Preference Conditions for Invertible Demand Functions Theodoros Diasakos and Georgios Gerasimou School of Economics and Finance School of Economics and Finance Discussion Paper No. 1708 Online Discussion Paper Series 14 Mar 2017 (revised 23 Aug 2019) issn 2055-303X JEL Classification: info:
[email protected] Keywords: 1 / 31 Preference Conditions for Invertible Demand Functions∗ Theodoros M. Diasakos Georgios Gerasimou University of Stirling University of St Andrews August 23, 2019 Abstract It is frequently assumed in several domains of economics that demand functions are invertible in prices. At the primitive level of preferences, however, the characterization of such demand func- tions remains elusive. We identify conditions on a utility-maximizing consumer’s preferences that are necessary and sufficient for her demand function to be continuous and invertible in prices: strict convexity, strict monotonicity and differentiability in the sense of Rubinstein (2012). We show that preferences are Rubinstein-differentiable if and only if the corresponding indifference sets are smooth. As we demonstrate by example, these notions relax Debreu’s (1972) preference smoothness. ∗We are grateful to Hugo Sonnenschein and Phil Reny for very useful conversations and comments. Any errors are our own. 2 / 31 1 Introduction Invertibility of demand is frequently assumed in several domains of economic inquiry that include con- sumer and revealed preference theory (Afriat, 2014; Matzkin and Ricther, 1991; Chiappori and Rochet, 1987; Cheng, 1985), non-separable and non-parametric demand systems (Berry et al., 2013), portfolio choice (Kubler¨ and Polemarchakis, 2017), general equilibrium theory (Hildenbrand, 1994), industrial or- ganization (Amir et al., 2017), and the estimation of discrete or continuous demand systems.