AtlasAtlas VV SecondarySecondary PayloadPayload CarriersCarriers –– 20062006

Ideas and Progress for Secondary Payload Capabilities

NSF Workshop on Missions May 15, 2007

Jake Szatkowski, PhD.

303-977-5066 11 EELVEELV –– Secondary Secondary PayloadPayload (SP)(SP) CapabilitiesCapabilities • Secondary Payload Benefits • Philosophical Approach for SPs • SP Issues • SP Interface Control Doc (ICD) • SP System Integration • Mission Concept Summary • SP Carrier - Details • Mission Opportunities Near Term • Progress Summary

STP-1 22 PhilosophicalPhilosophical ApproachApproach forfor SecondariesSecondaries • Dedicated focus on primary mission customer – Primary retains schedule, manifest, DOL authority – Primary is completed prior to SP separation (w/exception) – Primary integration, launch, and mission – not impacted by SP – SPs plug and play swap-ability – no impact to DOL • Robust design capability for flexibility – SPs dynamically isolated from primary to maximum extent possible – Kit-able SP standard interface and simplified ops design – Add/Removable SP platforms as margin is released – Enveloping qualification specs for SPC/SP in ICD/user guide • Low-risk Integration – SP will test-like-you-fly, electrical/mechanical I/F c/o (use of the ULA SIL) – Primary/SP integration in parallel separate facilities – Primary/adapter integrated atop populated SPC in P/L processing facility (PPF) prior to encapsulation and transport to launch pad

SPs rideshare to where the primary is going

33 SPSP IssuesIssues • Primary payload’s willingness to fly SPs • Launch vehicle team has a risk aversion mind-set • SPs electrically quiescent from encapsulation thru primary mission • Establish enveloping SP specs for Loads Analysis • Include lessons learned from STP-1 – EMI effects from motorized sep systems – Must do “test-like-you-fly” in the SIL – too costly an integration process • Need for defined SP qualification methodology and certification • Still In-Work: – SPC, pPod structural designs & load limits are preliminary – Electrical I/F trade study (simplify avionics for recurring integration) – Enveloping environmental standard and separation shock limits • Need for a “clearing house” to do mission integration to certify interface accommodation and qualification for small payloads Need for a gov’t agency to manage mission integration

44 SPSP InterfaceInterface ControlControl DocumentDocument (ICD)(ICD) • ICD will have enough material to act as a Users Guide to the SP community • Enveloping guides for mass/volume/cg • Separation clearances, spin rate, tip-off rates • Sep device qualified to allowable shock environment • RF environments and interface limitations • Trickle charge and power availability in-flight • Telemetry availability w/ 422 I/F • Events controls and verifications • Qual environment standards, Qual certification guide

The ICD will act as a Users’ Guide

55 SPSP SystemSystem IntegrationIntegration

L-27 mo NLT L-10 mo NLT L-9 mo SP Match-mate, and Combined SPs Receipt for Primary SP Mission I/F testing in SIL Mission Service Mission Integration by ATP Award Integration LM Kick Off NLT L-6 mo NLT L-16 mo NLT L-13 mo Secondary Payload Mission Compatibility Feasibility Study Study Primary Integrate Payload Primary & Integration Secondary Primary Payloads at Payload Lnch Site Receipt at Launch Site Encapsulate Payloads Encapsulated P/L Hoist & Mating Ops PLF Roll Vehicle to Receipt Launch Pad

Integrated Launch Vehicle Testing Transport Encapsulated Payloads To VIF Launch

(NLT – No Later Than)

66 SPSP SystemSystem IntegrationIntegration LabLab (SIL)(SIL) • To run a SP Integration verification we need to test – from the ground system to the SP, – from the Atlas Vehicle Avionics to the SP – track and analyze TLM from the SP • The CFA provides all the SP standard cabling – electrical I/Fs (power, A/B sequencing) using a CRCU – MDU provides TLM data interleave via 422 I/F SP • Avionics-SIM provides A/B events Integration • Gnd H/W interfaces provides power & umbilical

• CCLS will sequence thru ground tests I/F Chassis A/B cables • ADMS provides operator stations CRCU Uplink/ – TLM monitoring, TLM archive data Downlink 422 (100 baseT) Centaur • PCs to port customer SP sw for testing Forward Adapter (CFA) The SP-SIL will help you get ready to fly DET

CCLS FTINU Computer Electrical Controlled Equivalent ADMS ADMS PC PC Launch Set (customer stations) 77 SPsSPs MissionMission ConceptConcept SummarySummary • STP-1 released a primary and 5 SPs – Orbital Express (primary) with MidStar-1 at 492km circular, 46 deg incl – NPSAT1, STPSat-1, CFE, FalconSat-3 at 560km circular, 35.4 deg incl – STP-1 had 6000 lb of unused performance margin • Most commercial launches are GTO – Approx. at 27 deg w/ a retrograde orbit that is either + or – a ½ deg. – Perigee is nominally 185 nm up to 300 nm – Apogee is GTO up to 100k nm – Upper Stage do degrade over time. – Tend to circularize at perigee & gradually lower till extinction. – The lower the perigee – the faster they decay

This is where we are typically going

88 SPSP OptionsOptions [Atlas[Atlas only]only] • Dual Payload Carrier (DPC) for heavy’s • Integrated Payload Carrier (IPC) – Supports 400lb SPs outside & more inside IPC – EELV and Commercial Mission as Available (DMSP, NPOESS, GPS)

• Small Class Carriers ESPA – Secondary Payload Carrier (SPC) 125lb – Type-C Carrier (TCC) 35lb

– Aft Bulkhead Carrier (ABC) 35lb TCC SPC • X-ternal Payload Carrier (XPC) – Supports Sub-orbital Flight Tests (solids?)


99 SPCSPC forfor 125125 lbmlbm classclass [Atlas[Atlas only]only] m3 : ATLAS MS7M3 - Go Atlas / Go Centaur : kwcope : /pa • Simple, flexible solution to fly 4 multiple SPs – Kit-able platforms allow 1 to 4 SPs per flight – SP mass of up to 125 lbm (57 kg) each – SP volume of ~76x76x76 cm (30x30x30 in.) or more – Stiffened C-29 adapter w/ a C-13 below allows for easy stack integration • Status - ILC mid ‘09 – Structural design and analysis in progress SP Platform 15º angle to vehicle axis for larger volume avoids fairing sweep zone

Qualified struts fm L-29


C-29 Adapter w/ Stiffening Bands Fwd & Aft (Integrally Machined)

1111 Type-CType-C CarrierCarrier (TCC)(TCC) forfor 3535 lbmlbm classclass

P-Pod RocketPodTM

Pico satellite (CubeSatTM)

1212 AtlasAtlas VV SecondarySecondary ManifestManifest CapabilityCapability

CY2006 CY2007 CY2008 CY2009 CY2010 CY2011 Launch Pad 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N

GPS IIF-6 GPS IIF-9 CCAFS 401 401 SBIRS G-1 401 OTV 2 LC-41 NROL-30 501 3 AV009/401 LRO 19 Jan 401 AEHF-1 STP-2 Pluto ICO G1 531 401 AV010/551 AV-014 / 421 STTR-1 401

GPS IIF-3 GPS IIF-8 401 401 3 OTV 1 AEHF-3 AV012/501 531

20 Apr MUOS-2 ASTRA 1KR 541 AV008/411 NROL-24 14 Feb SBIRS G-2 401 GPS IIF-4 STP-1 WGS F3 401 401 AV-013 / 401 521 MUOS-1 3 541 MSL 541 GPS IIF-7 401

NROL-33 401 GPS IIF-2 WGS F1 SDO NROL-38 521 401 WGS F4 401 401 521

VAFB 3 Apr 16 Apr NROL-39 NROL-41 NROL-28 DMSP-18 501 501 SLC-3E AV006/411 401

Atlas V Launch Under Review 400 500 * Secondary Opportunity Secondary Included Successfully Launched


1313 AtlasAtlas VV –– Projected Projected PropellantPropellant MarginMargin atat EOMEOM

10,881 3000




1000 Propellant Excess (lb) Propellant


0 9 09 09 00 010 2010 2010 2, 2012 20 , 2 2, 1 7 2008 , 1 12 12 00 2007 2007 2008 8, 2: 2 4, 2008 : 4: 7, 20 4: , 2007 5, 1: 1 - G 20 12, 3: 5, 2008O G 7, 11 11, 8: F MSL: 9,S-3: 2009 12,S- 2 S- O : -2: 3, HF:2008 sat 12, 1: S -1 SD LRO: 10, 2008ar GP E P RS- GP NROL-45:NR 9: -24: A I NROL-39:NROL-41: 12, 12, 2010 S-F L GP B nm SBIR -2 WGS- S I L ICO-G O DMS WG R NROL-30: 5, 2007 N NROL-28:

1414 SPSP DevelopmentDevelopment SummarySummary • IPC Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA) – Flight proven by the USAF on the STP-1 / AV-013 launch Feb 2007 –1st IPC to fly on LRO in Oct-31-08 • Secondary Payload Carrier (SPC) – Under development for a 2Q 09 mission • Type-C Carrier (TCC) – Under development for flight on a mission in 1Q 08 • Aft Bulkhead Carrier (ABC) – Under investigation with NASA and the NRO/OSL • Dual Payload Carrier (DPC) – Under investigation with GPS III and the NRO/OSL – Baseline for the GPS-III Block B, C, and D missions starting in 2013 • SP Systems Integration Lab (SP-SIL) – Under development in Denver by ULA – Complete checkout of mechanical and electrical interfaces – ICD and software verification prior to LV integration and mate – Satisfies Test-like-you-fly requirement


1616 MissionMission PerformancePerformance SummarySummary [Atlas][Atlas]

Atlas 401 Margin Atlas 411 with a 500 lb Secondary Payload Mission ILC Final Orbit Performance Performance Delta-V Performance Performance Delta-V (MECO 2) Margin (kg) Margin (lb) (feet / second) Margin (kg) Margin (lb) (feet / second)

DMSP-18 APR 08 848 km circ @ 98.7° 4,936 10,881 13,480 6,251 13,780 17,072 DMSP-19 FY 10" """""" DMSP-20 FY 12" """"""

GPS-IIF-2 MAR 08 20,368 km circ @ 55° 616 1,358 2,606 1,228 2,707 5,194 GPS-IIF-3 FEB 09" """""" GPS-IIF-4 JUN 09" """""" GPS-IIF-6 FY 10" """""" GPS-IIF-7 FY 11" """""" GPS-IIF-8 2013 " " " " " " " GPS-IIF-9 2013 " " " " " " " GPS-IIF-10 2013 " " " " " " " GPS-IIF-11 2013 " " " " " " " GPS-IIF-12 2013 " " " " " " "

SDO AUG 08 2500 x 35,288 km @ 28.5° 991 2,185 4,053 686 1,512 2,805

Std Com One / Year 185 x 35,786 km @ 27.0° 91 200 251 1,033 2,277 2,858

1717 Type-CType-C CarrierCarrier (TCC)(TCC) [Atlas[Atlas && Delta]Delta] • ’06 Study found placement of up to 4 TCCs to have no impact to EELV or commercial launches. – Mounting brackets for the Carriers will be added to the C22. (Stress analysis may require additional adapter structure mods) – No impact to the GSE Isolation Diaphragm with placement of the Carriers above the C22 mid ring. – Study analysis used shock isolators 58-77628-9 (ST54D59-8) already in use in the payload area. • Design Goals: – Brackets to be standard hardware on the C-adapter – TCC modes to be enveloped to have no impact on Primary – Stiffness design to permit enveloping the loads-analysis allowing late integration as weight-margin is made available – Avionics to be kit-able, event-table to be standardized

1818 AtlasAtlas VV -- IPC IPC StackStack OptionsOptions

B1194 PSR B1194 PSR B1194 PSR

C-26 C-26 C-24

ESPA D1666 PSR C-24 D1666 PSR

C-29 C-29 C-29

Option 1: Baseline Option 2: w/ ESPA Option 3: Stack Separation No Separation SP No Separation SP Separation SP 54” Dia x 60” Ht 54” Dia x 60” Ht 48” Dia x 60” Ht LRO Configuration with LCROSS Secondary B1194 PSR B1194 PSR B1194 PSR ESPA D1666 PSR D1666 PSR D1666 PSR D1666 PSR D1666 PSR C-24 D1666 PSR ESPA

C-29 C-29 C-29

Option 4: Stack Sep w/ ESPA Option 5: Stack Separation Option 6: Stack Sep w/ ESPA Separation SP Separation SP Separation SP 48” Dia x 60” Ht 48” Dia x 60” Ht 48” Dia x 60” Ht 1919 STP-1STP-1 withwith anan IPCIPC

2020 DMSPDMSP AssessmentAssessment withwith anan IPCIPC




DMSP DMSP ESPA ESPA 30” Cube 30” Cube (up to 6) (up to 6) C-22 C-22 (2)

2121 GPSGPS IIFIIF AssessmentAssessment withwith anan IPCIPC • Performance Margin > 1500 lbs – IPC stack height shown is 53” – Max 106” IPC stack height possible • Approx Weights of Bare Structure: – ESPA: 350 lbs – C-29: 100-175 lbs depending on wall thickness


Aux SC ESPA 30” Cube Up to 6



2222 AtlasAtlas VV DualDual PayloadPayload CarrierCarrier

• 5.4-meter Medium Payload Fairing • Satellite Vehicle Envelope • Forward Satellite Vehicle • DPC Forward Load Reactor • Dual Payload Carrier • Aft Satellite Vehicle • 173-inch Truss adapter • Centaur Forward Load Reactor • Centaur Upper Stage

Dual Launch Capability

2323 DeltaDelta IIII andand IVIV RideshareRideshare CapabilitiesCapabilities


• Up to two payloads • 100 lb mass (separating); 150 lb mass Delta II Guidance Section (non-separating) Operational • 11" x 13" x 19" volume • 9.5" clampband or 12" bolted interface

• Single payload in lower DPAF Delta II Reduced-Height • 3000 lb mass Dual Payload Attach • 60" x 60" x 52" volume Operational Fitting (DPAF) • 37" clampband interface (3715 PAF) • 24-month integration w/ upper payload

• Single payload in space reserved for GEO extended-mission hardware In Delta IV Second-Stage • 24" x 24" x 24" volume Equipment Shelf • Mass and interface TBD Development • Initial work will focus on P-Pod

• Up to three payloads per PAF • 300 lb mass Delta IV Secondary • 25" x 25" x 25" volume Concept Attach Mounting (SAM) • 15" clampband interface (ESPA)