A Revision of Fes Tuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American Paramos
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Volume 56: 1-184 A Revision of Fes tuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American Paramos Daniel Stancik and Paul M. Peterson Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press A Revision of Fes tuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American Paramos Daniel Stancik and Paul M. Peterson Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press WASHINGTON, D.C. 2007 ABSTRACT Stancik, Daniel and Paul M. Peterson. A revision of Festuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American paramos. Smithsonian Contri- butions from the United States National Herbarium, Volume 56, 184 pages (including 97 figures). A taxonomic revision of Festuca L. for the South American paramos of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, northern Peru, and Venezuela is given. Fifty-six species and six subspecies of Festuca are recognized in the study area. Fifty-three species are native to the flora region and three are introduced and cultivated. Keys for determining the species, a classification, synonymies, descriptions, leaf anatomical descriptions, observations, distribution and habitat, specimens examined, illustrations, and leaf surface micrographs are provided. One species: F. turimiqui- rensis Stancik & P.M. Peterson, and one subspecies: F. tolucensis subsp. culata Stancik & P.M. Peterson, are newly described. The following three names were lectotypified: Bromus caldasii Kunth [=Festuca caldasii (Kunth) Kunth], Festuca fratercula Rupr. ex E. Fourn. (=Festuca amplissima Rupr. subsp. amplissima), and Festuca ovina subvar. jamesonii St.-Yves (=Festuca glumosa Hack, ex E.B. Alexeev). KEY WORDS: Anatomy, Brazil, Classification, Colombia, Ecuador, Festuca, Loliinae, Poaceae, Taxonomy, Venezuela. RESUMEN Stancik, Daniel and Paul M. Peterson. A revision of Festuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American paramos. Smithsonian Con- tributions from the United States National Herbarium, xxx paginas (incluyendo 97 figuras).
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