REGISTER OF LECTURERS ACE G W NDH (RHS) Cert in Education - over 40 years professional lecturinG experience. 9 York Road, Ash, Surrey, GU12 6SN Tel: 01252 323391 1. Building gold medal gardens at the Chelsea Show. 2. Planning the small garden. 3. Rock and water Features. 4. Planning your planting. 5. Pruning trees and shrubs. 6. Dealing with drought. 7. Plants for ground cover. 8. Care of indoor plants (no slides). 25 mile radius. £45 + 25p per mile. No equipment required. ALMOND Jim
[email protected] / 5 Coolock Close, St Peters Park, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 9QD Tel: 01743 242271 (before 8pm) 07940 678719 (m) - preferred Jim is an experienced speaker specialising in alpine and dwarf bulbs. He is Plant Heritage collection holder (Juno Iris). 1. Sowing, growing, showing - an alpine Triathlon. 2. Digital plant photography. 3. Alpines and bulbs from seed. 4. Some plants at the shows. 5. Showing alpines - behind the scenes. 6. Primulaceae in pots. 7. Juno Iris - with pots, grit and a hammer. 8. Fritillarias and other choice bulbs. 9. Snowdrops and other winter/spring bulbs. 10. Spring treasures at Kew. 11. Choice bulbs in pots. 12. Climbers and other favourite garden plants. 13. The all year bulb garden. 14. Alpines, dwarf bulbs and hardy Cyclamen. 15. Alpines through the post. 16. Plants through the post. 17. Wildlife in the garden. 18. Out and about - adventures of an alpine enthusiast. 19. Out and about II - more adventures of an alpine enthusiast. 20. Propagation a matter of life and death. 21.