
Lleucu Lynch Cyswllt Contact Ffôn Phone 01286 674622

Erthygl i’r Wasg Press Article

Llond cwch o hwyl, chwerthin a physgod!

Tair wythnos, dau ffrind, un cwch ac un swigen - be all fynd o’i le?!

Mewn cyfres newydd sbon ar , Pysgod i Bawb, cawn fynd ar daith unigryw rownd arfordir Cymru. Yr actor a’r pysgotwr brwd Julian Lewis Jones fydd yn mynd â’i ffrind bore oes, Ryland Teifi, ar daith i ddysgu a mwynhau un o grefftau gorau’r wlad – pysgota.

Gyda Chymru’n enwog am ei moroedd, llynnoedd, a’i dyfroedd, mae’r cyfnod diweddar wedi cynnig cyfle i ni werthfawrogi’r hyn sydd ar ein stepen drws fwy nag erioed, ac yng nghwmni’r ddau ffrind, cawn ymuno yn yr hwyl.

Yn dechrau nos Lun, 28 Medi am 8.00 o’r gloch, fydd y ddau yn cychwyn ar eu taith o Benarth, gan ymweld ag Ynys Wair ym Môr Hafren, trip sy’n nodi’r wers bysgota gyntaf i Ryland gan ei athro, Julian.

"Dwi ‘di treulio mwy o amser efo Ryland mewn tair wythnos na dwi ‘di neud efo unrhyw berson arall bron a bod - nai ddim rhannu mwy na hynny! Y ddau ohona ni’n rhannu camperfan, ac yn teithio o’r de i’r gogledd yn pysgota yn nyfroedd gorau Cymru!" meddai Julian, sy’n wreiddiol o Frynteg, Sir Fôn, ond sydd bellach yn byw gyda’i deulu yn Nantgaredig yn Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Er mwyn ffilmio’r gyfres, roedd rhaid i Julian a Ryland greu swigen er mwyn dilyn rheolau’r Llywodraeth ynghylch Covid-19.

"Dwi’n ffrindie efo Ryland ers blynyddoedd maith - ond nes i ‘rioed ddychmygu y baswn i mewn bybl efo fo chwaith! Dydi Ryland ddim yn bysgotwr, felly mae o’n cael crash course ar bysgota yn ystod y gyfres. Ma’ pysgota yn un o’r petha prin fedri di neud yng nghanol hyn i gyd yn ddiogel, a faswn i wrth fy modd yn gweld mwy o bobl yn ymddiddori yn y grefft, yn enwedig wrth weld Ryland yn dysgu!

"Mae’r diwydiant pysgota wedi gweld tyfiant anferthol yn ystod cyfnod Covid-19. Mae ‘na gymaint o drwyddedau newydd wedi cael eu prynu, a chwmnïau taclau yn gwerthu stoc i gyd. Dyw’r tyfiant diweddar yn y byd pysgota heb ei weld o’r blaen, felly gobeithio bydd hynny’n parhau."

Ond mae mwy i bysgota na dal pysgod, fel rannai Julian.

"Weithie, ti’n mynd allan i bysgota, a ti’n dal dim! Yndi, mae o’n gallu bod yn demoralising os dio’n digwydd drwy’r amser! Ond ma’ jysd bod allan ar y dŵr, siarad a chael awyr iach mor llesol. Mae’n gyfle i gymryd cam yn ôl o fywyd go iawn. Peidio bod yn obsessed efo fy ffôn a sbio ar e-byst. Mae’n ddihangfa.

"’Da ni’n dau wedi bod trwy gyfnodau caled fel actorion. Yn enwedig rŵan - does ‘na’m gwerth yn digwydd yn y busnes actio ar y funud! Mae o wedi hitio’r diwydiant yn galed iawn. Ma’ ne lot o betha’ da ni wedi bod trwyddo fel ffrindia, dim jysd fel actorion ond fel pobl hefyd. ‘Da ni’n glos iawn, a gobeithio bydd pawb adre yn mwynhau ymuno yn yr hwyl."

Mi fydd rhywbeth i bawb ar Pysgod i Bawb – ymunwch yn yr hwyl bob nos Lun ar S4C.

Noddir Pysgod i Bawb gan Porth i’r Plat - https://menterabusnes.cymru/emff/

Pysgod i Bawb Nos Lun, Medi 28 am 8.00 Isdeitlau Cymraeg a Saesneg Ar alw ar S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer a llwyfannau eraill Cynhyrchiad Tinopolis ar gyfer S4C


Lleucu Lynch Cyswllt Contact Ffôn Phone 01286 674622

Erthygl i’r Wasg Press Article

Plenty of laughs, plenty of fun and plenty of fish!

Three weeks, two friends, one boat and one bubble – what could possibly go wrong?

In a brand-new series on S4C, Pysgod i Bawb, we go on a unique trip around ’ coastline. Actor and fishing enthusiast Julian Lewis Jones guides his lifelong friend, Ryland Teifi, on a once in a lifetime journey to learn and enjoy one of the country’s best crafts – fishing!

With Wales famous for its waters, the recent times have allowed us to appreciate what's on our doorstep more than ever, and in the company of the two old friends, we can join in the fun.

Starting on Monday, 28 September at 8.00 pm, the two will embark on their journey from Penarth, visiting Lundy island in the Bristol Channel, a trip which marks the first fishing lesson for Ryland by his teacher, Julian.

"I've spent more time with Ryland in three weeks than I've ever done with almost anyone else – and I won’t say more than that! We both share a campervan, and travel from south to north Wales fishing in the country’s best waters! " said Julian, who is originally from Brynteg, , but now lives with his family in Nantgaredig, Carmarthenshire.

To film the series, Julian and Ryland had to create a bubble to follow the Government guidelines on Covid-19.

"I've been a good friend of Ryland's for many years - but I never imagined I would be in a bubble with him either! Ryland is not a fisherman, so he gets a crash course on fishing during the series. Fishing is one of the few things you can do safely in the middle of all this, and I would love to see more people taking up the craft, especially after watching Ryland learn over the series!

"The fishing industry has seen tremendous growth during Covid-19. There have been so many new licenses bought, and tackle companies selling-out all their stocks. The recent growth has never been seen before and hopefully, that will continue."

But there’s more to fishing than catching fish, as Julian explained.

"You can go out fishing and not catch anything! Yes, it can be demoralising if it happens all the time! But being out on the water, talking and getting some fresh air is so good for you. It's a chance to take a step back from reality. A chance not to be obsessed with my phone and look at emails - an escapism.

"We've both been through tough times as actors. Especially now - there's nothing much happening in the acting business at the moment! It's hit the industry hard. We’ve been through a lot as friends, not just as actors but as people as well. We are very close, and hopefully, everyone at home will enjoy joining in the fun."

There will be something for everyone on Pysgod i Bawb - join in the fun every Monday night on S4C.

Pysgod i Bawb is sponsored by Port to Plate - https://menterabusnes.cymru/emff/

Pysgod i Bawb Monday, 28 September at 8.00 English and Welsh subtitles On demand S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer and other platforms A Tinopolis production for S4C