Ptabfit Market H E" Berlin Report
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.. ■ „■.W V ". ,. r.<j' -V, » ' rt'4 W ■ ■■ ■ r*; - \J: >V ■ ■ - , ' f. ■ - r .. I iti, • r»i-’ V •' ' ■ i - 'KS -I- . i toyitteB ygntHi SATURDAY, ilCTRl)ARY SQ s s s ; ./ -.U*. - just ffrstt' aril' ‘wr'tM fft' want aomboae elsa to taka PI b i i s June W inding them.” KbUeher aald. Average D§fly Net Press Ron ,-v Heard Aktng Main Street “Thla wasnt adopted to hurt the Q k ird i children.” he added. Area Radiom en Ite tha Weak Eadte February 36, 1964' ^ . 1 4&X to And on Somo 6f MtmchetUr*» Side StreeUt Too ’The fsatum o f tbs ord|naaes tbs RANGE and FUEL OIL • •6.0. a'* 'tB-iliiiyrew chief sssnu to like especially is UeYvellyit H> Melbert, WIFSH, to do* the one directing the department 93 Tanner S t has been selected, 11,136 tlM clnirch en Mala Street whe has mlsaabd the balL In other .Clear aad caUar to Investigate the background of to set up an organisation o f ama- lapuhar sir tka-Audit, dtsUiC tho w««k A t 7:80 srestmdny morning-:- words, after he has lost all phM* children convicted o f crimee, etnee taur mmo operatom prepared to 38-83. M r , aMiRttlii. »mi MldnW »»M< wMch waa qulU frosty, you may cal Control over its eventual das* COAL- COKE uauu t e Ohuukitoiui ' . it “puta teeth into our enforce fumiah organised emergency com wtu bo ptckod up. tlnatlon and activity. — " t J' t.'iii i recall if you were that un* m ent” munication in time of disaster,'it A. ManxiheHer-^A City of VUlage Charm reasonable hour—a car vms stalled Now thia technique, like almost We asked whether Bast Hart Inaursaoo, Wbot was announced today by Com 24 Delivery Service at the traffic light at the comer » perfected skiUs, varies With the ford had been having any kind o f a munications Manager F. E. Han Oomponioa Oot to of Main and Park Streeta individuals. One person we 6b* Juvsnils crime vravs to prompt V0L,LXXm,N0.121 (Claariftod AdrartUie as 16) UfiD bo tho oubjoct o ( o dy of the American Radio Ralay MANCHESTEIL CONN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1954' A- ^ The driver tried several times served, likes to do a modified split such ah ordinance, but Chief Kel- League, national association of (8IXTEBN PAGES) PRICE PIVB d m » bp M bi V. OUmoro at tabrt- to start his car but the cold en* which we aSauuM is his mterpmU* ieher quickly assured us that such ' iocroUry of tho gine wouldn’t catch. The light, of radio amAteurs. r/'m tlon o f the ball’s swem;>ing motion was not the case. He aald it waa Melbert’s assignment, which ted Aoeidont and Indemnity course, turned green and at that as it clsam the alley of pins, mom “precautionary" than any ■3-r'- at theltortlw'ortheaateni Rogloiud- Instant, the only other car moving carries the title, of Emergency Co- TEL. MI-S.51S5 Inspects Enemy W eapon 'Another fellow, who gives us thing aim. JHs also said that al- brdinator, ia to . band togather sis CENTER STREET tl, S, Units of insunuice . agonta on Main Stipet pulled up behind mmetbing of a Mart, WlU mlease. l|l®bgh them had not yet. bean an at tiw Bon OroaTWMtr Ion the first car and the driver of the the ball and then seemingly follow mambsrs o f the Aauteur radio occarion for arresting anyone un aervice in ihla commilnity to per Agonta from towna In second vehicle leaned on the horn. It a third of the way down the der the new law, it araa arorking / Berttieaatetn aoetlon of tho This bit of courtesy didn’t help a’ley while executing the bpwlem fect arrangements for emergency - - V out well, at least so far as the radio communication by in " win attend the aoaaien apon- the driver at the first car who, version of the figum skater’* flying cu rfew regulations wsm v cbq- by ^ Connecticut Aaaoda* natch, yanked his choke all the nutchman. This bowler Invariably ceracd. / the event of natur^ dlsastevq or other emergendea. In addukm Agonta. way out and-flooded his engine. «n d f up gliding on his prbbooiris, “ Most o f the Icida am bfr the Rather than back up a yard or to UM of normal station oqiU^ Mab and those tt j'* '^it e jght; at~> e‘cteclr.-tho--We8t* tw o and drive-around the BtalleCt to D S A ^ appreciated. who aren't am found to have writ ment -YTorking^ from - eonaiwrctal Mb 'Oaravan of radio and atage car, the driver of the second car One top notch bowler, has a ten permission from their parents power, amateur ststlona using Seoul, Feb, 22 (/P)— Ameri win pot on their Jamboree continued the two*tone s«do. rather a n tin g habit of waving his to be out," he mported. Fsllot Phete. self-powered radio transmitting can troops, jabbing with bay ' iS d dBiandt mualc fo r the bam Finally, the first car atarted— hand down, im fron t o f him- (a- mo- MaigamCTteiaa and receiving equipmsnt am asad« ' aauua' In Oraago Rail. The ahow and the ught tumed red. ed. Melbert, as A R R L Emergen onets, cliasi^ off'without ap U'tn similar taw ipin g a blackboard Bis Brather’s Kasper parent bloodshed 200-300 la aald to bo a favorlto with both When the green showed on the of chalk maikaX which seems to Mr. Charles Sladsr, a Bridgeport ■Announcamant ia madt o f tha cy (Coordinator, Yi(|Il call local adults and children. Thooo who light, both cars moved. The driver have the desired effect of erasing construction man, recently con engagsmant of Miss Margaret To meetings of amateurs, oatabllah South Koreans who early to have ' not already aocured their of the first car lowered his window the pins some 60 feCt away. common operating procedures, and ACT NOW! Let Us- day tried to halt a train car and yelled a string of purple prose ducted a one-man campal^ to get bias, dsughtor o f John P . Tobias, ~ tRfcats may do so at the haU from One of our favorite rituals iA clothing fo r the 10 milUon destitute arrange regular drill periods when rying homebound Indian T p. m. on. Tho profiU w ilt be at the second driver who turned linger snap. In this case the bowler Romans and singls-handed he col- of Fmnrii Rd., Bolton, and tha the hams’ personal atatfona may :T to the convention fund __ out to be—a young woman. be mqblUted under simulate^ soldiers, the U. S. 8th Amly -ABsrMy.'-tM yoong woimra~T»: of-tta-ball, looks itp to-see k etad Tl .MW.poiinda.o f .garments. , M nk... to 1. WASH the fate o f the pins, and then levels Furtheripom the clothing was Walter Grayb, son of Mrs. Rose eiher|«ncy coiidli’tib w ' k ii said. South' KoreaniwTiceiuild Because ot the holid^-Monday, turned the compliments with a Pair Clasli them (wiriiful thinking) wlte a driven to the American Relief for Gmyb, 87 M ill S t, Manchester, also include liaison planning Yrith three Koreans were alightly and the fact that a number of the “drop dead” glam and sped on Korea, Inc. warehouse in New the local chapter of the American down the grade.. snap of the finger. ^ . and the late Joseph Grsyb. injured by the Americans’ monbera win be out of town, the Another device, which seems tA York O ty . Red Cross And other relief agen 2. WAX , rifle butts. Of the Soropthnlst Club Beyond the habt at Main and A graduate of Manchester High cies, as suggaated in the Yvorklng Board Hits Bisaell, she muled up to the curb have some merit, is the modified Slader waa aurardsd the tsllsf The Sth ..Army said it had un-- ...jidll be pastppbod to the foUoSrlod stuMUag broad Jump. In tUs in oegaaiaatlen’e <lerttf ieete « f School. Class of 1950. Miss Tobias understanding-the ARRL Emer and turned off her engine. is aniployad by BTourn and Beau- coaflrmed mpo-.-u that the South Monday. stance the bowler lets go with the Recognition for hia work. gency Corps has Yrith tha national Korean Provoet Mershal General And she Was stilt them half an pm, Inc., Eaat Center St. Mr. headquartera of the American Rad 1 CLEAN OUT hour later. boll and a* it neam the target he Hhren the Komah ambassador, who last week threatened the In- U. S. Critics Andersp^i*8hea Auxiliary, 3046, gives a leap. Its not likely that the Ben C.' Limb, commended the “ e f Gmyb waa graduated urlth the Cross and other agencies. Uaison diens, Lt, Gen. Won Yong Duk, l^ohe Style V yw , gib anticlpaUBg a good at* ooncussloa genemted^ when the fort on the part of one individual class of 1948 at Manchester High w ill be establiahed also Yrith local was at the scene. cf tbe members, their Barly BleenMg Maple School and is now attend!^ tha YOUR CAR London, Feb. 22 (/P)—Sen. bowler rdlums to term lirma is who aeea his brother's need and protective services, such as Are The Komana were cleared from Washington, Feb. EB fsmIWTa bad Mends at the Smor* Treedom’s . aartiest harbinger of doss something about it.” University of (ktnnectlcut. and police deparfrneata and civil Joseph McK^arthy (R-Wis), Spring—ottm preceding the inevlt* sufficient to influence the stability — AU DONE AT YOUR HOME — the tracka after, aome minor Jab- Secretary of the A n n * * gaSbord supper tonight from S to of the Bins, but we have to admit Mrs Slader’B onp man effo rt con A June wedding is planned.