A .H I S T 0 R Y 0 F Railroad C 0 N S T R U Ct I 0 N, Ownership Rnd Abandonment Within State the Kansas
A .H I S T 0 R Y 0 F RAILROAD C 0 N S T R U CT I 0 N, OWNERSHIP RND ABANDONMENT ' WITHIN THE STATE 0 F KANSAS KANSAS CORPORATION COMMISSION TOPEKA, KANSAS y\^ STATE LIBRARV OF KANSAS vswrjwA ft ft 4 3 5141 00190503 4 ft ft ft l ft P ft I N TRO DUC T ORY STATEM EN T 5 ft 5 ft ft ft This is a history of Kansas railroads, indicating the dates when railroad main lines and branch lines were placed 5 ft into operation and the dates when abandonments took place. Trackage rights mileages are shown to the ft extent it has been able to verify such agreements between railroads. It will be noted the railroads have ft ft been grouped under the eventual parent or operating road whenever possible. Lines with independent ft ownership are included with the grouping to which they will subsequently belong. ft 5 Sources of information for this study include the annual and biennial reports of the Kansas Board of Railroad ft Commissioners for the period January 1, 1883, through November 30, 1910, the first through the fourth report ft ft of the Kansas Public Utilities Commission for the period May 22, 1911, through November 30, 1918, the first ft annual report of the Court of Industrial Relations for the period December 1, 1918, through January 31, 1920, I ft 5 the sixth and seventh biennial reports of the Kansas Public Utilities Commission for the period March 23, 1921, ftk i 4 through June 30, 1924, the eighth through the eleventh biennial reports of the Kansas Public Service Com P ft mission for the period July 1, 1924, through June 30, 1932, the twelfth biennial report of the Kansas State ft ft Corporation Commission, issued in 1934, through all successive biennial reports to the present date.
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