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PUDtIC LIBRARY 425 E.BROAD St. ADV. WESTFIELD.N.I. Schools Open THE Today Mi UEAD1NO AND MOST WIDUY CMCUIAT H) WUKIY NEWSMNDK I N UNIOLEADEN COUNTY R EIGHTIETH YEAR—No. 5 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1969 Second Claps Postage Paid Every Thursday at Weatftslil, N.J. 24 Pages—10 Cent* Name 13 Town Welcomes To Air Local Problems Critics Continue Teachers AFS Students In Adult School Series Sex Ed. Probe Two new AK students will be Are jetports an economic neces- sity? How is air pollution teing con- Sex education in the public schools eimlinued to bo the main topic ol introduced to WesKieM and West- discussfan for the fiffii consecutive pitbiic meeting ol Hie Boar4 of Educa- field High School (Ms week. They trolled? Are more illegitimate babies tion Tuesday night, when an overflow crowd caused adjournment of the To Staff are Sarah Smythe {com Pteter- being bora in Union County? Is there session from tihe board ofi'icas to mere spacious quarters across the street mariteburt;, South Africa, and Lars a solution to the parking problem in Thirteen new teachers were ap- Westfield? What is quality education? in the Etei St. School. pointed to .the public sdsooi {acuity Ksllenius of Stockholm, Sweden. , Tbmn tpiestioes are some that _ Attended by a trowd ai about 50 at a meeting of the Board of Educa- Sarah's WtstfieH hostess is Wendy Eioome, 531 ShadcatnaiOR Or. Lars will;jj)e explored in a Wweek two- individuals, basic arguments con- tion Tuesday nijtit. Also approved hoar oturse being offered Monday Most Dangerous were four ^actunjE' posiHoM, five is living with Jim Baker and te tinue to be the composition of the family on Mil Lenox Awe. eveaigis beginning Sept. 29 at the Inter§ection review committee which has been "extra pay for extra work" posi- WeMflekl Adult School in Edison tions, volunteers for a volunteer tu- charged to study the curriculum Both students look toward to tins Junior High School, llegistrations Of The Week torial program at Qriumisus and Mc- and report 'As recommend'ations to experience to exchange ideas and art now being accepted by mail for Kinley Soimris, * teacher transfer MOUNTAIN AVENUE AT the school board, whether or not gam knowledge of the United States. the MO p.m. eiasa; registration in HIGHLAND AVENUE there is a need for such a program «Dd salary adjustments tor eight pen** is scheduled for Monday eve- *taHmen*era. > Lars has travelled in Great Britain, Despite the placement of many iind what, when, whete and to France, and TunWa, but tWs k aing, Sept, 22, at the school. DO NOT ENTER signs at this whom it should 'be taught, Siecus New teauhere »» Mm Margaret Sarah's first trip abroad. She did Mora than 3D experts, most of intersection, accidents at this content of the program, parental re- D. Cerny, EdJBM ietence replacing not come alone however, since her ttHm |ocal residents, wiU participate REV. JAMES D, COLE intersection seem to have in- view of the material, and iward Themm A. Bam**, yr J»; Dougba twin sister Judy is an AFS student in tht series ol uanel leeture-dis- creased. Police Chief James comments, er lack «E them, on state- J, ConJHdlne, fidiaon i*M «*»*« in Birmingham, Mien. CUSBMOS. iA wedal lecture will be Moran urges extreme caution ments reported in the press last rqptediv M». Safe Gt»rt, 116,- Liars' interests in musk and dra- tive» «t "Dissent and Protest: the Rev. James Cole at this site and closer attention spring alluding that among those •M; AouCatiout Uouate, Edison ma atauM find avenues of eipicii- Daaiandfur Belevance and Fartki- opposing sex educaion were mem* Emilia*) jtptaciic Ma Hurley, p.. is the directional signs. wn here. In Stotfcfeokn, he amgs in " " Nov. 40 toy Dr. WUIard To Leave Church tiers of the John Birch Society. l<»; M». Bariwra Cfrewidv Km* DEAN W1LLAKD BECKIL -»* English KflKiat Bertram the acted cJwir, plays piano and Residents ur^ed that Dr. MMton 8AKAU SMYTHE IWitar and» a member of a small Fox, •chairman of tfe review group, tawM band. He is a member of a Post Here Sept 30 should not be a merrtber of that Ato Mrs. lhrMrn Kj^ton, Tn- drama group. His favorite apart it committee aeeause white he prac* The Rev, James D. Cole, associ- nwqutt MW9taftaa% impaired tukcttwU. Democrats Pick tiees in WesifieM, he l^es in Motuv- ate minister ol Hie Pr#i>yterian dan, roptectai • Mm. flat U#»r, Figure Indicted .taiitsMe. They declared that at ,a comes fann an cxiFHneljr a Chun* in WestfieM, has received a 19,W; MaiMtrtint L. Murray, '•porting11 family «nd riraady BfthG.Loftus 'i'lVogranis and IsMiex wMdi Mountainside — Reputed Mafia Way meeting of the <board, when Edww %MM*I rtptodM Warn Dtan© call to the Westminster Presbyter- V the sex many of her inUraU with *ra «im?" Mrs. Liiy Boier, ian Church in Detroit, Mich., as leader Angela "Gyp' * DeCarto "S education first wM .publicly Wart, P,MB: MM 0. Mumlyn Nau- aired tire sch001 board ruled fee Eleomw, She and her l»at. president of the L«ajue of minister to youtfb and director of Mountainside was one of four men > <«* «le, Itouevdt gfumiiiMntflM, re- As Candidate Ul6 compete in teonk tournwwnta. Her •"——Voters; Robert Muirwny, Westminster Oamp owned by the arrested Thursday following indict- testimony of a Ratoray man be- "' ' | Mr*. Joyra UMMdn, |7.S». callse Mi MMM» are hockey and and former mayor «««*• church. He will conclude his work ment by a federal grand jury on * ^«cussion shootd ba Mm, Mra G. irVrrii, Grant •wkwning, and ate Ike* to aew. MamtolMMe - Mrs. IMwF, charges of extortion. Bail was set UnMei <» WesMjeld residents. -•* Dr. Andrew «Wt*>, aS Dm- local cbwch Sept, 30 to es- Not ln Tu sda s new duties in October. at $20,000. ' *" e y night's audience ' Mary L. The otter three rounded up by were «ram lfeis community «t*«. HCTH, tUaiovefc Ei*B*-l*tiit re- On w man for • teat w <tm Council in *uHn. a meeting of FBI agents Thursday are Daniel » ' " ^° violently opposed pladM Mw the the 4 Qen«»«t Elects*. Mn U*w Mlt n to (Bed) Cecere, 59. of West Orange; program *» later found out to Wlin P HwMNutt, Kd»o ncwi wrttafcie t» ac*ak to reptec Arthur M. GeMbtrg, *t» Pet er A. (Pete the Butt) Usndusco jtaM**." npiaoia* Mm W. irats- MM 64, of Livingston; and Joseph D Polraina, 54, of PairfieW. Mtw C«ii»?«.^toH<g. WHS According to Asst, U.S. Attorney Ottww at the session cumplained Donald Horowto, all four are charg- *at no imeMter at tiie ConcenMd CuNNIIi, VA$, Jim R \HK», ed in the indictments with conspir- Parsats and Citizens of Union Com- ing to demand extortionate credit ty group fighting the existing pro* tadlMii from the late Umis B. Saperstein, a «ram was named to the ait mortgage brolter, tMninULee and "we feel IR| lite Waan U.S. Attorney's'•fttie did hflt Stedical Soeiety, MiMsSrtam, WA MKf«.|M outlitio the amount of money in- and YW awl Youth arid F«nUjr cwwbmfcrii me- of the UmWd Wirtions. She al» serv- i'fir. 1Mm4 t Urn, «< Ktowfci; mi Xi. in Hie community, he has volved in the alleged transactions Counseling Service, four mtoml stiM nor the amount of interest charged, members on the conmittee, ibe ad< Tlw CbUMlM DhUrW IW C»mpa- iterator of the Presbytery of m*mib*rs were introduced at » »t*fl DeC'arlo was one of a number of *ted, serve only as sonwltant* and m «* at W«9hd»atM CTMriof, Pa.. class at WertOeM High Stfenl. EiiMbetfe, Prcit^aM chairman of meeting at - MnwMnshfe public •» the witnesses SUpoeniaed by the State have no voting privileges. Oot, l«-m Mi MMd *» !•*-» , Oct. 3D, "Hie Gukural-fponwnic Scouting, on the camps and coa- AMI fftmtd br oeMMng fwii- scixwls Tuesday. At an oricntmton mea w n Commission, wliidi Mr. * contended aia* »r k?s of Boy SOHM«: aettvW* Mr - . _?* **! "!^ , .™" * Gap: BridaSiig Ih* Dfetancf between ferences eamnrittee of *e Sy»od af tiSM wtr* Vaierif whs will i* u- me«tiffij in DeerffeM MxMe Sctael has been conducting an investigation iatiofla ol ttw Die more to«i MM k*r< i» Ifce «S M Mowitainside, a «w Baves andttieHav^Snts," Em- >tew Jersey, on the pastoral over- iM#t tmUm* »M tad b»ta*>rtl greetings were extef*t»d the fcoiity with mtx chikiren. Uist ht of organized crsras in the Ijong parents msU be #v«a tesut unite in iHumMmidc, Oai- eat L. Daman, trust** of die Weot- *'£ o( churcties canimiitt* of Pres- em0lmtm at *n, ravwtivc- by Mr yew, th» eoa|>te becaane the jwrentl Branch area. opportimity to vtaw aH the iilmn» tatteU aMl heMl track, mj«d, Fairmwd, |enlek Pfcins, and field Area Conmkt«e for Human bytery, vice psresident of the Youth the PI •f a *wghter, Elizabetii Clark U*- Bights; Victor W. Liotta, director and Parojljr Counseling Sewice in Horowitz said Landusco, Cecere matei-iala in the course Mate Mi KM Ml «M; »B* StemH T, Car-WeaWeM, whic* tmptim the «•- and Poiverim will be arraigned el, tt»m. WlliHt ikMtotteH »«1 tua. Mn. Loftua said tl>at btimt of the Union County Wetf*r« BmtA; WesUieid, a past pres'ident of the adoption by the board, "We <«H aoi-ep*in({ the nonvinaUm, a Nmir Daniel F. Lundy, prtwidont «t the WestifiBld Miniaiteriutm, on the May-Sept. 12 in Federal Court, Arraign- the report will ibe in U» best iBt«r- t.S-Ji ^^^^| -^o^ |U| ^U UMft year wan aniwuMwl at a di«trkt caucus" was held which appr»v«d Oorainuuity DeveJopneat Corpora- or* OaiMttHtee on Service to Youth, ment of DeOario depended on his est of (tie dti-idren m the «ctueto innmp HPMM »^^B^» ^^^ ^«™ -r — - * *al»te nweMMt if leafcrs Wed- her running for olfice.