T HEIB REEZE / Iim New JMU Hire 'Not Part of Idaho Debt Problem

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T HEIB REEZE / Iim New JMU Hire 'Not Part of Idaho Debt Problem I Pan 13 lack In tin Iwi h. Current and former residents take a look at how TTie 76l/i Annual Academy Awards came and went with The men's basketball team hits the road this weekend for Harrisonburg became the way it is today. few surprises. the Colonial Athletic Association Tournament. 'HEW:- .am^: mm,, -im j^ James Madison University T HEIB REEZE / iim New JMU hire 'not part of Idaho debt problem lion satellite campus, she said. aspects extremely hard and did all the and that's why I am here," Carr President Rose, former employer According to a report issued involved. rtafal things.' said. "Only 10 percent of my in December by KPMG, an Officials The project, which was time was to serve as executive support VP despite concerns accounting firm, "the Project was at Idaho intended to be a four-building director." BY KKI.LY JASPER But. according to Jim not adequately planned, execut- said, how- molter development, began in Haw kms, president ot the Idaho ed, monitored or reported." ever, that January 2000 when the founda- Dual roles confusing news editor foundation, Carr was not University of Idaho despite tion responded to a request Dual roles shared between The executive director erf the responsible for poor investment President Robert Hoover Carr's role from the university to buy real the foundation and universi- University of Idaho Foundation decisions that led the resigned in April 2003 amid con- as executive estate in Boise, Idaho, Carr said. ty created confusion during recently was hired to oversee all Foundation into debt. cerns with the project, and Jerry director of 'It ran up against a changing the project, Carr said. In JMU private fund raising. JMU named Carr senior Wallace, the foundation's treas- the founda- economy," she said. "The size addition to her dual role, However, some JMU offi- \KI president for university urer, was fired soon after, tion, she CARR overran the project, and it was Wallace also held two posi- cials have questioned President advancement last December, according to a May 23, 2003, was not decided to not go ahead with it." tions, serving as the founda- Unwood Rose's decision to hire and she began work at JMU in article in The Chronicle of Higher heavily involved in the manage- She added that her tion's treasurer and the uni- Joanne Carr, considering her early February. Education. The FBI currently is ment decisions for the develop- employment in Idaho was not versity's vice president for former foundation holds $26 For three years, her former assisting a VS. attorney to inter- ment, named University Place. meant to be focused on real finance and administration. million in debt as a result of foundation served as a con- pret a 600-page report on the "[CarrJ, in my opinion, was estate development, but on The foundation at JMU, investment decisions made dur- duit for the University ol project in an effort to analyze never part of the problem," university advancement. ing her employment Idaho to develop a $136 mil- some of the complex financial Hawkins said. "She worked 'That's what I did in Idaho, see VP, ptge 5 Student Bill of Rights SGA bill and Responsibilities: stirs up Artidell questions Student Senate debates discrimination clause BY TONI DUNC However, not everyone news editor agreed the bill is necessary. fiepnOUUW (~ory Wtnfrfr. The Student Government committee ili.nr of student Association, after much debate, ml the university voted to postpone its vote on the handbook already covers and Student Bill of Rights and protects student rights and Responsibilities until March 16, I have read allowing senators more time to both (the handbook and the talk to their constituent. bill) and I can't see much of a The bill, which is ment to Jitlerence,'' Winter laid. protect student rights, including He said the SGA should ask protec- the university to dear up the lan- t i o n guage or add statements to its against policy because the university discrimi- ,, won't recognize the |SGA Bill of nation ■ Right* and Responsibilities! for sexual orientation, would be because it's not university policy. added to the SGA's "This isn't Taliban Constitution if passed. University — il I lames Student Body President Madison University," Winter KKVAN MACIVKRA.iwn/xim* um.i I ev.tr Stoney, who made this ■aid, referring to his belief bill part of his presidential that the rights of students are platform for the past two not violated that frequently. Staggered class schedule, diversity among future plans years, said the bill is impor- Junior Johnalex Golden, at- tant because it is the "respon- large senator, said the bill was BY TONI DUNCAN tee is working with the administration mirte chair of the diversity affairs. This sibility of the SGA to picket necessary because it includes news editor over the alterations of class times. was formerly a temporary position. defend and support the rights areas that are not mentioned Junior Ricardo Pineres, senator of "They are also hoping to implement of all students within the in the handbook. With only half a semester to go, Ashby Hall, said the administration is some incentives for minority faculty to JMU community." Article II of the pmposcd the Student Government looking to stagger dass times between come [to JMU]," Broussard said. I his hill should bo passed bill states th.it 'students shall Association is preparing for next the different campus sides of Integrated JMU also is going to seek out the because "(the university] not be denied universiu year, as well as working on more Science and Technology and the Quad. underrepresented areas, such as lacks the document that pro- opportunities based upon projects for this current semester. The BAT classes would begin on the Tidewater, and increase the student tect* the rights of all JMU race, ethnicity, gender, reli- "The budget season is in full half hour, and the Quad classes would applicant pools in these areas. In addi- students," he said. sexual orientation, politi- effect," said sophomore )ake Miller, begin on the hour. This is to help allevi- tion. Rose said he would do more to This bill has been worked cal affiliation, national origin SGA executive treasurer ate traffic and help students catch the help, such as having lunches with on for the past year, accord- or citizenship status, age, dis- Junior Matt Gray, senator of the bus, according to Pineres. The adminis- some applicants, especially different ing to Stoney, while he met ability or veteran status." College of Arts and Letters, said that tration is asking for SGA's suggestions. athletes, according to Broussard. with v uis numbers of the The inclusion of sexual ori- individual members of the finance The diversity affairs committee met The diversity plan is not just about administration to check on entation, which is not in the committee will be meeting with the with President Linwood Rose earlier recruiting, though, according to the language of the bill and handbook, is important, front-end budgeted groups after Spring and reported on its discussion. Broussard. The diversity commission its content. (olden said. "There is Break. After the break, they will draw Daniel Wubah will remain as the also is working to help keep these stu- Stoney Mid it is important absolutely going to be celebra- up a budget, let it sit — giving senators special assistant to the president within dents at JMU. The SGA diversity com- to have a written document tions in the street |if this bill time to read it — and then, two weeks the recently formed diversity commis- mittee also agreed to help. because then it would be part later, it will go to the Senate for debate. sion, along with the entire office, accord- of the SGA forever. sri- BILL, page 5 The SGA academic affairs commit- ing to junior Lauren Broussard, conv set SGA, page 5 Performers celebrate womanhood Groups dance, sing, recite poetry for 'Through the Eyes of a Woman' BY SHARON SCHIKI "It is so important to recog- Griffith, among others, all con- music of Beyonce*. nize the diversity of talent that tributed to the show celebrat- "We represent a different contributing writer women have on this campus," ing womanhood. element of the program," sen- Using various skits and per- senior Susan Husner said. AKA and DST recited Maya ior Heather Gilbert said. formances, students showed The program displayed a Angelou's poem "Still I Rise." "Dancing is an important rep- ' the importance of women. wide array of performances to Hughes performed an resentation of being a girl." March is National Women's demonstrate women's diversi- original poem "We need Performers were diversi- History Month, and plays an ty. Acts included monologues, to breathe ladies," she fied, and included males. essential role in acknowledging poetry, dance and musical said, to begin her piece. Senior Dante Ricci was women. The Women's selections. Madison Dance, Hughes expressed to other proud to take part in the cel- Resource Center and the Center Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, women that they must ebration for women. for Multicultural/International Inc., Delta Sigma Theta, Into take time away from "Although I am not a Student Services sponsored the Hymn, Husner, sophomore everything for themselves. woman, as a musician, I have ■■ HRR LAB/DA/inw/***™!*" event "Thnnigh the Eyes of a Kisha Hughes, senior Kristin Madison Dance per- been extraordinarily inspired Woman" Tuesday in Grafton- \fan Kundra, senior Jammal formed an energetic hip- **>k>t Susan Husner performs at Tuesday night's "Throufh the Stovall Theatre Crowder, and junior Jazz hop dance routine to the ve SHOW, page 5 E»»t of a Woman- to celebrate tha diversity of women.
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