Harmon Tells Aircrafters
1111 > lVaVj. wi Vsurui I ft *^JM/ = AIRCRAFT EDITION = nil. -~*- B AMERICA FIRST IN THE AIR Vol.4 AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1944. No. 6 Victory Up To Workers on Production Line, "Tom" Harmon Tells Aircrafters » ■"»-"" "««. "" -^. o-vn"«"».**■"""». a" -tm "«*. "»■"», " "'^. "s-^.""■"^,"" '"a. ■» ""as,«» vi'X.ivi-x.ixh vmNi>v>ivn'viiXtPXii>.iiVii'xii'viF>..>virv BOND DRIVE Lieutenant "Tom" Harmon Shows Spot Where He Was "Lost" \ LIEUTENANT CASH SALES HERE WITH OVER $70,000 FILM STAR Employes On List As Members Of Captain Frank Baldwin Of "$1,000 Club" Jap Fighting Fame Aids "QuotaShip"Kickoff The Fourth War Loan drive SBBBBtM^H .MM SBBBsW at Aircraft is well on its way over the quota of 90 per cent Speaking with the "purjcji" participation, according to word and sincerity of men who aVOfjit from campaign headquarters. ally have met and beaten the As of Monday 85 per cent of finest pilots and planes the Axis the employes were on the has to offer, Lieutenant "Tom.'8 wagon," with 1,300 new sav" v3! IE V. ri "bond sW.\sO^H mW i If J Harmon, former All-Americah applicants for deductions, and football star, now of the army 7,000 already having increased ""' air forces, and Marine Captain their pledges. W* ssssssB*^* r sRK>Jaaaaaa<P ■ a^SBBBsi *' ,_^M■■ mmM Frank has Cash sales have been large RRRJ^TIF 'iS^H HP^: " ' -JlaaaRI mmmmmmW' a^aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi Baldwin, who com- so far in the campaign. The at- pleted 186 combat missions est figures show that over $70,- Vj|fl against the Japs, while flying 000 has been pledged withabout ssssssssl raK Corsairs, opened Plant D's Feb- 45 being of the $1,000 variety.
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