

- - Row proximal tarsal : Talus, - West Central Tarsal - Distal row of tarsal bones Bones First, Second, Third and Fourth of . - Third Metatarsal - Second and fourth metatarsal bonesTechnique

The following projections can be made with the limb supported: lateromedial, dorsoplantar, dorsolateral-plantaromedial plantarolateral-dorsomedial oblique and oblique (simpler than plantarolateral dorsomedial oblique). Is detailed in the art for each show slight differences. In the end we get the views raised by the tarsus flexed lateromedial and plantaroproximal-plantarodistal oblique or skyline.


Projection lateromedial (LM): The beam is directed at an angle of 10 ° near- distally for a proper understanding of the spaces intertarsiana proximal and distal tarsometatarsal intertarsiana. Trócleas be seen superimposed the medial and lateral of the tarsus central and clearly defined third and first, second and fourth tarsal superimposed. Is a projection very useful for diagnosing bone spavin (or tarsal degenerative joint disease) in the distal . The projection dorsoplantar (DPL) is most appropriate to assess the width of joint spaces. Depending on whether the beam is directed horizontally or tilted 10 ° distally next-can appreciate the lateral or medial distal joint intertarsiana respectively. It is also useful diagnostic to see the inclusion of the collateral ligaments and the lateral and medial of the tibia. The projection-plantaromedial dorsolateral oblique (DLPlM oblique) should be done with an angle of 35 ° to the longitudinal axis. We appreciate the medial malleolus of the tibia, the medial trochlea of the talus and the dorsomedial surface of the bones and central third of the tarsus. In-dorsomedial oblique projection plantarolateral (PlLDMO oblique) the beam is directed 135 ° to the longitudinal axis or 45 degrees if that is done is a view- plantarolateral dorsomedial oblique (oblique DMPlLO), both identical. He appreciates the lateral malleolus of the tibia, the lateral trochlea of the talus, the dorsolateral surface of the bones and central third, and the sustentaculum tali palmaromedialmente and plantar surface of the bone central tarsal first and second. Is a good projection to locate the joint osteochondral fragments or free tarsocrural along the contour of the lateral crest of the trochlea tali. • The flexed lateromedial projection is performed with the limb raised forming the metatarsus and the tibia at an angle of 90 ° and is useful for evaluating the proximal part of the trócleas the talus, sustentaculum tali and the coracoid process of the calcaneus. • plantaroproximal-plantarodistal oblique projection (PlPxPlDO) or "Skyline". With the limb flexed and moving the tarsus backwards, trying to shoot the largest vertical beam holding the chassis attached to the plantar surface of the calcaneus. Used to evaluate the calcaneal tuberosity and the sustentaculum tali with precision.


• Fractures of the tarsal bone (very difficult to identify) • Degenerative Joint Disease or bone spavin (osteophytosis, periosteal bone neoplasms, analysis and / or subchondral bone sclerosis and narrowing of joint spaces • dissecans (OCD) • Dislocations • "Thoroupin" (abnormal sustentaculum tali) • Bone cysts • Congenital malformation of the sustentaculum tali • Collapse of the tarsal bones in foals • Fisitis or physeal dysplasia

Vista LM

Vista DPl

Vista DlPlMO

Vista PlLDMO

Vista LM Flexión

Vista Skyline

Author: Pablo Adrados/Alvaro Vázquez EQUISAN Veterinaria Equina Integral