*n A.'C. is due to piny Ihe I’rttlioM Tow ninii ^t in M* i j . i r l v , r « 1 the Noithern Monmouth County 1 k'! r i i t e l l a . 3fc 0 • Red Bank Tire team, Jersey Shore Mortarty, If t/iiv>. it 1 1 LMKUC leaders, at Keyport High Ft. Kane, u C YO League al «take. With tm'.y M. Kf!i«v, m 9 • field Sunday in a gam e that is a Frost, c three games ’eft for each U am . I' Jrnth, p Ellison. 3b one had ro make nay for the other: muit-win lor the Matawan players. D. Glum, r V T 9 A 5-4 defeat at the hands of the G. Ca*hion, lb to be challenger to St. V .'.iy ’s. ll. <•) Whille. rt New Monnumth, now leading the! Freehold Townsmen Saturday set WJIIiJtnft, rf. lb i l r I the A. C. Iwo ginies behind lhe C. Glum, i t league. ' T Mra*h. U 1 • « (•tji'MU. rf 3 I* Tiremen in (he second half race. (•cifer, cf, rt Holy LVcm'lv iras Jhr \ictor 7-f)r S*/\ ui !t 3 awan team out of the running. Srurr by Inning*: stood the sultry heat betfer th a n 1 Will, V a o H. H:i»wn. ;*b s « The A. C. play«d Sunday also, Matnwan A. C. W.'01 IM2--4 lht S r Joseph’s moumlsman K(»n- 1 Frethuhl TinvnAimn 2W® tfiwx—5 C, c 3 Belmar Knights at Cliff- n;e l)aM (l. Jones hurled bis best; tlrvpui, J|i a • 0 wood Ave, field when a downpour ;:ame of the season, lioiding the V.rhe't»r»i>, tf 2 made KHS field muddy. Leading Ke\port parish team to two hits. 22 * 3 a comfortable 3-1 margin wilh Cliffwootl Lead Hmkie \U»riar:iy, behind (he bat, ' D ave Gregory in good form, the cut St Joseph’? runners on A . C. was at bat w ilh a man on bases mi u *ll nut a man got to Cut fn Softball th : d. base in the fourth inning when a IHttVl -IN 1 Hf ATRf ■ WAY\-MOC tecond downpour washed the ac­ Cliffwood “ 3f>” soflballers hung Holy f am ily pc-ckcd away at tion out for good. The game wiii on lo iht lop rung of the Jnterboro Da\iti's »'f!» iings ‘roni !he- siart TODAY ninu SATURDAY have to be replayed. Hub R an kl’s League last Sunday by a scant half 'I h r L7ri‘o;{ fo.-ach team “ 'orv-d ,n Henry Fonda double with the bases loaded in the game margin despite a double win tia- l:isl. Stan V».)!ini)Aikt. Ium Maureen O'Hara first gave the A. C. their futile by *be runner-up Pt. Monmouth up ;:i th-’ ; aira-. j-ot a hit. Ld 1-* w- iPI-NCER’S MOUNTAIN" lead in this one. nine. Slats Gallagher pitched a andnv.sk: walked. A liekh-r’s t'hivce — plus — In Freehold no such downpours no-run no-hit victory for P I. M on­ adv.im ed them, then Malinowski- John Wayne, in occurred and the Townsmen got mouth over Colts Neck. Shrew s­ seined on it wide throw for a pick- “RIO BRAVO" Iheir game in with lhe Rod Rank bury kept in the running by down­ of; [iiav to ihnd. • MIDMTt: BONUS team. It was Red Dunk nil the ing Neptune 8*2. I'he Cliffwood One Run Per Inning team got rid of one dangerous rival Friday and Saturday way behind Burnie Cooke even Holy L ain d y vwi’i along one rt.n when Oceanview's Al Luddy pulled -SAVAGK INNOCKNiS" though Keyport High’s Billy Geiger per inninp. In the seiond, Mickey a two-hit upset shutout against Leo ­ STARTS SUNDAV kept thc sturdy Tiremen batters Lnnis ya\ a hu. M a n y Ke-nner : nardo Field Club. “CALL ME BUANA” down to six hits In seven innings. sacrificed him along, and Jo n e s' With It was $ 2 Against Freehold when The “ 35" .wftbaJJers held Long helped his oun j'itine along w ilh . Bob Hope Geiger left the mound in the sev- Branch Coast Lanes safe for a 7-3 a double. ' and Anita Bkberg talh . victory on the shore team a dia­ H illy Langan's hij» bat finished - Plus — M eM EiUMtim Gama mond Sunday. The Cliffwood nne Sl, Joseph's rdf the rest <«f the wav. “BEAUTY li THE BEAST" He had worked a 3 2 victory over put together a W lead before the I.eft to right, Carl Holmes, l.errty Stultz, and Harvey Smith, all of i Keyport, for Charles W. Moore of Delray Heach, a former Keyport In the top of lhe third, Joe De V;ta ; Pltasantville in an exhibition game Long Branch batters could reach Keyport, nre pictured on board the “ Seacomber,’' a 44-foot yawl-rigged, ’ resident. The yawl ha* been moored at (lie Pedersen Marina on West got a walk. Langan crashed out under the lights the previous Wed- thc “ 35" pitcher, Ted Soltys, in the motor sailer, which they helped bring up from Delray Heach, Fla., to , Front St., Keyport. a double, bul Sl. Joseph's made ; Mtday, so Dim Cashion, Freehold third. I'he Cliffwood pitcher surviv­ Iheir best play ol tne day when a Three Keypurters and a former Thereafter, it was a blue water sail which was described ns f;dl of jelly fen. Hie crew had iheir best lib- 1 manager, decided the youthful Key- ed the bombardment to hold the telay cut d^iwn be Vita al the Keyport resident comprised ihe io Charleston, S.C., which was to-fish, and into Pamlico Sound to i ,,r« v j„i,, i o1#, Norfolk! opposition in check the rest of the plate. Mot it was all m vain when) sorter had had enough mound duty crew of the yawl “Seacomber" be Iheir firs, p,rt nt ,,M j A.hermarjc Sound. Had the hest j ^ N' rh ,k for one week. Danny Bahr, the Mid- way. an error on Munarity's rap let 1 which recently completed an 11- Under Tower, Sail ; sail of the cruise un Albemarle i _ ! Two runs in the first set up the Langan score. ; dklown Ace who ones had a tryout day ocean run from Delray Beach. 1 he Seacomber, under power, nnd j Sound where (he Seacom ber w as! People at the Norfolk Club fu - f wilh th e I yawl ik owned and skippered by Gulf Stream most of the way to I ‘fhe crew decided to tie up over-( the n^ h l niJ charge and the* wax the first time Bahr had pitch­ walked and stola second. Acie Cot­ Wiilked and I.anjian whacke'd out! the former Keyport resident, Oiarlrit,in Alter an overniKht stop j night in lili/abfth City .luly 3. in-j o l.w # ,.1Klk. : ed in a year and a half, lie was trell flied out* but George Jaco bs lu.s sece>iul tloultle to bring in the . Charles W. Moore. in tu t old South Carolina city, June i stead of attempting the rim through ..... ! ahelted by the powerful Tiremen. hit safely, Ray Cislo scoring. Ja ­ run. hi (he top of the sixth, the hea' ; Making the cruise wilh the own­ ?:), the second leg of the trip was lhe Dismal Swamp tu Norfolk ;i( ; ' ’ut "h tc h the club was sponsoring ; Before quitting (he game, Geiger cobs took second on thc throw to g»)( David, he lost ronirol, hitling er were Car/ Holmes, Leroy Stultz another ocean run paM Cape Fear, night, 'lhe following day. the Sea-] on tht holiday, had broken out of his batting thc ptate and ambled home on Jones with a pitched ball and walk- •' and G. Harvey Smith, all of Key­ N.C. to Morehead Citv, N.C., July comber sailed up the waterway! On July b, (he Seacomber pm Gerry CovelPi Texas • Leaguer. ing Lewandou.ski and l)e Vita. Rich slump with a triple. port, and Walter Hertz, of Delray 1. The crew described the port as through lhe Dismal Swamp whic h | <(„j from*Norfolk shortly after mx Witt replaced him on lhe mound, Manager Cashion announced Gei­ Outburst Ended m pl;>ce to st*;ir clear of unless you Beach. “ Pappy" Stull* served as the crew described ns heavdy : -un. for the run diieci'ly to Key- but Langan crashed out another g er would not pilch next weekend Kay Eulo started lhe second for like fi.sb and nothing ^Ue. chief cook and bottle washer wooded along the banks of the nar- nort, running outside past Mary- hit lo bring in the* runs to put the Hi Freehold’s games at belmar and the ” 15" team by bunting safely. aboard the sailing yacht which On July 2, the Seacomber left row w aterw ay. j Jam! and LVlaware. The Seacomb- game out ol lhe Ke>poi( learns Lo n s Branch but probably w ill Bill Jouvin also bunted and a try has dei.sel auxiliary power. Morehead City, en route tu Norfolk, Negotiate Look* j *-r cleared Capr Mav shorilv after reach. itch against Matawan A. C. at to get Eulo at second was late, R The Seacom ber put out of Delray Va., via the Intercoasial Waterway, On this leg of (he voyage, they ; k a.m. Julv K and iounded' Sandy Hedy Family plays St. Rose, of ayport Aug. IK both runners being safe. Bob Rob- i taken at this point lo avoid going sailed up tht* Dismal Swamp Canal ! Hook al 3:3(1 a.m. July 7. ' nt noon. June 26, and cleared the Lima, Freehold, Sunday, Coach in son was hit by a pitch, loading around Cape llatterus. The Se*- and negotiated iwo locks, the firsr In the Matawan * Freehold game inlet at Palm Beach sho iily after 'lhe Searoitil>er presently is Frank Ryan is hopeful of victory Saturday, Dave Gium was the win­ the bases with none out. On a three o'clock the same afternoon. comber ran out (he Neuse River, South Mills Lock, h.ts a lift nf t*Va . ni(Hirt.(| m (Vdenen's new marina i over St. Mary's (he following week squeeze bunt, Eulo was forced at ner for the Townsmen and Fat rn West From St., Keyporl. Mr as (lie league leaders have losl the the plale. Jouvin scored when Cot­ Briezniak dropped the mound de- Moore, and his wife and daughters redoubtable Ron Geary. Should St trell grounded to short. Robinson ctemi for the A.C. Gregory came le a g u e Meeting phtn (o cruise Long Island .Sound was tagged trying for third. Ja ­ la in relief in the fifth, but it was Freehold Raceway Opens Saturday; during Ihe summer. loo late. Freehold picked up two cobs popped up, ending this out­ Members are urged to attend a runs in the first. Rog Kane hit burst. regular meeting of the Raritan- M fely with one out. lit wai forced But Cliffwood wns right back At Holmdel League Monday at Molnar Returns To Driving Sepl. 26 tar M y Froit. Bob Ellison then Dorsey Odom, Long Branch pitcn- the Palmer Lounge, Palmer Ave., additions of a modern totalizator WMcktd out a home run to score er, in lhe third. Covell led off with a West Ke.msburg. Managers, coach­ regular racing season Saturday and l*>Rtd and Iasi word in photo pn- Fraat ahead ol him. hit, stole second and took third on es and umpires are requested lo is authorized lo run to Oct. 12. This trol and expanded air-conditioning attend the meeting since the cur­ II HM c * OM a wild pitch. Soltys singled home constitutes the longest regular sea­ in the grandhtand. havt* ^iv en |->re- O N E W E E K Malawan'a first scoring chance rent season il drawing lo a close. GAm OttN 1 OO f M -MOVK5 Ar DUSK Covell. Cislo then clinched it for son the track has had. for il wa* hold mcnagemenl cause for h ro­ |.|k< ,-rf !l^ 1*1' «•,(* (*»_’ U S X in thc third, Larry Tomasello Cliffwood with his second homer of hmiied (o M) days prior to 1%2 and sy forecast. “ We feel we will han- M off with .'i hit. Bill Volta fanned, thc year scoring Soltys ahead of last y w r wan given 10 extra days die $1,1)0(1.000 for a single pro­ WED. THRU TUES. feat Brze in ia k walked, Tomasello him. only as a way of raising money gram on more than one occasion itAt tSt Ev» t l’.M. Bayshore 13s 3*0 i Iti# Um dw) ri Lt.J*ha T. Hcnna^r'i f*i*f to second. Otey Wathinglon to aid thc state in storm damage •it tha coming meeting," was thnr All (his cam e none too soon for fi ino«5iLlt atJwntjti m tht South PxffiC1 fru nded to short and Tomasello Coast Lanes roughed up Soltys in relief. But the innovation proved < ommttti. SAT. MAT. - 2 P.M. waa forced at third. Billy Collins thc bottom of the third. After a sin­ Over Freehold sufficiently successful that the man­ A agn New’ Je r s e y ’s only r i s t K i r I P.M . IhM lofted a long drive to cen'rr- gle and a bunt, Bob Kransch tent agement applied for a regular M harness track smashed all handle 1 fleW that Geiger gathered in for Baysliore entry got aw ay to ?. In Technicolor in a first Long Branch run on a stirring start in the Babe Ruth (lay stand and was awarded it by ; an,i i.iiendarui- standards (ur a Wi­ SUNDAY th* final out, cutting off two A. C. squeeze play. Slow fielding on an the St at*? Racing Commission. j day session. I'lii* plan I d icw 'IMI.'H! n a a . Tourney fur 13-year-olds Monday, 'niiiKOBiKim'av^' Cm . } . i - I infield hit filled the bases anew. The extension of days nl the end | customers who wajieied $2.r).lf)l!ihl. But iht Matawan team drew defeating Freehold at Freehold 3C Bob Beatty then singled home two of the season will be a bounty to j ’I he average* were impressive too, || -.«• 'SHOCnCXIT >T BIG SAG' tie** in the top of the fourth. Mic­ behind the plants of F.ric Hiehl. more runs for Long Branch. one M afawan High School grad- - wilh f»33J) pairons per day wagei- key Briscese doubled and Bill Mc­ There are 63 teams in the tourney Coast Lanes posed another threat uate. George M olnar, Chee.'suquake, ing S4HM'II* per card. On the first THE MTERNATIOHM Cormick walked, Rankl singled, fill­ with the Brick Township-Lakewood in (he fourth when an error, a safe at ihis time an MP at Ft. Bliss r Saturday of Ihe meeting. I3.1MKI B o b , Anita ing the bases. Charlie Wathington winner the next foe for bayshore, buat and a single loaded the sacks with thc armed forces, but out* for ; fans risked S7.W.71&, a high in ACCLAIMED WT I filed to right, Briscese scoring af­ Biehl locked in n ico-..eless pitch­ with none out. It took a great play an honorable discharge Sept 2.V eaeh depat tme nt. ter the catch. Tomasello popped ing duel with Freehold’s* Bud Lap- H o p e E K b e rs to pull Soltys out of this one. M olnar was one of the leading d riv­ out, but bill Votta was hit by a pn. Biehl, who allowed only one Don Rolierts. a 35-year-old Maine OMKYl r 1 MUCK S THC Kraanch lined a hard shot lhat Cis­ hit, had to pitch his w ay oul of a ers at Freehold. Fox bom, Vernon pitch, filling the bases again with born racing, man, will assume the t O / V 0 6 8 T lo defected but could not hold. But “ hole" in the bottom of ih* fifth Downs and Hrandywine hefeue h is 1 lin ing M-i ie ta ry ’s {>ost left vacant cattMeBwaifl two out. But Dave Glum bore down (Hi hmt. t-V. Cottrell swooped in to grab the de­ DAY lo. fan Brezeznrak and retire th^ thnt resulted from Bayshore er­ induction two yenrs ago. He had j ),y ,ju. passm g'of Bill Yocum, lie <*«rti ■ a period of leave during which he fide. flected ball to step on third for an rors. f ‘ iirihas c arranged f«*r an outstanding ‘ drove at Freehold last year 'Ihis The A . C. chances were gone. unassisted double play. This took In thc top of the sixth, busier program of rates and re-ports thaf year he is saved by the extemion '»i& m ssissiT In Freehold's bottom of the fifth, ell the starch oul of Coast Lanes Hatismann led off wilh a double all Slid sl a IK will be Piled. und they m eekly went down in or­ on the racing season, e an drive- for r n r r candy w in Kane was safe oji an error. Frost and took third on a wild pitch. Special Race On Wednesdays der thereafter. (he la.sf three weeks of Freehold'.1, rwaRfiuMD — COM INC — tfwibled and Ellison tripled in a John Kurm a fanned, but Chip Ger- IMtt '(l-wcek seasnn. A S.’>t'Ml invitational race* w.l! JERRY LEWIS po w . When Dave Glum singled Cliffwood scored another run in an wan hii by a pitched boll. Haus- wi[>f.riWM)Ao / Molnar moved directly from Mat­ feature e\ety We*dneselay of the "N U IIT I’ltOI.” home the third run of (he inning the seventh on hill C onw ay’s hit mann was cut down trying to score awan High io racing and he was a me'elcip in August and the six-sec- lor Freehold, Gregory cnme in lo and Eulo’s safe clout into right on Frankie Shaw’s grounder, (Jeran name? lo reckon with even hefeue (t«>n hi^tot u al pacing sei ;es will he- pitch for Matawan. Ilarv Whilie field. going io second. .Mike Sios.s walked, he had worked of! his feppienticr g;iu on Sept. 7 wilh the “ Lafayette forced Dave Glum. George Glum “35” team will play Monrnouih loading the bases with two out, stamlin}*. Pare.” This seiies will be ejimaxed aingleri, sending W hille to third but A. C., Highlands, Sunday at )1 Tony La Conte then (tame through e»n jieiiiwiiv day Oct. 12. by lhe $10,- Horse Breaks Record was out himself trying for second. a m. at Cliffwood Ave. field. wilh n three-bagger for the Hay- (i(K» Molly Pitcher Pace. shores, scoring three runs, hnd While Molnar is absent, a Molnar G rego ry ther. ended the Townsmen fn between the "Washington” will settling the game. Hiehl missed a uprising by fanning Geiger. horse has h»*en a record breake r on hr* held on Sepl. 14. the “ Hattie of Parents' Night For no-hilt cr when Freehold’s Truck iff,* ;,/Hth mile new Liberty Bell M atawan scored again in thc Monmouth" on Sept. 21. the “ Old Richardson hit safely in the bottom , (rack in Philadelphia. Harold Dan- iixth. Rankl doubted and Charley I’ennenl” on Sepl. 2k and lhe “ Spir­ Pop Warner Players of (he sixth, but the county n a te rs , rer jr . Holmdel. has been dhvinj: Wathington walked with one out. it of "7ti.” on Oct. 5. Tomasello singled, scoring Rankl, hadItn/I ni. no chancerhim.w to score |K)rs(. H;inl)V,.r pri) | | a n . Matawan Township Pop Warner but Wathington wus caught off base FU'sh«'ff n» 13) over likely will remain at (he Phil- Labor D ay will be headlined by Parents* night will be held Friday Ihe 55000 American Pace while the on the relay. Votta fanned, ending V « o !*ldelphia tnu'k until the season at K p.m. at the Cliffwood Firs? opening-day feature is the Inaugur­ whnt could have been u good A.C. CJrrjui. 2 t 1 n ‘ ‘ .es. then -a i II put in appe-ar.ince chance. Aid Building, Prospeci Ave. This Sh;, . Ih J } t> Freehold. udJ have a al Pace. The third annual Old Tim­ will be the final meeting before Ssr.vr. )f. r ) 1 r> ers’ Day will be held this year on * The Matawaners gave the Free­ ad" ol ITi horses stabled at the family picnic Aug. IS and (he l..iC<.- It. . .<■’11 0 * 1 If ‘J. <> Sepl, 3. Invitations w ill be extended start of practice. The board of going down Tor the last out in the K",m < *. . ) (i (i er of which is Chin Whiskers, n shortly on Hujdiic Bell, Harle Av­ directors urges all parents and Sriu,t)» c! J <•a ery and Paul Vineyard, among aeventh. Gregory led off with a hit. 0 .stakes hom* ail the way. others interested tn attend. HH'n. Ji ei*hers. The occasion is the only Otey Wathington popped up, hut It.ni' m.tr. 1, H > 2 Danrer ir. is iiuoiher driver nlui The coaching staff has Announced one of its kind in Ihe United Stan-s. Collins also hit .safely. Iiriscese moved mto fame in harness raeinf: the first practice will be- held Sun­ £ 3 First post time for the 10 race;: then crashed out a triple that scor­ when ordy a year out. of high I r * • h«>Id iJl (•) daily will be 2 p.m. with daily dou­ ed Gregory and Collins and left ihe day, Aug. II, at the Cliffwood Little fcl> h school. He was so j:nod at hascliail League Field. Any boys who havi* r Cl ble windows- .shuttering 15 minutes lying run on third with one out. a at Red Hank H i;h lhat big league- not signed up m ay do « li scouts souitht to induce him io turn ^ iir.st practice. )! here by bearing down lo fan Mc­ M ff ili If 1 (< ti tn the elMinoiul {.*ame. but tiie- tra- ' Cormick and end the game on Ran* t> !r , t ! if*-t •i. 31 ■ ;< e 1 “.m .i . c > ditiem sej by ins father, Harold Tiremen Fade From i l 's foul fly. «l Blackbirds Callout I -«ir>'‘n. p 2 ( a sr.. and his nm les. Stanley a n d 1 The Matnwan team will fnce a w^ni'in. il- « Ve rnon Dance r, guided him into Semi-Pro Tourney nigged assignment at Manasquon Klliiil, rt /« n W. SrniOi, it 1 e n Saturday before meeting Red Bank Red Bank Tire, champions of a call for registration for tho K e y ­ I ’cis, ii 1 Dancer nml M olnar will find in the vital one at home Sunday. . , the Je-rsey Shore* League, cam • to M a lin in A. C. («) port Blackbirds Saturday 10 a.m. 4 ii i competition tougher at Freehold j tht. (.mj wf j/,,. rofl(j Saturday in •k r h to noon in the rear of Keyport High Ne-e«rr ty Inntrr*: Ihis ye ar for such notables m ’ hai Ihe N. J. Slate Semi-Pro Tourney O W»thin£Uin, 3b 4 • (> School. Boys f)-13 can register, ll Muvshort (..ie ness racing as Fddie Cobb, Jim m y it Red Bank. They lost a final W. Collins. 21) 4 1 1 i:i« f-OC JOiserse, rf 4 1 2 is desired fathers accompany thc Crui-e\ Jen- Denm.s .sr. and the Ab- j round gam e to Htnerson-Wcslwood McCormick, if 3 0 ff boys. There wi)) be 70 posts open batie llos, lony and C armen, of the ; s.-j ;,nfj n jj |f}P iu jjp sen»*pro Umiht, r 4 1 2 on the two teams, the Midgets cons C. Wnthlnjctnn. M 1 0 0 Fal First Workout Yonke-n - Room-veil circuit plan t*» , championship which would have 1* Tnrmtsfllo, 11 2 (I 2 nnd Ihe Pee Wees. A ny boy who spent! a lot mme lime at thr conn- j cut it led them to battle it out again Yotui, io a o o wants to play but cannot meet Boys who have plnye-d with Ihe* tys. at oval this season than last , w iih the N . Y. slate champions fiuzivuink, f 1 0 0 the registration dale should have Lakons. even (hough living over ye-.ir. vs hiU* su< h Freehold re gulars Cicfory, p III' for ihe right lo represent this area bis parents give notice, calling Ihe Matnwan Iownship line, are* as the M yer brothers, Alan. Wil- of the country in the nationals at 264-3078 after 6 p.m. eligible to continue to play with ham and Paul. Robert Farrington, Wichita, Kan. the borough team. Bob liuen/, .Mannon Kobmson. R ay Llh rman. Pole Bennett, Matawan. who join­ assistant coach, stated Tuesday and I Par! Wagn»T h ik ! Danny Murphy ed the Red Bank team last year are welcome (o report for fhe lal- i ali ’.wil be back for “ duty, just before the tourney and was a MANALAPAN COUNTRY CLUB cons first practice at ihe old Mata-; Drivers From Saratoga prime factor in their getting a trip wan High field on Broad St. I! pm. I |iu.rr wi|| he- twe> new drivers lo the nationals, had his low day Saturday. Also boys from the ad- roming cIoam from Saratoga Race- of...... the. . season...... with the...... Tin-men, joining area of the township tan y^iy w ilh plenty of horses, Lou Ra- \ failing to hit in four time-s up, 18 Hole report a first time for ihe* I alcons. ^ j*t,n. and Dave Howard. ’Ihe Hats | Don Rooney and Fd Henderson Loren/ adds lhal if rain should . tj,,miIIjn,. «,/•» nc* nt Saratoga I pUched for Red Bank, A misplay wash out the first practice* Satur m Angnvi. so these harness drivers | on a ground hit into the* outfield 10 RACES DAILY AUG. 3-OCT. 12 day, the drills will then siarl Mon are more' Hum content lo come to j got the Tiremen off (o a hud start Championship day fi: 15 p m. Freehold, a track (hat will offer • in the* first. The Fm erson team ran the onlv paiimuluel betting avail- i their advantage to 4 0 In the* fifih able to Ihe daytime horseplaver in I when Renmey tired, walked Hum POST T IM 2PM .> DAILY D0UBU 1:45 Jersey Shore League the nu*tro|)oliliin area until Acjue- nod ‘ was replaced...... by Henderson Golf Course duct reopens the fajit week in Aug- Red Schas.sler, fwner.son WesIh(*od America’s Oldest Harness Race Track . .. Ah Conditioned Grandstand Bnd . Fully Irtlfihi’il- r.iixiiffr: Mccni j usi. pilcher, clinched bia own game Preehold Racew ay laum lies Its with a hit to make it 4 0. Ri.staurant Tscililie* . , . Plnnty ot P^rMng Space . . . Trillion Sliow Eveiy IMMEDIATE FLAY . NO WAITINO Mill Rank Tlr* O. f .M/oinpcnmn A C. * j meeting wilh increased betling fn- George Oill hit ■ two-bagger wilh Tln/rsdny (Ladies' Day) «l 12:30 P.M., LsUips Admitted Ttce. Admission l.llllllfll Bll.llllif m l on (lonlf; ,ril'7, f u s t MCI l/i o f Hrim/ir K / iir/ U s } c l e*j)iiies, enlarged parking capacity iwo on and twn out in the eigh(h’:o 11.20. Rr'?.rrv;ilions: Call HOpkins 2-3800. Miners under 16 not admillitl. M ; il, t x\*» H i um |> J A M A ’i u | ngemenl has htgi* hopes of beating ’ ut But Bennett grounded for •millnble.an"i'iuIj!**!*1,1 * Mottle J.'), ,'l lllill!H iv d s I ( 1/ H it: I'l l I tr»'.mid T h a n rn e n I NrM Sieliirehv'i Silicil l liisl year's record handle and id-| the Ihird oul. j lilies' Day tveiy lliursilay • Ladies admitted fite • tasliion Shew at 12:30 P.M. R*o*en fee Circlv, I'Muhahl, N. /. I'iis)/ 111.11 fmm IA \7 A til He <1 Hunk •endance al the session. j : In June I, m j , Hfltnm Hotitc 9, Clflri/i.’M Slulc (exit ll’.'ij tnxl M iCiiAiiu iit MiiniiM|ii,in Ihe nahou'.s oldest harness horse ; Teen-iigers should not he permit-^ fJr«#n Ffnitj ’ Siuieln\'•> Sellf-etol»- Irnrl, has added -ll1 new helling 1 led to suffer growing pains behind j Jt.TSBy Turnj)i)<» JI ft II) I,ci,r. l(t il Ili'itH iit M .it iv ' im $.1., I - < 1 n Ut I i.l IAMA booUis m iwo div Mons atui e*:pimd- (he wheel. Pnrents have an nhligiM FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY limn JOniinulfts tlriue lo coium’. nl ihe pjiil'.iii}’ lacililii H to handle-Pon bolh lo (heir children and tm tiium. ond J(rir>i.i i nl M iinii>.i i■ i,>n Whore HoutC 1 9 moots Houtu 33 MM/ rm s. « ftgtjre lhal evceeds lhe public lo make wire Dial tern- Holidtt);* For ftul/ier ihneifw jifione,* If yon lie cel prin’ in” *>f hn\ rapacity al such it plan! of liar- ' .*m s have ncinilred proper atli- ilO pfiliis 2-40JJ (urco cotJu 201) hind, we nre hen* te> *.e i ve you. mss litrinj' ns Yonkers Riiciuvny lludei;, rrsponslhlllly and Judgment Our epiuk M'iv m c nml reoi.oonblc A<)d To(all/a(or Board I before nllowing llieni to use lhe p/ices wil) p)ia.‘t you. These jmpuivemi'nts, p!u>; lhe i family cur on their own. Thursday, August 1, 1963 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Page N in*

horses a rc goinjt to be in for a Race A l Stadium real "try'’ that day, any horses PLAID STAMPS GRATIFY YOUR DREAM OF GIFTS! SAVE CASH AT A*P AND... L O O K I N G who have been pulled or held bock prior days to ’‘spring” or For Trenton Bid horses on which a “smart mon­ I T O V E R ey” syndicate has made up a Old Bridge Stadium should see pool. Hut the only trouble with Ihe keenest rati, of (he year Sun- all these undercover hi range- «l«y as the N A SC A R d rivers com ANOTHER MATAWAN FOOT­ meats, all these ''tips,*’ is that the irml in a qualifying event for plao B A L L E R AT PO T O M A C STATL-:. horse cannot be in on them. He #*§ in ihe wp sports cur racing Coach Sun (Tuffy) ftaker. Key­ m ay show the best of foim in cvunt of the season, the Trenton port, who has a pipeline for his workouts, but if he feels can­ championship event the afternoon gridders at (he campus where lhe tankerous at race time, does not of AllJ!. 18. colorful D. G. (Horse) Unigh turns want to run. ail the arrangem ents R ain washed out racing at the out rugged collegiate elevens nl the humans have made for him are futile. The saliva tests balk Browntown oval Sunday. This was Ktyser, West Va., reports that the use of d rills on thr horse lo Mil the same to Dick K irb y, Key- hc has been able to recommend iniike him run. 'I’he better device porl, and Johnny Gouvoia, White Billy Mabbitt, a backfield man for Mains, J!.Y.t his driver, for their Matawan High three years back is lo "pull" a favored horse, have fhe jo ckfV fry fo prevent him No. 10 was wrecked on a middle pnd more. Mabbitt got oul of a { {>»!!■ turn at Islip, L.I,, Saturday, when three-years trek in the armed ier-j from running when ho wants to and hopt* ihe stewards do not M*e they were holding third place in vices last month and then consult* j the horse being ' ‘pulled’’ when he a 100-lupptT. Gouvciu was seeking ed the Keyport grid mentor on the ! avoid a pile-up on the turn when chances of getting placed at Poto- j wnms to win. But this negative “ SUPER-RIGHT” NA7URAUV-A6€D way of fixing a race does the tip a driver circling wide on the turn mac Slate, even though Ju ly is a sheet purveyor little pood in get- ought him in the rear. rather late month for applying to) tin;; information with which to Hut this Sunday both No. 16, net into college. Mabbitt did not i k'ep his (ustomcrs happy. f‘>r with Goijveifl at the wheel, and No. want to miss a year. He was ac-j they want tf) know about win- 201, with Kirby at the wheel, will cepted and now is with Charley } iH-ifj, not !o«-crs. 'lliis froi-dom answer the starter's whistle to run Garafano, star of the 1M2 M aro o n 1 from w orrym r about getting for one of the four places at T ren ­ anil Steel forward wall, in summer j ''tips” is on.- of the hv.smih -.shy ton open to Old Bridge drivers. course work at the Keysnr institu-! undurover gambling on bas»*- BEEF SALE! There will be two sportsmen and tion. 'lhe acceptance of these two; ball or the numbers games with two modified qualified for Trenton M atawan graduates was influent.* • j bookmakers vastly e\tecds the from the irack at Hrowniown out ed by th ; regard held for the | amount ol wagering in legally l»l a field of about 45 starters. memory at Potom ac State ol the ffegilar maintained pari-mutuel betting Dalknbuch Out In Front luti* Robert Deitz, a student and S t y ii 5 9 : at hoiserace tracks. RIBS •’ BEEF ' H r m : M hlete and graduate of Matawan At Wall Saturday, Wally Dallen- High who created a moil favor­ hich, Enst Brunswick, made a able impression of the Matawan fnrm blcs of the 100-lap summer CORN school on the Keyser campus before Classic, running away from the r his untim ely death in an auto acci- | field. Bill McCarthy, Marlboro, Kolm del-ltarilan G lM t B S « N t TOP ROUND STEAK 9 5 * dent. Of Mabbitt. il will be recalled j was second, lljll Chevalier. Sayre- that in addition to his heavy-duty I ville, was the only one to give Dal- work in the Huskies backfield f o r : knbach any trouble, but bis en. Union Beach three seasons, he was a m em ber of I 1 0 * “ * 3 7 ' or TOP SIRLOIN fine failed with four laps to toi1. , „ , , . , , liM le u tind Ii p -had to yield third place lo ab,w!' ll,'e, '"j?. " ' “ V leam Im ned R U M P R O A S T 9 K ...... » _ * oul I.it iiihfi i ti r fi /’<• imi«i in nic tnn. Itave Hulse, Pt, Pleasant out by John Caracciolo in his ten- L e a g u e ju re as coach of track athletics at Engine Uouble floored Jim Hoff­ Matawan. Mabbitt teamed with CANTALOUPE M Ckwk man, RobertsviHe, aud Pete Fra- Brad Brad«ich, Richie Bennett and ice, Rahway. ri;.*ht at the start. Mel Jef/coat in the spring of 1!)5!J Wilh lhe Holmdel ft-15 League CALIFORNIA ROAST m m 5 9 ! rrackup eradicated Don Stives, UuiM*-ViM-IH?fM4 to capture a mile relay crown at season drawing lo a close, a meet­ • H i , Hightstown; Jack Hart, Chester, lhe* Penn Relays, then the foursome ing has bren called for Monday Lwgt Sin 2 5 * Pa., and Don Slunipf, Hidi*dield night of managers, coaches and showed their versatility as runners lll.ly M « « « FrM l , Park, to clear out the major op­ by taking the quarter * mile and umpires at the Palm er Lounge. W M to n— H m , *rlt» l»'P Htt4 position for Uallenbach. half - mile state crowns in the West Keansburg, to arrange for the BRISKET BEEF Ml 591 Al Ft. Di:.’ Speedway. New Kgypt. Long Branch Relays two weeks playoffs. Thursday. Kenc Charlaml. the lfW2 Iceberg lettuce 19c later. The fondness Caracciolo has The fc-I2 teams should wind up fiwllf ln u ( ■•■•Im i IrMrt Fwtl lit* rporl.snu.n champion, had things all for the boys who brought him Ihis week but the Teener division his own way, over Ful F/ctnke, Penn R e k y s titles is shown by the has another week to go. Only one M HIM— »>• MrtM Put* 1**1 Corned Beef ^ ’7*:. 59: Kcvv Britain. Conn, Flenike leads decorations on the wall of his office team, Brookside Court, leading the Ground Beef 4 5 * Ibe .spwt.smen over the Couveia - at the new Waluwan Regional High M 2 minor division appears rea­ Fresh Tometoes 19c Kirby combine as a result of his School building, three plaques, sonably sure ol regular season i« * * t , M m Ground Chuck Eye Round Roast 9 9 : victory last week with Joe Kelly, presented to the three M aroon ami honors. In tho two other divisions, M l Conshohocken, Pa., battling it out Steel relay teams, the l!(5f) team the leading teams are so close that M m . to p « to n o M with two Now F.gypl drivers, Frank one of them, who captured Penn tie games played could be deciding Fresh Peaches 2 29* Round Roast »--i- Pot Roast cr:; 6 9 : Myrohchuk and Aug Moscliera, Belay crowns while he was factor. • r Firs— l«r|t lUlfet A PtftK lor loltlnf tor modified honors. coach. 8 lo VI iJithfon — Major lti\|j>lon • • • W i. Tie Ton Sirloin Steak 9 9 * Plate Beef •- 1 9 : iShfin I ’oie.i Ks«o 30 l Pascal Celery 2' 25c JO H N P O T E , half-miler for 1 iMivis Cuirs Sri ire Ii j J Sapling Closes Keyport High, is headed for Tren­ Ui.iilan Kw «-r\ Sliop *3 2 I i m Ii « VKW J'oj-t V 2 Flank Steak • 9 * Soup Beef ^"43,1 59 : ton State this coming year, Pole \Vf>t Kraushiir** ) ’i/# J M ofrushing Bovorogot! has been out of school n year Kahlt A .MeFarliind j 4 BOUND Monmouth Season I g U m i l Yukoft Club—C«nn«d % tjfl.e i. since graduation. He was Central Sle’-v ni t'f a 4 6 9 : lO'ijft;oi K.sm j 7 ] Chclc* cf 7 Fltw ri ^ «•«• 23* Cubed Steak 9 9 ; Stewing Beef « Another Monmouth Park season Jersey, Group 11 f, RBU . yard Nm ’Ii Ccntrrviit* Kira 3 h jomcs to the end of the road Sat­ champion in 1%2. Keyport fans 1 K.i}nif,hy Ksmi a ii V m L a m CIUIAl*.ClubSmU, Jlr*-U fl.JJf will not soon forget this great ef­ 1 }>nrk JinildrJ* 3 b F»uit f-Uvott— Pl«f Otpcilf w . beta. urday with the running of the 550,- 1 I'm inert- jhkI C^iirMCu< 6 9 : Beef Short Ribs 4 K fort in the Central Je rs e y meet flttO added Sapling Stakes for two- | 8 to 17 DlvlftUm — %OiH>r IXvlftlon AH at Asbury P a rk that ye a r when »• year-olds at six furlongs. Sufficient W I. Tir Sapar*CMla e i m i Bc w Ui registering ar.d entry fees are paid he pulled the upset in n talented | !'riiuksi(li* C'i'iiil Jfl (i 1 Iqt. I4ll.«1a Chuck Fillet 6 9 .* Newport Roast 99: by the interested owners of 237 field of entries that secured for t I'untr Av*. Shop 12 a K.ihlc rt unit Non n a PiaMppltJalM ««. c«n colls at tbe end of their first year, the Fed and W hite one of the top Airnoi t I'la/fl 14>n«-» 12 a 6 9 : plus added fees after their racing honors in athletics in the school's Tirj.v G Ivan’s 12 a Ghaari'Aid Cheli* ol 12 PUven i ^ is* B e e f L i v e r 4 9 : Beef Flanken |ck“‘l prospects are known, make the history, the C-J Group III track \V(. t a ¥*riciwa fUvwi total minimum value of the rue* title. All the state teachers col­ lln/.ld Shop e e Katl-Aii i ^ 2 5 * IlM.OtlO. leges have had an upsurge in in­ Mii'Scvillr Trnil*r Ct. f. a A l f l(«A^ RaisoA'Native, owned by liar- terest in track as a sport since Wi?Kt Kojuislnirf I’trt 5 a PoJnulfJ NurMiiA’ Hojo« i 10 1 Crapa Jvict Imr Vieu Farms, gets a high rating the innovation of the stale code- W. T. Grant Cu. a ii * l l W for the $100,000 Sapling. He not on­ giate track meet for all New Shell Pl*/a K*r\ir« a n A M H C O T 1 , 1. l 4 t l- | f C ly has won the Juvenile Stakea^and Jersey colleges this past spring. CuOn 2 1! Hm tI's BallfM N f C T A R AI. I U the G reat Am erican but in th « ‘Ia'*’ -Their iracluieam* are.no longer T rrn tr |M\liln« — Moje 13 . 14 • 1» lost In obscurity of minor com­ W 1, Tlr Ier he shattered the Aqueduq'/rcc- AH)<* Truchinfl ft 2 2 Ja n Porker I okod Foodt! petition nor is thfc sport longer Thrift-Priced A&P Grocery Buys! i>rd for 5*/^ furlongs, being timed in Ilrhcis , V 2 I 3:02 3-5, a fifth of a second slower blanked out by tbe prominence of Floyd’* Bnr 10 « i » (!.i<*hiili A Conner* Const. h 1 than the world’s ipark for this dis­ basketball and football on their FiHdr, i^i'pt. Slur* A 7 ) U F (rail A i u . tance. ‘ campuscs. A ll the state teachers II.i y IcI Drug I 7 LEMON PIE •vr FiMit 8«ality 4 jw i 8 9 ' colleges now get a shot in track liarr.’.’« Llijuora I a APPIiSAUCI B»k Pete, the horse owned by competition against Seton Hall, If nmiriiTi. 4 10 Mrs. Harriet N. Ball, is undefeated Firrsirle Htalty a 9 1 1 t. This Week tn five starts this season and three* an outstanding track power; U l l . u . of his victories have been in stakes Princeton, New Jersey's member Sm 10> (M t —Ihe Christiana, Dover and Caesar of the Ivy league; Rutgers, the Diamond Alkali Nafti DEL MONTE DRINK 2 5 5 ' Kodncy, all at D elaw are Park. state university, and Fairleigh Third Choice Dickinson, « university growing Record High In Sales 1 a. Tim bcau won a division of the in athletic attainments as it ex­ I t i i I f i r f - t d t d Vitality and is the pands. Diamond Alkali Company report­ CUT RED BEETS 6 c u t 6 5 ' 4 9 * third choice. He is entered hy the ed all-time high sales for the six months ended June HO, I1KJ3. Sales Cambridge Stable. JA C K I E K U H N S , still the top for Ihe six - month period reach* ri S'/> n. CHANGE Those of lesser standing in the name in track in these parts, now 55* |>re-racc odd.* quoted are M. J . Sta- a record high of $79,257,000 or KELLOCC'S SPECIAL "K " CEREAL 5 5 ' CNIFFON CAKE or LIM O N pkR*. returned from a two-year stint $132,000 higher than the same pei- 2 Vola’s A. Best, Woodland Farm’s with the Peace Corps in Colombia, iod last year. Earnings for the six CINNAINON ROUS f t 35* Royal Sparkler, the Kamen Sta­ i.s casCog a longing eye nt his fa­ ines Greek Episode, T.» Alie Gris- months were SiMti.fJOU, six per 25 tt. vorite sport again, in Colombia cent lower than tho*>e for tlu- ‘.arm- AIm Ii i * Wr»i—12” WMtk KASPBfRRr 45* w m 's Asli Blue, C. W . Kngel- r t llt DANISH ROLLS cf t there was no chance for sports in period of J M2. This is equivalent WONDERFOIL 2 4 9 ' bird's Golden Louis, Calumet SANDWICH CRIME i Ib.l « 0 ( a backwoodsy part of the world lo $1.44 a share on the .‘1.004..127 Farm ’s The Big Murine and C’lai- where the job was to bring people 1 1 1 F l | l tk*lc« It Nttcrt CHISTMONT MMVIL COOKIES Con.LiniDcn a s. >»T l-orne F a rm 's Alphabet. # shares of common stock out­ up to a decent standard of work- standing as compared to $l.f>5 a Pmvnntan StJible s Chieftain, who; jug and living. Soon as he was hack share for ihe same period of M . Chili Sauce 2 - 4 5 * Ice Cream !rS 9 * 1: S9° Mommaled ivw>.yem-o)d ■ ra n n g in ;n M atawan. Kuhns gave the (rack 1 2 Sales for the second quarter of A VARIETY OP TtM PTINeLV the early season, went to pieces in ( t1( the new M atawan Regional High N « b i» c o I Ib . | T § IM3 were S.-ILVifi.WlO ahuot tun per GOOD VALUIS FOR . . . facing at Delaware la r k nnd was n fL*w uhirls, found it somewhat Ore* CMkitt Ct*m* S«r>d**lch pig.™* Likbi't Tomato JuiM i:....'!!* .... , , , ! cent lower than those reported for w i cN in'iicd ti) Ik1 a Saplin" entry. different from the old one at the ; the , itnilar prnfHi <)f ,nst y, ,sr Ai! i ib . 17 n , 4 0 0 W ili) tin- clnsin;; nf the OcL'anporl j iin,-id si." si'iirmj" fmm "which ' NATIONAL SANDWICH ' Earnings amounted to Hon I Hardart Goffe* Clindt (Art ' ® WhoaliM I Is- a track.. : Iiov. .a id. Grant i.s so fa r'w went e n t mu out m fo i mbecome cimie .ia national national; ; u .i, f V4. fl4 . r i . n r In v^ . r uniNUl m w.nmn;’ joi'kcy slamtm R'i1 iWiittiinn comnchKir u tin- nui- nf \r,f. , , . »- Ml MONTH Broadcast c;;;fd Hash « ' * oi. can 57* Veri Thin Pretzels N U » (hillJJisil IHirrc here je .'im iiardlvhardly nnvany doubt ||-| ilmi .Vi . . ini.-rscholnMic tiiliM 11 of Mlwn\ rc(v;i inl-m 1% : ;md .imm.nl, d MuelUr'i A I Ib. SjBO he v ill be fhe^ new I ichnj' kin;:. Wai- j enough note that the illu striou s1 * fatly J«-lli«| ■ 23« .James A. Ilu;.:ht s. e.vecunve vice Elbow Macaroni yc «fn « U I Richardson Mints / ti -*V V' w ‘!s . t,u‘ ri‘l<‘r Dean ('ro m u ell. coach of the all- * r ‘9>. AAP Fir«rd Raisin Bread J ^ I 29e H l..-hfc, sh.fted to Ciiicago this, year • crmquertrack tt'anu of the- president, staM-d, “ In >f>:le ol the Ar.r quA't ml yge find has no! apncniod once on fhe University of Southern California, l.jgh volume of products sold, the Salad Dressing Lot. ™ Pistachio Nuts tR.d) u, Monmouth hack. -look him in to become one of the price erosion in certain product tmp&rtcd halinn I III, I 4 7 ^ ( Iti D*i* y e Sliced White Bread ^ w b 29» m ighlv Trojans. Kuhns was in Cali- imes had a detrimental effect on Pop Tomatoes Wet. r*»te •f'd 6a»!I h . t*f> Magnolia Biscuits "c!:,') 3 r 25e earnings for tiie first-half year. D / lllt HAMBUR&LIt cr FRANKFURTtR t Vq | | { MatnwenvBred Eull | lornia the past two weeks and WMIAT I? ti I lb. 4 W ai PirI Jn 7 Ib, ^ i However, puces appear to ha\e n O R V 9 j 4n#p*,Ur-SU*d cl • c J n r\ t , workeil out with )i;s o.'d frark i-jub, Kretehmer’s ^G l&M »;;37« j*f ^ oi jur 55® Ann Page Beans 7c'r,*(t Z l "Sami bl («r 29® !; ve!ed out it th'1 t,m e.’' U l€ d By Breeders j the famed St riders. But he :s inw J.o 4 D 1 11 fc b 1 N T i P I ri I t g C A C Fleischmann's Margarine 43* . ja ci\ili.in emj»lo\ee of the Peace: Herb-ox Bouillon Cubes Fels Liquid cl 5 • 25* With 17* cll l«b*l »>I. Ann t 11 I U t.\ Glrtigeran 1-nrtune’s (’romwell, i Corps, so will spend most of his A l r D O r l E x D 6 f t S T o registered Guernsev bull, owned ‘ t;me in Washington. If time al-i . , , _ . . . Sandwich Spread b e t. b e t. 37*

ly Maryland Arlifjcinl Hrcixllni* i lows, hr will continue his wcirkoul!. • A d v i s e F r e e h o l d e r * P«itm rii#d ^ ,P1' 2 7 ^ ( (M’|i^rnti\ (*. Inc., P redbrick, Md., j \\ iih an cvc In the Baltim ore j A&Ps FROZEHFOOOS! THRIFTY DAIRY BUYS! Victory Cream Cheese nnd West Virginia A rtificia l Hrei'd- j a il cvcnts track tele, an annual fix- The .Mfuimnnth C'minly Hoard of Mfl e-fill— fiftO »r.s Co-op., Inc., rlarlishu rp, West ! turc in which he exc elled in tlie I'reehokiers has announced that Wlll«r»—t»l«ct Qatlity Sliced American Pj«t* LTfi i*d P ICCIIl V*., lias b-cuniv u Kf.Mitmmtrizct! i .summer vacation periods froiri | it had conferred u jlh Wahlon )’ar U k k r'i »f i t r i A l e t fire , according to the Am erican U.S.C. spent in the cast. | sons, Little Silver, airport engineer, Bumble Bee Tuna c J X , 29« Guernsey Cattle Club. « * j and A.JL Armstrong, Point Pleas­ Fruit Drinks 10 W Large Eggs 2 9 9 ‘‘Cioinweir now has 17 daugh­ ant. form er manager of the New­ JIMMY BROWN, IHE LAS!' t: o>. Peanut Butter IW ters wilh 20 official production rec­ ark Airport. AAP Qualify O F T H E B IG S P E N D E R S , fells Cer>t*Mr*f»d Blue Cheese * 7 1 * ords. Ih eir average production is Orange iuice Df.rnfrtffc us this one. When .leems was yet Ih e board said that Charles M M27 pounds of milk and 457 pounds * H P pr^f>d J Corned Beef 2 79* a hopeful youth out of Keyport Pike, planning director cd the Mon­ •9C lmfic>rl«rf r l hit. when convened tt) n twice- C t nt §ftO d Swiss Cheese High working on the No. 4 gate mouth County Planning Hoard, also Grape Juice 1 * f«nd d aily milking, .'105-day, mature Deviled Ham :;d:; ,I/:: , 2P at Hialeah, he discerned the had (onferred wil!) Mr. P:ii>«>ns ftjnivaienf basis. great horse trainer Max llir^ch and M r. Armstrong and that fhe F im h Fries Cheddar Cheese T his fine Guernsey bull was bred I ro^fioth S*y|# 55* must have a jjood regard for | two would present Ihe hoard with L^tirrii|{i( Heiai Sweet Bherkins | . r by M rs. E lm er JI. Gc*ran. Mata- «*n him as : t . Illrsch usually used [ propcisal oiillniirij.' Die co.i end Island Inn Daiquiri Mu 27 Swiss Cheese wan. This bull's sire was Fair- 69‘ his gate coming into the track tune required t«» survev the Mon- lawn K. Enrlune and his dam was SPECIAL OFFER I ■ So Jam es dechled in make the tnoufh County Air|x>rl in connectir»n Nifty Chopped Onions b.g ’ * Mel-o-Bit j r0 Glengeran (!elesle. She has four with the boaid’s re{jiiirements lor r»(r ...« iu tube 'f'4 »>.) best of Ihis. divining if he could IC n. Klc TMthpatt* llA f fcrandl wilh »ards including one of l(i,- jmssible /nircha.se uf the «nr|x>rt, 1>24 pounds of milk nnd K02 pounds get one solid tip ouf of (he great Scallop Dinner H.nl n' 5*"» pi;- nicotta Cheese 3 > 1 2 S trainer per day, and then just lh e two consultants would study 17.,,. | 7 l of fat. “ C rom w ell” also has had the airport siiunlion and make rec. DELUXE TEK TOOTHBRUSH 6 9 c l.rj of his registered daughters class­ played lhal horse, in no time he Remaa Choose RaVioli f4g Ched-o-Bit ci.,,,, would he rich. So came lhe day onlineiidations to Ihe Freeholder* ified with an average rating of 81.1 -i MIUD.ndDlVllNID iy>_lb'1,9§ anti Jam es popped lhe m ailer lo as to what impiovcm ents and hind SH tlo l Tfcli W n II per cent. ^.Ig. CoHage C h e S " 7 ^ " Max Hirsch, “Oh, Mr. llirseh, additions might be necessary to w R l I M P 45e ft4m fig what horse would you advise me meet Federal Aviation Authority PLACE MATS Vlh^l Steadman At Monmouth to bet on today?" To which the needs and what operational p>'/u- noted trainer responded, “ Young dures should hc changed. Swift’s Moats Announcement is made thal mail, my advice for those want* Diat Delight i Naiaz Beans Waldarf Seatt Richard E. Steadman, onetime ln>» ,0 piny l‘Ps nl ll»e race track Seek C andidates tenrher and coach at Keyport High is always the same, {usf go lo fhe Pc<(h ct School, It joining the faculty of ball itame and forget nboul il." T he Commandant, U.S. Coast farBaMas Peaahas I With Trrn*to f< a ut • Toilet Tlssaa Family Naphias Monmouth rnllpgr !hif fall as Al­ W hich im a classic comnienlary Guard has announced that there c fi«f f t m «T. I monte professor of physical educa­ on lhe. value of racetrack tips . ( still are openings available in Ihe 1 tarn11 17« WkH* - i.oll.Sfl • ***' t7* tion. He i* a graduate of Rutgers The cards and tip sheets one buys j officer Candidate School class that »2S' *ho4 * . u i *• 1 e . u . d ' •• • J i C *B Jind coached high school sporls at nl th»- hack enhance have one i will convene on Sept. 1f>, PHlll. Pg-on Pemberton aud Highland Paik, as w oilh, they a ie as neat as one [completion ol 17 weeks tiaming, tik e.aiAT Aiuunc t tttmr. tia rOMPAOt . fihi* ilfidlv* svell as nl Keyporl, lie became nv enn (nine lo “ tips'* The touts | graduates will he commissioned .i*- ■ Ifiru Sat., Aua. 3 | SeH-Weva Laddie Bay fil,slant coach nf swimming at Ihe who publish ihem tht give lhe | an Ensign in lhe U.S. Coast Guard Scatfissue I In iupft M u krtt \1nivei sity ol Pennsylvania and hover an honest fill cents wotlh brve. College seniors and grad- A P S uPer J/Jarkets I »nd StH-Sartlcii j Wlutf oi Crli.nd j V a le and then head coach ol Ihe I by conliKting all Ihose aioutnl | uni es may fultill iheii military oh *t >00» IIMtl ut* R Sfoiif bnl^, Toilet Tissaa Bag Food aquatic spoils at Columbia While the fiack whom Ihev corridor | ligation through Ihe Coasl (hiaid M l(T(id'»il JQ fi I Momnnulh College dots not .imv i v.otild know aNiul the* lises and iftllicer Candidate School piogiam. ' m,!I. W 1WMl.nC.-lw.d * IVOfldi.dMc All lelifirm I’ludei | f»»h >IV, mu) ft>i In.||e 7 Ir, 1 fiave a swimming team, i< f.s e*per/ J the fasf slnflPes anti use fins in- I For fm ther inlnrmalmn, v/rite Com- J PV 4 i J l l • • J JJl li. I Iheir um sidercd ojhmoii of M m l i Guard, Wftshington, D C . P a fp lM t THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, August 1, 1963

York after graduating from col­ partment, which includes the Coaal1 Racial Discrimination Here Alg cr Retired As lege, He ii m arried and a son, Wants Check On Guard. Old Namei In Monmouth Ja n ie * jr. was a pitcher of note in Checked Parly Boats USAR Lt. Colonel boys' baseball in recent years. Ocean Liners Sen. Case earlier asked lhe Com­ Democratic Group Charges mandant of the Coast Guard t# when on ■ visit lo the Channel Jamei Alger, 72 Division St., Sen. Clifford P. Case said he has T h ct* can te no doubling that' has been passed by the Assembly • Quest Im 114 Ihiffird County Spending For report to him on its authority to Islands and found a connection Keyport, wa* separated as lieu­ asked the Coast Guard to report! racial discrimination .Is an estab­ ihis year «nd In previous years, I was in your building with a pnlke party and charter fishing with the Middletmvn-Freehnid Tay­ Capital Improvements j lished part of housing patterns in biu load and spent my time till tenant colonel from the 7Sth D iv i­ to him on what it can do to pre- i boats coming in close to the bea­ bul ii now "bottled up in the Sen* lor fam ily und the origins of Olivia *tyfhmouth County, it was conclud­ Me caucus so it can't even be sion at ceremonies honoring re­ vent pollution of New Jersey’s I ches and dumping garbage and I was called to leave, in your dl Haviland, the movie actress. New Je rs e y ’s 21 counties spent ' ed at the first meeting of the Fair voted upon publicly hy eur state sewage overlMard. The Senator was library with John 15. Stillwell. I Also. I attended the commission­ tiring officers of thi? 78th Division more than S22.OOU.OUU on capital coastal swimming waters by ocean 1 Housing Committee of (he Mon­ Senators." Gov. Hughes has pro­ advised last week that his inquiry was flowing the family line of ing of the U.S.S. Bainbridge last at Ft. Dix last weekend. The divi­ liners approaching and leaving ; mouth County Young Democratic mised to call a special session on improvements last year. This was about fishing lx>als had been re­ Elisha Sheppard. When 1 returned fall at Quincy. Mass Tiie Corn- sion is a reserve* training command, New York harbor. , Club. I'he 1960 census figures and this law if he can set. any assur­ a new high for such annual spend­ ferred to the Third Coast G u a rJ home I looked at another sheet madore Win. Bainbridge was also Lt. Col. Alger .served this com­ personal experience of committee ance thal Ihe bill will he brought ing since 11)57. During the preceding ' The Senator said he has re- 1 District in New York for investiga­ that I had oo the Sheppards, which a grandson of Kdward Taylor ot mand from If)I'MIO. firsi as au ex­ members were ample to support to a vote. 1057-til period the counties spent ceived complaints from several . tion. information came^from Monmouth Middletown and lived in Princeton, ecutive officer and from 11)55 to IWO this opinion, reports Robert K. an o w ra ll annual average of $10,-; of his constituents lhat much of; A resident ol Eatontown. whd The Fair Housing Committee's County. I saw George Washington so I think that Monmouth Comity as personnel officer of the 301st Multer, committee chairman. j 500,000 on capital improvements. the littering and pollution along' visited Sandv Hook, wrote Sen. report will assert that the club can Sheppard, born 1777 died 1867. A should claim more uf him. Regiment. He also was honored the New Je rse y shore results from Caser “ Thu; area of the heach wa* The Fair Housing Commit'ee is help reduce racial discrimination family in Salem has their line back Question IIH by the regiment for his S-l sem'ce I These usually are projects with the activities of ocean-going liners . not only covered with incoming • product of the Young Demo­ jn iotal housing hy publicizing ilia to George Washington Sheppard, Conover, Wyckoff, Perrine wuh them. Since l!M>0 Lt. Col. Alger ; long-use expectancy, s u c h as discharging oil. garbage, sewage garbage from local motor boats, cratic Club's meeting, at which it fact Hum New Jersey law now for­ born IH;)li died 1!)22. I would like tn When I was a small child I was has been with the emergency rein­ ! buildings, land, highwavs. bridges.; and packing m aterials as they hut a more serious mess of cratet was unanimously resolved that bids discrim ination by anyone in know if this last could be a Ju n io r? told that Mary- Ann Wyckoff (1831- j forcement group of the Second 1 machinery and equipment. Fmane- approach New York harbor and und planks of lumber with rusty "the club and its individual mem­ sale or rental of any vacant tots N.J.S. Newport 18112) wife of Elias R, Conover ' Army Corps, lie was promoled ! ed from both current and borrowed imm ediately after they have left nails was floating into the beach bers will take every opportunity and of all houses which are multiple Question 115 Throp from major to lieutenanl-udonel j funds, they are itemized separately' (18111-1875) and mother of Peter j tin* port. area, endangering e v e r y child to bring about an end to alt dwellin'*# of more than three units I am the fellow who was inter­ Wyckoff Conover was double fifth ' when joining the Second Arm y 'from day-to-day “ operating costs’’ : Sen. fa>e wrote the Comman­ there. I also noted that guards had forms of racial discrimination in or are in developments of more ested in the origins of Lew is Throp generation descendem of Claes Cor- i Corps unit. | and debt service expenditures in dant of the Coasi Guard, “ 1 would to pick up the lumber lo clear the Monmouth County." At that time than nine houses. The law also who married Phoebe, daughter of nelson (W ijk o fl) ami granddaughter ; The Keyport man first was in­ i the accounting ot the counties. appreciate your reporting to me small beach. It was disclosed that census data covers all M IA , V A , and G I fi­ William Taylor of Freehold, I have of Jacob born 170. I believe this I ducted into the arm y in Ju ly 1‘)I2 I Monmouth County spent Sli2*i,7t)0 •in whether such discharges from ' “This debris is nothing other showed *5,000 county residents to nanced homes. The committee felt found that said Lew is was fhe son Jacob married Lydia Wyckoff born j ut Ft. Dix, his place of separation on capita] improvements last ye'tr ocean-going vessels occur within than dunnage thrown overboard he living in more than 20 towns lh:it many members of minority of Sam and Catherine Throp, also I7ti 1. There is a gap in my infor- j 21 years later. Me attained the i This compared with an mitlay o: which w eie alnvust 100 per cent tre three-mile limit and what ac- : trom incoming ocean liners. This groups who arc being discriminated that* Jedish, Sarah, Rebecca and ! ination that 1 would like to close, i rank of second lieutenant in Feb­ S!,t»2.').Ul I in P»ti| and a five-w ar lion the Coast Guard r ‘m <;,ke to I know to he so because I have white. Theae included Union Beach a<*aiiifit because of race arc un­ Ann were his brother and sisters. I .should like io trace the line of j ruary 11)13, with lhe KJlh Armored (1057 (il) average annual outlay of help elim inate this problem ," Sen. seen this happen when my wife and Raritan Township. aware of the considerable protec* Now I would like to know thii Meter nnd Jacob, and the line of j Division. He was on duty with an 1 S5HI.S41 in lhe county. ’ Case is the ranking m inority m em -, and 1 have returned by ocean lin* “ Racial discrimination is solidly t!on granted them bv today’s law, names of Sam ’s parents'* Lydia to the original Immigrant j officers training unit at Ft. Knox The figures are from comp.la- ber of the Senate Appropriations ers entering our pure of New established in Monrnouih housing and don't know that if they believe I erjpied some information on ancestor. j until 101) when he went oveiseas ; lams being completed by the New Subcommittee of the Treasury De­ York.” patterns and in the resulting school they have been discriminated the Carteret fam ily last summer A.P.P. Greenville, Tenn. -wilh the Philippine Scouts lie was | Jersey Taxpayers Association for districts." says Mr. Multer. "When against. they need merely call the separated in !'M7 as a captain ^inclusion in its annual reference Civil Rights Division in Newark wt* find that two of our towns are M r Alger, in civilian life, oper­ 1 work, “ Financial Statistics of New for action by thc state. over 99 per ccnt white, even though Moody Scores Stout ated the Bay.shore Corrugated Box Jersey Local Government,” lo be they contain over 26,000 residents, Some committee members feel Summer Deaths Co,. M atawan, and is seeretarv of published in early fall. living mostly in new, moderate- On Bond Referendum that Negroes here have been ef­ th»? Keyport-Matawan Church Howl­ priced homes, it's pretty hard to fectively blocked for so long, that ing League. Pick Your Special! Middletown Township Mayor account for it any other way," be they are not likely to continue try­ Eyed By Council [Plan Dinner-Dance Marl Moody, the Dem ocratic can­ He has had a notable career in explains. "Moreover, five other ing lo get the homes they want Four-lumdml-and-lwcnly-one lives didate lor Stale Senate, lias releas­ athletics. He was born in New To Fete B arkalow towns, each wilh over 5000 popula­ and cun afford unless they learn They're Low Priced, As Is, were lost in all types of accidents ed the text of a letter which he York hut his parents moved to tion. also are 99 per cent white, that both the laws and lhe while in the state during the two summer mailed to Sen. Richard R. Stout, Keyoort when he was si\* years ■ An appreciation dinner * dance is •nd many sm aller towns are just attitudes have chanced recently. beim* given Assemblyman ( 'lift on First Come, First Sold as segregated," he adds. months of July and August last his opponent in the November Gen­ old. his father running a confec­ The committee also believes that year. This is reported by the Now eral Election. tionery store on West Fm nt St. > T. Bark.iluw Sept. 7 al Val Ernie's WIII Issue Report discrim ination w ill lessen when i Sea Girt Inn at 7:30 p.rn. on his Jersey State Safety Council to point Staling that he believes it impor­ Jim m y was a .star in I mi!it ba>ket- The Fair Housing Committee more whiles awaken to tho magni­ , retirement from the Slate Legisla­ op /lie seriousness nf accidents tant that elected officials advise h.rll and baseball for Keyport High, T»7 IUJ1CK Speci ill 1-Dr. Seil. 295, will report to the ciub as a whole tude of the injustice they have tu r e . Sen. Kichard Stout will serve during the carefree summer months lhe electorate of imj)ortant mat­ graduating in l!K!i). lie entered the at iheir next monthly meeting. created, and particularly when they i a.s master of ceremonies. Among usually associated with vacations ters affecting their welfare and lhat University of Georgia where he Among other things, thc convmittec come fo realize how much of to­ j the speakers will l>r W i I I i a rn and recreation. "il is also our obligation lo keep made the varsity football squad '.»7 1 O K I) Sta. W 195 w ill udvisc stepped-up publicity on day’s uiscrinvinalion is actually il­ ! Fames, jr., former Assemblyman During the period, traffic mis- them informed as to our position and was first siring quarterback ^he protection afforded by existing legal, iu his senior year. The Bulldogs : from FIs sex Count} . aws, and will recommend that tho heps were the prim ary killer, a c­ on these various matter*.'’ Mr. *.».”» counting for 185 lives. 'I'he W traf­ Moody pointed oul thal the taking were one of the nationally ranked I A plaque in recognition of his 'PLYM O U TH ‘1-Dr. Sed. 19 llub back up its resolution by act* A fixed object is something that fic deaths reported during July of a public )>osition on important team-* of lhat day under the coach­ ■ 10 years of sei vice will be present- wely working for prompt passage cannot be moved by an automobile and !)fi chalked up in August last j issues “ provides our voters with a ing of Hurry Melire They lost the rid to Mr. Hail.alow by Assembly­ If the strengthening amendment crashing into it al high speed, Fix ­ \>6 PONTIAC Coiiv. year were the highest recorded in j >ardstick whereby thev may bet­ national championship to Southern man Alfred N. Beadicston. An en- 149 to the present Law Against Dis* ed object collisions are tiie fourth the .>lule for those two months, j ter evaluate our performance rec­ California in the Rose Howl. .hrtam m ent program also is plan- Crimination, as called for by Gov. leading cause of accidents, killing Horne accidents, a close second ! ords while in office." M r. Alger was employed in New 1 lied. Itichaid J. Hughes. nearly 4000 persons annually! 7>0 WILL VS Sla. 69 lo t rut lie, took Ml! lives. Accidents J Wag- This amendment "will extend Guard rails, roadside trees or poles He pointed out thal tie:,pile dili­ thc present law's protection to and concrete abutments are among in public including recreation ac- ! gent examination of liie newspa­ |tfc*f important areas.” 'ibe bill favorite motor vehicle targets. counted for deaths, and ac- J pers he could iind no reports mn- *60 R E N A U L T I) aiiphinc 249 cidcnts at work “ took .’{9 live s." j cerning Sen. Stout's view*, on the TAILORING °”r The council estimates that a j forthcoming bond Referendum. "1 total of 55,528 persons suffered, find it incredible." he said, "that and *;>7 V O LV O ;i9f> various degrees of injuries in all j you, as our county’s sole repre­ ALTERATIONS types of accidents during the per-1 sentative in the Senate, would fail it’d. In traffic mishaps 18,850 per-! to take a public position on a m at­ MEN'S - WOMEN'S - CHILDREN'S APPAREL Someone you miss? sons were injured, home accidents j ter which is so important to every DRY CLEANING injured L>,300 persons, and 11,87f> j voter, regardless of political affil­ WE CALL AND INC. S a m h e r others were injured in public and J iation ” M avor Moody added he FUR ALTERATIONS niiI.IVI'.K TO M S FORD recreation accidents’. The lowest : was completely in favor of the W k ALSO M AI; I •: NI-:\V C I.O IIIK S _ _ total of injuries was in accidents j referendum. w i; g i v e s i l l G!U-:i-.n s t a m i >s CO 4-1123 60 Main St., Matawan a k i s s — "at work." with WO.'I reported. Drowning* Take Many T h ii week, why don’t you BROAD STREET CLEANERS 566-1500 B y ph on a l Specilic accident hazards, other look through lhe windows of 78 BHOAD ST. - KI-YI’OHT than traffic, cited hy the State your church . . . from the inside. There's no better way to make sure Sufetv Council as requiring specific she remembers you - thao to attention during July and August remember her -with a thoughtful are: Drownings which took 48 phone call, n e w j e r s e y h e l l lives, 17 under 15 years of age; falls which accounted for fi.'l deaths You Can Count on Ils . . . Quality Costs No More at Sears in home accidents and 22 deaths in public; homo fires which look nine lives: bicycle motor vehicle ac­ cidents resulted in six deaths; raij* road motor vehicle accidents re­ sponsible for three deaths, and WE ARE BLASTING PRICES ON railroad accidents not involving a PRE-SEASON motor vehicle six lives and three in water transportation accidents. •'Hie council estimates 'he total SEARS economic loss as $58,'I02,00U traffic MEHCUBY accidents nl $33,'iUO.OOO, home ac­ ROEBUCK AND CO cidents ot $5,547,000, public acci­ dents nt $•». 175,000. work accidents k (ydCaJioj A at $13,200,000. The two month** METEOR • COMET survey of accidents, according to Ihe State Safely Council, points up y HEATING SALE! the seriousness of accidents dur­ CHOOSE FROM 40 NEW CARS ing the period and shows a need for more awareness of accident hoards in traffic, at home, and in pubiic and recreation. The coun­ cil also calls attention to the high rates of deaths and injuries and WALL-IBWIN the high cost of "o ff the job” m is­ haps compared with those reported Complete Systems — MOTOR CO., INC. — “ a l work.” Eighth Annual Picnic its. 9 and 33 - Freehold Circle Slated For State Vols As OO The Eighth Annual Firemen’s N A T U R A L F a m ily Field Day of the State Volunteer Firemen's Association Low cath C A I M O O ( I will be held on Sunday al As Butler Park, near Washington. Tir; * 2 2 9 Warren County member companies are acting a.s hosts and a com mit­ tee headed by Frank Cruts sr.. Butler Park, has planned a full day of activities for all ages. Save $30.00 to $80.00 Park facilities will open at 9 a.m. Starting at 11 a.in, there will be a full schedule of events for children, Mow ii th* Hm« lo Invciligal* a new, d«p»ndobl« and (flicicnl htatlng ending at 3:30 p.m. when prizes lytlem far your' horn,, offie* ar

INTKRKST ON REGULAR John G. Hewitt, president uf thc PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS i First Merchants National Bank, [Asbury Park, announced the ap- «% INTEREST ON ll-MONTtl TIME jpointmenl nf F. Warren Papsdorf Furnace & Boiler Replacements t $1399: CRRTIi lCATES, AVAILABLE ON ANV OATS las Controller of tht* Hank. Prior * I to going to First Merchants, Mr. Save Hegularly Sure Automatically i Papsdorf was senior vice president land comptroller of The Merchants Ask About Our iBank of Syracuse, N.Y. He is well ! qualified to assume his position SAVE-O-MATIC PLAN S as Ihe chief operations officer of NO MONEY NO PAYMENT UP TO 5 i First Merchants. i Mr. Papsdorf is a graduate of Columbia Collegp. During World W ar II he was a supply officer in DOWN UNTIL OCTOBER 1st YEARS TO PAY the U.S. Nuvv. He is m arried und "M ei'cli a n ts has five daughters. Ttatfamt B a n k Suspend Licenses On All Heating and Installation Area drivers who have had their l;censes suspended under the state’s (Miint .system and excessive speed ' ' .'I' v«,nr.i Hank SO T.AM t n I i r»<.' I * program nre Olio C. Kavser, 52, of “Satisfaction ffttaranlecd or your motteu back'' !H15 Eighth St., Union Bench, four . ( t l . J i { RANI • H/HAIOIIUN • h IB months; Edward K. Lockwood, IS, Hiir1.. a■ n g. >di • nomtw . mil i of 71 Elizabeth St., Keyport, threo months; William W Beckhorn, 18, Sears Catalo9 Sales Office, 64 W . Front S t., Keyport 264-6300 of Butlery A.. Old Bridge, 30 days; JohM .II Ash, 20 of 10 Mason Dr., Ila/.let, 30 days. Itonrfay, Awfwat 1, 1941 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.





TOP SIRLOIN R O A S T 9 9 J CHUCK FILLET 79 c CHUCK ROAST ’SJI45- TOP ROUND STEAK 99 f t . c f t . R O A S T BOTTOM ROUND 8 9 ^ N E W P O R T r o a s t 9 9 c T O P R O U N D R O A S T 9 5 ^ B E E F REGULAR GROUND 4 5

BRISKiTEE»»J ' cut' 7 5 * R I B R O A S T R E G U L A R 6 9 ;

c Ik S T E W B E E F B O N E L E S S 6 9 PLATE BEEF «« 19-

FLANKEN RIBS 59 C R O S S R I B ' ' r o a s t * 8 9 V ln , ^ ’£m. i in LOOK WHA T 9 9 ‘ WILL BUY! 0/1 Watch ’£,n S O U * W H I T I •RAND PRISHPAR

j . . STARK1ST TUNA 3 ~ 9 9 FACIAL TISSUES 9 ^ 9 9 WCEOBffTS 9'-99> N U M f A K PRISHPAR — WHITI _ _ •RAND UNION _ _ _ EVAP.MILK 9 - 9 9 < POTATOES 9 - 99* SAUERKRAUT 9 “-9 9 > i m i m PRISHPAR _ ^ _ T IA B A G S _

TOMATO PASTE 9 - 9 9 * M U S T A R D 9 m 9 9 1 SALADA w off ioo * 9 9 ' HUDSON P R IS H P A R A INSTANT _ _ TABLE NAPKINS 9 9 9 * B E A N S VEGETARIAN 9 " 9 9 ' NESCAFE cm -.-99. F R IS H P A R ^ IA D D II DOT MORTON tR O T '.N M A A l C A T FO O D 9 » " 9 9 - PORX'n BEAKS 9 - 9 9 HONEY BUNS 4 - 9 9 '



r e f i l l FROM LOCAL FARMS pot pies 6 ^ 99* GREEN BEANS 4 l W

S W E E T C O R N CUCUMBERS MINUTI MAID flA ML, RifcbM •■rd*n—Sliced p M f HYMO> fl JfcGcldfn <1 1 ^ ! miH cooiiD 111 '«• J V CIW •acfi ORANGE mm lO i-T T STRAWBERRIES 5ZTT



filtM •ffMtlva ¥>>rfw«d«y, tu tf 11H *kru SMurdjy, Aug. ltd. W» 'w«iv» lb* light to limit T w o tv THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, August 1, 1963

zation ot a fund-raising campaign. Frown’s Sponsors 38tli Anniversary Sale Sea Queen Contest cs of 17 and 27, regardless of placo Federal Funds Wark Ot Special Cammltte* of residence. Mr. DeRidder said thc success Is Open To All Contest rules, said City Mana­ o' the board in having Hill • Burton ! Finals in the Annual Sea Queen ger Kendall Lee. call for accom­ For Rivcrview funds transferred to Red Bank panying each entry blank wilh * was made possible by the diligent Contest marking the selection of J. Raymond DeRidder, chiirman efforts of a special committee an outstanding bathinji beauty who photograph of the aspirant in a qt>i£2^Mird of governors of River­ of the board appointed on June 21) will reijjn over the beaches here, bathing or sun suit. Ail entries view Hospital, announced that he to study, the possibility of expand­ will be Milled at the new Arthur should be immediately senl to tha had been notified by Commissioner ing Rivcrview Hospital at its pres­ Pryor Band Pavilion on the board­ Sea Queen CYmest Headquarters, Lloyd W. McCorkle of thc State De­ ent location. walk in Asbury Park Thursday ev­ publicity Dept., Convention Hall, The ‘committee Is comprised of ening, Aug. 29 at 8:30 p.m. Spon­ partment of Institutions and Agen­ Frank F. Biaisdell, chairman, Har­ Asbury Paik, Only entries received cies that the State Board of Con­ sored officially by the City of As- before midnight, Aug. 22, will ba trol had approved the transfer of ry Van Idcrstine jr., James S. bury Pjrk, the contest is open to Parkcs and John B. Russell. Ad­ all unmarried ^irls between tlu* aj»* considered. $794,000 in Hill - Burton funds from visory to the committee were Doc­ • proposed hospital facility in tors Carmen J. Scarpeilino, John Middletown Townihip to the nospi- Sinnott and William Matthews. Al­ U l at Red Bank. so serving In an advisory capacity ' CommiMloner McCorkle laid lhat was Dr. John B. Movelle, president A Few Of Many, Many the Board o( Control had approved of the medical staff. the (undi for the construction of a Outstanding Values In ISO-bed addition to the present On recommendation of the com­ building. Mr. DeRidder said that mittee negotiations have been the.^rant ii contingent on the ex­ started for the purchase of approx­ pansion of the out-patient, emer- imately two acres of Imd near rowns 38th [ency, radiology, pathology and the hospital. The additional land is aboratory fucllities. The grant also nccessary to take care of thc park­ (ll contingent on thc awarding of ing requirements of service person­ construction contracts well In ad­ nel, doctors, nurses and volunteers. S ANNIVERSARY SALE! vance of June 30, 1964. The additional facility is estimat­ This week, why don't you ed to cost 13,000,099 ta J3,500,000 look through the windows of FULL ONE-INCH THICK Which will require the raislm> of your cliurch . . .from tiie inside. between $1,500,000 and 12,000,000 by public subscription. Plans will Real Estate Listing C a r d a be formulated soon for the organi­ fnr sale at this office. Max M. Prown, canter, owner of Frown's, 32 Broad St., It ed Bank, I'rown’s started In 1925 at 47 Broad St. In a store 22 feet hy 100 ALUMINUM getting ready to celebrate 38th anniversary sale on Thursday Is shown feet. It now occupies an area of HO feet by 150 feet, and maintains a fleet of 11 cars and trucks for installation and service to the public, COMBINATION wilh some of store personnel. From left to right arc Edward A. Straus, deliveries, and measuring service, elc. general manager; Raymond Van Cilahn, manager of homo improvement The store has 43 employe's, four telephone trunk lines, and U t o I STORM Look Again! department; Albert Howell, head of installations, and Anson V. Hansom, open u( convenient hours, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and from 8 a.m, to 9 p.m. AND department manager. on Wednesday and Friday. H i ,2WISL SCREEN How about business cards? If you need printing o( any / V i i f a S Communities’ Facilities, Services Wu can supply them quickly kind, we aro here to serve you. and al the right price. Come Our quick service and reasonable To Be Surveyed By Industrialist aud try us. prices will please you. DOOR A study to determine whether to determine how industry regards • Complete with all hard­ community services and facilities the adequacy ot these \ basic serv­ ware and framing pleCM arc considered adquate by indus­ 2 - ready to hang! $ • 1 9 9 5 try will be conducted amon# major ices and facilities: Availability • S piece# piano hinge industrial firms in nine Northern of labor, economic cost of lalwr, KITCHEN NOW • Sires; W'kMH", 32"m New Jersey counties under sponsor* availability of supplies, raw mater­ HO'/,” CASH and CARRY ship of the Garden State Brickface ials and components, availability • 2 OUm • 1 Screen Invert Company of Linden. of business and professional serv­ The study will include the poll* ing or more than 1000 leading in­ ices, co-operation of labor unions, OPEN dustrial firms to learn the views tax advantages for the company, AT OUR 4" Aluminum Door Grill • n m ; of their key executives toward the shipping facilities, co-operation of adequacy of the services ami fac­ the press, cooperation of munici­ SUPER SPECIAL! ilities required by industry in thc community both for the present pal government, police protection, New Store Protects Screen and nnd in the future, according to fire protection, economic cost of Glass. Some Soiled. '5 8 CADILLAC Richard Goldberjjer, president of utilities, poslal facilities and hotel SPECIALIZING IN 3 9 c Sedan DeVllle Garden State Brickface. and motel facilities. Full Power and Air Conditioned Mr. Goldbergor said the indus­ Also, concerning thu welfare of • FISH-iN-CIIIPS 4 8 9 5 1 trial leaders also will be asked in White - White Walli lhe study whether Ihey fee) these employees, housing, transportation, WINDOW SHADES services and facilities should be shipping facilities, educational fa* improved and. if so, how lhc de* cilities, medical-hospital facilities, • FRIED ( IIICKl iV SCALLOPED & FRINGED ••I CHEVROLET Impala, Sport Coupe, V-«, A/T, P,S., sired improvement might benefit recreational facilities, hanking fa­ R.H., While Walls, R«* ...... »ISW.SI industry. The poll, to be made by PLASTIC - WASHABLE *01 CHEVROLET Parkwood, 4-Dr. Station Wagon, < Cyl. mail during the early part of Aug­ cilities, cultural facilities, restaur­ • D1NNEKS TO TAKE OUT Sul., R.ll., Cray and White, W/Walls...... tlMS.M ant facilities und houses of worship. ust, will be conducted for Garden On Roller*. 17' to Jfl" wid*. I I CHEVROLET Corvair 1-Dr. Coupe, A/T, R.ll., Red, State Brickface by the Research The industrial leaders polled al­ While Walla ...... Department of Robert Karp As* so will be asked whether they feel - HOT SANDWICHES - All 70" long. I I MERCURY Comet, 2-Dr., S-O, Sport Coupe, Bucket scales, Inc., New York, it will be tho improvement of any of these S1 Seall, R.ll., W/Walli, A/T, Black with Red Trim .... tnade among industrial firms in services and facilities will help or CORNED BEEF and PASTRAMI ’M CHEVROLET impala, 4-Dr. lldtp., V-8, A/T, R.ll., these nine counties: Bergen, Essex, enable their firms to increase pro­ MEATBALLS and SAUSAGE « BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY W/Walb. Brown ...... IISM.0I Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, fits, reduce production costs, ex­ ■ Dully li Siturday S A.M.-5;MI’.M. H RAMBLER 4-Dr. Custom Station Wagon, S Cyl., A/T, Morris, Passaic, Somerset and pand their facilities, increase per­ VEAL and PEPPER P.S., Great and White, W/Walla...... II2I3.M Union. sonnel, attract qualified employees, I I WEI), and I’KI. 8 A.M. to S P.M. t t FORD Fairlane M0, 4-Dr. Sedan, S Cyl., A/T, R.H., pay higher salaries, improve em­ ■ W “ feotwMO Y»oko'» aod HeutkUlc* Blue, W/Wall« ...... JI0K.M To Check Growth ployed benefits, make better im­ ■01 VOLKSWAGEN l-Dr. Sedan. Cream, Sun Roof, Heater fUM.M Mr. Goldberger said his firm is pression on visitors, improve em­ LILLIAN'S DELICATESSEN ■0* BUICK LaSabre, 4-Dr. Hdtp., A/T, C ra y , R.H., sponsoring the study to learn ployee morale or derive any other While Wall* ...... »1«75.N whether the industrial growth of benefits. Broadway and W. Front St., Keyport f i I t FORD Falcon 4-Dr. Stall** Wagoa, S Cyl., A/T, R.ll., Northern New Jersey mi^ht b# ac- 12 Broad St. 74I-7SW Red Hank W/Walls, White ...... $1II3.M cllerated by improving any of the HOURS 7 A.M. TO II:M P.M. •m FALCON 4-Dr. Sedan, R.H., A/T. W/Wall*, DeLuie services and facilities required by Trim, Blue ...... I1MJ.M industry. Social Security ■0* PLYMOUTH Belvedere l-Dr. H.T., « Cyl., Auto. He made it clear that his firm Traw., R ill, R*d and While, W/Wallt ...... II1K.M ii not intimating that any inade­ W VALIANT Sta. Wag., 4-Dr., • Cyl., Auto. Tran*., Rftll, quacies exist lhat are hampering Data Available W/Wallf, Blue ...... III54.il industrial development in Northern •J« FORD Galaxle 2-Dr. II.T. V/0, Auto. Tram., K ilt New Jersey. “ Since this area rep­ Most writers of privately publish­ W/Walls, Turquoise and White ...... 11254.01 resents a major market to us." ed books and pamphlets about So­ 10 CHEVROLET Impala 4-Dr. H.T. V/S, Auto. Tran*., he explained, “ we arc simply try­ cial Security make .sure that their M aury’s D iscount C enter, Inc* Power Steer!ai, R»H, W/Walls, While ...... II2M.M ing (o Rain a better understanding materials are technically accurate H CHRYSLER Saratoga, (Or. Hdlp., P.S., P.B., Rkll, of the lactors influencing tiie and up-to-date. But, said Allan A. CLIFFWOOD AVE. - OFF RT. 35 - ACROSS FROM A&P — CLIFFWOOD W/Wall*. Blue ...... $U».0t growth of this market and whether Bass, Social Security District Man­ expansion can be accelerated." ager for this area, a few private ’M OLDSMOBILE “IS”, 4-Dr. Hdtp., White, A/T, P.S., publications now in circulation con­ P.B., R.H., White Wall! ...... SUK.00 Mr. Goldbergcr, whose company tain information which could mis­ ■JO FORD Fairlane l-Dr. Victoria, I Cyl., Std., Blue, is tho lareest in the world special­ WHERE VARIETY and ECONOMY MEET R A H , W/Walls ...... $ 0K.00 lead a person who relied upon it. izing in tne exterior concrete sur­ As an example. Mr. Bass cited & rhe Abov* Cara Ar* Said With A M-Day Unconditional Guarantee facing of buildings, said that Gar­ a book which is bein« widely pub­ LOOK AT THESE “BELLR1NGERS” den Slate Brickface intends lo s' liciK'd throughout the country, in make known its findings after thc ! magazine and newspaper advertise- & AUTO SALES study is completed. He said copies U4 Main St. | inents. on thook about I.APIKS’ 10'— No Pro-Rin»in| Social Security to ask his Social MEN’S Noadodl Portable — Security office about u. He emph­ C O IT ’ON s u p s 1 .(Kl ea. asizes that there are many reliable STIH/rCH SOX 4 for 1.00 Roll, m i WHooUl privately published hooks about So­ cial Security and that the publLsheis PILLOW CASES I2x.% 2 for 1.00 of these books perform n scrvne HOYS' Ye*, Mill popular dlihwaihor whh "Power lo the public in helping (he Social 1.25 ea. Scrub", waihei, riniei, drlei — even llquefie, Security Administration to inform w h i t e s u n n s TOW ELS 2 for ’1.00 food particle, and fluihet them down Ihe won. people about their rights and re­ I lHS V QtM/.ll V . sponsibilities under the Social Se­ LONG SLEEVU derful Fluihowoy Drain , , , and th*ro arc no curity law. .SEAMLESS H O SIERY 1.25 Krooni fo cfoanf It lake, 10 big grimy NEMA W ORK SI 11 IM S 1.19 ea. to Wo tottfngi, cmd lo mlnWot, moiroi lho m BOYS' Prudential Paid Out (porlillnt clow, luNiy pott, loo — cieani them I EE S lim I s 3 for LOO Over $79 Million M EN’S SH I RTS »«•* *"J Co'»” I .(H) en. New Jersey policyholders and beneficiarie# of (hi Prudential lit* NO DOW N PAYM ENT! Easy Terms! suranco Co. were paid $70,718,000 O ur P olicy— Low Prices, H igh Q uality during tha first six months ot IMS, K has been announced by lhe com­ Sm m far pricaa m d (arm on • wide selection ef General pany. REMEMHER: SAVE AT Thi* compares wilh $7.1,641,000 lic M t refrigerators, froeiora, ranges, washers, dryers, dish­ paid during thn corresponding per­ washers, room air conditioners, TV and stereol iod in l%2, and includes all types of claim payments, dividends, an­ nuities, and other iimir.mce bene­ fits. M aury’s D iscount C enter, Inc. Tot nl Prudential payments in the United States and Canada for Ihe CLIFFWOOD AVE, - OFF RT. 35 CLIFFWOOD M &M ELECTRIC A P P L , Inc. first half of l!HU were $Htll,7

e \ e s s B o n C H Y 'ty a s t s

p* E S i, R o Hovi os'* « * a s L To st*ve c r o s s *~a h <;e CHV)C^ lb 'lb

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Tender Tender K Street CHICKEN LEGS *45c CHICKEN WINGS » 25c Yeung A Tiuly T»»iy CHICKEN BREASTS » 55c CHICKEN LIVER *69c \\ m ©com*—Land O' L itn BoneltM Average Wright* 4 Ib*. ik TURKEY ROAST *99c Roasting Chicken it 39c COFFEE SALE! /B CHASE & SANBORN EHLERS, HOLLAND HOUSE/ fynl OR BEECH NUT APPLESAU C E — 4 ’ir S1 G RAPE JUICE ss* 3 - S1 )rw I'b b y or Q u o ^ y U o n 7if)r 7oPVP Frof roi»n S\\f& MAZOLA OIL 69’ B O U - t O ^STKAWltFiSpAPE P r in . k s M AYONNAISE — * 49 p'*- * rl: **** J • HA* o»*n<:k .°" HIJV c h SHOP-RITE KI?. 5 tfc cajvs V

LO-CAL 16-OZ. COLA BOTTLES $hom*ti NO DEPOSIT BOTTLES C o t t a g e Sacra* 46-ox. TOM ATO JUICE m ento can 2 9 ‘ C h e e s e c’**o?4*£**rP jf is VEGETABLE or Vegetarian Vegetable r s i T a ity 4 ? O r CAMPBELL'S SOUP 8cans I '"•Sw REDUCED PRICE! ' ' BirE STRAWBERRY A FOOD CRAFT ^ , , SHOP Orange Drink SHOP-RIU < PRESERVES Q u art with Lb . Coupon C Coupon Container Jar 9 l«/ow SUGARS Below


NOTES Use W A N T A P S to Buy - Sell - Rent ab o u t Area Men and Woman LOST HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SERVICES HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE in Hi* BANK BOOK K-3976, Monmouth MEN, women, or married couples, PARKER BOARDING HOME for County National Bank, Keyport EXPERIENCED spare evenings can provide ex­ aged men and women. State $13,900 NO MONEY DOWN nranch. Finder please return to tra cash. New company in area SEWING MACHINE licensed. Call riViO'i 11, Mata'.ean, 9 SCHOJ.ER DRIVE, bank. wj8v nee,is sales personnel. Write C N. J. wjtf UNION BEACH Aimed Services H H Toy Club. Dept. 5, Warmins­ OPERATORS If your credit Is good you can buy STOLEN. 1M9 Mercury Mark 35 ter, J-cnn., nr call 2GI-22SI. wjS* CLIFFWOOD Hoarding Home for Ne.vly painted 5 bedroom modern these new 3 bedroom homes with outboard motor, serial No. 123­ elderly nun and women, private no money down, located in Union OK home, ceramic tile kitchen. G.l. Beach. Immediate occupancy. For 2772, from Keyport YaclU Club. Re­ TWO carpenter helpers, must be SINGLE NEEDLE MACHINES and state guests. Licensed by the no money down, reasonable offer EalUtli Air Fh u ward. Call 261-38211. wjl' over lit years of age. Call alter Slate. James h. I.awsni!, R.N., information call Scoras Construc­ departed Cherry Point, N.C., June accepted if you can assume the tion, 264*4167. wjtf ; T/Sgt. Donald Minor, local Air 12, and is expected to return in 8 p.m., 201-1545. wjl FULL OR PART TIME Myrtle Ave., Cliffwood. Call 5!15. existing 4,.'.nv mortgage balance ol Butineta Opportunities IM . ^ Wjt( Force Recruiter, released list of late August. ALSO EVENINGS SI1 .2W. ‘ RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Threa ROUTE MAN for established laun­ FROM C P.M. TO 10 P.M. local boys that have enlisted In Ihe dry and dry cleaning route. Ap­ room cinder block cottage with The squadron relieved Marine DE SELF employed, hat dog vend­ KELLY MOVERS. Local and long C R O W T T T AC.PIM f.Y an attic convertible to two addi* Air Force: r Fighter Squadron 122 at Beaufort, ply in person, Keyport Cleaners, 13 distance moving. No job too! AIj L.NO! ing wagons made to order. Call UNION FROCKS REALTOR tional rooms. New hot water base­ Warren Robert Briggs jr., son of Division St., Keyport. wj! small, US Front St., Kevport Call ! S.C., alter Ihe two squadrons pro­ MArket 3-7M0. wjl 2GL7301 ' wjtl | 41 E FRONT ST. RED BANK board heating system. Located on vided close air support for an am­ EXPERIENCED sweet corn pick­ 212 BROAD ST. ■SHADY.SIDE 1-40.10 a 50 x 120 tot in a nice residential phibious landing made by thc Sixth ers. Call 204 O'J2L Wjl MIMEOGRAPHING, photocopying area, within walking distance of AMBITIOUS K E V P O R T and typing, reasonable rules,’fast lEvay 36. Call Bittner & Carton Marine Expeditionary Unit, also MEN to drive paper route, must F O R R E N T Gulf, modem, neighborhood-high­ 2G4-1394 service. Archives Hook Store, P.t Agency Inc., 56 Main St., Keyport. operating In the Caribbean. have own trans;>oriation, steady ARNOLD HOUSE. 123 First St., 204-21)10. _ wjL.- way, 2 bay station for lease. wjtf Valley Drive. Matawan. Call f>G§. employment. Must he dependable, ■131J. wjS/1 Keyiwrt, comfortable room* In KEYPORT — Nice 2 bedroom homa “ Complete* Records Course daily or weekends. Call 26*1*3283, Spanish speaking home. Inspect ROUTE 36, HAZLET wil VOUNG MAN to nssir.t in operation in quiet residential area. Alum­ U.S. Army Specialist Four Ches­ (ADJACENT TO NEW of fine type store in Keyport. TELEPHONE ANSWERING after 5 p.m. daily. wjtl inum siding on entire house plus ter A. Marlin jr., whose parents SERVICE combination storms and screen;* SIIOPRITE) WOMAN for morning work. Apply Pull time preferred1. We will leach Let us iV.Vour Secretary, no need FURNISHED room, for gentleman, live at 11 John St., West Kcans- in person Lillian's Delicatessen, you. This position provides un­ kitchen privileges, nev Levit* nnd wall to wall carpeting mftktf Paid training. Excellent opportun­ lo miss calls; part or full time this a good buy at $12,900. Call uurg, completed thc 101st Airborne Broadway and Front Street, Key* limited opportunity for ndvanca- service. We do bookkeeping, typ­ town and Matawan housing deve­ ity for right man. port. wj}* ment. Send all particulars to Hox lopment. Call daily or evenings Bittner & Carton Agency Inc., W Division’s recondo course at Fort ing. Call 2 - 50 nights 5 to ll:j~ Rooling, siding, all alterations NON VETS LOW DOWN ker training, Includes InstrucPon in wjl Write Box A in cate of this news­ fountain experience. Apply iu land, Hjrnegat Light, 1 and 2- Hero's comfortable living at a very patrolling, combat field survival, and lepaiis. Free estimati*-! Call room apt s.. weekly Si season. Rea­ paper. wjl person, Lillian’s Delicatessen, 2G4-SGM. wjl’ low cost. 2 bedrooms, cozy bunga­ escape and evasion and leadership. Real Estate For Sale Broadway and Front St., Koyport, sonable rates. Cail 50(i-6[>6L wjl low with large living room and Specialist Marlin, a gunner in SEWING MACHINE ' wjtf HAPPY Hours Kindergarten Nurs- KEYPORT, 2 room furnished apart­ family size kitchen on a 100*115 Company A, 1st Battle Group of the BUILDING LOTS. (1000 anil up. sery School, Route .ii. Matawan. ment. Keansburg. 3 room cot­ nicely landscaped lot with many OPERATORS SECRETARY, legal experience pre­ division's 327th Infantry at Fort John Trab a chino, broker, Cliff­ ferred. Call 787-2500. wjl Register now half or full day ses­ tage. furnished or unfurnished: al­ trees and bushes plus a 2 car 'de­ Campbell, Ky., entered the Army wood Ave. and Archic St., Cliff* sions Call 5G6-09M. wjl so 3 room apartment 1st floor, un­ tached garage. Price — $9,800. . in September 1960 and completed wood. Call 568-1737. wjtl Several operators are needed Im­ furnished. Perth Amboy. 3 rooms, basic training at Fort Benning, Ga. mediately to sew plush toys. Our I'LUMIJING, painting, masonry 1st floor, 4 rooms, 2nd floor, un­ WARREN R. BRIGGS O P E R A T O R S W A L K E R & W A L K E R The 20-ycar-old soldier is a 1X0 UNION BEACH: Corner lot 75 x positions offer paid holidays, paid work, tree expert and odd jobs. furnished. Inquire 205 Main St., Mr. and Mrs. Warren Robert 100; Hcach and 2nd Sts., $950.00, vacation, regular pay increases and EXPERIENCED Call 5S6-1.H2 or PArkwav MSI3. Keyport, wjj graduate of LaSalle Military Acad­ ' wjS REALTORS Brigfi ir„ 1 Roberts Rd., Hazlet, emy in Oakdale, N.Y. 10% down, balance easy terms. SO complete insurances. Singer Sew* BEAUTIFUL, 4 room apartment, • graduate of Raritan H ig h 3-0926, or Inquire 15 Courier Ave., ing machine experience required. SINGLE NEEDLE 1000 feet south of USED 1*1 A NOS bought and sold, heat, hot water included, down­ Lily-Tullp Company . la First Cavalry Division Maplewood, N. J. w]8 Visit our o ffic e Immediately, MACHINES town Keyport, I flight up, reason­ U.S. Army Pfc. Anthony Dimech, Ribaudo & Cucchia, Aeromarine tuning and repairs; also sheet Highway 35 music. Lessons on phno, accordi­ able. Call 9 a.m to 5 p.m. 264­ Middletown. New Jersey .. ton ot Leon E. Dimech, 123 Stone Situation Wanted Building, Locust Si., Keyport, wjl CALL — ASK FOR JOHN 5009. wj I Rd., Union Beach, is a member of on, guitar and other instruments. Phone: C71-3311 Enroll now. Matawan World of ICE A NfiHURG. 174 Carr Ave‘ 5'/j Multiple Listing* the 1st Cavalry Division which this WILL DO typing In my home. Ex­ F O R S A L E Classes for learners held 4:30 to Music. 154 Main St . Matawan. Call month commemorates its 20th perienced typist. Mary Jane Smith, loiuns, $100 per month, plus And Trade-ins S:39 p.m., Monday tlirougn Thuri- Mtf*fi2!H. wjl utilities Security. C«n be seen Send for Catalog . year of scrvice in the Far East. Smilli's Farm, Route 39, Keyport. day, SI a.in. to 12 noon Saturday!. The division is stationed along ALUMINUM SIDING between 9 a.m. and 12 noon any Open 7 days Call 264-1064. wjl* day, wjl* w| (he demilitarized zone separating MINIMUM WAGE |50 A UP AUTOS FOR SALE South Korea from North Korea. WILL CARF. for children In nr.y Storm Doors ft Windows F()UR R(K).\1 apartment, 69 Main HAZLET, Cape Cod style, 4 bed­ The unit departed the U.S. in July own home anytime. Inquire 303 Jalousies CALL - ASK FOR ANN S C H A N C K & S I H L E R St., Keyport. Bittner 4 Carton rooms, 2 complete tile bath1*, IIM3, for the Pacific. During World Dock St.. Union lleach. wjl* Agency. Tel 264-1717 or 2G4-2916. complete modern tile kitchen; liv­ War II, Ihe division was the first Edllh M. King 566-0420 USED CARS ...... _ ...... WJJ ing room and dining room. Storni MOUNTAIN TOP HWY 31 MATAWAN unit to enter Manila and the first PETS wjl* 560-4239 CUFFW'OOf) Beach. 3 room apart­ and screen windows and door*, lo enter Tokyo. Later, during the Bcauiifully landscaped. Near school BEST TOP SOIL M F G . CO . wjtf ment, all utilities supplied. Call Korean War, the division was the ROELBOW KENNELS. Board » ;i7 ’2l after .r» p.m. wjl* and church. Must sell by middle first to enter Pyongyang, the capi­ your dog wih us. Tender, loving LOCUST ST., BILL LANZARO’S of August. Call 204-1721. _ wjl care, Individual pens with runs. KEYPORT, 3 roonv apartment, tal of North Korea. . Chicken manure, blue stone, road furnished, all utilities supplied. MA'I AWAN Borough", a beautiful Pfc. Diinech. a clerk in Head­ Summer reservations taken. Elsie gravel, washed gravel, sand, fill K E Y P O R T A U T O S A L E S colonial custom-built home, set on Bowman, Old Mill Road, Marlboro. dirt, etc. Bulldozing and backhoe Adults only. Call 204-30H. _wjl quarters Detachment in the divi­ 2G1-58G6 QUALITY USED CARS a spacious 90 x 162 ft. exception­ sion's 15th Medical Battalion in Call HQpktns 2-2M.1?. wffl service. ROOMS furnished and unfurnished; ally "ell landscaped lot, beautiful Korea, entered the Army in Jan­ ivjtl 334 MAIN ST., MATAWAN also in Keypoit 2 room furnished trees and shrubs galore, all lal’go WANTED TO RENT ECKEL TRUCKING apartment, tile bath and .shower, uary 1963 and arrived overseas SCIIOOnTu.S drivers. Calf now CR. MAIN A RT. 13 rooms, built-in 2-cur garage, hot last March. residential area. Call 261-7000 or u.uei heat, fireplace in living room, FURNISHED apartment, all util­ MORGANVILLE Ior September employment, male m:«n:L wjl CHESTER J. ZAREMBA The 21-year-old soldier is a grad­ 566-3707 5G(i-222‘l enclosed sunporch, full basement. uate of Keyport High School, ities supplied, 2 or 3 rooms, pri­ or female. Call 7K7-fK)0J. wjlf OPEN EVES 'TIL 9 P.M. KEYPORT apartment 3 rooms and School; Chester Joseph Zarembs, vate bath. Occupancy for 3 to 4 wjlf Also includes dishwasher and re­ ton of Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Chester Al.EKT ItOY to work part time In wjt/ b.i'h. all utilities supplied. Couple frigerator. House in excdlenl con­ Completes Training months. Call 566-1778. wjl FREE INSTALLATION only, JiHO per month. Immediate oc- dition. MIA or VA terms arranged Karcmba, 22 Linda PL, Hazlet, Lawrence F. Dalton, son of Mr. Keyport olfice, minimum age IS. 1955 HLUE LORD V-8, 4-door ALUMINUM COMBINATION Call 2IM-7575. wjl cupancv. Calt liOlKH'M or 50G-42S7. for qaaiilied Imver. Asking $20,201). and Mrs. Thomas E. Dalton, 1 enter advanced infantry training, sedan. Inquire 1212 Florence ‘ wjl STORM WINDOWS Ave , Union Hcach. or cull CO 4- Call Mr. Storr at 2fi4-tt745 or 787­ ‘ Parkside PI., Keansburg, recently be enrolled in one of the special- NURSES AIDES; all shifts. Ap­ APAiU MENT," West Keansburg, 4 5501). completed recruit training at thc isl schools at I-ort Dix or sent to 6 F O R $77 ply in person, Itrookilale Nursing m\. vrjif rooms and hath, second floor, all N a v a l Training Center, Great Triple track, fully weather stripped, Home, 3X!5 Highway :!5, llailet. Lakes, 111., in graduation cere­ llir.t CHEVROLET, good condition, utilises, adults onlv, no pets. Call THE KIKWAN genuine Alcoa aluminum, E Z tilt. ■ wjl onlv miles. $125. Call 5fW* VHM.ul) ' wjl monies which included perform­ Can bo cleaned from inside. Term*. m i.' wjl COMPANY ances by the Recruit Training Com­ PLUMPERS, experience necessary. NEW apatlmenl, partly furnished, mand Drum and Bugle Corps, Drill PROWN’S Call All State Plumbing Co., 2tf4- 11)53 DODGE, good motor, p*H»r 3* j rooms, all utilities .supplied REALTORS & INSURORS Team and Band. In addition, he 32 Broad St. Sll 1-7500 Red Bank If>70 or apply In person, Keypori body. i r>0. Call 201 6157. wjl* nvinutes trom Lily Tulip Cup, 2* (ft* BROAD ST. k ey po r t participated in a full-dress parade ______wjtf Fr>5 HUICK convetlible, excclieni mmiiN's fiom Fields. Call 264-5SII MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Gardens, 251 Atlantic St., Kevp'irt. or 2fil-I'o';. • * -wjl involving more than 100(1 men. 1REMENDOUS savings on doors, ' wj2!) running condition. $401). Inquire ' ' ■ ' _ ' *jl The nine weeks training consists windows, shutters, millwork'etc. Phillips. 70 Church St., Keviwit. HOUSE on Highway 34, 7 rooms, C A U r m W ! 2C4-1376- ol naval, orientation and history, MATURE WOMAN experienced in neuly decorated, tfood location. Across from Ye Cottage Inn. Key­ general office work and good , "I! customs and etiquette, military port. Call 261-8972 or 2G4-345fi. 1955 I't.YiUOUTH. Asking Jl'.'i. $175 per month. Van's Agency, law, seamanship and basic ship­ tvpist. Flexible hours. Cull 506- Realtor, Cr, Hwy, 34 and Main St., I Keyimri - ... two story . home; three _ 0»2, ask for ll J. wjl Matawan. 5M-IHSI wjl ! bedrooms, cellar,-garage, $ulWM, board routine, ordnance and gun­ A HANDSOME HEAVY DUTY nery, damage control, sentry duty, IVAI iWS.S. Steady employment, WANTED TO BUY LARSEN APARTMENTS, Keyport, , military drill and physical fitness, ALUMINUM over 21 vears of age. Cull 201* Matawan, lakefront properties now available. 3 rooms and hath, ranch, $22,500; Colonial. $21,000. first aid, swimming and survival. 1101 J .... wjS HOOKS, maps and documents. bran 1 new with h<»l water base­ During the training period re­ WINDOW UPHOLSTERER, experienced. Cali Archives Hook Store, 9 Valley board heat and hot water included. Marlboro Township ranch: thre® * \ cruits receive tests and interviews FOR 21,1-Sm _ _ _ _ wjl Drive, Matawan. Call 5GS-nn. Science ceramic tile kilchen with which determine their future as­ refj iterator. 1 year lease, refer­ bedrooms, large lot. full basement $11.95 - WOMAN for kilchen work, good _ _ - only S15,m signments in Ihe Navy. hours and pay. Apply in person, ences. Carlton H. Poling, Realtor, Upon completing the program FREE ESTIMATES WE RUY A SKU. AWriilMr, ~ J CHARLES F. SELI.KK KARL FRANTZ 261-3405 Hrookdale Nursing Home, Highway C & C TRADERS', ANTIQUES Higliwav 36, Kevport. Call 264- they are assigned to service schools .'il. Hu/let.______wj] \m. ' ' wjl STERLING McCANN for technical instruction or to ships ______wjH 355 HWY. 36 — W. KEANSBURG a graduate of Raritan High School; YOUNG woman to work with young 7K7.I3N LAURENCE. HARBOR, "house T REAL ESTATE Charles Frederick SelUcV, son of or shore stations for on-the-job ROOF~SH INGLES $1.75 per bundle, 253 BROAD ST.. KEVPORT roll roofing $1.00 and up. Felt children, experience preferred. HIGHEST PRICES PAID rooms and large recreation room, |Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frederick Sel­ training In a specialized Navy rat­ OPEN 9 TO 9 fenced yard, garage. $K15 |>er lick, 4 Thorne PI., West Keansburg, ing. ' $1.75, asbestos and brick siding $10 Send resume to P.O. Uox 292, Mat* 261-1376 awan. wjl w|l month. Call C71-140S after tf p.m. a graduate of Raritan High School; FRANK G. KILBY a square; also garage doors $39 75. _wjl John James Allen, son of Mr. and 0« Aircralt Carrier liner Roofing Supplies, Old Bridge another Army post for advanced m iHM IIW —— — MMiM—— w m — — 1 CARLTON H. POLING Roy S. Matthews jr., fire control training. Roau, Englishtown. Call Gibson technician seaman apprentice, U. 6-S82L _ ___ wjtf REALTOR S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ho is a graduate of Raritan Township High School. COMPLETE line of lawn and patio 38 I1WY. 10 - KEYPORT, N. /. Roy S. Matthews, Amboy Rd., folding aluminum arm chairs, BUSINESS SERVICES 2S1 1913 t Cliffwood, is serving aboard the Trains At Langley AFB rockers and chaises, manufactured attack aircraft carrier USS Con­ Cadet Harry H. Carothers, Mata- by Telescope Company. Economy Hcatitifully landscaped split, < l*ed- stellation, a Seventh Fleet unit, wan. recently completed the Air Office Furniture jc Equipment Co., nwms, l^j hiitlts. den, wall to wall. . which recently participated in a cnr|K*tmg. excellent condition. $16.- -. y' Force Re.serve Officer Training Inc., 299 Washington St., Keyport. Contractor* joint U.S.-Republic of Korea am­ Corps (AFROTC) summer encamp­ Call 264-1558. * wjtf Top Soil Contractors 900. phibious exercise dubbed “ Opera­ ment at Langley AFB, Va. tion Flagpole” and conducted near 14 n \ RUNABOUT racing huiL Cadet Carothers. son of Mr. and TRUCKING AIR CONDITIONING BETSY ROSS HOMES 2 story well kept older limn#, I Seoul, Korea. Steering wheel, remote. $150. bedrooms, bath, $14,200. Mrs, Harry H. Carothers. 6 Union Call 2fi4-3050,______wjtf Additions, kilcheni »nd bith* re Ths training cxercise involved St., Matawan. observed and took AND REFRIGERATION *7 ships plus numerous Marine air LARGE NORGE upright freezer, modeled. Roofing, lidlng, com Attractive well landscaped cotlago and ground units of both nations good as new. with or without EXCAVATING plete line of remodeling servlet. overlooking Raritan Uay, idt*al InsUIItiljon and repaln on all FINANCING ARRANGED It ended June 2d ai U.S. and Ko­ freezer food plan. Call 261-3306. makes and models. home for smflll fjruily, aluminum rean Marines secured their last ______.“'ji Loader, dor.er service, land cfear- THRU LOCAL BANK siding, cyclone fence, aluminum objectives after four days shore , ing, top soil, fill dirt, road gravel 5 YEARS TO PAY awnings, $10,800. USED furniture, good condition, 787-1 m ALSO combat amid driving rain living room, dining room, bed­ und washed gravel. wJ32 wjt “ Flagpole" is similar to other room; also frigidaire. Call 2fi|* CUSTOM HU1LT HOME* KEY PORT tf room Caf*e Cod, at­ operations periodically conducted 7406. wjl* 2G4-HI7B — 2fil-ll37_____ ' tractive well kept home. Combi­ by Seventh Fleet units with armed ECKEL BROTHERS Maintenance THOMAS KEARNEY I9fi2 HONDA 150 CC motorcycle, nation stinmi, 2[. car garage, jorces of Far Eastern countries lo TENNENT RD., MORGANVILLE PLUMBING * HEATING improve proficiency in amphibious electric starter, windshield and SMALL JOll SPECIALISTS ideal location. Priced lor quick crash bars; good condition, $293. 566-1845 Carpentry — doors, stairs, rellingi, 386 Maple Plic* sale. Call 20LKU. wjl DAVID A. LA CONTE maneuvers, ll Is aimed also nt maintaining close working rela­ Cali after 6 p.m., 2G4-829I. wjl wjtl paneling, etc. Iiisido painting. Keyport Foit A REALLY' NICE home' m Mrs. John Kenneth Allen, 2 Cali­ tionships between allied nations. HAMMOND ORGAN,"home ‘model Freu Estimate 26l07t>? Matawan, 7 room tanch, 2 baths, fornia Ave., Hazlet, a graduate ot It consisted ol a mock invasion M2 with highboy Leslie .speaker. tJO E ’S — GENERAL SERVICES CO. wjtf 2 firepl;n-<*s, full havment. reduc­ Raritan IliRh School; Joseph llav- force gaining limited control of Must sell. _Call 204-5414. wjl' EXCAVATfNG, TRUCKING 506-3107 ed to $22,^00 at the niost conven­ w|tf ient terms. Lenu;:!on Agency, ey,; son of Mr, and Mrs. Francis parts of the Republic of Korea aud W l\ S r'l N G I( O (/ S E refcIgf*r- THENCHING VIHCt-.NT .1. DIGENNARO 111 DO. CONTRACTOR Broker, .w; OHM w'jl Cafrett Havey, 2.Brookside Mobile requiring action by American and ator, good condition, !) cubic DUMP TRUCKS FOR HIRE DICK'S LAWN MOWER SR. Court, Hazlet, a graduate ol Rad­ Korean forces to destroy lhe enemv j 7 IIKDI.U RD., IIA/.I.ET THREE BEOROOM home ,-i Key- feet, SII). Call 2fiKi(i7i). wj! CLEAN UP JOBS UT. 7!l. WICKAH'NK ian' lllgli School; David Anthony and restore governmental control. ftM ‘"iJJf; [virt. full < *'11.m. t !epi i< vety W)AT, Hi* 1!),V) Lineman, fullyVliH ■ building line, CarprMi'ry, desitah‘e neigiih/iiieNi l, d uvj pur- LaContc, son ol Mr. and Mrs. An Tho Constellation normally oper­ >nV nnd fullv equipped Life HOUSE WRECKING Comph’t* tlmny LnContc, 73 St. George I’l., ates out of S.in Diego, Calif. 5«R-W> F.i'it pro!t.. ! rfpair-. on nl! tn.ivHifV painting & nluminun'. ( h J" i t).I /* Call finer1;, trailer, boat cover indmiftl proilm *.s tr-0i wjl Koyport, a graduate of Keyport mowers, Ui‘.'d and rccon- Undergoes Basic Training Exretlenl condition, $(mH. C;iil 2f» I 2 2 0 1 High. wjl Bulldozing, loading service, lop dilioncd i ■.vers for sal*. v-jtl MA'I AWAN s bed. Frank G. Kiley, HI, son of Mr. I HARRY II. CAROTHERS soil, fill dirt, ro id gtaval, blue wjrl I (>■ Iffi \, :',ll .l It iOl, <*«c - Reservists Training and Mrs. K. Kiley, 3!l Stanford Dr., i UTILITY THAILER, nev. wheels] stone :tnd wash gravel. Free c li­ MO\'l%G sincje it-■!>< . or ( omjil'M.c CARPENTI.it nnd building contrac ’h1r.-lle o.i Sh, til') C,!tl ■ James J, Pou/cnc, 17, son of Mr ila/let, has been assigned to A j ;ln active part Iti various phases tires, undercarriage, $l l'». Call mates. home. Cl-Mu >a:d' . (••Ha: i and ; tor, J. G Met.sger, L'lorencc Ave,, Wjl and Mrs. Alfred Pou/.cnc, 11 Ifi 2fiI*2(10.1 before G pm, wjl Company of the Third Tr.nmiu; oT base operations dining the cn* ntfirs, f.arge trees a nd s’lr.ihS' ry i Kevport. Now home?*, garngfi. nb Woodmcrc Dr., Cliffwood; Richard Regiment at the U. .S. Army Train-; rauipment period, STROLL * O * CHAIR, combination SPECIAL ON FILL DIRT removed. Call ’iEJ or OWNER MOVING j. Mills, IS, son of Mr. and Mrs ing Center, Infantry, Fort Uix, for al(ei,i':oiis' arid lepairs. Call A member of the AFROTC pro­ carnage stroller, table ami chair THIS WEEK 1 1 2 '.!. ivj;{ i 41.VI wjtf l 1 It ICE REhUCKI) ' Charles E. Mills, 103 Pacific eight weeks of basic training. gram at Lohigli University. Beth­ and high chair, $75. Call 5M 72fi‘l wjtf LAW'?-,' m iiiiteiviiit,^, Ihny J. Ulvd., Cliffwood Beach; Martin F, During this period he will re­ lehem, Pa., he will be i-ligihle for _ wjl South, rc r. ralcr, reli,jl>lo, I ALL kind of l lU'Jl utter 6 p ro. ! Guaranteed uorkmanship. C a I I lot 7f»<;llj. Biiy ivindow in living I gas rotary lawn mower. Call 1 2cciall/.ed training. college. nfter 5 p.m., wjl }2f) room, panelled dmuig loom, play 17, son or Mr. and Mrs. Patrick After tho initial eight weeks, lie CONVERTIBLE TOPS HARRY M. ACKERMAN.... room '/MxLl. Pj baths, utility The cadet is a member of Alpha FKF.SU sweet corn picked daily, Rliunahan. S9 Chlngarora Ave., Will receivo two weeks leave, then Kigina Phi, lly is a graduate of For all model cars. A Courtesy Television BLDG. CONTRAC TOR room, 3 b^irotmi'j pher large ei- Keyport, nnd Robert K. Walsll, 18, wholesale nnd relnil; available Cur for your convenience. LarryV pansion attic. ( hain link lence, (continued bottom next columun) Malawan High School. nil season. Cnll 204 0924 wjtf »on of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Auto Sent Covers, 2 Q • ,'IT20 High­ New homes • garages • altera­ Ktormn and s< reens, -.ewer*. Prlco Walsh, 134 Seeley Ave.. Keansburg, TIRED OF RENT? 'Beautiful Bud­ way 34 and Middlesex Rd., Mnt.v DON’S TV SERVICE tions • repairs - dormers • cera­ $l7,7ad. Call 7H7-',7!,H. wjt •re undergoing two weeks active dy Mobilo Homo, wRh .spacious wan. Call Sffli-MHi. wjtf For fa/d efflclenf radio and tela mic tile . roofing • siding - paint- Naval Reservist training duty as H ft, living room, custom Interior, vision scrvice call WW-78H. iri|< - patios MATAWAN teaman recruits at the Naval Train­ N) x 10 covered patto, outdoor stor­ WHEEL CHAIRS, crutches, canes, KEYPORT ,TV Still VICE ing Center, Great Lakes, III. age building, located in park with •tc,, for rent or sale. Charge CALL 2*1-0874 Six room ranch, .1 bedrnonM, en* The training Includes naval or­ HARDWARE delightful iwhr.intng pool. Coll accounts Invited, Matawan Drugs, wjtl closed porch, fireplace, hot water ientation, history and organization, 787*7080, wjl 145 Main Street, Matawan. Call 666-1600 TEN EYCK RONSON INC. he/it. attached garatte. Best neigh* customs and courtesies, ordnance GALES COMPANY FRiGIIMfRET nearly now' $125! fiM-Ottt. w\n borhood. •nd gunnery, •eamanslilp, damage _CfllMM-0!#W.______tvj! MATAWAN WRIGHT & MILLER Control, ahipboard drills, m-nlry du­ THE LARGEST VARIISTY OF HARDWARE, TOOLS, KEYPORT Army & Navy has swim PERSONAL SERVICE! 10 YRS, GIBSON combination refrigerator trunks, bennudas, slacks, camp R O O F IN G & S ID IN G FULL PRICE ■O" ty and military drill, wiimnlnf!, AND PAINT IN THIS AREA and freezer, 2 door, 2 dial >;on- ______wffl first aid and survival. ing equipment and work clothes at DAILY DELIVERIES trol, lO^cuhie. foot. Call 201-5KM.wj I tho right price, W. Front St., $17,075 A n tiq u e s A!! lypei sldlnir nnd nut­ On Tralnlaa EierclM FRfGllMfRE refrigerator, excel­ Keyport. Call wlif) ters, fnirtricinK a tranced. Free es- U.S. Marine Corporal Thomas 26 W . Front St. - CO 4-2000 lent working condillon, $20. Call llmales. V A N ’3 A G E N C V P, Higgins, son of Mr, nnd Mrs, M-ftl Ti, wjl OPI’ORTUNITY SHOP Easy Charge — Free Parking At Roar Upholstery I’. J. Hip',ins, 70 Manning PI., ANTIQUES f'AIII. WRfGirr JOHN MILLER REALTOR Knnnshurg, Is serving with Marino UPHOLSTERY and furniture re­ Wo buy and lell Aiitlt|iie Furniture 511(1 .riri()7 787 153# CR. HWY 31 AND MAIN ST. Alllit'k Squadron 53,1, Mnrliiu Air- Open Friday Evening Yotit ndvortl.scment In this pairing, All Fabrics and Plastics, llrlc-alirnc, China, Glaal, Dolls. MATAWAN Btrnft (ii<: ip 21, Second Marine Air. paper will reticli prospective A, Strang, IHO WiHhinfjIon Street, Icwclry. U S and I'orelRti itnmps 12M SHORE CONCOURSE Mil-IKK I rrnft Wi, t nn n rmillno (ruining ex. ptit'clitwm In every commttiiily In Kovporl. Call 2ljnWH between 12 lh Mnllliews. 115 ilrondwny, Key CLIIT-WOOn 1IEAC1I Ol’l'N 7 DAYS •rclsu lu llie Caribbean, The milt tlltl bayslioro urea nml 1:30 p.m. or after 6 p.m. wjtl I port. 2fll-UW. wjtf Wjtl Wjl Thursday, August 1, 1963 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pag* Fifteen

Aerial Exhibit By Sky Dh crs To Open Keyporl Day Festivities LaZarc’s Store Eleilcd Officials In Strathmore Republican Cluh Sold On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Schreiber. Bradley Beach, have purchased La /are's Shoe Store. !) West Front St., Kcyjvirl, which ha*, been owned /ind operated for IK ve.irs by Man­ ny LaZare. Deal. Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber took over the sior<* on Friday and stale that they will continue the business under th»* same name, will handle the same lines nf shoes and wil) maintain the same store hour*,. Lifetime resident*, of thr -.here, Mr. Schreiber \\as manav.er of tho ‘•.hoe department of I*isi'i's l>(»- partnvnt Store in Asbury l ark for !fr years. As a coincidence 'if lhe sale, lhe closing was handled by Sidney Sawyer, an attorney associated j James Clahnult, third Irotn right, presents the , presidenl-lreasurer; II. Robert Hogg jr., vice pre*- with Philo and Hoihenberg. Key­ ! navel to the newly*e!ee(eil president of tlie Strathmore ident-pubKcily; Vernon fl. Grady, vice president* port lawyers, who was employed ■ Republican Cluh, Donald V. Caeace. Other officials secretary; Mrs. Mary Lou Smith, vice president* by Mr. Schreiber while he was at­ tending college shown, left to right, are Barton B. Cook, v ic e membership. Civic Aclivilir.% j The Strathmore - at • Matawan R (>r«»dy, vice pre.sideol, .secrr* Navy during World War 11 and is \M. Clabault. temporary president.; draw up a constitution and by-laws' tarv: H. Robert lh*gg jr., vice a member of the Jewish War Vet- j who formally organized the Strath* ! anil ;iKd appointed a platform com- president, publicity; Mr. Clabault, j more Republican Club, piesented ; rnittee. ciiairman executive committee ithe gavel to Donald V. Cmaee, Oilier oflicei> rlecied were l.i Future meetings will be Ivjld or. An aerial exMWt •! the Sky Divert af Afthiry Park Air Terminal Lewis, Keyporl; Joe Kcn.i, Elizabeth; William Van Cell and ! newly e|i*ctid pirsident. ;^^•vill lioate. monager of Accident ,the second Thurr.day of tai.h Sky Divers Club, Inc.. will start fettivitlet m Keyparl Day, Saturday, Polls both of Keyport. lhe exhibit may be seen most clearly Mi . Clabault is an ntionuy as-!Prevention Department A'-sociation month. ‘ •. Pictured akove are sU members #f the Sky Divert, left to Firemen’s Memorial Park, starting at 9 a.m. A Joseph Rada, Holmdel; Tim Canniff, Seaside Heights; Richard Bake Sale Saturday UIJALN'OTICE | IJ-GAL NOTICE An aerial exhibit hy the Sky Div­ ton. and for the Coast Guard Auxil- Township, nnd the Coppertones, j LIU p.m. on Keyport Day Leonard 1 -:«:i !v,.»w| Hearh. ii) Malaunu Tonn«!i!p, M lEM Frs S-.Sl.K CVitirM of i\fu(i/n:>!Jth, aitd S>-0<- i ! ers of Asbury Park Air Terminal lary at their fair in South Amboy Middletown. Golden and his committee mem­ The Women’s Progressive Club st;i»KIMOU COL’KT s j J *•! *e\ bers o/ Ihe Keyporl Jaycees are in ot Ihe Second Baptist Church. Kev* OK N'KW J KHSKY Sky Divers Ciub,. Inc. will signal on the Fourth of July. During the This year lhe judges’ stand will; ll-.-Mip Kpuv«;t ainl

  • n Saturday from l!Mf)N C(ilINTV thr map ilfj-iKnatrtl .>s Chflu tl celebration on Saturday, Aug. 10. Diu kf-t No I. rmit w IJfCi ii in Mata’.'-an Tc\i.* liir/ Ott have made more than 3500 jumps. morial Park, Front St. Trophies to girls. There will be miniature 12 o'clock noc« «»** Councilman Frederick L. Kruser, standing entries in the parade. wheels and nil entrants wdl re­ 1. UftOWXK and IIKI.K.V HftOW’NK jirmps into the water. The exhibit There also will be prizes awarded trieve a T-shirt. Applications are I SpriJ -i. )!C4 io Casf No WI. will be visible from any point along chairman of lhe parade, announces to the bicycle group And hoys anti How alwuit bu'iness rardsv! IJ\ \ il tne I»r ii \ i )1 i I CM'i-.iiio.i if- ■ It-’Hii* ciimmi" ' } '1 knu^n .ino available at The Peoples National !hc ah'i-sf Mao-0 .o-timi lu nu- Ui j na\fu S<>. S ('o ifnur*#- C.tff* the sltore area, but Firemen’s Me­ that assembly time will he 10 a.m. j’irls of all ages are urged to par­ Rank, Lany’s Barber Shop, We cun supply them quickly irrlrd, I 'Mj|| t \ ; >t i» »• tm s.ili .il ium ,* u-’.rt I'l'iu-n, Ne»v Immv morial Park and Beach Park are and starting time, 11 a.m. The par* ticipate. 'The trophies and prizes Smokey’s Barber Shop. Marvel and at the right price. Come , ’ir vnuiue. at I o«- OmiiJ M«-u>e n ; T‘:p apinuMiimU- hMiimni i»l suggested as the best vantage pde will assemble on Chingarora will be awarded at the block dance Baibcr Shop and Keyport Hard­ and I rv us. inr Horuiiv.h if rii-«-luild. C»uiiilv uf • ju((***-• iiciii to Oe >»iOfricO ny . points. Ave., Luppatalong Ave., Washing­ to be held on First St. i ware. Minimi. Dill. Nttt mi MoihI.i. i «.;• l« is the v.nrt i,t IV.<0(» luf»ltl The event will start at 9 a.m. and ton St. and other side streets in the ;;k Jl'lii da\ iif August, )**«;:< itl 'i ! rr v. :t‘t thr «-ii>l* vi H»i< ‘. te. To Serve Refreshments | The committee for the block Real I-‘stale Listing C a r d f o -'l'H-k. I*. M Pri'VitilloK I’oti# I JOSKPII A. MtAtrO, SMUfl. nine club airmen will participate, area. The l/ne of march wiJJ he Afier ihe punule. refrrsimrnts; for sale al this office. AM Ihi1 OefMiil.itit’k i o’HI tjiit* ami dunce report thnt music w/l/ he -iMeicst. if jiii',. in anil lu tin* luilnu ! n itMi j,in« 7f.. tvei , most of them residents of Keyport north on Broadway to Front St., will be served to the children who furnished by the Diahones, who ' X or this locality. Anwng those tak­ l.nGAL NOTICE east on Front St., to Broad St., participated al Veterans of Foreign will play from 8 to 11 p.m. when SYDNEY SCIIKTIBKH tan.u ing part will be Loon and Joseph north on Hroad St., to Third St., Wars Post Home, East Front St., the fireworks display will lake KSJT.AVi: OK AU-’XANDKlt KHIU.S. Ptkls, William Graham, William east on Third St., to Waverly St., wilh Mr.s. Sidney LambertMui in place. Councilman Robert Strang ernns. He also is a member of the IJKCKASKU Van Pelt, Richard Lewis, Keyport; north on Waverly St. to Second St.. charge and adults will be served at nnd Sol Opatosky will be in charge Jordan Masonic Lodge in Ocean A’O'J’JCK OK SKTrt.KM KNT Michael Jastrab and Donald Qleich- west on Second St. to the Hook and the Hook and Ladder Fire Co.. E'tst Grove. OK ACCOUNT Chevalier man, Matawan; Richard Zega, ol arrangements lor the fireworks N«Ih«- 1* t r i «• I j \ li.al Oi*> kr Ladder Fire House and disbund on Front St. display. Mr.s. Srhreiber i.« a member of CiiU'Ofi „( |hr i Bloomfield, and Harry Schoeppte, Osborn and Division Sts. Those wishing to enter floats in j of llu- r*lati* *> f -iOtl DjreiiM'H \*. Ml Iir | Metuchen. Kd.v,nd Wilson. chairman ol the the board of directors of the Brad­ Bands furnishing music for the the parade are requested to con-! Keypoit Recreation Commission, ley Beach Fiihlic Library. She also {•odMrd ;«i< tJif Sm n«|*;it» i Their most recent exhibition In parade will include the Jersey Cy­ tact Mr. Kruser. 27ti Main St., or ■ of lti» C’oii'ttv «'f M«huo«iU!'» fe- J RENT-A-CAR this area was at Preston Airport, announces that the final meeting ts n member or the Sisterhood of junlnj li»r »rttlriitrtil lo ‘)*tir Mon- i clones, Inc.; Union Beach Fire Co. Harry Ross, 17 Osborn St. I of the Keyport Day committee 'I'he Congregation of Agudath Ach- nonittr Countv Const. IJivi«>»«i». j Morganville, when moro than KMH) Drum and Bugle Corps; Lnktsidtm Inaction for the Soap Box Der-! *»•> Kthia\, lhe atUh dav uf Srpirm* , people ivere present. They also per. will he held Tuesday evening and ;m. honorary president of the Brad- brr A. I)., t - i '* :»'» t<«e/. a id , • S M Drum and Bugle Corp.*, Spofswood; hy will he held at Ihe Monmouth ; Ihe public i.s welcome lo iiliend fit Oic C’lMiet.Y Cf’Uit llm t'f, Ntnmnti^iU | 5 FOR 24 HOWS formed at St. Paul's Abbey, New­ Guadalcanal Coastaliers. Matawan County National Bank. Broad St.. at1and assist wjih the arrangements. *ii«t Ccmrt Krciln'M. N'i J m - ; ‘.♦v, a t x'.liii'li tmir App'^'iitM'i) "HI « 9* A MIIE l>r f«»r Ovr htli'WJUM'r <-t C»>Hi- u a nii*-*niii* itiul f.V»un>rt fei»f. about, we would b* able to get-! |Affr* u C: u«t((i jui> :7n<) a I) b>e:<. Free Customer Pick Up the revenue back on this purchase j X riVC, y./n, \V. Kjtrku*, K eyport Council in approximalely “ “ ‘ ' J K Kfonl Shtrl. m ymt*," she Hat Birthday Party K<-\ put I, S'. ,1. noted. H,r\ in■»n«l lit i'ik«-r litit. N, J. Miking space, the I6.9M square* "They haven't, so we’ve got to do J l l f l f f C S M O V illO O S C A birthday cake was the center­ BS U’V«‘i foot Louis J. Costa property. The something or the town will dry ™ * m piece of the refreshment table and MONMOUTH rOUN'TY tp,tract is adjacent to fhe main park­ up,” ht said. SU U KOGATK.S SECOND ANNUAL ing loi between .Main and Broad Miss Iccn-Agcr bu,f',1 siyle "■'"•shmmt* kki COD MT ' Sts. Mr. Hansen insisted if thc bor­ G served. j NOTICK JO CHKDJTOHS Tt? PflK- ough officials don't show faith now, Miss Ieen*Ager of Matawan Guests were Mark and Gregory 5-KNT Cl.AIMS AGAINST KSTATi; Voting 4 to 2 council approved in people won't be willing to invest in Township" will be chosen at the j L brolh(.,.s the , o( hl)n.; KSTATK OK PATMICK .1. KETTA troduction of a bond ordinance pro- Keyport. He pointed out that lack annual picnic of the Good Govern- h ' , - Ui Im. kim«n ii* t’ASQUAl.K J CLAMBAKE ,JVidJng /or lhe acquisition of Ihe of vision sometime ago had result­ men! Republican Club of Malawan i or: ^'r‘ i,n !h'mz Quasi. Ivi- ri-Tt'Ai. DKCKASKH land for public parking purposes, I’ur'Hi'il to Oir oirlir ol KDWAlitJ SPONSORED UY ed in Atlantic Highlands getting a Township to be held Sunday. Sept: j glewood; Mrs. Coosuela Quiios ■ c* i:. t>t »hr Cnu-ij-, appropriating $43,050 and authoris­ boat basin that could have been H, at Captain Hoyle’s Bath ami Ten*! and children, Michael and Maria. ‘ f M»'!'riKnilh. 1111« d;i\ m.ti.r. u.’i lut Robertsville Volunteer Fire Co. I ing thc issuance of $41,000 in bonds located in Keyport and warned MMS. SVDNICY S< IlKI IHLK .'PpiK’almn if the iiiidrryifittj. n|s_c|ub. TennL-nl Rd.. Mnr^n- j C(,Ml| Klca; Mrs N„rm;„, f«n*rvir\<- M Kell a, Ailiommt r *11 i.v or noles to finance the purchase. against failure to look to the future. ville. Sunday, Aug. 11, Starting At 11 A.M. Voting against the ordinance were and Tammy Lee, Teddy and Ron- ley Beach ('haj)ter of Hada.ssah and ; • f tne of tli*- jaiil .1. Interested to Buying Property ’I’he bathing beauty contest i.s op­ nn active member of the Bradley j I’t-Ui4 )l H’U Ij |t» P .Millie J- Councilmen Robert Strang and Dy­ nie, Cliffwood; Mr:;. Hob Charelte fl. rinlu f i» l>rifl<% c a it :i i i :ij nv h en iia r v e v son Woodhousc. The ordinance will Councilman Merrill H. Wallace en to any girl, regardless of politi- Beach Parent - Teacher .Vsociatinii Hivf-u t«' tlie cirditois nf ».hau» AT ROUTE S20 final action Aug. 12. buying property in town had ask­ of 14 and If), who is a resident of Kenneth, Keansbur;:; Mr. and for 12 yt -.‘.(tfii!' (mtn th/* ffafr. ed him if he thought the purchase Matawan 'Iownship. Actual cost of thc tract is 539.­ Mrs. Arthur Senopole ;tml children, The Schreibers have four chil­ Jl.it* \r\ie\r M l>tt« would be a reality. He told me, Mayor of the Borough of Malawan, Mr anti Mrs. Gerald Paly ami ilirfe sons, one a senior at Mon­ .*144 [,mt f{i>*rl auditor, explained that the ordi­ mouth College, one a sophomoie at Miitii'\ ii'i, Nf\\ JitFt-y For Reservations Call 446-6409 or 446-9505 nance also must provide for inci­ “Tm willing to tell my lawyers will be one of the judges. Mayor daughter, Florence. Kevpor't; Mr AMniid^l n Iii> • dentals including legal fees, apprai­ to go ahead wilh the purchase of Applegate and the other judges and Mrs. Arthur Gibbon, ('hffv.ood. R;der College nnd the ihird i* high i Kdv .< if W Cm nr, Kmj. ADULTS — HM CIIII.DHEN — ».M this property if the borough fathers who will he announced will jiul^e ; (;jf,s 5,.r hv Mr- and Mr.s. i ^ 1'“' k Jl’U Mam Str#rt sal. engineering and demolishing have faith enough in the com­ Mfl.m; n, NV-- J*-r**y, No Reservations After Aug. Ith present buildings. He pointed out lhe mntcMiint.s un Krnrral ajipcar- • Kwviacdi. and .\ln« Marla ; munity to go uhettd with pur­ unre, poise, personality iiml pni- • v>ra. Jellrey's pinltnolhi r. »li« tn that if the entire 141,000 provided chasing the parking area.” is not needed, the borough won’t ture. ; were unable to at/end. sell that many bonds. Mayor Poling stated that J.J. The winner will receive a savings Mrs. Kate Freiwald , Ho^. For Markei Newberry jr. hnd indicated that bond and prizes will he awarded to ! Feted On Birthday his firnt would consider remodeling the two runners-up. Girl Scout Troop 17 »/«•« f>:30 lo 9 :.W , *>ul. tu ( Council expressed hope thal the their store front to improve the purchase of the additional parking Applications may fie obtained Needs New Members i Mr. i»nd Mrs, F. he hei iiii'iU r, iii«>liiiil»iiiily n t pressed his opposition to Ihe bor­ that Ihingft are on an upsurge." ough purchasing thc property. Hospital School nf Nursing Held in Nell wisli 10 IhiiMk till tln ir ’ Hi,;-, r Ctmlli-ll Paul Reill-e r a ln l ky Imim-il rx|ii'rlx. And- lltn-y w«rk willi only Before voting Monday on fhe or-i Mrs. Hoggs also called attention the Conrad Hilton Hotel. Chicago. Iriemls nml neilihlnirs hit tfir-u i Cinrll, it. Mnliiiiii l; Mr and Mis. I k fincul faltrie * im m liiifc trlrrliuH ol |M tl«rn tn d dinance, Mr. Woodhousc requested to the fact that if the Mayfair While ir.... Danville,...... his formei many kinilne*M-«i cliiri!ij> llii'ir re- I j-r.,,,k Ci. CW-mtiiK- Mi-». Anm. a clarification and asked, "Has Ihe store does locate in the borough, home, Mr. Tucker was Ihe ^uest ! ei,ut liereavenieilt t‘ s |i e c i ll I I v Clin l/. l.isa. VIsiry l-.llen anil l.itrrv Milon! Mayfair firm .signed 'on ihe doited it has indicated interested in leas­ of• tin? ' James ’ ...... Flvan* family of Lib- Priesls . nJ Sl. .liiM'ph’s nml the Day . 1-lriinnv. all nf Kev|»irl: Cenrj-’r line'*" Mayor Poling replied lhat ing paiking area for $3001) or S4flfl0 erly Lane anti the Robert Pepping ; h(meral‘.... *'...... Home, [ Hind*. .Morgi/n\’d/e. und FloJIip such assurance never whs so stat­ a year. "If that should come family of Wayne Sl. i wjins—ndv I \Vartl. Cliffwood Beach. ed Needs Assurance Sofa and Chair ' ^ 7 5 Mr. Woodlmuse then voted no Tlie Great, W hile Wiiy Al Jhi/h-t I'iri iu c i i 's Fair snying, " I’m in sympathy with the businessmen, but the firm has giv­ THESE quality en us no assurance that they intend to go ahead wilh this project." features! “ I don’t know who you have been talking to since last week,” e Orrrhivknl Srnm < Councilman Henri Hansen «om* • ('.iinhini S',>//-HV/liii(f nienfed. Mr. Waodhouse rejoined that it was his understanding that 0 llf it l'y Ifcd/ici/ '/.i/ipnt the people were ready to sign. Mayor Poling intrrpoM’d Mint thc e K.xlrn l i l lr i l Arm Issue 'at hand was whether the j I ’ il’CI'* council was progressive enough to "go along for the improvement.** e H t/x/ih’til , kit'h//lriil "If you people want to sit by " mid Shim 'll Shir It and let the Umn slide, it's up to Shop ol Home, Only! yon," Mr. Hansen snid. He sug­ gested lhat Ihe borough has got to Budget your purchaie •/ h"' ui*h' I *e i'nr do something to help the business j Ihiy S o I. llnr f:t' /’/nil {Smiill Srtvirv section, or thc allernutive will be i ) or our I. ilin ilt tl JU Month I'lnri, ju lly in- to let it he torn down and hpi/ses %nnid for yin ir piohi tion. built which would result In more : children attending local school*. I s Taxes Would Soar | Councilman Katherine Hoggs not* j id lhat If such a contingency de- j (/it/ut’ y r r • A w velopcd, n housing area instead of j * ( busJnm on Wesl Front Sl., “lhe \ tuaes would soar Indeed.* ! It was reported previously that \ tenants i.i the apartments above ! thc former food knd furniture store have been givrn .It) tlnys not ice by | t;*\ rtr> cikci.i;. i-a io n io w n , 5 4 2 . 1 0 1 0 Ihe Bnywin Nc/ilty Co., New Yowk, j (ifi/Hisi'lit Monniiiiitli ,S/id;ifim^ I.VnliT the properly 'owners, lo vacate t|ir J |»remlse» scheduled for demolition. Tlil'rr It fun Inr vimnK mill olil Hl lhe llilflel l-’IrentMi'n httr hrliilt I rcklirulril «• Tlit'Hilliv nnd lliursilny will lie I Its! AI<1 Si|iiad Nl|;lil. J l Unmcllman Frederick L. Kruser held Ihh week ua llw liilr gruunils, Houle 33, lliwlel, Kifi'ineo'ii nlghl! All Ilml ulll fxjiuuti und llielr mmlllnrlrt art Invlleil lv |iiirili l|iiiie. Sixteen THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, August 1, 196# imrmm aimams n mm mum a EVERYDAY LOW ER PRICE POLICY PLUS S&H GREEK STAM PS

    ACM E NEW LOW ER Check This List for Just A Fewc PRICE POLICY Of the Many New Low PriccsJ^ , Effective Hundreds and hundreds of price* drastically NEW raductd from w all to w all I Check a ir list I HI L9 W l» PRICK FR I C l T) i « h ar* only a few off th* hundreds af reductions that add up to bigger everyday CARNATION IVAPORATID M U H'A oi. ian * / V l« 4 /7 9 * savings for you I Ihop Acm * w h*r* yew get 4010 MIDAl nOUR I Ib. ba* I4 « 13c Immediately everyday low prices plus S&H Oreen ttam psl CRISCO INORTININt • Ib .M IS« 7 1 , , •*. see 4RIIN 0IANT PIA I If I/ 9 IC

    HILLMAMN MAY0NNAISI M ••. |« n « 4 7 * SUGAR s u a n s T 5i55< KRAFT MIRACll WHIP I4*a. hr * r « 14c VI gel. PARMOAll K l CRUM 4 S * 19 * M i l l PKIII 100 UH 0RNN ITAM M Il*«.^ g . IN ADDITION TO RMUUIt *AMH WITR WNIATIII >0« 17 * 1 0 0 J M PURCHASI OP $10 OR M OM IP m ne 1 4 0 , 1 / 4 1 , N L MONTI HUNT COCKTAIL hdudtaf Freeh MA 0*4 0Qpfafta4 N«U 0RIIN STAMPS M O ni A.M. NNM • t J , 4I9U I • 11% t Wt»• • IIUU1U *o •" wWl wupw ■( Addrsis MAXWELL H0USE»79. IV O R Y S O A P 4 15. 4/11* and p unIm m y*iM m # aavpo* per ^spplp| M m . |« INSTANT C O M ! HBfMANN MAY0NNAISI 49« >4* • J |1 0 tt n « r « rfres lotvrdey, Avf. I KML044 CONN RAKU lt< t / S S *


    SUMSLI SH M l 10 WWTI TUNA P m . m 41« S i *

    CAMP H U CUM CHOWDM 1014 •*. tm 1/Jfi I/ Ill 44*«.«» Rib Roast >55* V-l COCKTAIL I9 « 31 * to tut* ihgMy htghf O V E N R E A D Y * J. BLEACH MOTTI APPU U U a M » l * 1 /3 9 * 17c 6 JO Y U M H O is s .U k M i 19c I0NELESS WT ROAST ^‘WT0 ‘ SS< WALOORf TOMIT TISflUl 4/99* 4/11«

    C A M P IM I ftim m NOADU SOUP WU •>. m* l/JT i !/)lc BONELESS CROSS RIB ROAST * 59«

    m . « COMn CLIANHft 13* l / l k OROUND BIIP SALII fARMDALI PIA I H m . sm S/SS* |/4«< NIBLETS com 2»33. KNUIAR « l| GROUNDM , «OUNO.«A PM00HS0 ITAUAN P IM I T0MAT0N • 9 * I / M * lib. i.is h J ¥ CHUCK • h o u n d f c 0 T r » TIMP-m WMPPM OIAM CMttl ^ S / 4 1 * l / W * PRANKS Uni | '*• *| Fro*** Utai And FUk CAMPSMi CNKKM RKI I0UP MV4m «m t / s r * I / M * CRIKO IWNiTWMV 1 4 * IS* e a c o n id i Si i-if MAXWK1 NOUN WITANT COM ! • m . |v 40 * S 9 « PORK ROLL w a y u ff PISH CAMS D. I TOWELS msH'wir 39. IKIPPY NANUT MITTM «* ■» 4 1* U* PRYIM ^ IS « VIAL STEAKS u^ i 7 9 « •OROIN'I IVAPORATB M U I4V% M. Ml •4/91* 4/79* POTATO SALAD ‘ ^ t * IW STIAKS 7 * M CKM 'I P10UR lib. beg 94* IS* *

    INAL ICI CRIAM Vi m. 99 * 19* 104 H.t** CUT-RITI WAX PAPM 17* 1 / 4 7 * YOU MffVffA HAD IT SO PRISM/ CRANRIRRY IAUCI U •«. te^ 4/89* 1/41* WESSON OIL —29. IDIAL FRUIT C0CKTAK. t4 M. Ml 1 /4 4 * l / 9 k IVORY LI0UI0 M M Ut. 63* I9 < CANTALOUPES

    01INIIDI FRUIT PUNCN W b«r 39* 1 / 9 1 * MOTTS P.M . DRINK M 41. b*i, 3/93* 4/91* LUICIOUt QUAKIR PUFF MCS M m .^ 1 19* 16c IWIIT PILLSBURY HOUR f Ib. kty 94* IS* 2 3 9 - JUICE IMMMENIO TGM-ifO 3 - 8 9 ' KILL040 RICI KRtSPIIS IM •«. (**. 11* 1 / 1 7 * NICTARINfS X- 29< CELERY * 2 SC W« CAMPWL CNKKM VIOnABLI IOUP 1 /3 7 * I / l l * fULDfN4! MUITARD M «s. |«r 19* 14* BLUEBERRIES Vh LIMES MU *'>19' SITTY CR0CKIR TWMKLIS *i. pig. 19* II* PH IVAPORATID M M UVk se. ahi 4/91* 4/71* noziN tows aM PSIU MUIHR00M SOUP lOVfc ea. a / 3 7 * ! / « * IDIAL f«O IIN CATSUP k i m i s i 2 & 2 9 < TRIX CIRIAl »i- pl«. >9* 1 7 * SRIAKSTONI WNIPPID SUTTIR. ^ T ^ ^ * • 44* 4 1 * 4 os. M n 1 0 MAXWIU NOUM INSTANT COFFfl W«e. |* 1.31 1.1 1 LEMONADE TMRHLl UOIND HTIRSHT .... m es. b * ,____ AS* H t VIOITAILIS 1^>9< J.ALFRO I.H .. PLAY ACM H W IT lO O VMITABLM t^41« P# O l2 iZ3 5 * DAIRY DfPAftMUNT t W AYS TO W IN I U it W n k't A $1000 WINNER HUNDREDS OP 100,000 EAC H W EEN $100 WINNERS MERCNAHDISE PRIZES $1000 Wlnn$r VELVEETA - -79. UICIUI SHOWN OOftMAN f • Mmbw f fmn 14 W . Kinney I k SWISS »iMPORfli <- 49« MUENSTIR AML g0 * • >»«*»< Newark, N, J, A HW Of IM I1M.M WlNNIM m4 * i* » k I ■ | H V I |ll«M Mtll , , , ymw* S to Ivg Ta*gJfla, ManoMiMfi, N, J, M M M «M W |M h* tkrM mm- leRf Mo4*a«, fclmar, N, J. mm valuis yoef Am * Monef* Im . 9*m* b to Mrs. J. I. lulNvan, Mafttvala, H, I, k«n UlallKf lit Mft. IHtg Oarmlay, Haihtll, N. J. to NS Inm M # *•«*§ U i h p r ^ ini y»y'v* w«« Mffi t, PHsOaratrf, Teaflacfc, N. J. VIRGINIA LH 2 ^ M » A 4mS« •* k* M i ft •fcgwn ft#* of **ft. PEACH PIKS mtmt i f •m m WMitlauaA, Aafavry, N. A ■ M w *• M f mtmm. |IMM Mill. Mn. N. 0«fM, Ne, PlafftfiaUf, N. f Mrs, M. la/ry, Sptlflf labs, N. it IUPRIME PULLMAN til** ^ gjgi £ 0 ) t**# Mvr*«r, *“*«•* I. Wt itttnt Hi* fl|M It limit qunlltUi. Nut niMMhk Im tntn. ______B R E A D 4 $1

    ...... PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ROUTE 35 and 36