Exhibition Checklist

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Exhibition Checklist OBJECT LIST Drawn to Rome: French Neoclassical Sketchbooks and Prints DRAWING NEOCLASSICAL REPERTORIES Marie-Joseph Peyre French, 1730–1788 Two Views of a Vestibule; Ceiling from the Baths of Titus; and Bull Skull Bas-Relief Ruins of the Baths of Caracalla, Rome 1753–1756 Pencil, pen, and wash, “Recueil de morceaux d’architecture…,” fols. 85v–86r and fol. 71r Tomb of Theron, Agrigento Temple of Jupiter-Serapis, Pozzuoli Arco Felice, near Pozzuoli Chalk, loose drawings from “Recueil de morceaux d’architecture…” (1786) Jacques-Louis David French, 1748–1825 Seated Male Figures after Ancient Roman Sculptures Pen and ink, wash, chalk, and pencil, album 11 (1775–1780 and 1784–1785), fol. 7 Funeral of a Hero 1778/1780 Pen and ink, wash, and gouache Crocker Art Museum, E. B. Crocker Collection, Sacramento Louis Gauffier French, 1761–1801 SS. Giovanni e Paolo near San Gregorio, Rome Pencil and wash, Roman sketchbook (1784–1789), no. 24 Jean-Michel Moreau (known as Moreau le Jeune) French, 1741–1814 Figure Studies from an Old Master Painting Pencil and watercolor, travel journal (1785–1786), fol. 3r -more- Page 2 Charles Percier French, 1764–1838 Elevations, Plans, and Architectural Decorations Pen and ink, wash, and pencil, sketchbook (1790), fols. 5v–6r Anonymous Figures after Laurent de la Hyre’s Life of St. Stephen Ancient Roman Bas-Reliefs (The Death of Meleager and Juno, Genio, and Jupiter) Chalk, sketchbook (ca. 1797), fols. 12 and 35 Anonymous Head and Figure Studies after Paintings Pen and ink, chalk, and pencil Ancient Bas-Reliefs Pen and wash sketchbook (1790s), fols. 7v–8r and 29 Hubert Robert French, 1733–1808 The Belvedere Apollo and Exterior Arch of the Louvre Pencil, sketchbook (1790s), fols. 31v–32r Antoine-Laurent Castellan French, 1772–1838 Views near Florence Wash and pencil Landscape View Wash, pencil, and pen and ink “Dessins” (1797–1799), nos. 90–93 and 12 Élie-Honoré Montagny French, d. 1864 Ancient Sculpture, Decorative Arts, and a Fresco from Herculaneum Pencil and pen and ink, “Recueil d’antiquités dessinées d’après des peintures trouvées à Herculaneum…” (1804–1805), fols. 1v–2r DRAWING ROME IN PARIS Charles-Nicolas Cochin II French, 1715–1790 Draped Figures Etching, Dessein (Paris, after 1777), plate 28 Anonymous The So-Called Borghese Gladiator, Contours and Proportions The So-Called Borghese Gladiator, Shaded Etching, Charles-Antoine Jombert, Méthode pour apprendre le dessin… (Paris, 1784), plates 67 and 68 -more- Page 3 Giovanni Volpato Italian, 1735–1803 Raphael Morghen Italian, 1758–1833 Head of the Barberini Juno Engraving, Principes de dessein…(Rome, 1786), plate 3 Claude-Mathieu Delagardette French, 1762–1805 Doric Capitol and Entablature from the Theater of Marcellus, Rome Jacopo Vignola, Règles des cinq ordres d’architecture… (Paris, 1797), p. 25, plate 10 Jean-Augustin Renard (draftsman) French, 1744–1807 J. B. Hayard (printmaker) French, active mid-eighteenth century Cornice of a Candelabra Pedestal in the Vatican Crayon-manner engraving, Jean-Augustin Renard, Etudes de fragments d’architecture…ouvrage dédié aux artistes (Paris, 1783), plate 4 Jacques-Louis David French, 1748–1825 Bacchic Dance 1775–1780 or 1784–1785 Pen and wash on tracing paper, loose sheet from album 11 (1826) Élie-Honoré Montagny French, d. 1864 Tracings of Prints after Antiquities Pencil and pen and ink on tracing paper, loose sheet from “Recueil d’antiquités…” (1804–1805) FRENCH DESIGN EPHEMERAL ROME Louis-Joseph Le Lorrain French, 1715–1759 Triumphal Arch for the King of Naples, Charles VII, for the Festival of the Chinea 1745 Temple of Minerva for the Festival of the Chinea 1746 Temple of Venus Genitrix for the Festival of the Chinea 1747 Temple Dedicated to the First Son of the King of Naples, Charles VII, for the Festival of the Chinea 1748 Etching -more- Page 4 Anonymous Procession for the Festival of the Chinea before the Temple of Minerva 1746 Etching PUBLISHING ROME IN FRANCE Gabriel-Pierre-Martin Dumont (draftsman) French, ca. 1720–1791 Jean-Baptist Bichard (printmaker) French, active mid-eighteenth century View of St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Etc hing, Gabriel-Pierre-Martin Dumont, Dét ails des plus intéressantes part i e s d’architectur e de la Basilique de St. Pierr e de Rome (Paris, 1763), plate 1 Gabriel-Pierre-Martin Dumont (draftsman) French, ca. 1720–1791 Pierre Moreau (printmaker) French, d. 1762 Temple of the Arts 1755 Etching Louis-Jean Desprez French, 1743–1804 Ruins of the Temple of Isis, Pompeii Reconstruction of the Temple of Isis as It Appeared in AD 79 Aquatint, Jean Claude Richard de Saint-Non, Voyage pittoresque, ou, Description des royaumes de Naples et de Sicile (Paris, 1782), vol. 1, pt. 2, plates 74 and 75 bis Charles-Nicolas Cochin II French, 1715–1790 Hercules Sees His Son Telephos, after a Fresco from Herculaneum Etching, Jérôme-Charles Bellicard and Nicolas Cochin, Observations sur les antiquités de la ville d’Herculanum (Paris, 1754), plate 16 Marie-Joseph Peyre (draftsman) French, 1730–1788 Michel Loyer (printmaker) French, active 1760s Cross-Section and Elevation of the Tomb of Metella, Rome Maison de Plaisance (the Villa Neubourg, Paris) Etching, Oeuvr es d’architecture de Marie-Joseph Pey re… (Paris, 1765), plates 6 and 2 -more- Page 5 Jean Barbault (draftsman) French, 1718–1762 Domenico Montagù (printmaker) French, active 1750s View of the Pantheon, Rome Etching, Les plus beaux édifices de Rome moderne (Rome, 1763), plate 20 Charles Percier French, 1764–1838 Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine French, 1762–1853 Vestibule of the Palazzo Farnese, Rome Engraving, Palais, maisons, et autres édifices modernes dessineés à Rome (Paris, 1798), plate 43 PENSIONNAIRES AND THE IDEA OF ROME **Louis-Jean Desprez (draftsman) French, 1743–1804 Francesco Piranesi (printmaker) Italian, ca. 1756–1810 Holy Sacrament in the Pauline Chapel Fireworks over Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome 1783–1788 Etching with watercolor and gouache Charles Percier French, 1764–1838 Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine French, 1762–1853 Vestibule of the Villa Medici, Rome Villa Panfili, Rome; Villa Farnesina, Rome An Entrance to the Villa Panfili Garden, Rome ca. 1809 Pen and ink, wash, and gouache .
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