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Master Naturalist Botany Training FINAL Compressed.Pptx #$%&'(" )&*%+,"-&%.,&/0*%"1,&0'0'2" )3"455*"67(8$%&927&0/:8$7;" <=(">/&'%*?" •! >,$@0A+"$B(2+'"%$"%=+"&%7$*5=+,+" •! C+7$@+"DEF"G,$7"%=+"&0,"&'A"%,&'*G$,7"0%"0'%$"%=+"8&,H$'"$G" /0@0'2"$,2&'0*7*"6I"!"#$%&'()"*%&;" –! )0J2&%+"%=+"+K+8%*"8/07&%+"8=&'2+" !" • Plants form the base of ecological food webs – Ecosystems depend on photosynthec organisms – Provide key resources (food, shelter, etc.) to support Earth’s biodiversity... incl. us! Glaucophyta (glaucophyte algae) PLANTAE Rhodophyta (red algae) GREEN PLANTS GREEN ALGAE Diversity of Land Ulvophyceae (ulvophytes) Coleochaetophyceae (coleochaetes) Plants Charophyceae (stoneworts) NONVASCULAR PLANTS LAND PLANTS Common ancestor Hepaticophyta (liverworts) to all green plants Bryophyta (mosses) Ability to live Anthocerophyta (hornworts) on land VASCULAR PLANTS SEEDLESS PLANTS Lycophyta (lycophytes) • >400,000 spp described Psilotophyta (whisk ferns) – >4,300 in VA Pteridophyta (ferns) Vascular tissue Equisetophyta (horsetails) SEED PLANTS GYMNOSPERMS • Land Plants evolved from Ginkgophyta (ginkgo) Cycadophyta (cycads) green algae Cupressophyta (redwoods et al.) – oldest fossils date ~420 mya Pinophyta (pines et al.) Seeds Gnetophyta (gnetophytes) ANGIOSPERMS Anthophyta (angiosperms) 2 The Transion to Land • More sunlight & CO2! • Big problem: How to avoid water loss? – Cucle – layer of waxy, waterght sealant that covers the aboveground parts of the plant The Transion to Land • Big problem: How to avoid water loss? – Cucle – layer of waxy, waterght sealant that covers the aboveground parts of the plant – Stomata (closeable pores) allow for gas exchange while minimizing water loss 3 The Transion to Land • The first land plants probably grew low to the ground – lacked any way to pipe water and nutrients – dependent on water for reproducon – likely provided with key nutrients by mycorrhizal fungi (above) mycorrhizal fungi in fossils of Argaophyton sp. (R) from early Devonian Non-Vascular Plants: The Bryophytes • The most ancient group of land plants alive today – Lack vascular ssue (i.e. water-conducng cells) • Require water for reproducon – Sperm need to swim to egg • Include liverworts, mosses, & hornworts – ~600 spp in VA VASCULAR PLANTS – The least-explored area of botanical diversity in VA 4 -$'`U&*8./&,">/&'%*Z"1=+"W0@+,L$,%*"" •! D$77$'"Y"A0@+,*+"0'"G$,+*%*"&'A" L+%"&,+&*"0'"UV" " -$'`U&*8./&,">/&'%*Z"1=+"W0@+,L$,%*"" •! 1L$"7&f$,"2,$.5*"H&*+A"$'"2&7+%$5=(%+"2,$L%="G$,7Z" –! C="66%/.'6,-.#<%#0/" –! 3."21'6,-.#<%#0/' 3."21'6,-.#<%#0/'DAE" C="66%/.'6,-.#<%#0' e" 1=&//$*+"W0@+,L$,%*" •! #$A("7&'("8+//*"%=08M" –! 1=0'N"8=/$,$5=(//",08=".55+,"/&(+," –! C=0]$0A*"&'A"*8&/+*"H+/$L" W+&G("W0@+,L$,%*" •! U+,("A0@+,*+"2,$.5"$G"QRNSSS"*55:"" –! 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D&'"A,("$.%"&'A"%=+'",+=(A,&%+"/&%+,"" •! 48$/$208&//("075$,%&'%"&*"+&,/(" 8$/$'0]+,*"Y"*$0/"H.0/A+,*" " g" Nonvascular Plants: The Hornworts • The least diverse bryophyte lineage – ~300 spp globally; only 5 in VA • Most commonly found on moist, exposed mineral soil • Sister group to vascular plants! All hornworts have thallose growth form VASCULAR PLANTS Evoluon of Vascular Plants NONVASCULAR PLANTS Liverworts • Vascular plants include all Mosses extant land plants excluding Hornworts SEEDLESS VASCULAR the bryophytes PLANTS – Defined by the presence of Lycophytes vascular ssue (lignin-reinforced Whisk ferns LAND PLANTS conducng cells) Ferns VASCULAR PLANTS VASCULAR Horsetails GYMNOSPERMS Ginkgo Cycads SEED PLANTS Redwoods et al. Pines et al. Gnetophytes ANGIOSPERMS Angiosperms Flowers and fruit 9 The Origin of Vascular Tissue • Evolved in early land plants as water-conducng cells strengthened with lignin – Extra-strong polymer that helps support erect plant ssues • Vascular ssue solved two problems for early land plants: – Enabled transport of water, sugar, & nutrients (now xylem & phloem) – Provided support necessary to grow taller Seedless Vascular Plants NONVASCULAR PLANTS Liverworts • Not a true evoluonary Mosses lineage Hornworts SEEDLESS VASCULAR – defined by presence of PLANTS vascular ssue & Lycophytes reproducon via spores Whisk ferns LAND PLANTS Ferns VASCULAR PLANTS VASCULAR • Diverged aer non- Horsetails Sporophyte- vascular plants but before GYMNOSPERMS dominated Ginkgo seed plants life cycle, Cycads vascular tissue SEED PLANTS Redwoods et al. • Need water for ferlizaon Pines et al. – like nonvascular plants Gnetophytes ANGIOSPERMS Angiosperms Flowers and fruit 10 Seedless Vascular Plants: Life Cycle • Dominant, free-living sporophyte (diploid plant) – Produces spores • Small, easily-overlooked, free-living gametophyte (haploid plant) – Produces sperm & egg Seedless Vascular Plants • Several exnct groups à dominant in Carboniferous • Two major groups (phyla) living today – Clubmosses and Spikemosses (the Lycophytes) – Ferns, horsetails, and relaves (Monilophytes) 11 b++A/+**"U&*8./&,">/&'%*Z"1=+"W(8$5=(%+*" •! 10'(N"*8&/+`/0M+"/+&@+*"6/$'2+,"0'"a.0//L$,%*;" •! b5$,+*"H$,'+"0'"/+&G"&B0/*"$,"$'"8$'+`/0M+"*%,.8%.,+*" +,%-)-,.*5:.6a.0//L$,%;. 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R84,!%0/"G$,7"&"%,.+"/0'+&2+" " q'$L0'2"%=+"A0K+,+'8+"8&'" =+/5"2,+&%/("L0%="5/&'%"c_P" )$'$8$%*"@*:"_08$%*:::"<=&%O*"%=+"_0K+,+'8+?" •! )$'$8$%*"=&@+"$'+"!%016.4%&'6^,*%"/+&G;"L=0/+" A08$%*"=&@+"%L$:" FR" Monocots vs.
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    This is a repository copy of Mannitol biosynthesis in algae : more widespread and diverse than previously thought. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Accepted Version Article: Tonon, Thierry, McQueen Mason, Simon John and Li, Yi (2017) Mannitol biosynthesis in algae : more widespread and diverse than previously thought. New Phytologist. pp. 1573-1579. ISSN 1469-8137 Reuse Items deposited in White Rose Research Online are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved unless indicated otherwise. They may be downloaded and/or printed for private study, or other acts as permitted by national copyright laws. The publisher or other rights holders may allow further reproduction and re-use of the full text version. This is indicated by the licence information on the White Rose Research Online record for the item. Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. [email protected] 1 Mannitol biosynthesis in algae: more widespread and diverse than previously thought. Thierry Tonon1,*, Yi Li1 and Simon McQueen-Mason1 1 Department of Biology, Centre for Novel Agricultural Products, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK. * Author for correspondence: tel +44 1904328785; email [email protected] Key words: Algae, primary metabolism, mannitol biosynthesis, mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase, mannitol-1-phosphatase, haloacid dehalogenase, histidine phosphatase, evolution of metabolic pathways.
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