3rd February to 6th February 2015, Qatar National Convention Center, Doha-Qatar Welcome Letter

Welcome to the 4th Annual The Hague International Model United Nations to forge bonds, friendships and commitment to Model United Nations, and to making a change in the world. The executive team would like to thank to more and more people from different directors, delegates and student backgrounds. The importance of connections can never be overstated. this conference possible. Our ultimate Diverse connections help us see the aim is the generation and formalization world through different lenses. of ideas through structured debate. The executive team has worked hard brings a new host of values, ideas and viewpoints, but also blended with personal opinion. MUN is a forum to thank the administration, press and catalogue opinions. IT teams for making time before the conference to ensure the success of the participants. and North Africa. To summarize it and development. Qatar is one of role as well. Best Delegate is holding a the fastest developing nations ever. Nevertheless, we see a different landscape around us. The Middle East conference. Directors are a pivotal part of conference administration, and so the room for as much aid as possible. Most of the time, we choose to ignore these their involvement. conversation about them. Even here seize all the opportunities available. that are understated. The purpose of a delegate is to convert this conversation MUN must not be contained within these walls, but must be extended to experience. The executive team wishes existing notions and develop new Osama Ghani Secretary-General

1 [email protected] Conference Schedule Opening Ceremonies Schedule Program of Events February 4th, 3.00-4.30 pm TUESDAY, 3 February 2015 12:00-13:00 Lunch Exhibition Hall 1 WEDNESDAY, 4 February 2015 3. Parade of nations 08:00-15:00 Film Institute in session Room 224 09:30-09:45 Break 10:45-11:15 Approval Panel Training for MUN Directors Room 102 11:30-13:30 Lunch available Exhibition Hall 1 12:00-15:00 Approval Panel open Room 102 8. Screening of the 2014 THIMUN Qatar Northwestern Best Picture

THURSDAY, 5 February 2015 08:00 Arrival of Delegates Ground Floor Entrance 08:00-09:30 Approval Panel open Room 102 13. Dismissal 08:00-16:00 Film Institute in session Room 224 08:30-15:30 Directors Training Institute Room 102 09:30-09:45 Break 11:30-13:00 Lunch available Exhibition Hall 1 Closing Ceremonies Schedule February 6th, 3:30-4.30 pm

FRIDAY, 6 February 2015 1. Welcome 3. Screening of the 2015 THIMUN Qatar Film Institute Production 09:30-11:00 Directors Debate Simulation Room 102 4. THIMUN Qatar Peace and Service Award 11:30-13:00 Lunch Exhibition Hall 1

2 [email protected] 3 [email protected] THIMUN Qatar Room Allocations

Room Assignments

Committee or Function QNCC Room Number Level

Lunch Room Exhibition Hall 1 Ground

Registration, Information Desk, Administration Staff 1

101 1

Approval Panel 102 1

Directors Room 201 2

Press Room 203 2

103 1

104 1

105 1


106 1

215-217 2

218-220 2

236-238 2

239-240 2

G-02 Ground

202 2

204 2

Auditorium 2 Ground

241 2

Film Institute 224 2

4 [email protected] 5 [email protected] General Rules of Conduct

Public Displays of Affection Ambassadors for a serious purpose, that participants are mature is to wear a pair of formal pants and shirt, with dark Student Ambassadors are responsible for the conduct enough to respect others and to provide a framework shoes and a blazer. It is advised that male attendees within which all MUN participants can operate. dress in proper suits with a tie. Qatari national dress leader of the delegation and are expected to support is not permitted as all delegates are representing Smoking result in the participants being sent home at their own expense and the school not being invited to and at all THIMUN Qatar venues. participate in future sessions. Approval Panel Alcohol and drugs Although THIMUN Qatar is an educational exercise submitters for their draft resolution. Resolutions must the United Nations. Thus, for the period of the one. Strict criminal penalties will be enforced if law brought to the Approval Panel. as well as representatives of their individual schools. This demands a high standard of personal conduct and behavior from all delegates, both during the conference is found to be in possession or to have consumed alcohol or drugs during conference activities will be Personal Conduct at the Conference visa invitation will be revoked. It is important that all participants wear their conference Dress Curfew As a serious simulation, THIMUN expects personal tightness of clothing. Since MUN sessions are long and tiring, and, out of appearance to be appropriate for a professional consideration for other hotel guests, a curfew of 23:00 is setting. Formal dress, (the kind of clothes that real UN When going to public places, delegates should recommended. Students must remember that THIMUN diplomats might be expected to wear when attending obtained at the registration desk with a replacement and of hotel managements in being able to provide charge of 20 QAR. to cause offence to other delegates, national dress, accommodation at discounted rates for delegates. A Buses The above dress code also applies to MUN Directors. Transport will be provided to international students Inappropriate dress includes, but is not limited to: participants must be polite and considerate at all times Team accessories such as scarves, hats, to hotel staff and fellow residents. non-THIMUN badges, buttons and pins Sport shoes and denim clothing THIMUN Conference ABC’s Facial piercing National costume Administration Staff Press members. The function of the administration staff is to ensure the smooth running of the conference. In the debate and out of rooms, assist delegates with microphones, help maintain order during the debate, and support between delegates and for counting the votes whenever

6 [email protected] 7 [email protected] Community and Service Project Mobile Phones/Portable Audio Devices Snacks Mobile phones must be switched OFF in all forums Snacks will be offered for purchase during in Sri Lanka. Through the efforts of students, the Eravur School supports the education of over 200 students. In addition, funds are used to provide not followed. manpower services, support the local orphanage and Cultural Night Opening Ceremonies leave with the administration staff. The corrected The opening ceremonies are open to the public and Eventbrite. While tickets are free for participants, Computers and Internet connection schools are welcome to invite parents and other please note that THIMUN Qatar will be billed 200 The use of computers during committee sessions encouraged to bring their own computers for the Placards provided to MUN Directors at the registration desk on One placard per forum is provided during registration. Please be aware that there are NO computer facilities available for student use during the conference. Souvenirs There will be a number of souvenirs and THIMUN All electronic devices are prohibited from being used Qatar merchandise on sale at the conference. during debating sessions. representing. Lost placards will not be replaced. At Cloakroom the end of the conference, we will be attempting to There is a cloakroom on the ground level of the Film Festival April 2-4 All THIMUN Qatar participating schools are welcome is no charge for this service. Please leave bags and coats at the cloakroom to avoid clutter within the Film Festival from April 2-4. The Film Festival is a Posters Closing Ceremonies All delegates are welcome to attend the closing Public Transportation and Taxis assignments. All other delegates are welcome in Qatar. Taxis are safe and clean but are in short to sit according to the instructions of their MUN taxi services for their guests. designated area near the front of the Theater. Gum Resolution Booklet Committee Speakers The Resolution Booklet will contain all of the Various experts will be speaking to committees resolutions passed during THIMUN Qatar. Each during the conference. MUN Directors are welcome Information Desk to sit in on the presentation but please be aware upon the completion of the conference. or getting around Doha, please go to the registration Security of providing greater insight into the issues being Medical Room/Emergencies The medical room is located on Level 1. A nurse will In addition, there are over 800 cameras in the speaker at the end of their presentation. be in attendance in the medical room at all times building monitoring all areas of the convention during the conference.

8 [email protected] 9 [email protected] How to Lobby

Delegates Enter Conference


BEGIN LOBBYING (With your Resolution to Sign up to)

Find Same-Issue Delegates

Find Block Members Find Other Delegates

Agreeing Disagreeing Agreeing Disagreeing Delegates Delegates Delegates Delegates

Sign on to Resolution Together

Those Signed on are “Co-Submitters”

10 [email protected] 11 [email protected] Procedures for Processing Resolutions

For each party involved in the life of a resolution a series of steps are needed.

Delegate Approval Panel

The delegate: The Approval Panel reviews the language and 1. or she needs to ensure that the content within the format of draft resolutions to ensure structural and 2. formatting issues do not distract delegates from 3. support within the committee before debate, and debating content. 4. Ensures that all co-submitters have not supported During forum debates: The Approval Panel: 5. 1. submitter sheets are available from the forum 2. Directs the main submitter into the Approval Panel 1. Open the appropriate resolution from the 6. Reviews the resolution with the appropriate 1. Supports and encourages delegates during their main submitter of the resolution is allowed into the 2. Save the resolution on to the committee approval panel area. computer desktop using the resolution number 2. Releases the co-submitter sheet at the 3. Reviews the co-submitter sheet and obtains the b. Registers the resolution into the Resolution 3. 3. 4. 4. Make changes to the document as amendments 5. Reads the resolution and corrects minor mistakes Number on the co-submitter sheet 4. and ensures proper formatting using the THIMUN 5. 7. The main submitter meets with approval panel Resolution Formatting Guide 6. If changes have been made to the document, upload staff for reviewing of the resolution. The delegate 5. Registers the resolution into the Resolution 6. 7. If the resolution can be approved: 7. Using the drop down menu, indicate if the submitter sheet 6. 8. the co-submitter sheet 8. 7. Signs the bottom of the co-submitter sheet if it resolutions that has been approved but not 9. If the resolution is approved, the draft resolution 8. Prioritise approved resolutions for debate at the General or Head of the Secretariat following meeting times: 8. If the resolution cannot be approved: changes. The delegate will repeat steps 1-7 once changes have been made.

12 [email protected] 13 [email protected] How Debate and Resolution Writing Works in Security Council and Advisory Panel


distribution, and organizes all passed resolutions into Delegate (who submitted the clause) the THIMUN Qatar Resolution Booklet. ROLE CALL speaks about it

The Secretariat: 1. Chair gives delegates some time to write Time is set in favor of the clause their clauses on amendment paper for Debate 2. resolutions with attached co-submitter sheet. 3. Photocopies the prioritized resolutions in the order to be given to the Head of Admin Staff Issue is announced The Delegate: 4. 5. Organizes and formats approved resolutions Delegates send their clauses If open to into the Resolution Booklet for distribution to as amendments to Chairs to another Points of participating schools, THIMUN Foundation and to Chair The United Nations. Delegate Information Chair asks which delegates would Chair asks *The Chair Delegates which recognizes speaks on delegates delegates Clause Delegates raise placards, one of the wish to speak for POI delegates is recognized

If open to *First Chair POI starred recognized recognizes This clause is typed by the Chair steps(*) delegate a delegate on the screen and it is read occur makes POI

Delegates (who submitted the clause) Delegate Delegate *Delegate speaks about it speaks on answers Clause to Chair the POI

If open to Starred steps (*) POI starred continue, then steps (*) delegate yields occur to Chair (refer to those steps above)

14 [email protected] 15 [email protected] Flow Diagram For Processing Resolutions How Debate Works ROLE CALL

The Approval Panel Process Resolution is announced to be debated

Resolution is given a number and recorded into RMS in committee

Main Submitter is sent to Approval Panel Main Submitter Reads Operative Clauses

Main Submitter makes 3 min. Resolution is checked through for: Speech on Resolution Main Submitter answers Points of Information

Resolution is corrected by Main Submitter Yields Floor to the Chair Yields Floor to another Delegate

Resolution if sent for a second Evaluation Chair calls upon delegates wishing to speak Delegate approaches and speaks on Resolution, if open to Points of Information, delegates answers Approved? Declined? questions posed by other delegates A Delegate is recognized and speaks

Resolution is sent to Corrections Committee for debate happen again The Delegate speaks The Delegate makes A Yields Floor to another Delegate on Resolution an amendment*

Opens for Points of Information

If yes, Delegate answers Previous steps are VOTING points, if no, Delegate repeated, after much PROCEDURES yields to chair or to a debate, time elapses

16 [email protected] 17 [email protected] THIMUN Qatar Exectutive Team

Position Name Committee Position Name President Osama Ghani Arsalaan Muhammad Shahd Al-Baz Shanthanu Rao Lama Alawami Nuh Bahemia GA2 Economic and Financial Abdulla Darwish Beruk Samson Barbara Giesteira Sana Amin Sheikha Al Derbesti Dalia Margiadi Head of the Secretariat Haaris Ahmed Head of the Secretariat Thushan Puhalendran Adeeba Ahmad Head of MUNITY Press GA6 Legal Solomon Richard Anisha Pai Hiba Argane Hannah Akhtar President Salah Mahmoud Luma Mansi Ola Al Tai Yeon Geong Hwang Rida Khalid Head of IT Commissions Mohammed Al Malek President Yasmeen El Tahan President Reem Al Khori Dasa Riadi President Temitope Akinade Patrick Arevalo Barakah Moti President Hanna Moazam Ashish Tharoor President Marvin Arnold Razan Kahlout

President Osamah Hindi Aisha Al-Misnad Dana Al Shamlan

President Isha Lamba Yasmin AlKhowaiter Registrar Umema Khan

18 [email protected] 19 [email protected] Directors Training Institute Country Assignments

Algeria Sherborne Qatar Australia Park House English School Austria Bahrain THIMUN O-MUN Belgium Lahore American School Bolivia DPS Modern Indian School Brazil Dukhan English School Burundi DPS Modern Indian School With the expansion of Model United Nations At its conclusion, participants will be awarded Level 1 throughout the region, the demand for teacher-level assistance and training is growing. The THIMUN Ecuador International School of London - Qatar is proud to offer a new professional development part of a larger two-tiered training program that will the MUN Directors Institute. Ethiopia American School Dubai At the Institute, participants will learn how to teach Finland Gulf English School fundamental Model UN skills to beginner delegates through fun and engaging activities. Participants will Georgia American School of Doha be trained to deliver a series of one-hour workshops on research, public speaking, resolution writing Ghana Qatar International School and other skills that will help delegates prepare for Greece DPS Modern Indian School conference preparation.

20 [email protected] 21 [email protected] Iceland Birla Public School Peru The British School Kathmandu India Qatar International School Indonesia Mesaieed Int School Iran DPS Modern Indian School Qatar DPS Modern Indian School Saudi Arabia Gulf English School Kazakhstan Newton International School Senegal Deira International School Singapore American School of Doha Slovenia DPS Modern Indian School Lesotho The British School Kathmandu Solomon Islands Mesaieed Int School South Africa The Universal American School of Kuwait Lithuania Mesaieed Int School Sri Lanka Al Khor Int School Luxembourg Qatar International School Suriname Deira International School Sweden Sherborne Qatar Mali Birla Public School Monaco Kuwait English School Togo Mesaieed Int School Tunisia American International School in Abu Dhabi Tuvalu DPS Modern Indian School Nepal Lebanese School Uganda American School of Doha Nicaragua Middle East International School United Kingdom DPS Modern Indian School Niger Lebanese School Uzbekistan The British School Kathmandu Oman DPS Modern Indian School Venezuela Al Khor Int School Viet Nam DPS Modern Indian School Palestine American School of Doha Yemen Sherborne Qatar Zambia Al Khor Int School Zimbabwe DPS Modern Indian School

22 [email protected] 23 [email protected] THIMUN Qatar Demographics

Delegates attending the 2015 THIMUN Qatar conference are from 72 different nationalities. The nationalities represented at THIMUN Qatar are listed below

Afghanistan Israel Algeria Romania Australia Saudi Arabia Austria Serbia Bahrain Kazakhstan Singapore Bangladesh Kuwait Somalia Belgium Lebanon South Africa Spain Malawi Sri Lanka Sudan Mauritius Switzerland Morocco Denmark Nepal Netherlands Tanzania, United Rep. Ethiopia New Zealand France Tunisia Oman Ghana Pakistan United Arab Emirates India Palestine United Kingdom Indonesia Philippines United States of America Iran Poland Venezuela Portugal Yemen Ireland Qatar Zimbabwe

Conference Totals

Total Participation 1534 Student Partici 1398 Total Delegates 1187

24 [email protected] 25 [email protected] MR 105 Map of QNCC 3rd Committee

MR 103 KEY 1st Committee

MR 104 Meeting rooms Registration 2nd Committee

Press room Elevators Baggage drop-off + business center lounge Underground Stairs Medical center walkway to car park

Escalators Bus drop-off point Male prayer room MR 106 Exit 6th Committee Cafe Baggage drop-off Female prayer room West Foyer

Information Counter VIP Drop-Of Area

MR 101 East Foyer Ground Level Theatre Opening & Closing Ceremony 102 Approval Panel Exhibition Hall 2 Audi 2 Press Room Lunch Sessions SPC 5th Committee Registration Counter Exhibition Hall 1 G02 Registration Administration Staff Lunch Sessions ECSOC

Level 2

MR 215-216-217 MR 218-219-220 Environmental Commission (EC) Disarmament Commission (DC) MR 239-240-238 HR2 MR 204 ICJ

MR 203 Press Room

Conference Hall MR 201 Director’s Room MR 236-237-238 HR1 MR 224 Film Institute

MR 202 Security Council

26 [email protected] 27 [email protected] ! The THIMUN Qatar Peace and Service award is given annually to an individual in recognition of outstanding services to the community, THIMUN Qatar society and humanity whose actions and words have help support the mission of the THIMUN Peace and Foundation and The United Nations to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one Service Award another as good neighbors.

Preference will be given to nominees whose work is focused on children and/or young people and/or the nominee is under the age of 25. Preference will also be given to nominees who have attended or have supported the THIMUN Foundation or THIMUN Qatar MUN conference.

Ms. Linda Dubock, THIMUN Foundation presents the THIMUN Qatar Peace and Service award to Mr. Bader Darwish, Chairman and Managing Director of Darwish Holdings

Nominees Nominees are welcome from any participating THIMUN Qatar school. Nominees should be a community member from the nominating school. A community member is broadly defined and can be a student, alumnia, parent, teacher, or facility member of school community. The nominee should be known within the school community. Nominations are welcome from students or staff members of the school but the nomination must be supported by the Head of the school.

Individuals who wish to nominate an individual should submit to the THIMUN Qatar office a written overview of the candidates qualification and photograph of the candidate by November 30th of each calendar year.

Selection Nominees are reviewed by the THIMUN Qatar Advisory Board and selected based on the votes of the THIMUN Qatar Advisory Board. Nominees must receive a 2/3 majority of Advisory Board members. If a 2/3 majority can be achieved on the first ballot. The nominee with the lowest number of votes will be dropped with the process repeating itself until a nominee is selected.

28 [email protected] 29 [email protected] THIMUN QATAR


QATAR LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 15–17 October, 2015 THIMUN QATAR STAFF THIMUN FOUNDATION STAFF QLC 2015 Deadline for registration 30 June, 2015 Lisa Martin Head of THIMUN Qatar Irene Crepin Managing Director Jesse Atkins Tanya Keizer Abhay Valiyaveettil


Kari Detwiler Beck Francis Laughlin American School of Doha Alan Butler Alain Meidinger Lycée Français Vincent van Gogh Naomi Rennicks Remco van der Zwaag Park House English School Treasurer, Michael Alexander Milne Fokke de Jong Dukhan English School Da Vinci College Leiden Tracey Ennis Peter Loy Qatar International School Marie Luthra DPS Modern Indian School Fatima El-Mahdi Mesaieed International School Pantea Beigi Al Khor International School

30 [email protected] NOTES

32 [email protected] THIMUN QATAR, P.O. Box : 1129, Doha - Qatar T +974 44542000 F +974 44542026 E [email protected] |