
Brow styling after care information

- No sun, hot water or abrasive scrubs for 24 hours.

- Avoid touching the skin to prevent transferring bacteria to open pores & use clean makeup applicators for 48 hours after.

- No acid base products, such as creams and that may increase cell turn over (on the waxed area), such as AHA’s or Salicylic acids for 7 days after - If you’re unsure of the ingredients in your skin care, please avoid using them for the required time on waxed areas. Acid based products may sting or burn the waxed skin; skin needs several days to regenerate as waxing gives a mild exfoliation to the skin.

- Apply Dermaid 0.5% available from any pharmacy if you notice itchy bumps within 24 hours of your wax, this will help reduce the histamine reaction from the being removed. If you are prone to this start using it immediately post wax.

- Do not wash the brows after tinting for 24 hours unless you feel the colour is too intense. This will help it to hold longer.

Adverse reactions:

- Redness and follicle swelling are normal histamine reactions after waxing, however please notify us if you suffer from any other adverse reactions, such as dryness, skin lifting, peeling skin or rashes.

- Normal follicle swelling can turn into bacterial filled pustules if the area is not treated properly, this includes but is not limited to touching the area, using dirty makeup brushes ect. If you are prone to these type of breakouts please let our stylist know.

- With beauty services there is always an inherited risk of undesirable reactions.

- Our brow stylists may have to adjust the service to your skin type or give different after care to minimise or prevent discomfort if your skin is problematic.

- Please remember the importance of letting us know any changes made to your current medications and/or skin care regime on subsequent visits. We find this is the main reason for adverse reactions along side a strong histamine reactions.

Precautions and considerations:

- You must wait a minimum of seven (7-10) days before waxing after a light chemical peel or micro-dermabrasion type exfoliation. The potential for skin reactions and/or lifting is likely when the skin is exfoliated too close to waxing appointments. ALWAYS advise our therapist if you have received any sort of exfoliating treatment no matter the timeframe.

- Waxing is precautionary if you have had laser skin resurfacing or a physician administered peel within the past year.

- Waxing cannot be performed if you are on roacutane or skin antibiotic drugs, even 6-12 months from discontinuing medication.

- Women may experience sensitivity to waxing up to a week prior and during their period.

- Sunburned, extremely tanned or irritated areas cannot be waxed.

- Diabetics have a hard time healing, when a wound or lesion occurs to the skin, there may be complications.

- Allergies to any of the ingredients may cause severe allergic reaction. This may include but not limited to inflammation, redness & itchiness.

- Pregnancy may cause discolouration to the hair once tinted due to hormonal changes.

- Fake tanning or recent skin peels can create issues with tinting or henna. Tan may discolour and enhance the tan base throwing a green or orange hue. Dry Skin and tint is not harmonious, colour will bind to dead skin creating an unsightly uneven look.