Ca;tttt 'lJolltt ~ , VVESTERN A USTR.ALIA.

[ Published Dy Authority. 1

'fhi:; (;ftzdte ili pnblished for Police il~t'o"'rnation only, a1"lCl the t'olice thrutf,yhuut the Uoluny (ue -imdnu:ted 10 make tJ!e't) v~e"/lP!I. tho1'oughly (wquuintecl with the contents. GEO. PHILLIPS, COl1wnissioner of PoUce.

~ o. ~(J WED:" ESDAY, OCTOBER 5.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the HtOIlt'~ set 011 a ein;ular­ sha.ped ]Jj',.' I:(, ur gold ill tlw {'E'lltn.:" ebast>d around tht· r id... p":.,.,, t:'I;:~tle. l~!JH, pagf' 2~" . :\ I/!)·W~. stunes: ,L la.dy':. ;..ruhl ring s~ ·t with 3 red stonES and b'l'entalllll'.- The llllmht'l"of 1\.li(·hael Dlllln's wakh SUl'NUlUled wi t h ]:2 sm,Lll (JIlt'S; and a 6-eham bered I~ i045. revt1h'l'I'; tht:' Iln1perty uf Frank Sambell. -- A I 1027.'), lst Octohpr, J SHtl.

ride /·,,(iu I;"ufie, ll'i~!~. pag" 2!m. r\ I !/!/.-,\i. /'1'1'111. Ma\' Ht'il.I'HJlIU'S wa:ch al.lJ dlaill b;L\'e ]{UI/IIW I/{/. JktWI'l'lI thl' A\lg'llst and ult., lx'l'U recovered In- DeL B. S. Lesst'\". alld tri.l.(,('d to ht 27th Lht· posst'sslOn (~f tiydlH'Y Brig-gs .. Pr(lHl't'utioll dt.'­ from the \/\\ lIl'r's dwl'i l ill~. hnhl'lh Street -a 9d. elilltxl. gl,Jd l'haiu, um' J')I\g link <~Ild thrt:c Sill all ones a.iter­ Imtdy : a gold lSflu

B,/flbll,·.IJ.- OU the 26th ult .. from the. owner's LeedeJ'ville.-Between the 22nd and 27th lIIL, dWt'llillg'. Yarloop.- an 18d. !told keeper rillg'. fem from a.n allotment in Cariton Street,- an axe, leaf p:lt~tt.'rn, plain :spat'€' for on ; the prop­ between 71hs. and 8lbs. weight, shtlllpNl "Kdl,," un erty of P. J .• Bonle. - A1 10262, 30th Septemher. head, ash handle; the i,ropf'rty of Thomas On-.­ 1898. . A] 1024'i. 29th SE'ptem')el'. 189l::!,

Pedh On the 26th ult., hOBI 7·} Stirling- Strt't't.­ Pp1,th. - On or about th(' 20th Hit .. from the a plain g-ollll'ing- set with a double pead; a gold ha.}' owner's premises, Ba.rrack Street,--a 4;~in. black­ hl'O(H:h set with diamond in centre; and a gold brooch smith's vice, spring of jaws missing-, old, ya.lue s E. Brooks, residing a,t H(·lena Stn'et, Gnildfonl. Description: height about 5ft, 51in .. hrown bair. fail' cumplexion. wild lookin.g' eyes. BOllld€l'.~Between the 25th August ,wd 19th ult.. dresst'd in black skirt and neam hlou:se, - Al 10:W3, at Red Hil1,-a Lorden & Banfie1d shake-r. makers' 30th September, 1898. name on both sides, Ntl. 1.5:3, has ,t (Tack acl'vss boal'J of bellows, with a strip of leather Bin. wide FJ't?lI/(lI/t/I'.·-During the night of the 1st insl.. Over the crack, also has a date OIl top of hopper, 2 from tht.' owner's dwelling, Adelaide Street. a. holes Oil right hand siJe of heHows stuffed with gentleman's silver hunting key-winding Eng-lish lever eali(:o; also:2 picks, handle of OIle hrandeJ .. M. D."; - watch. 1)\, Benson. watehll1aker. L\)lldoll, "l\ICC" 1 shoveL handle slightly hurnt in cl'utre; and 2 eUO'I'n"erf verv fainth' on outside of front case; the prospt>dor's dishes; the llropel't)' of Colin McDonaJd. pr~perty of john J. Murray.-A1 10291, :3rcl Odoher, Suspicion attaches to Herhert L. She-nstonc; no 1898. dcs('l'iption gi"en; supposed g'OllC' to Broad Arrow.­ A] 10257, 30t h SeptelUl,el·. 1898. Frem(lllflt:. During the night of the 1st inst., from the Fremantle Resta.urant, a. smaJI brown Perth.-Durillg' thf' night of tht' ~9th lilt., from a lea.ther IJurse. :3~in. x 2in., two compartmC'llts, fash:n­ new building in Summer Street, :L 5-g.-tllon drum in~ with ,L button flap on front. containing ,t }J

Clal'cmo{.t.-On th? :lnu inst., from tho owncr's l~I C HARD BELL. ,Lt Coolg-ardie, on t he 27th ult .. by dwelling at Cott~sloc Be:1.("h. a ·:3:30 {)-c!talllbert::d Sergt. "T.C. Sell('uger and P.Cs. 1\1. 1'woby and \V. Colt's re,Tolver, nt'a,riy new, in hroWll leather case; J . lIalone; disorcleIlv, 40s. fine or 1 month h.l.; the property of Eclwanl ....\. Bagot. Suspicion resisting the police,' 40s. fine or 1 month h.t attaches to a J1H111 who was loitering about the vicinity; (cumulative). desniptit)u: ag(' ::1..bout 28.', hcig-ht Mt. lOin., red fal."c, silly look, dresse(l in brown suit and brown "\VALTER MAS,SINGHAM, ,.It "Mt. Magnet, on the soft felt hat.-Al 10:304. ~th Odoher. 1898. 20th ult., hy COl·pl. G. P ilkington fllHl P.C. F. Blain; as~ault, £1 fine or 7 days h.1.; n,SS:Wlt i ll~ pnlic·e, 2 months h.1.; resisting- police, 1 month h.!. (('umu­ AppreheusloIls. Ja.tivl') .

IFide Police Ga::eUe, 18~lS, page 2~j;j. BERNARD "\Vn,LIAJ'.JS. at Roebourne, on the 20th ARTHUR C)':lIERON. hroul-{ht lip at CUC' OIl the i~th lilt., hJ' P.C. J ames l\IIcNanulra. on Witrran t; unlaw­ ult. Discharged fo r want t)f prosecution. fully on prl'lllises. Disl"harge1l for want of pro se~lltioll. Vide Police Ga::l.!lte. l'i98, page !Hi. ALFRED KINr., l,rought up at Gemldton on the CHARLES F. G.HDINEI{, a.t }It. l\Iagnet. on the :l6th ult. Disci.largf'd under the First Offenders Ad 20th lilt.. In' the ]\It. :i\Ia~,plet police; larceny a~ a on paJIllent of costs. Als(} (·barged with escaping ha,i lt.'t'. R f' I)l aU(lt'cl . from lega.l custody. 14 days h.!. fjYDNEY ATKINS ("i(lf~ BRIGGS. at Frf', on ride Police Gmeitp, l:-)!)S, page 3UI, W. 'l~l. thl' :It:ith nit.. In' 'V.P.C. T. Rog-e l' ~; unlawful pos­ JOHN },IALONE, ]" the First. Offeuders' .A. et Oil payment of costs. Also ch,ul,{ecl JOHN O'BRlEN. at Frt'mantle, on tbe 27th nIt , hy with es("aping fr,)tll legal custody. l4 da:rs h.1. P.C. H. A. L,lsldt; di~ordt'r1,' and resisting arf(· ..:i. 6 wel'ks h.l. ride Police GtzeHe, 189S, p;-tgc 3W, "\\- ',;'-J.' . PATRICK CAREY alia.'; P E'l'ER CAIN, in eustodv, ALEXANDER D. MUIRHEAD, at Roeboul'Ue, ou t he brought up at Fremantle on the 80th ult., dUlrg-~d 30th ult., by the Roebourne poli<:e. Remanded. by P.C. J . Healy; unlawful possession. f:i wet:'ks h.!.

ride P olice Gazette, 1898, page 300. ERNEST BAECKER. at Perth, on the 23rcl uit., hy JOHN CAREY ana PATRICK CAREY aliaH P ETER. Det. ·W. H . Renfrey; uttpl"ing a forged chl'(lue. CAIN. brought up at Fremantle on the :30th ult.; Committed for triaL shop breaking" and larceny. COll1l1littea for t rial. JOSE PH )JULLARDl and ALFRED RICHARD. at J"ide Police Gazette, 1898, page 310, W. l/·i · Sydne.\T. on the ~lth July, by the Sydney poliee, urotlg-ht up at Perth on the 30th ult.; breaking and MARK RIN G, at \Vagiu, on the 29th ult., by P.C. entering. Committed for tria.L F. Butt!e.

HUGH 'VALLACE, at Perth, on the 23rcl ult., hy I'itle Police Gazette. 1ts98, page 309. Dd. 'V. H . Renhe,v; uttering a forged dH'que. JOHN McEwAN, brought up at Southern Cross on Committed for trial. the 3rd inst. 4 months h.1. (cul1lulat ive). JAME8 l\IOORE, at l'erth. (Ill the 2;)nl nIt., Iw P.C. Vide Pr,lice Gazette, 1898, page 316. A. 'Varneeke; larceny. 14 days 11 .1. . 'VJLUAlU CAR.ROLL, brought up at Perth on the 30th Illt. COJUmitted for trial. Allmitted to bail. .TAMES HOGAN , l~t Kauowna. ou the 28th uit., by P.Cs. J . T . Spal

JOS8PH JONES, at Mid la.nd Jundioll, on the 19th Conditional Release Holder. ult., by P.C. L. H . Ounningham ; larteny. 3 LARIO BLONDI, C.R., reg. No. 10404, rejJorts his months h.1. departure from Perth for Buubul"y on the 1st inst,. 326

Warrants Issued. Missing Friends.

EDWARD ALBERT VALEN'l' I NE, sl ight build. age \¥ILLIA~l STURGESS, age 42 years. height Sft. 9in., 36 hejU'ht about Mt. 6iu.. hea,v." ginger white hair, urowl~ moustaclw, blue e.res (weak), U1oustach~, long visage. fair comple~i()n. walks lame, knock-kneed, a bricklayer; last heard of by letter right fo ot a little deformed. dresse? III ~lg-ht coa.t ,and from a. Mrs. MttrphJ's. MUl'ray SI,l"ef't; believed to vest, trousers, and brown soft felt hat, a tailor. have heen since sta.viu~ a.t Canvas Town, Frema.ntlp., left Boulder for KallOWllft on the 25th ult.; desert. with a man nallledJones. Inquiry by A. D. J. Daly. iug his wife and child at Fremantle on tht: 6th lilt. Solicitor, Nicholson's Chambers. Swanston Street, Da,ted :F'remantle, 3rd October. 1898.- v\T. f5~O",I. Melhourne, on Lehalf of Mrs. Sturgess and chilru'ell, who are destitutt-'. Information to the Criminal Investig-ation Branch, Perth.- Bli5497. CALVIo:Rl' HENRI JONES, mediulIl huild, age 27, looks about 23. height about 5it. 6in,: fair FIUTZ ROHME&, age 37 Yf>(1rs. a watchmaker or hair and small fair moustache. blut' eyes, long visage, piano tuner, native of Switzerland; is entitled to fresh complexion, neatly. u, sllall:y i,n d~rk some property at Rasle. Switzerland. Inquin' by clothes. <1. tl'a.veller a.nd collector, natl\'e (If Vlctona ; Hermano Rohwer (brother ), 269 Liverpool Street, embe7.zliug the sum of '£25, tht' moneys of Messrs. Woolloolllooloo, Sydney. Infonnation tv C. 1. Ricbard H olmes and Company. Datpd Perth. 4th .n .... h. Pel'th.- Bl 567 J. October. 1898. ---,v. s,,o,t-· F . H . HOON, medium 'mild, a~e 33 to 35 years, height 5ft. Sin., light hair iucliued to be LaId, light Ay Ty Dow alia ...: AH DEK. very I)tout fnl' a, lllonshtchc. broken nose, fair co mplexi~'n ; left Perth Cbinaman, agE' 30 to 35 years. h(:'ig-h t .sft. JOin., for Kalgoorlie in :May ;Jl1la.y ha" e gone to Cue. black hair and pig SU1 ?vth fatC'. d a' ~'k eyes. Inquiry by Wilfred Taylor, Tat kapoonha, New round visaae. sallow complexIOll. dressed III long Ze,t!an,1. Information to tIll' Criminal Inve::;tigation dark grey check overcuat, and lea!her with Branch. Perth.- Bl 5303. canvas band Oll toe, a fireman, na.tIve of Chllla; de· serting s.s. '; Karrakatta" at Fn>mantle on the 28th JOHN BALLMAIN HAWLEY. age a.bout 30 years, nit. Datf'd Fremantle, 29t.h S"pt., 1898. ·-"V. 7V9,. ~ . height about 5ft .. black turl,Y, dark complexion; left Coolgardie for Fremantle 01' Perth in J anuary MOWAN, alias MORAN U NDERWOOD, ha.lf· caste, last. Inquiry by W. F. Sa."er, Crown Law Depart. medium build, height 5ft. 7in., blal.:k hair (pJ'oba.bly ment. for E. E. Chaffer, care of Huddart, Parker, &. heard), dark eyes and complexion (identical. with Co., 8vdnev. Information to the Cl'iUlina.1 Investi­ g-ation' BraiH:b, P erth. - B1j.5323. escaped prisoner P.G., 1898. IJ. 114); shooting a horse, the property of James William Thompson. Dated Wagin. 29tb Sept., 1898. W . 70fl"6~' Horses, Cattle, etc. Vide PII/ice Gazette, ums. page 311. At 10149. JACK DUNNE alias FORAN, me1liulll hnild, a1-,"B 26 Subioco. J . Dodson's ponit" ~ have bet:'u found, 1I0t to 30 Years. height about 5ft. lOin .. (lark hair and stulen. moust"ache, dark eyes, no:;e has been hrokell. oval and ra.ther thin visag-e. (lark I..'ompll'xion, right ear Vide Police Gazette. 189S, page :319. Al/10213. has been recentl.v torn. ,md the WOlllH.l. pa.rtly re· Kfllynorlie.-John Burrows' hOl'I)t' and g'i~ ha"!! opened a few days ago, a pugilist. natiV(' of V ictoria; het'1l found. beinU' indebted to H . L. Mott and Co .. in the sum of £11°7s. 6el.; to be a.rl'este,l a.t any seaport of th.,. Vide Police Gazette, 1::39H. page :'111, Al 1QU::38. Colony, but not el."ewhere. Datetl Kalgoorlic, 1st l' el'l h.-- ~E dward Artlwl' Bagot 's l'alf ll;ls been Od,.. '1898.-W. \11,,0. found.

Rol'!.·{n(I!UIIJ/. - Sold. ou the 24th lilt., Iw order of Burglary, Housebreaking·, etc. R,. Fairhail'n, R.M., a hay <:(11t, 14 IH~H(ls high, hrand 12 near sboulder. white star (Ill forehea.d. r 'id~ P olice: Ga:etfe, 189H, pages HI:!, 2JI'. Al/H.j2;{. Perth.- 'l'he 1Bct. golu split I)econtl s bunting Kano/fJ/w.-Stolen, on or abtHlt the 20th ult.. - l chronograph watch; 18d. g,)ld hUllting ,Valtham, du,rk ha\" mare, hlotchefl urand on nea.l' shoulder, case; ditto eng'ine.lurnrd case; l :'d. goltl 62 U off shoulder, small lump on near Hank, medium hunting Rotbel'ham Eng-lish lever; 2 10('t. gold hunt. draught, and 1 black pony, 14 hands high. iug ,Valtbams; lOet. gold hunting repc

Missing Page Police Gazette Western Australia

Missing Page 329

T RAN S FE R S -contilIUetl.


Po!i~~ Gautlr 1'0, Sigo. Towu or District. D(lte. From reference. T - 1 1898 Dugu,nz, Chns. C'l.Stehmclli, Robt. 6th Septcmher Pnge 236. _I 1 K~OOdi' I


FroUl. To. Sigo. Toy,·u or District. J'nlicc Gale/!r Dute. reference.

1898. Copley. George LI\.l)l~ed, Wclborn Rentley Sawyers' Valley Iou Guildford 7th September Page 7. Hiftbnu.. Geo. Higliam. Geo. Fields' Find Botel Ynll-'"Oo 5th September " 7. (Joker Hotel, YIlIgool I 1


From. To -1- I'01iCr GauH~ J_ Towu or District. _I Date. reference. 1898. Hangen, J. Peter 1 Gre\·ille. Hcury Cue 9th Septemhe r -I p,,",". ------J


Extract and sapphires; one ,unetbyst and pearl bangle; one amethy st bangle; one ruby bangle; one bangle with FrOIU Victoria Police Gazette, l!:\VM, p. 2!:i::J. three hearts hanging loosely. set with topazes and EDWARD BROCKENSHIRE. watchmaker anfl jeweller, amethysts: fonr filigree. work hracl,lets; two curb 106 Smith Street. Collingwood, reports stolen fwm bang-Ies. one luose curh with padlock. other stiff t:urb ; his shop on the 13th inst. : - two gent'::; single-stone two bangles set with rubies and pparls: two ha.ngles diamond rings, claw setting, stone" I-carat each; two set with op,ds; one plain polished bangle; onl' plain gent's single.stone diamond ring::;, claw setting'. stones polished hang le ra.ised flowers a ll front; OI1f' g01d ~ -carat each; Ollt~ gent's ring with sapphire in daw bracelet. horse. on it; one gold hang-le with setting; three lady's half· hoop diamond and opal padlock. key. and t:hain; one hang1e. small ball in rings, one set with five opals and eight smaJl rose centJ·p; one plain bangle. ball at t'ach (·nd. lap over diamonds, the other two have thn~e opals and four each other: one g01d bangle set with sapphires and dia.monds; an opaJ and diamond· ring, opal in rubies; one gold bangle, faucy-work 0 11 front with centre surrounded by ten small diamonds; a cluster ring. sapphire in cel{tre, ten small diamonds round it; one rub.v (child' !:> bangle); one sbield-sh,Lllcd tray covered with yiolet YelYet, red a,nd wbite c(Jr,1 round three 5-stone opal rings, half· hoop ; one opal ring edges. Value auout £150.- 0. 8005, 14th Septem­ with three opals; one half· hoop 5.stone diamond ring; ber. 1 8~8. - AI 10220. two half.hoop rings set with three diamonds and two rubies; one ba1f-hoop ring set with two dia­ monds and t.hree saJlphires; one 5-stolle diamond ring. gipsy setting j two 3-~tont' diamond rings. gipsy setting; onl;: lady'S ring set. with SUI!ph ire a.nd two Miscellaneous_ diamonds j one la.dy's ring set with dia.mond and two BERNARD \OVILLIAMS. (·ha.rged at RoehoHrne on thp rubies; thrf'e gent's claw· set rings, two set with single 21st ult. by Frederit'k Willia.m Laffer; \)hs(·enity. amt:thyst. tht! other with topaz;. two diamond gipsy 1 mouth h.l, ringl5, six stOUf'S in one and eight in t ilt', oth€'r: one gips~' ring ::;I:'t with Olle diamond; OIle gips.\' ring set witb four di,Lmonds; one gipsy rin~ set with one ANDREW HENDERSON • .at Southern Cross. 011 the diamond and two rubies; two gips)' rings set with 3rd iust.. on the application of Corp!. R. Gnodridge. small sa.pphires and dia,molldR; out' gipsy ring set was phweu on the Prohihitt,(l List for 12 Ilwnths. with rubies and two pearls; oue gips!, ring set with peads and diamonds rt'presenting a. flo wer; one gips.\' ring-, heart on front ~et with ruhy; eight or nine ot.her rings spt with pl:<1.r1!'l and rubies Property Lost. or penIs a.lH] sapphires; two gent':; ring..-. tIne set I'erth. - Oll the 25th ule,- a. gold bract, I(.'t and gold with single opal, (·law :;etting. other with cat's-eye; IXLdlnd:, :-; Ii g-htly dent.ed; the property uf D. G. four gent'!:> llngget ring~; about Ri:.: sigIH.,t rin g!:> set A1lcn.- P.L. 1HZ,.,!'. 011 the 28th nit., a black with hlood stunes or coruelian::;. one with sctrdonvx, Japa,nCst' hox; the properly of Mrs. Bil.... h. - P.L. v<~rious patterns. some shil'ld pattern. others n~'al ~v\O On the 2nd inst., a black leather portmanteau ~tones. all the a.hove are 1.5 ,U1U I8- <: a.ra.t g-old; one containing groceries and ,L glazier's diamond; tilt' sin:;le.stone diamond b,wg'le; one bangle, .5 dia.monds propel·ty of H Moore. -- P.L. ~91'<,/ 33U

Inquests. CO~8ack.-On the 5th and 15t h ult .. at the Court H ouse, on the bad" of Charles Henry j)Iosher, who Niuqara.-Ou the 24th ult., at the Comt H ouse. was found dead in 'the tram stahles wi'th <1, f..{un shot before' R. CoIling. J .P" Acting Caroller. on the wound in the bead. Verdid- " Suiciae."-Bl '56 76. rema.ins of an unknown man found in the hush near the Belarl'hi Rocks. 12 miles from Niagara. Vel'­ E.<:peJ'ollce. - On the 31'd and I Bth nIt., a.t Thomas djct-" Found dead."-BI 5674. River, hefore Campbell Taylol", J.P., Acting Coroner, DU the bad" of David Michael Da.vies, who was found dead ·in the bush at Thomas River on the Kct!qoorlie.-On the 20th and 29 th ult., at the 29th August. Verdict -" Death from natural Coul't,'House, before F. Ha.l'e, R.M .. Acting Oorooe1', call ses."-Bl 5679. on the body of James D onoghue. who died at the Government Hospital ou the 20th ult. Vel'dict­ Ka/goorlie.--On t he 27th and 30th ult., at the " Dea.tli from injuries received on the llight of the COUlt House, before VI{ . J . Cotter, J.P .. Acting 1 '7+h Sep:;mhel'; no evidence to show how iuflicted." Coroner, on the bod v of Doruinic Pedl'oii, who died at the Government Hospital, Kalgoorlie, on the 27th Bl :)11(.). ult. from injuries received h." being rtlll over by a wagon. Verdict-" Accidental"- Bll.567P. BlIllbul'!I.-Ou the 24th a?d 30th nIt.. at the Co~rt, House, before 'V. H . Tlmperley. KM., Acting BOlllde,·. - On t he 22nd ult .. at the Com·t H ouse, Corool.:r. on the hod~T of John Foley. wbo was run before P. J. Green, J . P .. Acting Coroner, on the fire over bv a train near Cookernup. South-vVestern which occurred at t he Australian Ba.J' Hurt Street Raih'\'"a~'. on the 23rd nIt. Verdid-" Accidenta.l DU the 18th ult. Verdict-"Fireeaused'accidentallv.': death."·-Bli5677. -El 5683. .

Li Rt Ot' Uncxecuted \l'arntnt, for the Quartcr endll1t: :;lIth ~e ptclllb e r. lK!IX.

X:llne. Date of [S~H~. Where 1~611crl. Offence. I Po/ire G"::dl~ Hderctlre.

Ah Foy 23rd August Northam Absconding debtor 288 Abmat Bin H ussin 7th Scptculber Ul'oome I Deserting ship ::IW Anderson, Rohel·t 15th Septpmber IGui lclford De~erting children 310 Atkinson, Hug-h 30th M:ty Perth Embezzlement 281 B:l.ker, J ame~ H. 6th August Fremantle Larccny as bailee 266 Brown, William 26th Sel)tewber Do. Luceny ::19 Burke, J ames 20th Sel)tewber Dou~.'nrra Breach of contract 319 Cttttie, A. G. 25th Julv Albany Deserting' ship :.!tJO Cr:l.wfor(l, Johl) 26th JI1I~' Roebourne Absconding debtor ~7J Crcper, Josel)h ! 7th September SOlltllenl Cross Do. do. :10'1 Da,is, Thomas 9th September Do Do. do. ::IOZ Dent, Geor1:"e 6th July Perth EUlbeulemeut (pro.isionaIJ ~~,2~ "Doctor, The ,. I 26th July Buloug Fnlse pretences 2(,0 DU!ffinu, Waiter 15th July Pel·th Incitillg'to resist 2--1.5 Enrle, E. C. 24th August Do. Embez7.1emeut ,.. Fer,!:'uson, Robert 26th August Do. Larcf'ny GilliUau, Thomas 22nd Jllh' Kalg'oorlie Embezzlement ""252 Gr:l.ft, Vander 2.'lth Jul;' Alh.lny Deserting ship 2oo Gl".lY, Alice 6th September Southenl Cross Disobeying summons 30! H l!#:'I."3.rty, Thomas 29th Juue Fremantle . Deserting wife 224 Bardman, Bedley Erncst 4th Augnst Coolgar(lie .. Abscouding debtor 266 Harrin~on, Joseph 1st July ... Klll,t;'oorlie Do. do. :.!35 J OhllSOU, Charles 8th Jllly Fremantle Deserting wife 235 J ones, J ohn Stcwart 25th August 1 Perth Embezzlemeut 288 Jordau, Charles 10th Se})tember Do. Disobeyi.JJg magisterial order :~1)2 Kensler, Solomon. 5th July Do. Absconding debtor 2.% Kerle, J. M. 16th July E'remautle Do. do. (generol) 2-15 KerJe. Waiter 16th July Do. Do. ( ... 5th September Deserting ship :1\9 RobertSOIL, Thomas • 12th September g~~'"Ok Larceuy ns bailee ;::)0 R.:lrl J,;eTs, Thomas -" " 1 27th Aut,"ust .. KanowIlll,. Disobeying Magisterial order :no RuI11~~i~;'!;~' McGratb , Pbilip, alias 17th September I Ko.lgoorlie False pretence!> ::110 Shaw, Henn 8th Au~u .. t Bu~seltoll Disobeying Uagisterinl Order 27·' ~he l lherd, W, G. 25th July Alllauy De,ertiug shil) . 260 f:hmazee l::1tll Augu st Broome Br~~~~ of I mmigration Restl'iction 2f-S L Smith, '\o'I~llIci8,"tjas SI'wl 15tb Septem ber PerUl Larceny ... 3 10 Smith, John, 1l1"lH Ru.msny, Th om£l.~" I 15tJI September K llllOWllfl. Uuln.wfuIJ)ossession . :~1O ~OI()UlO1J, Murk 21st SCl,tember ALscondin~ debtor :l\9 Stouehaw, W .• Perth r. 12th SeptembeT Do. Larcen~· as bailee ::1 10 Unknowu (man) l::lth SeptembCl' :no Do. rlo. 0 0. l.urcen), 13th September Do. Do. ~IO Do. 110. l::lth Septeml)er Do. Do... 310 Yalentiue, Ueo., nlin" Boyd, Chas. 8th JUly 235 Vn·l:tn, Mrs. FreUl:llltle ne~erting wile 29th AUf,'lIst Perth Absconding debtor WarllchalleT. Geor~e Kfll~oor[ie Lnrceu\' ""245 Wtlthernll. Alfred G ~~,~h jl::~' AlballY Ab~conding debtor (general) 2~1 WillI. John, (ilia. Darkey Ha.1I 15th July p..,rth Ahseollding from custody 2~5 W1Uiamson, Snowy 15th September Kauowuu. Unlawful possession :HfI Wyhe, A., aha~ Dean 4th J llly \ CooIgardie Fnbe pretences "" ~31


\ame. Offence. Where COH lition. Or I~r.· Committed. Il"~. ~". ------I""'''' From Fremantlp Pl'ison. eluting the meek ending Satnnlay, 181 October, 1898.

Female FH elements, Mar,}" [die and disorderly 1 month h.1.. Perth Free :H2G Jones, ThollHts 00. G months 11.1. l\Tcnzies. Do. 2711 Skicld, Victor Resist ing n.rrest; obscene In.n­ £2 or 14 days h.t; Fremantle It 2Gth Sept. gUllge £1 or 7 days h.l. I (CUill.) J Female F 64. Lemon. Annie Idle and disorderly :3 months h.1. Do. Free 1900 Manton. Dn,"id Ohscene language: resisting 205. and costs 01' i Bunbury '1

F1'om Yor!,' Gaol, during the wee',' endiltg 1st October, 1898. Exp. H727 'fill, Robert 1 Disorderly /1 month h.1.. Beverley 30th Sept.

From Bllnbury Gaol, during the wee!" enclillf/ 1sf October, 1898. Free Ohlscn, Peter Malicious injury to property lOs.


L ist of W atch es r ep or ted Stolen or L ost, and n ot r ecove r ed , dUrlng the Quarte r e nding 30th Sept e mbe r , 1898.

So.ot Not;,· .. Wlltch. "" ""·i"t;",,. Nu

GeJlt'~ si1>'('1' huutiug keY''''juding Wait hum, fl86i91 I.o.dy's s i l~E:r hunt,ing ke~'·wi l\ ding GenevlI lel'er Mass. 27 wa.tcb " 3562] Geut's sih'cr hUlltimo: key_winding English lever, 9M27 LUlly's sih'er huutlIlf,"stelll.wiuoJiug Geneva lever by Gr.1nth:l.Ill, L ondon watch Geut'>! silver huuting" stem_winding \\'altlmm Gent's silver d ... uhle·cused Euglish Jel'er watch , Lath's silver huuting, eUb'T'aved -, M.H ." " J . Matlle~on .. ... ". Geut:,,; 18ct. golf! Ol)eu.faced key-windiult chrono­ Gent's silver huuting- stem·winding Waltham graph. hy tlix ~ SOil, Spe.llce.r Street, Loudoll I walch," wltem.wilHling- Alllcl-icnn Gent's sih-er hunting key_wlnding watch, secou(\", WalthlUl lever w,lt;;h h,lllll and glass missiug Gent's rolled g-old stelll.wino.liul: American watch I (Jcnl'!:l ~ilver hnuting key·wiudiu!:, chas~d stop Gent's r ollecl gold huutin,; stelll.lviuiling Wal. watch thaw watch 3""0 Gent's ~ilver olleu·faced stem-windiug Rother· Gent's sill'cr opell.facell »tcm wiwliu;.," Genevu I ham watch watch Gent's silver hunting stem-winding watch, Geut's sil ... er opeu-faced key-willdiu!-, lever watch ordinary screw in back 30 Lady's smoJI gold opcu·fllced watch Gent's silver hunting key·winding Geuenl watch, 19~6(i Gent's siil'er huntinf," keY-wlU(ling Rotherhn.m exn.miued by Benson 30 watch Lady's ~mall gun· metal with bow broocb Gent's silver hllllting IItem_windill/.:' W1l.ltham 139886 Gcnt's silver hunting key-winding English h-,'er watch w!\tch '"31 Geut's silver stew·will(liug Eb:'in lI'atch "3G 138'151 Gent's silver hunting key·windmg Rotherhrun . 383591 Gent's Hct. gold huutil4:' stem·lI'inding Waltham watch 31 watch G.:!ut's silver hunting key·winding Elldish lel'er Gent's sil ... er opeu-facel! keY'"'inding Engli!;lh watch 31 lever watch 13ii68 Lady's 18ct. gold hunting stem-wlllding Geneva Lady's silver opeu.faeed ~teDl-wil1dill~ Geneva Wlltch 31 le ... er watch Gent'S sil~er hunting' key·willding English Gent's silver open· face'! <;tem_willfling stop Rotherhnm le~e r 32 watch 21904 Gent';; sill'er huntin~ key-windill~ le"er w;Itch 32 Gent's sil ... er IlUuliug kcy.wiudim," Wnltbo.m Gent's silver hunting key.winding Rotherbam watch 37 .... atch, .. J, O'Malley" on inside Cllse 32 H99 Gent's lIilver huntinl:' ke~·_wlUdill/.:' HotherhaJ\l 6901630 Gent's sih'er open.faced stem_winding Waltlmm \vatcb watch .. .. 32 78265 Geut's gold opcn.fHced key_winding English " Lady's sih'er open-faced key·winding English lever watch 37 lever watch, chased case 32 3155-1-il Gent's silver huuting key.winding Wnlthum Gent's l!iI~er hunting stem-winding Waltham watch" Timothy Lawler 's, etc." 37 watch 32 Gent's silver Imuting kcy_'vinding lever wllleh, Gent's gold key-winding stop watch 32 " J.E . " Gent'~ silver hunting key.wiudiug '';'~Ithaw Siher ' Valtham Watch watch . 32 14iOS Gent's silver huutillJ: English lever "'utch. "38 Lady's gold wa.tch ,. .. :12 Geut's sih'er open-faced stelll-winding English Gent's "ilver hunting wo.tch, by Ehmr

By Authority: A. CI1It'!' IS, Acting GovornlllC'nt Printt'f, P('rth. ~~olttt , v.TESTERN A USTR.ALIA.

~ Published by Authority. J

This (jfl2ette is JHtblished fOl' }Jolice i1~"or'11lation outy, {lud ne fJ,)iice thrunylwu,t the Cl!luny a1't iw':i1"'1tcip.rI 10 molN' fhem.~eI1)PS Ihm'oughly (Icq'uainted with the crmlents. GEu. PHILLIP8, CO'rrwnissioner of Police.


Circular Orders and Miscellaneous C.O. ~ ~.- With the consent of the Rig-h t Hnl1otlr­ Information. able the Millister, the un derlHel1tion~d members of the Police Force have heen apIJoillte;l to act as C.O. ~-:-.- - Notifieu, for general information, that Compulsory Offil"ers under the Ednl'tt.tioll Ad fol' the the following Resignation. Dismissals, and Trausfers districts set oppositt" their J't:,spedivl.' namt'::; :- have taken place in the Police Force DUI'fRICT. O}o'F I CER. Resignation: Murl'ay l'orpoml A. Loveuay. PI'Ob,Ltioll P()iice Constable F. H. Schermortu.;kE'r, ' "asse Corporal G. Huck. No~ 442, resigned 5·10-98. Tood:ray Sergeant A". PatWn Gl'eeuollgh Constable T. LIICa8. Dismissals: Irwin Constable C. Wii>~Y. Beverley Corporal J ohn Crockett. First Class Constable Willialll Harris. No. 154, Bl"oomehill Constable R.\'"hiteside. dismissed 28·9.98. KOjODUp Constahle M. Kavanagh. Wagin COllst·ahle F. HuttIe. Second Class Detective J. Sutherland, No. 287. WillialllS Consta.hle A. DeBar. removed 80·9-98. Hamelin and Karridale Constabilo '1' . Carl'oll. Bl'idgetown Corporal G. G. Meared. 1\1ool'a Constable Ch",,;. St.·el·t. Transfers: Carum'von Sel'gf'a.nt C. ·WooJ. Water Police Constable H. R. Ellice. No. 127. Sharks Bay W.P.C. O. H. Baker. Roebourne and Cossack Sergeant J. McCarthy. from Fremantle to Broome, 15-9-98. Cue Sergeant H. W.G. Mcl utyre. First Class Constable ,V. H ughes, No. 158. from D:1Y Dawn Constable 1V. Walk-er. Mount M:1gnet Corporal G. Pilldngtoll. Perth to Roebourne, 2~-9-98. Yalgoo . Constable F. R. Fox. Probation Police Constable J. ]HcGree. No. 407, Nannine Corporal F. '1'.der. Esperance Sergeant J. MeAtee. from Perth to Kalgoorhc, 1-10-98. Norseman Sergeant W. Lappin. First Class Constable T. l\Iulkerin, No. 214, JalTahuale Constahh.' J. S. Edmondsou. from Bui(,ng to KalgoOllie. 1-10-98. GEO. PHILLIPS. Sel.:ond Class Constable J. Trehikock, No. 396. Commissioner I.)f Polict:'. from Bulong to Kalgoorlie. 1-] U-98. ]('Ih October. 1898. Second ClaslS Constable G. Switsul'. No. 395, from Kalgoodit· to Blllollg. 1-]0-98. Second Class Constable '¥. Duggan, No. 308. from Perth to Kalgoorlie, ] 0-1 0-98. C.O. ~~. - It is intimatf'd. fur gl."lIeraJ information, Second Class Constable G. Hornsbv, No. 315, tha.t Beel' Duty Stamps have now beC'1l .. ent to tilt' [l'om Perth to Kalgoorlie, 10-10-98. Sub- Collectol's of Revenue in all the illhLml towu:-.; where there are bl·eweries. The Snh-Colle\'tms will Second Class Constable C. L), ues. No. 382. from issue these stmllps for cash. Perth to Ku.lgoorlie. 10-10-98. Members of the Force are herehy Jil'edecl to see Prohation Polic;' Constable J. J . Rvan, No. 372, that the provisions of the Bet'r Dut.~· Ad axl:' Mridly from P erth to Kalgoorlie, 10-10-98. C':t rri ~cl out. GEO. PHILLIPS. GEO. PHIT.LIPS. Commissioner of PoJi(·e. Comlllissiollel' of PllliC'f'. 10.10·98. 10th Odoher, 1898. !l3.J.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Fl'emoldle.-On t he lst im;t .. fl'om the Hw ner's box, in t ransit between Mar." Street, Beaconsfield. Person, etc. and the river wharf. - ::I., pair of marine field . a.bout 8in. long, very h(>a,"~- , no round the I'id/' Po/in! G(lutte, 1898, page 299, A.I 99ij;~. bottom, hare brass showing. one of t ht, screws at the BMCOlls/ield. - TuOlll,-a. lady's rolled gold watch, ow ner's dwelling, Ord Street. a, grel' opossum rug hlack hands. glass and seeonds hand brokpll; a lady's unlined, size 6ft. x 4ft.; the pJ'ollel'ty'of Leslie 13rooL small gold Albert cha,in about 9in. long (one IO,ng m.. n.- AI 10338. 6th Octoher. 1898. a.nd two small links a.lternately), long cross·boLr, with sUlaJ} pendant attached; a lady's ISct. gold l:ing set Pe1·ih. During the ni:;bt of the 4th iust.. fro lll thf' with 6 rubies. diamonds, and emeralds; a pla.1Il gold owner's premises, Grey's Avenue, H lty Street "Vest. ring with .. :Mizpab " ill ra.ised lette:s on it; ,a ~vld --a nickel-plated hicycle lamp. qllitt-' new, knoh of - brooch with a harp in t he centre, Ivory senu-Circle connecting bar is broken off; the properh' of Harn­ over harp; also a £1 note. and about .£3 to .£5 ill J. Blake.- AI 10354. 7th Octoher. 1898. . . silver; tbt- property of Mrs. O'Meehan and Miss McDonald. Al 1031 8. 5th Oct.ober. 1898. Per/h.-On t he 7th inst, from li06 Hav Street.- a black t wee(1 sac and nost. ('ontaining in pot:kets letters and papers. and member's ('ard uf City Clul •. Ero/fd A,'''Ow, --During the nigbt of the 30th uIt., in owner's name: also three 5s. ('onslIltatioll tickets from tilt:" owner's t.ent,-a silver hunting watch, on Melbourne Clll-', Tattel'sall's, H uh;Lrt; I ditt.o .. M.D." ser:ttched on outside of case; a gold Albert Ceuth 1898. vif'e, 6 inches long. jaws about H inches long.

Vide Police Guz.·tte, lS91'i, pag-I.-' HI'i. \r ~y '/. Frellulilfle. On t he 24th ult., from the person of CHARLE S VINCENT, t.l.. No. l OI B3. under :-;e n t ~Ilt:l' . Daniel Whelan,- a gentleman's silver hunting key­ brought up at Perth on tht' 23rll li lt .. dml'g"l-'(l by winding Rotherham watch. N(., 78Il.- AI 10367, Del. S. Condon. 2 years h .1. (<;lIln uhttil'e). 10th October. 1898.

Vide Police G(uette, 18!I8, pagt' :H 7. B~tnbllr!l' --Between the 24th ult.

{)oo/~/Clrdie. - On the 5th lnst" from the person of \V'LLfAiU FREDERfCN 'l'H.U,'IAS. at Kalguorlic. on \Vm. Hunter. - a.n 18ct. ~()ld hang ring set with 1 tht" 3 l'cl inst.. by Suh.-IlISII. T. Holnlt's: llIan­ .liamond. t:bLW setting.- AlIlO:344. 7th Octoher. 1898. shughter. Remanded.

P~l'tI,. Bt!tweel1 t he 27t.h a.nd 29th uLt., from the SAMUEl, ERNEST MILLS,

F remallt7e.- Between the 26th and 29th ult .. ._ [1, HENRY LEYOUI, alias ANDLtE. a.t Uuc, vU the ~5th ~I o\~ble-e~ded dinghy, 10ft. long, two thwa.rts, wood ult., by P. C. A. Pitm:w; bre'Lkiul,{ and cnterinh!" lllslde pJ by Sergt. H . W. G. Mdnt,I'I'l'; 1Inlawful I H9~. . • ~. pn~S(':;;.si0n. tl Jllouths h.!. 335

JEREMIAH RYAl'.at Boulder. on t he 4th in:st .. In' PATRICK HARDY, at Perth. 011 the 7tb inst., b\· P.C. D. Buckle\'; ,Hssault. £2 fine or 1 month ILl:; P.C. M. l\fcAuley; unlawful pos8€'ssion. :2 Illontlls ob~('enity. £1 fllW or 14 days h.1.; esealJing- from h.1. custody, 1 month h.1.

PERCY CH"EYNE a,nd T:eO.iltAS PHILLIPS. a,t JOHN CUNN INGHAM , at Perth. on the 7th inst., b\' Kanowna, on the 8rd inst .. b,' P.Cs. J. T. Spalding P.C. C. Banficld, on warrant: false pretences. . aml J. A. Caldow; unlawfully 'un premises. 2 months h.1. each. ROBER'l' PEARSON, exp., late No. 89Gl, at Mund~r. WILLIAM W lLLIA.iI[S. BRASSEY LYONS aliax GEORGE ing, on the 3rd iust., by P.C. G. J enseu: idle and MAR'fIN. a,nd JOHN SULLIVAN. at Ka,nowua, on the disorderly. 1 month h.1. 4th inst., by P.Cs. A. Rankin and L. O'Brien; la.r('cny. Williams, . 6 months h.1.; Lyons and SulliYa.ll·8 months h.!. each. Property recovered.

TI.ilIOTHY LEWIS, at Northampton. on the 1st iu:st.. Special Inquiry. In' Corpl. M. O'Hallorall and P.C. W. fr. PolleU, on ~arrallt; perjury. Remanded. Special inquiry is requested as to the l,r(':;ent or la:st known whereabouts of HENRY HICKEY, exp .. JOHN RICHARD COW ELL and MICHAEL JAS. DWYER, late No. 10206. who was ('om'ieted at thl' Supreme a.t Perth, on the 3rd iust., b" P.C. \V. H. Rule. l)n Court. Perth, 011 the 4th April. 187i. of the man­ ,,-arrants; hnrg-Iary. Discha'rged. slaughter of aboriginal nativl's on till' North-West Coast while employed Oil hoard the ('utter" Ada." PATRICK BRENNAN. at Norseman, on the 30th ult .. He l'ec::e ived his ce rtifi catl~ of freedom 18th October. hy P.C. P. O'Hallol'a,n. lHl warrant; imposition. 1 1882, and was subseqllent l~' fined for dnmkenness at month h.l. Police Court, Fremantle, Oll the 8th March, 1884. Description (in 1877): Medium hnild. ag"e 30 years. ALl<'RED AR'l'HUR HARDY, a.t Norseman, 011 th.· height f)ft. ~tiu .. dark browlI hair, grey eyes, round 30th nIt., by Serg-t. W La,ppin, on warrant; breadl visage, da,rk l.:omplexion. a seaman, tattooed with of the Post and Tf' Act by signing telej!rams figure of the Saviour on Cross front of ri~ht arm, witb fictitious names. 6 months h.1. ship in full sa,il of right arm, moles hal'};: of left leg, scar right shin. Iuforma.. tion to the Criminal GEORGE PATROLLO. at Bavswater, on the 6th IuvestJigation Branl.:h, Perth. Bl /56!=1i. inst., by P.C. C. Docld. on wan'ant; assaultin~ a. female. Remauded.

HENRY PLANT, at Fremantle, ou the 1st in:4., bv P.C. J. Healy; larceny. 21 da~'s h.1. Propert)· recovered. Missing Friends.

Vide Police Ga~ette, 1::;98, page :nl, RI / 5H:\6. MAIt'I'HA GORDON. a.t Fremantle, on the 7th inst., by P.C. S. E. Pimblett; idl~ and disorderly. 2 \VTLLIA.ill B.,\RNES hits been found aJ Bro')llle. n~onths h.1. .

JOHN FREDERICKS alias RUSSIAN JACK, at Nan· JORN TRURAN, medium build, age 34 .rears, beight nme, on the 4th inst., by P.C. Geo. O'Hern, on about 6ft., brown hair, short brown beard ano mous· warJ'ant; unlawful l)OSsession. £2 fine and costs. tache, blue eyes, loug visa~e, fail' co mplexion, a teamster, na.tive of South Australia, last hearJ of at Smith's .Mill in June last, when he left his team in JOHN EDWARDS. ex p., late No. 7979, at York, on the bush. Inquiry by Mrs. Mary Alderman (mother), the 8th inst., hy P.C. P. O'Donoghue; disorderly. 16 Monger Street, P erth. JnformaJion to the 1 month h.l. Criminal Investigation Branch. Pel·th.- Bl /5694.

MARY O'DONNELL, at Albany, on the 6th iust., by P.C. M. Griffin, OD warrant; being indebtt!d to Holmes Bros. & Co. in the sum of £27 16s. 2d. 'VILLIAM GURNSINGHA, age about 25 .,-ears, middle Discharg(;!d. General warrant issued. height, cropped hair, brown complexion. an attendant, native of Cevlon, last heard of in "Melbourne about 4 years ago'; believed to have come to 'Vest Aus· DANIEL VIlAL SR, at Albany. on the 6th inst., In' tralia. Inquiry by Chief Commissioner of Police, P.C. Jas. O'Brien; unlawfully on premises. 3 monUls Melbourne, on behalf of DOD AlIdris Gurnsingha h.l. . (father), Kumbalwella, Poiut de Galle. Ceyloll. Infonllation to the Criminal Investigation Branch. JAlIlES L~BLANc, exp., late No. 6366, at A Iball}' , Perth.- Bl/5691. un the 4th IllSt., by Sergeant H. Stokes; obscenity. 14 days Id...... ---- CARL VARIAN, <~t Perth, Oll the 2nd inst., hy P.C. J. Stevens; lan;eny. 2 months h.1. Conditional Release Holders.

HUGH MILLER, at Perth, on the 2nd inst., by P.C. LARIO .BLONDT, reg. No. 10404. I'ep,)rts hi :; de· ,V . Dout£las; idle and disorderly. 2 months b.t pal'ture from Eonbur.v for Perth on the 5tb inst., a.nd his a.rrival at Perth on the 6th inst. , HUN1'ER. H;ANDCOCK. at Perth, on the 26th nIt., by Corporal C,. Watson; larceny, 2 months h.1.; unlaw. ful possesslOn (2 ("harges), 1 month h.1. ou each AH LING, reg-. No. l0474. reports hi~ .Jeparture ('harge, ('OIl('lll'I'€llt with former sentence. from Perth for NorthaOl on the 8th inst. 336

Warrants Issued. Miscellaneous. AnTHUR ALLEN. at Nannine. on the 24th ult" on Vide PQlire G«:etfr, 1898, pa~ :l'~5, W. ~li'· the application of COl'pl. F. Tylel'. was pla(;ed on tht:: R.. H. M-.:DoNALD. Hot to be 'Lrrestecl. \ 'Val'rant P rohi bit.ed List for 6 months, cancelled all the 10th iust. JOHN KENNEDY, licensee of t he Federal Hotel. charged at Fremantle on the 5th iust. by P.C. J. H. COLLIXS. age "tbout 30 yeal'ti, height about J. R. Taylor; suppl,ying liquor to a child under the .'ft. ('ill .. dark hail'. rOllud visage. small uark beard, age of 16 .veal's. £5 fine and costs. ,L urover. trandlin~ in company witb a man named J. Oklev to \Yoolhouse'~ Station, NOl'th-''Vest; un­ STEPI:£EN DORAN, charged at Fremantle on the lawful possl-'ssion 0f it ba. .". horse. branded (L) or 5th inst, by Mar)" Brown; assault. 2 months h.1. (6); the prol'€'l'ty of Frallcis A llender. the elder. Dated Geraldtoll. 4th October, ]898. 'V. S90~~. "MARY HEAP alios DUTTON, charged at Fremantle on the 7th inst. by P.C. W. Cannon; obs(.'enity. 6 EDWARD DONNELLY. stout build. age a.bout 30 months h.1. vea.l'S, heig-ht (1ft., hair a,nd moustaclll', large ilOse. l"Onlld vi:;;age. reddish complexion, dressed in GEORGE .MrNcHIN, at Guildfonl. lHi the 5th inst .. light ~'oat and dung-aree trousers, a labourer; on the application of Corpl. C, Gee, was placed on walTant of <.:ommitlllt'l1t to Fremantle Gaol for 1 the Prohibited List for 12 months. month in default of payment of 20s. for disordel'l'y (:onduct. Datt:'fl Gnildf(lrd. 4th October. lS!18. W. I$,/l. Property Lost.

'rOM BURGWIN. metlillm build, age about 33 ;-t!ars, Perfh.- On the 4th inst..--a small gold brooch, height. bft. }Iin. or l Oin., fair hair and moustache. shape of a flower. set witb pearls and turquoises, the squart> \·isa!!~·. fair complexion, dressed in light twef'd pmperty of :Miss Forrest.-P.L, 'J'l. On the 3rd trousers. blue n~at. aud lig-ht soft felt hat; n

J)[ ARY O'DONNELL alias THOMAS alia» THOi\lSON, :;tuut bnild, middle aged, height 6ft, 2in. or 3in., R et urn of L icen ses issu ed u nder " The Wines, fl't::sh complexion, dressed in black. a restallntnt Beer , and Sp irits Sale A ct, 1880," keeper: being indehted to Holmes Brothers & Co. for t h e Year 1898 . ill the SHm of £27 ]68. 2d. 'ro be arrested a,nd LICENSES 'l'RANSFERRED brought ashore as oftt:n as she mav be found in alW \'essel about to Jlrl.weed to sea. J),Lted Al ban \'. 6th (Vide Polie, G((zelle, 1898. p. i). ~The Wayside Oc-tol,er, ]898. ,V. ~O\6. . House Liceuse held hy George R. Ray fo r t he Egioa. H otel, West Pilbal'l'

W1LL1AM HENRY liUTCHINSON VINCENT, middling stout Imild. age 8,0 to 35 years. height abuut Mt, Sin" (l'ide Pvlice Gazette, 1898. p. 6). Th~ Publican's (lark and llark brown Dlollstache, blue eyes, General Li('ens~ fOI' tbe Ex(.:hange Hotl:'l. Southern round ,' i!:ia~e, dark (:omple.xion. walks rather flat­ Cross, was tra.nsfel'l'ed from Thoma.s Staubrook to footed, fond of drink. dl'esr:;ed in brown tweed suit Alexa.ndt"l' '''Tisdom on the 29th lilt, ,L nd felt hat, a. pl'ospedor or station hand, native of Eugland; obta,iniug tIlt! sum of £ 10 bv false l'l'etences frmu V. " Bakt'l". D,Lted Esi»erance, (Vide Police Gazelle, 1898, p. 32i),- The Publican':-I 1st OdoLel'. lS}lS, - \V. ~,.//. General License for the Australi,L Hotel. Fremantle, was transferred from J ohann.t Mary Roe t.o Eli7.aheth 1 Cecilia. Griffin on the 4th inst.

PAVI ~ ) .TON!':S. stvut anti SqlHLH' build, height 5ft. 8tlll .• light, lig'ht fair moustache. sma.ll eyes, ~horl flat unse, round visage, fail' (;omplexion, ua.t.ive ot". Gla. Ulorf!ansl~il't" \Va.les, dr('~sed in black !Serge Inquest• . sud ,L lld brown Idt ba.t. \Vas said to he workiuu at Ollildford.- Oll the 5th and Sth inst,. at the Court Pe.rth Gas Works ahout:2 months ago; larceny ~s!\, HOllSt', before Dr. Stewart, R.M .. on the body of io!;ulet' of the 1-;1 11 11 of £8, the mone\' of Sa.muel Francis Bcn nett, who was found drowned in t he Du.yics. Da1ell Mt, Makolm. l:-1t Ol'tooer, ]89S.­ Swall River Oll the 5th iust, Verdict- " Suicidl' \V. '\/-l. while temporarily" Bl 5702. :137

PRl:-;ONb;Ri;; Dli;;CHARGED .

•. ,. So. I)/Tellce. Where Date of D,seh ..riC8, l'omt,llo.. or lilt

Exp. IOLH Sh;tW, Jallles HOg'lIl: :md vagabond. 12 months h.t Fl'emantle Free ;{.J,4-2 I Abdul Mahomed Larceny 2 months h.l. Perth Oct. Do. 3522 Burges!;, Alhert Dl"llnl( IOs. or 7 days h.1. F remantle I}">d Exp. 6758 'l'bompsoll, Robt... Larcen.r 6 months h.l. Perth ., Free 3401 J om's, Wm. Rd. Unlawful possession 3 month,.; h.1. Bulong f·th do. Do. :1529 Weden. A. M. RCi>isting police i days h.t Perth ,J On. 1103 Whitcombe alias Hor~(' st~alillg 2 years h.l. Bunbnry Martin. D. do. Oil. Hept'lll'\", Frank Idlt... ;tnd disorderly; abscond- l months h.l.; 6 Alhan .... I\ 5th ing from party months h.l. (cum.) Exp. 10291 Bailey, Chas. Idle and d..isorf> :l:J15 Oldhalll,orOlhma.n. Dis(\l"llerly ('onduct Ii months h.1. Perth I c. r 7th do. Do. Marshall, Albt. Negit:ctillg" to maintain his 1 IIwnth h.1. ~'relUantlc (;hildren I T.L. 1(H~9 Kenned\',John 1<'als(- pretences ;-) ,"I.'ars p.s. !iupreme {·""rl ,J Frel' :l080 Jeffel·jf's. ;John hll\- and disorderly ,; months h.1. Perth , Do. 2HHO Ros~. Richard ASSflnJt; nnlawfully on pre· 2 months h.1.· II Fremantle luises 1l10nths h.1. (cuoo.) I Exp. 102!-lr, Oa.vis, Lewis Rogul' !Lud nq{.~bon<1 2 months h.L Perth f8th do. Fr(>(> 1114- A I'lIIeS, JIIO., aUas Unlawfully on premist'!-l :i months h.1. Coolgal'die \Yard I Exp. J()~!15 (hHut. Gt-o. RoguC' and vagahond 2 months h.1. Perth J F,.olll Mt. GOllhl, dllrilll) period endill!J lid 8epte1tlber. L898. Murchison Ah. nat. ! Carca-himha I Shel'}) stl'aling' a months h.1. } 1st Sept. Do. WinlJ'agool";1 Do. I :i mouths h.1. I Do. ... dUl'illY th,' monfh t'lIdiny 80th 8eplembu, 18.98. Fn-t' )lclhuish. C. La,reeD,· 4 weeks h.!. :';"rtl",mptm, 6th Sept. Do. B{>ll, J . Do. ' 2 months h.1- Mingenew 7th do. Do. Wallact'. A. l<'oq;l'ry JR months h.1 Cue 11th do. Do. Richards(Jll, P. ldle and disol'derl.r (j mo."ths h.1. Geraldton lfith do Uo. Allder.. on. T. Unlawful possession i months h.t Cue , Do. HallsLon. '1'. Do. i months h.L Do. )-2lst do. Do. McCallulIl. J. Elnht'uleUlcnt .J. months h.1. Do. J Ff'llIale AndCl'ilOll, E. i(lIe and disorderl .... 14 da.ys h.1. Gera,ldum 27th do.

F"om Alboll!1 0(101. dltrillY t!lf' !VU!.- eliding 1>:/ Odoher. 18.98. Free. Ha7.ael. Geo. Jas... I ldl(' ~wtl disorderl.'" i {Ia.ys h.!. Do. Hellness..... Ja.s. . ' OisOI',h·l"iy.. 2 months h.!. . .. 1 Al~~~r ::: I J 1st Oct.

jl'rom Nor/ham ,",01'/'-./11'. elufillg th e weel.· I!lld1'flg 8th Octobef.18.98. I L l!c~t. Henry HI"PlIch of Railway 20s. or 14 days iUl· Southern ith Oct. pl'isolllllen t • Cross

FrOM ¥od (~'aol, dllrifl!lthe wee/.' endill!! 8th October, 1898. Exp. i~i9 I Erlward~. John I Oh"c~>nity • I B da.n h.1. I York I ith Oct. P"OIli K (UlOII"IIO L(wk-l/jI. dllrilly/he II/()llfh efl(lillY 30th 8~ptembe,., 1898. FI'I.."e Eitl·idge. J e>hn I Drunk 40s. 01' l·~ days h.l... Ka.nowna 6th Sept. Do. Rei(l, Cha.r\ps 1J0. 5s. or 2 Il:.ys h.L Do. Rth do. Do Howitt, J ohn Di.Ro1'(h.'I'i.'o' 20s. or 7 (lays h.1. Do. 12th do. 00. La.tham, 'YIlI. S. Oh"C'pnity 4(Js. 01' H days h.1... Do. 2Rth do.

/I~tOIll KalY0{J,·li .. L'II'{.·./I/I, (["tiIlY 11/(, II/o/llh e·//diIlY .'1()lh i')f>p/i'luber,lR.9R.

Halllse~" \Ym. Obscenity: resisting the ])olice 7 d;tys h.1.: :~ (la,\'s h.1. Boulder 26th Sept. ROIlgl'l's, 'I'hos. DiRolwying l\laf,,jsterial order .{;IO IOs. <>r 1 ~ days .. Kanowna 30th do .

F,·om BII/llwl'!1 Ho "I, (/10·//19 the Il'l'ek P1ulill!/ 811, Ocfoner, 18.98. Rohinson. WiIJi:Ull. i ,I]', and dil'or.J"rl .... 1 I month h.1.. BlIllhury 8th Oct, "'i"~ Bl'icke.\' l~eLllrnot Prisoners to be discharged f'rulll ~'reUlalltlePl'it:ololl during Mouth of UctoLwr, I~~)S.

Jlolic.. COIl. R CI{. L'om. DJ,. D ...te Nllme, Build. Age. Height. 1 Hair. Eyes. Vi>!llge. 'l'r"dc. Native of JtInrkR 111111Peculiarities, ctc. C;"uU. dition. No, I pleJ:ion. charge 01 Con. refer. I due. viction. ence. I I ft. in. Wan,.:h, Rol.el'l >",,, 1 :WH I slij.:ht I 5 51 lig-ht hazel long f"it· (,ccoulltant N.S. W ale~ S(;III'lef11~1· r left kuee 1.10.98 1 !/.12·96 P:!Sl}9ti ,~ PrieRt, Geor",e ;l2R(; lJ1id(lJil1~»Iollt 5 6: lllack du.rk ~r~y uval Fl'ellh cook En/-tlund I'etweell for eliu!-:er itlld thumb left baud, sear left 1-1O·!$ 19·4·98 '" I not P I ~9/98

M(lLe~ry, :!8 S ti' Ilnrk browu lout(' sallow COlllllOsitor N.S. Wales Ed" 'nrd, "/i",, JaUlie· 264' I ' grey Two toll fronl t ..-.lth missiu!; • 2.10.98 , 2.7.98 P ~~,98 ". -- I Shaw, J UlIIes eIp. 101:H ,.tou! grey rQUIII.I fuil' labo1il'er Engluud Sellr buck of neck :.:1-10·98 :!2·11-97 \P363/9i Jones, Wm. Richa r d free :1.J(l1 "23 ~~\ dark hr~'wllfull frellh m iner Victoria Promiuent e,u"!! 4·10·98 H·98 P2::13 98 1.;02 S ,,; oVlll filiI' laboure r Thompson, Robert ,... grey grey Scotland Scar both wrists ~·10·9829·4 ·98 P 1.58/98 Ohlmnu or Oldham, Cihules 331.') S si brown fresh France I,ou" uose, wart \\l1\ler ri~bt"I'm 7-10.98 2..5·93 P 1.58.98 Armes, John, Illiu~Ward, John 1114 U1itldli~~"tout .so S 9 light a'~dbalel hllle ro;;nd brickillyer EuC"lulld IScar ri",llt side of fr"ll"ehelld 9·10·98 9·7·98 PUt /98 Rosse, Richard 2880 47 S SI fair Inoourer Victoria Brokeu no~e.SC\l. I' left 6iele of chin ,9-10·98 29·9·97 P 297/9i Jelfries or Griffiths, TllOS. or :.lO80 :?6 S 8 dark IJr~'\\'1l Anchor lIl;!tween t humb anll forefinger right band, 9·10·98 Hi·S'! P 165198 '-> John r iuC"s second fiuger left iUllld Wilson, Heur.\' lil,!/ .. S 9 black blnck bluck cook W. I ndies Both hu.uds missin<:" 12·10·98 1·12·97 P371,9i 00 Hopwot:H1. 1'holllllS , , hrown, turning I hUllel 1~;lg Slillow en,!{ineel' Euglanel \Vo.lk6 lume 13·10·98 13·12·97 P 3298 "" "" "' grey Hll.l"rison, ~~l"1tncisWm. 3:124 I :!2 S 8! brown oval (la rk nliner Victoria I Scu!" first fi14:e l' rigl,t haud. scar over left eye I ~·ll)·989·5-98 P 173,98 Robert~on,An(lrew ~, , -, durk br own 11a1-el full fresh Scotlnud Sew' first tiuger left huud. tllree dots between finger 14·10-98 9-5.98 P 173'98 """' '. IUId thumb left huml Peirro .. , Edwllrd 3331 " Iij.:ht :!I black oval cler k Ceylon Face pook·pitted 1';· 10·98 12·5·98 P173,98 g ~: Jack, WiJlium, "Ii", Scotty 281-5 mi(ldlin,l( stout 00 dark long ~~l:~!~ miller Scotlnnd I No murks \9·10·98 19·7.98 I-("uu, h'"e E Geor :li:i8 I ~Ii~ht :!G [, S; fnil" bi;,C painter Victorin No marks 19·IQ·98 8· 12·97 P as! ,97 Watler,.ton, JIlIL"~S 143S lLlilldlil1J; stout :I!I S S} (lark nnd halt! hake!" l'lcotland Largc ~cllr011 thrOl~t,large 1\Olle 24-10-98 13.12·9i P 32,98 Duneun, J)n\'i,l, nli,.~CauOvan, :!:JIS

Brockiu~ton,1:1 1'1',\' ;j~ ... ex\! Si9lJ lIwltllillj.!" ~tout 52 5 gl'ey , blue !"ounil dUl'k F.uiillud S<.:lUOU nose 28 10 9~ 2~·59S P 189198 Chll'k, Pntrick Josel'h Thomas !)8 free ",li!(ht I I!I S zi

1 339

Horses, Cattle, etc. Gillgin.-Sold at Chittering Brook, on the 29th uJt., h,v order of W. J. Johnston, J.P .• -a. strawberry. Vi(/f Police tiazetie, 1898, page 246, All!lll.i6. coloured cow, about 2* years old. no hrands or marks N(tJwin~. - Fr~<1 Stalliland Oliver's mar~ has been visible. W • recovered b\" P.C. Geo. O'Heru in possession of John Fl'ederich.· (Yide Apprehensions.) Gingi~/'.-Sold at Billdoon, on the 28th ult .. by orcle l' of H . Brookmall, J .P.,--a, roan·coloured cow, Beacoltsfield.-titoleu. on the 5th or 6th ill~t., fI:001 bla.ek face, about 8 years old, branded somethiuO' Daiaety's yard, Hampton Street,-14 BerkshIre pigS, like I inside U, had a 'piece of rope on neck. 0 abo~t l:t months old, weighing from 80 to llOlbs. each, differ~nt colours, :111 branded on rump <>, T, Gl/ih~r01'(l.-Sold at Guildford. on the 3rd inst.. or fj; t.he property of Daniel McInnes.- Al /10341. uy order of P. A. Gugeri, J.P.,- a bay geldiuO', 7th October, 18~8. hranded on near rihs something like M or PR . t> ---_._======


OIl.Z . H~ (;"". e~c"pe. I)lstnct rt..m. ~'o. .. 'uo., Keg:. No . diti,,,,. Llllle or llescnptLon " .. d remarks.

,., Uarri~, Pr,wli Free 15th August, 1895 F reuul1ltle I'id(' p l)!i.'~ Gluelle. 1895, page 160 >12 Mon:;\lI, Dand do. 12th SeIlt., 1S9S Coolgu.rdie Do. do., do. do. 1~9 ... NcDonald, Ju. do. 12th Sept., 1895 Gerll.ldtOll Do. do .. do. do. 169 Burlie, Will. do. 1st J allullry, 1~t6 Victoria Plnills Do. do" do. 13 . EV&IlS, Rob, . do. ' Srd M:trch, 11196 PertJl Do. do., Ido.'" do. 53 ""SSI'" McArtbur, F. do. 17th Ap!"il, 189G Albau.I' Do. do., do. do. ,. 55:! SI"ci. John do. 13th J une, 1896 Coolg-lLrdie Do. do., do. do. 130 SS< BrollJlan, Timothy do. 2(lth AUl{llst, 18% Gel'!l.ldton Do. do .• do. do. 190 55G Hopkins, Johll i do 1 9th Sept .. 1896 Newcastle Do. do .. do. do. 207 ss, Jellkilltl, Wm. do. 9th Sept., 1896 N,,,,,,,,t!. Do. do., do. do. 'Ni 5«, Wabon. ThOJnRS do. 17th Sept., 1896 I Coolgardie Do. do., do. do. 212 561 Elcomhe, Tho~. T.L. 23rd No •. , 1S96 Fremantle Do. do., do. do. 286 WatBOn, Charlea I ~" I Free 24th June, 189i Perth Do. do., 189' do. 189 "" ltlolyneux, llIattllc ... T.L. 25tb Dec., 1896 I Perth Do. do .. do. do. 259 Si'S Reid. John, "I,".' I"'"'''' ' do. 21at AIIJ,"\lSt, 1897 Fremantle Do. do.. do. do. 3?5 '" Price, Chas. 5iG O'Brien, !"icbollt~ 10470 do. aotb Oct., 1897 Fl'euulutle Do do., do. do. 395 Si7 ab. Ill1t. 24th Dec., 1897 Fremantle Do. do .. do. do. 395 580 McPbeI'1!on, Donald 31st Dec., 1897 Fremantle Do do .. 1898 do. MOlTa Underwood "'~do. 25th Mar ., 1898 BridgetowD Do. do .. do. do. 114• Pello w, Frederck do. 17th Ms),. 1898 Mt. Ma~uet Do. (10., do. do. 187 ,..,""'''' COfll:'ro,·... , William do. 4th July, 1898 Knlgoorlie Do. do., do. do. 2"25 Haori'. D,.id. "/i,,, do. 12th Sellt .. 1898 CoolKlu'die Do do .. do. do. 30'! "" Auld I McDo~l1. Ju.~,. ,j/j"s 110. 12th Sellt .. 18?8 CooIl.:1lnlie Dv. do., do. do. 30'.! '" ernnlll, Corlleliu@

Hy Authority: A. CUK1'IS, Acting Gov~rn lll ent Printer, Perth.


[Published by Authority. J

'Chis (jludte i~ publixhed ./QI' l)olice i l ~/(II'm,di{Jll- only, 'OId tlte P'Jlice tlfj'u,/'~llUut the 1....'lIl"IIY

111"1' ill.':iJ'urfPtJ If! mok" IlIp,tl.,;,o/1'1'.<: IhnronyMy (ltr}'!winted lIJith the Goufe-nl .... r;l!}U. jJHILLIP1:,', CommiUsl5ioner vi fJu lice.

No] WEDl\ESDAY, OC''l'OUER l~.

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous MO/IIII Magnet .- Ou the l~th tilt., from the person Information. uf Piene FOlltUll, a. 15et. gold w1:ttt:h chain, double­ emb p'Lttern. English hall-markeu, sw ivel missi1lg. a. C.O . .\ ~. . - It is notified for genentl infol'lUfl.ti, '.1 that guM iueket ( pendant on pivot). gold on one side, Sergt. J. T. MeA tee, No. 19. has heen ,~pp"iuteu moonstone on tb€' other, and a sih'er sovereign case Magazine Keeper

------=---_..=.-:.-==-=-=.. -== =-=-=-=--= BOIt/du.-On thf' 8th inst .. from the persoll \If Maitlaud La,llderdale,- a gentleman's siln'r hunting Stealing in Dwellings, from the Rotherharo wat..:h No. 105841, a siher (·haiu 12in. Person, etc. long (1 long twisted and :2 small rounu links ,t lllf'dal Vide Police Ga:ette. 189$, }lRge 3:34, Al/103i4. alternatel,v), and gold engra.ved "M. LallderduJe, Forward," ou on€" side, "C.T.R.W., 2nd Frelll(tltfle.- Pu.trick Hamilton's watch is further Imps. Premiers,1894," on the other sidp. Al. 10408, delwribed as a. g-entlem

['idt Police Gazette, 1891:), l)age 111, Al/i550. ll[ouut Mognef. -· Betwe~u t he 5th ult. and 8th Perlh. ·W. G. Sloalle's watch has been recovered inst., from t he owner's dwel1ing, LenllOl1\"' iUe, - abollt by CorpI. C. H. Watsoll. lOoz. of molten gold and ('opp..: r, Sh!Lpe of a door knob, valued at about £30; the property of LUl.."iell Vide Police Ga~ett.:, 1891:), page 120, Al/7f:H4. Friart. Suspicion attaches to Mrs. 1\1 abel Smiles Perth. - Robert Pilgrim's watch has beelll'ecovered and a woman known as "SWeE't l\1arie." Descrip­ h~' CorpI. C. H. \Vatsoll. tion: ( I) t bin build, age about 20 years, height i.tbt.ut Mt.. fair hair and complexion. long visage; ( 2) age ah

Brnod An·n/I·.- D.ming the night of the 13th ins\., erupll)Ylllent of Fr~nk Cad(l, .FremCln.tle. l?escription: fl'lJllI fhe person (If John Duntn~l!..ill c:a,s€' engrased .. From T.C. to J.D. on waterproof coat and capp (('

Alba,III.- On tlu--' 14th inst .. from the pel'SOl1 of Mrs. Ingh.. .. on thE' s.s .. , Paroo." --a long bluck It'aJliN purse c:ontailling £8 3s. lld: jn c,~sh and 'In Apprehensions. ontl-;:ha,pt.'il hlatk and gold mounung l'lllg. Sus­ J'ide Police Oa:ette, Hms, page 33;). pic:ion a,ttat:ht;':'; In P,tddy i\It::Carthy .. W~lO was w~l'k­ iuO' his l>

Vide Police Gazette, lS9S, pago :t{.1. K((lyo()rlie. ~ Between the 9th a,nd 15th inst., from tilt' owner's tent. FOl'l'est Street, an ISd. gold double JOHN CUNNINGHA"M, brought up ,tt Perth on the tlHtin, pat.tern square har and 3 links ,Litel'natt"I,r, Uth iust. ComnntteJ for trial. gold pu,rUOt.:k in centr!;' of; the propert.v of \Vill ia.Il1 L.,un.-Al '1047,5, 18th October. 1898. Vide Police Gazette, 189t;, page a:w, "-. "\/~5. TOM BURGWIN, at Fremantle. 011 the 12th iust.. h" P.Cs. T. Kf'lso and J. Heal.'" .. Perfh. - 011 the 3rd jnst.. from 418 Ha\' Street,­ a 1-{entleman's Raleigh Road Rac('r b{cyde, No. 448-1.2. Dllulop tirci', front fork broken; the pro­ Vide Police Gazette, 1898. page :3:3.1. GEORGE PATROLLO. hrought uI' .It Guildford on pel·t.' ~)f Annstl'Ollg &. Co. -AI ] 0430. 13th October. 1898. the 11th jnst. £20 filll-' and costs, 01' 3 months L.t

Vide Police Gazette. 1898, page aU2, Al/l00a4. Pl:rfh. - During' the night of the 14th inst., frum Mounts Bay 'I'eeL Ga.rdens, -·a gentleman's Drag-on DAvID HARRTS alia:; AULD aliax FREDERICK hitycle, .. Dragoll Fl.v" on centre bar, "Jos. rrHOMPSON, at Dingo Creek. 011 the 16th inst.., hy Enwl-I & Co., Sheffield." on front bar, vel'." high P.C. W. Feel.". frame. front wheel higher than real', painted blacI.;, rn 1>h("1' ped,ds. low g·eal'. 321bs. weight; the property JENGARRA alias HARRY, a.t Yowel'agabbie, Oll the of Alhed IV. Ew>trt.-AI 10447, 15th October, 7th iust., b, P.C. F. J. Blain, on warrant; man­ 1898. slaughter . ..

l'i(l8 Police Ga:etle, 1898, page :324. A 1/102i9. JAMES GOULD, at Coolgardie, on the 7th iust.. h~T l','l'Ih.- \V. R. Smjth's tools are now further de­ Sel'gt. W. C. Sellenger a.nd Det. P. D. Kava.nagh; .scl'ihed as follows :~l rip saw, tin. hole drilled larceny from premises. Discharged under t he First thruug-h blade. near end; ) plane, brass. rosewooll Offenders Act on payment of costs. Propert), aou iron. branded .. W. R. Smith." anu maker's t·ec-overed. na.lIlE' (unknown) "Ayr. Scotland"; I JIIl. head pluw with" X" in white paint on side; 1 hand-sa.w FRANCIS lHURPHY alia,: Sl'IlITH. at N(lrtham, on the with hollow hack, branded c. 0 0" on llandle; 1 new 6t.h inst., b.r P.C. \Vm. DOll; larceny. Committed lllol'ti~l" gauge; ::'! single toothed gau~es. one with for tri'll. Property re,·overed. inches lll[trked on spindle. branded .. 0 0"; 2ft. it','el, old, with brass ends; 1 tin. firmer chisel, octagonal, heech handle, split. with a screw throlwh FRANK STEWARTalia.-; SCOTTY, a.t Northam, on the it; : in. twist hit, abollt l 5jn. IOllg; lino mortise 10th inst., by P.Cs. R. J. Furlong. P., a.nd J. StUIlI(1I1/le.--On the 13th inst... from the s.s. Ral­ h.1. goorlie,- <,l browll le,Lthel' Glac1stone bag, with brass pla~c on Side ell~rayed .c A. Hart," containing 2 new ANDREW LYONS (half-caste), at Northampton, on white dress Shll·ts, 1 dress ('o,tt, 1 pair of li.,ht­ the 30th ult., by P.C. 1iV. T. Pollett; larceny, dis­ cvlo.ul'ed striped trousers, 1 dozeu silk ha.ndkerchiefs, charged. Cha.rged on the 6th inst., b.v Thomas haH culla1's, etc.; the property of A. Hart. Parkyn with ulllawfnllr Ilsiu()' n, horse; :2 months 8uspl(:lnn attaches to T. Dw.'er, a carrier in the h.1. ' ." :34:3

PE·fER. DUGGAN, at Bouich:r.on the 12th inst., by llAGGIE THO:'IPSON. at Fremalltlf:', on the 14th P.C. G. A. Fraser j unlawfully on pr E'mises, 1 month inst., by P.C. J. Lea"y; idlE' an(l disorderly. 3 imprisonment; refu~ing' name. ] Os. fint' or 7 d'L."s months h.l. imprisonment. Eo WARD C. DOWNES. at Perth, on tht-' 8th inst., AU'RED DELANEY olitlS 'l'ASSY, at Niaganl, on the by Det. S. Conelon; unlawful possession. 40s. fiu(', 4th inst., h." P.C. D. Dugg·an; Jareeny as a bailee. or 1 IlHl1lth h.l. Committed for t.riaL

1\IAR'1'IN \VILSON a.nd THOl\IAS 'VILLf,UIS, at SAYD B ADOUSE. at Niag,Ll"a, 011 the 3rd inst., by Be(tconsfield, on the 16th inst., Ly P.C. Thos. Kebo; P.C. G. "\Vil son j illeg'

AR'l'HUR RODGERS, at Southern Cross, on the 10th inst.. by Cm·pI. R. Goodridge j unlawful possession. JOHN STUBBS, exp .. late No. 8H9:j. at Fl"I'lll

'VILLIAlf GRISDALE. at Northam, on the 13th just.. larceny. 6 months h.1. In- P.C. P. Qll, or] month Id. GEORGE Ayul'II£, at Perth. on the 11th inst., by P.C. C. Banfield, on warrant; assaulting a female. l\frcHAF.I, M OY,L OY, at Perth, on the Hith inst .. hv Buund oVer to keql tlw pea.ce for n mouths. Corpl. 'V. Brown and P .C. :JI. ~IeAnlf'\ ', on wurmnt·j i.1.ssalllting his wife. 10s. finf'. . HENRY l\iAT'l'INGSON CARDON, a.t Kalgoorlie, on tbl~ J 3th inst., hy Det. ~I. ::\IOO1"8, Oll warrant; gross J AMES )lcCARTHY, at Northam. on the 8th inst., indecency. by P.Cs. E. L' ampbell d. Comllln and F. G. EggIestolll'; lan·I'ny. C()lllmitt~tl for trial. PA'l'RICK LY ONS Iflia~ PETER. LING, at Broad Arrow,

PATltlCK MALONEY, at Fremantle. Oil the 11 t h inst., hy P.C. H. A. LaslE'tt; larceny. 14 day" h.l. Escaped Prisoner. Property reC'ono'n"l. No. 5~8. - HENRY SI:-:CLAIIL nug~,·t.\· Imilt!. age :.?:? \'l'arS, hei~ht bft ..5in .. lhrk hair 1Iwl moustache, THO)I AS HTNmIARsH, at Fremantle. on the 13th ;lil(:Ut. ,1. week's ')" rowth of IU·>:ll'11. gn'v t·\'.,:-.. hroad inst., hy 'V.P.C. '1'. Rugers; ulIlawful IH,sse.ssion. :) short nose, sli~htly klll)ek-kn\:,('ll. (iarl~ t';IIlII,lt':xioll, months h.l. oval visSl"ort on the 14th inst.. ahout .-1. \l1ilt·~ from :;\[t. assaulting poli('('. 1 mon1h h.1. (cllItluhLti\·e). l\Ldc(,]m. wh ile ell ml/fe hum Lawh'r's to :U('llzif's, lllHlel' l" emaHd on a charg(' of bl"(·I'II.'. _\.1 }(l-P~l, ] 8th O("tnilt'r, 1898. C"~CII'[A nll,EY and LO Ul!!; ANDERSON, aJ }i'rl.:'_ mantle, Oil th~ 18th inst .. hv P.C. J. Corry; (lisorrlerlv. H.ilev.] month h.l. 'A n dt:'r~Oll, 14 da~vs h.1. . . Ticket-of-Leave lswed III Rf'[!". No. 10489. J. l\~;NNgD"". on the 8th ilIICHAEL .JOHN PHYLAND, at Fremantle, on Ill(' inst. COllv icteJ at Snpn'ul(' Comt. PI·rlh. on the • 14th inst.. hy P.Us. T.... R. Burmal\ and E. Topliss; 8tb April. ] 896, !l to .~ \· p.s. lun·eny. 1 ;Ilonth Id. Property rE'eovf'rf'd. Bl '570S. 344

Warrants Issned. KALLINGH SINr.o, charged a.t BeverIey, all the 15th lnst .. hy Corporal J. Crockett: illeg-al hawking'. £5 Vide Police Gautte, 1898, pages 55, 71,284,288. W. ~~. fine . . THOMAS KITCHEN is reported to been seen in Perth at the beginning of the year. He was then FELIX iHARTELLE, charged H,t KaUOWll

EDWIN NEWTON M'CULLOCH, medium build, age B,.oad Arrow.-Stoleu durinu tlH' niO'ht of the about 28 years, height. 5ft. Sin. or 9in., fair h'Lir and 8th inst., from the AlTOW H~tel. ano iron safe. long fair moustache, blue eyes, rather prominent 1I 0se, 18in. x 24in., conta.ining the title deeds of Block 73, oval visage, fair cOllllJlexion, jourualist and derk, Broad Arrow, a.nd Blocks 11 ,tlld 12 . Paddington native of England; bting indebt.ed to ElIenol' B. Stn~~t.; the jJroperty of Mes.srs. Long and Y01111ge in the sum of £27; to Le arrested at anv Goodisoll. The safe was found blown open; the title seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dat€'~ deeds a. re still missillj.{. - A 1 '10406. 12th October. Perth. 13th October, 1898. - W. ';\'. 1898.

Cla/'f'mont. - Stolen about !J'30 p.w .. 15th inst., from the owuel"ti dwelling. 'Lt Uottesloe. entrance Miscellaneous. being effected by forcing a hedroom window, - a hdy's gold hunting Eng-Iish wah·h. both cases vel'\' REGINAL~ LARAItD, charged at l\lount Magnet, lUlH.:h chased, bLt.Ck figures, bhu'k metal hands, and a. on the 4th JUst., by Corp. G. Pilkington; disturbing ladv's g-old twisted nedda{!(>. ahout 4fl. lon.-r. with a police in eXl'cutioll of duty. .£1 fine or 14 days h.!. iuljilee sovereiu'n attached to swivel' t he pl~ll:>erh' of D. G. Gawlel"" Al 10448, loth Od:,I",)', 1898. . ARTHUR .GEORGE JENKINS, c1.1arged at Coolgardie, on the 5th mst .. b~' Harry vValll scott; assault. £5 fine. Perth. -Stolen uuring the night of the 14th inst., from tht' 'rV.A. Whet'ima.n Printing Works, 323 Hay Street. entnLllce being L'ffett:(!d b.\' forcillg tht· door.- . JENNY CARON. charged at Kalgool'lie, ou the 10th 3 cheques (I). No. 3246, on Union Baul.:. Perth. for lUst., by 1).C. R. Anderson; tioliciting prostitution. £2 5s .. dnLwn by D. & W. MnIT ..LV. in favour of R. -£2 fine and costs or 1 mouth Id. S. Sa.l npson. diL'ted 11th October: 1898; (2) No. 3, on Commerci,d B,wk. Perth. for £ 1 1.5s .. drawn b\' .D.ONALD ROBS a.nd N ORl'lIAN BONNAH., cha.rged at D. Guthrie, in f,LVOUI' of R. S. SalUpson. d!Ltcd 12t.h PIll]arrah, on the 11th mst.., by John Robert Mitchell. October, 18H8; (3) No. 231. on the W.A. Bank. unlawful possession. 14 days h.l. each. ' Pel·th. for £3, drawll by Day & Co., in favour of R. S. Salllllson, dated 11th October. 1898: :l,ud ,d,f)ut . AARON WEDGWOOD, charged at York, on the l2th £4 01' £5 in gold a.nd sil ve l'; the propcr :.' of lUst., by Corp. P. English; unlawful possession of a Richard S. Sampson. - A1 /10440. 15th Odober. horse. .£5 fine and costs or 1 month b.l. 1898. :'145

Extract. .• vVal oonga "-P F Vi Lad\"s ha.nd-basket and From New Zealand Police Ga=ette, 1898, page liB. black .- P F lfjV Pawn ticket for suit of clothes.-P.F. IUV Lady's opossum skin boa..­ Thamefl.- THOMAS DAY (mety assume the name of P.F. Coil of fuse.- Lady's black THOMAS D. KINO) is c:hargt>d on warrant with tbe \/tt· P.F. V',,t. fea.therboa. P.F. Vi· L,ttch key. P.F. V'l. thE'ft. on the 9th April. 1897. of cL cheque for £10 Ss., drawn Oll tllE~ Bank of New Zealand, Thames; the propp.rty of John William Poulgl'aiu. William Albmly.- Boat.- P.F. liV. Ca.rriage whip.- P.F. Eddowes. and Arthur C. Rae, as trustees of the \V Oval.sbaped silver brooch.- P.F. \tl. Brown Court Pride of Parnell Lodge of Forresters. leather portmanteau, containing dothing.- P.F. 'lPl. Offender, \\'ho was secretary to the loclge, is described NOI·ff" Fl'em,aflfle.- Cl il lker built bO<1t. - P.F. V"l·. a8 colonial, about 27 years of age, about 5~t. 6in. high, slim build. fresh complexion, dark ban' and moustache onlr. lower front teeth blackened by .. BUllbury.-Hlac, k leather pnrse and money -P.F. smoking, smali fine ha,llds j carried a silver cha:ill. 9t' . with long twisted links. and large silver huntmg watch, without glass; a school teacher: frequents Geraldlo/~.-Pocket-book, letters, and cheque.hook. hotels, and is fond of discussion. Supposed to have - P.F. I~\:'. left Auckland on the 11th July last hy the s.s. Newca ... Ue. - Lad)"s muslin blollse.--P .F . I,:;~. " Elingamite" for Sydney, probabl~ ell route to Western AustraJia, ,mu will be well. known to most of the Thames miuf'rs now there. 'Vas a"ccompallied Roebom·Ile. -·Door key. - P.F. If/..... !l. by a youth named Bert Rickitt, 18 Veal'S of age, silOrt and stout, fresh cooJplexion, dark'hall', none on The undermentioned articles have heen c1aimed:­ face, calTieu a silver curb chain. Offender is said to Per/h.-Buggy whip (P.G. 1898, p. 198).- P.F. ',','. .5 metal (P.G. 1898. p. 198).- P.F. have a relation nameu King in the Customs Depart. " ment, Srdnev, and is known to Mr. John Agnew, ,91', . Olaua()oe~ of' the Sons of Gwaliol' Mine, Mount Leon~·a. ,Lbout 2.S0 miles from Coolgardie. Arrest B'wnbu-ry. - Gold breast pin (VU. 1898, p. 198).­ desirable, as there are several other charges pending, P.F . .~+ and his defal('ations a,mount to about £100. Al 10485. Property Lost. Missing Friends. P erth.-On th~ 13th illst.,- a brown lea,ther blief bag, conta.ining legal papers; the propert.v of J. H. 'VILLIAM RICHARDSON alios GIBSON (no de· Hewitt.-P.L.""'il. On the 1st illst.,- a pin. scription given), is belie'ved to bave left New South set with a large dIamond, value £lS; the pl'opertJ Wales for Western Australia, about .March last, in of A. Taylm·.-P.L. -f.~'J. compan~' with a man named CarloI' Carlos Scott and --- famil.". Inquiry by Mrs. Richardson (mother), Fl·emallflt!. On the 8th lIl~t., - a. jubilee sovereign, Beudor, Victoria" Information to tht' Criminal 1887, pendant, with heav.v ornamellted setting; the Investigation Bra.nch, Perth.- B l 5709. property of Richard Taylor. P.L. ""!J-f.tJ!'.

THOMAS HALL, slight build, age 42, years, height HUlIbw·!I.- On the 10th inst.. - Title deeds in name Sft. 9in., dark hair and complexion, may have a dark of and the property of George vVaddingham.- P.L. full beard, turning grey, blue eyes, nose wide at ..VI',- , . nostrils, thin features, <~ miner, native of Soutb Australia; was working at Gabanintha mine, Gel'(llclton.-Oll the 7th inlSt.. - A scarf pin con· Murchison, up to March last; is reported to have sisting of a. rough gold nugget, with silver pin; the been working in Perth on some Government works property of Mrs. Fletcher.- P.L. 1i-f'ft. in July last. Inquiry by Commissioner of Police, Adelaide, on bt>half of Martha Ann Hall (wife), Albany.--Oll the 13th iU::lt., a, gentlema.n's silver 11 Castle Street, Adelaide, South Australia. Infor­ hunting Rothcrham level' watch. No. 86975; t}le pl'O­ mation to the Criminal Illvestigat.iou Bra.nch, Perth. perty of C. Brodie. P.L. {it. -Blj5710. GeraldfolL (IJidf' Police Gazette 1897, pr~ge 386).­ --·=====c-===== Millnie St~n's watl'h and chain hav.... been found.­ Property Found. P.L.o//. Perth.- Note-hook. - P.F. and V-,.;'. llIOllltt M((lcoilll (IJi.df' Polict' U-(/z~tte 1898, pagt' waterproof.- P.F. \//. .- P.F. 1,//. 217). ~D. Mdnt)·!·c's gold ring has been found.­ . P.F. 1~\7. Lady's fur . --P.F. P.L. V!i~' \/~8. Straw bat.·-P.F. '{'i. 2 swags and 3 calico baglS. containing cooking utensils, etc.-P.F. ll-i. Cab lamp.- P.F. '.r'-l. Pair lady's dancing' sboes.­ P.F. ",,"1',1. 'fhermometer. - P.F. \?~~. Cheque for Horses, Cattle, etc. £9 18s. 7d., National Bank of Australasia, Perth.­ P.F. \,\1'. Dress coat.-P.F. \913°. Hat and strap.­ r'ide Police Gazette, 1898, page 330, A1/ 1O;{41. 1 P.E. lltJ· • Cheque for £2, Ba.nk of New South Beaconsfield.- Eight of Daniel Mdnnes' pigs have Wales, Coolgardie.- P.F'. l\j0ri'. Gold brooch and heen recovered by P .C. E. Winter. lady's fur tippet. - P.F. I-h"". Gold sleeve link.­ P.F. 'Il\~' Black Chesterfield coat.-P.F. liV. ------­ ~ ~--- Fremantle. - Lady's black silk umbrella.- P.F. Conditional Release Holders. \}'l· Child's imitation gold bracelet.- P.F. '0·"/. Clothing, 2 pawn tickets, and letters.- P.F. 'll LARIO BLONDI, Reg. No. 10404, reports hie Office chair.- P.F. '0\0. hard felt hat.-P.F. uepartun' fo r Cossack, having secured employment 'u\:}· Pocket. book and steerage· ticket per s.s. on board a pearling' vessel. Inquests. Hunvu?'y.- On the 7th allcl14th inst., at the Court House, before 'N. H . Timperlf'y, R.M., Acting Yalgoo.-On the 1st inst., a~ Griffith's BO


",,· ,... -"ame. OIT",,,ce. ~cntcllce. \\"1I1"1·c Dale "r l"~charl'<'. Condition. or 1,,'.1' Committed. Re~. ,"'n. ------I From Frelltantle Prison, d1u'ing the week ellding Sailtrday, 15fh October, 1898.

Free 1401 Sindair, R., alias Unlitwfully on premises 1 month h.l. Kalgoodie -I H art Do. 18:W Downes. Axel Larceny. 6 months h.1. Perth I Exp. ti146 Thompson, Jos. Idle and disorderly (j months h.l. Do. ~ 10th Oct. Free 3~iO Higg-ins, Thos. A s~mltlt; resisting alTe~t .£2 01" 1 month h.l.: Kanowna lUlonthsh.l. (cum.) I Do. :338J l\1cLoughlin, James Larceny as a bailee 2 years h,1. Coolgardie Exp. 9686 Cassidy, ,Vm. J lldecent behaviour £2 and costs or 7 Perth days h,1. ~ Free 25ii Bryant, Jafi. S. Drunk is. ucl. and cost.s or 7 Do. I days. h.1. Exp. 7152 Howell, John Unlawfully on premises 2 months h.1. Do. ~ llth do. Free :\528 McNC'il, ArchibaM Deht .£12 IDs. 4·d. or 14 Fremantle I days Do. 2i85 ~tewa.rt. "r. H.,alias Drunk 10:;;. and costs or 7 I Jas. Stuart days h.1. ) Do. lSi!l "'ilson, HalTY Unlawful possession (two I ti months h.1. 6 Do. charges) months h.1. (cum.) 1, Do. ::l52·J. Mnil" Robt. K. Larceny; escaping 1 month h.l.; 7 days Ka!goorlie do. Id. (cum.) r12th Do. 2i:)(j McAuliife, E., alias Stealing in a dwelling :2 years hI. Perth ~Ic D onnell Exp. k9U:\ St.ubbs, J ohn Drunk :H days h.1. Fremantle Free 8i6 Hopwood, Thos. Forgery and uttering (two u mouths h.l.; II Perth charges) months h.!. (elllu.) 1 Exp. 10294- Green, John Drunk 105. or 7 days h.1. l;'rClllantle r13th do. Free 3:')05 White, Alfred Refusing duty .j. weeks h.1. Do. Do. :I::>:J3 Ho~an, James Larceny H da\":> h.1. Kanowna 1 1J0. 351-8 1\IcGl'ynn, 'rhos. Drunk :~ day's h.1. Perth Female Fao 'l'a.ylor. Fanny Obscene language ~ months h.!. Do. I~ Do. F 85 N(>l!y (alt. nat.) Idle and disorderly :~ months h.l. G ui!dfnrd ,I Do. F 80 Mary (ab. nat.) Do. . ~ Illouths h.1. Do. p4th (10. Free :3:123 i

FmIJt Nellll"asile 0001. during fhe WI;'("," I'/Idillg 8th Odollf'r, 18.98. Free 1 Tag-Hel', Christia.rr I Lnrl'eny . 1 1e1. days h.1. Northalrl nth Od.

FI"I)lfi AU)(IIIY Gaol, durillY the wed, ending 10lh Uctohe1', 18.98.

Free (.'ro;;il'r, 'VUl. . .. relit> (md disorderly 1 · ~ da..':s h.!. Alblln .... :~nl l)ct. Do. YOP~l" Pr('(lk., tI:i(l~ L:lrcen,Y I a months h.1. Ii:sIll'rancC' ·Uh do. Wil'::\on

Fro/II NodholJl LOI'/'--II}/, dllj·illg lilt' 1ft,]"'," t'lIdill!1 l."jlh Odof,,!!". /8.98. Ah. nat. Banjo Drunk 7 days h.1. ~(lrtham \.:;th lkt. 3-1,7


Coll- G;,,~t!l' DII!e(>re~e!\)le. Ili&trict /rum. """. "':'UHf' ne~. NQ. d itioll. Description Rnd remllrk~.

,"' l:Ial'ris, Frank F ree I 15th Augu'lt. 1895 ..1 ~"m"ntl' ... Vide Pro/ice G'nette, 1895, page 160 s.~ Uon,'uu, DiWid do. 12th Sept., t895 .. (.:OOlh"\u·dlc .. Do. (io., do. do. 109 NcDonnld, J IIS. do. l:lth Sept .. 18115 .. Geraidton ... Do. do., do. do. 16(l 5.J6 Blu'ko, ' \'m. do. 1st Janunry, 189G .. VictOl'in PJaiU8 Do. do., 18% (10. U .'i""" E~ntls. Robt. do. 3rd March, 1896 Perth Do. do., do . do. 53 SSI McArthnl', F. do. lith April, 1800 AlbllllY Do. do., do. do. 55:! SIIlCk, John do. IStll Juue, 1896 Cooh;ardie Do. do., do. do. 130" SS> BrOSlll'lll, Timothy do. 20th AlI!:,ust. 1896 Gern.ldtoll Do. do .. do. do. 190 556 H opki1l8, J uhn do. 9th Sept., 1896 Ncwcnatlo Do. do., do. {loo 207 55; Jeukins, ·Wm. do. 9th Sept., 1896 Newcastle Do. do., do. do. 2(Ji "'atSOll, Thoma~ do. 17th Sept .. 1896 Cool~l\rdie Do. do., do. do. 212 "".\01 };Icombe, Thos. 10374 T.L. 23rd No,'" 1896 I Frcmuntle Do. do., do. do. 28ii •'">69 WlltsoU. Chnrles F,~ 24th June, 1897 Perth Do . do., 1897 do. 1St1 57-1- Mol)'neux, Mllttllew 6145 T.L. 25th Dec., 1896 Perth Do. do., do. do. 259 5.5 Rcid, John, ,,/ius l()." do. 21st AuJ...... st. 1997 Fremnntle Do. do .• <10. do. ~5 Price, Ch1l8. ! 576 O'Bricu, Nicholns 10470 do. 30tb Oct., 1 ~.Qi Fremnutlc Do. do., do. do. 395 Sri Miu(Umm nb. =t. 2-tth Dec., 1897 Fremantle Do. do.. do. do. 395 McPherSOIl, DOllald Free 31st lJcc., 1897 Fremantle Do. do., 1898 do. 4 ""SS:~ Mormn Uuderwood do. 25th blar.• 1898 Brldgetowll Do. do., do. do. ll4 Pellow, Fre(ierck rIo. 17th l'I1ay, 1898 Mt. Magnet Do. do., do. do. 187 ""ss.; C,)~ro,'c, William do. HI! July, 1Q98 KIlIJ.,"Oorlie Do. do., do. do. 2"..5 5Si McDoll/o:nll, Jas .• (t!il!~ ,10. 12th Sel't., 1898 I Cool~'1lrdie Do. do., (10. do. 3(r2 CrOllin, Comelim;

Hy Authority: A. CUKTIS, Acting Government P I'inter, Pert h.


[Published by Authority. J

This Grtz8tte is published /01' Police i1~t'ormation only, and the Police thfOtLg!tout th//, Oolony Itn i'Yl.':tn,l,cted to mo ke f hemsel'ue s th01'O'I.f,ghly acquainted with the contents. GEO. PHILLIPS, Oommissioner of Police.

No. 43.J WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ~6. [1898.

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous First Class Detective 1N. H. Renfrey, No. 169, Information. from Perth to Albany, 20·10·98. Second Class Constable O. Ritchie. No. 237. C.O. ~-t.-Notified, for general information, that from Perth to Mt. Gonld. 24·10·98. the following Resignations and Transfers have taken place in the Police Force :- GEO. PHILLIPS. Commissioner of Police. Resignations: 24-10-98. Probation Police Constable H. VV'. Pope, No. 420, resigned, ] 7·10·98. C.O. ·H·.-The following Transfers will take effect from 1st proximo, viz. :- First Class Constable F. Keddell. No. 172. resigned. 22·10·98. First Class Consta.ble Jno. J. vVilsoll, No. 208, from Bunbury to Kalgoorlie. Tra.nsfers : First Class Constable F. W. Pearce. No. 171. from Albany to Bunbury. First Class Constable T. Carroll, No. 179, from Bardoe to Broad Arrow, 1-lO-~)8. GEO. PHILLIPS. First Class COllstabltl R. Phelau, No. 176, from Commissioner of Police. Mt. WittenooUi to Carnarvon, 2.10·98. 25·10·98. First Class Constable M. Wolfe, No. 124, from Day Dawn to Pertb. 4.10.98. Second Chss Detective M. Moore, No. 222. from Albany to Kalgoorlie. 4·10-98. Stealing in Dwellings, from the Second Constable A. Benmore, No. 337, Person. etc. from Albauy to Esperance, 6-10-98. Fide Police Gazette, 1898, page 342, Al/10459. First Class Constable J. Lynch, No. 173. from Esperance to Albany, 7-10-98. B1"Oad A1'l·ow.-Joh11 Dunton's gold watch is further described as a split seconds ch ronograph, First vVa,ter Police Constable C. Kohler, No. 25503. The number of the silver watch is No. 145, from Broome to Fremantle, 9-10-98. 96154. Second Class Constable G. Bayley. No. 351. from Kanowna to Broad Arrow, 10-10-98. Vide Police Ga~ette, 1898, page 324, .A.l/10262. Probation Police Constable C. Saunders. No. Bunbury.-P. J. Boyne's gold keeper ring has been 428, from Perth to Kelmscott, 12-10-98. found. First Class Constable B. Connolly, No. 70, from Kelmscott to Pertb. 1~·10·98. Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 341, Al/10451. Second Class Constable H. Manning, No. 381, Pel·th.- S. Greenhill's scarf pin has been recovered from Mt. MOl'timer to Marble Bar, 17-10-98. by P.C. H. Mann in the possession of "Vallace Corporal J. Kingston, No. 30, from Perth to Robertson. Boulder. 20-10.98. Secl)ud Class Constable E. Edwards, No. 326, Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 315, Al/10215. from Perth to Boulder, 20-10-98. Perth. - Joseph Bailey'S watch has been recovered Probation Police Constable H. 'Villiams. No. by P.C. H. La.slett, at Frelllantle, in the possession 401, from Perth to Boulder, 20-10-98. of .A.lex. O'Con11or (vide Apprehensions). 350

Vide Polire Gazette, 1898, page 342, A1/10462. Esperance.-On the 19t1l inst., from t,he Royal Espel·ance.--Ellen Brunell's ring has been re­ H otel,-a lady's gold (15 or 18ct.) half-hoop ring, covered. set with a medium-sized well-shaped pearl, set in 5 or i claws, c11ased both sides of pearl; the property Sydney.-On or. about the 22nd ?It.: from the of 1\1"8. J ohn Taylor.-A1/10564, 25tl1 October, person of Mrs. F. Chffe,-a red e~allle l J:ub11e? brooch, 1898. pattern small crown over a " V set Wlth d l a~onds, "Jubilee" ah,o set with diamonds, on a III red Vide Pohce Gazette, 1898, page 32'1-, Al/l0'24i. ellalllel ~nder the " V "; rare and peculiar uesign, Leede1·ville.-Thomas On's axe has bC'en recovered. valued £ 10.-Al/10.506, 18th October, 1898.

Pert h.-On the 18th inst., from the person of Bunbltty.-On the 13th inst., from the Masonic Hall,-an ebony walking stick, si lver mounted, Joseph '\Ti llmott, at the Victoria Re stauran~, - a gold horse-shoe scarf pin, set with a clear whIte stone, carved half-way up, witb dog-shaped head; t he value 25s.-Al/10498, 18th October, 1898. property of W. H. Bray.-Al/ 10504, 19t h October, 1898 Perth. --On the 19th inst.. from the Duke of Wellington Restaurant,-a pair of gold sleeve links, Puth.-On or about the 14th inst., from the oval-shaped. engl·aved "E.R.O.," and dumb- bell GO\Ternor Bl'oome Hotel,-a small oblong tin box, pattern; ~he p:opeli.y of Estab

VUll'se. - On the 20th inst., from tbp. owner's dwell­ ing, at Ballarat Old Timber Station,-1 gent's five KClfwwlla.-Between the 15th a.nd 17th inst., from carat !:lingle stone diamond ring in heavy gold setting, the owner's yard,- a pair of American huggy front in case; 1 pair of gold rimmed spectacles in new wheels and a.xle, wheels 3ft. 3in. dia.meter 1 /ijin. case, .. F rost & Shipbam" in gold letters on case; 1 tire, riveted, iron nave, painted chocolate, l ~iD. axle, pair of new lace boots, square boxed toes, cloth screw nut a.t each end; the property of HalT), J ames lined, size 8, good quality; 1 pepper and salt tweed Gray.- A1 10514, 19th October, 1898. CO,Lt and trousers, mucb worn; the property of J ohn Arbuthnot Evaus.-AI/I0546, 22nd October, 1 8~8. Perfh.- During the 19th inst., from the owner's dwelling, 26.5 \VeUington StJ'eet, - a blue cloth sac Pel"th.-On the 21st inst., from t he person of (;oa.t and vest, tailor made, open at breast, piece let Alexander T..inton,-£98 in gold; also from the into back of vest to enlarge it; t he property of Ives Governor Broome Hotel, gold ring about ~in. wide, M. Battard.- Al;10530, 20th October, 1898. set with 3, centre one size of a pea; 1 gold scarf PIU, enamelled German flag (red, white, and black); 1 opo~sum rug about 8ft. square, lined with F'J-emcwtle.-On the 15th inst., from the saloon of grey doth, marked ;< A.J." inside a star ; 1 brown t he s.s ... Paroo," at Albany,-a lady's dark bro:vn leather portma,nteau, size 3ft. x 2ft., containing 7 or cloth half cape, un t rimmed ; t he property of MISS 8 white , 1 light tweed ('oat and vest, and 1 Todner.- Al 10499, 18to October, 18P8. IJair hlack clotb trousers; the property of Alexander LilltOll.- AI /I0540, 22nd Octobe,', 1898. Fl'emantle.-On the 20th inst., from a borse in Ooolgordie.- On the 17th inst., from the owner's Cantonment Street,-a. horse collar, buggy harness, tt'nt,--a gentleman's silver hunting stem-winding patent leather; the property of Hearman Hansen.­ stop watch, No. 1651123, engine-turned case, value Al 10534, 21st October. 1898. £ ] 1 ; the propertJ of Andrew Barr.-A] 110554, 24th October, 1 8~8 . ](algoorlie.-On the 18th inst., from t he owner's \,j G~tildJ01·d. -- Duri n g the night of the 22nd inst., shop,- 3 dark brown leather Gladstone bags: (I) I 8in. " fl·om t~le ~ockel"idge Hotel,.- l lady's gold open-faced long without str(l p8, (2 and 3) 24in.long with straps, ke;r-wllldmg watch, Stevenson, Adelaide, maker, all marked " lVIarwick Bros." over saddler's name, engra.ved "Emmu ' ;Vehber, May, 1898," inside case, stamped in red . on inside; tbe property of Richard and" E. W." outside case; I gold Albert chain, with Harclwick.-A I 10535, 21st October, 1898. ta!:lsd, key, and 4 coins attached (6d., 4d.., 8d. pieces and l J., all gilded); 1 plain gold brooch, Pertll.- -Dul'ing the night of the :Wth inst.,- a sac with name ., Emma" on it; 1 gold crescent~ coat and vest, nearly new, slop made, light grey shaped brooch, and 1 gold ba.r brooch, with knob at cololl.r with darker gre,Y fsbac1ed stripes and red t hread each end and shield ill centre, set with pearls; the runnlllg through, rel.:ently washed, size 4, sID00th light property of Frederick "\Vebber. - Alf 10557, 24th buttons, 4 pockets; the property of Robert H Ollston. Odober, 1898. - Al/l 05S3, 21st October, 1898. :151

Per/h.-On the 21st inst., from the owner's sl}(lp in GEORGE DARJ.INGTON SIMPSON. at Albanv on Hay Street,-a cocoanut door mat, size 3ft. 6il1. by t he 21st inst., hy Sergt. H. Stokes a.nd p.b: M. 3ft., bound all round with white manilla binding, Griffin, ou warrant; being indpbtec1 to H enry Ed­ small pieee cut out of ri:;rht hand corner to fit (1001'; ,,'.al:d Kenny. in t he SUlI) of .£500. Discharged on the property of Ralph Potts.-AIJI0541. 21 st gl\TlUg securlt.y. October, 1898. JOHN R YA~ and JA1'llES WILSON, at Munda"ing, G-ullewa.-Between the 8th and 15th inst., frorn the on ~he 21st Inst., by P.C. G. Johnson; assaulting owner's dwelling at t,he Lady Elizabetb Gold Mine,­ polIce. 6 months h.1. each. a British bull dog 6-chambered revolver, 320 caL; the property of Edward Moule.--AIJI0543, 22ud October, 1898. JOHN BARRY alias DUBLIN, and ANDERSON ""y TH'l'E alias SCOTTY, at lVlPllzies, on the 17th inst., Perth.-On thE:" 22nd 1I1St., from the person of by P.Cs. ehas. H arris and A. T. H oy; larceny. £2 Daniel Maber,-.£4 10s. in gold, 1 return ticket fine and costs or 1 month Id. each. Property re. Brunswick to Guildford, and 1 oil-skin coat, right­ covered. hand pocket rec.:ently torn and meuded with black cotton. Suspicion attaches to a man, name unknown, ERNEST GREEN, a.t P erth, on the 10th inst., by described as thin build. about Sft. 8in. or 9in. high, Det. R. Conuell; uttering a forged <:beq ne. Com'­ about 28 ,Years of age, fail' hair. clean shaved. sandy mittecl for triaL complexion, supposed Irish, and believed to be em­ ployed by the City Couucil.-AII0549, 23rd WILLIAM EARLE, at Subiaco. ou the 11th lust .. October, 1898. by P.C. H. Sampson; carnal knowledge of a. giri uuder l7 years of age, he being hel' guardian. Com­ Pel'th.-On the 21st inst., from t he Perth Dis­ mitted for trial. eount Bank. St. George's Terrace,-3 rolls of lino­ leum. nearl.v new. eadl roll weighing cthout ~cwt., DOMINICK ,VILSON DUNN, itt Perth, Oll t he 13t.h bearing nail marks, portion cut off one roll to fit iust., by Dets. S. Condon and F. G. Egglestol1; fireplacp.; the propert,Y of Jose ph Rodgers.- A1Jl0559, larceny. Committed for trial. Property recovt'l'ed. 24th October. 1898. JOHN O'BRIEN, at Perth, ou the 16th inst., by P.Cs. IVI. Normoyle and H. Stow; hindering a poli<:e constable. .£10 fine and costs. Apprehensions, ROBER'l' ST. CLAIR, a.t Perth, on the 19th inst., by Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 342. P.C. P. Kilkelly; larceny. 4 months h.l. JENGARRA alios HARRY, brought up at :i.\Iouut Magnet, on the 15th inst. Committed for trial. PATRICK CAREY, at Perth Haeecourse, on the 21st inst., Ly CorpI. C. H. \Vatson and P.C. A. H: Vide Police Ga=elte, 1898, page 336, IV. !"Q;? Tillotson; wagering ill a public place. £10 fine and J. H. COLLINS, at Mullewa, on the 5th inst., by costs. P.C. H. l\It;'gilless. Discharged. MURRAY PA'fON, at Camarvon, on the 25th ult., Vide Police Gazette, 1898, pp. 288,319, w. ?N, '~~! by CorpI. \IV. Turner and W.P.C. A. Evanson; idle SUlA.ZEE and NABOLI SAKA, on the 9th ult., by and disorderly. 3 months h.1. the Broome Police. £5 fine or 1 month h.1. each. l\frCHAEL KELLETT, a.t Nullagine, on the 19th ult., VidQ Police Gazette, 1898, page 341, AIJ7814. by P.C. E. J. Spry, on warrant; murder. AnCHIBALD McDoNALD, uuder sentence, at Fre­ mantle, on the 14th inst., by CarpI. C. H. V\Tatson, ALEXANDER SHERIFF, Malay, at Bl'oome,ou the on warrant; .assault and robbery, discharged; uu­ Sth inst., by CorpI. H. Thomas and P.C. J. Zumfelde j lawful posesslOn, remanded. murder. Committed fo r t rial.

Vide Police Ga:ette, 1898, page 319, 'V. 'N, 1,j./ . RrCHARD I\1URRA Y, at Katanuiug, OD the 18th LAYMAN BIN RAHURAN and ABMET BIN HU8SIN inst, by P.C. J. S. Foulkes, on warrant; false pre­ at Cossack, on the 9th inst. Remanded to Bl'oome. ' ten<.:es (3 charges). ::! months h.1. on each charge cumulative. Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 223. EDWARD WRIGIIT, brought up at Gingin, on t he JOHN ASKETT, at Yalgoo, ou the 13th inst.. by 4th July j 10s. fine and costs; wilful damage, 40s. P.C. F. R. Fox; uula.wful possession. 2 months fine and costs; im personating a constable, 208. fine. h.1.

Vide Police Ga:ette, 1898, page 342. DANIEL 'VARD aud HUGH rrEMPLE, at Jundiou, f P-';TRrCK KEOGH, brought up at Gingin, on the on the 20th ult., by P.C. A. Suuter, Oll warra.nt ; Bth Inst. j 10s. fine j wilful damage, 40f-O. fine and sheep stealing. Discharged. costs; impersonating a constable, 20s. fine. HENUY CRADES, at Frema.ntle, on the j.;t h inst., Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 342. by P.C. F. Keeyers; larceny (2 charges). 4 nwnths DAVID H ARRIS alias AULD alias FREDERICK h.1. and::>' mont.hs h.1. cumulative. Property re­ ~HOIllPSON, urought up at Menzies, on the 22nd covered. l1lst. j uulawful possession. 3 months h.1. HARRY LILLY and THOMAS DONOVAN, at Cool­ Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 343. gardie, Oll the 17th iust., by P.C. C. Bird; larceuy HF..RBERT LEATHER, brought up at P erth on the from the person. Committell for trial. Property 19th lUst. £10 fine and costs. recovered. 352

JA?lfES PENNINGTON, at Broad Arrow, 011 the 20th J OHN KILEY alias J AMES KELLY alias "Jnl THE" inst., by P.C. M. Mulkerin j idle and disorderly. 1 YA NK", thin build, age 3S years, height Sft. lOin., month h.l. fair complexion, light·hlue eyes, small fail' moustache, consumptive·looking, thin features, native of America, WILLIAl\I FILl'trINGHAM, at Claremont, on the 20th sl)eaks with strong America.n accent. wea.ring blue inst., by" P.Cs. E. Hu..x table and L. W. Smith; idle sac suit and soft felt hat. AUGUSTUS EVERINGTON, and disorderly. 2 months h.1. very thin build, age 30 to 35 years, height 5ft. l Oin., fair complexion, inclined ginger moustache, medium size, sometimes wpars wh iskers all round, Colonial, wearing brown striped sac suit, boxer-h,tt, carries walking stil.:k, both stylishly clressed, smart criminals; Burglary, Housebreaking, etc. larceny from Morris and Me€'ks, ironmongers, Little Collins Street, Melbourne, on the I bth inst., of a Vide Police Gazette. 1898, page 344, AI/10448. packet of table knives, valued at 1.5s. Provisional Clare-mont.-The No. of D. G. Gawler's wa.tch is w<\,rrant, dated Albany, 22nd October, I S98.-YI[. Vl . 4049 129.

Miscellaneous. Warrants Issued. EASTER SING and DAVY SING, charged at Green­ Vide Police Gazette, 1898, page 326, W. 8vol. ough, on the 20th inst. ., by P.C. T. H. Lucas ; unlaw. CALV"ERT HENRI J ONES. Offender's arrest IS ful hawking. £2 fine and costs or 14 days h.1. desired in any of the Eastern colonies. HERBERT WELLS BIRCH, charged a.t Cossack, on Vide Polic~ Gazette, 1898, page 46, W. H. the 13th ult., by Jose Bellarrit>s; larceny as bailee. PA1.'RICK DELANEY alias ROBINSON not. to be Committed for trial. arrested. Warrant cancelled 19th inst. PETER FRANC IS, charged at Carnarvon, on the WILL lAM J. TURNB ULL , thick set build, age about 28th ult., by COll'l. W. Turner and W.P.C. A. 21 years, height 5ft. 7in. or 8in., dark hair, dark Evenson; supplying liquor to ahoriginal natives. moustache only, round and full visage, late clerk of £20 fine or 3 months h.!. Tt'oudes, sha,rebroker, P erth; larceny as a b,~ilee of scrip representing 2,700 shares in the Boulder Half. JOHN MARTIN, charged at Carnar von, on the 29th Mile South G.M. Co., value £185, and 1,700 shares ult., by COl·pI. W. Turner; suppl.ving liqnor to in the same Company, value £85, the property of aboriginal natives. £20 fine or 3 h.l. Mary Musgrove Musgrove. Dated Fremantle, 19th JOHN HILL, charged at Newcastlp, on the 21st October, 189S.-W. 8i,t. inst., by P.C. M. L eary; supplying liquor to aborig. inal natives. £20 fine or 1 month h.1.

WILLIAM WILSON, middling stout bUlld, age 3S .rl..L?t1A C.AMPBEL L DUNNING, charged at. Fremantle to 40 years, height Sft. l Oin., brown hair, round on the 22ud iust., by P.C. J. Healy; assaulting a visage, fair complexion j disobeying summOns to boy. £5 tine and costs or 2 months h.1. appear at Carnarv~)Jl Police Court on the 20th Septemuer, to answer a charge of sllpplying liquor JOHN CORRY, charged at Kanowna, on the 19th to aboriginal natives. Dated Carnarvon, 20th Sep­ inst.. by P.C, L . O'Brien; damaging the telegraph tember, l S9S.-W. 8l-g'. line. £S fine and costs.

ALFRED G. ALDRICK, stout bui1d, age 30 years, JA?I1ES MARTIN, charged at Newcastle, on the 24th height, Sft. lOin ., very fair hair, fair moustache, inst., by P.C. P. O'Donoghue; supplying liquor to blue eyes, Roman nose, round visage, florid com­ an aboriginal native. £20 fine or 1 mon th h.1. plex ion, dressed in black diagonal sac coat, dark tweed trous(>l"s, and brown Terai hat, a timber cutter, HARRIE SIMEON and J . I NGLEM"AN, charged at native of New South Wales; being indebted to Perth, on the 20th inst., by P.C. W . Guest; wager· William Bell in the sum of £2S, to be arrested at ing in a public place. Simeon, £5 fine and costs j any seaport of the Colony, but not elsewhere. Dated Ingleman, 40s. fine and costs. Perth, 19th October, 189S.-W. V7l. W ILLIAM SAGGERS, charged at Perth, on the l Sth PETER PERRIS, stout build, age about 32 years, inst., by H. Wainscot; breaches of the Bankruptcy height Sft. Sin., dark hair and moustache, dark eyes, Act-(I), contracting a debt whilst insolvent; (2) Hat nose, very dark tanned complexion, a 1I:1anil1a­ neglecting to keep a cash·book. Committed for trial man; being indebted to Charlie Ah Ram in the on each charge. sum of £5 Ss. 8d., to be arrested and brought ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel GEORGE HENRIQ,UES, charged at Perth, on the 19th about to proceed to sea. Dated Fremantle, 25th inst., by COl·pl. C. H. 'Vatson; sly.grog selling. October, l S9S.-W. ViP . £30 fine and costs. N of appeal given.

~A l\IES W.HYTE, medium build, age 26 years, height 5f~. 6m.,. dark, sallow complexion, dark hair, ~ark medIUm. sized moustache, slightly pigeon-toed Escaped Prisoner. III ~eft fo~t, rlgh~ shoulder down when walking, very No. 589.-JORN KENNEDY, t.l., Reg. No. 10489, aC~lve gait, native of Victoria, wearing dark sac medium stout build, age about 30 years, heiO'ht SUIt, black hoxer-hat and blue Chesterfield coat· Mt. 91in., black hair, dark eyes, long vis 1ge, bro~vn forgery of scrip at Melbourne, on the 14th inst.: complexion, round shouldered, engineer and labourer; on Georg-e: Watt Anderson. Provisional warrant absconded from Perth District on or about 10th dated AlballY, 22nd October, 1898.-'V. 8g&J. inst.-A1f10566. 253

Horses, Cattle, etc. Missing Friends. Mt. Malcolll~. - Stolell or strayed on or about the JOH N VINCENT STEWART, rather broad huild, age l Oth inst.,-a light-brown bull camel. named Kutchel, 32 years, heIght 5ft. 5in., Hearly black hair, hald on branded A\ Dear thigh, off shoulder. and ofi' neck; top. dark grey eyes, long black eye lashes and brows, p tanned complexion, has lost one finger at first joint, the property of the Police Department. AI/I0480. a marine engineer; last heard of by letter dated 18th Octoher, 1898. 17- 2- 97. 9 Stirling Street, "Perth. Inquiry bJ Agent General, London, on behalf of Ellen Stewart Perlh.-Stolell or strayed, on or about the 18th (wife), 33 vVilJ esdel1 Lane, High Road, Kllburn, inst., from Bayswater,-a black mare, branded J B London, N.W. Iuformation to the Criminal In. near shoulder, 7 years old, near hind coronet white. vestigation BnLnch, Perth.- Bl/5580. about 16 hands high; and a bay mare. branded something like J H (conjoined) near side rump, have both been used in a cab; the property of George JOHN RENNIE, age 32 years. dark brown eyes, fair Patola. Aljl0496, 18th October, 1898. complexion, a butcher; left Garallgula, N.S.W., about three years ago with the intention of going to West Aus.tralia. Inquiry by the Director of Charities, Sydney, N.S.W .• on behalf of Mrs. Rennie. In­ formation to the Criminal Investigation Branch, Property Found. Perth.--Bl/5731. Perth.-Gentleman's bicycle, No. 3077.- P.F. 1Il,l· 1 pair trousers, 1 pair lady's boots, and lady's RIC HARD PARKER., stout build, age about 60 clothing.-P.F. V.l. Quantity of underdothing.­ years. medium height, browu hair turning grey, fun P.F. 2f~o. Small key.-P.F. ~9°'IJ2. 15ct. golf! bangle grey beard, whisker~ and moustache, blind of Olle set with pearls and sapphires.-P.F. ~·li· eye, walks lame, dressed in brown walking suit, black hard hat, and grey tweed overcoat, has been a The undermentioned property has been claimed: - carter; left Darlinghurst, N.S.W., about 4 months ago. Inquiry by Mary Parker (wife), 72 Victoria Perth.-Two cap wrenches (P.G .. 1898, p. 198).­ Street, Darlinghurst, N.S.vV. Information to the 6 S P.F. 1_/8 • Cheque (P.G., 1898, p. 345).- P.F. \.l I;9. Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.-AI/10507. Albany.-Buggy lamp (P.G., 1898. p. 198).--P.F. ::. 4 plugs of dynamite (P.G., 1898, p. 198).­ ALBERT EDW ARD REES, no description given, p.F·a· accountant. Inquiry by Director of Charitable lnsti· tutions, Sydney, N.S.W., who requests information as to his circumstances. Information t.o the Criminal Investigation Branch, Perth.- Bl/5475. Property Lost. P e?·th.--On the 17th inst.,--a cheque for £3 on the W.A. Bank, Perth, drawn by E. F. Sage, payable Inquests. to " Band," dated ~ 7th October, 1898; the property of Henry Gunter.-P.L.+-i'g-' . On the 18th inst.,-a Kalgoo1·Zie.-On the 20th inst., at the Court House, lady's 2 or gold brooch, diamond at each end, before F. Hare, R.M., Acting Coroner, touching the opal in centre; the property of Miss A. :Martin.­ fire whicb occurred at a dwelling house in Piccadilly P.L. V;·;t. On the 21st inst.,-a basket containing Street, the property of John Turlley, on the 15th pair of dancing , addressed to and the property inst. Verdict~" Cause of fire unknown."--Bl /5743. of Miss Harvey.- P.L. Vi. On the 22nd inst.,-a grey waterproof cape belonging to a ma<:kintosh; the property of Joseph Badge.-P.L. •"it't!. Kalgo01·lie. - On the 16th, 19th, and 22nd inst., at the Court. House, on the body of Thomas J ames Mullewa.-Between the 2nd and 10th inst.,-a Kearnan, who was killed in a shaft at the Boulder Government order for £3 Is. 9d., payable to John South Mine, on the 15th inst., by a bucket falling on McKlin or order, at the National Bank, Geralclton, him. Verdict-" Death caused by the neglect and drawn by T. A. Smith, supposed dated 1st October, carelessness of the engine.dl'iver, John Corcorall."­ Blj5744. 1898; the property of John McKlin.- P.L. '\,61j9.

Norseman.- On the 12th inst.,-3 cheques on the W.A. Bank, Norseman, (I) for £8, drawn by J. W. Tank, ma.nager Hinemoa Mine, in favour of A. Young or order, cheque endorsed by A. Young; (2) Ticket-of-Leave for £9, same drawer in favour of - Rew or order, I ssued to Reg. No. 10516, '¥ILLIAM E. RANDELL, on cheque indorsed by - Kew; (3) for £2 19s. 4d., the 19th inst., convicted at Supreme Court, Perth, drawn by Desirable Gold Mining Co.; the property on the 7th A.pril, 1897, of embezzlement, and sen· of Mrs. Bessie P. Maher.- P.L. ·l-if. teuced to 3 years penal servitude.- Bl/5738.

Return oI Prisoners tried at Quarter Sessions, Ruubury, Wednesday, I!lLh October, 18\1~.

COU· Police oja ~ette ditiou. I R"" I N:l.Ill e. Ol'fellcc. Dintrict. I refercuce . Verdict. How disposed of. T,L. 1898. I 10183 IVincent, ehBS. W. ... 1 Forgery and uttering ... 1 BridgetowlI I p.2i3 IGuilty ... 112 mouths h.L 354


onence. ienleuce. \Vhue CondItion. Name. Committed. JJale 01 Dlecb&Tg•• I !lHoe,.~i,.'~~·eg. So. ------From _Fremantle Prison, during the 'Week ending Satlwday, 22nd Octobe1', 1898.

Free 996 Howson, Alfred Obscene language 14 days h.1. Fl'emantle Do. 3331 Peirras, Edwd. La,reeny. 6 months h.1. Perth 1 j17th Oct. Female F78 Plummer, Margt.... I dle and disorderly; obscene 3 months h.1.; 1 Souther n language month 11.1. (cum.) Cross Free 949 Buchanan, v'lm. Drunk 14 days h.1...... Fremantle "1 Do. 2256 Wal'd, David, alias Disorderly (two cha r ges) 3 months h.1.; £6 5s. Coolgardle , "Possum" or 3 months h.I. (cum.) I Do. 2616 Maber, Patk. rdle and disorderly 3 months h.1. Fremantle Do. 3527 Atkins, Sydney Unlawful posses~:ion 21 days h.l. Do. 1 Do. 3537 Carlton, \Vm. Assault ; obscene language .£2 and costs or 14 Perth days. h.I.; 10s. and t18th do. costs or 7 day;; h.1. (con .) Do. 3553 Philp, Richard Obscene language 30s. and costs or 7 Do. days h.1. Do. 3095 Connell, Corn. Unlawful possession (two 6 months h.1.; 6 Coolgardie \ charges) months h.I. (cum.) ) Female F 28 McKerrin, Mary Drunk 10s. or 7 days h.I. Fremantle Free , .. 2845 .Jack, Wm., alias Disorderly .£5 and costs or 3 Kalgoorlie 1 " Scottie" months h.l. 19th do. Do. 3477 Salter, David Assault 2 months h.1. Northam ~ Do. 3583 Pruuty, Luke Obscene language .£2 and costs or 21 Fremantle days h.1. J Female F42 Lawson, Alice Larceny . 3 months h.1. Kanowna Do. F 87 FatTell, Relena Idle and disorderly 3 months h.1. Fremantle Free 3566 Downes, Ed. Unlawful possession 40s. and costs or Perth f20th do. month h.1. ) Female F 43 Davis, l\Iaggie Drunk lOs. and costs or 7 Frema ntle "1 days h.1. Free 3520 Conn, Wm., alias Disobeying an order of Co\U·t .£6 12s. or 1 month Perth t21st do. Moyle h.L ) Female Fll Palmer, Bridget Idle and disorderly [ 2 months h.1. ... Do. 1 Free ... 3525 Bushby, Fredk. Unlawful possession 1 month h.1. . .. Kanowna j 22nd do. From Wyndham Gaol, dnring the week ending 17th Septelllbel', 1898. Ab. uat. Larringa Do. Nurbungie Do. Nourra 1 18 months h.1. 16t h Sept. Do. Bulluugarrie rUnlawful possession. Do. )Ianrra Do. Mill Mill J Frmn Newcastle Ga()l, du ring the week ending 1.5th Ocfobe1', 1898. Fre. Grisdale, Wm. Resisting police; diSOrderlr "' I 14days h.1.; 20s. fine Northam 11th Oct. or 14 days h.1. Exp. 4513 Staddert, Joseph . Larceny.. 3 months h.l. Newcastle 12th do. Free Dunne, Patrick E. Disorc1edy 7 days h.1. Northam 13th do. Do. Sheehan, Thos. Disorderly; giving false name 105. or 14 days h.1. Do. 15th do. 105. or 14 days h.1. F'T01n De1'by Ga ol, clul'ing the we"k ending 1st Octobe?', 1898. Free Sing Poo Receiving stolen property; 112 months h.1.; 2 Derby 28th Sept. \ assanlt months h.L From, Vasse Gaol, during the week endi?lg 2211d October, 1898. Free Wright, Alexander I Larceny (two charges) \ 1 month h. 1. ; 2 1 Vasse 21st Sept. I' months h.1. (cum.) Front Bumbu,ry Gaol, eluring the week ending 221ld October, 1898. Free Beard, Austin Resisting police; unlawful pos-, 7 days h.1. ; 3 months Bunbury I 21st Oct. I session (two charges) h.1.; 1 month b.1. From Kano1Vna L ock-up, elm'ing the 'month endil1f1 30th September, 1898. Free Ettridge, John I Drnnk ... 1.£2 fi ne or 14 da;vs h.1. I Kanowna 6th Sept. Do. ... Howitt, John Disorderly 205. fine 0 1' 7 days h.1. Do. . .. 13th do . Do. I Latham, Wm. S. Obscenity .£2 fine 01' l-! days h.1. Do. . .. 28th do. 355


Con- Gazette I Xl\we, Reg. No. dltion. Date ote8CI\Jle. Dletrlot !'rem. Dil8crlption .. nd remarks. No. I

540 IHarris, Frank Free I 15th AU!l'llst, 1895 .. Fremllntle Vide Po!;cc Gnzette, 1895, page 160 540 !rOfKIIIl, David do. 12tll Sept., 1895 Coolgardic Do. do., do. do. 169 1\l cDollald, J nlO. do. 12th Sel)t., 1895 Gcrl:t1dtOIl Do. do., clo. do. 169 Burke, Wtn . . do. 1st JIIUU.'lry, 1896 ... Victoria Plni~;s Do. do., 1896 do. 13 5""'" EV(LllS, RoM... do. 3rd Mnrcll, 1896 Perth Do. do., do. do. 53 ""551 McArthlll', F. do. 17th Al'ril, l S9G Alhlluy Do. do., do. do. 94 552 Si:lck, JOIUI do. 13th June, 1896 Cooieu-(lie Do. do., do. do. 130 ".. BroSIl:lIl, Timothy do. 20th AII!.,"\tst, 1896 GeraldtOll Do. do., do. do. 190 556 HOI)kius, John do. 9t11 Sept., 189G Do. do., do. do. 207 557 Jenkins, \\'10. do. 9th Sept., 1896 I ~::::~~~~: Do. do., do. do. '!fJl 560 WntSQIl, Tholll~s do. 17th Sept., 1896 Coolgn.rdie Do. do., do. do. 212 561 Elcombe, Thos. l00i4 T.L. 23rd ~ov., 1896 Frcmnntle Do. do., do. do. 286 5<5. 'Vatson, Charles Ftee 24th Jlwe, 1S97 Perth Do. do., 1897 do. 189 Si! lI[oiynelU, Matthew" 614'\ T.L. 25th Dec., 1896 Perth Do. do., do. do. 259 575 Reid, John, «!ins IQ.18.1 do. 21st August, 1897 Fremllntle Do. do., do. do. 395 Price, Chas. 576 O'Brien, NichoJas 10470 do. 30th Oct., 1897 FtCIlI(llltlC Do. do., do. do. 395 577 Milldbmll FtCmnlltle Do. do., do. do. 395 580 McPherson, Douald.: . nb.Ftee =t'I""b 31st JJec.,D" .. 18971897 1:'remalltle Do. do., 189' do. 4 MOl"l1J.ll Underwood .. do. 25th Mar., 1898 Bnd,lteto.... "ll Do. do., do. do. 114 5S4 Pellow, Fredetck do. 17th May, 1898 Mt. Magnet Do. do., do. do. 187 '"585 Cosgtove, Wiilitun .. do. 4th July, U,98 'Kalgoorlie Do. do., do. do. 2"..5 5S8 Sin,mi" limy, "/i,,, do. Oot .. I'", Mt. lllulcolm Do. do., do. do. 3-13 McDougall, James, I I Wb alias Crown, Cor. nelhls


By Authority: A. CURTI8, Acting Government Printer, P erth.