Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service NREM-9201

Getting Started in

Marley Beem Area Aquaculture Specialist Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets are also available on our website at: Introduction http://osufacts.okstate.edu Aquaculture, the production of aquatic animals and plants under controlled conditions, is the fastest growing form of alternative agriculture in the United States. Photos of ponds What to Produce? packed with eagerly feeding are capturing the imagina- Most new fish farmers in Oklahoma plan to produce tion of people across the country. Before jumping into fish channel , but many other types of fish and aquatic farming, however, it is wise to temper your enthusiasm with animals can also be considered. The discussion that follows an objective look at the benefits and disadvantages involved. is designed to allow you to consider some different species It is not unusual for people interested in aquaculture to have while pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of each. some mistaken ideas (Table 1). Some of these are included because they appear promising for Oklahoma conditions. Other species with poor potential are Table 1. Some common myths about aquaculture. included only because many people are interested in them. Fiction Fact

Any fish or aquatic animal Most cannot be. Lack can be economically raised of control over repro- Bait Fish on a fish farm. duction and nutrition, Oklahoma enjoys many large lakes and is a ma- make the farming of jor consumer of bait fish. Golden shiners, fathead minnows, many desirable species and goldfish are among the most popular bait species and impractical at present. can be produced reliably in ponds. These species reproduce naturally and grow well on inexpensive feeds. A series of flat I can find a site for a fish Most sites are unsuited bottomed ponds that can be drained, seined, and refilled are farm on my property. for because needed so buyers can be supplied on a regular basis. If you they lack adequate water are considering bait fish production you need to be aware or proper soils for pond that there are very large Arkansas producers wholesaling construction. bait fish in Oklahoma. These producers have low production costs and will probably offer their fish at cheap prices if you Fish farming is relatively easy. Fish farming is agricul- attempt to compete with them directly. Further information on ture and requires close bait fish production is available in SRAC publications 120-122, management, hard- available through the county extension center. work and the ability to tolerate risk.

Fish farming is very profitable. As in other types of agriculture, the level of Channel Catfish profit is seldom excessive. Catfish farming makes a significant contribution to the economies of many southern states, including Oklahoma. Fish farming is a good Running a fish farm The channel catfish is preferred over other species of catfish retirement activity. requires hard physical because of its tolerance for handling, good feed conversion, work and can be high dress-out percentage, and ease of spawning. Flat bot- stressful. tomed ponds filled by well water are the ideal situation for catfish production, but watershed ponds and cages in lakes Fishing is a good background Farming is the best may also be used successfully. More complete information on for getting into fish farming. background for getting Catfish Farming is contained in OCES Extension Fact Sheet into fish farming. Basic NREM-9002 and the Langston University publication titled, farming skills like “Is Fish Farming for Me?” operating a tractor, equipment repair, and welding are needed.

Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources • Oklahoma State University Crawfish Paddlefish Production of crawfish has proven to be economical in Interest in paddlefish or “spoonbill” culture is mainly due Louisiana and Texas and interest has spread to other states. to prices of $30 or more per pound for its eggs, which are Larger crawfsh are prized as a gourmet food item while substituted for Iranian and Russian . The flesh has only smaller ones are in demand as bait. Red swamp crawfish are a small value at present, but is very fine for smoking. Paddle- the traditional species to culture. The green pond crawfish fish culture is experimental so the level of investment should (Orconectes nais) is being experimented within Kansas and be kept low. Approximately ten years are required before a looks promising for Oklahoma as well. Because the green female will produce eggs. Paddlefish feed by filtering very pond crawfish does not burrow during the summer it enjoys a small animal life from the water. A production system that longer growing season than does the red swamp crawfish. appears promising is to culture paddlefish in catfish ponds The economic feasibility of crawfish production under for two to three years and then stock them in large ponds or Oklahoma conditions has not yet been fully demonstrated. lakes for later capture by commercial . This Requirements include relatively flat land with good water hold- has not yet been tested. There are a few paddlefish fingerling 1 ing capacity and enough water to maintain 1 /2 to 2 feet of producers but production is not reliable. Paddlefish fingerlings water depth. Much labor is needed to harvest and reset traps are reported to be very susceptible to birds due to their habit each day for four to seven months out of the year. Further of swimming near the surface. information on red swamp and green pond crawfish culture are available in the OCES information sheet titled, “Crawfish Update.” Australian crawfish, advertised as “marron” or “freshwater ,” have been available for several years in this coun- try. To the best of the author’s knowledge, no commercially Marine penacid shrimp are a luxury food for which Ameri- successful production has been achieved. Such exotic craw- cans seem to have an ever growing hunger. To help satisfy are likely to be susceptible to the widespread crawfish this hunger, major corporations and private investors have fungus plague, to which our native species are apparently built large shrimp farms in Central America, South America, resistant. and Asia where the tropical climate is favorable. Oklahoma’s climate is not suited for penaeid shrimp, which cannot tolerate temperatures below 60°F. Indoor tank culture using heated water appears impractical due to problems with cannibal- ism. Frogs A species of freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium rosen- Frogs are in demand both as food and for biological bergii, grows well at temperatures above 68°F and salinities research. The frog legs you see in the market are from wild of up to eight parts per thousand. Heads are much larger than frogs coming from as far away as Bangladesh. Frog farming on marine shrimp and the flesh may be softer than marine is highly experimental. Each growth stage requires close at- shrimp, leading to some marketing difficulties. Because death tention and a different type of production facility. Adult frogs occurs at temperatures below 50°F, commercial potential for are reported to consume food only if it is moving. This has led this species in Oklahoma is very poor. Cannibalism makes to some extremely innovative and labor intensive methods, indoor tank culture of freshwater shrimp impractical. including the dangling of food pellets from horsehair. Uncon- firmed reports say that frog farming may be feasible in Brazil, where labor costs are low.

Sport Fish and Fingerlings Production of bass, bluegill, hybrid bluegill, and other Hybrid Striped Bass fingerlings for stocking in private fishing ponds is a proven Demand for striped bass and hybrid striped bass is high, form of aquaculture that has been practiced in Oklahoma for especially on the east coast where the wild catch is declining decades. Additional species that can be produced as forage for and pollution problems worry consumers. The cross between bass include shad and minnows. Production of these species white and striped bass has proven to be an excellent fish involves natural spawning of brood stock in ponds, removal for pond and tank culture. Unfortunately, problems remain of brooders and rearing of fingerlings in place. Because the to be solved in the production of fingerlings. Until a reliable production of fingerlings requires much care and skill, it is supply of fingerlings is available, caution is advised. Further not recommended for those without experience gained by information on hybrid striped bass fingerling and food fish producing food fish. Further information on largemouth bass production is available in SRAC publications 302 and 303, and forage fish culture can be found in SRAC publications available through your county extension center. 200-201 and 140-142.

NREM-9201-2 and striped bass. The major advantage of cage culture is that it requires much lower start-up costs than other production systems. Cages work well for many people on a small scale, but they have several problems that need to be understood Originally found in Africa and the Near East, many differ- before making a major investment. ent species of tilapia have been introduced around the world The choice of pond or lake is critical. Avoid ponds that because of their suitability for aquaculture. Tilapia species are smaller then one surface acre, very deep, or more than have an excellent quality flesh that many people compare one-third covered by water plants. Also avoid ponds that have to crappie, are tolerant of poor water quality conditions, and a deep green color due to large amounts of microscopic plants grow well on low protein feeds. The leading technical problem known as phytoplankton. in culturing tilapia is that they die when temperatures drop to The amount of fish produced must be kept low. If more about 50°F. Because of this, brood stock or fingerlings must than 1,000 pounds of fish are produced per surface acre of be overwintered in heated indoor tanks or small ponds fed by pond or if more than 30 pounds of feed per surface acre per naturally warm well or spring water. Another serious problem day is fed, then fish are likely to die due to lack of oxygen. is frequent reproduction. This leads to overpopulated ponds Diseases can spread quickly through a cage of fish and and stunting if left uncontrolled. A promising species for culture are difficult to treat with chemicals. Because of this, many is the cross between female Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloti- small cages are recommended over a few large cages. Stress cus) and male blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus). Fish from induced diseases are common when fish are held in cages this cross are almost all males, so unwanted reproduction is through the winter months making year-round production avoided. Further information is available in SRAC publications difficult. 280-282. Algae (“moss”) or freshwater sponges sometimes grow on cages requiring tedious cleaning with a push broom. To be successful, cage operations must be run by a good manager who understands all of the points above plus regularly monitors water quality conditions in their lake so problems can and be anticipated m advance. Once water quality deteriorates in Culture of trout is a major form of aquaculture in Idaho and a lake to the point where fish are dying, it is usually too late to Missouri but only rarely done in Oklahoma. Salmon farming do anything. Good feed, top quality fingerlings and the right is well developed in Norway, Scotland, and Chile but still in water body are essential for cage culture. Further information its beginning stages in the U.S. These cold water fish gener- on cage culture is available in SRAC publications 160-165, ally grow best at water temperatures between 55 and 65°F available through your county extension center and in the and die when temperatures approach 70°F. Water that meet Langston University publications titled, “Small Scale Caged this requirement year-round in Oklahoma is scarce. Culture Fish Culture” and “Caged Catfish Culture Problems”. of in ponds during the winter months has been demonstrated and is described in the Langston University Ponds publication, “Cage Culture of Rainbow Trout”. Because the Pond culture involves stocking fish in specially designed number of Oklahomans familiar with trout is limited, some ponds filled with standing water. It is a well proven and reliable producers wisely take orders for trout before they purchase means of fish production when properly managed. Essentially fingerlings. Studies are currently being conducted to determine all species suitable for aquaculture can be grown in standing the potential for winter culture of salmon in Oklahoma. water ponds. Ponds have generally proven to be the most economical means of producing fish and the way to get the What Production System To Use? most fish production per unit of available water. Waste produced by fish remains in the pond where it is Most fish in the U.S. are produced in smooth bottomed broken down by phytoplankton and bacteria. If fish are stocked ponds filled by wells that produce on the order of 1,000 gal- and fed intensively, levels of waste can be high, leading to lons per minute. Because such water resources are rare here, excessive growth of algae and periodic low oxygen levels. Oklahoma fish producers look to a variety of different production Smooth bottomed ponds, designed for fish culture, cost from systems. The production system that is best for your situation $2,000 to $3,000 per surface acre to construct. Such ponds will depend on the water source available. Existing lakes and are used to produce between 2,000 and 5,000 pounds of ponds are often suitable for cage culture. Wells, reservoirs, and fish per surface acre per year depending on species and creeks can be used to fill smooth bottomed ponds. Springs or level of management. If the water source is a spring or well, gravity flow from a reservoir can be used for continuous flow a minimum of 25 gallons per minute of flow per surface acre tanks and raceways. is required. When the water supply is a reservoir, it should Cages have at least at least three times the storage capacity of the pond it is intended to fill. Cage culture involves stocking fingerlings in floating cages As in cage culture, a regular program of monitoring dis- and then feeding them a nutritionally complete diet. Fish that solved oxygen and other water quality variables is essential, will take feed pellets are usually suitable for culture in floating but pond cultured fish can survive many water quality problems cages. This includes channel catfish, rainbow trout, tilapia, that would kill caged fish.

NREM-9201-3 Continuous Flow Systems Table 2. Important questions to ask yourself when plan- Raceways, tanks, or ponds through which new water flows ning an aquaculture enterprise. If you answer “no” or constantly are known as continuous flow systems. Raceways “unsure” to a question, you should investigate further are long channels generally made of concrete or else built by before investing significant money. simply moving earth. Tanks are usually built from fiberglass or concrete. They may be either rectangular or circular in shape. Is the type of aquaculture I am considering tried and prov- Producing large amounts of fish in such systems is technically en? proven but uneconomical in many situations. Trout are the Yes No Unsure most common fish produced in continuous flow systems, but most species of cultured fish will also do well. Will it work in this climate? Yes No Unsure Recirculating System Indoor tank systems in which water is filtered and reused are Do I have enough water? known as recirculating systems. The most common species Yes No Unsure that people attempt to culture in these systems are tilapia and catfish. Recirculating systems hold the promise of year round Does my site have suitable soils and slope? fish production both in locations close to major markets and Yes No Unsure where water supply is limited. They have been under develop- ment for approximately 20 years but should still be considered Am I good at raising animals? highly experimental. The crux of the technical problem lies in Yes No Unsure converting the wastes produced by fish to less toxic forms. Most systems rely on a filter bed of Nitrosomonas and Nitro- Am I able to perform hard physical labor from time to time? bacter bacteria to accomplish this process. Unfortunately, Yes No Unsure these biofilters often die unexpectedly and can be killed by fish disease treatments. An intensive water quality monitor- Do I have the skills needed to operate and maintain tractors ing program is essential, along with backup systems that can or other needed equipment? quickly flush new water through the system in an emergency. Yes No Unsure Unpleasant flavors are sometimes imparted to fish in these systems due to compounds produced by actinomycetes Will I be able to handle the stress of losing large amounts of (fungi). There are many who believe that recirculating systems fish from time to time? are the fish farms of the future, but very few who claim that Yes No Unsure they are feasible today. Am I willing to learn basic water quality testing methods and then carry out a regular water quality monitoring schedule? Planning an Aquaculture Enterprise Yes No Unsure By reading through the information above, you have considered a wide range of options. To narrow these down If there is not an established market for what I plan to produce, and finally arrive at a detailed plan for one production system, am I willing to work with individual buyers? you will need to read as much information as you can and then Yes No Unsure visit with aquaculture Extension specialists and experienced fish farmers. As you do this, it will be helpful if you keep some Is my estimated production cost low enough to allow a rea- key questions in mind (Table 2). sonable profit? Yes No Unsure How Do I Sell What I Produce Can I obtain the needed permits? (See OSU information The time to decide how to market your product is now, sheet titled, “Permits and Regulations Affecting Oklahoma during the planning stages, not after you have a pond full of Fish Producers”) fish. Most Oklahoma fish farmers have more than one way to Yes No Unsure sell the fish they produce. Table 3 lists most of the marketing outlets you should consider. One successful strategy has Is my personal or farm economic situation able to handle been to sell as many fish direct to the consumer as possible additional risk? and then use processors or wholesale buyers to get rid of the Yes No Unsure remainder. Some fish farmers love to meet individual customers and enjoy trying to satisfy their demands. Others would rather not deal with people. Your like or dislike for working with individual customers has a major effect on which market outlets you

NREM-9201-4 Table 3. Common outlets for aquaculture products and At the time of publication, low interest rate loans earmarked some relevant comments about them. for alternative agriculture were available to Oklahoma farmers Farm Sales Direct If live fish are to be sold, holding vats through the Ag-Link loan program. Information on this program to the Consumer are needed. If dressed fish are to be is available through your OCES county extension center. In sold, a health permit is required. addition, loans for aquaculture are possible through the Small Customers will intrude at odd Business Administration (SBA) and the Farmers Home Admin- hours. istration (FmHA). Local commercial banks are your contact for obtaining Ag-Link and SBA loans. FmHA makes loans Farmer‘s Markets Hauling tank for pickup truck is only when you are unable to get credit from other sources at usually needed. reasonable rates.

Grocery Stores Fish must be processed. Competi- Some Final Advice tion from large processors is always In the course of working with hundreds of people interested a concern. in starting aquaculture enterprises, the author has arrived at two pieces of advice that he would like to pass along to you Fee Fishing Fish must be in tip condition. Large now. Operations fish may command higher prices. Imitation, not innovation, is the key to success for beginning Hauling truck generally needed. aquaculturists. A proven species and type of production facility is almost always the best choice. Few new fish farmers can Restaurants Fish must be processed. Uniform afford the time or money needed for experimental systems. portions and regular supply are Start small and learn as grow. No matter how well you required. Danger of competition from plan your aquaculture enterprise, you will learn a great deal large processors. during your first few years of operation. Starting small will allow you the flexibility to improve your facilities and time to Processors Will accept large quantities but develop your markets while minimizing your risk. generally pay the lowest price of any buyer. Glossary Fish Live Haulers Usually deal only with large Algae - Simple water plants. Filamentous algae (“moss”) is established farms. one type that can cause problems by growing on cages or by forming large mats that clog shallow pond areas. Phytoplankton is another type of algae. Bacteria - Microscopic animal life. Some are responsible for should consider. The other major factor to consider is how decay of animal and plant wastes, others are disease much it will cost you to produce a pound of fish. To determine agents. this make an enterprise budget that takes all production costs Brood Stock or Brooders - Adult animals used to produce into account. You should consider more than just feed and offspring. fingerling costs. Assistance in preparing budgets is available Dress-out Percentage - The percentage of the animal that from the sources listed at the end of this fact sheet. More in- is left after heads, internal organs, scales, or other body formation on how to market aquaculture products is contained parts are removed by processing. in SRAC publication 350. Feed Conversion Ratio - Pounds of feed required to produce one pound of animal. For example, if two pounds of feed were used to produce one pound of fish, the feed conver- Financing an Aquaculture Enterprise sion ratio was 2.0. Outside of the major catfish producing regions of Mis- Fingerlings - Stage in a fish’s life generally between one inch sissippi, Arkansas, and Alabama, financing for aquaculture in length to one year of age. is difficult to obtain. The most successful strategy for most Fry - Stage in a fish’s life generally between hatching and people is to use personal funds to operate a pilot project for one inch in length. several years. Financial records from this operation can then Live Haulers - Individuals who make a living by transporting be used as the foundation for a business plan submitted to a live fish from fish farms to locations such as fee fishing bank. Information on how to produce an aquaculture business operations, processing plants, and other fish farms. plan is available from the OCES Aquaculture Specialist listed Phytoplankton - Microscopic plants that float freely in water at the end of this publication. and usually give ponds a green color. During daylight hours, phytoplankton is the major producer of dissolved oxygen in ponds. At night, the process is reversed and phytoplankton use up oxygen.

NREM-9201-5 Rearing - The act of controlling conditions so that fry can Sources of Further Information successfully grow into fingerlings. A rearing or nursery Your OCES county extension center pond is used to receive fry on a hatchery farm. Area Aquaculture Specialist Salinity - A measure of the saltiness of water. Sea water has OSU District Extension Office a salinity of about 32 parts per thousand (ppt). P.O. Box 1378 Ada, OK 74820 Spawning - The extrusion of eggs and sperm by brood stock 405) 332-4100 to produce fertilized eggs. Some species spawn naturally Langston University Fish Culture Project on fish farms, others must be injected with hormones and P.O. Box 730 Langston, OK 73050 have their eggs and sperm stripped by hand. (405) 466-3836 Water Quality - The degree of suitability of water for produc- Publications Clerk tion of aquatic animals. High levels of dissolved oxygen Fish Farming Experiment Station and low levels of harmful substances such as ammonia U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and nitrite make for good water quality. P.O. Box 860 Stuttgart, AR 72160-0860

NREM-9201-6 The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Bringing the University to You!

The Cooperative Extension Service is the largest, • It provides practical, problem-oriented education most successful informal educational organization for people of all ages. It is designated to take the in the world. It is a nationwide system funded and knowledge of the university to those persons guided by a partnership of federal, state, and local who do not or cannot participate in the formal governments that delivers information to help people classroom instruction of the university. help themselves through the land-grant university • It utilizes research from university, government, system. and other sources to help people make their own Extension carries out programs in the broad catego- decisions. ries of agriculture, natural resources and environment; • More than a million volunteers help multiply the family and consumer sciences; 4-H and other youth; impact of the Extension professional staff. and community resource development. Extension staff members live and work among the people they • It dispenses no funds to the public. serve to help stimulate and educate Americans to • It is not a regulatory agency, but it does inform plan ahead and cope with their problems. people of regulations and of their options in meet- Some characteristics of the Cooperative Extension ing them. system are: • Local programs are developed and carried out in • The federal, state, and local governments co- full recognition of national problems and goals. operatively share in its financial support and • The Extension staff educates people through program direction. personal contacts, meetings, demonstrations, • It is administered by the land-grant university as and the mass media. designated by the state legislature through an • Extension has the built-in flexibility to adjust its Extension director. programs and subject matter to meet new needs. • Extension programs are nonpolitical, objective, Activities shift from year to year as citizen groups and research-based information. and Extension workers close to the problems advise changes.

Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Director of Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. This publication is printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Vice President, Dean, and Director of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at a cost of 42 cents per copy. 0313 Revised. GH.
