.. ■ „■.W V ". ,. r.V ■ ■ - , ' f. ■ - r .. I iti, • r»i-’ V •' ' i - ■ 'KS -I- . i toyitteB ygntHi SATURDAY, ilCTRl)ARY SQ s s s ; ./ -.U*. - just ffrstt' aril' ‘wr'tM fft' want aomboae elsa to taka PI b i i s June W inding them.” KbUeher aald. Average D§fly Net Press Ron ,-v Heard Aktng Main Street “Thla wasnt adopted to hurt the Q k ird i children.” he added. Area Radiom en Ite tha Weak Eadte February 36, 1964' ^ . 1 4&X to And on Somo 6f MtmchetUr*» Side StreeUt Too ’The fsatum o f tbs ord|naaes tbs RANGE and FUEL OIL • •6.0. a'* 'tB-iliiiyrew chief sssnu to like especially is UeYvellyit H> Melbert, WIFSH, to do* the one directing the department 93 Tanner S t has been selected, 11,136 tlM clnirch en Mala Street whe has mlsaabd the balL In other .Clear aad caUar to Investigate the background of to set up an organisation o f ama- lapuhar sir tka-Audit, dtsUiC tho w««k A t 7:80 srestmdny morning-:- words, after he has lost all phM* children convicted o f crimee, etnee taur mmo operatom prepared to 38-83. M r , aMiRttlii. »mi MldnW »»M< wMch waa qulU frosty, you may cal Control over its eventual das* COAL- COKE uauu t e Ohuukitoiui ' . it “puta teeth into our enforce­ fumiah organised emergency com­ wtu bo ptckod up. tlnatlon and activity. — " t J' t.'iii i recall if you were out.at that un* m ent” munication in time of disaster,'it A. ManxiheHer-^A City of VUlage Charm reasonable hour—a car vms stalled Now thia technique, like almost We asked whether Bast Hart­ Inaursaoo, Wbot was announced today by Com­ 24 Delivery Service at the traffic light at the comer » perfected skiUs, varies With the ford had been having any kind o f a munications Manager F. E. Han­ Oomponioa Oot to of Main and Park Streeta individuals. One person we 6b* Juvsnils crime vravs to prompt V0L,LXXm,N0.121 (Claariftod AdrartUie as 16) UfiD bo tho oubjoct o ( o dy of the American Radio Ralay MANCHESTEIL CONN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1954' A- ^ The driver tried several times served, likes to do a modified split such ah ordinance, but Chief Kel- League, national association of (8IXTEBN PAGES) PRICE PIVB d m » bp M bi V. OUmoro at tabrt- to start his car but the cold en* which we aSauuM is his mterpmU* ieher quickly assured us that such ' iocroUry of tho gine wouldn’t catch. The light, of radio amAteurs. r/'m tlon o f the ball’s swem;>ing motion was not the case. He aald it waa Melbert’s assignment, which ted Aoeidont and Indemnity course, turned green and at that as it clsam the alley of pins, mom “precautionary" than any­ ■3-r'- at theltortlw'ortheaateni Rogloiud - Instant, the only other car moving carries the title, of Emergency Co- TEL. MI-S.51S5 Inspects Enemy W eapon 'Another fellow, who gives us thing aim. JHs also said that al- brdinator, ia to . band togather sis CENTER STREET tl, S, Units of insunuice . agonta on Main Stipet pulled up behind mmetbing of a Mart, WlU mlease. l|l®bgh them had not yet. bean an at tiw Bon OroaTWMtr Ion the first car and the driver of the the ball and then seemingly follow mambsrs o f the Aauteur radio occarion for arresting anyone un­ aervice in ihla commilnity to per­ Agonta from towna In second vehicle leaned on the horn. It a third of the way down the der the new law, it araa arorking / Berttieaatetn aoetlon of tho This bit of courtesy didn’t help a’ley while executing the bpwlem fect arrangements for emergency - - V out well, at least so far as the radio communication by in " win attend the aoaaien apon- the driver at the first car who, version of the figum skater’* flying cu rfew regulations wsm v cbq- by ^ Connecticut Aaaoda* natch, yanked his choke all the nutchman. This bowler Invariably ceracd. / the event of natur^ dlsastevq or other emergendea. In addukm Agonta. way out and-flooded his engine. «n d f up gliding on his prbbooiris, “ Most o f the Icida am bfr the Rather than back up a yard or to UM of normal station oqiU^ Mab and those tt j'* '^it e jght; at~> e‘cteclr.-tho--We8t* tw o and drive-around the BtalleCt to D S A ^ appreciated. who aren't am found to have writ­ ment -YTorking^ from - eonaiwrctal Mb 'Oaravan of radio and atage car, the driver of the second car One top notch bowler, has a ten permission from their parents power, amateur ststlona using Seoul, Feb, 22 (/P)— Ameri­ win pot on their Jamboree continued the two*tone s«do. rather a n tin g habit of waving his to be out," he mported. Fsllot Phete. self-powered radio transmitting can troops, jabbing with bay­ ' iS d dBiandt mualc fo r the bam Finally, the first car atarted— hand down, im fron t o f him- (a- mo- MaigamCTteiaa and receiving equipmsnt am asad« ' aauua' In Oraago Rail. The ahow and the ught tumed red. ed. Melbert, as A R R L Emergen­ onets, cliasi^ off'without ap­ U'tn similar taw ipin g a blackboard Bis Brather’s Kasper parent bloodshed 200-300 la aald to bo a favorlto with both When the green showed on the of chalk maikaX which seems to Mr. Charles Sladsr, a Bridgeport ■Announcamant ia madt o f tha cy (Coordinator, Yi(|Il call local adults and children. Thooo who light, both cars moved. The driver have the desired effect of erasing construction man, recently con­ engagsmant of Miss Margaret To­ meetings of amateurs, oatabllah South Koreans who early to­ have ' not already aocured their of the first car lowered his window the pins some 60 feCt away. common operating procedures, and ACT NOW! Let Us- day tried to halt a train car­ and yelled a string of purple prose ducted a one-man campal^ to get bias, dsughtor o f John P . Tobias, ~ tRfcats may do so at the haU from One of our favorite rituals iA clothing fo r the 10 milUon destitute arrange regular drill periods when rying homebound Indian T p. m. on. Tho profiU w ilt be at the second driver who turned linger snap. In this case the bowler Romans and singls-handed he col- of Fmnrii Rd., Bolton, and tha the hams’ personal atatfona may :T to the convention fund __ out to be—a young woman. be mqblUted under simulate^ soldiers, the U. S. 8th Amly -ABsrMy.'-tM yoong woimra~T»: lets.ga of-tta-ball, looks itp to-see k etad Tl .MW.poiinda.o f .garments. , M nk... to 1. WASH the fate o f the pins, and then levels Furtheripom the clothing was Walter Grayb, son of Mrs. Rose eiher|«ncy coiidli’tib w ' k ii said. South' KoreaniwTiceiuild Because ot the holid^-Monday, turned the compliments with a Pair Clasli them (wiriiful thinking) wlte a driven to the American Relief for Gmyb, 87 M ill S t, Manchester, also include liaison planning Yrith three Koreans were alightly and the fact that a number of the “drop dead” glam and sped on Korea, Inc. warehouse in New the local chapter of the American down the grade.. snap of the finger. ^ . and the late Joseph Grsyb. injured by the Americans’ monbera win be out of town, the Another device, which seems tA York O ty . Red Cross And other relief agen­ 2. WAX , rifle butts. Of the Soropthnlst Club Beyond the habt at Main and A graduate of Manchester High cies, as suggaated in the Yvorklng Board Hits Bisaell, she muled up to the curb have some merit, is the modified Slader waa aurardsd the tsllsf The Sth ..Army said it had un-- ...jidll be pastppbod to the foUoSrlod stuMUag broad Jump. In tUs in oegaaiaatlen’e py ability to lend a trace PerhMPn one o f the most plain* the mgistration, FOR SERVICE APPOINTMENT Tasks Oa Sceae. interrogation of Army Gf- W aU r Co.. SM N, Main 8 t, wUl tive efforts in tiyiqg to Influence chlldmn. reaponslbility of being in conatant However, Kim diank Heung, tion within the service, (wme te closed Monday, Feb. 33, tfi ob* of color to seasonally drab land* So determined to get the ufrnoet Thes* taxes am long overdue. ficera, meet face to faco'i the fate of the stubborn pins is Taxes am payable in April, so you readiness to offer assistance in PHONE MI-9^751 vice chief of South Korea’s na­ in for a roasting to^y from aerrance of Gecego .Waahiititon's scopes la a favorable attribute of out of his efforts was he that he tional police', said American tanka’ ihe issue t(Hnorrow brf(»B a aperies that uay have mom used by the bowler who calls on a can figure it out how long overdue time o f need Yrith ham-acquired British shipowners. birthday. fprm of post hypnotic suggestion. even went bssrend the ccnfliMs of skill, emergency-powared trans- were called to the scene. He de­ na^(mwide audience. vices Chan viituen the city of Bridgeport and niads they are. Soma motorists have American critics of- Britain’s Badly overplanWl a generation -In this Instaace, the bowler follows been aeafSng in their taxes ^ mittem and a Yrealth o f communi­ nounced what he called the 8th trade YriW Red (Wins also Yrere \ ■ ^''■NHtreteDmraTwite , ' A farewsU. surprise party waa calls on the public schoeda In near­ ty spirit. When sleet storms dis­ Arm y’s "heavy countar-meaYume” 71*rai4down_tYrica la frri* Smya gtyan for Mrs. Marion Kltae, at ago, according to B. T. Bowen; through by ending up In a semi- mall during the past week, prob­ mentioned along Yrith a report kneeling poettion which beam a by Stratford and Fairfield. rupt telephone and telegraph sarv- agaiqet “ a ri^ teou s move by. in- Bkme, toff, chief at staff of the French Army, on ha mada to Jtoa A rq ^ , ner Perkins street home Ttaura* field mpresentative of the Davey His “one man” campaign spread ably knowing f i ^ experience that ■ Dt* M that lashed back at U. 8. action M c O a rth y ~ ^ ___ certain resemblance to prayer. they could not get their license ice, or floods isolate whole com­ dlgnant men. IgdNCiaLi r saa captaied frem the Vletmlah Oommnnista. V.- its ctfS - day evening. A wall mirror for Tree Expert Company, it still has over a period o f fou r weeks aad all An American officer said the ^ ^ g eaeml which called for the posting of Ian head to appear Jtofora Ms i a Place in the landaca^ scene. Its Hem, it is obvious, the boarler is piye ^ inserts without paying the munities.” the League’s <3ommuni- currently laepeeting troopa am the French front, ae armed guards aboard British ships her mantle drsplaoe of her new the time Mr. Sladsr could spam Anti-Indian demohitrators. ware BaaaBts aade#. pmeeum at tacreaelag Bed offeertvea.- ™ fto iBvestigatteitoi; tebconuBRtte homa In Bolton wia presented tO' rsfM growth, sttracttvp' foltsge trying -to reason with the obstinate durihlr th li Jjsribd was d te b ts ^ b cationa Manager said, rtt ia amS- BUY Yriille in AmcriCAn waters. H ieir pins which give little or .no evi­ ^ However.. Oervini Has to send the teur radio that cornea to the res­ CiaAred in about 80 mlnutea, here tomoenmr (10:3() m.xa. H ffT ). .. .iiac by. H ftianda pad nelghb^ and reaistaace to soot add smoke .maldag calls at the various InsU*. Ahortly after midalght. They had (shipowners’) association claims htip fd Compensate its brittM dence of wiahiiig' -to- take their riiw ks. rmmey ordere, «c., hick cue with operatom and setr-pow- Ha aald StAvemi Ywntid ha-aehed Mrs. Kites wore a corsage of vio* tuuons of learning, “talking up” massed on the railroad embank­ th% U K NAVy shhdbYirAd BrttlW t' expla^whatthe senattetarBed - M s whkb was presented as a called fo r Olvs^ his drive, dMrihuting Mtemtum. ^ th A new etatamsnt. Tliem is an. ered equipment, often as the sols, vessels wiW-cutters and impoMd agency able to transmit meaaagea ment and had lighted firts to kOep an attempt hy the Arm jPlo eofl- g ift Games, prises, and refrsah- Individual blooms am male or It la certain that the ancient aad end later coming back to pick up inisrest chafge for epch day's de­ oWer “almost incredible” restric­ honorable sport of bowling has de­ linquency, in Caao you am not calling on the outside Yirorld for MEMORIALS w aim die and promote OsnununistA” . m s^ were nloysd by alL female, but bofh shxea am present the clothing glhs. The incident was the first show tions. * -Stevens saM ha recrived aa edS- on the same Oolom range veloped mom aituts psrformsm Mr.’. S la w , we gather, is one swam o f i t aid for the atricken community. Unknown la Amerles than wa of The Herald, but It is 1st this serve as a reminder to 'To he prepared for this func­ of Interfamnca which South Ko­ ^ notifleaUon, but Yrould ba glad from greenish-yellow to touches of who believes he is his brother’s mana had vUirattenad against the In Washington, a U. 8. Navy to appMur. That Yvaa aftar he had red. doubted that it has produced such keeper. those debaquents. CaQ the tax col­ tion requires not only a highly OF PROVEN Indians. * spokesman retorted. " I never ^ interestinginte army of techniques. lector’s office and see how much organised program of pmpared- ordered two ganerala aot to cant- The silyer maple scoffs at the Both tha Sth Arm y •and South Ko- :ains heard o f it. T Just don’ t b ^ e ve ply YriW calla fo r thair appsareaca your tax, plus interest,, amounts neas locally,” Handy continued, COIN POLDIKS calendar.'Wilh its.early dlMtlay of rtatt police mported they kneYir br it happened. And I certainly before McCarthy's subcoaunittm. flowerf,’- beautiful in a miniature Dkagaet—en Ice to. Tken, bring your tsx bill to hU “but hams outside the disaster VBBB OOOl AmUUBAl. Park department workem have no injuriea in the demonatreU would have heard of it lf .it had Objecting to We humiliation he way, but by no means qpactaculaz^ We warn skating around Cen­ offleo aad pay it. The receipt must area must be prepared to act az three miles -north of Seoul. Feand roamlag the streets la Repnbllcsn-beld Washlagton, D. C., this forlora-looldiig donkey to been doing a really soHd Job in be present^ at the Armory before SUPERIORITY Wsshhigtoh, Feb. 22 (/Py-JUP long before dawn. Lois Broad- happened.” led to. the poUce statloa where he Yvas given the faeto ef pidittcal life, said waa inflicted on.one of theim E xi^t for their bM>py pmfuaion ter Springe Pond the other day to outlets and relay pointa fo r emer­ A South Ko|«an police PatrelmaaOeerge Andra- keeping the much-used ice at Cen­ tha new mgistmtloa.urill be issued. Wrist watches sold’for a pen-' “ V* ****?*’. ■i**3*"i* The State Department added silk behto the rope, while his partner, Robert L Rabe, drives. at a hearing by McCarthy toiat H O M Y S H O m thiy probably would go unnoticed. the femiUar strains o f svsr*ap*r ter Springs Pond in good condition gency traffic. Planning and or- who said ha waa ineaent mj that it also knew noWlng of We weeh, Stevens aald, 'T canuot pmw The petaUeae cluatem fm m on Naitber the Muni'dpal Buil'ding ganization are neceeaary in either ny in Washington today. at the University of Maryland, ll Oer. Owtar aa propriate Skater’s Walts. The since the onset of cold weather. Csmctljr icflIgBSd aionaaieiits are products of careful thst aome of the i i ^ p wem showed up at a department store alleged incidents.; mlt Wa loyal offlcan of our araad slender twigs end ruggedly bold on rioring measures of the song died nor tho sub-branch Yrill be open eventuality and that is the Job priaonem of war tihaied 1 Radio-phonographs and at Mom than once the task has Monday because o f Washington’s intelligent study. Tlisy ha*ve balance, distinction and wlW a bainket at 1:80 a. m. They . The British complaints were in fbrcte to be subjected to sudi un- for several weeks. IBey withstand away and someone put another kept the men a t the pond with Melbert is doing for this area.” Indian custodial t r m ^ le ft month. the sniiuai report by We Oiamber Yvarranted tnatm eat.” amaxingly low tsmpamturea and birthday. You hava five more days meaning; they have beanty that Yrill endure. leaat one automobile went for were after a I® TV set for their Washington record on the player In the lodge. garden hoses iaio the early—aad in which to catch up on your taxes ____. \ ______99 cents audtolevisipi) sorority housf. of Shippiito of We United King­ The aacretaiy ia a fbemer tte- still thrir sseds fertinas rsadily. Wa thought it rather peculiar frigid—houm of the morning. (OmOapwi aa wemt E ight) dom, wtdenthe private but influen­ ess Chieft^s In dlaraptite in meant yaam be* and renew ^rour car registrations. Cutting Done In Onr Oim Shi^i From The |6. The o6easion wSi. ttailUlg Probably tia 'S n t fUlow in Una tfla aumufaetarar Yrim /hteMall fam for shatlng—a dialogue take­ Tkem is at least one person, un­ tial organisatiito Yrill take up at a served as an Army officer ia hath cause o f its brittleness and -be­ off on the radio and TV program. identified, appreciates thrir Rongh Stone To The Finished Memorial • Washington’s birthday sale waa 14-year^Id Philip GoldsmlW, Last A d vic e 1 ^ 0 Another Paperhaager who eamped In front of a depart­ meeting next Thursday. World Ware. cause it grows too large for Dragnet. We listened arith some work. On Sunday morning St 3 ^nd thousands of shoppers His report (UdNlot give datails WE OABBT AIJ. modem homes and afreets, the sil­ Them's a moral in thia some- ment atom JUat hafora 1 p. nv, Ha said be wma afraid" the “ pctei LBAimra BEAND8 interest. Just the same to the tale a. m., when the mercury waa still npoded into tgwn for the M r- of lU charge' of U^ SK^’shadowlng.” tigs had morale” of tiM mitttaty ver maple atUl contributes late of St. Georgs arorking out of the at nether levels, two men .wem wliem fo r the man whose Yvlfe Tlufaw Away yesterday. Re, too, wanted •■ It said only: Not Followed H e" Berlin Report Winter beauty when other trees drafts him to paper the waits of gatnsr.-'-. TV set. would-h* YneheiWLhir "uatolr-el- castle on an assignment to slay busy at the pond.. Still Pltety Of < Tear Lett “ It is most InerAdlhto that In tacha ea our otfiter teni.” am wholly bars. A man came to the skating their home: Manchester Memorial Co. H i Aima is aa annual affair in The police were ready for We the purple polka-dotted dragon la S h o e s ' H n a Is l.eacotlms Ws U. S. A . shohM place Washlagtoa, Feb. 33 (dV-If Tomorrow’s bearffig YriU be pdh- lodgs with an offering— cake and George Washington once pa- the aaUb^a capital and in add!* 80th annual assault on Washlng- . Wash|nRt(»ij^ ■hot coffea.T—iw«M».M« axix • shipr "'YYlifle • b i'p c rt"' ’* « d ’ -hia la ieaeffa ddresa-iwurBi CAli-~ ffiNte repoii ffom Rteiq4syy-(>f-Stft Netiiuml-Bitedctettny'tfc— A t The'fisrald, fiJe'-i many other . It ’s . .nice, to .know aomehody. Vernon with the azziatance of the SMHFIKrl HAltiHSCm STREET^-^^BrANCHESTER * 'pffl.-’ir ' M W •* it^'eege'rs ' a' copa w ere on hapd to diropt fr a f^ conesnw hi town, we hkve 4 rid - Ws. listened until the record chance to unload Weir stocks fii Naval ou ttere-to 'sbadoYT . groM today, Yveaid he aurite aiqr the Berlin Bir Four €k>nferenee and eeme awey with such vieieti .BetYYorh,. —- . stopped abruptly about thm thought of it, even if we didn’t. M arquii de Lafayette and under Shte E s f i l t ^ (iff ttw Batter fie and to aee to it that nobody On Friday tha Army lot go by a hot bowling league. Every Riura* the persottal supeWiaion of Mar­ getting ready for xq^rlng. from onU U. S, port to anoWsr. chaages la tbe adviee lie gave noncommittal comments as “interesting” and “informative.” quartern of tbs aray through. At Klad Dobs WMIs Ysa W alt. Feb. 22 (S)—^President pushed 100 line where he didn’t Wis happened. the asttoa la 1736? deadline McCarthy had set for It day night, barring a major cataa An for nm s Ceais tha. TriUBe Saarled belong. Beyond Wat, about all any of themV'------^ ^ trophe or a holiday, mom than a that aomsons apparently de 18 MAPLE SnUBET RamoA^ Magaaywy tonight pq) the The holiday, with government "The drama was lightened by a \ It was advice which the natiea YVQUld say to reporters Yvas a state- ^ 1 * to produce the naraea at aU pei> cidsd to. go hack to music. You have heard the'old adage, Tho Father r f 'Our Country or­ dampAr- on the “ Asia fo r the Here were some of We choice w alYiajrs hoaered but hasat ■onnei connected Yrith the pronm- scorn o f bowlem from the varioua dered wsllpaper from abroad to rc- Opp. F irst Natloaal Stem offices closed, added extra Wou- bargalik offers: comic touch Yvhen a British ship ment by Sen. Fqrgueon (R-M ich) ocX>artments o f the paper hustle Shortly aftsnvsrds, however, St. “ Keep a thing seven yearn and you Kogan of hia Foreign aands to Wo Wronga Wat saarled obligingly reduced speed to enfble felibwed. Wat he feele “certain" We Berlin tion and honorable dlacharga e f A am sum to find a use for it.” decomto the banquet ball for a din­ . ParUag.Lat. y Trains, radio-phonographs, all rolice Capture reserve officer Yri>» had declined on down to the West Side Rsc to Georgs came back and pursued ner in honor of Lafayette. The Ice. traffic. her U. 8. crew to keep station,” it Revise Thiaklag agreement to have an Asiatic y “ Well, that has been true in a Vi ”We must not try to fight many the report eddied. WasGogtoa might reviae. hls to eay wheWer he Yvaa ever nOMa- knock down as many pins as they the dragon around the turntable paper and the Marquis both ar­ Some o f We ahoppera Yrem lined. Peace Conference at Geneva in until he caught him at the sad of tew instances. Seven days ago, d changing naeda of national (Contlaoed oa Pago EleycB) British shippers. We chamber thlaklBg'Aboiit poUUcal miAkaa, munlet. The information has not can with the fswast number of rived on ths morning .of ths date April, YriW Communist '(A in eae ct )ret been givw i tbe Senator. balls. the disk. maybe Iwiger, we bought some sta­ /walfam into a atraightjacket of a said, had conformeid strictly to We •bout whiA be bad Swap mis- tioner at a bargain, several pack set fo r the banquet. 'Whereupon, glvlago. delegatea attending, does not im­ Recently, however, we found out Later, in the lodge, we learned alogan,” MagaayaSy said. « United Nations ban against car­ ply diplomatic recognition of Red McCarWy said in Ndw Yeek ages, only to discover that the sn the Marquis later mported. Gen­ ' - It waa the Pmsldent’a-first pub- rying war goods to We Oiinese “ Thote la ai^qpiaiAa.” be oaM. ti^t them la more to bowling than the sscmt o f record sYritch. eral Washington, Lafayette aad, Chins. » In Holdup Ca^ yesterday that tbe tteervi' n u ^ Frank Hippie, highway depart­ velopss, concealed Yrithin the pack lie comment bn the “Asia for the (Communists, and We system bad r^tlwt parties i ^ oouatiies involved. Dr. Irving P ereee. a dte> D. B. nUBOHEITE. Fmp. Just hurling the bekellts spheroid bis aidc-ds-camp hung the paper CINTRAL The agreement states specifical­ ment worker doing, a little .extra- ags, wem marked on both front Aaiana” slogan which has caueed worked sinootM yji^fii^ 'are useful ebecks the ad­ Ust, w u . “commia9toned, PteteSi- down tbs allsy in the direction of and flap aids. "A ir MaU:” " as direotsd by Miotreaa Wa&lng- heated debate in the Philippine^ S e ru ^ iley ^ ScHrjSs BdalstrattoB o f _ i t aad ly Wat diplomaUc recogniUon la Farmvtlle, Va., Feb. 33 -(F)—-A Mfl BrsM Bt. M . the 10 expectant piqa; Tea, we cuiiicular work on his oam nt the ton—and In time for the party. SPECIALITY Unfortunatciy, it was charged, not Involved. . . Virginia man, Yvanted in We hold­ ed,. aavad from oversew oadtea lodge had put Dmgpet on the Now, wa find we can use it, for, ^;snd attracted Uttlo support else serve to keep alive .^spirit of and SYviirded an honorahte dis­ , 0 n n BVBBT BVBNINO learned that the moat vital phase As a matter of fact, tho records U. S. Sen. MeCtorWy (R -W ls) liberty.” , Talked Hour and H alf up slaying of a Union, N; J., police­ player. He' arse vetoed vrhen the acconUng to what ws mad in our where in the Far East. made “ repeated and hysterical de- charge, all despite an open ree- __ ___ ^ U N T IL t of the bowler’s terimique dow not own newspaper—starting at mid indicate that General Washington LAUNDRY Oitea Daager He said be tbougbt Dulles invited We lawmakers to man, was arrested here early to­ occur imtil at least A second after record had progreaaed some diS' enjoyed paperhanging.' For pos­ nUnlcations” o f legitimate non- day. • X" • ord of active membenhip la ^ tance. night last n i^ t aU first class mail “From the past administration e stratogic trade, and this was fo l­ prebaUy tree '%lthla Wa State Department and spent CoauBuaist conspiracy.” going out of any point in New Eng­ terity and in hia ofm handwriting 40 HARRISON STREET Yve know you cannot govern, you Umito” aad be meattoaed sn hour and a half in discussion Shsriff James T.. Clark of Prince After the record had been cut he left these directions on the aub- lowed “by We imposition by the Edward County who led a party of IHaelmrged at Oyw Begniat land, addressed to Florida, yyUI be cannot achiave prbgreas by slo­ •rebleo as aa example, b a t __ wiW Wem. I t was the first round Peroaa Yvaa diariiarged from' tha short, the poUCeman on duty out­ Ject: United States governirent o f fur- o f hia campaign to convince We officers making We arrest said We side step p ^ into the lodge Yrith sent by air at fimt class rates. QiiaKty knmdffriiiy of gans,^ Magsayaay aaid in an ad­ Wer. but ill-defined, restrictions.” added that la a gevernamat like Arm y at hia oYra r e p eat F ah 3. The P . O. hsadquartera at Wash­ " If tha Yvalla have been white- dress nt the if. 8. Clark Air Force Washingtofi, Feb. 22 (ff)-— f treaties and a requirement that Ibis party spirit “Is a ^ r it not tion he got the best possible re- man, Alfred E. StOkes, 21. is tlw ne«m that a hundmd disap­ C H rtaim , I i b o b s , w o t tnatiea and oWer InternaUonal Beaator Voices Sentiments charged with robbery df p Union Ha caUad MeCuthy'a chargM ington states it wiU be sent to La- Yvaahed (bruah) over Yrith glew BAae during Washington’s birth­ Sen. Wiley (R-Wis) today de­ In New York (Clty^ Mc- to be eaeouraged.” out o f We Berlin seMlona. “ ahaer nonamse” and paid in n pointed chlldmn lined the rail out­ Guardia Airport in New York City If not —^simple and com­ day obseryaAcea. ’ agreements conform to We conaU-. rters were waiting outside dairy and wiW murder in the slay­ side gaxing at the loudspeakera w a s h ih m I Ruff dry, nounced as a “hodge-p(^ge” tion to make up what now la knemm OsiWy shot back: "The more re­ At (fee tkae be wrote tbere ing o f Police Sgt. Clinton E Bond. atatement iaauAd la Ntw York: by train and then dispatched by mon PAste is sufficient Yrithout “ One danger in expressing a was only eae party, tbe Fed­ diplomatic reception room on the^ pole above and waiting fo r White House - approved as Wa admtaUstration’a .bUl. strictions are imposed, the better when the meeting with We le^ ls- Stokea waived extradition when “Prior to my diacharga 1 lavttad air to Florida. any other mixture, but in either policy through a- Alogan,’’ he .aaid, I vdll feel. I t ia immoral and. dis- eralists, led by Alexander Ham- an inquiry by tha A m y ooncam- St. George to catch the wicked case, tho Paste must be made of TEL. MI-9-242S “ia that it’s ao easy to distort a changed the Senate has 'vojM Wiley, who has opposNto any tora broke up. arraigned before Trial Justice John monster. hoiAst for United States AUles to iltoa and repreoAntlag the mon­ ing my aettvitlea ,aa aa affiear. wosliiiii}lon's The Cycflag Ynlea the finest and best flour, free from / phrase. Already the slogan .'Asia in a propiMed constitutional change in We Constltuabn at Wia Senate RApublican Leader Know,- F. LeYris shortly after the^arrest, St George wss then put back time, said he hopto this measure— ied and nsaaaerelal latoresta a t Slid was to be returned to New I f you see a fleet of four b i­ lumpa, The Paste ia. to be made . for the Aslans' Is twlqg trumpeted ainendnlent by Sen. Bricker tbe East It waMit leag aftor- land ((toUf) afrodie briskly by, teU* on*^ the trail in record time. thick and may be thinned by put­ over Radio Peiping and by Oom- or any oWer Wat cornea qp for a fOMthnad aa Faga Flttaea) Jersey today by Union Detectives cycles spinning along tho reads (R-Ohio) to curb treaty final vote in We Senate--can be de, warda that tbe RepubUcaae. aa- ing Wem, 'T naye no comment.” ting Yvater to It. munlst prepaganda channels else- Sen. Ssltonsw i (R-M sss) de­ Joseph Spies and Kermlt Reiss, Plaelag the ReapbaalUllty leading out of Manchester one of pciwers. feated outright. One more Wah a dor Thimas Jefferses, rose ap, who assisted iq the capture. these daya. we aHTvery aum it YrlU "The Paste ia to be .put upon the Yrbem as a cry o f hostility by our onMwbed tbe Federallsta, aad scribed We meeting as “very in­ We had a brief telephone chat people towards the American, peo­ Wiley, who-kcada the Senate For­ third of We Senators voting can kill Search for Stokes tumed to his ba Dr. Alvan A- Yule* and his paper and suffered to remain about set the 3-party sjrstem la hm- teresting.” thsBthar. day with Chief of Police SERVICES eign Belatibita 0>mmittee, said in a propoaad .conaUtutionaJ amend­ home county o f Prince Edward, three sons who live a t 30 Steep five minutes to soak in-before it is ple." ment. It cah be revised Before pas- ttoa. Tbeoe Eepnbitrans Yeere OWers attending 'W e session Timothy J. Kclleher of East Hart­ put up. then with a cloth press it “ Thill is a Ue,” Magsaysay de­ an interview . he believes one wore Sens. WUey ( R - t ^ ) , Lyn­ Ststo 'Trooper T. W. Chirter, Jr Hollow L4he — that name always That Interpret The Wishes change—to require all past and aaga by a aingia majority, News Tidbits the foienmaer a t tbe preeeat said, after the N ew Bhigland ar­ 'Bulletilis ford, out interest in the affairs of intrigues ua, makes us think of against ths yysH, until aU parts clared. *T see nothing incmnpatible Itomseratlc party. don Johnson (D-Texaa). Weinents that community having been Of The F a i^ between friendly and sympathetic ftttura trastleato be made in "p u r­ WUey added, hoYvever, that toe is Catted fi)Mn AP'W ires rests o f nvo other men in connec­ fM K tllf AP W DW "Steep Hollow Lane” in N orth stick. I f ' them be. rinkles suance” of the Constitution — going to canvass We aituation in It Yvaa the rise ef pMttlcal tion YriW the holdup and slaying. piqued, by an ordinance which the Haven. anywhere, put a large piece of pa­ feeling 'for our Asian lielghbom parties whieb, by keepliig any (Osattooed •• Fag* W l W IU K OriNED MONDAY, K A 22iM. , East Hertford Town Council re­ and continuation of our especially "Yirauld raise caln in the courts.” advance and may vote for a pro­ Reiss and Spies came to Farm- au Twenty-five yearn ago to a day, per thereon and then rub theiu out OaUa for Court Bevlew posal by Sen. Morse (Ind-Ore) to ebws or fardtoa from eoatrotllag ville last Tuesday to initiate the cently adopted. Yrith cloth as before mentioned.'’ Warm relationships Yrith Jthe Unit­ Executive Seenttoy of Ameri­ DUBIOUS NQMINAnOif' 1 Samuel Yules, the doctor’s father, JOHN B. RURKE Thia proposal, adopted by a 44-43 send We whole ewbjcct back to the toe leag, pr obehly waa tbe soata search for Stokea here. Their Ui' MUtord. Fbh. .33 ~ " The ordlnancs concerns Juvenile The moral of the story? If your ed StAtcA.** Judiciary Commlttee.-r can :Ubrary Assn, David H. (Sift fAroe la preaiirYilag the Peme 'veaUgatioh YriW the aasiatance o f FANCY deUnqucrncy and is designed to whose ahop fo r nuuiy yaam vraa FUNUtAL HOMS ' " 'The “Asia for y AKatts" policy vote of We Settote Jart week, Yvould M Rine Posse K ills FeSte today ate Just around the corner froiQ the Wife asks you to hang the paper, make all past an<| future treaUea While We oonatltutlon-cbangint,' asys Ainarica’s public libraries are eratto AaMTicaa Seetoty Urhleh local and State PoUce led to curb it .by making pamnta respon- Yvas disclosed first h y Underaeicre- ' ' af tla Herald rPffics.. bouAht-a. b ic y ^ for do it Just like George Washington 87 EAST OENTEB ST. AHbJoct to, court i««ia«e .:«a thrtr , iaaua.. pinhahly.,would. ba. ntartveri faced YriW “ asajw crisle” because WaoMagtea- ..waatod ^ preeeered, Stokea’.vUpUnghorUy.after, last ■sihlrfOr tlirtfffliihal acts of theiV YbUTlproBAbly' enjoy it ihribm "ta iy fbr'FMelgn Afftira-' Leoo 'br'‘lnfIAUdh'ijid fhclM Si^ popiils- L I V E R lb. youiig. Alvaa,.. frohi B ill Graeaia ■ Guerrero early-this month.- It won conatitutiohalUy. . „ , indeflaltaly thfU way,, it atiU.would W eeblagtoe'e adviee to- thia midnight...... ' ■ ■ —» - cMIdran. It provides for'a max­ storron Spruce St. When the boys than George Washington - did 1>e- It waa combined YviW proposals tibn., .Moscow JUdio says Soviet ceuatry to stay out of eataagUag Is Surrounded ^ imum penalty of a 8500 fine or a esuae the J ^ is now infhiltaly sim- quick iSUpp«rt from 'Vice: Pm fident Armed, foroaa have atrengWeaed toUanteg pmvailsd upon their father Co bur AMBUUANdJB SEBVIOB Carloa'P. Garda, who also Is For­ to Ivquim SehatalroUcaB Totea on- (CeaflauAi’w Page Elgiit) fScciga iMsaceA nmdd'lria tore- si^entviHerMaine, Feb. 32 (F) " A pohto*'pu*ty: torreuttded We yyMcIi tos taS hanw ia an -six-month Jail term, or; both.’ for a bike for lilmself so that he could plar sad easier than in earlier their fighttag power and are now wen address a hyma-boek tor aifr jwursnt whose tsenagar conw days., I. ^ . eign Secretary, Ahd some leading "ia tba poKtioa'tO; drtixer A. crush 'A demented sniper, and a house Ut which Stokea had been g « along with them, he bought it legistatbra. ‘ Asneiicaa isolatlOtosts. 'Aad'tor AherifPs posse dueled'to'.'We deaW traced;’ Hooper Q irfer Yealked in mlta anyone of a number of viola- from BUI. ing blow upoii any enemy.” aeera than 166 years Ms udvics and ordered Stokes to throw- up Uons, ranging from “furnishing Other problems face FUiplno last night in woodland darknass BACON S i e l w e Pop Off. on Pop cam Prime Minister Mohammed' Ali Yras foDoYred. Wey iaced with gun flashes and his -hands. The man did so and entertainment Sor gain upon the Dear Heard Along: leadem. CAttle rustling has come announces Pakistan has requested ‘Blowtag BoIM m ’ to the PhiUppinea—aad with a “ Earepr,” WasHagtoa saM, hot lead. Sheriff CUsrk handcuffed him. streets or {bi’ any pubUc place” to Ono o f the supermarkets at­ Last Sunday I went to the Po­ United States ‘asUiUiiy aid YriWin “ haa a set s f primary lateresto The dead: John McOarWy, 48, There waa no, resistance, poUce enterliig "any place where the liceman's Show at tha State with distinctly Oriental slant. scope or U. 8. Mutual Security tracted the attention of passers by QUINN’S Instead of tha cow and ataar. It ’a wMch to as kave neue or a very who stood off officers nearly six said. tahutebteay; morals of (the) child may be my fam ily. The ahow Yvaa very leglslatioa . . . Hartford Business­ yesterday, especially, the cfilldtea, ’ tha lowly carabao, or water buffa­ renwto nlattoa. Heaoe ehe must hours wiW two guns in his csbln Carter said Stokes Yras not dangerously endangered. or de­ by blowing bubbles from a me­ good but I came away irked at men say opening o f port o f New bs. cagaged ia freqaeat eea- dwelling: end a-efroUlng dog, hUl- armed. tores had h 3 lb. can praved or likely to be impslred.” lo, that’s being xusttad. It ’a a lucre- By Cancer Researcher Haven to general cargo shipping SPRY chanical contraption above the en­ the price of pop com my young- PHARMACY ABC tiva .busiiwaa because c< the prices trevenUM, the caaaes ef YrMch ed by Bhotgun. fire Wat put his The party making We capture YMsa to ba placoo them in “s better competi­ Also, the ordinance Impocea a S trance to the atom. Closer scru­ aUm bad'to pay. tha animals bring at the alaughter- are ceeeatlally ferelga to eur master and mistress to fU ^t. included bestdes Carter and (3ark Y*ay tor Km a t f a p. m. curfew, after which young­ tiny mvealed the fact that the I don’t know who ia to blame, tive position.” coaceni.” Wounded: Dqnity Sheriff Let­ and We tYvo Union detectivea. AUTOIUTIC Washington, Feb. 33 (F)—Thefof facU he is aXUr by saying: “If Prims Minister Churchill’s gov­ sters under the-age of 16 may not atom was advertising its new line the magagement, or tho head of OPEN SUNDAYS am Fags Elavaa) No Blanket Rule ter Jprdait, who received a ehot- State Trooper C. H. Wallace. Dep­ loiter on the streets, or anywhere the theater chain in Connecticut, (« American Cancer Society’s statis­ we should find that We deaw rate ernment announces atom bombs of cosroetica and perfume. ' tical researeh director said today from lung canqer is much higher But he didn't lay deYva isMa- gun peUet in oM leg while at- uty Sheriffs J. W. Overton, Jr., CABBIEB------^ . else, unless he la^ with an older but I don’t think the prices chamed WASHER are now being delivered to Britain’s Wte^fite^Fdh# (F H lB e f KETCHUP 2botde. person or has written authoriza­ am fair. . a heavy smoker “is very foolish among heavy smokers and the rapidly expanding Royal Air Force Leamlag the Hard H'ay 8 AJL to 1 PJL if he does not have a chest X-ray (Oaattoaed ea Fsgo iflght) (OMtlBMd am ftg * Eight) (Oeattaaed oa Pagu Elena) tion from his parents, in which A amall; very small cone ehaped Jacobs of Tidnity death rate frotoi oV h ar forms of ,..Canadiaa IndMtries Ltd. make toy up ana at f f t e f *‘ ~* ■■■■»■— “ It ’s a pretty expensive business takeh twice a year”—although cancer-is not One bit higher, among ■ ______-V..,-. . . ■ cases—legal language )>eing v.hat to run a car today.” v container coats IS cents.. If you plaas to rohalM company’s large H bte hten aatog NABISCO there is no- proof smoking causes . heavy smokers, then rd say Wa cbemical plant in Windsor, Ont, It ia—the. child may, apparently, How often have you heard that have a little aquirt of butter put • PJL to r PJL —• naif, (taplitoly Is Award W iim er a lre n ft aiten d f L _ _ _ _ . V IO E TA IIE loiter all he pleases cancer. > , i evidence would be extremely strong following earth cave-ia Wat swal­ statement? op it, it'a an additional.dime. -ft VAMLU DEFARTMENf ’There is a third provision, too, .Hie price of pop com at the SatoSMlit AK YTteMT Dr. E. Cuyier Hammond, thalWat Were is n cause-and-effact re­ lowed part of six million dollar Ywr iMctmt Tay—1 One of the expenses incurrad in director, gave tbe advices in a latlon.” this one. directing the. police de­ operating a motor vahicla la taxes, State is higher than at any major at ik atoaihf b«r pried h’l • Vallay Forgo, Pa.. Feb. 32 (SV- installation. WARRS partment to investigate the home and them are a faw people, about UieAter or park in any part of the Five GonnecUcut ‘tadivlduala, in­ copyrighted interview YriW the' He said his “personal guess right Labor member of Parliament o p fff u r l IDAHO POTATOES conditions of any minor under 18 he wadtfW mtoer uOk fmen cluding tYTO college presidents, aad Magsxine U. 8. News A World, now” ia that there-'is such a rela- says BtUy Graham Yrill meet La- 850 to be exact, who are learning Eaat that my. famOy has visited. raO N E who is convicted of any law other that right now. That is the num­ Angry. Citizen * («kitA|ltoltoailWdtoii^’*d,to„ aeven bcImoU and organixationa Report. tionsliip between smoking and lung iK^tes In. attenlpt to quiet Mtter Everyone Must File Return than a motor vehicle violation, to WASHER M1.8-45S7 And the msgaslne described; cancer, but he does not know criticism sparked by aatl-Socialiet 5 L b ,' C ello 29c ber of persons who am deliiiquent dNMr... Inbis art iriMiail dkti received Fre«|om ^Farda for 1958 datermine whether the parents in car tax payments to .TAX Opl- A Wwnaa’a PUYver today from Freedoms Founda­ him as smoking during We inter-I whether the smoking effect la reference in adVArUsement telling should bo charged with any stats lector Paul Orvini thia year. The strong man who can bend a ^«lmdYraihjii|l tion. . , J"trivlsr or so Important Wat of hie coming British appearance Washington (F)—^You must fUerrefund thst may be due. Things statute or local law Wolation. TlUa is always a pmtty busy faorseahoc with his hands isn’t as REPAIRS Tha coUega prosidanta wem A. Dr. Hammond aald a heavy i.eigsrqtte manvifacture Should'We ..Foreign OperaUoos Director sn income tax return on or before [also Yrill be speeded up If you CARROTS Chief Kelleher informed iia that time of the year for Cervlni. Motor 'voaderful as the frail litUe woman bO 'AM teplhtoiei^ Whitney Griswold o f YA|e and A l­ smbker should take the recom- stoppkl “until we find what’s in Harold Staeaen promisee Philip* March 15 if you made as much I print “refund’’ on the envelope o r CELLO BAG the idea for the ordinanm came vehlclt mgiatmttons axptm at mid­ who can tie up 10' miles o f tela- Prooipti Eceeemlcal bert C. Jacobs of Trinity, boW of mended precaution "ao long as them that ia bad and remove it." pines Amsriran aM in aaeeting ae $600 in 1953. j in which you turn In such a from Council President John W. night, Feb. 38. Local motori^ phona Yrim Yrith her chim whom reeeivad Georg# Waahlng- Were is even a strong suspicion - He said Were were some indi­ economic problema and Sgbting You must report your income Ireturn. I t YriU get priority treat- Torpey,.and that It quickly gained cannot secure their 1954 inserts * Anon. OMKOatOMl; ton Honor Modal AYvards; Grla- that smoking causes nwg cancer.” cations cigarette smokers were Communism. even if leial deductions are large ment. favor. The Town Court judge, Without ' first paying that tax. Yvold fo r an sddmaa entitled “ We X-Bmt Sa m Vital more susceptible to lung cancer, Communist party in Stalin’s enough to relieve you of paying , xge makes no differeace. Ifi* ^AUM m tY DAY THE YEAR 'ROUND Alvin Leone. toe it. and sc Many motorista hem found that Wriogtr-Rols RsplacsU Cannot- Lngislate IntcUigance, But he alSQ said aveiyone, es­ while cigar and pipe smmiers were hoeae r ^ b i i e o f Geoigia an- any u x . You may even get mon- you made as much as $600 you wem rcFresentailvea of the clergy out tba hard way. Well, not exact­ Mbraltty or Ix>yaity; and Jacobs pecially Wore over 48. should mare likely to oerelop lip, tmigue nouaeas parglag o f S A ll party ey back after fiUng a return. Most | nuet fli* a return, and the school syateu, iSo waa ly the bard way but the incon- TRIXY FOUNDATIOZ^S io r an addmaa enttUed 'Tntagrity hsve_ aa X -ray at least ooee a or mouW cancer. members for embesallag or mis- employers deduct taxes from pay. > m e tax law and the forma are Chief KpUeher. veni«it.way. Polterfon's in EflucaUon." ^ jwefrAed he addefc:, -A# far his OYm -saaoklng. ho ApproprlaUag -eaDscUve farm ior- I f a to * tow.gKany t a x p a y e r s ^ : th i same, a a la a t year, hut Umra Ik s chief Ukes it because, he When applying for their regia- BRAS and SLIPS ■'-Qaoegm. > WaaUagtoir - Honor “ I f y te are a tifaid ami. tlwn said, “ I am not going to is t it eooperaUvt ^tuads..,. CMumbU that sikh (toductions are larger nave bwi . aome rulti^ Ptabfit Market says, it puts the responalMlity for Expert Cometnr Servim IM Ofatm SL, Car. ar ChwAh traUens at the Motor Vehicle Dapt Modal AYrsrds also Yvant.to: you should also give iip,smoking (We problem ho Is invostignting) UniVeraity surirey aboYra 10"t)iir. than the amount thpy-OYre. o f which eouM aava you the behavior of the ch ildrsa Bub-brqnch at. the Arm ory, th M Repairing and ffeaMdellag John R. FladwtU of thq Opa Oah at least -.liBtU tbs fli^ Are have, any efftet On mgr poreoBal eeat o f natioh’a public achoei ehil- Bartar toe Better . BMney. wham it baloiigs. .namely., urtth the motorists, Wsiyi .mfteod rogiptra- D m earttor you get your refru* | parmts. ''It gets after parents MRS. DELF1NA P O L A ' tloas bacauae fhal? au td'tax waa ssa^eal ft jit MW 21 MAPLE STREET TEL. MI-9-15T5 ItA w im i W i atofafS >*•).; la. tha aaoMr yo(u YriU get any w te don't know wharYthafr ehil- not pai^. limy first had U go to Read KenU AdVk , v r-r- ' -5', /> . r- - fr J) ii; "■ '■-I. ■: I ■■v-l' J ■' *• ’ 'V ' ij , '( ■: J ■ i r •' .■V;k: ,;r:. '■> * ■' V ^ ■■ . 7’ ' f >■! >7‘ V: i" /'■ • ‘ ''to.' I'.. I MANCHESTER EVENINq HERALD. HANCHESTER^ CONN^ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1964 ...... , . .. ..T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,:€ONNj, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22.1964 r p ■' naed in a very highly ooncen. sung and Cubmaster Oannuts pre- 1 inuM xonii UiQ MitMuwr sen&d-jMrtliui' PWifa fo r ipliilriidB" Sfllpker m i l .-’ 1 ...... - ___^------A - mam- Mto-thyPaek.'-'/-- ms IS Girb SieXii: ’^!pr:attenit,to«AftiIr,;at^^^ montna then a large prop«iitk>n of ■''Ws^e i^iier'"was proaented"'a hers in the 20 session setback co'n- ^^ien Uh. snin will get candor of the Gold arrow on Wolf and The Holy Femlly Mothers Circle MtCirriac:B5V(rWMg7 test will be honored and awarded skin." Notes Gannuta was proaented a Wolf will meet Wednaaday at • p.nw at Race Is Keyed ^ Trip on New York Junket. , Pupils in R ecital prizes. 1. Cancer of the lung,, “a rare Badge. ■five Grass, Amsh Fires . A four man team, playing un­ T o G reet O fficial the hoase of TWA LasHe Hoyt, M ■. By disease" in the United States in a nd ' AclliiviUes Chairman Marclii had Pltkto St. ^ ^ der, the Liebe’a Wallpaper banner; Researcher 1910, has been increasing steadily movie cartobna of Woody00^^ WC—Wood To House Fight Fifteen netted girts, iflembsmsed' Uma and place, the Soeutii The first mid-season recital' by stood at the top- during all but 19 of Ihe younger pepUa of Fred-' Anderaon-Shea Auxiliary, No. until it caused an estimated 11,000 News Phekef for the Cpbs and entertain- Temple Chapter,. Ma' 53. OE8, of flanior Girl Scout Troop I, ac­ thought it great fun to find their Volunteers on Move three of the sessionA and will re­ I t f deaths in 1903. It how caiuea 200 c( the other children witl* gusaalag eric E. Werner and Paul A. C3iete- ceive the first prize of 850 tomor­ 2049, will meet tomorrow at 7:30 Will meet in the Meaofitc Temple, Chicago, Feb. 22 (PJ—UUnois’ 10- companied by two of.thilr leaders, kray around the city, although dnths per 100,000 white males, games and Farmer in tha.DelL Wqdneadey at • p. m. initiation candidate race in the Republican, they eometlmes got mixed up on lat, local piano Instnictora, waa row. Second honors and 830 goes at tha Post home, Mknchfster [uMiH A iRrrLfili luuta tmUl all Uw facts an boarded the 7 o'clock train in » lto n , Feb. 22 (8pecim)_Vot. given yeaterday afternoon before m en than tuberculosis, pneumonia THIS WEIX IN SCOUtiNO — AfterUm entertainmeni the Deh' of membert will Uke :plece aihl the U. 8. senatorial:, primary may be thajsub)ffay: / Kinds, Fresh 'Wounds.' 8prafnB to Coughlin’s AU Stars, while Green. At this time District Prea'- kXtAWB!** or influents. The Incnase cannot Hartford Saturday noraing to ■ J^tMr firemen who reported to the an audience of parenta and Yrienda Moriart/a Painters takes the 820 Monday—Troop 78, Bolton; mothers received the new Pack offloers ard requested to wear affected importantly by ba|lot spent a week end in .MeW York, A l i ^ e too, the thought was up­ NerVo-os Affections, . , Ident Catherine Kirby will make Dr.' Hammond Is in charge of a be accounted for, as In the case pf ) iombers and distributhd them fights which face two Houae lead­ permost in their minds that ths ' nrehouSe Saturday for work were Even the students "enjoy this echo in the Chapel of the Swth Method- prize for placing third. ‘ Troop 91/ Bowers School; Troop thetf white goVroa A social hour the purpoee of the trip being to kept very busy but ndl exactly as let Church. Both boys and girls her official visit. ' naiarph undsr which 12,- other forms of cancer, by the among the Cuba. v will follow the aiteting and re­ ers from the atpte. ^ nsxt large efty the group will be of an unfamiliar,^ past As they At tomorrow a ' banquet, the 006 -rehmtMrs have been iiiter- growing number of older people in 112, verplanck; Back 144. Keeney learn aomething about travaUng in planned. There were-four alarms were a credit to thei>* instructors ReporU will be given of the PTA., Charter Night and Blue and ,P a ^ Secretary Eugene apiess, freshments will be eeryed by Mrs. The House members who face their own country before going finding their way around in will demonstratM'When they lahelad group will discuss starting an­ viawtng fOi.000 men 00 to 09 yean the population. . oT.P*** **“* *>*'***h fires between and played entire*',* from memory other tournament soon. According Membership Conference held Sat­ G i^^P l^er at Manchester Green who has given numy years service Gladye Irwin end her committee. battleafor renomlnaUon in Illinois' abroad for three months this tum- be London, when they expect to 10:45 a. m. qhd 4 p. m. the collection. Collaboration of the •Id about their smoking habits. But Dr. Hammond listed numer­ to Cub Scouting,, is retiring from April 13 primary etectlon a n vet­ class produced an rldentifytng'verse Ihe selectlona aaalgned to them. to Durandi, the tourney will prob-- urday, In Middletown, wherq Con­ mk mer. be in exactly foux montba ‘ The fIrat call came in from John Mr. Werner announced that the ^lEadi year, the causes at any ous facton which he said must be aruve duty and will be missed by Hostessea for the me«th)|K. of eran Leo F,. Allen of Galena, chair­ Although it rained" hard all day that proclaims: ably be 14 sessions and will prob­ gressman Jamea Van Zandt,* three among the j^ u p a n med- Tumday—Troop 47, South Meth­ Upon arrlHng in New York City, Gent&ii on Route 85 where a g’ruiR next recital in the serleo wilt be times Commander-in-chief of the considered, along with a pnsumed odist; Troop 129. Emanuel Lu­ the Pack and Committee membert, Manchester Chapter o f Hadasaah man of the Rules 'OommIttM, had the group went directly to Girt yesterday, most of the members of BotUes! Bottles!. ably ihclude only eight teams. •idaBy in m a g a t ^ ^ increase in smoking, as having pos­ ^Harold H. Vekle who heads Ilia fir# waa out of control. At 1:30 Some old, Some new held at the aame'^ place Tuesday A full steak -dinner la planned Vetef*ana of Foreign Wars, gava a theran; Squadron 2S, Center tomorrow at 9 p. m. in . Templ* Mra. Florence Streeter will an­ An annual chednip now ht tr. automobile engine fumes and lue and Gold Dinner, Waddell and the presentation of awards by chester wtnrwiew the book, "th e jp o d mmbaMadors, aa they wilt be window Shipped. v By Polish W oineii .-4: greater urban pop'hatlons, expos­ S Damocratic ticket NM. 2 are plan- p. ro. They left for that fire in re- leader Mra. Myron Lee Saturday sen, Linda J. Fancher, Mary E. nounce plana for the military whiat progress, .he addecL may answer School. Cub Fathers. Role of the Jew In American His­ iting not only their own It waa a tired buf enthusiastic laya with some of the men remain-' Pierce, Suaan J. Holmquist, Paul \“the general quastkar o f 'Whether ing nmre people to snoke. - .r—„. tory.f 'All iiiembera and TrtcBdr Alng ,extra campaign.attertaJn the ■ ;y hiit-the United Stnter -•nd .Will, contihue. to. meet, there which jhe auxiliary, .will ..conduct. RAN8E AMI FUa ' TNUriday^TriMp 123,'Biickland - ' Awanta were presented To Tosh group-of Girl' Scouts that; hoabded - Ing a t thb'FlHihouae to fintsh lHe until further notice. The club will Wlhem, David W, feeli; Demits D. "■ Mra!' P'auilne Dtladiia 'wiia “elect­ Wedneeday, Feb. 24. at 8 p. m., \death rates a n higher among ' Diet May Play Keie Rice, for Lion, Gold end Sliver aps urged to attend. northwestern Illinois tehritories and < Girl SCQuU of the U. 8. A. the train in New York nt 8 o’clock refill job. School; Troop 124. Andover; Pack repreasntsd by Allen and Velde. hold another meeting thta weekend. Keith, Judith E. Lawrence, Susan ed president of the Polish Women’s at the VFW Home, the proceeds OHDiSTMIUTOllS m okers pr non-smokers.” ' He said there was even a pps- 27, Bliw and Gold Dinner, St. arrows on Lion; James Best for la Bur M>thla summer. * for the return trip to Hartford,' The truck had- only arrived,back ' The prospects of heavy voting Mrs. Frank Paggloli reports at J. Feirttom, Dorothy N. •WillLJ*d. Alllanc^e, Group )^q.^ 246, at the an­ to be donated to the Cancer Re- \ Or. Hanunond indicated Uie re- eibllity ala to cancer in generalthat Mary’s Church.'’ • Silver Arrow, en Lion,- -both-^of . The Men's Fellowship . ..of the period on topica.in with mamorlea.of .Araerica'a Jaig- .. at.tha firehouse when another caii Evelyn L Faneher, Avis -A: Swat- (^urch of the Nasarene will hold in tKe'ldth'Drstrict, AtlenV whlim' which BurophqM are deeply Inter- least 89 women: have tndteated Ihefr aesTch program',— ; 333 IMo SfTOif eearchen had as their starting the better diet moat people now Saturday—Cub Scout Theme- Den 8, eat city in thsir minds and came In from Hebron Rd.. this time Interest in a class in making slip- I'-w, Janet R. Holmqi,kt. Elizabeth nual meeting heW rerently. h«w two facta he ngarded as ea- get may have an incidental bad their monthly meeting tonight at includes Rockford, and Velde’s asteid cancem ^gjhe United States thoughts for the visiU to Lon­ Refreshments will be in charge craft Show, Waddell School, 7 to 9 Jeson Stansfield for Uoln. Gold 18th, embracing' the Pcoria-Pekln to the Kingsley B. Carpenter home covers. Mlaa Cora Webb, Hbiqe L. Neubert, Ylfendy Ann Stuek and Other officers elected at - this of Mrs. Dorothy Kleinechmidt. tahHahed: effect—"people now get more.yiu- p. m. Open to the public. Mo ad- and Sliver arrowa on Lion Tuul to 7:45 In the parlth room, with Al­ condhded the don, Copenhagen, Nice, Geneva, whero a fire in an incinerator had Enid M. Peahl. meeting include: Mra. Clara bert Platt presiding. A social rime industrial cent,.*, make region Demonatratloh Agent with Tolland . -J , . cigantte smoke is con- mins, which promote normal n^ssion charge. John UrbanettI for. Lion aim Gold Sons^rff the t(^(M discussed and Paris yet to come. ' Igntted a graaa fire. County Farm Bureau, and Mra. Wadas, vice president; Miss Alice growth, end it Is conceivable that with refreshments will follow ths vital to candidates in the state­ were ths uuatmeht oh tiie Negro . 4 airow on Lion, both of Den A .. wide Senstortal contest.'Both con- Soon they will be seeing^ the The firemen had rented a floor Paggioll are currently planning the V Ha.'aburda, financial oecretary; this promotes abnormal, growth Cub Peck 143 recently journeyed AUyn Martin for Wolf; Stephen bustnsss meeting. An out-ofrtown In the VnItadStptes, M cO t^ylsm , bright nighu of. Picadilly Circus aander for the weekend planning • ■' *1 Mra. Antoinette Wojcik, recording LET US FILL TOUR ' speaker is expcfcted. sressionai districts are pre- the deaaocrntlc'' jmd first meeting in the course during Setb^k players too." to QHi^^Lohnson for an aftcriKiQn poodwantly. RapHbiiraii... in London aad. thorn of *nmas “ to sand the second- floor of the .tbe..thiK4 ..week. ia.March..DeBnita secretary; Mrs. T. J. Kieina, treas- D r ISammohd sla&' iiiiir the piMT- during. Thk fuU. advantage o f Thomas AndrioU for Wolf; Wll :ierm' of'-gofvermmtat; -the* 8hU'(iro'"trtII 'hnlV be" a” me mcii^... Firshduai Salitfaray: "MeedieM to" details will be available soon. uref i “Mra. ■ Fran'cei ’ K Dafld, younger eon of Mr. and Pluralities la the Chicago tibunt syMem of this eouhtry i ' sibUlty must be considered that the mild weather the Cuba and Uam McCarthy for Gold arrow on metropolirhn area, Rockfoid and The girls making the trip, and eay, they didn't get the Jop done The Camera Club will meet at Banquet Tuesday representative to PollsK" Congress; smoking had a good effect in cut- their parenta participated in ekat- WoU. all of Den T. Mra Robert J. Lyona 89 Goodwin how sMin n group can hdlo to. pro- Who are planning to go to Europe and it was postponed to yesterday. the school tonight for a demonstra­ Mrs. Keininski and Mra. Minnie n fn s s w C..5 St., celebrated his seventh birth­ P e o ^ could virtually assure a mots bettsr underatandlhff. of ' x ■ ' 'V tin# down the death rate front ing, hiking, snowballing, and other John tor Beer end Gold ■senatorial candidate' of 'nomina- thlBs summer, were Emms 8te- ■At 10:30 a. m. yestarday,.however, tion of black and white developing. Kurlowicz, trustees; Mts. LojeskI Netl pneumonia and other respiratory day Saturday afternoon, et a par­ Americans and the United A A banquet for participants in outdoor exercises. The activities arrow on Bear and to Paul Ixtck- irion....' ...... phenh^Uma Smith, Nancy Stover, they had their fifth and last call of The meeting will be held at 8 . ^ . ■■■^^ '41 . and Mrs-. Alice Kose, sick com- diseases. There Is no proof of this, eubhinated in a hot dog roast pre-^ ty attended by seven o f ’bis little SbfOBds Betto Dou Rohihsoh, Donna Robb, " the weekend when a grass fire at Lrovqe for Washington the setback tournament at the mittM, and Mrs. Dziadiis and Mrs. I ef declert fee w ooi for Wolf; Gold and Stiver ar­ Strategy of at least throe sena­ , . Flni Wny In "Big afy" ' CaUed fo r asd ddivorid 5 V I cS he added, but in laboMtory experi­ pared bv the Den Mothers. rows on Wolf; Mth of .Den IQ. schoolmates at Bowers SchooL te rial candidates have already Aqnamae^lchards, Dawna Rea- the home of Gasper Morra got out Marshall P. LovegrOve, South Red Men's Social Club on Bralnard Eleanor Zemak, delegates to state ments .cigarette smoke has killed Mra Lorons used a decorative After checking in a t ' the Pie- vlel. G arN e"^ot. Cynthia Lewis, of hiuid. They were still working - Place, which ended last week, will meetings. pronptlF 8t ■• 8Stni " Cub Pack 88 held its Blue end Bobcat Pina wars awarded to been oriented in this dlctcrion. Road,’ of The Termlnlx CO,, of one type of pneumonia bacteria. Gold aigiper at the Green S^ool, scheme of blue and yellow, and cadiliy Hotel Saturday noon, the Judith Hanaen^deiine Dlk, Busan on jthe Firehouse floor late last New England, We.vt Hartford, a be held tomorrow beglning at 7 Brpnehlal chmrfe. four new Cube; Edward Lee Thsy are Edward A. Hayes, Chica­ girls spent tha remainder of the \ p>-m. at the Garden Grove Restau- Feb. lA The tables were decorated baked the birthday eake. which go attorney and former national Crockett, Cynthlhv Crehore and evening. , diviaion of The Dartirtt-Brainard i Next time a dresser knob be­ Hachodourian, of Den 7, qnd Rod­ was servsd with sandwiches, ice week end shopping, stghtaeelng Louise Boyd. Also^ accompanying There was some d(;lsy in placing V 1 runf .^on Keeney Street, Jqbh comes loose, wind the worn screw Under natural conditions, coffee wiUi Blue and Gold-tablecloths and erick EUeson, Bruce Rose and commander of the American Le­ Co., leaves today fdr, Washington, j Coughs ( HNE PHARMRY plants grow to a height of 18 to 20 flowers and a variety of pleOe cream and other good -things. gion, who has achsdtf^ a Rockn and finding thair way about the the group was Jackie' Hollahder. on of the firecalls Saturday after­ D. C„ where he v/ill attend a re­ Durnadi,. general chairmiaii for roe with a bit of steel wool before re­ h uth mt I Giytn On COD. DrCiyOii^s John Gregen. all of newly organ­ 'The children played gemee and "big city,” a new experience to The leedera who wentNrith - the noon, dqe to the fact that no one ■ "I affair aiUkiunced tolay. placing the knob. It will stick in­ feet. markere made by the CuIm. ised Den 1 with Mr. end Mrs. ford meeting for today; Park Liv­ gional meeting of the national David waa rememberad with a mdut of thesL group to New York and who^ will could be reached immediately. Termlnix organisation at The i About 48 'persons are expected definitely. C A U M i - f - m e Cubmaster Oennutx led the Roderick EUeson, 22 Franklyn ingston, LaGrangs attornay and t o - : / ' •! Cube into the dining room where number of gifts which appeal to Unlvefsity of ZUlnois trusted, who Cheeking occasionally with the accompany the girls to Europe Fearing, the local department Statler^otel. ___ _ St, as Pen Mother end Father. boya His brothsr Alan is now Iroderm at a prevloualy designs t- were Betty Jones and EmAy. Smitii, woul(l not show up, a call was put they pledged a lle g ia ^ to the flag Mrs. Ben Harry, chalnnan o f the has done soma, prellmlaaryvspeak- H b - ' and Terry JeMte offered the blces- 14 years old. Ing in the northwest districts''and throujrh to the South Manchester hlanrheeter Evening HeraM Bol-, Blue end GoM dinner, end as­ Fire Departinent. This department i jliiiiiinTOiniTOiiMiwFiii^ LUMUR7 C A U ing. Beih den of Cuba, parents, sistants Mrs. Stanlay Bast Mrs. plans more, and Joseph T. Meek, Winnebago County area, voted for second term as prosecutor. An­ ton rorreapondeat, Mra. Joseph' brothsrs and sisters gathered The Craft Group will meet to­ of Weatern Springs, head of the extension of ths excess profits tax, other Rockford resident who contacted Coventry requesting D’ltalla, telephone Mitchell •-SSM. W. F. Lockwood, Mrs. Aliya ^w^r^ morrow at 8 p. m. In the kRchen them to check by radio ■with the / RANGE S FUEL OIL Wjound their tables and snjoyed a tin and Mrs. Edward Baarl are to Illinois Federation of Retail and diseduragad political opportun- might draw heavily in Winnebago daUclous potiuck supper. adjoining Woodruff Hall of Cen­ Assne. itiaa for rivala by means of “back County is Eugene E. Clift, maga- local firemen to. see If they were be. .cqngretulatad .fbr Ithelr work ter Church Houae. Talent box­ \ tok ln g care of the calU ------. Bsihg u c v«ek deidgnatsd as ths which reeultsd.in an excellent din- <% frs In the GOP aehatbrtU roon drale:" - — Ene publisher ana teievisTOii cOni- es will be distributed to tbe mem­ ' Radio Saves Trip K. Schalirr Photo KECCa’S GREAT birth ef the Cub Beauts, largs Mue ner*for pech ef riie 128 reported in primary lists are John B. CTane, In the ISth district race# Velde mentator. The fourth candidate is MRS. JOHN J. McCARRICK end wold caksg dscorated each bers, and Mrs. Kenneth Parker Chicago economist whose cam­ fapee State Rep. Robert H. Allison. Roy C. Cievrland of Cherry Valley, T7)is was done and Manchester Manchester [UhUtI & lUVfLV COi I attendance by P a ^ ' chairman, and Mrs. Harold Bubb will be The BOLihC Oil CO. Chblewiid the caadlss warn lighted Cbaries StansfleML paign has been delayed while he 60, aJf*ekln fellow towhaman a ^ East of Rockford. was raqMured that everything was and “Happy Blrtnday” waa sung present to answer questions. accompanied Secretary of State veteran of 20 years in the Illinois There Is nb Democratic candi­ under .chqtrol. Use of ^he radio in Date Book Miss Margaret Bdyd, (laughter of • Ohio. Siie is a member of the fac-' Miss Esther Orenatrom. princi­ Dr^ and Mrs. Hovrard Boyd, 70 : iilty of the Bowers School___ _ llttclMl f-4S2| -by all. After cake and iee cream pal of Bowers was gnest at tka dln- Dulles to tha Big. Four talks in Jegislature. Allison, a lawyer who date la - Alien’s district, ao a pri­ . .. this inAtahce saved, the Manches­ vera served several songs ware Hie Hairdremrii of Manchaster, lost his left arm in a coal mine mary victory there would be tanta- ter departro^t, always wilting .to Porter St., became roe bride of Mr.. McCarrick is er*i|tl(T<-ed b" ta . MltdMl 34320 Berlin; Deneen A. Watson, Wln- John Joseph McCa.*ric^of Berlin, who are ronducting. their anpvial hhtka^v .aeccatary . o f...tha .lUinoia aftrldent la 1913.,has. a. strong. i«boc mount ta election.______;.aid _ » nelgjW^K if neoes-e-u*W'V.^cn'nrTVwv»rv--xre>«-wet'W ■ •wi*rw.ew™w«*t.i 1 ■; ment'wqibndmjrotr''"” ''**''™’”'"” "' •' ■ . v'.witit attm tiyi d i » i ^ Uy icmhl SAM uni asASS. s s o a n siuvnio m m a n c h i s i k _ TTM.Tbenae ior .Maceb is: “ Cub ha.omitted ihih - w k on account of pf.noviea,has beau artAi^ed. in­ them! . - Scouts in the Tand ef Os." "New1>atf"'AttttaieHlt -~-i Video Bveiyday-^Ali Rights Reserved—H. T. DicklAson A Coi. lHC.: the school vacation. The ballroom Early campaigning 1m . empha­ cluding a 'riiqice of two'films in dancing class whfeh masts tomor­ technicolor, produced by Uniteil X B74rafluitic or Overdrive (^tional—Extra sized criticiain of Sea. Douglas for ••"iiii'iii:!'' / ■ AhouT* 2Q0 Cub Scouts, parents row Right will ha held. "New Dear’ philOsophiMt and Aircraft Corp. y \ $395 d o w n and brothers and ^ e r s attended 'preaching pessii.iiam'' as to tha Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gorton INCOME TAX BIG ALLOWANCE the Blue end Gold banquet of "tka Manchester Kennel Club likelihood of an economic deprea-. and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Groee will 9x12 Siza ^ $59 PER MONTH Peek 151 at Vetplenfk School hag postponed its meetthg tonight Sion. ' . ; /teihosts for the evening. / Now Only ...... FOR YOUR CAR! Wednesday night. due to Washington's B l^ d a y to In the 19th' district congresX Better See^ / ! Student DlsPUy ExhtMtod V RETURNS X ELK5 CARRIAGE H O U ^ ■ f Food for each of the'14 dOna In Wtdnesday night at 7:30 at Cen­ sional race. Rep. Allen has been ,7 The trophy case in th4 lobby of BoslaeiM and IndivWWal< ROCKVILLE \ tbs pack waa {urovldM by Cub ter. Springs Lodge. At that rime /challanged on a variety df griev­ the school features diw ays of stu­ ; At Year Home or * mothers^ w ith*c^ee and buna pro- Chief Herman Schendel, well- ances. ,Amohg them are complaints MoloiohTV dent -work and interests. At pres­ 249 MAIN ST.- . ytdsd by ths Pack. Ths program known dog handler, will bring ent, one shelf is phn.pletely occuj^ that he haa’Talled to secure suffi­ ClM f, Sharp, SisMiy UHP- Far Appehitmeat OMI 8'3"xl0'6" Sis* BOLAND MOTORSe Inc. was in charge-of Mrs./Katherine “ GoMwood Michael,” champion cient patronage for the populoua pied by a bottle ^llection made by EVERY TUE5031Y NIGHT *^ b U li HOMETOWN NASH DEALER" ^ M cKivrnan. den ' mother in obettenca dog, to the meeting and VHP ll9«9pH«nJram . fifth g-ade pupils of Idrs. Elizabeth RAY eOOFER Now Only ..... charge- fer-F^Nruary:— put on ~a demonstrattoB of han- ■-":f i| ^ .''— : / ....:...... _ ...... "■’ Free Transj^i^tibn by S jl'w CENTK St. — TELErabNE Mi.3-40Tf ' ‘ After the, dinner tbere were dllhg and' obedienca work. Any­ (riiitant 9toli«n9 The. collection Is large and con-; -’■■’ea u 'M i.M eii'- games-end awards in the school one who la interaated. whsther a tsim all sizes, slispes and colors of IF NO ANSWER / Xeavinjr Orange Hall a$ 7 P. M. These famous Woolcraft Rugs ara^ available in aU gynthaalnm end mOvfW on the ec- membsr or not. is cordially invit­ 277 M O A D bottles,.'However, one in psrtlculkr CALL MI-S-9109' standard slzea on special order, for any room. Each a uirttles o f the U. B. Forest rangers ed to witness this demonstration. t*iiigrainni Y s a -9 -im catches the eye of everyone who ^ SmoHey. ths boar who sym- ’ s a l e s u d v i^ s the exhibit, It is a bottle of m splendid value! Refrsahmsnts will be served at ON OUR GIANT SCREEN TELEVISION RADIO SERVICE imUus prevention .if.fh i^ t fires. ths close <4 the meeting. hmw liniment. Its li'-bel says it is , Guests at the dinhw were greet-, B«rt IsABCMlov Babcft Mack wtm ,>An External Remedy for Man and ed by Miss Catherine C. Shea, la . ,. Libtral K«ith^Bu SAY BOLOSB 9SOW . (Juty potlop including ‘’Sweehy. Hovo Your Suifo wrecked two adjoining stores Ih !.whiv Ciaudie Teebo, Dorothy across from City Hail.' . 1:U-8»U cip S ti < . ALLEN 8BOW \ 'W'ind GialU,' FoU Bvil, Galla of All Thomas. Marilyn Chapman, Unde Two. firefighters —. Frank •lie tse i) B. BABLOW OBCBBSTBA *48'®( Smart ’ Sb( Piece n Treadwell and Bveleen GeromiUcr. NOTE! Mo MATINEE TUBS. ^ Gueel. Dorothy Warenekjoll Sqchenics and Gerald Brtxuian— sM t ir piitKT ASS n o w ■\ —Cccare Slepi Ri4lpholstered Rrien Gooding, a student at the were injured when a hat air blast Starts Wed.: “THE ROBB” mra M WKMTKSh TSSA. TBS Arlsona Reundop. (UI nLM school, operated the film projec­ blew down the front -walk of a in Cinemascope and- «Ms>> Asratm oopnEVe tor. _ . iH» WBaTBBM s a a k s o c s s talI nt ecoL-ra - Oarry f CRIB OUTFIT » 8 9 m curtain sfa#^' ' - . Steieopiranie Sound ' • tsi) UnCLB Kirt *l'Jt CT.BB Moor* subsUtutlng. ? . ? 1 1 The growers outlet ccpermaricet 8:m ( S41> MOWDT DOOiPY TIME D o' luxe Dropaide Crib with hd. S:4I iUi ANIItaL PSATm B Juftable height- ' enamel steel a mm We Do A Complete And Up next door also waa dastroysd- by S:#S— ( •> ADVBSTDl------oi^ a HI. VKPEB- ths blast and flames. spring, head and foot panels with. wL ^ 7 . Q C Overhaul—Expert Wsrkmea tqrawpiwQ pop colorful nursery decorations. In- *j{f —Neweet rabrka 'Xhs t'.vo'rotail ouUsts are located tm kBW9 AT “ Btoaer FORMICA Aoeocdlay to Fabrics Court Ca^es in a one-etery Meek with neither n^rapting. in wetproof ■ For WMi' asMt'Cstarter Tope" plastic tickiiig. LiitMTafe the'aix ' On m apartments nor offices in the J3{ Tl • TSE rtSATES Washington’s Birthday .$ m i N 6 AT NO IXntA COST UuildlBg. HouGiVtr, eight families \S:n < SI V, ------IB pieces.,, y • t Louis AlUod, 19, of 404 Hertford \. ■ 892*MAla Cmfooi-Modo Town Court ;|u4ga JelULg. G, Rott- ■Jag.' "■ . :.G.M.’e GSEST Mattress-,. ner this morning on m rg e s of S:W net Spring, 3-Pc. violation of rules'of the road isnd FIroflghtera brought the blase S:M ( SI ^ *ja itee. f iSS ( S) I LOVB LCCY-Desl Aroes- ' nasHiErm'-stap.^Hghf.>i?^^?''--’ ''T-'''' .under control aftanw.flnhounbaUte,. QUOJYADJS" -^ m p er P ad .#,^ Slivers INro'alarms-wers goundsd. Neither TBOM,' at Iri#- ■ -‘■v—- .^ m o K . ____ 'Harold Toung,- 4f.. ^ 99 ’ Union at Bcselar Price*! .-•■•xl__ im RMy net ri >BlNd U:, WM> .Wurid gqiiiiy . QC ja to ^ the amount of damage nor the pos­ 9«4I < JO KRAI FQSBCA8T >. Ocoe flmUh. sible'cau seof the-Uape was an- re«.'. . ~Pm*er reeHtic'''’-aa4 ■ ■ lion, but his aenfanciag was ds- Olase Weba ' * .« eriretfht bout. Liberal fiudgaf Tcrnit rotmeed. . Hera’ia * furthe* invesUgation oTthe back- ~ Keimeihet grojmd of the case. ^ MANCHI5TER *^BOW — Gish A. MipoVe, 27, of Providence, R. I., 'Was granted a suspended TIRE CO. more ottracNv* Hion eveir. You m Judgment on a charge of failure to Retreadlag At the ahowroomn of membeni of ihe Maachester Antomobiln Aad Up HURRY! Regular ISiU I S-SeAsVSTKPIO ONE— longer efimb in, you walk M There's 1.50 stop for a stop sign, and Josaph ^ . "Role of a Lovrr" — Dealers’ Association. See fdk yoarseK tbe'wonderfnl advances that Manning, 23, of Cranston, ' R. I., aad UiM (Sll YOVB rv TBBATEB a reel front porih (fold* for Vevei- .have bdea lacorporated Into the |9S4 modeta. Yod are rardinlly charged with speeding, forfeited a LAST 2 DAYS SNOW IStie (U) NEWS • WEATHEB kig) and a reel reiidenlial fnent deer. Invited to visit the following shewroomst . Folding Play Yard 188 bond when he failed to appear Broad St. ui4t < I) ly m i^ r a i b b a n e s , in court. BcaatifaUy Tailored FSaae (Ml Nuro AT BLIw Wn * _ Complete with folding In,cases diepoaed of Saturdayr ■n-s-esH JS5 S ! 2 F * ^ BBITION , 9 5 Soor. Of carefully demea A. Koehler, 19, o f Coventry, (Sll n N A L ^ m O N ROLAND MOTORS. Inc. GORMAN MOTOR »I2 a m oo^ r hardwoods in • Piaasd and Fitted was bound over to. Superior Court 0 ^ YNSIEITWmilUTttASSCSI U:tS (SlrWBATffBB - 389 c e n t e r STRE»’~* SALES, Inc. rich Maple finish. «*S) m S “ tobay U:U (Ml T U LATE n oW t under $500 bond on a charge of 285 m a in STREET larceny. , (W) lSm L NBWE-rrrd Dwyer ‘Tile Myetery' . RROWN-REAUPRr s. •7111 Fabrics Vat Dyed nil BLBVBHrauUICB MOVIR' 858 EAST CENTER STREET Koehler, 'who allegeifly stole SiU CSPfAP:------BApaiT U:W ( (I COLONBL VLACB — Alaa« MANCHESTER MOTOR FREE FAUUNG Iq KaMi'h . *AH Fabrics Pre-Shrunk automobile parts from the cellar of QN e iia SC T:S ( SI ITSU Meetbray Maple S u p k Bed Frivnto FarfclBg Let Adjoining a home at 73 Devon Dr.; was origi­ ■ CMC! VIPBO «i«e I t) NBWB “ * RRUMNER'S. Inc. SA U S,lnc. The Store. No Meter Farhhig ROCKVILLE ROAD, • Kick Pleats—Boi plrats—Rufflra : / nally charged with breaking pnd 7:I4 !8! ISM S S I ai. 512 WEST CENTliR STREET May be used aa a apace saving double In The Entire Block Jisat BoaRi entering and theft. iiu (ui mabqb a n r r Tomonaw's Partlaie Blghlithm TALCOTTVILLE decker or aa separate twin bedn Com­ Of The Store. • Price Ischides Blsterisl, Weltisf, AOiiM PALY—Neve X Also Saturday, Frank Puaxo, 19. nil BBAvn RECSETS lh:*S (SI) SBlTt WRITE SHOW CARTER CHEVROLCT Mcl^UREAUTO plete with ladder end guard ra il... of 224 Charter Oak St., charged t;tt nsi wnTiESYAw^- c*»*i tits ( t) HATE UllTB UOW - 8ut most wonderful ef el is Ihe ipa- ,in Colonial Maple. STORE HOURS: OeoHI BoatF EiPBen. asd Lpbor with reckless .driving, driving Jobfrt Ills (U) BOB c a o u v CO., Inc. COMPANY. Inc. Showrooms (sti n u t asow doM hlerlor. The "eorrldqr look” b 872 MAIN STREET WedneeAey At Neea. ..OpoB 'Without a license and taking a car tiM (SI B PD » runotB n o w gone! Ceme, see for yourself. Moder­ 811 Ma i n s t r e e t ' Every TharadBy Night ‘CaM 8l without the owner's permission, [Open Today (SSMI IWVOIM^SDWABOS - KEITH'S VARIETY ately priced, eomplelety fixnbhed*- Regwikw Howie FVeaa • AJR; • “Sr - ■ ■ * . was turned over to Juvenile au­ CHORCHES MOTOR MOftlARTY BROTHERS, .Until-Sd8 rJR Cols TdwE thorities; and Nsd E. Charlss, 19, (U)jn& AAi^aTOsv m t NEWS SHOP irs yours« dewirp«yd*enl Md I Until 10 p.m. •UDGET TEL. HTFD. JAcksdR 44)154 (St BANCS KaUuTB meelWy lerris you COB offieed. ■ SALE Inc. of 41 Bigelow St., was fined a total Murray.-heeteee DEPOT S9VARB 88 OAKLAND STREET 281-818 CENTER-STREET TERh^ Upto9f.M. or JAduM 2-7780 of 833 for speeding and driving TsU ( act) M l ^ CARAVAN — Joha i r s A PSAIKtr SCHOOMtS With defective equipment. (Ml PBBBV *STmo n o w . Dally 8:99 to 8119 | DkCORMIER m o t o r ROY MOTORS, Inc. - Also,. Michele P. -OarlimA 20, of (MI.CONN. VALUY TV SB. OptR Saa. 8i89 to 8:89 i 241 NORTH Ma i n STREET East Hartford, apd Walter C. Nel­ U0MV8 COMMWUON : SALES, liK. son,; 57, of Htbroh^ were each 22-24 M A TtB STREET fined 819 for violation of rules 'of SO LIM EItf , Inc. the road; and Ralph W, J|iaxen, 17, CAVEY’S RESTAURANT d i u o n s a l e s a n d •84 c e n t e r s t r e e t of, Bolton, was graatad a noils on V s e r v ic e X a speeding chyga. * ^$is m a im JAINTOR RONTIACr tec. U P H ^ T E R IN G and DECORATING CO. COROmTION f 8RME R GOOD FOODS VERNON TWCEMTEC STREET ^ \r- M properriontor tgeir sisc; o r TECHNICOLOR ^ TRAILER COURT whalea nave a largar assnuat of l A T CENT Ft ‘-TRIFT Off -Kntar CroM Fdrinray Uoed than qthar Oa Kelley Read 5TOP IN TODAY! 5EE ALL THE '5 4 MODELS FIm m Maackeetor. Ml-8-<82Y

...... ' ' -J# *1 " - ' V ■■y-,v\


~wirw->iiit Red Cross^und Dvriye Woriten Blood' Draors Firemen Pot Out- flBMf WedH«idgy l^ m T to 9 p. m. _f«*r'rtowriM' to aUv^mamo _— The Little Nlppera 4-H Club, Andover matt to Give Talk will meet tomorrow afternoon at Three grata fires were axUn*. "W ar Oet Piwir Whsa fe . ^ ■ Scouts of Manchester Dis­ WHAY—rat* Wftcli V trict will hold their' first annual the Church Community Hall, with IIILMMRI WTIC—flbbtr. StoUy * gulshad. toy local-fireman over the CeamaHCttpala handicraft show at the Waddell Mrs. Emil V. Mammet and Mrs. WDIt«>—Vaiufttn Monm* On Central America Trip Leon Heckler leading ^the group. ^ w nTH -m Si BdwMxu weekend, ode over Wortk and two TiNmsVm. A^t7M9 eM3He/MABfii , School Auditorium, Feb. 37, from IftU - in the South End. 7 to 9:30 p. nv • There will be a aet-back party : WHAy—Nit* Watch ATLeWtST SOMliUMMII ' Wednesday at 8 p. m. In the Na­ —John IlmMiip WTIC-Caa Yau Top ThU Oo. 4 of the 8MFD was called The public la invited and admla- Coventiy,, Feb. 22 — (Special)— bera of the Cooperative Nursing than Hale Oimmunlty Onter, WDRC—Vauahn Ittmraa out twice Saturday afternoon for . Sion la fre4. U . Col. Nifathan Gatchell of An­ — Raynend T; WOTH-^larHyaC Syihptmr , Kindergarten at the Nathan Halt with Mrs. Leo T. Leary as chair­ graaa and brush firaa at 110 Oak Over 500 Cub ScoiiU and their dover will five a talk and show Conununlty Center at 8 p. m. man. Grove St. and 143 School S t ■JKSn. Ml tchdi M l 4i ’1 keen busy for thetpast 1 iJ. • “■« ' *’ wHA*-Nlt« Watch MS MAIM ir - MAHClHSm filnu on his motorcycle trip to iMdtea, Plan Saw Hooper With Atlaatic Fleet inte the aduaveaMit af « WTIC—Youth Want* To Knot* The MFD answerad box alarm three months preparing for this Mexico and Central America at WDRC—Now*; Hood* for lloaBanc* axhIMUon. The Lajliea' Assn, will hold a Herbert F. Hooper, Jr., damage ■ervlca. waTH-8Urlt|ht Sjrmpbonr llS on Depot Sq. for a graia fire the local Llona’ Club meeting to­ home-made doughnut and country at 1 Main St. ycaterday morning. The committee in riiargd in- controlman fireman v.Hth the U. B. Funeral tStiA— morrow at'toe Cove Restaurant at store sale Wednesday from 11 a.m. Navy, is aboard toe attack trans­ WHAV—N««* A t 11:30 iRst night, Co. 8 put flqdea George Bettlnger, chair­ 7 p. m. • / .to 3 p. m. In tha vextiy, of the WfTC—Youth Want* Tn Know man; Fred Venetia and Waiter port, USS Rockwall which Is now' WD^^Ncwa; Mood* Mr RomAaea out a firs in w ear at *41 B. Mid­ Gatchell made the trip to Latin First Congregational Church. part of the Atlantic Fleet am­ WUlV—StarlliM Symphoair dle Tke. Minor damage was re­ Piutinkton. America last year. Ha will also U:aa— Bejra’ Team' Wins phibious fore* of *he U, S. Sixth ported. COMSOLIDKTIOM The 14 Packs of the district will show colored- alidaa. * The Robertson School boys’ bas­ WHAY-^lU Watch provide entertainment, in atill or Fleet. Hooper lives on Reynolds Dr. WTIC—Tbrca-Rihg Nawa To Obaerva Btrtoday ketball team recently defeated WD%-^ew« animated form', depicting the vari­ Mall Memorial School of South W01«—Nowl Newell A. Hill, whose son lost Maneheater. Evening HenUd Cov­ ous monthly thepie activtUss of WUllngton hy a score of 76 to 30 U il* - Jacobs of. Trinity ths Cub Stouting' YMr. his home on- - - Silver St.— -- Feb.“ VaJ* 13,A^e ’ J a*v» entry correapoadeht, Mrs. Charles WliAY—Ntta Watch will celebrate his 60th birthday: • ’** trimmed Edwards L- Little, telephone Pilgrim 3-63SI. WTIC—New* of Th* WorM THI W AY TO PAY Listed With their display sub­ wrar—4nfht Owi Is Award Winner ANNOriNO AND fMMBMStlNO Situ le t s are the follofwlng exhlbltora; tomorrow. Hill, who"was living!. Stafford Springs by a . WClT^Mwitc Pack 3. hobbies: Pack 3. gifts;, with his son and family at the' UJ*-" Ume of toe Lincoln's Birthday Both games were played lit the WHAY—NIU Watch „ N Shspis, IHMMt aai OatW yaw avardva and cwraat Mb la ' Pack* 37, Indians; Pick 78, weav­ local school. The next game sched- Wnc—StarUaht Sereaada I from Page Om ) ^vRY VO YOR OHIO ing; Pack 91. hobbies and pets; JKdocaurt. ia now. visiting * WDRC-Nlght Owl 1 M ACIl iWf affl*a... dMghter, Mrs. David Eddy of ulied for the boys’ team is with —WGTH—Muale - ■ ---- - ^ .RQUb. ,WR, QBtO,, ««V."Jd: Pack.l43.,PJue lAbaaon, here;-March 3. 11:U- •Ktion or GrekiiWlch for a cAif- OOp ftORf wrO wr^sowr# owW ...... 4k*M toff' vdlb''■ and Gold; Pack i44, wo^craft; BhwmfieM; ^ tpR rrrr^pNrVr BBiRf .Cror^rQ OohilBg Events WHAY-NIt* Watch toon entitled "Between the 1 iO A N i awda br v*, ,.^ Pack 151. Christmas giftx and Teen-Ager DMm Slated w i^ —auiUght teraaada Croasea, Row on Row.” The Tebij-AgerS'' group will hold St Mary’s Junior CTTO will meet WDRC-Ntgbt Owl sad radsM fa dacorationa; Pack 153, air trans- tomorrow at 7:30 p. m; in the _The Rev. AUen 8. Lahman of. fORiliii. YNrt ii 0 orRMtloft* ports.Uoh. a dance tomorrow* at 8 p. m. at. WOTH--Mu»»c -r-vr------Chucch.. HaU-^^ under-the. leadership Olaatewbury fo r w sermon rntltled' .... 1-ilONnilV RAYAUNT "7* -Thiffe the Nathan Halo-Comnnmity- CeiT'* ’ 04N!R0R* RR bOBftiRRR R6RR 0R4 wbkb yew veerseW ter, With Dick^ Mills and hit of the Rev. John C.'Chirtln, ­ Where ihere^s tt Wdl there^TiOf WtiY "Freedom Oan Be Dangerous.” RRfVRW RR pW VRRVRRIv RR R the Waddell School and all who ant pastor. ' Hemilton H tt of 130 Spenctr BrrW rrrIi rrrIr* i#le«t ei awl «eeveeleef.- "Prairie Boya” >p*oviding the are interested in boys and their The Krafty Khppers 4-H Qub All Wage Earners St., Winsted, for an eaaay bntlUed MtkR R HW Rf Omi setivitieB are conMally welcome. music. ' "In Defense of the Prudes.” ^Lr6RrrR rr^rO RR rr^^r rBBvr* In charg* of diatributing Gck- will meet Wednesday afternoon at — “■!' '— n— ^ the Hans- Hansen Home. The . . . to have your property distrib^ Must File Return The Freedom Week Committee liRVR 9R flIRRi. ^ ets are Joan Ayer. BettYJfiehols, at the National CouncU of Jewish Helen Jordan, Lynn Bradtay, Liz Choirs of the First snd Second len, 1076 Mafii St..' sU W ort. Weekend ;^Death» vaaty. Noimiah HeeWsf a n d ^U y ObngcegsUonal Churehe* wNI also (OairtiRIM« tNM Om ) won a George Washington Honor Downing. / X vtedarymwlih; Medal Award for a community • •By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Ehcecutive Board will m *^ Toil may hava hoard oC tho program. Miami Beach r— Bror Guatave at 7:30 tonight at toe Leary home. BOB TUCKBR A $100 prtu and a George Wash­ mm Dahlberg, 73, founder and former f To Talk ON Trip roduetion in infiomo tax that S6a^B. CS*»M#»p*yiwwi>fc*ttw«r*iw»»'rtw Urt went irfto effect Jan. X 1984. It ington ;Honor Medal Aw.ard . went hmt aav alkir bail, Amfttmt NMMtMyP preaident of Celotex Corp„ build on Capt Harold Demoody, of the ^ K W . y'iluTv^niA CO. to "Soundings;” student publication trine SA He «* ast sftb*. •UOAN 12 mo. 15 MO. process he developed to make In- University of Connecticut, will Bdainesa Ins.—Endowments aveni|^s about 10 per cent for HcraM Phola. T R U S T I of Staples High School, Westport, M • faea <•« be aiade . > • t M t f n I milating board from fibrous resi­ give a talk .and show colored ReGrehiettt Ina. a AecMeqt Ina. moat people. But that haa nothing employer’s ahara plvia tha am-j Vernon F. Mausohild, general |4.M tSM • art' due of sugar cane. Born in Chrls- slides WedpesHay of a trip he re­ for an editorial entitled "It’a a w#*N ffiNf m way fa immkm ».17 Mortgage Ina.—Life Inanraaea to do with your 1988 return, due ph^saharor chairman for the 1954 Fund Drive achieved on Friday., when, the Free Country.” ' tianstadt, Sweden. Died Saturday. cently made. Demoody will speak bloodmoblla unit visits Woodruff Wet eeMbli leea ea a ewsMy __ m __ i t s TELMI-Y.5B33 March 15. *:ftat totals 31i per cent of the of the Manchester Cross Honor qertlftcatea were won by waaraua ba*kjavjMirM|M Thr«« fiahwlBtrs wl rff««;ii»OEt MKho^o eB gkifgH. Pasadena, Calif.—William K, at a meetlng/)f the parent mem- If tax deductions are being Halt Bulkeley High School in Hartford, TWy MO hmoJ am yteiMft mmmkha ffivmFBU* Howard, 54, movie director whose first 13,600 income. Yqu muat pay chapter, signs up members of bia made from yoUr pay. thdX nthy if you had Incoma of I4Q0 or more. 'Tt Is most Important that blood Lyman Hall High School in Wal­ produrtions included "This Side campaign committee to be blood auppHea be maintained for the vi- of • Heaven” and "Thundering now be a little amulet than they But tharc ara axcaptlona.^ Among lingford. Farmington High School, piNAiici CO. me were last year, but that will donors when the Bloodmobile U1 purposea for' which they are Stratford High Schooi and the Herd.” Born in St. Mary's, Ohio. those who do not . make such pay­ makes lU monthly visit to this used.” aatd Hauachild. "Many • loffM soivtog Ap r £im-..St., "at. 3 o!ck>ek.’'S*®tion .of *'the*”WomefFa''^3ttb'■■'"of"-*'''*—?*■ one employer Ip . 1953 yeti may Tors—MW: Rachel iPraft- Saturday afternoon in the Me- White Plains, Jtoing up to 43,600 ^ q n v i^ by L o ^ Red Cross blood program - aall -Thayer, 45,. fomicr . actress, haw* aatwrU o f these. ‘AttwA' in your incomo ixom which aocial ao- mortal ■ Methodist Churrh, White' ■L^^ Fafmcr received a B. S. de- of them. • officiala are hopeful that Man­ loremr wife of actor 'Diomas Mit­ Plalns, N. Y., in a setting of white gree 'in business administration curity tax was deducted. chester's monthly blood quota of chell. Died Saturday. Y—Afppar Baraaa^ Failure to do either o t these gladioli and white snapdragons from, the University of C>>nnecticut. things maaaf that yOu hava not ISO pints will be successfully Woodbridge, Va.—Fdwsnl Mat­ with palms and foliage greens for He is a member of Lambda C2»l jO^NavaaC Um WorM CVemorrow: What form thews, 49, former opera and radio ORC-^uUua uSoaa legally filed.a fatuim. you nee?) backing. Alpha fraternity and Scabbard and WGTB-^briel Meaner A join^ raturai nearly alwasra ' singer, later college voice teacher. ■|5— • Born In Ossining, N. Y. Died Sat- The ceremony was performed by ®*^5**> national honorary military WHAY Bt^ er-Maranada results in a ,lower tax for a hus­ the Rev. Walter L. Scranton. Rob- aofj*ty. ^ WTIC-Ona MairB f'anuiy band and^ wife. In using • it you Does "operation bathtime’' „._.ur.day..r,,_^_=.. ... leave you as damp as your baby? H ft I Rodio-TV Swvic» ert Bates of Greenwich was t h * ^ f o r acUva duty WDRC—B R Murrow split the income and figure each 37 Starkweather SA Cooperstown, N. Y— Harry St. organist and accompanied the so- ""ortly after the couple’s return WGTH—Perry Como You may be tempted to invest Clair Ziogbaum. 68, retired archi- ’ j » halt .at a lower leveL Tou can in a set of oUsUna or a diving suit lolst.' William S. Story of Tarry- “ wedding trip to Pennsyl- a p i i t the Income ertn If only SERVICE CRARUE 6340 . tect who designed the* Baseball town. N. Y. vania. , oM of you earned anything. to keop dry. Buttt’a easier to make Hall of Fame and other Coopers­ . WDRC-SajpaaB* \ \ a cover-up apron of terry cloth town museums. Died Sunday. Given in marriage by her father, i 4 l • WOTH—Tha Paloon \ . Help la AvtflaMe ' TEL, M I-9 ^ 5 the bride wore a waltz-length dre.ss lined in plastic to reduce the perils Gary DubUn, Ireland—Capt. Henry You can get help- from . the of the batt hour. of imported lace, made with em­ ■*'JfeAY—T.BJk. Internal Revenue Service. First, Harrison, 87, last surviving mem­ pire lines, sweetheart neckUne and illroad Hour thera is an instruction pamphlet ber of the Charles Stewart Parnell Weddiiigs^ ____ . iMpenaa Irish Naitionalist bloc in the British bouffant 8)clrt edged with folds of WOTH^The raleon mailed to you with'your tax form nylon tulle. Her headdre"** wqs a -ftn House of Commons, and close - - WHAY —We»um Cararaa Second, you een' get a booklet friend of the famous Irish patriot. lovely cap effect of lace a^sqhted . jwnc—Votca of flraatona "Your Federal Income Tax.” for Died Sunday. in seed pearls with a fin|ph:1^i Turkington-Balch ' .WORO—Oodlrey Talent tieouta' 25 cents from the Government length yell of Imported pure .si The marriage of Marj'snn L. . YTOTh—itona Itahcer Chicago—James O. Mcllyar, 54, ‘slSintlng Ofnee, Washington 85. EX8IRT SERVICE FOR Milwaukee railroad traffic mana­ illusion. Her classic arm bouquet Ich and Samuel-J. Turkington: OAY—WhaUra Caravaa .C. ger. Died Saturday. was of white Voses with white lilac miles A}*: fiC—Vote* o f Ptraataoa a writtan hy Ravanul Senr- .. .aiul. exoUc.ioliage. backing... Ar.ijys, . jb>a5* ^WDRC-t3o«frw Talent Seeute 0:lBft;-CA1if. — David H. CTA«^ The maid of honor was Mi.ss Saturdaj^itei'iioon at 5 o’clock In . .^TH^ldtna Kancer tce'^pbople, is authoritative, com 5.5. former Los Angeles County pleta.'^M well indexed. It covara ANY TYPE BURNER! Katharine P. Hardgrovc of Spring- Mather i^apel, Trinity College. / / :Carava»^ -'the- protjAemo^of'moat" dal«v -muL '-bridesmaids. -wepe- 'Mtsa< I Hour ing a murder sentence for snooting TjaWTiTTB^^ i»RC-*____, Theater Third, you oan talk to tax Beverly...C... Holmes-—of... White The.cecemody/iraA^mrformed by to* Wife of his foritier'Taw partner. Platn.s; Mias D o ^ R. Oakley, of the Rev. Gerald^QGridy. And the _ WGTH<^ew*: “port* 'Tour bank or post office can -tell it Lotus cheek your bum«r In 1931 he shot and killed politician in the fleet o f 1,400 n ^ o r vehicles that help keep .'.■oii where the tax officials can be Hotter Rowayton. and^rs. N. Rey lA’het- attendants were Mrs. Raymond ■ WHAYf-Weatera t^ravaa for/heat toai>-adJuat it— Charles H. Crawford and magazine ien. oT Scheheolady, N. 'Y. Qi'ish and Fredericlo^rkington. Connecticut’s t e le ^ n e system in top-notch con­ ■ , WTiC—Telanhoi found Ihey aifa there to help you. executive Herbert Spencer, was ■ WDRC—Radio______rot to aqueese out more taxes. In IMobllhMtp tool dOan it — make sure youH ' The attendants were gowned in Jr. Ushers were Alan Tupklngton WGTH-H. J. Taylor get eomptoU eombuttion acquitted of one slaying and never different/-Colors of chromespun and Thomas F. Ferguson. dition 24 hoursday. Last year these telephone fnbet Cates'they answer quea- tried for the other. Died Satur- *‘w Ha y —We*um CaraVan' tions by telephone. \ . ‘ when you need it. acetate-taffeta in ballerina length. A small reception fbllowed. day. The very full skirt was attached'to vehicles tra v e l^ nearly l2 million miles, burned WTIC—Band of America >. Self-Employed? ./■ Cincinnati — Chams E. Kilgur, Mr. and Mrs. I'urkington ___ . WDRC—RadtdjiThaaler Did you work Vor Tqurself in i t W.e hsve the tools, the ^/autifully tucked princess style make their home at 127 Henry St. Up I,085.0p0 grailons o f gas and used 44,000 quarts ^ WOTH—Repoifer'a Roundup skill and trained manpower 67, chief engineer for the Crosley idlce with V-neck and cap sleeves, 1953 ? Yor follow the earns rules ia Corp., electronics expert and of oil. Jtepresenting an investment of over 3 WHAY—waatam Caravan employaa, but . you probably have to do the job right. lelr hats were of matching taffe­ WTlC^-Baad of Amartea mathematician. Bom' in l^trott. ta and they carried nosegay bou­ WDRC—Radio Thaater .apeciil social aecwty pi^ment Died Saturday. • dollars, the telephone fleet plays an im- WGTH—Reoorter'a Roundup tb\i.iake. \ it Complete Fuel OU Senr- quets of Pinnochio roses, light blue Worry of ’ Washington —Merrill M.^Lord. delphinium and soft yellow flowers. l^ rt in our job o f trying to make Con­ employe pays 1*4 per bent iee, too. Automatk deliTeijr, ____ 62- Commerce Departman^/bfficial on thbj 5riit fS.fW hh earns. Hb Bruce Ditlman,. of Falrfietiri,' was ' ' T4i«vjMoa Frocfniail'' '— (rot) hest-Mvihg tips— who administered newsprtnt-diatri- best man, and ushers were Williath FALSE TEETH i’s telephone w in the wiirld.'* ecrployai: pays/another 1*A par trsinsdii reliable drivers. button during the 1^1-52 short­ Slljtpiiig or Irrftififig? On Pac* Two Schneiter, of West Hartford; Rich­ cent. But\lf you ’■•ere your own age; former Hearst- Newapapers ard Rollins, of Slorrs: Mort Nor­ Don't be embarruted br too* Tslst employer, yl»|i pay only half the ir HoffsrMohittsiiif contains teeth alippins, dropplnc oe wobbUhs Inc., executive. Bom in Winter throp, of ■ Fairfield, and 2nd Lt. when you eat. tala or htuih. Juat • all ths heat units your Harbor, Maine. Died Friday. Earl G. Osterhoudt, Jr., of Bridge­ sprinkle a little FASTXrni on your WonderfuJ For Spring CAirriUTMtllATI hum w can poiMbly u s e - port. plataa. This pleasant powder (iTe* a i' -if A 9. The charcoal obtained from remarkable sense of added eomfort , Gbfi^x JtotfiMrtkl bums cleanly, completely. Following the ceremony a recep­ and security by holdlnc pistes mots 8070 . . . . ■■ ’ \ wood usMlty weighs aixnit a quar­ tion was held at the home, of the nrmly. No (ummy. lOOcy, pasty taste W -« k. ter as piuich as the wood. bride, ' . or fesUnt. If* alhfllae (oon-aetd). Whefi you neikl it Oat.rAnTXXTR at any drut eoqilter. 'k lfr M Iobilheat SOCONY VACUUM HEATING OIL No-woiHiig. No need to remember to storlt In to w n .. the heOter or tiirn It o f — MITCHEU^ISS FOR TOP QUALITY t • , • . ■ ' ' ' ■ ‘ OLOilf OH. BURNERS MORIARTY BROTHERS The convenience Is greot because hot » I * CIMTU STK MANCHESTn woter mokes every household task^^easler.

73/. lAMir _... The cost is smolla Electric woter heotere ore efficient In design^ coplete duto- moHo? ond so well intuloted thot they will MEMORY LAKE J keep wotOr hot for doys. Climb fifKeii'feet Consulf your dealer obout the correct W HIU YOU W R l ASIIIP,^ telephone trouble shooter W alter'M ikolinslj worked through the night restoring telephone service after a bad storm size for your family. .swept across Connecticut. In this stark silhouette the photographeij caught ‘‘■UlllllllUUIliill THE SPOON HOLDER some o f the drama o f thO repfiirman’s lonely vigil that night. Emergittdes • iA M O "MMt Corilu ArdMr*' ABC FrM«yil 9:30 F.KL are nothing new to Connecticut’s 9,500 telephone employees— they take Boiwcmbjsr when a spoon holder graced every them in their stride. Skilled men snd women, as well as millions o f dollarf» dining-rMiii table? Within easy reach of ev­ HRwtfcomt'f SiiRw" ChREEffl» • TV Etoetric are needed to keep whres open'for Connecticut’s 3% million calls each day. JACK eryone, it saved countless steps for mother 12:45 P.M. New r Attractive, varautile No wardrobe for sjMdng or sum­ whenever one of the children’s spoons went • ..rf-V-jj' " "S-V jacket pair. mer is complete unless It contains clatteriiig to the Door.. Even father was guilty #TV T m Art TImto" CImnimI I Smdoys 8 P.KL ’ PatUra 6070 is in aisea 12,14,16. a perky pillbox or a smart cloche, at times. Now,, yed nnd. spood holders only Drive it today! YotiD know in a 'minute you're 16, 30; 40, 43. Sise If, 3H yards of or both. These crocheted hats are in antique shops.. The. modern table has no driving.the leader! It* sensational 235 HP V-8 engine It-lpeh: .quickly arid easily made, and will 'h a P . .with (ully-automatic PowerFlite transmission. , , . ' Piattani No. -6071 is in sizes 13 be Just right for tailored or date­ use for them. Remember? ^ • time outfits. is the same “ power team” that set the all-time 14. 16, It, 30; 40, 43. Sise 14, three endurance record at Indianapolis. 2157 miles in 24 quarter sleeve, 3% yards of 39 Pattern iio . 5233 contsiiis cro­ and PbwwFIlte THI SOUTHERN NEW ENOLANP . laeh. Two pattemx cheting iiutructions tor both hats, HOLMES hours, to win-the Steye'n* Challenge Trophy ia tha For these patterns, send 30c for material requirements and stitch trer(d'sfONqAr*f sfoct-cor Irsff’Now»diacover that for llluatratlona. FUNfRAL HOMES you, too, the power of leadership is yours in a Each, in Ootns, your hamt, address, 400 Mala St. 38 Weodbridge S t Waao dsttad. and toe Pattoni Send 35c in coma, -your liama, a . e o o m a beautiful Chrysler) ItUB^toPDEBDENETT. MAN addreaa and the pattern number to PtosM Mltehall 3-7W7 CBBBTEB B m m w HBBALO, ^ N E CABOT. T t a MANCRES- AVfc AMEMOAS. NEW ^ EVENING HEBALD. 1150 AVb AMEEICA8. NEW YOER' VORK.8I.K.YV ••• wT V. ' >* eefits now for your, copy Preaentlng the complete Anne P* Fatotmi, Spring ’ 54, our ^bot'NemOswork Album Dlroc- » pattern magaslnc. A P«PP«i mittons. basic am- l^gifi^iB plaaipluuto- ^ y a- wyU ^ touRaiy stitchar jdHr-ytatid 6a^ The too ffgaia ara printed ifi tola lasuk ' 35 .i \. '7 ■ - •:'V

V MANCHESTKR e v e n in g ftERALD, MANCHESTBR. OOIitN^ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19B4 EVENING HEBALDj^ MANCHj/ST^lR, CQNN., MONDAy,‘EEBRUARY 22, 1954 ABifM llHl^rcItT aame' cxperts who ajro doeig^g jiiitoiuiiiiiumiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiimiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiuii Ujls^i^rlN of the. f iitw al- M anchetier-GI la^ Libnu*iaii to Tjdk~ ^pflbofirngh ,3Bt;:.-;i ii:diw a tstrJtov^ Trattyai i aiiged'tor'titv" trae ■ to‘be luiffaanp'.eosm.muW'^r-.^BSStfJssatjdu.im w j»a«tvw B n vaeM ^ aw rrtjsnivsaism iaaidluii * - -srtrwks,rs w*i*e.rflrvtt»'VW'i>Sta»/wSa-iriirs'-*trwv«NT*»;e PrealilMH, and the President has fed with hyi>odermic needles. To WeTWo Gro “H SniigPIS^ told the country that the month of Prom all this, it appears that Ota March may provide the first; real Joyce KilrnSr W’aa terribly wrong. . Tbe monthly m eeting^ the'We MlsnSlMa tni Olsaaiat By Zoning Board test as to whether of not this But theii, he wouldn't call auch a country is in the ^ p of somsUiing *iVo group will bd Mid tomorrow ______HOPTElt OLUTHEO. BRIGHTER thing a tree and neither would we. at fl p. m. in the Odneordia laitber- COLORS, NO ODORS. NO SHRINKAGE iiseii *2 (Spectal) 1. SMI more than a logical and necesjmry . FOR PICKUP CALL Mitchell *-5173 —Th* Zoning OnmmlMioii will to readjustment of its economy after an Church qt-Vmich time a num- Ir aenion March .3 at 8 p.m. to Kriatog Bxctpl b«r of mattora wQI M brought up conduct a pt blic hearing on the rTTSuUd M M truce in Korea. for atf / values I'-. can Normally,./ the President says, F-ropoaed zoning ordinance. leve in .. the business session.on. M is/ FRIENDLY CLEANERS, INC. All periona l.ntereated may In- March Is a month in which tho em- News Rhymes AnnA French, librarian of toe s |fl% Dtacouat at These Cahli and Carry Storea. apact and obtain Copiea.of tha pro- ployihj^nt situation gets better. If III By J. P. D.* Cbsnsy Library, will, spedk I Ifl .atAPLB SI^BET — MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST _ I-oaed ordinance and zoning map it doesn’t get better this March, tho subject;I "Behind the Beenes which Iz now on flle at the town Cape “One of biir lalaads at the Manchester Public Ubra».” • -.*118 or if it ^ ts wogM instead of bet­ She will also glva a ahon revpw , ‘^-^••♦•••f**********— S.WI., Was Missing That Day” '">3i ing Qommlaston are; aifford Mar­ ter, apparently governmental of new booM for adnits and chli- tinez, Jton. Lotxi, Dougiaz Secord, Rieir. $65.00. Perfectly scsled policy will take that aaihe signal One of our Islands wras mlsa- Aien. • Ernest Kizsman and Henry Priea. with it« tall, thin back, ita for bringing its anti-depression Ing that day,.the report to A full attendance of the mem­ Oarage Hearing Set Thaple wings and arms. Ideal headquarters said..but no one bers u urged, and a oardifll In- - A hearing will be held in the Li­ g u n rn p te tbs front tines. K such died on the Httle Me'.'.fair every­ VHatiort la tXtended to non-tMem- for Colonial rooms. Ckimes in TIM Jki»CUTli»^RisaB signal appears, the I^sident b rary Building Thursday at 7 p.m. Tb* Awwirtitiit Pf*w taf McU^vtly thing living had fled . . nn ob­ M ra who to Join the gtoup. RANGE and FUEL (NL on the application pf John E. Smith choice of small-scaled docu­ •ttUtM tlM OM of rcpubUcaUoo of says, he will not hesitate a second serving plane hung safely kloof Su iiSn^bM tcbw crodtiM lo it. «t The ciommiUee serving lOfMah- who haa requMted permiseion to ment prints. to use every single thing the gov­ o'er a pern that was boiling nlHtnta indudai Mr. and Mrs.'-Wll- operate a general, auto repair ga- ernment can bring to bear on the Id hissing..the watcher spoke Uam Geas and MT. and Mrs. Her- rega at the comer of Route OA and aoftly these six sober w«rds,«: situation. asan Bassett COAL - COKE ■Jonto Hollow Road. \ / ’ “one of our Islands is misvtng” We- wonder -tf, by such -words, *,r.- Hchool to Ctoke, Fall Mnrle* client o< N. . .for thoosaafls er^ y m n ' M * 24 Diflyeiy Service The Mary Mall School closed Fri­ *ct too-. the President Is not accomplishing sturdy atoll, .bad parried the day for tha mid-winter vacation a rather effective antidote to some thruata dir the sea. .but now It and will reopen Monday for the bad: vaaMied eoMptetely from ■ -rihiKitww. of- thoM - who have-seemed , to be View: .a’ victlai" by bmnaa de­ mUSSEBBELTS fo r y w H Connsefieirt H6iW8frtik«i?1wv s a r a r ^ s s i talking us into a depression.” He MEN aM WOMEN Trurk'Tanaa Over \ YEAR, cree..the hydregm bomb had One of the Longo Bros, trucks ara tha bast values wa baliava you Will find anywhara for lika DualityBaKavad may be talking ua out of a depree- passed Its flrst test, .and it truly EXPERT PITTEBS KNUARTY BROTHERS! of Glastonbury, which picks up us when wa said, "Wa ofFer only these things we believe to keDoautiful or know Tho Herald FriaUnp CenpaBr. ta ^ , sion. had made quite a seore. .where 316 CENTER STREET TEL. MI-3-613S asiumee b o Bnaaclai reaponelbUitr ter ‘'inilk in the North end of town, to be useful." Believed us whfn we .said, "You must be satisfied with every pur­ typoarapUeal erTora appearins in ad- He may be doing this by the the Mand had been the oboerv- JliHrar Diit Stirai oVorturned pear the home of Gus­ veruameBta and otiiar reading BMtter ep eould see. .Just a hole In the tave AchadUa on Gilead Road early chase you make here, or we're not satisfied." W e've been making these same V la Tte lunclieater Krealag Herald. vtiry firm and definite and con- eoMl A«aa...*oojr,,„,.iMSB, ...flg...;.our-. wwdhg way ih wiffch he tr'c sf- . Thursdwy morning. - •: - - ' pledger-for BO'years and ypir evn'f contimre in busiwescYhatttfng if ydo don’t defit Mmlay adTertlolBg doelng houra: Islands was missing that day.. It w«a necessary to .call out a \ ror JX S oadar^ l a p ^ p. m. FttdajFttdav. tainly destroying any impression Its loss Is an omen of fright.. crane from the Roger Sherman in the truth. Here are values you can believe in today . . tomorrow! par ^eaday—1' p. ra.m. Mona..Monday. or suspicion that his might be a but stin you find people who Transfer Oo. to. upright the vrtilcle. tb r nmraday>->l p. m- Wodneoday. do-nothing government, or a •ippaatly say ."why dicker for There were aboii' .400 quarts of ' V. For m U y—1 p. m. Tbrnday.. p«Mw, let's Just Aghty / n'-lk on the truck at the time as X For latwMy—I p. aa. FMay. Poliyanna government, or A better (3aaHBed deadline:. 10:P0 a. m. ai— times are around the comer gov­ It was Jfst starting on its daily ^ ef pubUcattoa except Saturday •> Sgt. BItoa G.- Beebe, of Manchester, stands before a tonk of run. The vehicle was slightly dam­ ernment, in the event of economic Ellington the 7Mth Tank Battalion. A scout in the 7l4th Tank Battalion^ SU N A I^ BLINDS ARE aged and waa driven away Uhder trouble. which la one of two tank battalions of the S2d Airborne Division, S gt fta ow-n power. SQfa for informal settings .. - \ Monday,. Fabniary 32 It had, perhapa, been hL t« SM P , M; r x And thoaeyirho seek to defeat call using tableaux. . Walter/N. And the assurance of.tbta—the WEDS. ALL DAT Foster, the oldest , living past blas­ IHtt^4n had been '« retired to- drafted into service a dentist three miles in isU ditoctlmu from ■ 'bacco,' farmer the past few years. whom Senator Mcf^rthy now the point of the explosion, so that \ .. To fluppfH't Radio- Free Rurope, nutil He was a past master of Everi . claims was a Oommlinist, and his this area of complete devastation your dollar rii;ht now to ‘'Crusade for ,- green Lodgr AF A AM. of South . allegaUon of the fact that this would be six miles in diameter. Freedom,'” c/o yoiir local Postmaster. Send Windsor, with Latex cushions “Severe-to - moderate damage'' Funeral services will be held dentist''received a normal promo- yourfl today—the Big Dollar to fight the , Wednes4ay ,at 2:30 in. at the . tkm and an honorable discharge would extend up to seven miles in insure against Newkirk and' Whitney Funeral • V. ' ' f IrftCT, M c O ^ y aaya,^MpC^^ each direction, or over an area 11 Big Lie. . ' Home, East Hartford. Burial ■■ ■ ■ RCT' i • mfl«* Jtt msmeter;^-' , wiir Vk- Ih C»ht8r C*h«!t8i'5i; SWfr’ “ Htr» are chairo with -styling you!R' be ’kaa' Wf«»TOe^^ i . \ . was a Commiihist ”Ught damage" would ektond'tb jSliprOpf' ' Avindsor. ’ Friends ihay call at - T - ' , ^to add to your fiving r e i ^ - The wing chair cversthiag within a jradiua. o t 10 tha funeral home, today from 7 to. haa unusual wings, and like the Chiimendide : On- this ,am of ■■circomoUhees' IF SOMEONE fa fajurH 10, p. m. and tomorrow from 3 to | f w . barrel chair has nail trim- The flat-arm and miles, ; ^ Benator JHcCarthy s e t out to dis­ wAifafinywir pwanfaes;'wIB . 5 and 7. to 10 p. m.- rISf 1 Tott-arnr ■ ,lounge' chairs ' wRh ■ thefr^' button " credit, i^ fy , and inUhildate^ the All this" wpiiid be the effeclt'bf a Manebester Evening Herald trimmed backs are brand new models . . whole United States Army, And he small-sized hydrogen bomb, yoii be financhilly able to From this, one can gather what Wapping cprie.spondent, Mrs. An- , light in stale yet truly luxurious. Reg. $98.00. began, last week, by calculated in­ pay foe damage8 award- POUNO nl« CoSlna, telephone MI 8-4419. sult to Army ofAcers whose only Admiral Carney meant the other ed against you? Will you be day when he said that aiiy war be Fiigt ybii mua^toow what Radio Free crime was that they had followed able ,to afford legal de- Curtain stand betwemi the free world and routine orders, by ultimatum gun Mrith the modern weapons now Europe is—why it fa a positive invefltinent the USSR. Whether they are on pur side or • Choice awUeble might well end up tK.ing feiwe? If you like Modern you'll . the Army, by broadsides agalitst for the prevention of World War III. • theirs may very well decide whether the «»fi to* whole institution as a coddler foiigpt Mdt)^ bamboo spears. The answer Is “vU rv If RFE is an independent American enter- Kremlin will dare to risk aggression. of Communists. you have Residence Liabil­ 79-00 « T l^ Secretary of the Army The Fotnre Can Haye It tike Watkins Modern prices! ity Insurance. Ask this prfaie^ supported by contributionfl from 1874 Stevens finally decided. Was “the The free of the future ha.v Just millions of peopfa like you. It operatee 21 ■ What ^ get for your ‘Tnith-Dollir” nunsarv end of the line,” the point at whlCh been descijlied. by some forestry agency about it! You iWlly haven't seen Modern ’til you’ve seen Watkins big • Z i powerful transmitters, beaming the truth IP SOMAMA Chair and I. ' ' ■ . : • either the Arr.iy remained the experts out in CXllfornta, and One dollar from you can aend 100 words of m new Modern, displays. You’ll see values like the bumper sofa Ea?y Term s Army, or became merely a aub- provides another, good reason why day and night into captive nations behind truth, courage and hope to these prople m WATICINS .sketched. It’s made with a hardwood frapie that is cortier- erdinsts to one United States ■ aOTHBM. INC. i-:. '7 . ■ we would rather be living now. the Iron Curtain. ' who may hold your fate in their hands. m m braced, screwed and double doweled. It’s upholstered.with ottoman Take up to 18 months to pay Senator. So he ordered hla gen Thib tree of the future-will be a m Latm-rubberized hair and cotton felt. It’s covered to order f u n e r a l for your purchases on easy erals to tefuaa to (estify before- One dollar can help keep the spark of tree which will shoot straight up, What’s in these broadcasts? The one MltSAUg in modern textured fabrics. Usually $249.00, W-B Budget Terms, or use our • ' .’’.•■■At •- \ Senator McCarthy, and 'kolun- without Umto of any kind. No limb SERVICE iJf, thing the Kremlin fearsmost-theTRUTH. resistance alive among the people whose m * r 5995 90-Day Budget Plan.: If you r toered to come u d tcetuy kimaelf. for anitoody to swing on, no limb, The TRUTH behind their own lies. Tliie help and friendahip we need most. Omsnd HMest •'/ prefer, open a regular 30-Day - And tomorrow this' showdown to climb out 6n, no limb to prune iHreetee Charge Attount . . . tomor­ I? . comes; a soft of trial of alander or lop or trim, ho limb to sit un­ [CLASkEl TRUTH from Poles and Czechs and others These are working doUm. These are The lounge chair and ottoman sketched are typical of Wat­ row! ' •gaiaat fact. But if it might seem der, eltber. , INSURANCE who have esca|^ into free territory. kins Modern styling.. . . functional through form l i t ! Noth­ to eeoM that Senator McCarthy But it will be a trns which will AORNdr I "Truth-Dollars.” Dollars that can actually ing bizarre about this good design, just downright good . / -- .-I’t f wtU entoaiTasasd by such s shoot straight up, without Wasting How can this help stop World War III? win battles by keeping thein from happen­ comfort in a chair that is light in scale yet plenty large that be a mU- its strength sideways, and a tree 17.5 East The 70,006,000 people behind the Iron ing. Can any dollar dp mere? . enough for lounging comfort. It comes in a big choice of of tbs man, Um of frwdoni wotoiBg tor youl • '7 V 7 .'7 - which will come down' and go_l. htossslf if two of earth might not contain 142 ^ t Onter St. XOPEN TUESDAY AND THURSDAY enough nourlshment- for -them,. th e' filanrifratrr Elirttittg l^rraUi 7 - Mahehester;, 7^ CLOS6D WKRIESD^S Af^

‘ .J ' . ■-•'0- -. ■ -.\- V >x...... , _ , ; x . , i' 4 * \, 'p ^ i./ 1 ' r '■ ->!■ ■-<1/ -J t I J A- ■] I f: -J p:p - r ?' r MANCHESTER EVENlNGj HERALD, MANCHESTti^ CONN^ MOl^^DAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1^54 Sffl? JarENmfiJlERALD, MANCHESTEftr\ gun? court any mototng. 8:3o until 4:30 p. m. toremw toe tone when tola eqaa- the funeral home tonlt Players played the card game of .weak vaca-' Somebody naked about^he looee try might have to make oUl- ton'a Birthdaylay toda^/today, thetha city and Aa a retuU, he was being held ' Over 1,600 registrations were town came as 9 p. m. and tomorrow their choice and prises were award­ Ke of C. to Hold b'-M ! belt and aport ahirt oh the brown by police today under $209 bond. issued during the first two’ > aaeeat ^ as clo ^ to s' compute f». m. ed at each taUa. Other prtzea. in cniiae^ * Judge John 8. G. Rettner aet the dajv^here. Office hours tomor­ loklsg care alwayo to keep curtailment ci mitoial ocUyitUo as charge of Mrs; Walter Dennetts of ERNEST A. RITCHIE ^air T.fnhuth.i7-mohth-i “That'a^ mine.” ^ Boyle aaid. high bond ia court earUer in the row " through Friday will be onroelvea by onttaMe ootabNah- v this holiday' boahad produced In many iTalooItvIUe Itsi Bollon, were slab given out. Special Meeting ^ERTY ST. TEL. Bfl-3-8172, MANCHRSnOlj hope that one tbat aise would do 8:30 a. m. unUI 4:30 p. m. and menu aa a respectable Menslvo ^ yearn. died torongb tod A food sale for . those attending •1-13 know B«vl« ' ’*****^*” what a 850 bond had failed to do Ml Saturday from 8:30 a ni. pootnrsk we may ealely traot to ' Form ally/the holiday had aeon aing Herald Eoc Korean was Also held in conjunction with Ckunpbell Coimdl 573, Knights of ; it la to g et him **rm waiting for Prancea to tell this BMHcnlng—ffuaraoteea Bar- until noon. temporary alHaaees for extraor­ only a partial shutdown of the vari- rated a t One Market Itn telephone'' the cord pofty. (JoIumhUA will hold a special meet-, gjQdtUng him out of I me. Tm not going to ruah into hnowsM’a appearance in court dinary'emorgearioA” oua civic acUvitios and banka. But, EoekvWe 5-8188. I making any miatakea." Current registrations expire ing at 8:90 tonight in the Cbunril only a little less Baranowskl, who is dtorged with at midnight. Sunday. Wbat Is aa extiMrdiaary today Bractlcally all storea os well Home to dlacuos.a very important i diapatcMng the 1st But Boyle did volunteer the weeding and faihire to secute a omorgoncyf This eonatry as thb library. Post Office, banks Bihject regarding the Oouhcll's ’vJMvlsk» off to an in- : helpful informatier. that yeaterday, license, posted the 850 bond Wed- tbongbt It saw one In World and super markete, are cloaed. Ellington / r.ffairs. All of tee membership have ■V. ; while buying a auit, he met thla aeeday, after he eliowod .up in Wars 1 and Jl. when it made al- V. vraaajOnly the >iaa> drugwa stores, Mvuiws, the vne neigh- ‘ MHMRIHHaw ' / Weddings been sent individual postcards, and lONEY NOR I’a not that lie'a laay not agile,fellow who aold him a new kind of police heedquartm too late toe ternational- agreements that con­ UaaceA and after World War II yhorhood groceries am! a few other | ^ Er/*8l m/ * it is expected that n great many elbow-«wlnfing Boyle ' toothbrush, something called an oourt He had to be routed out of flict. with the Constitution and wben'it Joteed toe Atlantie Pact ' isol^od enterprisM break up thaj 1 OW ll W tll YOt6 will attend. RE.CAP YOUR SMOOTH TffiES Laaary time ha toaae aa ounce “oralizer" which “Cleans, your 4.bad abemt 10:3D tolc moin o m l^ by provide tjial no. agreement other witb Wcotern Bnrope igalaot pattern of a gtnulns buoinees hoU-> BmirdcaudlMii-AiitfenMMi At 7:3(i pm., there wiH also be* than a treaty could become effec­ elf the " T ^ r Man.” Nor teeth while itrleaiu your tongue.” police who had a warrant'nt'lo aerva Ruoslo, altoongb It nright be Miss Elsie. Liimen Anderson, 0. meeting of the Irish. Nithtlpni- 4.00x14 SAWTOOTH Somebody said |t was igettint tive aa bitemal taw except by act - argued tbo »^Atbmtle Pact 1 s On School Unit S 4 . H ' ' to aiake decleiohe. It^i" - ranMan oh hlnS. The town 'officee ’were' cloeed, os daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl I. Dilttee. Die athletic ''ommittoe Is . x S ; that Boyta tiaa a raecial atti- late. “That’S aU right, Praneie,’^ Happened Befen of Congress. bairdly temporary. won toe sub-branch'office of tee Anderson, 233 Onter St., became planning to Join with the Irish 4 70 1 SAWTOOTH u l T s __t toward dedalone. Tlie more he Boyle yelled to the back bedroom. Executive agreements uith other Bnt Washington’sYasMa advice woe Motor Vehicle Department in the The Wedneaday court date was Bid for Funds the bride of Eugene Leon Bour- Niclit committee in presenting the T.IOxIS SAWTOOTH l i a f i r-“ 1ttrTethere make, the- more food ’T ake your time. 'Fhe ahlps sSUing Ker tM Kwrciiib bd m ls ^ eltosr natlone, -unlike treaties, .ore. not dUregarded ■ whra.-thla a e—try Memorial Building; • The- weektjr dwixniui; in i totrriage ceremony sffalK~™~—------have for thetr own ego and late.. The captain forgot his keys.” eubmltted to the Senate for ratifi­ Joined the United Nations after /■' session of the city court was not After the regular meeting, there EXCHANGE He orlglBaUy bad been ordered to cation. Ellington, Feb. 2&, (Special)—A performed Satursay at 3 p. m. in ganae of 'uaefuhieoa. Xlettlng through, the door. Pran­ appear in court Monday, the day World War n to try to preserve held this morning, and its next tee chapel of Bmanuel Lutheran Ain also be a Glee Club rebeaVaal 200 RECAPS ON HAND — NOWI * . And ao. on the' morning they ces wondered aloud about what The CIO Executive Committee, peoM and. stop nggreeefen any- ocheduled court day is March 1. special town meeting will be held directed by the Rev. Robert Car- after his arrest by Patrolman Don In a statement last night, said the (Aurch by the pastor, tee Rev. 'wcee leaving, Z arrived at the elae she MmuM take for . the E. Dnly. However, when he faUa^ wbere on earth. Also enjoying the day off ore the Thursday In the Town Hall to de­ Carl B. Olson. roll, of S t Bridget’s Church. ■oyte apartment Three or four baby and father wbndered aloud chief backers of Bricker’s proposal Aad what wmdd Waohlngtoa city’s parking meters, which ac­ to show up that-Ume, hte cans are dlehird elements trying to cide if tee town will Vote to in­ The bridal attendants were Miss ' other frienda, recruited to help in whether he should take along his was rcachcduled for Wedneaday thiak of Secretary of 'State cording to regulation suspendad crease the appropriation of the Phoebe Bell, of Pittsfield, Mass., NEW TIRES -^ f If tnimitr errmgrmaiitji, nl^n .high QChtWl. force the United States into ’’self- Dnilea’ aettee that toe Oonranm- business at 9 Saturday night and defeatlng leolationismA' The state­ Board. Af..EdueALOB .tot tea -J9SR- -ztMl..RAymond-Weloh)'-%f- Esmond-, isrere there. Baggage, cameras, It took two cabe'to get up to the bdo wou ld he- - paid' 'back" w tU r ' win stiiff 'collector' >4;aii( a t 8 to ­ 54 fiscal year. The odjouriwd R. I., brother-in-law of the brlde- TRADt IN YOUR OLD TIRES hats were scattered about the Oeqrge Lessaer, Mr. ^^esaner being Police have been through this ment urged defeat of the Bricker mo solve retaUntlon If they at­ morrow morning. HANDWARE CALL ship. Boyle, of course, didn’t know Hospit^ Notes h’-notarj- president of the society; routine with Boroaowski before. Amendment and "any compromise .meeting of tee town, held Oct. 30, gtpoiti. 7 nivlaig room. Tracy gurgled hi her which pier. IVanoes. of course, did. tacked aaynthercr Tlwre Is High Wind Blows 1953, will olio be In eestlon at WE W IU A u d w YOU UP TO $10.00 Clerk of Oourt and Mrs. Aldo Pa- Several months ago, when he was which would appease” its backers. nethlag iaehittealat la tiiat. - The ceremony was followed by a playpen. Pranoea ran around effi- And at the gangplank came the facing chargee on another motor Diirlpg the heavy wind etorm this tinw. dinner and reception for the im- -aieatly collecting things, checking PATnUrn TODAY: 14t ani. Dlre'tor and Mrs. Harry No votes were scheduled today. Bnt when WasMagten wrote yesterday afterniMn, a,window on Other m atters to be voted on Kahip . inevitable question: Welfwo Dept Director vehicle violation, patrolman had to Other congreaelonai business medlato famlUea a t Miller’s Res­ A D M I T T ■ D SATURDAY: f Mb fnreweH addrrm the threat .the .telrd .iloor of the Memorial include: tee inateUation of addi­ ta u ra n t.... On their- return from . And, in the midst of the inevit- "Who’s got the tkketa?” trrom len Miss Mary DelU Fern; Judge John be dtapatebad to ’ Biuraiimmkl’ii tola Weik~ may Include Senate .ac­ et werld Cenumalsm . wam’t Building was blown out. As It oc­ Pe. . "Not me,*^ said Boyle aa if he Goorge MiUer, 244 E. Middle reiasao. presl-1 Rottner. and the Rev. E ^or Far- home to fetch him Into court. It tion on Eisenhower’s nomination tional hydrants in tee eection of a wedding trip, the couple will .able confusion, Harold Vincent Tpke.; can Rivers, 218 Oak St.; even n giram in toe eve of any, curred on the east side of the build' town to which the Rockville live in Pawtucket, R. 1. M SSEUST. PHONE MI-f-aOTR 'Boyle sat oh the couch, enjoying had Jtut been accused of a capital li. vice presl-1 rell of S t Jorn'ce’ aiurch: was reported then toat the de­ of Earl Warren to be. Chief Jus­ Runolaa or CMaeoe nUve then.. Ing next to the parking lot there ^ i i i A fotpiv cai 2 9 offense. Prancea. of course, pro-, Mrs. Margie Hollister- 99 St. John vice president;' After a 6ne steak dinner, several fendant had overslept. tice of the United States. Con­ Water and Aqueduct Oo., has jre- ' The bride is a graduate of Man­ a sublime aorenlty, grinning like S t; Mrs. Hazel Luurtsema, 136 S. If Wnahingtoa were alive now he was no damage or injury. cently extended water malna. chester High School and the an Irish Buddha. He wondered duced the tickets udiile her hus­ treasurer; . again teter. Z’resldent Etoen- of Amerlona foreign trade poll- ordinance prohibiting unnecessary shown above aigulng tea proclor ty industry, carries on\an inten­ -'^'■wiBebody asked where : the~ able typewriter. , "n?* ‘ in; Chief of Police and Mra. Paul Ottonc, James Trliigno, Joe' Die only general business likely Mca Like Jefferson nnd Hninll- the Unit will again send two girls "Talk lack” to Voi? Prancis Dancoasi 124 Birch St.; ;erman Schendel; Mr. and Mrs. hower Baia voiced unalterable op­ to the Connecticut Laurel Girls’ noise in the town onJ providing motion, which officially opened sive education and pliilpnteroptc Mrs. Josephine Hodge, 856 Tolland Reale and Anthony Romano. position to Brlcker’a original to come up for House action this ton. WaoUngton believed In giv- pcnoltiee for its violation. program for those confinek) in hio- week ore Mils to sup|.lement pre­ Ing nil coantrlee equal treat­ State to be held at the University tee ob«r^’Wce of National Beauty j P^SK^homm^"o“ Te"aS(ll" the Berllh agreepient does not rep­ Tpke.; Mrs. Jane Long, 361 measure. of Connecticut the last week in Die adjourned, Oct. 30 meeting, •md Center St; Miss Jeon ClouUer, vious appropriations for a number ment la trade. will be in session immediately af­ ,8alon.. .V. Week in ... Manches.e., ...... os M rs.; ' •i*nllaraimllar institutions;institutions:...... resent: but the. $1 500 is usually assigned Kaowlaad Against Revlaioa of ogenciee for the current year, “Our commercial policy,” he June. “1, It certainly does not include Spencer St.; Donald Ravenoc Maine Posse Kills to th* three tovma os a whole. Sen. Knowlond oif CaUfomio, the Mias Qworek days the Girls’ ter the special meeting la ad­ K ^ ^ o P " ^ i Now. Deretore, I, Sherwood Q. IL S. Units 71 Oliver Rd.; Mrs. Mary Hal; and to authorize U,.S. recruitment said, "should bold aa eq:^ and journed. *nie voters will coiuider the prepoeterous ^isconceptlpn Each town Is supposed to do its GOP Floor Leader, said he.will of. seasonal farm workers in Mexi-. Impartial hand, neltoer aeeklng - States .will ogalfi be cpnd\ic(ed .t»y Mrs. Dwyer Is co-chairman of Jicreby proclaim tee 6i Cbinmuiiist China as a co-epoti- sen; 89 Oxford St.rStephen fein-' ahare in raisUig the total, iri pro- oppose a' revlalori by Bricker of hts the Auxiliary in tvery state this laymg a tax on tee town’s grand .eraiey,-A,.FloiMet. Clzcla;: Deivented Gunman CO. nor graatlag exMosIve flavera tee highlight of the week, tee an- through Feb. 27, 'PorUon"to-popuiation,' means,-etc," or^mal^amendiBent Yo inakrtrteat- • • -imnmaerr the majority ' of them -on list wWto, w’ftaJieccnUy compiled- huM tiifa party im a isb»' tote to-' 1054,- a a . Notional' Beauty "Salon U lm s e O ^ 2. It does not conatltuta recogni CtyiUte. 352 Woodbridgr S t; Miss Leave for Ilorida im and international agreements .. the campus of a college or junlver- The tax will be to meet tee ob- Week in Manchester, and call it 76 MORE BeablifunATf^^^ Helen Potoh, 364 P ark er Wil­ .. (CanUnnad (ram Page Ona> . ATTENDANT CHAROEO True, toe TarUt Act at17l9 Ugation of tee approved town naprrow .ot .1 p. -m. in ttae Ameri ^■..cTfsxrer-.-..trfft-’. A— ..V S —-. ■ • ■ - tlon of Red China or a change In ' Luctus^W,' Robinson and " Son oreiwttve a*-Internal law cisly by Newtown. Feb. 22 — Ken­ wes the first legislative measure ''^’'iify, with spe'dM'ritizehship irain- can Legion hall and Miea Juul lai to” the attention of our citizens "as attitude toward "the regimes fred Leipire, Jr., 137 Btookfleld Donald left the poet weekend to act of Congreaa of a aoporate two- Ing being given to some 12,000 budget of $216,381 adopted at the In cHapec nublicitv’'*'^''”'' 1 flurin^ which tribute is TUMSOnlekhr tempting to induce McCarthy to neth B. Hawes, on attendant at pessed by the Unit d StatCA But Oct. town meeting. which have eo flagrantly acted in St.; Wi^ur Roneon, .4^Earl St; spend a short time in Florida. thirds Senate vote. the Fairfield State Hospital, has selected high school junioep, The 30 MmrirAlIzA Im o ss AcM WEEK OF FEBRUARY 21 R O k M o b Roger Parrott Jr., 19 Plymouth surrender.' the duties were so moderate, la Home From Alaska Korea against the prtndiples of Knowlond sold if the Bricker been charged with cruelty to per­ comparison with later tariffA girls attending will be selected bn u» r.b. >1 Ncsrly cverrone hsi fsTorilc foodi the United NaUons.” Shem an HUle. A2 East S t, Hancock County 8heriff Nort Moaclifator Eveniag HeraM He- proposal is defeated, he wUl ufge a. basis of character and leadership Staff Sgt. Edward F. Charter, “LSS ‘ Rockville; Mrs. Irtoc Mieiewicx. sons, State Police report. they e o S l4 be described almost Jr., son of Postmaster Edward F. through Feb. 27, 1954, will be ob­ ibsi foawiBC* brisa on brnriboni, « Page Om ) 8. The Berlin agreement does man 8. Dyer and six depptles, aid­ broa correspoadeat. Miss Soeaa the Senate to adopt the odminie- Trooper George Bunnell said aa free trade. potential from among those who served throughout tee nation as Sherwood G. Bowersrera ioproeii aad acid indtacition. Sal OaPffl . rd, oHreiNhwifl iM d to the AiiMrieaa LwqiM Hoiim. The Somersville, Conn/ Mrs. Ethel Peadletoa, HArrlsoa 8-8339. tration'e bill. ^ Charter, who has been stationed yffltlUoot bsve found ibst relief i* iini- 8 23 imt treat Ruasiaks.a neutrU. ed by atate troopero, fired 14 ohota HOrttos, A Donhuay reaidebt, is ac­ complete their third year in high the poet 14 months at Elmendorf National Beauty SAlon Week: Sbd In ax|datning hoW file South Ko­ 4.1116 Beflin agrSement' does Bireh, Windaor-^ve., Rockvilie; Howivef,’ Sen/ Gebige'"'(D-G^ ochbbl this 'year. TheTr expense/ Whereas, tee National Hair­ -f N* sr A-B-CrTliiey iirtt esn r s hnndy Brian Geehon, 115 White St.; Cur­ during a aiege-breaking charge cused of locking a 75-year-old Brown or gray eye ehodow con Air Bose, Alaska, surprised hie roll of Tub< in pocket or purte. Eat I reans were lUmersed, the ROK of- not sidestep the "spirit and pur­ Both military and civiliom hos­ has pending a proposal' that seems patient out on a porch in freezing be. used to minimize unattractive will be paid by Auxiliary Units and dressers and CTospietologlsta Aasn., hoifdrad^ ore 8pemeriii9 • cord perty ^ feed sdte to estobRoh said: "Tkey were told to go tis GoakcU, 2 2 /Ridge, St.; Mrs. into a fusillade of ahptgun blasts pitals need books. If you have any family Friday afternoon when he or 2 Tumi for rvifi, fooibins relief. pose” of the U. N. resoluUons on Mary Osello, 47VllIage St. a George inviting to a larger group of Sena­ temperatures in hia - underwear. features. Blend it in carefully be­ other cooperating organizations. arrived home on a 39-day leave. an association of registered hair­ They csn’i o»ei alKsUte—can t cauee * • and they lost went.” Korea. and rifle shots. One of the law- Old books cluttering your book tors than the adminiatration'e MIL Bunnell said Hawea apparently fore applying your regular foun­ Offk'e to Rropen dressers and cosmetologists, found­ acid . And ipcy arc FASTI Get The demonstrators were not arm- bUncr, Bolton Lake; Richard Wish- shelf, why not donate them to a He made the trip by plane, leav­ a roll of delieiene TUMS today! a fund for cm Arthritic and Rheumatic CNnic. Young fold a newt conftrence a r t 22 Drtv( men’j bullets struck McCarthy The White House objects to it.’ locked the patient 'out os a dis­ dation to the remainder of your The sub-branch office of the Mo­ ing Wedneaday. When hla leave is ed in 1921, endeavors constontiy ad, the poBce official said, and saw ho had a final cOnferenca Monday USO or medical center ? It would nullify treaties and in- ciplinary measure. tor Vehicle Department located in to further tee scope of informa­ they could do nothing against ADMirntD TODAY; Penelope over the heart ^aa he blazed away- face. , over he will return to Scott Field, bl'f leafy afternoon with ROK Poreign Py\u blindly and futilely through tpe * the Memorial Building will reopen lU. Hie enlistment lasts untU 1957. tion and status of professional Wfel -*‘sueb aa ovetwhMmlng force.” Tung Tal, who haa bitterly as- Benaon. Igg Hartford Rd.' . tomorrow to issue 1954 automobile besuty'care; and SATURDAY: a daugh­ cabin's closed door., f Schools Recessed The Korean official claimed aalled tbo Geneva conference. The rush’was made after Dyer registratirin renewals to motorists Schools here are recessed for a Whereas, this Aubclation, in more than .1,000 Americans were The U. 8. diplomat said ha was ter to air. and. Mrs. Arthur Pred- in this arba. T he office hours will cooperhtion with the Ontire beauty protecting Ihe train - but the 8th ericka, 88 Wells s t and hla men unsuccessfully sought week and Mr. aixl Mi^. Robert unable to determine w hether from concealment to suMiie Mc­ f' be from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m'. Maatermann are spendliw their vA Industri’, strives continually to ad­ Army spokesman said there was South Korea will attend the Gen­ y e s t e r d a y : a son to through Friday, ' and Saturday, vance tee interests of nil women MoRcIwtf r Wolpoper Mrs. Whitney Ferguson, Carthy with tear gas shells and cation at their home in Maine. not anyurhere near this number. eva conference opening April M. gunshots. from 1:30 to 12 noon.' Motor vehi­ The Volunteer Fire Deportment by research and on edhcatlonal «nd PolRt C R H i^y * Ike demonstrators shouted such "I think hU (Pyun’e) mtUtude U Center; a son to Mr. and cle reglstr^Upns expire .on Fe]J. program In thf development of * McCarthy returned their fire id.plonnint Us drive for dcAattoi O. R. FftCCHCRiK. Prop. Magana as ."the Indians cannot go still the same,” Young said. T ni , Rudolph DlPletro,* 132 Hor- With hia shotgun and with a high- to take care of the expenses of new and bettor products end eerv- home” and “give back our com­ sure that their decision wUI be in loA S t velodty rtfle. Common Pleas Court new equipment. icea for the hsaut^^ salon; and 249 Brood St.. TM. m-9-8591 rades.” The latter slogan referred the beat interest of this'country.” DISCHARGED .YESTERDAY: Fred Fordi who aaid he lived with Judge Alva ,P. Loistlle will pre- The lost drive was two years ago. Whereas, creative ability, as SERVICES U /n a m , m L anti-Red prisoners taken to aide at the tria) cases in the Ck>urt well as years of training, ex- OPEN EVERY EVENING ra Dolores Pooraon. and opn, 95 Fv.«^.‘s This should Interost all os to ' m , if "^Zmm wheir they iaktid ~to be- wiit e«jW(i6orisr;’; d a v m u w ^ y . Oarthy apporenUy went out of hie -of- c ommon-Meas'Htertng' the-next- ffo 'fenTSF'when flriT'may hit any • pertonee ’SHir Bkllt are tnvoived’tn' T i i s t i i r t f f i i i ^ Tii« wrsWMir to a neUtMloeiuitry.------r^-— • YT Drive B; MM. JuBa PtecSer, __ 9-Ksq^a ___ _ _ reshtent of the towfi. ' tee worii ef-this profeaelonr end ^«f«-g for ladia IMad yesterday aiftembon. Mc­ D f TfieFimfly 222 School S t: WUliara Oppelt, Carthy ordered him to get a bucket Cases assigned for Tuesday in­ WhereeA tee entire iiulustry About 1,000. Indian troops still Ruth Mittett Hartford; Oort Bolin. 119 Cam- of water. Ford said, and after the. clude t(R! following: Calmun Myer-i- Manchester E«-ening Herald He­ contributes immeasurcbly to tee in the neutral Mme, were sched­ brtdgs S t; Lester Miner. Ando­ bucket waa brooght, threatened to owitz vs. H. 8- Donnelly; Joan Her­ bron correspondent, MIse Susan me.itol and pliyslcal well-being of AU om MCORATINe a — uled to move out eden to board the ver; Mrs. Heater Staneeberry oiid kill him for not obeying the com- rin et al vs. Edwin Tiuebury et al; Pendleton, HArrIion 8-3339. those whom they serve, so recog­ .WINDOW SHADES JOHN 0. OURKE Indian ship Jalbur^ gt Inchon Beys Are Drawn to Oirls son. 10 Depot Sq.; Mra. Mildred maad. Ford fled. Samuel Qerateln et at vs. John J. nized by tee medical profession for MOoday. The ship salM Tuesday Wbo Develop t /Hanley et als; Charlotte Gill vs. therapeutic values; and niNIRAL HOMI fer India. > . Denley and son. 2 Alpine St.; Mrs. ' A man- and woman who walked -RRSTINWORK! ' "How can I make ■'like Geraldine Johnson and son. Mys­ past the cabin'With their dog re­ Ivnr P. Carlson; Carl Peterson et Whereas, the Association / in Graaii, White Ecru n EAST OSNTER 8T. Last ureeic L t Gen. Won ^oiig me?" asks 15-year-old ly. And tic, Conn.; Mrs. Emma .Dieksin- ported the animal was killed by ol vs. Robert Yoet; Patrick J. Mur­ 130 Attracted collaboration with tee entire beau- n x . MI-S-88S8 -H RST IN STYLE! Duk, gouth Korean Provost Jdaif^ toed ah^ odds. "If I ed my skl and son, 655 W. Middle Tpke.; shots from the bcra.erk occupant. ray .et al vs. Evelyn jC. Hunziker HOLLAND HNiSH •kal General, Oireatened ,,^ac no et ai; L. Nelson A . Sons Transpor- X dtother she would tell net to Mra. Norma Blatchley and daugh­ The couple escaped injury. To SMFD Night Made to Order AMBULANCE SERVICB mors Indians would leave .Korea be so MUy." ter, 108 Drive B; Barbara and When deputy sheriffs colled on tetlon' Co. vs.' Charles Peters et - riRST IN TASTE QUALITY! until his country received Thetoe nothing sUiy about that Hollis Church, Carmen Rd.; lUes McCarthy to give up he opened Ola; Peter Kelly et.al ve. Charles Z. SIJ8 With Your Rollers "guaranteco" about treatment of qiiesUon. Any normal IS-ycar- Emily Poudln, Melroee, Conn.; fire wounding Jordon. 771,000 Mozzer; Francis J. McGinn Jr. vs. The 10th Annual Ladiae Night of the 7d anti-Red prisoners who Alexander E. Deverea et al; Ameri­ the South Moheheater Ftre Dept, Mrs. Zopiii w at to India. old girl wants to be/llked by boys Mrs. Rachel Richardson. 69 Oak The officers laid siege'And sent But the w oitong^ the qiscsuon St; Mrs. Eleanor Eddiaon, 418 for help. The battle- fMhmred. can Surety Company of New York attraeted- about ISO SatunJay E. A. JOHNSON PRICES STARTING Sinco Won made his throat, isn’t quite right^^ou cani make Porter St.; Frederick leleib, 20 Ford said McCarthy survived VA Charles T. Hatheway; Esther r.ight, aocordUig to General (toolr- R«aitr M i livisor PLUOOED SEWERS about 1,800 other Indian troops boye like you. You dan, however, Madison St; Edward Zeisoer. 265 five ship Blnkings os a merchant Silverstein vs. The Crown Petro­ man Randy Brown. PAINT CO. AND SUP of Riverside Porii, Agawam, la mtx& AS LOW AS bava moved to Inchon from Pan- mariner during World War H. leum Cotp- ol ols; Thelma Olden- A steok dinner was served to the be the kind of girl that boys like. Henry St.; Mra Eleanor Bensa ■ow Isratod a t 258 Fraaklla m M dnSt., Tel. HI-9-4501 munjom without incident. It begins wifii liking youraelf. end eon. 31 Aahlond S t; Mrs. ' berg ve. Waiter J, Hewitt et al. _ group.at the Garden.Grove, (tom- Under terms of the armistice Coming Evetata , misaioner Frank jSchrinbenpSug Ave., Hartford, acroos from the SEPTIC TANKS Nd girl, who has a poor opinion Agnes Kolb and son. RockviUe: Art Tkrator. Iteadtaig agreement the work of some 6,000 of herself caar expect boys to have Howard Holmes. 189 Eldridge 9t;' Hebron ■ ■ The Senior Baptist Youth Fel- was toastmaster. Tony O’Bright 3 set Indian troops which giiarded un- - ' lowahip of the Baptist Church will and his orcheaCra provided music p o lataeat ooly. PhoM a higher-opmon of her. Joseph Tracy, 51 Lenox S t; Joeeph ■ 'i7 ‘ M-d78& All weleonA Weehim CleaaM (opatrUted prisorera in .Korea Grabowskt. Andover; M ra- Lou hold a Valentine and Patriotic So- for dancing foUotnng °toe dinner ~ ended officially at midnight Sun- For a p ^ bpinian -of herself cm tonight at 7 . at tee church makes a mrU awkward, shy, or Joubert, 9 Tyler Circle; Mra. Peg­ Teachers Homc”^ on'4 epeoking progrem/ OLLIERS Septic TsnkS, Df^n Fields, « day. The 5-naUon Nei'al Church a ^ t e tonight at OIL lURNER ★ COMPLETE CAR Mbanwhlle with stalemated pre - DISCHARGED ‘ YESTERDAY; Miss Florence R. Smith, princiiial reprnfitt 5'e)800 'l(^j dinner coihmittee; Joseph ncaut, &S0N NATIONALLY ADVERDSBO. Hminary. peace negotiations scrap­ most of her looks—to make 8 at the hoiTib of lilb. John Luka- Danny Hair, Ray Hennequiii and SERVICE PAINTING e that she wears her hair be- Mrs. NelUc Ekrut and daughter, of the Florence .Bf, Smith school. cik. rEllNON ST. Your slip covera will be cut to order ped, U. 8, envoy Kenneth Young Ironwod Dr.; Gory Lehman, 116 West Hartford; Mrs; Charles M. Ray ThompspA musiG oemmlttee; LAOtlUER and ENAAfEL oald today he will leave Tuesday mingly, dresses in the most be- Larcomb, of the Willimantic Model :__ The Women of the Moose will Rrme Pohl, Dutch Fogarty; Al in your home. Phoiie CH-T-7383. Will c stylM and colors, walks Green Rd.; Mrs. bfary Doyle. Tol­ meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the CALL call with full line of samplea.'.. No ob­ for Washington, and the Coliunun- land; Gory Beloiwer, 58 Drive'F; School: Mrs. Charles N. Fillmqre, Sobielo, Lo. Is Hennequtn and Vic S Griswold Street TN. A«|.fd)S31 or Ista will have to leom of his de­ ully, 'and mokes the very o( the East Hampton Elementary Moose rooms. Senior Regent Mafy Johnson, refrekhmento. ' Tel. MI-9-S025 ligation. of courae! Remem her,'with ue and most of being-a girl. Mn., Josephine'toylot Stafford Johndrow will preside. M l-f-7842 parture from news reports. Springe: David Law, Ig Elm St., School; Mrs. Frederick Brehant, of ML9-4548 your mtiafaction'ia guaranteed 100%. Young expressed belief that thi Another important foundation Frank Koshody. Sr. Rockville; Miss Allison Lee, An' tee Horace W., Porter School, Co. Frank Koohady, Sr„ 73, died You con remove rouge from tramlllnary Korean Ulks at 1 for self-respect is to learn to do dover; 'Miss Jose^ine DeCato; 95 lumbia; Mrs. Everett B, Porter, (A Jowels.and handkerchief a by apft- WILUAMS munjom ‘probably focUiUted’’ things well. tee Annie E; Vinton School, Mans- Sunday at the- Hartford Hospital V - CALL ill I. 111,;. ____ Center S t; John Brown. 61 Moun- following -A brief illness. Hn was ening the stain With glycerine and OIL SERVICE . Big-Puma .Agmanient , to,.: .8 ^ 4 :-and parfaapa.oUior*,i ■ teen .W88hl»ff. t o .hotarapeudo.. ■alHaiarahrawimrairaraiaafattaM AM n Peace Conference in ad of Itelng ofrMd of teem, bert, 45 Riverside Dr.; Richard Personal Mcatloa i Bdto'to^Uthdirita'-'to'^TlbBember WOODY C H - T - m a State Department Par The flri girl - whowho' doemdoesn't t get- along 'CbJcUe«t*r; Evi^yb Wol- ’ Mi« Kmuy Hewitt; daughter of - -1880, and bod lived in Vernou f«r. "^asmort said U s depaHure win with boya is tUHially onp who la Yfr.'ond Mrs. Walter cTllewm. te thi^ post 39 yeara where ha was 16r, Vernon ■ Mrs. Nora McCorton, A tanner. i. Rw MMMTy OAK VIILK A MI»HTV PIN! PLOOff.... •puam are two ki^cia of-technlciona; thofe who wprk '•by the piece,” barrfed on! .aut the American at afraid they vftn't like her. 74 Birch St.: Renwick tonvis, ,15 home for the week from her studies IPUiiukKjom. But he i has - You wort* .On being the khkf'af ai-tes DiMibiBry State ’ Taacbfcrr HAtoAVM hia wUe. M inniaKe- 5T .* • tochnlclam^. .fdOUed,: joimied croftamhA. JOkUtod lotooc' to .«M Klghliwd Ato.. RbitovilleT to a ig tulon KoOhady; three sons, John tm m iM utrnmL.i .ikm fo w tv fit/ Mcellent reoaon to come to (Stephen’s for slip covers, l^rhapa the beat reaaon ■e-plaas to notify the munist pefeon you can like. Sally.' And West, 48 Drive B; Mrs. Nettie College. { you’ll discover that when you of Stafford Springs; Frank, Jr. ia teat we always aeem to hjive Just the color. Just the toxture you want . . . in ■ilsgatlnn. White, Rockville. Mrs. William W. Hammmtd haa our v u t collection of the finest fabrics in tee land. -Well rave you time and ' 8S__said the Reds pro! ly will start Mking yourself, boys will complered her work as substitute of RockviUe; W alter of Philadel­ MMrHTy FINE tflKTION AT... DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. phia, Pa.i eight daughters, Mra goylnrae knows how m.uch money. ______b oar th rough news that he start liking you, too. Irene Albert and daughter, 19 tgocher in tee Colchester Central hto goBO.' (All rights reserved, NEA Serv­ Oakland Ter. School, and is at her home. Dougals Bolles of Rockville, Mrs. ANDERSON IROTHERS ■ Tmiag stood in for Ambassador ice, Inc.l A birthday party was tendered A rthur Maloney of RockviUe, Mrs. Arthur H. Dean for three months . If, you rinse silverware and Harold L. Gray at his home a few Anthony Jones of Manchester; Custom Reupholsterinw ' after tba preliminary negotiations You .con usually seal a orock in dishes in a large pot, don’t leave days ago. Guests were tee -Graye’ MrA Carl Wohllebe, Mrs. Ernest weromimnded. a dish by hqUing it for 45 minutes knives, and. other sharp instru­ son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and ElUs. Mta. John Shea, ,all of Rock­ By Master Craftamea Mrs. Harry H. Klrkham. ville; Mre. Alexander Jones of Doan.broke off the U |ks in De- in a pan of milk. In fact, the dish ments in the water. This can cause We atrip yoiir old liviiing room set to tee frame. Reinforce and rebuild ^n b er after the Reds accused the will become stronger. a nasty cut. Lucilla Miner, daughter of Mr. South Windsor, Mrs. Zlgmlntl Ut- vlnchyk of Manchester; one broth­ with quality materials,. Choose your covering from our own large aoiec-. ualteih States of conniving -with and Mrs. Charles P. Miner, is tion of durable beautiful fabrics from'AinericaY finest mokero. tguUt. Korea in the release of spending her school vacation week er, John Koshady of Westfield. •iidw entl-Communlst war prieon- i^te her grandmother, Mrs. Alice Mosa; 22 grandchildren and two r30 ars last June. Dean said he would Thompson, and her aunt, Mra. Mar­ great grondchUdren. 1 / gojireturauntU the Rede retracted tin F. Crotty. of Cambridge, Maas. The funedttl will be held Wed­ Any Chair from Any .Bofa froi 7 4 “* Jw ld jr Ghaige. They never did. Forward: Manchester ' CfaUdren Gather Sap neaday at 8:15 A m. at the White ^BarUor Monday a high U. 8. of- Spring seems surely, to be bn the Funeral Home, and at 9 a m. at Visit our work room and see our large display of the newest type and lateto tfU l in Seoul who declined to be way, as evidenced by tee sight of . St, Bentord’e Church. Burial wUI style fabrica We always have remnants and *Teft over roUa” which con be hod SNutlffta said the Berlin ____ Campaign Status sap buckets here, and there hang­ at tremendous aavinga f5**lt_toTWseed the deadlock over ing from sugar maplea Gather­ •i d the perfidy accusatioa. ing sap is^oatly the work of chil­ B o-MoIm ST ■ —- %ot % of quota Amount EHvUlon ' euau Amount collscttti ceilectad dren, who like to boil it down to DIAKTei Toung ro-sUted the U. 8. posi- Automotive ...... I 1,760 make maple syrup or maple can- raw ' t tha Berlin agreement 1,0 75 dy. violate a UN General As- Finance and Utilities 4,000 976 Coming Events ^ rcsoBilhm of lost Augiuh Real Estate and Insiirance 1,250 625 The Rev. WUlism E. Soule, rec­ Sb participants, the purposes, Construction, BuildUiff and tor of an Episcopal Church in Ox­ I aK Cl U*e place of the conference on Allied Trades ford. will be with tee choir of St. are prcdeely those we have Peter' Episbonal Churoh her. Mnn. ______... Manufacturers ... - ■/( , l> t. 'V t j r. .ti. ■J -1^'

V BiAWCHESTER EVENING ttERALp, MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY. FEBRUARY 22,1954 . ^ ' '■ ' '• ' ' ' . ' , ■ m - |)llJP.|.'gS mditti y A ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^yBNlNG.BERAiD« MANCHESTER, CONN,> MQNDAYy EEBRl^ARY 22/1954 BY rONTAI^B FOX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHl^ERGER DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE WEM*#sr#1Pec*»»v^lAf »v: - TK *V'(1 vAAf **«*^A-' <»s>vaaiaiunaik<< watrr.^i SuMtt lrtf^3 r «iiid-Acth^^ Ui(e'R^rl~CI%ie^ 2 ;|NAN« MCVHP^OT THIS VS*^Y TO wLawUMMli^ Anawor to. Provloua Puixlo S e ii^ "fiiid'^NiotiieiEise . W l K ';T C O>KPITIONt; K PI W1 WILL ALL D m eif fh t Form In Cfaiamber Drive - .' • P ra y a r, 6 a. m. — 9 a. m. .. 4Ttaatool AA Waatamer—Blow away. You can A meeting between General - over the top. Fifteen top leaders ...... Velaiteeta Needed. 9 a. m. — Noon ...... N r a N a r y O o m . ' • - ainwia>w4uct iSuSSea liva In NaW Yo^lt without brains, The first nine lettara of the al­ Manager Blohard Martin, Mayor 1 ] \ T « conferred with General Chairman Matthew Moriarty this morning on Noon — 8 p. m. . . . . i r . . i . . . .Robert Oenovesi. Hrt., ItokiML but not witncHit money. phabet la the name of a farmer Sherwood G..Bowers, and Town I> P W e r S llH R IC S tSw ad to h Counsel Charles N. ..Crockett has • ■>. planning the final week’s work. Colemxit. ; . U M anu ac lORaoma residing Ih Villa Park, Illinois. Bib; A total of 812,000 or 48 per cent 3 p. m, —• 4 p. m...... Mrs. Hxxcl Small, ' -li t«TOwanltlw iicna Nobody ‘^ w bad your handle ia AB. C. D BE O H I. . . been scheduled for 3 p. in. tomor­ row in Msrtin’s office. Purpose of has been reported reached of the 6 p. m. 8 p. m...... VMuxteem NxedSi ' . '• , ilMltMad «i4« i7^ vW i niatKptst 410ecttmnca Bngliah la til your Scotch la good. Highway Unit 823,000 goal. Excellent success was 8 p. m. — 10 p. m...... Uoyd Davidson, fUehanl Bu* the meeting, arranged at a closed 10 p. m. — Midnight ISBiad SlSealu, as ttProMcutaa A young wife, wia|ilng to sn- meeting of the Board'of Directors reported by several division . Vstanteere NeedeC ItMka MMotionlus______Salt 48 Opto Horace— Doesn't It madden you novnca the birth of her flist child Saturday afternoon, presumably is majors. Several good cards were . at a v il Defense H M d m iitt^ .UOommualat 33M a n p lM s a a t 88Bswildtisdl 441teiBaadals wbah a girl Is alow abdiit getting Mayor also Appoints awaiting approval from tbe home ^pxl Bi'/lding, Manchester, on Mondays, WcdnMdays SEt*WiiMve to a friend in a diitant city, .tele­ to discuss a means of solving the from 1-5 p, m, — 'v- ' •'f— 341lsoaisis SlMbsivs 44 PaanfS lii tht Taad^ to go to dinner with you? graphed: .X, Impasse which has arisen in the Two More to. Building office or from .boards of control and W l W i M achurdii SSJapastM «tty brats* deasnp—Yea, the longer ehe "Isaiah 9:6." / construction Of a Keeney Street partnerships where tWo signatures U A l w SSlIidday ISMiitiiia 4flrslas4 ^ are required. takes the hungrier ehe gets. Which paasaga begins, ^Poi^ Unto Code Revision' Group Baxter, the school's president since bel G. Cuomo. '45,'Wax dead SSVartWraC aaittpubUe is Btlstakas 48Takacsrsai us a child is bom, untO us a scMi Saturday's meeting grew out of The Chamber's Board of Control 1937, hopes to have a full report at the from the rubble early t after •SW a Asia 408mall (prsAx)80KiMcfc T h e telephone number of the la glvsn.'* a plea by Atty. John D. LaBcIlc Names of the seven-member Ex- The Student Union Building fire believed starM from a :cig- MPoteataka of American BcyoluUon, 9 for a compromise solution which: press Highway Commission were monthly meeting Frid y noon at containing dining rooms, .pixy, . H-ST iTlcnd, noV.fa^lliur idth the the Country Club. • ...... arette ewepL her fUst Boor apart* M C l I a r Ashburton Place. Boston, ia La* Sc'ripturss, said to her husband: woiild g «t m’«th60l bum to the skt amnmincea yesterday' by Msydf rdofna' ahd 'offices' —^ is designed tb ment. n ^ ^ c a l fa ^ tte (S) 1776. — Mrs. B. A. Friend—Margsret evidently has Isfaction of disputing parties aod Sherwood G. Bowers who also eri- offer greater: social opportunities get the town out of the •'mess'' OEDMIATEB STUDENT CENTER Firemen said MrA Ommd'x body eyp ib la Mbrrlsoii. Needham, Mass. X boy who weighs hlhe pounds ahd ^ noutreed the names, of two hew to freshmen and Upper classmen was taken from .the basement Into M B a d b r six ounces, but why on oxiih did \ LaBclle said it is in because of the members of the conimlttee to re­ not members of the college's 15 Wllllanniatown, Maas.. Feb. 23 which ehe hed plunged Wfian the ttltew talks ' n e y Oe Together they name his Isaish? , controversy which has been raging vise the town's building code. fraternities. ■ .—WMlI.xniX.fiollbggjrestr'dfiy, dedi­ floor caved in du riu the !»»>««, MSiiMbatar' ' - WeH‘ known pBitnershtpR: ’ Splc’ . for ..almost six . weeks, — ------.,The.Expnee Highway Gommiti- Fire- irfnidxM'TXEirTfe#' -.eSfemo; Inconciuslie Session tee, formed tp keep abreast of cated its new 81.400,000 Student DIES IN FIRE »] and Span, Up and Coming, Haie Dear Editor: Why do they use Union and fresliiaen center as who lived alone, apparently was The discussion Saturday was in- sUte planning for a. through high­ U i and Hearty, Down and Out, Bright knots ihatead of miles on the Baxter Hall in honor of James P. I resting On a couch when the fire **Can you boat that? Now hoTI probably try to aon ua S T K o ir and Early, Safe and Sound and * conclusive, however, way to cross Manchester east to Hamden, Feb. 22 (F)—Mrs. Isa­ started. i - a a -5 A "T M R a n d la . ocean T The question of whether the west,, includes Thomas J. Rogers picturaa of our homo lifar Sick and Diaguated. Also Tom aud Answer: BecauM they'ye got to «OAslaridc 1 Jerry. town will hire a firm of consultants retired banker and a member of 41Bittar vtidi 'keep the ocean tide. to ''correct*' plana drown for the the Town Planning Commission; school by Arnold Lawrence re- OUT OUR W AY ^ BY J. R.WILLIABIS O U R B O A R D IN G H O U S E vitli ^.^_MAJQR HOQBLE . _4S _ ■ . ..'j ,„lXiJc|ng A Jlre..ln.,lhe night, the "4SSaaall atniim tenanta of an apartment hotel " rr yoO’f i a m t i 'i i f '-■•iKalM'MiAWefear .... . live and Town Development Com- "$AVf M oncr 4t VahM toe low ruahed into .the street carrying you woift have to take so many LaBelle Rugg^ted that be done misfiion member; C. F’oster Harry, ESADf WASHIH610U WA6 FM6T MIHe S l K x M their moat prised poaaessloni. One of them back. when he plekdcd for a compromise a Cheney B/oa. vice presi^nt; Ray n F a r a d ls a \ woman noticed that the gentleman at a Board ip^ting Tuesday. He S. Warren, state repratentatlve; /.•■ziSUvileHjMi* aiSstar 4i4a' who lived directly above her was Teacher — One rule for auccess said there / must be something Richard Boland, local auto dealer; 100 PBRCCMriOO 6 0 0 0 - 3 Hr , wrong wij^ the plans and .bringing .A tty., J.ohn .R., FitxgereiA teacher HE HAS «OlO ib M FIRST ir^ M T O i d t o ^ carrying a large, ooveml birdcage. ia alwaya be the early riser. Re- Woroan— What have you there? member the early bird gets the an out-of.•stabs consultant into the at the School of Law, Connecticut C H ^ »WB4n<>i t o TWO 881 Man—That's my pet neater. worm. picture would correct them. University; and Leonard Taylor, AttW Jsy Rubinow, opponent of VbK>EtS/^VOWeT>^VolS^BEFORE HS^ 8 S P M t t « The woman gasped and fainted. Stlident — That's fine, but how a fire department officer in the NON-FATTENING EUGAN-RIEE HOW. BARRtCAOe tU t - i t l t a U i When she was revived she told her about the early worm? the move by five directors to abiui- plant protection department of <^TiD SHOOT rro u T wnw don/hew plans and have new ones United Aircraft Go. DOWN CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER drgwa by Walter Crabtree, Jr., a Those appointed to the building I S a a d c o w n Weat Hartford architect, said to­ code revision committee are Rosa S M a d lR r day that a mandamus action V. Urquhart, retired State Police UGNT ROCK . brought by him and other parties Captain, to succeed Melvin S. Herald Photo, would stand unitU some conipro- Matheway and Everett R. Kennedy, Susan Pinto, 6-yeidr-old daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs/Michael Pinto, Ithe . acUvitics of every BEVERAGU mise solution has been worked out. Jr., Water Dept^ engineer,'to suc­ Police Gipture GET The mandamus if successful in ceed Arvld Seaburg. ' B U G S B U N N Y court would force Martin to ad­ UaHa for Meeting ANOTHER vertise for new bids on the basis hMds now with her pet boxer, ant to be able to say that there is Buy 2 King Six* Ots. uNuAx.Puoosy. Mayor Bowers said today he Killer Suspect KING SIZE QT of original plans Xnd contract for would send o memorandum to Gen. MACANT“' fLONCRS ON 1... building a school at ,the approxi- eral Manager Richard Martin sug rouirh*i? u^^« hi? ^ lb make a diag- of Sugar Fr«« OF GINGER ALE tAEUli rMAS r'ate cost of 8430,030. geatlng that members of the two (CoatlBoed fvM i Page Ona) |w l ^ t h l ^ w h e n sh^^^^^ nos^^^of heart dlseaxg When it is present. Withholds Petition groups be notified of tlie appoint­ G IN G E R ALE OR ROOT BEER and John A. Campbell, and Farm -! Susan, ‘ a pretty active girl ac Atty. John S. G. Rottner said ment and asked to arrange a meet- cording to her mother had a hegrt or S '- V , r i today he would tdthhoid filing a Ing. ville. Policemen H. J, Nixon and ! murmur anfi her mother retem d dla^sis of FOR petition to cneic|_% law to force ■ . Although it_.was .•'onned about George Crowder.„; , ^ .....' b if tP the ClW.C wto Check, fo r a pos- ^ nu w RO O T BEER...... ' klertin to execfiu fi.confract under iwo'years'agb, the building code ' Menwhlle; Union, N. X, police klble leaking hqartheart valve,valve. • happens the ONLY the original plank IfM t until revision com mlttee, hM , ,b,rbh, Jjq,-:, r»r(ifjrn»|>t*v*«w#wtmek*sy««iiaiw«'*»/” «»'jewxrrx^e*i .C qA(jLyLC t c d .haUisUoa, .testa ^-ta-l) ^ *" at. tht raffvlar p rico . a/ter' Tombrrdw’'8 " Si active' for" several months, rnie establish. whether a gun found in meatrngs, of chlwren who cam T the aTfd " c : jpfc'iM. .- ‘‘I f it becomed-i^leaF at any-Ume group ie heedMi by Director Harry 'Cbmrtcttcut *■ yesterday..yvXs ' - the With, rheumatto fever and X’hat the doc- .... S T E P O / that the i:g>t>ohenta (the flve direc­ Firato. /' then developed heart disease, can 'cai^iac ecripple. - '" " '- " 5 weapon that killed Sgt. Bond as Susan was referred to the Man­ R IS H T ^ r > tors who voted to dLaa - V - x i T b f'W ’ctntsT’lllS’!'siitta for 'IS','"and • Harry'.-W4se-■wxs-'bfot^t'troijir ^WDffir RV jHit Me* ron#r «k«Bng< ImiHR?” New* Jei-sey.terjCkmnectlcut Satur­ '8I2.'50''8h'6es' fbr'a'nickel.' ' day and he led polieb to en area Of. course, if tne shopper didn't CHRIS WILKIN. PtaMteor S w c a tin r BY RUSS W INTERBOm iM off the Wilbur Cross Parkway get well up in his line, he wouldn't where he said Stokes' had thrown NciUil^dgie Ban Possible^ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES On T h e L a m BY EDGAR MARTIN By Magsaysay get any of those choice bargains. the gun. In a short time police 'But the storekeepers said there fn:md the Cloth in which Wise mid A fTMT EVAOpS CAFTMep KT HIS AOStOH PUTS Vjrevt somv (Cdn'Haued from Page One) Were savings for all, the gun had been wrapped. State Health Deputy Says VOSl tHW IMCl /- h ":- 6AKEAMtf,K4U^ANPPIUZ FMP LOOSMOS OE \ H t •And: w’ith springlike weather Darkness ended the search. Sat- m m u FSnr«csTiaNS a c e a s k e r V».V80m «8l houees. the order of the day, Washington­ •urday but a aqrad of 43 Connecti­ A State ITealth Dept, 'NofficiaK- The, budgie fanciers decided to n r Furious over the elaughter of this ians seemed to bq buying that ar­ cut and Union To» •nshlp Police MUCH epunitry's main beast of burden, gument. , under the direction of StXte Police says the department's re^lV ion s [ xak for the change in regulationj Magsaysay has taken quick action. In d^eW Ytn'k. surging, tight- Capt. Victor J. Clarke returned to on parakeets could be changed t o ! birds in a Hwtford store He also has touched pff a com, packed oceaM of people engulfed the .search Sunday morning, tu i. J *’*®" destroyed, Elarller, two forbid importation of the budgi<^ birds bought at the store had died troversy. X Manhattan department store, Clarke cautioned the searchers On one of his first provioial Yrips shoving' shouting and trampling not to overlook a single fallen into Connecticut for sale here, but parrot fever. Seventy persons Xfte'r he becanie President iakt fan, tbes in a stampede to grXb up bar­ leaf or anything else that could there would have to be clear-cut 1 \yho bought 1 irds at the store have Maggeysay.fpund Water buffaloes gain merchandise. be moved In the area. About 45 evidence the out-of-state birds are i li* bn warned by mail to watch their were, beifig '.fWberately maimed so Women lost hats and ehoes In minutes after the search. In which a health menace causing psittacb- ! 'uirtlsKfor symptoms. sis. thoF cdUld no longer be daased as the. gnish, A t least two of them the men moved shoulder-^ Aiid/lhnd" New " Britain Saturday, 68 work^nlfagTa, and could-be slaugh^ fainted. -Several fist fights broke shoulder, the weapon was found. Dr. Harold 8. Barrett, 120 8 . imported^ birds were destroyed Lakewood Circle, deputy state tered. i out as a mass of more than Ifi.OOO It w u beneath some leaves on aiter con^iqcxtlon from threetree chain heaitji commissioner, said ‘There Some had naiijs dHveit Into their people januned around Hearh's De­ the bank of a brqok. i running stores. Fifty;!five others were quar- may .;be tbe beginning's of such hoo^li to ’make them lame. Others partment Store on 14th Street. through the marshy land and.was antined,' w en flashed a ^ v e the hoofs So , A policemsp vims shoVed through evkieme now but there's not Dodsoft and''other budgie fan­ recovered by State Police'Trainee .enoij^.yeL"...... ______._____ PRISCILLA’S POP - thefrCJ^a gavwout. ■ - xjj— a - rlate-glasV' door,-but-was not Elmer Neal of 'Hxmdbn; whb had ciers are concent^ lest news of Stranfo" BY AL VERMEER Magsaysay hit -the ceiling, ife to statement came upon the more psittacosis mghten the pub­ l E Y H N N hurt. . been at the State Police Training A Murderer’s Thoughts BY LANK LEONARD Mid it not only was cruelty- to Thousands converged 'on the, unno'jncement that' the Budgie lic into forcing a ban on all sale School at Bethhny Only a Week. Club of Connecticut w-nild ask the animals was aabotaging his store long before opening tlifie, Clarke identified the weapoh as of parakeets. - — agricultural develpoment program. lured by advertisements of such f^epxrtmeht' to forbid further im- He said present law Iforces Con­ At Vail Forge George Washington was often seen on Himtvaiy \vEAHfwrNE RaL,U8f isanT 1 -iguesssNlANpjanp 1 fo K » a ' .32 caliber nickle-pIatM revol­ OKNEDEMUnT good! Th e cktabeo. supply.'Imdly de- “ George ', Washington Birthday" .ortatfon of the popular pfcts foe necticut breeders whose operations MTERE5m8,flt! jlMOIItnrr WEITf 0VERWMQN6 7 IMENTASnaLai -C FEE;FME,GOVBSIOR!)FUrMM ? ver containing two . .spent cart­ sole to the puldic. his knees, as depictad in the famous painting, piVying for I during the Japanese occu pa­ specials as 419.95 watches for 83.22 ridges add three live oheS.- are strictly regulated to rotnpetc u a t i \ THATSinGliT,M».tDmE? ANPVDUUV ,««'fCNANT510 FO^FML-SO \ START INNON'AaOUT'UMiT ^ aiMFicr.iVEJusrV ctr on, . James L. Ppdson, 20 Willard Rd., with cheap "mass-produced" tion,/wee deeded id increase the and 839 pearl necklaces for 82.97. The New Jersey, policemen tooic m i m k SHEiaJNSAUTTUE >01OFFEREP \$TAy POMM HERE INA^lOni; 60M6HaMEMI.1DTtLE! please club president, placed tlie blame budgies. , ' \ BKNFMCn^ S ! ru i^ . ecoxpmy- Extra police detachments, rushed the weapon to their State Police guidance in the dark hours whan his forces were all butda^ /SA X KSnUUNTOmiNEM J, lOIEtSSOW I ANPMARRV JUSTMWE10 for recent Connecticut' outbr-daks He said'state' breeders pair 'qff MANfEBEBIPOWI FUTTHGONnE^ EfagMySay. ordered the navy to the scene, as the- elbow-gouging Laboratory for ballistics tests. / mUAM?) THE NIAIfAH RACE nucx!] FORMSSMAREA TWSMPMAN! FORSETAMUr :nEREAU)N6TREWIV. RDGfRflATfXBL td seise shipments of carabao an thron.g .circled th" block and spilled of psittacosis (paijrot fever), on parakeets'in in(|ividual cages feated and Congress questioned the wisdom of continiuhg. MORWESW^^ OFTWEHORSE?._____ lAKMfiHMMOMEk. AND— IHLBRIGNrNERE! rrute to Mimila .for slaughter. In- into . the streets,. bloclcihg Cross-^^ 3oi them Importerj. "No case of der sanitary conditions wWle :‘'S WnTH NX)! specters found a majority of ,'the towp traffic,’ Some stood atop stall-'' psitiecos.ix in this state has ever som^'out-of-state breeders "throw 'enima’s were healthy. ed cars, yelling. Friends Shower bedn traced to a (3ohrecticut-bred them into -big flight cages and let MagsayagY Pxl faiVnUgatorr to A polled- loud-speaker .truck •i bird," Dodson aaid. , the.n breed to' death.*’ ' ■ ...... — W e well might pause on this anniversary of George Wash* v/ork. TkW found the country's droned u.selessly in the dim^ Pbllce Inspector JoeephT-. Wcl Jean A. Matcliett a £-22 carabxb. XQHly was .decreasing . xnd rukfijingrwui« .ttu:i''^g, p c ^ - de l- issued orders '•preventing the ington’8 birthday to. rjBflept pn his outstanding virtues: - able busipeFT. One .area, m pbltw store from opening''ts dobra at the Miss Jean A. Matchett. 90 Holl Meii Gross Launches Drive scheduled time of .10 o'cloclt. until reverence, integrity^ sagacity, tenacity. uvAy more, thsui S;000 carabaos stblen t-u -* Mr. 10«M LOCATION UP TK>C0A6r..WtTH iriD*ltXJ. of the f. nd drive committee, ex­ 80th Birthday FetiB SMITH/ oomy tell me what§ an executive order banning the time. But as one door -opened, an -guests uom this town, Hartford M cioe VOU N AMINOS. SOLPl avalanche of about 100 poured (CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT NOON) 'ICXJTVA happened—I HAVEMT slaujgditer of ciarabaos for one year. •nd. Glagil^bury. - plained toat the MMichester drive 5AVf, 6 M U S He said he was .ready to approve through before it could hr' closed. Bupper was sened at (I p.m. and is started o,me wwk before the^ For Mrs. Chartier W H eNtr THE HEARJ.Tb look/ Hear Cries of rain the expenditure 'of five million dol­ the tabic decorations v/^ro in keep­ fund drives in H aH fo^ and sur I A - ■■ - . COMES TO lars, if necessary, for frozen meat Cries , of ptln came from- wom­ ing with Washington's birthday. en. A young boy shrieked out that roimdlng communities so that.xesi- Mrs. (Harris Cltartler, 43 Church GETTIMe imports "to insure the. Philippines The bride-elect Was seated beneath St.i widow of Paul Chartier, reach­ TANettD an adequate supply. somebody was twi.sting hl.s neck. F clnster of wedding bella Mis, .dents wbo work elMwhere may contribute Ideally. ed her eightieth milestone Satur­ U P W . Meat ^ prices jumped after the Boilce took over at another en­ Tedfcnd baked iknd deoorkted the day. - J______Twiwes.f trance, set up big wooden barri­ It is expected that the various bai^!«gOt into effect. ’ Irate deal- sSiower cake. ' ^ . The- birthday celebration wxs Jto • ers/eient to. the. President's office cades and tried letting people in Miss Matchett received archoice oivtoioni* of the drive will con­ MOWWAKHIHIS one at a time. A t intervals, the tribute as follower- Rciddential held at the home o/ her son-in-law - BACKWASO FLIP, to explain. '' Leglslatbrs argued -xUection of gifts IncUtdlhg ctiina. and daughter Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. over'the iasue. Letters both-sup-, tide of people bunt over the bar- glassware, Xilver and electrical ap­ (Manchester and Bolton), 811,800;' LAN0IH6 FEET uers.. corporations, 85,470; retailers. Sherwood H- Goslee, 45 Church St.' porting and condemning the Presi­ pliances. Four generations of thie Goslee FIRST,OM THE' dent's action appeared In the'press. Women fbll. and xbrambled de­ 8.2.260; organixetions. 8470,: The Residential Division of the families were present, including FlOOk/ ^ *w.T.aaa.w».r«t.aa3 Magsayaay is standing firm. terminedly tp their feet again. A KILLED In c a r CRA8H fund drive is under' the direction three-ySar-oid Sherwqod the third, YlC At Last, A Picture The carabaos are needed, he said, policeman's .revolver was knocked Medfort., Mass., Feb. 22 UP)— BY MirWARI. O’MAU.EY THE STORY OF BIARTHA WAYNE Hello, Chickadee! BY W1I,S0N SCRUGGS out of his holster, but he grabbed of Jack N. McCarthy.' George H. Mrs. Chartier’s great grandson, if the'Philippines expect to in­ Phyllis Connollys 17, of Winches­ who came with his parents from t \ crease its food production and it back without mishap. Nutter to serving as vice chapman. A f AUNi-UF T W IJTtKfO K fHOHB JliUTHOSrriM A ter, was killed and three girl com*. Albany, N. Y., to attend the family »UKtTO___ _ m jr n d u i r r m ! make his agricultural program .Once inside, people found-they pfiiiions wore '.njtired yesterday Section chairmen are Mrs. Paul naaoRMfiirt ano»owD J a Adams, MfiEvHeebert Finfilay, Mrs. dinner-party. lAM m csO KA XfiAWAW IdM O M yA aMDMRE,Hgm«oEiMmoMat work. couldn’t..get put. after- their car struck a traffic I'/ HkUMMfiCOLOAMl l>|WANMUTW taOfrHIE.MANDMAFlAm Kkim SOWMMIf TMITTUAT Hglg OONC, In .the Bronx, at another B. R. Bliss, Mrs. Carl Hanxen apd Mrs.-Chactier’s daughter made sign and plunged 35 feet down a and beautifully decoratedT the tPHKAiMip p fiaa' PeheE lJuasOME SON owno.flsi NO END IN SIGHT Hearn's store, more, than 5.000 ravine. Mrs. Harold Gairlty. Mrs. Findlay and Mrs. Bliss are serving as co- ^.birthday cake in . her' honor, and tttINTE «Bt.lMET9aMgl| bargXIn-hiingry shoppers gathered, The. injured, all token' to Law­ Nashua. N1 H.. .Feb. 22 (F) — but there, the • situation 'seemed chairmen. Mra. R, C. Ol mated and ^friends showerw' her with cards in 'Ma..,l09igl!|HITi rence Memorial Hospital; are Jqan Mrs, Edward Mack are co-chair­ recognition o f the event. She re­ !P « t Upton- (R-N H ) ^says the current less serious. Gaffney, 17, of Wobum, and Mar­ FIRST NATIONAL BAN Cold War "may "go on for yeara— ' ■ " - r • •-A men of the Bolton residential drive. ceived numerous personal gifts and wir/ garet Young. 16, and Kathleen . The Corporation Division is under severel baskets of beautiful flow- ■now advancBig, n'ow retreating, to bYMPO!4(|^ gCtepULBD Oange, 17, both of Wlncheater.' L'%^ test opr fpM utiofi and indijr- the dire(^ofi of Frank Simon. «ro- The four girls we d unconscious Everett Keith Is Retail Division Mrs. (3wrtier to as active as ance." . y/. New HaveOi' EeLL 22 (F)—The when politx: descended into the rx- Upto^told-A'^ashua Lodge of Connecticut Soidely o l Protessiohxl chairman and is assisted in (his ever, appxrei|tly. .drives her own OF /MANCHESTER % vine. Men from the nearby Anll- work by Mrs. Barbara Woodbnrn. car and txked Mends on long jva- Elks.^axhingioa'a birthday ob- Fngiheers will hold an. "lUngineers Airc^ytfj Battalion formed a hu'-' in InlUstry .S>'mpoairm'* next Bat- Publicity to being handled by David catipn tripe, dods her own 'work ■ervmnee -laist'jifilfiitf that "the aub- man ebiiin to he[p bring the' girls G. Otl'.Xhfi orgontoatipn. s e a tin g and /h^fWI t o k e e ^ 9 doing it for- ■ 4^aAA^^^Mm vetoiva our midst... 1 relays ix-tioaHaciaoration bt N4- to the street. f i Inpal-'EfigtncerF Week, Feb. 21 to is tinfier the directim of York yoata to'‘j!:ome. cannot M^mtasittdd to enjoy the fitraaCfald. Compitt* blessiage^ori|pii»'|ree gpvernmrnt l^jympMiiin ia to be hxiit at 'Although ,n4wl0a are 'mammxlS' -Whtie Ma -mroUuoi^ lor The. dKve'wiU last two weeks, . When coqiilia. Is taken by the .WklfOmater clubhouse. t^'-OUA hav*em||y eoeaxteexl veatiges ^*Yhvr local Red'C%oe4 has.’sefived forcajy., • IndustSfJcA m e, ; W buUfc.ilwtiowe irf hunger are of hair la fifiBt fW i^ Mxhdawter well but it needs yopr deadened. . 1 - N 1!^ \ .^... /• '-T, , / ' -ir / / y' • . ‘ • 'Jlrrj. . j,/ y , ' • V ./ :■ y - ■ ■ 1 # - 'x - . \ 'V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 22,19M

• .'V I— ■. -■- -ip' -4 -

, r-v>i -pT

a f t i" Mil 1 ^ * t q a ^ « p r tHB Double Feature Card League Leaders Score Play M ajor Parts in Team ’s juesne r. In Road Pelican-Jawed Johnson Marge Noeker’s 151 86-76 a t Isn ’# Funny to Pro Foes Mighty jR^dgrts Rctunr EARL W. YO^T 0|>po$e Trio, o f Rugged Best Triple Bascbnll Had iBore ; Sgaeto U lta r j WIIl*o-the*Wig*p Brings, Philadelphia. P*., (N K J ) —i f In Co*Feiitu)re Bout;** Mid-WiMtem Quintets yoit’vs Mughl and liked comic M a » Bounce Last Year, / . , Harper a Wilis I Dul Biggcfit Turnout Kowalski M erU Verdi. •tringaidera included Nedrt Taggart. . In 'Undef(M|ted Season Patkin unhinged at 411 joti)ti in a 16 F Im ]|6id^, Engineers Discoyw Bd Fishar. of the Now Torki*v»*« ^ *woodS«d^*a^*tf^Roci T o lU T lG V i Scason, Responds If ' firat baa* coacliing boa, or 'Ray James on Undercard N e V Y o v it. Fab, 22 (F>— I Boxing Notes R^llmd ml T ankeea.uikeea. proBsetionalpreasetionel ataff,aUff. aenda^eenda! T H iraim s p A Y ______v! With Top Performance Bolger fla))pihg hix scirecrow way -.n . Duqrteand'x. powatful. Dukas take through the-.Wtoaid'^of Ox, Neil New York, Feb. 23 m —H wel­ T o m Get aet, for a hilarious and en- New Yark —(NBA) .T^aiae along-SOO home achedules of Yan-' Mall hag is crammed, with in at theae leag hams Ml formatioh on major leagua bate- on' tfiTee rugged midweatem op­ Johnston should M right down terweight champion Kid Oavllan tertalnl|ift wrestling inrbgram Wed­ hut eeaaaa laay puy« beea .Vaults into' 4th Place [ RTANDINGR your brtey, / - wlAs the middleweight clpwn Satiirdmji inri ' ^ J ^ * " * " * ' ‘ ""P*. •P^rto . W. Pet. ponents this week ax they seek to from Bobo Olson on April 2 be nesday night at the Armory when helped caaelderahty/ by aM protect an undafeated atring and Th* peUcan^awM performer Am ong Touring G olf Le„t,x ...... 10 .833 wUl have to give up his 147-pound a i a<.other all star card of three bouts Bre'r. Babbit. / their high rating among the na­ who plays canter for-tha Philadel­ Sxcond I H*hi la the splhlia ef the P l a y e r s i n .714 phia Waritoi's-;of the, National’ title. Two of'the contenders who Pto Bowliftf^ Wirt be presented. Retumlhg after Earning. KX'::-:'.'.::::;: T ISOO tion’s cdUaga baakatbaU itvaa- Civil Bagloeeriat Departaieat !SiS?8S;.KiraKSfJir.“ Tke Plttoburgh 'dub, aritb 21 S a a k lth ^ AasociaUoh TSip-flops . will figure Ih a welterweight elim­ iMwiy SatUr^ a Week's absence will be the o ' ffTwp .tickets. Not having had the chance to „ _ Manchester.,...... 8 .375 arouudk court like a Leon Errol ination tourney are Johnny Sax­ mighty midgets in an AustraUan ef I V Oaepeg^ (Jalea. wMch San Antonio. Tex., Feb. 22 ilPy—-1 Britain .... v.;. 3 fli5rtghL wea’t have to wait long Waxt Sld» . i|apiUpMiMtty aad raa a eerlee ef. retaparleea F ^ iw n w t | u r i^ . local ergsB -; watch more than 25 of tha colleges .231 befera It gets |ta next teat. An Im­ -.me yitraiJhL Hit Xhorta hang ton of Brooklyn and Johnny Brat­ Csig-team match In one of the co­ laationsiwve little hick g e t-; play, all Baatem schoola, 1 do not Golf's winter tour rattled on to j- • —- — y on an elongated to; so. The ton of Chicago. acorea ra the a m i«(ftlM « Mghxr features. Killer Kowalski. Polish' teete ea a baleh e f aMclal proved Bowllag Greea sqoad will than tha epoBblr. iRiiMt o ( ]oxt ^ number of dholct seats feel qualified to name an All Mexico City today but without Games Next..SiiiMlay faralali the oppoalttoa toatgbt. The ning strands (rihix light brown The two Johnny* get a jump on ,gian( frppi Ug,trnlWi ftitd one. of the .hpaerlcaa League haB* frees yaafa eveat Maiaa je a ttir raOad tiM ritaer ftMg Hi IftUr a a « *58. f i w YW te. .v Fred Bltah^eperu • Amertea teem. Anywap. AH Aiiicr^< Chandler Harper; the tournament .Hcriden .at Manche*tec,...t. Obleaae hA4iw wan Umlr laet fesir , If » l« A n d fall in rhythm with th* field Wednesday night when feaured matmen in the current tlu lrtgh;aMriBff game Sunday at lea taams are the bunk, the same Bristol at Lenox. his blig. t«h y knees. ' t /—- -. they-eoWde -m-a''ten'-rounder "Ot' a .ilp a -U l iw-Jticlftaln|le-aCr4ha old-tiiner who put on one of the nm ea. wWppIng speedy Miami / Issue of Look, wil! tangle with *nrke loereaae la dietaaee tha Rec. between Naasiff* and as the weekly besketball Yet try to convince tti* big men the Philadelphia Arena. Saxton, ni^t. LilUqa Melanfl^mhmed a , . ____ poll*. Oble S8-73 last Friday. AU thlnt tame 14$. Antonio Verdi of Milan Italy, in waoM prehahly be abeal right Wtndaor Locke wae Intereatln'k:, He How in tha name of Jake can you greatest finishes in the game’s hia- By HAL TVRKINGTON o f the NBA there's anything funny the No. 5 contender, is a 9-5 choice the other co-feature. , . per eeal,” eaye Praf. Jaaepk 8. Bowllag Green Is 13-8. • •• added. **That Toro (Frank Tom ) vot* for LaSalle or Rio Grande tofy in winning the 312,500 Texas Bobby Knight gave local hoop After Utla one on tbel^home trout the scarecreyw v/ho leads to win. Bratton, No. 3. svas The maaked Bed V ’eaael and W a r* m iB T Y B IX . w t n w ^ would be a good man for tha B J « when ypiniavep’t seem them play? Open with three stralJht.rounabi« of makliyf things rough opentoff gampx UUX lag their debate before Maachceter ets for the Poltceman’a Show starts and then Trln’s varsity record for 7t hole* as h* wound Lenox. The MerchaiRa wpnt away for Duquesne andTthe Flyers can tha basket and ha becomes a decep­ ham, No, 3, most likely would be ■fittir- arreetilag faas. Twa weeke ago ea which was held last Sunday. I had eteaa Vermont in overtime, 84 to up with 258 to take down $2,308 In victor* by an 88-78 count, be douUy tough on their home tively smooth operator with'every ROUGH CUSTOMER—dlgh-scor- recognised as world weltarwaight tbr opesdag card the midgeta were UpseLlloy Motorg left the tickrta. at horns and didn’t shot in tha book and a pal.- of Ing Neil Johnston la causing all champion if GavUan axcendx to tha r w u p a ^ a^aHMA \in alghto •S- Dale Harper, Hall (>ach, saw the Texas Open yesterday and court. Both teams already have howllaf; TlMiqreicai«« to win featared'aad a eapaCHy crowd at^ -eahm I.had left them behind un- on* of hiB former aUra, Jack Bar- vault Into fourth place among the LED BY BILLY HARRELL, the been sebeted for the N«tIohal In­ arytke-Uk# elbows to clear a path. aorta o f trouble for pro cage de^' middlewelght thron*. teadeA UI I reached tha tlieatre door. We too. star for Trinity svlth an «ye- year'* leading money-wlaaer*. vitation Tournament. It (Hdn't happen overnight, of fenders. (N E A ) The Soxton-Briitton scrap, Uuw gtHu nmek inatoacea LKAGCB 8TANDINOS (Cleveland Indiana’ shortstop rookie Ruth Md^toeh woa hah match la Both co-features will be beat out we»e allowed...admfsaton and I nillng basket which tied the game The Mexican National Open property who should be playtn$ the Although Duquesne was idle on eouroc. Three yeaws ago Mg Nell xtartinff at 10 p. m.. EST^ will ba of three falls with a dibminute - W L P c i couldn’t wait t « get home and re^ and then added five points in the — blq taommatea call him Gabby claimed only 6-8 on arrival. He'd telecast coast to ebaxt by CBS. ^ Arthur. Roy H o t o n ...... 8 a .80S wanted Harper but he passed it up Bhoitfield position for the Tribe In Saturday, there wa* • considerable Fran tottgi lUB wid thea tima limit. tiuw todav.wlth the tlck*ta. prboe overtime. Short on material. Coach action Involving Eastern teama becsoso he keepe his mouth shut never bothered to check his Gnw-ltee ...... T 8 .700 to go home to Portsmouth, Va., a year or two. Lfnox displayed a b oA to bowl lO A te (M eat Biggest hit on last v/cck’s card. that I had them ..,, T h e chief Ray Ooirtlng has turned in another on business. Harper lives at Ports­ Pennsylvania stayed on top in — wa* aa unhappy pitcher In the grov.rth after leaving Ohio State. OaVilaii e$en* hie tnialqg Moriartya.v...... ; . . 5 5 .300 Well-balanced offense that clicked Prentieo. Reiea Meliinn tpai Jaaae James, will be back in the smiled SB he took the tlrket*. I masterful Job of molding together mouth although playing out of thi'rivy Loague by . turning back Philadelphia Pblts’ tarto aysieih, ” 1 only played him In spots that campaign Tueeday night with opening bout ageinst George K e ith * ...... 0 10 .000 for the easy baskets, and seemed to 'Up Fiein the Finn: No. i- first season.” continues (SottUeb, to Hfin*im form roI"“rolUat T------I M U to do* - m M m :m hone I am never on th* other side a Pinning combine. Trln ahsuld be Chattanooga. - He returns to the be in tha ^ right place for rebound Dartm(>uth, 58-48 and Princeton bis arm plagued by ooreoeae, his non-title ten rownfier ngalnit faat. Ruth P te tba x te a -B ii^ p ^ Hewitt, from Fresno, Calif. JamM of the fence nrtth th* ch’ ef g*vin"- stronger next season u-lth several tournament trail at Houston next kept Its hopes alive, by downing three woa, nloe lost-at. Class B "because he knew nothing about Johnny Cunningham e f BnWhaxfe resides n Oklahoma. The high-S)ing Jroa-Ite Indiane all sRemoon. Hariul) tossed in defeiue. But I think what made lips rolled three gamwrrmrcr 100 Rocca aeema to have Verne Qa^ne set up for some sort out the tieketa..". Sons Reed and boya now on the freshman squad week. But many othars on the 21 points, trailing Knight by one. Harvard 69-68. Penn now has an Wllmlagtea burtlag evea more. nt the Miami Beach AodHswKim. ^ wa* defeated by BOlea WO- o f ft ftlpi ftat the Minnesota trappier betins to wrap a sciason around Beeerved seat tickets are aew upaet tha Srat place Roy Motors Dean accomoany, me over the Con­ nearly ready for the varsity. winter tour went to Mexico City, 8--2. record. (TOrnell is next with Johnston dloguatedly turned to Nell was wheit he came to camp This one won’t be teleeaet,'^ Hard luck shooting and rebound­ What’s Tough About Managing the following year and I said to helm. Wilhelm hod a 131 t l M tte ArtawttftB Barefoot Boy’s neck. Match ended the same way— * l e at the British American flve in the first game of the T Jun­ necticut River to Hartford and we including Johnny Palmer of Char­ 7-2 after beating ColpmbU 86-57 Business Manager,Jim Ward after Clah, Wahmt Street Tai-era. Mll- FRIDAY ing broke whatever hope* the BA’a •— him. ’You’re my regular center.’ game for th* win. Betty ft dvftW. (NBA.)v^ ior League Saturday morning by a are back home before 8 end th*v A stranger in the office Is Lefty lotte, N. C., whrim Harper beat out had of tacking a Ipss on Lenox. followed by Princeton’s 8-8. an .intaappy afterrioon and said, It's the fading vetetoh against ^ k M very ImpreaMve in dotogt- ier'e Reetaaraat, Anaery aad from are “ rone" sho-tly after the in the Texas open . The plctura could change consid­ "For all th* good I’m doing here. It was no gamMe NHi m.v part the up and coming youngster in Hal Turidagtoo at The Herald. score of 33-31. In the second game, Bray, local realtor who still finds Perry DelPurgatorlo, George Fel- Who else did 1 have? But It gave loLui^ with game* of stroke of p*"* Urns to root for th* Red Sox. The tall man from Virginia, who genbaum and Jackie Allen were erably this wtek. Penn will,be at 1 might as wall play pro basket- the heaalther at }tk ^0oa Square are fotng to battle right down to . First bout starts at 8:30. Moriarty Brothers handed Keith's Team with Best Players? Princeton on Thursday while Cor­ him confidence..He’s Bttll..,^im fin- rais Idid Pistons the ’ arire for eeconcl spot in the T T B S P .fir .. Lefty plans to visit Sarasota. Fla., boasts ah amaxlng scorinr average literally robbed of many hoops in ball.’’ i Garden Frlday/nlght Wff&e Two of the night’s oatxtaBdtnr nell appears to.have easier asolgn- Uhed product, and m a ^ he Western Division o f the National Midgets their tenth retback of tha fJttle Judd Fdwe tide, greehakeeo- with Mrs. Bray next week to in 'the three tournaments he has the fray. Lenox boxed out beau­ Ha wasn’t being ..facethMia. As a Pep. the 31-yeaf old former f*a t^ matches were rofled to the second •By W a l t e r A l s t o n ,than handling a sricond-divislon menta against Brown on Friday -could be a little more eggrekrtve, erwelght chftihpion, faces Liilii Continue Struggle BasketbaU Association. campaign by a scora of 38-38. er at the Manchester Country check on the doings of the Red played this year—87.33^ahot a 38 tifully on rebounds and moat loose a player In the presence of others. C()llegian at Ohio State he'd made but I'd like y(m to show m e\* S'*?*’ * * ^ « ' Nockaf dtclrteaed Manager of Dodgers 'outfit. and HarvaVd Saturday. Princeton Perea, thx^-20-year old Brooklyn They’ve been taking turns in the Tony Sqi'iUicote, fast-davaloplng Club, eoiight our aid in an a. m. Sox...Ruth Angeli, preparing for on the first nine of the Texas balls floated right into the lutnds Doa’t give him nn opportunity to- the cage squad his sophomore eenter with more move*. \ Helena Dey in thran ffauMs. I 1 will coach at third base, create ollbU. nhoultng at him In also takes on Yale-In a home-and- r*aaon, then dropped out because Kflash, in a ten rounder in the big Helen roiled a fin* 108 to ttt* tha position for the "last tktvc weeks, Groa^Itr center, played hie beat vlsU. Seems that a number of a Florida vacation, calls to asit If Open, ' - of a Lenox defender. A* told loi Harry Gra.vson, home aeries. "George Mtkan overpowers ybu. By The Aaaeetated Preas I want to have any messages .de­ where so many games are won the preoenee of teammates or In —and this ia a switch—be couldn't airena^- ' and today Rochester' Wes back in game of the eeaaon to lead bis golfers, ell of whom shall remain It put him close to last In the The finest crowd ef the season N'E.ft Sports Editor Niagara wen lU first gams aloe* Johnston fakes you. He shoots J?*"* *>“* two H lisoks ft* if the itocheiKtef the ru n n e r^ spot b y ' the fth^' team to an upset win over'teegur nameless, have been nlaying golf livered- to the Red- Sox at 'Sara-* -came out to aeft-Knight In- action.---- ___ v«-n- trti..... !<>«t..by. .xplltrsecond-declaion* puhUc will ..do this. .Talk t o him ia make a. living on an athlatlc aohoi- rated a toaaup, .8-5 and pick with Nocker hitting 151 to tho m t- field'at the time; But ’'iTe ~ nego­ _ Veto Beach, Fu. — (N E A ) — , sending In or holding up a run- rivate and he will have no excuse. belag picked for Um N IT by eNck- -good -with both" haiRUr. aiid bft’s ’em. ond game. Maud* Oarpentor. a Bctyala and the Fort Wayne Pistons margin of a half gen.s. MIXED DOl'BLES leading Roys. Tony was ve:x at the South Main Street yiourse. sots. Ruth, her husband Art, and tiated the second nine over Brack- He didn’t dliuppoint them, either. arshlp. got a two-hand overhead set that TTiey tell me 1 have to win In ner, and assume all reaponxibhity B .10 Jk.W- yiw k«Low,. Hc'ft.p^yr tog for 18 etraigbt pelato la the Rsp’lvref qrd .U , .183.-4rl. . Petes’ newcomer to the tounMar. sloMot riaM-JUiyala wars. idle -iaat night strong,OB. detenee. aad idea-led-hla Juddasa’A get the- tee* aad greens Jietr father-. John JCoraaa,.wiU,msk* =emldgff’ P*rtt'*"6;4<>0-yard-course Bobby got tied-up a few time*,, but— W orAtoek him Utorally,.>too#Jie. •don’t ’let-’youFrtax'’wit*lde.’*“ '”''-'> ff; s» “ *^ * ^ *'*“ tihuxuar for the aiirictlon rif tte ?lubon irig for n living. He know* when to a m attaitoraoi a triumph (wntacted Eddie Gottlieb, boa* of record is^$4'2. mbfckw iai-‘MbiuMS^‘ r i s . but regained the spot while the' H. IU*l«y la Itt, at-. JKl- team on offense.. Bob Braaa and In good shape If the plavtng con­ a tour of the baseball camps be- Ift, 31, And from then on Haiper more than once he knifed his way -About thAt? A manaxer has tn ih* n»M, over Georgetown, Ferdkans k ^ Gottlieb should only haye...ftS; -fbre heading honieswird.. I OfflCiata k*’- WTOog and that mistakes take the .VVarrier*. OottHCb fnvested a Starting-^t 10 p. m„ EST.) the tourney favorttft.freitothaxuaiibH6 Sjinietiiig Up Fw P istons were lostny Yif -- the ■ M11- IMn KcKaevw were beiit for Rbya. tinue and he asks thiif golferli never- had a nine over 32. thMugh the derenae to score pretty - pretty much win wherever he IsA l have been asked how 1 be- olive Its expectatiebs ef an NCAA TTI a n y champioiishrp teams as wsukee Hawks et.62. Total* ....Its 1*3 m 503 tiia game was low-scoring but hot- th* Plainvilie-tSouthington "nat­ the shingles off his roof along vrith three-eent stomp and one sveoing boutlut will be hiroadcaat (ABS) and Carpenter roUed 110 to'M olam - TeeM N«; J (I) adhere to the signs which atate. Palmer, who started Ike flnal lay-up*. His peasing wiM-faater and 1 hond'to win in PorUmouth, Ohio lieved big leaguer*, in view of “ at large" bertk by troaacing looa sco»‘in(T champs. Before Johnston The league-leading New York ' nuih Wrrn*r ly^n teated all the way. ural’’ at Plain vllle with Jack those o f the othersk In the fall e f 1951 he woe con­ telecast (NBC\coaxt to coast. phya first gam* of 100. In the sec­ .... ** T7 »3 3*7 “ Keen Off the Tee* and Greens." round with ft 8-stroke lead over trickier than ever, sometimes as back in 1840, and there has been m.v lack of major iMgue aerviM, 58-47. . , he had Joe Fulks and Pm I Arinin Knickerbockers' in the Kestem Dl- j Ed. w.^nor . ... IM 114 100 .■C7 Nick Twenty dunked 22 points O'Bri^.- It’a the beat game of much a mystery to hia mates as In the last .four years I have fronted In the Herabey,-Pa., train­ ond game Maud* was loadiag until ..D og Warden Lee Fracchia dis­ Harper lutd Lionel Hebert ef Erie. no Chang* anywhere along the might reset to my managing. LaSalle, which recently accepted to pace the proa in the point pa­ ^ coUectod a apare to tha 10th vision remained three games ir. | to spearhead the Moriarty attack plays a live opossum during s the -season, from a shooting and hia opponents. found it necessary to ,'ine players ing quoriers ef the Worrier* 1^ a rade. /' Davey Gallardo, sixth ranh- ..."iil l«n "Tm 554 PSm took a 78 on the last 1$ and line. "What doe* this guy know only four times. I have nover had, an NGAA spot, whipped St. Jo- box with a nine fin for a twu nta front of the Syracuse Nationals by j on Keiths. The Midgets put up a nflbh vidt. caught at Patrolman defensive angle and also from a gawky ex-plteker. Fulks la about done, but Arisin Ing featherweight finished second with 381. Hebert Lenox was the better team .' Six The reason they say I have to about what It takes to ‘be a big a rhubarb with a player I man­ sephTa 78-84 and In other leading Lo* Angeles, sod Oeai mlUt of win. 103-100. defeating the Baltimore Bullets ■-"’ iLr-' Vrnmm>SM W*; 4 t4) good ^ baUlA led by Clem Pierson Primo Amsdeo’s ■ lieme’ on Irring teferiee’a viewpoint... The lead aee^ men did.irti- the scoring. Billy oontesU,- N YU tripped Army 71- .’’He. wtoh’t no finiahad prod-, comes out of sisevlce to pour 'Tn had '87 for 388 and third 'place win 1* that the Dodgers are sup Iritgiie iHtUptayirt** Tve heard aged. ■ ...... WashingtoB, tangle In m fea­ The third and docidie 85-6T in the first game of a double- Onl McCann ...... r»i 7* and Ronny Srhauater but tbs indi­ Street.'.When 1 showed no inter­ sawed 20 times before Plalnville Hogan, captain of Siena a year ago, 87. SL J(iHn’e beat Tempi* 72-87 In uct," rftcoliects Gottlieb, "and he points alongside Johhston. So the O. McCann ...... fu 130 while Xhelley Mayfield of Chico­ posed to be the best club In the them a*y. ' You know that some playprs ture ten at Brooklya’ Boatom was no contsst as header played at Proviclence, R. I, vidual effort by Twerdy was too est in the snimal, Lee said . he won. 80 to 5#. The crowd was t(X)k second high scoring honor* for overtima. Holy Oeas downed Ckui- could'only shoot a hook. But he skeptics ask Gottlieb, "How can pinned a 148. in the second ganie. the, Boston hysterical from the opening whistle pee, Mass,, w-onnd up fourth with National League, the only one A* a Triple A manager, 1 had take a drink after a gcrae or on was fadt for a big man, and he Parkway Area* tomlght. Total* ...... ,. 300 15* 334 <3S nuci’ for th»m to oyer-ome. would try to give it to Someone 384. the visitors with 19 points- white capable of beating the. Yankees an off day. Personally, 1 have no isius 88-7A ViUanova defeated it work ,out with two high scor­ ' * • , • Celtics scored .an easy 85*78 vic­ Team Na. * (•) Meriarty* tSS) else...loe Nsylor. the walking to th* final buxzer. Joe Kubachka and Jerry Calabrese.' chances to reclaim major leaguers Muhlenberg 71-81, Rutgers Wat willing to learn.” ers. both trying to get the ball to will telecast the boat to tory over the Philadelphia War­ J. DiBaUtalo ...... — ... _ _ *. F. Wtf Fred Wampler of Indianapolis In the World Series. and polish young men for the taste for the stuff. I didn't amoke part* of the eouatry atartlng MABGE CU8HINO. lest yooFo EDNESDAY A. OiBaltlatn ...... 0$ .M *i 371 W. Twerd.v. f ...... J M 2 hsberd*«hery who, features the SATURDAY ICsds the money-winners with the latter the third-rankiiw scorer What’s wrong with having the until I started to manage. I don't trounced Lehigh 78-85, and Man­ Ha was even willing to learn keep uh their averages?” - i Tunnsr-up. defootod Jo Lucas ia riors. Byracuae trounced the Min­ •N’. Twerdy. f ...... , 10 3-2 22 latest in snorts' shirts, ties snd Encounter radiator trouble en in the l(X9 , had 14 apieca. step up to the big time. So I'm hattan edged Loyolft of Chicago he was six feet eight Inches, tall, And Gottlieb answers. " I should 10 p. m,, EST. 34,385. E. J. Harrison of Ard­ atipngest chib? Offhand,yl'd say not completely unfamiliar with mind If my players Indulge in straight Emma Varana rcOad neapolis Lakers, leaders in the' Team Na. IS I3> McCaranaufh. c ...... 3 0-14 veste, looks at photos o f the route to Manchester and although moderation. ^ 82-81, / f t e r measurement, since he al>Vays have such troubles.’’ Weatem Divisioa- 100-7A A. Har«cy ...... m lo* 03 .127 a ...... 2 0-2 4 more. Okla., is second with 33,870 the manager is extremely fortu­ what being a major leagua ball­ France's Pierre Langlois and to boat Allea Baaba la two WIESTUNS G. Paniiin ...... 7* 13* M ,101 MacDonskl a ...... 3 (VO 4 wreatlera on Wednesds.v Bight’s the car-Is at the garage half the and Cary MiddleCoff of Memphis, MATTY FORMAN was terrific in nate. It strikes me tl\at the job All I ask is Uiat they be in con­ Bowling win coatiniM next Irv Bemoraa of the Hawks the pivot. Kenny Goodwin had an­ player demands. Pedro Gonzales of Pittsburg _ HyUnder. * ..... /,...... ^ 0 card and just, walks along. He morning the. trouble is not located Tenn., is thir(l with 33,580.85. should be considerably easier dition, and I’ll know when they Sloane. Manchester and. 5. Smith, iV 'WiUi tho tour who havo dropped in two free throws after Total* ...... '...1*7 2*3 302 doesn't want to get his hair ruf- when I pick up the car at noon... other tough assignment tiying to Seasoned major leaguers —Jim meet in a ten rounder at Tole­ ARMORY T«>U|* IS J-10 » Harper has won (3,233. aren't. H igh Tankers Tak^ Manchester. Time, 1:07.6. wbt femd thoir' first rennd the whiatle had blown for Mil­ Team Xa. S m flled with the grappters. Joe, Heavy schedule of appointments stop Forman's great hook shot. Russell, the swltch-'hlttlng out­ do's Civic Auditorium Saturday waukee's second victory In 10 Aud. Frey lOO IflO H 2»* fielder, among them--were sent to 100-yard backstroke; 1, Barber, night. ABC will telacaat the $ fight ef the first Hank Frey 103 110 107 320 *. Incidentally, is .a first class por- In- th* afternoon snd evening and The lead changed hands five NEXT: Walter Alston had to Loca/ Sport Windham; 2, Stiles. Manchester; round survivors. played against the Pistons. l.tdiar. ' 1''...... times in th* opening atanxa that me in Triple A. and w* got along T h r e e F i r s t P J i ^ c e s p. m., EST., scrap coast to coaxL McGrhan. I ...... trait photographer .. Tuesday If* a relief to get back home at hold two jobs to play minor league 3, Dormer, Manchester; 4, O’Con- Listed below are the aceraa. I Toul* ...... an 310 303 iti wax a nip and tuck biMHe with a)l ri^ht. I.haniUed (jwm,just like nralr, I ...... 0 night of thS basketball season I I p. m. The only bright spot In Swimmers G iptiire boll. nell, Windham and 5, Verch, Meri­ Ruth McIntosh 108- 86 ,Schausl«r. I,...— ,.. -4-J snd after-iS long trip down state A rugged day was a.jnag^. .wonl I l< »«? pxooittinr Jw M A w cioMm.... COMPLETE handled je v a ix lk ^ .else,. . The Helen Arthur .... ’ Tram X*.'* ’137' Wrmon. r. gorid baiiplayer wariti to win. As C h a ttsr ... AlanchcsterMiiD>^ftivimmera took den. Time, 1:09.9. $7. $1 KILLER KOWALSKI HU Hans-n ...... m2 7* 2*3 [•ayor. c T ilt’s the iiaual late hour when the ssld-^tooth paste—while shopping at the busier. It was a similar pat­ Howard Hanurn ....,..M 121 Pa.' Tliird W ilier Year tern in the second canto, the Mer­ long as he is doing that, and Is three firat. plac^a/ in the annual 200-yard freestyie relay: 1, Man­ Duffy, a 4 Willya drives into 250 Burke St. and the reward was a box of RADIATOR chester (Leander, Squatrito. War- Alba Sobiakl . . . . TotaU IRE ’ ITT • RTT C '•/«».*•••.. 5.., •»* -1 fMI chocolate* for my'best girl. ' chants moving ahead by ax many being properly directed, he doesn't REC CENTERS—East and West Individual C C IL swimming events 13sia Pound ...... as nix ■only-to- havr the-^ocahrforge” '''- eere nrinrir’ wbu ia -the -ntanagCF. • - .xf.ri.Huskies - T.'L rv-.i-i*^Tr>e-»i.raLui>-i: Ready , 2 i There are two T ’lrklngton* In ■ ...... ”-iKf!nMor‘ - »T«RCK«rt «r '' Hl»H’d '■'■WtW’riff'fiW Sldcw-and" Cmpmunity ■dP " wttF b* xt-WeMeya^FgyerweirthW P»6l fn' Meriden; i. MldiUetown ana ‘ 5,' J-.AUea. -a.______. ■ Ir. u 84. .. R4. . 3(A.. f »j r t * ^ _ _ won their thlrd ■ -meet- 'in -aeven back to -anarx A 38-30 Jead, - Then.— -.1 aerloasl.v doubt Umt lt would open tonight from 4 until the uxual BARON ANTCNiiB-VERDI J. Allrn ...... ri- tha of flea; Director HSTOlff A.' and -Work pries up dimiigTh'* past SERVICE M iddleto^ 'yaiterda^^ The local Brlslbl. Time, 1:43.8. (New meet Marie Hebeaxtrett' tr -8 5 (Milam Italy) ^ 11* 2*3 Total* ...... 13 ~3-9 » Harold 'T. The, formar' mayor two- weeks around the 'house arid starts by downing Portland High Lenox broke looee for 11 points in make oay dlffrreo4« If the eight closing hour. EkBth Gordon ... -100-f t W *W at-lmlf llm-. 21-1* Moriarty*. a row, grabbing a margin of 41-32. For" Crusaders 200-yay(lfreeatyle relay team set a record). Tout* i...... 17* Tw hrinp* up . the subject of'basebsll 1 finally get a free day to do the Saturday afternoon 38-28. It wax National League clubo were given The BA’s sliced it to 44-36 at inter­ different mnnogers. They’d finish new/rtcord during the finals last (iraiKlIr* (23) and a.sks, "Isn't it almost Ume to ({dds and ends. (Complete chores the 10th defeat of the aeason (or • CLEANING , fAfy/ NEIL LAWR]RBNUE announces Q.: In a Fordham-C’onnsctlcut Shirley Jacobs ... 08- 03-185 Tram X«-7 it) the losers. mission. Just nbout where they were going Storrs, Feb. 22 OP)—The Univer­ th e. y Junior Basketball League niglit. Three records were broken L. Molumphy ..,yi...*S I.T2 un 33* X I pick the peiiiant Winners?” A just about the same time the aky Piersall Reports contest, a player dribbling lost Ann Meyer ...... 70- 08- $3 MIDGETS n. Mnlilmptiy *4 115 M 30$ • ...... Z The locals piled up enough points Forman and Knight paced the • REFAIRIIjG to nnywny. One riiannger wouldn’t sity . of Connecticut baaketbaU v/Ul .operate jthlx week, during during the eventa control of the boll and it rolled namnmw. i good question so I raked H. A. T „ breaks loose and the afternoon is locals in the first half. Matty TAG TEAM^ but he refused to bs quoted, pre- by taking first or second* places- in do any better than aaother. Alter team (19-2) has a - busy week school vacatli^, with games scha^ Johnny Leander, Bal Squatrito, free down the court. He chased the Fran C>ai)daU 108-188 Toui* T 47 F U k ^ J ;... spent indoors.. . After the usual XtrolUng.off the. court. .with . 18 -- ahencl. __ Semy Boy Caasidy ^ Frrch«%< f ferin^ to w rit another month . the individual events to win. Port­ e c o r in g all, froat offkics doa’t give the bat uled Tuesday and Thursday morn­ Forbes Warren and Tommy Smith To Red Sox Cam p ball, recoyei-ed It and shot. Wasn’t Doris Prentica .../; 100- 83 Sunday evening meditation, boys points. Hogan, HarrelL arid Good­ • R Vlaceor OaribakU Nothinff^ send away for -Attorney John LaBelle asks on land won both relays, setting a new boy the manager’s job. They give On-Thursday, the Huskies play ing's at 8 o’clock. - splashed to a record of 1:43.8 for that discontinuing? Join the man and woman of the win did the. bulk-of the Lenox acor- it to a sound bneebnll nlnn. Vs. » w e supply- jroa rifht out JIain Street, when I am going to house and play table games with school record in the freestyle. Mjssachusetu at Amherst. A vic­ the event, shattering the 1951 rec­ A.: No, that Is ruled a fumble Helen McCann 113-113 I,.aPolnlr. X Tomorrow sftemoon at 3 o’cloek, Ing in the first two sessions. The main thing 'a to. get along tory for Connecticut means its MIDOiTT BASKETBAU^ League ord also held by the Indian ducks. Sarasota, Fla., Feb. 22 (B-Out­ Bed Weasel T o t ^ ...... 31ft' 1»4 172 Florida to cover the major league youngest son Dean winning all and the. play I* legal os loog oe Ruth Pembarte 80- 88 of our ovm stdei^ 8(oohrn»on. a (he Intdlans will swim against Each time the BA'a put on a Frooapt aerrice for all .nialMa With 25. grown men. ’You’ve . got game tonight at the WeOtSide Rec fielder Jim Piersall gets back into Irish Jackie bxsebali training camps and the honors. sixth Yankee Conference title. Curt Wright stroked bis way to the furohle Is uaintextleBal. Hartford High In Hartford. Thurs­ drive in the third quarter, Lenox ear epeelally etoffed radla- to keep everybody happy and up On Saturday, it’s Holy Cross, at 7 o’clock pita Mincheater victory in the 300-yard freestyle. hia Boston Red Sox uniform today Tuxedos. CotawmyS-pnd all / Tram^^Sifc S (2) Total* ...... Nil 1-7 •28 answer Is, gs is to all who ask. would fight back to score the easy for hia first pre-season drill, but Q.: What is an interchangaabl* Helen Will 80- 188-131 C. Sarpola ---- .•...... 72 • *0 82 234 Boy Mitara (21Y n, _ " I ’rh working on It.” . . . Familiar day afternoon the local duck* are tor repair department, for 154 games—and, in my case, ranked ninth In the Associated Plumbing against Brown and Smith captured the 150-yard indi­ PLtrs formal accessories, \ T. Sarjola im 14*. 101 ^ METROPOLITAN CLUB shot on the end of good bail han­ he’s under Order* from Manager pivot?. Betty PhiUiiB 101- 105-108 X ■ a voice On the telephone is that •>( host to Windham In a CCIL meet I hope, a World Seri**, preferably Press national Basketball poU. If Bpiupre. . vidual medley event Jeaee Jaiaea Quliihy. f ...... 1 dling. Hogan and Harrell consist­ with the Yankees, Lou Bnidreau to take things easy. A.: It Is baaed entirely ea the Taiai* , X , ...... 177 "Si 'iii sm Baton, f ...... 1 Bobby Ifolght 6t Hartford, back at the Rec pool at t o’clock while Connecticut upsets the Crusaders, Ron Byland of Middletown best­ oMUty ef the attacking team to Betty Kusmik 100-118 Va. Tram Xa. 4 (2) Wlllimantlc Revolver Club Saturday finds the charges m ently cut by a screen, taking a A lot of little things add up to It would have a good chance of Piersall arrived in camp yesterday McKrrvrr. Iiome after a global trip with the E. Worth ...... 281 T O lf blew a one pin ed Wright in the 100-yard freestyle catch a. email defender guordiag Doris Jacobs . 84-181 R,. Donahu...... 82 87 *» 2(8 Rra**. a , Coach Dick Sollonek taking part In thigh-high pass for th* lay-up. The good'm anaging^* word dropped coming the New England represen­ spare, in last box and Adolph and announced he.was eager to get Geo rye Hewitt Fi Donahua ...... 103 *« .11* 314 Ayrn*. X.. Harlem Globe Trotters. Bobby is Smith 281 BROWN. and set a new record of 58.4. a Mg moa. The Mg oluta lmaae> REGAL the Slate'Meet at Yaile. lead was increased to 10 points, 65- here, a suggestion Giere. tative in the National Collegiate Petri (^ Plantsville came out by into action. Tully. X . the . best basketball player the Beckwith ------27.5 Wright owns the pool record here But B()udreau> feply. was: (ttotely gee* Into the pivot, where Alyce Pontlcelli 81- 80. 8T ToUl* .X . ••((•aa* 184 IKI 315 573 Medley Relay: 1, Portland (Rob- 39,\ going into the final period. A manager must study the In­ MEN'S SHOTS ^ N. Alorky.. X , writeV-Jwa evcr seen perform with W. Kapachus ...... Amateur Athletic Tournament.' . one pin the winner in the klac with the time of 58.1. Bill Strat­ hie height m«ike* eeerli^ easy. Dot Cowlea ... 00-100. 8T Boaerved Seats ftJft (Tax 26.5 j inson, / Murphy, HarperJ, Time, Lenox malnUined the man^n to dividual. Kick one guy in the yioly Oosa U ranked first in C a m n l Duck Pin Bowling Classic ’ ’That'a O. K. but I don’t want to- laeL) St: BA ClaK Armory. Total* .7-7 31 a MancHps.tcr team. Word of Bob­ L ew is...... the end. BEAUPRE ton of Meriden covered th*. dis­ set you on the field more than two Q.:Who waft the only collegt 907 MA|N STREET , HOCK^. AT A OLANCB by’s . decision to quit the tour 28111:15.2. - papts, slop another on the back. New England. Connecticut iti sec­ last wsekend in New Haven. tance in the 100-yard breaststroke Kay Diets .. WahiBt Grin. Miner's and Her. Sunday* Reaulta Beorr at hal' tlnjr. 13-11 Ui^ay here with .(Time, 2:23.3.. - ...... son jvas at the hands/of Notre Yankee*, hold* a lifstim* mark of - Th* locals owtm in Portland this •i-lOftOO Boston 4, Chicago 3. ' X R. Soucy . . . . '...... 264 1 40-yard freestyle:. 1, Anderson and fell away. Three times a tap can't do muck with this type. sportswriters: — A .: George Mlgon e f CMeagn. Marge Nockcr % Weatera Lragnr the BA’s Sunday . . .'Jeiry Flood W. Foss ...... Dame. Connecticut was knixfked 87 wdna and 11 defeats against the afternoon in a Northern League De Pool In 1844-45 aM 1845-48. Helena Dey .. 188-100- 08 / 264|(M»: 2. Goodrich (P ); 3. Michaud up shot bounced, off th* front rim. MI-9-S234 -Talk privately. Never bawl out off by Fordham and C o lg ^ , "Jimmy is one player I'm aOrry ^ WL of the Hamilton .uteJfidard, ju.st 0. Bussier . ; ...... No matter where the ball rebound­ Cleveland Indians.' meet - to see report early^ r was hoping Q — Who war* th* nuneia WhU Minneapolis ...... 41 IS 260 ! (M l). Time. :21.9. back fiom a businass trip fOxln- A. Carlni....., .7 ...... ,; 260 1 Diving I 1, Squatrito ' (M ) ; 2. i ed, a lAnox player was in th* right ■ 150-yard medley relay: 1, Wind* he’d wait until the last minute to Kida? Lillian Molumphy los-M B -ia lochester 32- 25 diana. says Indiana’s eager* are M. Jbnes .'. . i „ .-...... 258 Schuster (M l; 3,-Orey (P ). Winning place to grab it. ham (Barber, Hersant and Kes- show up. He works so hard every A — Gene Vance, Andy PMUIp, Maude carpenter 110-100-180 W a y n e ...____ 32 28 "out of this v.-orld." Jerry saw In-'' .—H—'! points, 37.67. . , • • • sell); 3, Meriden; 3, Manchester; time he steps on th* diamond, he Jock Smiley. KeaMeoke aad Art ukee ...... 1 5 .4 3 diana'play Purdue while in the '"T^tal 1306 , 100-yard freestyle: . t, Warren FEIOENBAITM’S JUMP ahol 4, Middletown and • S, Bristol. waara himaelfout. I ’ni going to in­ Mathisea mode up the llttaTe oa- . sive pattern th a f found Leno.x 4. Anderson, ftfanchester and 5. have la improper -kaewledM e f Marge (Tuablag Syracuse lOO, Minheepollx 73. ' “1e toe. Red la mor^n Doc’s J. VaiiWjxk ...... lOftfTInie, 1:30.2 (new Portland High moving the ball In a deep Weave Coicmg^'iiiniknetow'n. ’hmi)' 35.7. Tuesday, Feb- 38 what B the dif fereace betae'ea' a Jb L u o s • * • d a e * MilwaiiksM 84, Fart Wayne 82. weight bracket . . 7 Sohm ef the B. Wheat ...... 109! r*(x)rd). until the good snot was there- 'Die ' 15()o)ard individual medley: 1, Mlllera vs. Frankies, 4 —Rec. good aad a bM ohet dariag a . .) Mllb5Nb*'^7.fl(AXLCj£>.

•N- - I''. X- ■'f- S-. : ■! i- I ■ ■ l. .1 " / / ■ • Wr-.i ' - J r ' / f r rV f ‘C/ ■■■■ \ -0 M ^ C H E S T ^ e v e n i n g .HERAli)/MAN<^ti^TER, toNN:, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1954 tVJHEMcK gygyiN G HEBALP» MA^CH|;STBR», CONN*, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22; 1664 OWWIfVntttgllBMilkAldt AmWljbiM.O^TTl^W BosineaB A^ttelssrorSsIs Hposehbld^^f^^ JL ^ WftMW TisRtiiJt iW Rowel Tor Sata « Hottsea for Sale In her crib in blue, condition by - K " ■ ■■■■■ bei«-motoer,-4pparawUy--threw ap’ e iC a e iM r ------StbSi W erHIli; fBSTBR,*-T98 Henry gtriHT Dutlea MU MXRCURi^iliort w m i. Mcel- CAST HARTFORD atora manager, NEW 8 ROOM Capa'cod, largo lot'. Ideal family home! 8|x epacioua and atrangled, according to Dr. Brithilr Siup IJiiit ITJiIT FiNraH Mland window man. .SmaU invaatment Qhod ro- houN fironts, firapiaieee. eto. Bol- good running condition. Sacrifice wife and cklld Aaire 6 or 4 room Oil hot water heat. Price $13,400. OUT OF DOORS pOUt lent oonditioa. Can. PI. s-aaoi. abadea, made to meaeuro. All turna. No stock—Aluminum storm too Notch Quarry. Ml. 94617. roonu plUa heated aun room, OLog. John Prignano, asslstiint medical ■rr k V'lV . 838, Call M l. 84746. flat or house. Phone JA. $4819 aaton Realty, Broker. Ml. 94791, exafainer. She was pronounced metal Venetian blinda at a neir windows, door awnings ahd alum­ era kitchen with dishwasher, lava­ On Berlin Talk 7 K Raps U. S. CriticiB 1N7 BUICX Tudor, nuBo and heat* JA. 6-nso. S1. 9-6838. tory, oil steam heat, basement ga- dead by the qoctor. er, good oondUion, MM Qievrolet, low price. Keya made while you inum ladders. Nattenal Mfgr. Box 90 CU. FT. Upright freerar, one w a it Marlow’a. D, Herald. ' M GALLON automatfo gas hot year old. Reasonable. Manchester WANT15D—8 or 4 room unfurnlBh- Irage, attraoUve lot. April i. occu. Besides her parents, she leaves fa r parta. CaU ML M 8M . MANCHE8TBR-48 fodt ranch, alx a slater, Mary Ann Croteau; her « Ftete raga Om ) 0 L 5 | r o S | ) A g v T . water haater, M6. CaU lO . 9-iHM. MI. 9-1102. ed apartment by engineer and largo rooms, expandable, ' hot Ipaacy. Maddock ft DoVoa, Real. To LegielatQra ,'V. Vv. X Itora, J A .-24386, evenings^ j a . paternal grandfather, Arthur Cro­ . -•li■FL BOOBS - IMS OLD8MOBRJB chib coupe, W BAVDfO o f -buma, moth Iratea famUy, CaU JA. 8-99N. water heat, full cellar, braesaway, trade with toe Oemmunlst r^ltiBe and tom clothing, hoiaery runs, 8% FOOT Osldspot rafrigerator, MAHOGANY Vanity, vary good I* '?!?* ' i P ' *'1082, AD, 8-1481, MO. teau of Manchester, and her ma­ y%MA,mt»4aif,u. fully equipped, excellent condtUen. Help Wiintwi— FTauile 35 two-car garagti many extras, (Oeattaaed fraai tags Oae) in China." W fir y , huny. priced, to aeu rapid* handbags repaired, xipper re­ taaa than tw o yoara old. Uka new. CondlUon. Can bo used as desk. EXECUTIVE, SmaU weU-mannered 18-9988, R ockville 6-8887, ternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. e y' WOMMf to ca t* fo r chUdran whUa Vera raaaonaMe. Can arrange to trees, view,, nearly two acres, Henry Marllnval of Tour-sur- 'All finuhed hr at aaly ITW. bm tbr Motor placement, , umbmliaa repaired, MlTt-TlT*. tamUy deaira 4-84 room un­ country atmosphere, only $14,780. ■*»PP*ra. deelorad mother works, live In or out. Can eulL M|. I41M . ^ 10.800 BUYS FOUR room home (D-Ky), Qcorga (DrOa) and Marne, France.' that U.8. restrieUm “wont far dO itC MWWGTIMB SalM, M l Main SL men’a ehirt collars reversed and furnished apartment or house In Carlton W, Hutchins, M l. 94133^ •eil ( ^ e ) , and Rapa. Aronds tR- MI. 9-79U. Mancheater by AprU lat. Box Y, Iwlth fiirnlture or fhay be bought beyond” toe U.N. ban and "led to JOE STETSON Hm CLAS w nsD a o v t . replaced. Marlow’e, Uttle Mend­ t r a d e in s ccom MI. 9*4894. IMT PONTIAC Oub redan.' FUUy - A M on Schick, MAPLE BEDROOM set and desk. Herald. [without furniture at agreed price 111), Chlpperfteld’ (R-UD/Vlnson Mrs. Elvln Dragbl y much inconvenience and uncertain­ \Dog Editor ing Sbop. DEALERS—Demonatratora — SaU Remington. Sunbean* raxora. Aieu [Madeline Smith, Realtor, Ml’ (D-Ga), McCormack ./. He bod SPBCIALCONO in custom built ga­ Businens Propsrty inspected by calling Howard R. first of five reports Dulles will give Friends may cell at the funeral pare alaewbere. Oougiaa Motors, aonable. MI. 8-8888. home tonight from 7 to 9 o’clock. shipa and U. 8. naval cutters es­ worked Juat os hard with his youi M SM ain. rages, Stanley ovarbaad dooia, FOR SAIE -C ard or notiow rack. for Snlt 70 H M Urua^ncy any time. Man- on. the resulU .of .iha 4-week ses­ pointer os be claimad and the HOUSBWlVES-'Part or fun tlma ...... — -<------. • ■ ■ T.J. CROCKETT, Broker ~ cheater k ll. 9-1107. Besides her husband and three corted them ahmg the American mbinets, blo^ tUa ceiilngs, al* 1^ feet lewg. Make me an offer. I sion with Russia’s Foreign Mlnts- OO"!. Ha said he could not imme­ showed it, too, in manners as 1M7 MERCURY club coupe. Radio, teratlone, addUlons. Call Frank work from ,your homes. Wa teach 100% LOCATION % mUa from 244 Main Street ter V. M. Molotov, Britain’s An- children, Mrs. Draghl leaves her Mrs. EUtott, 78 Henry St. ML SIX PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH _ .VBJ MINUTES from Manchester diately give tha dotaa of the os nuny on oU-oga dt*. Tba w»tdi at the heater, got^ condition. Otnier go­ ContoU, ML 94991 and aaaial you to start earning 8-7981. WUUmantic, heavy traveled high­ thony .Eden and Franee’a Georges mother, Mrs. Francis Chojnowskt; Om tar, w m lamiOa R. C. K.. daU now. Write Box, T, Herald. antique chairs. CeU Ml. 9-4671. Office: MI-3-54J6 \ beautiful five room^ thrfee bed­ of Msnchdstcr; a brother, George “ shadowing.” trouble was—and it’s almost al­ ing overseas. No reasonaUe offer way, wtU build to suit tenant, Bidsult. ' • Donald Anderson, president of the ways the same—that* in trying to •-wn. Ratf atr^ mtatar. CaU retuaed. PI. 3-7DS1 anytime. CABINET MAXma-We also do ideal for warehouse, retaU, whole­ room , weU constructed ranch Hot Kania, also of Manchester, and a OIRLB. WOMEN-Married. singlt KELVINATOR, Model NH, storage Residence; MI-0-7751 In S ' move to reassure uneasy chamber, stoted lost Oct. 16 that make a finished dog o f his young- ML M m Wlar 4 p.afk all txpea of carpentry work, re- 7,1 cubic feet, eheU area 19.9 sale outlet, plumbing, Or general water oil heat, baseboard radla- legislators, Dulles is expected to sister, Mrs. RusaeU* Hooker o f 4SM <.4»M PLTM0UTKS< Two* to -^r4UiJoy.A.buidncm M. y ^ Two .fireplaces. An oaoeHent .Hartford.....-'-T'— -----* ----- BritM Bhipa bod suffared the in. eter» Jock bad made a machine or modeiiiie, alterafiona, addithxix,' •quawi fe9t; m «9fat eapacUy 91 WCTrtce: Plenty of pariting. - A in ; ■stress ttmt toe 'fa rih cotiil^ pariey dignity M having on armed guard him. LOn-BOXOt Bup, vtebrity of choose from. BxceOent condition etc. Good workmanship and rea­ Become the representative in your avaUaUe to build your location. FOR 8ALE-^lder home, 383 East value rt 119,300. Mancheater—“Four Ifaiih Manrhaatar. liccnaa No. neighborhood of nationaUy known ■pounds; one gas stqve. CaU M l. with the Commuhlsts, set for April on board whUe in American A derby la a prospect-eitlier for the year. Only 17 down. Center sonable rates. Estimafes gladly National Color Shakos IS" 9-8300. ’ Box 42, WtUimantlc, Conn. Center 8t„ Manchester. Seven room Cape Cod, near schooU and 26, does not foreshadow formal M n. Mary M. Moonaa WTN. GaU ML M IM . Motor Sales, Ml Main St. Avon Ooemetlc O0.1 No S3q;»erience room oingic, ono-oar garage, buses. OU heat; excellent condi­ waters.’" \ good, poor or indifferent. A good- liven. Call Dick at PL 9 MM or all c o lo r s ...... per sq. 1 .12.96 Aniericen diplomatic recognition or ' Funeral services far Mrs. Mary prospect must show an tneSaa- Ohn at ML 9^7M. necessary. We train you. Writs Clear Pine Windows, complete, A GOOD 9 X 12 floral rug, maple amsaite drive. First floor: living tion, 99,800. The EUaworth Mitten Murphy Moonan, widow of Patrick J Box OT. Herald, ter appointmant. membership in toe United Nations, POUCE TO GUABD PROBER tioB to run, a desire to bunt, aa KD. (Bash, uniquaa, fram es). porch set, 92’ extension ladder, Fmmw and Land for Sale 71 room, dining room, now knotty Atency. Realtors. Mr. Whitcher. fo j^ e Peiping regime. Moonan, were held this morning at Trmllers for Ssle ®-A OARAGES. Wood, brick, cinder pine den, 13 x 30 with fireplace and 9-9831 . MI. 94980. ..Philadelphia, Ifab. 32 (P)—A obUity to get out froat and k sense' as wide as he’ll go, only kmmJimM ... . ■ ___ From flL95 miscellaneous items. 34 Victoria V —------— •- ______8:30 at the Qulah Funeral Home, blocks- Finahcing- MTanged.-Reel- ^ Bd;-Ml.- -8-«9s.-»— ------..... «A 6«nU#‘<»NNBerroUT'»»-ex­ MtchtB; ’ Second' -floor," three "brnb'' AP^lol police guard was planned far JUU -birdy placesL Add- to. tbte IMOIVU>tfAL iuA teataiaa bicoma ' '^ewart.^M 'i^oott WOMAW TO do h o liw e i^ m «My Ctomr-BtalirCnMl* r‘~-' t«r iiigu’e that ffie terms agreed and ar t tt* Cedar storage chest, fa^ s, up to 400 acres, with or roof two yoara ago, copper plumb, through the deadlocked preliminary The Rev, . Theodore Gubala was -Mr. and Mrs. Pdter Stevenson, good oU-oge. of the country. Lrtsr oa, .wBoa GENERAL CARPENTRT - Al­ 4 ft. long; Y ft. wide; 3 ft deep. without stock. Welles Agency, Cov. ing, weather stripping, insulated, NileOtBement-Pond Workers of YeovU, Enidand, pictured above, accept the PhUodelphla chimter of he’s running high, wide aad haad> M gre. terations, addltlooe and new WOMAN TO CkTa for email chttd AU 8’ lengths ...... F t 12c peroe talks kt Paninunjom whit* celebrant, the Rev. Robert Carroll, at 122 Walnut St, with everything the Sons of the American evolu ­ If you start booring down on BIUDOBWAT M ltU I-. Sboaa and Wiji sell at aacrifice. Call at entry. Tel. PI. 9-4873. hot water heat, oU, new boUer, Immaculate six finished rooms, deacon and the Rev. James P. Tim- arrived on the Queen EUsabeth, in shape to begin housekeeping. some,' you can revert to furtlfar cooetruettan. Dormeia, porches, and do general houaeworii Mon­ Canadian Sheathing and I large modora kitchen, firepluc, bad been staUsd etnea last Dec. 12 tion's good dtisenship medal kt a the training of a yoiing dog too Mortawaar. Opan an day Wadaas- UW TRAMMOBILE. 91' open top, day through FiRBiy from 9 to 8 DImanrion TX.L. per M I 99.60 Gheatnut Lodge. 91 Chestnut St. hatchway, aU city improvements. over a name-culthg wrangle, mine, sub deacon. Mn. May Barry Moqday night, Feb. 18,\'and on . Tonight, a "pound’* or pantry Mpdling wben it is nnrrawij garages and rooms finlahed at 'any evening between 8:90 and two front donnore, ameaite drive, Tueeday came to Manehailer, whM Washington Day luncheon.- \ soon or too much, you will take aay. Opaa daily, • a.m. to a p.m. nemi-ahimiminli. Trailer in excel­ p.m. Write Box B, Herald, giving Western Framing t !L.L. Immediate occupancy. For quick Deaa Brake Off Parley presided at the organ and accom­ Shower it planned for the new­ the > edge off hla enfuistoam. He reasonable prices. Woritmanehip 8:90 p. m. Aek for .Mr. Light. H ouaca f o r S a le - 72 sale, asking price, 119,800. George garage, tressed shrubs. Handy the thenpometen hereabouta regis­ com ers. Authorities revealed yesterday SM Waat M im a Ipka. lent condition. Two spare tires. references and aaluy axpected. . , _ P»r M 8106.00 Special Ambassador Arthur Dean panied the soloist, Mrs. ^May Ven- they had received on anonymous will b e ^ losing his InitlaUVe and FuU rear doors. Oood t i ^ . Rea- guaranteed. Fixe esUmatea. L. Graslsdio, Realtor. Tel, Man­ to bus, atores, fahoola and church. nard. _ tered 72 degiaee. Since they Arrived Robert M. Alexander. Tel. Ml. Select Oak Flooring CAPE COD, Ranch and, coloniai of broke off talks with the North Ko- They are not officers but both letter saying “wa think McCarthy start looking to you for handling BAYS TOUR chlld’a portrait taken aonaUe. Phone MI. 9-1490. chester Ml. 0-8878. Shown By Appqtotment Only reaa and' Chinese Communist rap- The bearers were George MaUon, it has been a continual “warm wel-' are musicians. Peter is. or was, at iMMBa by an axparlancad pbo> 9-7714. N-O-F-MA ...... per M 8219.00 Machinery and Tools 52 an price and else need. For a We alsq have many other fine ought to be bumped off and this is and directions. He may get to dis­ About Town Help Waatd^MsIt 3$ reeentatives then, claiming ihey Lawrence MaUon, Richard Moonan, come,” culminating in a publid re­ a railroad man. He plays the a good time to do it" topr^lMr, Oril BUta Studio. ML We Carry A Complete Um Of quick sale call Gaston Realty, NEAR BENTON 8T. and location I homes from 98JK)b\to $41,000. Russell Moonan, Ray Moonan, and ception Saturday niidit at the SalVA- like bird work and even get to VSW PRE-engineered garage. No WE 'BUY-SeU-Tfsde-Rent power Broker. MI. 94791, Ml. 9-8638. had falsely accused the United tenor horn and Mrs. Stevenson, a Chief Itupector Albert E. Du blinking his birds, prefenrhig to Auto Repairinf— Psintinfi 7 Building Materials of new high echool, six rooms Phona >• anytime far information SUtea of -p ertta y." StepbOn Lesiecskq.- Burial was in tion Army Citadel, in .oonnecUdo trombone. They also sing, and A meeting o f X l Gamma ChaiIhapiar down payment, five years to pay. WANTED mowers, chain sawk, tiUers. gar­ I and kppointmonta. with the Saturday evening concert, Bois sZid he thought the letter was run around or leave them rather of Beta Sigma Phi aorority w’ l ^ Built to yom specifications. 90- den ’ractora, outboards, jxiwfr complete, front dormera, fire­ He vowed he would not resume St. Bridget’s CemeUry, after being introduced to the gath­ the work o f a “crack^t." How­ First clam toohnakera. and ma- place, corner cupboard' in dining at which Ool. P. L. DeBevoise, of than be reprimanded far oasoclat- held tomorrow night at 8 o’doek year warrantee. Pay .as UtUe as NATIONAL tools. Terms arranged. 4>r4tol 83800 DOWN, 8 room ranch, radiant the discussions until th6 Reds ering Saturday night, sang a duet ever. Du Bois ordered a special ing with toeib. Row will yob ever chiniste, 68 hour week. Company heat, garage. Phone Adame 9-5187. room, good closet space, plastic E. & E. r e a l t y CO. apologized. New York City. waa chairman and at the home of Mrs. Henry Mat- CAR BURN OIL? I4.S0 a week. By American Home BUILDERS SUPPLIES Equipment Co., 38 Mam Street 310 Main street "1 Am Happy In Him”, with Miu guard as a safety measure. know when your dog has begun to son, 381 Spruce St. paid Group and Retirement plan. tile, bath, large kitchen, steam oil Dulles undoubtedly will be asked principal speaker. Edith Pickup playing the piano ac­ TBB PROSPBCr HIU flcbool for Devel^ment Corp. For esUmate. Only Snt clam men need apply. MI-9-6297 or MI-S-yMSO Major John Pickup even ah- McCarthy was to arrive from run where he knows that birds MI. 9-8079. , 430 Davenport Avenue SEVEN ROOM Ooloniel Cape Cod. heat. Hot Point electric hot water by legislators to/shed 'some light companiment* TTew York shortly before to# (1 young children. Transportation ABA TOOL and DIE CO.. Inc. New Raven, Conn. heater, laundry tubs, brass plumb­ Household Hints nounced the welcome to the Steven- are not, instead of where be boM A cor driven by John J. Lucas, raraUhad. Mrs. Lain lybinr, dtrao* Economy overhsul, most sD Musical Inxtniinrats 53 10 miles from Manchester. Two- on Dean’s future status, especially At\he social which'followed tn p.' m.) luncheon. they are? . 1396 Tidland Turnpika car garage, breeseway, screen ing, screens, storm windows, im­ MANCHESTER—See and compare! SOM on hie eignboard at the Cita­ 86, of 886 Porker St», struck a tor. Phone MXtcbdl M767. cars. PMls and labor $49.95. Tel. srate 7-3697 \ In view of published reports that the loiVer hall, all present shook Wbat the Judges really pafked cte on N. Mala.8traet near Roofing-—insiBt It MUSIC Iretrumental rental. Com­ and storm windows. Bath up, lava­ mediate occupancy. Excellent con­ Five room ranch, featurea, hot the ambeaeador la to be dropped del. No money down. $4.90 month­ plete line pf inetrumenta. Rental MaJ. and ^rs. Pickup met the hands with the couple a ^ wished TONY TURNS UP Bsa’t that Jack’s dog \« Main about 10 p.m. Saturday, po- MRS. SOPPL raiular and adviaer. WANTED—Spare time salesman, tory down. Living room 15 x 37 dition. Price $13,800. Escott Agen­ water heat, fireplace, ceramic tile from his Job as denuty to the eec- For complete relaxation, bathe , New York. Feb. 33 —Ao- ly.. AU work, guaranteed. FOR THE BEST in Bonded built applied to purchase. price. Rep. cy, licensed broker, 288 High S t, bath, three bedrooms, ameeite in a tub scented with pine. To couple in New York on the 16Ui. them , happiness'in their-new home. weU broken, bat that ia lice reportecl today, Patreimaa AB waloeiBa. m Fraiddin Ava., with abiUty to sett an antircly new with fireplace. Lot 100 x 400. This fStery at the fuH-fiedged peace toony (Tough Toqy) Anastaala, toe well, he had WllUom J. Cooke said tha-oocidoBt aeroaa from the Art theater. For up roofs, shingle roofs, gutters, .household appliance, that la a DiSBHWdS W stdiSft— resenting Olds. Selmer, Bach, is'a beautiful home far 933,000.’ Wi, corner McKSe, MI. 9-7683. drive, extra large lot with garden conference. / stimulate circulation and refine They are not here far a visit, but The Stevensons on leaving Eng­ conductors and roof repairs call Padler and Bundy. Metter’a Music to make. Manchester their perma­ land were saddened.at parting with dock boss far whom polfae have natural style—taken the occurred when Lucas ml^udged Ms appointment can C B ^ mI SSTW. must in every home. Can maka up J e w e b r 4$ Gaston Realty, Broker. M l. 9-5781, apace, no development. - Price Although the Big Four Foreign the skin, on the other hand, a COLE MOTORS Coughlin. MitcheU 9-7707. ' Studio, 177 McKee. Ml. 8-7800, salt scrub with a body brush is nent home. their daufkter and three grand- been looking, dropped Into the his rnthnstasia lliiiltlii, BOt^ distance in pulling into a potklag to $300 a week for one that is not MI. 34688. MANCHESTER-Otf East Center $13,800. Phone Barbara Woods Ministers spent most of their time Union Street Stottea Hoase In place. The struck cor, pM LEONARD W. TOST, Jeweler, ro- St. Six rooms, oil heat, very nice Agency. MI. 9-7702. perfect. Mr. Stevenaoh and MaJ. Pickup chUdren. Nepdleas to say, they mat range oad ooBSlng ' to de-' cs n id . RAT’S ROOFINO Co. Built-up afraid to use hie qpare time. See debating the unsettled German and BrtMklya today oad ebattott pend . npoa . Jack tor to owned by WUUom L. Bryant, 86^ ZROOMB TAX prapared. ca n Dub 436 Center Steeet- — palra, adjusts watches oxparay.' PRE-WAR Six room Cape God, fenced in lot, amesite drive. were frtende In Preeton; England; are tevorably tmpressed-with Man­ dlfaetioa hi roofs, gutter work, roof, chimney No Overhead Brunner anytime, Wsnted—-To Buy 58 32 BOWERS ST.—Charming 8 room Austrian peae'e settiement prob­ far many' yeaig. Last summer, with police. It was revealed that Badlag birds which heI iraa bred to of 147 Main St. Damogt to both Moal^MLt-m. please phone first. MI.'- *94191, .RsasohaMe prices. Opew dauy. large eiiade trees, artistic atone $11,800, down payment $2,000, lm - lems, Dulles is expected to spend Legs need a little extra atten­ chester and the living conditions M L 9 t0 9 8 9 waila, j t o -davaiopmeot, oentraUy , polooial. baaentent garage.. J-aige^ white at the JiewfvHavcn Corps,.tlia. 35 detectives had been aBsigand locate, core totalled on estimated $160. No Rbckvme 'Road. T M isottville:^ GUNS; PlSTO l^, SHOtgUhS.^riflar mediate-r.v.occupancy.-. -Gotmlal,. mo6t Of hia nine ttming abourthe tion tturteg the winter.- A fter re­ ikare, with the obundaaca of every­ BOOVXR VACUUM cleaner sales ss?& sst& iF '^ located, ovoralu g u n g e, amesite livlilg room, fireplace, attractlra moving hair, aponge the legs with Pickup family visited England, thing; and like other prople from to find AiUstttelI, r e ^ it^ ton' The remedy: Taketoe dog afield 'oniert Fks-'ih'aae."'' ' any omditipn. Also sw pr^ dag- Georgian type, four bedrooms, ?‘tfyAgr*em«)t oJt toe 33-day meet­ Brooklyn kosa for .the. ladepea and aeavlee. I o Wamme AppMaace ,ML.. S4998..,,-.-...; YOUNG MAN far itock room. fiilt 4 riva , m a i^ axtiraa o ^ $13,900.- large ilvinY room; firepiate,' Tot' dining roam, modern Mtchen. ■Witch hazel and then mastege and they eviifaiHiy sold the idea of old woWtf countrfes,- amazed aa often os possibte and let - him Co., U Oak St ML MMS. gbro, arrow heade, i^ d e r horns, Carlton W. Hutebma, Mi, 94199, Master bedroom, twin aixe, tile ing, the Geneva Conference pet up locating here, to the Stevensons. dent Interaatioaal Leagohera- run os "big” as he wishes. Take MANCHESTER ROOFING and or part time, permanent. High etc.. CaU Stan,, weekdays after 8— 307’ deep. Near bus, school and to discuss Korean and Indochinese with your hand lotion. with the number of automobilea Foci and Food ^ 41-A bath upstairs. Screened side They secured them toe upper floor on the highwaye. mea’s Aasm ILA. the reina off him And let him swing Rea^ Uerald Advs. V1LB TOUR Incoine tax return in Asto Driving School 7-A Siding Company offers * winter echoed graduate; Apply in person. weekends all day. MI. 3-8717. stores. For quick ssle, 914,800. problems. ■x Mrs. Blow, Tote 'n Teens, Inc., Multiple homee, 4 and 4, 5 and 8, porch, G. E. heating system, dish- Nightly massage of cream into your own home. CaU ML M m FOR SAFE and Oouiteoua Auto prices—19% discount on all roof­ SEASONED Eb^darood for atovo, MANCHESTER—New raiudi, qual­ washer and disposal. Lovely park- The secretary^lans to fallow up ing and aiding. Free estimates. 936 Main St., Manchester. Broptoce or raniaseK dfil Leoo- WANTED—Good used piano, rea­ 8 and 8 rooms. Other properties in today's meeting by'reporting to-, toe area under the eyes wiU min- far appoiatmeat Driving Instruction with insured sonably priced. Phone CU. 8-5388 ity conietnicUon, oo devalopment, ‘Bolton, Coventry and Vernon. like yard. ' Excellent financing imlM. the wrinkles that farm Cali MI. 9-M99. — ard GigUo. ML 9-7Q89. large kitchen, three. bedrooms, available. Elva Tyler. Realtor, morrow to toe full House Foreign CORSirmT SERVigE. Trtxle dual control car call Lamoa Driy-. FOREIGN Employment construc­ after 8 p. m. ' Howard R. Hastinga Agency; there. Use toe .cushion of. one fin­ McCarthy to Quiz Stevens ing SdiooL Phooa Mitchell tion work. If interested in foreign fall ceUar. jiroodad lot, centndly MI. 9-4469. Affairs Committee In a dosed faundationa. Eiqiert corsetry aerv- ROOFING, Sidiiig and carpentry. anytime; Manchester, M l. 9-1107. door meeting. On WMnesdsJr he ger, working from the nose out­ S ^ 6 . projects with hi|h pay. write For- located. O i^ 919.300. Cariton W. ward. Do not stroke back toward ioe in your home. Alda R. Adams, Alterations and addlUons. Ceil­ HoosehoM Goods 51 Hutchins, Ml. 94U3, 94894. la to give a similar accounting to \ tt Doraat St ML 941M. ings. Workmanship guaranteed. eign Service Bureau, Box 2M, Rooms without • Board 59 EAST HARTFORD, Sunset Ridge the nose. Bjefore National Audience DRIVINQ Instmcttona from your Metuchen, N, J. area ffirst time on market) cus- Lots for Sale ,7 3 the Benatr Foreign Relations Com­ A. A. Dion, Inc., 9M Autumn Due to popular demand we are MANCHESTER GREEN - mittee. , -X DfCOME TAXES prqwred, audit­ boms. Dual-control tnaureo- car, extcndliy our sale. 20 to 30% dis­ NEWLY DECORATED, BeauUfaUy ton built 1081, - Two bedroom street MKcheO 3-4860. furniriied and spacious room. The bedroom ranch. Patio, garage^ 90’ MANCHESTER — Well located A- He is to give a nationmde 30 Well-shaped eyebrbwa lend dis­ ing and bookksdiMBg service. By standard or automatic. Call Man- count on aU furaltun and appU- ranch, largo living room with firo- tinction to one's face, Pluck stray (CoattenoA iron Pxge Oae) ebaatar OrtvUe AcaCamy.' PL Help Wanted most complete light housekeepiag landscaped lot, shade Uves/pnly xone lota with water and sewer. minute radio and televlelon roport mental questions Involved concern­ annfntmeat MI. 94911. ancca. 13.850 cash needed to a a e ^ a 4% placa and picture window, dining hairs daily to keep that clean look ing the right of the executive and \ S-79M, ToU traa. Roofing Male or Feasle 37 faciUUea available in UancJ|ieater. room, imusually large cabinet 90’ or 140’ frontage, good depth. to the nation Wednesday night Apparently thte was not consid- 14-A mortgage. Warren E. Hnwland, The Escott Agency, licensed brok­ <10 p. m. B iT ). and use k j^ cil to define the le^slative branches.*' nboM E TAX Service-lt yeaza^ CHAMBERS FURNITURE You will marvel at the cleanliness kitchen, ceramic tile bath, closed brow. dred necessary. BAUARDB DRIVINO 8CHOOL- ROOFINO—SpeciallxlBg to repair- EXPERIENCED Otoe clerk for At The Green of this building. Children accepted. Realtor. MI. 9-8800. 01^ A. R. er, Ml. 0-7683. In between these assignment^ Jackson said he planned to mqparience. For . appoinbnent stairway to attic, screened and check with Francis P. Carr, the write or caU Jn a^ A. Cheater, "Mancbaatar’a oldaat" Owner- mg roofs of all kinds. Also new chUdren’e shoes. Part or full time. MitcheU 84187 Central. Priced so • reaeonabie WUkle. Jr. ML ••4319 / glassed eight foot breeseway, 13 x Dulles plans to give a detailed re­ In his investigation of the CartlBad by AAA and Board of Apply in person. Mrs. Blow,Tots you’U gasp! Be sure and see this port to President Eisenhower after \ If your jawllne is bread, apply Peress case, McCarthy last week subcommittee’s chief of staff, and Broad Brook. TeL Windsor Locks, roota Gutter work. Chimneys Houn: 10 ta 6—7*40 to 8:30 P. M. SDC ROOM ranch, criO-car gisrage 23 attached garage, ameaite drive­ rbuge high on your cheeks 'and NAtiooal MTW. EducaUoB. Wa ottar training, ax- cleaned, repaired. 96 years* ex­ 'n Teens, Inc., 964 Main St., Man­ one. Mrs. Dorsey, 14* Arch St. Subarlmn for Sale ' 75 the Present returns from his request a transcript of the testi­ $15,800. Five room ritneh, tw o-car way. full basement, Ansc9 com- out Jtoward the Je*^Pl^. Bummond to a closed hearing in mony given by Zwicker. partanca,— ------tataat matboda. MRcbaU perience. Free eetlmatea. (Mil chester. CTOSmO OUT, 1969 Una of Victor blnsUon Screens and storm, semi Palm- SMnga, Calif., vacation on MMis freesen, U cu. ft. upright, reg. FOR RENT —Light housekeeping garage. $16,000. ^ room ranch NEWLY COMPLETED 6 room New York, Brig. Gen. Ralph W. "I am not going to pre-judge Howiey. Manchester Mitchell Btyle, two-cer iarags. 933,^. sir conditioned oil heat, 82 gallon Wednesday. X AutoMobOss for Suit 3-8361. UNUSUAL Opportunity for ri|^t list 1619.96. sale price 8883. 10 cu. room for lady or couple. Steam ranch home, near University of " Meanwhile Dean.said In a letter Baby blankets are now avail­ Zwfeker, commanding officer of anything,” he said. / 4 MQRTLOCK’S DRIVINQ.... S ch oot heated, continuous hot water. Tei. Gsktonr Realty. Broker.-M L .94791, Universal electric hot water, beat­ — Sea.-Mundt (R-SD), Ai'hb usu- man or womanto-boooiBO ReoMlk ft. chest type, tq r. Ust 1948.98, er, copper plumbliig. laundiy tube, Conn., tar road; school bus, fire­ made pubtfa tn New York over the' able with plastic rings or elaitlc CAAfp' 'XUmer. N . j ; , where P eran JTCm A GOOD uasd car or a aaw Indorsad taaebing method means branch aalee manager. Pay whUe ssle price, 9390. CeU MI. 9-4868. M l. 9-7788, After 8 p.m. caU MI. MI. 3-8638. ~ places, panelling, picture windcrlv, bands that attach firinly to the ally served -os acting Chairman of fewar .isssons. Dual control car. shingle exterior. Priced., under weekend that " ! am not now and was stationed. OMbmoWla with Rodtat m dns Renting— Ptaniinng 17 learning. Pine future In nationaUy- -94909. - . • The imipediate occupancy, or will never have been in favor of admtt- sides of the crib, thus eliminating toe subcommittee when McCarthy - -easnmW-Tai rWHitew.- ■r-ttwrish aa ,akUled,..caurtooua .lnatnictor.. U- .IS^ECDEtoMiCit, ..Vacuum, -..cleaner, the-"age-ora*, worry *~of-baby ■got-' -^Jtorwajda McCarthy,, who .coa- ■n cMMOBU-wnvm ^<10411 known, growing.,bustHean-vIi-yee tow rtwnu.wHIarbath down, many licensed oroker. ttl, ^7688. 'trade for-etty property; 'Box- -er,- t m r CbfiiA "{K to W ■is' absent, -said' he'hos recetved no -httrlTT Motor - Salas. -MBohaU cenae includsd. No falluraa..^ML GUARANTEED Ptumhlng and hnva. ambition, enargy,. ciaan ree- HSed.aix mes Custom ma^«. Re-up- , !S. cetamic tile bath, hot Persons such as Dean, Welker Keep a wostfpaper basket in the "not familiar, with the precedents’’ .SUofttioiMi WftBtcd-r SINGLE ROOM, private home, rater-oll heat, garage, amesite ments, poultry housed tar road washroom far quick disposal of. ing everything be could.” .. under which Stevens might ih- 1960 CHEVROLl^r Phrdor, radio, 04844. hristering. Beautiful fabrics, only $10,800),. Ustings always said, are questioning policy to­ BosiiicsB Services Offered 13 Female 38 prints, a&lpes, aoUds. Chipertly ahower, parking space. Tel. MI. 'driveway. Screens, storm win­ ward Red .(^ina and "In a roimd- used razor blades and broken bot­ Me Carthy subsequently sum­ struct officers to refuse to com­ heater, excellent throughout IMng 9-4081. - dows. XbcceUent condition. Price needed, Welles Agency, Coventnr. tles. This'will minimise the threat moned Zwicker and Maj. Gen. WO- ply with supoenaa. your osm mechanic. R's a bargain EXPEUUENCSS) Woman for baby­ finlahed; 88 down. 83 weekly, Tel. Pt; 34873. \ about way are chanting the siren QUARANTEEOi Top quality tala- Moving—Tracking- balance one year to pay. Call 918,300. The Escott Agency, li­ song of collaboration.. of cut fingers. liam Bergin. Army adjutant gen­ Sen.'Me Clellsn (D-Ark) said at MM. O ou g te Motors, 999 Main. viaioa aarvlce. Caua recafired ba- sitting in afternoons or evenings. /■ censed broker, 399 High 8t., W., eral. to a hearing. he Is not at all sure that Stevens Storage 20 CaU MI. 8-8896. JAckaon 3-7T6o or JAckson 44184. COVENTRY, On Route 44-A, five ~ Dean said he was doing nothing foro 9 p.m. will bo aorvlcod aarao Out of town roverae charges. ROOM WITH twin beds far corner McKee. MI. 9-7683. T h e homemaker carries thrift Then - Stevons stepped In, for­ has any authority to Instruct sub­ 19M FORD Custom tudor, beauti- genUemen. MI. 8-7740. / room ranch* toree bedrooms, large o f the kind.. fut abaohitely beautiful conditloa night ML 9-1947. ^ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Oa. closed-in braeseway, aluminum too ter when she overlooks quXl- bidding their appearance ohd ordinates to refute to obey a sub- TWO-FAMILT Flat—4 and 6 . $98 In evwy reqiect Just MM fUU local and long diatanca moving, D og»—B ird s— Pets /41 MUST SELL 3 ROOMS WE BUY storm windows' and dobra, garage, ity. • charging that Zwicker “suffered poena.but that "the question of ^ ice positively. Douidas Motors, WIRQjQ INSTALLATION df aU pacLms. storage. Call Mitchell monthly Income. Price reduced to Entire or Partial Estates humiliating treatment" when car­ whether the., executive branch can typaa. No Job too amaU. Pater OF FURNITURE Apartments— Fla $11,000 far quick axle.' Immediate amesite driveway. Lot 100 x 200. 84187. Hartford 6-1428. CANARIES, OUARANTEED/aliM- Call owner between 4 and 7 p.m; ) Slipping throw rugs are acci­ rying out toe orders of his super­ tfell its people not to reveal certain Pantaluk. 40 Foatar straat PboBe ars, aU colors, also ft CREDIT MANAGER . Tenements occupancy. CaU ACB Realty' Co. Antiques, China. Glass iors. „ information to toe. legislative M l. 0-2393. PI. 2-7807. Obituary dent hazards. A nonakid floor wax 19M FORD CUSTOM tudor, radio, .M itebeU 6-7S08. MANCHESTER— ackage Deliv- MI. 9-0426. '* would Uke to contact reliable party Compiele Households will prevent rugs from sUpping. McCarthy told in New York, branch is an; old question.” heater. Beautiful tim noa S a il' ary. Local , light truc£ng and who would like to take over small Stevons is a loyal man, but appar­ Mew sUp covers. Runs like an HAROLD ft TONa Rubbtan ra- package delivery. Refrigerators, THE NEW MANCHBS!!^ Pet FOUR ROOM apartment, heat and TEN. MINUTES from Center — Storaxe I-ota Store Sfock ently is being made m dupe by hold­ weakly payments- on 3 roonu of hot water. Write Box O, Heral^^ Three bedroom ranch, 8% years Waiited—Real Estafe 77 Nylon brushes are good far Douglas M oton, 999 M a O t movai, also oaiian claaaau. Call . waahen and stove moving a Center, 996 Main St., ylavites you furniturs. Including a complete Hy­ Call Anytime overs from the previous adminis­ MItebaU 9-40M. to visit pets of aU kinda. Con- md. Attractive living room, fire­ brushing up the nap of corduroy specialty. ML 9476L ing room, complete bedroom and READY BUYEUIS waiting. For im- Deaths clothes and knitted garments. tration." necUcut bred Pazikeets. MI. place, picture window. Laundry The Senator sold he had ordered COMPLETE Rapalra by Stuart R. completa kitchen. Owner moving Business LocatioBS^ room off kitchen. Tile bath with ROBERT M. REie e SON medtate action list your p rop el and ^ ’/ NO Moirahr DOWN 9-4278. Hours MtX)eriala in ed. Nice yard. OU hot air .heat generous sprinkling of grated e n ^ ,. Keystone Decorators. MI. ed 679 a'month. Cali Warren E. Combination screen and storm Henry strMt. chester. f. complaints that development of un­ nut did George Wa BgtoB Carver 'V • proximately ,|S*B0 per week E I'for coming needs. Braltb- atoOk. KeUy's Aquarium, M Sun­ RUGS! RUGSI RUGS! FOR Parmesan or chedder cheese. Heat •waite. 69 Pearl street set St. ML 8-8706. Howland, Realtor, Ml. 8-8600 or A. windows, aose to center. Price BOsidea her husband, she leaves in a moderate oven, putting the favorable tecta constitutes abuse of discover 7 / R. WUkle, J r.. Ml. 9-4889. 111,780, Gaston Reslty-Broker. MI. CONSIDERING SELLING one son, Charles J. Klabosh, and the witness." A —Over 300. . ISM Dodge Seda^Approximate- PAlNTOfO AND Paperhanging. MILL ENDS AND YOUR PROPsamr dish under the broiler for a - sec- He added, in a statement: ly HSO per week. COMPLETE Hand and power lawn 04781, MI. 94888. . SKILLED one dzughter, Mias Jennie Klabosh,' ond-if necessary-to brown the top,. mower soles servlca. Motora Satlafaction guaranteed. 38 years’ Live Stock—Vehicln 42 FACTORY^^ECONDS SBQOND FLOOR, 2400 aq. ft., Without -obllgatibn to pou, wt both of Manchester. y , Is Arm y Supreme experience/ Orders______taken for out- u m ty .Igfat, two lavptoriea. three appraise or moke you a cash ’The Issue raised by Mr. Stevens Qi-Does Ute pint in the United IStt Pootlac Sedan — A tuned and overhauled. Pickup and OPPfHtTUNlTT Knqtdu, six fin­ /; MEN Funeral services wiU be held kitchen .srlthmetic; A head of States differ/from that la Orest m ately |LSB par daUvary aarvlca. CUbsoo’a Garage. side work now. Call Raymond WE BUY COW, calyea and beat BUY NOW AND SAVE- front rooms, suitable U!ght rnanu- ished room s in WaddeU School offer far propel ty. See us bofora Wednesday morning at 8:30 from is wbether the Army |s suprema. Truedeau. MI. 0-1614. cattle. Alao horses. Piela Bros. facturing, large office baUs M>ply yott.^MiL ^ — caulfflower that weighs about' two- B ritoia r ML 94019. - section, full baaenfont.-oU heat, the Leclerc Funeral Home, 23 and-one-holf pounds will se^e Bve over the Congraes, lOver govern­ ./ ISM Packard, Tudor — Approxi- Tel. M l. 8-7406, , r X IF Oriental Pattern. Reg. Backer, 86 Oak. aluminum ecraena and dbors, rear ; b r a e - b u r n r b a l Vy ■ ment agencies .and toe American A—In the United States, It con jftji »■ I 'lyiiniu.i ■: • TOOL DESIGNERS Main St,. foUowed by a kolemn tains ,16. Bjild-ounces: in Great Brin Bmtoly-|t»7» per-woelfc EUkn^vtram,..ji ^ 11,1111,^, ,—^T~i'rr - ..-889.0O-.ftalevfT84ft'. -porch;' amesite' drive; aU in-thw lPlMIM':'MIteta)l‘ '8-6378-'-=-' rtqtoTOL.-'MiMs Ih . S t. m oicV M people; antf'conr teijtly, zptohU' diet- furattara a apadalty, chairs caned ■'jBOtt R O i T , - 9 -'S tain, in contains 20 Bold ounces. . CentraUy located on Main condition. 913,800, Madeline Smith, • DBTA1LERS Church at 9 o'clock. Burial wHl be tatoridl immunity in covering up »Bd AnapB F. Thorp PAPER HANGING Articles for Sale 45 9’ X IF Block Pattern Axmlnster. R faltor, M l. 9-1643, H i. 9-1146.. IF r e a d y to buy, a«U, e; ctaonge Be tore to use chicken or turkey its own wrongdoings. * Reg. 869.00—Sale 846.00. SL, near Post Office. Plenty m >e^ eotate. mortgages arranged. to St. Bridget’s Cemetery. giblets, from frozen poultiy, with­ In ayffry ph«s« c f our eemtnunity'i ifft and.ftcfjviffffs .your ll^XJItE AUTO to. Pbooe kqtcheli 94IM. .DESIGNERS The funeral home wUl b o opes "An illustration «Y'this tover up hlgfc are the towers of ROYAL AND'Bm itlM lDraM port*, pariting apace. 'O eiitee Srmiiilw ?7BW 6 ROOM colonial. Oil hot C-Tzult H o w a r d ^ H- .tln|:z. in twenty^dCir hours after thaw- . TaiaBhoM.Mztehdi e am - ,x JOUij M. McCANN a ^ . and Btaaitard tnw"rnt«a; Beatty Co.^ 470 Main St. Cattlio.^ tee.jtoe.eQnveniance of.frienda tor. '^•^.tittoment undte ooto by on OokleA Goto Bridget homitown ft*w8p«p«r pUiyf on •ctiva rol«. Tlio oowg coluimif MANCHESTER ' T- V. Service, water heat, tUa bathroom. Fire­ Agsiwy. MItettrtf 9-iW . *, big-them. ‘r'-' ■ Seven hundred farty-slx . radio and T.V. q^adaUsta alBca 30 Laural Streer AU makea of adding machinea 9-8329. • TOOL find DIE MAKERS lorrqw from 2 to 4 and ftom 7 to officer involved that If he told the place. Clofe to schod. ' Pric8 p. m. truth and gave the facts ab^t faet^ equal to the height of a 65- 193t. Housk aaiv1c-e C9l* IJ.&i sold or rented, ftepalra ow att FOR QUICK Soles of ranch; co­ IS Taking one ’ hour for manicur­ bring tha world to your doorstaps; kaftping you wtll-informad tSMlORCURT Sedan. Lustrous Tel. MI-3-7388 or Ml-3-6738 makes. Marlow’s. F X IF Green Twist, Wool. Reg, 916,800. Gaston Realty, Broker. • MECHANICAL to* treatment of thU fifth amend­ story building. bhio. An original exceptionaUy , MItebay 946H day Or idiht MI. 0-5731; M l. 9-8688. lonial; Cape Cod or mulU-famUy ing your noils will almost insure 818949-Sale 889.00. Suburban for Rent 66 homes. Contact ACB Realty Co. Wililaoi A. Popple ment Communist, he himself would dean car throughout. Has to be BAILEY’S Antique Shop, 889 Main • TOOL and GAUGE your manicure lasting a full be court martialed by toe Army,” on world hopponings . . . as woll •$ « compUto roport on seen to be appreciated. See it to- POWER BURNERS and Range PAINTING, Exterior and interior, 9' X 13’ Beige Axminster. Reg. MODERN 4-RCiOM -home, cabinet Mortgage arranged. CaU MI. WilHam A. Popple, 55 Wells St, week. / jO—Did Joha Quincy Adame hold Bfarnera expertly cleaned and paperban^ng. GeiUnga refiniah- atraet MitcheU 8-8009. Moderately FOUR ROOM Apartment, adulth, ' INSPECTORS 9-2892. . . died at Mancheater Memorial Hoa- Members of McCarthy’s subcom­ 'u public office after his term as ^ M Center Motor Seles. Ml priced Items m china, glaba. Un- 81M.0O—Sale 864.00. references. Write Box 1, Herald, 1 kitchen, plastered walls, oU burn­ M ain S t aarvtoed. Let ns atfvice and re­ ed. Wall paper books on raqueat. er, fiUl ceUar, near bus, school, pital this morning after a abort mittee displayed mixed resctl P ru d e n t o f the United States? local avants. ware. pewtar and furnttura. Martlet St., RockvUle. CASH WATTING fa r any type real No one con develop a beautiful to Stevens’ stand, .which appareni pair your washing niachina or ta- Eeumates ^ven. Fully ineured. 9* 'x. 8F Gray Ripple Weave. Reg. shopping center. Only 98.8Q0. Cari- • GAUGE MAKERS Mlneas. j face but olnrast any girl can A—Yes. He served in the Hbuso, 1961 F O lio cisMom coovertilte frlgarator. Matro Service. Mitch­ Call Edward R. Price. MItebeU 8 180.09-8ale 8129.00. ' ton W. Hutchins. MI. 941934-4894 esUto you have to oeU. First and Born ih WilUngton, he hid been ly was token after coosideraMe of Representatives from 1831 to 9-lOOL ALMOST NEW 80«aUon Frigidalra ■econd morigoge money available. achieve beautiful carriage and a consultation within the executive cylinder. Beautiful black finish. eU 9-0S8S. electric automaUc hot water heat­ Wanted to Rent 68 • PRECISION GRINDERS a resident of Manchester far many lovely voice- two major charm 1848. , ’ . red teaUier upbolatoiy, radio, heat- IF X 16’ Gray Floral. Reg. 8236.00 913,000 BUYS eight room home on Also listings wonted. CoU The years. Prior to his raUrsment lost deportment. A Defense Depart’ Your homatewn nawspoptr previdas aducatian, informotioin er. Low price far immediate-sale. iaigo lot,'steam oil furnace. Near Johnson Itoillding Company, '969 assets. ment spokesman said Stove: ki^ w , signal lights, very low aUlMge OONDER’8 T.V. Sarvlca, availaMa PAINTING and Phone MI. 9-2349 after 9. - —Sale 8196.00. TELEPHONE Co. employee needs • SHEET METAL June, he was employed as a care­ Q—What Is sigalBcant oboat A beautiful one owner car. She it. •JUT tlma. Antanna conversions. 4 or 8 raOm unfurnished apart- bus, chutebsB and stores. Made- M ato 8L ML 8-7426. Evenings ML ferred with Secretary of Defense p a p e r h a n g in g 19’ X 16’ 6" Gray WUton. Reg. . MECHANICS . ^ 9-0018. taker at the Kingswood School; When applying hand cream, Mount KaUbdia in Molaet and antprtainmant for overy mambar of your family. Through Philco factory, aimervlaod aervioa. STEAM- OR HOT water boUer abd ' ment. MI. 9-8688. Une Smith, Realtor, MI. 0-1943 or West Hartford. . Wilson and Deputy, Secretary Tel. ML 9-1488. ^ ^ FLOOR SANDING . 8281.00— Sale 8216.00. - - MI; 9-1146. use a massage motion. It will R oger M. Ky*a before Isouing his A—It iu ton first point of load Jtt MataS" oil burner unU, Jn goodt operating • JIG,BORERS He leaves two listers. Miss help to keep veins from becom­ in the United States to catch the and REFINISHING condition. Low jr ic a for Immedi­ UANCHESTEH vicinity, five or six Martha Popple and Mrs. Annla statement and also that/tiM mat­ our pagas, you laarn of tha fino mtrehandita . . . tha valua* 1M 6TO RD Tudor. Real aoUd car. f u r n a c e s Vacuum cleaned, ou 12* X 21’ Green Time-on-Tone. Reg. room unfurnisbed rent: ChUdren, ing prominent. ter hod been talked mer with rays of the rising sun. ate removal. Fbone MI. 9-9949 8834.00— Sale 8168.00. • EXPERIMENTAL Whitehouse, and two nieces and Good motor, good Uraa. Praatone burners serviced. For eimert and GILBERT FICKETT after 8 p.m . ages four and eight. WUi radecor- member* of Preaidant' Eisenhow-, wilt pricat availabla at our local storas. Raad YOUR local MACHINISTS two nephews ih Hartford.' Short hair is not a must for Maka an c|ffer. ML prompt aarvlca caU Boo Cart­ IF X 18’ Beige WUton. Reg. 8179.00 ate and ca re-fa r grounds, WUll- er’a staff. He sold. Mwever. he Q—Hew leog wenld .lt take oa wright URchaU 94446. MI-3-6982 mantic, HA. 3-4938 coBect, H ie funeral o f Mr. Popple wlU be every woman. If your Taca is DELTA-DE WALT power tools and —Bale 8127:00. News Tidbits held at the W. P. Quish Ftineral did not know whether Stovons’ in­ airplane to By to tha omob at thh papar ragularly . . . ba an activa citizan. accaasories. Salas, sanrioa, damoo- LOOKING FOR large, if you ara quite toU or if rate of 800 milea per bour t ALL KINDS of aatmma worit. Call WANTEID TO Rent, furnished cot­ Apply Home, 225 Main St, gt .a time to tention to iaaue a statement hod Owvrolata, Courses and Classes 27 atratton. Terms arraivfad. (Mpitol IF X 11’ 3” Green Heavy Twist. Culled from AP Wires your hairline is poor in the back, been brought directly to tof Presi­ A—-Thuly-threa days. .jSSf* *®®4 tranqwrtatloo, Art Plnoay, TV Antenna Spacial- Eqoipmant Co.. 88 Mam St tage,-Bolton Lake. Write Box K, b# latte announced. wear your hair covering your let, Salas and Sarvlca. Vary fair Reg. 8196.0(k-8ale 8149.60. H er^d. dent’s attention. . onahla us to ac< R^IO-ELECTRONICS- Television OFFICE SPACE Employment Office nqck. Among the subcommittee mem­ Motors, 989 prtcaa. T a t ML 9-4779. <)—Ta whom was the term ,84rvlctng. "Learn 1^ Doing’’ at 12’ X 18’ 3’.’ Gray Wool Twist Reg. Communist China puts its stomp bers, Sen. Potter (R-Micta) defend* "eagtneer” orlginaUy applied? For toe BEST buy la 8213.00— Sale 8149.00. Saturdays If your eyelaabes are long and ^Bsl truck 1948, ANTIQUES Reflniehed. Repairing ConnecUcut’e ; Oldest Electronics VENETIAN BIJD7DS rt approval on Big Four decision od Stevens’ reply to McCarthy’s Q—To any person who produced Sdiool. EnroU now for spring IN A 100% 8 A. M. to 12 Noon to hold Asian Peace Conference at. Funerals black, mascara can otill enhance domnnd -for too officers’ appear­ ’ racks. Good condition. JS?*- furniture. iCman, / CaU M1-S-48S6 Plus many others to choose from. their beauty. Just apply a bit military w esj^a of defenses- WvBta owner. Tel. IM South Main St Phona ML term. Ehrening clem staking SEPTIO TANKS; Weekdays Geneva starting April 28 and says ance as "perfectly proper.'^ • 1 / March lOth; diay clam starting /FINDELL MFQ. CO. ' AU ar4 subject,to prior.sale and AND Pxrley should eos*.. world tension,. ^ J I , ...... to toe Ups, which are tbinnar 486 East Middle Tnmpika sold "as is.” , 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Potter also aatd, oo an NBC rt;. , March 18, 1984. CaU Hartford LOCATION? - . . Arthur Go^rey’s physiclsn Dolaree O. Crsteoa and lighter than toe rest Rodlo-TV show yesterday, he does f^W hy wen'the Nuremberg WEBB’S TV - 17 Mapla St., M par CHapel 7-1880, or write for full in- , Alao Raoonditloiitlu •oys famous ra

i • A' '■ I : < . el ' ? ? '1 - ''(■ ■ /.-i ' ■ .. A* •Ai • ■ ■V, ' _ ' , ./> • ; U.}- /■ r ■ { -s' / , ■!, V r' - - * )».' 'I- J ... fr.. \: v - ; -■^ -■ ■■• ’ ■ '■ ' 1 ■ . . '■ gfS lj'j.T - ;?i,- v'^ -I . ^ ■ . ”*■.*4 t i -'M. ^ :. *1»NDAY, FEBRUARY 22, Wsi ii a m ^ in & g r k v “ ’ • - y A - ‘-•■■n- >w7- -psiWAW^-ii-.rr •• A'r- ...... I g r a l f t • S V V >. \ AvbrHTff D bI ^ Net Preas R«n 'ihiiM , ...... v ' ■ ■ . _ faafc-^ w w ip tiir. ttiiy' "ItSt SiSSsasafasssesi htrill rasH a atatsri com- Ma oommeatator, trill apebk on help to' damsgs the nervous ays- wh^eoomenem of Uvlng. When ^Ctu^s on '‘Fashion Treads for Spri^, itdi.” tenu of ehlkh^ as yet unborn. lit -libsrf trill when the Women's Club d Man* Jeeua Christ has captured our 11,136 O a A lcohol and >“Drink bedemea mUsd with hearts, and . becomes our standard BANISH -UNWANTED HAIR FORKVBB H-' Vat M lotrint Chester meets tonicht at • o ’clock crima la which othsra are hurt. Member' of tiw Audit Uw fWQitss'. riMstlaff. thO Itov. in Luther BaU, Epiahuel Imtheraa Of motHrs and action, than ws shall Bureau of araulstione The cpncluaiM eg n survey of the strike for purit;’ of heart, remem­ Why. let WMlghtly .hair eS your faoo veil , u w F n ey Snith trill civs sa addrsss Church. Duty ofdiu rch drinking ia^Waildngtsn. bering that It 'is t)te pure who ‘shall ghiw goad Weim. Let nw free yon of Nda 3. on a subfsct o f Intsrsst to all Ma* Mancho$$^r-^A City o / l VUlago Charm D. C.. paar sQRuaer 'Tnvsnled see Go<^';\^- -■ ~ soslal hsnriean Mrever. My m e£ally an. f4\it sona Worthtpful Mastsr, John L. Sons trera;4>o(n at the Hartford ^ nay war on crimodn that city mm Voa Dock, sxtoads a oorOal tnvl* Hospital on Fbb. IS and Feb if, re- *To minister rodemptimly. to ptovod ntethed la eale, permaaeat aad VOL. LXXIII, NO. 122 twist also Iw a hauls against alco- MBDT TtH ipU fm mOHT net mar the ahta. (Ctoeetlted Adverttalag en Png* ifi) tatlon to. all Mastsr Masons to at* RMctivbly to Mr, and Mrs. Joeeph. pemons bodnd by Stains l onged hX holl" MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1954 '.||4|^ ttMA iBsalaakl 44 Saultera R d„ and to ------. (TWELVE PAte^) piitcg tsad and hoar this (tao spsakor. At alcoholism, the <|9irUtla|i Chjwcir Fhmlly. ths Ray. llr . Post point- Memorial Tempie, Pythian gla^ m A r Y C. WAiDi R.N. - .muTirn ths7 oonetuston of tho BMSUns Mr. aftd Mrs. Albert L. Falco, 70 ad out that the drinker puahM shut il«ito»N«law LanoK St. A .daughter was bom must be a sympatheUo feliehrahip ters, will meet at g t>.m. tomorrow Celrtlfled Bleefreloglat thoia trill bo a social hour and ro* Mtere the words of tha Apostle tke door of his heart, thgt he and Ui Odd-'Fellowa Han. The offteeira froshments. - ^ _ there on Feb. i f to Mr. and Mrs. klf Ctod'may not have communion. m MAIN BTRBBTv, . Tt|,. MI-»-2d|7 Franklin M. Lister. l(tt Melalne Rd,i Psul are translated ^ o aetkm: and degfee staff are roqussted to ‘Bear one another’s buidmu, and so *Ths drinker who- aaesthetiasa T/ear thslr white-drtasss for the in- . An Worl( By ApjehUminj . « • Power Go. Miaatoaomoh Tribo M. lOHM. fulfUl t ^ in wef Christ’," tbs Hsv. hia ODd-^g|m powers of thought lUaUon cercraeay. A sociel hour Fras Itrtnr**- ^ ii«rth win nwst tonicht iy Ttakor Hall, The Past Ghiaf Daughters of Jbha K. Pad. mipatsr of thd North and wilL^ alcohoL is unable to With refteriimenU wU foUbw. • wyi hav* M Its at t o’clock, to m'ako airaago* Helen Davidson Lodge, Na IS, • S'} tomoTTOir St meats t w the coming criebration DaughUrs of Scotia. aW hold i \ Opens Plea tbs amtth ICstb- o f the 42nd anaivonary of tho or* meetiag tomorrow night . at S Lt. Riker Witnaili Ofobikii-Hka caaisatkn. th e svoht trill be' o’clock at the home of Mrs. Looter Wolcott, m Mala St, fM t i t N «rtt Usth- stafod at the CSardea Oreve, March gathered ' ta ^ths ebuircb For Boosts trill iBsak Skid Row. ; sand residential customers. ThoMary Cushman group of the There sro Tp, Blodgett. Ths prsnchsr'Commsatsd upon fenses in connection with the Lt. (jg) AiuireWL. l^er, s a v e t o the tacraaae la liqiKir taxea since Such an increase. If gmnted. rtpooL disposal of surplus ships from would be the first in the company’s ni, Manchester’s oftly r«- Tho Manchester Republican ‘Ten^bilUon doUers."' he said, World War II. history, Barney said. It would add g itriated pristmlr of the Women’s Club will follow a lunch- Among the individual were for­ about 10 per cent or one and one- crean War, was called as a . Wednesday at 12:30 p. m.’ at “was received into the federal trsssury in 1W2 as compared to mer Rep. Joseph Casey (D-Mssa). half million dollars to the firm’s witness today in the Washing­ the TMCA, with a “poltical work­ two billion doUnrs in liqfior twees Ths Indictments, Brownell said, annual income. shop" in charge of Mra John Rott- were voted by n gmnd jury here Homes in Manchester, the Fafm- ton hearing on the conduct E L K m m m in 1M4.' Marine Col. Frank Schwable. aer, proaideat; Mra Robert Mc­ “Howevsr, ths fact which has last April 23, but were kept eesled ington Valley and the Torrington Intosh. Mra Victor Johnson and until the government reached the area would be affected along with: RIker, who formerly limd at 680 Mra WUHam H. Stuck. Former not bean brought out to that for Spring St, told a 4-amftti1buBal every g l received, about IS are .conclusion that some of the defen­ Middletpw’n, New London, Stam­ Secretary of State Frances Burke dants, living abroad, are unlikely ford, Darien, Thomaston, Canaan he was brought to hlir'Srit's end" SHEAR S SCISSORS paid out to pay for the tshgible by incfssant COmrauiot efforts to Redick will bo the prlncij^ speak­ costa of increased drinking! Amer­ ever to return to the United and Salisbury areas. er. Local members are urged to States, WaUng to be heard lb opposi- force a germ wanam rnnfnolnn ican families qpend eufftcleat mon­ from him whitohe was hold cat>- attend the meeting, whether ora ot ey oh liquor each year to provide The indictments announced to­ tlon were officials of several of they , plan to be present...at the day, which am a part of a series these communities, with Torring­ Uve by the^Ms. geod for 24.000,000 hungry -chtt- Ohro la. luacbeoh. dron the world over.« * of such indictments, named Casey PWl Bum m of Trinktod. Cols,, g r lu as be balds » tetovislaa set ton and Stamford having the SMular $I .4S^ J for a eecond time during the ser­ be wrehaaed far $M at ttie Mg Waohlagtan’s Birthday sale-aa an­ largest lepresentation. The CTO p e s p ^ the intense proosurt, The Rev. Mr. Poet d e cle s o A ^ t Rlker riaid he didn't confess; 92.25 voluM ^ the Chutoh must-take a pomtive ies. The ex-lawmaker, named nual feature af Washington’s celebration of tip; drrnt presldent’o Wrtb- was also gathering evidence to Casey for a second time during the dmy. Other bargain bnniem wnit In line to get Into on nlrendy cus­ use in fighting the proposal. lie in Mancheotor last Sop-, stand. “The Christian Church." he bee after his release too jr. lea The ex-lai^aker, who once tomer-jammed store. Phil said he got la Une too tote—g'.S0 a. m.__ Mayor William T. Carroll, for­ aaeertsd, "dnro hot. fatter in its . A RIker was reticent when stand nor dam it give tacit aa- headed, a group alleged to have to get a reany cbeap oel.“ (AP Wfmpboto). mer State Lt. Governor led the made immense profits in sunlus talking with reporters about hia aont .to those, yiariioes wUeh ■. tn- ’^®*T!»‘i:ton delegation of. about 10 'Captivity.. -...... dtrectiy encoumge the conaump- Ship tfahi^en, w u aM con- person;^ He told newsmen prior tkwt of b everegi dlcOlMd. - sptracy to breach a nurebaae oon- to the opening of thC'hearing that tod ^ buwomr, titoct with the govern ment by Bales his adihinlstratibh would put Its to toe inquiry centering on “ The tragedy Of maiQr a AuMk Schwable, a Marine flyer who did to that Ita aetlona epeak , ihom of stock In the purchasing, com­ full fori’c in battling the requested pany to oth(gs without approval rate increase.. , ■^gn s false bScterioIoglcal war­ 4 |UMLT ca l vociferously than ita preaghlneata. fare confession.' The 45qrosr-

m- Rreke Down- Crying the human eystam. The drinker to AU of the tndictmente involve viotnttjr of the capital as well an mlssien Chairman Eugene 8. Mvong SaL The division 1* regroup-'* Room Worker ‘^ f o r e Utif grilling was ovtr," n renUty-dodBsr. For him akehol tharffSa thfif sflfplus U.’ ff. ffO"em- Salvage W »rk Loughlln. / ment ships were pumnased in the Ing Inthe mlley of the Bac River fRIkw said,-“I-broke down' cry­ c i r f d M , " IT b • ■ s,^W fr to the igoddess of the dhy drmuh. .When Atty.y fohn R, Thompeon ing—r alto*! imSw whit "i®''do."*''” the viceroy of a toKto-tginted hrines dr Americans and lliejgaily 80 Wiles northwest of' Luang ■ r T ' of Ham'den funnelled to aliens throu^ cor- Pmbang. lounced himeelf as “I woilldn’t be asliamed of toat,** w a s h ssmI Hdl flry. \ cxtotence. Ood’e imago to progms- repreaenUni e CTO Chairman interposed toe presidoai. o f the ttTWSkratr-’.' « < riv^-destr^iod-iiihialife,- — i*ywnev#Tvim'mmnwwA«aone*^^neH.iim' loughlln T h e ...... if .;.tha-.CUJ> wae-« eourti-Mnjy-Gen. «*i^ D r-£ »;^ ''' ’ “Tha drinker, hurta hlmaelf. H e investigations began jne-e ..?T4JP.?A. U.nlpn ...forces, storinad.! By. W ILU AM ^. WAUGH- customer tho company. .SCOlL...... ______^ hurta othem also. Hs s su a. bad xttsth two'yearo agdr down on two VietminK pttots west I Atty. /Thompson said the com­ Among those ch||ged today with The 4-member tribunal is trying ■ • / pany i^a not but that some of its S oV lP t IVfillfillFV i 23 A former FBl uiuJercover tipfiter to determine whether chargM > cohspiracy to defrlna the United claimed members were. , V-. cuimsd they Inflicted heavy the sulphur-pocked island which testified today that she had known as a dues-paying, <»rd- should be filed against Schwable. and viola’ s tht false state- losses" on the" Commuriiat-Ied you repreaenUng the mem­ ment’ ^ajatute was Stravros Ni- rebela in World War n cost the U. S. Communist'a woman who Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis,) Riker sold the Ruds kept telling' Marines 20.000 casualties to win. b e r at their direction?’’ Loughlln h'.m they knew the United States Whila they la s t. . ^ and they won’t last a chos, G|^k ship owner Hvirig French, Army headquarters said asked. / 'i^ O lC S ■ ffilirU lC aE I^ n ^ ’ IS handling “top secret messages*' as an Army code long at these sbhrply-cut prices! Think TWO hundred and fifty Japanese room employe. had jfirord disease germs over ct- I! ; . • ••' abroad. The wives of NIarchos and one French force hit the Vletminh “l am representing Uieni at the rill an areps behind the Communist of it . . . you (ton hug TW O pairs for Onsaats are sisters. in the village of .Buc Tap. 12 mites workmen are ealvaging junk left Mre. Miary. Markward. the FBI ! Over from the fighting nine years direction of the leaders” the labor lines and piomisisd ho wruld bo lust about tbs Mies of one! Made to Toii will love our fahHcs in new textures and finisKea-kthe det Shims, sturdy and eas:^ to J .west of Hanoi, and drpve them attorney explained. W ith U. S. Blast ...... ^ itoUonsUy famoub Griffon! iUl B h acis- ago to ship back to Japanese fac­ j as A ^ e Lee Moss. taken to a POV' camp and relieved care for. Crease resistant cottons and rayons—cottons for cok iting new itriped and plain from pillboxes and entrenchments. tories. \ T a lk of further questioning If ho would mm am of Jiot dropped forged steel chainbray and broadcloth in prints and plain. ttat stays ahaip for jrsam of. bard use. Flghteis and bombers joined in They ere working under an Moscov/, Feb. 23 (P)--Russla"s f M m *^ri[w ilrtnrim admit he taken part. Gigantic Chain the attack, machine gunning and agreement between' the U. S. mil­ military leaders marked the 36th; suit and white gloves, testified at "I didn’t ' know anything about Them’s a stsa wid style for sm iy need, '5 ■ r.’"• hadn't done. Maybe it was sti^id 4 5 "' W iii^ ^’Shaiidu" down the project as uneconomical SUtes and repeated assurances Senator Oaims A—7" Bant Dressmaker 36" Washable Vietminh casi alties.. but they were because of the distances involved W ill Determine Mrs. Markward told the subcom­ ? ide or oometlang." , Shears .*.4!,. heavy..,. ' tliat Soviet Jat-med forces are By the time Ih* Ormmuniots At Boston Yard and present U. S. scrap prices. > sharpening their tfclll with the mittee that ee a former Communist B - r ’-g" Household • A similar attack wan reported in psrty officisl here she h«d known Washington. Fqb, 23 OP) —Sen. gave rp, he said, "I was at my >h AiCietate * village near Nam Dlnh, 85 miles Flag Sttn Flies “newest weapona’’ vritr end.’’ Shetom ...... Atop Mr. Surfibachi. 'Hie Amer­ GG Application V. 8. War AbM Cited Annie Leo Moss as a Communist Ferguson (R-Mi<^) said today Boston, Feb. 23.(P)—The largest southeast of Hanoi. The French p ^ y member. At the time, she Democratic talk of Ebusiness re­ He added “I told them . they ' Sewing ican flag flies where It w4s plant­ The Army Chief, of Staff, Mar­ and strongest chain ever made is said nine rebels were killed and 28 By FRANX CAREY said, the woman was a cafeteria cession Is hurting the itount>Y »"<1 could go ahead and tooot nie.“ being f o r ^ today at the Boston captures. — , ed Feb. 23, 1945—one of \he few shal Vatoily Sokolovsky, charged Setosom AA spou where the Stare and Stripes Scienm Reporter worker in the Pentagon ought to be stopped. 'v. Another witness, Sidney OoM, Naval Shipyard and the scene is The French Union troops con- in IzvesUa that "American' im 23, a former Marine oeigeant. IV—314-4’’ Embroidery . are never lowered. Washington, Feb. 23 tSV-The peririisU are preparing a new McCarthy a moment before said Ferguaon, who heads ths^nkte 5 9 ' jd - L---- as awesome as “Dante’s Inferno." Un.ued their probing sorties from reaction of the medical profeaolon toe woman whom Mra Markward GOP Policy Committee^ spoke out testified he and ■ his fellow , war idasora ^QQ Furnaces rcMr and spout tongues “ We use about one flag a week," war against the Soviet Union and prisoners just “laughed off". the northwest Indochiiia Fortress laid Maj. Harry M. Edwards, of —particularly atate and IbcSl the People'/^Democncles." He was to name is. according to after former President Hoover Mom and mom of thssa popular oM fashioned pnttenia ^ .cot­ of flame and gargantuan hammers Plain of I Dien Bien Phu but again the subcommittee's undersUnding, had discounted the poesibillty of Schwable’s confession when it was Notfoa Dtpt. clang on white hot steel as the 360- Gleason, Tenn., executive officer health officera—to a aomewhat In- warned that Soviet forces am pre­ ton with such unusual color combinations. For drapertos, Bfdr failed tojdraw the encUr.ling. Viet- at an Air Force base used by cohclusive report on the use of paring, tor cbmbat in the atomic now working in the code room of a depression and Democratic Na­ called to their attention at .an--,,/ Yogll M that timliin^^^ : ^rsds, slipcovers, drosses, aprons, etc. ><= yd. 'pound links ere Joined in showers niinh divisions into battle. other . Row camp. , <* of glowing metal fragments. trans-Pacifle planes. gemma globulin againsV polio may the Army Signal Corps, "handling tional Chairman Step^ien A. Mitch­ y - , A Frepch patrol northeast of the determine tha extent to which It The Soviet Defense Minister, top secret messages.” ell had said reaction of the pock- ' - Chain for Forreotal ' Nearby are ifour shrines for the (Continued ou Fago tw») Beautiful two-tone fine quality shsuntung in gorgeous color- It will be the anchor chain of the Plain kiltod one Vletminh and cap­ 23,()p0 Japanese defenders' killed. to used this year. Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, in i McCartliy' is embroiled In-con- etbook nerve is likely to deter- Silent AiitomatiG Oil Heat- ings. giant 60,000-ton aircraft carrier tured anbther^ but otherwise, head- Japan was permitted to send re­ Health officials indicated they special order of the day, called on trqvorsy with Secretory of to*,®’ **’* control of Congress In No- \ quarterisi reported, a "strong re­ the armed forces tor increased Arniy Stevens over McCarthy’s'^ vember. I^pular 3 6 -' Avondlale,^Stripe€b J ___ 2- U8S Forrestalr iiow nearing coip-' ligious groups to build them. would, awdit such reaction before pletion at Newport News, Va. connaissance" encountered no reb­ Looking down on* the black determining the extent to which vigilance, miUUry preparedness Propag anda Seen Effective \ el opposition. and competency in using the most (Continued on Pago Eleven) "I don’t think there is going to costs less...and here's why! S-- i .. V / V • ■ ! >4’ Calmly supervising the Hercu­ sands of the invasion beach from gamma globulin is .used in 1954— lean task is youthful Psul Ivss, Else'.vhere in the Far East, In­ atop Sqrabachi, it is hard to be­ a n d 'h o ^ modern weapoiu. be any recession but I must say B u lle t in s dian L t Gen. K. S; Thlmayya. A group of 17 polio experts ap- dm. Nikolai Kuznetsov also the propag|ui6o tor it is much Tbs luMMU Tiaritsn Silent Aatosastic-Wsll-EUme O il master of .the cavernous chain lieve that any force could storm i ^ lf;ia|in^-J'ERMANENI. shop. He came to the shop as an dian ■ L t Gen. K. S.' Thimayya, up that •open stretoh-in tha face by the U. S. Public Health ^lotMghted new weapons, writing more effective tosn 1 had antlci frbai tht AP Wires Bnmer blankeu walls o f tbs boating plant with s natufsk V. apprentice boy and now at 33 is twice reported last, night that: in Izvestia. that the Soviet Army pated it would be,"'^Ferguson said bomiag, blne-bot I ssm . 'This scientific ptoCsinsat o f the (Ce^tinned on Page Seven) and Novy h ^ received new arms in an interview. ' t ' ■ its head. The building lUelf could (Cootiniied on Page Seven) Evidenm Is l^kW ig"' News Tidbits One W eek Dry isqMstihsfumScsorbpUsrwslto, wham it doss the m M nerve .as hangar for dirigibles and 1. It has f(Hind no eridence th*( and equipment “which are greatly “ All this talk is persuading soms .•VIC RASCHl TRADED . I goic^ U <>ns of it» Wggsst fusl-tSTrOg fsstnrei,...... r It contains ^uipment that Vulcan, gamitfa globulin, a b t ^ d ^ v a - stqie^to^ to the arms and 0(Hl1 ocpito- CuilM from AP Wires pocqde liot-to buy. And when ibey ^ ''81'' Fotenburg,''FIa . ■yq old Roman god of metalworking, tlve, prevented or mitigated para^ nent of the eecond world wa,wa?.*’ don’t buy pn article, soifiebody who V, tm toy , Pdwera with leaders preto that os a man who had had one baadod ftteber. to Ibo gssiwSwf to SOTS up ta XSlt on ibsl—-oftsa ssora—omr - ’ which.bad epMemicB .tost summer.' wtio charged 'Reactionary/ circles depression named (or him he . e ^ ‘" are 2 fL 414 in. long--to rated .. .3* IL. hod found no evidence ing for final action on thorny Qudiaalaof IbaNaR ordinary gua-tyj^ burners. „ - J4'i ^ I D COLORI^ at 36,133,176 pounds. Have Choice in the United Statee andr Britain thought he could speak 'with good that gamma globulin was effective question this week . . . Asst. Sec­ authority there are no signs on the RIRUARY 22. f* FI9RUARY 27 Breaking point of the chain is treacherously held up the opening retory of State Walter S. .Robert­ era. A respected naese in autoesstic basting for more then tc' : - ...... ■' ...... n^. -r.--!' when given to family contacts of of a second front (in w told War landscape of any big depression years, Timkeo Silent Autoasdeis your ntost wsosmws/ oil mted at “in excess of 214 million persons Stricken. son tells Congress Reds have now./ ^ • • > • • - ! • • • • YtoMlitoiHEtoaifBaammBmaiEsiwmmMntommmMMnBqMmtotom ‘FoundoUon President Bosll statements to SUte farmers in 20 Sub Crewm an Dies • ‘ • . ■ ' there are tour, kinds of income. Vatican city, Feb. 23 UP»—Pope 1. Gross income. This la your Cftisen Ja EHther O'Connor said the ijndlng in the yearn milk dtolers of iOonhectlcut case of family contacts “was to PitUlku-gh,' Fob. 23 iff)—The ask for Cnt of one cent a quart in 36" FULLER ‘ ‘ - Pius was reported today experi­ tjtal'income, including what your Groton, Feb. 25.A crew m s farin price of milk. aoBvbd,^ Ike veS-asas bwnsr It S beart I ehsry i encing renewed difficulty in taking employer deducted tor. taxes or be expected” and that the founda- first batch of city school .young­ member of .tlie aubinariM U8S 1 M Y OtEHNIN SERVlOE #• your income. You must also deride Uon. fpreaeeing that, had urged food and anxiety increased < over anything else. whether you will take the etondard sters today rocoived their injec­ Secretory of . Stole Dulles came Piper at toe base hem was in­ mmrktu IM m Eirmwi, Mssn. • ^ ExRniaea Deduetod' unsuccessfully last year that “i^ out for round two In his fight te toytod bvrBtra*"™^'**' eitd velar **■•**•.fcsslari froai uMdi ^ I _ Printed and Woven Figured hie health. 10 per cent dedueji'in tor personal tions of Salk’s ' Vatoins—science's stantly killed and two ahlpmatco AMErrEO gp TO II M L 2.. Adjusted grooo income. This far the leaser amount of GG be win Congreoa to his view 'rountry were injured at 4:15 a. m. today ,iR ^ I Hm rifM wsdal far yoar kaaM. laay « V: 8 9 ' yd Vatican aourcea said that the expenses o“ Itemts them. , used that wgy.’’ "first best hope"/ of conquering to gross income miniu authorised Articles 3 snt; 4 in this seriea more than held its own at Big' when the car in which they worn HOTUTORMYS fr*a MNswyt aa4 aaSaialaai 77-year- but mqy include [ that the coramittoe's fmdtngs had warning of tlto th j^ lon a ' , r ■ t (qna yeio tore* o q u ip ^ with aew end aodmt Rpral Road, RooU 1, dovleon to /Ffotoet IM* oouuiijrd MLWMBt e CM M S ^ o jlQE PUMOOI e- Bd W WA1B B A IB * u B tag* di « ioa •*«**!*•> « OS F*f* !•*■) « \ ' r'" ■ > : I -. I -