4 injured kills Kuwaiti, Boat fire field successesandthedeclarationofa recruitment sinceJunefollowingbattle- increase inmembersbecauseofstronger mate of10,000.“Thisnewtotalreflectsan said, muchhigherthanapreviousesti- and Syria,theCentralIntelligenceAgency to 31,500fightersonthegroundinIraq John KerryandhisArabcounterparts. Thursday betweenUSSecretaryofState State, saidastatementaftermeeting comprehensive fight”againstIslamic Arabia “agreedtodotheirshareinthe 15. TenArabstatesincludingSaudi tional conferenceonIraqSeptember Iraq “ifnecessary”,andhostsaninterna- pate inairstrikesagainstthemilitants France hassaiditispreparedtopartici- Fuad Masuminashowofsupport. where hewillmeethisIraqicounterpart Hollande wasonhiswaytoBaghdad jihadists. FrenchPresidentFrancois Obama’s nascentcoalitionagainstthe nations ralliedbehindPresidentBarack aggressive” aircampaignandArab fighters asitgearedupfora“more estimate forthenumberofIslamicState JEDDAH: port anAmerican campaignagainstIslamicState jihadistsinSyriaandIraq. —AFP and regionalcounterparts begantalksinSaudi Arabiaonformingacoalition tosup- during afamilyphotowiththe GulfCooperationCouncilandregionalpartners.Kerry JEDDAH: USSecretaryofState JohnKerry(center)poseswithhisArabcounterparts

against SUBSCRIPTION The militantsnowhaveabout20,000 Ara 2 The UnitedStatestripledits 150 Fils b Kuwaitis andleaders AUDY ETME 3 04 HLAA1,13 HNo:16284 1435 AH SATURDAY, THULQADA 18, SEPTEMBER13,2014 Amir congratulates s Charity, helping people‘deep-rooted’ amongKuwaitis j oin coalition I slamic eastern Ukraine”. after whathashappenedinCrimeaand assert anynotionofinternationallaw rather surprisedthatRussiawoulddareto law. Kerryretortedthathewas“really be a“crudeviolation”ofinternational spokesman saidunilateralactionwould Haidar said.ARussianforeignministry Syria,” NationalReconciliationMinisterAli government wouldbeanattackon kind withouttheconsentofSyrian Russia condemnedit.”Anyactionofany Al-Assad’s regimeandpowerfulally ing atrocities.ButSyrianPresidentBashar of IraqandSyriacommittedhorrify- plan againstIS,whichhasseizedaswathe Syrian oppositionwelcomedObama’s new supportforIraqigovernmentforces. in Syria,expandedattacksIraqand which foreseesnewairstrikesagainstIS offensive againsttheextremists,aplan lenge afterObamavowedtoexpandan mate underscoredthescaleofchal- Ryan Trapanisaid.Thevastlyhigheresti- additional intelligence,”CIAspokesman caliphate, greaterbattlefieldactivity,and Iraq’s newunitygovernmentandthe of Palestinians protest ‘abuse’ Israeli soldiers S Continued onPage5 tate 8 and government,” headded. of thenoblehumanitarian roleofourpeople named ‘HumanitarianCenter’in appreciation history ofourbelovednation,which wasalso lowing anunprecedentedachievement inthe am pleasedtospeakmyfellow citizensfol- Kuwaiti peopleandhavegrown overtime.“I ing otherpeoplearedeep-rooted amongthe Highness SheikhSabahsaidcharityandhelp- ters, conflictsandwarsacrosstheglobe.His the needypeoplewhowereaffectedbydisas- tarian acts. “noble andactive”roleinreliefhumani- the AmirsaidthatKuwaithasalwaysplayeda for theStateofKuwaitanditspeople.”HH appreciation oftheinternationalcommunity countries oftheworld,reflectshigh international authority,whichrepresents Leader,” said“thehonorfromthehighest Headquarters inNewYorkas“Humanitarian General BanKi-moonhonoredhimattheUN address tothenationdaysafterUNSecretary you myfellowcitizens.”TheAmirinhis an honorforourbelovednationandallof UN asa‘HumanitarianLeader’was“indeed said thatthehonorbestoweduponhimby Sabah Al-AhmadAl-JaberAl-Sabahyesterday KUWAIT: nation yesterday.—KUNA KUWAIT: HisHighnesstheAmirSheikhSabahAl-AhmadAl-JaberAl-Sabahaddresses Kuwait provides allformsofassistanceand Kuwait, headded,hasalwaysbeenhelping His HighnesstheAmirSheikh homicide of culpable Pistorius ëguiltyí 48 United Nations. —KUNA tificate ofappreciation onbehalfofthe function tohonor himandtograntacer- unprecedented initiativetohold aspecial Secretary GeneralBanKi-moon onhis The Kuwaitleaderalsothanked theUN organizations whosharedwith Kuwait’sjoy. the Arabandworldleaders international gratulations ontheoccasion. citizens ontheirheartfeltsentimentsandcon- Mubarak Al-HamadAl-Sabah,ministers,and Sabah, HHthePrimeMinisterSheikhJaberAl- Sheikh NasserAl-MohammadAl-AhmadAl- Chief SheikhSalemAliAl-Sabah,Sheikhs, Speaker MarzouqAl-Ghanim,NationalGuard Ahmad Al-JaberAl-Sabah,NationalAssembly on theinternationalscale,”Amirsaid. vated positionourdearnationhasassumed feel proudofthisdeservedhonorandtheele- brothers andsonsofmybelovednationto and adulationoftheworld.Itisforyou-my ing aims.Wehavereceivedtheappreciation will ofAlmightyGodandfornobleaspir- nor wasitlinkedtoanyaims-butservingthe an assistancewasnotgrantedconditionally of disaster-strickenvictims.“Thishumanitari- al effortsinalleviatingthepainsandagonies aid, inadditiontocontributinginternation- His Highnessexpressedhisgratitude to He thankedCrownPrinceSheikhNawafAl- Min Max 32º 44º LOCAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Crime Report

Kuwaiti woman arrested for driving in Saudi

KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti woman, who has been arrested for driv- ing in Saudi Arabia, was recently released after five days in detention, said security sources. Case papers indicate that a traffic patrol stopped the woman while driving her vehicle in the Saudi city of Hafr Al-Baten heading back to Kuwait with her husband beside her. The woman was told that she had violated Saudi traffic rules - that do not allow women to drive. After five days in detention, the husband signed an affi- davit not to allow her to drive in KSA anymore.

Arab female gang issues threats A number of citizens and Arab expats have complained to police, seeking protection from an Arab female gang that is threatening to blackmail them. They said the gang had lured them through various social media - threatening to post their nude photos online unless they pay. Case papers indicate that one of the victims confessed that they were tempted by the gang members’ beauty. The victims were asked to photograph and videotape themselves fully naked as the gang members watched. “The moment we did this, they started asking for money - threatening to post the videos and photos online unless we paid them”, said the victims. Relevant cases were also filed and the Interpol has been contacted to track down the culprits. Egyptian fraudster arrested Boat fire kills Kuwaiti An Egyptian has been arrested for fraud and swindling sev- eral citizens in Mubarak Al-Kabeer - claiming to be a con- By Hanan Al-Saadoun tractor. Security sources said that after taking down his ‘clients’ orders, the suspect asked for a huge down pay- KUWAIT: A citizen was killed and four others injured when a ment so that he could purchase the furniture and kitchen fire broke out in a 14-feet boat they sailed on Thursday night, equipment. All reports indicated that the suspect never security sources said, noting that the boat was sailing from showed up. Tracking the suspect’s phone calls, policemen Watiya boat harbor opposite to the National Assembly build- finally spotted and arrested him in Farwaniya. ing. According to the survivors, they had only sailed for 500 meters when the engine broke down and on trying to fix it, it Wife brutally abused caught fire that quickly spread to the whole boat made of A citizen was arrested for brutally assaulting and beat- fiberglass. They called the coastguards and jumped into the ing up his wife while on a summer vacation in an Asian sea to escape the fire. The deceased was the only one who country, said security sources, noting that as soon as the could not swim. couple arrived home, the wife headed to Sharq police station and filed the complaint. Special inspection campaign Traffic police recently held a special inspection campaign along Wafra highway to track down traffic rules’ violators. Stolen vehicle Security sources said 138 speeding tickets were issued and 18 Detectives are currently in pursuit of a suspect who left a vehicles were seized for exceeding the speed limits. stolen vehicle near a checkpoint in Taima, Jahra and fled on foot. Security sources said that, on searching the vehi- Pakistani robbed cle, policemen found some bags of ICE. A Pakistani recently filed a complaint at Jleeb police station accusing five unidentified people in a green jeep of robbing his mobile phone. Security sources said that the man provided Policeman detained the police with the suspects’ vehicle’s license plate number. A policeman was recently arrested for trying to smuggle in a mobile phone to an inmate in Kuwait Central Prison. Car stolen Security sources said that the prison guards found the A Lebanese reported that his vehicle has been stolen. The mobile phone concealed in the policeman’s uniform. vehicle was parked outside a repair shop in Maidan Hawalli according to security sources. In another development, a citi- T-shirts with porn photos zen filed a complaint against someone he accused of spitting A mother and her four sons recently insulted and assaulted in his face outside his house in Bayan. a Kuwait airport security officer for confiscating T-shirts and a watch with porn photos, in addition to an empty US citizen arrested whiskey bottle the mother and one of her sons brought A US citizen of Arab origin has been arrested for smuggling back on returning from Cairo. Case papers indicate that a a kilo of heroin through the northern land border exit of customs inspector confiscated the items after searching Abdali. Security sources said that the suspect had concealed the mother and her son’s luggage. The son got angry and Photo shows illicit drugs concealed in shoes the drugs in his shoes. attacked the inspector- spitting on his face before going out. A case was filed at Jleeb police station where the mother also filed another complaint claiming that the Temperature to drop inspector had sexually harassed her. KUWAIT: The Meteorology Department Mohammed Karam said that the tem- areas in the north and North West of the Complaint against blogger said that Kuwait will be affected by a peratures would vary between 42-44 country. The agent of a famous restaurant recently filed a com- balance between South Easterly and degrees Celsius (highest) and 28-32 Karam also predicted that the weath- plaint against a blogger- accusing him of damaging the North Westerly winds, which would help degrees Celsius (lowest) in the coming er to continue through the beginning of restaurant’s image on Twitter, said security sources. The the temperature to drop from the sec- days. Karam added that the moderate the week - where days would be hot agent said that, in his tweets, the ‘suspect’ claimed that ond week of September, especially dur- North Westerly winds with speed of 28- with moderate to fresh North Westerly the restaurant provided bad services and urged people ing the night. In this regard, the 45 km/h prevailed in Kuwait yesterday- wind (with speed of 20 - 40 km/h) raising not to patronize them. Meteorology Department Manager, stirring some limited dust over the open dust over open areas. — Al-Watan LOCAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Kuwait eyes stability of world oil markets KUWAIT: Kuwait’s oil policy rests on a great part on keeping its oil flow steady to the oil markets, with future emphasis on broaden- ing its production capacity to meet the demand of these markets, said Kuwaiti Oil Minister Dr Ali Al-Omair, at a GCC oil meeting here on Thursday. He told the GCC oil ministers and officials attending the meeting that Kuwait’s ambitious oil strategy stretches from 2020 to 2030 and addresses increasing production and refining capacities as well as developing current refineries to match world industry standards and the building of yet another new refinery. He said toward that planned expansion of its oil activity for the near future, Kuwait has concluded numerous energy agreements with renowned oil companies of world repute to partner with them on the implementation of projects on the discovery, pro- duction, and distribution of oil and oil products. He urged GCC states to support the work of such organizations as OPEC and OAPEC and World Petroleum Forum and others since they focus on a balanced economic view of the oil business and its major players, stressing at the same time the importance of GCC oil pro- ducers because of their enormous oil reserves and their strategic geographical locations. He said the meeting here has tackled key issues such as a pro- posal for unifying prices of petroleum products in GCC countries, measures to achieve oil prices stability, clean energy, economic development, and petroleum-focused media, in addition to reviewing a regional oil sector emergency plan as well as devel- opments in UN climate change negotiations. On his part, GCC Secretary General Abdullatif Al-Zayani lauded at the meeting the KUWAIT: (From left to right) The oil ministers of Qatar, Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Sada; Bahrain, Ahmed bin cooperation among GCC states on coordinating their oil policies Mohammed Al-Khalifa; Saudi Arabia, Ali Al-Nuaimi; Kuwait, Ali Al-Omair and the United Arab Emirates, vis-s-vis working on stabilizing prices in oil markets. —KUNA Suhail Al-Mazrouie pose for a group photo on the sidelines of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) ministerial meeting in Kuwait City on September 11, 2014. OPEC member Kuwait said there was no need to call an emergency meeting for the producers’ cartel to discuss sliding oil prices after crude hit a 17- Minister lauds month low. —Photo Yasser Al-Zayyat private schools’ contributions GCC tackles housing issue to education Ministers end 13th meeting in Kuwait

KUWAIT: Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of KUWAIT: The 13th meeting of Gulf affirmed that Kuwait’s Public Authority tions of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Education and Acting Minister of Higher Education Dr Cooperation Council (GCC) housing for Housing Welfare (PAHW) is commit- Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah,” he Abdulmohsen Al-Madaj has lauded private schools’ contribu- ministers hosted by Kuwait came to a ted to the distribution of 12,000 hous- added. This move will be made by tions to education, pointing out their “significant” outcomes. close on Thursday. “GCC countries are ing units to citizens by the end of 2014. building new cities that will meet the “We are proud to have a distinctive private sector which pro- paying more attention to the housing “There is a strategic plan made by demands of citizens, including the vides an educational service for students in our country,” Al- issue and providing accommodation for the PAHW and would be submitted to requirements of security, education and Madaj stated to reporters after attending a ceremony held by their citizens to achieve social security relevant parties to discuss it as a future healthcare, he said. Fajer Al-Sabah School in honor of naming His Highness the and welfare,” Minister of State for solution to the problem,” he pointed For his part, GCC Assistant Secretary Amir humanitarian leader by the UN. Al-Madaj expressed his Housing Affairs Yasser Abul, said on the out. Concerning the hiking real estate General for Environment and Human gratitude to all who have contributed in organizing the cere- sidelines of the meeting. All participants prices, he said that the solution is to Affairs Abdullah Al-Hashim said that mony, pointing out Fajer Al-Sabah’s importance in the private hailed the meeting, saying it was suc- increase the number of plots of land in the five-day meeting discussed creat- education sector in Kuwait, through which hundreds and cessful, he confirmed. order to make a balance between sup- ing a database to include all codes of thousands of graduates held very important posts in the He added that six-nation bloc “look ply and demand, stressing that the buildings, labor and new research on country. forward to enhancing further coopera- housing issue is being given priority. housing. He added that the meeting “Private education is a main partner in the educational tion in order to reach practical solutions “Getting a proper residence is one of also focused on outlining a strategy process,” he added, stressing the importance of committing to their housing issues,” he added. He the elements of stability and the decent and a joint plan in order to absorb the private school owners to safety and security requirements, underlined the importance of benefit- living of man,” he said, adding that pro- overpopulation issue. Meanwhile, and not granting licenses to any school which has facilities ing from the successful experiences of viding housing units for citizens is a Kuwait Credit Bank (KCB) Director that do not match safety and security requirements. The min- some countries that have been able to “huge responsibility.” General Salah Al-Mudhaf pointed out ister also affirmed that all issues regarding private education overcome their housing problems in “The State of Kuwait has been keen the role of banks in GCC countries in are being currently discussed at the ministry, adding that addition to exchanging visits between on establishing a concept on the state’s financing housing projects, stressing these issues are also undergoing serious assessments “in the countries of the GCC in order to be responsibility for housing care over the KCB’s role on this regard for citizens order to preserve everyone’s right and guarantee good edu- more acquainted with the latest devel- more than 50 years in order to meet the who are granted plots of land by the cation for students.” —KUNA opments on that issue. The minister demands of citizens upon the instruc- state. —KUNA GCC stresses importance of holding UNHCR session

GENEVA: The Gulf Cooperation Council the current session comes after two previ- under attacks from the pro-government (GCC) states stressed the importance of ous exceptional sessions that were held to forces. All three countries have been suffer- holding the United Nations High discuss the deterioration of the human right ing from lack of security, stability and peace- Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) meet- situation in the Gaza Strip, on July 23rd, and ful leaving. He added that the GCC countries ing amidst critical conditions that are storm- the worsening of human rights condition in give full support to the UNHCR to perform its ing the Middle East region, especially those Iraq, on Septmeber 1st. duties toward protecting the innocent and concerning the protection of human rights Al-Ghunaim said that in the Gaza Strip, securing their human rights. The current and the securing of good life. This remark Israeli has committed obvious violations to UNHCR 27th session is being held from was made by Kuwait’s Permanent Delegate all human rights codes that forces thousands September 8-26 to discuss reports on human to the UN Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim of people to flee their homes. In Iraq, the ISIL rights violations in a number of countries on behalf of the GCC countries at the has keep terrorizing the innocent people. including: Syria, Palestine, Iraq, North Korea, Kuwait’s Permanent Delegate to the UNHCR 27th session. He pointed out that Meanwhile, in Syria, the people are still going and Central Africa. —KUNA UN Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim LOCAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Kuwait’s Journey of Hope docks at Turkish Izmir port

ISTANBUL: Kuwait’s “Journey of Hope” boat docked In a statement to KUNA, the Kuwaiti ambassador that “the arrival of the boat at Izmir after a long trip at the Turkish western port of Izmir on Thursday as congratulated His Highness the Amir, who was hon- comes as another example by the Kuwaiti leadership part of a world tour which included 19 countries to ored as a ‘humanitarian leader’ at the UN, and for in service of humanitarian work, through various ini- shed light on the plight of people with intellectual the State of Kuwait as a “humanitarian center”, tiatives,” adding that the boat journey was fully disability. Upon arrival, the boat’s crew were stressing that these titles are testaments to His sponsored by His Highness the Amir. The ceremony received by the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps and Highness the Amir’s humanitarian role and Kuwait’s attended by a large group of enthusiasts witnessed Kuwaiti Ambassador to Turkey Abdullah Al- efforts in support of humanitarian work around the the presentation of a film on the journey. Last week, Thuwaikh, Executive Director for the Journey Yousif world. the boat arrived at Istanbul with the aim of bringing Abdulhamid Al-Jassim, Izmir port Deputy Mayor Al-Thuwaikh proceeded to host a ceremony hon- global support and solidarity amongst people of Shaheen Aslan, and Turkish officials. oring the crew and officials of the boat. He added intellectual disabilities. —KUNA

Kuwaiti shooters grab silver medal GRANADA: After dedicating their silver World Championship medal to UN-honored ‘humanitarian leader’ His Highness the Amir, Kuwait’s shooting squad spoke of their pride to have witnessed the raising of their nation’s flag at the podium. The Kuwaiti marksmen, including two- time Olympic medalist Fehaid Al-Deehani, Abdulrahman Al- Faihan and Talal Al-Rashidi, took the silver medal in the trap teams’ event on Wednesday, only one point less than Italy and two more than the Czech Republic. “This is the least we can give our dear nation, Kuwait, and His Highness the Amir (Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah) during these festive times marking the designation of His Highness a humanitarian leader by the United Nations,” said Fehaid Al-Deehani. “We were on the verge of snatching gold. We only missed one shot,” he said referring to the three-day event which saw the squad lose out on the top spot by a one-point deficit. The renowned shooter, who won a trap individuals’ bronze medals at the Sydney 2000 Olympics and a double trap individual’s bronze at the London 2012 Olympics for Kuwait in addition to several international accolades, was unlucky to have missed out on the individuals trap finals. Weather conditions which were cloudy at the time had impaired his vision, he told KUNA, thus leading to him fail- ing to progress from the qualifiers by only one point. Talal GAZA: The head of the mission Khaled Al-Zaid and his team visit the Kuwait Specialist Hospital in Rafah Al-Rashidi said that the medal adds further to Kuwait’s city. —KUNA accomplishments in the illustrious global tournament, the young shooter having clinched the youth trap individuals gold for his nation at the previous Belgrade 2011 tourna- Kuwait Red Crescent delivers ment. He praised the team’s efforts, which he said were very good compared to former participations, ruing the luck of his veteran teammate, Al-Deehani, who failed to make the food aid, medicine to Gazans trap event finals despite making 123 shots out of 125. He also said he was happy with the successful training GAZA: Kuwait Red Crescent Society’s ally carry out the distribution of aid to address he made to the public in the camp regimen and carefully thought-out strategy put place relief team arrived in Gaza yesterday families in the territory, after which holy Muslim month of Ramadan (dur- by the Kuwait Shooting Club board ahead of the global on a visit, which will last several days, they will carry out an assessment of ing August), he added. On KRCS’s role competition. Meanwhile, Abdulrahman Al-Faihan said the aimed at providing urgent humani- the needs of several hospitals in order in these efforts, he said that the medal was a result of the collective efforts of the marksmen and backroom staff. “The result leaves Kuwait’s imprint on tarian assistance to war-stricken fami- to weigh up how the Kuwaiti govern- humanitarian organization has this crucial competition, and pushes us to continue pushing lies in the Palestinian territory. The ment and KRCS can meet these already sent around 40 tons of medi- harder,” he said. “We have a responsibility to double our team is on a mission to provide this requirements. On the visit, Al-Zaid cine, two ambulances and 200,000 efforts and focus throughout upcoming international and assistance, which includes humanitar- said that it was “a small part of the litres of fuel and other forms of assis- continental competitions, to represent Kuwait honorably ian as well as food aid, to thousands assistance the Kuwaiti people to their tance to hospitals in Gaza. and to raise our nation’s flag at these podiums,” he under- of Palestinian families recently hit brothers in Gaza.” He added, “we in His team will meet Palestinian offi- lined. —KUNA hard by the fierce military assault Kuwait, since the start of the fierce cials to discuss the dispatch of several they had been the target of at the aggression on the (Gaza) Strip collec- Palestinians requiring medical atten- hands of Israel. tively rushed to aid our brothers in tion to Egypt - with all expenses for After travelling from Egypt this area through donations that have their treatment paid through a through Rafah border crossing, the amounted to over KD4 million ($14 $500,000 sum allocated for the initia- team - led by the head of the mission million).” tive. A group of 14 doctors are also Khaled Al-Zaid - made several visits, He also revealed that His Highness expected to arrive yesterday and will including one to the Kuwait Specialist the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al- spend 12 days in Gaza during which Hospital in Rafah city. The Kuwaiti Jaber Al-Sabah dispatched assistance they will tend to the needs of families state-sponsored hospital carried out a worth $10 million to Gaza immediate- in the area. In addition to this, KRCS distinguished role during the war on ly upon learning of the Israeli offen- has dispatched 10,000 food parcels to Gaza. During their visit of the city the sive. His Highness the Amir, who was people on the ground with another four-member team also witnessed officially honored by the UN for his 10,000 expected to arrive soon as it firsthand the scale of destruction contributions to global humanitarian continues to work with local inflicted by the heavy Israeli shelling. efforts a few days ago, also urged Palestinian health bodies and Egypt They are later expected to person- Kuwaitis to give to the cause in an to deliver this aid. —KUNA NEWS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Arabs join coalition against Islamic State

Continued from Page 1 that was outlined by the president... is enough to accomplish that mission,” he said. Doubts about US plan Obama said he was sending another 475 Broadening the coalition military personnel to help train Iraqi forces, Along with the Saudis, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, but stressed that the campaign would not be Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as a repeat of the exhausting ground wars Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon are Arab parties fought by US troops in the past decade in Iraq to the coalition agreement. A final statement and Afghanistan. Instead, Washington is look- declared a “shared commitment to stand united ing to empower partners on the ground such against the threat posed by all terrorism, including as Iraqi and Kurdish forces, as well as Syrian the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant”. rebels. The fight will include “stopping the flow of foreign US combat aircraft will soon start flying out fighters through neighboring countries, counter- of a base in the Kurdish region of Iraq as part ing financing of ISIL and other violent extremists, of the campaign, the Pentagon announced. repudiating their hateful ideology, ending impuni- “The kind of support we’re going to be giving ty and bringing perpetrators to justice”. to Iraqi forces will be more aggressive from It will also include humanitarian relief, aiding the air,” said Pentagon spokesman Rear reconstruction and rehabilitation of communities Admiral John Kirby. Obama called on “brutalized by ISIL”. Yesterday Kerry travelled to JEDDAH: Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud sits before a meeting with US Congress to swiftly authorize an operation to Ankara after Turkey refused to allow its air bases to Secretary of State John Kerry at the Royal Palace in Jeddah. —AFP train and equip moderate fighters, but several be used in the campaign or to take part in combat. jihadists. ances that contributed to the rise of the jihadists. House Republicans said after a caucus meet- A US official in Jeddah said Turkey had its reasons The opposition National Coalition said it had IS has declared a “caliphate” in parts of Syria and ing Thursday that a quick vote on that was for staying out of the coalition. IS militants hold 49 “long called” for action against IS and “warned Iraq it controls and is accused of committing sav- unlikely. House Speaker John Boehner said Turks hostage, including diplomats and children, time and again of the growing threat of this age murders, crucifixions and rapes, as well as sell- they were worried that the broader strategy abducted from the Turkish consulate in Mosul in extremist group”. The US announcement was ing women into slavery. Two captive US journal- was insufficient. “If our goal is to eliminate Iraq in June. Meanwhile, Syria’s opposition urged praised by Baghdad, where a unity government ists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff, were behead- ISIL, there’s a lot of doubt whether the plan Washington to take action against Assad as well as was formed Monday to address sectarian griev- ed by the jihadists in recent weeks. — AFP

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Hollande backs Iraq as world Obama may have to wait for Indian SC allows detained ramps up anti-IS efforts 8 Congress on Syria rebel aid 11 Italian marine to go home 12

GLASGOW: Scotland’s Deputy First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon (Centre L) and Scottish actor Peter Mullan (Centre R) pose for pictures during a pro-independence rally in Glasgow, Scotland, yesterday, ahead of the referendum on Scotland’s independence. Campaigners for and against Scotland’s independence focussed their efforts on Glasgow yesterday as separatist leader Alex Salmond said he was confident of victory despite a new poll showing the pro-UK campaign recovering lost ground. — AFP Scottish referendum switches focus to Glasgow

GLASGOW: Campaigners for and against dent. “I am more confident than ever that the party leaders rushing up to Scotland to promise “If Salmond is to get his campaign back on Scotland’s independence focussed their efforts people of Scotland are going to say ‘Yes’,” he new devolved fiscal powers if Scots vote to stay in track, he must, once more, reassure his fellow on Glasgow yesterday as separatist leader Alex wrote in the Daily Record newspaper. the UK. But a YouGov poll published Friday in The Scots that independence will not threaten their Salmond said he was confident of victory despite Salmond was flying to Aberdeen, Inverness Times newspaper put the “No” camp four points jobs and living standards. “He has lost this week’s a new poll showing the pro-UK campaign recov- and Dundee, while Sturgeon visits Glasgow, ahead on 52 percent, once undecided voters skirmishes; the next seven days will tell us ering lost ground. Edinburgh and Stirling before they team up in were stripped out-the first time they have record- whether he has lost the war.” On the campaign Salmond hit the streets under a leaden sky in Perth. “Surely it’s time to say goodbye to the days ed the pro-union side gaining ground since early trail, Labour opposition leader Ed Miliband was the city with actor Peter Mullan, lashing out when decisions about our lives were made by August. The online survey of 1,268 adults was due at an anti-independence rally in Glasgow against what he called the “negative tactics” of remote Westminster (London)governments,” conducted from Tuesday to Thursday. YouGov alongside Brown in Glasgow. Meanwhile anti-EU the “No” camp. Salmond wrote. “No-one on the ‘Yes’ side says president Peter Kellner said their polling found firebrand Nigel Farage was also to visit Scotland’s As Salmond set out on a flying tour round independence is a magic wand. It isn’t. Of course more people feeling they would be worse off in biggest city claiming that independence, while Scotland’s cities, pollsters warned the tide might there will be challenges to face and we won’t suc- an independent Scotland-particularly women- seeking continued European Union membership, be turning against him ahead of Thursday’s knife- ceed overnight. “But we’ll be equipped with the and worried about what might happen to their was not really independence at all. edge vote. The new survey was published after a powers, if we use them well, to build a better bank accounts. He said the intervention this week Scotland makes up a third of the United string of major banks-RBS, Tesco Bank, TSB, country.” of Labour former British prime minister Gordon Kingdom’s territory and 8.4 percent of its popula- Lloyds and Clydesdale Bank-issued market advi- Brown, a Scot who served 10 years as finance tion. Scottish independence would leave the sories on their contingency plans in the event of ‘Yes’ bandwagon stalled minister, had seemingly halted the haemorrhag- United Kingdom “diminished globally as a independence, suggesting they may move their A vote for independence would end the 307- ing of Labour voters to the SNP cause. nation”, Farage told BBC radio. “The message that headquarters to England. year-old union between England and Scotland “Since Brown entered the debate, the ‘Yes’ goes out that you’ve lost a large chunk of your Meanwhile department store John Lewis and and create Europe’s newest state since the disin- bandwagon, which had been rolling so dramati- territory and that a 300-year-old union that has supermarket ASDA warned that shoppers would tegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. cally, has stalled. His warnings that independence achieved astonishing successes for democracy be likely to face higher prices post-independence. A survey out Sunday put the “Yes” camp would be bad for jobs and family finances have and freedom worldwide has suddenly broken up, However, Salmond said he was feeling confi- ahead for the first time, sending Britain’s major struck home,” he wrote in The Times. that’s not a good message.” — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

43 Israeli soldiers protest ‘abuses’ of Palestinians

JERUSALEM: Forty-three reservists 8200, which works closely with Israel’s priation of Palestinian land for Jewish “The Intelligence Corps has no record and former members of Israel’s elite security services, wrote in English. settlements, as well as lack of distinc- that the... violations in the letter ever army intelligence unit have slammed The signatories gave just their rank tion between Palestinians who “are took place,” it said in a statement. alleged “abuses” of Palestinians in the and first names or first initials. “Those and are not involved in violence”. “Immediately turning to the press occupied territories, in a letter pub- among us who are reservists, refuse to The letter also said intelligence col- instead of their (the soldiers’) officers or lished yesterday. take part in the state’s actions against lected by Israel was “used for persecu- relevant authorities is suspicious and The letter, addressed to Israel’s Palestinians,” a copy of the letter seen tion and to create divisions within raises doubts as to the seriousness of prime minister, army chief of staff and by AFP said. “We call for all soldiers Palestinian society” and slammed the their claims,” it added. The 43 reservists intelligence director, said the reservists serving in the Intelligence Corps, pres- “collective punishment of inhabitants said that they will turn down their year- would refuse to serve in the military. ent and future, along with all the citi- of the Gaza Strip,” without specifically ly call-up to the army, risking arrest and “We cannot continue to serve this zens of Israel, to speak out against mentioning the July-August war in court martial. All Israeli men do three system in good conscience, denying these injustices and to take action to Gaza. years of military service after school, the rights of millions of people,” the bring them to an end.” The army cast doubts on the credi- and women two years, with an option soldiers and officers from the elite Unit It said injustices included the expro- bility of the letter’s claims of abuse. to stay on. —AFP Syria, a paradise lost for the Golan’s Druze

MAJDAL SHAMS: Rare phone calls are all that remain of the links between Druze in the Israeli-occupied Golan and their families in Syria after fighting across the ceasefire line closed the Quneitra crossing. Since the 1980s, the Israeli army has allowed Druze residents to go to Syria to visit relatives, marry or even study in Damascus. But since the Syrian civil war erupted in 2011, permission to cross has been granted only rarely. Majdal Shams is a town of some 10,000 people in the southern foothills of Mount Hermon, next to the barbed wire fence separating the Israeli-occupied sector of the strategic plateau from Syria. The largest town on the Golan, it has something of the allure of a ski resort-snow-covered in winter, while in summer the hill- sides are filled with trees laden with fruit. Apples are a key source of income for Syrian farmers in the Golan, which Israel occupied in the 1967 Six-Day War and annexed in 1981 in a move never recognised by the international community. The apple harvest has also ensured their ties to Syria BAGHDAD: French president Francois Hollande (L) meets with Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Salim al-Juburi (R) at his remains strong, since around a quarter of their annual crop of residence in Baghdad yesterday. French President Francois Hollande pledged “support and solidarity” for Iraq’s new 80,000 tonnes of fruit is shipped across the ceasefire line in a rare government during a visit to Baghdad as global efforts to defeat jihadist fighters intensified. — AFP trade facilitated by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Upsetting the apple cart Hollande backs Iraq as world But two weeks ago, Quneitra, the only crossing along the ceasefire line, was closed after it fell into the hands of the rebels ramps up anti-IS efforts fighting forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The move quite literally upset the applecart, blocking the export of fruit to Syria. France ready to step up military assistance for Baghdad For 56-year-old apple farmer Salman Ibrahim, the loss of earn- ings is a tough blow, but he is more bothered by the fact that the BAGHDAD: President Francois France, which hosts an international conflict. border is now hermetically sealed. “I hope the situation in Syria Hollande said during a visit to Baghdad conference on Iraq on Monday, said it is France has pledged to supply arms- improves and that we will can go back there one day, that it yesterday that France is ready to step up prepared to take part in air strikes as have the United States and Britain won’t be just our apples that can go but us too,” he said. military assistance for Iraq, as global against the militants in Iraq “if neces- to the autonomous Kurdish govern- More than 18,000 Syrians, mostly Druze, an offshoot of Islam, efforts to defeat jihadist fighters intensi- sary”. “I came here to Baghdad to state ment, whose peshmerga forces play a are left from the Golan’s original population of up to 150,000 who fied. France’s availability in providing even key role in attempts to recapture the fled in 1967 or were forced to leave the plateau. The vast majority It was the highest-profile visit to Iraq more military assistance to Iraq,” areas IS seized. have refused to take Israeli citizenship.— AFP since militants led by the Islamic State Hollande said at a joint news conference Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who (IS) overran large parts of the country in with Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi, was in Iraq with Hollande, has said June and sparked international concern whose cabinet was approved by parlia- France was prepared to take part in US- over an expanding jihadist threat. ment this week with key security posts led air strikes against the militants in Hollande touched down hours after unfilled. Iraq “if necessary” but has stressed Syria Washington secured the support of 10 Hollande said after meeting was a different situation. Arab states to help stamp out IS, which President Fuad Masum that “it is an hon- Kerry was in Ankara yesterday after the CIA said Thursday had up to around our to be the first head of state here Turkey refused to allow its air bases to 30,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria. since this government was formed,” and be used in the campaign or to partici- The United States began a campaign assured him “of France’s support and pate in combat. of air strikes in Iraq after pulling its solidarity”. IS now has about 20,000 to 31,500 troops out of the country in 2011. fighters on the ground in Iraq and Syria, President Barack Obama vowed this ‘Hateful ideology’ the Central Intelligence Agency said, week to expand operations, while the The fight would include “stopping much higher than a previous estimate of Pentagon announced combat aircraft the flow of foreign fighters through 10,000. would soon start flying out of a base in neighbouring countries, countering the country’s north. financing of (IS) and other violent Strong recruitment Obama is seeking to build a broad extremists, repudiating their hateful ide- “This new total reflects an increase in HAMA: Syrian government forces gesture on a street after coalition to defeat IS, which has ology, ending impunity and bringing members because of stronger recruit- they took control of Halfaya from rebel forces in the cen- declared a caliphate straddling Iraq and perpetrators to justice.” ment since June following battlefield tral Syrian province of Hama yesterday. In a statement, Syria, attacked minorities, posted videos It would also include humanitarian successes and the declaration of a the Syrian Army said the capture came after it gained con- of gruesome beheadings online and relief, and Kerry said Friday the US caliphate, greater battlefield activity, trol of several villages in the area and killed a number of even vowed to take the fight to the would provide an additional $500 mil- and additional intelligence,” CIA “terrorists”, many of whom it said were non-Syrian. — AFP West. lion in assistance for victims of the Syria spokesman Ryan Trapani said.—AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Russian tensions put lonely NATO base in Poland on map

SZCZECIN: There are no boots on the “It’s great news for me and for the Russian attack. But others were leery. worked out and analysts have doubts it ground at NATO’s only headquarters countries of eastern and central Europe In 1997, during a period of better will impress Moscow’s military planners. behind the former Iron Curtain-just that the political leaders of the NATO relations, NATO had reached an agree- Until now the base has served as a some top brass sitting at desks with countries took the decision to increase ment with Russia under which alliance command headquarters for the maps on the walls. our combat readiness,” said Lieutenant members said they had no intention of Multinational Corps Northeast - coordi- In fact, the alliance’s lonely outpost General Boguslaw Samol, the com- deploying nuclear weapons on the ter- nating NATO exercises and 14 different at Szczecin in western Poland has creat- mander of the base known as the ritory of new member states, which military systems. There are no tanks ed such a tiny footprint over the past 15 Multinational Corps Northeast, in an began joining in 1999 after the collapse here and the campus-like facility has years that barely anyone noticed it even interview. of the Soviet Union. more computers than weapons. existed. “The message sent from the summit Under that agreement, NATO also “I’m not convinced with the argu- But it is about to get an upgrade in is very important not only for Poles and committed to defending its members ment that these moves will make response to what NATO sees as Russia’s Czechs, and the Baltic countries but also through reinforcement rather than by Russia quiver in its boots,” said Daniel aggression in Ukraine. for the rest of Europe: Our countries permanently stationing additional “sub- Keohane, head of strategic affairs at NATO decided at its summit in Wales share a common security policy in this stantial combat forces” there. the FRIDE think-thank in Brussels. “But last week to raise the combat readiness region and they are ready to stand “It’s the right time for this now,” as a political statement to countries in of the command post and to double its together in the event of conflict to pro- Samol told Reuters in his modest office eastern Europe they’re very important size from 200 officers - from the United tect our territory,” the Polish command- in one of just 12 buildings that make whatever their real military value States, Germany and 12 eastern er said. up the NATO “Baltic Barracks” head- might be.” European nations - to about 400. There is also a broader connotation quarters. Keohane said NATO had no choice These might appear to be minor to the move. Szczecin might be a The NATO decision to expand its but to show the flag in eastern Europe, changes unlikely to serve as a signifi- tongue-twister for English speakers but presence was big news in Poland, where the fears of Russia are not theo- cant deterrent to ambitions Moscow Winston Churchill mentioned its prompting more than 30 Polish retical. “These kinds of steps, like may have to try to unite Russian-speak- German name, Stettin, in his famous reporters immediately rushed to the upgrading the base in Szczecin, had to ing enclaves in parts of eastern Europe 1946 speech when he defined an “Iron base just 15 km (9.5 miles) east of the be taken. NATO had to reassure its whose countries joined NATO after the Curtain” that was dividing Europe Germany border to report on the allies.” Cold War. “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in upgrade. However the NATO moves to bolster the Adriatic....” Poland’s President Bronislaw Nato support the Szczecin base are of considerable Komorowski also flew to the base to There is strong pro-NATO sentiment symbolic importance and are having a Right step at right time inspect the troops on his way back from outside the base on the streets of galvanising effect in former Warsaw Eastern European NATO members Wales to Warsaw. Szczecin, an industrial port city of Pact countries that are most alarmed by appealed to the alliance well before the The exact details of upgrading 400,000 that was German until the end Russia’s annexation of Crimea and fight- Wales summit to station forces perma- Szczecin and bolstering NATO’s pres- of World War Two and Swedish in the ing in eastern Ukraine. nently on their territory to deter any ence in eastern Europe are still being 17th and 18th centuries.—Reuters Former N Irish unionist leader Ian Paisley dead ‘I think we confounded the world by him’

BELFAST: Hardline Protestant cleric and Northern Ireland. him as a person.” former Northern Ireland leader Ian “Ian was one of the largest political As the leading light of hardline Paisley has died at the age of 88, his figures in Northern Ireland, he made a Unionism, which wants to maintain links Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) said massive contribution. He had a person- to the United Kingdom, Paisley bitterly yesterday. ality which we are hardly ever likely to opposed any concession to the mainly ANKARA: A handout picture released by the Turkish Catholic nationalist community’s desire presidential press office shows US Secretary of State for closer ties with the Irish Republic to John Kerry (2nd-R) meeting with Turkish President the south. Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) in Ankara yesterday. —AFP He refused to join the talks that led to the Good Friday agreement that provid- Kerry in Ankara ed for a power-sharing government between the main Protestant and Catholic communities, objecting to shar- seeking support for ing a table with Sinn Fein, the political ally of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) anti-IS coalition guerrilla movement. ANKARA: US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Ankara He consistently opposed the agree- yesterday for talks aimed at building a coalition against ment as a sell-out of Northern Irish Islamic State jihadists, a visit that comes after Turkey said it Protestants’ British heritage, and his would not allow its air bases to be used for strikes on the mantra of “No surrender” to the IRA extremists. appeared to make him ill-suited to run The top US diplomat, touring the Middle East to establish a the province when he became first min- coalition of more than 40 countries, is to meet with Turkey’s ister in 2007. leaders including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for talks on But once in office, he forged an measures to defeat the militants in Iraq and Syria. unlikely friendship with Deputy First Turkey, a NATO member and Washington’s key ally in the Minister Martin McGuinness, a senior region, is reluctant to take part in combat operations against BELFAST: A picture dated July 16, 2007 shows then Northern Ireland Sinn Fein figure and a former member of Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness (L) waiting with Northern the IRA, with whom he gained the nick- Islamic State militants, or allow a US-led coalition to attack Ireland First Minister Ian Paisley, for the arrival of British Prime Minister name “the Chuckle Brothers”. jihadists from its territory. Gordon Brown at Stormont Parliament Buildings, in Belfast, Northern “I think we confounded the world by On the eve of the visit, a Turkish official told AFP: “Our Ireland. The former leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) died him, a pro-British, pro-Unionist politi- hands and arms are tied because of the hostages.” The official added that Turkey will “not be involved in any armed opera- yesterday, at the age of 88, his wife said. —AFP cian, being able to work in a positive spirit with myself, an Irish Republican,” tion but will entirely concentrate on humanitarian opera- After years of opposing reconcilia- see again,” Peter Robinson, Paisley’s suc- McGuinness told the Irish national tions.” tion with Irish Republicans in the cessor as Northern Ireland’s first minis- broadcaster RTE. IS militants hold 49 Turks hostage, including diplomats and British-ruled province, Paisley’s unlike- ter, told the BBC. “A friendship grew out of that, and children, abducted from the Turkish consulate in Mosul in Iraq ly alliance with his bitter Catholic rivals “Even those who thought the least it’s a friendship that lasted to this very in June. Kerry is also due to meet with Prime Minister Ahmet helped belatedly to bring peace to of his politics thought the most of day.” —Reuters Davutoglu and Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. —AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Nigerian army clashes with militants outside northeast city ABUJA: Nigerian government forces Maiduguri, told Reuters by phone. the militants and vulnerable to attack. “We are convinced that the Federal were fighting Islamist insurgents 35 km Other residents said they were told the Nigeria’s defence headquarters, Government of Nigeria has not shown (20 miles) outside Borno state capital army had intercepted an attempted which avoids giving detailed accounts sufficient political will to fight Boko Maiduguri yesterday to try to stop any probe into Konduga by a group of of military operations, criticised such Haram and rescue us from the clutches attack on the northeastern city, local Boko Haram fighters. No details of reports as “alarmist” in a statement on of the insurgents which may ultimately residents said. casualties were available. its Twitter account @DefenceInfoNG. lead to the total annihilation of the Authorities were struggling to reas- Sumail said military helicopters “All Facets of Security Arrangements inhabitants of Borno,” the Borno Elders sure frightened locals that the armed were flying over the Borno state capi- for the Defence of Maiduguri has been Forum, which groups dignitaries and forces would defend them against the tal, which has filled up with tens of upgraded to handle any planned elders from the northeast state, said in Boko Haram militants, who have over- thousands of refugees fleeing Boko attack,” the military said, without giv- a statement. run a string of towns and villages in the Haram forces advancing from the ing any specifics. It urged the government to “fortify” area in recent weeks. north, east and south of Maiduguri in President Goodluck Jonathan’s Maiduguri. Boko Haram’s Shekau is Maiduguri residents said they heard the last few weeks. Thousands more administration and the armed forces apparently trying to follow the exam- gunfire and explosions coming from have fled Maiduguri westwards face mounting criticism that they are ple of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the direction of Konduga, southeast of towards Damaturu for safety. failing in the war to counter Boko which has declared its own caliphate. the city, on Friday, and later saw army Some local civic organisations have Haram. The group’s leader Abubakar This strategy, which has seen Boko troop carriers heading there. warned that Maiduguri, where Boko Shekau proclaimed a “Muslim territory” Haram hoist its flag over local govern- “Some people came from Konduga Haram has concentrated its attacks in the northeast after seizing Gwoza ment buildings in several towns and ... they told us the army are in control,” since it launched its anti-government near the border with Cameroon, to the villages, departs from its usual hit-and- Musa Sumail, a human rights activist in insurgency in 2009, is surrounded by east, last month. run tactics.—Reuters Ukraine’s leader sees no military solution of crisis Poroshenko welcomes new EU sanctions KIEV: Ukraine’s president said yesterday there could be no military solution to his country’s crisis and said he hoped “a very fragile” ceasefire in the east would hold, allowing him to focus on rebuild- ing the shattered economy. BERLIN: German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere Petro Poroshenko also said a new gives a press statement yesterday in Berlin on the imme- wave of European Union sanctions diate ban included the recruitment of jihadist fighters, the against Russia underlined Western soli- public display of Islamic State (IS) symbols and signs and darity with Kiev, and that the Ukrainian social media propaganda. Germany said it had prohibited and EU parliaments could both ratify a activities in support of the Islamic State, warning the “ter- deal on closer economic and political rorist” group operating in Iraq and Syria also posed a ties on Sept. 16. threat to Europe. — AFP Ukrainian forces have been battling pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine for five months in a conflict in Germany, eyeing which more than 3,000 people have been killed. The two sides have been threat, bans aiding broadly observing a ceasefire since last Friday, despite sporadic violations. Islamic State “There is no military solution for this crisis,” Poroshenko told EU and KIEV: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (L) shakes hands with European BERLIN: Germany said yesterday it had prohibited activities Ukrainian lawmakers and businessmen Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso prior to a meeting in Kiev yester- in support of the Islamic State, warning the “terrorist” group at the annual Yalta European Strategy day. Barroso warned that the Ukraine ceasefire was not enough to achieve operating in Iraq and Syria also posed a threat to Europe. conference - held in Kiev, not Yalta, due long-term peace and chided Russia over its “unacceptable behaviour” in its Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said the immediate to Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s western neighbour. — AFP ban included the recruitment of jihadist fighters, the public Crimea region in March. display of Islamic State (IS) symbols and signs and social “I hope the very fragile but efficient added Poroshenko, a billionaire former But he added: media propaganda. peace process which started exactly one businessman once nicknamed the “The key issues of security, foreign “Germany is a well-fortified democracy, there’s no place week ago will have a continuation, for “Chocolate King” for who making his policy, strategic points of development here for a terrorist organisation which opposes the constitu- the (sake of) stable peace and security fortune in confectionery. must be in the hands of the central pow- tional order as well as the notion of international understand- on the continent,” he said, speaking in er.” The crisis in Ukraine erupted late last ing,” he said in a statement. English. Poroshenko said Ukraine’s ‘asso- Exchange of prisoners year when Poroshenko’s Moscow- The radical Islamist group, which has committed horrifying ciation agreement’ on closer EU ties, due Eastern Ukraine has been largely qui- backed predecessor, Viktor Yanukovich, atrocities in the wide swathes of Iraq and Syria it controls, is to be ratified next week, provided a road et in recent days, and the tension fol- rejected the association agreement with also a public security threat in Germany, De Maiziere warned, map for the reforms that he said would lowing the ceasefire has gradually the EU and sought closer economic ties adding: “We are resolutely confronting this threat today.” be his top priority after parliamentary eased. Overnight into yesterday, with Ukraine’s communist-era overlord, “Today’s ban is directed solely against terrorists who abuse elections on Oct. 26, provided that Ukrainian forces and the separatists Russia. His decision triggered mass anti- religion for their criminal goals.” The move, which had been peace holds in the east. each handed over 37 prisoners-of-war at government protests in Kiev that culmi- called for by lawmakers from different parties, covers all par- He said he had assembled a team of a site north of the rebel-held city of nated in Yanukovich’s flight to Russia. ticipation in the group on German soil, including via social experts to help fight pervasive corrup- Donetsk. The exchange of all captives is Moscow then seized Crimea and the media, to support or promote the group at demonstrations or tion, which he likened to “a cancer” eat- one of the key elements of the ceasefire. separatist revolt in mainly Russian- by trying to gather fighters or funding. ing away at the foundations of the Interfax news agency quoted Andrei speaking, heavily industrialised east IS is also active in Germany in terms of “propaganda and Ukrainian state, but that improving the Purgin, “deputy prime minister” of the Ukraine erupted in April. agitating” on the Internet and “specifically courts supporters security situation remained the para- self-proclaimed ‘Donetsk People’s Kiev and its Western backers accuse in the German language”, the minister said. mount concern. Republic’, as saying the next exchange Russia of arming the rebels and sending De Maiziere also reiterated concern over an estimated 400 “Investors will come when they feel would take place tomorrow. forces into Ukraine and say this is German nationals who have travelled to Iraq and Syria to fight safe in this country. That is why we are The rebels have said the ceasefire proved by evidence they have provided, on the side of the jihadists. reforming the very ineffective security does not mean they have abandoned but Russia denies the accusation. “We must prevent radical Islamists bringing their jihad to system and army, our court system ... If their demands for independence from Yesterday, another wave of EU sanc- our cities,” he said. we do not reform these things, even Kiev, something Poroshenko again tions against Russia came into force. The German government has ruled out taking part in US- after the war, investors won’t come,” he made clear on Friday was not on offer. They ban financing for some Russian led airstrikes against IS who, the US Central Intelligence said. “To keep the country united, we need state-owned companies and impose Agency estimates, now has about about 20,000 to 31,500 “I know personally how harmful the some decentralisation of power,” asset freezes against more Russian fighters on the ground in Iraq and Syria.—AFP state can be for the investment climate,” Poroshenko told the conference in Kiev. politicians.— Reuters INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Obama may have to wait for Congress on Syria rebel aid US govt machinery slowly slips into gear WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama learned that he may have a wait on his hands before Congress signs off on his plan to train and equip Syrian rebels, a key plank in his strategy to destroy Islamic State radicals. Obama oversaw Thursday the 13th anniversary commemo- rations of the September 11 attacks in 2001 — which fell, in a trace of bitter irony, hours after he steeled Americans for a new battle against Muslim fanaticism in the Middle East. At the same time, on Capitol Hill, the machinery of US gov- ernment slowly slipped into gear, as lawmakers digested and considered how they would respond to Obama’s plan to take on IS, which has overrun swaths of Iraq and Syria, beheading two American reporters in its brutal surge. Several House Republicans emerged from a meeting to say a quick vote on authorization to empower vetted, moderate Syrian rebels was looking unlikely. Lawmakers are due to leave town in a week to campaign ahead of November’s mid-term elections. But Republican congresswoman Marsha Blackburn told reporters Congress may stay in town for another week. “It’s important to address this and it’s important to get it right,” she said. House Speaker John Boehner said he personal- ly backed Obama’s plan, but that caucus members were wor- ried that the broader Obama strategy was insufficient. “If our goal is to eliminate ISIL (IS), there’s a lot of doubt whether the plan that was outlined by the president last night is enough to accomplish that mission,” Boehner told reporters. “We’ll make a decision sometime next week on how we will proceed.” Senior administration officials went to Capitol Hill to brief lawmakers in classified sessions on the plan, which also foresees new air strikes against IS in Syria, expanded attacks in Iraq and new support for Iraqi government forces. Obama has asked Congress to approve $500 million to train Syrian rebel groups, a request he first tabled in May. WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama speaks during a primetime address to the nation from the Cross Hall of the No Fear White House in Washington, DC.—AFP As he remembered the attacks 13 years ago, with a moment’s silence at the White House and a visit to the Pentagon, Obama may have had the new challenge from IS on his mind, condemning the Al-Qaeda hijackers that smashed LatAm left faces three planes into buildings in New York and the Pentagon. “They sought to break our spirit and to prove to the world that their power to destroy was greater than our power to persevere and to build,” Obama said. But the president said Al-Qaeda key votes in October had underestimated US endurance. “We carry on because as Americans we do not give in to fear. Ever.” MONTEVIDEO: Three Latin American Latin America and seventh-largest in newcomers have been boosted by “a The White House meanwhile insisted that the president countries hold elections next month- the world, the October 5 vote has been climate of disappointment, fatigue, a already had the authority to escalate the anti-IS operation in Brazil, Uruguay and Bolivia-a crunch test shaken by the shocking plane crash that general bad mood after a series of leftist the Middle East, under a law known as the Authorization for for ruling leftists seeking to bolster bud- killed Socialist candidate Eduardo governments,” said Adolfo Garce, a Use of Military Force (AUMF), passed to endorse then presi- ding dynasties in the face of a regional Campos last month. social scientist at Montevideo dent George W. Bush to take the battle to Al-Qaeda in 2001. slowdown. All three countries have His running mate, 56-year-old envi- University. White House spokesman Josh Earnest argued that since IS become symbols of the region’s left- ronmentalist Marina Silva, took his emanated from Al-Qaeda, shared its aspirations to build a ward tilt in recent years, but only Bolivia place and immediately emerged as a far Morales, the exception caliphate and was previously known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, it was looks sure to continue the trend. greater threat to Rousseff, 66. Bolivia’s October 12 vote looks less covered by the 2001 law. In Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, an econo- The latest opinion poll indicates Silva volatile, with Morales polling at 56 per- Obama said in his televised address that he was ready to mist and former guerrilla with a no-non- would win an October 26 runoff against cent-far ahead of center-right rival hit IS targets in Syria for the first time, to reconstitute Iraq’s sense reputation, is trying to extend the the incumbent 47 percent to 43 per- Samuel Doria Medina’s 17 percent. armed forces and to train and equip “moderate” Syrian rebel Workers’ Party’s nearly 12-year reign by cent. Silva, an Evangelical Christian who Morales, 54, has also refused to groups, and to lead a broad international coalition to take on winning a second term like her charis- appeals to both religious conservatives debate his opponent. But with econom- IS. “Our objective is clear: we will degrade, and ultimately matic predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da and the left, has vowed to be Brazil’s ic growth projected at five percent this destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter- Silva. first “poor, black” president, scooping year, he doesn’t need to. terrorism strategy,” Obama said, using an alternative acronym In Uruguay, fellow ex-guerrilla Jose up undecided voters with the promise “Morales has never debated in his for the rebel group. But he was also at pains to stress that his Mujica, a folksy iconoclast known for of a new direction for a recession-hit previous elections and that has always approach would differ sharply from the large land wars legalizing marijuana and living in a run- country swept by massive protests last brought him success. Why would he do launched by Bush in the aftermath of the September 11 down house, is looking to hand power year. “She has come to embody the face it now?” said Marcelo Silva, a professor attacks and would look more like US counter-terror operations back to his Broad Front party predeces- of change,” said Andre Cesar of consul- at La Paz University. in Somalia and Yemen. sor, medical doctor Tabare Vazquez, the tancy Prospectiva. But elsewhere in the region, the end In effect, Obama is attempting to establish a framework for country’s president from 2005 to 2010. In Uruguay, the race for the October of a so-called “golden decade” of strong future presidents to wage war on terrorism in a way that does And in Bolivia, Evo Morales, a virulent 26 vote has also been rattled by an economic growth has brought an not drain US power or leave the country bogged down in hos- critic of the United States who became unexpected latecomer. increasingly restless electorate, said tile foreign lands. the country’s first indigenous president Luis Lacalle Pou, the son of a former Daniel Zovatto, Latin America director in 2006, is seeking a third term after president, defied forecasts to win the at the International Institute for Mixed reaction winning a Supreme Court ruling allow- center-right National Party’s primary in Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Reaction to the president’s speech was mixed, with promi- ing him to stand again under a new June, and has since shot up in the polls. After expanding by 5.9 percent in nent Republicans grudgingly backing his toughened constitution. The latest gives him 28 percent of the 2010 and 4.3 percent in 2011, the approach, after the president admitted two weeks ago he did “If you had asked me about these vote, to 40 percent for Vazquez. The lit- region’s economies are expected to not have a strategy to combat the group in Syria. But some elections a year ago, I’d have told you tle-known 41-year-old has brought new grow just 2.7 percent this year, accord- key Washington players questioned the core goals of the pres- that in all three cases the ruling parties energy to a race long seen as a cinch for ing to the Economic Commission for ident’s strategy. “He didn’t say we are going to do whatever it were sure to win,” said Carlos Malamud, 74-year-old Vazquez, who doesn’t use Latin America and the Caribbean. “Part takes to defeat them,” said Republican Senator Marco Rubio, a a Latin America specialist at the Real social networks, refuses debates and of the new middle class could slip back possible 2016 presidential candidate. Instituto Elcano in Madrid. “But these “thinks the electorate is still the same as into poverty. Or demand a better quali- “What if the Syrian rebels, no matter what we do, are not past few months, in both Uruguay and 10 years ago,” said Ricardo Lopez Gottig ty of life, more public services,” said able to become a force that can confront them in Syria?” Rubio Brazil, the scenario has evolved consid- of regional think-tank Cadal. Zovatto. “The winds of change are start- told CNBC.—AFP erably.” In Brazil, the largest economy in Both the Brazilian and Uruguayan ing to blow in the region.”— AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Half South Asia’s girls marry before 18: UN

NEW DELHI: Nearly half of all girls in where parents choose to terminate a hood, putting them at risk of sexual significant improvements in the lives of South Asia marry before they turn 18, pregnancy if they discover their unborn exploitation and domestic violence. The children in all eight countries of South according to a United Nations report that child is a girl-remains prevalent in parts of report also highlighted the impact of Asia-Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, lays bare what it calls “glaring inequali- South Asia, and particularly in India, chronic malnutrition on children in South India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and ties”. UNICEF said. Asia, with nearly 40 percent of all under- Sri Lanka. The report, published by the UN chil- “Gender-biased sex selection favoring fives suffering from stunted growth. But it said persistent gender discrimi- dren’s agency UNICEF on Thursday, also boys is a manifestation of deeply embed- Rates of stunting-a condition that causes nation was undermining progress, while revealed that more than a million new- ded social, economic, cultural and politi- lasting damage and kills around a million government spending on health, educa- born babies still die every year in the cal factors that discriminate against children every year worldwide-have fall- tion and social protection remained far region, often due to inadequate health- women and girls,” said the report, adding en from around 60 percent in 1990 to just below that of other regions. care. “South Asia continues to be one of such practices could lead to girls being under 40 percent today. Governments need specific policy the riskiest places in the world to become trafficked for sex or forcibly married. One But there are significant regional dis- goals to end the cycle of poverty that pregnant or give birth, with the second in five girls are married before the age of parities, and nearly half of all Indian passes from one generation to the next, highest number of maternal deaths 15, giving the region the highest rates of under-fives-over 60 million children-have said UNICEF. The agency also urged gov- worldwide,” said Karin Hulshof, regional child marriage in the world, the report stunted growth. The report, released to ernments to work to end gender discrimi- director for UNICEF in South Asia. “Far too said. In Bangladesh, which has the high- mark the 25th anniversary of the nation, saying it undermined the progress many children get married, and far too est rate in the region, two out of every Convention on the Rights of the Child, for girls and boys alike. “Tackling it is criti- many girls are never born.” Sex selection- three girls marry before they reach adult- said the last quarter-century had seen cal to the region’s future,” it said. —AFP

Pakistan girl Malala’s attackers arrested ISLAMABAD: The Taleban gunmen who tried to kill Pakistani schoolgirl campaigner in the country’s restive northwest two years ago have been arrested, the army said yesterday. Militants shot the teenage activist in the head on her school bus in October 2012 for her outspoken views on girls’ educa- tion. But she survived and went on to earn international plau- dits for her courageous and determined fight for all children to have the right to go to school. The detention of the 10 men in a joint operation involving army, police and intelli- gence agencies came as part of the Pakistani military’s ongo- ing offensive against the Tehreek-e-Taleban Pakistan (TTP) and other extremist outfits. “The group involved in the attack on Malala Yousafzai has been arrested,” Major General Asim Bajwa told a news conference. The 10-member group had a hitlist of 22 targets in addi- ROME: Italian marines Massimiliano Latorre (right) and Salvatore Girone (left) speak to the press at tion to Malala, all ordered by the TTP’s current leader Ciampino Airport near Rome. India’s top court ruled yesterday that a sick Italian marine detained for the Maulana Fazlullah, Bajwa said. All its members were from 2012 killing of two fishermen can go home for medical treatment. —AFP Malakand, close to Mingora, the main town of Swat where Malala was attacked, he said and the leader Zafar Iqbal ran a furniture shop. After narrowly surviving the assassination bid, Malala was Indian SC allows detained taken to Britain with her family for treatment, where she now lives. Her courageous recovery has made her a global figure- Italian marine to go home she won the EU’s prestigious Sakharov human rights prize last year and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. An address she gave to the United Nations General Latorre to return after four months Assembly in July last year, in which she vowed she would never be silenced, earned her a standing ovation. NEW DELHI: India’s top court ruled yesterday intended to be warning shots. They have been the many critics who have repeatedly attacked Malala first rose to prominence in 2009, aged just 11, with that a sick Italian marine detained for the 2012 living at Italy’s embassy pending a possible trial the government for not getting both sailors a blog for the BBC Urdu service chronicling life under Taliban killing of two fishermen can go home for med- and were not allowed to leave India. out of India. “Renzi credits India because they rule in Swat, the beautiful valley in northwestern Pakistan ical treatment. The 47-year-old was discharged from hos- are sending Latorre home for four months after where she lived. The Supreme Court said it had agreed to pital on Sunday and is not thought to be in any an ischaemia and two years of illegal detention. She had become well-known in Pakistan as a young cam- allow Massimiliano Latorre to spend four immediate danger, but Italy’s Foreign Minister Are you nuts?” tweeted Giorgia Meloni, leader paigner for girls’ right to attend school after the Taliban took months at home after the Italian ambassador Federica Mogherini insisted at the weekend of the right-wing FDI party. undertook to ensure that he returned to India that his chances of a full recovery would be Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti said in a control of Swat in 2007, speaking out against the militants’ to stand trial. increased by being allowed home. statement that yesterday’s decision was ban on female education and their bombing of local schools. Latorre wants to return to Italy to recuper- Italy says the pair should be tried on home “encouraging” but would not reduce Italy’s In her autobiography published last year, she described ate after he was hospitalized in New Delhi with soil since the shootings involved an Italian- determination to secure a definitive resolution receiving death threats in the months before the attack. cerebral ischaemia-a restricted blood supply flagged vessel in what Rome insists were inter- of the disagreement over where the sailors “At night I would wait until everyone was asleep,” she that can lead to a stroke. His lawyers argued national waters. India, however, asserts the should face trial. writes. “Then I’d check every single door and window.” Now that he should be allowed to return to Italy in killings took place in waters under its jurisdic- Criminal proceedings against the pair were living in Britain’s second city Birmingham, where she was order to reduce the risk of a stress-induced tion. suspended in March when judges agreed to flown for specialist treatment after the shooting, Malala also repeat incident while he awaits the resolution consider a challenge to prosecutors’ jurisdic- spoke in the book of her homesickness and her struggle to of a case that has caused a diplomatic rift Court ruling ‘encouraging’ tion in the case and a request for the marines adjust to life in England. between the two countries. Italy welcomed the court’s decision, to be allowed home pending its outcome. A competitive schoolgirl who loves to be top of the class, “In the face of no objection from (the gov- although politicians of all stripes continued to The marines were granted a home visit to the book revealed she is a fan of Canadian pop sensation ernment) of India, we let the marine travel to insist Latorre and Girone’s detention in India vote in national elections last year, but India Justin Bieber and the “Twilight” series of vampire romance Italy,” said Chief Justice Rajendra Mal Lodha. was unwarranted, if not illegal. was furious when the Italian government ini- novels. Latorre and fellow marine Salvatore Girone are In a tweet, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi tially said it would not send the men back. accused of shooting the fishermen while serv- praised new Indian Prime Minister Narendra A subsequent U-turn, which followed But it is for her education campaigning that the 17-year- ing as part of an anti-piracy mission on an Modi and his government, who had decided intense Indian diplomatic pressure, triggered old is best known. Italian-flagged oil tanker, the Enrica Lexie, off not to oppose the move. “Cooperation with the resignation of Italy’s then foreign minister. Accepting the Sakharov prize last year, she urged politi- the southern Indian state of Kerala in February the Indian judiciary and credit to Premier Modi Earlier this year, Italy sought help from the US cians to cut military spending and invest instead in educa- 2012. and his government. We are working together in resolving the long-delayed case soon after tion to create “a country with a talented, educated and skill- The Italian sailors say they mistook the fish- on so many fronts,” Renzi tweeted. recalling its ambassador from India amid wors- ful people.” —AFP ing boat for a pirate vessel and fired what were That brought an instant rebuke from one of ening ties. —AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Kashmir city ‘in ruins’ after floods Shikaras to the rescue on flooded paradise

SRINAGAR: The main city in Indian Kashmir has homes to protect their property. Jamal Ahmed Dar, “The women especially have been very afraid, and Himalayan refuge from Delhi’s stifling summer temper- “drowned completely” under floodwaters, a senior offi- who lives close to Srinagar’s Dal Lake, said that his those first few hours were really dangerous,” Sheikh atures. cial said yesterday, with the deadly inundation now neighbours had already caught two looters red-hand- told AFP as he took a breather in his boat, rocking in The Beatles’ George Harrison learnt to play the sitar affecting about two million people in neighboring ed. the swollen currents. on one of the “floating palaces” that are moored to the Pakistan and threatening its all-important cotton Nineteen-year-old Tanvir Ahmed Sheikh sits “There are so many people to help,” he said as two side of the lake and are overlooked by Mughal gardens industry. The floods began in Kashmir after heavy slumped in his shikara wooden taxi boat on the banks men asked if he could row them out onto the lake to and snow-capped Himalayan peaks. While the num- monsoon rains and are now progressing downstream of Indian Kashmir’s Dal Lake, exhausted by deadly check on relatives feared stranded. “It’s not humanly bers of Western tourists have fallen off in recent through Pakistan, inundating thousands of villages and floods that have ravaged this normally tranquil tourist possible to evacuate everyone,” added Sheikh who has decades as result of the unrest in Kashmir, it has large areas of important farmland in the country’s haven. Sheikh and a small army of fellow shikara own- been snatching a few hours’ sleep at a local mosque become increasingly popular with Indian holidaymak- breadbasket. More than 450 people have been killed ers, who normally ferry holidaymakers around the lake when he can. ers-many of whom were caught unawares on the lake and Pakistan’s Disaster Management Authority using only a wooden pole, have spent the last five days Dal Lake, dubbed Kashmir’s “Jewel in the Crown”, is when the flooding began at the weekend. (NDMA) said just shy of two million people have been rescuing those stranded on sinking houseboats and home to hundreds of ornate houseboats which date Triggered by heavy monsoon rains, the floods have affected by the floodwaters-a figure that includes both bringing them to safety. back to the colonial era when the British sought a so far claimed hundreds of lives in both the Indian and those stranded at home and those who fled after the Pakistan-controlled sectors of Kashmir, which has been floods hit. divided and claimed by both sides since independence. More than 140,000 people have been evacuated Although the exact scale of the disaster is still unclear, from towns and villages around Punjab, Pakistan’s rich- the floodwaters have swallowed whole villages and left est and most populous province. Authorities have much of Indian Kashmir’s main city of Srinagar under- made plans to blast holes in strategic dykes to divert water. Thousands of soldiers and other emergency the turbid brown floodwaters away from Multan, a city workers, using boats and helicopters, have been racing of two million inhabitants and the nerve centre of around the clock to rescue those still marooned and to Pakistan’s cotton and textiles industry, a vital export provide water, blankets and other relief. earner. ‘No one to help’ ‘Srinagar has drowned’ But on the banks of Dal Lake, Srinagar residents sin- This year’s floods in Indian Kashmir are the dead- gled out the shikara owners for praise, saying they had liest in the territory in 50 years and up to 100,000 peo- been the ones to step up when rescue officials failed to ple are still cut off in the mountainous terrain. The appear. “There has been no help here. Nobody has waters are beginning to recede, revealing the extent of managed to reach here,” Nasir Ali Khan said angrily, the devastation in Srinagar, the capital of Indian adding that he saw at least five houseboats break up Kashmir. and sink in the rushing waters. “Srinagar has drowned completely, it’s unrecogniz- “All of the rescues have been done by these young able. Almost everything is in ruins, it is just unimagin- men rowing shikaras,” he added. A ride on a shikara, a able,” Mehraj-Ud-Din Shah, State Disaster Response boat similar to the gondolas of Venice, is usually a mag- Force chief of Kashmir region, told AFP by phone. He SRINAGAR: Kashmiri residents wade through floodwaters as they carry flood ical experience for passengers as they gaze out said work was “in full swing” to rescue people. “But relief supplies in central Srinagar yesterday. The main city in Indian Kashmir has towards the mountains and breathe in the fresh air. even now, around one lakh (100,000) people are But on a tour around the lake on Thursday, an AFP believed to be stranded in different places,” he said. “drowned completely” under floodwaters, a senior official said, with the deadly reporter witnessed several sunken houseboats while Srinagar has also been hit by looting, leading some inundation now affecting about two million people in neighboring Pakistan and dozens of tourist shops on the banks were flooded and householders to risk their lives and stay with their threatening its all-important cotton industry. —AFP their wares ruined. —AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 China warns citizens to avoid Philippines

MANILA: China yesterday warned its nationals to avoid visit- ing the Philippines, citing a foiled bomb plot against the Chinese embassy in Manila and the danger of criminal gangs. “Given the worsened security situation in the Philippines, the consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges Chinese citizens not to travel to the Philippines for the time being,” a ministry statement said. The warning came after three men were arrested last week over an alleged plot to bomb the Chinese embassy, the international airport and the business premises of ethnic Chinese tycoons. In Beijing, foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying yesterday urged the Philippine government to do more to protect Chinese citizens. Aside from the alleged bomb plot, Hua cited “criminal gangs” who had targeted Chinese citi- zens and businesses. Philippine Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said last week KUNMING: Police patrol at the gate of Kunming’s Intermediate Court in Kunming, southwest China’s Yunnan province that the bomb plot may be linked to a fringe politician who yesterday.—AFP had been involved in a string of anti-Chinese protests. However the Philippine military dismissed the alleged bomb plot, calling the fringe politician a crank who posed no real danger and saying his “bombs” were merely firecrackers. 3 get death for China Police arrested him but then quickly released him. Diplomatic relations between China and the Philippines have been extremely tense in recent years due to a dispute train station attack over competing territorial claims in the South China Sea. In response to the travel warning, the Philippine foreign ministry released a statement saying it had been liaising Court says group plotted attack in hair salon with Chinese diplomats to ease their concerns. Many foreign governments warn their nationals to avoid BEIJING: A Chinese court sentenced three being handled separately, it added. and explosives”. The Kunming attack was large parts of the southern Philippines due to the threats of people to death and one to life in prison one of the single deadliest incidents attrib- kidnapping, however there are no blanket advisories similar yesterday for an attack at a train station Hair salon plot uted by the government to militants. A sui- to China’s to avoid the entire country. The travel warning that triggered a sweeping crackdown on The group planned the attack in a hair cide bombing in May killed 39 people at a was released just before reports emerged that armed men what Beijing calls militant violence. salon in Gejiu city, also in Yunnan, and market in Xinjiang’s capital, Urumqi. abducted an 18-year-old Chinese man on the strife-torn The government said knife-wielding made black jihadi flags, the court said. One Xinjiang, resource-rich and strategically southern island of Mindanao late on Thursday. militants from the western region of of the group played videos and audio located on the borders of central Asia, is Local police spokesman Senior Inspector Leo Castillo said Xinjiang launched a premeditated attack in tracks of overseas militant groups training crucial to China’s growing energy needs. the gunmen had not been identified but it was believed to March at the Kunming station in the south- and carrying out attacks, in order to learn Analysts say most of the proceeds from the be another case of kidnapping for ransom, a common crime western province of Yunnan, in which 31 how to kill people, it added. sale of its resources have gone to majority in the south committed by Muslim rebels. Castillo said the people were killed and 141 injured. Police Some of the people who were attacked, Han Chinese, stoking resentment among parents of the abductee, a store manager, were Chinese shot dead four of the attackers. China’s as well as relatives of the dead, were in Uighurs. nationals. leaders have vowed to strike hard at reli- court, it said. Courts in China are controlled Exiled Uighur groups and human rights However a spokeswoman at the Chinese embassy in gious militants and separatist groups, by the ruling Communist Party, making it activists say the government’s repressive Manila said Friday that diplomats were still trying to confirm which they blame for a series of violent unusual for those accused of crimes - par- policies in Xinjiang, including controls on if the abducted man was a Chinese citizen. attacks in Xinjiang, the traditional home of ticularly in politicized cases - to have a fair Islam, have provoked unrest. Beijing denies Chinese tourist arrivals in the first half of 2014 rose 13.6 the Muslim Uighur ethnic minority. trial. On Thursday, China’s top prosecutor that. Hundreds of people have died in percent year on year to 226,163, the third highest, just State television showed the four sus- called for swifter trials of “terrorists, reli- unrest in Xinjiang in the past 18 months or behind South Koreans and Americans, according to the pects - three men and one woman - sitting gious extremists and makers of firearms so, the government says. —Reuters Philippine government. — AFP in court in Kunming, watched over by police dressed in black. The court announced the sentencing on its official microblog, naming the four defendants, all In Japan, grave times of whom are Uighur, to judge by their names. “Today’s trial clearly shows the res- for tombstone trade olute attitude and staunch determination of the Chinese government to protect the TOKYO: Jianxing An can see he is in a than a gravestone, which is usually the life, property, security and joint interests of dying business. The gravestone design- last big splurge for many people at a all ethnicities, and severely strike at violent er, who takes pride in works featuring time of intense caution over the econo- terrorism crimes,” the Kunming Municipal musical instruments and heavenly my. About 40 percent of Japanese Intermediate People’s Court said. gates, says years of shrinking sales are already have a spot waiting in an ances- Iskandar Ehet, Turgun Tohtunyaz and driving him to close up shop in Japan tral grave, a survey by a tombstone Hasayn Muhammad were sentenced to and move back to his native China. industry group shows, limiting the death for leading a terrorist organization “It hasn’t been easy running a scope for potential sales. and intentional homicide. The fourth Japanese company these 18 years and I At the same time, a fifth or more of defendant, Patigul Tohti, was jailed for life want to keep it going,” An said at his Japanese would consider alternative, for taking part in the attack as well as spartan office in suburban Tokyo, where natural burials. Price is one concern. But intentional homicide, because she was the computers had already been for older people, another, larger con- pregnant at the time of her detention. packed up. “But the Japanese market is cern is that with few or no descendants Patigul Tohti was shot and wounded by in decline and I’ve decided to shut to visit their graves, they might end up police at the station, while the other three down my business here and return being abandoned. Many Japanese see were arrested a few days before the attack home.” such visits as a key gesture of respect. while trying to flee the country, the court Japan’s ageing society should be a Abandoned graves risk being reclaimed said. In total, eight people were involved in boon for Chinese craftsmen, such as An, and destroyed. the plot, though only five carried out the who dominate the tombstone trade. That creates a demographic bind, attack, it said. The number of deaths each year is say many who are involved in the tradi- expected to increase by 30 percent over tional grave business. Although more MANILA: Catholic faithfuls pose in front of cardboard The eight were “influenced by extremist the next quarter century. But more elderly people are planning funeral stand-up photographs of Pope Francis at the Catholic religious thinking” and began meeting in Japanese are choosing to have their arrangements, they have fewer children radio station in suburban Manila yesterday. Pope Francis December to plan the attack, the court ashes scattered at sea or planted under and grandchildren to entrust with the will visit the Philippines, Asia’s Catholic stronghold in said. Five more people were involved in a tree, as these options are cheaper care of a traditional grave.—Reuters January, 2015. — AFP forming their terror group, a case which is MENA Infrastructure Barclays picks Aviva’s Euro-zone output picks up Businesslooks to enter Turkey 16 McFarlane as chairman 17more than expected in July 19

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 India’s love affair with gold may be over 20

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan fishermen paddle their boat along the shoreline at dusk in Colombo yesterday. The International Monetary Fund noted July 2014 that Sri Lanka was one of the fastest growing economies in South Asia, but the island was also vulnerable to sudden external shocks because of high levels of foreign commercial borrowings. — AFP US retail sales increase broadly Import prices drop as economic growth picks up

WASHINGTON: US retail sales rose broadly in August, The dollar gained modestly against the yen and euro, and receipts at auto dealerships jumped 1.5 percent after which should ease some concerns about consumer US Treasuries’ prices extended losses after the data. US advancing 0.6 percent the prior month. While sales at spending and support expectations for sturdy growth in stock futures were pointing to a slightly weaker open. service stations fell 0.8 percent, that reflected declining the third quarter. The Commerce Department said yester- August’s increase in core retail sales followed an upward- gasoline prices, which should free up income and support day retail sales increased 0.6 percent last month as ly revised 0.4 percent gain in July, which was previously discretionary spending in the months ahead. Americans bought automobiles and a range of other reported as a 0.1 percent rise. Sales at clothing retailers gained 0.3 percent and goods after an upwardly revised 0.3 percent gain in July. Core retail sales were up 4.1 percent in the 12 months receipts at sporting goods shops increased 0.9 percent. “It still paints the consumers muddling along. The gen- through August, well below their pre-recession growth Sales at electronics and appliance stores rose 0.7 percent, eral message on the economy is that it’s improving but pace of about 5.5 percent. while receipts at building materials and garden equip- we still have a lot of slack to take up,” said Scott Brown, Strong gains in consumer confidence are yet to trans- ment suppliers rebounded 1.4 percent. Sales at non-store chief economist at Raymond James in St. Petersburg, late into robust sales growth. “There might be some pres- retailers, which include online sales, edged up 0.1 per- Florida. The increase in retail sales, which account for a sure from the lack of real wage growth,” Brown said. cent. third of consumer spending, was in line with economists’ Retail sales are lagging other relatively bullish economic A separate report from the Labor Department showed expectations. July’s retail sales were previously reported data such as manufacturing, housing and employment, import prices recorded their biggest drop in nine months to have been flat. raising concerns growth this quarter could fall below the in August as a sharp decline in the cost of petroleum prod- So-called core sales, which strip out automobiles, gaso- anticipated 3 percent annual rate. August’s fairly solid ucts eclipsed rising food prices, keeping imported inflation line, building materials and food services, and correspond retail sales report and upward revisions to July’s figures pressures subdued. Import prices fell 0.9 percent last most closely with the consumer spending component of should ease some of those fears. The economy grew at a month after slipping 0.3 percent in July. In the 12 months gross domestic product, increased 0.4 percent in August. 4.2 percent pace in the second quarter. In August, through August, prices dropped 0.4 percent. — Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

BTMU to boost Islamic business with sukuk

TOKYO: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (BTMU), Japan’s Japanese commercial bank to tap the market. exposures in multi-currency sharia-compliant financing.” largest lender, hopes to expand its Islamic finance business The program will allow its wholly-owned Malaysian unit, No timeframe was given for the first transaction, although across Asia and the Gulf, buoyed by a landmark multi-curren- BTMU Malaysia Berhard, to raise the equivalent of $500 million the bank is increasingly active in the Islamic capital market. cy sukuk program set up in Malaysia, a bank official told via sukuk with tenors of up to 10 years. This week, BTMU granted a three-year $100 million commodi- Reuters. In 2008, BTMU Malaysia Berhard set up an in-house sharia ty murabaha facility to the private sector arm of the Islamic Efforts by conventional banks such as BTMU are helping board and since then has completed a variety of Islamic Development Bank, Nishida said. Murabaha is a cost-plus sale Islamic finance win wider appeal, with France’s Societe finance deals in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia, arrangement which is commonly used in Islamic finance. Generale and Goldman Sachs also planning sukuk of their said Naoki Nishida, chief executive of BTMU Malaysia Berhad. BTMU now offers seven Islamic banking products, includ- own. BTMU, part of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, set up “It...provides an alternative funding source for BTMU Malaysia ing ijara and istisna structures, Islamic equivalents to leasing its sukuk program in June, aiming to become the first to manage its liquidity to match increasing and growing and project financing. —Reuters Qatar to take Airbus superjumbos PARIS: Europe’s Airbus has lifted a stumbling block to delivery of the world’s largest jetliner to Qatar but faces the growing prospect of delays for the first flight of its newest small jet, the A320neo, several people familiar with the matter said. After a three-month dispute that had blocked the delivery of the first of ten A380 superjumbos ordered by Qatar Airways, the Gulf airline has agreed to take the new jet, they said. Airbus declined to comment. Qatar Airways, which had refused to take delivery of the first three aircraft, citing concerns about the quality of the cabin interior, was not available for com- ment. In July, its chief executive said he would seek compensation for the delay. Separately, industry sources said Airbus had been forced to hold off the first flight of the A320neo because of what one described as a “minor” technical issue. A spokesman for Airbus declined to comment on whether there had been a delay, but said the company’s plan to fly the plane in the third quarter remained unchanged. “Airbus and Pratt & Whitney are working together towards the first flight, and there is no change in plans to carry it out in the third quarter,” the Airbus spokesman said. TOULOUSE: Two Airbus A300-600ST Super Transporters - also known as Beluga - and aircraft parts sitting at However, a person familiar with the matter said it now looked the main Airbus plant in Toulouse, southern France, where workers had decided to halt work on some increasingly likely that the first flight would be pushed back to the assembly lines and block parts deliveries. The “Beluga”, a unique Airbus cargo-plane responsible for trans- fourth quarter. “When flight testing starts is less important than hav- porting parts between the aircraft manufacturer’s different European sites, celebrates its twentieth anniver- ing a successful flight test campaign,” the person said. The sary yesterday. —AFP A320neo, a revamped version of its best-selling A320 short- and medium-haul jet, is hugely important to Airbus after it sold more than 3,000, resulting in sharp increases in its share price. The air- plane is due to enter service in 2015. Airbus has not published a MENA Infrastructure schedule, making it difficult to verify whether the timing has slipped within the official window. But the sources said the first flight had at one point been pencilled in for the first half of September.

looks to enter Turkey Engine scrutiny Airbus plans a complex year-long flight test program using eight aircraft spanning three versions of the A320neo family. Each Equity firm plans to raise $500m fund version has a choice of two types of engine, so the planemaker must achieve safety certification for six types. The amount of test- KUALA LUMPUR: MENA Infrastructure, ond fund with Waha Capital, has the investors in Europe, the Middle East ing and data storage and analysis needed to certify modern air- a private equity firm jointly owned by governments of Malaysia, Abu Dhabi and southeast Asia this month. It has craft has soared, from 12,000 parameters when the current ver- HSBC, Dubai-based Fajr Capital and and Brunei as shareholders. “Islamic listed 24 potential targets for its invest- sion of A320 made its debut in 1987 to 670,000 parameters for the Abu Dhabi’s Waha Capital, aims to finance is playing an increasingly ment period of five years, though it will A350, which is nearing certification. Most attention is on the per- make its first foray into Turkey next important role in the financing of only execute up to ten deals worth formance of the engines after problems with a broadly similar year. It plans to raise $500 million for its large-scale infrastructure projects,” said between $50 million and $100 million Pratt & Whitney engine caused the temporary suspension of flight second sharia-compliant fund, MENA Iqbal Khan, Fajr Capital’s chief execu- each. trials for the Bombardier CSeries, a new competitor to Airbus and Infrastructure Fund II, which will prima- tive. “That’s to give investors a flavor of Boeing jets. The maiden A320neo flight and the first aircraft in rily invest in energy and infrastructure “The uniqueness of Islamic finance what we’re looking at and what we can service will use PW1100G-JM engines of Pratt & Whitney, part of firms in the Gulf and Turkey. allows for conventional investors to do, but the pipeline will change as the same family as those being tested for the CSeries. The compa- “There’s plenty to do there, in ener- also participate in infrastructure fund- opportunities will come and go,” Roura nies involved have said the two engine types are different. Two gy, power generation, transport and ing, thereby making it an inclusive said. The new fund hopes to land its industry sources said there was speculation of a new glitch in test- social infrastructure,” Jeronimo Roura, financing option with a broader first transaction shortly after securing a ing, but the person familiar with the matter said Airbus and Pratt & the fund’s chief executive, said of the appeal.” first round of investors in March 2015. Whitney were taking extra care to ensure they had completed Turkish economy. “One of the key suc- Malaysia’s sovereign fund Khazanah The company’s first fund, the $300 mil- their analysis of the tests carried out so far. cess factors is finding the right partner. Nasional, which has invested over $1 lion MENA Infrastructure Fund, has Asked about the reported delay, a Pratt & Whitney spokes- There are a number of local, diversified billion in Turkey and holds a control- bought stakes in firms across Egypt, woman said by email: “We are working closely with Airbus as conglomerates with good strategies.” ling stake in that country’s largest hos- Oman and Saudi Arabia. “It is essential- we prepare for first flight”. With its gamble of revamping a suc- The fund has identified four potential pital chain, may invest directly in MENA ly a continuation in the strategy of the cessful cash-cow model riding on smooth flight tests, Airbus deals in Turkey, in which it will invest Infrastructure II or work towards a joint first fund, with the inclusion of Turkey, may be reluctant to start flying until it is certain the engine is up to 20 percent of its total fund size. investment with the fund, said Roura. and a larger fund size to execute larger performing smoothly, especially in light of the CSeries’ three- Fajr Capital, which will manage the sec- The new fund will start marketing to deals,” said Roura. —Reuters month grounding. —Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Asian shares mixed as global sentiment sinks HONG KONG: Asian stocks were mixed yesterday as investors awaited the release of Chinese economic statistics at the weekend and global sentiment was dampened by the upcom- ing Scottish independence vote and weak inflation data. Tokyo climbed to a fresh eight-month high, gaining 0.25 per- cent, or 39.09 points, to 15,948.29 as the yen lost further ground against the greenback, shrugging off a weak lead from Wall Street. Hong Kong stocks eased 0.27 percent, or 67.32 points, to 24,595.32 and Sydney also lost 0.27 percent, or 15.03 points, to 5,531.1 but Seoul gained 0.38 percent, or 7.70 points, to 2,041.86 and Shanghai added 0.88 percent, or 20.27 points, to 2,331.95. China will on Saturday announce figures including retail SHANGHAI: The entrance of the Shanghai Stock Exchange building is pictured in Shanghai yesterday. sales and fixed asset investment for August. Data released Chinese inflation eased to a four-month low of 2.0 percent in August, official data showed on September 11, Thursday showed inflation easing to a four-month low, with analysts saying the data could allow leaders to further ease monetary policy in the world’s number-two fuelling the case for a further easing in monetary policy. “The economy. —AFP markets are behaving in a pretty orderly manner,” said SMBC Nikko Securities general manager of equities Hiroichi Nishi. “The Nikkei might test the 16,000 mark intraday, but it would take another surge in the dollar to do it,” he said, as Barclays picks Aviva’s Tokyo’s headline share index reached 15,970.50 around noon. The mixed performance in Asian markets came after US stocks finished little changed Thursday as concerns about the September 18 referendum on Scottish independence and McFarlane as chairman weak global inflation data weighed on sentiment. The prospect of a Scottish vote in favor of secession has sent jitters through European markets. Two banks-RBS and Lloyd’s- Aviva says Montague to take over warned they may relocate to London if Scotland separates from the United Kingdom. LONDON: Barclays has appointed bank- Andrew Moss. by 0920 GMT, outperforming a flat The global growth outlook was seen as dimming in view of ing and insurance veteran John McFarlane delivered a damning European bank index. Aviva shares were the Chinese inflation data as well as figures showing German McFarlane as its new chairman to over- assessment of Moss’s five years in down 0.8 percent. inflation stood at 0.8 percent in August, its lowest level since see the British bank’s efforts to stamp charge and vowed “to regain the February 2010. China’s inflation outcome, which came in well out wrongdoing and improve perform- respect of shareholders by eliminating Banking post below the government’s annual target, came at a time of con- ance. McFarlane, a Scot, will step down the discount in our share price”. He Most of McFarlane’s career has been cern over the world’s second-largest economy as stimulus as chairman of British insurer Aviva and appointed Mark Wilson as chief execu- in banking; he joined ANZ from measures enacted earlier this year wear off. take the Barclays hot seat in April. Aviva tive, who has overseen an improvement Standard Chartered, where he was an The dollar was at 107.23 yen in afternoon Asian trade, from said Adrian Montague would take over in the insurer’s performance. executive director from 1993 to 1997. 107.11 yen in New York. The dollar last breached the 107-yen as its chairman, also in April. He has pre- “My perception is he’s down to earth He worked for Citigroup and its prede- level in September 2008, during the global financial crisis. viously been chairman of UK life insurer and a pretty tough operator with a lot of cessor firms for 18 years until 1993, The euro rose to 138.69 yen from 138.39 yen, while it was Friends Provident and British Energy. international experience. It looks like a including as head of its UK and Ireland flat at $1.2921 against $1.2919 in the US. On oil markets, US Barclays has been searching for a good choice,” said Mike Trippitt, analyst business for three years. He began his benchmark West Texas Intermediate for October delivery rose strong replacement for David Walker, at Numis Securities. career in manufacturing with Ford in 27 cents to $93.10 while Brent crude for October eased 13 who is 74 and been chairman since Barclays is in the midst of its own Britain, after studying at the University cents to $97.95 after the International Energy Agency slashed November 2012. With Chief Executive turnaround, as CEO Jenkins tries to of Edinburgh and the Cranfield School its forecast for world crude demand this year. Antony Jenkins he has tried to improve improve profitability by shrinking the of Management in Bedford. Gold retreated to $1,237.10 an ounce in late afternoon culture after a series of scandals - includ- bank to slash costs and axe underper- McFarlane will also step down as Asian trade, against $1,248.71 late Thursday. ing the mis-selling of loan insurance and forming units and reduce its reliance on chairman of transport firm FirstGroup. the attempted manipulation of Libor investment banking. McFarlane last year He was also a non-executive director at In other markets: interest rates - raised concern about lax told Reuters there were not many peo- Royal Bank of Scotland after its bailout l Manila ended flat, edging down 0.18 points to 7,201.88. standards. ple who could run a big British bank due in October 2008 until 2012. Top-traded Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. fell 1.14 McFarlane, 67, was chief executive to the increased regulatory demands on He will be paid 800,000 pounds a percent to 3,300 pesos while spirit-maker Emperador Inc shed of Australia and New Zealand Banking the role. year as Barclays chairman, including 0.18 percent to 10.98 pesos. Group (ANZ) for 10 years until 2007 “There are probably less than a dozen 100,000 in its shares, and is not eligible l Taipei lost 1.07 percent, or 99.77 points, to 9,223.18. and has been Aviva’s chairman since individuals globally that have the right for any bonus. He is expected to work TSMC fell 1.6 percent to Tw$123.0 while Hon Hai dropped 0.6 July 2012, making some tough deci- experience to do it. I do think that a the equivalent of four days a week. percent to Tw$99.4. sions to turn around an underperform- chairman of a bank should ideally have Montague, 66, has been on Aviva’s l Wellington fell 0.73 percent, or 38.36 points, to 5,223.97. ing business. He took over the full-time relevant banking experience because of board since January 2013. He is a quali- Chorus was down 1.40 percent at NZ$1.76 and Fletcher running of the insurer in May 2012 the complexity involved,” he said. fied solicitor and formerly partner at Building was off 1.86 percent at NZ$8.97. —AFP after an investor revolt saw off CEO Barclays shares were up 1.4 percent Linklaters & Paines. —Reuters Gold stuck near 7-1/2 month low

SINGAPORE: Gold fell to fresh 7-1/2 month lows yes- 3,000 people have been killed. traded fund, that saw holdings drop 0.32 tons to terday, poised to post its worst week in more than Spot gold had slipped 0.3 percent to $1,237 an 788.40 tonnes on Thursday. three months as a stronger dollar and easing tensions ounce by 0623 GMT, after earlier falling to $1,231.95 - Bearish momentum indicators have accelerated, in Ukraine curbed appetite for safe-haven bullion. its lowest since late January. and a sustained break below $1,232 could take gold The dollar index was holding near a 14-month “A stronger dollar and higher bond yields have near $1,180, ScotiaMocatta said. The weakness in gold high yesterday and was firmly on track to post its been an issue for gold all week, and remain a head- also pulled down other precious metals, with silver ninth consecutive week of gains, boosted by strong wind going forward,” said ANZ analyst Victor falling to a 14-month low, heading for a loss for the economic data and expectations the US Federal Thianpiriya. “With geopolitical concerns also easing, eighth week out of nine. Reserve would soon raise interest rates. Gold was there seems to be little support for gold in the short- Platinum, trading near its lowest since December, also hurt after Ukraine’s president said this week term.” Gold is down 2.5 percent for the week, its was poised for its worst week since April. With a near Russia had removed the bulk of its forces from his biggest weekly drop since the week ended May 30. 7-percent drop, palladium was the worst performing country, raising hopes for a peace drive now under- Weak investor interest was reflected in the SPDR precious metal of the week. The decline marks the way after five months of conflict in which more than Gold Trust , the world’s largest gold-backed exchange- metal’s biggest weekly loss since June 2013. —Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Russia’s banks see glory fade in post-sanctions struggle

MOSCOW: They were the toast of said in a report. long way off the 7-8 percent highs seen in return-on-equity levels in the world of Moscow - effortlessly enjoying fat earn- That said, the sanctions mean Russian the mid-2000s. Natalia Berezina, an ana- over 20 percent for the last couple of ings, double-digit lending growth and clients can no longer tap foreign rivals for lyst with Uralsib, said even with growth at years, double most of its European peers. healthy margins. Now though Russia’s loans and this positive angle for the coun- zero, Sberbank and VTB should be able to In the first six months of 2014, that banks - even major players owned by the try’s banks is borne out by recent data. beat the market in lending growth thanks dropped to 18 percent. state - are hurting from Western sanctions Central bank figures show corporate lend- to access to state support, but warned UBS recently cut its earnings estimates and a weak economy to an extent that the ing rose 10.5 percent from the start of the they were not immune from the down- for Sberbank and VTB for the next couple glory days seem a long way off. year to Aug. 1 or 3 percentage points year turn. of years by 15-25 percent and 33-48 per- Shut out from international markets, on year. “Sooner or later they also will face cent, respectively, on lower margin expec- with few new deposits while bad loans The sanctions also prevent Russian issues with growth and asset quality,” tations and higher cost of risk. “For VTB, multiply and funding costs spike, their banks from raising capital in Western mar- Berezina said. we now expect only 2 billion rubles earn- new environment is a shock for lenders kets, but with government funding sup- Sberbank and VTB both sharply ings in 2014,” it said. after years of solid business from a popu- plied instead, Sberbank and VTB reported increased provisions for bad loans in the With restricted access to international lation hungry for property and consumer a rise in corporate loans of 9 and 13 per- first six months of the year to 151 billion markets, state banks asking for govern- goods and companies on an acquisitions cent respectively in the first six months of rubles and 93 billion rubles respectively. ment support may eventually have to spree. the year. Privately-owned banks saw only For the Russian banking system as a allow it to take a bigger share in Western sanctions on key industries - a moderate loan growth or a fall. Yet while whole, non-performing loans added 40 exchange. Private lenders such as billion- response to Moscow’s role in the Ukraine the dominance of the “big two” will grow, basis points since the start of the year to aire Mikhail Fridman’s Alfa Bank or vodka crisis - have so aggravated an economic analysts say, they will not emerge stay at 3.9 percent of total loans as of Aug tycoon Rustam Tariko’s Russian Standard downturn that Russia banks have lower unscathed from current conditions. 1. Bank are in no hurry to use the same capital ratios now than in the 2008 finan- “It is hard to imagine Sberbank’s option despite being under pressure. cial crisis, says Bank of America Merrill New normal return-on-equity lower than 15 percent Alfa, which cut its first half net profit by Lynch. “Weak domestic funding, capital Russia forecasts its economy will grow but in the case of prolonged stagnation, half due to higher loan loss provisions, adequacy ratios declining and asset quali- by 0.5 percent this year. Experts including which we now see as a pessimistic sce- was looking to raise a subordinated ty deterioration will be three most impor- German Gref, the chief executive of nario only, this is also possible,” Berezina Eurobond this month to boost capital if tant negative implications for banks,” it Sberbank, see it closer to zero. Both are a said. Sberbank had one of the highest markets allowed it. —Reuters Russian CB leaves rates on hold as economic growth ebbs

MOSCOW: The Russian central bank left its key interest rate on hold at a regular meeting yesterday, arguing that inflation is still on track to hit its medium-term target even though it is set to remain above 7 percent this year. The uncharacteristically dovish stance suggests the bank is Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (center) meets with participants of the World Assembly for Women, UN reacting to concerns about ebbing economic growth as Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zainab Hawa Bangura of Sierra Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis bite. The decision keeps the bank’s central policy rate, the Leone, UTICA (Tunisian Confederation of Private Employers) President Ouided Bouchamaoui of Tunisia, and one-week minimum auction repo rate, at 8 percent, and Somali Women’s Studies Center (SWSC) Executive Director Shukria Dini of Somalia, in Tokyo yesterday. —AFP was broadly expected. In an accompanying statement, the bank said inflation this year was likely to exceed 7 IMF chief backs Japan drive percent because of an “aggravation of geopolitical ten- sions, the imposition of external trade restrictions and the impact of these developments on the ruble exchange to boost women workforce rate dynamics”. The bank has in effect abandoned this year’s official Abe hosts 3-day gathering on women in labor market inflation target of 5 percent, as well as a wider range of 3.5- TOKYO: IMF chief Christine Lagarde yesterday backed Tokyo’s efforts to boosting the number of executive women. 6.5 percent allowed under the bank’s rules, following a power the Japanese economy by boosting its female workforce, but she But the task is a daunting one in a country where sexist attitudes are sweeping ban on food imports imposed in retaliation for called for even more action, including loosening strict immigration rules. still prevalent and men dominate politics and business. Western sanctions. It is instead emphasizing its medium- The comments came at a three-day gathering on women in the labor term inflation target of 4 percent. The “current monetary market, hosted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has pledged Immigration option policy stance will ensure decline in consumer price growth to hike the small number of women in the country’s Abe’s feminist credentials were tarnished this sum- to 4 percent in the medium run”, the bank said. corporate and political ranks. mer when a member of his ruling Liberal Democratic Under current plans the bank aims to reach the 4 per- “The global economy is not making use of great Party (LDP) admitted he hurled sexist taunts at a Tokyo potential that is available. And that needs to change, assemblywoman during a council debate on mother- cent medium-term target in 2016. The bank said it stood not just for women’s sake, but for economies’ sake,” hood. Yesterday, Abe acknowledged Japan’s deeply ready to raise rates again if inflation expectations Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, entrenched gender roles, saying that “the most diffi- remained high, jeopardizing this medium-term goal. said in a keynote speech at the Tokyo meeting. “What cult part may be transforming this division of roles The bank also said that “economic activity remains about Japan? Here, we have shown through our study based on gender, something that is firmly ingrained weak” and economic growth “anemic”. It attributed this that gradually raising the female labor force to the within us”. Abe’s wife Akie, US ambassador to Japan mainly to structural factors lowering output potential, but Cherie average level of the G7 could raise income per capita Caroline Kennedy, and Cherie Blair, wife of former Christine also anticipated a small shortfall in demand below the Blair by four percent-permanently. “To target something British prime minister Tony Blair, also attended the Lagarde even higher, which is the level of Northern Europe, conference. Lagarde-who is embroiled in a graft scan- economy’s potential, which would help lower inflation. then that would give an additional four percent on the top,” she added. dal dating back to when she was a French finance minister-said she The bank acknowledged that Western sanctions were Abe is calling for women to occupy 30 percent of senior positions by backed Abe’s targets for women in senior positions, despite having harming economic growth, but anticipated a gradual recov- 2020, an ambitious jump from the current 11 percent, one of the lowest doubts about such quotas earlier in her career. “I thought women should ery next year as the external political situation normalizes. among wealthy nations. The Japanese leader-who swept to power in late be included on their merits and on their basis of the performance-but I “In the second half of 2014 further slowdown in economic 2012 on a ticket to kickstart the long-tepid economy-recently reshuffled changed my mind,” she said. “I very strongly and very firmly believe that growth is expected amid the imposition of sanctions against his cabinet with more than a quarter of the posts filled by women. quotas or targets, however we want to call them,... are a necessity.” Russian companies and the remaining uncertainty,” the The move followed growing calls for Japan to make better use of its Long working hours, boozy after-work sessions with the boss, and not highly-educated but underemployed women as a rapidly ageing popula- enough childcare facilities are also among the reasons why many working bank said. It projected gross domestic product growth at 0.4 tion strains the public purse. Dozens of Japan’s biggest firms-including Japanese women opt to stay at home or give up hopes of promotion after percent this year and 0.9-1.1 percent in 2015. —Reuters Toyota, Panasonic and All Nippon Airways-recently announced targets for having children. —AFP BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Unemployment pushes young Swedes across Norway border OSLO: Sweden’s general election campaign has spilled over into Norway as political rivals pursue votes among the tens of thousands of mostly young Swedes emigrating to find work. The Swedish economy and its AAA credit rating might be envied by most European countries, but unemployment among people aged 15 to 24 has been oscillating between 20 and 25 percent over the past years-about three times higher than overall joblessness. “In Sweden, they require experience to hire you. But how can we get experience if nobody gives us a first chance,” said Angelica Bergh, one of the 80,000 to 100,000 Swedes who have moved to Norway looking for a better future. Bergh, 25, is about to become the deputy operations head of a cafe chain in Oslo, where she started two years ago as a waitress. “What is cool here is that you can quickly climb the ladder,” she said. Close to full employment, Norway is seeking foreign workers to meet labor shortages, and neighboring Sweden, with its cultural and linguistic similarities, seems like a per- fect fit. Swedish waiters, nurses, dentists, engineers and au pairs have become common on the other side of the border. Companies see them as hard-working and relatively cheap employees, in contrast with young Norwegians, who grew up under the wing of an oil-rich economy and are regarded as demanding and picky towards unqualified jobs. “If an employer had to choose between hiring a Norwegian fresh from business school who’ll ask for 500,000 kroner (some 61,000 euros, $79,000) and a Swede with 10 years of experience who’d be happy with 400,000, it would- n’t be a hard choice,” said Nino Vojvodic, the founder of a recruitment agency. TOKYO: Japan’s largest business group Keidaren chairman Sadayuki Sakakibara (left) surrounded by reporters Since its creation ten years ago, he claims his agency has after he met ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Secretary General Sadakazu Tanigaki in Tokyo. —AFP doubled its size annually and found jobs for a total of 4,000 people, 75 percent of whom were Swedish, according to Vojvodic, a Swede himself. “Here, it’s easy to find a job, working days are shorter and Euro-zone output picks up salaries are 40 percent higher, on average,” he said. Subsidized exile more than expected in July Soederhamn, a Swedish municipality with 12,000 inhabitants, even gave subsidies to encourage young unem- ployed people to cross the border. The incentives, which Germany shines, Italy’s down, France’s slows enticed 150 young residents, expired at the beginning of the year. MILAN: Euro zone industrial output facturers are finding life more chal- from a 1.3 percent rise in June. “All our young people had already been to Norway,” said Carola Persson at the Swedish Public Employment Service. jumped twice as much as expected lenging, which is not surprising given Analysts said the Italian data was Norway’s importance has made Oslo almost a compulsory in July, breaking a two month trend the tensions and sanctions between worrying because it could signal that campaign stop for the Swedish political leaders ahead of the of contraction and raising hopes that Russia and the West over the crisis in the country would remain in reces- September 14 general election. the single currency area may start Ukraine and the slowdown in sion in the third quarter as well. Jimmie Aakesson, leader of the anti-immigration Sweden growing again in the third quarter demand from some EM economies,” “It’s disappointing and judging Democrats, was there to argue that the reason so many after stalling in the previous three he added. from the sentiment indicators we Swedes have to emigrate is that foreigners are taking their months. Industrial production in the Eurostat said the monthly rise was have had for August it means in all jobs back home. “When Sweden grants twice as many residence permits 18 countries sharing the euro driven mainly by the production of likelihood industrial output will fall in as it creates jobs, that’s what you get,” he said. However, jumped by 1.0 percent month-on- capital goods which rose 2.6 percent the third quarter, which means GDP Malin Sahlen, an economist who has written a book on the month in July, and was 2.2 percent in July, followed by 1.2 percent risks contracting again as well,” said issue, believes that the reasons for the high unemployment higher on the year, well above expec- growth in the production of non- Riccardo Barbieri, chief European are different. She argues that low-qualification jobs are rare tations of economists polled by durable consumer goods. economist at Mizuho. in Sweden’s economy and that high protection of employ- Reuters. Europe’s growth engine Germany Both Rome and Paris struggle to ees on permanent contracts make employers resort to hir- The annual expansion showed the saw industrial production expanding fix their public finances. France ing temporary workers, which tends to create frequent gaps of unemployment when those workers change position. strongest rise since November last at its fastest pace in eight months, up said on Wednesday it would not “According to Eurostat, 14 percent of the jobs in Europe year when production increased 2.7 1.9 percent month-on-month, honor commitments to bring its are low-paid, and that figure is only 3 percent in Sweden,” percent, European Union’s statistics matching a rise seen in November budget deficit below the European she said. Johan Hoegsten, 36, spent the last 16 years in office Eurostat said. last year. Union ceiling of 3 percent of GDP Norway after falling through the cracks in his native “However, all is not well for the Italy was the only major euro-zone next year as promised. In a separate Sweden. “I dropped out of school, so I never managed to industrial sector,” said Martin van country that saw its output fall as data release, Eurostat said that enter the labor market,” he said. Vliet, senior euro zone economist at production contracted 1.0 percent employment in the euro-zone rose His partner Erica Staal is a nurse who also left northern Sweden. “Like all the rest, the hospital were I was working had ING. “Production remains more than on the month. The euro-zone’s sec- 0.2 percent on the quarter in the to close down because of the politicians,” Staal said. “I even 10 percent below its pre-crisis peak ond largest economy France report- three months to June after growing took a snowmobile mechanic course, but it didn’t lead any- and the recent weakening in the ed a deceleration in industrial output 0.1 percent in the previous two where. I have two children to feed, so I came to Norway.” —AFP industrial surveys shows that manu- growth to 0.2 percent on the month quarters. —Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Turkish economy minister echoes warning on growth

ANKARA: Turkey’s economic rate cuts despite stubbornly high bled, the bank cut the one-week However, he said that the min- growth this year may miss the gov- inflation. He told Reuters in an inter- repo rate by 175 basis points in istry is working to reduce imports ernment’s 4 percent target despite view last month that the central three months, fanning criticism and that he expects the current better-than-expected growth in the bank’s core mandate for price stabil- from some economists that it was account gap, seen by analysts as second half, Economy Minister Nihat ity should be expanded to include caving in to political pressure Turkey’s main economic weakness, Zeybekci said yesterday, echoing a employment and growth, although despite persistent inflation. to narrow to $45 billion in 2014 warning from the finance minister he said this would not be an imme- Last month it unexpectedly low- from $65.06 billion in 2013. The lira two days ago. diate government priority. ered its overnight lending rate in a was little changed by Zeybekci’s Gross domestic product (GDP) Turkey’s central bank governor move seen as having little easing comments, easing to 2.2040 against grew 2.1 percent year-on-year in the set out his case against the sharp impact and intended more as a sig- the dollar by 0842 GMT from 2.1960 second quarter, according to data cut in interest rates on Thursday, nal to the government that it is sup- on Thursday. released on Wednesday, missing mirroring Zeybekci’s comment that porting the economy. Istanbul’s main share index was forecasts and raising questions growth would pick up towards the Zeybekci, speaking in a televised up 0.23 percent at 79,160 points about the 2014 target. end of 2014. statement, also said he expected to while the benchmark 10-year gov- Zeybekci has been a vocal critic Since an emergency rate hike in see a pick-up in domestic demand ernment bond yield rose to 9.29 of the central bank’s tight monetary January, which saw the main one- in the final quarter of 2014 due to percent compared with 9.15 percent policy, calling for sharper interest week policy rate more than dou- accelerating loan growth. at Thursday’s close. — Reuters

UK construction output falters

LONDON: British construction output stagnated in July as a rapid expansion in house building started to level off, causing annual growth to sink to an eight-month low. However, orders for new work rose at the fastest rate in a year, leaving economists confident that the coming months would bring robust growth, particularly as earlier private-sector surveys have also pointed towards a continued strength. Construction output was unchanged on the month in July, compared with growth of 1.2 percent in June, the Office for National Statistics said yesterday. Annual growth more than halved to an eight-month low of just 2.6 percent. But orders looked more upbeat, rising by 3.8 percent in the second quarter from the first three months of 2014, the biggest rise in a year. “Signals from survey and order book data suggest the construction industry has fared better than the official output data would have us believe over the summer,” said Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit. “Upward revi- Indians shop at a gold jewelry in Mumbai. sions to the output data are possible. This would mean GDP could get revised up, painting a more buoyant picture of the economy than previously thought and adding to the argu- India’s love affair with gold may be over ment for interest rates to rise.” Earlier this week, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney Indians opt for stocks, banks amid shifting sentiment said interest rates could rise in spring if the jobs market con- tinues to recovery at a quick pace. VANGAL, India: Kiran Laxman Salunkhe “The attachment of Indians to gold will India’s investment demand for gold There was little market reaction to the construction fig- used to buy jewelry during religious festi- remain,” said Harish Galipelli, head of com- slumped by 67 percent in the June quarter ures, with investors fixated on the risk that Scotland could vals, but sliding gold prices have led the modities and currencies at Inditrade from a year ago to 49.6 tons, World Gold vote to break away from the rest of the United Kingdom in young Indian farmer to break with his fam- Derivatives and Commodities Ltd, refer- Council (WGC) data showed. Based on next Thursday’s independence referendum. ily’s traditional investment. ring to gold’s culturally embedded role in industry and WGC estimates, investment The construction sector was hit hard by the financial crisis This year Salunkhe has deposited his dowry gifts or decorating Hindu temples. demand could nearly halve to 190 tons but has been recovering since last year along with the broad- hard-earned savings at the bank for the “But as the banking network expands and this year. Investment demand was 37 per- er economy, buoyed by falling unemployment and strong first time in a decade and bought farm- literacy rises, people in rural areas will cent of total 2013 gold sales. Indian gold consumer and business confidence. A separate survey carried land. “I bought jewelry when gold price explore other investment products like exchange-traded funds, a financial prod- out by Markit recently showed Britain’s construction industry was 32,000 rupees (per 10 grams) last year. mutual funds or bank deposits. The mind- uct that sophisticated investors use to expanded at its fastest pace in seven months in August, Now jewelers won’t pay me more than set is slowly changing.” gain exposure to the metal, have suffered boosting job creation but also putting strain on suppliers. 27,000 rupees if I want to sell. Why should If the national obsession with gold 15 straight months of outflows. I invest in gold,” said Salunkhe, who farms does fade that would help curb India’s In contrast, turnover on Mumbai’s main Housing slowdown? 15 acres of sugar cane in Vangal, a village external deficits - gold is the second NSE bourse is up by 61 percent, while $50 A recovery in housing which started late last year had 250 km (160 miles) south of Mumbai. biggest item on the import bill after oil - billion has flowed into mutual funds in the been a major driver of construction growth in 2014, but there “Nowadays it is risky to keep jewelry. and cap world gold prices that are trading financial year starting April 1 - up sixfold are now tentative signs it is tailing off. Private sector home Burglaries are rising,” he said. “With a fixed sideways in 2014. from the entire previous year. building rose 1.1 percent on the month in July, down from deposit there is no risk.” Term deposits in Indian banks have 2.0 percent growth in June. The annual growth rate fell to a A one-quarter drop in local gold prices Back to equities also risen but by a more modest $3.6 bil- five-month low of 15.9 percent. over the past year has shaken the confi- If the crowds selling scrap gold to Kapil lion since April, compared to a drop of The weakening trend for new housing looks set to contin- dence of Indians in the precious metal as a Parekh at his shop in Mumbai’s Zaveri $2.9 billion last year, central bank figures ue, with orders in the second quarter of 2014 down 4.3 per- store of value and dented demand in the Bazaar are anything to go by, the shift by show. cent. Private-sector surveys have painted a mixed picture of world’s second-biggest buyer. small-time speculators out of gold is con- the housing market recently, with some pointing to surging The main beneficiary has been Indian tinuing unabated. “Many investors who Shifting sentiment house price growth and others showing a marked slowdown. stocks, which have been clocking up came after 2008’s stock market crash were A decade-long surge in gold prices to But the weakness in orders for private housing were bal- records on hopes that Prime Minister short-term investors,” said Parekh. 2013 led investment buying of bars and anced by strength elsewhere, and the ONS highlighted a 9.6 Narendra Modi can deliver on the promise “They came when the stock market coins to quadruple. Over the same time, percent increase in commercial orders, driven by plans for of “better days” ahead that swept him to wasn’t giving returns. Now, since shares sales of traditionally more popular jewelry new shopping centres. power in May’s general election. Beyond are rallying, they are liquidating gold and rose by just a quarter. But since hitting a “It’s encouraging that new orders are continuing on a pos- short-term sentiment, a major push by going back to equities. They may come record high of 35,074 rupees per 10 grams itive trajectory,” said Michael Dall, lead economist at con- Modi for every household to get a bank back.” One customer, Dinesh Jain, said he in August 2013, local gold prices have fall- struction data company Barbour ABI. “But with the rate of account, better education and living stan- had sold 64 grams of gold bought since en steadily, tracking weakness in overseas growth slowing from recent quarters, today’s announcement dards, and falling inflation expectations, 2011 and was investing the proceeds - prices and a strengthening rupee. In the still isn’t the silver bullet we need to dispel all concerns about could herald a more secular change in now worth nearly $3,000 - in information past, such price falls would have attracted sector.” —Reuters investing habits. technology stocks. bargain hunters.— Reuters 13, 2014 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SATURDAY,


A model walks the runway at the Kithe Brewster fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring in New York City. — AFP (See Page 28)

MuchMuch adoado aboutabout nothing:nothing: LondonLondon buzzbuzz forfor ClooneyClooney weddingwedding

SEE PAGE 25 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Liv Tyler is pregnant

he ‘Leftovers’ actress, who already has son Milo, nine, 20.” Liv also said her son is her number one priority. She said: with ex-husband Royston Langdon, is said to be expect- “Ever since Milo was born, I haven’t really been making many Ting her first child with British boyfriend Dave Gardner. movies because I just can’t imagine being away from home for Sources close to the couple, who met through their mutual long periods of time.” But she confessed she is less certain friend Kate Moss earlier this year, confirmed the happy news to about marrying for the second time. She said: “That’s some- E! News after the brunette beauty, 37, was spotted covering thing interesting that happens in your thirties. You’re not in the her stomach with a sweater in New York City this week. Liv stage anymore of princes and happily ever after. “It’s a different recently admitted she was “100 percent planning” on having stage of acceptance and realization about the realities of love more children. The ‘Lord of the Rings’ star said: “I hope I will and relationships. Forever is a long time.” Soccer agent Dave - have more children. I’m 100 percent planning on it. “If the stork who is best friends with David Beckham - has a seven-year-old could just drop it off on my roof, I’d be so happy - I’d have, like, son called Grey, with his ex-wife Davinia Taylor. Lady Gaga smokes hookah Jenny McCarthy in Dubai desert Cara Delevingne is ‘over the moon’ he ‘Bad Romance’ hitmaker - who is currently to be married enjoying a getaway in Dubai - took time out of is writing her autobiography Ther busy schedule yesterday to relax with a he former ‘The View’ co-host, who recently tied the knot shisha pipe after riding camels, watching belly with New Kids on the Block singer Donnie Wahlberg dancers and having her hands decorated in henna. Tduring a glamorous ceremony near Chicago, couldn’t The 28-year-old star said she was “overwhelmed by stop gushing about her new husband and their nuptials at the kindness” that she had been shown on the Panasonic’s Beauty Bar at Salon SCK in New York City on excursion and took to her Instagram account to Monday. A source told PEOPLE.com: “She could not stop talk- share photos of the trip. She captioned an image of ing about how over the moon she was with her wedding and her henna-decorated hands adorned with diamond her life as a married woman. She talked about how the recep- jewelry: “We ate and enjoyed Hookah in the middle tion wasn’t too over-the-top.” The blonde beauty, 41, who of the desert. The women gave us Henna, and we has son Evan, 11, from a previous marriage, also proudly rode camels in the moonlight. The belly dancer was showed off her new wedding ring to close pal Carmen Electra sensational. I’m overwhelmed by the kindness every- at the New York Fashion Week event. The source said: one has show us.” On another image of her feet cov- “Carmen checked out Jenny’s wedding ring, which Donnie ered in elegant floral patterns she wrote: “What a had engraved with their initials. She said it was one of the beautiful desert night.” Just a few hours later the he 22-year-old model is putting pen to paper on a most beautiful things she’d ever seen.” The couple - who got ‘Pokerface’ hitmaker added a final shot of herself book about her younger years and has even been engaged in April - enjoyed a luxurious honeymoon at the enjoying hookah and proudly displaying her newly- Ttaking a pen and notepad wherever she goes to romantic Glenmere Mansion hotel in New York’s Hudson inked fingers. She wrote: “No matter where I go this ensure she can scribble down her childhood memories Valley after their wedding. Donnie, 45, has sons Xavier, 21, and gypsy is a #monster4life. (sic)” Prior to her night of when one suddenly comes to her. A source said: “Cara Elijah, 12, with ex-wife Kimberly Fey. indulgence, Gaga had lashed out at critics who had wants to document her life before she became famous. attacked her figure after she posted a photo of her- “She’s not interested in writing about her meteoric rise in self in a flesh-coloured swimsuit. The singer hit back the fashion world. “Instead she hopes to go into detail posting a further image of herself clad in the swim- about her younger years.” Cara’s former flames Michelle suit with the caption: “#bodyrevolution Proud at any Rodriguez and Harry Styles look set to miss out on a men- size, because the inside is what really counts. Plus, tion in her new tome as she is said to be keen to fill the it’s all how you pose! Just ask the supermodels! (sic)” book with some of her “weird thoughts and anecdotes” as After receiving support from a fan on Twitter, she well as her early memories. A source added to the Daily replied: “Id rather be fat than be shallow (sic)” When Star newspaper: “She doesn’t want to include any big rev- another fan wrote: “I honestly can’t imagine receiv- elations. It’ll just be a collection of weird thoughts and ing comments about my weight everyday. How anecdotes.” As well as writing her book, Cara recently insulting and degrading. Also gaga is perfect so back added another string to her bow when she launched her off (sic),” the blonde beauty responded: “all day long music career in a “dive” pub in New York. The star was every day, so what if I got a belly sometimes, some- joined by Zoe Kravitz - daughter of the legendary rocker times I don’t. There’s people starving in the world. singer Lenny Kravitz - as she performed her first ever solo #whocares (sic)” gig in the small establishment. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Lorde claims she has a ‘fearsome reputation’

he 17-year-old singer has learned to stand up for herself in the music Tindustry and admits people are often surprised by her attitude because she is so young. The ‘Royals’ hitmaker told the October issue of Elle magazine: “A lot of times when people meet me, they’ll defi- nitely try to make me feel young or experi- enced. Teenagers are such a discerning group of people. They’ll immediately sniff out anything that feels contrived.” She added: “I’ve developed something of a fearsome reputation. People know that if you talk down to me, I will roll my eyes or whatever.” The New Zealand native says the positive feedback she receives from her fans inspires her to be more outspo- ken. She explained: “People have told me that I’ve helped them feel confident, like they can say things they want to say. They can talk about feminism in class without people calling them a lesbian. That’s so “weird.” She said: “I’m definitely writing that out of my system and move it to a amazing that I can make someone feel like new stuff. I don’t know how everything new place. But I’ve been writing with some that.” The ‘Team’ singer is currently work- will end up. The first period of writing after good people and just doing weird, cool ing on her second album and recently you have recorded an album, it all sounds stuff - which is always good for being cre- admitted some of her new tracks are like the album before it. “I’m trying to get ative.”

Adrianne Palicki is engaged he ‘Friday Night Lights’ actress is set to marry her stuntman boyfriend Jackson TSpidell after he popped the question to the blonde beauty. The 31-year-old actress’ representative confirmed the news to website Just Jared. Adrianne met Jackson on the set of the couple’s forthcoming film ‘John Wick’, Jessica Alba Miley Cyrus which also stars Keanu Reeves, Willem Dafoe is spending and Jason Isaacs. The actress previously admit- ted she didn’t have a certain type of man that regrets not going to college time with Liam she looked for but was keen to find someone who made her laugh. She said: “I don’t really he ‘Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill almost $1 billion, told ‘The Hemsworth again worry about whether a guy’s a certain type, as For’ actress admits she was Meredith Vieira Show’: “After I long as there’s a connection. “We’re going to T“always kind of insecure” became, first of all 30 and being a he ‘Wrecking Ball’ hitmaker, who called off her grow old, we’re going to get fat, but laughter when she was younger and never mom of two I just sort of came into engagement to the ‘Hunger Games’ actor last lasts.” Adrianne is best known for her role as felt smart because she didn’t finish myself as a woman and now I have TSeptember, still cares about the Australian heart- Tyra Collette in American football drama series her education. The 33-year-old a company.” She added: “I feel bet- throb, but friends insist it’s very unlikely they will rekindle ‘Friday Night Lights’ from 2006 to 2011 and star, who has daughters, Haven, ter now especially after 30, it’s their relationship. A source close to the duo told E! News: she starred as Lady Jane in sci-fi movie ‘GI Joe: three, and Honor, six, with hus- crazy what happens.” Jessica previ- “They are not likely to reconcile. They have moved on but Retaliation’ opposite Dwayne Johnson, Bruce band Cash Warren, said: “I was ously insisted she is too independ- are still friends. They still care about each other but it’s not Willis and Channing Tatum. Last month, it was always also insecure about not ent to be a stay-at-home mother romantic.” Another insider brushed off reports the former revealed Adrianne had signed up to play going to college and I always felt I and wants to set an example for couple have been meeting in secret in Los Angeles recent- Mockingbird in Marvel’s ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ wasn’t smart enough. “My teens her children. She said: “I think it’s ly, saying: “They’ve always stayed in touch.” Last month, the and she later took to Twitter to confirm the and my 20s I just wasn’t sure of different for everyone. Some 21-year-old singer admitted she still loves her 24-year-old news. She wrote: “So excited to be playing myself and I was always kind of mums really don’t want to work ex-boyfriend, whom she dated on and off for four years. Mockingbird!! Such an honor! (sic)”Jackson has insecure and I always felt I needed and that’s fine. “For me, I wouldn’t Speaking about their friendship, she said: “I love Liam, Liam worked as a stuntman on several movies to apologize for myself.” The know what that is like because loves me.” Liam was also overheard gushing about his ex- including ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ brunette beauty credits her family that’s a part of who I am. I have lover - whom he started dating while filming ‘The Last this year as well as ‘The Expendables 2’ and getting older for helping her aspirations. “I want to be with my Song’ in 2009 - during dinner with friends in Italy in July and ‘TRON: Legacy’ in 2012 and to become more confident. The kids so they can see that in their and told pals they will always be best friends. A source said 2010 respectively. ‘Fantastic Four’ actress, whose eco- life they can be anything they want at the time: “Liam kept raving about how amazing she was, friendly brand The Honest and they can do their own thing how much they clicked and understood everything about Company was recently valued at and pay their own way.” each other.”—Bang Showbiz SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Hedonistic 1980s New York revisited in new novel

onjuring up the hedonistic world of but decades on he confesses he cannot forget tiny town in Virginia, is nostalgic for the New writer came about after what at first felt like a 1980s New York-the endless parties, the casualties. York he knew which he describes as filthy personal disaster. Creckless spending, casual sex and “It still haunts me-the ones who lived on and crazy people, and yet “somehow magi- At the age of 28 he had been a senior vice drugs-was the easiest part of US writer Robert damaged and dazed-and all the ones who cal”. “In New York you could be anything and president for one of the largest advertising Goolrick’s latest novel. The former high-flying died (of AIDS), too soon and too quickly. “I what you did didn’t matter as long as you agencies in the world. For 30 years he was advertising executive moved to New York as a had come from a poor family in a small town were amusing and made plenty of money to handsomely rewarded for work he did not young man from small town America and care about but which he was “apparently very lived out what he saw as a dream. In his just good at”. Then in his early 50s he suddenly published fourth book “The Fall of Princes”- lost his job. “The large salary was taken away. the story of one man’s rise and fall which he Instantly. It was a shocking fall for which I had describes as “very much an autobiography”- never prepared,” he said. Starting to write, Goolrick revisits that world. “I knew these however, was not the fulfilling experience of people, I went to these parties, I did the which so many aspiring writers dream. things my generation did which is essentially After six months of “desperation” and at a to waste an entire decade in the pursuit of loss over what to do, he decided to go back to pleasure,” he told AFP ahead of Festival a novel he had started a decade earlier. “By America, a Paris event celebrating writers the time my first two books were published I from North America. was living in a tiny room on welfare. The “Trips to exotic places, clothes we couldn’t ground came up fast and I hit hard “It was afford, drugs that took all of the money we sheer luck that I found a publisher and a new had left over. And seeking of the most pleas- voice,” he said. His other books are: “Heading ure we could find in our bodies,” he said. out to Wonderful”, “A Reliable Wife” and “The Goolrick is one of more than 60 North End of the World as we Know it”. Now a man American novelists who will be discussing in a hurry, he is already working on his next their work at the biennial literary festival. book about a love affair on the eve of World Canadian Margaret Atwood is the star guest War II. US writer Robert Goolrick, whose last novel is “The Fall of Princes”, poses in Paris. — AFP at this seventh edition, which for the time will “Redemption is my only subject,” he said. “I also feature a few dozen French novelists. and New York was a circus of decadence and keep up with your friends,” he said. He is don’t have anything to say that does not have Other big names are US writer Richard Ford pleasure,” he said. “We followed that dream scathing, however, about the modern-day to do with the theme of goodness and how and fellow Canadian Nancy Huston. and that liberation until finally the pleasure city. “It has turned into a mall for rich people even the worst of us struggle to attain it. “But Now in his mid-60s, Goolrick says New turned poisonous,” he added. and luxury goods. Charmless without any to write about redemption, you have to begin York was the place people of his generation character at all,” he said in an e-mail inter- with characters who are deeply flawed,” he went to do all the things they couldn’t do at ‘Redemption my only subject’ view. He doesn’t regret living there. But he added. Festival America runs until Sunday at home. They thought they were living a dream Despite this, Goolrick, who now lives in a doesn’t regret leaving either. Becoming a Vincennes in eastern Paris. — AFP

A couple looks at a work by Spanish artist Carlos Aires. Art Rio

A gallery staffer takes a work by Cuban artist Cuban Jorge Mayet to put it in place during Art Rio, the annual international art A gallery staffer checks a display by Spanish photographer Angel fair, in Rio de Marcosto that shows images of the US’s World Trade Center build- Janeiro, Brazil. ing before and after the terror attack. — AFP photos SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Much ado about nothing: London buzz for Clooney wedding

umors that George Clooney and his fiancée might be getting married yes- Rterday in London’s Chelsea Old Town Hall sparked a media frenzy but the registry office said “not today”. The 53-year-old Hollywood actor and Beirut-born British human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin, 36, are set to tie the knot within weeks, though a date and precise venue have not been publicly announced. Clooney’s spokesman has confirmed the film star’s comments that they will marry in the coming weeks in Venice-but that did not stop a media scram- ble to Chelsea yesterday. “We are NOT conducting the wedding of Mr Clooney at this office today,” said a state- ment posted outside. “A film crew and press photographers would only cause possible disruption to other couples getting married on this day.” The office has previously US actor George Clooney arrives with his helped in the necessary legal moves fiancee Amal Alamuddin at the Celebrity Fight required for the pair to wed. “We have assist- Night to promote the Andrea Bocelli ed in the legal preliminaries for a proposed Foundation in Florence. — AFP wedding for George Clooney and his Photographers and television crews gather outside the Chelsea Old Town Hall in fiancée,” the notice said. “A certificate of no London yesterday after it was rumored that US actor George Clooney was due to marry impediment was applied for and has been his British fiancée Amal Alamuddin there yesterday. — AFP issued as no objection was raised.” The certificate is required for British citi- order to facilitate the issue of the docu- They had first emerged as a couple last zens seeking to marry a foreign national in ments,” the statement added. News that October in London, and since have been another country. “In this case we actually Alamuddin had stolen Clooney’s heart seen together in New York and on trips to have no record of when the wedding will caused a global media frenzy and furious Tanzania and the Seychelles. In April, her law take place as it was not necessary to ask in speculation about when they would wed. firm confirmed their engagement. — AFP Francophone writers in the Americas: A rare breed

hile North America has produced a the English translation of his best known schools for more than 50 years up to 1968, ers, she says. “Everyone is singing the praises wealth of prize-winning English-lan- work “Le Soleil du lac qui se couche” (“The explains Germaine, who has lived in the of bilingualisme,” says David Cheramie, a Wguage writers, the continent’s Setting Lake Sun”). southern US city for nearly two decades. poet living in Lafayette, Louisiana, who had Francophone writers have largely worked in Today, the language has been reborn in to relearn the language of his ancestors obscurity. Often mistakenly linked to Prizes in Paris Louisiana due to the opening of French before producing two poetry collections Canada’s Quebec province, this rich modern France Daigle is also a star of the genre, immersion schools at the end of the 1980s, “Lettre ‡ mËre” and “Julie Choufleur.” literary tradition-alive in French-speaking for her captivating 2011 novel “Pour sur” (For which fueled new works by a handful of writ- Cheramie is now working on a novel. — AFP enclaves from Louisiana to New Brunswick to Sure), which showcases chiac, an Acadian Manitoba-nevertheless has a spirit all its own. dialect spoken in southeast New Brunswick These Francophone authors are the special that mixes old and modern French, with bits focus of Festival America, a biennial literary of English thrown in. A thought-provoking event held outside Paris that celebrates writ- read about minority cultures and their lin- ers from North America and is running guistic obsession, “Pour sur” has earned through Sunday. Daigle five awards, including the prestigious They use both standard French and local Governor General of Canada Award. dialects to tell the story of their minority “There’s a lot going on here,” exclaims communities, which number about one mil- Monika Boehringer, who teaches Acadian lit- lion people in North America outside erature to English speakers at Mount Allison Quebec. The writers rely on a handful of bou- University in Sackville, New Brunswick. tique publishers in Canada and Louisiana to ”There’s a new generation of writers that is bring these original voices to light. Every active, that publishes and renews itself!” year, dozens of new titles are published. “It’s Boehringer points to young Georgette true that we’re far away, with a small pool of LeBlanc from Pointe-a-l’Eglise in Nova Scotia, local readers,” says Canadian writer Roger whose poems “Alma”, “AmÉdÉ” and LÉveillÉ, who lives more than 2,000 kilome- “Prudent” breathe new life into long forgot- ters (1,242 miles) from Montreal in Manitoba ten figures in history. province. Louisiana poet Kirby Jambon also recently For Léveillé, success for an author in a earned a prize from the AcadÉmie FranÁaise, niche community is measured “by critical the pre-eminent French body on matter per- acclaim rather than book sales”. By that scale, taining to the French language, for his collec- the nearly 70-year-old writer-who publishes tion “Petites communions.” “A Cajun poet, it’s as JR Léveillé-is greatly accomplished. He has incredible!” enthuses BÉatrice Germaine, a written 30 books, essays and collections of French consular official for cultural matters in poetry over the past 40 years, and continues New Orleans. “French in Louisiana skipped a People dressed as characters from comics series Asterix and Obelix take part in the to win literary awards, as he did in 2011 for generation” after it was banned in public Balloon’s Day Parade as part of the annual Comic Book Festival in Brussels. — AFP SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Nicole Kidman’s father dies in Singapore he father of actress Nicole Kidman died 0954 hours that a man in his 80s was pro- unit at Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital. Kidman won an Academy Award for her in Singapore yesterday, a source told nounced dead at Tan Tock Seng Hospital,” a News Corp-owned news.com.au said the sen- portrayal of author Virginia Woolf in “The TAFP, with Australian media saying he Singapore police spokesman said. “Police are ior Kidman “had a very close relationship with Hours” in 2002. Expressions of sympathy had fallen while visiting the Oscar winner’s investigating the unnatural death,” he added. his daughters Antonia and Nicole and their were posted on the star’s Facebook page sister. The source, who is familiar with the The spokesman did not comment on the cir- families”. The family was last seen together in although she has yet to issue a statement. case, said Antony Kidman passed away after cumstances of the death but Australian Sydney in January for the 50th wedding “My dear sweet Nicole I just heard that your he was brought to a state-run hospital. media said he had suffered from a “fall”. The anniversary of the senior Kidman and his wife father passed away. I am so very sorry and I Singapore police said an elderly man had Sydney Morning Herald said Antony Kidman Janelle, the website said. Nicole Kidman, 47, am in tears,” one of the postings read. died at the hospital yesterday but did not was visiting Nicole’s sister Antonia, who lives most recently starred in “Grace of Monaco”, a Another post said: “Our thoughts and give his name. in Singapore. It said he was a clinical psychol- biopic of the American film actress and prayers are with and your family at this sad “Police were informed today at about ogist and director of the health psychology Princess of Monaco. time.” —AFP

Playboy model, cheap seats lure youth to London’s Royal Opera opener

he Royal Opera House rolled out the red carpet for young people on Thursday for season opener “Anna Spanish TNicole,” based on the life of American stripper and flamenco singer Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith whose voluptuous surgical- Pepe de Lucia ly enhanced cleavage attracted a billionaire. Traditionally the (center), season opener would be a well-heeled event with lavish dis- brother of late plays of diamonds and luxury cars. Spanish guitarist But in a deliberate bid to cross the generational divide and Paco de Lucia, fill the house with young people, the ROH sold seats that performs as he sometimes go for as much as 200 pounds ($325) for prices takes part in a ranging from 1 pound to 25 pounds, to students and people spontaneous aged 16 to 25. The result was an audience that looked - by tribute on the design - like it might have been more at home in a rock club eve of the “Bienal than an opera house. de Flamenco” de The ROH threw in finishing touches, including a short Sevilla on stretch of red carpet on the street outside while pretend September 11, paparazzi flashed cameras as the audience arrived. They also 2014. The event sold popcorn during the interval. “I runs till couldn’t wish for anything better October 5. — AFP tonight,” Kasper Holten, the ROH’s director of opera, said. “I think it’s the first time in my entire life that I feel like one of the oldest people in an opera house.” Sax player Kenny G The subject matter of the opera, a revival of a 2011 production based on a libretto by Richard Thomas with an eclectic, pop-influ- turns to stockpicking enced score by British composer Mark-Anthony Turnage, captivated enny G, the best-selling jazz musician who once played at account away from us. Why get in the middle of it?” Morgan said. the audience. Smith married an oil President Bill Clinton’s inaugural ball, wakes up every Wealthy investors with more than $1 million in their accounts are tycoon 63 years older than she whom she met in a Texas strip Kmorning to Starbucks. The saxophonist doesn’t drink cof- unusual in their affection for trading individual shares, according club. After his death in 1995 she pursued a lengthy court bat- fee. Instead, the man whose real name is Kenny Gorelick obses- to new data from E*Trade and other brokers. tle over his estate. Smith herself died of a drug overdose in sively checks the company’s stock price. Gorelick was one of the The wealthy typically keep 30 percent of their portfolios or 2007 amid press scrutiny of a paternity and custody battle first investors in the Seattle-based chain. He was introduced to more in individual stocks, said Lena Haas, senior vice president of over her newborn daughter. The original production was plen- Starbucks chief Howard Schultz through an uncle, before the Retirement, Investing and Saving at E*Trade. Investors with ty racy, with pole dancers and a cocaine-fueled party among company went public, and soon bought a stake. Shares are up accounts below the $1 million mark typically hold 10 percent or the colorful touches. Smith was played by Dutch soprano Eva- more than 12,000 percent since beginning public trade. less of their assets in individual shares, about half of the amount Maria Westbroek wearing prosthetic breasts. A new flourish That success helped spark a stockpicking habit that consumes typically seen before the 2008 financial crisis, she said. That had Westbroek twerk briefly, mimicking the writhing body his attention as his music earning potential is eaten away by digi- reflects a rush by small investors into index funds that passively movement made famous by singer Miley Cyrus. tal music, which pays less than physical album sales, and online track the performance of the broad market. Picking stock winners If nothing else, the revival proved that the opera has legs, piracy. These days, Gorelick spends his mornings in front of his is not easy. Only 30 percent of professional fund managers out- Hugh Canning, music critic for The Times of London, said. “I computer screen, trading blocs of shares of the approximately 30 performed the benchmark Standard & Poor’s 500 index over the think it’s revived very well,” he said after the final curtain companies in his portfolio. Over the last decade, he has earned last decade, according to data from Lipper, a Thomson Reuters descended on Westbroek being zipped up in a black body about as much money from stock trading as from music, he said. company. Yet individual shares do have advantages, advisers say, bag. The death of her beloved son Daniel, her unhealthy “Most people in the music business don’t make as much mon- including the ability to defer tax liabilities during an investor’s lifestyle and her addiction to painkillers to deal with the back ey as we used to,” said Gorelick, who topped the contemporary lifetime and favorable tax treatment for their heirs. Wealthy pain caused by her breast implants led to an early death. “Who jazz sales charts for several years running in the 1990s and whose investors who trade a portion of their own accounts may also be knows if it’s going to be an opera for all times...but she is a 2010 album cracked jazz’s top ten. “You have your 1 percent of able to increase the diversity of their portfolios. classic heroine,” he said. Beyonce and U2, who are playing stadiums, who are going to “If you look at opera, it’s the sort of archetypal rags-to-rich- make tons of money. I’m going to put myself in the normal cate- Growth stock picker es-to-rags that has been the stuff of opera right from the gory of a music person who has been successful.” Gorelick, who Gorelick has been more fortunate than other musicians when beginning of time.” It won over the youthful audience, which holds a degree in accounting from the University of Washington, it comes to the income he’s lost to streaming and digital down- gave a huge ovation to Westbroek at the final curtain and to keeps his assets in two main accounts: one for his own trading loads. His 2010 album, “Heart and Soul”, sold nearly 12,000 copies the rest of the cast and the orchestra, conducted by music and one that is overseen by Todd Morgan, a founder of Los in its first week, with an unusually high 86 percent of sales com- director Antonio Pappano. “I’m loving it. It’s the first opera I’ve Angeles-based firm Bel Air Investment Advisors. Morgan said that ing in higher-priced compact discs, according to figures from experienced,” Georgina Jones, 21, of London said during the it was common for his clients, all of whom must meet the firm’s Nielsen SoundScan, which tracks music purchases. His next solo interval. “I love musical theatre but this is another level, the $20 million minimum in investable assets, to keep a portion of album is due later this year. As far as stock performance goes, “I scale of it. It’s great,” she said. — Reuters their portfolios for stock trading. have a good batting average but I’m definitely not perfect,” “We encourage them that if they are active traders to open an Gorelick said. —Reuters SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Actor Ryan Reynolds poses for a selfie as he attends “The Voices” premiere during the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival at Ryerson Theatre on September 11, 2014 in Toronto, Canada. (Right) Actress Anna Kendrick poses for a selfie with fans as she attends “The Voices” premiere. — AFP photos Netflix: The revolution that changed US TV landscape

rom doorstep DVD delivery to binge- offerings, and Netflix meanwhile faces stream- watching on tablets and phones: In 17 ing competition from Hulu, Amazon and Fyears Netflix has revolutionized the US Google, not to mention illegal downloads. television industry several times over. The company-which is about to arrive in France, Shows of its own Switzerland, Belgium, Germany and Austria- With its distinctive red-and-white brand- has also totally revamped the relationship ing, Netflix has also taken another turn to woo Americans have with both TV shows and film. more subscribers and tempt back those who After launching in 1997, the service simply might have strayed: it began ordering its own killed the traditional DVD or video store, shows, going straight for high-production val- experts say. ue like cable channels HBO and Showtime. “Their catalogue was huge, it was so sim- When David Fincher, the director of “Fight ple,” said Robert Thompson, a professor of Club,” “Se7en” and “The Social Network” was pop culture at Syracuse University. Netflix sub- pitching the adaptation of a British political scribers could-and still can-watch an unlimit- series to cable companies, Netflix made an ed number of DVDs per month, delivered to audacious move to secure the show. Instead their door. After viewing the DVD, the cus- of offering to buy only a pilot episode or to tomer slips it in a pre-paid envelope and mails produce one season of “House of Cards,” it back, triggering the next DVD to be sent. Netflix ordered two seasons, with two-time Paradoxically, “Netflix in the beginning was a Oscar winner Kevin Spacey cast in the central new technology company but based on the role. Picture illustrates the on-demand Internet streaming media provider,†Netflix, on the home oldest technology possible: the US post In addition to the ground-breaking series, video game console PlayStation 3 in Stockholm. — AFP office,” Thompson told AFP. Netflix is “making equivalent kinds of commit- ments with lesser names in ‘Orange is the new Riding the streaming wave Black,’ with mostly unknown actresses,” said Based in Los Gatos, California, the compa- media expert Tom Nunan, who teaches at the ny, which is led by co-founder Reed Hastings University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and has 50 million subscribers, surfed straight School of Theater, Film and Television. The onto the online streaming wave as it took off company understood that people only need on the Internet. Competitor Hulu.com and to watch one or two shows to be hooked as several other platforms were already offering subscribers. these services, but Netflix had an advantage of scale. This also made it easier to export Entire season at once beyond the United States, as it is now doing in Netflix made yet another innovation by several European countries. The arrival of offering not only one episode per week but tablets and large smartphones on a massive the entire season in one go. “Netflix was a scale also helped popularize streaming, all the game changer not only through binge view- while marginalizing both traditional television ing” but also by providing “high-quality con- and DVDs. tent with at least two seasons of confidence,” “There’s now a whole variety of ways to Nunan said. “They’re making this kind of com- watch programs on TV but also on the com- mitment with big-name Academy Award win- puter, on your tablet, on your cell phone,” said ners,” he added. Netflix may have begun the Jeff Kagan, an independent technology ana- revolution, but the market is now wide open, lyst. “Netflix allows people to watch programs with everyone-not only Amazon and Google, (From left to right) Producer Beau St Clair, US-Irish actor Pierce Brosnan and Ukrainian-born when they want, where they want,” he added. but also the traditional networks like NBC and French actress and model Olga Kurylenko pose during a photocall for the film “The November But its catalogue of shows and films for CBS-diversifying how they provide content, Man” during the 40th Deauville American Film Festival yesterday in the French north-western streaming remains far smaller than its DVD said Thomspon. — AFP sea resort of Deauville. —AFP SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Marc Jacobs, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein close NY Fashion Week

esign royalty closed New York Fashion gown with tulle skirt and tight bodice, belted Week Thursday with bubble skirts from at the waist. Or a full yellow tulle skirt paired DMarc Jacobs, safari chic from Ralph with a sage green safari shirt, opened at the Lauren and minimalist silhouettes from Calvin neck to reveal layered beads in a necklace. Klein, paving the way for the European season. “Beautiful, gorgeous, chic, safari-chic, I think he Crossing the look of trench coats and North took us to Africa,” said Avril Graham, journalist Korean soldiers’ uniforms, Marc Jacobs at Harper’s Bazaar US. unveiled long tunics, trouser suits and mini bubble dresses for spring/summer 2015 in the Lauren an American icon closing show of the week. Green-khaki, blue, It was the second collection of the week for emerald-green and beige strapless mini dress- Lauren, 74, who unveiled his Polo line to great es or shirts buttoned up to the neck with large fanfare at an innovative 4D holographic event belts cinching the waist were decorated by in Central Park. “He’s an American icon so he’s large brass buttons. just fantastic. You couldn’t have a fashion Shoes were mostly flat and velour-sandals week without Ralph Lauren,” said Suzanne that appeared part-Birkenstock, part orthope- Donaldson from the Mrs Sizzle website. At dic. Guests found headphones from Beats by Calvin Klein, Brazilian-born womenswear cre- Dre, recently acquired by Apple, tethered to ative director Francisco Costa offered a total their seat to fully immerse themselves in the contrast in black, navy, white, red and silver. soundtrack. At Ralph Lauren, his woman for Actress and New York fashionista Sarah the new season was part adventurer, part Jessica Parker sat in the front row next to princess, decked out in sage-green ghurka cot- Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour for a show ton cargo pants, tulle evening gowns and that did little to deviate from the vintage Klein golden sandals. Guests best summed up the look. The signature look was a sleeveless dress look as safari chic. worn over a longer viscose fluted skirt, whose There was a deep amethyst silk top, lemon silk taffeta made into a blouson jacket, and plenty of hot pink and bright orange paired with the preponderance of sage green. For daywear there were jodhpurs, suede cargo pants, cotton safari shirts and a safari jacket, a suede skirt, and suede peplum and nude tulle beaded tops. For evening there was a hot-pink evening

applause. Next up, London, Paris and Milan will take over the fashion relay. Ruth Finley, 90, who created and for decades has run the Fashion Calendar guide to Fashion Week, told AFP she enjoyed the strong use of color on the Models present creations by the Marc Jacobs runway. “It was amazing. There were so many Spring/Summer 2015 collection during New shows, more than 300 and every show was York Fashion Week. — AFP photos packed, every seat was taken,” she said. “Ralph Lauren showed a lot of color. Beautiful, really beautiful clothes and I love the color.”Carolina Herrera-who turned heads with her use of a new fabric called techno pique-was also “terrif- ic, absolutely great,” said Finley. — AFP

slender cut was amplified by a high-waisted thin stainless belt. The same look was repeat- ed again and again, copied in patchwork black and navy, or with an oversized pleated pant. There was a striking navy leather jacket flared below the waist, mesh honeycomb knit dresses, lacquer-perforated leather coats and T-shirt dresses, jacquard coats and tank dress- es. For evening, the look remained plain, a beautifully tailored white viscose sleeveless dress with simple metal detail on the shoulder. Collar lines were all round at the neck. Costa appeared at the end of the catwalk show for a brief, modest bow and a smile to very muted SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Ralph Lauren

Calvin Klein TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Big Tobacco takes up e-cigars BAT says nicotine inhaler licensed as medical product

LONDON: As electronic cigarettes flew off tobacco, that battery life is too short, and that Group, by far the largest, saw its shares close rettes were simple devices largely sold on the shelves on both sides of the Atlantic in recent they are too pricey, at as much as $15 a day at just $5.50 on Wednesday, down from the Internet, so even though there was venture years, investors flocked to a business some for a very heavy user. As such, they have been high teens in March. capital and private equity interest, capital hope will be the future for tobacco. Now sales losing share to next-generation models that It went public in a reverse merger last year, needs were relatively modest. Now that they growth is slowing from a 2011 peak and pri- pack a bigger puff at a lower price in a market and has since done a string of deals as small grace shelves all along the high street, many vate funds are more cautious about the of which 70 percent is in the United States players seek consolidation in a market still companies must invest in slotting fees, quality smokeless devices, making it harder for inde- and Europe. “You’d be hard-pressed for some- home to hundreds of brands. “The key driver control, supply chain and marketing to drive pendent e-cigarette firms to raise capital and one to invest today in the smaller, independ- is that by doing this, they’re better able to and keep market share. That crimps cash flow, hitting their share prices. The entry of Big ent e-cigarette companies because it’s tough compete with the tobacco companies,” said making them less attractive to private equity Tobacco and a push for tighter regulation has to know whether they’ll ever get distribution,” Mark Winkler of Fleming Family & Partners, firms who need near-term profits to service led outside investors to question the potential said a source financially involved in the sector. who advised British e-cigarette maker Skycig their debt, said Winkler. of the e-cigarette market, where sales are at a “Investors are shifting their attention now, on its sale to Lorillard in October for 30 million And while some independent companies modest $3.5 billion worldwide but still grow- trying to figure out what other areas they pounds ($49.58 million) plus future payments. may still be able to sell out to a bigger compa- ing faster than for most consumer goods. should be investing in.” One such area is so- In May, Michigan-based ECIG filed for a fol- ny or go public, he said there is concern that “Everybody knows regulation is coming so called vaping products, a rainbow of do-it- low-on public offering to raise up to $149.5 many others may get trampled, leaving investors are concerned about investing in yourself tanks, batteries and e-liquids. US million and in July announced a $20 million investors with no exit strategy. “There will be companies that won’t be able to meet those financial services giant Wells Fargo estimates investment from an arm of Egypt’s Mansour some independents who will be very success- rules,” said Craig Weiss, CEO of NJOY, one of that business at $1.1 billion of a $2.5 billion US Group. Shares in the second-biggest traded ful, but I anticipate that many may struggle to the more established e-cigarette makers, vapor market including e-cigarettes. firm, 22nd Century Group , have more than achieve an exit at the end of the day,” Winkler which sources say could pursue an IPO or a takeover by tobacco or healthcare firms. The World Health Organization last month called for bans on indoor use, advertising and sales to minors of the metal tubes that heat nico- tine-laced liquid into vapor, arguing that the jury was still out on how safe they were. This would go further than the European Union’s rule coming into force in 2016 to ban advertising and regulate nicotine content, and a proposal by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban sales to minors. “For smaller companies, it is challenging - they have to answer for FDA uncertainty and questions about Big Tobacco,” Weiss said. Gamucci, one of Britain’s earliest e-cigarette makers, has been seeking capital for about 12 months, while rival E-Lites weighed options for a year before agreeing in June to sell out to Big Tobacco’s No. 3 player, Japan Tobacco. With sales of traditional cigarettes declin- ing in many countries due to health concerns, almost all the major tobacco companies have either bought e-cigarette companies or set up in-house development. This means the inde- pendent players must be extra nimble. Gamucci CEO Tony Scanlan, who worked at a leading tobacco company for 17 years before branching out, told Reuters Gamucci is close to securing an injection of about 20 million pounds ($32.4 million) and may weigh going public when it gets bigger. It is planning a new range that is refillable rather than disposable in line with market trends and is considering marketing products as medical devices, as British American Tobacco’s Nicoventures unit is doing. Particularly bullish, it says vaping could sur- halved since its March high of $6.34, even said. The healthcare industry may be some Innovation is now key to survival in a business pass smoking in the US in the next decade. though its shareholders at the time of filings help. NJOY, which has had several fund injec- whose products have piqued consumer inter- Data gatherer Nielsen, which tracks retail this summer included funds managed by the tions from private equity and venture capital est, but not loyalty. “Last summer ... you were sales but not online or at specialty “vape likes of Vanguard, Fidelity and TIAA-CREF. funds and others including Silicon Valley seeing a big build-up of consumer trial, but shops”, says that for the 52 weeks ended heavyweight Sean Parker, has attracted inter- that trial hasn’t come through to regular August 23 e-cigarette and tank revenue in the BIG TOBACCO VS PHARMACEUTICALS? est from both major tobacco and pharmaceu- usage,” said Martin Deboo, an analyst with US grew 19 percent. But that was down from The major tobacco companies do not face tical firms, according to two sources familiar Jefferies. 125.5 percent growth for the same period the same pressure, since their investments in with the matter. It was not clear which com- He cited research showing that half of all ending in 2013, 133 percent in 2012 and the sector are tiny compared with the size of panies, or whether any talks took place. smokers had tried e-cigarettes but only 10 almost 1,103 percent for 2011. Some predict their traditional businesses and serve as a Buying e-cigarette makers may eventually percent said they were regular users. “The first regulation may slow that down further due to hedge against declining tobacco sales. British make sense for healthcare companies since generation ‘cig-a-likes’, from a smokers’ point fears vaping may become a gateway to smok- American, the world’s No. 2 tobacco firm, set they threaten the nicotine replacement thera- of view, have only been a partial solution,” ing for kids, with e-liquids in thousands of fla- up a unit in 2011 to develop smokeless alter- pies offered by the likes of Pfizer and Deboo said. Lorillard, America’s No. 3 tobacco vors with names ranging from the quaint natives and bought UK based CN Creative the GlaxoSmithKline. BAT’s Nicoventures unit, in firm and No 1 e-cigarette firm, said e-cigarette Apple Pie to the outlandish Zombie Juice. following year. It sells an e-cigarette called conjunction with Consort Medical and Kind sales fell 35 percent to $37 million in the quar- A recent drop in the value of a group of e- Vype in Britain, while Reynolds American, in Consumer, has had a new nicotine inhaler ter to June 30, but its retail market share fell cigarettes companies trading mostly over- which it holds a large stake, is rolling out an e- called Voke licensed in the UK as a medical only 1.1 percent, which suggests the entire the-counter on the Pink Sheets in the US cigarette called Vuse across America. product, the companies said on Friday. NJOY, category shrank dramatically. highlights the growing caution. Nine compa- US Marlboro maker Altria Group bought which just launched new lines of recharge- nies had a combined market capitalization of Miami-based Green Smoke for $110 million in able and vape products in flavors like blood Zombie juice $743.3 million at the close of trading on April, and in July Lorillard agreed to sell Skycig orange and butter crunch, declined to com- Some vapers complain that with the slim, Wednesday, down nearly 60 percent from a and Blu, which it bought for $135 million in ment on any such approaches, but CEO Weiss disposable e-cigarettes, poor vapor quality March peak of $1.84 billion, though still up on 2012, to Gauloises maker Imperial Tobacco. said, “if the right type of investor approached makes the nicotine hit weaker than with a year ago. Electronic Cigarettes International Before exploding in the last four years, e-ciga- us, I would have to listen”. — Reuters TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 US threatened Yahoo with huge fine over surveillance WASHINGTON: US authorities threatened to fine Yahoo $250,000 a day if it failed to comply with a secret surveillance program requiring it to hand over user data in the name of national security, court doc- uments showed Thursday. The documents, made public in a rare unsealing by a secretive court panel, “underscore how we had to fight every step of the way to challenge the US government’s surveillance efforts,” Yahoo gener- al counsel Ron Bell said in a blog post that will again raise privacy concerns. The documents shed new light on the PRISM snooping program revealed in leaked files from former National Security Agency con- tractor Edward Snowden. The program allowed US intelligence serv- ices to sweep up massive amounts of data from major Internet firms including Yahoo and Google. Officials have said the deeply con- tentious program ended in 2011. The 1,500 pages of documents were ordered released by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in the case dating from 2007, according to Bell, who said that in 2007, the US government “amended a key law to demand user infor- mation from online services.” “We refused to comply with what we viewed as unconstitutional and overbroad surveillance and chal- lenged the US government’s authority,” he said. Yahoo’s court challenge failed and it was forced to hand over the US user data. “At one point, the US government threatened the imposition of $250,000 in fines per day if we refused to comply,” Bell revealed. Since the Snowden leaks, Yahoo and others have been seeking to make public these court documents to show they were forced to comply with government requests and made numerous attempts to fight these efforts, rather than simply acquiescing to TOKYO: Apple fan Tetsuya Tamura holds a China made “iPhone 6” as he wears a t-shirt with writing translat- them, as some critics say. The opening of these court dockers to the ing to “7 days remaining for iPhone 6 launch” as he and other fans queue outside an Apple store in Tokyo public “is extremely rare,” Bell said, adding that the company was in yesterday. —AFP the process of making the 1,500 pages publicly available online. “We consider this an important win for transparency and hope that these records help promote informed discussion about the rela- tionship between privacy, due process, and intelligence gathering,” Solar storm heads Earth’s Bell added. But he said that “despite the declassification and release, portions of the documents remain sealed and classified to this day, unknown even to our team.” way after double sun blasts

‘Not reasonable’ The redacted court records, seen by AFP, showed Yahoo chal- Explosions may cause geometric storm today lenged the government on constitutional grounds, saying the sur- veillance program violated protections against unreasonable search WASHINGTON: Two big explosions on the sunspot near the center of the solar disk, the fast-moving energized particles were and seizure. Yahoo said in one brief that the government’s requests surface of the sun will cause a moderate to and both produced significant coronal mass not directed straight at Earth. were “unconstitutional because they permitted warrantless surveil- strong geomagnetic storm on Earth in the ejections, or CMEs, of magnetized plasma “The events that just occurred over the lance of US persons’ private communications without prior judicial coming days, possibly disrupting radio and headed toward Earth. last 24 hours were Earth-directed, they are review, and were not reasonable.” The company argued that the satellite communications, scientists said On a scale of one to five, the resulting just not that big,” said William Murtagh, pro- program was not merely monitoring overseas targets but some in Thursday. The unusual storm is not likely to geomagnetic storm should be “moderate to gram coordinator at the Space Weather the United States “with no knowledge that their Internet communi- wreak havoc with personal electronics but strong,” rating a G2 or G3, Berger said. “It is Prediction Center. cations are being retrieved.” Yahoo said the process was “similar to may cause colorful nighttime auroras, or dis- fairly rare for two CMEs of this magnitude to “If we had a very big storm-and this is what is done in criminal cases” and would require monitoring from plays of the Northern Lights, late Friday and come in close succession like this,” he told not it-that produced big problems with the the company’s headquarters in Sunnyvale, California. —AFP early today. reporters. “Because of this we cannot rule power grid, that would be our biggest con- “We don’t expect any unmanageable out higher storm levels perhaps as high as cern.” Nor is the radiation caused by these impacts to national infrastructure from G4 or severe geomagnetic storming, partic- flares presently enough to raise concern for these solar events at this time but we are ularly in the polar regions.” The National astronauts at the International Space watching these events closely,” said Thomas Weather Service has alerted power grid Station, experts said. Berger, director of the Space Weather operators and the Federal Emergency But given the nature of CMEs with their Prediction Center at the National Oceanic Management Agency, just in case. internal magnetic fields, scientists are not and Atmospheric Administration. The strength of the storm pales in com- yet sure exactly what will happen when “More pleasantly, we do expect these parison to major geomagnetic storms of they bounce off the Earth’s protective storm levels to cause significant auroral dis- years past, such as the 1859 Carrington shield. plays across much of the northern US on event that wiped out power across a swath “The sun just shot out a magnet that is Friday night,” he said. The storm began with of Canada. It is also weaker than a near-miss going to interact with another magnet, the a minor solar flare on Monday, followed by a geomagnetic storm in July 2012 that NASA Earth’s magnetic field,” explained Murtagh. major X-class flare-the strongest classifica- scientists said could have knocked Earth’s “And how they couple together is going to tion-on Wednesday at around 1745 GMT. technology back at least 150 years. That be critical in determining how intense the Both eruptions came from the same storm didn’t cause mass damage because geomagnetic storm is going to be.” —AFP Ancient flying reptile named after ‘Avatar’

WASHINGTON: Some of the most visually stunning sequences blance to a movie creature. from director James Cameron’s blockbuster movie “Avatar” The scientists said it appears that Ikrandraci avatar had a involved graceful flying creatures that were ridden by blue throat pouch similar to that of a pelican. It probably fed on small TOKYO: Japan’s motorcycle giant Yamaha Motor human-like beings facing ecological destruction on a moon fish from freshwater lakes, flying low over the water and catch- president Hiroyuki Yanagi displays the new 125cc called Pandora. It turns out that an animal very similar to those ing prey by skimming its lower jaw into the water, they said. It scooter “Nozza Grande” with Blue Core technology “Avatar” creatures, called Ikran, actually did exist here on Earth may have stored the fish in the pouch, they added. This after he announced the company’s business strate- long ago. Scientists on Thursday announced the discovery of fos- Cretaceous Period pterosaur boasted an unusual blade-like crest sils in China of a new species of flying reptile called a pterosaur on its lower jaw like the one on the movie creatures. “The head gy in Tokyo yesterday. Yamaha aims at target sales that lived 120 millions years ago and so closely resembled the structure is similar in this pterosaur to the Ikran in ‘Avatar,’” said volume of 1 trillion yen ($10 million) in 2015 and will creatures from the 2009 film that they named it after them. It is one of the researchers, paleontologist Xiaolin Wang of the introduce high efficiency compact engine technolo- called Ikrandraci avatar, meaning “Ikran dragon” from “Avatar.” Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, gy “Blue Core” at Asian market. —AFP And this pterosaur is noteworthy for more than just its resem- Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. —Reuters TV listings SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

17:05 Nigellissima Loch Ness 02:45 Mythbusters 06:25 Disney Sing-Along 17:30 Bargain Hunt 11:00 Backyard Oil 03:35 What’s That About? 06:45 Disney Sing-Along 18:15 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 11:25 Backyard Oil 04:30 Alien Mysteries 07:10 Suite Life On Deck 19:10 Nigellissima 11:50 Backyard Oil 05:20 07:35 Good Luck Charlie 00:45 Monsters Inside Me 19:35 Come Dine With Me: South 12:15 Backyard Oil 05:45 Rocket City Rednecks 08:00 Jessie 01:35 Animal Cops South Africa 00:15 Nordic Cookery With Tareq Africa 12:40 Backyard Oil 06:10 The Future Of... 08:20 Mako Mermaids 02:25 Safari Vet School Taylor 20:30 Come Dine With Me: South 13:05 Backyard Oil 07:00 Comet Impact 08:45 Liv And Maddie 02:50 Safari Vet School 00:40 Cash In The Attic Africa 13:30 Backyard Oil 07:55 The Unexplained Files 09:05 I Didn’t Do It 03:15 Tanked 01:25 Cash In The Attic 21:20 Come Dine With Me: South 13:55 Backyard Oil 08:45 What’s That About? 09:30 Dog With A Blog 04:05 Treehouse Masters 02:10 Cash In The Attic Africa 14:20 Backyard Oil 09:40 The Future Of... 09:55 Austin & Ally 04:55 Great White Serial Killer 02:55 Bargain Hunt 22:15 Bargain Hunt 14:45 Backyard Oil 10:30 X-Machines 10:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 05:45 Monsters Inside Me 03:40 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 23:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Backyard Oil 11:20 Alien Mysteries Teenage Witch 06:35 Animal Airport 04:30 Nigellissima 15:35 Backyard Oil 12:10 Rocket City Rednecks 10:40 The Mighty Ducks 07:00 Call Of The Wildman 04:55 Nordic Cookery With Tareq 16:00 12:35 Rocket City Rednecks 12:15 Dog With A Blog 07:25 Cats 101 Taylor 17:40 Alaska: The Last Frontier 13:00 How Stuff’s Made 12:35 Jessie 08:15 From Pound Pups To Dog 05:20 The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 18:30 River Monsters 13:30 What’s That About? 13:00 Jessie Stars 05:45 Cash In The Attic 19:20 River Monsters: Legend Of 14:20 Mythbusters 13:25 I Didn’t Do It 08:40 From Pound Pups To Dog 06:15 Cash In The Attic Loch Ness 15:10 Smash Lab 13:45 I Didn’t Do It Stars 07:00 Cash In The Attic 00:20 Wheeler Dealers 21:00 Klondike 16:00 X-Machines 14:10 A.N.T. Farm 09:10 Project Puppy 07:45 Bargain Hunt 01:10 Bike Battles 21:50 The Liquidator 16:50 The Future Of... 14:35 Shake It Up 09:40 Project Puppy 08:30 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 02:00 Fast N’ Loud 22:15 The Liquidator 17:40 How It’s Made 15:00 Good Luck Charlie 10:05 Must Love Cats 09:20 Nigellissima 02:50 Storage Hunters 22:40 The Liquidator 18:05 How It’s Made 15:25 Shake It Up 11:00 Too Cute! 09:45 Nordic Cookery With Tareq 03:15 Lost And Sold 23:05 Porter Ridge 18:30 Superhuman Showdown 15:50 Shake It Up 11:55 Animal Airport Taylor 03:40 The Liquidator 23:30 Porter Ridge 19:20 The Gadget Show 16:10 Shake It Up 12:25 Call Of The Wildman 10:10 Cash In The Attic 04:05 How It’s Made 23:55 Backyard Oil 19:45 How Stuff’s Made 16:35 Liv And Maddie 12:50 Must Love Cats 10:55 Cash In The Attic 04:30 How Do They Do It? 20:10 Mythbusters 17:00 Liv And Maddie 13:45 Must Love Cats 11:40 Cash In The Attic 05:00 Gold Divers: Under The Ice 21:00 Breakthrough Prize 2014 17:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 14:40 Must Love Cats 12:25 Bargain Hunt 06:00 You Have Been Warned 22:15 How Tech Works Teenage Witch 15:35 Must Love Cats 13:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 06:50 What Happened Next? 22:40 Dark Matters: Twisted But 17:45 Dog With A Blog 16:30 Must Love Cats 14:00 Nigellissima 07:15 What Happened Next? True 18:10 Dog With A Blog 17:25 Must Love Cats 14:25 Nordic Cookery With Tareq 07:40 Dynamo: Magician 00:20 The Gadget Show 18:30 Good Luck Charlie 18:20 Tanked Taylor Impossible 00:45 How Stuff’s Made 18:55 Shake It Up 19:15 World’s Wildest Cities: 14:50 Cash In The Attic 08:30 River Monsters 01:10 How It’s Made 19:20 Shake It Up Manaus 15:35 Cash In The Attic 09:20 River Monsters: Legend Of 01:35 How It’s Made 19:40 Shake It Up 19:45 World’s Wildest Cities: 16:20 Cash In The Attic 02:00 Superhuman Showdown 20:05 Jessie Manaus 00:30 Deadly Women 20:30 Jessie 20:10 Bad Dog 01:20 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 20:50 Jessie 21:05 Adrift: 47 Days With Sharks 01:45 Who On Earth Did I Marry? 21:15 Jessie 22:00 Rogue Sharks 02:10 Dates From Hell 21:40 Jessie 22:55 Bad Dog 02:35 Dates From Hell 22:00 Good Luck Charlie 23:50 Jaws Strikes Back 03:00 Most Evil 22:25 A.N.T. Farm 03:45 Killer Kids 04:30 I Almost Got Away With It 05:20 Forensic Detectives 06:10 Dr G: Medical Examiner 07:00 Finding Bigfoot 00:25 Come Dine With Me: South 07:50 Forensic Detectives 00:05 Fast Food Gone Global Africa 08:40 Murder Shift 00:55 Marion’s Thailand 01:15 Come Dine With Me 09:30 Disappeared 01:20 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 02:05 Come Dine With Me 10:20 I Was Murdered 01:45 Marion’s Thailand 02:55 Bargain Hunt 10:45 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 02:10 Marion’s Thailand 11:10 Dr G: Medical Examiner 03:40 The Planners 02:35 Siba’s Table 12:00 Finding Bigfoot 04:35 Come Dine With Me: South 03:00 Siba’s Table 12:50 Forensic Detectives 03:25 Guy’s Big Bite Africa 13:40 Murder Shift 03:50 Iron Chef America 05:25 Come Dine With Me 14:30 Disappeared 04:40 All You Can Meat 06:15 Bargain Hunt 15:20 I Was Murdered 07:00 Masterchef: The 15:45 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 05:30 Unwrapped Professionals 16:10 Dr G: Medical Examiner 05:50 Tastiest Places To Chowdown 07:25 Masterchef: The 17:00 Finding Bigfoot 06:15 Chopped Professionals 17:50 Forensic Detectives 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 08:20 Masterchef: The 18:40 Murder Shift 07:25 Roadtrip With G. Garvin Professionals 19:30 Disappeared 07:50 Guy’s Big Bite 09:15 Masterchef: The 20:20 I Was Murdered 08:15 Iron Chef America Professionals 20:45 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 09:05 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 09:45 Bargain Hunt 21:10 Dr G: Medical Examiner Basics 10:30 Bargain Hunt 22:00 American Greed 09:30 Amazing Wedding Cakes 11:15 Bargain Hunt 22:50 I Faked My Own Death 10:20 Easy Chinese 12:00 Bargain Hunt 23:40 I Almost Got Away With It 10:45 All You Can Meat 12:45 Bargain Hunt 11:35 Marion’s Thailand 13:30 Extreme Makeover: Home 12:00 Reza, Spice Prince Of India Edition 12:25 Charly’s Cake Angels 14:15 Extreme Makeover: Home 12:50 Siba’s Table Edition 13:15 Jenny Morris Cooks Morocco 15:35 Valentine Warner Eats 00:00 Violetta 13:40 Sandwich King Scandinavia 00:45 The Hive 14:05 The Next Food Network Star 16:00 Antiques Roadshow 00:50 Art Attack 14:55 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 16:55 Masterchef: The 01:15 Art Attack 15:20 Guy’s Big Bite Professionals 01:40 Jungle Junction 15:45 Chopped 01:50 Jungle Junction 17:25 Masterchef: The 16:35 Fast Food Gone Global 02:05 Jungle Junction Professionals 17:25 Jenny Morris Cooks Morocco 02:15 Jungle Junction 18:20 Masterchef: The 17:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 02:30 Violetta 18:15 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Professionals 03:15 The Hive 19:15 Masterchef: The 18:40 Siba’s Table 03:20 Art Attack 19:05 Marion’s Thailand Professionals 03:45 Art Attack 19:45 Extreme Makeover: Home 19:30 Sandwich King 04:10 Jungle Junction 19:55 Roadtrip With G. Garvin Edition 04:20 Jungle Junction 20:20 All You Can Meat 20:25 Extreme Makeover: Home 04:35 Jungle Junction 21:10 Chopped Edition 04:45 Jungle Junction 21:45 Bargain Hunt 05:00 Art Attack 22:00 All You Can Meat 22:30 Bargain Hunt 05:25 Art Attack 22:50 Pizza Cuz 23:15 Bargain Hunt 05:50 Mouk 23:15 Pizza Cuz 23:40 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 23:55 Bargain Hunt THE GRANDMASTER ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION 06:00 Austin & Ally TV listings SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

05:00 Swamp Men 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 20:00 Into The Blue-PG15 06:00 Hunter Hunted 08:30 Men At Work 22:00 Looper-18 07:00 Outback Wrangler 09:00 Hot In Cleveland 08:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 00:00 Oz The Great And Powerful- 00:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 10:00 Raising Hope 00:35 Cook Me The Money 09:00 The Border 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring PG 00:30 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 01:30 Tom Daley Goes Global 10:00 Mega Factories Jimmy Fallon 02:15 White House Down-PG15 00:55 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 11:00 Showdown of The 04:30 Three Investigators And The 02:25 Paul O’grady: For The Love 12:00 My Name Is Earl 00:00 Stephen Merchant: Hello Unbeatables Secret Of Terror...-PG 01:25 Keeping Up With The Of Dogs 13:00 Men At Work Ladies Live-PG15 12:00 Street Monkeys 06:15 Marvel’s Ultimate Avengers Kardashians 02:55 Emmerdale 14:00 The Michael J. Fox Show 01:30 The Beautician And The 13:00 Banged Up Abroad I-PG 02:20 E! News 05:00 Coronation Street 15:00 Raising Hope Beast-PG15 14:00 Car SOS 08:00 The Call-PG15 03:15 Escape Club 07:30 Paul O’grady: For The Love 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 03:30 Death Becomes Her-PG15 15:00 Inside Combat Rescue 10:00 Marvel’s The Invincible Iron 04:10 E! Investigates Of Dogs Stewart 05:30 Delirious-PG15 16:00 Ultimate Survival Alaska Man-PG 08:00 The Widower 16:00 The Colbert Report 07:30 Bean-PG15 05:05 THS 17:00 Blowdown 11:30 White House Down-PG15 08:50 Trevor Mcdonald’s Queen & 16:30 My Name Is Earl 09:30 Meet The Fockers-PG15 06:00 THS 18:00 Inside 14:00 Marvel’s Ultimate Avengers Country 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 12:00 Mrs. Doubtfire-PG 07:50 Style Star 19:00 Inside Combat Rescue II-PG 09:45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:00 Hot In Cleveland 14:00 Grosse Pointe Blank-PG15 20:00 Ultimate Survival Alaska 16:00 The Call-PG15 08:20 E! News 11:35 Doc Martin 18:30 The Michael J. Fox Show 16:00 What About Bob?-PG 21:00 Blowdown 18:00 The Way Way Back-PG15 09:15 Fashion Police 12:30 How To Find Love Online 19:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:00 The Guilt Trip-PG15 22:00 Inside 20:00 Celeste And Jesse Forever- 09:45 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 14:05 Cook Me The Money 19:30 Raising Hope 20:00 Me, Myself And Irene-18 23:00 Showdown of The PG15 10:15 E!ES 15:00 Tom Daley Goes Global 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 22:00 Step Brothers-18 Unbeatables 11:10 E! Entertainment Special 15:55 Prince George At One Jimmy Fallon 21:00 The Daily Show Global 12:05 E! News 16:45 Murdoch Mysteries 18:30 Monroe Edition 13:05 The Drama Queen 19:25 The Widower 21:30 The Colbert Report Global 14:05 The Drama Queen 20:20 Lightfields Edition 01:00 Golfing World 15:00 Giuliana & Bill 21:15 Murdoch Mysteries 22:00 Saturday Night Live 02:00 PGA European tour 01:00 Atlas Shrugged-PG15 07:00 Total Rugby 16:00 Giuliana & Bill 22:50 Coronation Street 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 23:00 Brickleberry 03:00 Straight A’s-PG15 07:30 Live ITM Cup 17:00 Eric And Jessie: Game On Stewart 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 05:00 The Double-PG15 09:30 Total Rugby 17:30 Eric And Jessie: Game On 01:00 The Colbert Report 07:00 Someday This Pain Will Be 10:00 Live The Rugby 01:30 Mixology 18:00 E! News Useful To You-PG15 Championship 02:00 The Big C 19:00 E!ES 09:00 Metal Tornado-PG15 13:00 Live The Rugby 02:30 Brickleberry 20:00 Fashion Police 00:00 Psych 11:00 Heavy Duty-PG15 Championship 03:00 Hot In Cleveland 20:30 Keeping Up With The 01:00 Crisis 13:00 Straight A’s-PG15 16:00 Live top 14 00:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 03:30 The Michael J. Fox Show Kardashians 02:00 Downton Abbey 15:00 The Intouchables-PG15 18:00 This is PGA tour 01:00 The Border 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 17:00 Metal Tornado-PG15 21:30 Escape Club 03:00 American Horror Story: 18:30 Inside The PGA Tour 02:00 Mega Factories Jimmy Fallon Coven 19:00 The Impossible-PG15 22:30 E! News 19:00 Live PGA tour 03:00 05:30 Men At Work 04:00 C.S.I. 21:00 Drive-18 23:30 The Soup 04:00 Untamed Americas 06:00 My Name Is Earl 05:00 Killer Women 23:00 The Bang Bang Club-18 06:00 Psych 07:00 Glee 08:00 Criminal Minds 00:00 WWE Superstars 09:00 Crisis 01:00 WWE Smackdown 10:00 Killer Women 01:00 Suicide Shop-18 03:00 Trans World Sport 11:00 C.S.I. 02:30 The Music Never Stopped- 04:00 Live Bellator MMA 124 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show PG15 06:00 Golfing World 14:00 Criminal Minds 04:30 Glory-PG15 07:00 NFL Gameday 15:00 Psych 06:45 Seven Pounds-PG15 07:30 Trans World Sport 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 You Got Served: Beat The 08:30 NRL Full Time 18:00 Criminal Minds World-PG15 09:00 LIVE NRL Premiership 19:00 Parenthood 10:45 The Music Never Stopped- 11:00 Total Rugby 20:00 The Blacklist PG15 11:30 NRL Full Time 21:00 Castle 12:45 Girl In Progress-PG15 12:00 Live NRL Premiership 22:00 True Blood 14:30 Blackfish-PG15 14:00 Live PGA European Tour 23:00 Breaking Bad 16:00 You Got Served: Beat The 18:00 Live Currie Cup World-PG15 20:00 Bellator MMA 124 17:45 Syriana-PG15 22:00 The Rugby Championship 20:15 American Gangster-18 23:00 Scarface-18

00:00 Drop Dead Diva 01:00 Good Morning America 03:00 Strike Back 00:30 England Women v South 04:00 Bates Motel 01:00 The Awakening-18 African Women T20I Highlights 05:00 Good Morning America 03:00 Iron Man 3-PG15 01:30 ICC Cricket 360 09:00 Unforgettable 05:15 Peeples-PG15 02:00 Caribbean Premier Leaue 12:00 24: Live Another Day 07:00 R.I.P.D.-PG15 Highlights 13:00 Drop Dead Diva 09:00 Salmon Fishing In The 03:00 Caribbean Premier Leaue 14:00 Last Resort Yemen-PG15 Highlights 15:00 Live Good Morning America 11:00 The Internship-PG15 04:00 Caribbean Premier Leaue 16:00 Unforgettable 13:00 The Croods-PG Highlights 17:00 24: Live Another Day 14:45 Star Trek Into Darkness- 05:00 Natwest T20 Blast Highlights 18:00 Drop Dead Diva PG15 06:00 England v India T20I 19:00 Unforgettable 17:00 Salmon Fishing In The Highlights 20:00 24: Live Another Day Yemen-PG15 07:00 ICC Cricket 360 21:00 Drop Dead Diva 19:00 Alex Cross-PG15 07:30 England v India ODI 22:00 Strike Back 21:00 End Of Watch-18 Highlights 23:00 Bates Motel 23:00 The East-18 08:30 England v India ODI Highlights 09:30 England v India ODI Highlights 10:30 England v India ODI 01:00 Eleanor’s Secret Highlights 00:00 Grave Encounters-18 02:30 Tristan And Isolde 11:30 England v India ODI 02:00 Batman: The Dark Knight 04:15 Hammer Boy Highlights Returns Part Two-PG15 06:00 Dinosaur Island- 12:30 England v India T20I 04:00 Knockout-PG15 07:45 The Missing Lynx Highlights 06:00 The Grandmaster-PG15 09:30 Barbie As The Princess And 13:30 Live Champions League T20 08:00 Olympus Has Fallen-PG15 The Pauper 17:00 ICC Cricket 360 10:00 The Saint-PG15 11:00 The Legend Of Sarila 17:30 Live Champions League T20 12:00 Knockout-PG15 12:30 Tristan And Isolde 21:00 ICC Cricket 360 14:00 Flight Of The Intruder-PG15 14:00 Blue Elephant 2 21:30 Caribbean Premier Leaue 16:00 The Grandmaster-PG15 15:45 Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Highlights IRON MAN 3 ON OSN MOVIES HD 18:00 Olympus Has Fallen-PG15 Of The Were-Rabbit 22:30 Caribbean Premier Leaue WHAT’S ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Organic foods: Are they safer? More nutritious?

nce found only in health food stores, Products that are completely organic - or “hormone-free” on food labels. These residue on produce. Organic farmers use insect organic food is now a regular feature at such as fruits, vegetables, eggs or other sin- descriptions must be truthful, but don’t con- traps, careful crop selection (disease-resistant Omost supermarkets. And that’s created gle-ingredient foods - are labeled 100 percent fuse them with the term “organic.” Only foods varieties), predator insects or beneficial microor- a bit of a dilemma in the produce aisle. On one organic and can carry the USDA seal. Foods that are grown and processed according to ganisms instead to control crop-damaging hand, you have a conventionally grown apple. that have more than one ingredient, such as USDA organic standards can be labeled pests. Some people buy organic food to limit On the other, you have one that’s organic. breakfast cereal, can use the USDA organic organic. their exposure to these residues. Organic pro- Both apples are firm, shiny and red. Both pro- seal plus the following wording, depending duce typically carries significantly fewer pesti- vide vitamins and fiber, and both are free of on the number of organic ingredients: 100 Organic food: Is it more nutritious? cide residues than does conventional produce. fat, sodium and cholesterol. Which should you percent organic. To use this phrase, products Probably not, but the answer isn’t yet clear. However, residues on most products - both choose? Get the facts before you shop. must be either completely organic or made of A recent study examined the past 50 years’ organic and nonorganic - don’t exceed govern- all organic ingredients. worth of scientific articles about the nutrient ment safety thresholds. Conventional vs organic farming Organic. Products must be at least 95 per- content of organic and conventional foods. Food additives: Organic regulations ban or The word “organic” refers to the way farm- cent organic to use this term. Products that The researchers concluded that organically severely restrict the use of food additives, pro- ers grow and process agricultural products, contain at least 70 percent organic ingredi- and conventionally produced foodstuffs are cessing aids (substances used during process- such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy prod- ents may say “made with organic ingredients” not significantly different in their nutrient ing, but not added directly to food) and fortify- ucts and meat. Organic farming practices are on the label, but may not use the seal. Foods content. ing agents commonly used in nonorganic designed to encourage soil and water conser- containing less than 70 percent organic ingre- foods, including preservatives, artificial sweet- vation and reduce pollution. Farmers who dients can’t use the seal or the word “organic” Organic food: Other considerations eners, colorings and flavorings, and monosodi- grow organic produce don’t use conventional on their product labels. They can include the Many factors influence the decision to choose um glutamate. methods to fertilize and control weeds. organic items in their ingredient list, however. organic food. Some people choose organic food Environment: Some people buy organic Examples of organic farming practices include because they prefer the taste. Yet others opt for food for environmental reasons. Organic farm- using natural fertilizers to feed soil and plants, Do ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ mean the same organic because of concerns such as: ing practices are designed to benefit the envi- and using crop rotation or mulch to manage thing? Pesticides: Conventional growers use syn- ronment by reducing pollution and conserving weeds. No, “natural” and “organic” are not inter- thetic pesticides to protect their crops from water and soil quality. changeable terms. You may see “natural” and molds, insects and diseases. When farmers spray Organic or not? Check the label other terms such as “all nat- pesticides, this can leave Are there downsides to buying organic? The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) ural,” “free-range” One common concern with organic food is has established an organic certification pro- cost. Organic foods typically cost more than do gram that requires all organic foods to meet strict government standards. These their conventional counterparts. Higher standards regulate how such foods are prices are due, in part, to more-expensive grown, handled and processed. Any farming practices. product labeled as organic must be Because organic fruits and vegeta- USDA certified. Only producers who bles aren’t treated with waxes or sell less than $5,000 a year in organic preservatives, they may spoil foods are exempt from this certifi- faster. Also, some organic pro- cation; however, they’re still duce may look less than required to follow the USDA’s perfect - odd shapes, standards for organic foods. If a varying colors or small- food bears a USDA Organic label, er sizes. However, it means it’s produced and organic foods must processed according to the USDA meet the same quality standards. The seal is voluntary, but many organic producers use and safety standards it. Products certified 95 percent as those of conven- or more organic may display this tional foods. USDA seal. —www.mayoclinic.org

Second annual Food safety tips

Military Logistics hether you go totally organic or Kuwait summit opt to mix conventional and Worganic foods, be sure to keep these tips in mind: oving, maintaining and sustaining naval, air l Select a variety of foods from a variety of and ground forces officially supported by the sources: This will give you a better mix of MKuwait Armed Forces, represented by the nutrients and reduce your likelihood of Logistics & Supply Authority (J4), the 2nd annual exposure to a single pesticide. Military Logistics Kuwait summit will take place on 23 l Buy fruits and vegetables in season when and 24 September 2014 at the Radisson Blu, Salwa. possible: To get the freshest produce, ask your grocer what day new produce arrives. Or buy food from your local farm- ers market. What’s On - Submission Guidelines l Read food labels carefully: Just because a product says it’s organic or contains organic ingredients doesn’t necessarily All photos submitted for What’s On mean it’s a healthier alternative. Some organic products may still be high in sug- should be minimum 200dpi. ar, salt, fat or calories. Articles must be in plain text and l Wash and scrub fresh fruits and vegeta- should include name and phone bles thoroughly under running waterL Washing helps remove dirt, bacteria and numbers. Articles and photos that traces of chemicals from the surface of fail to meet these requirements will fruits and vegetables. Not all pesticide not be published. residues can be removed by washing, though. You can also peel fruits and veg- Please send them to etables, but peeling can mean losing some fiber and nutrients. [email protected]

HEALTH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 West Australia scraps shark cull policy

SYDNEY: The Western Australia government yester- with captured sharks killed if considered a threaten- lethal barrier options and public education.” The day said it would abandon its controversial catch- ing size. But the Environmental Protection Authority catch-and-kill policy was introduced as a trial last and-kill shark policy after objections from the state’s said Thursday that “there remains a high degree of summer around popular west coast beaches follow- environmental agency, in a move welcomed by con- scientific uncertainty about impacts on the viability ing a spate of fatal attacks. servationists. Premier Colin Barnett ruled out further of the south-western white shark population”. “At More than 170 sharks, mostly tiger sharks, were use of drum lines to hook sharks off the state’s this stage, the available information and evidence caught during the 13-week season, with 50 of the busiest beaches during the southern summer. He does not provide the EPA with a high level of confi- biggest ones destroyed. Barnett said sharks that lin- said his government would now focus on possibly dence,” the agency’s chairman Paul Vogel added in a gered too long in one area needed to be caught and removing “rogue” sharks that “stay in one area for statement. removed, pointing to the killing of a swimmer off a repeated periods”. “While the state government “In view of these uncertainties, the EPA has adopt- popular beach in the eastern state of New South could challenge the (Environmental Protection ed a cautious approach by recommending against Wales on Tuesday. “What do we do when we see evi- Authority) decision, all we would find is endless court the proposal.” The Australian Marine Conservation dence of a large shark close into swimming areas, battles and injunctions,” Barnett told ABC radio. Society said the cull policy “was flawed from the get most likely in the south-west areas (of the state), do Under the policy, 72 baited hooks attached to go, with no clear public safety outcomes but with a we just sit back and watch? “I’d use the term maybe a floating drums were to be put in place between heavy environmental cost”. “The WA government rogue shark, a shark that stays in one area for repeat- November and April each year until 2017. Along with needs to continue to invest in alternatives including ed periods, I think we need to catch that shark and other measures, the aim was to protect swimmers, early detection systems, enhanced surveillance, non- remove it.”—AFP

Ebola taking toll on Liberian kids

GENEVA: The murderous Ebola outbreak ripping through west Africa is taking a devastating toll on children, with some 2,000 orphaned in worst-hit Liberia alone, the UN’s children’s agency said yesterday. “It is really quite heartbreaking to see the effect that this (outbreak) has on children and their families,” said Sarah Crowe, head of UNICEF’s crisis communication in Liberia. Speaking to reporters in Geneva via audio link from Monrovia, she said that “We’re looking possibly at 2,000 children who have been left without parents” in Liberia alone. “Children are seeing their family members and relatives taken away by people in effectively astronaut suits,... and the effect is deeply distressing,” she said. Children who have lost family members to Ebola meanwhile often face “deep stigma”, she pointed out, meaning they are often rejected by the community and forced to roam the streets without proper parental care, shelter or food. According to UNICEF, around 20 percent of children with family members who have died from Ebola in Liberia are under the age of two. The agency was working to find new ways of ensuring that these chil- dren receive care, including asking Ebola survivors, who become immune to the virus, to take on the role of caregivers. The worst-ever outbreak of Ebola has now killed more than 2,400 people in four west African countries out of double as many infections, the World Health Organization said yesterday. DIAOBE, Senegal: People walk on the usually busy main market road in the northern Senegalese city of Diaobe, one of the Liberia has born the brunt of the outbreak, which began at the most important trading cities in West Africa. The busy market street is near empty since the August 21 closure of the border beginning of the year, alone accounting for more than half of the with Guinea since a Guinean student brought the deadly Ebola epidemic raging across west Africa into Senegal. — AFP deaths. The country is facing “tremendous strain” on its already fragile health system, which had been on a slow road to recovery after 14 years of civil war when the outbreak began. Ebola death toll mounts WHO chief Margaret Chan stressed yesterday that there is not a single bed left to treat Ebola patients in Liberia. And Crowe pointed out that the focus on Ebola meant other child-killing dis- WHO asks for more health workers to fight eases like measles, pneumonia and diarrhoea were being sorrow- fully neglected.— AFP LONDON: The number of new Ebola cas- people,” she said. “The right people, the health care workers.” She said the three es in West Africa is growing faster than right specialists, and specialists who are worst affected countries were also run- authorities can manage them, the World appropriately trained and know how to ning low on “almost everything” - includ- Health Organization (WHO) said yester- keep themselves safe.” ing personal protective equipment, basic Japan centenarian day, renewing a call for health workers The Ebola infection rate and death medical supplies and body bags. “Today from around the world to go to the toll have been particularly high among there is not one single bed available for population swells region to help. As the death toll rose to health workers, who are exposed to hun- the treatment of an Ebola patient in the more than 2,400 people out of 4,784 cas- dreds of highly infectious patients who entire country of Liberia,” she said. TOKYO: The number of people aged 100 or older in rapidly es, WHO director general Margaret Chan can pass the virus on through body fluids Although the latest figures show greying Japan has hit a record high for the 44th straight year, said the vast nature of the outbreak-par- such as blood and excrement. Some for- more than 2,400 people have died of the government said yesterday. The country’s centenarian ticularly in the three hardest-hit coun- eign healthcare workers, including sever- Ebola virus infection in West Africa since population jumped by 4,423 from a year earlier to a record tries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone- al Americans and at least one Briton, the epidemic started in March, Chan said 58,820 as of September 1, the health ministry said, adding required a massive emergency response. have also become infected while work- even the most up-to-date tolls were like- that 87.1 percent of them were women. On average, there are “The Ebola outbreak that is ravaging ing with patients in West Africa. ly to lag far behind the reality on the 46.21 centenarians per 100,000 people. parts of West Africa is the largest and Speaking at the same briefing, Cuba’s ground. “Whatever number of cases and The figures included the world’s oldest woman and her most complex and most severe in the minister for public health, Roberto deaths we are reporting is an underesti- male counterpart, as recognized by Guinness World Records- almost four-decade history of this dis- Morales Ojeda, said his country would be mate,” she said. The UN health agency Misao Okawa, a 116-year-old woman in Osaka, and Sakari ease,” she told reporters on an interna- sending 165 healthcare workers to help had previously warned there could be as Momoi, the oldest known man at 111. The number of cente- tional teleconference from Geneva. “The in the fight - the largest contingent of many as 20,000 cases in the region narians stood at just 153 when the ministry started the survey number of new patients is moving far foreign doctors and nurses to be com- before the outbreak is brought under in 1963. It topped 10,000 in 1998 and has increased by 3,000- faster than the capacity to manage them. mitted so far. control. The International Monetary Fund 4,000 each year recently. “Progress in medical technology and We need to surge at least three to four Chan welcomed Cuba’s move and said on Thursday that economic growth an improvement in the care-giving system may have con- times to catch up with the outbreaks.” urged others to follow suit. “If we are in Liberia and Sierra Leone could decline tributed to the steady rise,” said ministry official Yuji Chan called for urgent international sup- going to go to war with Ebola, we need by as much as 3.5 percentage points due Umemoto. In 2013, life expectancy for women in Japan was port in sending doctors, nurses, medical the resources to fight,” she said. “We still to the outbreak, which it said has crip- 86.61, the longest in the world, while for men it was 80.21, the supplies and aid to the worst-affected need about 500 to 600 doctors coming pled their mining, agriculture and servic- fourth longest, the ministry said earlier.—AFP countries. “The thing we need most is from abroad and at least 1,000 or more es sectors. — Reuters HEALTH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Brazil’s Pantanal: Paradise needing protection

CACERES: The Pantanal, the world’s largest Caceres is known for its freshwater fishing, tropical wetlands, stretches across western each June it attracts some 250,000 people to a Brazil and into Bolivia and Paraguay and is a championship which the Guinness Book of fragile ecological paradise in need of careful Records recognizes as the world’s biggest. But management. A dozen rivers flood some 80 fishing is strictly limited to preserve stocks. “In percent of the area from the start of the rainy the late 1990s people were catching tons of season in November, coursing though a fish. Today it’s one per person,” says local region which is a magnet for intrepid tourists- environmental affairs secretary Jorge Amedi. including those who love to fish. Visitors are primarily lured by the chance to see exotic Teething troubles animals in their natural habitat, but ecologists Trent, a 57-year-old environmental scien- urge delicate stewardship of a region award- tist arrived in the region in 1980 armed with ed UNESCO biosphere reserve status in 2000. plans to develop green tourism. One day, as a “If we want there to be jaguars in 50 or 100 friendly gesture, a local resident gave him a years then we must preserve the Pantanal,” tooth from a jaguar which he had hunted. “I says Douglas Trent, an American who has realized that if the local population are not spent 30 years nurturing conservation proj- aware of their natural riches and don’t bene- ects in the area. At 5:30 am the sun is just up fit economically from them then they won’t as Trent begins his day as chief researcher look after them,” he explained. He made his with the “Bichos do Pantanal” or “Pantanal neighbor a proposal: “If I help set you up in animals” project, navigating hundreds of kilo- eco-tourism would you stop killing meters on the Paraguay River. He documents jaguars?”He took his plans to local villages, fauna and tracks the movements of jaguar, then joined Brazilian sustainable develop- king of the American jungle, the apex preda- ment specialist Jussara Utsch in document- tor in a Pantanal region covering some ing fauna. Just a few days ago a jaguar pair 210,000 square kilometers (81,100 square were seen near the river engaging in mating miles). rituals. The Pantanal jaguar, with its intense CACERES: A group of caimans (Caiman yacare) rest on one of the banks of the Paraguay yellow-eyed gaze, can weigh up to 200 kilos river, in Caceres, Brazil, the gateway to the Pantanal. — AFP Wildlife wonders (440 lb) and is fearsome, although attacks on Sprawled lazily on the sand, their mouths humans are rare. It belongs to the Panthera enough for other workers to come to the res- hunting in general is forbidden in the open, are a group of Pantanal caiman, reptiles genus of leopards and lions. cue, although De Souza needed two rounds Pantanal. Trent’s project has logged 51 related to alligators and crocodiles. Nearby, a of reconstructive surgery. jaguars around Caceres, a healthy total for a green iguana scales a tree, enjoying the Co-habiting with jaguars notoriously solitary species requiring wide region’s luxuriant riverside vegetation. The Joao Pires de Souza suffered one such Watch your lunch open spaces and well preserved vegetation area boats 463 species of bird-including the attack six months ago. “The jaguar had just “It’s a handsome but evil creature,” says and fauna to prosper. The World Wildlife Jabiru stork which can grow to 1.5 meters killed a caiman and must have thought I Silvio Francisco Cardoso, 72, who keeps a Fund says protecting the species will go a (five feet) - as well as 263 kinds of fish and wanted his prey. He came right at me with a machete handy just in case at his log resi- long way towards doing the same for the more than 2,000 plants. The emblematic ferocious roar. I plucked up courage and dence near the river. He recalled how a bold Pantanal as a whole. Brazil says the region jaguar is threatened with extinction, but roared back,” he said. “When he jumped at jaguar once brazenly pilfered his lunch from retains some 85 percent of its natural vege- sightings have recently been on the increase me I pushed an arm into its mouth. Had I his table, saying: “He stares at me from tation but warns fishing and agriculture, around the Brazilian municipality of Caceres, tried to turn tail I’d be dead.” Pet dog Brasao across the river-he considers this his territo- infrastructure projects, deforestation and in Mato Grosso state near the Bolivian border. saved his life, distracting the assailant long ry.” Brazil banned jaguar hunting in 1979 and forest fires all pose a threat.—AFP SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Kuwait KNCC PROGRAMME FROM THURSDAY TO WEDNESDAY (11/09/2014 TO 17/09/2014) NOTICE

SHARQIA-1 FANAR-4 June 23, 2014 NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:30 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:30 PM THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 2:30 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 2:30 PM Mr. Brendan Gillbanks son of Mr. Charles Gillbanks, NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 4:30 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 4:15 PM resident of Hazel Villa, Wellington BKS, Nilgiris, Tamil LIFE OF CRIME (DIG) 6:30 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 6:00 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 8:30 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 8:15 PM Nadu and Miss Shainey Johnson daughter of Mr. NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 10:15 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 10:00 PM Muthuiyan Johnson, resident of Apartment No. B 13th NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:05 AM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:15 AM Floor Chakolas Heights Chettethukara Kakkanad, Kochi, Kerala, both Indian nationals, presently residing in Kuwait, SHARQIA-2 FANAR-5 have given notice of intended marriage between them TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 1:30 PM THE EXPENDABLES 3 (DIG) 1:00 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 3:30 PM THE EXPENDABLES 3 (DIG) 4:00 PM under the Foreign Marriage Act, 1969. If anyone has any JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 5:30 PM POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 3:30 PM objection to the proposed marriage, he/she may file the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 7:45 PM MARY KOM (DIG) (HINDI) 6:30 PM same with the undersigned according to the procedure JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 10:00 PM POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 6:30 PM laid down under the Act/Rule within thirty days from the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 12:15 AM NO THU date of publication of this notice. POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 9:30 PM SHARQIA-3 POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 10:00 PM (J.S. Dangi) Second Secretary P.O. Box 1450-Safat-13015 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 12:45 PM THE EXPENDABLES 3 (DIG) 12:30 AM (Consular) and Kuwait. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 2:45 PM Marriage Officer Fax No. 0091-11-22573910 INTO THE STORM (DIG) 4:45 PM MARINA-1 Embassy of India, Kuwait. E-mail: [email protected] IF I STAY (DIG) 6:45 PM IF I STAY (DIG) 12:30 PM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 8:45 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 2:30 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 10:45 PM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 4:30 PM ACCOMMODATION AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 12:45 AM IF I STAY (DIG) 6:30 PM IF I STAY (DIG) 8:30 PM MUHALAB-1 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 10:30 PM Guy from America, new in NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:30 PM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 12:30 AM Kuwait, want to share with NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 2:15 PM family or mix house, near the LIFE OF CRIME (DIG) 5:00 PM MARINA-2 coast. Contact: 65607334 / NO FRI+SAT+MON NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 1:00 PM 51580185. POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 4:00 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 3:00 PM (C 4755) FRI+SAT+MON INTO THE STORM (DIG) 5:00 PM 10-9-2014 NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 7:00 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 7:00 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 8:45 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 8:45 PM Sharing accommodation NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 11:00 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 11:00 PM available in Farwaniya near NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 1:00 AM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 12:45 AM the new Mosque, closer to the garden, only for Indians MUHALAB-2 MARINA-3 from Mumbai /Goa, for bach- likes traveling woman, age HERCULES (DIG) 1:30 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 1:30 PM elor or couple, or single from 30-45 years. Email: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 3:30 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 3:30 PM ladies. Interested contact: gulfi[email protected] IF I STAY (DIG) 5:45 PM HERCULES (DIG) 5:45 PM 66625901 / 24716975. (C 4756) AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 7:45 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 7:45 PM (C 4753) 10-9-2014 INTO THE STORM (DIG) 9:45 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 9:45 PM 8-9-2014 AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 11:45 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 12:05 AM

MUHALAB-3 AVENUES-1 MATRIMONIAL SITUATION VACANT TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 1:30 PM HERCULES (DIG) 2:00 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 3:45 PM HERCULES (DIG) 4:00 PM Sunni Shaikh Muslim parent Wanted a Filipino driver for TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 6:00 PM NO FRI+SAT invite alliance for their a single Kuwaiti business JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 8:15 PM POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 4:00 PM daughter MBA 24/163, from man, knowledge of all JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 10:30 PM HERCULES (DIG) 7:00 PM respectable family of well set- Kuwait areas. Contact: TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 12:45 AM HERCULES (DIG) 10:00 PM tled boys. Email: 99574355. (C 4754) POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 7:00 PM [email protected] 10-9-2014 FANAR-1 POWER (DIG) (Telugu) 10:00 PM (C 4757) TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 1:30 PM HERCULES (DIG) 1:00 AM 11-9-2014 TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 3:30 PM IF I STAY (DIG) 5:45 PM AVENUES-2 Australian single man invites TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 7:45 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 12:45 PM proposal from God fearing, 112 IF I STAY (DIG) 10:00 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 3:00 PM TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (DIG) 12:05 AM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 5:15 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 7:30 PM FANAR-2 SONE3A FI MASR (DIG) 9:45 PM THE PUBLIC AUTHORITY AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 1:00 PM INTO THE STORM (DIG) 12:05 AM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 3:00 PM FOR CIVIL INFORMATION INTO THE STORM (DIG) 5:00 PM AVENUES-3 Automated enquiry aboutthe FINDING FANNY (DIG) (HINDI) 7:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 1:45 PM THU+FRI+SAT THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 4:00 PM Civil ID card is AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 7:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 6:15 PM NO THU+FRI+SAT JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) (Arabic) 8:30 PM 1889988 INTO THE STORM (DIG) 9:00 PM JAWAZA MIRI (DIG) AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 11:00 PM (Arabic) 10:45 PM AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (DIG) 1:00 AM THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 1:00 AM Prayer timings Fajr: 04:11 FANAR-3 AVENUES-4 SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR (DIG) 12:45 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 1:30 PM Shorook 05:31 SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR (DIG) 2:45 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 3:30 PM HERCULES (DIG) 4:45 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 5:30 PM Duhr: 11:44 LIFE OF CRIME (DIG) 6:45 PM Special Show “THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 5:30 PM Asr: 15:15 HERCULES (DIG) 8:45 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 7:30 PM SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR (DIG) 10:45 PM NO GOOD DEED (DIG) 9:30 PM Maghrib: 17:56 SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR (DIG) 12:45 AM THE NOVEMBER MAN (DIG) 11:30 PM Isha: 19:14 information SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 DIAL 161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION

In case you are not travelling, your proper cancellation of bookings will help other passengers use seats

Arrival Flights on Saturday 13/9/2014 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 Airlines Flt Route Time IZG 4161 Mashhad 18:00 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:15 QTR 1084 Doha 00:05 KAC 542 Cairo 18:15 IRM 1181 Mashhad 10:20 JZR 267 Beirut 00:25 MSC 407 HRG 18:20 FDB 056 Dubai 10:20 JZR 539 Cairo 00:30 QTR 1080 Doha 18:25 KAC 101 London/New York 10:25 DLH 637 Dammam 00:35 KAC 104 London 18:45 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 JZR 239 Amman 01:00 FDB 063 Dubai 18:45 KAC 541 Cairo 11:30 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:25 UAE 875 Dubai 18:50 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 SAI 441 Lahore 01:35 CLX 732 Luxembourg 18:50 KAC 501 Beirut 11:40 THY 764 Istanbul 01:40 IRA 669 Mashhad 18:50 JZR 356 Mashhad 11:40 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 ABY 129 Sharjah 18:55 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:45 JZR 1543 Cairo 01:50 KAC 618 Doha 19:00 IAW 158 Al Najaf/Baghdad 12:00 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:00 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:00 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 RBG 555 Alexandria 02:05 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:15 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 KAC 502 Beirut 19:20 MRJ 4814 Mashhad 12:30 JAI 576 Kochi/Abu Dhabi 02:35 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 FDB 066 Dubai 12:40 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 02:45 KAC 742 Dammam 19:30 SYR 342 Damascus 13:05 THY 768 Istanbul 02:50 KAC 614 Bahrain 19:35 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 IRM 1189 Mashhad 13:15 FDB 067 Dubai 03:05 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 FDB 072 Dubai 13:15 RJA 644 Amman 03:10 OMA 647 Muscat 19:55 FDB 8052 Dubai 13:25 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 NCR 519 LGG 20:00 JZR 124 Bahrain 13:30 SYR 1451 Latakia 03:15 KAC 562 Amman 20:00 MSR 580 Sohag 13:50 OMA 643 Muscat 03:20 KNE 474 Jeddah 20:00 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 QTR 1076 Doha 03:30 FDB 061 Dubai 20:05 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:15 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:10 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 FDB 058 Dubai 14:35 FDB 077 Dubai 04:15 SYR 1433 Damascus 20:20 KAC 561 Amman 14:45 THY 770 Istanbul 04:35 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 QTR 1079 Doha 14:55 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:30 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 15:00 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 DHX 173 EBL 20:50 KAC 673 Dubai 15:05 KAC 416 Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur 06:30 FDB 8063 Dubai 21:05 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 BAW 157 London 06:35 KLM 415 Amsterdam 21:05 KAC 617 Doha 15:30 JZR 563 Sohag 06:35 FDB 079 Dubai 21:05 IRC 527 Mashhad 15:30 JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 FDB 069 Dubai 21:10 FDB 082 Dubai 15:35 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 AGY 683 Sharm el-Sheikh 15:40 KAC 204 Lahore 07:35 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:50 JZR 503 Luxor 07:40 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:30 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 FDB 053 Dubai 07:45 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 SVA 505 Jeddah 16:00 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:50 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:50 KNE 480 Taif 22:00 KAC 741 Dammam 16:30 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 FDB 059 Dubai 22:10 KNE 471 Jeddah 16:30 KAC 352 Kochi 08:05 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:15 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:35 KAC 344 Chennai 08:20 MEA 406 Beirut 22:20 KNE 481 Taif 16:40 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 AIC 975 Chennai/Goa 22:25 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 KAC 362 Colombo 08:45 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 KAC 785 Jeddah 17:00 ABY 125 Sharjah 08:50 KAC 786 Jeddah 22:40 IRM 1187 Tehran 17:00 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:55 JZR 157 Dubai 22:55 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 IRM 1186 Tehran 09:10 JZR 185 Dubai 22:55 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:30 AGY 682 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:10 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 JAI 574 Mumbai 23:20 NIA 252 Alexandria 17:20 QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 QTR 1073 Doha 17:20 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 TBZ 5484 Mashhad 17:30 IAW 157 Baghdad/Al Najaf 11:00 THY 772 Istanbul 23:45 FDB 074 Dubai 17:35 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 JZR 538 Cairo 17:40 MRJ 4815 Mashhad 11:30 Departure Flights on Saturday 13/9/2014 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:45 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 IRM 1188 Mashhad 11:50 Airlines Flt Route Time JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 FDB 065 Dubai 11:55 SYR 1432 Damascus 00:05 UAE 858 Dubai 18:25 SYR 341 Damascus 12:05 JZR 562 Sohag 00:10 FDB 076 Dubai 18:25 FDB 071 Dubai 12:35 NIA 264 Alexandria 00:20 JZR 156 Dubai 18:35 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:20 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 FDB 8051 Dubai 12:45 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 KLM 413 Amsterdam 00:55 IZG 4162 Mashhad 19:00 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 PIA 240 Sialkot/Islamabad 01:20 MSC 408 HRG 19:20 MSR 579 Sohag 13:05 JZR 502 Luxor 01:30 QTR 1081 Doha 19:25 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 DLH 637 Frankfurt 01:35 FDB 064 Dubai 19:25 KAC 672 Dubai 13:40 THY 773 Istanbul 02:20 ABY 120 Sharjah 19:40 QTR 1078 Doha 13:45 SAI 442 Lahore 02:35 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:45 AGY 680 Alexandria 13:55 RBG 556 Alexandria 02:45 IRA 666 Esfahan 19:55 FDB 057 Dubai 13:55 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 285 Dhaka 20:15 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:15 FDB 070 Dubai 03:40 CLX 732 Hong Kong 20:20 KAC 546 Alexandria 14:15 THY 769 Istanbul 03:40 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 JZR 779 Jeddah 14:20 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 KNE 475 Jeddah 20:45 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 FDB 068 Dubai 04:05 FDB 062 Dubai 20:45 IRC 526 Mashhad 14:30 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:10 KAC 361 Colombo 20:50 FDB 081 Dubai 14:55 SYR 1452 Latakia 04:15 KAC 331 Trivandrum 20:50 JZR 257 Beirut 14:55 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 OMA 648 Muscat 20:55 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 OMA 644 Muscat 04:20 KAC 351 Kochi 21:05 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 QTR 1077 Doha 04:25 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 KNE 470 Jeddah 15:35 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 KAC 802 Cairo 15:40 FDB 078 Dubai 05:00 SYR 1434 Damascus 21:20 IRM 1180 Mashhad 15:45 QTR 1085 Doha 05:20 MSR 607 Luxor 21:25 TBZ 5483 Mashhad 15:50 THY 765 Istanbul 06:00 KAC 543 Cairo 21:30 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 DHX 172 EBL 06:10 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 KNE 460 Riyadh 15:55 JAI 575 Abu Dhabi/Kochi 06:30 FDB 080 Dubai 21:50 KAC 118 New York 16:00 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 FDB 8064 Dubai 22:00 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:05 QTR 1072 Doha 16:15 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:00 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:15 NIA 251 Alexandria 16:20 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 FDB 051 Dubai 16:25 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 KAC 381 Delhi 22:30 JZR 125 Bahrain 16:25 KAC 545 Alexandria 07:20 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:40 UAE 857 Dubai 16:45 JZR 256 Beirut 07:30 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:45 BAW 156 London 08:25 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 FDB 073 Dubai 16:55 FDB 054 Dubai 08:25 KNE 461 Riyadh 22:50 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 JZR 778 Jeddah 08:45 FDB 060 Dubai 22:50 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 JZR 357 Mashhad 17:30 KAC 801 Cairo 09:05 NCR 601 Dubai 23:00 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 MEA 407 Beirut 23:20 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:35 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 17:45 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:30 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:40 FDB 075 Dubai 17:45 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:35 JZR 1540 Cairo 23:50 Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (www.kuwait-airport.com.kw) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

3. An narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a family. 4. A white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light. CROSSWORD666 5. (of securities) Not quoted on a stock exchange. 6. The local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England. 7. The upper side of the thighs of a seated person. 8. Made agreeably cold (especially by ice). 9. Of or pertaining to Sabah or its people. 10. A cut of pork ribs with much of the meat trimmed off. 11. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. 12. Less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so. 13. A port city on the Caspian Sea that is the capital of Azerbaijan and an important center for oil production. 14. Opinion or judgment. 19. Ostentatiously lofty in style. 21. Baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta with sauce and cheese and meat or vegeta- bles. 23. Harsh or corrosive in tone. 24. A metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 10 liters. 26. Small cubes with 1 to 6 spots on the faces. 28. Chew the fat. 29. A great raja. 32. A town in northern Michigan on an arm of Lake Huron. 33. Submerged aquatic plant having narrow leaves and small flowers. 35. Marine fishes with a flattened elongated body and a sucking disk on the head for attaching to large fish or moving objects. 36. Solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels. 39. A silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite. 41. American professional baseball player who hit more home runs than Babe Ruth (born in 1934). 44. The United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy. 47. Tropical tree of Central America and West Indies and Puerto Rico having spikes of white flowers. 48. A city in Taiwan. 49. Informal terms for a mother. ACROSS 53. Any of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic 1. (computer science) A computer that is running software that allows users to leave peoples. messages and access information of general interest. 56. Capital and largest city of Iraq. 4. A flat situated in the wings. 58. Constructed with or in the form of an arch or arches. 12. The compass point that is one point east of due south. 59. An organism especially a bacterium that requires air or free oxygen for life. 15. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism. 60. A mound of stones piled up as a memorial or to mark a boundary or path. 16. A language spoken by the Atakapa people of the Gulf coast of Louisiana and 62. An uproarious party. Texas. 64. The lean flesh of a fish similar to cod. 17. A coral reef off the southern coast of Florida. 65. A platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles. 18. The villain in William Shakespeare's tragedy who tricked Othello into murdering 67. A Kwa language spoken in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. his wife. 68. A sock with a separation for the big toe. 20. Having nine hinged bands of bony plates. 69. Having an eye or eyes or eyelike feature especially as specified. 22. Green algae common in freshwater lakes of limestone districts. 71. A federally chartered savings bank. 25. (Greek mythology) Founder of Troy. 72. A user interface in which you type commands instead of choosing them from a 27. English scholastic philosopher and assumed author of Occam's Razor (1285- menu or selecting an icon. 1349). 76. The branch of engineering science that studies the uses of electricity and the 30. (slang) The act of stealing. equipment for power generation and distribution and the control of machines and 31. A woman's silk or lace scarf. communication. 34. A particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography). 37. Type genus of the Alaudidae. Yesterdayʼs Solution 38. A Loloish language. 40. (Greek mythology) Goddess of the earth and mother of Cronus and the Titans in ancient mythology. 42. A swift whirling motion (usually of a missile). 43. A small bottle that contains a drug (especially a sealed sterile container for injec- Yesterday’s Solution tion by needle). 45. A language unit by which a person or thing is known. 46. Clothing for the head. 50. Either extremity of something that has length. 51. The chief solid component of mammalian urine. 52. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 54. A metal-bearing mineral valuable enough to be mined. 55. An intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in urani- um ores. 57. A genus of Platalea. 61. A covered passageway. 63. God of wealth and love. 66. Any salt of chloric acid. 70. Set down according to a plan. 73. (informal) Being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition. 74. Long green edible beaked pods of the okra plant. 75. (Greek mythology) Goddess of the moon in ancient mythology. 77. A very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk. 78. A circular segment of a curve. 79. A structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.. 80. A town in north central Oklahoma.

DOWN 1. The Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the Dali region of Yunnan. 2. Pompous or pretentious talk or writing.

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution Sports SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Mexico returns on 20-race 2015 F1 calendar

LONDON: The Formula One calendar will expand Australia and the second round in Malaysia, rather March 29 - Malaysia to a record-equalling 20 races next season with than putting them on as back-to-back events. April 5 - Bahrain Mexico returning in November after a 23-year However there will be four ‘pairs’ of races on April 19 - China absence, the governing FIA said yesterday. This successive weekends, with Malaysia and Bahrain May 10 - Spain year’s calendar had 19 races. running back-to-back before Germany and May 24 - Monaco The Nov. 1 race in Mexico City will be paired Hungary, Singapore and Japan and then United June 7 - Canada with the US Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, the previ- States and Mexico. June 21 - Austria ous weekend. Mexico last appeared on the calen- Japan has been paired with Russia, making its July 5 - Britain dar in 1992. The Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne Formula One debut in Sochi next month, on this July 19 - Germany will start the season as usual on March 5 while Abu season’s calendar. July 26 - Hungary Dhabi will again end the championship on Nov. 29. As expected, the Indian Grand Prix which was August 23 - Belgium This year’s race in Abu Dhabi will see, controver- dropped at the end of 2013 failed to make a return September 6 - Italy sially, double points awarded for the first time. while there was also no room for a proposed race in Sept. 20 - Singapore There was no mention in the International New Jersey after successive postponements. Sept. 27 - Japan Automobile Federation (FIA) statement, issued Formula One last had 20 races in a season in October 11 - Russia after a World Motor Sport Council meeting in 2012, with some teams reluctant to go over that Oct. 25 - United States Beijing, whether that would continue to be the number. November 1 - Mexico case in 2015. 2015 draft calendar: Nov. 15 - Brazil There will again be a two-week break between March 5 - Australia Nov. 29 - Abu Dhabi. — Reuters

Electric cars will test technology: Prost BEIJING: Formula E will be a laboratory for new technolo- gy, according to motor sport great Alain Prost, while Bruno Senna said drivers will face a “lottery” when electric car rac- ing kicks off in Beijing today. The nephew of Ayrton Senna was speaking yesterday as he prepared to line up against the son of four-time Formula One champion Prost, rekindling one of the great- est rivalries in motorsport. The pair will be competing in the first-ever Formula E race, in the shadow of the Bird’s Nest stadium in the Chinese capital. Formula E has received high-profile back- ing from the likes of Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio and British tycoon Richard Branson, and some believe it represents an environmentally-friendly future for motor sports. “Beyond a competition, Formula E needs to be a sort of laboratory... especially for completely new technologies,” said Prost, the co-founder of E.Dams Renault, the team which has his son Nicolas as one of its drivers. Prost said the race itself will be “quite complicated” and the winning driver will need to work closely with the car’s engineers, given that the teams are using identical vehicles for Formula E’s inaugural season. “Just by pushing like hell is not going to be good, at least at the beginning,” he said. “Maybe in the future when we are going to improve the batteries, the power, we will see.” Senna said that drivers were expected to run into “a BELLINGEN: French rally driver Sebastien Ogier jumps his Volkswagen Polo over a brow during the fifth special few bits and pieces of trouble” as Formula E is a new series. stage of the World Rally Championship (WRC) Rally of Australia, near Bellingen on the New South Wales central “I think the first few races will probably be a bit more of coast yesterday. — AFP a lottery,” said Senna, who has been signed up by Mumbai- based Mahindra Racing.—AFP Ogier grabs lead on day’s last stage in Australia

COFFS HARBOUR: World Rally relegating Britain’s Meeke to fourth thing at the exit,” said Neuville, who Championship leader Sebastien Ogier spot. won last month’s Rally of Germany. grabbed the overall lead yesterday’s “I pushed all the way, even in these “I thought it was OK but shortly last stage to hold the early advantage small stages. It was slippery, but we afterwards something broke and the in Rally Australia. are pleased for the day,” Ogier said. wheel was moving. A small part in the The Frenchman overhauled Jari- Volkswagen, the WRC’s most domi- rear suspension had broken but I was Matti Latvala in the final short special nant team of the past two years, filled able to fix it and continue.” stage to lead the Finn with Norway’s the top three places going into Saturday’s second leg covers two Andreas Mikkelsen in third-all of them Saturday’s set of six stages. loops of two stages, each loop starting driving a Volkswagen Polo R. Finland’s Latvala was in second with the monster 49-kilometre (30- Ogier trailed Citroen’s Kris Meeke position 0.4 seconds behind Ogier, mile) Nambucca test. after six stages in the forests outside with Mikkelsen a further 3.5 seconds A repeat of the two short stages in BEIJING: Four-time French Formula One World Coffs Harbour on the New South back. Belgian Thierry Neuville Coffs Harbour closed the day after Champion Alain Prost (R) chats with an official at his Wales north coast, but he pushed dropped almost two minutes and 118.88km (73 miles) of action. e.dams-Renault team tent at the new Formula E venue hard around the wet, treacherous, plunged from sixth to 10th overall Ogier leads team-mate Latvala in near the Bird’s Nest stadium in Beijing yesterday. concrete-lined Super Special specta- after breaking the rear suspension in the overall championship standings Motor racing will take a huge step towards an environ- tor stage to claim the win. his Hyundai i20 in the Bellingen stage. by 44 points as they look to lock up mentally friendly future when the first-ever Formula E Ogier’s victory put him at the top of “I went a little wide in one of the the manufacturers’ title for race takes place in Beijing today. — AFP the overall Rally Australia standings, first corners and hit a stone or some- Volkswagen. —AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 All Blacks set for bruising Springboks test WELLINGTON: The world’s top two opening two matches before blowing has talked of an “unconventional” we know if we go out there, play the rugby sides, New Zealand and South a nine-point lead with 15 minutes to approach to attacking rugby on way we can and play the way we Africa, acknowledged each other as go last week to lose 23-24 to Australia. Saturday, underscored by his selec- want to, there will be opportunities,” bitter rivals yesterday as they prepare The All Blacks also head most of the tion of 20-year-old Handre Pollard at Matfield said. to meet in a crucial fourth-round championship statistics columns this fly-half with 21-year-old Jan Although the forecast is for rain, Rugby Championship clash. year, including scoring five more tries Serfontein at outside centre. McCaw played that down after his A win for the All Blacks today would than their nearest rivals South Africa, McCaw said the All Blacks planned side scored four tries in greasy condi- put them on the cusp of claiming the making the most clean breaks and to make life uneasy for Pollard who tions when they beat Argentina 28-9 southern hemisphere championship most tackles, but McCaw is taking has played only three Tests. last week. for a third successive year. A South nothing for granted. “You do that by starving him of “We’ve got to back ourselves to African victory in Wellington would “They are number two in the world. ball and making sure the ball they get get our skills right, and in reality it will hand the Springboks the initiative It’s always a hell of a Test match,” he is not real easy for him,” McCaw said. come down to the contact area,” he with two rounds remaining. said on the eve of the Test. “These are “That’s about getting the start of the said. “Even if it’s wet, if you can win As All Blacks captain Richie McCaw the games you really get excited game right and not letting him set- that it makes it a damn sight easier.” reflected yesterday on facing his arch about and tomorrow’s got that feel- tle.” The All Blacks have not been beat- rival 21 times in his 130-Test career- ing. Springboks vice-captain and veter- en on home soil in 33 Tests since they with a record of 16 wins and five “I’ve never had one (against South an lock Victor Matfield described the lost to South Africa in 2009, a year in defeats-he rated playing the Africa) that you walk off and say ‘that All Blacks as “the biggest challenge which the Springboks also won twice Springboks as “the Test”. was pretty straight forward’. They’ve out there” and said the Springboks at home against the visiting New The odds are in favour of the New always been a hard day out.” would have to lift their game consid- Zealanders for a rare 3-0 shut-out. In Zealanders-unbeaten so far in the erably to match the hosts. the five years since, the All Blacks championship-after South Africa ‘Unconventional’ approach “We know it’s not going to be easy. have won eight of nine matches struggled to defeat Argentina in their Springboks coach Heyneke Meyer We know it’s a huge, huge task but against the Springboks. —AFP Ajmal ban rouses Pakistan to action on ‘chucking’

KARACHI: The ban slapped on star spinner Saeed Ajmal has left Pakistan’s cricket chiefs frantically trying to take action on “chuck- ers”, including dusting off expensive biomechanical testing kit that had laid unused for years. Ajmal, who turns 37 next month, was suspended from interna- tional cricket on Tuesday after biomechanical analysis found his bowling action, reported during the Galle Test against Sri Lanka MUMBAI: Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan (R) jokingly inter- last month, to be illegal. He must now undergo remedial work on acts with his brother Yusuf Pathan during the launch his action, and Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Shaharyar event for the Cricket Academy of Pathans in Mumbai on Khan acknowledged chucking was rife in the domestic game. Thursday. The Pathan brothers announced their plans to “I was informed 25 suspected bowlers had been playing in our open their cricket academy with tie up in schools across domestic cricket and now the number has increased up to 35 — the country starting with Vadodara to coach and nurture that means every team has at least two suspected bowlers,” said cricketing talent among children. — AFP Khan. Former captain and ex-PCB director of National Cricket Academy (NCA) Aamir Sohail said there were warning signs for Ajmal, who has bowled more balls than any other international NZ’s Cairns to fight bowler in the last three years. “I had warned in February this year that Ajmal will be suspend- perjury charge ed because his action was deteriorating with age, but no one heeded. I had recommended his action be checked every year,” WELLINGTON: New Zealand cricketing great Chris Cairns he told AFP. Former opening batsman Sohail, who played 47 vowed yesterday he would clear his name shortly before Tests and 156 ODIs for Pakistan, said there had been a total lack of British prosecutors confirmed they would charge him with interest in dealing with bowlers with suspect actions. perjury over match-fixing allegations. “We are ourselves to blame,” Sohail told AFP. “We have a bio- Former all-rounder Cairns has acknowledged previously mechanic lab in NCA which I activated and gave a list of bowlers that he is under investigation by British authorities for alleged to test there, but the lab remained ineffective for years.” fixing, but vehemently denied any wrong-doing. The NCA has equipment to test bowlers to check they are not The 44-year-old confirmed prosecutors had told him they straightening their arm more than the permitted 15 degrees in intend to charge him with perjury and he would travel to delivering the ball. Britain later this month to prove his innocence, New Zealand But the $440,000 kit, which includes 18 cameras supporting media reported. apparatus and computer software, has gathered dust since it was “I’m obviously extremely disappointed, however, at least bought in 2009 as successive PCB chiefs dismissed the need for it. there will now be an opportunity to face my accusers in an LAHORE: This file photo taken on August 14, 2014 shows open forum, with some rigour and proper process around Hammer blow Pakistan spinner Saeed Ajmal delivering the ball. The ban that, so that I can clear my name once and for all,” he said in a Cleared of chucking due to a congenital defect of his elbow in slapped on star spinner Saeed Ajmal has left Pakistan’s statement cited by Fairfax Media and TVNZ. 2009, Ajmal came under suspicion again this year when England cricket chiefs frantically trying to take action on “chuck- Later yesterday, the Crown Prosecution Service confirmed paceman Stuart Broad and former captain Michael Vaughan ers”, including dusting off expensive biomechanical test- Cairns would face one count of perjury in relation to a libel queried his action while the Pakistani was taking wickets at will in ing kit that had laid unused for years. — AFP action he brought two years ago. county cricket. In June the International Cricket Council’s cricket forming Abdur Rehman and ageing Zulfiqar Babar-both left-arm “We can confirm that we have authorised police to charge committee recommended a stricter approach on illegal actions. spinners-who have spent the last few years in Ajmal’s shadow. Chris Cairns with one count of perjury, which arises from a That snared Sri Lanka’s Sachitra Senanayake and New The team management has also summoned off-spinners from libel trial held in the UK in March 2012,” a CPS spokeswoman Zealand’s Kane Williamson-both suspended in July-and then the domestic circuit, with prolific wicket-takers Atif Maqbool and said. attention turned to Ajmal. His ban is a huge blow for Pakistan as Adnan Rasool seen as front-runners. In 2012, Cairns won £90,000 ($146,000) in a libel action he has led the team’s attack almost single-handedly across all But even these players have had questions over their bowling against former Indian Premier League chairman Lalit Modi in three formats and was seen as key to their chances in next year’s actions at domestic level-indeed Rasool modelled his on Ajmal’s. London over a tweet alleging he was involved in match-fixing World Cup in Australia and New Zealand. Mohammad Akram, head coach at NCA, said the process of while playing for the Chandigarh Lions in the now disbanded Head coach Waqar Younis faces a daunting task in finding a eliminating bowlers with suspect actions would take time. The Indian Cricket League. replacement for one of the world’s best bowlers. fact Ajmal has been the team’s pre-eminent bowler for some time The CPS have also charged London-based lawyer Andrew The ban comes at a particularly difficult moment, with makes matters even more difficult. Fitch-Holland, a friend of Cairns who appeared as a witness at Pakistan facing a tough series against Australia in the United Arab “Youngsters used to model their actions on Wasim (Akram) the libel trial, with one count of perverting the course of jus- Emirates next month. “Of course, it’s a blow,” Waqar told AFP. and Waqar in 1990s, but now they model their actions on Ajmal,” tice. Fitch-Holland was involved in a case against the England “The timing is unfortunate but life goes on and we have to find a said Akram. “We have to take steps to help youngsters get clean and Wales Cricket Board when they banned players who had replacement as quickly as possible or hope Ajmal gets back after actions.” For Pakistan cricket’s future, actions are now far more appeared in the ICL in 2008.—AFP getting cleared.” Possible replacements include the under-per- important than words. — AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Woosnam surprised by McGinley’s five-deputy move LONDON: Former world number one Ian “He might need a bigger team room, he Sergio Garcia, Henrik Stenson and Justin ing his debut for holders Europe later this Woosnam is bemused by European Ryder might as well have 12 vice-captains, one for Rose - but Woosnam said no-one should month. “It’s fantastic to have another Cup skipper Paul McGinley’s decision to each player,” joked Woosnam. McGinley’s underestimate a U.S. side led by Watson. Welshman in the team,” said the 1991 U.S. opt for five vice-captains instead of the playing record, he has won four times on Masters champion. “Jamie’s got a great usual four and believes it could betray a the European Tour, pales in comparison to No nonsense putting stroke, he’s got a lot of bottle and I sign of weakness. United States counterpart Tom Watson “The American team is very well bal- think he’s going to be a tremendous addi- McGinley raised a few eyebrows last who is one of golf’s true greats having col- anced and with Tom running that team, tion. “He could play with anyone in the week when he drafted in 2012 captain Jose lected eight major victories including five he’s not going to take any nonsense,” he team and I can’t see any faults in his game Maria Olazabal, Padraig Harrington and British Opens. explained. “If Tom Watson talks, you listen - really,” added Woosnam, who claimed 29 Miguel Angel Jimenez to join Sam Torrance Woosnam, who was captain when a if you don’t there must be something victories on the European Tour. and Des Smyth as his deputies for the bien- powerful European team romped to an 18 wrong with you. Donaldson, 38, was regarded as a jour- nial team event at Gleneagles from Sept. 1/2-9 1/2 win over the United States at the “He doesn’t like losing, he’s got a great neyman professional until he elevated his 26-28. “I honestly thought he was going to K Club in Ireland in 2006, believes, howev- mind, he’s a very intelligent guy and he’ll status by winning the 2013 Abu Dhabi go for four vice-captains,” Woosnam told er, that the 47-year-old Irishman has got be working it all out. This is not going to be Championship, a tournament that featured Reuters in an interview. “It took me a little what it takes to deliver Ryder Cup glory. the walkover everyone thinks it’s going to the likes of Tiger Woods, McIlroy and Rose. bit by surprise when he went for five. “Paul may have only won four tourna- be. “Tom’s going to have more authority in “I don’t know Jamie very well but I played “I guess he’s trying to get a little bit of ments but I think he’s going to be well that team room. He’s going to say, ‘I’m the with him three or four years ago in an advice from everybody but sometimes you respected by his players. He’s very profes- captain and you’ve got to do what I say. event in Barbados,” said Woosnam who is can get too much advice. At the end of the sional,” said the 56-year-old Welshman. “All the players will have respect for him as an ambassador for sports bookmaker day he’s the one who has got to make the “If you put it in football terms, you don’t captain. He’s going to demand respect.” Betway (https://betway.com). decisions. “Is it a sign of weakness having always have to be the best player to be the Woosnam, who spent 50 weeks on top “I didn’t see him as a potential Ryder that many? It does seem a lot. Maybe he’s best captain. Not at all.” McGinley will have of the world rankings between April 1991 Cup player back then but he’s come on in trying to get as much experience as he pos- four of the world’s top five players in his 12- and March 1992, is thrilled that fellow leaps and bounds and is now a really solid sibly can, I don’t really know. strong team in Scotland - Rory McIlroy, countryman Jamie Donaldson will be mak- player.” — Reuters Ravens get short reprive from off-field scandal

BALTIMORE: The embattled Baltimore Ravens put the Ray Rice firestorm behind them for a few hours Thursday, routing Pittsburgh 26-6 in their first con- test since the disgraced running back was sent packing. Joe Flacco threw a pair of touchdown passes to Owen Daniels, Justin Tucker kicked four field goals and Baltimore LAS VEGAS: This file photo taken on May 3, 2014 at The forced three turnovers in placing the MGM Grand, Las Vegas, shows Floyd Mayweather Jr (L) of focus back on football amid a difficult US and Marcos Maidana of Argentina exchanging punches week for the 2012 Super Bowl champi- during their WBC,WBA and Ring Magazine Welterweight ons. “We had a tough family situation title. — AFP this week,” coach John Harbaugh said. “I thought our guys handled it tremen- Bring it on, unbeaten dously-with class, with character. They responded.” Mayweather tells Maidana The blowout win came in their first game since Rice was released by the LAS VEGAS: Unbeaten Floyd Mayweather was in typically team and then suspended indefinitely bullish mood ahead of today’s world title rematch with by the National Football League after a Argentine slugger Marcos Maidana, declaring: “Line them up video was released Monday of him strik- like bowling pins so I can knock them down.” ing his then-fiancee, Janay Palmer, in an But he did concede that their May encounter, which bub- Atlantic City casino elevator. bled without ever exploding before going to the judges’ score cards, had been “very interesting”-tacit acknowledgement Rice had already been suspended from the champion and best pound-for-pound fighter that two games for the incident, but the vio- Maidana had offered a severe test. lence in the video led to his release and Mayweather, 37, almost never gives rematches, but he said an indefinite suspension by the NFL. he couldn’t wait to get another crack at Maidana, who out- Both the Ravens and commissioner punched the American in the first fight but still ended with a Roger Goodell will continue to be under majority-decision loss. the microscope in the coming weeks for “My job is to go out there and just be me and do what I the way the matter was handled by the CINCINNATI: In this December 29, 2014 file photo, Ray Rice #27 of the do,” Mayweather said ahead of the Las Vegas showdown. league. “At the end of the day we are Baltimore Ravens runs with the ball during the NFL game against the “You all seen this a thousand times, over and over again. ‘This football players,” said Ravens Steve Cincinnati Bengals at Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Baltimore guy is going to beat Mayweather. He’s the one, he’s young, a Smith, who finished with six catches. “It Ravens terminated running back Ray Rice’s contract on September 8, 2014 hungry lion. He’s a veteran, he’s got power.’ is tough. The situation is tough. But you after the emergence of new video footage showing him punching and knock- “Line them up like bowling pins so I can continue to knock have to come to work and feed your ing out his fiancee. — AFP them down.” Tonight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, family.” Ravens fans who attended Mayweather (46-0, 26 KOs) and challenger Maidana (35-4, 31 Thursday’s game at M&T Bank Stadium “We was all about getting the win. The Steelers recorded six first downs KOs) will square off for the World Boxing Association welter- said they aren’t abandoning Rice. We wanted to kind of give that to Ray,” in the second half-four coming in its weight title and World Boxing Council welterweight and jun- “I still support Ray Rice,” season-tick- Mosley said. “We all wish the best for final drive with the outcome already ior middleweight crowns. This is just the second rematch et holder Christina Burke told ESPN. “I him. “Even though he messed up, every determined. Mayweather has given since turning pro in 1996. “I am not just don’t believe one action or mistake man got to go through their mistakes to Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger one to give second chances in the ring,” Mayweather said. “He should define a person.” Some who get better. We wish him the best, but as completed just 22-of-37 passes for 217 deserves a rematch. “The first fight was very interesting. wore Rice jerseys got back slaps while a team we’ve just got to keep moving yards with an interception for the Hopefully this fight is a lot more exciting.” others got heckled. “You support a wife- forward.” Flacco was steady throughout, Steelers. He was held without a touch- Mayweather will need to get off to a better start against beater,” one female fan yelled at male throwing 71 of his 166 yards to Smith, down pass for the first time since the Maidana than he did in May. Maidana, 31, will be trying to fan wearing a No. 27 jersey prior to kick- while Bernard Pierce and Justin Forsett final game of the 2011 season. Le’Veon pace himself so that he doesn’t run out of steam in the later off. Baltimore rookie linebacker CJ combined for 152 rushing yards to help Bell rushed for 107 yards after gaining rounds. “I don’t have to make any adjustments. He do,” Mosley said the players were thinking of Baltimore rebound from a season-open- 197 in Pittsburgh’s week one victory Mayweather said. “I won. He has to make adjustments.” —AP Rice. ing defeat to Cincinnati. over the Cleveland Browns. — AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 Johnny Cueto lifts Reds to 1-0 victory over Cardinals

NEW YORK: Johnny Cueto won a pitching duel against the Cardinals’ Lance Lynn, allowing just three hits through eight innings, to lift the Cincinnati Reds to a 1-0 victory over St Louis. The Cardinals (80-67) saw their lead in the National League Central slip to 2 1/2 games over the second-place Pittsburgh Pirates. Cueto (18- 8) issued one walk and had seven strikeouts for Cincinnati (70-77), who won the final three games to take the four-game series. Lynn (15-9) was an unlucky loser for the Cardinals, allowing one run on three hits with a walk and six strike- outs in eight innings.

Yankees 5, Rays 4 Chris Young hit a three-run homer with one out in the bottom of the ninth inning as the New York Yankees went from being five outs from getting no-hit to pulling off a dramatic victory over the Tampa Bay Rays. Tampa Bay starter Alex Cobb took a no-hitter and a 4-0 lead into the eighth inning, where Young’s double chased Cobb from the game before Martin Prado hit a two-run homer to pull New York closer. Young had the walk-off blast against losing pitcher Jake McGee.

Angels 7, Rangers 3 The Los Angeles Angels continued to play like the best team in baseball, finishing a three- game sweep of the lowly Texas Rangers. The middle part of the Angels’ batting order provid- ed much of the punch. Third baseman David Freese and shortstop Erick Aybar had two RBIs each and pinch-hitter Grant Green added two KANSAS CITY: Catcher Salvador Perez #13 of the Kansas City Royals waits at home plate to tag out Christian Vazquez #55 of the Boston RBIs in his lone at-bat in the top of the eighth Red Sox as Vazquez tries to score during the 3rd inning of the game at Kauffman Stadium on Thursdayin Kansas City, Missouri. — FPA inning. The victory boosted the Angels’ (91-55) winning streak to eight, a feat they have not outside the wild card picture - shrunk to 1 1/2 their four-game winning streak snapped and fell Central, and the Cleveland Indians (76-69) moved accomplished since May 2013. games with the loss. six games behind Pittsburgh in the race for the within four games by sweeping the Minnesota NL’s second wild card. Twins. Buchholz (8-8) subdued the Royals (80-65) Brewers 4, Marlins 2 Nationals 6, Mets 2 on six hits and three runs (one unearned) in 7 1/3 Mike Fiers, who threw a pitch that sent First baseman Adam LaRoche homered and Red Sox 6, Royals 3 innings while striking out seven and walking Marlins slugger Giancarlo Stanton to the hospi- finished with three RBIs, leading the Washington Clay Buchholz pitched effectively into the three. tal, struck out eight in five scoreless innings and Nationals to a win in New York against the Mets. eighth inning and designated hitter David Ortiz earned the win as the Milwaukee Brewers beat With the victory, Washington (83-62) reduced its drove in his 99th run as the Boston Red Sox Pirates 4, Phillies 1 Miami. When hit in the face by a pitch with the magic number for winning the National League snapped a four-game losing streak with a victory Francisco Liriano pitched eight shutout Brewers up 4-0, runners at the corners and two East to nine, while moving a half-game ahead of over the Kansas City Royals. innings to earn his second straight victory as the outs in the fifth, Stanton dropped to the ground the idle Los Angeles Dodgers for the best record The loss dropped the Royals’ lead to a half- Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Philadelphia Phillies. immediately, blood gushing from his face. The in the National League. The Mets (71-76) had game over idle Detroit in the American League Second baseman Neil Walker went 2-for-3 with right fielder was carted off the field by para- an RBI for Pittsburgh, which won for the sixth medics and taken away by ambulance for treat- time in seven games. Already leading the race for ment. A team spokesman later said Stanton was Baseball results/standings the National League’s second wild-card berth, undergoing X-rays and a CT scan at a local hos- they closed to within 2 1/2 games of the first- pital. Cleveland 8, Minnesota 2; Cincinnati 1, St. Louis 0; Cleveland 2, Minnesota 0; Chicago White place St Louis Cardinals in the NL Central. Sox 1, Oakland 0; San Francisco 6, Arizona 2; NY Yankees 5, Tampa Bay 4; Pittsburgh 4, Catcher Carlos Ruiz drove in the lone Giants 6, Diamondbacks 2 Philadelphia 1; Washington 6, NY Mets 2; LA Angels 7, Texas 3; Boston 6, Kansas City 3; Philadelphia run with a ninth-inning single. The The San Francisco Giants completed prepara- Milwaukee 4, Miami 2. Phillies have dropped four of five. tions for their pending showdown with the Los American League National League Angeles Dodgers in triumphant fashion, com- Indians 2, Twins 0 (second game) Eastern Division Eastern Division T.J. House pitched seven scoreless innings and pleting a three-game sweep of the Arizona W L PCT GB Washington 83 62 .572 - Diamondbacks. The ninth consecutive home Carlos Santana hit his second home run of the Baltimore 86 59 .593 - Atlanta 75 71 .514 8.5 win allowed the Giants (81-65) to move within day and drove in both of Cleveland’s runs as the Toronto 76 69 .524 10 Miami 71 74 .490 12 Indians completed a doubleheader sweep of the two games of the idle Dodgers (83-63) on the NY Yankees 75 69 .521 10.5 eve of the National League West showdown that NY Mets 71 76 .483 13 Minnesota Twins. The left-handed House gave up Tampa Bay 70 77 .476 17 Philadelphia 67 79 .459 16.5 four hits, with eight strikeouts and did not issue a begins on Friday in San Francisco. Right-hander Boston 64 83 .435 23 Jake Peavy continued a stretch of brilliant pitch- Central Division walk for the Indians (76-69). He struck out the side Central Division St. Louis 80 67 .544 - in the seventh inning, his last. Cody Allen pitched ing by Giants starters, holding the Kansas City 80 65 .552 - Pittsburgh 77 69 .527 2.5 the ninth inning to pick up his 20th save. Diamondbacks to one run in 5 2/3 innings. Detroit 80 66 .548 0.5 Milwaukee 76 71 .517 4 Cleveland 76 69 .524 4 White Sox 1, Athletics 0 Cincinnati 70 77 .476 10 Indians 8, Twins 2 (first game) Chicago White Sox 66 80 .452 14.5 Corey Kluber pitched 8 1/3 strong innings and Chris Sale dominated Oakland hitters with Chicago Cubs 64 82 .438 15.5 Minnesota 62 84 .425 18.5 Carlos Santana and Yan Gomes homered to lead eight scoreless innings to lead the White Sox to Western Division Western Division the Cleveland Indians to a win over the victory. Sale (12-3) allowed just two hits to out- LA Angels 91 55 .623 - LA Dodgers 83 63 .568 - duel Scott Kazmir (14-8), who also went eight Minnesota Twins in the first game of a double- Oakland 81 65 .555 10 San Francisco 81 65 .555 2 header. The right-handed Kluber (15-9) gave up innings and allowed a sixth-inning home run to Seattle 79 66 .545 11.5 San Diego 67 78 .462 15.5 Marcus Semien. Oakland (81-65) holds the top two runs on eight hits, with seven strikeouts and Houston 65 81 .445 26 Arizona 59 87 .404 24 no walks. Kluber is the first 15-game winner for wild card spot in the American League, but the Texas 54 92 .370 37 Colorado 59 87 .404 24 margin over the Seattle Mariners - sitting just the Indians since Cliff Lee in 2008. —Reuters SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

US breeze past Lithuania to reach basketball final

BARCELONA: The United States moved a shocked the hosts Spain in the quarter- against Lithuania. What a great basketball the advantage to 10 points at 32-22, but step closer to retaining basketball’s World finals. Yugoslavia were the last nation to country! We had so many good games with Kuzminskas was one of the few Lithuanians Cup on Thursday as they beat Lithuania 96- defend the world title when they were them,” said United States coach Mike who was effective in the second quarter in 68 in Barcelona to reach the final. crowned champions in 1998 and 2002 — Krzyzewski, while his Lithuanian counter- keeping the game close and the first half Kyrie Irving had 18 points while Klay the second being their fifth and final crown. part Jonas Kazlauskas admitted that class ended with the US up 43-35. Thompson and James Harden both had 16 Lithuania were led by Mindaugas told in the end. “When you are playing The Americans wasted no time putting points and Stephen Curry added 13 for the Kuzminskas with 15 points-three more than against Team USA, you cannot lose control away Lithuania in the second half, however, Americans, who also beat Lithuania in the he had scored in total coming into the for one minute. That can change every- scoring the first 10 points of the third quar- semi-finals of the 2010 Worlds en route to game-while Jonas Valanciunas had 15 thing,” he acknowledged. ter. In total, they used an 18-4 run for a 61- their title in Turkey. The US will be playing points and Adas Juskevicius added 12. Lithuania hung close in the early going 39 lead. The advantage continued to grow in their eighth final tomorrow and shooting The Baltic team, who committed 21 and even led 13-10, but the Americans throughout the third quarter and the lead for their fifth title overall. They will take on turnovers, will take on the loser of the sec- went on their first spurt with an 8-0 run to was 76-49 with 10 minutes to play. The the winner of the second semi-final ond semi-final for third place on Saturday. go up 18-13. The lead was 21-16 after 10 champions were never threatened after between Serbia and France - the latter who “It is always a great honour to play minutes. The defending champions pushed that. — AFP Gasquet win puts France 1-0 up against Czechs

PARIS: Richard Gasquet gave France a 1-0 lead over the Czech Republic in the Davis Cup semi-finals in Paris yester- day, winning the opening rubber against Tomas Berdych 6-3, 6-2, 6-3. The second of the singles opposes French number one Jo-Wilfried Tsonga against Lukas Rosol. Gasquet, who was chosen ahead of recent US Open semi-finalist Gael Monfils, took control early on in front of a packed Philippe Chatrier centre-court and he pocketed the first set 6-3 with a superb backhand drive down the line. And it was the power of the Gasquet backhand again that led to world number six Berdych dropping serve twice in a row at the start of the second set. The Czech team spearhead claimed one of those breaks back to get to 3-1 but Gasquet held firm and broke again to take the set 6-2. Berdych held serve to open the third set but he was broken to love two games later as an on-fire Gasquet continued to dominate on the claycourt. Gasquet had two match points in the ninth game and a double-fault from Berdych on the second of those gave the French a crucial opening point. “I had a lot of pressure, but the crowd was unbeliev- able,” said Gasquet. “I didn’t shut it out, I tried to hear it. The ambience is incredible. Court Philippe Chatrier is built for Davis Cup.” The Czechs are the defending champions, having won the last two editions of the Davis Cup, while France are seeking their first win in the team event since 2001. The other semi-final is being held in Geneva, where PERTH: Lleyton Hewitt of Australia (R) shakes hands with Farrukh Dustov of Uzbekistan (L) after his straight sets win dur- Roger Federer and Stan Wawrinka will start as strong ing the Davis Cup tennis World Group play-off tie in Perth yesterday. — AFP favourites against Italy. — AFP Kyrgios, Hewitt put Australia in charge

PERTH: Lleyton Hewitt won his 41st sin- forces with Chris Guccione in Saturday’s neutralised his best serves,” 53rd-ranked gles match and Nick Kyrgios swept doubles to wrap up the tie for Australia Kyrgios said. through in straight sets as Australia took over Uzbekistan. “Obviously he wasn’t feeling 100 per- a commanding 2-0 lead over Uzbekistan “It was the perfect start for me to go cent, but I’m far from that as well, and I in their Davis Cup World Group play-off out there and have the pressure on stayed out there, competed and got the yesterday. Dustov being one-nil down, with job done.” Istomin, ranked 55, was trou- Hewitt, 33, playing in his record 38th (Uzbekistan’s) better player already hav- bled by a hip complaint and that wasn’t Davis Cup tie, outgunned Farrukh ing lost,” Hewitt said. helped with the low-bouncing court Dustov 6-4, 6-4, 6-2 to capitalise on ris- “And now we have to finish it off. leaving him unsure if he can play dou- ing youngster Kyrgios’s opening rubber We’ll be doing everything in our power bles today or the reverse singles tomor- victory over Denis Istomin. to do that tomorrow. row. “I felt a little bit of tightness before Kyrgios, 19, who reached this year’s “I’m always keen to play, my body but I wasn’t thinking it was so bad,” Wimbledon quarter-finals and the third feels good and I think on this surface Istomin said. “I started and the ball was round at the US Open, powered past Gucc (Guccione) and I are pretty tough bouncing so low, and I had to go down Istomin 6-4, 7-5, 6-4 in a crushing blow to beat.” further than normal and game by game for the Uzbeks’ chances of winning the Kyrgios said he dictated his match it was getting worse and worse.” PARIS: France’s Richard Gasquet (L) celebrates his victory grass-court tie in Perth. with Istomin through his first serve. “I Uzbekistan are bidding to reach the over Czech Republic’s Tomas Berdych with his teammate Hewitt, ranked 49 in the world, actually wasn’t serving great today at all World Group for the first time, while 28- Gael Monfils at the end of the opening match of the Davis extended his Davis Cup record to 55 but I slowed down the speed and was time champions Australia are looking to Cup semi-final between France and Czech Republic, yes- wins, which also comprises 14 wins in still able to dictate play off my first serve, retain their status after a first-round loss terday at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris. — AFP the doubles. Hewitt is expected to join and I thought I returned really well and to France in February. — AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Asian Games: 2020 vision for Olympic hosts Japan

TOKYO: Japan hope the appliance swimmer Kosuke Kitajima and of science can trigger an Asian marathon runner Naoko Takahashi. Games gold rush but admit they will Japan expect to make a splash in struggle to steal hosts South Korea’s the pool after winning seven gold thunder, insisting that building medals at last month’s Pan Pacific momentum for the 2020 Tokyo championships in Australia, where Olympics is their top priority. Kosuke Hagino’s 200m individual It would take an astonishing effort medley victory over his hero Michael for the Japanese to finish above their Phelps stole headlines. fierce rivals in the medals table for Yasuhiro Koseki completed the the first time since staging Asia’s 100-200m breaststroke double-as biggest sporting event 20 years ago Kitajima famously did at the 2004 in Hiroshima. and 2008 Olympics-and will be Japan’s delegation boss Tsuyoshi favourite to repeat that at an Asian Aoki expects South Korea to come Games swimming competition also out guns blazing when the competi- boasting China’s Olympic champion tion begins in the western port of Sun Yang and South Korea star Park Incheon on September 19, but said Tae-hwan. the quadrennial event offered the “Koseki has got a big body and he perfect opportunity for potential will be among the medals,” said future Olympic medallists to shine. Kitajima, who broke his first world “The Asian Games are the first record at the 2002 Asian Games in step for Japan on the road to the Busan. “He pushes himself extremely Tokyo Olympics,” Aoki told AFP. hard in training which is where his “Winning medals is important of power comes from. It’s a big year for course but the key factor is the plat- him.” form to produce stars for the future. It’s a stepping stone for them. Combat threat “Our coaching staff conduct hi- Away from the Speedos and chlo- tech research on the condition of the rine, Japan’s medal hopes extend athletes, closely analysing computer across athletics, football, badminton data to ensure optimal perform- and even women’s cricket, in addi- ance,” he added. “We hope to tion to their bread-and-butter com- improve on the 48 gold medals we bat sports judo and wrestling, where ATHENS: In this file picture taken 15 August 2004, Kosuke won four years ago but obviously we the fearsome Saori Yoshida will strike Kitajima from Japan celebrates after winning the men’s 100m know South Korea will be very terror into her opponents. breastroke final at the 2004 Olympic Games at the Olympic tough.” The 31-year-old has won the last Aquatic Center in Athens. Japan hope the appliance of sci- China’s juggernaut has dominat- three Olympic titles at 55 kilos and 12 ence can trigger an Asian Games gold rush but admit they ed the Asian Games since 1982 but straight world titles, and any result will struggle to steal hosts South Korea’s thunder, insisting the event has often served as a other than a fourth straight Asian that building momentum for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is launching pad to world and Olympic Games crown would be a seismic their top priority. —AFP success for Japanese athletes, as with shock. —AFP Seoul reminds citizens of North Korea flag ban

SEOUL: With the opening ceremony of the “The North Korean flag itself can be prob- into the stadiums,” Unification Ministry Incheon Asian Games just one week away, lematic according to National Security Law and spokesman Lim Byeong-cheol said at a regular South Korea’s government issued a stern there is some anti-North Korean sentiment briefing. reminder to its citizens yesterday that they are among the older generation so the committee “Our position has not significantly changed banned from carrying the North Korean flag. has had to discuss the issue with the govern- since the situations in 2002 and 2003,” added Seoul’s Unification Ministry said the North’s ment.” Lim, referring to visits by North Korean athletes flag would only be allowed to fly inside Asian Lee confirmed that the flags of the 45 coun- for the 2002 Busan Asian Games and the Games stadiums and other official venues such tries competing at the 17th Asian Games had Universiade in Daegu the following year. as the athletes village, and that it would not be been taken down from roads in Incheon as well “At the time, there was also limited flying of hoisted on the streets of host city Incheon. as neighbouring cities hosting events. The flags the North Korean flag only at official cere- Organisers of the Games have confirmed have been replaced by OCA flags and Games monies, at stadiums and in the athletes’ village. they had taken down flags of participating emblems. As far as I am aware, the flag was not flown on countries (NOCs) due to complaints from con- Strict security law the streets near the stadium.” servative groups about the North Korean flag Tensions between North and South Korea South Korea’s strict National Security Act and concerns that it could spark trouble. are high and the two states are still technically vows to “restrict anti-state acts that endanger However, this would appear to contravene the at war after the 1950-53 Korean War ended in a national security, and to protect (the) nation’s spirit of Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) article truce, not a peace treaty. safety and its people’s life and freedom.” 58, which stipulate: “In all the stadiums and in The North’s participation in Incheon was in The law was first introduced in 1948 as a their neighbourhood the OCA Flag must be doubt only a few months ago after discussions countermeasure against the then communist freely flown with the flags of the competing with the South about the details of its delega- North, but has remained in place ever since NOCs”. tion broke down. with few amendments. In a 2012 report, Lee Cha-ho, overseas press relations man- Late last month it announced it had decid- Amnesty International called on the South ager, told Reuters on Friday that the complicat- ed not to send a squad of 350 cheerleaders to Korean government to abolish the act, which it ed relationship between South and North Incheon and accused Seoul of “abusing sacred said “undermined citizens’ enjoyment of the Korea meant it was difficult to abide by the sports and cultural exchange” for a “sinister right to freedom of expression and associa- TOKYO: A file picture taken on October 13, 2008 regulation governing where flags had to be political purpose”. tion”. shows Japan’s Saori Yoshida (red) fighting with flown. “It could be seen that the organising Seoul’s Unification Ministry reinforced the North Korea is sending a 273-member dele- Ukraine’s Tatyana Lazareva during the final of the committee is violating OCA article 58 in princi- government’s position on the flag issue early gation of athletes and officials to Incheon and 55kg class of the Women’s Wrestling World ple, but the relationship between the North yesterday. “Our citizens are prohibited from the first batch arrived on a direct flight from Championships in Tokyo. —AFP and the South is a unique situation,” said Lee. possessing and bringing North Korean flags Pyongyang late on Thursday. —Reuters SPORTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Preview Pochettino won’t be distracted by Spurs’ issues

SUNDERLAND: Tottenham Hotspur manager Mauricio beginning of the season and we need to improve. “We and Inter Milan’s Alvarez saw Sunderland end the win- Pochettino insists his only priority is improving results need to work hard and win a lot of games. You always dow with eight new players, and the two later additions on the pitch, starting at Sunderland today, rather than need time and you need passion. You also need results could be involved against Tottenham. getting involved in the club’s off-field issues. and I think we are heading in the right way.” Reporting a fully fit squad, Poyet said: “It’s easy to say The north London outfit issued a statement this I’m happy because then everyone would be delighted. week denying any takeover talks had been held follow- Battle for survival I’m all right, but I wouldn’t say I’m happy. ing reports that owner Joe Lewis was keen to sell the Tottenham striker Roberto Soldado will miss the “We expected to have a certain number of players, club, who are in the midst of finalising plans to build a clash with Gus Poyet’s Black Cats as the Spain interna- we were close to doing a couple of important things, new stadium next to their existing White Hart Lane tional has a neck problem. but we tried. home. An appeal against a compulsory purchase order Defender Kyle Walker is a long-term casualty and “We tried our best. What we got was the best we by a neighbouring business has forced Tottenham to midfielder Nabil Bentaleb may be left out as he made a could do. I don’t want to reflect on how it went because reschedule their original plans and they have now been late return from international duty with Algeria. it is not fair.” forced to look for a temporary home for the 2017-18 New signings Federico Fazio, the former Sevilla Alvarez has arrived on a season-long loan and season. defender, and Benjamin Stambouli, the midfielder should provide an exciting option down the left-hand A number of potential venues have been mooted, recruited from Montpellier, could make their debuts. side, although he can play on both flanks. “People will including Wembley and Milton Keynes, a new town Sunderland boss Poyet admitted he was left unsatis- think that Ricky is the substitute for Borini, but he is almost 50 miles to the north of the capital. fied by the club’s work in the transfer window as they not,” Poyet said. But Pochettino, who saw his side heavily beaten at try to avoid a repeat of last season’s battle for Premier “It’s different opinions. Ricky is a player who is excit- home by Liverpool before the international break, League survival. The Wearsiders failed to land top target ing on the ball, he will create things on his own but he is won’t be distracted as he prefers to focus on the more Fabio Borini after a long-running saga, but added not a proper scorer. “We can’t say he is a replacement pressing goal of getting his side into the top four. defender Sebastian Coates and winger Ricardo Alvarez for the other one. He is going to play in a position “My pressure is to try to win every game, not any to the squad before the deadline. where Fabio played last year, but I don’t know if he will pressure from the owner or outside,” he said. “It is the The arrival of Borini’s Liverpool team-mate Coates play on the left all the time.” —AFP

Preview Matches on TV Rodgers backs Reds to (Local Timings) cope with hectic schedule English Premier League LIVERPOOL: Brendan Rodgers is confi- tional break after giving his country Arsenal v Man City 14:45 dent Liverpool can handle the strain of a everything, so it was good for him to beIN Sports 1 HD hectic period which starts with their have that breather and I’m sure he Premier League clash against Aston Villa enjoyed it,” Rodgers added. beIN Sports 11 HD today. The Reds have five fixtures in “I also gave him an extra few days off Chelsea v Swansea City 17:00 three different competitions, including a to recover, knowing that we’ve got a beIN Sports 1 HD return to the Champions League after a hectic schedule coming up over the beIN Sports 11 HD five-year hiatus, over the course of a next couple of months. Liverpool v Aston Villa 19:30 next fortnight which will put Rodgers’ “Steven looks after himself ever so new-look squad to the test. well, he’s a great professional. He’s com- beIN Sports 1 HD Liverpool boss Rodgers recruited 10 ing back this week refreshed and has beIN Sports 11 HD MADRID: Real Madrid’s Portuguese forward players during the close-season and he looked very good.” Cristiano Ronaldo (C), Real Madrid’s Portuguese expects those new arrivals will play a key Meanwhile, Villa manager Paul Spanish League defender Pepe (2ndR) and Real Madrid’s French for- role in the frantic next 14 days. Lambert has drawn a line under the Barcelona v Bilbao 17:00 “It’s very important to be able to deadline-day ‘mayhem’ surrounding ward Karim Benzema (R) take part in a training ses- beIN Sports 2 HD sion at Valdebebas training ground in Madrid yester- rotate, but also to maintain the consis- Tom Cleverley’s on-off move - and insists Malaga v Levante 19:00 day, on the eve of the Spanish League football match tency from the team and I think the best the player is committed to the cause. Real Madrid CF vs Club Atletico de Madrid. —AFP sides are able do that,” Rodgers said With a £7 million ($11.36m) move to beIN Sports 7 HD ahead of Villa’s visit to Anfield. Villa seemingly disintegrating when the Real Madrid v Atletico 21:00 “There will be changes in games, but player held out for a switch to Everton, a beIN Sports 2 HD Ronaldo ‘in optimal there won’t be wholesale changes season-long loan arrangement for because as I’ve said, you still need that Cleverley was eventually revived after a beIN Sports 2 HD FR condition’: Ancelotti core group of players to get you deal between the Toffees and Vigo v Sociebad 23:00 through. Manchester United failed to materialise. beIN Sports 9 HD MADRID: Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo has com- “We’ve planned the teams out for the It only came, however, after Cleverley pletely recovered from injury, coach Carlo Ancelotti said yes- next five games all the way through to had convinced Lambert to make a fresh Italian League terday, suggesting the World Player of the Year will feature in Everton, but of course you have to allow attempt to sign him and Villa now have today’s La Liga clash against Atletico Madrid. for injuries and such.” an option in January to land the England Empoli v Roma 19:00 Portugal forward Ronaldo was struggling with a knee Rodgers does have a number of midfielder permanently before he beIN Sports 3 HD injury at the end of last season and picked up a hamstring injury concerns, with England striker becomes a free agent next year. Juventus v Udinese Caicio 21:45 strain last month. He has not played since he scored in a 2-0 Daniel Sturridge (thigh) and Germany Lambert, who could hand Cleverley beIN Sports 3 HD La Liga win against Cordoba on Aug. 25 and missed Real’s 4-2 Under-21 midfielder Emre Can (ankle) his debut today, said: “The first impres- defeat at Real Sociedad in their last outing. both ruled out after they were injured sion, he’s a top player. “I’m delighted German League “He is on top form,” Ancelotti told a news conference pre- on international duty. he’s here. All that speculation about not viewing the match at Real’s Bernabeu stadium, a repeat of this The Reds are definitely also without wanting to be here that’s not the Bayern Munich v Stuttgart 16:30 year’s Champions League final, which Real won 4-1. Martin Skrtel (knee) and Glen Johnson impression I got when I spoke to him. beIN Sports 4 HD “He has been training very well these past three weeks and (hip), while midfielder Joe Allen will have “Deadline day is mayhem, things are Dortmund v Freiburg 16:30 he does not have any problems,” added the Italian. “He is in a fitness test on a knee complaint he on and off - there’s carnage breaking out beIN Sports 9 HD optimal condition. He doesn’t have a chronic injury. Last sea- sustained during Wales’s 2-1 win over everywhere. We knew exactly the situa- son he had one injury and now another. It’s nothing chronic.” Andorra. tion. “Tom went back to Manchester, Monchengladbach v Schalke 19:30 Today’s game is a rematch of the season-opening Spanish that’s the way football works, then all of beIN Sports 4 HD Super Cup and a chance for Real to avenge their 2-1 aggre- a sudden it’s back on. gate defeat to their city rivals, the current La Liga champions. Busy period “The lad never once indicated he French League It is also a chance for Real’s new signing Javier Hernandez to Rodgers also confirmed that he gave didn’t want to come. He’s been profes- Montpellier v Lorient 18:00 make his debut since joining on loan from Manchester United captain Steven Gerrard some time off sional about it all and he’s here, that’s and Ancelotti said the Mexico forward may come off the during the international break so he the main thing. “The club’s in a really beIN Sports 10 HD bench at some point. could rest and recover ahead of a busy healthy place at the minute. It’s definite- Etienne v Caen 21:00 He is competing with Real’s France forward Karim Benzema period. ly our strongest squad, no two ways beIN Sports 7 HD for a place in the starting lineup. —Reuters “In 14 years, it was his first interna- about it.” —AFP Ronaldo ‘in optimal condition’: Ancelotti SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 SATURDAY, SportsSports 47

PRETORIA: South African Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius (C) leaves the High Court in Pretoria yesterday after the verdict was handed down in his murder trial where he was found guilty of culpable homicide. — AFP Pistorius guilty of culpable homicide

PRETORIA: Oscar Pistorius was yesterday found behind the door might be killed,” adding that result of the trial had been “tragic.” But crime- Johannesburg restaurant. While Pistorius was hav- guilty of culpable homicide and faced a potential Pistorius did not take steps to avoid that. weary South Africans and legal experts voiced ing lunch with friends, he asked to see a friend’s lengthy jail term for shooting dead his glamorous The “Blade Runner,” so nicknamed for the pros- anger and surprise that Pistorius was found not gun. While handling it under the table the firearm girlfriend, in a case that shattered the Paralympian thetic legs that powered him to fame, stared guilty of murder. “Everyone is a little surprised,” went off, injuring a boxer Kevin Lerena. “He may hero’s glittering career. straight ahead as the conviction was read, showing said lawyer Audrey Berndt. Wits University criminal not have intentionally pulled the trigger,” said Pistorius was acquitted of a more serious little emotion. But from the gallery there was a law professor James Grant said the state could Masipa, “that does not absolve him of the crime of charge of murder, but South African Judge sound of sniffles and shallow breaths as friends and appeal if they believe there has been an legal error. negligently handling a firearm.” Thokozile Masipa said yesterday that he had acted family of 29-year-old Steenkamp cried. The National Prosecuting Authority, said it was Masipa had however cleared Pistorius on “negligently” in killing the blonde law graduate, Steenkamp’s father Barry ran his hand over his “disappointed” with the vedict, but had not yet charges of illegally possessing ammunition, which named as one of the world’s 100 sexiest women. head while her mother June pursed her lips and decided on whether to appeal. Outside the court the sprinter said belonged to his father. The judge agreed to release Pistorius on bail shook her head. With no mandatory sentence for Trevor, a 52-year-old pastor from Pretoria, She also said there was not enough evidence to pending sentencing beginning on October 13. culpable homicide, Masipa-known for handing out expressed disgust at the verdict, and a sense that prove he fired a gun through a car sunroof, dis- His trial heard that in the early hours of stiff sentences-will have a great deal of discretion justice favours the rich. “If he didn’t have money he missing the testimony of two witnesses. The trial, Valentine’s Day 2013 Pistorius fired four hollow over the punishment, which could range from a would be in jail,” he said. “Real men don’t do that.” which has gripped South Africans and much of the point rounds into a locked toilet door, causing fine to more than a decade in jail. Masipa-whose career has taken her from a child- world for half a year, has often veered into the Steenkamp’s head to “explode” and “amputating” “It all comes down to how she feels, how bad hood in a poor Johannesburg township to the realm of reality TV. her arm. Dismissing swathes of state evidence as the mistake was,” said Johannesburg lawyer David country’s high court-had described Pistorius as a During proceedings Pistorius-a double inconclusive or irrelevant, Masipa ruled that on the Dadic. “It’s a very serious negligence crime.” “very poor witness” who was “evasive” when ques- amputee who inspired millions worldwide by over- charge of murder “the accused is found not guilty tioned. The judge however found Pistorius guilty coming his disability to become a Paralympic and is discharged, instead he is found guilty of cul- Shock and relief on just one of three gun charges that were also lev- champion and compete against able-bodied ath- pable homicide.” “A reasonable person,” Masipa Speaking after the verdict, Pistorius’s uncle elled against him. Masipa said Pistorius was guilty letes in the Olympic Games-has broken down, said, would have foreseen “that whoever was Arnold said the damage done to the athlete as a of negligently handling a gun in a busy weeping and at times vomiting in the dock.—AFP