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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE March 28, 2006 March 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 4125 was the first Puerto Rican to graduate GENERAL LEAVE March 9, 2006, enjoys the support and from the University of Michigan, where Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- cosponsorship of the entire Illinois del- he received his medical degree and mous consent that all Members may egation. graduated as valedictorian in 1880. have 5 legislative days within which to Gene Vance was a member of the Upon returning to Puerto Rico, Dr. revise and extend their remarks and in- 1942–43 University of Illinois basketball Barbosa worked in his private medical clude extraneous material on the bill team known as the ‘‘Whiz Kids.’’ The practice, became a professor of medi- under consideration. ‘‘Whiz Kids’’ included Gene Vance, cine in Puerto Rico, and entered polit- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Jack Smily, Ken Menke, Andy Phillip, ical life as a firm defender of negoti- objection to the request of the gen- and Art Mathisen. The team earned the ating increased autonomy for Puerto tleman from Pennsylvania? chance to compete for the NCAA Rico from Spain. There was no objection. Championship after being 17–1 during In 1899, after Puerto Rico was ceded Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- the season. But the Army drafted three to the United States after the Spanish- self such time as I may consume, and I of the ‘‘Whiz Kids’’ for service in World American War, Dr. Barbosa formed the rise in support of H.R. 4805, offered by War II, and in a show of unity the team Republican Party of Puerto Rico, the distinguished gentleman from Illi- decided if all the ‘‘Whiz Kids’’ could which advocated for Puerto Rican nois (Mr. JOHNSON). The bill would des- not compete together, they would not statehood. He was the founder of the ignate the post office in Clinton, Illi- compete at all. newspaper El Tiempo, and active in nois, as the Gene Vance Post Office Mr. Speaker, I think it is altogether Puerto Rican politics, serving in the Building. fitting and proper that we would name executive cabinet and, later, the Sen- After winning an All-State selection this postal facility after Mr. Vance and ate. He died in San Juan in 1921. in 1940, Clinton High School star Gene urge passage of this legislation. Mr. Speaker, I would urge swift pas- Vance committed to the University of Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I urge all sage of this legislation. Illinois to start his incredible basket- Members to support the passage of H.R. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ball career. His days as a fighting Illini 4805, and I yield back the balance of my of my time. are what he has become known for. As time. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I urge all a member of the famed ‘‘Whiz Kids’’ of the Illinois basketball team, Andy yield back the balance of my time. Members to support the passage of H.R. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Phillip, Jack Smily, Ken Menke, Art 3440, and I yield back the balance of my question is on the motion offered by Mathison, and Vance formed one of the time. the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Nation’s premier teams in the early DENT) that the House suspend the rules 1940s. Their fast-break style and ability question is on the motion offered by and pass the bill, H.R. 4805. the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. to run the floor assured them 25 of 27 The question was taken; and (two- DENT) that the House suspend the rules wins in the Big Ten Conference from thirds having voted in favor thereof) and pass the bill, H.R. 3440. 1941–1943, rightly earning them two Big the rules were suspended and the bill The question was taken; and (two- Ten titles. was passed. thirds having voted in favor thereof) After the 1943 season, Vance and the A motion to reconsider was laid on the rules were suspended and the bill rest of the ‘‘Whiz Kids’’ were called to the table. was passed. military duty for World War II. Fol- f A motion to reconsider was laid on lowing the final regular season game, the table. the entire team entered the war effort. SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND f After the war, they picked up right IDEALS OF ‘‘NATIONAL MPS DAY’’ where they left off in 1947 and led the Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I move to GENE VANCE POST OFFICE Illini to a second place finish. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- BUILDING After graduation, Vance was drafted lution (H. Res. 85) supporting the goals Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I move to by the Chicago Stags of the Basketball and ideals of ‘‘National MPS Day’’. suspend the rules and pass the bill Association of America, which eventu- The Clerk read as follows: (H.R. 4805) to designate the facility of ally became known as the National H. RES. 85 the United States Postal Service lo- Basketball Association, or the NBA, as Whereas mucopolysaccharidoses and cated at 105 North Quincy Street in we know it today. mucolipidoses (commonly known as ‘‘MPS Clinton, Illinois, as the ‘‘Gene Vance After his basketball career had disorders’’) are genetically determined Post Office Building’’. ended, Vance turned to coaching. He lysosomal storage disorders that result in The Clerk read as follows: returned to his home State to lead the the inability of the body to produce certain enzymes needed to break down complex car- H.R. 4805 LaSalle-Peru Cavaliers to a regional championship. He later became the bohydrates; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Whereas in individuals with MPS dis- resentatives of the United States of America in athletic director at the University of orders, complex carbohydrates are stored in Congress assembled, Illinois and was recently voted 1 of the virtually every cell in the body and progres- SECTION 1. GENE VANCE POST OFFICE BUILD- 20 greatest Illini basketball players of sively cause damage to the cells, affecting ING. the past century. multiple systems, including the bones, heart (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the I urge all Members to join me in sa- and other internal organs, respiratory sys- United States Postal Service located at 105 luting this dedicated and honorable tem, and central nervous system; North Quincy Street in Clinton, Illinois, man by passing H.R. 4805. Whereas the cellular damage caused by shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Gene Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of MPS disorders results in mental retardation, Vance Post Office Building’’. short stature, corneal damage, joint stiff- (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, my time. ness, loss of mobility, speech and hearing im- map, regulation, document, paper, or other Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I pairment, heart disease, hyperactivity, record of the United States to the facility re- yield myself such time as I may con- chronic respiratory problems, and, most im- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to sume. As a member of the House Gov- portantly, drastically shortened life span; be a reference to the ‘‘Gene Vance Post Of- ernment Reform Committee, I am Whereas the nature of MPS disorders is fice Building’’. pleased to join my colleague in consid- usually not apparent at birth, and, without The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- eration of H.R. 4805, legislation naming treatment, life expectancy is usually very ant to the rule, the gentleman from a postal facility in Clinton, Illinois, short; Whereas the multisystemic damage that is Pennsylvania (Mr. DENT) and the gen- after Gene Vance. caused by MPS disorders makes the dis- tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each This measure, which was introduced orders ideal models for many other degenera- will control 20 minutes. by Representative TIMOTHY JOHNSON of tive genetic disorders; The Chair recognizes the gentleman Illinois on February 28, 2006, and unani- Whereas recent research developments from Pennsylvania. mously reported by our committee on have resulted in limited treatments for some VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:24 Mar 14, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK3\DAT FILES\BR28MR06.DAT BR28MR06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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