Community Chest Campaign Opens on May 10 5 Leaders Chosen for EK Canvass Greatly increased demand a nd A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY high er-than-ever costs have set the 1948 goal of the Community Vol. 6, No. 18 Copyright 1948 by Eastman Koda k Company, Roches ter, N . Y. May 6, 1948 Chest at a new high figure with opening of the campaign set for Monday, May 10. It w ill continue until May 17. "Everybody Benefits" ~ew Folding Camera " Everybody Benefits - Ever y­ body Gives," the slogan of the Community Chest, is more appro­ Produced by Company P r i a t e this year t h a n ever before. A new folding camera-the Kodak Tourist-was announ ced Nearly a ll of the today b y the Company. Smartly styled and expertly engin eered, 46 "Red F eather" the Kodak Tourist Camera in corporates a number of important agencies a re n ow improvements which m ake it more 1------­ being called upon fl exible a nd adaptable than previ­ for greater service, ous m odels. w h i I e operating These improvements include a J( odak Parley costs still contin­ new type of shutter release built ue to rise. into the camera bed for smooth, The campaign a t effortless exposure ma king, a sim­ Slated May 24 Koda k w ill be con­ ple, built-in exposure guide on the ducted according came ra back for exposure deter­ J . H . Park er to the pa ttern of mination under all types of out­ In England p r e v i o u s years, door picture-taking conditions. It with in-plant solicitations being a lso has a n enclosed optical eye­ Managers of the EK subsidiaries made during the campaign week. level viewfinde r to permit accura te, in Europe and t he Middle East this K odak folks working on t he drive rapid f1·aming of the subject, and month will hold their first big con­ will contact their associates, w ho b u i 1 t - i n fl ash synchronization, ference since 1939. They'll meet may either ma ke a cash contribu­ among other features. in England from May 24 to 28. tion or sign a pledge card for con­ It will be quite a reunion for the tribution by payroll deduction . Lumenized Lens ma nagers of the subsidiaries in Heading the campaign a t K odak The Tourist is equipped with a England, France, Italy, Spain, P ark is J . Henry P a rker . Frank Lumenized K odak Anaston Lens P ortugal, Egypt, Turkey, Switzer­ Connelly is leading the Camera f/4.5 and a five-speed Flash Ko­ land, Belgium, H olland and Den­ Works committee, while F . Burn­ Lead Drive at EK _ These leaders ar': lining up their . workers for the Commumty Chest campa1gn next dama tic Shutter with speeds from mark , for m any of them have not ette K elley heads the Hawk-Eye 1/ 10 to 1/ 200 second plus " bulb" seen each other in this long period . g

NE of the 46 "Red Feather" agencies partially supported 0 by the Community Chest is the Visiting Nurses Association of Rochester, Inc. The timely care given patients by the 40 nurses on the staff of the bureau has, over the years, brought high praise to the group. Many a Rochesterian a.Hlicted with lengthy illness or long convalescence owes much to their skill. The nurses visit the home when called to carry out the doctor's orders; many patients, otherwise untended perhaps, receive from their trained hands medications, changes of dressings, injections and numerous other aids to recovery. During 1947 more than 13.800 patients received 98,325 visits from these blue-clad nurses. Where possible, patients pay for this service by the call. and fees are based upon cost. Last year, however. 53 per cent of the calls were without charge, while 18 per cent paid part of the cost. To take care of the operating deficit thus incurred, the Community Chest contributed in 1947 a total of $79,946. ' Everybody Benefits ...... Everybody Gives'

Charting the Route_ ~urse Mary McCov­ Here We Go_ Off on her ~ssignf!ientr. is lck checks her day's Nurse McCov1ck. p1cturod · calls on the map before starting out. Each nurse beside one of the staff cars. Nurses travel on foot. averages eight visits a day, depending on service by bus. drive themselves or are driven by volun­ needed by the patients. teers on daily rounds.

~ compact Equipment- Nurse McCovick prepares to ad­ minister the required care. Each bag carries essentials for most Surgical Dressing_ ~ne of fr_equent calls _upon nur~es' skill needs and weighs around six 1S changmg of surgtcal dressmgs, as pounds. Since the nurse only car­ Norma Smith is doing here for the patient. Frequent attention ries out the orders of attending between the visits of the doctor make the patient more comfortable physician. medicines and other and speed recovery. What is almost as important. the coming of the required materials are already at Visiting Nurse to lonely patients is a bright spot in their day. •the home of the patient.

Little Polio Victim_ Poli~ sufferers o!ten • f W lk The tiny patient COD· requue long peuods Learning 0 a - tracted polio before of treatment before recovery is attained. The she had learned to walk. and here Nurse Allen Aiel to Comfort_ Making bedridden p atients more comfort- little girl shown above with her mother and helps her to attain the skill which other children able, more relaxed and thus speeding their Nurse Isabel .}.Uen is learning to stretch injured develop naturally. The walker which the little recovery is one of the prime purposes of the Visiting Nurses' call._ muscles by trying to kick the nurse's extended girl is using, like other equipment such as wheel Here Nurse Norma Smith rubs tho back of a convalescing pa1lent. hand. Such exercises must be performed over a chairs and crutches, is loaned when needed by The relief such treatment gives to penozu without other available long period of time under expert guidance. the association's Supply and Loan Service. help makes the Visiting Nurses invaluable. 6 KODAK£RY May 6, 1948 B~ B~ Powe~t o/ KoJalz Prak ~o. SoLo. SaiwuitUf in Sp~~,U«; q.edioal Dancer Performed In South Pacific This Saturday evening Roches­ tcrians will turn out for the gala Spring Festival of American Mu­ sic in the Eastman Theater. Members of KP's Sensitized Pa­ per Packing Dept., Bldg. 42, can especially be proud that their own Betty Power will be a solo attrac­ tion, a ballerina in the review. She Was Seven With years of special instruction and a variety of experience in back of her, the attractive 23-year-old artist can insure a professional performance marked by intricacy Dash Home - What to Eat? and expressiveness in movements. She has studied the classic ballet since seven years old: continued Use Can Opener, Serve Treat taking it through high school days, How many times have you dashed home from work racking and later enrolled in New York City's School of American BaiJet. your brain as to how you can prepare a main dish that is just Today, she devotes two evenings a little d ifferent, yet easy and quick to make? a week studying under Thelma This always is a difficult bill to Biracree, form er member of the 7A6,..•""e ~.. ),n YOllrself fi ll , but with tha t handy little gadg­ original Eastman ballet. J.r~-- · ., ~ et called the can opener the trick In 1945, Betty, as a member of can be turned, because canned a ballet company, danced profes­ foods may easily be lifted from sionally during the opera season in run-of-the-mill use. Mexico City. The following year Here's how, in !our recipes, she joined a company of 40 to per­ really different and tasty too! form in the South Pacific with the Tuna Mushroom Scallop Broadway show, "Rosalinda." I 7-ounce can tuna fish It's a Hobby Now I C t Betty Power of KP's Sensitized Paper Packing 2 cups coarsely crushed potato n OS ume -Dept. will appear in similar this Saturday chips Several of the dancer's friends evening as a solo artist in the Spring Festival of American Music ai the are members of the Ballet Russe; 10 ~-2 -ounce can condensed cream Eastman Theater. of mushroom soup. others are performers at Radio City Music Hall. If love and m ar­ Flake tuna fi sh slightly. Reserve riage had not entered her life, the lh cup crushed potato chips. Com ­ possibility is strong that Betty her­ lg~, fPrWJ.eJf f b ine tuna fi sh, B~ cups potato chips and mushroom soup in 1- self would have m ade the art her quart casserole. Make a border of vocation r ather than an avocation. The Westfield , N.J ., girl and h us­ CAMERA WORKS crushed potato chips on top. Bake band Bob from Victor, N.Y., met .. Engagements . . Lillian Malo. Dept. 81, NOD. to John in moderate oven (350• F .> for 30 Perlo. while he was attending Dartmouth. KODAK PARK HAWK-EYE minutes. Yield: 4 servings. They married in the fall of 1946. Lola Murphy, Cut Sheet. to Alvin Betty Burger. Dept. 25. to Harry Eklendar, KP ... . Dorothy Ke~al, Dept. Glazed Spiced Pork and Yams Since moving to Rochester last DIU, F .D. 3 ... . Mary Fillbertl, Eng .. .Tune, the young wife has contin­ 38. to Sidney L eSeur.... Allee Pa~aa ­ I 12-oz. can pork luncheon meat to Leo Hnyda, Elcc. Shop . . . . Marie rella, D ept. 45, to Jack Sutton . I No. 2 can yams ued her enthusiasm for the ballet. Vermelre, Eng.. to Dante! Gramltch . As a matter of fact, she has gone .. . Audrey Backus, F ilm Ernul. Coat­ KODAK OFFICE 2 tablespoons brown sugar Ing. to Robert Rosecrans. . . . Elalne Connie Arana, Circulation, to Frank Have the sewing urge for some­ Cut luncheon meat into 4 thick through three pairs of made-to­ Farley, Sundries Mfg., to David Sher ­ Compertore... . Annabella Levinson, thing simple and practical? AIJ slices; place in center of shallow order in the last half year. wood. Circulation, to Moe Cohen .. . . JuUa pieces for this bib are cut baking dish. Drain yams, saving Voron, Circulation, to A I Aroeste. straight, which makes the sewing II.! cup liquid. Slice yams and ar ­ specially easy. range around m eat. Add sugar to . . Marriages . . Pastel cotton und bands of pol­ yam liquid and bring to boil; pour KODAK PARK over meat and yams. Bake in mod­ Mary Liberatore to Ralph F. Grave~ . ka dot material are a combination Paper Service.. . . Marlon Dooley to which should click. If you h ave erate oven (375• F .> about 25 min­ James M. Owens. Synthetic Organic enough for yourself, why utes. Yield: 4 servings. Res. Lab.. . . Jane Sullivan. Cashier 's Office, to Albert Smith, F .D. 4. . . . not make one for a friend. Pick up Bacon and Corn Fondue Mary Tiffany, P ap er Service. to Rob­ your direction sheet free in the 8 lh -inch slices bread art Donor. Paper Mill . .. . Mary Mc­ KODAKERY Offi ce. Alpin. Wg. & Sal. Adm., to James B. 1 12-ounce can kernel corn Gofell, Drafting. 3 eggs CAMERA WORKS I teaspoon salt Allee Grant, Dept . 56, to Caalmare J(0-er Awaits ~ teaspoon pepper Popen, Dept . 25. 1/1 KODAK OFFICE teaspoon dry mustard Joyce Webb, Sales Service Dis tribu­ 2lh cups milk tion. to George Brandon. Twin's Return 4 strips bacon Trim crusts from bread. Arrange bread and corn in alternate layers .. Births .. in l lh-quart casserole. Beat eggs KODAK PARK To England Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hayes, daughter. slightly; add salt, pepper, mustard . .. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown. daugh- and milk; pour over casserole. (If ter.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Groves, necessary add more milk to cover son.... Mr. and Mrs. EvereU Marks, son .... Mr. and Mrs Edward Johnson, mix ture in casserole.> Top with son.... Mr. and Mrs. William Crown. bacon strips. Bake in slow oven son .... Mr. and Mra. Richard Schaad, <325 • F .l I hour. Yi eld: 6 servings. son .. . . Mr. a nd Mra. Richard L. Adams, daughter... . Mr. and Mrs. Tomato Rice Pilau Francia J. Donovan. da ughter.... Mr. and Mrs. D aniel McMannis, son. . . . I cup rice Mr. and Mra. He nry Melnyk, daughter. 1, 2 pound ground mea I . . . Mr. and Mrs. Elwood C. Johnson. I onion, sliced son ... . Mr. and Mrs. Chesler Mo•a• kowakl, daughter... . Mr. and Mrs. 2 tablespoons fat Rober t Tale, son. I No. 211.! can tomatoes <3lll cups) CAMERA WORKS I cup water Mr. and Mra. Joseph Foley, son.. . . 2 teaspoons salt Mr. and Mra. K enneth Schleyer. daugh­ lA teaspoon pepper. te r .. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neubauer. daughter.. . . Mr. nnd Mrs. John Boon. Wash rice and drain. Shape son . ... Mr. and Mn. Jim McGrath, meat into small balls. Saute rice, son . ... Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ryan , son . meat, and onion in fat for 5 m in­ ... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sellmann. utes or until browned. Add toma­ daughter. toes, water, salt and pepper. Cover; HAWK-EYE Sheila Skelly Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kronenberg, son. simmer 30 minutes or until rice is . .. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Millar, daugh- Sheila Skelly, KO Market Re­ tender and the liquid is absorbed. ter.... Mr. and Mrs. Max Bioi, daugh- Yield: 6 servings. ter.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ba.asaU. search, has a very personal reason son... . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Emerson. tor favoring the British Army's d nk for a job at the suggestion of son . . . Mr. and Mrs. James Fedlck, evacuation Moy 15 from Palestine. dau ghter . . . . Mr. and Mr1. F. BurnoUe on uncle, Leslie Carr, who has Kelley, son .. . Mr. and Mra. Charles Her twin brother is stationed been in KP's Film Emu!. Melt. for T • 0 A sun-back and dressy cotton, both "wrapped" in Slnaebox, son. there with the At·my, and her par­ years. WO In ne -one, ~s effectively modeled by Eileen Tubbs of KP's ents and two younger brothers will Durin g much of the war Sheila Prin.ting Office, Bldg. 48. It's a brown and white stripe seersucker with MOTH-EATEN STORY-Many a not come to the States from Eng­ was in school and was evacuated bright tangerine of butcher linen: also comes in a black woman's lost her clothes, because land until he is demobilized and with the school children from stripe with gTeen color. As a sun-back. the frock is cool and she forgot they were edible! To can come with them. Manchester early in the war. She difficult to wrinkle. An even more bare-shoulder effect can be given you, it's your favorite dress. To Sheila is new to Rochester her­ returned to her home a year later, by removing the button-on straps. Two unpressed pleais make a gTace­ a moth, it's h is favorite food. The self, h aving crossed on the Queen just in time to undergo the heavy ful . The little jacket-bolero with three-quarter, cuffed sleeves and moral is: This is the time to take Mary only n few weeks ago. Visit­ bombings of the industrial city, but gold buttons is just what the doctor ordered fo ~ more dress-up oc­ precautions against the winged ing l'elatlvcs here, she came to Ko- escaped unscathed. casions. It's a Sibley . thieves who work in closets. May 6, 1948 ~ODAKERY 7


DINING ROOM SUITE - $25. Cui. RIDE-To KP. P ick up a t Emerson St.. APARTMENT - 3-room. furnlsbed. 0363-M . 7 :30 a .m . returning to Emerson 5 p.m. Bu.<;Jness girl only need apply. Avail­ The Market Place DINING ROOM TABLE - Solid oak, Call KP ext. 2189 or Honeoye Falls able a bout May 1. 91 HamJlton St. with 6 matching chairs. Also dark wal­ 553-F-11. BOX TRAILER-With tarp a ulin, by d ay nut buffet; light walnut china cabine t. RIDERS-From Brockport to NOD. and or week. S t. 6611 -J . Ge n . 5719-M. return, hours 8-5. Brockport 150-W. KODAKERY ads are accepted on a first-come, first-served basla. Department COTTAGE-At Wautoma Beach. .room correspondents ln each Kodak Dlvialon are auppUed with ad blanks which, when DISHES-Fiesta, 48-plece set. $10. Mon. RIDERS From Churchville to KP. for 8. electricity and bottled gas your ad la typed or printed on them ln 25 words or le.. , are put ln the 4617-R, after 6 p.m . weekly, 8-5 p.m . $.50 p er day. Gen. months of June. July, and last week oi Company mall addressed to "KODAKERY," or handed ln to your plant editor. DIVAN - And overstuffed chalr, with 3518. August and S ept. Ann Pearce, 120 AU ada should be received by KODAKERY before 10 a.m., Tuesday, of the week s lipcovers. 136 Aldine St. RIDERS-From East Rochester to CW Eastman Ave. preceding luuo. HOME PHONE NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES MUST BE USED DOG-Five-month o ld Manchester Ter­ and return, hours 7 :25-4:35. E a5t Roch­ COTTAGE-Available for summer va­ IN ADS. KODAKERY reserves the right to refuse ads and UmU the number rier, spaye d , housebroke n . Gen. 5312-R. este r 562-R. cations, 2 rooms, sleeps -1, ps. oil h eat, of words used. Suggested typos are: FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, DOG-Springer spaniel, male, liver RIDERS-From Summerville to C W and lights, located at Bear Creek, Ontario, WANTED TO RENT, LOST AND FOUND, SWAPS. KODAKERY READERS return, hou rs 7:30-4 :30. Char. 2429-R. $20 per week. Harry Waosdorp. Ontario, ARE ASKED TO PLACE ADS ONLY FOR THEMSELVES AND HOUSEHOLD and white, 2 years old. innoculated, 2370. or KP 8262. no papers. Char. 1492-W. RIDERS-Or share a ride, J efferson -NOT FOR FRIENDS OR RELATIVES. TO DO THIS IS TO DENY SPACE COTTAGE - 566 P a yne B each. Year TO THE PEOPLE OF KODAK FOR WHOM THIS SPACE IS RESERVED. DOOR-Combina tion s torm and screen. Ave., F airport to KP, 8-4:40 p.m . F air­ Cha r . 0215-J . port 935-F-3. around or season, a ll convenien ces. DRAPES-Four pair. 37 Finch St. RIDERS-Three, to Koda k P ark. Mon. COTTAG ~Furnlshed , boats, m otors, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE U1ru Fri., 8-5. Route: Kansas St. to A t­ Chippewa Bay, Thousand Island!. DRESS-Aqua silk crepe, garnet p rint. lantic to Culver, East Ave .. Joseph, to G eorge Bradford, 12 Bartlett St .. Roch­ Chevrole t, 1937, 4-door. 425 Hollenbeck BOATS-Two, car-top plywood, new, size 14, Johnathan Logan; ail-wool ester . beige dress with contrasting bands of KP. Write K en K y k enda ll. 75 Kansas St.. Glen . 4822-J, a fte r 5 :30 p .m. strong, sturdy, safe, very m aneuvera­ St. COTTAGES - Two, Thousand Islands ble at high speeds. wlll handle motors red-green. 658 Melville St., after 6 p .m . Ford, Model A, $100. 64 Isabelle St., or wee kends. RIDERS-To Syracuse. Lea ve Rochester n ear Vincen t on St. La\vrenco Glen . 3008-W. up to 20 h .p. 474 Lake Shore Blvd. River. sleeps six, gn.s, electricity, run­ FURNITURE-Davenport. brown Kln­ F riday p .m., r eturn Sunday p.m. Mr. Ford, 1936 convertible. tu-tone, 1941 BOOKCASE-Mahogany, $5. Also baby­ Hall, Glen. 1612, n ights. ning water. boa t. Ch ar. 1565-W. go-round, $4; 2 double rolls wallpaper kimo matching chair, $75; dining con­ motor. Deane Wesley, Honeoye , N.Y. sole table, $30. 575 Holle nbeck St., Glen . - Re d Cross Motor Corps DOUBLE ROOM - Private b ath, 3rd and border, print design, $5. Cui. floor, 1 or 2 girls. 184 N . Union S t ., Plymouth, 1937, $375. 75 Hubbard Dr., 2599-W. 2563-M. blue summer uniform and cap , size 14. North Chill, phone Spencerport 3-4241. St. 5153-X aUer 6 p.m . St. 4230-X . BREAKFAST SET-Chrome and red. GOLF BAG-Brown leather, $5. 575 HOUSE-From May 15 untll October 15, Als o blue figured chair, with ottoman. Hollenbeck St. . Glen. 2563-M. WOMAN - F rom Genesee St . section FOR SALE for p a rt-time housework. Call Gen. sLx room s, furn ished, f or couple, in John L erch, 95 Burrows St. JENNITE J-16-Adds years of life to 2938 alter 5:30 p .m. Chill Ave. section. Mrs. Jefh-ys, Main BREAKFAST SET-Wood, r ed leather­ your black top. It protects, preserves, 6515 or G en. 3673-R. ACCORDION - 120-bass. Also lady's cUe seats. Glen . 6393-M. beautifies. Char. 0146-J. suit, size 16; winter coat, size 16; ski APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT ROOM AND BOARD-Large, twin beds, , sizes 16 and 18; other clothing; CABINET-Corner, maple. Cul. 4146-M. P HONOGRAPH-In cabinet, to attach girls preferred, $14 each . 50 Sclye T err .. to radio. $30. Char. 2455-M. Clen. 3362-W. man's suit, s ize 37. 37 Raines Pk .. Glen. CAMERA-Speed Graphic, 3~~x4~~. Ek­ Abode, clean. unfurnished, 3 rooms for 3708-R. tar f/ 4.7 lens, supermatic shutter, case, PlANO - Upright. Gen. 1769-M eve­ coup le, husba nd a U. of R. s tudent, wife ROOM-152 Ridgeway Ave . nj.ngs, Mrs. Rives. BABY CARRIAGE-Also baby scales 5 holders, pack adapter. Menlesohn employed a t KP. St. 3170-J . ROOM And garage, vicinity Kodak and ba~;sinette. Gen. 2642-W. fl ash , filters, sunshade. Main 1902-R PIANO-Weser upright. St. 4338-X . B y June 1st, urgently needed , 3-4 P ark, n ew furniture and b eddlnJr, cross between 5-6 p .m . BABY CARRIAGE - Black. folding REFRIGERATOR- Coldspot, sbc ft., $75. rooms. unfurnished, veteran and wlfe. ventila tion. G len . 6978-R. type. Glen. 3946-R. CAMERA- View. 5"x7". Also f / 6.3 Zeiss Hill 1792-W. Glen. 5270-R. ROOM- For gentleman , w alking dis­ Kodak anastigmat 7" lens. Mon. 3152-W. BABY CARRIAGE-Glen. 3782-W. STOVE - Combination coa l and gas. By young couple; husband Is KP m em­ tance to Kodak Park. 35 Morvlile Dr., CAMERA-2\~x3 \(o , Speed Graphic with Glen. 5562, after 6 p .m. Glen. 5077-R. BABY CARRIAGE-Gray leatherette, b er and U . of R. student. will con sid er accessories, $175. Main 4285, or St. STOVE-Tappan, 4-burner gas: oven half house or flat, not over $50. Mon. ROOM- Furnished, for woman, In pri­ . AJso Ba bee-Tenda, safety table, 3173-L. 2022-J. ; Teeter-Babe, with extra cover, thermostat control, table-top, $50. 575 vate home. 253 Winchester St.. Glen. 50; woman's black chesterfield coat, C AMERA-35-mm. Agfa, f/2.8 lens, Hollenbeck St., Glen. 2563-M. By youn g e lectron ics e ngineer to be 5739-W. m Compur shutter 1 to 1/300th second, married in J une , 3-4 rooms. $65. Glen. size 14, $10. 503 Clay Ave., Glen. 0681-M. TOE -Size 4 \2. Cui. 2330 coupled range finder. Glen. 0305-R. ROOM- Furnished , large, private en­ BABY CARRIAGE - Twin. foldini. after 6 p .m . 3421-M. trance. Cui. 0337-J after 6 p .m . CAR RADIO-St. 1601-X after 6 p.m . Glen. 5569-W. WIND 0 W SCREENS - Four 3411.'' x By young employed couple. by June , ROOM-Ge ntleman preferred, breakfast BABY CARRIAGE - Twin, Heyworth CARRIAGE - Collapsible, $10. Cui. 58~2" ; three 28" x 46~2" : two 24~a" x unfur n ished, veteran. Glen. 1072-W. optiona l. Mrs. Wood, 1394 Dewey Ave., folding, $30. Also auto radio, Phllco, 5876-J. 62%"; one 34" x 62 W'. Glen . 6166-M. By ex-GI and bride-to-be. furnished Glen . 2426-M. $15. Char. 2112-M. CARRIAGE-Folding type, $10. A~o WOOD TANK - Approxima tely 2' x or unfurnished. middle of June or first of J uly. Char. 2165-R. ROOM-In KP section, furnished wo­ BABY CRIB - Complete, $8. Glen. a uto hammock and Teeter-Babe. 165 5'2", Ideal for watering tr ough or min­ man preferr ed, breakfast . 13 K estrel St. 6104-M. Selye T e rr. now tank. Cui. 5764. Flat or half double . unf u rnished, for CEMETERY LOT- White Haven Me­ veteran and wlfe, by June 1st, not over ROOM- In Struckmar section. large, BABY CRIB-Complete. Also highchair, $50. Char. 1905-M. furnish ed, priva te b a th, ~tenUeman pre­ playpen, teeter-totter. 759 Plymouth morial Park, 4 graves, $200. Walter Le­ HOUSES FOR SALE ferred. Mon. 3422. Ave. N . Rue, Glen . 2912-M. For young couple. Gen. 4551-R. ROOM-Kitch en prlvUe~re s , 2 men or 2 BABY CRIB-Large size. Char. 2906-J. CHAIR - Barrel b ack , tapestry, $15. COTTAGE - On Lake Ontario, com­ Four or 5 rooms. or h alf double, for Also mahogany drum table , $10. 527 pletely finished inside and furnished. middle-aged couple and son . Cui. 3705-W . girls, $7 each, $10 for one. 218 Birr S t., BABY SETS-Hand crocheted, also Thurston Rd. electric stove, refrigerator and water Glen. 0056-M. sold separate. Glen. 0418-J. Fo ur -5 rooms, h eated, or flat, b y family C LOTHING-Girl's and , pump. Mon. 2500-R, evenlnl[s. of 3, referen ces. Mon. 2962-R after 6 ROOM - Large, breakfM t U desire d, BATHTUB-Also basin, 3 panel doors, size 14 . Glen. 4321-J after 6 p .m . HOUSE-47 Astor Dr., off Linden Rd .. p.m . gentleman preferred, 10 mln, from KP. 2 large rugs, dining room suite. 989 Brighton . 6 rooms, sun parlor. 2-car Char. 0264-M. Avenue D after 6 p .m . CLOTHING-Infant's -and-coat set, Furnish ed, for 3 girls. St. 6025-X. rose colored, $3. Glen. 6502-J. ga r age; near bus and school, low taxes, ROOM-Large, newly d ecorated , unfur­ BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT- Going priva te owner, apply on premises. Furnished or unfurnished, b y June 1st , CLOTHING-Lady's year 'round coat, nished but will furntsh upon reouest, out of business. Char. 2343, 8 :30 to 5:30, HOUSE-Eight rooms, furnished or un­ for veteran and wUe. G en . 3732-W. $7 unfurnishe d, little more U furnished, a fter that Glen. 3233-J. zip-in lining, green, size 18, $10. 2893 Furnished or unfurnished , by June 1st. St. Paul Blvd. Glen . 0832. furnishe d , automatic heat, close to near bus and subway line , Monroe Ave. BED-Complete, black walnut. Also Koda k and Lake Ave . Glen. 7351-M. A . Vosler, KP ext. 7290. section. Mon. 4757-J. two odd dressers; one child's scooter CLOTHING-Outgrown, girl's, s ize 12. Or fla t, for veteran a nd wlle. Gen . yellow winter coat, black . HOUSE - Eight rooms, with conven­ ROOM-Large, nicely furnished , gentle­ with rubbe r tires; one electric iron. Iences. hennery, near city, 5 acr es. 459 3763-M or Gen. 0571-M after 6 p .m. 327 Mercer Ave., evenings or Satur­ cocoa brown gabardine suit; aqua man preferred . 1169 La ke Ave. crepe dress, yellow moire taffeta for­ Weiland Rd. Or house, furnish ed or unfurnished , on days. or before June 1. 546 Colby Rd .. Spen­ ROOM - Nicely furnished, on Selye mal with mJtts. Glen. 5217-M, after HOUSE-Four bedrooms, 23-ft. llvlng Terr. Glen. 0662-R, after 6 p .m . BED-Double, complete. Glen. 0121. 5 :30 p.m . room, modern kitchen, new oil unit, cerport. BED - Double, green enamel, $20; 3-car ga rage. 362 Selye Terr. Or house, urgently n eed ed by disabled ROOM - Pleasant front. semi-private COAT-Child's, spring, red, size 3-4. ba th, garage, nea r KP, gentleman pre­ matching dresser with mirror, $10. Mrs. Glen. 4886. HOUSE-Modern colonial, 6-room. 1941. veteran. wlfe and baby , leg recently Janet Drexler, 51 Ferris St.. Cui. 2697. I rondequoit. Tucker, Char. 2908-J. amputated, a partment must be on ferred. 81 Everett St., Glen. 4441-M. COAT-Girl's green, size 6. Also doll ground floor. Mon. 0066-M. BED-Double, maple, complete, $35. house furniture , b ab y scales: miniature HOUSE-Six rooms . 63 Hammond St. ROOM-Single, large, for gentleman Char. 0428-M. bowling alley; m aple bedroom suite; Call KP KODAKERY. Sa les Dept. m an and wife desire a pa rt­ preferred, ga rage optional, Hazelwood BED - Double, walnut, and dresser. dresser and double bed. Glen. 6874-R. ment, on or b efore July 1, $55-$75. T err. Cul. 3275-M. HOUSE-Six-room single, wa lking dis­ George Geiser , Hill. 1461. Cha r . 2116-M. COAT-Girl's spring, size 10, with tance to KP, Insula ted, modern kitchen, SLEEPING ROOM- Large, for 2 girls, BE~unlor, Ivory. Also aoua coat and matching hat , $8. Glen. 4244-M. 2-car garage. Owner, Glen. 5129-M. Three-room, for working couple, In lOth $12. Share bath and use of phone . 36 hat trimme d with rose, size 3, $10. Also COAT-Girl's spring, with matching HOUS E-Six-room , 3 bedrooms, new ward. Char. 0751-R. Ericsson St., Mon. 6198-W. vacuum cleaner, just overhauled, with hat, 3 yr., Glen. 3464-M. Three-room, furnished, for working STUDIO ROOM-Large, for 1-2 ge ntle­ new bag and brushes. 551 Clay Ave. siding, double garage, t:ree sch ool d is­ COAT-Gray spring, with detachable trict, Stonewood Ave. vicinity, lnunedi­ couple. Maln 1428-W. men with r eferences, good location . on BED - Three-quarter, complete. Also capelet , size 12 or 14. Also red a te occupancy. Char. 1334-W. Three rooms, furnish ed or unfurnish ed, bus line . 222 East A ve., East Rochester, 1 beaverette coat, 1 sable-dyed cony plaid dress. 1509 Lake Avenue, Apt. 2, by June. Glen . 4204-W, after 5:30 p .m . telephone 181-J. coat. Glen. 5677. upstairs. HO'qSES WANTED TO BUY Three-room or studio, young business TOURIST HOME-In Adirondacks, on BEDROOM SET-Nice for young girl's COAT- Lady's spring, n a vy blue, size couple, prefer Monroe Ave.. sectt,on, Schroon L a)(e, availa ble by Greyhound room, dark maple, single bed, chest, 14, tailored. Mon. 5342-W. COTTAGE H.OUSE - Small. centrally willing to h elp with maintenance. Glen. bus, on Route 9. rates reasonable, w ith vanity and mUTor, bench, rocking located, under $5000. Glen. 4107-J. 3151-J after 6 p .m . or without m eals, ready May 15. G en. chair, $75. Cui. 1377-M. COAT-Man's, sport, tan plaid, $12.50. Hill. 1643-W. LOT OR SMALL COTTAGE-On wes t Three unfurnished rooms !or couple 3942-W, or Schroon Lake 2-F-11. BEDROOM SUITE-Three-piece, com­ side of Conesu s L ake. Glen. 5997-J. employed a t KP. Ma.ln 0737-M. plete. Also mahoga ny bookcase. Char. COAT-Red . s ize 12. $5. Also WANTED TO RENT 1649-J. engagement ring and matching ba nd. Three-4 rooms, or house. by veteran Glen. 2748-J. WANTED and bride-to-be, by May 1. St . 0512-R. BICYCLE-Boy's. Also baby ca rriage. COTTAGE - At Honeoye Lake for 641 Eaton Rd., Summer v ille. Char. 1017. COAT-Short-hair raccoon. size 14-16, Three-4 rooms, unfurnish ed , for vet­ month of July. J . Reitz, 1735 L yell Ave. half price. Also black fitted cloth coat, AUTOMOBlLE-1941 or 1942 Buick or eran, wife , child. Cul. 3760. BICYCLE-Boy's 16" with 20" frame, sliver fox collar. long length. 43 Bur­ Pontiac tudor . Char. 1201-R. Three -4 rooms , unfurnished. !or work­ COTTAGE-By 3 girls, on Canandaigua Colson. Glen. 1200-R. ling Rd., Char. 2929-J. BICYCLE-Boy's , 24", good condition. Ing couple, will p ay about $50 p er or Conesus Lake, week o f July 3-9. Cui. BICYCLE-Boy's 26", $20. Cui. 2475-R. COAT- , size 14, quilted lining, Char. 2642-R. m o nth. Mon. 8067-J. 3759-W . BICYCLE-Boy 's 26", $30. 59 Continen­ $35. Glen. 5216-R. COTTAGE-For week of July 17-24, T hree-4 rooms. unfurnished. veteran COTTAGE - With conveniences. at tal Dr., Hill. 3323. COATS-Two, lif;ht green covert cloU1; la rge enough to sleep six. Glen. 5834-J and wlfe, lOth Wa rd preferred but n o t Conesus, Cananda igua or Keuka lakes, BICYCLE-Boy's 26-lnch. 178 Colonial black fitted wmter, size 11. Mon. after 5 p .m . n ecessary. Doris Pettis, Dope De pt., KP. from July 17th to 31st. Mon. 7043. Rd., after 4 p .m . weekdays, anytime 0778-W. DESK- For boy. Char. 2515-J. Three-4 r oom s, veteran a nd wife, cjty HOUSE-Flat, apartment, 4-6 room s, Sat. and Sun. COMMUNION DRESS-Size 6, $3. St. or surrounding towns. G len. 7420-W. Koda k man, wlfe, 2 children, force d to GIRL-14-16 years of age, to live in; BICYCLE - Girl's. 37 Bakerdale Rd.. 4390-R. Three-5 rooms or fl a t, employed couple, move. G en . 5776-M. Char. 1424-M. fine home, with girl 16 years of age for COOLERATOR-100-lb. capacity, white companionship. Room and boa rd free. unfurnished. Glen . 3067-J. HOUSE - Sma ll, flat or apartment, BICYCLE-Girl's 28-lnch. Glen. 6272-R. p orcelain finish . George Garnham, 805 Call Honeoye Falls 553-F-11. after 7 p .m . Two unfurnlshd rooms, kitch en ette, will N orthwest Side, 3 adults. Gle n . 0479-J. BICYCLE-Girl's 24". Gen. 6594-R. Marshall Rd., Glen. 6123-J. share ba th, for mlddle - a~red widow. COWS- Young , milking and HOME-For 2 kittens. 3 months old. BICYCLE-Girl's 28", fully equipped. Mike Ma gin, 108 Glenwood Ave. Glen. 5968-J. SWAPS Main 1299-M. h eifers. William A. List, 102 Mill Rd. Glen. 6346-M. HOUSEKEEPER - To care for home, Two-3 rooms furnish ed or unfurnish ed. B I C Y C L E - Schwinn, man's light Char. 1769-J. DINING ROOM FURNITURE-For: Top CREAM SEPARATOR-Model 1947 De­ m an and d aughter (age 16); s uburban. weight . Also Eastman 5x7 view camera. Call Honeoye Falls 553-F-11. after 7 p .m . Two-3 rooms. unfurnished, b y em- soil shrubs, or what have you. Glen. Glen. 6272-W. L avelle jr. Mr. Garling, VIctor 66-J. ployed girl and mother . Cul. 6143-J . ::;37:..:4:::3_-W:..:..:.·------­ BICYCLE-Seri-cycle motor. Also 26" CUPBOARD - Kitchen. Also walnut PING-PONG TABLE - Complete w ith VICTROLA - Floor model, hand-wind; boy's bicycle, balloon tires. Cui. 2261. vanity dresser, top-leer, 100-lb. capac­ equipment. Gen. 8236-R. Unfurnished apa rtment !or veteran and also radio. For: large size dressing Ity. 253 Bennington Dr., Char. 2839-R. bride-to-be , about July. Glen . 1072-W . BICYCLES-Two, 28". 58 Scrantom St. RIDE-F1·om Champlain St. to KP by table. 144 Moulson St., rear, evenings. CURTAIN STRETCHERS - Also iron couple working Mon., Fri., 8-5 p.m . 354 Unlurnlsh ed, by r efine d young workin g WINCHESTER-12-gauge double . For: BOAT - Chris -Craft, 22 ft.. Chrysler couple. Gle n. 2169-M. motor. Char. 0816-W. cot; flatiron, electric toas ter. Char. Champlain St. ..22 Horne t or 2!1/20. Lawrence S . Rimes. 0811-J. Box 102. A von , N .Y . BOAT-Dunphy, 14-ft., with 1 h.p. In­ RIDE-From CW to Shelter St., via Unfurntshed, for y oung employed cou ­ board engine, tran smission has for­ DAVENPORT-And chair. 88 Worces­ Genesee St. or Jefferson Ave., leaving ple, private both, kitchenette . willing ward, reverse and neutral, complete ter Rd., Char. 0587-R. at 5 p .m . CW KODAKERY. 6256-334. to redecorate. Mon. 8050. LOST AND FOUND with tarpaulin, lights, steering wheel, DESK-Knee-hole, solid oak . Also vic­ RIDE-From KP to North Chill at 6 UnfUrnished, two working girls d eslre $250. Cui. 1481-M . trola record ca binet. 583 Magee Ave., p .m . Mlss Pershing, c; o Robert's Junior 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath, h eated . Main FOUND-Identification bracele t. corner BOAT- Light 135-lb. "Dundee" deck Glen. 4600-W. College. 0493 w eekdays b e tween 9 o.m .-5 p.m. Flower C ity P ark and Lake Ave. Owner back rest and oars; also 9.5 light four m ay have sam e b y ldentlfylnJl. H4rold DINETTE SET - Light oak, 4 chairs, RIDE-From Lake Bluff Rd .. Sea Breeze, Urgently need 5- or 6-room single. Pierce, 52 Gorsline St. Evlnrude motor, both $275. Cui. 5148-W. table and corner cabinet, $60. 251 Oak­ to KP and return, Mon. thru Fri., 8-5 references. Phone reverse charges Web­ BOAT-Mahogany, 16-ft. runabout, and lawn D rive. p .m . or 7 :30-4:30 p .m . Cui. 5533-W. ster 288-F-13. LOST- Brown Ronson c lgnrette Ughter with Initials "K.D.," In parking lot at 16 h .p. Johnson outboard. 47 Adams RIDE-From Sea Breeze to KP, Mon.­ Young employed couple desire 4 rooms, St.. Brockport 115-R. DINING ROOM SET-Modern eight end of Ha nford Landing Rd .. on Ma r . 20. piece walnut. St. 1601-X. Fri., 8-5 p.m . Cul. 6208-M. Including kitchen and private ba th. Please call K enneth Dirkx, Glen . 2:9~-J . BOAT- Peterboro, 15-ft., oak and cedar Mon. 4867-R. con struction w ith deck, back rests for DINING ROOM SUITE-Also studio RIDE-From 491 Moul Rd .. Hilton. to Young woman physicist to b e married LOST- , blue and white z lrcoru, 2 seats, Johnson outboard 9.8, will sell couch; victrola. 88 Cameron St.. Glen. Kodak Park, 8 a.m.-5 p .m . Mary Mar­ soon n eeds 3-4 rooms. $50-$65 p er between Kodak P ark and Pullman Ave. separa tely. Char. 1905-M, after 4:30 p .m . 6373-W . shall. month, by Jun 1. Gle n . 302?-R . Re turn to Safety Cine Office. BOAT-Sail. 28 ft. cabin, $500. Also DINING ROOM SUITE-Buffet, table RIDE-Or share In car p ool f ro m Ham LOS T L d • El 1 t.s t t h bl k 17ft.. open day sailer, $300. Char. 1027-J. and 5 chairs. Glen. 1397-W. and Klem Roads, Webst er, to KP. Mon.- FOR RENT cord b- a nd,a YApr s . IC14 n, Inwr or waaround c • CW.oc BOAT - Sail, registered Comet, $350. DINING ROOM SUITE - Nlne-plece Fri .. 8-5 p.m . We bste r 154-F-6. ------Reward. 1376 Lake Ave ., Glen . 11537-W. Also sectional' bookcase, $25. Char. wa lnut, table pad. Also white enamel RIDE-To and from Horne ll. weekends. ABODE-Unfurnish ed, quiet employed LOST - Or taken by rnistake, small 0735-R . sink, 60", double dralnboard, swing Char. 1842-W, after 6 :30 p.m . couple, college graduates. Will decorate. length of mahogany board, approxi­ BOAT-16', completely equipped, and faucet. 14 Lake VIew Terr., Glen. RIDE-To and from KP to Genesee St. :;M;::o:::n;::" ·:....:::93::.:7:.::2::.·---:---:-:- --:-----­ mately 6"x8". WIU Iinder return 16 h .p . Johnson motor. $300. Glen. 4691. 2050-J . and Brooks Ave., Mon.-Fri., 8-5 p .m . APARTMENT_ 187 Lincoln. c.rosstown to Dr. Norrl.s, KP Me d.lcal Dept. DINlNG ROOM SUITE - Nine-piece, BOAT OUTFIT - Sixteen-foot, with KP ext. 2291. bus line, one or two llirls preferred, LOST-Raincoat. Cafeteria, second tloor1 deck, 10 h .p. Evlnrude Sportfour motor, oak. will sell separately. St. 4631-X. RIDE-To and from or one way, Titus private entrance, batfi, kitch en ette, gray topcoat, with maroon Klove.t len combination boat and box trailer. 51 DINING ROOM SUITE-Oak, 6 chairs, Ave . to Koda.k Park, Mon. thru Fri., linen furnished, faciUtles. Mrs. in ita place, r aincoat, s ize 34. lOlh N . San ford St. leather seats, buffet. St. 2152-X. hours 8 a .m . to 6 p.m . St. 3170-J. Bohrer, St. 1811-J. Clinton Ave . 8 KODAKERY May 6, 1948 3 l(odal~ Teams Await Cry 'Play Ball!'

First Week's Chart Monday, May 10, 8 p.m.-Kodak lntraplant Tennis Loop Park vs. Balcos. Major Loop Tuesday, May 11 , 8 p.m.- Hawk-Eye va. R!Uer. Wednesday, May 12, 8 p.m.- Wollen­ aak va. Kodak Park; 9 p.m.­ Opens at Park May 24 Products vs. Camera Works. Lidlifter Thursday, May 13, 8 p.m.-Grafl ox va. Hawk-Eye. An eight-team m en 's in traplant tennis l eague has been organ­ ized at K od a k Park and will launch a n inten sive 14-week twiligh t Set May 10 sch edule , b eginning May 24, on the East m an Avenue courts. Designed for players of average Defending c h a m p i o n K o d a k a bility , the program will be spon­ Park, Camera Works and H awk sored by the KPAA a nd has been Eye again will field teams in tho set up w ith the a id of mem bers of Rocheste r Major Industria l Soft­ the Kaypee tennis team of the ba ll League, w hich launches the Rocheste1· In d u s tr i a 1 T e n nis '48 cam paign Monday , May 8 when League. Matches, including both the Kaypees cross bats with the singles and doubles, will be held Ba lcos at 8 p.m. All league games, four nigh ts weekly, and scoring with twin bills nightly, will be w ill be esta blished on the basis or played a t the P a rk. one point for each ma tch won . T he When ma na ger J im Ga llagher team w ith the highest point tota l tr ots out his 1948 edition, a vet­ a t the end of the season w ill be eran aggrega tion of players will be declared the winne1·. Individua l seen a t a lmost every position. The trophies will be a wa rded to mem­ KP skipper is hopeful of m a tch­ bers of the cha m pionship squad. ing the record posted last season T hose desiring to take part may when the K aypees copped the Ma­ ob ta in furt her informa tion by call­ jor Dusty and city tournam ent ing the KPAA Offi ce, Bldg. 28. crowns, in addit ion to fi nishing a close second behind Syracuse for • • the New York State t itle . • Ga llagher a nnounces tha t h is City Champ_ H~ld e garde More than 60 KPAA girls have starting infield will be made up of M1chaelso n , signed up for t he tennis instruction T ommy Castle on first base, CW. rolled 544 and added 75 free classes which begin next week George (Hack) Krem bel on second, pins to annex top honors in t.he under t he direction of J oe Rorick, Rarin' to Go _ Many fa~ilia r faces, inc~uding tho~e p ictured Ralph Taccone a t short, and Ralph Rochester city women's bowling a member of the Kodak P ark ten­ above, wlll grace the Ma)or Industnal Softball Woodhall on t h ird. Leo Ga llagher tourna ment. Hildegarde's total in nis team . Instruction by othe r scene a gain this season. "Shifty" Gears, the Kaypees' venerable mound will be availa ble as a utility in­ the handicap event was 619. mem bers of the team is a lso offered ace, needs no introduction: Mert Fahy, at right, a bove, formerly man­ fi elde r, with Billy Doyle a lso list­ during the fi ve-week series. Both aged CW nine and is serving as league commissioner; two lower photos ed on the in field roster . beginners and adva nced p layers show Ed Mayer. le ft, and Corky Schwind. Mayer is CW's No. 1 pitcher, ar e invited to participate in the and Schwind is an H -E star of long standing. In 26 seasons Gears has Bush Likely Starter KP Girls Plan program, for which there is no won 836 a nd lost only 110. K enny Bush w ill probably draw charge. Gir ls in terested in learning the m ound assignment against the Softball League to p la y or in improving their gam e ---Sports Roundup------, Balcos. Bud Oister and the venera­ T he KPAA w ill opera te a G irls' m ay reg ister by ca lling the KPAA ble "Shifty" G ear s round out the pitching sta ff. J oe Witzigm an has T w ilight Softball League this sum­ office. m er if pr esent pla ns materia lize. Last Play Night of Season also been w orking out with t he All games would be played Mon­ squad and will probab ly rejoin his d ay evenings at School No. 41. ma tes this summer . Worki ng be ­ Any girl interested is requested Eckert Rolls Slated by Badminton Club hind the pla te w ill be Al Tinsmon to submit her pam e to thE> KPAA a nd George Beane. Office, third fl oor, Bldg. 28, or to A " mixed-up" m ixed doubles round robin will r ing d own the Outfield berths w ill be pat rolled call ext. 21 93, K odak P a rk. 700 Scratch curtain on t h e 1947-48 season for Koda k Bad m inton Club m e m­ by a trio to be selected from the veter an J oe F ar rell, Charl ie Dick, T wo or the highest pin tota ls b ers, Friday, May 7. "Lun ch , prizes a nd surprise s are a lso on t h e Bill F inucane, Mike Golisa no, and crayoned by K oda k keglers ha ve program ," says L ois P a tchen , club ,------­ a newcomer, J oe K insella. been rolled in the city tournament. Last Saturday E lme r Eckert, prexy, in announcing the club's At Camera Works, wher e J erry Ql fi na I get-together. F ess is gunning for t he pennant in Cl > H -E, Mon roe County cha m pion, his second year at t he helm, Ed .. 0 -o bla sted t he maples for a 700 scr atch ..;"' c :i Mayer, a ce righ thander; Outfield­ ~ total. Earlier , Gordon Steinfeldt, ..: -"'0 - H awk-Eye's Stavalone brothe rs e rs Red Ha ight, R ay Petr us and N - E .., ~ .. ~., KP, had ra cked up a 692 series. rolled into second p lace in the city Chr is Curata lo; Infi elders T ony .., < Ql ~ ~ vi ~ u Ecker t r an a string of n ine str ikes tournament doubles last weekend, Ca llipare, George Sundt a nd Joe 0 ll! ::) cr: for a 278 solo, and posted two 211 combin ing their efforts for a 1324 Gerew jr. are am ong the '47 vets. "' games. A 36-pin spot gave him a spill, five pins under the leaders. 736 h and icap tota l in the singles. La rry crayoned games of 203, 214 CW Veter ans Return Steinfeldt, well-k nown softba ll a nd 176, while Tony had 199, 222 Also returning to the softba ll Ia nd basketball officia l at t he P a rk, a nd 157. A 153 spot a ided their wars are the veterans T ony Ba c­ toppled the pins to the t une of cause. La rry a lso rolled well in the cara a nd J ohnny T esta . The latter, 223, 246 and 223 in the tea m event. singles, posting a 709 w ith the a id out most of last season , w ill bol­ of a 90-pin handica p. ster F ess' mound sta ff no little. Vic 1 Anderson, another right ha nder, Gals Get Golf Lessons * w ill share the CW pitching chores. The rest of the KP AA Gun Club T he first of a series of fi ve golf Wa lt M iller, NOD, and Nick marksmen are still talking about Bor relli a re vying for the first base classes for KPAA girls was held J ack Zingle's feat of shattering 100 at Genesee Golf Club last week post. Bor relli is a lso a catcher, and, consecutive birds in skeet on Apr. a long w ith Burt Smith a nd Lar ry under the tutelage of George Col­ 28, marking the inauguration of lins, club pro. Close to 80 girls ha ve Marianetti, heads the backstop­ Wednesday evenin g a ctivity on the ping staff a t p resent. enrolled for the sessions, a nd m ore BeaUy Road range. a re expected to j oin with th e ad­ Some 40 candidates a re battling vent of warmer weather . A fee of for regula r berths, and Fess, as­ $3 covers the cost of t he entire A 254 game by J oe Vieira in t he sisted by Clem Bayer and J oe Gordie Steinfeldt Gerew sr., CW coaches, faces quite series. K oda k P ark girls inter est­ KP Roll Coating League was the ... mauls maples for 692 series. ed should call the KPAA Office, best of the late-season e fforts r e­ a task in w h ittling the r oster . Bldg. 28. ported. T he h efty solo helped J oe com pile a 632 series. L loyd Boyle, With several promising new­ H -E, and Jim Weigand, KP, took comers on hand to supplement a n top honors for t he regular season array of veterans from last year's am ong Kodak's ke glers, while club, Manager Charlie Bauer is en ­ Madeline Lamb, KP, topped the thusiastic a bout H-E ch an ces. keglerettes. T he best men's and H-E Boasts Good Pitching women's e fforts for the 1947-48 season , if our records a re com plete, The H-E pilot is b ankin g on a are those listed. If w e've over­ hustling infield, a veteran outfield looked a nyone w ho belongs on the and good pitching. The infield following honor roll, drop us a shapes up well w ith Angie Su Ui on l ine: third, J oe DiBiase at shor t and J erry Santa ngello a t the keystone S ea aon ' sM~~'-: ;nE.:;~u~~ Slnghla sack. T he loss of first baseman P ete Lloyd Boyle, H-E Brass Butchers . . 299 Mistretta, because of a n injured Frank Kesel. KPAA Fri. B-8...... 286 ha nd, has been minimized by the Ray Blaesi, cw No. 1 ...... 279 hustling performan ce of newcomer Dan King. KPAA Thurs. B ...... 2:17 Steve Ga tto. MertSeas Faonhy's, cHwigh S upIndividualervisors ..... Serie. ..s 276 Outfield posts w •·ll be ha ndled by Jim Weigand. KPAA Thurs. A . . . . . 682 Cor ky Schwind, Bill K ea rns and Bill Statler. KO American ...... 681 Walt Gluchowitz, w hile the pitch- BernWalt ieS zyRamuluscha., CWKO NSaatutional.rday ...... 656657 in g chores will fall to Ralph Wer- Lloyd Boyle, H-E Brass Butchers . . . 645 ner, Gene Santucci a nd P ete Nasca. Hawk-Eye Hotshots _ Back at the top of the H~E Webber loop WOMEN'S LEAGUES T he veteran A l DeHond will be a fter a year's absence 1s the Warner­ Season'• High Individual Singles behind the plate. Swasey five, pictured above, winner of the 1947-48 race. Left to right, Madeline Lamb, KP Dusties ...... 264 Burt Oakes is assist ing Ba uer they are: George Romanko, Vic Hodkinson. Ed Ott. Harold Benz and Marge Sale, KPAA 16-Team ...... 235 with the coachin g chores and will .. Alma Bittner, KPAA 16-Team . . ... 231 ha ndle the first base coaching Ca ptain Joe Scheiblauer. A sixth member, Wally Isselhard, was not Marion Ellis. KPAA 16-Team ...... 231 d . present when the picture was taken. Lois Tuttle, KPAA 16-Team ...... 230 I ubes.