Community Chest Campaign Opens on May 10 5 Leaders Chosen for EK Canvass Greatly increased demand a nd A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY high er-than-ever costs have set the 1948 goal of the Community Vol. 6, No. 18 Copyright 1948 by Eastman Koda k Company, Roches ter, N . Y. May 6, 1948 Chest at a new high figure with opening of the campaign set for Monday, May 10. It w ill continue until May 17. "Everybody Benefits" ~ew Folding Camera " Everybody Benefits - Ever y­ body Gives," the slogan of the Community Chest, is more appro­ Produced by Company P r i a t e this year t h a n ever before. A new folding camera-the Kodak Tourist-was announ ced Nearly a ll of the today b y the Company. Smartly styled and expertly engin eered, 46 "Red F eather" the Kodak Tourist Camera in corporates a number of important agencies a re n ow improvements which m ake it more 1----------- --- ­ being called upon fl exible a nd adaptable than previ­ for greater service, ous m odels. w h i I e operating These improvements include a J( odak Parley costs still contin­ new type of shutter release built ue to rise. into the camera bed for smooth, The campaign a t effortless exposure ma king, a sim­ Slated May 24 Koda k w ill be con­ ple, built-in exposure guide on the ducted according came ra back for exposure deter­ J . H . Park er to the pa ttern of mination under all types of out­ In England p r e v i o u s years, door picture-taking conditions. It with in-plant solicitations being a lso has a n enclosed optical eye­ Managers of the EK subsidiaries made during the campaign week. level viewfinde r to permit accura te, in Europe and t he Middle East this K odak folks working on t he drive rapid f1·aming of the subject, and month will hold their first big con­ will contact their associates, w ho b u i 1 t - i n fl ash synchronization, ference since 1939. They'll meet may either ma ke a cash contribu­ among other features. in England from May 24 to 28. tion or sign a pledge card for con­ It will be quite a reunion for the tribution by payroll deduction . Lumenized Lens ma nagers of the subsidiaries in Heading the campaign a t K odak The Tourist is equipped with a England, France, Italy, Spain, P ark is J . Henry P a rker . Frank Lumenized K odak Anaston Lens P ortugal, Egypt, Turkey, Switzer­ Connelly is leading the Camera f/4.5 and a five-speed Flash Ko­ land, Belgium, H olland and Den­ Works committee, while F . Burn­ Lead Drive at EK _ These leaders ar': lining up their . workers for the Commumty Chest campa1gn next dama tic Shutter with speeds from mark , for m any of them have not ette K elley heads the Hawk-Eye 1/ 10 to 1/ 200 second plus " bulb" seen each other in this long period . g<oup and H oward K albfus the week. Standing, from left. F. Burnette Kelley, H awk -Eye; J ean B. P ier ce. Na vy Ordnance Division, and Fra nk Connelly, Camera Works. and " time.'' The lens can be fo­ The sessions w ill be held both at Kod ak Office workers. Jean B. cused smoothly a nd accurately on Kodak Ltd.'s H arrow Works and Pierce is heading up the drive at Seated is Howard Kalbfus, Kodak Office. J. He nry P arker of Kodak P ark was unavaila ble when the picture was taken. subjects from 3 11.! feet to infinity. Kingsway Offices. New Kodak Navy Ordnance Division. A depth-of-field scale is incor­ products a nd processes, importa nt Give Once a Year aid in their operations a re hospi­ porated in the lens m ount to indi­ phases of photography, a nd the ta ls, the Visiting Nurse Associa­ Bring 'em in Now! cate a t a ll times the r ange of a llied fields of advertising, selling, The one big campaign of the tion, family agencies, youth asso­ This is a last-minute remind­ sharpness at e very lens opening. accounting and stock pla nning Community Chest each yea r elim­ ciations including Boy Scouts and er! T he collection of clothing This new camera w ill make will be discussed. inates the need for nume rous in­ Girl Scouts as well as settlement for Kodak people in Br itain a nd e ight 2 1;4 x 3l!4 -inch pictures on Curtis to Attend div idual drives by the agencies black-and-\\lhite Kodak 620 Film houses, the Legal Aid Society, day Europe winds u p tomorrow. Did Going from Rochester is EK supported by the Chest. The funds nurseries, and homes for the aged. you forget to bring in that bun­ or six pictur~s on the famous K o­ distributed by the Chest are used dacolor 620 Film. Vice-President Edward Peck <Ted) In addition to local dema nds, dle the Missus has a ll wr apped Curtis. H e flew to the Continent to assist unfortunate folks- the sums ar e a llotted to t hree nationa l up and waiting? If you did, A d istinctive fea ture of t he new indigent, the sick and the lame. camera is the m olded Tenite top on May 1 and will visit the Kodak organizations. T hey a re the Amer­ bring it with you in the morn­ Nagel plant a t Stuttgart, Germ any, Orphans and children of broken ica n Cancer Society, to support ing and drop it in the collection plate w hich incorpora tes the opti­ homes are others benefited by cal viewfinder . It adds considera­ and K odak-Pa the in P aris before cancer education, treatment a nd box. Every article is needed by going to London. Chest contributions. research, a nd the World Recon­ the folks abroad. Be sure tha t bly to the sma rt appearance of t he Among local agencies receiving struc tion Funds of the YMCA and your gifts are included when Tourist. The top pla te is channeled Curtis, Ernest Blake, chairman funds for the Community Chest to the YWCA. the shipments start overseas. to receive the accessory K odak of the conference a nd chairman of Service Range F inde r, if it is de­ the board of K odak Ltd., and sired to facilita te focusing. Harold Ca rpenter, m anaging di­ .---EK Products at Work--------------------; rector of Koda k Ltd., will speak Aluminum Alloy Body at the opening session. Photography Use in Medicine Increases The camera body basically is a Also to attend from here is single die casting of aluminum a l­ Thomas McGrath, ma nager of loy, specially compounded for KO's Distribution and P lanning As More Doctors Put It to Greater Tests strength, light weight and stability Depts., who sails tomorrow aboard of dimensions under widely vary­ the Queen Mary. B efore returning, Photography in the field of medicine, already advanced to the point where its u se is wide­ ing temperature conditions. This he will visit K odak-Pathe's factory spread, is steadily showing an increase. This is the observation of Lawrence Toriello, head of the metal housing provides a sta ble at Vincennes, F rance, to discuss Photographic D epartment of the Univer sity of Illinois Hospital in Chicago, who has seen its use base a lignment of the film tra ns­ distribution problems. multiply in recent years. port system and lens and shuttet· Especially has he noted a gr eat I The photographic techniques de­ He has noticed that the doctors at supports. The camera is covered upsurge in m edical photography veloped during the war have had the U . of I. Hospita l a re using pho­ with black Kodadur, and has since World Wa r II. a decided effect on doctors, he said. tography in more and more of bright chrome t rim to add to the EK Tourist their cases every year. exterior eye-appeal. They are not a ll depending on T he Koda k Tourist Camera is the photographic staff, either, Tor­ priced a t $61.50 plus tax. Makes Debut iello points out. Many of them a re doing their own work, a nd doing a fine job too. He fi nds that they are acquiring more a nd more technical knowl­ edge of photography, through study and experience. " I never know if they're asking me som e question about photography to get the in­ forma tion or to see if I know wha t I'm doing," he said with a wink. T housands of feet of film are ex­ posed a t this hospital a lone, which if multiplied ma ny times would give the true picture of the extent of its use t hroughout the country. Still photographs, movies and photomicrographs are utilized in both black a nd white and color, with more and more em phasis on color, which tells its own story. Doctors, says Toriello, fi nd tha t photography gives them informa­ tion that would be difficult to ob­ M "f • Lawrence Toriello of the Univer sity of Illinois tain in any other ma nner. agnl y•ng - Hospital in Chicago focuses on his subject to take Thousands of the pictures taken Eileen Keefe of Dep t. 98, Camera a picture by photomicrography.
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